Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 119: Bullies & Other Dumb-Asses

Episode Date: July 24, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin take on the topic of bullies and whiney-assed, self-righteous people who focus on political correctness rather than on providing solutions to real problems....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Adam. Yeah. How much of your calves grown since you've been doing occlusion? Like what you say? Oh, God, dude. Probably, you know what? I'm not realistically. Yeah, realistically, I'm not a measure guy. So this is total just as off, you know, just throwing out a number out there. I don't know, probably like two feet. Two feet. Just just, just, just, you think I'm rounding up a little bit? Yeah. Oh, okay. You got a round out? No, no, on a serious note, for sure, I have put at least a solid inch for calves. That's a big fucking deal. I've done almost that much and we even had a little contest earlier and I didn't shave
Starting point is 00:00:38 my legs. It was bad lighting and everything. But your calves look a little bigger. But, hey, but let's be honest, they both grew. We've grown our calves and I've done everything. And they just didn't grow. Occlusion was the one thing that helped them grow. I've also done occlusion on my arms,
Starting point is 00:00:54 and they're almost a quarter inch bigger than they have ever been at this body fat percentage. Which, we gotta remember too, for guys I guess who've been training for 15 years plus. That's a lot. Yeah, to get any sort of like noticeable gains is a big deal. You know what I'm saying? So for me, to get a compliment on a muscle
Starting point is 00:01:12 that I've been made fun of for a majority of my life, to actually get true genuine compliments from people I do not know that are strangers that ask me, hey, what do you do for your calves? Your calves are good. That to me is like, oh, it's more than any other business. It's so inclusion, super cutting edge, new type of training.
Starting point is 00:01:27 If you do it wrong, you can injure yourself. If you do it right, it's very effective. You include it into your regular routine. We've made a guide for you. It's only $27. That's it, you buy it, you learn. How do you apply occlusion to your weaker body parts to bring them up?
Starting point is 00:01:43 If you're already a Mind Pump Forum member, wait for an email, you're gonna be getting hooked up with a discount to enroll to get the Occlusion Training Guide, go to MindPumpRadio.com, click on the blue button. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, up with your hosts.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Yeah, I want to change my voice to something. Yeah, I feel like Sal has been getting a lot of the attention lately, and I think has something to do with his voice. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think if I... Well, yeah, but you don't sound like me now. You're doing more... You're doing more of...
Starting point is 00:02:24 I don't want to do... You got to do more of. You're doing more, you're doing more of you. I don't wanna do more of me. No, I don't wanna sound like you. I just wanna sound different. Just different? Yeah, what thing, turn it on? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta do more of me. I'm not nazily, bro.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I don't know. I don't really know how to duplicate that. Otherwise, I'm fucking nazily. I actually, I actually, I actually, can I just say something? If we were in elementary school, let's be honest here, you guys would both be bullies. And you guys would both try to bully me.
Starting point is 00:02:44 That is, I was, I was a bully bully until it came time for fucking test and shit and then you be friends with Sal I have a confession right I was a bully and that was nice. It was this weird world. I was living I was I was definitely not a bully. First of all I would get my ass kicked because I was I was I weighed like a Bucco five Well, that's I you don't mean You would bully me, let it be the shit. I was more likely to get bullied. So I've been in... Did you get bullied? Oh yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I was jumped when I was in sixth grade by two upperclassmen and get fucking in a fight when I was a kid in the bathroom. I got trash can when I was a freshman by upperclassmen. And I was always teased because one, I was a freshman by upper class men and I was always teased because one I was I was a lot more dark Complexity when I was growing up so I had my my tan was a lot darker so I was definitely looked more ethnic growing up Then I do now. Now. It's funny if I hang around anybody who has any sort of Hispanic or color to them whatsoever. I'm a white boy if I hang out with anybody anybody that's a white boy
Starting point is 00:03:43 I'm a Mexican. So I can't I don't fit in anywhere. Well sitting next to Doug, you look Nigerian. So I also had, I was also, I was so skinny, you could see my rib cage, you know, and like you, I was nothing but knees and ankles. And then I also had my two front teeth were completely crooked and turned in. So I had a fucked up grill. And I was poor. And I mean had my two front teeth were completely crooked and turned in. So I had a fucked up grill and I was poor. And I mean, my grill was so I didn't get and I didn't get braces till after high school toes in college. So which I have a whole story for.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I'm not going to be able to pick on you at all a year. Like a huge stud. I feel so bad. I can't even make fun of you today now. All the episodes will record today. I'm going to be super nice. You just maybe feel horrible. You know, so I, you know so I feel like it's important to kind of share that stuff. Not because not because. Okay. Fin, are you done? No, go ahead. Talk some shit if you're
Starting point is 00:04:35 going to. No, I'm not. I'm not talking shit like at your name. I'm just coming from a different angle growing up. Like you were cool. No, no, no. I would not, that is just that I would punk kids. Who punk kids? Who punked kids? Yeah. But not only that, I would punk kids that were my friends just to see if they could take it, right? We all had this like inner circle of guys
Starting point is 00:04:57 that we would talk shit to each other all the time. And if you couldn't take it, you're outside our circle, right? So you had to have a little bit of thick skin. It was like hazing. Yeah, it just made the fraternity. It's fun stuff, but I mean, it's not fun if you're an outsider, obviously, but I just feel like, dude, I'm glad
Starting point is 00:05:16 because otherwise I'd have been this little snivily bitch. You know, I didn't want to be that. Like, I took a lot of heat. Like, I had my brother's tears, older than me. And half the time I was like, I just had this chip on my shoulder because he was getting pumped on.
Starting point is 00:05:32 He was a guy that looked like a screech from say by the bell. Yes, dude. He had like the curly hair and like the frowy, super skinny, super white. Like you think I'm white bro? My brother's like ghostly white. And, you know, he would play basketball
Starting point is 00:05:48 and he would get punked on ball these guys. And so I would grab the basketball, I'd throw it at the dude's head. You know, that would rip my brother just because I was that like little fiery bro, you know, younger brother. So, but yeah, dude, you know, I do feel bad. I did some things like, like bully wise.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I totally like, I went back to those kids actually later. I was like, you know, sorry, such a dick. You know, like I really did feel this like guilt inside me for doing some shit when I was growing up, but you're growing up, dude. You're learning, you're learning things. I just want to put that out there because I feel like everybody's always like, so,
Starting point is 00:06:23 you know, I never did that. And, you know, I was always a great kid and like, that's sort of bullshit. I'd be real. Oh, and you know what, we had the incident of what, like six months ago where Rachelle called me out for teasing her when we were in high school or with that. So, I most certainly was no angel by any means
Starting point is 00:06:42 as far as when it comes to teasing your type of shit, but I definitely was more likely to be someone boy. Now where, you know, and someone like her would might disagree because she came along. She, her and I met each other when I'm like, what a sophomore in high school or whatever. So by this time, I had learned to embrace this. So I guess this is what this is where the character building came is because I didn't fit in. I became a very popular kid because I still carried myself with confidence and I accepted the fact that I was not accepted by the norm and I actually I took that and I ran with it. So I was a kid who had this crazy hat collection.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I wore a different hat like every day. I wore like this neon bright PG knee jacket. I like my style was different than everybody else. And like, you know, I was already getting me foot on my T's. So it's like, fuck it. I'm going to run with it all the way. And I'm going to be totally an individual and be like nobody else. And that ended up making me probably a very popular kid because of that. Because later on when I didn't allow the teasing and the shit and the hazing and stuff to bother me. And I still
Starting point is 00:07:42 carried myself the same way. And it was a pretty decent athlete too. So that probably helped. And then it probably helped too that I dated the hottest girl in school too. But I mean, I probably wouldn't have dated the hottest girl in school had I not carried myself. You didn't have that confidence. Exactly. You overcame. And chicks, I mean, when you're, it's funny because when I look back and I think about this, I'm like, I by far was not the super hot dude in the school. Like I said, I had the crooked fucking teeth. I weighed a Bucco V. I drove a shit brown car that was hell old, like it was a poor kid, but because I carried myself very confidently, I attracted the girl, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:08:14 the, we all have kind of similar story. Daniel Laruso. I was like a Daniel. That's probably a little too much. So, and for me, and I went to junior high. I was, you know, I, we've talked about this before. I was real skinny too. And, but I went to a gangster ass junior high. Like it was you know, we've talked about this before. I was real skinny too. But I went to a gangster ass junior high.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Like it was bad. I remember the first day of school. And this is in the mid 90s when gang activity was probably at its peak, especially in San Jose. I remember driving up, my mom drives me up. And I see kids with hair nets and with like wearing like either all red or all blue. It looked like a fucking movie.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Like in this is junior high, like how many times have you seen dudes wear a hair net other than in a movie? You know, and this was at school. So I was like, this is gonna suck. And the problem is, and I got jumped, bad. I got jumped badly in junior high. But the reason behind the jumping was,
Starting point is 00:09:02 I wasn't necessarily easy to pick on. Actually, I was really hard to pick on. I had a big mouth, which I still have today. And one time in particular, I was waiting in line to get water at the water fountain, and one of the gang banging dudes cut right in front of the person who was in front of me. And they didn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And I sat there for probably 20 seconds, just fuming, like this mother, and he's got all his buddies with him. You know, all the way, all standing over there talking shit or whatever, and nobody didn't dare and he'd say anything to him. So I couldn't take it anymore. So I tapped them on the shoulder, I'm like, hey, the lion's back there.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Of course, they all surround me, all talking shit. Yeah, come on, fight me whatever. So I had to back down and, you know, walk away as they're calling me a pussy and there's about 10 of them. And that stayed with me that entire night until the next day and I convinced myself and I was scared to hell. I wasn't like some super brave kid. I just couldn't fucking stand that someone would do something. that. Yeah, right. Right. No, I couldn't stand that. You thought I was a pussy.
Starting point is 00:10:07 You talk shit to all these kids. Nobody says anything. And I stand up to you. Then I got it back down. So I convinced myself to fight him the next day. So the very next day I went to school and we had PE together. And in this particular PE class,
Starting point is 00:10:22 none of his buddies were in there. So it was him and me and then other kids. So I'm like, this is what I'm going to make my move. And so sure enough, you know, you stand on your number, the teacher checks you in, everybody getting there, you know, in the locker room and change out, we go in there, and I walk up to him, and I'm like, where's your boys now? And he's like, oh, you want to fight me now and start talking shit? Well, it starts to start, starts to commotion.
Starting point is 00:10:44 The teacher comes into the locker room, like I better make my move before teacher gets over here. You gotta get it in quick. So I, I, I hit him, boom. And I, you know, right across the face, knocked him silly, he couldn't really stand up. Teacher throws me up against the locker, made this huge, it was a huge deal
Starting point is 00:11:00 because he was like the super gang banger kid. And like this nobody, you know, this, me, who I wasn't like making waves or anything in the school. I fucking hit him hard and I put him out So we got in-house detention Which if you're not familiar that's basically where you're in like the principal's office all there suspended But you're at school. Yeah, it's cool. So I had to sit next to him So we're in there and this little fucking coward shit was like super cool to me in there. Hey, man You know man you hit real hard, bro. Yeah, you know, and it's all good, bro
Starting point is 00:11:28 We're gonna be cool. It's all good. I understand it. No, talking to some like all right cool. It's it's it's over. We're all good Go to school the next day. He grabs all his boys bro. Go to school the next day. This was you know and for a kid like myself I didn't grow up in some horrible area for whatever reason they bust these fucking kids into my school Yeah, so I'm in I go to the bathroom, I go to take a piss, it's break and it's just me in there and then I hear the door shut. Boom. And I look out and there's him and fucking eight dudes and it just me in the bathroom. So I'm like, okay, it's gonna happen right now. So I threw the first punch to trying, you know, trying, trying to stop some of the damage. Well, they pummeled me in the bathroom. I didn't hit the ground, because I knew if I went on the ground I'd get stomped.
Starting point is 00:12:11 So I fucking hung on to the urinal while getting beat. Go home, I got a black eye, and most of the injuries were to my body because I was covering up pretty well. And of course I lied to my parents as I always playing basketball, I get elbow in the face. So I thought, okay, it's over, they jumped me, it's over, they're gonna leave me alone. No, after school every single day, they would try to find me and do some shit. Well, finally would end up happening
Starting point is 00:12:36 as one of the dudes pulled a knife on me. This is after school and keep in mind, this is eighth grade. So I can't even, I mean, I can't even believe talking about it, this shit happens in New York. Dude pulls a knife on me. Someone's like, teachers coming, he puts it away and walks and runs off
Starting point is 00:12:50 and I'm thinking to myself, I have to do something. Cause this is, so I contemplated like bringing a bat to school and just, I come to contemplate, I was crazy shit and I'm like, well, I'm gonna go to, I'm gonna get real big trouble. So I came up with this plan. And so what I did was I walked up to him and his group of buddies.
Starting point is 00:13:06 They hung out by these benches, and I was gonna stand on the bench, and I was gonna challenge him in front of the whole school to a one-on-one fight. And he can't jump me at that point, right? Cause then he'll look like a big pussy in front of all the kids. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:19 So that's what I did, bro. I walked all the way over into Fricking Gangland cause they had this little area of the school. I walked through them, and they're all looking at me like what the fuck's he doing? I stand up on the bench and I make this speech about how I'm gonna he needs to fight me one-on-one or he's a coward Let's see who the real tough guy is isn't that so the whole school was like fight him fight him one-on-one So we go around the back and I fought him and I beat him up again and then they left me alone, bro Yeah true story left me alone and because. True story, they left me alone. And because I figured, they probably figured I was too much trouble.
Starting point is 00:13:48 That reputation carried throughout the rest of junior high and then high school. So then in high school, I was like, some badass, all of a sudden. The truth is I hate violence. I just don't like, I hate violence, but I will use it if I feel like you're taking advantage of someone or in a horrible way and you deserve to pick it on you putting it in a back of the corner. Oh yeah, so then I went to high school and I was like, you know, oh, cells have been I'm like, okay, I'll keep that, I'll keep that rep.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Right. Yeah, as long as nobody else. It's fine because I talked to my wife all the time and she just, she's always just like, I can't believe like this happens, you know, with and stuff growing up I'm like it happens, you know like this this is a reality and like maybe Because society now is like I don't know trying to be nicer and and be more sensitive and all these things Maybe it's gone. I really don't think it's gone down. I feel like that's always gonna be there And so it's a matter of always preparing, you know, for something, right? You got to have a little bit of edge to you. Well, check this out. I had this 12 year old client a while ago, this kid, a nice kid, but he was
Starting point is 00:14:55 kind of different. I think that's why his parents probably hired me to train him. And he'd get picked on because he was different. And here's a thing thing if you're listening to this right now and you're in high school and You're getting bullied and shit because you're different. I'm gonna give you some cool some interesting cool information here Okay, inside inside what makes you get picked on in high school is what's gonna get you laid at a high school? Absolutely. Yes, you're absolutely you've been if the dudes that fit in and all the same Those guys in college and beyond they get no done They get no chicks because they don't stand out. There's nothing weird about it If you play the piano in freaking in your sophomore year in high school everyone's gonna call you a nerd
Starting point is 00:15:34 You play the piano when you're 25 years old. That's some party. Yeah, bitches panties get wet They're gonna be giving you women are gonna line up for it. There's this guy that used to wear all orange and like a green hat It looked like a fucking carrot walker. Right? It was ridiculous. And then later on this guy, and he had like blonde, like curly fro, you know, he was just totally eccentric, you know, like we always were like,
Starting point is 00:15:54 this fucking guy. I find out later, you know, he's, he's wrapping, he's like this big star. He's like totally just went into his like craziness and like chicks are totally digging it. So there you go. And so this one kid, I was telling you. That's good.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Dude, getting laid. Of course, this kid I was training this 12 year old, he got picked on by these kids. And at 12 years old, you tell them, tell the teacher, right? But you remember as a guy, 12 years old, like telling the teacher is, that's hard because now you're, you know, you're a snitch, right? So you get that social stigma. but he did he told the teacher
Starting point is 00:16:27 They talked to the kid, but the kid kept fucking with him and I mean horribly So I told him and I feel and without his parents knowing I told him I said listen, this is what you're gonna do So next time this kid fucks with you on your way home if you can't take it anymore I want you to turn around grab his shirt with your left hand I want you to blast him into nose as hard as you possibly can. I said, just hit him in the nose and don't stop hitting him until the teacher pulls you off. I said, make sure it's at school so that the teacher can stop it.
Starting point is 00:16:56 It's like right there. Before it gets crazy, everybody will see it and I promise the kid will leave you alone. Well, he did that. He actually hit the kid. He got suspended in big trouble. Oh, God, his mom come down and does that. No, because he never told his mom,
Starting point is 00:17:07 but they fucking kid, they left him alone. They never bothered him again. I'm sure, sure. And so, I mean, I don't know if it was a right advice or whatever, but I mean, I honestly wanted to go to school. You allegedly said that. Yeah, you're supposed to bring it to school. Bro, I actually wanted to go to the school
Starting point is 00:17:23 and like just lay out some kids, because you just, of course actually wanted to go to the school and just lay out some kids. Cause you just, I hear that shit in his head. Yeah, imagine the father and you want to do that. Well, it's like defending yourself. Like there has to be that. Like you have to let kids do that, man. And you can't intervene. You don't want to be that parent.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah, it's going in fighting all their fights. You know what I mean? This is the big debate right now because of the whole anti-bullying movement that's going on right now and it's, you know, it's kind of this really gray area that, you know, leave it to mind pump to not be afraid to fucking skate through, right? I know. So because it is so sent condone.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yeah, exactly. Right. We are. But, you know, hey, it might take on it and I'm not going to say anything about being anti against anti-bullying programs or anything like that. But I'll tell you what, man, it might take on it. And I'm not going to say anything about being anti against anti-bullying programs or anything like that. But I tell you what, man, it built a lot of character in me. I mean, those were some of the, I can think of,
Starting point is 00:18:11 I have stories like that all day long of being jumped or put in situations like that or not fitting in and all these things and being picked on. And shit, I had a halfway through my eighth grade and moved out to Colorado. And, you know, I was totally not accepted and got jumped and beat up every single day. I went to school and ended up having to do home school
Starting point is 00:18:30 for the back half of that year because of that. But I mean, all that should built me. Like, I mean, I don't know. I just don't think that I think it made me a better person because of that. I don't know. I guess some people view that differently. It's adversity.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah, and like I said, I told you guys like it forced me to embrace being different and unique and it ended up playing in my favor, you know, it might have been challenging as a kid growing up. Fuck, grown up is hard for everybody. Well, it's hard for every kid. Well, here's a deal. So here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:19:00 This is what happens with people. As they'll say, they'll say something is horrible. We need to put money into programs to stop whatever it is that we think is horrible. And they think by throwing money at it or creating programs that they're stopping it or slowing it down. Here's the facts. The fact is, anti-bulley programs have zero evidence
Starting point is 00:19:20 of actually reducing any kind of bullying. This awareness program, people are aware of bullying to begin with. You know what works to stop bullying? You know what statistically makes a huge difference? Is putting kids in classes with mixed ages. Oh, I remember you talking about that, yeah. That makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:19:38 That makes a huge fucking difference. The problem is bullying is created when you have all kids the same age. And so they try to create this hierarchy and you have some bad kids with good kids or whatever if you take a bunch of 13 year olds With a bunch of eight year olds and sprinkle an 11 year old and some nine year olds and of course They're learning different things but all the same class. You'll see the older kids will protect the younger kids You'll see leadership roles come out. You'll see all kinds of different things that have your kids aspiring to be just like the older kid right? Yeah, look imagine this imagine if you as a senior in high school leadership roles come out, you'll see all kinds of different things that have your kids aspiring to be just like the older kids. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Look, imagine this. Imagine if you as a senior in high school, now you'd gone through all your bullying and shit, but now you kind of found out who you were, right? So you're a senior, you're 17 years old. Imagine if you're sharing a class with some 14 year old kids and you see a 14 year old kid who reminds of yourself getting bullied, you're going to step in and kind of help out. No need to tell the teacher, no adults need to know. And they statistically, that's what works best.
Starting point is 00:20:27 But coming out and say, oh, you know, anti-bullied, they don't fucking do it. It doesn't do anything. Well, I don't know. It's sometimes it makes the kid look weak. Everybody's intervening and always for them and fighting all these battles. It's like, I mean, life is a battle.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You know, life is crazy hard, you know? And it's just like, as much as you want to soften all these shitty things, like the better thing in my opinion is to be that overcomer, is to be that person that can take shots and can move forward. And, you know, obviously you don't want to project any of that negativity
Starting point is 00:21:05 that's gonna come back to you, right, in full force. So you just be a nice kind person. You're gonna attract nice kind people around you. And then when there's the asshole that comes in and tries to break that out of you, you just fight right back. You know what I mean? Like it's just, this is part of life, man.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Well, you know, it's not just boys that bully, by the way. Oh, no, girls who just is bad. They just do it differently. Yeah, it's just different. There's different ways. Yeah. This is a perfect segue into what I wanted to talk to you guys about that I didn't even share with you.
Starting point is 00:21:36 So I have a bone to pick that I'm all irritated about right now that this past week. Oh, yes. So I love it when he has a bone to pick. Yeah, no, I just, my boy, Brendan Abedagio, so you guys met Brendan and we interviewed him on the show. Those of you guys that are listeners that don't know, great guy.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yeah, like the guy. Fucking phenomenal, dude. And talking about somebody who's eccentric and different and stands against the norm and everything like that, like that's why I absolutely love the dude and have so much respect for him. He does so many good things out there like as far as charities and you know, and so he did this and his his people who follow him. So he's got a huge social media following his course. He's an X NFL player. He's he owns a bunch of orange theory fitness. So the guy is a part of Fox Sports One.
Starting point is 00:22:26 So he's all over the media. And of course, when you're in the limelight like that, you get the extra attention. But I feel the need to say something, because we have a platform ourselves here with tens of thousands of people at Tune-in. And I'm going through his stuff, and this fucking pisses me off.
Starting point is 00:22:43 There's nothing more that annoys me more, I think, than a self-righteous people. I can't stand that dude. There's nothing that drives me more crazy than people that focus on pulling the sliver out of somebody else's eye before you pull the plank out of your own. And I'm on his Instagram. I hadn't been on there in a couple of days and I'm looking at some of his posts. The first post that come across, he's got this one, he's at the circus. And, you know, he just shows the video of the circus
Starting point is 00:23:08 and I think he took his kids to the circus, whatever. And he must have had like 30 comments of people blasting him for going for supporting a circus because they abuse the elephants. Now I know my boy, I don't think, first of all, he didn't even know that, you know. And even if he did, fuck you. Who are you to tell him he can't go to a circus because of some shit like that?
Starting point is 00:23:30 The guy does so much good shit. The fact that he wants to take his kids to a circus, you're going to chastise him because you, oh, it's he's supporting the cause of... Well, bro, it's, it's, here's what it is. It's internet warriors and, you know, I could post a picture of me eating a cheeseburger and someone going to talk about, you know, that's an animal, don't kill the animal, you're eating the, you know, food. It's just, you know, that's my point. That's my point exactly. Then he does another post. This is the one that irritates me. It's the next one that really
Starting point is 00:23:58 pissed me off. Yes, this is the one that, and that's why I started with the last one. I know, and the one that, yeah, the one that really lit me up was on 4th of July, he's with his family and he's watching fireworks from a private residence in the Trump towers. And you know, he happens to be there for the weekend for a charity event, first of all. And he gets what it did. Yeah, right. He gets blasted for supporting, you know, Donald Trump, because Donald Trump decides to say something stupid in the media.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And you know what? Like that is fuck you too. You know what I'm saying? Fuck you too. You're going to come on my page and start to, you know, put heat on me because I'm in the Donald Trump tower and because Donald Trump's an idiot, so it's something stupid. You wanna know what's funny? So let me break this down to you.
Starting point is 00:24:47 This is how big of idiot hypocrites that are out in the world, okay? Number one, let's hammer, okay, Donald Trump say some stupid shit. Yes, does Donald Trump say stupid shit a lot? Yeah, he's fucking Donald Trump. The guy's always said stupid shit, but let's just forget that for a second. He does. Let's say, okay, he said fucking Donald Trump. The guy's always said stupid shit, but let's just forget that for a second.
Starting point is 00:25:05 He does. Let's say, okay, he said some bad shit. Let's just shut him down, right? Let's just take his fucking hotel, take all his businesses, shut them down. Well, guess who you hurt more than Donald Trump? Yeah. Tens of thousands of people that work there
Starting point is 00:25:21 who have to feed their families and do all this. So it's not just him you're talking about, but let's look at number two. How many of those fuckers that commented on his Instagram about how bad he was for by you know, paying for a room at the Trump towers. How many of them drive a car? That is fueled by gasoline that comes from countries that will hang and execute you if you're gay or that won't let women drive a fucking car.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And if they're caught outside without a male relative, they can be executed in public. How many of these hypocrites think about that shit every time they buy gats? Right. That's the self-righteous thing that drives me crazy. You know what I'm saying? So you want to make a statement? They're buying diamonds. You're, it's become political activism to make a stupid comment on someone's page and
Starting point is 00:26:02 then feel proud about yourself. Why don't you go protest? Why don't you go do some real shit? Actually, why don't you do why don't you deal with shit that really fucking matters? Yeah, how about that? You know, like how about this one? This is what I love like, you know, I actually texted you guys about this a little earlier, but There's an act that's been passed by Bush started it and now Obama signed it twice even though he was against it or said he was against it But basically it allows and nobody fucking freaks out about this and this trips me out, right? They'll freak out over the fact that Obama, you know, the White House was lit up in rainbow colors because gay marriage got legalized.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Oh, by the way, Obama campaigned against gay marriage his entire career except for when it became popular, so did Hillary Clinton, so did every other politician. Is there politicians? Because they're full of shit, and now that they see the majority support it, they're gonna support it, right? But let's, let's, let's, everybody gets excited about that, but they forget the fact that this guy and his predecessor have signed into law the fact that the US government
Starting point is 00:26:58 can imprison anybody they want, any American citizen for any fucking reason, no judge, no jury, nothing. All they have to do is say, we think you're a terrorist, they'll throw you out some jail for that pass. That's not just pass, it's an act and it's been signed over and over again. Here's another one. How about the, the NSA, NSA, who spies on every single American, and of course they've
Starting point is 00:27:22 lied repeatedly. No, we just collect metadata. And then we have that guy Edward Snowden who revealed all this shit. You know what he just revealed recently? You're gonna trip off this. So people who work in the NSA basically can intercept whatever they want.
Starting point is 00:27:35 They can go on your phone and look through your pictures, your video. They can activate your microphone or your camera. They find nude pictures of people. They pass them around like fucking trading cards, pictures of people's kids. There's could be some pedophile work in there. Who knows, right?
Starting point is 00:27:49 This is shit that they have access to. And they're people, they're not infallible. They're people like anybody else. You're gonna have assholes work in there. I don't care how many freaking screening processes you have, but here's what really irritates me about this, okay? You have a power to gather information on anybody without a warrant, okay? You have a power to gather information on anybody without a warrant, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:07 And this power is controlled by the people and power in our government. Hmm, could this possibly be abused? Yeah, you think? Let's see, let's see, if I'm in office and I have a political opponent that all of a sudden revealed that I'm giving handouts or helping out this big corporation,
Starting point is 00:28:25 you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna email him some shit that I saw on his text message, you'll be like, hey, you want me to show your wife what you're sending her or whatever? Or here, let me show everybody what porn sites you go on. You better shut your mouth and not go against me. Now you've got people with fucking power.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Information is power, but nobody says shit. Nobody cares about that. What they care about is that your boy, who's at a charity event, is at a fucking Trump tower. Get the fuck out of my face and go read a book because you don't know shit. Jump off a fucking cliff. You know, that's what I have this. Yeah, so, yeah, you just got me going. I'm all pissed off. I told you that. I've been. I've been. And I love my boy too because. I started. Brinning. Brinning tags me in the in the post and he's just like, hey,
Starting point is 00:29:05 you know, you can learn something. I didn't even know that, you know, I'm saying he's he's so open-minded to it that he's like, bro, I had no idea that they they abused the offense like that. I know he's so homeboy like he takes that and's like, oh, it all uses as a learning experience right? Everyone's like, dude, he's actually willing nicest people. Seriously, like what? Yeah, and I see it. I guess you're gonna come at him for that like I'm like fuck you bro. You didn't see that documentary, you know, that they did with Shamu. It's like serious dude, come on. Get off yourself fucking.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I mean, and we're not support look, we're not even supporting Trump. No, we're not, I don't care. I mean, you know, he's got a big mouth. He says stupid shit. That's what he does dude. He's got a massive ego. As a business person, he'll kick the,
Starting point is 00:29:44 he'll beat the crap out of most business people. He just has, you know, so he's done something right, right? But he's got a massive ego as a business person. He'll beat the crap out of most business people. He just has, so he's done something, right? But he's got a big mouth. No, it's the, he's an authoritarian. I would never want to elect him as a president, but it has nothing to do with whether we support or not, right? It's the people that find the need to comment on somebody that drives me.
Starting point is 00:30:01 If people do it to me all the time, I mean, I just, when I did that funny post, the guy who's doing the seven plates or like that, telling me that I need to go over and help him and stuff like that. Like, dude, you don't even know the whole story, first of all, you don't even, I'm saying like, you don't even know how that's played out.
Starting point is 00:30:16 The guy's fucking 38 years old. And it's all your punch trainers to try. You're not, and that's why I started to get irritated because there's absolutely no way that guy is gonna be receptive to any sort of help or anything. To think that you have to understand the fact of what he's doing. He's displaying this like he's showing off. So you're saying that you're going to come help him makes zero sense.
Starting point is 00:30:38 He's showing everybody how awesome he is right there. And so if you're going to come in and deflate that for him, he's gonna get pissed off. We're just getting pissed off because it's stupid. So those are the perfect people to ponder. I know you have to say, you have to say sorry. You have to say it's some fucking 90 year old lady who slipped and fell and I'm recording it laughing
Starting point is 00:30:56 or something like that. So you gotta walk over and help her out or something like, oh look at that. Oh, she broke her hip. Oh, look at it. Oh my god. Like dude, come on. It's some jackass who has somebody else filming him thinking he's doing
Starting point is 00:31:07 So he shows face or anything? Yeah, no of course course, and I guarantee you someone's gonna film us doing some stuff Yeah, I work on it. He wanted like he's having somebody film him do this like this is all the big productions a big show He's showing off to us people people are so quick to things, man, and feel the need to try and tell people what they should be doing or, you know, quit. And I get it. I get it. We're in an authority position. We have a platform.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So I guess we're held to a different standard than the average person. I just don't believe that. I think that's stupid. I think it's the same thing when people, you know, freak out when the president gets a blow job from his secretary or when they freak out with, you know, like, so you mean to tell me the first president. I never get a blow job. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:54 It's that's what I'm saying. It's this like, dude, who are we to just because he's the president? You know what? You want to know fucking human. He may, I say stupid shit. I do stupid shit. So do you. Here's what's funny.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So do you. People get pissed off because the president gets a blowjob, but nobody says shit if you send a drone across fucking, you know, across some more and blow some village on accident. Yes, some people. No, no, no, no, don't get a blowjob. You know what's funny about that? Just to show you a little difference in culture.
Starting point is 00:32:18 So Clinton gets a blowjob, fucking gets impeached. Everybody freaks out once the kick him out of office, right? Silver, Silver, Berlusconi, who was the prime minister of Italy. He gets filled, this is true now, he's very, very, he gets filmed at some like Vila retreat with, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:32:34 some, another diplomat from another European country. And they're partying with these underage like, basically prostitutes, that are like half naked, they're like 16 years old and shit and he called, and he literally, he says he calls them Bunga Bunga Parties. Okay. So he's partying with these chicks. His wife's not there.
Starting point is 00:32:50 He's obviously doing crazy shit. He's wearing like a speedo. His fat old rich, a time man. Prime Minister, right? His ratings went up. Oh my God. Because I got real active. We're in the wrong country. That's like what? We're in the wrong country.
Starting point is 00:33:05 That's like what? We're in the wrong. We're taking mine. Bunga, bunga. He's been, I think he, like he smacked one of his like interns in the ads got caught on video. Nobody cared. Like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Imagine if like a president here did that. No, they throw his ass at Joe. I know, I know. And it's because of all the self-righteous attitudes out there. So you know what, like, I think one of the self-righteous attitudes. That's weird. So, you know what? I think one of the worst things you can do if you're a celebrity or whatever, you get social media followers and you say something,
Starting point is 00:33:31 unless you say something horrible, but you say something and then people get on you, I think one of the worst things you can do is apologize. Oh, I do too. I'm serious. So you've heard of these, you know, who is it? Signed, failed, and Dave Chappelle, and Chris Rock, and some other comedians have come together and said
Starting point is 00:33:49 that they don't like to perform. Yeah, in front of college. At colleges anymore. Yeah. Because everything has to be so politically correct. They can't make any jokes about men, women, racism. They can't make any jokes about anything that in the past people would laugh about it or whatever,
Starting point is 00:34:05 because everybody gets all, so they're basically saying, I'm not gonna perform comedy at these colleges, because everybody's too politically correct. Well, it's just got, it's just swung too far, you know, too far to that direction. Oh, come on, make comedy. Yeah, I know, like comedy, you can make fun of anything in comedy.
Starting point is 00:34:21 That's what's comedy supposed to be about. Yeah, yeah. Religions, everything, you make fun of everything. Everything's fair game what comedy supposed to be about. Yeah, well, revigins everything. You make fun of everything. Everything's fair game. Yeah, everything's fair game. And I think your sacred is no more sacred than my sacred. Actually what's funny is when you start to see people
Starting point is 00:34:35 in public make fun of certain things and people, and it's not necessarily mean it's just making fun of or talking about or whatever, and people laugh. I think that's a sign that we're getting beyond the, it's so bad that it's behind closed doors part of society, right? So like, you know, if you were to make fun of, at one point it was really no problem to make fun of white people as comedians, but you couldn't say shit about other ethnicities because it was so, it was so touchy, then they got to the point where you can make fun
Starting point is 00:35:04 of anybody and now you can't say shit about anything and I think that's the result of maybe social media I'm not sure but I definitely think it's social media. I mean people are so connected that you can make a tweet and then you get like a cause behind it. Yeah. There was that one who is it the guy that's going to replace John Stewart on the daily show. Hilarious comedian but he had made some tweets
Starting point is 00:35:27 previously that, and he's a comedian, and they had dug through his tweets and brought him up and said, you can't have this guy run the show, look, he said this horrible. It's like, come on, man, he's a comedian. Oh, I know, I haven't forbid you say something that's the funny thing. Yeah, it's stereotypical or racist.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's like, oh my God, this is guys are racist. He's a sexist. You know, you're automatically something, because you can't say anything. You can't even be a smart ass or funny about anything without somebody jumping all over you. That's the stuff. Or you can and you can just say whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:52 That's me. I just say, boom. Call me racist, call me sexist, call me whatever you want to call me because I don't get it. Well, I think if you know, you're not. Exactly. Exactly. I mean, I don't know how many times I've been labeled as somebody's race.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I'm like, okay, sure I am. Which is funny because I've met like 20 of your friends and I don't think I think maybe I think maybe I think Justin's the only. Justin's the whiteest. I am. Not the only white guy you have. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Exactly. That's what I mean. It's like, you know what, fuck you. I talked, that's what's funny is I talked to all my friends the same way I don't care what what color race Creed you come from. I'm gonna make fun of you with it. It goes right back to Yeah, what was that about in the beginning like you just gotta, you know, you can bullshit with your buddies Yeah, you can you have thick skin, you know, you just you wrap it off each other and you move on because it's funny You know like if you take it too personally, man, you're too soft.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. next time this is Mind Pump.

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