Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 126: Fat shaming is cool

Episode Date: August 6, 2015

Is fat shaming actually cool? How about fit shaming? It seems that one of those is socially acceptable and the other isn't. Who writes the rules on what is ok and what isn't? Sal, Adam and Justin look... at the demented world we live in where values are often warped in the name of political correctness.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. We guys are trying to plan. What? What? Doug, are you recording? It does not happen.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Now that we're done talking shit about people you can Turn that out. I'm eating again. I'm Fuckin' This is part of my hand. I tried to Try a piece Ah No, I hear you're those macrote out. You can have the last one. You can have the last one.
Starting point is 00:00:33 That's like, dude, asking a guy for a bite. You know it's part. So I don't know. Are you guys like this? I'm fucking. I'm getting ready for you to bite that Motherfucker. No. You are already like fucking that in your head, Dude, I am this guy. This is my girl hates this about me too. She hates this about me. If we go somewhere like, let's say it's like, you know, this is Friday night, we've decided we're gonna go have ourself a burger from in and out or something like that.
Starting point is 00:00:55 And like, I've got what I'm eating, right? I'm eating it. I'm eating two with all of it in your head. All of it. Now, I can't spare one fry. No. Not one fry, But here on, but on this way, so my girl's like this, she'll be like,
Starting point is 00:01:07 we'll go through and she'll be like, well, I don't really want any fries. So I'm going to just get a burger and that's it. Oh, then she'll eat off your shit. Well, then she'll say, I just want some of your fries. No, no, no, no, no, that's not what I want. She's like, you mean you won't share it, like no, I said, well, here, this is what we'll do.
Starting point is 00:01:21 We'll order you a whole another order of fries, and then whenever you don't eat, I'll help you out with. No, no, no, I don't want to waste all that because I'm not gonna have that. I'm like, listen, you're not eating any of my order because what I have planned in my head, I want to eat all of it. Every last fry they give me.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Or you could do what I do, like if I buy, I'm counted for. This is how gangster I am. If I'm buying like a bunch of burgers and fries, you know how they throw all the fries in the bag, right? I'll be like handing out the fries to people and be like, I get my fries and the ones left over in the bag.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Motherfucker. Yes. Or sometimes eat some on the way home. Like, yeah, I'm like, you're still in the bag. You're still in the back. Yeah, I spill a lot of it in the bag first. Huh.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Are we even turned on as we turn the reporter off though? I don't even eat fries really. We're turned on bro. Bro, right now our show is a lot like Justin. Turned on. Oh. Oh. I know you're wearing your blown shirt you got there.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah, how many shirts they send you? They sent me this one. I don't even feel. A gray V-neck, which is actually pretty cool. I love that gray V-neck. Yeah, do you like the way it looks on me? And then the tank tops. I was holding mine hostage.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I haven't really. I took pictures in it, bro. It's on my Instagram. Did you see it? I posted one to you. Bro, look, I'll yack. Yeah. Did you do a V-neck one? No, I did the tank top.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'm a tank guy. I got a confessional. I've never worn a V-neck in my life. Really? Ever. Bro, your neck's so big, you should wear a V-neck out. Yeah, actually, I'm super, why wouldn't you never try it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:43 It just doesn't feel like it's my thing. You're a chess guy, do you have a good chess? wouldn't you never try it? I don't know. It just doesn't feel like it's my thing. You're a chest guy Do you have a good chest? Why would I? I don't know. I'm like a crew neck dude. Oh, I went through I went on a kick from probably got how old was that I want to say I was 27ish maybe 26 you somewhere around that Air right where you just wore VNX where I wore white VNX from Target like summer of the V- Like literally for like two years straight like nothing but everything I wore was with a just a plain-ass white V-neck That's it. Do you want to you know what you just reminded me of I have no idea why? This is a I don't know why this must have been cool or I thought it was cool back in the day I think I was like 15 14 15 your wife Peter again. No, I'm always one wife you. Okay. Do you guys remember best?
Starting point is 00:03:25 Like yeah, like like you were him my feet. Okay. Do you guys remember Vests? Like Vests. Yeah, like you wore them to show it. I swear. You wore Vests. A fucking Vests. Of course you were Vests. Remember those? Like we're sure underneath, like a dress vest?
Starting point is 00:03:34 Kind of like a Vests. Oh, that's so glido style right there. I never did that. What? Like nobody did that. Yeah, I did. Okay, you know, that's what makes you use it. Did you wear like a gold chain too?
Starting point is 00:03:44 Always. Oh, you did, you just worked. Gold chain with wear like a gold chain too. Always. Oh, you did. You always work with gold chain with a croc and shut it down. That's okay, dude. One time, okay. So I did this just the words of guilt. Yeah, no, I had a wife, Peter moment, but it was like, it was before a talent show. So this is the first time I've ever even played
Starting point is 00:03:59 in front of like a crowd of people. Oh, you did your rock band? Yeah, so it was just me and my best friend. And he just, he didn't even know drums. He just kind of learned drums on his own and kind of backed me up. And it was like somehow it kind of worked. But anyway, I don't know about winning. They just showcased us, you know, and we were kind of like at the end. And for some reason, I had the idea that it would, it would be like awesome. Like we'd wear wear this uniform of wife beaters and suspenders and we'd shave our heads.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And then everybody was like, skinheads. Whoa, you guys have Nazis. I'm like, what? What are you talking about? We look cool. We had glasses and everything. What song did you sing? So I wrote it.
Starting point is 00:04:41 It was just this guitar riff. And I played it. It was just this guitar riff, and I played it was like, it was basically, this is so geeky, it was off of Inspector Gadget, and then I made it like, I'm doing a metal song. I'm done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, That was actually pretty good. That is kinda cool right there. It wasn't bad. Do you get a boner whenever he plays music like I do? You know what I wanted to do is sometimes play for the listeners. I mean, I don't suck that bad. I mean, singing is like my worst wall.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Why do you think you suck? I'm just saying that. Nobody said that. I just got a new reaction. You sound insecure. Yeah. Adam gets a new reaction. Doug probably got a new reaction. You sound insecure. Yeah. Adam gets a direction. Doug's fat fat face. Everybody in the room is erect and you're thinking you suck. I think you're awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I feel kind of important right now to cause those that were trying to tune in last week or yeah, it'll be last week when this airs to the Benzor in episode that we had the the malfunction with a Dell. It was not Doug's fault. I know he is the producer. I know everybody was thinking that. Yeah, I know everything that. Oh, and nobody can download when they couldn't download the episodes. Yeah, yeah, so I know that was a little crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And he also is responsible for the quality of the sound and how the, and he hates that I fucking eat on here. So I just wanna point that out. Oh, you mean, you know what you're like, bro? This is Adam. You're watching them, you're in the movies. Okay, you're watching us fucking great movie It's a quiet scene and then asshole opening chips right next to you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:09 I know it's a guy with the popcorn bag that just that's the endless amount of popcorn. It never stops He's making fun of himself but reality he's actually he wanted to take a mind. He's like great This is a great opportunity for me to and then you hear this and then you hear this because he doesn't we's trying to be quite here And then you hear this and then you hear this because he doesn't we trying to be quite here Yeah, you know on demand every time I just wanted to point out that the dog hates it I know I'm not supposed to do it So those of you that are listening because I know some people are like this people are so like overcritical And some of you are listening like that's so unprofessional. I can hear him chewing right now I can hear him eating food. This is such a stupid
Starting point is 00:06:46 It wasn't a bar wrapper. That was a condom wrapper. All right, we should, you know what? He needs the cherry flavor. Today is Q&A. Yeah, but there's one question I think we should cover. I want to point out that I picked this question. Adam, you get, you get, you get, I could see why you would, you would pick this.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yeah, I, it's a great question. So one of our followers on Instagram asked this question the person is Sean I'm like eating that bar Take the rest for it on the mouth Take the fuck down All right there you go Sweet release So this question was asked by Sean,
Starting point is 00:07:26 Misselle's looks like, and the question was, fit shaming versus fat shaming. Why is it acceptable to shame people for being fit, but not shame people for being fat? I got the answer. It's not acceptable. Here's the thing, this is the funny thing about society. Society decides what is taboo, all of a sudden, and what is not taboo, all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And you could talk shit about one. Like, if you're fit, I can make funny all day long online and talk about how, oh, you're obsessed with working out. You probably exercise too much. You don't eat enough, whatever. But if somebody's overweight and I say something then you know we have big problems and I think this is bullshit I think it's fucking bullshit we and you see it in social media more now right you see more
Starting point is 00:08:16 of the stuff happen like you're free yeah like like what just happened on social media that just blew up Facebook last week blew it the fuck up it was everywhere on Facebook. What the lion thing? The lion, Cecil the lion. I'm gonna just put this out there. Wow, how does this, the relay. Well, I'm just gonna put this out there.
Starting point is 00:08:33 99% of the people who had a big deal, you know, through a big deal about that had no idea who that lion was. But it just became like, I need to, I need to make, so that's what fit shaming is. It's like, it's popular because everybody's doing it and it makes us all you know Let's all make fun of the fit person which is ridiculous and then you have commercials from What's that gym that we all fucking hate planet fitness planet fitness will have gyms
Starting point is 00:08:58 Commercial excuse me making fun of like bodybuilders and fit people right like stereotypes of stereotypes of them. Straight stereotypes. Which to me, what's so crazy is that would be, oh my, people would be in an uproar. If I started, if I made a commercial and it was like centered around teasing fat people. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like if it was like, don't be a fat ass. And then it clipped to a clipped person
Starting point is 00:09:21 when like sitting on the couch, like eating cheese pizza and so that like way overweight. So like that. Don't be a fat ass pizza and so that like way overweight, so like that. Don't be a fat ass, somebody who's like choosing to use the escalators to walk in, you know what I'm saying? Like, and you did shoot like that, people would like, they would fucking hang you. Oh yeah absolutely.
Starting point is 00:09:34 If I went on Instagram and I went around and getting on people's posts that were overweight and I started talking shit to them the same way that someone who does talk shit about somebody who takes selfies because they're showing their ripped abs or what they're like that, they talk shit about those people. It's like, dude, why is that okay? I don't understand. Yeah, it's not okay. I mean, it's typically, and here's where I see the angle from the
Starting point is 00:09:55 fat shaming version, is that they tend to have a lot more vocal insecurities about it, right? Like somebody in that somebody that's fit, obviously, they're trying to do something about it and they're trying to make up for the fact that, like they have all these insecurities and they're trying to like build themselves up to this like super shell of repellent towards all that stuff. But, dude, they're a human being, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:20 and most of the time, like, I don't know, people look at that as a target now, I can take them down, you know, I don't know, people look at that as a target now, I can take them down. I'm gonna take them down because they're trying to be better than me. Well, do you guys remember that mom, that, forget her name, but she posted a picture of her in her two or three kids, and she's like,
Starting point is 00:10:37 I have three kids in a job, and I look like this, what's your excuse or something like that? And she got lit up on social media because she was a fit mom, and all these other moms are like, well, she probably is not a good mother, doesn't really watch her kids take care of them. Yes, they were ripping her. Because she's fit, and she said,
Starting point is 00:10:53 I have these, you know, I have three kids, and I exercise, and I look great. And people were, why would you, people were everywhere about it. That's crazy. Yeah, that is crazy. Or, it's a great example.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It's a great example, or another example, or, or another example or like popular music that talks about like, you know, my mom told me that men don't like flat girls with no butts or no skinny girls here. So it's like all of a sudden it's okay to make fun of skinny girls. Right. You know, because you're not. No, it's really unfortunate. And you know, you don't just see it on social media either.
Starting point is 00:11:28 You get it with people all the time. It's gotten to the point where it bothers me when I'm explaining to somebody about working out and eating correctly and this and that. And they're like, well, I don't want to look like, you know, I don't want to be all like, yeah, that's gross. Or they look at someone who's chasing it. I want to be all I don't be all I yeah, that's gross That's great. You know, or they look or someone who's I want to get too big people that see like my my pictures when I post my Stage pictures, you know, I get you all the time. You don't really that's gross Like oh, I like to I like to you better before it's like thanks. That's like telling somebody who's fat
Starting point is 00:11:57 You know who really I like to better I like I worked really really hard yeah that last bit You know, come on, right? And then people will tell you, oh, you don't even look, it's too much. It's too much. You don't look good at this and that. It's like, dude, I didn't fucking ask you first of all,
Starting point is 00:12:12 you know, who are you to say some shit like that? Because I would never get on your post and be like, oh, I liked you before. I liked you. It's like the trend. You're your weight, your seventh grade weight. Now where you're at, right? Well, I see it's like a trend of like trying to soften things
Starting point is 00:12:24 for people so that it doesn't, you know, whatever is hard and unreachable, like, it's almost like the, like reality-wise, like, okay, well, if they did that, you know, that's super hard and totally unattainable. So what I can do is then be like, you know, you don't have to do that, you know, you don't have to try that hard and get that ripped and do all these be like, you know, you don't have to do that. You know, you don't have to try that hard and get that ripped and do all these extra things because that's for those weirdos. Well, I mean, for me, it's like, look,
Starting point is 00:12:52 everybody should have the right to say what they want. If you're offended, then that's your fucking choice, right? So people can talk shit about me and say, oh, you look too, you know, maybe if I get too lean or whatever, and it's my choice to get offended. If I get offended, then I'm not gonna blame anybody but me. And, you know, this goes for everybody. For me, really, it's the hypocrisy that irritates me.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I don't give a shit if you talk shit about fit people. It's just acceptable to talk shit about fit people. Which to me is a massively, it's just massively hypocritical. No, the same rules apply, you know, it's just like anything else. You have to, I mean, it has to be fair and balanced. Like if you're portraying this negativity onto somebody else, why should we put up with that? Right.
Starting point is 00:13:37 And since hypocritical kind of, you know, this piece of society that's interesting, it's interesting how one thing can become okay to say today, and then tomorrow it's not okay to say. And who decides this? Who decides what's okay to say and what's not okay, and why it's okay to make fun of these people, and not okay to make fun of. Like, it's okay on the internet to make fun of redheads.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Oh, I know. It's like this thing to make fun of redheads. Like, you know, gingers and they have no soul, and I can't even talk about it on the show. And I feel comfortable, but there's other things I can't talk about and feel comfortable because I know that it's so controversial. So controversial.
Starting point is 00:14:12 So controversial. Which is weird to me. It's weird. I think what you should be able to say with a foot. It's just very interesting. That's where I brought up the whole lion thing because I know when I brought up to Cecil the lion thing, you're like, well, that's kind of off-road.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Well, yeah. I kind of saw a relation there, but I was just interested to see where you're going to take it. Well, I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, look, this is interesting. I was going through my social media page, my through Facebook, and there's this woman, this, she's kind of attractive, younger woman that goes to Africa and hunts these animals, hunts big animals. So she'll pose with a dead giraffe or a dead lion or, you know, a hippo or an elephant that she killed that she paid money to go hunt. And you should read the comments. People write death threats and death threats to this girl.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Now there's only one person in this world. There's only one group of people, by the way, okay, just FY, the money that the amount of money that it costs to hunt these animals is it's extravagant. So it's like 50 grand. That money goes to these local communities in these African villages where these people need it. Then when they kill the animal, they don't take home the meat and stuff. That goes to feed the villagers. They distribute it. That's the local villagers. So the people are actually benefiting from this.
Starting point is 00:15:29 But besides that, there's really only one group and not to go off on a tangent, but there's only only one group that I think morally, can verbally be against hunting. And that's vegans. Okay. If you eat a burger or you eat chicken or anything else, shut the fuck up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:48 She killed an animal, you're eating an animal. Yeah. And you're a man of topic. Yeah, we're done. If you're a vegan, sure, you could have some moral, there's some moral, you know, backing there where you could say, okay, I don't like any animals getting killed. And so I don't wear leather shoes and I don't eat.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Well, I mean, that has to include fish, that has to include insects. Right, right. Yeah, sorry. I mean, you can has to include fish, the S to include insects. Right, right. Yeah, sorry. I mean, you can't, you can't like discriminate to insects either. And like you said, you don't wear any leather shoes, or you know what I'm saying? Right.
Starting point is 00:16:13 There goes a lot further. It's quite, it's quite the rabbit hole. It is a Pandora's box. You're opening right? It is quite. You know what I'm saying? Be careful. You self-righteous turd.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Be careful. Exactly. Be careful. Be careful what you're trying to promote and get everybody to get on your bandwagon. You hop on your little keyboard warrior status, you better fuck it up. Take two steps back.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Well, the guy that dentist that ended up shooting that line, and I'm not a hunter or anything, I'm not trying to back it up because that's some big thing, but he had to shut his business down and go into hiding and make this big thing, and apparently, I don't know, we don't know all the facts, but it's coming at, it sounds like the guides that guided him to shoot this animal, they shot the wrong line.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I guess this line is like a, yeah, they baited like a protected, a protected one. So an asshole move. That's a huge, huge asshole move. Yeah. the huge, huge asshole move. But I was, for me, I was shocked at how the internet lit up with people who were so enraged with this horrible thing that happened. Do you know what made children die and Zimbabwe that same day? I know.
Starting point is 00:17:17 That's that lying guy kill? I mean, hundreds, right? And look, you can choose to be angry for whatever you want to be angry for. And you can choose to be angry for whatever you want to be. You can choose to be an activist for whatever you want. I'm not judging you on that. But to me, it's amazing at how apathetic and lazy and ignorant most people are about real important issues.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And then all of a sudden, some weird thing pops up at that. Celebrities say you need to be worried about or care about. And everybody decides to care about it. Because it's furry. It's the clickbait. Yeah, it's the stuff that's gonna grab your attention and like, oh, are you, do you like animals?
Starting point is 00:17:51 I'm like, of course I like animals. Oh yeah. It's like, I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was a kid. And I have pets and I love my animals. And I treat them with the utmost respect and everything, but at the same time, I realize that there's a cycle of life, things die, nature is fucking vicious. All you gotta do is watch National Geographic channel
Starting point is 00:18:16 and watch an antelope get shredded to pieces and Hyena eat it as first while it's still alive. And it's like, ah, you know, like nature is brutal. And guess what? We, uh, we are part of it. Yeah. No, we made it better for us. We actually made it so it was tolerable.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I didn't have to worry about walking on the street and getting eaten, you know, it's just like, we just conveniently want to care about things in a different light now because We've conformed the world everything is cement and everything is very Uniform to how our needs well. We're so far removed from our food absolutely That's the point. I'm getting to like we're like remove from nature. I'm ready for this one right here This is this is this is for you right here. Yeah. This is you my ex machina for you. So I finally watched it too by the way good
Starting point is 00:19:08 I was a great movie good job. I wasn't super stoked on the ending, but it was oh I love the ending I mean, I yeah, but like I just want to more because this is what this is what gave it and right on okay You know everybody is like this right now. Well one one day, okay, when we become the fucking, if we become the hunting, and we've created a monster, you know, that's outsmarting us, out creating on us, out in superior, and like that. And we are eliminated from jobs. We're eliminated for everything that soon people
Starting point is 00:19:39 will wake the fuck up and see what's going to see. What's up, right? We won't be fucking sitting out, holed over a lion, getting killed. We're not sitting going to see what's up, right? We won't be fucking sitting out and post over a line, you can kill them. We're not sitting pretty anymore, yeah. Crazy, right? Think what you think about that.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Do you know like, well, who is it? Steven Hawking's and Elon Musk and some other scientists, they put together this petition with other scientists, and they're sending it to world governments and businesses and big companies like Google. So you're just stop working on it. They're saying be careful with AI because this could be the one thing that destroys humanity. My view on AI is interesting because we apply, anytime we think about artificial intelligence or machines,
Starting point is 00:20:17 we apply human characteristics to them. You know what I'm saying? Because we can't think in any other terms. Just like when you've seen alien movies. Yeah, like sleep, right? Like AI's never gonna sleep. Yeah, but I mean, like even emotions, you know, or competition, why would an artificially intelligent machine consider us threats? Or need to compete with us on any level.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Why would they need to kill humans in the first place? That one movie, have you seen her with what's the name? No, but I've seen a chapie which dealt with, well, so at the end of her, well, at the end of her, the artificially intelligent, you know, computer just disappeared into the internet, which is like, why would they have, which makes more sense? Like, yeah, it doesn't make sense. Yeah. Why would they, why would they compete with us for resources and stuff when they could just disappear into some simulated reality and just be gone and we don't have to worry.
Starting point is 00:21:07 So I don't, I don't can necessarily, I don't think of competing like that. I think of competing in the sense of being more efficient than humans are at doing jobs. That's competing in itself. If I, if I, Well, if they serve a shit that's utopia. Well, think about that.
Starting point is 00:21:20 If you could create these robots to, you know, build, to cook, to prepare, to do everything that humans have jobs for, then you would have to completely come up with a whole new system of money and how things work because now all these machines are doing all the laborious jobs that we would do. Well, I think I really do think that that's most likely the case, like you said, like we put up all these human characteristics of how we do things, how we interact, and then they say, it's not going to interact like us. And the thing is it can travel and move within the, you know, the environment, the fiber optic cables or whatever else is, you know, the constraints are. Like that's really all it is.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Like they're gonna figure, it's gonna figure out a way to interact and move and become something else. Well, why does it need a vessel? Like, that's true and beings. That's true. I think it's impossible for us to predict, but even like, you know, going back to what Adam said,
Starting point is 00:22:19 the worry about jobs being lost to technology have been around forever. And instead, what's happened is we've become more prosperous. And progressed at your right. Right. So like they said, oh my god, there's a steam engine. Who's going to make, what about the guys who make wagons? Or what about the guys that make all these things by hand?
Starting point is 00:22:40 If machines are making foggy and the automobile, right like they were all lobbying against the automobile being built. Right. All that's happened is more wealth and more prosperity is coming. So I think machines doing our shit for us and moving ahead in the future, unless they become autonomous and decide not to do shit for us. But if they, I think it would be more of a utopia. Well, I just don't want to get locked in the room and left. That's why I don't like the movie.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Oh, yeah. I know that would be so fun. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Oh, shit. We would wait. Now that was a great ending. It was a good movie too.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I have to, I still think about it. Would you like to talk to those movies? Think about how many people would stop dating humans if you had like a robot that you couldn't tell the difference and that you was just hot, would do whatever you wanted. Right, and just, yeah, totally list the whole thing. You know what though? Yeah. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah. He's like, I put a different hair on there. I actually, that's a good question because I think that there's something built into us humans that we want conflict, we want to have to overcome to, I think having, having some a partner who never disagreed with you, never challenged you, it would get boring. It would get old. It would get tired of it, you know what I'm saying? Well, in the program, you program it was going to say, you get the random, like you know what I'm saying? Well, in the program, you program it, I was gonna say, you get the random, like, no, I'm not, I'm not feeling it tonight.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I'll take model number six, and can you put, okay, you can go shut off. Can you put it on a bitch level seven? I like bitch level seven. Yeah. Little feisty mode. You come home from work, you're like, feisty mode, I like feisty mode.
Starting point is 00:24:19 You come home from work, you're like, ah, honey, come here real quick, I'm gonna turn your bitch level down a little bit. I'm not in the mood for bitchy robot. I just want nice. I guess it's a good point. I guess you good program it for every which way, right? Well, shit, we went way off topic.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Yeah, we're gonna slap us. Well Sean brought it. I see Doug's face whenever we do this, we go off topic. We're fat or seen. Doug's looking at us like, what the fuck are you guys talking about? You know what I see? I can see his brain, we. We're going what the fuck am I going to name this? I know what's the title of this episode? That's exactly what he's thinking because we're always like, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:53 we're gonna talk, you know, say we don't prepare for anything. We're just gonna talk about what's on our mind and it goes it goes But Doug's problem with that is like to how the fuck do I name this when you guys go through you guys go from fit Shaming to artificial intelligence. I like talking about AI and stuff, I'm all into that. No, it was a great movie. It made my wheels turn like crazy, which is I love stuff like that. It made me, it definitely surprised me. It made me think and I thought, wow, this is really,
Starting point is 00:25:18 this is a cool movie and it was not what I expected. It was, which I love that too. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I was grand. Both those actors are gonna be in the new Star Wars. So there you go. Oh, like a chews Star War boner over there. I had to put this in there. Had to. Yeah, Star War boner.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah. Well, I, I think, you know, I just bring it back to, you know, the fit and fat shaming and all that stuff. I think, you know what the real problem is? I'll tell you what it is. Cause I know everything. The, the, it's what it sounds like when I say that. You know what the problem is? Cause I know everything. No, here's, here's what I think the problem is, I'll tell you what it is, because I know everything. It's what it sounds like when I say that. You know what the problem is,
Starting point is 00:25:45 because I know everything. No, here's what I think the problem is. I think the problem is that today, everybody gets offended for everything. I think it's another camp to be involved with. Yeah, it's like everything's offensive. Every little thing that happens, everything that everybody says,
Starting point is 00:26:01 and oh, that comedian can't make that joke anymore because it's a fan, I don't know, man. I feel like everybody's grow up a little bit. Like put your big point, big point, Pan to everybody says, and oh, that comedian can't make that joke anymore because it's a fan, I don't know, man, I feel like everybody's grow up a little bit, like put your big point, big point pants. I just stop being offended for everything, you know? Someone wants to talk shit, ignore them. That's why I tend to gravitate to people that really do have like thick skin and just move on
Starting point is 00:26:19 and like you don't see them get infected by anything that these people are talking about. Like, those are my people. Well, you guys said this to their day when I was venting and you brought up a good point is that everybody wants to put everybody in a box. You know what I'm saying? Like everybody has to fit in a category.
Starting point is 00:26:34 You have to be the overly too fit person who's only into this or you have to be the functional training trainer and that's all you think about as functional training and you have to be the health guru guys, no, dude, doesn't have to be that way. And we're most certainly not those guys either, is just like, I think all of us are the furthest
Starting point is 00:26:53 from puttin' a box, you know, say, like, get me the fuck out of the box. I always wanna expand and do different things and be challenged by other stuff. And I wanna be wrong, and I'm not afraid to be made fun of, and I'm not afraid to make fun of somebody else, and you know what I'm saying? That's it, yeah. It's like, you know, I want to be wrong and I want to be, and I'm not afraid to be made fun of and I'm not afraid to make fun of somebody else and you know what I'm saying? That's it, yeah. It's like you got it.
Starting point is 00:27:09 You're bringing it on. Yeah, whatever, dude. Like, we're all human. We're all, I see everybody the same way and for people to get so uptight and hang on every word that, or hang on every situation that's going on, like we brought up the lion thing, it's just, you self-righteous turds, dude. You're a bunch of self-righteous turds. Get off your fucking high horse, man.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Like relax, relax. Like it's okay, you wanna be upset, you know, be upset. But, you know, be upset and do something. You know, not the hunter. Better yet, don't even be upset, just do something. Yeah, just do something. Just do something. I'm saying, I'm not upset until I know exactly everything.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Like, I can't have somebody secondhand tell me something and be like, what? That fucking asshole, you know, I don't understand what happened. Tell me how. Even like what we're talking about right now, and I know that the lion's story is a huge reach here, but I think it's still a great, great topic,
Starting point is 00:28:02 because one, it's fresh and everybody's been posting like crazy over it. It's like not a lot of people stop to think about the backstory. You know, I get it too. I like animals too. I'm fucking very, very much so I don't agree with killing them either. None of that stuff. But when you bring up a point of like, wow, I didn't know that all the money goes to, you know, the struggling camp. That it might have saved four children's lives because now more money is put into that community. Only industries they have in the country, you know, like, right?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Some of these, like, hunts and big game hunts. It's only the one of the few ways that they survive. People don't think of that. They don't, they don't think of that. So what they'll do is they'll protest. They'll cause problems. They'll make it so socially unacceptable that people stop. And what ends, here's what happens. Here's the unintended consequence. They'll make it so socially unacceptable that people stop and
Starting point is 00:28:51 What ends it here's what happens here's the unintended consequence then these hunts stop happening these villages stop getting the money So people have less for that to think of a different way not to feed the sounds, but here's the other unintended other resource Well, here's the other unintended. Do you know how many of these animals exist? Simply because they're owned like how many the animals are protected because these simply because they're owned. Like how many of the animals are protected because these communities own them so that they can hunt them. And they breed it. And they breed them. And they keep it going.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Right. Right. So like, you know, one of the best ways to protect certain, you know, resources is to let people own them. You know, when people don't own something, I don't know if you guys have ever heard of the tragedy, the commons.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I'll give you an example, the open ocean. You know why it's getting overfished? Because nobody owns it. If one person owned the ocean, they would be very careful to fish a certain amount and then let it replenish itself. Because it's their resource. If everybody goes in and can fucking fish it, then basically it's like, I better go get as much as I can because if I know these people get over here. so a lot of these animals are actually protected because they're on these reserves where some of these people can go and hunt them.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And as a result, so one of the unintended consequences of that would be less of some of these animals as crazy as that sounds. Oh yeah, yeah. So, and I'm not a hunter. I mean, I want to try. And I'm not condoning it, it's just open your fucking eyes. Yeah, that's how it is.
Starting point is 00:30:03 It's not, not, we're pro anything. It's not we're pro against either one. It's, hey, before you open your fucking eyes. That's how it is. It's not, we're pro anything. It's not we're pro or against either one. It's, hey, before you open your mouth. There's a lot more to the story. Before you open your mouth and post something on a social media stuff like that, maybe you should fucking check your facts. Yeah, and there's gross elements there for sure.
Starting point is 00:30:18 You know, like it's the nature of like, there's assholes, right? There's assholes that do asshole things and say asshole stuff Yeah, and you know that's the first knee jerk reaction is to be like oh it's just weird to me because like God that same day. Let's see what else happened in the news. There was that girl in Santa Cruz that got That eight-year-old girl that got raped and yeah, that's what I was okay, so and no and it affected me more than anything It's a child. I don. Oh, it's a child. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:46 It's a child. But it didn't, you know, it didn't, it's tough like that happens all the time and I get it. But that didn't get like a national reaction. It didn't get this huge visceral reaction, like something like that. And I feel like, I don't know if it's because people or feel like they need to have this reaction like that.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Oh, I need to post this because celebrity over here said, you know, that they're against this. Are you one of your friends to, you know, well, I don't know, it's just weird. Aren't you? Yeah, aren't you? Yeah, you're supporters. Because I know all these people who acted in rage are not these huge animal lovers like they said there.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I know it. Like most people love animals. Most of us don't want to see animals get hurt. Yeah. But most of us aren't like conservationists, like hardcore, where this is like a huge deal. So it's just that's all. It's just kind of weird to be. I mean, teach their own, I guess. No, no, exactly. Just, I think bringing it all the way back to the very beginning question
Starting point is 00:31:32 that we started on this, just getting off on it. You know, before you go on somebody's fucking page, you know, on somebody who is a, you know, super ripped bodybuilder, Shaik Shaan is, or a female who's super lean for bikini and she's got skinny and she's ripped abs and so on and so forth. Before you get on there go, ooh, or gross. It's the same thing as you're getting on your fat ass page and somebody right on there saying gross, you're fat. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:58 You're like, same shit dude, I don't see why it's any different, it's not any different. So think twice before you open your mouth Thank you for listening to Mind Pump For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin Visitors at www.mind pump radio.com Until next time this is Mind Pump This is MindPom.

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