Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 117: Improving Power Cleans, How to Thicken Your Back, Gym Fights & More

Episode Date: July 22, 2015

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin tackle your question on how vegetarians can make gains, how to improve power cleans, how to thicken your back, their definition of natural and gym fights....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys, we have a lot of trainers that listen to us and they ask us all the time. You know, how can it become a successful trainer? What should I do? Should I work for someone else or work for myself? Or is it good spot to start at? Where's a good spot? Yeah, I get that a lot.
Starting point is 00:00:14 And I'll tell you something, you guys know this. If you can find a good gym to be your own trainer to work for yourself somewhere where you can pay a fee and then run your own business, that's ideal. Develop your own clientele. Yeah. That's ideal and we wanted to give a shout out to Justin's gym because this place is sick, right? I mean, yeah, it's great. And I obviously wouldn't promote it unless I wasn't happy. And it's one of the only gyms that, and I've actually been to quite a few gyms here in the Silicon Valley and nowhere else have I found an owner who actually like is pretty involved in listens to trainers and their
Starting point is 00:00:53 needs and like equipment and just trying to make the overall vibe and environment work best for, you know, trainers and their clients. Now, what's cool right now too is I know that Greg has got, I think he has a couple openings right now because one of the hardest things about your gym is getting into there and being a trainer there because it's all these top notch trainers that are all working together.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Exactly. Which creates this crazy culture amongst these guys. Every time I go in there, I'm like, always wowed by a trainer the way he's training a client or the technical stuff that they're teaching their clients. I'm like, whated by you know a trainer the way he's training a client or the technical stuff that they're teaching their clients I'm like what a great Atmosphere to foster all these great trainers and it's very rare that he has spots open I believe you have does he yeah, there's a few spots open and that's why I wanted to mention it over the air for you
Starting point is 00:01:38 Trainers here in the Silicon Valley. It's a great opportunity for you jump on it because yeah like Adam said It's been really packed and busy. And like I've had friends actually that I've been in the business with for a long time that wanted to train there. And at that time, there was nothing available. So it's a good time. You guys should check it out. They're now, how is it equipped?
Starting point is 00:01:57 How is it Jim? Cause I've seen pictures when you guys have done your video. Like, all kinds of things. It looks like it's sick. I mean, you got a track for pulling shit and pushing sleds, right? You got peg boards, you got rope climbing shit, you got everything, you got a bod pod in there
Starting point is 00:02:11 for body fat testing. Yeah, they just got a bod pod in there. So all rubber plates, right? So you could just platforms, you all look good. All you can do, Olympic lifts. I mean, really, it's just a great vibe. So, you know, whatever you're into, I don't know a lot of people that listen to us, hopefully's just a great vibe. So, you know, whatever you're into, I don't know a lot of people that listen to us,
Starting point is 00:02:26 hopefully you're a smart trainer. And, if you're not, it's a good place to get smart. You definitely could get smart there. I would say that this is probably like the place, you know, for you to go to be around other like-minded. So, if someone's interested in going there, where do they look you up?
Starting point is 00:02:43 What's the address? Tell us, I mean, what is it? It's in Campbell, it's 5294manDrive. And you can check them out at norcalf.com or you could also even call, I think Mike, his son is also the manager there. And he'll answer it, it's 888-523-6724. Well, don't forget to mention,
Starting point is 00:03:07 it's located in a great area. The average trainer there probably is able to charge. I would say between 20 to 30% more than most trainers in other gyms around. Right, okay. So you can make a lot of good money there. NorCal Fitness is the name? NorCal Functional Fitness.
Starting point is 00:03:23 NorCal Functional Fitness. NorCal Functional Fitness. NorCal Functional Fitness. NorCal Functional Fitness. Check them out. And yeah, make sure you mention Mind Pump too, just to make sure they know that you're one of our people. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I have a science question for you. I was just thinking about this the other day. I was watching somebody work out and I was noticing the facial expressions and the grunts and everything that this female was making when she was working out. And is there a direct correlation in the way we, like the exert energy, exert energy in the bedroom? Yes the exert energy in the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yes, in relation to the bedroom. Yeah, working out. I think it's exactly the same too. Yeah, at least in my experience. In my experience. Oh, yeah, same face. Well, you get it in that way. Well, dude, because it's a buildup of intensity, right?
Starting point is 00:04:20 So you see the same progression in the workout where they're lifting, you know, the weights get a little heavier, a little more challenging You know, it's you're trying a new position in the bedroom, you know, you can pound in a way. Oh, you don't you don't think so Bro just right now make the face that you make when you're having sex just make it right now Like like when you're doing it. I can't know if buy your lip. You're weird. I guarantee it. I get angry. I get angry in the in the sack. You don't. Yeah. See, if you did say if I made sex faces while working out, it would be good. It would be good. It would be weird. No, I mean, when you're not when you're working out, just working out, when you're when you're your max, when you're hitting your max, like I like to go back and look at that Little Deadlift that you just did I hope I don't listen to it like that. I think yeah, I think you did
Starting point is 00:05:09 freeze frame yeah, you know about this like and then my grand at the end. Yeah, it's like he's having a stroke Listen, it doesn't last very long But it's all out like when it's coming out in my's all out. In my experience, the women that I've seen trained in the, you know, they've changed my gender. The way they, the sounds they make when they are at like max rep or exerting themselves is pretty stemmed somewhere or south. So somewhere that I was actually looking for you, that there was some sort of scientific correlation.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Well, I think that that does happen, but they already know, like they're showing it off. Oh, they want you to know that that's what they're like. Oh, no, there's a theory. There's a theory. My girl would probably agree with that one, too. And then, ah! Yeah, it's none of no see.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I've never, no. And we're like, well, this is awkward. We talked about this. Women have done that to us. Okay, you could be right here. Have you guys ever heard of where I was getting jet, I didn't even know it. Have you guys ever heard of a woman saying,
Starting point is 00:06:10 this actually happened to me? I've had Sith Lord. I've had clients say this to me and and convert you to dark side. What are we talking about? That's what you take. When you think this star wars analogy too far right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And only if you were like a diar, did you get that right there? And I was like, what the fuck did Justin just say? Have you guys heard of the term? You're going down the rabbit. Have you heard of the term coregasm? Coregasm. Coregasm.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So this is real. This is for real. Apparently certain exercises make some women feel like they're gonna orgasm. Yeah. I am not making you have. You heard this. No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I'm just saying. Well, I mean, okay, so I've never heard that. You know, there's cagol exercises where a woman is concentrated on tensing and contracting orgas, and though, why couldn't it? I mean, it just tightens it up. I don't know, how much do you know about the female?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Here's what I know. When we went to like, you know, the first time my wife was pregnant, we went to one of those stupid, can I just say really stupid? It was like, one of these like, earthy sort of, hey, let's get prepared for your child. And we're like, we wanted to do that because my wife used to very clinical setting, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:18 she works in the hospital and like, it's like, okay, I wanna go a little adventurous and do something a little more, I'll turn it in. The old thing, hippie. Yeah. And so, oh my God, okay, I want to go a little adventurous and do something a little more like, I'll turn it in the room. Yeah. And so, oh my god, this is so funny. We were like sitting in the back and there's all these like real grainy, you know, smelly, earthy people in there.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And we're watching this video and it's this lady in this hot tub and she's like giving a natural birth. And she's just like, you know, she starts groaning like that. And she's like, oh, oh, and then she just starts enjoying it all of a sudden. She was like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, and like the whole, it was called the orgasmic birth. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And I was like, fuck out of here. And me and my wife both were like, you are so full of shit. Like, we couldn't believe it. This lady was just really getting into it. Just, Adam understands, because he's been told many times that he's hung like a seven month old, you know. I see. You know, 25 pounds.
Starting point is 00:08:16 There's serious girth there, that's for sure. I'm like, that's not giving him an out. So, I've heard of this, I've heard of this. And what they do is they try to mentally convert the pain into pleasure. Right. Yeah, there's some sort of mechanism that they can control, which, I don't know about you,
Starting point is 00:08:32 but next time I hurt my knee, I'm gonna be like, you know, picture getting, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hello, job. I hurt my back from, yeah, whatever. I tore my ACL, oh, wait, no, convert it. Are we, are we, are we gonna do a question and answer today? Is that what we're probably not talking about? Yeah, I think we're supposed to win a lot of questions.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Let's try to get to it. I feel an atom after your, your extra large, was that Chalk peanut butter mood? I just had a John but you said I heard you slurping all over. I have, I just sucked that sucker down. I can probably two minutes right there. I haven't had one of those in a couple of years. That was quite the treat.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I was quite the treat right there. Bro,'t had one of those in a couple of years. That was quite the treat. That was quite the treat right there. Bro, you're about to get sleepy. Oh, I'm a very happy fat kid right now. I feel really good right now. Yeah, we should we answer some questions? Yeah, if I'm not falling asleep over here. All right, let's do it. So, first question is from Fit Chris 86.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Oh, I picked that one. His question is, What's the problem with that? The boring question, is that yours? No, that's not. That's not, that's not. I gave that one. Why is that a boring question? Oh, pick that one. His question is, What's wrong with that? The boring question, is that yours? The course in sour, sour gave that one. Why is that a boring question? Oh, go ahead. The question is how do vegetarians make gains?
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's boring. What is that boring? What is that boring? I agree. Is this a boring question? Answer it, answer it then, exciting man. I mean, what do you mean? They make it the same way that people
Starting point is 00:09:42 that are non-vegetarians make it. They just, they have a little bit more of a challenge because they're not, protein is a little bit harder to come by than somebody who gets to eat me. Well, this is important to say. Well, I know, but it's boring. It's important to say, oh. It's, I think, even the person asking it knows this.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And even trying to get protein sources, you're gonna battle a lot more GMO process type options, right? Yeah. There's been, there's, Here's a thing here. Here's some guys that have vegetarians that are just massive. I'm just not a fan of, I'm just not a fan of being a vegetarian, unless you, unless you have to.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I mean, if you absolutely have to and you, or you got this thing against people, you know, slaughtering animals and stuff, then I get it, you know, I'm saying that more power to you, but if you got an option, it's just so much easier to eat meat, dude. Well, I'll tell you what, if someone chooses to be a vegan or vegetarian because they don't wanna kill animals, just like what Adam said, I completely understand. If someone comes to me and says, I'm gonna become vegan and I say why?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Because it gets healthier. It's healthier. Then we'll have a little discussion because it's not. It's not unhealthier. It's just, honestly, it's harder. It's not unhealthier. It's just, it's hard. Honestly, it's harder to be healthier with the vegan diet because you have to be so planned. Yes, you have to be planned with a regular, you know, um, on a nervous diet. But to be vegan or vegetarian, you have to be careful with how
Starting point is 00:10:59 you plan things and combine things so that you get certain nutrients, certain fats, certain proteins that are harder to find. In vegetables. I mean, the real argument there for saying that it's more healthy was that the idea that your whole body is less inflamed because the saturated fats in the protein you're getting from animal sources.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It can become inflammatory for your body. But I mean, it's a temporary thing, A, and then B, like, what's the most talk about, like, that inverse relationship? Well, what's the most inflammatory thing out there that you can think of? Sugar.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Sugar is big, yeah. Sugar is big, yeah. Yeah. So, it's gonna be way more detrimental to you. Yeah, and I've known that, look, I know, I've known quite a bit overweight vegetarians of millions with lots of inflammatory issues. So in terms of what's healthier? No, you could be extremely healthy on both ends in terms of you know, you're doing it for moral reasons Then I completely understand that being said, you know making gains is the exact same thing for that person the way you train
Starting point is 00:12:02 You just question you just have to schedule out to get you still, the RDA for protein still applies to that to a vegan and a vegetarian the same way as it does a normal person, you know, so it doesn't feel like you guys are being mean right now. Well, no, I just, I'm disappointed that you picked that question. Listen, it's okay. Well, you know, because I was here working when you were there. It's a fair one. You get one mole.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah, it's not exciting. Yeah, you know, because we were picking questions out while you were across... It's fair, it's a fair one. You get one mole, you're gonna get one job. It's not exciting. Yeah, you know, because we were picking questions out while you were across the street getting a jambadjee. So fair enough, two-shay, two-shay. Okay, fair enough. Next question, this is from Watkins Senior 23. All right, we're getting better questions now.
Starting point is 00:12:39 This is a Justin question for sure. Yeah, yeah. What are the best exercises to increase your cleans? Like, so I'm being your garage or clean. Yeah, not anything clean related other than power cleans. I'm assuming you're talking about power cleans, even though it's not there, because it is one of my staple lifts. And it's something I've never eliminated from my workouts, even from football and from the days, just because
Starting point is 00:13:06 that feeling of power, you know, as far as like what I could generate with my body, something that I definitely appeals to me, and like I want to maintain that. And this is why that a lot of coaching programs, they use power cleanses one of the main basis to determine like explosiveness, right? Because you want your athlete to be explosive on the field. And you want them to generate this quickness at, you know, an accelerated pace. So power cleans it forces the issue. So you're trying to move this barbell, you know, as quickly as you can and get under it as quickly as you can. And so, I mean, it's really, if you break it down, it's probably like two separate types
Starting point is 00:13:51 of movements that you want to kind of focus on. And so if you're working on strengthening it, I would probably suggest, well, obviously, you're going to want to get stronger at your deadlift. Right. I mean, that's the first thing. Hain, clean and dead would be the thing I would thing. Hain, clean and deads would be the thing that you'd like to say. Yeah, Hain, clean and also like front squat. So if I'm trying to get under it and then drive up
Starting point is 00:14:12 because the end of the lift, you have to drive up out of a squat. Out of a front squat basically, if you're lifting enough weight. Like, I actually showed a couple examples on the Instagram of like some of the different variations that I do. They all have different names.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Every coach has their specifics as far as calling it a clean press. I forget the other names to run out there, but basically, they're breaking down the different elements of the lift. So like a clean pole, for instance, we're just pulling it quickly off the ground, but we're not completing the rep. We're not flipping under the ball. Is it safe to say this question? I mean, we're answering it based upon the fact that your technique is already awesome. Yeah. I would have to say that the first thing you could probably do is improve your form. Improve your technique. Because absolutely.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And so in the beginning of that, you're going to want to make sure that it's lightweight and you're working on your acceleration. So that's why I tend to work on the first thing is the mechanics of it. Obviously, you have to nail down like every step of the process. but before you even get to the heavy weight, you want to be able to move the weight.
Starting point is 00:15:30 So I'm a beginner. So take me through. If I'm somebody who I've never done, let's say I've never done cleans before, or power cleans at all, you know, would you start me off with just like a broomstick and teach me that way? Okay. Okay, so that's so maybe someone who's asking this question. Brimstick or PVC pipe or something like that. Like a lot more gyms now they have sticks. So you get like a bamboo stick or like you know some kind of broomstick like you mentioned. And you want it to be at least like like a six foot or something like that that you know will emulate a bar.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Well let me ask you let me ask you this. If let's say you took regular, you know, regular healthy, I don't know, 25 year old male, okay? No injuries, healthy. How long would it take to progress it? But he's never done, he's never lifted weights before anything, just a beginner. Beginner, just healthy, no problems. How long would it take to progress them, do you think,
Starting point is 00:16:23 from where he starts at to now he's doing cleans with, you know, max weight. Like full max. Yeah. Like he's trying to one rep max. Yeah. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Months. Months. Yeah. Yeah. Long time. At least. I mean, that's like, if you're awesome with your technique, it's months. And this is, this is the, you know, exercises all have an effectiveness
Starting point is 00:16:45 and they all have a technical side to them. Some exercises are extremely effective and less technical, other exercises are more technical and less effective. And then you've got some that are very technical and very effective. The Olympic lifts happen to be under that category, but they are easily, easily of all the exercises
Starting point is 00:17:03 you could do with a barbell, the most technical by far, by far. A barbell squat is a technical exercise. A barbell squat has about one-one-hundredth of the technicality to a power claim or to a snatch. Absolutely. And by the way, with snatch, I know that that, it's more popular now. You see it a lot because across it and I cringe. I absolutely cringe at even even if somebody has decent form. I just I
Starting point is 00:17:33 question 100% why they're doing it unless unless they're competing. You know, you get all the same benefits from a power. Yeah, from power clean, and it's 100% safer. I mean, from throwing a bar all the way over my head, and then getting that kind of stability in your shoulder to maintain all that weight over your head, and then squat down, and you're in a very compromised position, even if you're like bad ass at it. One little thing could go wrong,
Starting point is 00:18:05 and you're gonna fuck some, a lot of things up. Yeah, this is why I don't like seeing people in the gym doing Olympic lifts because nine at a 10 of them or more. I mean, actually, I've probably only seen two people in my entire life in the gym do Olympic lifts where I thought to myself, wow, that person really knows what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Very form, right? Look, I've been a trainer for a long fucking time. I've been lifting weights for a long time. I might teach someone how to do a hang clean, but they would have to be very advanced. And that's about as far as I go. I wouldn't teach someone how to do those lifts because they're so technical, you almost have to be an expert at those specific lifts. You know, more than anything.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Like, you have to be an Olympic lifting coach. So they are extremely effective. But if you plan on doing them, then plan on practicing them with a little to no wait for a long time. A long time and yeah, really being diligent. Well, that's, I got into a battle with a bunch of people on Instagram a long time ago. And when I was talking about the squatting and stuff,
Starting point is 00:19:09 and referred to that, you know, people, like, one of the things that bothered me, like, it's so great, and I think it's so awesome that we see the squat racks and gyms, like, totally packed now, everybody squatting, and, you know, we attribute a lot of that to crossfit, and everything like that. But the problem is you've got a lot of people squatting with terrible form and putting weight, ridiculous weight on there to trying to get to their one rep max or you know they're trying to pee, everyone's talking about PRs, you know PRs, PRs, you know, titting their PRs all time. It's like, you know, honestly like I fucking, I couldn't even, I don't remember how many
Starting point is 00:19:40 years of training I did on movements like that before I even tried my max. Like, you know, I'm saying like I, for me, that whenever I get into a squad or deadlift, any of those movements like that, that are that complex, as soon as I find myself struggling for two to three reps, I'm like, you know, it's plenty of weight for me to really challenge myself with a lot of heavy, give a heavy load without compromising anything already, if I'm already feeling that, you know what I'm saying? So to me, as soon as you start messing with that, and you know, I just hurt myself last weekend, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:13 so here I am, here I am. Yeah, what happened? I was just here, I knew I was going into the weekend, so I had this wedding, and I knew I was gonna over consume, so I wanted to destroy my legs, and I trained, so I trained legs and legs and back legs back and chest on Friday and I was finishing up on squats and I'd already trained like eight sets of squats and I was going pretty heavy for me
Starting point is 00:20:37 I was hanging around the three to five rep range and then I decided to do like a drop set all the way down from my from my max I was like at Three plates and then I just kept dropping like a quarter each time all the way down to take my legs to failure You know and just as I've as I fatigue my form started to give you know and I felt it my low back when I was when I got done I made it through and the average person probably walking by actually probably thought oh form a pretty good Probably pretty decent But I know it wasn't because I know that somewhere in there, you know, my core gave out a little bit and, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:10 then and now I feel it in my low back. So, you know, that and that just goes to show that here I am and even even with good form and understanding that and still kind of focusing on that. Why I'm trying like this very easily. Can you, you know, deviate from that when you start when that muscle start to fatigue? You know, it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:28 You just brought that up. You just reminded me of something. So and this actually goes into the next question, which we'll talk about in a second. You know, deadlifts and squats, right? Two technical exercises, two exercises where if you mess up, people tend to hurt their back. But here's something interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I did a lot of reading over the weekend. I actually sent you guys a couple of articles which you didn't read, I'm sure. I think Justin might have read one. You did, pretty sure Adam didn't. No, is it a wedding? Yeah. So it was about deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, deadlifts, yeah. And there's this big debate about flat, or neutral spine deadlifting and rounded back deadlifting. Oh, I did read that actually. Yeah, I did actually. So now we're all taught that you can't have any rounding in your back whatsoever. That's not true because everyone's spine is different. Right, it is.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And I know when I did lift, I have a excessive thoracic curve. I think the key is not to let the lumbar, the low back flex to its limit, but it can round and then you do your lift. And that's when I pull heavy, that's what happens. That's the way I look. And I've never hurt my back deadlifting, but I have hurt my back squatting. So see, I've hurt my back deadlifting.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You have, yeah, but it's mainly because of the shift, the shift of the weight got away from me like some of you down front of you. Well, no, I went left to right. Oh, yeah. It's QL quadratus. QL exactly. Quadratus the more I could happen.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So I never, it's like you, Sal, I've actually never got hurt. The worst that's ever happened to me, I've actually hurt my hip flexor, dead lifting really heavy. So my hip flexor's gone on me, but I've never had any low back issues from heavy dead lifting, but squatting most certainly. Squatting, if I get, I start to get,
Starting point is 00:23:02 like if I go a little too deep on my squat too, I'll get a slight butt wink. And from that butt wink, especially if I get I start to get like if I go a little too deep on my squat too I'll get a slight butt wink and from that butt wink especially if I'm going heavyweight or lots of reps You got the squat shoes you ordered them? No, I don't yeah, it makes it made me a big it made a big difference I got the Olympic lifting shoes and you know, I don't have very good What is that you know ankle mobility? Yeah, and so I tend to bend forward quite a bit and I'm tight anyway. And the squat shoes I sit in the hole better with them. And I'm actually, my legs are growing. I'm not trying to make them grow, but they are because I'm able to hit them better. Yeah, I'm excited to use them. All right. So next question is from Jay
Starting point is 00:23:38 underscore, large and and he's a tall guy. He competes in physique, he's six four. Yeah. He wants to know what our top three exercises for back thickness are. It is. So I guess we can just go around the table, right? Yeah, let's do a round round. So I'll start. First off, dead lifts. Dead lifts are excellent for thoracic thickness,
Starting point is 00:24:01 right in that thoracic part of the back. And if you look at some of the most muscular backs in bodybuilding um, got what's his name Jackson Johnny Jackson what's his name Johnny Jackson I think he's he's got incredible thickness in his mid back and he's on he's a very very strong deadlifter. Ronnie Coleman was a very strong deadlifter and he had that mid back thickness also. Um, the next exercise I'd say are old school T bar rows. Uh, I actually, I would actually rank them higher than a barbell row. Oh really? Yeah, no joke. An old school bent over T bar row with a relatively narrow grip. I would say that's probably a little
Starting point is 00:24:39 better. I think you can feel it engaged a little bit more. I can, you can just, you sit up a little higher and you pull back and you can use more weight. Uh huh. And, uh, yeah, and that's, I would feel, that's where I would get that. And then the third one would be a barbell row. But any, any kind of a heavy row, especially where you're supporting the weight, you're gonna get that, those erector spinae muscles
Starting point is 00:24:58 up the spine, the rhomboid, the mitrapezius, just give you that depth to your back. Basically, everything you can do with weights. Just give you that depth to your back. Basically everything you can do with weights. Yeah, I know barbell for your back. I know, and that's gonna be kind of your options. And with the deadlift, dead lifts lend themselves very well to low reps. They don't lend themselves well to high reps.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So I've seen bodybuilders deadlift and they'll do sets of eight reps, 12 reps, and those squeeze muscles. And they'll treat it like it's a, like it's a, you know, cable row or something. A deadlift works- deadlifts work really well in the low rep ranges. You know, do sets of two and three reps with the weight that you could do five or six reps with. So you're not getting to failure, but you're doing like four or five sets of three reps
Starting point is 00:25:41 with something you'd normally do five reps with. Do that for a couple months and watch what happens to your back thickness. You know, Adam, you started incorporating dead lifts. Oh yeah, I mean, this is... This year and this one's dear to my heart because this was my exact focus from my last show to show. So between Lou Fregno Pro show to the San Jose Pro, legs back and calves.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I mean, those are my three focus points. So every time I between shows, after I shave down and get shredded for a show, I assess my physique and I decide like, okay, now it's off season, I'm gonna go after these things. So for me, that was exactly it was back thickness. I have a very wide V. It's one of the, I think I have one of the better V tapers in the pro league. And so, but I think I lack in back thickness. And so, I remember telling these guys that that's what I was going to go after and focus. And so, for sure, for sure, number one, it should be number
Starting point is 00:26:38 one, two and three, is deadlifts. I mean, without a doubt, it's so, deadlifts are so key to that that... It's dramatic. When I don't deadlift into a workout now, like I feel like my back workout suck. Like it gets my back, starting my workout with deadlifts and then proceeding through the rest of workout gives me the most amazing back pump and the, and I mean, like the center of my back. Like, let pull down and pull up and exercise like that. Like, I always feel the wide part of my lads and I get sore right pump and the, and I mean, like the center of my back, like let pull downs and pull ups and exercise like that. Like I always feel the wide part of my lads and I get sore right there on the outside or any of your armpits, like, but if you want to feel the center of your back and your
Starting point is 00:27:13 back feel like you got a big fucking turtle shell on your back, like hitting deads first gives me this create. And then every exercise after that just feels like I'm just pump and blood in this massive back. So deads, 100% for sure. I actually, I have one that you didn't mention that personally for me, I feel great. And this goes back to one of the top topics that sound I went back and forth on about picking exercises that you feel you engage with.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Single dumbbell rows, heavy dumbbell rows. Heavy dumbbell rows, I just feel like I can really, really get a good engagement on the lots and everything. And I feel like I can get good heavy weight, your elbows tucked in tight by your side. So that's probably one of my go to's. And then I probably say T bar row with him too. You know, I, I would say been over rows at first, but he makes a good argument with the T bar row because I do go significantly heavier on the T bar row. The T bar row, I'm normally rowing like five, six plates on
Starting point is 00:28:10 the T bar row. And when I do bent over rows, I'm normally only doing like 275, maybe when I'm feeling like hercules, I'm hitting three plates max. So I'm definitely getting, I'm definitely getting a lot more. And you do because it's like a nice comfortable grip versus the straight bar like that, where your elbows are kind of flared out, where I feel like you get a lot of rear delt going on there too, because of your elbows being flared. I do think that a T-Bar row would be up there.
Starting point is 00:28:36 So. I've also noticed with some people with barbell row, their ability to support themselves in that bent over position, sometimes compromises the way. Is this struggle for some people. Yeah, if you don't have good core strength, especially in a T bar row, it's easier to support in that position.
Starting point is 00:28:51 So I'm still got to use the strength, you know, your core, but something I incorporated. So when I had it, so my, I do start to cut my dad's out as I get closer to stage time. And that's just simply because I do notice it does build my core up a little bit. And of course, I know the judges want more of that V-taper. So that being said, I'll never neglect dead completely because it's such a foundational movement and it has way more positives than negatives. But I will lay off of them towards when I get close to the last six to eight weeks of the show. So what I did do when in that, in replace of that, I actually started starting my workouts with heavy pullovers
Starting point is 00:29:27 and heavy pullovers with a dumbbell I felt like really engaged in pump to the center of my back and then when I went on to my other exercises I felt like my rhombus got a phenomenal workout. So that's just a cross bench or on the bench. A cross bench. A cross bench. Yeah, I love you have access to a sled. I would love to do some heavy squatting sled rows. You do a number cross the bench or on the bench. A cross bench. A cross bench. Yeah. I love you have access to a sled. I would love to do some heavy, squatting sled rows.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I love doing those. I love doing those with you. Yeah. Those were, I mean, that's one of my favorite things. I don't even know what that is. I'll have to, you have to sled row. No. Dude, you have to come to the gym and do it with me.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh, yeah. What is it? It's just, I mean, you're just moving with with the row, basically, you got, you got all the way on the sled, you got your handle grips like way out. And so you just go to full extension and then you, I mean, you're coming out of your squat and then you're rowing the way. And then you're going back, back, back, back, and then you just keep going. It's great because it's moving. It is. It's moving. So you can get a little bit more weight and momentum to it. And that initial bit, you really have to,
Starting point is 00:30:27 you have to use all your strength and you're in a fully stretched position, which I feel like a lot of people neglect and a lot of rows and pull-ups and lap pull down. It almost over emphasizes on stretch. That's something I'm really big on too. The way I train back, you can comparison how I train, probably when I was younger, when I was younger,
Starting point is 00:30:44 I used to, and this was even as a trainer, I used to teach, you know, oh, keeping the show, I was so concentrated on teaching clients to keep your shoulders in a retracted position. Oh, yeah, I know. I did the same thing. Right. You teach them to stay retracted. I keep the shoulders back the whole time. Yeah, where now I flare my lats and open my shoulders all the way up when I come back, so I get the full range of motion. Yeah, full range of motion.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And I have that great mind muscle connection that I can be in a protractive position. So now, I guess for a beginner client, it's not something that we're, you know, we're talking about a competitor. So you're probably an advanced guy. So this is something that I make sure when I do any sort of a row or a lap pull down
Starting point is 00:31:21 that I actually come all the way. I'm not doing that with your dead lifts. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. Deadlift, deadlift, deadlift, deadlift, totally different. You know, deadlift, you want those shoulders. You know, deadlift too, like, I mean, and I see a lot of guys do a lot of,
Starting point is 00:31:35 what do they call that stop and go, fart-legging. Touch and go, fart, fart-legging, fart-legging, fart-legging, fart-legging, fart-legging, those fart-leggers, adding again. Where I don't deadlift like that, I, I, we pause it at the floor. Yeah, I pause the floor. That that. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I. You do that for four, five, six weeks, watch what happens here at three months. Just do that.
Starting point is 00:32:07 My back got so thick over this last eight months, I was concerned. Remember I was telling you guys, I'm like, fuck dude, my back's gonna be too big. I'm gonna look like a bodybuilder on the stage, dude, they're not gonna like it. I was so concerned about. And it was true.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Let's be honest. Oh yeah, I know I definitely feel like I think I'm out growing the IFB be league, but you know, I don't give a fuck dude. At the end of the day, this is about my fantasy. You looked fantastic. That's it. That's what I want.
Starting point is 00:32:32 You know, a guy I ran into a guy in the gym afterwards and he told me he's just psyched. You know, I had to say like, you know, I know you didn't place even in top five, but you know, in my opinion, one of the most impressive guys I see when I see around the gym and stuff and I were to see you on the street. I'd be like, Oh, fuck, you know, and some of these you on the street, I'd be like, oh fuck, you know, and some of these other dudes are tiny. He's like, you know, they got a great aesthetics, you know, but come on, you know.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Like I don't look at that and go like, oh, I'm gonna work so hard, so I can look at that one day. It's cute. Yeah, exactly. That's not as bad as you. It's not cute, right, so. All right, next question, this is from C Plumbly 14.
Starting point is 00:33:04 What's the definition of natural? And what do we think of people who are thinking about pubes? Yeah, am I wrong? Yeah, yeah, no. Natural is you don't shave your pubes, you let them go. No, he's obviously talking about, you know, when athletes say I'm natural or I'm not natural. Now let's be clear, okay. When people grandstand about being natural, and I definitely talk a lot about being natural, when we talk about being natural, we're talking about not using band substances or hormones. Right. So that's the definition natural in terms of muscle building, the muscle building world. In reality, none of us are natural. I use supplements. I'm sure everybody has taken an ibuprofen, you know, we wash our clothes and detergent. You know, I'm talking to you know, you're listening, you're listening on this through your phone or whatever. Like what's natural, you know, I mean none of us are, natural means no external hormones.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So I'm not taking any testosterone, insulin, growth hormone, whatever. And people who pretend to be natural, you're a douchebag. Yeah, I think if you, if you're not natural, be open about it if you don't want to talk about the no, but don't say you're natural if you're not, because that's stupid. Yeah, dude, come on.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Because then you just, what you're doing is, what happens is it's insulting us. It is and you're natural if you're not, because that's deeper. Yeah, dude, come on. Because then you just, what you're doing is, what happens is it's insulting us. It is, and you're also comparing yourself to other people who are natural, and it's not really fair, you know, comparison. You know what I'm saying? Hey, I'm natural. You're gonna take everything away from them?
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yeah. I'm huge, or the new, and I'm natural. You know what's funny? I've had people tell me, you know, on my Instagram and stuff, like like you're not natural There's no way you're not look if you meet me in person. You see I'm natural. I'm not a big dude. I weigh 190 Maybe three pounds I'm I've got muscle a muscular, but I'm not a huge person. Yeah, he doesn't think Adam in person. No, I don't listen
Starting point is 00:34:59 Damn, you know, I get this payback payback for the last episode Yeah, I know I got rolled into the bus three times I love your first one that's your first singer. Yeah, two more coming. I like it Strong It's follow up to that is like doesn't even matter. I think that it really comes out It doesn't really matter because here's the thing I've met a lot of guys who who are not natural and claim to be natural But really don't fucking look like it and then I've met a lot of guys who are not natural and claim to be natural, but really don't fucking look like it. And then I've met guys too that look like they're definitely on Roads and they don't take anything.
Starting point is 00:35:32 So I've met a few of those, man. Some people have just crazy genetics, you know? So that's where it doesn't really matter. And you know, maybe if you're comparing yourself to somebody who's just, I mean, there's dudes that were just, my body type was not meant to be a bodybuilder. I'll just be straight and real. My genetics, I was meant to be like a fucking swimmer
Starting point is 00:35:50 or a long distance runner, you know? So, you know, what it takes to get me to fit in that category is different than somebody who's kind of got that look already. So, I already have Viking jeans, so that's why I'm pretty, you know, set. Style, I don't need that shit. Well, it's a good point though. Like when you talk about your build, your build is similar to like Craig Capersos.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You know, you guys have similar, very solid style. My brother from another mother. Yeah, you guys have these build because of brick walls, you know, and you're just, you're naturally built that way. And then you, then you guys play into it the way you train and just makes you into this massive dudes that are solid, you know, so,, everybody type is so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, you know, to get caught up on that, and let me tell you, too, I know a lot of dudes, I mean, shit, I would venture to say, you know, maybe five out of 10 of the bros in the
Starting point is 00:36:40 gym are on some gear or a ran gear or yeah, there's a lot of gear going around. Yeah, and you just, and there's a lot of people on a lot of shit that look horrible. Yeah, let me tell you, it's just, there is definitely not the, the, the marital upload is not like you take it and I'll say, yeah, you get ripped and, and looking bad. So though, when I see someone who's got a bad ass physique, I don't care if they're on all the gear in the world, they said, They've got a bad ass, that means they put some fucking work in and discipline in. They've definitely made some serious sacrifices nutritionally and they've definitely put some serious work on the iron because you just don't get any sort of look like that.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Supplements don't do that. I'm sorry. They don't, you know, it's in, it is a factor and it's going to help get you there faster or whatever, but it's not but it's not the deciding factor for making somebody who's got a bad ass physique. They got a bad ass physique. Well, I'll tell you what, you know, I'll use myself as an example.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So I just said, I wait about 193 right now. I'm probably sitting at 8% body fat. I'd say 78%. If I were to go on a relatively conservative cycle, okay, which nowadays would mean probably 500 milligrams of testosterone. That's the other thing we should touch on what he said too is that I feel like now people claim being natural, if you do like a low dosage.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah, you're like, if you run TRT, if I run like 250, 500 milligrams, then I'm considered natural because it's it. Well, I mean, I would probably gain, if I took 500 milligrams of testosterone a week, and I took it consistently for a long time, you know, six months, eight, nine months, or whatever, over the course of a year or two, instead of weighing one, 93, I'd probably weigh two, 20.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I mean, maybe the less, with the same leanness, maybe two, 15 with the same leanness. Maybe two 15 with the same leanness. I feel like it gives me about 15 20 pounds. Yeah, so so that would give you that gives you an example. Two 50. Yeah. Yeah. If not if I took a gram a week, then you can add more and a more you take the bigger you tend to get, but there is a minute there is a point when you get diminishing returns where you just can't take more and just keep getting bigger. Yeah. Then people throw and all kinds of other shit like growth hormone insulin and all kinds of things. Yeah. And then they get those weird guts with the six pack.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And that's growth hormone, I think. Yeah. I think that's growth hormone. The secret is because you're your intestines and everything grows too. And that's what it is. That you're intestinal wall and some fucking expanding and growing. And then you have all that stuff pushing out in the next episode. Oh, actually ends up separating the abdominal wall.
Starting point is 00:39:04 You know, it looks weird. You see these bodies. You see these bodies. Now have looked like they've gone off everything, but their heads still look big and their hands look big because they're on growth hormone for so long that they just their bones really shit. They start sounding like Andre the giant. I mean, here's the thing too with stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I feel like abuse abusive anything is bad. Yeah. If you abuse anything, anything can be bad. And it's and if and I feel like anabolic steroids gets such a bad rap because of, you know, because they're so illegal and this and that. But I mean, fuck, sugar is bad if you abuse it, you know, but in moderation, it can be fun. And it can be all right. And the same thing goes with the anabolic, but nobody does everything in moderation. Everybody's got to go the extreme and more and this and that and that it's like I don't know how many how many athletes I was around when I was like when I would talk to this because you know a lot of people
Starting point is 00:39:54 when you're in the IFBB world most most guys will openly discuss Cycles and what they would stuff they've done for PEDs and stuff. And, you know, when you're talking to these guys and some of these stacks out here, I'm just like, God, why? We're in men's physique. Like, we don't need, we can't be that big. Like, I already get nailed for being too big. Like, you throw me on like 750 milligrams of testosterone or like one gram of testosterone.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I'll just get a keep rowing. I'll be a monster at that, you know, or running HGH with it, or running D-ball, and big things like this, just gonna put weight on like a monster. So, you know, and in what we do, like, you gotta keep this kind of small physique looking, look to you where you have this small tiny little waist. And like, I mean, if you're taking, she like that,
Starting point is 00:40:40 everything grows, man, everything's gonna keep growing. What you do do is you take all that and then you put on a red shirt and fucking mirror sunglasses and then you don't compete. And then you're like this mega nobody star. That's what you fucking do. That's a pretty good idea. Yeah, we don't know, we're talking about it.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Yeah, why do we think, whoa, whoa, whoa. And you skip squats for the extension all day. Oh. All right, let's get in the next question. What's in your exercise? Oh, this is true. That's a good point though, along the lines of the steroids is that you can build some massive quads doing just lay
Starting point is 00:41:18 extensions if you're on some gear actually. Oh, everything's awesome. Did you exactly like everybody else has a squat? You can post any exercise. This is the greatest thing ever. I fucking, I exactly like everybody else has a squad. You can post any extra cellular. This is the greatest thing ever. I fucking, I'm getting huge. Yes, you are. What I do is I take a cable concentration curl
Starting point is 00:41:33 and I take my pinky and I twist it an extra half an inch and my bicep grew a quarter inch. And you know, no, that's not what happened. All right, so this is from, next next questions from NV LoDato. Want to know if we've ever seen Jim fights and all the gyms we've run. Oh, yeah. Justin, you were starting to tell me about one.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I was and I hope that Adam remembers this. I'm sure I do. Yeah, you were, you were in on this. Like, okay, no, you were in on it. Like the fight, but this was a, it wasn't even a fight. It was a situation where this guy found out about his wife cheating on him. Oh, the shotgun.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yes. Yes, the shotgun. So Friday night and in our buddy, Dirk, do you remember watching the footage? So this guy comes, comes like peeping his head in. He's got this trench coat on, right? Is that what we have? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:42:26 He has a trench coat. He's kind of looking around and like, was this a checking in or anything? No way. And he's looking around and like not finding what he wants to see and he starts to kind of turn around. And I totally don't remember all the details, but I know that Dirk was like walking out to the car
Starting point is 00:42:45 He looks and he sees the gun. He like frees. He's like, oh, then he runs. Oh the dude's on no you could watch on camera The dude actually threw it over his shoulder. Oh, he threw it over his shoulder. Yeah, yeah, yeah That's how it's hoping you remember that's why everybody freaked out was cuz he first came in like you said though And then he pulled it out and he just rested it on his shoulder. That's right. And he and everyone was like Oh, shit, shit. Everybody didn't know what to do. You know, he freaked out. And he kind of walked around and he walked out the door
Starting point is 00:43:09 and then he came back in and they'd already called the cops right away. So as they saw him, they called the cops. But everybody was tripping out. He wasn't pointing at anybody, but he just had a shotgun right in his shoulder and a big trench coat. He's fucking shit. He was like, something was gunna go down.
Starting point is 00:43:23 If he saw what he was hoping to see, you know. Did you guys ever hear about the guy, the sales guy who got stabbed in the parking lot over at the club on Capitol? Yes, I don't want to say the guy's name because you guys don't know exactly who he is, but he I guess was trying to sell a membership to someone and was hammering this guy to buy SF the buy the membership was hammering this guy to buy SF, the buy the membership. I think it shows SF. Well, so yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah. So he was hammering this guy to buy a membership and the dude wasn't buying and I guess he was just being a dick to him. Well, the guy leaves and waits until sales dude gets off of work, goes out to his car and he stabbed him. Wow. He stabbed them.
Starting point is 00:44:02 So obviously survived, but he got stabbed dude for every someone. Wow. Yes. I actually had. Wow, yes, stab them so obviously survived, but he got stabbed dude Wow, yes, I actually how do you make somebody that angry from a sales pitch? Well, they're obviously crazy. Yeah, so yeah, I had one of my one of my best trainers It got fine. That's how I felt in the meeting the other day What a bad joke. But yeah, everyone's like, what? Hopefully the other episode comes first. That makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:44:29 They come in the other order. We love to fuck with deadline that all the time does. I was like, dude, you guys gotta stop referencing. A good podcast that happened in the future. Yes, remember, you guys remember? You guys remember this? Oh, that's right, because this doesn't come out for another week Yeah, so I had the I had a trainer who was one of my top trainers at the time who I had to fire and it was really shitty Position for me because of course I'm his direct superior
Starting point is 00:44:55 So I had to fire him even though I completely disagreed with it and almost got myself fire trying to defend him He got a fight in the basketball courts and this Older gentleman trying to defend him. He got a fight in the basketball courts and this uh uh older gentleman gotten his face and you see that all in the camera and he got in it got in his face and they did kind of this little shoving match and then the member actually punched him. And after he got punched he ran to me and he came to me and he's and he's like, Adam, he's like, dude, this dude just fucking hit me. What do I do? I'm like, get over here. Do not go over there. Let me handle it. I got him in the office.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Then the member comes file campaign. I had this little fucking little front desk girl. And I actually had this front desk girl who was the acting manager at the time because of the operations manager at the time was not there. And she overstepped her boundaries and like went and got the member and then started interviewing the member on what happened. And then just started writing the report. all one sided from what the member did. I'm like, whoa, let's watch the tape first and see what happened and shit.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like, and I'm thinking to myself, like, dude, this is our employee. Like, what are you doing? You know what I'm saying? And of course, I'm taking it even more personal because it's my employee. It's my trainer, which she obviously didn't like him very much. And so she started to take the side of the member. And we watched the video and it's like exactly what happens. They get in this little bit of scuffle. And then the members
Starting point is 00:46:09 straight punch is him. And instead of like him, we retaliate. He comes running to me. He ends up getting terminated. It's at the fire. I'm over it was a shitty situation. I was one of my top guys. I was horrible. Yeah. Yeah. So that's that's happened. I've had to break up. I've had to break up some of my trainers with my sales counselors to Couple times they were ready to step outside and box it out Over commissions. It's heated. Yeah That I but I used to love that I used to love that my trainers were that passionate about sales because they that was different
Starting point is 00:46:39 Well, the vibe there was very competitive Yes, that's like a shark tank in our in our pit, you know, we got I used to get in a rut owned them. I used to get a wrestling match. We used to be talking owned them. I hear that Kaplan and Kaplan's listening right now. We like, oh, well, basketball and basketball they might have beat us. But like one time making money, we were way better.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And it gives like one time. Yeah, we were I used to get a wrestling match with some of my my sales guys and trainers. It was one guy in particular one trainer who would, you know, we would joke back and forth, back and forth about, you know, who's tougher and it was late. You know how to get so over there. Late at night, it's probably, I've probably a closeout. I can't quite remember.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And he goes to take me down because he wants to show me how he used to wrestle in high school. And I get him in a Camera, which is a shoulder lock. And I make him scream out, Sal is the best, grappler in the world. Yeah, while I'm him scream out. Sal is the best. Rappler in the world. Yeah, while I'm twisting his arm, that was good times. So I have one.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I have one that was. It's awesome. You just made me think of something. I have not told this story in a long time. This was something I'd bare. I buried this one. I buried this one because I was so worried that I was going to get in big trouble for this.
Starting point is 00:47:41 So in my early 20s. But now you don't care. Yeah, I don't give a shit now, right? So in my early 20s. But now you don't care. Yeah, I don't give a shit now, right? So in my early 20s, being a young guy, being in management, so that one of the problems I had was, I hung out with my staff. I was 22, 23 years old, and I was younger than most of my staff. So I would go out with a lot of them,
Starting point is 00:48:00 and there were 25, 27 years old, and we used to go out and do stuff. Well, I invited one of my trainers to the city with me and I was going out to meet up with these girls in San Francisco. One of them was like a girlfriend of mine, not my actual girlfriend, although I dated her when I was a kid. And she was a friend of mine that I remained friends through high school and college with.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And we were going to visit her and a couple of her girlfriends. So it was like me and him and we're going to go hang out. Well, this is my first time really hanging out with this trainer. And he was like one of those like, belligerent drunks. And he starts to get really drunk. And when he finds out he's not going to get laid by like when he's girls, he's one of those guys who like starts picking the dick. And he just starts like being super disrespectful to her, like call her all these names and stuff. And I'm like, you can like, what an awkward position for me. The first time I bring this guy out,
Starting point is 00:48:45 I introduce him to this and now all of a sudden he's being belligerent and she's like looking at me. And he's an employee. Yeah, and he's an employee in mind so I'm like, what the fuck? And I can't, you know, it was so long ago, I can't remember what it was that he finally set me off, but he gets up from the bar and he slams the chair and he calls her a name and then he storms out the bar.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And I looked at her and she started crying. And I'm like, fuck, what do I do? And then at that point, the testosterone on me kicked in. It was like, at that point, I wasn't thinking about my job. I wasn't thinking about him being in a play. I was thinking about, he's gonna get his ass beat. So I went chasing after him outside, and he'd already made it about a block around the corner.
Starting point is 00:49:21 And I was yelling at him when he turned around. I had a nice little, you know, a little jog. I was already had a little bit of speed going and yet some momentum. Oh, yeah. Direct delivery. And I've here comes. I fucking laid right into him. I laid right into him and only took one hit.
Starting point is 00:49:36 He went straight to the ground. I got on top of him, gave him a couple more and then just kind of grabbed him and he had a little bit of a... Well, you probably, part of the reason you were probably pissed was also because he's all see your employee. So like how can you possibly be disrespectful on so many levels? It was, it was,
Starting point is 00:49:50 you know what I'm saying? That's so not okay. I'm trying to even remember it was he blackout drunk or was he still there? He was, he was pretty blackout drunk. And then it still worked for you afterwards? He did, the net, well I couldn't, I couldn't fire him too, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:50:01 Like, he's boss. Well then you had to be careful. Yeah, it's boss's speed him up, you know what I'm saying? Like, so that probably wouldn't have bowed very well for me when I tried to fire him too. You know what I'm saying? Like, he's boss. Oh, then you had to be careful. Yeah, it's boss's beat him up. You know what I'm saying? So that probably went into Boat very well for me when I tried to fire him. You know, if I did, it's really hard to motivate him after that. Yeah, it was kind of an awkward situation. He did come to me afterwards.
Starting point is 00:50:15 See, he tried to get me to reimburse him. He had him alive. Adam ruled with an iron fist. I'm a bullsh**. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, I'll give you. I'll sell supplements. Well, I was not like that. I'll stay on the weekend. The reason why that was a story that sparse, I mean, that dude, I'll give you all some supplements. Well, I was not like, I'll stay on the weekend.
Starting point is 00:50:25 The reason why that was a story that sparked, I mean, that was something I literally bear, I'm not that guy, I'm not one to pick fights. I will finish a fight, but I'm not one to pick a fight, and I'm not looking to do that at all. And that was just one of those situations where, I mean, it was, you said it was disrespect on so many levels, I was so heated that,
Starting point is 00:50:44 and I, and if I recall that night, like, of course, I remember him saying appropriate things to me giving him hints, like, no, dude, that's not okay. And like, saying, like, trying to talk our way through it first. And, you know, it was just getting worse, you know. So we had this guy, we had people need to get their ass kicked. We had this big guy who used to work out to check that shit.
Starting point is 00:51:00 At the Sunnyvale Club. And he had big white beard, big dude. He would come in, was kind of a dick. And he did, I don't know if you guys remember this, but there was this one period where the company got really crazy with everybody had to have a workout towel. You don't have a workout towel, and I can let you fucking work out.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I have a story for this too. So this guy came in and it was all because we wanted to sell towels. But anyway, he came in, didn't have a workout towel. It's probably, you know, the third time he's been told, he just fucking blows through, doesn't listen to the front desk girl, goes back and works out.
Starting point is 00:51:31 So, front desk girl tells me, I tell one of my trainers, go tell the dude, he has to buy a towel or he's got to leave, because it's the third time we've told him. So he goes back there, comes back 10 minutes there, as I do, this guy is gonna fight. Like, he's being a fucking dick. He does not wanna listen.
Starting point is 00:51:46 He said basically we're gonna have to pull him out of the gym. So I walk up to the guy. He sees me coming. He's on the peck deck machine. He stands up and he gets all like flared up. Like he's about to throw down on me. So as I'm walking over to him, I'm like, okay, I'm like gonna handle this because obviously I can't do
Starting point is 00:52:00 anything. I'll lose my job. And, but I gotta do something. I gotta figure this out. I don't have to call the cops but I got to do something. I got to figure this out. I don't have to call the cops because that's ridiculous. So, as I'm walking up to him, he's kind of posturing and I walk up straight up to him and I go right up to him. I said, look, I said, let's go outside to the front. He's like, what do you mean? I said, we'll go decide this, we'll decide this outside like man. He's like,
Starting point is 00:52:19 fine with me. I said, all right, after you. So he walks in front of me, walks outside, I lock the door So he goes out to this leery he walks out the front door I close it and I lock it he turns back around looks at me and I flip him off And he's looking at me and I was like fuck Fucking out smart it right there. Yeah, I after you. And I literally said that after you. You dumb dick. Cloth lock door. Oh, that's great. Beautiful, Sal.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Great story. Great story, bro. Great story. All because you wouldn't work out with a towel. That's what I stupid. God, some of the shit that you did. Oh, you. It's like that kid growing up that just wouldn't share.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Wouldn't share his toys. You keep on, you keep on, and like, come on, Steven, you know, please, you know, play that toy, like, I don't want to have to keep saying this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and Justin beats your ass. Yeah, then I'm just like, listen, I'll take care of Steven. I'm fucking Steven, I'll make him paste. No, I'm just, thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:53:25 For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. you

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