Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 110: Flexibility & Lifting, Fixing Metabolic Damage, MindPump Supplements & Dream Cars

Episode Date: July 8, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about the importance of flexibility and lifting weights, fixing metabolic damage after years of extreme dieting, MindPump supplements and their dream cars....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Testing testing testing. Listen to this thing one more time. I'm a put my Should do like the most stereotypical. Hey, this is my turn to talk right now fuck all right my bad See you guys it's always trying to fuck up my voice, bro. Hey Yeah, hey, yeah, we always trying to interrupt you. Yeah, the way you know that you never you never get your point across I feel so bad Hey, if you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go So bad for you. This is my he's still trying to be the salt tree is This is Adam Schaefer the fuck nine pump radio. I'm here with Sal to Stefano
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh, bro you lose already you can laugh already do you? You're fucking terrible Adam loves sex with your mom chaperas. Wait listen This is so cute. It sounds like a little girl. He starts giggling just just fucking saying the most awesome shit And you're All right, all right just you should always talk to whispers and fucking dog I feel like I'm being molested stop. That's enough Welcome to mind pump. I'm gonna creepy shit. You know what? We just creeped everybody out Cuz if I fell creeped out, well tell him what we did and I'm used to you guys whispering we were we're trying to see who could who would break first
Starting point is 00:01:28 I was me I was fucking laughing before we fired up 30 seconds, dude. I can't handle it. What are we talking about? It's too funny. We're doing we're answering questions dude. Oh Question it. It's not TNA. It's Q&A Well, question it. It's not TNA. It's Q&A My almost is awesome, but totally not I feel like we came full sir You know what's made maybe this naturally just happens that this is where our listeners are so awesome because for a while They were we were getting nothing Fitness related and all these random stuff and I think go in ebbs and flows It does and so maybe we should I know we tried to fight it,
Starting point is 00:02:05 or Doug was trying to organize last week. Yeah, I think they just did determine it. I think last week there was just a lot of shit on people's mind. They like that little jab at Doug, they were adding slides in there. They're like, you know, Doug's over trying to tell us what to do, but you know, he doesn't have to. He can't do nice.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's a little rare. I was trying to dictate it. Yeah. He puts the dick in the And he does. Yeah, so let's let's kick this motherfucker off. What do we got first? Let's start with Kick out the jam.
Starting point is 00:02:31 The fuck Dang. Big bro. You went far with that. All right, so I'm ready. Let's start with this question is from the Beret Teeter. Beret Teeter. Beret Teeter.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Can you see that fast? It's the Beret Teeter. There's a lot of. There's a lot of tees in there. His question is, his question is on the necessity of flexibility with weightlifting, with working out weights. So I'm gonna, let's see, let me finish here. I'm gonna start with the word necessity.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Hold on a second. So is flexibility important? Yes, is it necessary? No. I provide exhibit A, Adam Schaefer. What a dick. Evidence that it is not necessary at all. Oh yeah, I can't hold it in that screen.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I was gonna go last, but now I have to defend myself to start off and fucking the jab. So Adam puts his shoes on. He like sits on the floor, lays back, puts his foot up, has a long stick with a little hook on it and then ties the shoe because he can't reach his feet. So, um, this is this, this, this, I like this question. It was, I voted on having this question, because, um, here, I think I'm a great example. Before I got into competing, competing. I was very consistent with my flexibility. And I wasn't, I shouldn't say I was a huge stretcher, but what I did do was I incorporated
Starting point is 00:03:58 dynamic flexibility at least once a week in my routine. Oh, no. If I didn't do a full body dynamic flexibility or every workout, I would have at least once a week in my routine. If I didn't do a full body dynamic flexibility or every workout, I would have at least one exercise that was dynamic flexibility. So that's how I always remain flexible. And or if I found myself, let's say I was training in like our phase one, and I fell myself after I get
Starting point is 00:04:22 through phase one, I was just really stiff and tight from lifting a lot of heavy weight. I might take a week of doing nothing but dynamic flexibility and, you know, calisthenics and things like that to really, really work on my flexibility, a lot of foam rolling, getting a lot of massages. So that's nothing to, I used to be very religious about my massage. I used to get massages anywhere between one to three times per week. So things like this were a huge in my flexibility game
Starting point is 00:04:47 Now when I decided to get into competing and became so aesthetic driven I only got so much damn time. So those that haven't figured this out yet. I'm not like your average pro, okay? Majority of these pros that I compete against your average bear. I'm not not at all majority of these pros that I compete against. And your average bear? I'm not at all. These, the average pro that, especially the average successful pro, this is pretty much what he fucking does all the time.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You know what I'm saying? His job is to work out and make videos and most of them are sponsored and they have people that are making the videos for him and doing all this stuff. And they live in the fucking gym. If I was spending two to three hours in the gym every day, I could do both.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I could train for to be a men's physique athlete, and I could also be the super flexible guy and in great overall shape. Unfortunately, I have prioritized my time and training for primarily hypertrophy, for primarily shaping and sculpting my body and not taking care of it. Now, mind you, many times I don't have a choice.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Sometimes I'm in so much pain because I've been neglecting stretching and taking care of myself that I gotta take it out. In fact, shit, just three nights ago, my elbow was in a fucking ice bucket all night long because you get that, right? You get the elbow deal. A lot.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I do have golfers elbow. I do. And a lot of that is. The way I was known as jerkers, though. Yeah, right? And what that is. All the way as known as jerkers. Yeah. Right. And what that is, if you actually like flex or extend your ring finger, you'll feel those muscles that run all the way down to your elbow is what is like overused and gets inflamed
Starting point is 00:06:20 and swollen. And it hurts like a motherfucker. Well, yeah, then you can't pull. You can't pull. Yeah, I actually, I haven't done pull ups in almost two years because of it. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:30 So I think what people need to realize, you know, for some people, flexibility, regular flexibility training is, is this, is probably close and necessary, but flexibility is highly genetic. There's people that never worked out, they'll come into the gym. Yeah. And they're weak,
Starting point is 00:06:45 but they're super flexible and they've never done anything. Because of the position of their joints and other ones. Well, there's the elasticity of their muscles and it's just a lot of it's genetic. For me, I need to do it because I'm naturally tight. But let's also not forget this. Proper resistance training, full range of motion, proper resistance training. It will. It will. It will, it'll maintain a reasonable amount of flexibility for everyday life, but not for like sports and stuff like that, but if you're a gym rat and you want to be buffed in the gym and you do good full range of motion, smart working out and you have a desk job, you'll
Starting point is 00:07:22 probably never have issues with flexibility because full range of motion resistance training, you need to have a certain amount of flexibility to be able to do a full squat. There's a certain level of flexibility. Here's the deal. Okay, this question, if you're just looking at it from the perspective of aesthetic and trying to get hypertrophy out and be as presenting as far as looks wise as you can go. Yeah, it's probably not high in the totem pole. Sports is completely different. I honestly, in order to maintain the types of movement that you're going to produce and get the responsiveness out of the muscle, you need to be able to inflict stability doesn't mean that you're just sitting there and you're holding a stretch, right?
Starting point is 00:08:06 I mean, like Adam said, it's dynamic stretches. It's also, you know, the mouth fascial release. It's all these things that help to inhibit, like, the movement to really help you move properly and, you know, be able to maintain that and for the long periods of all the stress, too. So it's a great combatant to a lot of high intensity workouts and things that you're going through as far as like performance goes.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So yeah, you know, maybe it's like, I know runners that don't stretch at all, right? Yeah. So there's that aspect to it. So you do get, you know, that muscle tension, it's optimal in a specific length. It's not like I'm trying to lengthen that out further and do yoga for what you're doing. There's an optimal enhanced by performance. Yeah. It's maintaining that level of length tension that is optimal. So sports, you really got to focus down what those lengths are. What the main contributors
Starting point is 00:09:02 are focus on those. And then everything else, you do have to lengthen out, you know, in order to allow that to, you know, respond the way you want it to. So it's a little bit different. Give it, give it, give a good, uh, because this, that's a very great point. And I'm trying to think what you're talking right now, a good, uh, example of that with a sport. Well, like hip flexors, for instance, I mean, you know, that's something I'm always stretching, you know, because I'm shortening those out like constantly running
Starting point is 00:09:28 and jumping and responding and moving in different planes and, you know, any time that gets really tight and restrictive, it's going to throw off my lumbopelva hip. I'm not going to be as mobile as I need to be. And so, especially when I was doing a moitier, and I'm trying to like get a specific range of motion out of my leg, impossible if you're not stretching those muscles out, to enhance that range of motion to pick my leg up higher and strike. So it just depends on what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:10:03 What wouldn't you say to a training athletes or training someone for a sport? That's probably the number one probably thing that you address with almost everybody. Wouldn't you say I would think hip flexors are commonly short. It's very common. That's why I brought that up. It's one of my, I think it's a great point. It's another great point is that we sit in our desk, we sit in cars, and you know, our hip flexors are in a contracted position, probably 80% of the time that we're, we're, uh, throughout our day. So I'm sure that's probably something you have to take most of all athletes through. Well, the one thing that I do before every single, uh, full body workout is I foam roll. And I, if I have time, I spend 10 to 15 minutes doing some stretching, but I foam roll before,
Starting point is 00:10:44 before every single workout, just because I like to train heavy, and I like to push myself, and I wanna do everything I can to minimize the risk of injury, because I know if I'm lifting a heavy weight for my body, and I'm a little tight, and for my form off a little bit,
Starting point is 00:11:00 injury potential becomes high. I should say, too, that, because I did say that we're teasing me about not. I should say to that, I did say that, you know, we're teasing me about not. I have to. I squat three times a week. So three times a week, I am foam rolling and stretching my lower half.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I have to. Oh yeah, otherwise you work out, you can't. Yeah, I can't squat. I can't squat properly unless I foam roll and stretch before I do. And it takes me about 10, 15 minutes before. And now, what do you roll? Do you do the typical piriformis, ITR?
Starting point is 00:11:29 My things I roll. So I roll my piriformis, my IT, and my glutes, and my abductors and adductors. So those are my primary focuses on that opens me up. I'll even straddle the foam roller and get my hip flexor a little bit, but most of my stretches that I'll do are targeted towards my hip flexors,
Starting point is 00:11:47 and open my hips up. So then when I do my, so I do foam rolling first, all those areas I just said, and then I'll go through about four different major stretches that will open up my hips. So here's my order. So I always start off like a piriformis,
Starting point is 00:12:01 then I go to, and I do piriformis both sides, I T-band both sides, then I go, Tara's major and minor, so right under the armpit, arm stretched over the foam roller, because I'll do heavy, I'll do a lot of heavy pulling and pull-ups, and that makes a big difference. Then I do the thoracic, where I roll my thoracic spine
Starting point is 00:12:18 over the foam roller, so it's like across my body, my arms are crossed, and I can feel things pop, up and down, it's like a little adjustment. And then I go on, and I can feel things pop up and down. It's like a little adjustment. And then I go on and I do some dynamic quad-hamp hip and then low back twisting stretches. And then I'm done. That's usually a bit warm up.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And it takes me, if I have the time, I take a full 30 minutes. So what I'll do is I'll take my pre-workout at the beginning of that. By the time I'm done with all my foam rolling and stretching, my pre-workout has kicked in and I'm ready to rock and roll. And if, you know, I'm good, but I'll tell you what, man, for the first, you know, throughout my 20s,
Starting point is 00:12:53 a warm up for me was a set with lightweight. Oh yeah, exactly. That was no warm up. I'm done. That was until I was 30. Now it's progressed, right? It starts as the foam roller and then it moves to this harder surface, like a PVC pipe.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And now I'm on to like the lacrosse ball. Oh, I love the lacrosse ball my interior doubt I'm I'm rolling that I'm getting my piriformis like if you sit right on there. Oh my god. It lights it up Oh, yeah, I got one of those Salt my foam roll is a knob is knob to ones. You've done that yet whole Do you ever tell you guys about the time I bought a vibrating foam roller? Yeah, and then it got lost in your butt. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 No, so this is a true story, dude. Crazy. Oh, and that doc and Dr. Mind Pump found it. Yeah. No, no, no, no, this and that. So, take this out. So, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna just put these people on blasts
Starting point is 00:13:39 because I'm still completely irritated about this. So, I went on performbeder.com, which sells normally great personal training equipment. And I needed to buy a foam roller. And I see this one and it says it vibrates and it helps break up adhesion's better. Theoretically it kind of makes sense, right? If you have something that vibrates real hard. Shame on you guys.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Shame on you guys. Well, bro, so it was like a half foam roller and it vibrated. And you look at the picture and it didn't show anything. It just showed the foam roller. It's like the toothbrush that vibrates, bro. Bro, bro. So I buy this fucking thing and when you get it, it's the black, you know the black hard foam rollers,
Starting point is 00:14:11 but it's a half size. On the end of it is like a little white, like sticking out kind of knob that you turn and it makes it vibrate. And it's fucking weak. Like you turn it on and you get on it. Like what a waste of 40 bucks. I know this is gone.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Anyway, I left it in the gym in the corner, and I would just use it as a regular foam run. I never turn on the vibrating park as a bullshit. I'm training a lady, and she's got her son in there. Who's she recognized what it was? Bro, yeah. The three-year-old is playing with the foam roller, because, you know, I don't know if you have ever,
Starting point is 00:14:39 if you have a personal training studio and kids go in there and take a frickin' playland for them. So he's playing with everything. He picks this thing up, and I don't know what he's doing, but he's pulling the knob part of the foam roll, the part that vibrates. And he pulls out. I swear on everything I love. It was a deal, though.
Starting point is 00:14:57 It was a white, you ever remember those old ad commercials in like magazines in the back and it's like an old hard plastic vibrator and the woman's holding it up to her neck. It's like massage my neck. I knew it because you know those old cognito ads where they're selling like it's a it's a neck massage but you know very well it's a fucking vibrator right. That's what was inside. Mommy! No way. I swear it was a hard white tapered at the end, 1960s frickin' vibrator. Well, I mean, what else am I gonna do with it?
Starting point is 00:15:29 So I'm think, you don't wanna put in the landfill. Bro, so I call, I call it perform better. I'm like, I wanna recycling. I'm like, I wanna refund, they're like, why? And I'm like, because you ask, because of your 1930s, dilded. This is what I said, I said, you guys obviously bought a cache of cheap ass vibrators and decided to make
Starting point is 00:15:44 40 bucks off of a piece of shit And stick it in there. I want my money back one of my clients kids pulled out the frickin vibrator And I sent them a picture of it and they refunded me red or I know lady did right away cuz a new bro Take a picture. It's a fucking. Why did you give me a vibrator? I don't want a vibrator I wanted a freaking if I get a vibrator. I'm not gonna get that piece of shit. It's such a great story Well, dude, I mean if they would a to hit it better, you would never know. Bro, embarrassing. So my client's like, why is my,
Starting point is 00:16:08 because she didn't know. So the freaking three year old, the three year old walks in the room and he's holding a vibrator. Oh, dude. And her face dropped. I guarantee, this is what we need to ask women when they come on,
Starting point is 00:16:20 because I guarantee that's happened to more than one, you know, lady. Dude, like their kid has found their little staff But bro the worst part was it wasn't her she knew what had to do with it was either mine or hat was in the gym So he's walking back with his vibrant. She's looking at me like where the hell did he get that? So right what am I gonna you know what I mean? I'm like I swore to God I showed her the I showed the brochure. I put it back inside the formalder show We're totally have to explain your I didn't leave my freaking vibrator here.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Sorry. Oh my god. Dude. Okay. Next question. Next question. Next question. So this is from, let's see, which one should we ask here next? Should we do the fun one? The non-famous order? Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:16:57 This one's from Jay Batatel. He's obviously a tie in my bro. His question is, is it possible to fix metabolic damage from years of basically extreme dieting and improper exercise? Yeah, absolutely. Our metabolism is free flowing, so it's ever changing. It's not like people think that,
Starting point is 00:17:23 oh, I have this slow metabolism. And so let's just use hypothetical numbers. So maybe a slow metabolism only burns a thousand calories a day. Okay, let's say, or 1,500 is probably more realistic. So you know, say, you know, 1,500 calories is your slow metabolism, right? Well, it's not 1,500 calories, or 1,500 calories every single day. You know, one day at 1, another day, it's 312. And it has everything to do with what's going on in your lifestyle, stress, you're working
Starting point is 00:17:49 out like how you eating, you know, all these things play a role. You know, we talk about the large meals you eat, causes thermogenic effect when you consume. We know that when you lift weights, it creates, you know, this anabolic environment, all these things play a role in your metabolism. And so your day to day is always changing. So that being said, this is something that we can manipulate and better. But when you've done damage for a very long time,
Starting point is 00:18:17 you've got to keep in mind that for a long time, you've been fucking it up. So putting together one or two weeks of consistency is not going to be enough to rebound you from a terrible metabolism to roaring metabolism that you can eat anything you want and stay lean. So it takes time. It takes time and it's a slow process of slowly, it's similar to what we're going through right now with, you know, when we get to the next episode, we talked about my reverse diet. I know, I don't know, does this come out first or second? This will come out.
Starting point is 00:18:47 This comes, okay, CUNY. So if you guys will hear the reverse diet thing afterwards that I go through, which is in a sense, and now I don't have a long-term metabolic damage that I've done myself, but I have slowed my metabolism down over the last month and a half, because for four weeks there, I was every single week reducing my caloric intake while I was increasing my expenditure. So I'm pushing the body further, giving it less food, and in turn, fucking
Starting point is 00:19:12 my metabolism up. Now mind you, I only do that for a short period of time and the idea is that I can rebound from that and get myself back up to normal in the next, you know, four to eight weeks and be my normal self. But for somebody who's been damaging it for a long, long, long time, that process is a little bit longer, but it's the same concept of what I go through right now. Well, you can think of it this way. When you think of metabolic damage and repairing it, when we use met, when we say the word metabolism,
Starting point is 00:19:40 I think people start to think immediately, I need to work out real hard, I need to do all these different things to speed up on metabolism. Here's what it really, if you think of start to think immediately, I need to work out real hard, I need to do all these different things to speed up a metabolism. Here's what it really, here's, if you think of it in this term, you'll be more successful, okay? The way you correct metabolic damage, or the way you fix metabolic damage
Starting point is 00:19:55 is by becoming healthy. So your focus should be on your health. Your focus should not be on speeding up a metabolism. Good point. Because I think when people think I need to speed up my metabolism, they think in terms of like, what they're gonna do with their workout. How many meals they can get in.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And that's actually. And that's where that whole thing came from. Yeah. It's six meals. So it's really, it's about, the opposite when you think of it like that. Yeah, it's just get, you gotta become healthy. So internally.
Starting point is 00:20:21 And so that's why I have a whole foods and, right, so focus on you build up your immunity And all that stuff so like I had a client who and I've talked about her before but she's such a great example She had a battle with cancer She won the battle you know did all this chemo Had done this real low dieting, you know low calorie dieting for so long that which came to me You know her metabolism was so slow that anything over 1200 calories she would gain weight
Starting point is 00:20:48 and she couldn't get away with even a day. She would do that for one day and she'd gain weight and she would stay on for weeks. So the key really wasn't about, you know, burning all the calories, it was about making her healthy. And so what was the step process? Well, step number one, without even changing her diet or anything, make her stronger.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Step number two, you know, picking healthier foods, not number one, without even changing her diet or anything, make her stronger. Step number two, picking healthier foods, not changing calories, just healthier foods. Step number three, eliminating food intolerances. Step number four, eliminating artificial sweeteners, which she used to be heavy on, eliminate sugar. So over the course of a year, her metabolism repaired itself, but it's really because she became healthy. And so that's what you got to think about, Jay, whatever your name is.
Starting point is 00:21:28 What you got to think about is, I got to become healthy. So don't worry about losing weight right now. Don't worry about it. That'll happen anyways. That'll happen secondary. I want you to think about how can I make myself healthy? What foods make me healthy? What activities make me healthy? If you think in those terms, you will get there. And it does take time. But if you think in those terms, it's not gonna feel like it's such a long time
Starting point is 00:21:49 as if you were thinking and you just beat it by my tabs and cause then it feels like it's takes forever. Yeah, that's a great point. Yeah, because immediately, metabolism, I tend to think of like some clients that come in, like they have like thyroid, hyperhypothyroidism, and they have like these other ailments that are really disrupting the process for them to have a healthy thriving metabolism.
Starting point is 00:22:14 But yeah, you're right. It's really just about like getting to that point where your body is able to heal itself and recover and produce a higher functioning system. Yeah. When you meet someone who has metabolic damage, they will typically have low energy, sleeping patterns disrupted. Sometimes they'll have emotional or issues due to the changes
Starting point is 00:22:35 in their hormones or chemicals because of the metabolic damage, low energy, issues with food that they're completely unaware of. It's funny because I'll take out a food, I'll correct someone's food intolerance and all of a sudden they'll be like, I don't realize how gassy I used to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Something like, I didn't realize I used to have gas all the time. I thought that was just the way I was, but it was because I had this food intolerance. And once I eliminated that now, or the fact that you're eating so much, you're eating in this surplus constantly. We talked about that because it's like, if you've never done it where you've consistently stayed
Starting point is 00:23:07 in the deficit, you don't know the difference. You don't know. Yeah, right. So that's a very good, no, that's a great point. And very similar, I mean, I also, you know, none of us touched on cardio and stuff, but it piggybacks off of what the great point that Sal brought up is that it's just about being healthier.
Starting point is 00:23:21 The first thing I do with someone like this, I get clients like this a lot actually, just because I deal with competitors and things like that. Well, I think probably more than anything, we get clients that have been with other trainers and they finally come to us and it's like, they've been fucked up. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:33 So, I actually, the first thing I do is cut cardio out and that's they normally freak out. And they're like, what? I'm like a hundred pounds overweight and you want to stop doing all this crazy cardio. I was doing it, I'm like, yeah. Cause that just goes a show that it's not about something you can work your way out of.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Having metaball damage, not something you can do. That's why I wanted to say health because people kind of worked out of it. That's why I was such a, it was great that you said that following after what I was talking about, because that was a much better way to say that is that, cause when you sort of listen to steps off,
Starting point is 00:24:00 I'm like, that's exactly what I do. You know, it's exactly what I do. It was like shut down everything that's crazy that they're doing, you know, that's exactly what I do. It's exactly what I do is like shut down everything that's crazy that they're doing, as far as extremes of anything. And cardio for sure is normally one of those things that someone who's really overweight has been trying to pound away at to fix and say,
Starting point is 00:24:14 listen, we're gonna do this all healthy and nutritionally first. Let's get you balanced out. And then our goal is like 30 days from now to be doing zero cardio and you not put any weight on and you're eating just as much food if not more food and just like you said. And that's a victory. Yeah, that's huge victory. You know, and we're already on our way of heading back to fixing this metabolism. You know, so another another symptom that you'll see and I see this more with women than men is they have very wide fluctuations in water retention. Yes. That's a great sign that, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:44 we've had some metabolic damage. You know, where someone will come to me and be like, I don't know why I'll just gain five pounds and then it goes away and nothing changes. And it's like, okay, we're dealing with some issues here. And in order to fix that, we gotta get healthy. You can't just burn the shit out of your body and think that that's gonna fix,
Starting point is 00:24:57 it won't, it'll get worse. You gotta remember that when you're in that low and you're pushing the body, our body's a very smart. And it's what you're when you're when you're in that low and you're pushing the body, our bodies are very smart. And it's what you're doing to that is when you're working out, it's a stress, right? We're putting stress, you know, short term stress on our body.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So if you're putting this short term stress on your body, what makes the body adapt and do things is to try and figure that out, to counter it, to try and to become efficient. You know, and if you're not giving it very much nutrients and you're pushing it really hard, it tries to learn how to be efficient off of nothing. You're trying to stay alive. Yeah, it's trying to survive. It's like, okay, she's sheer.
Starting point is 00:25:32 He is not giving me shit nutritionally and is pounding my body every day. Okay, we have to learn to become efficient at only getting this much. And that's why you're shooting yourself in the foot. So, great point. So, brings up and just, and I think that's a great answer to yourself in the foot. So, you know, great point, so I'll bring this up and Justin, I think that was a great answer to that. Hopefully that helps out. If you're not tuning in and listening to their verse,
Starting point is 00:25:50 Diet Part, and follow me on Periscope, you know, these are things that I'm talking about right now because I'm kind of coming through that. Obviously not as extreme to somebody who's been damaged for a long, long time, but, you know, it's a similar concept. All right, so next question is from Mitchell Cochrane. And- Or as we like to call him Mitchell Cochrane.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Cochrane. His question. That would be awesome. By the way, you might be wondering why we sound so awesome right now. Doug just upgraded our, some of our equipment a little bit. Sounds great. I don't know if they hear us better.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Oh, he's a fantastic. They can't tell. They can't, you're- We can tell. You're an idiot. Oh, never mind. You might be wondering why I said that. Well, you know what, maybe they have upgraded
Starting point is 00:26:27 and all bought beats. Just phones with the weekend or something. It just means you could hear yourself. Oh, wow. Now I look like an asshole again. All right, so, awesome. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:39 All right, so Mitchell Cochering wants to know, when is mind pump gonna come out with supplements? Well, here's a deal. We have too much shit to deal. Here's a deal You guys know you guys listen to us and you know that what our feelings are on most supplements So here's the problem if we come out with a supplement number one. It's not gonna be bullshit So that means it's gonna take a lot longer because we could just come out with some shit and just throw stuff together and that's what we've cornered ourselves. Yeah. And put it. We're fucked. Gosh, damn it. We could throw a shitload of steamy lints and something and trust me, I know how
Starting point is 00:27:16 to put chemicals together, legal chemicals. I know. I know. And we'll sell some. I've had some of his. They're crazy. Yeah. You don't, it's number one, it won't be bullshit. Number two, we want to be very closely tied to the quality control. We do not want to sell something that we think has something in it and then find out later that our reputation is ruined because, you know, it's processed in China and there's lead in there
Starting point is 00:27:41 and now people are whatever, or it doesn't have any active ingredient or, you know, stuff like that. So we have to be behind it 100% it has to work and lastly, I'm not going to sell you something that's already out there. We want to sell you something different. If we're going to sell you a supplement, there's going to be something in it in combination with something else that's good that we feel is revolutionary.
Starting point is 00:28:02 That's not true. Why not? That's not true. I would still sell you a brand, what I think is one of the purest best brands or branch chain amino acids or creatine or things that are already proven that are great for a brand. But we're gonna do it. I mean, why have our mind-puppers go somewhere
Starting point is 00:28:20 and order their shit somewhere else when they can get something that's... But here's what I'm saying. If we do it that way, it's gonna have something else and that makes it more effective. Or that's not our first supplement. That's the first thing we come out with. We're like, hey, here's Brent Schiemann-Lassitz.
Starting point is 00:28:33 We might come out with a recovery matrix. I'm just throwing this out there. I don't think, I don't think Sal should say anything for sure because we don't know. We don't. Because there is a very good check. Looks like Brains, the whole right now. Yeah, we are. Well, I mean, that's what we're about. brain. Yeah, there's yeah, we are well
Starting point is 00:28:45 I mean, that's what we're about We're including we're including they have a real yeah, so and I'm about to debate him here on this because I don't think That's true. I think there is a chance that we may come across a supplement company who has a very good protein powder or Great branch, you know, amino acid that we are firm believers in we can we can be close to what they're doing and then we would Support it and put it out there. Now, would we love to come out with, putting our pre-workout together of all the wrong grievances that we actually utilize
Starting point is 00:29:12 and brand and get as mind pumps pre-workout and then selling that to everybody? Yes. Yes, that would be awesome. Will that happen first? A salting so, I don't think so. That would be really nice. Well, I think there's more likely a chance
Starting point is 00:29:24 that because just because our apartment is supplement company come out we partner with that. No, no, no, no, yeah, but we would you can't you can't tell me we wouldn't be part of. I'm not saying that. The quality you just you just made it sound like we're not going to fucking come out with something unless it's the fucking most original supplement ever first. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I mean, there's the chance that I'm hard to impress. I mean, I'm it's going gonna be very difficult for me to push anything I know doesn't give me and I believe that I believe that it's something that we would we would keep our integrity about a hundred percent I just think that right now our primary focus is on upgrading this forum Getting the books out that we're trying to finish the content for providing an even better service virtually online for our people So they feel like they get these fucking top notch trainers that they feel like they're getting trained by us for virtually nothing. That to me is my number one goal and focus for Mind Pump and what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And I feel like that's all of ours. The supplement thing I think is coming. And I think that, you know, there's a very good chance that we can either one align with the company that if you guys don't know this we've had several companies come after us and are and we don't talk about this on mine pump because I kind of shot myself in the foot as a as Instagram guy because I used to get these guys all time too and I talk so much shit about supplements nobody wanted to talk to a city. Well, here's the thing. So here's the thing of these supplement and we don't want to put in a plane hard to get. We don't want to put anybody on we don't want to put anybody on blast, okay? But a supplement company will come at us and they'll say, you know, we got these supplements,
Starting point is 00:30:48 promotum, we'll give you this percentage, whatever, and the ender good deals. Here's the problem though. If I look at their protein powder and it's flavored by sucralose, or if I look at their product and it's something that I wouldn't take myself, we're not gonna sell it, number one, number two,
Starting point is 00:31:01 we've already talked shit about it. So, it ain't gonna work. So, I mean, say what you will when we come out with our, so basically in a nutshell, when we come out with our product, we're gonna believe in it. I mean, that's in a nutshell, what does that say? Yeah, when it's our product, when it's fucking labeled with our mind pump on it, I agree with you, but I still, like, I'm a firm believer, there's some companies out there that I like a lot of their stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Do I agree with all their stuff? No. You know, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't represent like, hey's some of them coming out there that I like a lot of their stuff. Do I agree with all their stuff? No. You know, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't represent like, hey, they have this, this, this, and this. I firmly, you, But they would have to impress us. Yeah, of course, you know, obviously we're, we're, we're a little bees matches like that
Starting point is 00:31:37 that we have these super high standards. We have these ultra high standards like we're a bunch of fucking snobby bitches. If we won't just let anybody in, like, you know, we're not gonna let Trent come in here and fucking partner up with us, or anything. So, but I mean, I think it's important that our listeners know that that 100% this is a direction we're going. I hope you guys appreciate, though, that our first focus is on everything.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I feel like right now you guys can get out there and get supplements and you and utilize the information we're giving you. And even though we would love For all they get traffic from us and to help us grow this Right now we have the tools and the ability to start to continue to produce great content for you guys and give you guys more access to us Then that what we're already doing. Well, hey, what's what I want to see a lot of people look if you're listening right now and you're a supplement company and You want to produce the supplement you want to put it together. And you want, but we can put our input into it and we can look at the quality and test
Starting point is 00:32:33 it with a third party. And that's all cool. Then hit us up. We're interested. Otherwise, if you already have a supplement and it's got anything in there that we've already talked about or we don't agree with or it's against our philosophy. You know, we're not for sale like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:48 We're just not. We're not, we're not hookers in that way. In other ways, Justin's a hooker. I hook on the weekends. He hooks on the weekends. They offer me a lot of money. I wear a lot of money. I might have to say yes, probably.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I would just tell you guys, I just keep it real. But hey, bro, we're gonna pay like a motherfucker right now. So even though we don't, even though we don't believe in these substances, they're saying, we're gonna sell them like we do. Because I'm getting paid like a motherfucker right now. Do you guys remember back in the day, do you guys remember a fuck what was it called? Ultimate Orange?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Ultimate Orange? You guys remember that age in orange? God damn, see, you guys weren't into supplements as early as I was. I was early, this is just your age right here that you got a couple of years on us because I was taking the pinnacle One year older than you
Starting point is 00:33:29 Look at decade I'm a decade I'm 27 You were born 81 yeah, I'm 79 bro. We're basically the same 80s. It's a long time I told you I was the penis a lot of, it's. You're in 1980? Yeah. You had the most wrinkled dick though. Wow. Hey, a lot of chicken. It's the cutest. A lot of chicken happened in two years.
Starting point is 00:33:50 A lot of chicken happened in two years. So listen, ultimate orange was a supplement. It was Dan DuCane. You guys don't know who he is either because whatever. He wrote the ultimate guide. It was like the steroid Bible, anything. Anyway, controversial figure. He made this supplement called ultimate orange. and when it first came out with it,
Starting point is 00:34:07 people were getting crazy gains off of it. And so everybody started buying it, and all of a sudden nobody made gains anymore. And there was this big thing like it used to have steroids, because it's not regulated. So they used to say that he used to put steroids in them. People were taking it and getting it all out. It was worth it, I mean, he wants them to succeed.
Starting point is 00:34:24 That's the rumor. That's it to succeed. Those are the rumors. I don't know. That's the game still. Still to this day, that is the game right now. Now, there's a, you can actually look up the all the list of band steroids, right? And it's crazy because what most these big companies do is they just, they find that list, and let's just say, all the tweaking a little bit. All they do is change one little thing in the chemical makeup of that,
Starting point is 00:34:49 that, that, that, that, you know, synthetic drug. All they have to do is change one little thing and it's no longer listed on the band. It was, and then they run at it. They sell a fucking bajillion of them because everyone's getting these great results from this almost test, test, testosterone supplement. And then what happens is the FDA gets a hole over, they figure it out, then they shut it down. But it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Because by then that company made $10 million of everybody. So it's a brilliant strategy. Yeah, Gus Barry used to sell, I think it was, was it Halladrol, which was the steroid? Yeah. I mean, it really was. I mean, it made a lot of money off it.
Starting point is 00:35:20 All right, next question. From Matt Star 15. What is our dream car? Cool question. Do we have to have one? I know. Yeah, it depends on what I'm using it for. Oh, since I could give a shit, I'll go first,
Starting point is 00:35:33 because I'm gonna be quick. I don't. Since you drive a jet, I want you to tell everybody. I don't really care. I don't really care about cars. I could make a billion dollars tomorrow, and I'll probably not give a shit. My favorite car of all time.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I just want to tow you to pick pick up truck and I loved it. Come on, bro. Bro, I could get a car left. He does this every other episode. Every other episode, he has a terrible fucking answer. He always comes out of trouble. At least say it was the Toyota truck from back to the future. That was a lift in.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Yeah, right, right. You know, make it somewhat sexy. I just cars just don't, I mean, I think they're cool when I look at them. Cars are fucking sexy and awesome. Muscle cars, I really love muscle cars. Would I ever own one? Probably not, because I don't know how to fix anything
Starting point is 00:36:13 in the car and I don't really care. I mean, you know, and you know what's funny? You can fucking make all the faces you want over there at them. In 20 years, bro, no one's gonna own a car anyway, bro. It's all gonna be fucking electric. You're gonna get on a phone with an app on your phone. They're gonna pick you up and drop you off.
Starting point is 00:36:29 And we're gonna own it. And even more of a reason why to have one because it'll be instant classic. It'll be worth fucking 10 times the value because no one has one anymore. Dude that is so, I don't know how to write a horse. There's nothing better than fucking, can you reach over and punch him in the cock?
Starting point is 00:36:41 You're close. P out! Punches ass in the cock. Popped his ball set. Hey Matt, it's cool. God, thank God. Yeah, I miss a violent. Can you reach over and punch him in the cock? You're close. P out! Punches ass in the cock. Popped his ball sack. Hey Matt, it's close. God! Thank God.
Starting point is 00:36:49 That's so violent. Thank God there's two other guys on here that are fucking normal men, bro. Holy shit. Holy shit. I'm in a fucking horse power. Meanwhile, you, meanwhile, Adam's, Adam's, Adam's, and I'm out of exhaust is like my cologne. Meanwhile, he's got fucking, uh, bright orange Daisy Dukes on and shaved legs,
Starting point is 00:37:03 sticking out. He wants his, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can write orange Daisy Dukes on and shaved legs, sticking out. He wants his to stare at his day every time. I can't even call him. Bro, I'm like right across and it's like, I'm normal guy, go ahead. Caution sign, caution sign. Yeah, pull your shorts out, bro. So I can see your freaking caution cone.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Quit staring at my cock, bro. Bro, it's all my foot. How can I not? Go ahead, Justin. Why don't you share, why don't you share with Matt? Dude, you're doing some dream cars, Justin. Why don't you share with Matt. Dude, you're doing some dream cars, bro. Well, like I've already mentioned that I'm into the classic car genre, but I mean, that's just one element, right?
Starting point is 00:37:35 Like I would love, besides my truck, I love the big boxy, like old school, like the 50s, you know, generation Chevy's. My dad has a 56-bell air, like I like the 57, like the 50s, you know, generation Chevy's. My dad has a 56-bell air, and like I like the 57, the 55. I would like a 55, like fucking with Mickey Thompson, fat fucking tires in the back. That's all hot-rotted out. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Oh, what is it? We have cubic inch wise now. They have like a 5-0-2 or something like that. Like a boyfriend motor. Yeah, you gotta fucking. Speaking Chinese. Awesome. You must be speaking Chinese right?
Starting point is 00:38:08 Dude, the torque in that is insane. Anyway, I like drag racing. I mean, if anything, actually, I would not mind owning like a funny car and just fucking tearing ass down the quarter mile. It's just like I do in the bedroom. Troll! Yeah! Is that what you call it? You're a funny car? down the quarter mile. It's just like I do in the bedroom. Trow! Is that what you call it?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Your funny car? Yeah, it's a funny car. So it makes all faces. I don't want to interrupt you. Confac- Confac- That's my one car though. I'm just warming up.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I just say, you gotta go with one dude. No, no, you can't just have one bro. No, because the thing is, I used to, in college, one of my side jobs was a valet, and I used to drive like just what like ridiculous cars, like I drove like a Lambo, I drove a bunch of Porsche's 911s. I really liked the 911s, which I mean, I'm not really into this style of it's a little kind of a cutesy for me, but it's so the way it handles. That's one of the best cars. Change my whole mind.
Starting point is 00:39:07 It like, there's this one, there was this one hairpin turn where all the values, this one you were about laying. Yeah, all the values, we drive it to this fire road, and then we would flip this fucking fish tail, just right around the side, and then you would know based off of like, you know, the handling on that turn, like which ones were legit.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And the Porsche I could never get to slide. Oh wow. It would handle so awesome, did it was ridiculous. Great car. Yeah, but I think it's very responsible. Yeah, I totally fished to a couple of those like, Mazarati's and things. That's every guy who has a nice car.
Starting point is 00:39:41 It was a, guess what nightmare? Guess what? We do that. Yeah. Valais do that. Yeah. They do. So, you know, mind your parking next time.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Anyway, you won't do that to my Toyota P.M. It's just a car. I don't even step in that. It's not like Farts and, you know, old garbage. That's all I can picture in it. Farts and old. Bro, I didn't have, like, I didn't just lay ass in there and put freaking garbage of it.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Well, what else you do? It's like, it's like, it's like, so who cares, you know? No, man, it lasts forever. Oh, I'm gonna go to the dump. Good gas, my gosh. I just put some shit in the back and, you know. That's it, you guys are officially don't want to be my friend.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Listen, anyway, go ahead Adam. I honestly, like, for a fast car, yeah, I might actually pick a 911 Porsche, like a suit up one or... And then the 55 bell area. Yeah. Actually, I like Cobras, dude. My cousin has one in Ireland and it was AC Cobras
Starting point is 00:40:41 so it was on the right hand drive. Let me drive it. Is that weird doing that? Oh, it was really weird. I totally fucked up, but he did the same thing. When he was out here, he drove my truck in the wrong lane. And he was like dragging it, and we were laying rubber all the way down.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Yeah, this strip. And then a car, we were almost like a head-on collision, because he forgot to stay in the right lane. So yeah, it was crazy. So I'm a huge car fanatic. I love cars. And my theory on cars to blow south, stupid theory out the water,
Starting point is 00:41:18 is that your car is stupid theory. Your car is one of those things just like your bed in your room, which is another thing I highly recommend spending good money on is these are two things that we spend the majority our fucking lives in You know you drive around a car a lot You know even if you're lucky enough to have a job close by you're in a car a lot of your life Same thing goes for the bed and And so these type of things, I find, this is where I like to spend my money. So people could talk shit all day long
Starting point is 00:41:51 that I have three cars and I like to rotate them all and stuff. And I'm lucky enough to drive one of my dream cars. So my dream car growing up, and I have. And like I said, I love looking at, and I think muscle cars are, and the one that you have, your Camaro, is one of my ultimate favorites, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I wouldn't buy it for myself just cause I don't give a shit, but I totally appreciate it. And I'll admit the hard part about it, which is what you mentioned, cause I'm not a gear head. I don't, as much as I'm in the cars, I love cars. It's not one of the things that my past times, where I wrench away at one,
Starting point is 00:42:23 like I literally don't know shit about them for the most part as far as getting into fixing and working on my know my cars. So I have a 1968 Camaro SS and it's it's show ready. So it's all the interior inside is already done and it's it's it's a sexy. It's kept to original. Got my panties wet. Yeah, what you know and I was kind of cool is actually that my other dream car Was own with this face from the Niners Bowman Navarro Bowman owns my my dream car luxury car and we took I took my Camaro out and he took his Phantom out, so I'm a love of the fandom's role's Royce is a fucking. Did you get to go in it?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Yeah. No, he actually, I didn't get it. I actually didn't get to drive it. But he offered to let me borrow it. If I let him switch and let him borrow the Camaro. So which I'm a little bit great idea considering his car's worth more than my car is. But still, you know, he's gonna hammer your family. Yeah, baby. And you could go buy phantom anywhere, you know, it's
Starting point is 00:43:26 expensive as they are. You go buy it anywhere. You can't find a 19 68 SS that looks just like mine. It's right. You know, that would take years plus the kind of car that if you borrow it, you're gonna just, you're gonna grind. Oh, yeah, and it just can't, I mean, I know my car all the ins and outs. So I know it's limits in what I can do to it before shit starts falling apart. You know, that's the bad part about having a classic in the matter how bad acid is and how bad acid's put together. Those big ass engines. So I have a 383 stroke or everything's beefed in it.
Starting point is 00:43:52 So everything's beefed up. The thing pushes probably, I haven't di-note it, but it's probably running between 4, 15, 500 horses. And if you've never driven four or 500 horses on an old school, it is a lot different than getting in like a Mercedes that has 500 horses and driving it that you could drive with one finger. When you get on it, you feel every bit of the power. So my 68 SS as much of a headache as it is to maintain and keep up. Absolutely love it. It's, it was one of the best decisions I ever did because I almost bought one of my other dream cars, which I'm a huge luxury car guy. I love the Mercedes XS 65,
Starting point is 00:44:33 which is the biggest bossiest Mercedes they make, which that fucker has a V12 and it gets on it. Dude, is that the one with the wing doors? No, that's there. So that's their sport version, their sport car, which has the same engine in it, but it's not the big, so this is the, that engine inside of the,
Starting point is 00:44:51 their luxury car, so it's, you know, you could sit in the back seat and stretch your legs out completely, it's their big body. So it gets up on it, obviously, the sport car is, you know, which is the McLaren, that's what it is, right? Mercedes McLaren, is that what I believe it is? I'm not really a fan of actually that car.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I think it's kind of different looking. That's a whole nother car. But anyways, I didn't buy the Mercedes because at one point in my life I decided, and this is the part where I understand so, I've spent that kind of, it's a lot of money for a nice car like that. Those things depreciate really fast.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And why I was so sold on this classic car and going that route is, I was like, you know what, if you don't know this, like if you get a rare car or a good, a very good classic that's taking well-taking care of and a lot of stuff on an original, they typically go up and go up and go up and go. Yeah, between 6 to 8%. Every time one gets wrecked off the road, they don go up and go up between six to eight percent. Every time one gets
Starting point is 00:45:45 re-rect off the road, they don't make them again. So the value continues to increase as time goes by. So the way I looked at it, I was like, okay, I can have an informed increases. Yes. And so I thought to myself, okay, I could have this badass whip that I don't get a chance to drive as much as it is comfortable, probably, as this sick ass Mercedes would be, but in five years, it'll be worth double what the Mercedes is worth, and it'll just continue to go up. And it was the best thing I ever did,
Starting point is 00:46:15 because I tell you what, like I said, when I was down there with Bowman and his Rolls Royce Phantom is fucking dope. Not only is it already a badass car, but then of course, he has it all blacked out and custom and it's so clean. So it's sick. And we had them both parked next to each other
Starting point is 00:46:33 and there's nothing cooler than getting out of the car together and people stopping to take pictures of my Camaro and walking right past the rules for I said. So that's how bad ass that car is. You know, it's cool to drive it down places and it's a neck breaker. I've had many, especially old guys. Old guys follow me to gas stations all the time.
Starting point is 00:46:50 The first, when I first got it, I was tripping out. I was just like, what the fuck is this dude telling me for? And he was just waiting for me to pull over or stop somewhere so he could finally catch up to me and be like, that's so bad ass. Can I see under the hood and this and that. And then you pop the hood and the hoods. That's the best part of the car when I pop the hood.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Yeah, it's an instant bond, dude. I would get the same thing with with my 56 Pickup did when it was running it was like dude and everybody lets you in oh, you know, because people want to look at it Yeah, yeah, they're just rare right? You're not cool. Yeah, cuz you don't see them on the road Yeah, yeah, so and then I'm also like Justin I love the Porsche 911. I also, I love, uh, and you get flashed. I'm, I can't be right. I am a Ferrari guy too. So the Ferrari in those of fucking bad. Yeah. That's a bad whip right there. So, uh, but I
Starting point is 00:47:38 love cars, man. I absolutely, I'm into M5s. I'm into all, I mean, I like to drive different cars. I love, if I was filthy rich, I would have a house large enough to have probably eight to 10 car garage and I'd have a different car for every single day plus a couple like classics that I rarely drove. That's how much I love cars. I like to drive a different car every single day. Awesome. Cars, man. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:48:09 We just gave each other a backbone. Yeah, yeah, maybe next week you could ask a question that's how. Yes. Like I said, man, exhaust is my cologne. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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