Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1173: How to Increase Squat Mobility, Exercises to Relieve Hip Pain, the Impact of Food on Your Brain & Mood & MORE

Episode Date: November 29, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about stretches to increase squat mobility, exercises to relieve hip and butt pain, the most effective way to bulk, and h...ow food affects your brain and mood. How exactly does Adam apply the serum from Caldera Lab? (4:52) Is Sal more cake than beef now? He breakdowns his current macros. (9:49) Which source of protein powder is ideal for muscle building? (12:58) The bathrooms at Mind Pump HQ are FINALLY being re-done! (15:45) Justin gets educated on one of his favorite guitarists of all time. (16:50) Shout out to James Herman who took 1st place at his first obstacle course race. (21:40) Sal is a little late to the party on Shark Week. (22:28) Justin has a ‘dad moment’ with his kids. (25:10) How using your legs keeps your brain healthy. (27:53) Why the more you pour out of your heart, the fuller your heart gets. (31:23) The importance of having a purpose. (34:59) #Quah question #1 – What are some good stretches to increase squat mobility? (39:20) #Quah question #2 – I work as an Uber driver and my butt and hips hurt from sitting for too long. Are there any short exercises I can do in between trips to relieve my pain temporarily before getting back to work? (44:24) #Quah question #3 – What is the most effective way to bulk? What are your guy’s secrets or perspective on bulking up? (48:40) #Quah question #4 – Do you think that food affects your brain and mood? (56:56) People Mentioned Danny Matranga | CSCS | BSc. (@danny.matranga)  Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurbrooks)  Twitter Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron)  Instagram   Related Links/Products Mentioned Black Friday Specials: MAPS Bundles 25% off (Code “BFBUNDLES” at checkout) – MAPS Programs/Guides/MODS 50% off [except MAPS Powerlift] (Code “BLACKFRIDAY50” at checkout) Visit Caldera Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Watch Shark Tank TV Show - ABC.com Leg exercise is critical to brain and nervous system health The secret to happiness? Here’s some advice from the longest-running study on happiness How To Improve Your Squat Depth - FREE Squat Like A Pro Guide How to Perform a 90/90 Hip Stretch (HIP FLEXOR STRETCH) ELDOA Exercises to Increase Flexibility, Improve Posture & Relieve Pain (Video 2 of 9) How To Eat If You Want To Pack On Muscle – Mind Pump Blog Diet and depression Intuitive Nutrition Guide | MAPS Fitness Products - Mind Pump Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, we answer questions asked by listeners like you. What they do is they go to our Instagram page, Mind Pump Media. They post the question. We pick our favorite ones and we answer them. Now we open this episode with fun conversation between the three of us. We talk about our lives, studies, and super random stuff. Even more fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:35 And random stuff. So here's what we covered in this episode. We started by talking about Adam's glistening skin. He's got some nice looking skin these days because he's been using caldera products like a sheen. These are all natural products you can apply to your skin. Very nice stuff. We have a discount code for you. Go to caldera lab.com that's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com forst-mind pump and you'll get 20% off your first Caldera lab purchase. Then we talk about protein intake.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I talk about ideal amounts of protein and how I'm recommending to one of my friends that they increase their protein intake. And of course, that led us right into different types of protein, animal protein versus plant protein. One of my favorite plant protein companies, or GANIFI, they make a delicious plant protein that's high quality amino acid profile. We have a discount for you. If you go to organifi.com, forward slash mind pump
Starting point is 00:01:33 and use the code mind pump, you'll get 20% off and on Cyber Monday, you get an additional 20% off and free shipping. Boom. Then we talked about the bathrooms in the back here. They are getting worked on. Finally. It's a miracle.
Starting point is 00:01:49 They were destroyed before. Then it gets really weird. Justin talks about this video. He sent us about Chuck Berry. Not gonna tell you that much more about it. You're welcome, everybody. You're gonna have to listen to the episode to find out. You are welcome.
Starting point is 00:01:59 What kind of video we found on him. Then we talked about one of our fans. Shout out to James Herman, got first place at his first OCR race using our program. You're the man. OCR, I talked about Shark Tank, I just discovered it, so don't make fun of me. Great, great show.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Oh, yeah, don't worry. Justin talks about his kid's invention, it wasn't that exciting, you can skip that part. It was a lot, it was very exciting. Very engaging. Then I talked about a study on how leg training affects the nervous system. And I talked about a study from Harvard. It's a 75 year study on the secret to happiness.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And then we get into the questions. And we start answering people's questions. The first question, what are some good stretches to increase squat mobility? So we go over that. Next question, this person works as an Uber driver, but their hips and butt hurt from right from sitting so long, they want to know what are some exercises or things they can do in between trips to relieve pain. Next question. This person wants to know what the most effective way to bulk is. We talk all about bulking, packing on muscle
Starting point is 00:03:01 and the final question. This person is asking us us if we think that food affects your brain and mood and we talk about how that may actually be happening. Also right now you are very lucky if you're listening to this episode when it's getting released. Black Friday sale. This is by far the biggest sale we do of the year. This is the one. Ready for this? All maps programs, except for one, except for maps power lift, but every other maps program, so that's maps endabolic, maps aesthetic, maps performance, maps OCR, maps strong, prime, prime pro, anywhere. I think I'm missing one starter. All 50% off. Everything is 50% off, including our guides and our mods, mods where we have individual body part type workouts. So that's all 50% off, but there's more.
Starting point is 00:03:50 We have bundles where we take multiple mass programs and put them together. We have like a hard gainer bundle. We have the business person bundle. We have a bundle that's got most of our most important programs called the Super Bundle, which will take you an entire year to create the bundle of love. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:06 We have bundles. All those bundles are already discounted. So they're already about 30 to 35% off retail. When we took an additional 25% off, all bundles, this is all happening for Black Friday. This promotion starts when you're listening to this, but it ends midnight on Friday the day after Thanksgiving. So you need to act quickly. It's a very short sale. Holy smokes. Here's what you do to get the
Starting point is 00:04:29 discounts. Go to maps fitness products.com. And if you want 50% off individual programs, guides or mods, use the code black friday 50 that's BLA CK F R ID A Y 50 no space. And if you want 25% off all bundles, use the code BF bundles. I want to know Adam exactly where you've been using your Caldera. The way I'm going to get personal here on the podcast. You do use a lot of that oil. Because I see Robin in all the time, me saw your hands on your face, You know, like, where else? You rubbed it on your legs, your hands, your arms,
Starting point is 00:05:09 your beard. And why? Like, what's your reasoning? Well, I use it on, well, it started. I was just using the serum on my face, which that sounds really weird. It does sound a little serum. But you know what, I'm still with you there.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah. So it started with that, which by the way, we got a bunch of DMs for, so when we first started with Caldera, we did a story on the Mind Pump Media page and it was me applying it to my face. I think you did too, so I'm not sure if she, I think Rachel filmed both of us. We were putting on each other's face.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah, so it was, so I'm not sure if she, I think Rachel filmed both of us. We were putting on each other's face. Yeah, so it was. But I got to admit, she got a bunch of DMs of people actually saying that you're supposed to, when you put serums or wash your face, you're actually supposed to do it in a direction. Did you guys know that? You're supposed to, you're like going with the grain versus again or something.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah. This is getting too crazy. Yeah, maybe time you can look at it like when Washington... Or do you just always rub it the same way? No, no, it's supposed to be up and down. So when applying face serum or washing your face is there a purpose to the direction or whatever? Something Google, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Google things out there. Google things out there. Do your job and figure out what I'm trying to get at. You're pleased. But so a bunch of people were DM-ing. They said that you messed up. Yeah, saying that we were doing it wrong. I didn't know you could do it wrong. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah, in the first place. I'm trying to think right now, pores of the face are circular. Wow. Uh, I could see rubbing it on hair, how you might want to put it in a certain direction, but on skin, why? I don't know. But there was quite a few people.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It wasn't just one person. Now, you have, you're normally dry skin. Yeah. So, I mean, to Justin's question originally, sorry, I got distracted. Differial, weird question. You asked me about how I roll. I have psoriasis. So, yeah, I have abnormally dry skin.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And instead of using the steroid creams that like my dermatologist gives me all the time using this natural serum actually does the job. It's been awesome. So I've actually completely stopped using the steroid creams that I have and all I use is the serum. So when it starts to get tri-like that all right. So when you see me putting on my leg or on my side, top of my head and so with that I have all these little spots that I try and stay on top of. Where your skin does look moist. Nice and supple.
Starting point is 00:07:30 People don't like when you use that word. They don't like that word. You hit your voice. That was a big, that was not, I don't understand. Who decided that was a bad word? That word used to be in all the commercials. When I was a kid, every commercial you saw on TV for any type of cake or or pie or whatever they say,
Starting point is 00:07:46 wow, it's so moist. So moist. All the center beam. It became disgusting. Nobody can, oh, Doug, does you find something? Did you find something, Doug? Something here. To apply, use a similar motion to your face, gently rubbing upward into the product is evenly distributed.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And the upward motion is key to help, it helps encourage tightening and lifting of the delicate skin that's extra prone to drooping. So when you're, this is for your next skin, by the way, I don't know if that's the one. So that's not true. Okay, so now, I feel like that's baloney. So okay, now I've heard it's been debunked. So Rachel, like, you know, made me privy to it after,
Starting point is 00:08:23 we did that. She said, oh, you know, supposedly you're doing it wrong, you're supposed to do it this way. I believe it was Danny. I'm sure it's strokes. It was one of my little nerdy friends that went on the rabbit hole of research to figure out if there was any truth behind this.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And he said it's not true. Yeah, of course. He says that, I don't know if he talked to his dermatologist or he found an article on it to kind of debunk it. But, it's like when your skin's sagging, you just kind of rub it up. You know what I mean? That's what they're basically saying.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Fly and grab me. Push it back up. Push it back up. Push it back up. You're the last straight. I didn't even know that was a thing, though. Talking about, you brought up Stairer Creens. You reminded me when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I had a, we had a family friend who I was overheard him. This is when I first started working out. So I'm like 14 maybe. And I overheard him talking to my parents about how he had to use steroids because his back hurt. And I didn't know there was a difference between, you're like, whoa, that's awesome. I didn't know there was a difference
Starting point is 00:09:23 between anabolic steroids. So would you get his cabinet taken? You know, I, that's awesome. I didn't know there was a difference between anabolic steroids. So would you get his cabinet taken? You know, it's open. You're gonna get it. I formulated a plan to fake like pain. I'm gonna put it on my back hurts. I'm gonna go to the doctor and they're gonna give me steroids. They're not stronger, but I don't have asthma.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Yeah, they're gonna give me steroids and we get jacked. Yeah, so I remember I talked to somebody about him, I'm like, dude, you can get steroids if something hurts. Like it'll actually do the opposite. You're gonna lose muscle. A speaking of jacked, you're putting on some size over there. Two beef cakes. Beef cake.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's more cake than beef now. I think it is. Cake beef. It turned into cakes. Yeah, no, over here. I bought, what are you doing with your diet right now? Is your diet, obviously your diet, I'm assuming you've increased calories.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Yeah, my calories are higher, protein and take is higher because my body weight's higher. So right now I'm tipping the scales at night. I've reached as high as 218. During the day, I'm around 214 to 215. That's with close-on, close-off, probably closer to 213. I don't know, it's around that. So my protein now, I've bumped up to about 190 grams
Starting point is 00:10:29 or 200 grams, which, you know, it's not that easy to hit that with food. I was just gonna ask you, I know that I'm the one who talks about really struggling with hitting those numbers. Like I've admitted that, obviously I'm always targeting to get from real food, but when I'm pushing 200 grams of protein, it's probably more consistent that I miss hitting that than in this.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Well, dude, that's four, that would be four meals with 50 grams, and 50 grams of proteins, a large serving of meat. Yeah, that's a big steak or a big piece of chicken. And that's four times a day to hit 200. Right. This is where protein powder for me makes a big difference. Actually, in fact, Arthur Brooks
Starting point is 00:11:14 had been talking with him back and forth. He was asking me questions about working out. And I actually designed a routine for him. So he's got like a bit of an individualized workout. But then we talked about his diet. And his goal, he's a very healthy guy, you could tell he's in his mid fifties Looks great. It looks very healthy fit lean, but he wants to put on more muscle and he really likes to lift weights Which is just it warms my heart like the guy even more now, but you want to put on more mass
Starting point is 00:11:37 So I asked him about his diet and he struggles with protein because he eats he doesn't eat meat very often He eats like once a time once a day maybe me and most of the time it's like vegetable-based. So he's a really healthy diet. But for optimal muscle growth, I mean, the studies are conclusive. You want to consume about, you know, point roughly, you know, some studies will say on the lower end, point six grams per pound of body weight, the higher end studies will say closer to one gram per pound of body weight. In my experience, it's closer to one than it is to 0.6.
Starting point is 00:12:08 So I typically recommend 0.8 grams or one gram. So I told him, he weighs, I think it was like 165 pounds or 170 pounds. So I'm telling him to aim for about 130 grams of protein, which is hard for him because of... Oh, he didn't eat once. He just didn't eat a ton of meat. And so he's like, I don't really like meat that much.
Starting point is 00:12:27 So I say, well, okay, here's a case where protein powder makes a huge difference. You know, takes some protein powder, and since he's plant-based, I'm referring him to organify. Oh nice. So he could just use organify protein. Well, that's what you have to use too, don't you?
Starting point is 00:12:41 Because you can't do the area. You can't do the way. No, so all the other protein powders, I've tried beef protein powder before, believe it or not, you can actually do that. Well, that's not like. Well, it's actually, it's not that good. Well, so somebody asked me this,
Starting point is 00:12:55 and this was more of a cell question, I normally differ for questions like this because I don't know the answer. What do the studies say when comparing collagen protein, pea protein, what else is your way protein? Egg protein, protein. Yes, so like,
Starting point is 00:13:16 So for pure sources, the most way is the best, for building muscle. Way egg are up there, they'll egg will rank higher in some, some, you know, rankings and because they have different classifications, way will rank higher in others. But those are the best. Animal proteins in general, when compared to individual types of plant proteins, they, they, they tend, they build more muscle on a gram per gram basis. Now, if you eat enough protein, it doesn't make a difference. So if you eat a lot of just plant protein,
Starting point is 00:13:47 it doesn't matter if it's plant protein or if it's beef. Now, here's the thing. They're comparing individual protein sources to each other. So they're going like beef to just, you know, like hemp protein. But what good plant protein companies do, like organifies
Starting point is 00:14:05 they mix different plant sources that complement each other. So then you get a better amino acid profile, so it's actually pretty damn good. So you're gonna get, so what is there's combined like hemp and pee and like, I mean, what is, yeah, so it's, I mean, let me see, actually I have one right here. I know pee protein is one of the main
Starting point is 00:14:25 Did you really just have a fucking protein? Yeah, I just think No, this one has a P-Kinoa pumpkin and pumpkin and then they throw in and digestive enzymes You know amylase proteins lipase lactase and cellulose which actually actually it's another good thing to talk about. Digestive enzymes, when you're eating a lot more protein or food or fat or carbs, digestive enzymes can make a big difference because one of the challenges with bulking, not now, as an adult, this challenge doesn't happen because my metabolism is not nearly as fast as it was when I was a kid, boy, I used to eat so much food and if the scale moved to pound in a month,
Starting point is 00:15:10 that was a miracle. But to eat all that food, one of the roadblocks was like, it was just too much. It was hard to digest them, I would feel. I guess you're eating too much food. Digestive enzymes can help. So, you know, you're listening. You're listening.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, if you're listening and you're a hard gainer, then, you know, you're eating tons and tons of food, digestive enzymes can probably help you out a little bit. In fact, I'll be, I think this episode drops on Thanksgiving. Is that true, Doug? So by the time you're listening this episode, I will be eating my digestive enzymes, taking digestive enzymes with my Thanksgiving, dinner. So anyway, exciting. I went back to go to the bathroom in our post-op exciting in our post-apocalyptic, you know, Mad Max bathroom back there. Yeah. It's very embarrassing to send guests back there. They're working on it. Lots of spatter. Oh, it's going down. I saw two, two guys in there doing the plant.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yes. I don't believe you. I swear to God. Now have you peaked in on the? Yeah, I don't either. I believe it when I see it. Yeah. Are they completely remodeling or are they gonna throw some fucking pain on the wall? No, they're completely they're redoing it like gutting the toilets. They're doing it the whole thing. I don't know the exact details but the guy told me how they're they're it's gonna be a big job. They're gonna redo the men's bathroom. It's a Thanksgiving Miraculous. Redo the women's bathroom. So first, the men's bathroom will be closed. So we're gonna have to use the women's bathroom,
Starting point is 00:16:28 which I do anyways. Which, yeah, okay, is whatever. I'll leave presents in there. Yeah, just did a room. I feel ladies. Just did. I blame our bathroom on you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Hey, well, you know, it's not me. There was a whole CrossFit gym that just left here. I hope you remember that. They've ruined everything. That's true, that's true. Yeah. I came later speaking of you being inappropriate, you sent me a porn.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah. Okay. In my inner, Tell me you weren't thankful. Is that the, is that how you supposed to say it? Like it, just a porn? No, it's not. It's it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I mean, it went a clip. This was like a, this was a porn video. This was news. This was a porn. No, there's a, It's it. I mean, if we- A clip. This was part, this was a porn video. This was news. This was a porn. No, there's a part. You gotta explain the context. Yeah, okay, context wise.
Starting point is 00:17:10 So I, okay, so I didn't get it that way. I just got the fuck the video. You just got the video. You're right. I didn't get it in the context. No explanation. I'm like, what am I watching right now? It's awkward, like, staff comes in.
Starting point is 00:17:22 What are you guys doing? This is what we do for our job. What was I watching? So I was doing in my story, I was answering questions and everything. I saw that. And there was, somebody asked me like my top three guitarist of all time.
Starting point is 00:17:36 I saw that too. So yeah, so I went down the list. I was like Steve Ray Vaughan. You know, I was like, time back Darryl. I was like Chuck Berry. And somebody like left me a DM and was like, time back, Darryl. I was like, Chuck Berry. And somebody like left me a DM and was like, dude, have you ever seen this video with Chuck Berry and him in a prostitute and farting?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Oh, that's who that was. Yes. Because the video's kind of blurred their faces. You can't tell who it is. So I looked at it. So Justin send it to me too, thanks buddy. Yeah. Appreciate that. No, this is what I'm here for. Yeah. Apparently it to me too, thanks buddy. Yeah. Appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:18:05 No, this is what I'm here for. Yeah. Apparently there was a drug raid on his house. Yeah. So cops went in there a long time ago. Long time ago. Long time ago. I mean, he's not with us anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And they found, just totally in bad taste. They did the raid, excuse me, and they found this recording of him with this prostitute where he's doing his farting's involved. Let's just say that. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing.
Starting point is 00:18:29 We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing.
Starting point is 00:18:37 We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're doing. We're you're already a fan of and so some random person so we're educated you on something that you already interested in.
Starting point is 00:18:46 How does it happen to me all the time? How does a video like that make you to the public? Because if the police got a hold of it, do some asshole cop is like, we gotta put this on. I know, right? Like, come on. Why? Yeah, there must have been a reason.
Starting point is 00:18:57 They must have found it and we're just like dying laughing and we're like, people have to see this. I think, can we link that or can we get in trouble? No, I don't think so. People do your own research. Do your own homework. Don't, No, I don't think so. I think you have to start. People do your own research. Do your own homework. Don't, don't, don't, don't,
Starting point is 00:19:07 vigorously shaking your head. But yeah. There was that fun fact. And then another fun fact I found out about him, Keith Richards, you know who that is. Yeah. Yeah. Guitarist for Rolling Stones. He actually had a story too about like where he was on tour
Starting point is 00:19:23 and he was another one, he was his idol. Chuck Berry was his idol and so he was on tour with him on this thing and goes backstage and there's his guitar. His famous guitar is just in the green room or whatever and it's by himself. So he couldn't help it. He went and grabbed it and just started playing some chords and I guess Chuck Berry's like,
Starting point is 00:19:44 nobody touches my guitar and then punches him in the face. Whoa, like straight clocks him in the face. Really? He was a little bit volatile. I feel like celebrity. The centric. The centric. Well, that's about it.
Starting point is 00:20:00 So I have a theory. I have a feeling, I feel like celebrities, because they're famous and they have so much access to Whatever they want people and sex, right? I feel like they probably all do weird shit in the better Of course, because they're bored. You know what I mean? That's an abs, is an abstinence example of this for us. Well, that's that's it. Yeah, he's now you've taken a different I mean, the more power, the more money, the more you have, the more you just keep your stream, I think it goes. And it's not to say that everybody,
Starting point is 00:20:28 I'm not saying that everybody that has power. But every celebrity is. Yeah, I'm not saying that, but I'm saying that, I would argue that it's probably more popular amongst that community of people that are extremely powerful, I have a ton of money. And you already have a higher level of narcissism because... There's a lot of the kinks come out.
Starting point is 00:20:47 You have to have a higher level of narcissism to be the kind of person that would want to or, you know, be famous or enjoy the fame. And then the fame feeds that narcissism. So then you become like, it's all good. I do think you're invincible. So you start pushing the boundaries on what's the craziest shit you could do right start farting Proceding to the face what an embarrassing video to come out It's like a normal video somebody's grandma now. Oh
Starting point is 00:21:18 Very true fact Someone's grandma get beat on Johnny be grandma Gertrude just taking a boss actually comes in the room. Oh honey I can't even get what I want you up. Yeah, someone's cremigant peed on right now. Listen to Johnny Beaver. Grandma Gertrude just taking a bus. Yeah, she comes in the room. Oh, honey, I don't know you liked, you know, Chuck Berry. Oh, I knew him back in my day. Oh, he was a great musician. And also, how did you know him?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah. I don't worry about that. I can smell him now. Hey, speaking of advanced age, though, did you see our OCR racer that won first place in the 60 plus category? Yeah, by the way, I think it's awesome. Is that I don't know if advanced age is it's over 60 is it 60 over? Yeah, sometimes you refer to people in their 50s He doesn't just for Doug
Starting point is 00:21:59 I do that to Doug. You know I've been fucking with dogs at least are this people ask me all the time is Doug really 97 You know I've been fucking with dugs at least. People ask me all the time. It's done really 97. Yeah. Yeah. It's here, but the moral team. I change his age every time I talk about it. No, but this guy was cool, right?
Starting point is 00:22:11 So he used maps OCR to train for an obstacle course race. Yes, yes. First chance. James Herman, shout out to him. He's over 60 years old, followed the OCR program. Witton did the race, took first place. Number one. Yeah, I thought that was pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, she's not out there. I've been watching Shark Tank a lot with FF. You have been. I like it's funny. You just found it. I know. I watched every one of them in a million years ago. So here's it.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Wow. So here's the deal when it was that long. That's just a never exaggerating. No, a million years ago. A million. So the a million years ago. A million. So, the earth was still forming. I have this characteristic that I think has got its pluses and its minuses.
Starting point is 00:22:53 One of the characteristic that I'm referring to is I tend to be a bit rebellious and I don't always, I don't go with the crowd automatically. That's a good thing because... Right. So you're gonna be binging Game of Thrones next year. Yeah, so yeah. But the bad thing is I tend to miss out on shit because everybody's talking about Shark Tank.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I'm like, fuck that show, not watching that show. Everybody watch that show. Stupid. Well anyway, nobody's talking about it, so I decided to pick up on it. So I started watching it. What a great, so many amazing learning lessons and lines.
Starting point is 00:23:20 You know what? Mark Cuban said something really good on there. I love Mark Cuban. That made me think of our business, because we've run into people like that, that have done this, working with us, or trying to work with us, or whatever. There was a young lady up there,
Starting point is 00:23:33 and she was pitching her clothing brand. And it was cool, it was a nice clothing brand, but you guys know how competitive that market is. It's impossible. And, but she had one shirt, that target, copied, and then sold, and then that got her lots of popularity. So one year, she had all these sales, but then the following year, they started to drop.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So she's up there, she's trying to negotiate, I don't remember what the amount was, let's just say it was $100,000 for 10%, which means it's got a company has a valuation of a million, right? And so she's trying to do that. And then I don't remember who it was, one of the sharks says, I'll give you 100,000, but I want 33% of your company. And she's like, no, I can't. And I'm watching this thing.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I'm like, you idiot. Without them, you'll go nowhere. 66% of working with them is far more than 90% of work or nothing, whatever. So Mark Cuban says, 100% of a grape is less than 60% of work or nothing, you know, whatever. So Mark Cuban says, 100% of a grape is less than 60% of a watermelon. What a great way to Cuban. And it reminded me of,
Starting point is 00:24:33 there's been people that, we see this in the fitness space, well, they'll come up with an idea or whatever, they'll come to us and we'll wanna work with them. But they're so protective that they don't wanna, they don't realize the value and exposure or whatever, so they're like, no, I can't give any of it away for any kind of exposure because it's mine. Not realizing that they're going to do zero.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Is this why you've been telling me fidget spinners are the next thing? No, I have. He's freaking so much. Did I say that? No, I don't want that. It's a joke. You were the most random person. Dude, dude, dude, that's like so old.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I'm sorry, it's an old joke. Yeah, so he hasn't got there yet. It's all right. Is that your kids invention? You were putting notes up there, my? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr down to sleep and whatever. And then went back upstairs and I heard them giggling and messing around still and like, ah, and I get down there and they're like, Dad, check this out. And they have a ball from the dog has one of those glowing balls. You know, if you step on it, like glows and does all this stuff, they called it a disco
Starting point is 00:25:41 bomb. So they threw it up in the air and it starts like glow and they start doing all these disco moves. It was right. It's totally inside joke. I'm getting that right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:51 You had to be there, everybody. It was really funny. It was creative. I was proud of them. It's like super random. I was like, that's totally me. You ever did that? I'm just telling a story like, yeah, I have realized that
Starting point is 00:26:01 as I was just trying to. It's like a dead moment right there. Like, that was so, oh my God, so brilliant. Disco bomb hilarious. Are you doing that? Yeah, I don't want to go. That completely yet. I haven't caught myself telling,
Starting point is 00:26:14 retelling the story, but I mean, so last night Katrina, so when she does the bath, she gives them a bath at 6.30 and part of the route, that's when I go take the boys for boys for their second walk and I come back in and she's like racing down the stairs she's like where were you I was screaming for you oh my goodness that she's so she's she's had him giggling in the bath right and we're like at this point right now where we get little flashes of it and she said he was going like crazy and I was screaming your name didn't name to come in there. And it was just like this big ordeal that we were making, right?
Starting point is 00:26:49 And obviously all parents listening right now can relate. I can also relate being a single or a guy that doesn't have a child because it wasn't but six months ago I didn't. And I would think that story is just ridiculous and silly so I don't share it with anybody else. So I have moments like that where to you as a parent. So what I'm saying is share them. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, I remember doing me feel better. I'm like, oh my kid, he lifted his leg up like five times. It's like it's such a basic thing. You're gonna do a lot more than giggle over the course of his life right now. I got him to laugh a little bit the other day. You actually got him to laugh the most. Which is, you know, what do you say?
Starting point is 00:27:23 Well, I took Katrina, I said, big head, no. I know, I what do you say? Well, I took Katrina, give me a big head now. I know, I know, I said, well, I told her, and I said that had to probably feel really good for Uncle Sal, because up until that point, the Sal's voice made him cry. I do it one time. No, two times, that it was a couple times. Yeah, every time he heard his voice, that's because I'm loud.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah, yeah, he cried. But this time, I win him over, dude. I mean, now he gets you. I mean, that's kind of like our relationship. It is. Yeah, yeah, cry. But this time, I win them over, dude. I mean, now it gets you. I mean, that's kind of like our relationship. It is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you first get out, you just cry.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Oh, you just cry. Ah! Then ask. So science time, let me tell you guys about a cool study that I read over the weekend. So there was a study that looked at the effect that leg exercises in particular, working the legs, had on the brain. And for some reason, working the legs, had on the brain.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And for some reason, training the legs with resistance has a greater effect on brain health than working even the upper body. So what they found was that, and I'll read a quote from the article, new research shows that using the legs particularly in weight-bearing exercise sends signals to the brain that are vital for the production of healthy,
Starting point is 00:28:26 neural cells. So they're showing that, in particular, strength training for the legs is important for brain health period. Okay, now, I like that study because it supports an argument that we've been making forever. But at the same point, it's kind of like a, here's your sign, type of argument like,
Starting point is 00:28:44 yeah, no shit, Don't you think? I know. The fact that training the biggest muscles on your body is going to promote more blood flow, more oxygen, more nutrients being moved throughout your body, which is kind of obvious to me would be healthy for the body. And I would, I would even say this, I would even say training fundamental movements versus other movements have a greater effect on the brain because we evolved to have these fundamental movements. And the complexion of it.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And then, like running, walking, squatting, you know, movements that are fundamental to human biology or evolution, probably have the greatest effect of all. Well, that or the complexity of it, right? Something that you're moving, right? Like a full body movement or a compound movement, I would think takes more brain power in order to do that synergistically. Versus, I could stand here, I'm talking to you right now.
Starting point is 00:29:37 It takes a lot more out. And I could be bicep curling all day long and not even thinking about it or paying attention to it, but ask me to squat, you know, or barbell squat, like it'd be a lot harder to communicate with you because a lot of my brain power is going to. Now, I think there's a limit to that because I think if you push it too far
Starting point is 00:29:52 and now you're squatting on a physical ball, balancing a plate, doing weird stuff, I don't think that'll send the same signal to the brain, or at least they have the same type of effect. And they've done studies where they show that, you know, thinking and exercising your brain in the sense of doing puzzles and stuff like that, does contribute to brain health.
Starting point is 00:30:12 But it doesn't contribute as much as activity. What? Moving, it's better for your brain than even just trying to think hard. You know, all that reactive sort of training too, like I know it stimulates a lot of cognitive benefits. What is that game? I know Doug knows. I think it's I think it's in Japan.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Is it Japan that does it where they? It's they they do all these crazy obstacles and racing and then between like obstacles. They have like to solve a math problem. Right. What? Yeah. Have you ever seen? It's not familiar with that. Oh, you guys have never seen that? No, no. Oh, yeah. I think it's really it's it's like one of those crazy ones with like Rubik's cube.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Like tons of people go go through it and it's like the ones that crazy ones. Like Rubik's Cube, like tons of people go through it and it's like the ones that they run through a wall and some of the walls are blocked. I love Japanese game shows. Oh yeah, that's called random. You see MXC? It's my favorite. I love that show.
Starting point is 00:30:54 My favorite. There was one Japanese game show. I saw a clip of it where these guys were drinking tons of beer. They had a drink every time. And then the loser was the last person to pee So they're trying to hold their and they're drinking. Oh, they're making a fog and they're drinking and then they pee themselves and then they're at your out That's brilliant. Yeah, that sounds that sounds like a game. I want to watch it. It's like a college frat game
Starting point is 00:31:21 Pretty crazy. Um another cool study, this one from Harvard. This is a 75 year study. I'm actually gonna pull this up because it's a big one. Oh wow. It's a 75 year study on tens of thousands of people to see what is the one thing that's most important for happiness, like what is the secret to happiness? So this is a long study, again, they tracked,
Starting point is 00:31:48 I think there's like, 700, 800 people. Laughter and love. That's my vote. It was just relationships. Okay, with that. Relationships in general. Hopefully that comes with that. Good relationships keep you happier and healthier
Starting point is 00:31:58 and that one factor right there is one of the most important factors and almost everything else. Isn't that cool? Isn't that crazy? Well, it's, it's cool. It's like, be nice to people and make friends and you'll be happy. It's also, it's also a reminder for, you know, because we, I would say we have an 80% general
Starting point is 00:32:19 pop that listen to this show and then a 20% of the fitness fanatical people. And I think it's a good time for this message for the fitness fanatical people that this is going up on Thanksgiving. You're probably gonna be with a lot of family and friends. And if there was ever a time for you to let go of your fucking goals around, I need to look a certain way, I need to be, get to my gym, and I'm not saying like,
Starting point is 00:32:42 fuck it off. I think there's nothing wrong with having a workout in the morning or what are that, but the more fanatical you are, and you know who you are, about it, it's probably even more important that you're the type of person that let's go of a lot of those things, and really puts a lot of energy and focus, and the reason why I think I could speak to this because I was like this.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I could, I mean, shit, I, three, four things givings ago, I was standing on a stage, you know, I was not even at Thanksgiving. So I complete and I vowed to never do that again, right? I remember going through that with Katrina and what a trooper she was. What a dumb time to put a competition on. It was. And my thought process. Okay, so the strategy. I'm gonna get first place as an absolute competitor.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Absolutely. I really, I was gonna be thick. Yeah, I was fucking wrong. It was going to be wrong. In fact, I think it was like one of my- They all have the same idea. One of my, it's real- You know what? It was a big show and it was one of my worst places.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Because you probably had a bunch of fitness fanatics where like, this is a great way to not get fat on Thanksgiving, welcome to you this way. It was, it was so opposite what I expected. It was one of my worst places. It was my first pro show. I like my physique, but I didn't do well in that. But my point of that is I understand.
Starting point is 00:33:50 So I know what it's like to be on that side. I'm also somebody who works like crazy all the time. It's because I had a less than normal, I guess childhood growing up with my family and stuff that's already a hard work for me. So if you're that know, if you're that person, if you know that, if you don't spend a lot of time with family, don't do those things, or friends, this is the time to really... And, you know, Bishop Baron really said it well when
Starting point is 00:34:15 he talked about, he called it spiritual physics, where the more you pour out of your heart, the more full your heart gets. So it doesn't empty because you're pouring it out. That's actually the only way that it gets filled. And the reason why I'm saying that is, when you go to these things giving or you're with your family for holidays, rather than going there and thinking, I'm gonna kind of protect myself
Starting point is 00:34:38 from this person, that person, go there and give love, give love, and be open-hearted regardless of who it is. And just forget the that you're different that they're different that they may annoy you that whatever Just go there open and I've done this now probably for the past few years And it's what a different experience to that point you just reminded me of something that hit home for me On it was the I think it was when we were down at the Bishop Barron talk, but I think it was Arthur Brooks that actually brought this point up. And he was talking about when he gives to the poor and instead of just giving them money
Starting point is 00:35:14 or just handing them food and then walking away, he asked for them to pray for them. Now you could be listening to this right now and you may not be a believer in God or you don't have a religion that is. That's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point.
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It's not the point. It I have no place, they're not needed, nobody needs them. Right, and he says by flipping that on its head, and you give food or money or whatever it is
Starting point is 00:35:48 that you can to that person, one of the greatest things that you can give them is by empowering them to do that and make them feel needed. The Givs them what's called dignity. And you ask them to do something for you. So it's like you go up and give them five bucks and you say, by the way, I did this. I did this.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, you already did it since I did the other day. Oh wow. I took my mom Oh, you already did it since. I did the other day. Oh, wow. I took my mom to lunch and it was on Sunday and we're eating sushi or whatever and I see a couple, you know, dudes sitting out there and I remember him saying that. And so I did.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I went up to the guy and he gave him $5 and I said, and my kids are traveling at the moment with their mom. They're going to visit her boyfriend. And so I thought it would be probably more impactful to be specific rather than just say, hey, pray for me. So I gave them the $5 to say,
Starting point is 00:36:29 hey, as I'm handing them the $5 to say, hey, can you do me a favor? I said, can you pray for my kids to travel safely while they're with their mom? And the look on his face was, I mean, I'm getting emotional right now thinking about it. The look on his face was totally different because he felt like he could do something.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I get it, you know what I mean? I totally know what that, what that, of course. I can see the power in that is just making them feel like, and I forgot who else talks about. I've seen acknowledged and have purpose. Like, that's all those things. They can do something for you. Well, we know that one of the most important things
Starting point is 00:37:02 in life is to have a purpose, right? And that's part of what have been a father or being a mother gives most people that may not have had one before. Like that's why people say that having children is so amazing. Meaningful. Yeah, and so meaningful because for the first time in my life, I now have a real purpose. I have this this child. So you're giving that you're giving that when you do that. You can just giving them food, get some buy and survive, but giving them purpose and by asking something in return is incredible at the moment. I mean, when he said that, it would just,
Starting point is 00:37:33 well, fucking hit right through. It makes so much sense. It makes so much sense, because I know what that, I could imagine what that would feel like. I could imagine what it would feel like to need people to give me stuff, but to also know that I have nothing to give anybody.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Where are your tools? It's a respect thing too. Yeah, I feel valuable. I feel like I have some value. No, super, super powerful when I did that and the dude the way he looked at me, it was almost like at first he was confused and then he had this look and he's like,
Starting point is 00:38:03 yeah, I'll do that for you. It's like, wow, man, I feel so. Super cool. Yeah, so cool about that. You know, it was funny about that talk, Bishop Baron tells a hilarious story about, I forgot what Cardinal it was, but there was a Cardinal that was at a fundraiser
Starting point is 00:38:17 and he's trying to raise money. Cardinal Nicholas? I don't remember. He was trying to raise money for charity and apparently this Cardinal is just very blunt, you know, the way he says things, and so he's telling all the you know the the billionaires in the room or whatever To donate to this charity because These poor people need billionaires like you they need your money and he goes and you need these poor people to get into heaven
Starting point is 00:38:41 That's such a good life Yeah, it's so it's so cool. That was a fun fit. I thought that was such a good line, you know. That was perfect. Yeah, it's so cool. I wonder what I'm going to write out. That was great. Shhh. Quick call. I'm going for everything.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Max. Qua. Today's call is brought to you by Max and Obolic. If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start. With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk. So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today!
Starting point is 00:39:12 It's the motherfucking squad! Eagle is landed! Quikwa. First question is from Erica Olson. What are some good stretches to increase squat mobility? Oh, good timing for this question. Yes. I just, I know I've been, I think I've said it already,
Starting point is 00:39:29 two or three times in the podcast and I've been getting, I should, I gotta be careful not to do this when I tell people something's coming or whatever because I shot the video like fucking three weeks ago but I do know that it takes process for us to get everything, you know, wrapped and edited and we have videos that are already lined up, and so I announced some shit, and then it takes a while.
Starting point is 00:39:48 But today, it will already be up, because it actually went up yesterday, if you're listening on Thursday. So, I just did a combat stretch to increase squat depth. Video, right? Yeah, video on that. And when I think of all the different, because there's a lot of things that you can do, and it's very individualized, right? Yeah, video on that. And when I think of the all the different, because there's a lot of things that you can do, and it's very individualized, right? So this is obviously this is, we're speaking to specific issues that I've had, but I know that this is a very
Starting point is 00:40:15 common in people. I would say this is probably a common and a majority of people who need to work on stuff. I agree too. So that's that's which is why I started with this one first because when I think of all the mobility drills and stretches that I did to improve my squat depth by far the combat stretch for my ankle mobility has been the biggest game changer. And so I did a video on that. And I would say the close second to that would be working on my hip mobility with the 1990 variations. So the combination of those two for my lower body has been a game change.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I can definitely speak to the ankle mobility, especially watching too. I remember we held a seminar in here and Dr. Brink kind of made an example of this of somebody who had very limited squat depth. And basically took him up front and was like, okay, but I'm gonna have you now with elevated heels and raise you up substantially and let's see
Starting point is 00:41:15 in no problem, like super comfortable going all the way to depth and just completely highlighted the fact that the ankles were, you know, the limiting factor there. I used to think it was the hips. And not to say that the hips don't play a role. It's definitely issues with people's hip mobility. It causes them problems when they squat.
Starting point is 00:41:34 But I used to think that that was most of the issue. I have since changed my mind and realized that it's mostly income mobility issues. That's the problem. And you can test this yourself. So if you're listening to the podcast right now and you find that you have difficulty going to depth, try squatting while you're up on your toes and you'll find all of a sudden, boom,
Starting point is 00:41:54 you hit the ground, no problem. This is why squat shoes, or placing a block under the heels helps because when you lift the heels, my ankles don't have to, they don't have to flex as much. And so now I can go down lower. Well, this just goes to show you how much this is a common problem.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Super common. Something like squat shoes became a thing. It's common if it wasn't common amongst almost everybody, it wouldn't have become something that's a standard piece of a tire you wear when you're squatting for max load. It's common because we almost never get our ankles in that position in regular everyday life. You know, I mean, sitting you're kind of in a squatted position a little bit, I guess, but
Starting point is 00:42:40 you did do nothing for your ankles, especially if you wear shoes with any kind of a heel. Yes, it's very common. So running shoes even, tennis shoes, comfortable shoes, if you look at your shoe right now, like I have a pair on right now, and I look down at them, I noticed that the heel is gonna be a little bit higher off the ground than the front of my foot. Now, why is that?
Starting point is 00:43:00 It's because shoe manufacturers have designed shoes around people's ankle mobility, and it just feels more comfortable than a shoe that's completely flat. Now women, if you wear high heels and you wear those a lot for work, even worse, even worse, and your body starts to form and shape around the way you move in everyday life and so you lose ankle mobility. So the combat stretch done properly, so we're going to attach that video to the show notes of this episode, watch and listen carefully because when you're doing a mobility movement like
Starting point is 00:43:34 like the combat stretch, intention is key. It's not just about going through the motion like you'll see Adam do it in the video. Don't just copy him, but pay attention to what he says and how you need to activate and where you need to pull up on the toes and how your knee is doing in the whole process. That makes all the difference in the world. So I would say start with the ankles. Then I would say go up to the hips and work on, you know, 90, 90s a great position because it works on what's known as internal external rotation, meaning the front leg is turning out, the back leg is turning in, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:06 You can cover both bases that way. Yeah, and then you'll switch sides, and that'll help work on your hip's ability to stabilize while you're squatting. And I think those two things in majority of people, there's always individual variance, probably will be a good prescription. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Next question is from Captain Jake Spara. I work as an Uber driver and my butt and hip hurts from sitting for so long. Are there any short exercises I can do in between trips to relieve my pain temporarily before getting back to work? This reminds me when I had a Mercedes in my hips, it would get so bad that I couldn't go longer than a 30 to 45 minute drive without having to pull over and get out of the car and do some stretches because it was hurting so bad. I mean, it literally feels like someone
Starting point is 00:44:56 it was taking a blade and just sticking it right in the side of my hip. And it is, and anybody who's dealt with presidice in their hips, or just to really, really tight IT, like you for sure know what this feels like, and people that sit in a car and drive a lot, especially as we age, this is super common. And you know, the, it's funny we made this transition
Starting point is 00:45:24 from the last question to this question because what I'd say about the combat stretch being the most important thing for the squat depth for me, for sure the 90, 90 for this. So mobilizing the hips, because you're sitting in this, you're sitting in the sagittal plane while you're driving. And what would actually really,
Starting point is 00:45:42 would really bother me is that just a little bit of movement left and right that I would make with my off the grass and break type of deal with my foot, that's what would light up that whole hip and make it feel like a knife-less thing. Yeah, that entire fascial line coming up. Yes, that's why too. I also tend to like, like, Eldo,
Starting point is 00:46:00 and I don't use a lot of the Eldo and Moose, but one in particular I'm always coming back to because I'm in traffic all the time. I'm in that fixed position and I'm not in full extension of my leg and then I'm also doing a lot of this planter flexion and internal rotation. I'm trying to then get in this position where you're laying on my back and then my legs are completely against the wall. And so then I'm turning my toes in and I'm like, basically unwinding. We have a video of that. Yeah, that's the one I got shared on Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Which I love. I love that. That's so much. That's a really good stuff. Helps my back, my hips. So yeah, we'll attach that to the show now, it's two so people can see that. And here's a real general thing you can do.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Every time you pull over in between trips or to use the restroom, even some sets of some general lower body exercises like squats and lunges and some hip abduction. This is like where you're standing straight up and you keep your legs straight and you're bringing it out to the side, something like you might see a dancer do. Just doing some simple exercises every hour or two,
Starting point is 00:47:05 when you stop doing the bathroom or again, in between trips, whatever. Listen, I'm big difference. I'm big on measuring things like this. And I was able to do this. Like I gave you a time, I know that time, because I literally have measured it. It's enough times that I go like,
Starting point is 00:47:18 right at the 30 to 45 minute mark, guarantee you I'll feel like I have a knife sticking in my hip if I didn't put my work in before I went into this. So something we didn't mention either that I used to do a lot of it and I noticed a ton of help was soft tissue work like on my IT and fear of formus. So roll across ball. Yeah, rolling the IT and rolling the fear of formus will help release all that and then getting into my 90s.
Starting point is 00:47:43 So those are the main things. So I would roll the IT, I'd roll the peer formus, I would do some 1990 transitions literally that you're talking about five to eight minutes worth of work real quick before I got in the car, night and day difference. You will notice a significant difference. And this is a good message for people who work long hours instead of the desk. You know, if you're sitting at work for 10 hours, I used to tell us my clients, I would say every hour
Starting point is 00:48:09 or every 90 minutes, get up and do about five minutes worth of just exercises stretching mobility work. That's all just five minutes. And there's some side effects of that. Besides the fact that they had less pain and they felt better, they actually were more productive. Because when you get up and start moving, you start producing chemicals in the body that increase wakefulness and productivity.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I also wanted to add to that I noticed like when I was constantly hydrating and focusing on like getting more water like it really helped mitigate a lot of the pain. Next question is from T. Calaman. What is the most effective way to bulk? What are your guys' secrets or perspectives on trying to bulk up? All right, so step one, what bulking is this? Have a good workout. Have a good workout that is sending a muscle-building signal.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Because if you try to bulk on a workout that's not effective, you will just get fatter. And when you're doing an effective workout, you don't need to push your calories nearly as much because your body wants to build muscle. So step number one, train in a way that's really effective for building muscle. Well, I think we need to, what, what you mean by that,
Starting point is 00:49:22 I think it's really important too, is that you, because somebody might be listening and going like, oh, I, I do that. I, I think it's really important too, is that because somebody might be listening and going like, oh, I do that. I have a good muscle-billion team. And if more importantly, probably something you're not used to doing is the best thing you do. If you're, that's how I was just going there. Yeah, so if you think you're doing something
Starting point is 00:49:36 you have a great muscle-billion routine or you have a great program you're following, if you've been doing that for a while, it's not a great one to be doing while you're also adding a ton of calories because the gains while you're also adding a ton of calories because the the gains that you're getting from the way you've been training if you've been doing that for weeks or months on end Have diminished so much now you increase a calorie intake
Starting point is 00:49:57 So you decide you're gonna go on the bulk still running the same routine Well, you've already kind of adapted and changed the bulk of your changing like it Everybody knows that you get the beginning of a program or the beginning of training or anything, you get most of the gains at the beginning, and then it falls off and over time it slows way down. So if you decide that you're going to make a calorie surplus, when you're at the tail end or you've been following a program for a long period of time, you're not giving a good place for a lot of those extra calories to go. You want to do something, so if I am somebody who's falling like a maps black or a bodybuilding type of routine consistently, and I know I'm going to give myself a surge of calories,
Starting point is 00:50:39 I want to make sure I switch to something like strong, map strong, or I switch over to maps for something really different than the maps, like bodybuilding type of a program, because I know that that novelty, again, will send a new signal to the body, I'll get those kind of beginner type gains when I first start, and now I'm in a calorie surplus, so that's a little secret right there.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I'm in a perfect storm that way. Right, right. Send the right stimulus, increase your calories. Okay, so step. Right. Send the right stimulus, increase your calories. Okay, so step one was the workout. Step two, increase your calories. So we've been talking about that, right? You have to take in more calories because you're trying to get your body to add new tissue and hopefully it's favorable tissue like muscle.
Starting point is 00:51:20 A high protein diet's important. Now, that's important whether you're trying to bulk or cut. A higher protein diet preserves muscle Now that's important with whether you're trying to bulk or cut. A higher protein diet preserves muscle when you're trying to cut and also has a much greater effect on satiety, meaning it keeps you full longer. And for bulking, you want a high protein diet because your body builds more muscle
Starting point is 00:51:38 when your protein intake is high. Now how much is a right amount? We talked about this earlier in this episode. About point, generally for most people, it's about point eight grams or one gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you're at a relatively normal body weight, if you're really obese, you can't use that number
Starting point is 00:51:55 because that's just too high, right? If you're a 300 pound man, don't aim for 300 grams of protein. In that case, I would aim more for your lean body mass where you subtract your body fat. You know, after you get a body fat test. But in this case with bulking, you're probably somebody who is skinnier or whatever, you want to gain more weight. One gram of protein per pound of body weight, carbohydrates are excellent for building muscle. So contrary to what some of the fitness influencers out there will say about low-carb diets and
Starting point is 00:52:25 that they're the best for everything. This, of course, on an individual basis, almost anything can be true when it comes to diet. But for the most part, carbohydrates help build muscle. They fuel your energy when you're lifting with weights. They increase the intracellular fluid that's stored in your muscle. So you get the appear full or bigger. That also stimulates muscle protein synthesis. They affect how your body recovers.
Starting point is 00:52:50 You want to aim for on the low end one gram of protein of carbs per pound of body weight on the high end for the faster metabolism people, two or three grams, where you're eating a lot of carbs. Go ahead. I also avoid starchy and saturated fat early on in my day. I don't eliminate it from my diet. I avoid it early in the day because those things tend to slow down the digestive process for me and it doesn't promote hunger the same way as like a fast acting carb, like rice would. And that's a secret, right? Or a tip that I've learned from bulking so many times
Starting point is 00:53:28 over years and years and years, I used to struggle as a kid because I'd start off with egg oafles and peanut butter and syrup and I'd have all this stuff, but then I would just be, I would be so full that I didn't want anything till afternoon, where that's why I like doing things like
Starting point is 00:53:45 eggs, oatmeal, and like a way protein shake was a staple morning breakfast for me when I was competing because I was hungry again for another meal within two hours. Then I was having steak and eggs and something else again. That makes you make a great point. When you're bulking, don't chase fat, chase protein and carbs. Now when it comes to fat, don't go for low fat stuff. So when you eat your protein, go ahead and eat the high fat, protein, so I should actually have a good rib eye steak.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah, like the steaks and the ground beef and don't take the yolks out of your eggs, eat the whole egg. And if you have dairy, have full fat dairy, couldn't the vegetables use olive oil? That's it, but no need to chase fat. Chase carbs and protein when you're bulking, and it's a way better strategy. If you try to chase fat,
Starting point is 00:54:27 I'm a bunch of chaser. If you think you're gonna get all your calories from fat and you chase fat, like Adam says, you might find that you're just not gonna be able to eat that much. And then the third thing I would say is sleep get really good sleep. Prioritize, eight hours of sleep every single night. I tell you what great diet great workout shitty sleep equals no muscle. Okay, no muscle whatsoever. You got to have the sleep has got to be a part of the formula. I'll give you another one that for me that took a long time to piece together, which was.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I used to connect you know the more I train the harder I in the gym, the more muscle that I would pack on, and one of the best bulks or times I ever built muscle was when I scaled back my training. And you could be somebody like this. So just because you want to build muscle, does it mean that the more you're in the gym is necessarily going to mean you're going to build more muscle, especially if you're a fall on the side like I was, which is the fact kind of faster metabolism. I moved a lot through the day, so I was already burning a ton of calories,
Starting point is 00:55:32 and then I'm throwing on seven intense workouts a week on top of a guy who already is stepping 15 to 20,000 steps. Man, it was just so hard to eat 5,000, 6,000 calories consistently, it was almost impossible for me. So scaling back on how often I was training, I went from seven days down to four days, and man, I put on size, like quenching. And it was probably a combination of two things,
Starting point is 00:55:57 I would think. One, I was probably flirting in the overtraining area when I was training seven days a week. So just backing off the overtraining, probably promoted some muscle growth. And then two, cutting out three intense workouts was now saving, now was an additional 1500 calories, do 3000 calories, my body is now using now
Starting point is 00:56:16 or allocating over to building muscle. So if you're somebody who can relate to that or you struggle with getting enough calories to bulk up, maybe assess how often you're training in the gym and maybe scaling back on more effective workouts than driving the intensity thing. I'll add one last thing, creatine, take creatine, great supplement for most goals,
Starting point is 00:56:37 but especially for building muscle. Most people respond really, really well to creatine. A two to five grams a day would be enough, but it does put muscle on your body. Will not replace your diet and your workout and your sleep. It's not gonna give you the same effects as those things, but as far as supplements or concern, creatine does help build muscle.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Next question is from Carolina, Ms. Bowley. Do you think that food affects your brain and mood? A total of 100%. Oh my God, 100%. Now, the obvious is the physiological effects, right? The obvious is, if I eat a healthy diet, then I'm gonna have a healthy body. My brain is a part of my body.
Starting point is 00:57:14 So having a healthy body also probably means I have a healthy brain where it's getting the nutrients that it needs. Inflammation is low. And like any machine, if the machine itself is clean and well lubricated and healthy, then it's gonna operate better. But that's the obvious one.
Starting point is 00:57:31 There's the less obvious one that I think a lot of people don't address, which are the psychological effects that food has on your mood. You ever watch somebody eat a food that they had when they were a child and it was like one of their favorite foods and then eat it again and see their face light up and the energy. You ever watch somebody or experience it yourself where you reach for certain foods when you're feeling certain feelings like sad. A lot of people eat their
Starting point is 00:57:59 feelings, right? That's the term. Food has a huge effect on mood, and when your mood makes you wanna eat a particular type of food, there's typically a positive feedback loop, where I'm sad, therefore I'll eat this food. This food makes me feel a little better, but then I start to feel sad again, which then drives me back to eating this food, and it kind of starts this cycle.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Well, what also about avoiding high inflammatory foods, and the inflammation, and what that does, and when you have systemic inflammation, that doesn't just happen in your legs and arms, that happens all the way up into your brain too. So if you get inflammation up and there, that's gonna create that kind of cloudy fogginess or you're not as sharp or on point,
Starting point is 00:58:38 which is why some people make this, like when they eat like on a low carb type of a diet where that's a, or like a carnivore or a ketogenic, they talk about one of the things they notice is, oh man, mental clarity. I felt that was so sharp. You didn't benefit. Right, because you went low carb and you were probably,
Starting point is 00:58:55 you probably had some sort of inflammation from some of the carbohydrate foods that you were taking, or you had an inflammatory response from something that you were probably eating before and now you're no longer doing that. That's what's making you feel sharp, it's not the the steak that made you feel sharp. It's the you're not taking in high inflammatory foods anymore. That's what's giving you that mental clarity. Or you were consuming like shitty like carbs. Like you're getting it from bad sources like for I remember like I was under the impression that
Starting point is 00:59:23 you know the more carbs equals energy. And so I would load my body with all these carbohydrates before the game. And of course, what that looked like was stacks of pancakes and syrup and bacon and all this stuff, like in excess, but the majority was pancakes. And I'm trying to stack all this as energy and then get into the game. And it was, it was again, it's the brain fog that that occurs. And then it's at halftime no energy. So it was just like, I was like shooting myself in the foot. Yeah, no, no, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:59:55 You brought up, you guys were bringing up inflammation and all that stuff. But so I pulled up a study from Harvard University. So this is accepted. You know, this obviously Harvard is a Western college. They found in their studies that the Mediterranean style diet and traditional Japanese diet, which I'll caution people to think that there's a secret to those particular diets besides the fact that they're whole food-based diets and they probably don't overeat. When you look at those type of diets, they're high in whole natural foods and low and heavily processed foods.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Nonetheless, those two diets result, according to these studies, in a risk of depression that is 25 to 35% lower than people who eat a traditional, you know, Western American type diet. That's a big decrease. That's a quarter to almost, you know, almost two, two quarters of people have a lower risk of depression, or that much of a lower risk of depression. Pretty insane. You made a point too that I think it's probably,
Starting point is 01:00:53 and it's hard to measure something like this, but most people I think can relate, or maybe they're just not as connected to this, but when you eat, you over stuff yourself and you feel bloated. Like, it changes my mood. I mean, I, not only does my stomach feel, oh, I feel lethargic, but then I also feel lazy
Starting point is 01:01:14 unmotivated. And after that, people, right. I don't feel, I don't feel good about myself. So it changes my entire attitude. I'm not, I don't eat a big old, you know, double cheeseburger, french fries and a milkshake, and feel motivated to go get work done in the garage.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Like that doesn't, it doesn't, but I do feel that way when I eat something really light and lean, and it's like full of vitamins and minerals, like if I have something like that, and it fulfills me as far as what I, if I was hungry, but it doesn't stuff me, and it's not like a bunch. If you're energized. Yeah, and it's not like a bunch of... You're energized. Yeah, and my body digests it quickly.
Starting point is 01:01:48 You can see, you can feel that that makes a difference in my mood. It's crazy to me that when you go to the doctor and you have, let's say you have ADD as an adult or your kid, or somebody's depressed, or they're anxious, they're suffering from anxiety. It's crazy to me that the first, well I guess it's crazy,
Starting point is 01:02:08 but then it's also understandable. It's crazy to me that the first thing that they don't recommend are dietary changes because what you eat, what you're putting inside your body every single day has got to have one of the largest impacts on your physiological health. Now here's why it's understandable,
Starting point is 01:02:25 probably impossible to get patients to adhere to that advice, right? They're gonna come into you. I have all this anxiety and you're like, okay, I want you to totally change your diet. Yeah, right, give me a pill and I'm cool. So I can kind of get that, but the reality is how you eat has a massive impact
Starting point is 01:02:42 on how you feel. And if you're being totally honest with yourself and you're listening right now, I think you know this to be true. You can think of particular foods that make you feel a particular way. You can attach how you feel to having poor digestion. If you're paying attention.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Yeah, I think that's really the biggest thing is most people don't pay attention to these things they eat with just mindless eating And then they react later and don't associate it with like anything else that they've actually put in their body Well, no, it is so true and just listening to his talk right now and hearing you go go off on its own I'm going like, you know what? Justin's right like most people actually aren't that's why we wrote a guide We don't even. We wrote an intuitive eating guide and this is part of the steps is to help people make that connection. And
Starting point is 01:03:28 this is also what I spent a much already at my time doing with clients when they first started was, you know, okay, when you eat these foods, I don't want to tell you know you can't have them. But let's connect it to some other things other than the enjoyment it gives you. That ice cream hits your mouth while you're watching your favorite TV show. It tastes good. Ooh, it tastes so good. But then you stop there. You don't go.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Then you have runny shits. Right, well, no, seriously, you don't think about, you know, what was your stool like for the next 24 hours after you had that? What was your sleep like that night? What was your mood like? What was your mood like?
Starting point is 01:03:59 What was your energy level out to that? Like, were you bloated at all? Like, starting to attach all the negative things that this one thing gives us pleasure wise. It gives me pleasure because it tastes really good. That's just one of the attributes that food has for us. It's so funny when I used to train clients, what a great point you guys are making.
Starting point is 01:04:16 When I used to train clients, one of the ways that I would help them start to believe me and start to pay attention was if they had kids because here are these people who are like, nah, food doesn't really affect my mood or whatever. start to believe me and start to pay attention was if they had kids. Because here are these people who are like, nah, food doesn't really affect my mood or whatever. And then I would ask them a couple of other questions and I'd come back and be like,
Starting point is 01:04:32 hey, do your kids act differently when they eat different foods like a lot of sugar or whatever? Oh yeah, like I give Tommy, if I give him some candy, he's running off the walls and about an hour later, he's a little shit. It's blaringly hot. And I'm like, well, do you think that you're
Starting point is 01:04:44 any different than your kids and then you'd see the look on the face like, oh, I guess you're right. It's blaringly hot. And I'm like, well, do you think that you're any different than your kids? And then you'd see the look on the face like, oh, I guess you're right. I guess that could be totally happening to me. So absolutely affects your moods. Look, it's Black Friday sale right now. This is the biggest sale we run ever all year long. Here's how crazy it is, ready for this?
Starting point is 01:05:03 50% off all of our programs except for maps power lift all others Half off all programs maps and a ballic maps aesthetic maps performance maps prime maps prime pro maps anywhere Maps OCR strong. I mean all of them 50 half 50% off the very short time. All of our guides and mods are also 50% off. Now here's, it gets even crazier, ready for this? Yeah, tell me, Sal. Our bundles, this is where we take multiple maps programs and we put them together.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So we have like bundles of three maps programs, four maps programs or more. Those are already discounted. We already take those 30, 35% off retail. You can get an additional 25% off those bundles all during the Black Friday sale. Here's what you do to get those discounts, okay? Go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and use the code Black Friday 50, so that's B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y-5-0-0-No-Space. That's the one you use for the 50% off all maps, programs,
Starting point is 01:06:07 guides, and mods. And then if you want the 25% off the bundles, which are already discounted, use the code B-F bundles. That's the letter B, the letter F, and bundles for that discount. All of this again can be found at mapsfitinistproducts.com. And this sale is for Black Friday. It will end at midnight on Friday, so take advantage now. Cool kid.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos. The RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you
Starting point is 01:07:17 can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating interview on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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