Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1061: The Ideal Weight Lifting Tempo for Muscle Growth, How Proper Training Affects Appetite, the Benefits of Training with a Weighted Backpack & MORE

Episode Date: June 26, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about using wall-sits to rehab an injury or fix an im...balance, why hunger goes up after a MAPS Anabolic foundational workout, slow controlled repetitions vs using some momentum for muscle growth, and the pros and cons of rucking or weighted backpack walking.   Hear how Sal applies the ‘sober test’ to the guys. (5:05) The ‘supergroup’ is back together: The guys share the fallout from their group workout + PRx continuing to shock the guys with their newest products. (14:02) Why MOST supplements don’t do a whole lot. (22:20) Is a babies' temperament linked to their gut bacteria? (25:28) Artists of the past touring the country as holograms?? The evolution of AI and entertainment. (26:33) Update on the strange times surrounding Tony Robbins. (32:13) Random facts with Mind Pump: Were some of our former presidents' badasses?? (34:13) The current and troubled past of US/Iran relations. Why war is NOT good for an economy. (39:01) #Quah question #1 – Thoughts on wall-sits when trying to rehab an injury or fix an imbalance? (44:25) #Quah question #2 – I have been noticing the day post a MAPS Anabolic foundational session, my hunger goes through the roof. Is that a signal that I should increase my calories through healthy foods and undulate the rest of the week? (52:30) #Quah question #3 – What builds more muscle, slow controlled movements or weight moved with some momentum? (58:40) #Quah question #4 – What is your take on ‘rucking’ or weighted backpack walking? (1:07:33) People Mentioned Jessica Rothenberg (@thetraininghour)  Instagram Tony Robbins (@tonyrobbins)  Instagram Max Schmarzo (ATC/CSCS/MS) (@strong_by_science)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned June Promotion: MAPS Strong ½ off!! **Code “STRONG50” at checkout** Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Babies' Temperament Linked to Their Gut Bacteria Whitney Houston Hologram Tour, New Album in the Works Is Abraham Lincoln in the Wrestling Hall of Fame? Home | The Roosevelts | PBS What shooting down a $110M US drone tells us about Iran Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, ob-mite, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Justin, yeah, ready? Whoa, because in this episode of Mind Pump, here we go. We have so much fun. Look, for the first 40 minutes, we do our introductory conversation. After that, we get into the fitness stuff. Here's what we talked about.
Starting point is 00:00:26 We start out by talking about my incredible business idea might have been fueling. Might have been fueled by cannabis last night. So I do the sober test to see if it's actually a good idea for I just thought it was a good idea. Then we talk about the workout that just an Adam and I had together, we rarely ever workout together. What do we call it, Voltron?
Starting point is 00:00:46 It was a great workout. You guys did very, very well. I'm very proud of you guys for hanging in there. This sounds very condescending. But yeah, very patronizing. By the way, we talked about PRX, what we consider to be one of the best home, gym, equipment, manufacturers.
Starting point is 00:01:03 They actually make equipment that is sturdy, effective, but folds into the wall. So it takes up almost no space. They have a new, what's it called? Glue ham raise and reverse hyper machine. First hyper, yeah. That you can put into the wall. It comes out and then you can work your posture or chain.
Starting point is 00:01:21 They also have squat racks and much more. It's more the Meezi. Then I talked about a study on supplements. Apparently taking more supplements makes your performance worse. That's right. Then I brought up another study connecting the gut microbiome to your baby's temperament. So if your little baby is an asshole,
Starting point is 00:01:39 it might be their gut microbiome. Wow. Then we talked about the Whitney Houston hologram tour. Apparently her ghost is going around the country getting away. Duh! That was good. Oh, that was good.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Wow. Adam brought up Tony Robbins, I guess he's in some turmoil right now. I talk about how Abraham Lincoln apparently was a badass fighter. That's right. One of your favorite presidents could kick everyone's ass.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And then we talked about Iran shooting down a US drone. All we need is a reason I ran, that's all we need. Just the reason. Don't do it. Then we get into the fitness portion of this episode. First question, this person wants to know what we think about wall sits when you're trying to rehab an injury or fix an imbalance.
Starting point is 00:02:19 The next question, this person is noticing that the day after a MAP Santa Antibolic Foundation will work out, they're jacked, their hunger goes through the roof. This is actually a sign of a faster metabolism. We give our tips on how to deal with that. One thing actually that one of my clients is doing that's quite effective, is they're using brain FM meditation music or songs
Starting point is 00:02:42 or sounds to get them out of that. I wanna eat everything state of mind. Now, we are sponsored by or we do work with, I should say brain FM. If you go to brain.fm4ts.mine pump, you'll get 20% off all of their songs and beats. Next question, what builds more muscle? Slow control movements or faster movements, explosive movements, which one's better? And the final question, we give our opinion on rucking. That's right, starts with an R, rucking, and weighted backpack walk out. Let's rock.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Not again. Also, I want to remind everybody, there's only five days left for the maps strong 50% off sale. Now, map strong is one of our most effective muscle building and fat burning and metabolism boosting programs. It's half off, it will not be half off again at any time soon.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So you might wanna act now, there's only five days left. Here's what you do. Go to mapsstrong.com, M-A-P-S-T-R-O-N-G. And use the code strong 50 STRNG 50 no space for the discount. T-shirt time and it's t-shirt time. Oh, she had you know, it's my favorite time of week. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:00 We have three winners this week for iTunes. We have Gromet 413 and Jay McKayhee for Facebook Frank Gonzo all of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at mine.pumpmedia.com Send your shirt size your shipping address and we'll get that shirt right out to you I like the way you're dressed today. I don't My mom dress me. It's a lie. No seriously the way you're dressed today, I don't know. My mom dressed me. It's a lie.
Starting point is 00:04:24 No, seriously. She did? Well, I mean, the socks and the shirt. I'm very pass-down. I just match what you look like. Like a golfer. White privilege. What?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Ha ha ha ha ha. You do. Does he look like white privilege? Yeah. He's got the pink polo on and the colorful socks and the white shoes. I'm fucking Mexican, yo. I know you, I know you're, I know you're, I know you're,
Starting point is 00:04:45 I know you're, I know you're, you know. I know you're, you know. All right. Well, you look like, we know, yeah. You dress it in your way. You're wearing a membership. You're wearing their costume, though. I was, I was feeling preppy this morning.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Yeah, no, you look good. That was the feel today. Kind of weaving in and out of stuff lately. I'm just like, feeling it, man. So, no, so I wanna, so I wanna apply the sober test. You guys know what the sober test is? The sober test? Bad ideas or actually good ideas when you're high.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah, and then you gotta repeat them to a sober. The next day. This never works, so I'm very curious to hear yours. Yeah, cause oftentimes I'll come up with a great idea. I'll write it down and the next day I'll look at it. I'll be like, she does and milk. That makes no sense. That would be terrible. Anyway, orange cupcakes. No, no, Jessica and I were up last night and we just got went off on discussing hunter-gatherers, of course, because we're, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:37 couple of, yeah, couple of dorks. And we were talking about like parents sleeping with their kids in bed, like, you know, babies are some parents sleeping with their kids in bed. Like, you know, babies are some parents when they have a baby. Oh, you know, why the subject came up? Because she was asking me about your guys' baby shower. She couldn't believe how many people were going. Which actually I started thinking about it. Bro, it's like a fucking wedding, bro.
Starting point is 00:05:59 It's bigger than the last place. You must be stupid. And knowing you and how much you hate that kind of avoiding that. And then yeah, your baby showers even gonna be big. 150 feet, what the fuck? I don't even know what to expect. I don't even know what to expect. I've been completely... Where are you guys gonna fit?
Starting point is 00:06:15 Where are you guys going? Yeah. We're going down to her brothers and her sisters, right? They live in San Martina and they have a big property. They have a property that has, I don't know, I'd say it's about an acre and a half, two acres. So the house itself isn't really big, but I mean, it's gonna be beautiful outside.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And so they have just, they're setting up the outside. And I've seen some of the stuff that's going into it. And my one thing was just like, listen, one, I don't want us putting a ton of energy and focus into this. And it's like, two, I don't want us spending a bunch of energy and focus into this. I was like, two, I don't want to spend a bunch of money. Both broken. You know.
Starting point is 00:06:47 No, I mean, unless she's lying to me, we haven't, we personally haven't spent any money or really done much. I mean, it's been, it's been, it's been, oh wow, family supportive. Yeah, the family is really, and I think, I think her being the baby of the group, of course. You know, and then I think, Everybody's excited.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And then I've heard a lot of the family talking about, because I think they went through a time where, you know, because Katrina was like me, this is where her and I were both kind of on this in our before we met, you know, our late 20s were, you know, both would say things to our friends like, if I have kids, I have kids, you know, it wasn't like this. I have to have kids. I mean, I think we both said we wanted kids.
Starting point is 00:07:22 So everybody's just excited. Yeah, I think people for a long time, you know, Katrina was in her mid 30s and still no kids, still not married, same thing for myself. So I think the people started to lose hope that the baby isn't going to have any kids. Well, so we were talking about how big this thing is and they were talking about, you know, raising babies and the converse, the topic came up of how some parents will sleep with their kids and some parents will put their kids in a bed in another room or whatever. And I'm like, well, I think it could be dangerous to sleep with the baby in the bed.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Like, you could roll over on the on the kid I've heard this before. And then I thought to myself, I'm like, gosh, there's no way there's no way for most of the time humans have been on earth that you would let a baby cry in the middle of the night. It's like a dinner bell for predators. There's no way you would have, could you imagine that? You're like a hyena or a lion, you hear a crying baby. You're like, there's food. Let's go get it. It's funny you're bringing this,
Starting point is 00:08:16 I took the newborn class last night. Oh, you did? Yeah, we were at that last, which I did not want to do either. That's what I was saying. Did you get all your breathing to make sound? No, that's Le Mans. We did do Le Mans.
Starting point is 00:08:27 This was newborn, which is to the point of what's how it's done right now, things like that. Basic questions like, can you sleep with your baby this early? Should you, should you not? Yeah, and so I'm thinking from it. You can let them sleep on your stomach. Yeah, and I'm thinking from a natural perspective,
Starting point is 00:08:40 because our environment's changed so much because we've made everything so modern that our bodies haven't been able to catch up and that's why we have so many problems. And so I'm like, I wonder, it's probably, I mean, it's way more natural to have the baby next to you and not cry, right? Because again, it would be like a dinner bell. So we were talking back and forth in Jessica's,
Starting point is 00:08:58 like, well, what did you do with your kids? Like, during the day, because what some people are saying now is that one of the best things you could do with an infant is put them in one of those like baby beards. Kind of like that, right? It's like a sling. And the baby's just always on you.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Skin to skin contact. And you just do your daily whatever. So you're a wrap. Yeah, and then when the baby's hungry, the baby just nurses, because the food's there. Otherwise, the baby's on you and actually did some research on this a while ago. And kids cry less,
Starting point is 00:09:25 they have less digestive issues. It just seems to be much more natural. And so she said, what did you guys do with your kids? Because you guys had work and this and that. And said, oh, we had, every once in a while, we put the baby in one of those automatic rockers. You know those little chairs that you put them in there, you push a button in a rocks., and she's like yeah, but
Starting point is 00:09:46 Aren't those things electric what about the EMFs and stuff like that? Which is like I don't know if that's a big deal and I thought about it And I remembered when my siblings were little I don't know if you remember this Adam because you were you were kind of like I was where you were the oldest yeah The the rocker that my siblings went in was powered by a crank So like there was this big. You did this. Yeah, big truck.
Starting point is 00:10:07 You wound it up. Yeah, you wind it up, you put the baby in there, you push it and then it, and I thought to myself, that here's my brilliant, my high business idea. There we go. Yeah. I wonder if a line of baby, you know, like rocking chairs and rocking beds and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:10:23 but are not electric. Like today, like if you brought those back today, I bet they do well because everybody's still worried about- Don't you hippies. Everybody's worried about EMS and stuff like that. Oh, that's interesting theory. What do you think? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:34 If you make a whole line of like, people are really worried about EMS and like little things like that. Yes. That's crazy. Just get worried about everything. Maybe, maybe just in your hippie circle. Just to make it- That's a little excessive. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's a little- Like if you in your hippie circle. Just to make it a little excessive.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's a little... Like if you made it like, wife-icing, no, but yeah. Like you made it look cool, but it was all powered by crank. Like you wound it up. Well, I, what are my buddies? I'm sure people get sick of it after. What are my buddies?
Starting point is 00:10:55 He has like cranked that thing every good thing. He is like super cheap ass and he's like, I did, he's like, those, cause some of those things are expensive as fuck. Well, the, he's like, yeah. He straight did like a bungee cord set up in the doorway. He's like fuck that. I pay no $170 for some. I only got like minimal use out of those things. It would be like maybe a couple of weeks and then it wouldn't work anymore. They would like get upset and it wouldn't like calm them down like it used to. So there's such a small shelf life to a lot of those products.
Starting point is 00:11:26 What they say is when the baby has skin to skin contact with mom, they sync up with the mom. Her exhale teaches the baby, has the baby inhale or whatever. Yeah, they all start to sync up and it makes perfect sense. Like, we're totally useless when we're first born.
Starting point is 00:11:46 We're like, we're still a fetus, basically can do shit. Yeah. So it makes sense that mom had baby, strap you on me because I still gotta go, you know, find some nuts and shit to eat and I got every other man will has to figure it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, rising you down.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Well, that, that, she made a lot of cases for that actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I made a lot of cases for the not allowing them to, like some people think it's a good idea to let them cry as a newborn like that. And she's, it hurt, she made the case that it's not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Because also what's happening at that time is you're forming a bond. So, and you can't over love the child in that early, those early infant times. Like the first couple months when they're, you don't want to abandon them and leave them and let them cry it out, like early on. Later on, it's starting to make sense though, is what that could happen to you.
Starting point is 00:12:35 But early on, and you gotta remember too, like they can't see, but like 18, I think eight inches or 12 inches, that's as far as they can see. And so their main way of being able to communicate is the disability to cry, touch and feel like so, that whole thing is so important early on when you first have them to create that bond and then to be able to connect to you. And they still have that reef, this is a cool reflex that babies have. Yeah, you push it and you touch their hand and they close automatically. Because she thought that which comes from, you know, again, we probably they were probably holding on to their moms, you know, fur
Starting point is 00:13:09 as one mom had them like monkeys here. You're a watch baby monkeys. They have the monkey and the monkey just hold on to mom's back fur. And then she goes and she picks fruit and does your European legs. Yeah. Yeah. We're for a time, women hang on to the fur. But anyway, uh, no, it was so my ideas, what do you think of my idea? Well, I think that crank powered,
Starting point is 00:13:28 I would act, did you actually get online? Because sometimes when you have high ideas like this, you actually don't think to do the research and like someone probably, I'm a fucking research woman right now. Oh yeah, you could probably find that. There's probably, Oh, that's what they were when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, I'm sure you could still. There's nostalgia, like toys like that, especially Etsy's huge for that. Like people just build cool, like unique things. Like we bought so many things on Etsy when we were, yeah, for the kids, because like people like hand make all these things in this way cooler. Oh, that's pretty rad.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah. Anyway, how do you guys feel after our, we haven't worked out together, like legit, where we actually do the same exercises. Maybe years. Yeah, we never, that's probably only the third or fourth workout we've ever done, like together, right? Yeah, that felt like, like a super group. Yeah, and we didn't do all the whole workout together, but we, I mean, what do you guys, how do you guys feel today? Oh, my, I'm feeling great. My post-year chain is little. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It was my mid back especially is feeling good. Yeah, I've been, because map strong is on sale, you know, every time we have a program on sale, I start getting people giving me feedback and stuff and it always inspires you to do that. Yeah, it resparks my interest in the programming. And so I've been doing more of the heavy farmer walks and, you know, kind of those types of lifts or whatever. So, you know, that's why, that's why yesterday I had us do dead lifts
Starting point is 00:14:47 and then those heavy farmer walks all the way up and down the grass. Bro, farmer walks. Very combo. Farmer walks just, they blow up your whole body. I feel it everywhere. No, that's what's great about it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Well, it makes so much sense though. I mean, again, everything is completely tense from your neck all the way down to your toes. I mean, you feel it everywhere. There's not a lot of, even like the squat, you know, the bars kind of resting on your back and stuff like that. And even though you're taught to grip the bar and tighten it,
Starting point is 00:15:17 you can't not, when you're carrying, you know, three, four hundred pounds and walking. Yeah, now you're moving with it. Yeah, you have to be tense Stakes are higher, you know. Tens the entire time. Now what did you guys do afterwards? Cause I, I, I, I stayed down in the, the bottom floor and I ended up doing some chest and shoulder exercises
Starting point is 00:15:34 and then it went back up and put a little bit. I've been shoved out a bit. Yeah, I, I wanted to not get too crazy like with my legs, but it wanted to, uh, jumped on the leg press because that's, I, when I was doing that, it helped my hip a bit to engage my glutes. I think a little bit more too. So I did that, did some bench, did some curls, did some shit like that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah. You were all pumped when you came to this team. Bodybuilder-esque. Oh, Jack. Yeah. All I did was single leg press. I was it and I was done because all I needed to do that day was some legs. I had planned on squatting or deadlifting.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And so we hit the deadlifting and then we hit the farmer carries and then I just did a single leg press for four or five sets. You know it would have been a good combo for that. Well maybe not because you're pretty lit. I didn't need anything. I'm so lit today. If you were at a point where you were like just slapping volume on your body and your recovery was really good, I would go with the reverse hyper or the glute hammer.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Have you ever done those? Oh, that is one of my favorite. We used to have that in the NorCal gym that I used to train at. One of the best. I've never been big into using that. Bro, use it consistently, because here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:16:35 which I've never done. It's amazing. I've used it. I've never used it consistently. That's just it. Like on your back and your hands. Yeah, a lot of people don't use them on a consistent basis.
Starting point is 00:16:43 They'll use them here and there, and then that whatever. Use it on a consistent basis. They'll use them here and there, and then that whatever. Use it on a consistent basis. Watch what happens to your deadlifts, your deadlift numbers. Watch what happens to your hamstring and glute development. I just saw that. I'm pretty sure. So like, I know like PRX, I just saw that they come up
Starting point is 00:17:02 with their own version of it. Which, was it Westside Barbell was one that like originally come up with their own version of it. Which, was it Westside Barbell was the one that originally came up with the reverse hyperbubble? Yeah, we could do both. Yeah, so I think PRX has one that can bolt to the wall now. Bro, there it is right there. Doug just brought it up.
Starting point is 00:17:17 It will literally fold, just like everything PRX that makes, it's got the low profile. How does that fold in the wall? Do you see how it's like a transformer? Yeah, click on the picture. Yeah, let me see how it folds in, Doug. How do you fold that? Yeah, click on the picture. Yeah, look at that. Oh shit. And it comes right out real easy. Whoa takes up almost no space to the engineering They've been doing at PRX has been pretty crazy. Oh, bro if you if you want a home gem and You don't have a lot of space,
Starting point is 00:17:46 but you want to have a legit home gym with a rack, you know, barbells, dumbbells, glute ham raise, like whatever, this is the company. I mean, look at that. You could totally put, you could have this and your rack and your barbell and your dumbbells and your weights, push it up against the wall, park your car in the garage still. Done, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Isn't that great? Wow. Yeah, I was like, how the hell did they get that? So where do they go? Go back? Where do the mats go right there? I can't, I don't understand. They must slide in. It's pushed in. Yeah, you know, that mats right there. It's just pushed facing the wall. Oh, you see that at the top of it folds down. And then it's the mat. Do you see how the top goes up? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, wow, that's fucking genius. I love to how you have the option of doing like,
Starting point is 00:18:31 you can do like the monthly subscription and just pay for it monthly. Well, that's the thing, like if you... Cause that's an expensive piece of equipment, so it'd be nice to be able to just throw 80 bucks at it every single month. Absolutely, just instead of paying a membership at the gym, just do something like this.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Here's the thing too, if you're serious about working out in my opinion, a home gym is the best, it's one of the best investments I ever made. I like where I look, I don't miss workouts, I like working out, I'm probably never gonna miss workouts, I'm always gonna like to lift weights. Having something in my garage where I can go out there and make it happen, especially when I have kids
Starting point is 00:19:02 taking to school, you know, schedule, whatever, or sometimes I wanna wake up in the morning and I don't feel like combing my hair. I don't feel like changing out of my freaking whatever or I wanna work out my day of the day, Jessica and I when we did that heavy ass workout and it was hot in the summer. It's great, you go out there in your shorts, shirt off and just work out like an animal.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Oh yeah, try doing that at the gym. No, savage, man. Try not to, yeah, try doing it at the gym and not getting kicked out. I am, I am, I have my moments, I go in and out. Like I told you just the other day that I made it down to gold and I've been there in a while
Starting point is 00:19:31 and there's something about, there's something about being around a bunch of other people that gets me fired up. But the convenience of having it in your home is, you know, that's, it's, it's even just, right now I have kettlebells in the row at the house and that's already been, I use the shit out of it. It's just, there now I have kettlebells in the row at the house and that's already been I use the shit out of it
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's just there's times where I come home and I'm like I gotta get home to do something Would it be let the dogs out or meet Katrina for something and I'm like? I don't really feel like heading back out to the gym But at least I have stuff that I can get go down the garage and get a 20 minute workout I can always banch your squad or overhead press. I'm like I can always do something I just like having that ability and so go downstairs, I'll just hit something. You gotta try that all day workout that I talked about a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Oh, my God. You gotta do that. Pick three exercises. I'm so mad we haven't done that yet. Pick three exercises. Just because in the beginning. Three sets of each. Yeah, six weights.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Six weights, which completes. Yeah, it takes a lot of commitment planning for it. I mean, look, we just gotta, we've got our first workout together. Right there. Much less trying to plan on. That's an accomplishment on some. A whole day of training is so. Just because like, how come as well. We got our first workout together. Right there. Much less trying to play on the whole. That's an accomplishment. It's a whole day of training as well.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Just because like, how come you guys don't do the whole workout together? How come you guys never work out together? And I'm like, you know, I was trying to explain this to her. Oh, that would never happen. No, and here's what it is. I started to kind of, because you, we know this. You start to work out with your buddies with guys. First of all, I know that the intensity's gonna be higher
Starting point is 00:20:45 than if I don't want it to be too high, I shouldn't work out with you guys, because it's just what happens. We work out together, and there's a little bit of that. Yeah, we start to push it just a little bit. There's a little bit of that fucking, there's always that undertone of, let's say I wanna push it a little harder.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I'll probably example that is I haven't deadlifted and I don't know how many months, and you know, you start, we warm up with 135, which is no big deal. And I'm like, I could have got to work out in a deadlifting 135, because I haven't deadlifted forever. And then the very next set, you stack on two more plates on each side.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And I'm like, okay, I guess I'm going to 315. All right, here we go. And I can do it, so I'm not gonna be like, but I could easily, I could easily done 225 and did some reps and been fine and just got as much great work. The whole time I have an excuse in my head, dude, my hip, my hip, you know, just tell them. You know? My hip's acting up, guys.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yeah. Can't do it though. No, my kid and I had to keep going. That's what I was trying to explain that to him. I was like, and here's the thing, if we were all in our 20s, we would work out all the time together and just destroy each other. But because we're all older and more experienced and we're all, we all understand this,
Starting point is 00:21:51 we're just like, it's better if we don't. We'll do a couple of things and let's just move off and do our own thing. I'm just imagining that. We're just like, we're younger, like all working out together. That would've been bad. Oh, we were broke each other,
Starting point is 00:22:01 like everything. Shit talking to you about the same thing. Broke each other off. Well, that's the story. Yeah. Whoa, dude. Yeah, that pre-workout. Come be tingling.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I don't know. Hey, what do you guys want to do after this workout? Anyway, I've been heated. Dude, did you see that? Did you hear Danny's study that he was sharing with us? I heard him reading to you. What was it about? And does it hold the water?
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, so they did a study on athletes and they found that the ones that took the most supplements had worse performance than the ones that didn't take a lot of supplements. Oh, that is hilarious. Well, it's, and I know why. It's not because the supplements don't do anything, although most supplements do.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I have a theory on that. Most supplements do nothing, which is true. Some supplements do something like if you take creatine, odds are you're gonna be stronger than if you don't. But for the most part, most supplements don't do a whole lot when you're measuring. Not just subjective, like I feel better, but actually objective, you know, are you actually stronger?
Starting point is 00:23:04 Are you actually, are you running faster? Are you actually are you running faster? Are you jumping hard? And in the study show that people who take supplements actually perform worse, it's not because the supplements are making them perform worse. It's because people who take a shit ton of supplements tend to place less emphasis. Self-selection by the way. Yeah, they take less emphasis on their training, on their diet, on their sleep, all that stuff. They're looking for the quick fix.
Starting point is 00:23:25 That's it. Yeah, no. But what it does highlight, I think, that's important about it, is that just goes to show you how much supplements are splitting hairs as far as the difference. Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:23:37 So, yeah, I don't think supplements overall make it worse for people. I don't think you're going to get weaker because you take supplements. I think even though that's what the study was probably trying to highlight and say, I think the real takeaway is that just goes to show you that how little of a difference they even have even things like creatine. It's like, yes, creatine does, but just because you take creatine too, doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna be stronger, because if you
Starting point is 00:23:58 have poor sleep, you have poor programming, you have poor diet, even fucking creatine doesn't do shit for you. It gives you a small edge when everything's all lined up perfectly, but that's about it. Yeah, I'll tell you what creatine does. I've measured it with myself. It adds two reps. That's it. It adds two reps to all my lifts.
Starting point is 00:24:15 So it's not this huge, crazy, oh my god, you know, I'm taking the magic pill. And the reason why I'm communicating this is because creatine is by far the most effective supplement when it comes to building muscle and strength and it's two more reps. So everything else now you know how effective they are, right, in terms of that.
Starting point is 00:24:33 But no, the people I've always known my entire life who've taken the most supplements were always the ones who didn't take the time to really look at their exercise program or the people who really didn't look at their diet and nutrition. They just kind of ate whatever, followed the same workout all the time
Starting point is 00:24:52 and then they would cycle through all these different supplements expecting, you know, resolve that. I was that kid, 100% I was that kid. 100% I was my workouts from probably 17 to 25 ish or so. Looked pretty similar with the meat just trying something of running branch, handling my acids, running the creatines, running DHEA, running of tribulus,
Starting point is 00:25:15 running everything I could get my hands on as a kid, and trying that and seeing, oh man, and telling your buddies like, if you tried this yet, I think I feel a difference. Yeah, crazy. I didn't tell you. Dude, check this other one out, this other study out. I just read this two days ago.
Starting point is 00:25:31 It's in the technology networks website. This is the title, Babies Temperament, linked to their gut bacteria. So now they're finding that babies that are happier, less cranky, don't cry a lot, have a particular higher amounts of particular strains of gut bacteria. So they're linking specific strains of bacteria to different types of temperament in the baby.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Cool, right? How are they doing that? Well, they're testing, they're taking children, 300 babies or whatever. They're testing their temperament and then they're looking at their gut microbiome and seeing if they can make a connections. And they are finding some connections. I think certain bacteria strains will affect your mood. Well, ones they've identified, I think it's far more complex than that.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Obviously, that's really weird. I think it's extremely complex and it's going to require a lot more study. Yeah. But they are already linking the microbiome to the baby's temperament. So kind of interesting, right? Who was talking about the Whitney Houston thing? Yeah, I was talking about that, dude. She's going on tour, and she's not even alive, right?
Starting point is 00:26:36 So this is the whole two-pock thing where they had a hologram. This is becoming, I guess this is just the first example, but they're planning on rolling out more of these artists and really taking a lot of these franchises or estates and talking to them about touring these old artists of the past and having people show up and then you have all these holograms performing the entire thing. Wow. That's a trap. You know what I'm crazy? You know what I'm thinking right now? What do the entire thing. Wow. That's a trend.
Starting point is 00:27:05 You know what I'm crazy. You know what I'm thinking right now? What do you think is going to look like in like 27? Yeah, 30 years. 2070, mine pump will be on tour in Hollywood. You got like James Brown. You got like, you know, you could go anywhere with it. Like, they'll be droid playing together.
Starting point is 00:27:18 The night of the holograms, they'll be droids. They're looking sound just like us. You know what I mean? They'll look human, they'll go up stage and be like, Hey, welcome back. Well, it's interesting because they've actually even talked about this with actors, and you're seeing this, even with like Carrie Fisher and like making
Starting point is 00:27:33 appearance in Star Wars, and it's like these digital copies of actors, like even now they're getting screened. And it's some of their contract in some of these movies where the actor has to get like Copy it and scan so that way they can use their likeness in the future getting weird You see in China they have a news anchor in China. That's a hundred percent CGI hundred percent artificial intelligence, right? It's not even a real person. It's just a computer generated person, but it looks
Starting point is 00:28:03 Almost real. They're so close. It's almost real. And he's delivering the news. What are you thinking is going to happen in the future when CGI gets indistinguishable from humans? They'll be able to create the perfect actors. You don't even need to have human actors. Well, I told you that the whole thing will be so.
Starting point is 00:28:17 What I think is going to be in the future with the acting is I think you'll license that, right? You'll be an actor or whatever that. And because you've done enough material, you can just license out, you, your voice, everything, and just be like, oh, instead of you getting paid 10 million and actually having to go do all the acting, you just license out you,
Starting point is 00:28:35 and then they can go do it CGI, and then you don't even have to actually go do it. Interesting. Why would they even need to do that, though? At some point, they'll just make a CGI actor. That's a better than you. That's things better whenever. And then that'll be the actor. Now, because there's two, we connect with real people.
Starting point is 00:28:51 But if you can't tell the difference. Yeah, but you still. You trick your brain. Yeah. I still don't see, we could do this now, right? We could create some robot character that sings, dances, makes jokes, does whatever. And because it's a robot, we all know that.
Starting point is 00:29:06 No one cares. That's what I'm saying. But if you have, but we're not good enough here. If you have somebody who's built a character, no, even if it was, even it was, you still wouldn't care, in my opinion. You wouldn't be drawn to it,
Starting point is 00:29:17 but a real person that has built up their character. And then you're interested like a Whitney Houston or something like that. Like, you know, she's already, we know how great singer she's iconic now. I mean, she'll probably sell tickets. People will go and watch this hologram version of her. Yeah, I wonder. I wonder if it's going to be accepted.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Like, I know, like some people are interested, but there was also some backlash for it. People are calling it like ghost slavery and all this like weird stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The estate, the like weird stuff. And I'm like, yeah. Yeah. I don't know, the estate, the estate, if they sign off on it, yeah. That's the, I mean, they're the ones that she already signed it off.
Starting point is 00:29:53 You know what I mean? She already has the estate. They're the ones that are making the money. That's why, you know, stuff like, it's not like what's happening with like video games. Shit, I was, I was playing NBA 2K, what, they're like the newest NBA game for Xbox One the other day.
Starting point is 00:30:07 And it was funny because Katrina had walked in the living room and she's like, she's doing it. My buddy left this gaming system there, so I hadn't played it forever and it was playing. She's sitting in the living room and she's doing work. And she starts laughing. And she picks up on the announcer. And so first of all, they do an incredible job of making the shit look real. I mean, the video, it's a video game, but it looks like all the players really, really
Starting point is 00:30:30 well. It's very close. And to the point where you're playing a game and I make a pass over to Curry and the announcers are talking about it, like real live, and they're in their personalities, and making jokes and sarcastic comments, and it feels as real as if you're watching a real game, but people don't sit around and watch these video games like that. Now some people do, we're seeing examples of that on YouTube. Oh my God, bro, some of them are viewed,
Starting point is 00:31:00 videos on YouTube are of kids playing video games. Yeah, so if you're right, I mean, I think that's where we'll see that evolution is there first. If you think that it's gonna go to that point where you're entertained by CGI as much as you are by real people, we'll see that happen in the video game world probably first. Look, if you do a good enough job and and if we get AI that's smart enough, that can totally fool you, it won't matter. Like if you see someone, and you can't tell that they're not a human, or you see something on TV,
Starting point is 00:31:33 and you can't tell at all, that it's not real, whether you know it's real or not, it doesn't matter. You're gonna perceive it as such. Well, this is where I start tripping out, because like with the deep fakingings and like all these things, it's like, dude, All this is happening at once You know, you were gonna get like holograms that are gonna be indistinguishable or get robots indistinguishable We're gonna get you know like people messing with dude video. I'm coming up with all kinds of cool sci-fi sci-fi plots right now
Starting point is 00:31:58 Like what if what if in the future there's like a you want to overthrow government So you assassinate their leader but plug in an AI machine that nobody knows Is in the guy and he just makes decisions for you. Do we do we're gonna pull out of that country now like huh? What are you talking about? Do we this kind of reminds me to have do we talk about a while back when this all first start I just was watching a clip yesterday of Tony Robbins We bring him up like when hit first started to happen we did with Buzzfeed. Yeah, and did you see what's going on with him now? No, what's up on with him now? No, what's up.
Starting point is 00:32:26 So he did a video yesterday. It's really unfortunate and sad to see all this. And it kind of reminds me of an example of what you've talked about, Sal, before too, is like what we're going to see in the elections coming up is the ability to manipulate clips and their voice and do stuff. And it's not hard to take, especially
Starting point is 00:32:44 somebody like Tony Robbins, that's probably got a million clips of audio and video of him saying things is to take something, take a portion of it out and then create something around it. And you know, he's getting a lot of backlash and has been for almost a month now. And the latest thing that Buzzfeed has been doing has been going after all of his charities that he donates millions and millions of dollars to and is actually trying to get them to get rid of him as a as a donut. Oh cool. Yeah. Punish everybody is helping. Yeah. I just I don't understand that. What's the logic behind behind that? I don't know, man. It's illogical. It's a it's a weird time. It's really a weird time that we're in right now. It's it's I don't know, man. It's illogical. It's a weird time. It's really a weird time that we're in right now.
Starting point is 00:33:27 It's, I don't know. I have no words to be quite honest with you. I mean, if that's happening now, what is it gonna be like in five, ten years from now? Maybe it'll get so silly that it's gonna, it'll just go back. I hope I'm hoping it'll get so silly that people will be like,
Starting point is 00:33:44 are we really trying to prevent him from donating $10 million to these charities because you know, something he said 30 years ago at a context, even or whatever, is that really what we want to do? I mean, is the guy, is his money being used in nefarious ways? If it was, that would be totally different. But if it's being donated and used the way it's supposed to be used like, really? I don't know. Yeah, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I don't get it, man. Everything's kind of crazy. No. Speaking of cool crazy stuff. So I don't know if you guys knew this, but are you guys familiar with catch wrestling or catch as catch can wrestling everywhere to that before?
Starting point is 00:34:21 I mean, I've heard of it, but I don't know the specifics. So it's an old form of wrestling where it's all holds our legal. Anyhold, any lock is legal. The goal is to get the other guy to give up and you could get him to give up any way you wanted to. You know, you could put your form across his nose and smash his face. You could take his toe and bend it and hat whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:44 It's that's why it's catch as catch can. So like all holds are legal. Did you guys know that Abraham Lincoln was apparently a badass catch wrestler? Really? Yeah, a lot of people know this. So I was actually, I was online on Instagram and someone made a comment about a Lincoln being a badass.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And then I remember, I had known this because a long time ago- I knew everybody pulled his beard. Yeah, well, no, he didn't grow his beard till he got elected or till right before his election. Some little girl told us the story, little girl told him that he would, she would vote for him if he just had a beard
Starting point is 00:35:15 so then he grew it and then he won. But anyway, I never heard this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, he was a badass wrestler. So this is back when I was in Jiu-Jitsu. I would do all these research on grappling sports just because I found them to be fascinating and I learned about catch wrestling and I've then read about Abe Lincoln and there's there's a lot and this is fact. This is historical fact He I believe had thousands of matches lost one out of all of them
Starting point is 00:35:44 He was a six foot four gangly dude that braised tall. Beat the crap out of people. At one point, I believe it was his, if I'm not mistaken, National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 1992. Yep. Oh, here it is. His step brother had a river barge that was hijacked
Starting point is 00:36:01 by a group of thugs. So 19 year old A Blinken gets on there and throws every one of them overboard. Tussles with all of them and fucking throws them off. Yeah, he was a badass. Oh yeah. He was a badass back then. Apparently he was really, really strong
Starting point is 00:36:16 and really, really technical. And he was six, four and weighed 185. So he was like a big kind of a tall skinny dude. Wow. Kind of cool, right? That is cool. I mean, he's always a big kind of a tall skinny dude. Wow. Kind of cool, right? That is cool. I mean, he's always been one of my favorites. Is it Teddy?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Is it Teddy Roosevelt's the other one that has like a really bad ass story behind him, too? He's the most bad ass president. Would you agree with what he did, his policies and stuff? Just in terms of pure bad assery. Yes. The most manly president ever. He enlisted himself in the military and lied. You ready for this? Lied so we could be at the front lines.
Starting point is 00:36:52 He wasn't supposed to fight and he's like, no, no, no, no, and he took men and went there anyway. Just so we could get in the middle of the fight. Wow. I heard too, like some of Batman was like from stories about him. Like how he's still like at night would go, walk the streets and like fight crime. He would walk the street, dress up as a policeman,
Starting point is 00:37:13 walk the street club. With the Billy Club and fuck up bad people or whatever, just for fun. Yes. Apparently he was a sickly kid, he had asthma and so he learned how to strengthen his body through exercise, judo. He practiced judo in his, in the presidential office,
Starting point is 00:37:31 would wrestle people and people, nobody wanted to fuck with him. He was super, we need more of those in office. Super well respected. He was giving a speech, I believe it was him. I think it was him, maybe Doug could correct me. He was giving a speech, got shot, finished the speech. Really? Yeah. They wanted to was him. Maybe Duck and Crackney was giving a speech got shot. Finish the speech. Really? Yeah. They wanted to pull him off stage. He wouldn't go off. He finished
Starting point is 00:37:51 the speech. That's gangster. Then he left and got the boy. I believe it was Teddy Roosevelt. Maybe. Yeah. Looked that up. Teddy Rose. I'll got shot. It is him. Yeah. You should see Lewis. He was shot in 1912. And it took the they and it takes more than that to kill a bull moose. That's the thing is to call him. Yeah, the 50 page speech in his pocket and that's what got hit, but it did get hit by the bullet though, but that protected him from what? Yeah. This sounds like an old folktale or something.
Starting point is 00:38:21 No, it's a true story. You get shot and it hit like 50 pages of paper. Yeah, 50 pages, yeah. In his pocket, but it did go through it, it did go through and the guys have to unlock it or something and it hits like right there and saves them. Yeah. No, it's a true story, dude. Yeah, that sounds great.
Starting point is 00:38:36 You gotta watch documentaries on Teddy Roosevelt because that's fact-checking here right now. Yeah, no it's true. You have a good one because I've actually wanted to watch one. Yes, PBS. Okay. PBS made a really good one called I've actually wanted to watch one. Yes, PBS. Okay. PBS made a really good one called the Roosevelt's. So it talks about Teddy Roosevelt,
Starting point is 00:38:49 and then it talked about FDR who I can't, I despise, ifDR. But Teddy was just, he was a fucking, he's a champion. Well, since you took it to the politics thing, I know Doug hates when we go this direction, but I feel like how can you not bring up what happened? Did you hear what happened with Iran?
Starting point is 00:39:06 With a shot down one of our drones? Yeah. But they're saying it was in their territory, but then I don't know. Well, what's happening, why it's a big deal is because both sides are disagreeing on what happened. Of course. The next thing, I mean, that's kind of a scary deal,
Starting point is 00:39:24 don't you think? Dude, we've been trying to go to war with Iran. There is a reason. Yeah, it's kind of, it's volatile for sure. It's scary. They've been in our sites for ever since the government got, ever since our public government that we installed in Iran got overthrown by their, you know, I told her whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:44 You know, because you guys know the history of Iran, right? No, tell me. We installed us in Great Britain helped overthrow their government and install a quote unquote puppet government, a leader who would work with us. And we did this because, you know, Iran got lots of oil.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Well, he got overthrown by his people and oftentimes when a government gets overthrown by their own people, the people they put in charge are far more extreme. The extreme of extreme. Yeah, and that's when you got kind of that Islamic extremism involved. And so they've always been on our sides. We've always looked at, you know, what we should do with them. Now for a long time Iraq kept them in check, and Saddam Hussein was somebody that we actually put it, we helped. We funded him,
Starting point is 00:40:27 put him in power because he was the checks and balances against Iran. And of course, at some point, we decided Saddam Hussein isn't somebody we wanted to be cool with anymore, especially after we went into Kuwait. So then we kicked his ass. Now Iran's like the superpower in the middle. So we're just waiting for a reason to go in there and start some shit with them. And so shooting down one of our drones, a bad idea. That's what's supposed to be. Do you think that's something that will cause something
Starting point is 00:40:52 like that, or do you think it's not enough? I think they're beating the drum, they're beating the war drum. And what they typically will do is wait for popular opinion to support war. Definitely generating momentum in that direction. Yeah, that's the idea is to build up momentum. That's the propaganda.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I think it's a bad idea. We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're still- We're Like that's the longest war that we've ever had. Wow. It's in our history. So we're perpetually out there at war for a long time, and you wanna throw another one on top of it. It's so reminiscent of how the Roman Empire fell. It's exactly, we're following the same pattern. Yeah, just throwing your military everywhere, you're overspending, your debt is out of control.
Starting point is 00:41:42 War is not good for the economy, it's the biggest myth, it's a terrible, dangerous myth that people believe. There's nothing more destructive than building, you know, million dollar bombs and then blowing them up. That's not a great use of wealth. That's a terrible, destructive way to waste taxpayer dollars or even inflate the currency, which is a lot of governments will do that, so just print dollars or money to try to support you know war and so it's war is terrible
Starting point is 00:42:09 and of course it kills people too. Okay, you know I it's funny how people talk about the economy is like you know that people die in war I don't understand why I think it's a great thing. I want to go down that right now I think it's and it's really all over oil right I mean that's the main driver behind all it's It's the, it's there, they pose a potential threat. Like the only, the only factory. Well, they, you know, they've been actively trying to get a nuke. Here's a thing, if you're a country in the world
Starting point is 00:42:37 and you are at odds with the US, the best insurance policy you could have is building a nuke because our military will whoop the wall will if we wanted to we could go in Iran and for sure we would defeat them no problem that doesn't mean it would be easy because then you got to stay in there make sure that a more extreme person doesn't come in charge make sure it's not a terrorist group that so it's not like like Afghanistan we went in there kick their ass but then we stayed there forever Iraq same thing the war was easy it was the afterwards that just cost all So it's not like Afghanistan. We went in there, kicked their ass, but then we stayed there forever.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Iraq, same thing. The war was easy. It was the afterwards that just cost all the money. It cost tons and tons and tons of money. It causes so much, so many problems, so much blowback. So yeah, so that's the thing. So if Iran gets a nuke, then we think twice, right? We don't want to go in there because now we're,
Starting point is 00:43:23 like look at North Korea. The only reason why we haven't really gone into North Korea and fucked them up is because they have nukes and even though the nukes, we could still beat them, you don't want a nuke going off. Well, that looks terrible. Yeah, and then what are you going to return nukes and annihilate a whole bunch of people? So, so that's it. Iran is that one country in the Middle East that we are always looking at and surrounding with our bases. If you look at all the US bases, they're all around Iran. We've isolated them. So I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:43:53 We'll see what happens. I hope nothing happens. EEN UP! This quaz brought to you by Organify. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition. Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com.
Starting point is 00:44:16 That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com. And use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Nick Rosenbaum. Thoughts on wall sits when trying to rehab an injury or fix an imbalance. Speaking of wall sits, did you see our buddy Mike Castle doing the wall sits with his feet and the ice? And then the most extreme wall sit.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Yeah, I thought it would make it Legos. Yes, they were putting together like a Lego kit and they were in a wall sit with the plate on the right. So in a wall sit, plate on their lap, feet in ice. And then putting together a Lego. Oh, it's hilarious. Yeah, I thought that would be a crazy job. Did you guys, who was that one girl a long time ago?
Starting point is 00:45:02 Adam, I think you showed me the video where she did this video where they stacked Like 20 45 pound plates on her. Oh, yeah, and then people called around instead of space The fake plates they tried to duplicate it and she kept getting crushed by the kids. Yes That was part of the part of the those first form crew those those those cats over there They actually went and did it and the guy I forget the name of the kid who has the YouTube channel That like he just goes around and stirs up shit and the fitness industry calls people out
Starting point is 00:45:27 for fake videos and bullshit. And he was calling bullshit on it so much and he has enough pull on his channel that, you know, the girl and then one of the other guys that is affiliated with first form showed up and said, all right, we're gonna do this. And so they videoed it and like he's stacking the weights up on her. She gets crushed.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Oh, she gets crushed like twice. And then does it again. And it's like, and like, the guy, I'm like, come on man, like he's like stacking them. You can do it, you can like, keeps like stacking weights on her. So what an example of stupid and ridiculous we've become. It's already stupid. It's such a moronic idea.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It's so stupid and ridiculous to do it anyways, to do that, to show that, and the things we do for likes, and then you let some fucking troll you and get you to do a comfortable, a hot and bothered, that you call junior bullshit, to show up to prove them wrong.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Like, who are we? They're like, grown ass fucking man and woman too. Like, you're fucking 12. I remember, it's silly dude. Managing gyms, I remember there was a point where half my trainers would finish their clients workouts with wallsets. Yeah, like that was how you finished a workout. Like, all right, go sit up against the wall in the timing.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And I think there is some value. Like running laps. Yes, in same equates. Coaches, high school coaches all day long wall sets wall sets And I think there's some value to doing Isometric type exercises, which is what a wall set is. I definitely think there's some value in them But the way I see a lot of trainers using wall sets is because they're lazy lazy lazy workout programming. It's an easy way to
Starting point is 00:47:01 Have your client hurt get them sore sit up against the wall. I don't have to really train you. I could just look at the my watch and have you sit there and now I get a break from training you type of deal. So that's the way a lot of people use it. Now, what's the value of doing a wall sit? Same value you get from any isometric exercise. When you're working a muscle in an isometric fashion where it's tense but not moving. It's not flexing, it's not extending, it's just holding.
Starting point is 00:47:29 You do get some strength benefits that are outside of that range of motion that you're training. Now, it doesn't give you full range of motion strength, but there is a lot of carryover. And isometric exercises are actually great for rehab because they're safe. They're very, very safe. So if you have a knee injury and it hurts to move through a full range of motion or even partial range of motion, one thing you can do is get yourself
Starting point is 00:47:55 in an isometric position that you feel is safe. And then do that with resistance and hold that for, and you're about 10 to 30 seconds. That's the beauty of them. I mean, you could really find the threshold right before, you feel like you're just unsupported, and you could stay there and really work your way through that with isometrics.
Starting point is 00:48:15 But the way that, I mean, in terms of like wall sits in like isometric type exercise, I find more value out of, like I've seen some people do things with the squat rack where either you're in a pause squat and at the bottom you're working on the depth and getting out of the hole. And it's more purpose driven in terms of like the isometric.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I've also seen somebody like, I think it was Max Schmarzo just posted the safety arms and pushing up into it. Yeah, I love that. So yeah, so now it just has more purpose to me other than just, you know, sit against a wall that's kind of supporting your back
Starting point is 00:48:55 and just kind of, you know, just lazily just sit there. Now that's a good point. I think, now a wall set does involve some resistance, but I like the point that you're making, Justin, where you can do an isometric contraction without resistance, or you could do an isometric contraction we're actually pushing against something. And I think a dumpy squat, to me, to me,
Starting point is 00:49:18 like a dumpy squat has way more value than sitting in a wall sit. And even to your point, Sal, that you made with knee pain, like when I think right away, somebody in a wall sit. And even to your point, salad, you made with like knee pain. Like when I think right away, somebody doing a wall sit because they have pain in their knee, well, that's cause because the travel that the knee has to go back and forth and they probably have the lack of ankle mobility.
Starting point is 00:49:37 And so the stress goes to the patella. So if that was the case, if I had a client or had someone saying, like, oh, I like wall sits because it feels like I work my legs, but and when I squat though it bothers my knees, I'd someone saying, like, oh, I like wall sits, because it feels like I've worked my legs. But when I squat, though it bothers my knees, I'd be like, okay, well, why is it bothering me? It's because the knees should work just fine like a nice little hinge.
Starting point is 00:49:52 But if it's feeling stressed, it's because of something else. It's probably because you've lacked the ankle mobility. And when you run out of that range of motion in your ankles, then the stress goes directly in the patella when you get in a squat. So I don't see a lot of, it's something for sure that I did as a dumb trainer in my early 20s.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And I remember us getting to what you said to yourself, like, it turned into this competition where everybody had clients and who could stack the most weight or hold it for the longest. My client did a five minute wall fit. Yeah, it's like the plank thing. It's like the plank thing. Yeah, it's like the bad plank thing. It's like, it's no more intent plan. Yeah, it's like the bad plank thing. It's like it's, it's no, no more intent. Just like, it's just how long? If you, if you, time periods, if you have
Starting point is 00:50:31 an injury or an imbalance, okay? So first of all, I would want to know what is it? And why are we using the wall? It's because more than likely, I could probably give you two, three, four, five better ideas. Yeah. To address the imbalance or fix the or healthy injury. That's good. And here's the problem. Here's the real problem. It's not that wall sits are stupid.
Starting point is 00:50:55 It's that kind of. People don't know how to program these kinds of movements. Like, there's a lot of movements that the that if they're programmed properly. Okay, it's fair. Do have some value. The problem is that there's too much value being placed on certain movements. Trainers place way too much value on wall sits. And again, the reason why they place a lot of value on wall sits, it's easy. It's a wall sit. So you don't need to you don't have to think too hard about it. It hurts. So the client thinks hard. Yeah, oh my gosh, this is a great exercise. It hurts, and it gets people sore.
Starting point is 00:51:27 And so trainers place a ton of value on it. Same reason why trainers do plyo exercises when they shouldn't. Like, why do you see so many trainers having clients jump up on a bench all the time? Because they're hard, and it's lazy programming. Now, plyometrics program properly, extremely valuable. Very rarely they'll wear the program properly, extremely valuable, very rarely they'll are the program properly. Same thing with isometric type movements. The best place to do isometric
Starting point is 00:51:52 movements, in my opinion, is somewhere near the beginning of the workout, somewhere near the beginning, middle of the workout. Get things firing and connected with these isometric movements, then move into the lighter, full range of exercise type movements. Trainers almost always program isometric movements, especially wall sets as either part of circuits or at the very end of a workout to finish off their client before their client takes off. Terrible programming, almost, I've never, I'm almost never seen someone program a wall set
Starting point is 00:52:21 in a way where I could see their value. The way that the day program is like, oh, you're just trying to make them hurt. Yeah. Like, you're just throwing it in there as a last resort type of deal. Good point. Next question is from who's saying,
Starting point is 00:52:32 I've been noticing the day post a map's anabolic foundation session, my hunger goes through the roof. Is that a signal that I should increase my calories through healthy foods and undulate the rest of the week? That's a good sign. That's true. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:47 One of the best signs you can get from a good weight training type program is increase in hunger. It just means your body is need more food, more protein to build muscle. How much more food in protein? Not that much, yeah. That doesn't mean open up the floodgates. Right. That's we got to be careful there. I think sometimes when you start training, that's inevitable it's going to have, especially if you weren't training consistently,
Starting point is 00:53:10 and you start working out, like the body will tell you it's hungry. But you got to be careful that you don't go over and doleage, and you talk about all time-style, it doesn't take that many more calories or grams of protein for you to build muscles. No, I embrace it. And the thing about hunger is that, or the feeling, I shouldn't say hunger because most people don't feel hungry, it's cravings, or increase in your appetite a little bit. We view it as a feeling that we need to get rid of. We're so uncomfortable with feeling like we want to eat food. Like we don't know how to deal with it. And this is part, mostly because this is how we've always been.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Like anytime you're hungry, you put food in your mouth. Anytime you crave food, you tend to put food in your mouth. And so we're just not comfortable with this feeling. Now I learned to get comfortable with it. Like, oh, I want more food, but I know I don't need more food. So I'm just gonna sit here with this feeling and I refrained the feeling so it's not uncomfortable. And it makes it easier for me to deal with it.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Other, most people, they can't handle it. They feel a little hungry. Oh my God, what do I do? I feel hungry, you know, I need to, I don't want to gain body fat though. Well, it just, yeah, it just becomes the entire focus and they don't know how to deal with it. It's just not something that they're familiar with navigating.
Starting point is 00:54:21 My advice also changes too based off of the clients like ultimate goal, right? Like so if someone's going through a MAPS and a BOLOC and their ultimate goal is to just pack on muscle and maybe you're the kind of skinny kid, like I'm gonna, I'm gonna stretch you and push you on feeding. I'm gonna, yeah, eat, feed, you know, let's pump the calories
Starting point is 00:54:38 because you're less concerned if we put on a percent of body fat because you just monitor. Right, exactly. So I'm gonna push that person that direction. Now, if I have somebody who's following maps in a ball, and they're using it, and they're also trying to get lean, or they don't want to put on any extra weight whatsoever, they just want to build some muscle and lose some body fat.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I'm just, hey, that's to Sal's point, like get used to kind of feeling hungry like that right now. Your body's probably metabolizing fat right now. That's a great thing. So it's awesome that you feel that appetite growing is because your body's wanting more calories and your body's gonna be because you're not giving it more calories, it's thinking to end up utilizing fat.
Starting point is 00:55:14 What we have to get away from is the old idea which I definitely subscribe to, which was thinking, oh my God, my body's gonna eat its muscle. You know what I'm saying? I gotta go eat because if I don't eat and I'm gonna lose my muscle, it's like, no, that, my body's gonna eat its muscle. You know what I'm saying? I gotta go eat because if I don't eat, then I'm gonna lose my muscle. It's like, no, that's not what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Your body isn't gonna tap into body fat. We all have got stored body fat for sure. So there's, and I forget what the number is, but at all times the amount of stored energy that we have. Well, even a lean athlete will have something like 30,000 calories of stored body fat that they could use for energy. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:48 And your body wants that. We'll always want that over muscles. Muscle is the last thing. Yeah. It does not convert muscle very well into energy, so it will always tap into fat first. So when you feel those feelings of hunger, if your goal is more towards leaning out and you want to reduce body fat, then hey, just, I, that's how I teach clients to think that. So when you, like you said, so I'll reframing it.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I used to reframe them with like, hey, you know what I used to do is get excited. Like, I'm sitting here podcasting. I am at this moment. I'm hungry because I didn't eat this morning and we trained hard yesterday. So this feeling is totally speaking to me right now. But the way I reframe it, instead of me just going out and going and grabbing a handful of almonds and throwing in my mouth, I'm like, I'm sitting here podcasting with you guys. And I know my body is metallic. Yeah, it's burden fat.
Starting point is 00:56:35 That's a great, that's a great thing if you can think of it like that. So really depends on your goal. If you're trying to build and add feed, you know, I'm saying for sure, feed. If you're not, if you're trying to lean out, then... It's a good sign though, I'll tell you what, a workout that makes you lose your appetite, bad sign. It's true. If you're doing a new workout program and you're hammering your body
Starting point is 00:56:55 and you find that you're losing your appetite, the odds are you're doing too much. You're doing too much exercise, burning yourself, I've done that, I've done that myself, where I've done too much exercise, pushed myself too hard, and I start to lose my appetite. And as a kid, I didn't recognize what was going on. Now as an adult, I know my appetite is one of those signals
Starting point is 00:57:14 that I look for, and when my appetite's high, it's oftentimes, when it's high in a healthy way. It's oftentimes because my workouts on point, I'm getting stronger, and I'm improving. Maps on a balic in particular, in fact, I have a client right now, an online client that I'm coaching with Jessica right now is following Maps on a balic for the first time
Starting point is 00:57:35 and our goal is to get her to slowly speed up her metabolism without gaining body fat. So we're kind of reverse dieting her. And she's never lifted with a MAPS and a Bolic style type of workout. She's always done body parts split. So obviously you go from body parts split to something like this.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Her body's gonna respond. So she told me yesterday, she's like, I am starving. My appetite is through the roof and I'm like, it's a good sign, don't worry about it. She made some bad food choices, though, because she has trouble with, you know, with the sensation of hunger or craving. And so I gave her some advice. It actually, this is actually, I want to share this. I told her I said, interrupt the process. Right before
Starting point is 00:58:13 you're going to eat, see if you can do something that kind of makes you more present. And so I told her to meditate. And so what she did was, is she did the brain FM meditate sound song or whatever. Yeah. She did 15 minutes of it, meditated, and she said, she still wanted to eat food, but she was totally cool with it, and she was able to make better food choices. Just a little tip that I'll put out there for people. It helps bring awareness. Yeah, really worked. Next question is from I'm more than fitness.
Starting point is 00:58:42 What builds more muscle? Slow controlled movements or weight moved using some momentum? You know, this reminds me of a question like when people ask what builds more muscle, high reps or low reps. I know. And it's really is the same answer.
Starting point is 00:58:56 And like that question in a, you know, control, in a six week control, both people never have worked out before, I would argue that slow controlled movements would probably show in studies that they would get more benefit, more muscle. But if you always train really slow controlled, uh, tempo type of squatting, you could benefit from moving it fast. Right. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Big time. Big time. I learned this, man. I remember, uh, God, it must have been in my 20s. And up until then, everything I did was relatively controlled. You know, when we say slow control, I'm not talking about exaggerated slow control movements, but I'm not talking about super slow style.
Starting point is 00:59:37 No, no, that's not what I'm talking about. That's too extreme. That's actually will build endurance and muscle rather than strength. I'm talking about the traditional, you know, two to four second, you know, positive and negative. Like you're supposed to do when you do bodybuilding. I love talking about this because,
Starting point is 00:59:51 and I know on the podcast, I've brought this up before, and I'm love taking a, because when you look at the protocol for high-perture fee, it's 422 is the tempo. And next time anyone who's listening right now, and you're in the gym, look around it. Every single person on the bench press, every single person that's squatting, and count in your head, 1,000, 2, 1,000, 3, 1,000, 4, 1,000, and show me somebody who does a negative
Starting point is 01:00:18 like that. They don't see it. You don't see it. Nobody takes 4 seconds. Yeah, it's the protocol for hypertrophy. So what a great, one of my favorite things I used to love to do is to teach psych, especially an experienced lifter, is to actually just manipulate tempo and slow them down.
Starting point is 01:00:34 That's it. Now, I typically train more like a, my negatives are probably more like two, two, three seconds, but I play with four second one. And I did this for most of my lifting career. I like lifting heavy, but the way I lift heavy is power lifting style. So I'm not like a weightlifter, right? So it's controlled. It's even when I'm driving heavy, heavy weight.
Starting point is 01:00:54 And I remember at one point, I had a friend who was a, who used to play football. And this guy had just incredible mid-back musculature, just very, very amazing upper to mid-back development. And I remember asking him, like, what kind of exercises, like, did you do to build that up? And he's like, oh, power cleans, hand cleans. He's like, I did lots of hand cleans when I played football. And it wasn't the first time I'd heard this.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I'd heard this from lots of people about how great hand cleans are for building the upper mid back. And so for the first time in my life, I set out to learn how to do these hand cleans. And it's totally different than the body building movements that I'd always done, because body building movements tend to be controlled, you tend to feel the muscle, you tend to squeeze,
Starting point is 01:01:40 you tend to all this stuff. Hand cleans, you don't. You're throwing the way you got good, you have to have good technique, but you're throwing the weight up and you're letting it drop. You're not controlling the negative and the positive is extremely explosive.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So I set out to practice and try doing them. And I remember the muscle development I got in my mid back and my traps from doing that blew me away. Same thing I noticed with the snatch grip cleans from maps strong. I did those and I'm like, oh, this built my traps more than all the other shrugs I've ever done before. And mainly it's not because it's superior
Starting point is 01:02:13 because I never do them. I do. It was totally different stimulus. My secret sauce to my back when I was competing were hand cleans. And no other competitors that I ever see doing that. And it's because most of us bodybuilder guys, min's physique athletes, we train very high-perture fee
Starting point is 01:02:29 like slow control, pumping type exercises, and doing something explosive like that. That, it's more high skill and risky, though. Bro, blew up my rear delts and my upper back, and I contribute a lot of the way my upper back looked because I incorporated that in my trip. You're talking about beginners is the point that I was trying to make with slow versus fast
Starting point is 01:02:51 reps. I'm always going to teach something with super slow tempo. That's a great opportunity to show somebody one of those slow negatives and really focusing in on the control of the movement and like really like, you know, owning the entire, owning it and like connecting to it. And then we can build on that. But yeah, when you have been lifting for a long time and you're intermediate to advanced,
Starting point is 01:03:16 changing it up like that and throwing an explosive movement in there is game change. No, you're 100% right. If I had to pick one for most people to do, it would easily hands down and pick controlled movements. The risk versus reward is much better than it is with using speed and momentum. Using speed momentum much more risky, but if you've got, like Justin saying, good technique, good control, good form, otherwise healthy, it could really turbocharge your progress. One thing that I like to do, and you don't even have to do the Olympic style lifts to take advantage of this,
Starting point is 01:03:49 you can actually apply this towards a lot of compound movements. So something that I like to do for myself and for clients who are a little bit more advanced, is I'll take an exercise that they normally do, like a bench press or a squat, and we'll cut the weight down. So let's say, let's say I'm training Doug, and Doug always bench presses with 185, and he's always doing sets of, I don't know, six reps or something like that. I may put on the bar 125, have him slow control, lower the weight, pause, and then explode
Starting point is 01:04:20 on the way out. But here's the key now. You got to have good control. When you have a beginner try to explode on the positive with less than what they consider super heavy weight, the fucking form goes all the way. You have to have good control. So you have to be able to explode
Starting point is 01:04:33 but not like throw the bar, mess up your shoulder. But you apply that to some of your lifts. I love that shit. Oh, dude, I love, so how many people do you guys see do in the gym, especially body builder type of lives with like shoulder press, slowing control down to 90 degrees, and that's they always teach that person a push press. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Barbell push press, watch their shoulders blow up. I mean, it blew mine up because I did the bodybuilder shoulder press for years and years and years of training. When I started push pressing through full range of motion and exploding off my chest all the way through. Oh, dude. When I'm feeling especially, and here's the other thing, too, there's a feel of the workout.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Some workouts lend themselves well to a different, to a certain feeling that I'll have going into it. If I'm going to work out and I'm feeling strong, I'm feeling healthy and I'm feeling healthy, and I'm feeling aggressive, you can almost guarantee that my reps are going to be a little faster, and I'll be a little more explosive, and I'm going to lift a little heavier. When I'm going to the gym and I'm feeling good, but I feel like I want to get a good pump, full range of motion, I'm feeling a little bit more controlled, a little bit more measured. That's what I'm going to be more slow
Starting point is 01:05:42 and controlled type of movements. And so that helps for me at least dictate the speed. Am I feeling aggressive, strong, and healthy? I'm probably going to slap some weight on, and it's going to get a little more loose. The other way is it's more often how I train them. It would also be ideal to phase it the same way we do all the programs, where you train a phase where everything you lift is this four-second negative, it's very controlled, and you do that consistently throughout all lifts for three to four weeks, and then you move into another phase
Starting point is 01:06:12 where it's now all explosive movements, right? Now I'm gonna be doing everything with momentum through the next three to four weeks. I mean, that's where really the benefit comes from whatever you'd never do is what's best for you. So I always like to pick movements and that's why I give the example of the shoulder press where I also, and I'll teach that explosive because it's kind of one of those common exercises. You see bodybuilders going slow and controlled in only 90 degrees or flip that on set.
Starting point is 01:06:39 You ever taking a single dumbbell row and do a four second negative. You never see guys do that. You see people, when people do dumbbell rows, they rip it up and they just let it fall down. Rip it up, let it fall down. So take a weight that's probably half of what you're used to ripping up, you know, and you, you know, control it, squeeze for one to two seconds, resist it on the way down, concentrate on your lads and go slow tempo. So I like to take exercises that we typically
Starting point is 01:07:06 that gravitate towards one way of tempo or momentum and flip it on its head. Absolutely. Now some exercises though are terrible for speed. Isolation exercises, often like a side lateral. Yeah, cable pushed out. I've seen people do side laterals and turn it into a power exercise.
Starting point is 01:07:24 And if that is side laterally more. You're now doing like a kind of a dumbbell tripe pole or something like that. Totally different. I think it's like a stupid bird. That's what you do. Next question is from Scort Tip. What is your take on rucking or weighted backpack walking?
Starting point is 01:07:39 Have you ever guys ever done a lot of this? No. No one of you? No. Yeah, I've done a lot of the backpacking, heavy backpack, like hiking. Cause you've done some pretty, this doesn't count. You go to school wearing your, your Jansport, bro.
Starting point is 01:07:51 It's not what he's talking about. Ooh, call that with my trapper keeper in there. It's a shit way something, bro. That pre-adjustable bro, and that history, bro. Yeah, you try. It's a history, it was at least 50 pounds of stupid books, I think.
Starting point is 01:08:03 A little lugger out there. Jansport bag does not count, bro. The science is cool book, that he has for the rest of the time. Guys, I love you guys. No, but you've done a lot of backpacking in long life. Backpacking also weighted vest and stuff like that. I used to get really into hiking with a lot of weight or like, so in between that, I would do that with sprinting up hills and so I would do like uphill sprints,
Starting point is 01:08:27 but really for me it was just work capacity. So I was just building that grinding grit that endurance that I could carry on with, you know, with being weighted down and resisting that. So for me, I found a lot of benefit in terms of like game endurance and really like slowly building that volume over time. I've never done anything like this,
Starting point is 01:08:51 but I would like to try it. I like hiking and I like going on long, really, really long hikes and walks with Jessica. And I feel like doing shorter ones with resistance would provide different kinds of potential benefits. Now here's the other side of it though. If you're not good at walking, in other words, if you find, if you find,
Starting point is 01:09:15 if you find the, at the end of an hour and a half hike that your ankle tends to hurt and you got this kind of chronic issue with your ankle, you have this chronic hip issue, that doesn't really stop you from doing your your hikes, but at the end of a one or two hour hike, you notice it kind of acts up. Probably not a good idea to add, you know, weight to that. The now the obvious Application for training like this is for people who plan on going on long hikes. I recently was working with someone who was going to go
Starting point is 01:09:44 I can't where was she gonna go? She was gonna go, I forgot the name of the mountain, but it was one of the more treacherous hikes in the world and she was training for it. And a lot of her training towards, you know, building up to this event was to put, you know, the amount of weight and then a little bit more in her bag that she was going to be carrying on this trip.
Starting point is 01:10:05 So she could get used to walking with it because you're gonna be hiking with 50 pounds on your back. You probably wanna train that way a little bit, I would assume, right? For that carryover. So that's where I see a lot of the, that's where I see it. I see it in hunting a lot now with guys that
Starting point is 01:10:18 actually have backpacks that you could plate load. And so it just, because obviously we make a kill that's like 60, 70, 100 pound animal that you got to like drag back or like put on your back. Like that's pretty grueling work. And you gotta prepare yourself. Well, this is where I see a lot of value in things like weighted vest too.
Starting point is 01:10:38 And I think it's like training for a sport. We talk about this all the time. The best way to train for a sport is to practice your sport. So if you're somebody who's gonna be carrying a backpack for a long period of time or training for a big hike, makes a lot of sense for that person to have a weighted vest or be working out with backpack and doing things like that. If you're not, it's a little ridiculous, I think.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yeah, yeah. Who was it that went on a really long hike once that, was it you, Justin, where you said you were afraid that you guys were getting lost? you had the canoe? Yes, we did that. It was like this, it was boundary waters. And so we did this actually right before football camp, which was a stupid idea. But we went camping and we brought all of our stuff to basically catch fish in the lake. And then we would grill them like on, basically catch fish in the lake and then we'd grill them like in our camp. So that was your food.
Starting point is 01:11:27 So that was your set up, yeah. And then we'd have to portage these canoes everywhere. So there was like all, like, there was like a couple hundred lakes that you could go through and you'd hike through. And then you'd paddle the whole rest of the time. It was just exhausting. It's like all day all night, you're setting up camp, you're breaking it down, you're packing your bags again, you're putting're putting it in the canoe you're doing that then you're taking the canoe
Starting point is 01:11:48 You putting the backpack back on and it just starts all over again some people do that shit for fun I was kind of fun. I was just gonna say I would love for all of us to do backpacking fuck you Really? Yeah, you guys can go on that you could drink right out of the water like you don't the worry I'm all clueless friends are into that shit like that. They like to go get themselves You're other two best friends are about to get into a two-girl I'll leave you fuckers up I'll stick to my fucking bills that mental tough to say I can't live in by the beach. Oh no man
Starting point is 01:12:17 I think hey you know you get the value the value you get at a doing tough shit like that where you disconnect from I got lots of value in my life. I don't do more You don't want too much value. No, I like too much value. No, but I think if you're going to go on one of these trips, then you should definitely train this way. If you're just interested in fitness, is there some value to it?
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yeah, I think there's some value you burn calories, you'll strengthen your back, all that stuff. But again, here's a thing, you better have good hiking and walking mechanics because if you have little nagging aches and pains, this will definitely bring those out. I honestly do feel like it helps with the mental toughness. For sure. It helps with that fortitude, that grit that a lot of people don't have. And it might not translate well to sports like for me,
Starting point is 01:13:07 for football, it is ridiculous. Because you're moving in sprints. You have these bouts that you're moving, basically at a sprint speed, then you stop, and you have all this rest in between. Very different from this. That's totally how I would train specifically for football. But this is something different.
Starting point is 01:13:24 This is like, it just builds that toughness, different from this. That's totally how I would train specifically for football, but this is something different. This is like, you know, it just, it just like builds that toughness, that mindset that I think a lot of people are just weak these days with. No, do you think it helped you guys as mindset? And do you guys think, do you think it helped you guys bond as a team? I think there was that. I think that's the only value. That was the reason I think of it.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Yeah, that's what it was. It was cool to just like have an experience like that with your teammates and it did see. You'd see who was more likely to break and who wasn't and so he could kind of count who he could. Yeah, that revealed itself. Control stress. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Look, go to MindPumpFree.com and download our guides. They're all absolutely free. We have fat lost guides, muscle building guides, guides for personal trainers. There's a lot on there. They're all free. Again, it loss guides, muscle building guides, guides for personal trainers. There's a lot on there. They're all free. Again, it's MindPumpFree.com. You can also find us all on Instagram. You can find Justin at MindPump Justin. You can find me at MindPump Sal and Adam at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body,
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