Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1256: Staying Motivated When Working Out at Home, the Value of Splitting up at Home Workouts, the Difference Between Going to Fatigue & Going to Failure & More

Episode Date: March 25, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about what to do if less motivated to workout at home vs. going to the gym, the best way to implement an at home exercise... program, what to do about a dramatic appetite increase while sheltering at home, and what it means to workout to fatigue vs. going it to failure. Sal’s connection to the situation going on in Italy. (8:08) Updates on COVID-19. (14:00) Sal’s self-inflicted paranoia. (15:59) Justin is a perfectionist. (19:35) The benefits of ‘all-day’ workouts to break up your day. (22:47) The power of positivity. (26:30) The illusion of control. (31:13) The value of being silly and having fun in these crazy times. (33:45) Strategies to bring down stress and anxiety. (36:17) How Facetiming people may be better for your psyche. (38:58) #MindPumpKitchen updates from the Tahoe House. (40:50) Exciting news from The Di Stefano’s! (42:05) Updates on the Mind Pump Gym in Tahoe. (44:08) Fun Facts with Justin. (45:30) #Quah question #1 – I find myself less motivated to do home workouts on a consistent basis vs going to the gym on a daily basis. Any insight into why this is and advice on improving the consistency of workouts at home? (49:42) #Quah question #2 – What is the best way to implement our at-home exercise program? One hour a day of body weight and resistance bands or should we split it up into 2 or 3 20-minute workouts? How can this affect our mental health? (56:00) #Quah question #3 – I've noticed since being confined to my home, my appetite has dramatically increased. I know I’m not alone in this. Why are we so hungry and what can we do to regulate our intake? (1:01:23) #Quah question #4 – Can you guys define what it means to take a workout to fatigue? How does this relate to taking it to failure? (1:06:15) Related Links/Products Mentioned March Promotion: MAPS Powerlift ½ off! **Code “POWER50” at checkout** Special Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “WHITE50” at checkout** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19 DJ D-Nice hosts social distancing dance party on Instagram Live Wake Up With Rita Wilson Crushing "Hip Hop Hooray" In Quarantine How social distancing could ultimately teach us how to be less lonely Houseparty Telegram Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Ambergris — How Rare Whale Vomit Ended Up In Your Perfume World's Oldest Fossilized Mushroom Sprouted 115 Million Years Ago How To Stick To Your Diet – Mind Pump Podcast Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurbrooks) Twitter Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym)  Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Clumps, so I'm one of the hosts of the show, and I've self-quarantine because I've gotten sick. So you'll hear me from a distance talking to my host, my co-hosts, Adam and Justin throughout this entire episode and probably the next few episodes. Now, in this episode, we answer fitness questions asked by listeners like you. A lot of these questions have to do with what to do at home and we totally understand.
Starting point is 00:00:41 You're probably not allowed to go to your gym right now. So in this episode, we answer a lot of questions in regards to at-home fitness. But we open the episode with introductory conversation. We basically catch up. We talk to each other, talk about how we're feeling about what's going on right now. I start out by talking about Italy and the circumstances over there. I have family in Italy, so I have a little bit of a personal connection to what's going on over there. If you're listening from Italy, we love you and we stand with you. I talked about how households should isolate themselves. That's probably the smartest thing to do right now. I also talked about how I did the dumbest thing ever yesterday.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I thought it would be wise to use a little bit of cannabis and give myself more paranoia. Yeah, add on the paranoia and fear. Woohoo. Super stupid. Then I talked about all day workouts. All day workouts have their own value. I've experimented with these in the past.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I've gotten great gains with them, but under normal circumstances all day workouts are super inconvenient, but not right now. We're all stuck at home. Yes, what time? So you got time to test this out, basically. Then I talked about a trend that I'm seeing in my neighborhood and on social media. I hope this becomes a nationwide phenomena. Kids are writing positive messages on sidewalks and driveways. I saw quite a few of them on my walks yesterday. I love it. Let's do that.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Let's uplift each other. Power of positivity. That's right. Adam talked about how there was a popular DJ who did a nine hour virtual dance party. Thank goodness for him i talked about the illusion of control i think we're all being reminded right now that we're not in control
Starting point is 00:02:31 of as many things as we thought and it's really no different than it was before uh... adam brought up uh... reed at wilson this is tom hanks's wife and uh... how she was uh... she did some fun stuff on social media good for her uh... i talked about strategies to bring down stress and anxiety, things like using chamomile tea, passion flour, both of them have been known for a long time to help the body feel more calm.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And then we talked about the use of full spectrum hemp oil, which contains CBD. Now, our partner Ned makes some of the best full spectrum hemp oil, which contains CBD. Now, our partner Ned makes some of the best full spectrum hemp oil extract that you'll find anywhere. And the biggest amount of responses that we've got to more listeners is that full spectrum hemp oil really does help a lot with anxiety. That's like the number one thing people are telling us
Starting point is 00:03:23 that it helps them relax. And I think we could all use a little bit of help right now, relaxing. And of course, we have a discount for you because you are a mind pump listener. That makes you, you know, awesome. So here's what you do. Go to hello Ned dot com. That's H E L L O N E D dot com forward slash mind pump. you'll get 15% off your first purchase. Then I talked about an article written by Arthur Brooks and how he talked about how face timing people. It's probably a lot better for your psyche than just getting on the phone. Adam brought up a house party app and telegram app.
Starting point is 00:03:59 These sound like awesome things to be using right now to kind of connect with people around you. I talked about some big news. Justin gave away some cool fun facts in regards to perfume. You won't believe what makes your perfume smell so nice. Spray that on your face. And then he talked about giant white mushrooms. Yeah, it's a more interesting stuff. So guys, I came up with those. Yeah, then we got into the fitness question. So here's the first one. This person's finding themselves less motivated to do at home workouts versus when they used to be able to go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So they wanted some advice, you know, how do I get myself to stay consistent at home because I'm finding it to be difficult right now. So we give some strategies on how you can help yourself stay consistent while you're stuck at home. The next question, this person says, hey, what is the best way to implement your at home exercise program? Should you do an hour a day or should you split it up into two or three, 20 minute workouts? And how can this affect our mental health? So we actually all agree that there's a better way to do this.
Starting point is 00:05:12 So we give you guys advice in that part of the episode. The next question, this person's noticing that since they're being confined to the house, their appetite has gone up quite a bit. Totally normal. You're all probably experiencing this, it's stress eating, we all do it, but now we're stuck at home, the refrigerator is literally right across the room. So we talk about strategies on how you
Starting point is 00:05:36 can prevent yourself from gaining the COVID-15 that we're finding right now, people are gaining. And the final question, this person wants us to define what it means to take a workout to fatigue. So you may have heard us say, you know, the way you should work out at home right now is you should do your sets to fatigue. Well, what does that mean? Is that the same as failure?
Starting point is 00:05:59 What are the benefits? Why should I train this way? So we explain why you should train this way, and why you should not go beyond that level of intensity. Also, all months long, because of what's going on right now, because people aren't able to go to their gyms, we have a very effective at-home workout program called Maps anywhere. Now Maps anywhere utilizes body weight, it utilizes body weight, it utilizes resistance fans, it utilizes a broomstick for tension movements. This is totally unique to our program.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I don't know if any of the program that incorporates all three of these methods and modalities in a well program workout. And there's also a TRX or suspension mod. So if you have a suspension trainer at home or the brand name TRX, these are the handles that hang from a bar or whatever, we have a mod in this program that takes you through a whole workout utilizing those as well. So this entire program, super effective, minimal equipment, it's the best at home workout program that you'll find anywhere. We put this program 50% off, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:07 We weren't planning on doing this, but given the current circumstances, we thought we might as well put this on 50% off to give people more access to this amazing workout program. Again, it's 50% off. Here's how you get that discount. Just go to maps white dot com that's MAPS W H I T E dot com and use the code white 50 that's W H I T E 5 0 no space for the discount. Teacher time and it's teacher time. Oh shit Doug you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have very light reviews this week.
Starting point is 00:07:45 We have one winner for iTunes and one winner for Facebook. Wow. The iTunes winner is Leanne Trong. And for Facebook, we have Ricky Sire. Both of you are winners, send the name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, include your shirt size, your shipping address, and we'll get that right out to you.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Get those reviews in an easy chance to win right now. I have a direct connection to Italy, so I know what's going on over there, okay? And this is, you need to designate one person by themselves to go. If you have a mask where it, and you wear gloves, when you come back, you a clean all the fucking groceries with either soap and water or lice all
Starting point is 00:08:29 and you got it yeah you guys got to start start taking it seriously not uh... go out there because what's what's happening in Italy people are listening and you're getting pockets of people are infected and then it just spreads well what's that they're not what's happening over here though?
Starting point is 00:08:47 It seems that we're dampening the curve pretty big right now. No, well, it's hard to tell because they're doing a bunch of tests now. So right now, what we see is, I think, 41,000 confirmed cases now in the US so last week it was you know 4,000 something like that 3,000 13,000 13 so it's just because there's a lot more testing but you know this this is how it ramped up in Italy and in Spain is it it just when it was because people weren't listening they weren't listening to the they're you know visiting you know family members you know oh I'm okay I don't feel anything and they go visit a family member
Starting point is 00:09:34 and then enough of that happened to where they now are in the situation they're in now so you don't want to you want to isolate into your in your household because because the way that it's spreading is mostly through person to person. So you don't want to visit anybody, not your parents, not your siblings, just isolate yourself in your house and then take all the, you know, and everybody has to do that. If everybody does that then we've got a chance. But we're still going to see
Starting point is 00:10:06 uh... the spike we're probably still going to see a big spike we're supposed to see it right now right i mean this is supposed to be the last week they were saying the the the next six to twelve days i think is what i saw we because we're only supposed to be one week behind italy right it's hard to say dude um... it's it's really hard to say if we go the way of uh... south korea and uh... in tywan or if we go the route of italy spain is seeing an explosion of cases now we're it the
Starting point is 00:10:37 were two days now where italy has seen lower uh... slightly lower death rate in cases uh... so that's the, looks like, hopefully they hit the peak. Yeah. And they're starting to drop, but you know, my family, insistally, and I haven't seen this anywhere in the news. This suggests from my family and Sicily, but they apparently, someone from the North
Starting point is 00:10:59 visited their parent in one of those, like, care homes or whatever, one of those like fair homes or whatever one of those nursing homes. Yeah. And didn't have any symptoms, but apparently had the virus, and it just exploded now in this nursing home. I know that's I know that's what happened over in in Seattle too, right? That's what what spiked some of these death numbers is when you get a somebody who infects a community like that. And did you know that Italy is the the second oldest country in the world? Yeah, they have a very, you know, they have a very aging population.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah, the live on top of each other. Yeah. Like the way the houses are over there, a lot of the cities is that. It's like San Francisco. You have a building and then you have floors and then typically in those floors are connected families so like the top floor is grandma and grandpa the second floor is you know You know one of their kids and their families and X floors there are other cousins
Starting point is 00:11:58 So you got like five families living the same building and what they're they're not isolating themselves to the floors So they're like well themselves to the floors. So they're like, well, what's the big deal? So now instead of a group of six people, you have 40 people who are visiting each other in the same building, and that's why Italy's having such a rough time. If it starts to get out of hand,
Starting point is 00:12:23 then it just starts to compound. Well, rumor has it. We got National Guard and everybody's coming out right now, right? So it's supposed to hit, I know, Trump said something about San Francisco Bay Area is getting it now where they've already deployed a bunch. Yeah. And I think what they're doing with their, I'm not quite sure what the guard is gonna do I think they're just there to help So if like hospitals need help if they need to build You know, makeshift testing facilities and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:12:55 But we don't want to be in it. It's so funny. I was somebody tagged me on Share to Twitter link with me of the the messages that Italian mayors are telling their cities. I almost fell out of my chair. Why? What are they saying? Oh, they're like, what the fuck are you doing? I'm going to come to your house with a flame thrower if you leave your fucking house. Everybody stay like they're tampering people in a Italian style, which is just it's
Starting point is 00:13:21 comical, but it's also just a sign of how desperate a lot of those challenges are getting over there, because I think today, the today and yesterday we saw a slight drop in cases and in deaths. So if that trajectory maintains that they might have hit their peak or whatever, but sometimes what happens with these pandemics is it'll you'll see like bursts, so it'll spike real high, kind of drop, and then somewhere else in the country will have an explosion of cases, and then they'll take care of that, and then it goes down, and then you see another one somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So what are you reading right now with, I've seen quite a few things pop up as far as a vaccine. And I've seen some, I saw some pills that were being pushed through right now that supposedly helped a bunch of people. There's all kinds of stuff that I'm seeing surface. I don't know what to believe. I don't know what's true and what's approved. I've seen, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah, I've seen some anti-malaria type of medication they're trying to use right now too so it's interesting to see what's popping up. Yeah, that's the one that's so far, that's the one that so far has the most promise, is a malaria drug. I can't remember the name of a hydrochloroquine I think it's called hydrochloroquine. Yeah, yeah. I've seen a lot about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Now, that drug, which is kind of cool, that's been, that was discovered in 1934. It's a drug that we've used a lot for decades. So, which is cool because if it actually does help, we're working with a drug that we've worked with, you know, for decades in our main. And we have a lot of it. And it's inexpensive. There was a French study that combined the anti-malarial drug with a zythromycin, which is a popular antibiotic. You've probably taken it before. It's like a Z-pack, they call it. Yeah. And that, in the French studies, seemed to be effective.
Starting point is 00:15:32 So. Was it the malaria medication that would make people have like crazy nightmares? I remember reading something about that, about getting these vaccines and things, like going to visit countries. And some of the malaria medication like made people get insomnia and crazy dreams.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Oh, I have no idea what the side effects are. Yeah, no idea. Did you watch the conspiracy video that I sent over to you? No, what would it say? Damn it, come on, man. Hey, listen, I think I sent it to you privately., what would it say? Damn it. Come on, man. Hey, listen, I said, I think I said to you privately, this is the world. privately, that means you have to watch it, you punk.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Let me tell you about my current state of mind, so you can understand what's going on. Okay, so yeah, we got to lighten you up, dude. I've been self-quarantine to here at home. I can't see my kids. And so last night, right, right? I'll tell you what happened last night. You guys are gonna crack up. I have no idea why I thought this would be a good idea. It was literally the most bonehead thing I've done a long time. So I'm at home and I'm like, you know, I'm feeling a little lonely, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:36 missing me. I've been facing my kids and everybody, but you know, missing you guys. I haven't been able to fucking see you guys since last week. And so my cough is getting a little better. So I'm coughing here and there. So I'm like, you know, I'm gonna chill out a little bit. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna,
Starting point is 00:16:52 I have a vape pen that I haven't used in a little while. And I thought, yeah, this might be a good idea. Just hit the vape pen and, and, uh, you know, chill out for a bit, watch a movie or whatever. Well, because I just I'm still getting over whatever I'm getting over uh I had a freaking Asma attack and cough in my ass off Immediately immediately after I took the hit off the vape pan and I could feel myself like oh man I'm gonna start coughing. I was like the realization you know like What a fucking idiot what do you think? Yeah, go with the animals. Do you redo it?
Starting point is 00:17:30 And then because I haven't had anything like that in such a long time, one, you know, dose off of it got me super blazed, right? So the next thing, you know, I paranoid as hell. Yes, dude. So I'm sitting there on the couch and you know, Jessica's sitting there and she's just, you know, doing something and then she looks at me and she's like, you're okay right now. And I'm like, I think I'm getting a little paranoid right now. I told Adam I had a dream, I like, I had a legit nightmare about this whole coronavirus thing. Like, like kind of mutating genetically modified virus thing
Starting point is 00:18:10 that everybody else had started changing. And I was like, oh my god, I've been watching too much sci-fi. Yeah, you know, we watched a lot of Westworld over here. Yeah. Oh, dude, so freaking me out, though. Yeah, so sometimes those bad things can, you know, they can put things into perspective. And so I was like, you know, it's probably wise to organize my life. And this probably, I mean, this might be valuable for the audience if they're feeling this stress
Starting point is 00:18:41 of, you know, just unknown and self-isolation is to kind of organize your life around relaxing around, taking your mind off things. You probably want to stay away from stimulants. You probably want to keep yourself healthy, break your day up into segments, because that, you know, whenever you read studies on how people handle stressful situations, like really stressful situations, like POWs and stuff like that, one of the, you know, psychologists will talk
Starting point is 00:19:17 about a strategy where you break up your day, and you can break it up with your workouts. So like we talked about doing, you know, three workouts a day, you could do, you could break it up with your workouts. So like we talked about doing three workouts a day. You could meditate, you could pray. You could break up your day and yeah, walks, puzzles. And then we've been doing pretty good. We've been doing a lot of that. I think yeah, just keeping your mind busy, doing things is really helpful.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Like I love projects around the house too. And like so I've definitely got into this platform thing. It was funny today. I was gonna set Adam up for this because he got me really good this morning because I've been so obsessed. You get a first little detail of this logo. So we're trying to improve our gym here at the house
Starting point is 00:20:03 and so I decided to take on this do-it-yourself project of building this platform for deadlifting and powerlifting and whatnot. And so I'm basically putting it all together and then I get to the part where I'm painting this logo on there and it's so detailed that the mad mic and everything has so many details and little intricate things to it.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And so I'm like out there with a razor blade every day, like making sure like I'm taping just so. And then, you know, I'm adding like four different layers of paint to different parts of it. And so I'm just like fixated and obsessed with this thing. Oh, he's put in, he's put in at least 40 hours into this platform, dude. I'm not, he's not, he's not, he's under selling it right now. Like it's been ridiculous. It's been a lot. And the best looking clap flow.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Well, he's, and he, he decided instead of like, Doug likes to just do like a decal, like just buying it and then stick on there and just, and it's like, no, I won't look as good aware out. He's like, I want to paint it on there. So he went and has stenciled the mad mic logo and he did it stenciling with spray paint and tape and razor blade. So you can imagine with all the different colors that are on it. And I mean, he's literally been going just every single night over and over
Starting point is 00:21:16 and over and over. And it's like, he's really close to being done. Like he's, he was about to lacquer it today. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. And I came out in the garage. I mean, this guy's been just like pouring over. And you know, Justin gets right when he's focused on something and he's frustrated about something. Like he's like to himself and just wants to power through it and get done. Got my horse planters on. And I don't say anything, right?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Like I can see it in his face that I'm not going to go over there and like give my suggestion on what he should do or be like, that was a really bad idea, right? Like I get to see shit, right? I'm just going to fucking let him do his thing, that was a really bad idea, right? Like I gotta see shit, right? I'm just gonna let him do his thing. Well, he's almost done, right? And he was finishing up the last touchups and it's gonna get lacquered today.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I went, I came out of the garage where it's at. And he's sitting on the couch. This is first thing this morning. He's having his cup of coffee. And I walk by court and go, hey, I'm gonna fuck with your husband right here. And I come walking, I said, Justin, why did the mind pump logo bleed all together
Starting point is 00:22:07 from the lacquer stuff that you poured on it? He's like, what? Oh, the whole thing, the thing jumped up off the couch. He shot out the gallon. He didn't feel in the air. The look of his face, bro, you would like pale white. That's a, that's so messed up, dude. Oh, so pissed.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Everybody's like, and the kids are over. Everybody's laughing. Yeah liking their kids are always laughing Yeah, the kids are overdoing their homework and breeze here now and Doug was in the kitchen and then Katrina was in the in the living room and And Doug a back working on this computer everybody just started dying laughing because they know how much he's been putting on it And you could see the he's shot up and the look in his face Dude so much freaked out Freak up Adam. Damn, we missed you guys. Hey, so how are you guys doing the all day workouts?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Are you guys going like a few times a day going in the garage and like throwing some squats and some dead lifts and stuff? 10 to 20 minute intervals, like pretty much sporadic all day, man. It's been really fun actually. Like I've felt like energized and stronger doing it that way for sure I was just gonna ask like what if you guys because I've only done like scheduled all day workouts I've only done it twice or three times and what I noticed was because here's the way I organized it right I picked three exercises so you know squat I did squat bench press and
Starting point is 00:23:35 reexercises. So you know squat, I did squat bench press and barbell row. And what I did was I would do like, you know, three sets of five or six reps. And the intensity I'd say was like, maybe 80%. So, you know, I would do six reps with something that normally I would do, you know, 10 reps with or maybe eight reps or seven or nine reps with or something like that, right? And I noticed by the second or third, and I would do it every other hour. So I would start at 9 a.m., then I wouldn't do anything at 10 a.m., then 11 a.m., I'd go outside, do the same thing, then I wouldn't do anything at noon, and then I'd do it again at 1 or whatever. And I noticed by the second, third and fourth session, like the first session, I'd have to warm up,
Starting point is 00:24:03 I'd have to get myself ready, whatever. But the second, third and fourth, I'd have to warm up, I'd have to get myself ready, whatever. But the second, third and fourth, I'd get right into it and I just felt stronger like as the workouts program. Are you guys noticing anything like that at all? Well, I'm getting really sore. So I'm doing, I'm doing something a little bit different. I'm not quite doing like an all day thing.
Starting point is 00:24:18 What I do is I just, I pick two exercises per workout and I'm trying to do three workouts in the day. So I'll just pick, I'll pick two things. And it can be as skull crushers and squats. Like it doesn't even matter. Like I just decide I'm gonna hit my triceps and I'm gonna squat for the first two exercises. And the next one I'll do later on in the day,
Starting point is 00:24:37 I was doing like stiff like a deadlifts and rows. And so I pick two exercises, I do five sets. It takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to do the two exercises five sets and I do that three times a day. So I'm getting about 30 sets, total working sets for the day. Wow. And because it's broken up, the workout doesn't feel hard. I'm not breaking a sweat really when I even do them. But the next day I'm so or shit. So I know, I know it's more than enough volume. And then we try, I try break it up with it. Yesterday was a good day.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I went for a really good long walk with Katrina and Max. And so it's nice over here. Obviously there's nobody out. So it's, you know, we get a nice good long walk throughout all the houses and the snow out here. So, you know, if I can do that, that the main thing I have to worry about right now, even more than I think the, is, you know, I've had a couple days where I didn't lift.
Starting point is 00:25:30 And boy, I could probably, I'm probably getting under a thousand steps. So you're going to be really careful to not graze on food all day, too. So it's, you know, if I'm sitting around all day long in the house, and on top of that, I didn't get my workout in, and then it could get really tempting to be grazing all day. So those are the, and I think that's the challenges I think a lot of people are having right now. I think a lot of people are at home, even if they are getting a little bit of a workout in, they're still sedentary for a majority of the day.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And then they're tempted to be kind of snacking and grazing. So that's, I think that's probably an area that I think everybody is probably struggling with and I too know what that feels like because I've had a couple days like that where it's felt like that. Yeah, so what I started doing yesterday was I'll do three, 30 minute walks a day. So, I'll do one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and then one in the evening, just to go outside, move around, and, man, I tell you what though, I've had some of the most amazing experiences going for a walk in my neighborhood. Like, and I've done this before. I have this route that I take, right? So Jessica and I will take a walk
Starting point is 00:26:42 or I'll do one with my kids, kids and it's the same route takes about 30 35 minutes and typically when you're walking on this route, you know, you walk by people you see people and nobody says anything You know, you just do you just mind your own business, but it's so different now I whenever I see somebody and you know people are keeping their distance So if I'm walking on the sidewalk and someone's walking towards me, one of us will walk over to the street, you know, to maintain distance so everybody seems to be pretty aware. But every single person smiles and says hi, which I've never experienced that in my neighborhood before. I mean, every single person, every person, I don't care how old, young or whatever, everybody's saying hi, people are, and I feel like I can feel how people,
Starting point is 00:27:27 they feel a sense of unity, a little bit of a sense of unity, because we're kind of, and then I noticed something else yesterday, and I started seeing this kind of sporadically, but now I'm seeing it everywhere. I don't know if you guys have seen this yet, but our head walk chalk,
Starting point is 00:27:44 and they're writing, did you guys see my post on? I did I did I saw kids are starting to draw all of the chalk like hope and and positive thoughts and like all kinds of rainbows and cool stuff on the sidewalk Hmm, dude everywhere. It's happening everywhere. I'll all over my walk. I'm seeing it, you know like I first I sought once Now, you know, then the other day I saw it four times now. I'm seeing it in like Just tons of driveways and on the sidewalk. And they're like these hopeful messages from kids. And I think that's so amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:14 It was making me think, last night, after I got over my self-inflicted paranoia idiot, or whatever, I was thinking to myself, what it's going to be like when everything calms down because at some point it will, you know, at some point it's all going to calm down and we're going to try and to go back to regular life and I thought how different it's going to be going to like a restaurant, like normally you go to a restaurant with your wife and whatever and you might, you know, you eat your dinner and you go to a restaurant with your wife and whatever, and you know, you're dinner and you hang out a little bit or,
Starting point is 00:28:47 but I thought, man, the first time I go to a restaurant when everything calms down, I'm gonna feel, I'm gonna really wanna talk to everybody around me. I'm gonna wanna, you know what I mean? I feel like we're gonna all feel like, we wanna smile at each other and talk to each other. So, you know, and I don't think I'm the only one that. No, I can't be that way.
Starting point is 00:29:06 There's definitely a sense of community and empathy that is kind of bringing all of us together during this time. I can definitely see the silver lining and what's going on. I think a lot of people are forced to be with their thoughts and ultra-present. You know, a lot of us distract ourselves with things outside of your home and I think that everyone being forced to be home and be with your family or you're having deep conversations and like I said time with yourself. And there's some really cool things
Starting point is 00:29:38 they're having. I don't know if you saw. So DJ Nice, the famous DJ decided to do like a tribute to all the, everybody, the men and women that are serving and are still going out to work and dealing with all these people that are contagious and they're the real heroes right now. And so he did a live dance party and streamed it for nine hours. And yeah, it ended up getting so much traction, like Michelle Obama and party Sanders was in there and all kinds of celebrities. And so it turned into this big dance party
Starting point is 00:30:14 that hundreds of thousands of people were tuning in live with yesterday and hanging out and dancing with him. I thought that was really cool. It's cool. I honestly feel like there's gonna be a creative explosion after all this is the dust settles. I really feel like people have enough time to then, like you said, be present and reflect and think about things
Starting point is 00:30:34 and try to really figure out, like some of their passions and reconnect to their passions and hobbies and things like that. I've seen some people just willingly giving out free guitar lessons and things and have been streaming with students and other teachers that have taken it upon themselves to structure a lesson for like my seventh grader and like all the rest of the seventh graders because no other teachers are doing it. So somebody just did it and they did this live class together and they're all talking and it's really cool that, you
Starting point is 00:31:08 know, what people are coming up with right now. Yeah, for me, the lessons that I'm starting to take out of this, and I think this is important, you know, I want to share that with the audience, you know, if you're, anytime you're going through a difficult stressful time, one of the, in my experience, one of the best things you could do is try to ask yourself, what can I learn from this and how can I grow from this? That way, at least, it gives your, that stressful time a sense of meaning and purpose. It kind of reframes it. Here's what I got from that, from that stressful situation. And for me, one of the big lessons, it was two of them. One is the false sense of control that I think we all had.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And the role right now we're being reminded that we're not as in control of everything that we think we are. And that's something you need to accept, you need to accept regardless of what's going on is that there are certain things you can control, but there's a lot that you can't, and just focus on what you can. And this is a reminder of that.
Starting point is 00:32:18 This is a reminder that you can't, that you're not as in control as you think. And then the other thing is just how spoiled and easy it is for all of us to forget the things that are important and how we've become so easily attached to material things. Things that aren't important, you know, and it's like, this is a huge reminder, you know, it's a big reminder, like, look, these are not
Starting point is 00:32:45 important. Here are the things that are really important. Like I said, walking around outside, I never think to myself how happy and grateful I am that there's other people walking around that I can say hi to you. I don't give a shit. Normally I walk, I do my walk and I'm done. And if somebody says hi to me, I'll say hi, I'm not an asshole, but my attitude now is like, if I see someone, I want to make eye contact, I want to say hi to me, I'll say hi, I'm not an asshole, but my attitude now is like, if I see someone, I want to make eye contact, I want to say hi to them. Well, yeah, imagine the, I imagine the, the extreme version of that, right? And you're getting a, we're all getting a taste of that right now. If you were on an island stranded by
Starting point is 00:33:18 yourself for weeks or months or years at a time and you walked by a first, the first other human being, like how excited would you be you walked by the first other human being, like how excited would you be to fuck just to see another human being, right? So I think you're getting a, obviously, a very small version of that because we've only been like what, a week now that we've all been confined to our homes.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So I definitely feel the same thing too. I mean, I also think there's a lot of, I'm liking the trend that I'm seeing right now on like social. I feel like more and more people are being playful and fun and yeah, and the attitudes kind of changing. You still have some of your people that are like negative nancies and doom and gloom and shit. But for the most part, I think we're seeing more more positive fun message and people getting created. Did you see Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks' wife? Did you see? Oh, what's going on? Dude, you have to get on your phone right now and freaking look at her Instagram page. She posts, I think, I think, Bart's also reports it, I think.
Starting point is 00:34:23 She posted this, I think Bart's also repos it, I think. But she just, you know, she had COVID-19, right? Her and Tom. So she does this video and she's like reading a book and then naughty by nature comes on, hip-hop hooray, right? Comes on. And she's like, it's in the background. She's in her beta and then she fucking rips the whole song verbatim dude
Starting point is 00:34:47 it's so that's great oh it's so good it's so good so great yes i i you know i think there's a and that's so cool to see her do that uh... considering that uh... she's she's gone through it right now which i think is so so important because i think so many people are are freaked out me right now that she's fully recovered, right? Or she's recovering. She's recovered. I don't think that they consider them fully recovered until they've actually had a few weeks, right, of recovery.
Starting point is 00:35:11 But I mean, I think it's like, well, if anybody knows, I'm sorry. Oh, if anybody knows how to do isolation, it's Tom Hanks from Castaway. Yeah, I mean, here is experience. Well, you know, I think it's important that people know that, I mean, we are in the fort, we're up to 42 or 47,000,
Starting point is 00:35:28 I think is what I see in total cases. But 97% of those are mild cases still. Only 3% are considered serious cases. Still, that's 1,000 people that have a serious case of COVID-19, but there's still a majority of even the people that are getting it are mild symptoms. So I think knowing that or letting people know too that it's not that doom and gloom. What we're doing right now is a precaution to not overwhelm our hospitals and I think it's smart with what we're doing
Starting point is 00:36:05 and everybody should take heed to the advice of staying home and not gathering with social events or going places. I think it's really, really smart of all of us to band together and do that. Yeah, you need to be rationally cautious. So do the things that you know that are smart to do. So isolating yourself, not hanging out with people, not visiting people, talking to people through FaceTime. That's very, very swat washing your hands. That's very, very smart.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Sitting at home and freaking out over stuff that hasn't happened or watching the news 24-7, like that's, it's not helping you. It's not helping you. It's just gonna, it's just gonna make you stay at home and be scared. This is why I was telling this to my aunt. I told her, I said, okay, look,
Starting point is 00:37:01 you wanna watch the news? I said, that's fine. Designate one time during the day that wanna watch the news? I said, that's fine, designate one time during the day that you watch the news. You're gonna check in at whatever time, and then that's it. And then keep yourself away from the news, and if something big happens or whatever,
Starting point is 00:37:17 I'm sure you're here about it. But, and also the strategies of keeping yourself kind of feeling good and calm. So like Camamil, tea is really good for that. That's something you can use on a daily basis. It's a natural, relaxing herb. It's very, very safe. Even children can take chamomile passion flour.
Starting point is 00:37:38 That's another herb that you can use. That one's a little stronger. So if you're having're feeling a little bit more anxious and you need to add something, you know, passion flour, although I don't think you want to take passion flour on a super regular basis. No, I can't cam a camel and some CBD, bro. That's not just going to, I was just going to say, Ned, you know, like our sponsor Ned, their product, our listeners have been using that for a long time and what's the number one thing they say helps with with anxiety. You know, so just do those things and be proactive about it and you know I was thinking about remember when we went to listen to Arthur Brooks talk
Starting point is 00:38:17 yeah and how how profound that was yeah. One one thing that he said that really stuck out to me One thing that he said that really stuck out to me that is true was that the opposite of love is fear or the opposite of fear is love. You think that the opposite of fear is bravery or the opposite of love is hate or whatever but it's not. It's fear. So if you start to feel fearful, start thinking of all the how much you love the people around you, the gratitude that you have for, you know, being again like saying, keep high to people as you walk by them, talk to people on FaceTime.
Starting point is 00:38:57 He posted an article about, you know, how our bodies react to human contact and how humans need human contact. And he says that studies show that FaceTime does that a lot better than just a phone call because you can see the person's face. I got something from that. I just, I actually forget to send it to you. It seems like you weren't responding. I just downloaded that. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I just say, I just, so House Party is made by Epic Games. It's an app. You can download for free. Okay. And it's up to eight people at one time on your phone. So it's, yeah, yeah, it's like a mini zoom, but then it's nice because then you don't have to have a zoom account.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And just everybody can get in, get in on it. And you can all be talking, doesn't matter if you have a school party line. Yeah, it doesn't matter if you have a droid or you have an iPhone, everybody can get it. So it's blowing up right now. It's pretty cool. So I had everybody on the cool party line. Yeah, it doesn't matter if you have a droid or you have an iPhone, everybody can get it. So it's blowing up right now. It's pretty cool. So I had everybody on the team download that so we can get on later on as get the staff
Starting point is 00:39:52 on and have some fun a little bit. Along those lines, I'm glad you went that direction too because I had some things like that. I'll try it every time we have an episode and bring some cool things that I've read as far as what are some people doing. There's an app called Telegram App. I guess it's kind of like old school chat rooms. So yeah, it's all encrypted too. So it's as far as privacy is concerned or if I thought it's popular, it's blowing up
Starting point is 00:40:17 right now. It's called Telegram App and just allows you. You can create your own group, private group. You can create a public group where people can come in. You can add, join other groups, have discussions, and it's everything, it's pretty cool. We'll do it, I tell you what, I can't think of a better time for this to be happening.
Starting point is 00:40:36 This was 1990, we'd all be calling each other on the phone, but now we can face time and get on group calls. We have like AOL, yeah, take like an hour for it to get fired up. But yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what do you guys, what are you guys eating over there? How are your meals going? What's going on? Much better now. Yeah, once we hit the groat, the grocery store got restocked. So now we, we were actually were to get some good stuff last night was, but your
Starting point is 00:41:03 board, but your board,, butcher boxes pulled pork. So Katrina made the girls have been kind of bouncing back and forth between nights. So last night Katrina made a pull pork sandwiches. Yeah, we had that with a avocado cucumber salad that she makes. And then the night before Courtney made her famous meatball. Yeah, her meatball sausage spaghetti. Yeah, it's really like meat skinny. It's not like a whole lot of spaghetti in there.
Starting point is 00:41:33 But yeah, it's really good. And of course, I got my gluten free pasta in there. So yeah, so we were able to get some chicken thigh. So we got, I mean, the girls brought the crock pot, the insta pot, the dog brought a air fryer up here. So I mean, we're pretty much, we're set now. Yeah, we're set. The first couple of days that we were here,
Starting point is 00:41:54 we were a little limited to our options, but now we're loaded up with like good choices. So it's been pretty solid. Awesome. So I thought right now would be a good time to share some good news that I've been sitting on for the past 10 weeks. I think now I got the clearance from Jessica to be able to share this. So the audience doesn't know that this, but we are expecting.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Oh, I just remembered that we only told that to the live audience, huh? Yeah, and never, yeah, this is it. I haven't told anybody, and we waited, for obvious reasons or whatever, but Jessica's pregnant, and we are expecting, so, you know, due date is in October. So super, super excited about it.
Starting point is 00:42:44 The kids are super excited. My daughter is just beside herself. She's like, you know, when we finally told them she's like, take me to this was weeks ago, right? She goes, take me to the store. I need to be able to buy the first present, you know, for the baby. And so she, she bought the baby a blanket, you know, and she draws pictures for the baby. And so, yeah that's that's good news You know, so that's exciting so cute, too Yeah, you guys are waiting to to hear the sex right you're gonna be surprised We're not gonna we're not gonna get Find out the gender until the baby's born so no, what school? Yeah, walk me through this
Starting point is 00:43:19 So now do you guys do you pick a boy name and a girl name early? And have you done that? We have, I don't think she wants me to share the two names up here. Yeah, you don't want to do. Yeah, you don't want to either because then everybody gets their fucking two cents and I just want to know if you did. So, no, yeah, we did.
Starting point is 00:43:38 We picked two names. Okay, so you got two names already and then like, how do you paint the room right now? Yeah, what do we call it? That's a good question. I think we're going to try and paint it kind of neutral. You know, I have, you know, I have that room with the sauna, you know, I put that sauna in the room. Yeah, yeah. So that's going to be the baby's room. So I got to figure out what to do with the sauna. Now I'm going to see if I can fit it in my garage with my home gym. But that'll be the, that'll be the little babies room. So, I'll be getting no sleep at the end.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Yeah, you didn't respond to the cable setup that I sent a picture of. Did you see that? What do you think of that thing? No, I didn't see that. What was it? Man, you're really opt for a guy who's just sitting at home doing this. You doesn't look at any of your checks. I guess the, don't worry, I'll have Justin
Starting point is 00:44:20 send it over to you. I put it in the thread. We went over to go get some dumbbell racks for the dumbbells over here and walked in. And so far, you know, the, obviously the red and black theme is coming together. You saw the pictures of Justin, obviously finishing the platform up
Starting point is 00:44:34 and you saw the rubber mats going on below the PRX setup, right? So we went over there to get dumbbell racks and then I came across, and it's in the group thread. So if you go back, you can probably see it's right after the pictures I sent of Justin doing the platform, but it's red and black and it's a full cable setup
Starting point is 00:44:51 and you can actually hook where the dumbbells would go. It's really nice, it's got a ladder. It's a little expensive, but it's sick. Wait a minute, that is an Argorod? No, I don't know, I want to put it in our garage. No, we're trying to pitch you guys on it because it'd be a great way to kind of store, you know, the dumbbells will also like,
Starting point is 00:45:07 having cable access. So. Dude, you don't got to pitch shit to me. It's an equipment. Yeah. You want to put more equipment for our garage? Do it. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:16 All right. All right. Okay. We've been trying to convince Doug where we'll see. We'll see. Doug, I'm working some deals to make that happen. Doug's been tightening down the hatches over here financially. So like, Justin, I have to like measure out everything
Starting point is 00:45:26 that we buy and stuff right now. So I have been reading a little bit of fun fact stuff, like just to try and like see, because I get inspired once I've, like I listen to or I hear about another podcast, like some random facts, like I've never even known before. Like so one of all my thought was pretty funny
Starting point is 00:45:44 and gross at the same time. Like, you know, one of the, I don't know if it's 80%, but it's a large majority of the substance of these perfumes that you're commonly, like some of the higher end perfumes out there that smell really good. Do you know what they consist of? Is this where they use like Extracts from like like there's like some like from animal. I think that's how it kind of know. Yeah. Yeah, it's actually from sperm whale vomit Yeah Spirm whale vomit or or like excrement so isn't lipstick made from their dicks or something like that too? It could be I mean apparently whales are very much and the cosmetic isn't something like that too? It could be, I mean, apparently whales are very much in the cosmetic. Is it something like that? Yeah, am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:46:27 It's called amber grease, and it's like produced from sperm whales only. And so it's like, it's in there in test ins, and then I guess they either vomited up, and then it like solidifies on top of the water, and then they collect it, and it has kind of a musky smell, and once it kind of dries out.
Starting point is 00:46:45 And then they can also extract like some kind of like a smell-free alcohol from it as well too. So I don't know, it's just weird. Yeah, it's really weird. Like how did I want to just thought that? Yeah, I always want to know how something like that starts. Yeah, I think it started as like soap. Like they started like kind of grabbing some of the fat
Starting point is 00:47:03 and stuff and then they found that. And I don't know, I feel like some people just grab things in the sea and then they're just like, hold it to their face and smell it. Like, well, that's really fishy. Oh, you know, that's a musky. I like that. Let's rub it all over you.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I wonder where this comes from. Well, when something says all natural and we think, oh, that must be, that's good then. That's all, you know, that's sometimes that's what it is. Like, instead of getting the chemical smell, you're getting, you know, sperm well puke, or, you know, you know, beaver anus extractor. Beaver anus? Yeah, another one I thought I would share was, I guess they had found a fossilized,
Starting point is 00:47:41 big huge mushroom, which was, used to stand like 24 feet tall. What? And three feet wide, and they think that they existed before trees, so they found this, I guess they had just done this archeological dig, and they'd found this, and it's all over like the scientific journals and all these other like Smithsonian magazines.
Starting point is 00:48:03 20 foot mushroom. 24 foot mushroom. Whoa. White mushroom. How weird was that? How old is it? Oh my god. Yeah, a couple of million.
Starting point is 00:48:12 I forget like how many millions of years old, but very old. Well, isn't the currently the biggest organism on Earth? Is it a mushroom? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's because it's all in your ground connected. It connects all under the soil. And so the largest living land mass is, I guess it's up near Oregon, I think, if I remember correctly, I remember hearing that on a podcast with one of the mushroom experts. Oh, well, yeah, I'm pulling up some stuff on it. It seems like that. I guess
Starting point is 00:48:43 that was more common than not, right? That they just had all these mushrooms that were mapped before trees. Yeah. That's so. Oh wow. This goes back to the thing. Well, mushrooms are fascinating.
Starting point is 00:48:53 They're fascinating. They have their own health properties that are independent of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meats. The more you learn about them, the more you realize. You probably should consume them on a regular basis basis like you would with vegetables and meat. Yeah, they're awesome when you're quarantined, too. Oh, yeah, right. Totally.
Starting point is 00:49:13 This quas brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge Try or gain a fight totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com That's a large a N I F I dot com and use a coupon code mind pump for 20% off at checkout The first question is from a to fail one I find myself less motivated to do home workouts on a consistent basis versus going to the gym on a daily basis. Any insight why this is and advice on improving consistency of workouts at home?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Oh yeah, this is expected for a lot of people and part of it is the, you know, think about when you go to the gym, the ritual that you inevitably have that leads up to going to the gym and then the process of going to the gym, you know, it's like you're preparing yourself for a workout and that preparation is what puts you in the mental state to want to have your workout. So, is what puts you in the mental state to want to have your workout. So, you know, maybe you go to, maybe you go to the gym after, you know, after work. So what do you typically do after work?
Starting point is 00:50:31 Once, you know, work is kind of done. You think to yourself, like, okay, I'm gonna start getting ready, you know, to go to the gym and you get your gym bag and then you take your pre-workout and then you drive to the gym and you might have a certain music that you listen to on the way there and then the ritual of
Starting point is 00:50:47 checking in and changing in the locker room and by the time you're ready to work out you've done this whole ritual to prepare yourself for your workout and so one of the best pieces of advice I could give you because you know if you're at home it's almost like you take you know you don't have a, right? So it's like, time to work out. But five seconds ago, we were just on the couch surfing Instagram or Facebook or watching scaring news or something like that. My recommendation is to ritualize what you do before your workout. So that may mean drinking your pre-workout or your beat juice or you know something like that, priming your body, turning on a specific
Starting point is 00:51:33 type of music to prepare your body to work out, maybe move to a segment of your house that you've only designated for workouts. Maybe it's your living room or a part in your bedroom or whatever. Get your equipment out, set it all aside, and ritualize your, create a ritual before the workout. That can really help. The other thing is that, and we've talked about this,
Starting point is 00:51:59 I don't know, probably a million times on the podcast, is that motivation is a terrible way to get yourself to work out on a consistent basis because motivation, regardless of who you are, it's going to come and go. It's like a feeling that you have and it's impossible to always be motivated. So the important thing to focus on is discipline, meaning you're going to have to force yourself when you don't feel motivated. And even if you just go through the motions, and that'll help carry you through and be consistent until you do have the motivation again,
Starting point is 00:52:38 which inevitably will come back. Motivation, you know, it waxes and wanes. It doesn't stay with you forever, but it doesn't stay away forever as well So I something that's been helping me out It's been helping some of my client friends and stuff that I've been talking to with this So up here where it's it's cold outside and it's you know nice and warming cozy by the fire in here It's really easy to Sit on the comfy couch and watch TV and relax. And it's really hard to even just, even having a nice garage gym like we have here
Starting point is 00:53:08 to get up off the couch and then head over there. So one of the things that it helps me a ton, it's not that hard to get up and go for a walk. So I do the walk first. So if you set a time in your day and I do recommend ritualizing it somehow, would it be first thing in the morning or by noon or by whatever, that you make your time that you're gonna go for at least
Starting point is 00:53:28 a half hour walk. And because you're out and breathing fresh air and you're getting the blood pumping in the heart rate going up a little bit, it's really easy from there to transition into the workout. I find it more difficult to transition from sitting on the couch to, okay, it's time for me to get in that mindset of lifting. So a nice way to kick start that
Starting point is 00:53:51 is to at least get out there and go walk. And so if you ritualize walking every single day, it'll probably promote you getting at least your three to five workouts in the week. You know, I think that's a really good way to stay on top of it. Yeah, I think one of the benefits of going to the gym is that you sort of make your way in one section and then kind of move to the next section and you sort of have this idea based off of visuals, what you're going to accomplish while you're at the gym. And I think that at home it's a totally different story. You just kind of see the same equipment you've always had. It's in one specific spot of your house.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And after a while, like the idea is just don't, you know, keep coming and aren't as fresh. And I think that, you know, riding out specifically, what you're gonna do, whether it's on a whiteboard or you have it on a piece of paper. That's a good idea. And just really, you know, hone in specifics and try to, try to be a little bit more disciplined in that
Starting point is 00:54:47 because the fact that if you're just gonna wing it, there's a lot less likelihood that you're gonna get a great workout. And so again, to pile on to what you guys said about ritualizing, I think that's very important to have a specific time, to have a specific type of a warm up, priming kind of a session, go outside,
Starting point is 00:55:06 go for a walk, get your mind right first, and then have that plan there available, and then just try and hammer it out as much as you can on your own. Yeah, and you know, here's the other thing too, is that it's easier to stay consistent when you do it on a daily basis than if you do it on every other day, right? type basis so You're you're more likely like to keep the ball rolling, you know, I mean you're more likely if you do it every day You know before you eat breakfast or after you breakfast or you know after lunch or before lunch or whenever Structure it and to do it every single day so that you
Starting point is 00:55:46 get into this kind of habit of doing it on a consistent basis versus every other day I work out because then when you have that day off it tends to be harder to get the ball rolling again. For sure. Next questions from Fit Fun Father. What is the best way to implement our at-home exercise program? One hour a day of body weight and resistance spans, or should we split it up into two or three 20 minute workouts?
Starting point is 00:56:13 How can this affect our mental health? Oh, 100%. It's so much better for you, mentally, to have your workouts be broken up into shorter sessions. Number one, let's talk about the physical attributes. Why it's good for you physically? It's good for you physically because if you've been going to the gym for a long time and now you're stuck at home, you've probably never worked out this way. You've probably never split up your workouts into shorter workouts throughout the day. So, you know, we've talked about this before that, you know, changing the stimulus and, you know, novelty. It's novel. So, it's going to benefit your body because it's different. So that's number one.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Number two, it breaks up your day. So you have something to look forward to every two or three hours. That kind of structure is excellent for mental health versus I work out once and then the rest of the day I'm sitting around and I think my thoughts can get away from me and you know when you're working out it's exercises and movement is a great way to be present and being present is
Starting point is 00:57:37 excellent for mental health because you're focusing on right now right now I'm moving right now I can feel my biceps right now I can feel my legs right now. Right now, I'm moving, right now, I can feel my biceps, right now, I can feel my legs, right now, I'm healthy, right now, I've got music on, and I'm not thinking about all these other, you know, potential, you know, scary things or whatever. So, 100% man, if you're listening right now, I highly recommend you do short workouts throughout the day versus one workout. And by the way, one workout a day is a million times better than no workout, so I don't want you to think.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Right. This is the only way to do it, but I think it's a lot better to do it this way. I think there's also some major productivity benefits from this too. So, you know, there's a lot of people that are working from home now. And if you've ever, and I remember, I a lot of people that are working from home now. And if you've
Starting point is 00:58:25 ever, and I remember I used to tell clients that were like desk jobs, they had eight hours in front of a computer all day long. And I'd tell them like every hour just get up and do 10 squats and 10 pushups. And then it seems so basic. And it's not like you're going to get this great massive workout from that. But one, the accumulation of it throughout the day, you end up doing quite a bit. And then two, pay attention to how you feel right after you do that and you go back to work again. So I think I think the benefits of the productivity that you'll get for those of you that are quarantined at home, but still have to do at home work.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I think that's a great strategy for those reasons. Forget the benefits that you'll get for the gains and the novelty of that. And I think all those great perks. I also see there's a lot of perks to that just for being more productive throughout your day. So if you can break it up, yesterday, that's what I did was the three 20 minute workouts. If you can do that multiple times a day, I think you can see a lot of benefits from that. Yeah, dude. Go ahead, just go ahead. No, go ahead, dude. Oh, I was gonna say, this is how people work out in prison a lot of times.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Right. They'll do workouts. And now you gotta ask yourself, why do they work out like this in prison? Part of it is because it helps with their mental state. So here they are forcibly locked up. And the ones that tend to have the best outcomes are the ones that have structured three workouts a day.
Starting point is 00:59:52 And then in terms of the results that they get, this was one of the inspirations behind trigger sessions, which you find in maps and a ballack. So if you don't have maps and a ballack, trigger sessions are not intense, they're lower intensity type workouts that you do throughout the day on the days off in between your heavy and hard workouts. This was one of the inspirations for it, is that I knew a couple people that had served
Starting point is 01:00:17 some time, and this is how they worked out, and they're like, dude, when I came out, I was able to do hundreds of push-ups at a time and pull-ups like crazy and I got super fit. And this is how I worked out. I did 20 minutes, three, four times a day type of deal, and I got great results with it. So, highly recommended. Highly recommended.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yeah, I was actually in the kitchen. I saw a post that inspired me. I think it was Joe DeFranco. He always has great exercises that he's putting out there. But he brought back to my attention some isometric poses that he used within his bodyweight training. And then I thought about that and was gonna structure a workout a couple times a day
Starting point is 01:00:57 where I messed with the tempo on each workout. So one was a little bit more focused on isometric holds. One was then more focused on eccentric like negative. So going really slow on the negatives. And then the last one was obviously like a little more explosive, a little more strength driven, you know, working out. So there's different ways that you can mess with the variables
Starting point is 01:01:17 to give you a different kind of stimulus as well with just body weight and bands. There's a lot you can do. Next question is from Ms. Adam 224. I've noticed that since being confined to home, my appetite has dramatically increased. I know I'm not alone in this. Why are we so hungry and what can we do to regulate our intake? Now, don't you? So I think this is an example of when we confuse true hunger. Cravings.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Yeah, with cravings, right? And I think we're so used to being distracted in doing things that you're kind of just at home. And I felt this too. So this isn't me like singling this person out and being like, you're not hungry, you're just craving. I get the same issue. It's more accessible.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, all over. Yeah. Right, you're very close to your refrigerator all day long now You know where there's only so many hours a day that I'm by my refrigerator or my you know food covered or whatever So yeah, I think that this is an example though of when we start to confuse real hunger with just pure cravings, right? Totally. This is it's dress eating So you're at home. You're at home, you're not supposed to go anywhere, you're maybe not working, you're hearing all this, you know, uncertain news, you're right next to your refrigerator.
Starting point is 01:02:38 And food, you know, temporarily makes you feel better. It's a fact, like when you're eating something that you enjoy eating, it puts you in the moment and it gives you a temporary break from fear or from stress. This has been well known forever. This is one of the main reasons why people overeat is because they, especially when people are really obese. Whenever I've worked with clients were in the Severely obese category, you know 50 60 pounds or more
Starting point is 01:03:11 overweight Almost all of them used food as a drug as a way to Escape whatever negative feelings that they have so that's what you're doing right now. So number one, I want you to empathize with yourself and forgive yourself because if you start to think how angry you are with yourself or how could I do this or why am I doing this, those negative feelings will fuel more of that kind of feeding, okay, because if you think about it this way, if negative feelings are driving you to eat more than you normally do, what do you think more negative feelings are going
Starting point is 01:03:48 to do, right? So step number one, empathize with yourself and forgive yourself. That's number one. Don't get pissed off and hate yourself because that'll just make it worse. That's number one. Number two, now that you've acknowledged what is going on, you need to actively think of how you can take care of yourself. You need to actively think how you can care for yourself while you're feeling these feelings. And there's a couple things you could do. Number one, every time you feel like you want to grab some food and snack on something or
Starting point is 01:04:26 eat and you've identified that this is I'm not really hungry, I'm just stressed out. Get on the phone with someone. Call someone, FaceTime someone, family or friend and talk to them. Create a little bit of a space between you and the food, create a barrier. You could also meditate or you could exercise. You could say to yourself, wow, I'm really craving some food, I'm going to go for a walk instead. You got to interrupt the cycle because the longer that this goes on, the more it becomes a solidified behavior and the more difficult it is later on to stop it.
Starting point is 01:05:05 But I do want to be very clear, totally normal and probably common. I can only imagine every, you know, I guarantee lots of people are going through this right now. I know I am and you just got to stop the cycle. Don't get super angry with yourself, be kind, and replace. Because you can reinforce other behaviors. So if I'm stressed out and I'm reaching for food and I interrupt that with a walk or a phone call with a family member or friend, then now not only am I stopping a behavior that might be bad for me,
Starting point is 01:05:45 but I may be creating a new behavior that I can reinforce. So then what ends up happening, the more you practice that, is next time you're stressed out, your instinct isn't to grab food, your instinct is to do the other thing that you now started doing, whether it's calling a friend and facetiming them or going for a walk. So you can hack this by creating healthier behaviors, but first you have to identify it. And again, don't judge yourself for it. Okay, next question is from R Yang 9015. Can you guys define what it means to take a work out to fatigue? How does this relate to taking it to failure? So I pick this question because this is how we recommend in maps anywhere.
Starting point is 01:06:32 And I've got a lot of DMs of people confused on fatigue and failure. And it was something that I remember when we wrote the program that we talked a lot about what that looks like. And I think when we, first of all, when we discuss failure, our definition of failure, I think is a lot different than a lot of other people when they explain failure. When you are doing, let's just say, you know, for arguments, say, bicep curls, and you are keeping really strict good form for 10 reps is what you're targeting. And at rep 9, you begin to, you know, rock your elbows or lean back to get the weight up, like that you've gone too far, right? Like the minute that form starts to break down
Starting point is 01:07:31 That's failure to us. So when we explain in any program where we talk on this podcast about Exercising to failure. It's not for it to Failure of the entire body or breaking down. It's failure to be able to perform the movement with perfect form So I think it's important that we make that clear. Totally, and that's an excellent explanation. We use the word fatigue because, like Adam said, when you say failure, most people have a different understanding of failure than how we would. And typically, when you say failure, people think,
Starting point is 01:08:04 oh, I'm going to do as many as I can until I can't do another one. Till you flop on the ground. Well, there's even, there's acronyms in the fitness community that's become very popular, right? What's an enom, right? As many reps as possible. Am rap.
Starting point is 01:08:17 And, or that's am rap. What's an enom is every minute on the minute. Yeah, all these, and right now I'm seeing this everywhere, like obviously everybody's posting at home workouts and I remember when we first wrote maps anywhere, the motivation behind that was how lackluster effort, I think there was towards programming at home stuff. Yeah, and I think too that people don't realize
Starting point is 01:08:42 how difficult it is to maintain really rigid, tight technique and form in your exercises. I think it's just a natural propensity to want to kind of cheat your way through because your body wants to make these movements a little bit more efficient, a little bit easier for you to get through them. So it's a different mindset. It's not about getting through the reps and it's not about accomplishing and tackling the workout. It's performing each one with the best intent and what it's supposed to do. And so once that breaks, once, you know, you have little bits
Starting point is 01:09:15 of variance in your form and you start paying attention to that, that's where we say stop. So that's the difference. It's you do get fatigued in these movements and tired and that's one thing, but if you can still maintain a nice rigid technique, then it's fair game. Yeah, to put it in that shell, you want to keep going so long as your form is perfect. So the word is perfect. Okay. So you have to be very honest with yourself. If your forms deviates at all, you're done.
Starting point is 01:09:47 That's when you stop the set. So it's not keep going until you can't do anymore. It's keep going until your perfect form is no longer perfect. And you know, Adam touched on why we created maps anyway. Because remember, we created maps anywhere years ago before all of this stuff was going on. And when we looked at, you know, the space and we looked at workouts that were at home, I mean, they were better than nothing, but what they basically were was just
Starting point is 01:10:15 the combination of body weight exercises. That's what that home workouts were. And they were all randomly thrown and all of them designed based off of, you know, intensity. That's it. It was like how much, you know, how many exercises can we throw together? How can we make you jump in place? How can we make you be burpees? How can we make you sweat and get tired? And of course, that's better than nothing. But if the workout isn't programmed well, just like with any workout, just like with the workout at home, at the gym. If the programming isn't good, you're just not going to get the best results. And what you don't
Starting point is 01:10:49 want to do is fall into the following trap. You don't want to fall in the trap of making up for bad programming with intensity. This is a huge mistake. And to be honest, I see this mistake being made not just by average everyday people, but by fitness enthusiasts, you should know better, because what you're having right now, probably is a lot of people who go to the gym on a regular basis, super hardcore, now they're stuck at home, and of course, they're worried about losing their gains,
Starting point is 01:11:17 and so all they're doing is just beating the crap out of themselves at home with insane workouts, which after a couple of weeks, that's not gonna, not only is workouts, which, you know, after a couple weeks, that's not going to, not only is it going to yield you no results, but it might even start to take you backwards. Well, that's all I'm seeing right now. All I'm seeing right now is the, the E-Mom, the AMRAP, the, the Tabata, the, all these circuit-based bodyweight programs are what people are all these fitness professionals.
Starting point is 01:11:43 All these professional, endless movement. Yeah, and so, yeah yeah there was a lot more thought uh... put into uh... maps anywhere i mean the idea was in what we want to do is to show people that you could train from home and progress this isn't just a program uh... to get you by because you don't have a gym right now the idea of it is
Starting point is 01:12:01 that you can get into an at home program and actually see progress in your strength, your gains, your body fat loss, whatever your main goal was, and it wasn't just centered around intensity. It's not just, can we make you sweat and burn a bunch of calories? It was very methodical the way we structured that program. So, yeah, I'm seeing a ton of the high intensity circuit base jump around, plyometric type of at-home stuff. It's pretty weak.
Starting point is 01:12:29 No, those workouts are terrible, whether you had a gym or at home, they're terrible. I mean, what you find in a well planned at-home workout, you know, and I'll use maps anywhere as an example, because I'm familiar with that program. That's the one we created, is yes, you do have some body weight exercises, but you also have band exercises. You also have exercise design with the correctional component. You have tension poses, which are very important that almost nobody ever does. And these are using a, you know, like a broomstick, just a regular old broomstick that will give you feedback. So, you have a whole variety of different ways of training the body, all put together in a very effective,
Starting point is 01:13:15 well thought out program. As Adam said, we designed it to be standalone, effective on its own, regardless, not as a poor replacement. And one of the keys in there is we tell people on some of the sets and it has to be done appropriately, it's not on every set, it's not on every exercise, but it's done strategically, are to do reps to fatigue. And we do use intensity, but we use it smart, and we apply it properly.
Starting point is 01:13:48 And that's the type of intensity we want you to go for. And that does not mean you go until you can't go anymore. That's, we almost never recommend that kind of failure or intensity. And here's a couple reasons why. Number one, when your form breaks down and it's no longer perfect, now all you're doing is you're training shitty recruitment patterns and shitty form. Now you're pushing your body super hard, but the technique that you're now solidifying, because anything you
Starting point is 01:14:19 train, you train, you know what I'm saying? So whatever it is you practice with your workout is what you're training your body to learn how to do. So if you're doing a set of 50 push-ups and the first 30 were perfect and the last 20 were less than perfect, well now you've got about, you know, 60% you're hammering your body with good form and 40% is shitty form. And you keep that up long enough and use that consistently enough and you're going to start just solidify bad recruitment patterns. That's going to increase your risk of injury.
Starting point is 01:14:52 It's going to take the focus off of the target muscles and not only that, but intensity for intensity's sake, it compromises your body, your body's ability to adapt. Remember, your goal with exercise is to send the right signal, the perfect signal to get your body to adapt. You go too far beyond that. All your body can think about is recovering. So, yeah, you're going to get sore, you're going to sweat, your body's going to recover, but it's not going to adapt.
Starting point is 01:15:20 It's not going to add strength, build muscle, it's not going to improve, you're just going to survive. And that's a terrible approach to exercise. So we almost never, and any of our programs, tell people to keep going until you can't move anymore, almost always, it's the highest that we recommend is when your form breaks down you're done. There's no there's no need to practice and teach your body Less than perfect form. There's no why why practice less than perfect form practice Perfect practice, man perfect right that's that's that's the that's what you're hearing sports all the time
Starting point is 01:16:01 And that's that's that's true for exercise as well. So regardless if you're following maps anywhere or not, you're doing your own at-home workout. Do perfect reps. And when you, when your next rep, your form is as often perfect, you're done with that set. Take a break, rest, gather yourself, and then go again, and then follow that same strategy. As soon as your form is less than perfect, stop the set. There's no need
Starting point is 01:16:29 to practice and train your body to to move in ways that are less than perfect because again, you're in this for the long haul. We're not just looking for one hard short workout or you know, make me sweat today. You want a lifestyle, a lifelong fitness, so practice perfect, that's the key. And with that, go to mindpumpfree.com, download all of our guides and resources. We have a lot of free resources on that page, so you can read them all, and there's all kinds
Starting point is 01:17:02 of different topics, how to build your arms, how to get a tighter midsection, how to squat like a pro, how to burn more body fat. There's a lot of different resources on there. They're all free. Every single one of them, you can download all of them. Again, it's mindplumfree.com. You can also find Adam Justin and myself on Instagram so you can find Justin at Mind Plum Justin. You can find me at Mind Plum Sal and Adam at Mind Plum Adam.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos. The RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the
Starting point is 01:18:10 price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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