Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1268: How to Program Effective Workouts, Building Muscle Without Heavy Weights, Progressing Your Workouts During an Extended Shelter in Place Period & More

Episode Date: April 10, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about rules of thumb for programming workouts, how quickly you lose muscle mass when no longer working out with heavy wei...ghts, the best way to progress MAPS Anywhere during the extending "shelter in place" period, and accessory exercises for building the deadlift. Sal has some issues with governmental central planning. (8:10) Mind Pump gets bamboozled. (15:25) Coronavirus has everyone howling at the moon. (18:33) 24 Hour Fitness is getting sued! (20:00) The rise in processed food consumption. (23:30) Organifi is giving back to the people saving lives. (24:35) Red Dot Fitness providing COVID-19 antibody tests to give back to their community. (28:27) Dogs and groceries. (36:44) Billionaires are doing their part during COVD-19 times. (39:24) Mind Pump gets political. (40:32) Home fitness equipment is exploding! (43:26) The guys dissect Adam’s 5th-grade photo. (47:56) #Quah question #1 – Is there a rule of thumb one should stick by when programming their own workouts? (50:26) #Quah question #2 - How quickly can you lose muscle mass when you’re no longer working out with heavyweights? Can you maintain or build muscle when you only have bands, 10-30 lbs? dumbbells and a suspension trainer? (1:01:34) #Quah question #3 – I'm coming into week 4 of MAPS Anywhere and have been enjoying the change from Performance. I am now hearing that we may be having to continue social distancing for another 12 weeks. Since Anywhere is 4 weeks, what would be the best way to progress? Should I run it another two times or extend the phases? (1:06:15) #Quah question #4 – What accessory exercises do you recommend for building the deadlift? (1:10:34) Shout out to Dr. Jolene Brighten. (1:16:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned April Promotion: MAPS Prime/Prime Pro ½ off! **Code “PRIME50” at checkout** Special Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “WHITE50” at checkout** Coronavirus has people howling at the moon 24 Hour Fitness sued for continuing to charge members amid coronavirus closures Will the Covid-19 pandemic increase obesity rates? Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Red Dot Fitness Delivery by dog: A new way to get wine and groceries in the age of social distancing Jeff Bezos donates $100 million to U.S. food banks COVID-19 Update: Billionaires Rising Up To The Coronavirus Pandemic Bernie Sanders Drops Out of Democratic Presidential Race Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Mind Pump 1262: Why Fitness Assessments are Important Stop Working Out And Start Practicing - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump TV – YouTube GROW Your GLUTES with a SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT! - Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1045: Dr. Jolene Brighten- Beyond the Pill Mind Pump #1125: Dr. Jolene Brighten- What You Need to Know About the Menstrual Cycle Jolene Brighten – Amazon Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Jolene Brighten (@drjolenebrighten)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome to Mind Pump, we are the top fitness, health, entertainment podcast in the world. Your mom loves us. This is a Q&A episode, we call it Qua, this is where we answer people's fitness and health questions, but the way we open the episode is by talking about current events. We catch up with each other.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Sometimes we mention our sponsors. I'm gonna give you the breakdown of what went down in today's Mind Pump podcast. So we opened up by talking about government's stupidity, they're shutting down bus lines over here in San Jose, only gonna make other buses more crowded with more people potentially getting more people sick. Not surprising.
Starting point is 00:00:51 You idiots. Also in a recent episode, we totally fell for an April Fool's joke from Quest. They said they were making a high protein, seltzer, you know, hard water or whatever. Apparently, that's fake news. Thanks Adam. Totally fooled Adam and then of course, because we trust them, we fell for it as well. Thanks again buddy. Then we talked about the Howling People at Night.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Apparently this is spreading like crazy. Oh, ho, ho. I get, adjusting saying that at eight o'clock at night, people are howling out their window to show the support for first responders and the people on the front line. So let's get all the pump hands doing it. Yeah, let's all howl at night, I guess, at 8 p.m.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's kind of cool. How the moon. Then we talked about 24-of-fitness getting sued. You know, they weren't handling people's memberships even though they were shut down. And now they may be paying the price. I talked about the increase in processed food consumption. It's over 25% increase around.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Makes sense. People want to buy things with long shelf life. And let's be honest, when you want to be comforted, does anything better than a bag of chips? Not really. Then we talked about our company that we work with, Organify. Now we're not talking about how awesome their supplements are.
Starting point is 00:01:56 We actually talked about how awesome they are with their charity. They've been sending care packages to healthcare workers with their green juice and their gold juice and their pure and other products. Now organify makes some of the best organic supplements out there. Protein powders and like I said earlier, green juice, gold juice is a red juice. That's great for you know before you work out with no caffeine stimulant-free. We have a discount for you because you're a mind-pump listener. Make sure you go check them out. It's organifi.com. That's ORGA and IFI.com forward slash mind-pump and you'll get 20% off with the code, mind-pump. Then we talked about a local business,
Starting point is 00:02:37 Red Dot Fitness here in San Jose that is doing shout out to Scott. They are doing COVID-19 antibody tests, FDA approved antibody tests. So that's awesome. They're doing that and we can't wait for more companies to be doing this because it'll be great to know how many people have had this infection and have healed from it. Then we talked about dogs and groceries. Apparently, they're starting to deliver
Starting point is 00:02:59 some groceries for us. Dogs are the best. They're the best. So they're always there for us. He can't be dogs. I mentioned how Jeff Bezos donated $100 million for us, dogs are the best. They're the best. They're always there for us. He can't beat dogs. I mentioned how Jeff Bezos donated $100 million to food banks. That's really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:03:10 We talked about Bernie Sanders dropping out of the presidential race. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:03:23 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no PRX makes the best at home workout equipment. Now they're most known for their squat racks that fold into the wall. They're amazing, low profile, very sturdy, high quality squat racks, but they also have bars, plates, dumbbells. I mean, they have a lot of home gym equipment. Right now, gyms are closed. So their sales are going through the roof.
Starting point is 00:03:44 We recommend you go check them out. If you're looking for at-home weights and gym equipment, if you want to get the Mind Pump hookup, go to prxperformance.com-flw-slash-mindpump. And then we talked about Adam's cherub face in his fifth grade photo when he was a little kid. He was so cute. So, so cute.
Starting point is 00:04:05 With his gangily teeth. Then we got into answering the fitness questions. The first question is, is there a rule of thumb? One should go by when they're writing and creating their own workout programming. The next question, this person wants to know how quickly you lose muscle mass when you can't lift heavy, when you're stuck at home and you only have 10,
Starting point is 00:04:23 20 pound dumbbells, bands, and your body weight. Next question, this person is asking a specific question about maps anywhere. They're following our at-home workout program that requires very little equipment. They're finished with the four week program and they want to know how to progress. We give advice if you have maps anywhere, we're kind of, we talk about how to continue progressing with the program, but if you still can't go to the gym. But there's also advice in there for people who don't follow maps anywhere. How do you continue progressing with your program?
Starting point is 00:04:53 How are ways you can modify it so that your body continues to get stronger, build more muscle, build, have more mobility? Another way to just get better. And the final question, this person wants to know what accessory exercises and movements can really help with increasing deadlift weight, getting the weight of their deadlift to go up. Let's accessorize. Also, this month, two of our most popular
Starting point is 00:05:17 correctional exercise programs, maps prime and maps prime pro are both 50% off. Now, first off, both of these programs required zero equipment. Okay, you need no equipment to do these whatsoever just your body. But let me tell you the difference between the two programs. Maps prime, there's a self-assessment tool within the program, follow that,
Starting point is 00:05:38 and that will direct you and tell you what you need to do to prime your body for your workouts. It's like a flow chart to success. So what's priming? Well, priming is, it's like a warm up, but much more individualized. Proper priming gets you more connected to your muscles, improves your range of motion,
Starting point is 00:05:54 and makes your current workout far more effective. Really, really good trainers do this with their clients. This is what we do with our clients, and it's really makes a huge difference in terms of your progress and results. Now, Mav's Prime Pro, that's purely correctional. So with Maps Prime Pro, you go in there and you work on specific areas of your body
Starting point is 00:06:11 that you need better connection, mobility, work on. Let's say you have shoulders that tend to bother you. Go in Maps Prime Pro, take the shoulder mobility tests, that'll help you pick what mobility movements and what correctional exercise movements you could do for your shoulders. But it also goes with your back, it works on your hips, your ankles, your hands, your wrist neck, neck, it works on the whole body.
Starting point is 00:06:35 So again, both those programs, 50% off, no equipment required. He's got to get the discount. Go to mapsfitnisproducts.com and then use the code prime50. That's P-R-I-M-E-5-0, no space for the discount. You get your taxing medallion, Uber comes out. Ah, fuck. That's a good cheat money. Bro, imagine if you just got your medallion and Uber rolls.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You know what they were selling for? Yeah, like a million, right? They were, you had to have parking lots right now. Like they're for? Yeah, like it's like a million, right? They were, you had to have parking lots right now, like they're opening that up, right? It was a million, right? I think so. You had to have a million liquid to do it, just like McDonald's. Bro, the medallions were so expensive,
Starting point is 00:07:12 but the, and they're hard to come. The value of when, of them went from like a million bucks each to like a hundred grand. You couldn't sell them. Yeah, they got, nobody wanted to buy them. I think they Uber. I think they dropped like literally from a million to like a hundred grand.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Who the hell is buying a taxi and a down. The whole reason why I was expensive the first place was super regulated. Now has it only had so many? Now has it completely has Uber over ran everywhere yet? I know there was still states that were trying to legislate and keep it from coming in. And I know they went back and forth, like in New York, back and forth in Texas. I think do you know? is there still states and still? Is there lockets still, the cities that say no?
Starting point is 00:07:50 But, you know, like I said, turn my sights, like putting the toothpaste back in the tube. Yeah, I know that there's, remember we've been places where we've flown like certain airports, you know, they make like the Uber and Lyfts, like the redhead stepchild, they have to go somewhere else, like the taxis get still get there.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Because they have, you know, on partnerships. Yeah, it's bullshit. But, you know, good luck. Government, right? Yeah, you gotta love that. You came in this morning, like, all like with the, your panties and ruffle fire.
Starting point is 00:08:16 So angry. Yeah, what got your panties in your pants? And such. Here's the problem, the big problem with central planning, is it super short-sighted. And a lot of what they pass is like feel good laws or laws that that sound like this should be helpful. Isn't it always that well? I'll give you an example. Okay. New York City is like they would call the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the US. They have the most cases. It's you know by far right? I think they're like at a hundred and something thousand cases in the US. At the most cases, it's by far, right?
Starting point is 00:08:45 I think they're like at 100 and something, thousand cases and the next highest is like in the tens of thousands, right? So what does New York do? They shut down certain subway lines and bus lines, okay, because they're short-sighted. Here's what politicians are thinking. We need to shut some of these down
Starting point is 00:09:02 because we gotta prevent people from whatever. Because they're highly traffic. Yeah. Here's what ended up happening. Everybody goes here. Everybody goes here. Those one places are open. That's right, because people still need to move and travel and those buses
Starting point is 00:09:14 and subways that were remained open far more packed than ever before. People are posting pictures of how they're wearing masks and gloves and they're staying next to each other and they're like, this is the only train. So I can take. When things like this happen, stupid.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Okay, I feel like though there's gotta be more to the story when things like that. I mean, and I know people are going, no government can be that stupid, but there's gotta be, to get to that level, you have to have a certain level of education, experience and knowledge, right? To get to that level to where you can help pass laws. And it takes a team of people, it's not just one person gets to pass a law, right, to get to that level to where you can help pass laws.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And it takes a team of people, it's not just one person gets to pass a law, right? We have to just go through all kinds of legislation in order for that to happen. So you mean to tell me that nobody raised a hand and said, Hey, you know, if we close now, it might happen. Right. Like nobody, like really? It doesn't make sense to me. Well, if it sounds good, and it's an emergency, you want your voters to see that you're doing something.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And they're just passing things very quickly. Really though. Really though. Dude, are you kidding me? They always, the laws are constantly being passed that achieve the opposite result constantly, because they sound good. See, I have more of a, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Like, I don't know if this, I have more of a I don't know I don't know this I have more of a like corruption Mindset like I think that Somebody's brother, you know owns that fucking bus line I do I'm saying that so they they they knew that ship was gonna happen like that and somebody benefited from it I think I don't think I don't own by the state So I mean that's I mean, I'm just saying that as an example. I don't really think that somebody's brother fucking owns the bus line. I get that.
Starting point is 00:10:49 But my point is that somebody is benefiting from it. I just don't see it being that, everyone being so naive that you don't know that's going to have it. Sometimes the benefit is you look like you're doing something. So now, now, that's a fair point. Okay, that's a fair point. Yeah, like, oh, our mayor, you know, he did this, you know, he took all this action.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So the reason why I also pissed off is because we, you know, like, come in here and there's a sign because there's a, you know, transit bus stop right outside of our facility. And there's a sign there due to COVID-19, we are going to be discontinuing certain bus routes and lines and we're only gonna keep certain ones open. Exactly the same things gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Those buses are gonna be packed and it's just gonna spread more shit. What they should do, if you wanna be smart, what you should do, you know, okay, of course they're saying essential workers, all that stuff, keep that the same. Have way more. Have way more buses come by so that, instead of having 15, you know. Okay, so I'm gonna challenge that though. So you have to understand that everybody is in a economical pinch right now too.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So the buses that aren't getting people that have three people on them, which is you're seeing this right now, that are running, they're losing money on the gas and the person that the bus driver to drive those. So they also have to think if we're gonna keep this going, that we have to figure something out there too. So it's not just the safety of the community
Starting point is 00:12:09 and what's smart with that. It's also have to thinking about how do we keep operating without having to completely shut down because we can afford to run all of that. Well, I get what you're saying, and I'm not saying that that's what you should do. I'm just saying that makes more sense than discontinuing a bunch of bus lines
Starting point is 00:12:24 for the reason of virus. And it makes it spread faster. What does it though? I mean, does it? I mean, when you're talking about just COVID, but when you talk about that, if you kept operating the way you're operating with this many bus lines,
Starting point is 00:12:38 this many people being staffed and bleeding money every single day, you could potentially cripple the whole entire thing. Well, again, maybe, but my point is, if the reason is for COVID to keep people safe, then you're doing it wrong. If that's the reason. I'll just do two things.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I'll give you an example of another great example. So because of the ways that the regulations are being done with the airline industry, airlines are flying empty planes in order to maintain, keep their spots in order to keep their, to get their government money. Oh yeah, I just said, they know they're getting a bailout, so they don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Run the credit card up, you know. Right, so I don't think it's a money saving, I don't think they're thinking themselves, this is how we're gonna save money. Well, our bus is getting bailouts the same way planes are. If not, then sure it does make sense to take a certain owner about that. No, I don't, I think that they're, so if they're not getting a bailout, just like planes are. If not, then it sure does make sense. Yeah, I don't know about that. No, I don't, I think that they're,
Starting point is 00:13:27 so if they're not getting a bailout, just like planes are, see planes, it makes sense because planes are, they know they got a fucking, they got the golden ticket. They know, yeah, our light rails and trains and everything's still operating. I don't know how many of them are closing. I don't know how many of them are shutting down.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I just think it's, again, I know companies that know that they are going to qualify for the loan for all their employees and they're operating negatively right now because they know they can run it on a credit card. They know that they're gonna get released. And then you have other people that are maybe small business owners that aren't sure
Starting point is 00:14:00 if they're gonna get relief or not, and they're having to make different pivots. So it's like, Well, look, I'll give you another great example, right? So San Jose, they tried to pass an ordinance that said that that land-owned landlords would not be charging rent for like a month or two. So they were gonna pass this thing that said,
Starting point is 00:14:20 everybody doesn't have to pay rent for a month or two. Which this happened in Washington. It did. Now, here's why that's stupid. I'll tell you why that's stupid. Sure, some people are gonna be helped, Everybody doesn't have to pay rent for a month or two. Which this happened in Washington, right? It did. Now here's why that's stupid. I'll tell you why that's stupid. Sure, some people are gonna be helped, but I know lots of people who could afford to pay rent
Starting point is 00:14:30 don't have issues, won't also pay. It also kicks the can down the road because the landlord has to pay their mortgage and their rent. They have their bills to pay, so it just goes up and up and up, and eventually the taxpayers are gonna pay for it. Anyway, a smarter approach would be this.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Your own property, if your person can't pay you rent, and you deal with it yourself, you talk to your tenants yourself. If they can't pay you, then we'll give you a tax break, because it's your money anyway. Taxes are your money anyway. No, I like it. That makes a lot of sense to me,
Starting point is 00:14:59 but even though you kick the cannel, don't you just relieve the banks at the end? I mean, that's because that's it. And who relieves the banks? Yeah, of course. We do indirectly, right? On another note, we've got the gray memo today. What? We're all, we're all wearing a pink top. That was a curve bar right there. Yeah. I was like, Oh, man, we're, we're uniformed out today. It just goes
Starting point is 00:15:19 to, it just goes to show that we're all connected. Yeah. Yeah. I have mine by the penis. Yeah. I, I, I did want to ask you something, Adam. When you bring up topics on the show that we're all connected. I have mine. By the penis. I did want to ask you something, Adam. When you bring up topics on the show. Oh God. Do you get the fuck out of here? Check. Listen here. Listen, Linda.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Listen. Do you check? Why don't we all buy in on this too? First of all, we all got bamboos. Listen, listen. First of all, kudos to Quest for brilliant advertising. You got me to talk about it in more than one space. So I don't know how many, just because of my mouth.
Starting point is 00:15:51 A whole full of things are so dumb. Yeah, listen though, you know what though? Kudos, I love, I love Brilliant advertising. So here I'm gonna go from talking shit about Quest, I'm gonna flip it right around and I'm gonna change my story and say, Brilliant Company, you got someone like me, some asshole to, they sent me an email, bro. It wasn't like I was like Google searching and I'm gonna change my story and say, brilliant company, you got someone like me, some asshole to, they sent me an email, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It wasn't like I was like Google searching and I, oh really, that's like a red that awesome article. I'm on their email list, so I watched the emails, they send out anyway. They're like, no, high protein alcohol. And they sent an email to me. It wasn't like, so you wanna know what's funny? What?
Starting point is 00:16:21 It was believable. When we were talking about it, it is believable. So when we're talking about in the podcast podcast so the listeners might not know this is that Doug will oftentimes pull up an article about what we're talking about or show us a picture so we have something to reference the article that Doug Pulled up with the picture was an article that said it was an April Fool's joke. We still didn't we still didn't pay attention Yes, did you know that I know actually I didn't even see that. Yeah, so. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:16:46 I don't think he did say that though. Oh, it did. You look back and oh, how funny is that? That's not just your fault. We just steamrolled it. Dots fault too. You know what? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I love, love, love, love, creative marketing. And that's creative right there. Very, very creative because it's the same reason why we are talking shit about it. I'm sure they even laughed about the idea and said, you know, it's some people are going to believe this. And it was believable. And they're not there. Someone, someone sent me, I think the person who actually sent me the DM. Bings are already trying to make it happen.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yes, I was going to say some companies, not a joke. Yeah, some companies have actually done it. So or tried to do it in the past. Someone told me, but I just just that was great and I got had dude I all of us who's blind sinker they got me and kudos to them well the the main reason why I'm enough to be believe well that's it the reason why I think I totally fell for is because I it's not out of the realm of you know potential reality well they they got me because they went to my email if I found some whenever I find anything that's like,
Starting point is 00:17:46 just like sent to me or, you know, Googled like, that I just came across, I only go to Snopes, right? Especially if it's crazy, like, like we're like, that's stupid. I don't believe it. Like, Snopes is like the next place they go right after we're just a double check. I'm not gonna talk about something stupid,
Starting point is 00:17:59 but because they got me in my email, I just didn't question it. Yeah. Okay, this is real. They're marketing to me right now. You know what's funny? I wonder how many... Sucks being had though. I just didn't question it. I just, oh, okay, this is real. They're marketing to me right now. You know what's funny? I wonder how many... Socks being had though. I wonder how many people listening to the podcast heard
Starting point is 00:18:08 us talking shit and they were thinking, oh, that's cool. I know. And they went to the web. For sure, I want to order something. I'm gonna buy something. Well, that's just it. I mean, I would love to hear from Quest. Maybe we have somebody who's listening that works for them.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I would love to hear what the internet traffic was after that whole April Fools joke. Because if, you know, obviously if it got everybody to head over there, it probably drove a shit ton of websites. You guys do some howling. I did eight o'clock, did you? Yeah. Why did you text us?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Last night, oh, I should have reminded you guys. Yeah, no, my kids and I all, we opened the window and we were listening and it got louder. More people are contributing. I guess there's going to be a whole write up about it for our area. I guess it's in a lot more places in New York. I think it's another place they're doing it in your Red Net magazine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And people even, people have been DMing me about it too. I guess it's for, they're shouting out to like first responders and people out there like still trying to like, you you know active people like trying to help Yeah, and so it's like kind of like a shout out to them or whatever and so I was like, oh, okay, that's cool I just thought it was a bunch of No, this is happening all over I've actually read a bunch of articles and seen and like some people people are going out at certain times a day and they're just applauding You know that too a plot. Yeah, yeah, you're seeing this all over, which is really cool, man.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Again, it just, it speaks to what, you know, I was talking about the other day that I'm seeing now, that's just really cool. It's really cool to see, you know, everybody come together, you know, somebody rained on my parade after I said that on the last podcast and DM me, and you know, Adam, if you remember, this is how we all were right after 9-11,
Starting point is 00:19:41 and then it wasn't very long till we all went back to being assholes again. So, we just got to remind it. Yeah, you just got to get reminded, dude. It's you fall into a pattern, you get spoiled, things become easy, you start to forget to be grateful for certain things. And then every once in a while some shit happens
Starting point is 00:19:56 and you know, that's it. Speaking of news, Justin. Okay. 24-hour fitness getting sued. Oh, see, class action lawsuit coming their way. Yeah, you know. For chart, they have over four million members that they are billing, they were billing still.
Starting point is 00:20:12 What bad decision. And I'm telling you right now, it's the fucking smells like, smells fishy to me because when I went on there to cancel, because we talked about this the first time, I think it was a GM or a DM who works for the company who also listens to our show. Reach out to me and say, Adam, we're handling it. Here's a link to cancel your membership.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh, thanks, bro. Click on the link to go cancel my membership. Ask for my birthday and ask for my phone number. I put those two things in, which by the way, okay? My birthday's never changed. My phone number has been the same since I was 17 years old. I've been one of those people who've had the same cell phone number since cell phones came out.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Forward, error. This is an error. And it says, error, and then it's not right. And so, and then it says that I have to like, shenanigans, send this long email to someone else and go somewhere else and then it just, it made a pain in the ass to do it. I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:01 I can't. I can't behave here, man. It's gonna catch up to you. Look at that. Oh, class action loss. They're gonna be on sale again. All right. How many times have they passed the change heads?
Starting point is 00:21:10 Holy cow. It's sad to see because, you know, I started at 24-A fitness, I think in 1997, and this was shortly after 24, it says it used to be called 24-A Nautilus, and they worked, they had merged or bought family fitness centers, which was another chain, mainly in Southern California, and they became 24-hour fitness. They were the leaders.
Starting point is 00:21:35 They weren't just the leaders in locations and in production, but they led the gym space. They were the ones that really led the gym space in EFT. So now everybody's membership gets charged automatically. 24-hour fitness was one of the first companies. They weren't the first, but they were one of the first to adopt it and then make it widespread, which by the way revolutionized the gym industry. It completely, it made it profitable before that.
Starting point is 00:22:02 What do you mean they weren't the first? They were the first. I don't think they were the first to do EFT. Yes. No, they were one of the first. Oh, I don't know anybody that was doing it before. Well, they were, there were gyms that were messing with it, but they were one of the, but they were the one to really,
Starting point is 00:22:14 I didn't say for sure the first leader, big company to actually roll it out in. And it made gyms profitable. That was like such a turning point. They also, I mean, when I was there, the people I worked with were talented. So much talented. Talented.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Every one of the guys that were friends of mine that worked, that made it, like, obviously a job like that, there's a high turnover rate too, right? Like, you see some people come in, like, I'm not counting those people. But all the good general managers. You made it, if you made it into a leadership role in that company, and in any fashion, even if you weren't like a head of the gym,
Starting point is 00:22:48 even if you were just an assistant, if you were there for a couple of years and made it into leadership, you were off and you're not there anymore. All those successful, all successful. All of them. All of them make north of six figures, great jobs, great careers. I learned so much in that environment because of the people I worked under and worked for and of course it starts at the top Mark Mark Maastroff was the guy that started it and he's just the guy anybody we ever talked to who's worked with the guy will tell you what an amazing leader he is. So it's sad to see 24 fitness you know they they they were they've it's been a long road they've been kind of going down this this road for one time. Yeah, and so now to see this it's like, oh, that's a bum. That company went in that direction anyway.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So process food consumption. It's up over 23% right now. Of course. That's not surprising to me. That's a pop tarz floating around. It's not just that. So I think one of the main reasons why it's going up, number one, people want to eat comfort food a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:23:44 But also, I think it's just because the shelf life is high and I don't know about you guys. I used to go grocery shopping almost every day. I'm one of those kind of people. I like to go for what I need for the day. Yeah, get my if I need some steak, if I need whatever, I'll get it fresh vegetables, fresh fruit. I like to do that. But now it's such a nordeal because you show up probably a line, sanitize, six feet, one direction, whatever. It's just a long, you take your stuff back, sanitize everything, or whatever, that I go now once, I try to go once a week or less. And so I'm more likely to buy processed foods because they last, you know, canned foods or whatever. They last a long time. But I'll say this, if you, if you're like I am and you're getting more of this food, there are better processed food choices. You can get, you know, choices that are a little bit better than the typical garbage
Starting point is 00:24:33 or whatever. Speaking of companies, speaking of good leadership and processed foods, all these things reminded me of a DM that I got yesterday and I have to read it. Because I didn't know about this. This person actually thought we were aware, and I wasn't aware of this. It prompted me actually to text message Drew Canoli afterwards and just to tell him, I think he's doing a hell of a job.
Starting point is 00:24:55 And this is what I got. So this DM I got says, hey, mine pump crew is actually, I think believe all of you. Yeah, mine pump crew just wanted to let you guys know real quick about a little promotion or gain a fight is doing. I'm sure you are aware. Yeah, I'm not up. Hey, mine, Pump Crew. Just wanted to let you guys know real quick about a little promotion organifies doing. I'm sure you are aware already, which we are not. However, they are sending care packages to frontline healthcare workers through this COVID or deal.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I'm a medical laboratory scientist working in transfusion medicine in Chicago, Illinois. They ended up sending me over 90 single serve packets of gold juice, green juice, and pure all for free. This absolutely just sold me on the organifi as a company. Absolutely incredible them to do something like this. And good on you guys for working with such an amazing company. Keep up the great work and keep the amazing content going.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Been a huge fan for a few years now, take care killers. So great. I thought that was so rad. I think that's so great. That's a perfect move on that. And it's what I, even the fact that we advertised for them and they, this this was because we okay, so for the listener, like part of like the way things operate here, there's somebody who manages
Starting point is 00:25:52 all of our partnerships, Rachel's in direct contact every single week with our partners, they give her feedback of how things are working, they tell her upcoming promotions or things that they want us to talk about if they got something going on the company. And this actually didn't even make it to us. So I didn't even know they are doing it. And why I think that's great is it's a charitable thing that they're doing. And it's not like, you know, what I don't like
Starting point is 00:26:15 is the virtue signaling. The look at me, what I am doing. Yeah, donate $50,000 and spend a million dollars letting everybody know exactly. That's classic. And so, you know, and this person actually thought we, we actually did not know this. I really didn't have any idea. This is a message from a listener.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah. And we're in contact on a very regular basis. And we ask for these things so we can share and talk a bunch, because I think they're good things to share. But I just thought that just speaks so highly of the integrity that the company has for them to do something like that. And then to not be right away, like, let's go, and because we're there number one part of all the companies that they advertise with, Mind Pump does the best with Organify.
Starting point is 00:26:53 So if there, if anything's going to come down the pipe as far as talk about something about Organify, it's going to come to us. And the fact that they're doing something charitable like this, and it wasn't like the first thing that they did was to reach out and tell us that. I just, I think that's amazing. I do, I do too. And I think that the people who are working right now who are exposing themselves more,
Starting point is 00:27:13 then the rest of us who are stuck at home, people who work of course in health and medical facilities, people who police, fire, you work at a grocery store, a gas station, these essential businesses. When you go to these places, tell them, thank you for working. I really want these people to feel or gratitude because they're out there and they're risking themselves.
Starting point is 00:27:39 The rest of us are self-quarantining. I'm having no contact with anybody. You work in the grocery store, you've got customers coming in, you're some kid that, you know, gets the carts in the parking lot or, you know, you have a... So, I do... every once in a while, we still do takeout. We'll go to a restaurant, grab the food, bring it home, and eat, or we'll do door dash. I'm giving these people big tips. I'm thanking them for working. There's one place that Jessica and I go to in this in the area Isabella.
Starting point is 00:28:10 They make the Peruvian food, which Jessica introduced me to. Really, really good. Small family restaurant or whatever. And I make sure to go there once a week right now. I like their food, but really I wanna support them. I don't wanna say thank you for, you know, still working and, you know, being out here. I think it's, I think it's something that these people need to know.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And you know what happens when you think, man, you can see the look on their face. I really appreciate it. Well, along the lines of, you know, more great companies and doing cool stuff, our friends right down the road, red dot fitness. Oh, so brilliant, so good. It's Scott's in the text message over to me last night and he says, I wanna open this up to our friends and family first before we talk about it publicly.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And of course, I got approval to bring it up today because we already booked ours. And they are doing COVID-19 antibody testing. So awesome. And I just, I think that's, I know that we talked back and forth for a while, it was a ton of work to even get the approval to do this and to make it happen.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I ride away and I told them too. And again, this is a situation where, I mean, he offered to do it for us for free because of all the support and things that we've done for them. I said, absolutely not. I said, every one to do it for us for free because of all the support and things that we've done for them. I said, absolutely not. I said, every one of us want to pay. I sent them over a list of my family and friends that all think that they may have had it already
Starting point is 00:29:33 or that were in contact with me around the time that I thought I had it and sound, and everybody that works here. So we instantly booked right away, and then I posted on my story, and I already see it, it's almost booked already out, it's flying. I think it's so, because they, now one of the reasons why they have this opportunity,
Starting point is 00:29:49 they were working with a laboratory to begin with because they, so red dot fitness is a facility that's down the street from us and they offer fitness services, they have personal trainers in there, it's a really nice well-equipped facility. In fact, in some of our YouTube videos, we film them in this facility. But they also do other types of health testing, blood tests, hormone tests. And they have actual phlebotomist,
Starting point is 00:30:13 and they work with an actual laboratory. So when this all started going down, he contacted the laboratory, and they really pushed hard to create a test that tested for antibodies, and then get FDA approval for, because these are real FDA approved tests, it's a real laboratory. Right, right. And they were luckily able to get them.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And I think this is just, I think it's a great service. I think it's a great service we need it. And, you know, I, I, I, I, I, I, I was telling some, some family members and friends and a lot of them like, well, I thought that, you know, there was a shortage of tests and why aren't these free and this and that? And I said, look, this isn't taking away from the hospitals that are trying to get these tests out there. This is in addition to, and you want,
Starting point is 00:30:54 you want private organizations to get the FDA test and to sell them and put them out there because they're gonna continue to help meet the demand because what we need to do is we don't, because when you get to the hospital, when the hospitals have them, here's what's going to happen. You're going to need to get prescription. They're going to ration them and the prescription is also going to give them to all the people that they think already had it that are like there. Those are people are going to be the first in
Starting point is 00:31:14 life. That's what I mean. You're going to have to get a prescription because you're not just going to be able to show up and get tests. So if we can get more of more private companies to make these tests, sell them for a profit so they can make more. What's gonna end up happening is we get more and more and more people, just, there's a lot of people in paranoia, they wanna go get tested. But it would be good to know how many,
Starting point is 00:31:32 like asymptomatic people, at an antibiotic. Or they're giving you crap because it was 250 or something like that. So they're like, oh my God, it's $250 and you were like, come on, did you gotta understand? Or you can wait and try to get a prescription and try to get all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:44 But I think the best thing that could happen understand what would, or you can wait and try to get a prescription and try to get all that stuff. But what would I think the best thing that could happen is if we have widespread antibody testing, people with no symptoms, people with symptoms, everybody, because it'll give us a clear, a more clear picture of what, how much of the populations actually been infected because one of the big problems is all these asymptomatic people that, you know, they didn't really have any symptoms or they had a real mild cold and they don't know, so we don't really know how many people. And there's speculation that the, it's probably a much larger percentage of the population
Starting point is 00:32:14 that has been in the infection. Well, I mean, I am. I'm super curious. I know that we off air have talked more about this than we have on air, but, you know, I, in mid-January, I went up to the Tahoe House with my childhood best friends there and there. This was in January, right? Yeah, mid-January.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Mid-January, I was up there and we all have, you know, newborn, not newborn, but kids that are under the age of two and wives and we were all up there with our families for a week and we got sick as fuck. I mean, remember, these people go back all the way to childhood with me, right? And never in the entire time that we've been friends, have we ever all been together like this, got this sick and then we were so sick that the following week afterwards
Starting point is 00:33:02 we were texting each other every day to check on each other and their kids because their two kids got hospitalized. All of us were running fevers. All of us had all the symptoms that everyone's talking about. Off. Yeah, but it wasn't even on our radar at that time because it wasn't over here and no one was talking about it. So we just thought we had the nastiest flu.
Starting point is 00:33:21 When they brought their their their kids in to get tested, they didn't come up with flu, they didn't have a real answer. That's the thing, that's the thing that makes me curious, because your friend's kid who had to go to the hospital, they tested them for everything, and they had negative on everything. Even though they had fever, terrible, I mean, and your friend's baby poor kid, he had seizures.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah, really bad. Which just recently, I think just in the last couple of weeks, came out that they're starting to see that in infants, starting to see that some of the babies are having seizures from this. And they were like, I remember like, that's every day talking, like, what are they saying? They're like, well, they think it could be this. It might be that.
Starting point is 00:33:55 It was like, all this maybe shit. And we were, and all of us, all of us were talking, saying, man, this is like one of the worst flus I have fucking either we, each one of us either said it was the worst we've ever had in our life Or it was one of the worst we've ever had in a long time And that was the conversation and we went on for a week afterwards of communicating together and even when I came back to work here If you remember some of those episodes back in January you can often all over Yeah, and a lot of that dug edits out so you like you don't hear it But I mean every like time I had to lean over and cough and cough, it
Starting point is 00:34:27 was nasty. So I'm really, really curious. And of course, when I first was saying that I think I had it at the very beginning when the started to hit, everybody laughed and said, whatever, it wasn't even in the US yet. But now we're starting to speculate that there's potential that it could have been over here. They speculate that it could have been here in the States as early as December, or maybe even. And so now I'm like, so here's the thing for me,
Starting point is 00:34:49 like, yeah, I could, I'm not sick right now. I could potentially wait three months until they're giving it for free and I can go see my doctor, my insurance pay for it or what with that. Or I could support a local friend and pay for it right now and allow one to help his business out and two me find out right now if I have the anybody's fucking a that's worth it.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And encourage a company or give them enough, just give them the demand so that they can create more supply. We need more, we need public testing and we need private testing for people who don't want to wait in line just want to get tested. And I know that he's reinvesting back in it because he says right now that you have to go through the blood draw process. Yeah. And he says like, they're already pushing and working towards getting the finger prick,
Starting point is 00:35:35 which would like speed up the process. I'm sure probably make it less expensive. So they're looking to even already do that. And hopefully this first round goes well for them and they book out so they can actually do this. I'll tell you though, dude, if I, because I'm gonna go get tested too, right? If I get tested and I don't have antibodies, I'm gonna be so mad.
Starting point is 00:35:52 So mad, mad. What a waste. You know what I mean? I was like, oh, that was a shitty flu. Damn it, that sucks. I don't know, I think if I, if I, because you said the same thing off-air to me, it's just like, you know, just be prepared that you don't. So, but I don't know. I think there's, because you said the same thing off-air to me, it's just like, you know, just be prepared that you don't.
Starting point is 00:36:05 But I don't know. I think there's probably areas I could tighten up my game a little bit better about being even more cautious and than I already am. So if I find that out that I haven't, I think that'll be, okay, I better be careful that I'm not immune to this right now. So I wanna know no matter what.
Starting point is 00:36:24 So whatever the outcome, it's want to know no matter what. Whatever the outcome, it's not good or bad for me. It's just, I want to know. Well, for me, if I have the antibodies, it makes me feel like I can help some of the older people in my family, because if I have antibodies, then I'll be able to get groceries for them,
Starting point is 00:36:38 I'll be able to go out and do certain things without the fear of getting infected. Did you get here? There was a few people have started to train dogs to actually deliver groceries, like some wine companies have, you know, dogs they send out to basically go up to the door with the bottles of wine. And then also like there's a few people have trained their dogs to actually deliver the bags with these saddles on their back.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Well, older people. Dude, dogs are the best. They're the bags with these saddles on their back. To older people. Dude, dogs are the best. They're the shit, right? Dogs are the best. Just don't, just don't, like, buy a hot dog or something. Oh, yeah. It's gonna get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get the else that I would think that actually pets would be a bad thing to be around because they're long fur and petting them. I would think they could transfer it as easy or easier than even humans touching them. Well, so, no, because when you think that's how that
Starting point is 00:37:37 would work. No, because so far, the greatest chance of contracting this virus is by being near someone that has it. They shed the virus like crazy. It's still possible to pick it up from a surface, but it's not nearly as likely that you're just out in public. You touch the surface. If you do get it from a surface, it's probably because you're in a room with someone who has it and you're in the room for hours. I guess cats are susceptible.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Maybe. Did you see the tiger? There was a tiger in the Bronx. Yes, the tiger they got it. Bronx, dude, that got the, that got COVID. What? A tiger in the Bronx, dude, got it, dude. Joe exotic.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Fuck. Did he get it? Carol Bass. Did you, did you check your snopes before you put it out? No, it's all over the, no. No, I saw that, I saw that article too. So they got me if so. It's that bitch, Carol Bass.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yes, she saw all over this thing. I'll tell you what, all the tires that killed it. Anyway, you brought up you brought up the other day the Spotify or the the rock-a-bye baby thing for AC DC. Yeah, yeah, so after you brought that up I got a flood of DMs of all dude they have everything I know like your favorite band they have to like win times they have all a tool done. I was last night, like, it's the hell of a late, I was working late last night and also
Starting point is 00:38:49 and it comes on my phone, Katrina's like, what are you listening to? I'm like, it's just the most amazing thing ever. The song to like, prison sex. Yes, but it's, you know, for kids. Yes. They have, they have every, they have every tool song done in, in, you know, Lollaby or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It's so great. Oh, God. It's very relaxing actually, even for me. Oh yeah, because it's my favorite band. Well, because you recognize the tune. Yeah, and like I was still listening to Thunderstruck just like with wind chimes and you're just sitting there reading a book like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Bound out, and then, and then. It's very, yeah, it's very chill. That's a fucking way to go. I know, that great. Hey, so, you guys see that bezos? Don't eat at a hundred million dollars to food banks? Oh, it's very chill. That's a fucking way. I know, it's a great. Hey, so, you guys see that bezos? Don't eat at a hundred million dollars to food banks? Oh, it's good. Isn't that great?
Starting point is 00:39:29 A hundred million dollars. Good, yeah. I'm sure he's gonna get criticized. Of course, yeah. Of course. You've got a hundred billion, you just, you just, yeah, you only get a hundred. That's like a dollar.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Yeah, right, I know. But anyway, isn't that great? That's great, that's so good. I saw, yeah, there was a list of some of the top, you know, like most rich people, I guess you would say, like donating and what they're donating right now. It's pretty astounding what they're donating. Yeah, America is the leads the world in donation,
Starting point is 00:39:57 both in charity, total charity dollars, and in per capita, charitable dollars. So we do a damn good job of giving our, in comparison, I think we could do better, of course, but in comparison to the rest of the world, I think we do it in per capita. So even when you're calculating all the amount of money that you make.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Well, I'm sure if we were tax different there would be people giving a lot more money too, right? Oh, actually, that's, there's, there's, there's lots of evidence on that. That's the theory, right? The theory is, it's not theory, there's, there's, there's evidence. Every time taxes go down, you see, and people make more money as a result you see
Starting point is 00:40:27 charitable donations go up right every single time so it's really cool speaking of which uh Bernie Sanders dropped out he's out oh he's done he finally gave up yeah oh so it's so it's big news actually it's going to be Biden versus Trump dude you know it's you know it's crazy and you brought this up the other day and I just I guess I didn guess it didn't really dawn on me because we're heading into election time. Totally, totally worried about. I totally forgot about it at this point.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah, I haven't seen Biden anywhere. No. I haven't seen him anywhere. It's every single day it is Trump talking to the nation, every single day. They're fucked. And the only thing that the other side has is, let's find ways to nitpick the things that he says.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Which makes you look terrible because you know right now it's an emergency situation. Right. You're not getting any air time. And you know, here's the other thing too. Crazy news that comes out about these politicians. It doesn't even make you the first page of Google. For example, people don't know this, but a woman, I think it was a woman came forward to talk about-
Starting point is 00:41:27 About Biden. Yes, about him touching her inappropriately or something like that, right? Nobody knows, nobody cares, because we're reading about everything else that's happening. Oh my God. But that was big, that would normally be big news. What is he running on?
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah, I'm friends with Obama. Yeah, I don't know. Is that like his pitch? Have you heard of speeches? So Trump says a lot of stupid shit, right? You'll say things that you're just like, oh my gosh, you can't believe he said that. Biden says shit that just doesn't make any sense. Like his brain doesn't work properly. Yeah, I seriously worry he's like, you know, like dementia is sitting in. It sounds like it sounds like every time
Starting point is 00:42:00 he talks. Yeah, this is going to be fun. Well, we were hoping to see like a good old duel, but I don't think we're gonna see it because of what's going on. I mean, that should be happening right now. Right now, there should be fire going back and forth between the two of them, but it's not. There is, but we've got to see. He's not the official nominee yet.
Starting point is 00:42:15 He will be because Sanders just dropped out. So now Biden is, I mean, he's guaranteed. Yeah, who else is up there with this? But isn't it, aren't we in the middle of like when it really heats up like this is like when out like if you're left or right you're saving all your ammo for this time right now, right? Isn't this when it starts or start? It's going to start to ramp up because now we know for sure Bernie Sanders is the is the he's going to be the candidate for
Starting point is 00:42:39 so when do we normally see the peak of the the the the fighting back and forth? Oh, I mean of course right before. Yeah, you know, you know, you ever hear the see the peak of the, the fighting back and forth? Oh, I mean, of course, right before. You know, you ever hear the word, the term of the October surprise? You agree with that? Okay, that's what, yeah. Yeah, that's because in October we're on the real dirt star skins. Well, what they'll do is they'll get something
Starting point is 00:42:53 really tasty. Yeah, they hope that's the coup de gras. And then they'll save it. Yeah. Because October's right before, because what you don't, you see what ends up happening? This way, like politics,
Starting point is 00:43:00 I watch the shit, like a total dork, right? You'll come out with some crazy ass, bad news about a candidate. But if it comes out too soon, you fuck, because their approval ratings will drop, but then time will pass, and then people kind of forget about it. So you wanna save your worst shit for right before, so that it sticks, and that person's blood sticks right in the face. It's such a, it's so sports for nerds.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Oh, it's so good. It's so sports for nerds. Oh, I love it. I think it's a great thing. So, one of our partners is, It's so sports for no it's so good. So sports for no I love it. We would follow. So so What you know one of our partners is Obviously crushing right now Are they still on back order I'm talking about PRX? Oh, yeah, because I know that they have I mean
Starting point is 00:43:36 It's it's not super bad right you can still order well pull the website up dub because they actually had a banner that would actually tell people as soon As you log into their the PRX website. No, I know, because, man, plates right now are so valuable. Like everybody wants them. Well, by the way, we just got our order of bands, and I apologize if they're gone by the time you hear this, because they're moving that fat, because it was hard for us to reorder and get them.
Starting point is 00:44:01 They're sold out everywhere. Home gym equipment, home fitness equipment is exploding. Plates, everything you could think of is crazy. Well, some to consider too, I mean, it's not hard linked to their actual website. Yeah, just go for it. Even after all this passes, I mean, it's like, yeah, sure, like reintroduce yourself to the gyms,
Starting point is 00:44:17 but like having a home gym makes a lot of sense. You know, like it is something that you do if you want to consider. Well, I love working at home. Always have. I love it because it eliminates the time I need to drive to the gym, drive home. It allows me to work out zero ego.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I get creative, I have fun, I can play with the fuck I want in terms of music or whatever. I shock, you know, I could do whatever I want in my own home gym. So I've always loved it. But right now, home fitness equipment, and like company like PRX, that makes, I mean, PRX is quality.
Starting point is 00:44:48 You got a real rack, you got real weights. Yeah. And they're just crushing because everybody right now is trying to order quick. They might be doing okay now. They must because they used to have a red banner, they went across it, said that everything is six weeks back.
Starting point is 00:45:03 No, they still have that minimum of five weeks for order processing daily sales limit due to high order volumes. That's not bad. Five weeks is not bad because a lot of places are sold out completely. Oh yeah. And I think it would take you two weeks anyways. Right. It took about that long for us to get all of our stuff. Well, I'll tell you what, probably working around the clock right now. Some of the last places that will probably be open. I hate to say this, our gyms, they're not considered essential at all. And they're, the way that people view them
Starting point is 00:45:31 is there's lots of people together sweating and working out. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a little bit longer than we think. Well, not only that, it's like what we speculated on is that even if they do open, I doubt people are gonna come rushing back in. That's one of the, I mean people are going to come rushing back in. That's one of the, I mean, personally even, that's one of the last places that I'm going
Starting point is 00:45:49 to find the need to like, I got to get back into it. There's so many of the things with work and stores and your daily life things that you like to do, the restaurants that you eat. I mean, I'm going to do all those things probably before I go into a gym that's got a bunch of people in sweating and touching it. You know how crazy people are going to get if you don't wipe the machine. I'm not if you're done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:09 They're going to be like Nazis. All you do is just the people. You know what? And you know, this to those that are gym owners out there, those that are thinking about that, the ones that put in new policies. If you make people feel safe, right, go above and beyond. Like, let's put this way. Like here, we don't do this anymore,
Starting point is 00:46:25 but if I was running a gym, I would budget and staff, even if it's a minimum wage employee that literally the entire time they're only job is to be walking around and wiping machines so people see that. 100% dude, that's worth it. And you know what's, you know what you wanna know what's funny though about this?
Starting point is 00:46:41 I haven't heard, because you read about cases where they were like super, where they call them like super spreaders of the virus and whatever. I haven't heard of, Jim's being a major place of spreading the virus. So, and I'm not saying that that can't happen. You're in close quarters, you're sweating whatever,
Starting point is 00:46:59 but they may all just be carriers. I don't know, I don't know. I mean, you got healthy people in there, you know? For the most part. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, you got healthy people in there You know for the most part. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know Well, you know what I was thinking about it is remember how there was like this this trend for a while where people would come in with like Garden gloves and like just gloves in general like dude gloves are coming back You know like like not to cut off ones with with fingers hanging out in the web No, it's it's like real gloves. I guarantee there's gonna be gloves work out.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That's actually a really good point. Yeah, we should get it on that. I have the cut off finger one. That's actually a really good point. That's gonna, I bet you that will be popular. Like the cool sticky glove, you know. Well, there's theories around that we're gonna have the mask now that people are gonna still continue to do that for a while.
Starting point is 00:47:42 We'll see. I'll tell you what though, if you're, do we make one fashionable? I mean, why not? Have Adam's face on it? One predator roll. I don't know that. Everybody can see the bulls, dude. Sure, that's fashionable.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Everybody could look like Adam. No. It's all very cool. It's all millions of those. Do you see how cool I was in fifth grade though? Great. Oh, good picture. Yeah, quite the grill on you back then.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I told you, I told you, made your grill. I didn't believe you. I was like, what? You thought you thought I was exaggerating man. Did you eat sideways or what? Pro. I had the, I had the, I had the, I had the,
Starting point is 00:48:12 I had them teeth till 20 years old man. Till 20 years old I was rocking them crooked ass teeth like that. It was messed up. You're still a cute kid, man. I, I'd still squeeze your large eyes. I, with my mouth closed. I, but for a long, I remember talking to Justin about this and I know you remember this. Yeah, I've my mouth closed. But I remember talking to Justin about this,
Starting point is 00:48:25 and I know you remember this. It's completely changed, but just five years ago, the way Justin smiles and laughs is different than how he is now. Yeah, it is. It train you, especially when you're younger and insecure, of course, you know what I'm saying? So, yeah, I mean, I had a crooked, closed mouth smile,
Starting point is 00:48:42 like all the way until 20s. It wasn't until I got my teeth fixed, and then even then I had to like kind of train myself, like all the way until 20s. It wasn't until I got my teeth fixed. And then even then I had to kind of train myself, like go ahead and show your teeth because your teeth are all straight now. Yeah, I'm like a lot nicer now. Yeah. He smiled more.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, I was like, I was like the mean mug, you know, constantly. Like resting bitch face. No, the best thing is just when he takes pictures, he does the don't fit. Yeah, I think I've been trying to eliminate that though now. I go like, ah, like more like big open teeth action. And this is like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah, like job in the hut, looking thick. You know, it's like you never learned how to pose for a picture. You never did, dude. Is there like a class you guys got to? Like you got the angles, you got lights, like all this bullshit. Well, when you have kids, I'm sure you know this. When you have the angles you got lights like all this bullshit Well, I don't know when you have kids I'm sure you know this when you have kids and they do the school pictures, especially in the younger grades third fourth fifth
Starting point is 00:49:31 Kids don't know how to pose. They don't know how to smile like for it. They do a big smile This is terrible. Yeah, so my so my son's like yeah, and my daughter does is like you know, like that's not how you normally smile So the way I teach my kids is I said I think of something funny before they take the picture and then laugh So my daughter's like I think of fart. All right It's just perfect. That's my little girl Today's calls brought to you by Max and a boy If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start. With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk.
Starting point is 00:50:13 So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today! It's the motherfucking flaw. Eagulous Landish! Quee-qua- First question is from Josh Kor. Is there a rule of thumb one should stick by when programming their own workouts? Yeah, Josh Kor.
Starting point is 00:50:33 There's a lot of rules of thumb, but I think the number one rule of thumb, probably the best possible thing you could do when you're programming your own workout is the same thing that a trainer would absolutely have to do before training a client. Learn how to do a self-assessment. This makes a huge difference in how you train yourself. That's the foundation right there. Right, right, so you know, some basic ways to do it. Like, you could have some, take a picture
Starting point is 00:51:01 of your posture standing sideways. This isn't perfect, but it's one simple, easy one. You look at your posture, like, man, my shoulder's really round forward. Okay, now you know because your shoulder's round forward, I'm going to try and insert exercises that focus on bringing my shoulders back. That's just a simple example. Or if you try to do a squat and you notice your hips aren't activating. Maybe insert exercises that help you fire and activate your glutes.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Now if you really wanna go the extra mile and get very individualized without hiring a trainer because trainers can be expensive, Maps Prime has a self-assessment tool, there's three movements and you kind of feel, now why is it is an assessment so important? It literally tells you what exercises to focus on and which ones you shouldn't do.
Starting point is 00:51:49 So back to the forward shoulder. You got somebody with really bad forward shoulder. Time to work out their back. You know what exercise I'm not gonna do? Lat pull downs? Not gonna do lots of lap pull downs because that's gonna, in many times, encourage that forward shoulder.
Starting point is 00:52:03 It's gonna encourage their bad posture. And the worst thing you can do is get really strong at moving bad. encourage that forward shoulder. It's gonna encourage their bad posture. And the worst thing you can do is get really strong at moving bad. So if you don't figure it out and you just go throw exercises at yourself, you may actually make certain things worse. Now besides injuries and pain and a lot of stuff,
Starting point is 00:52:19 it just slows down your progress. It just doesn't make you progress as fast. I had no idea you were gonna go that direction because when you think of a question like this, the typical thing is talking about peerdization and talking about order of exercise. Yeah. And those are important too.
Starting point is 00:52:34 No, no, they are. But I'm actually really glad you went that way because that wasn't on my mind. It was a move. But it's true that it's one thing to be going to the gym and all you're focused on is losing body fat or building muscle. It's true that it's one thing to be going to the gym and all you're focused on is losing body fat or building muscle, but the truth is every client
Starting point is 00:52:51 that all of us train, that was part of their goal. My main focus always was to address chronic pain and posture first or while I was heading towards their goal. And when you do a good assessment and you and you find out what's going on with your body, why are you not able to squat all the way to the ground? Why are you not able to get your hands back against the wall? I just did something on my story the other day. You can see me struggling with it.
Starting point is 00:53:19 And I and I show that to I love when people DM me to and like point out like all the shit. Like, oh, you're not doing this very well. Like, yeah, no shit, bro. It's I'm sharing it. Working on it. Right. I'm when people DM me too and like point out like all the shit. Like, oh, you're not doing this very well. Like, yeah, no shit, bro. That's it. I'm sharing it. Working on it. Right. I'm sharing it. So people know that even somebody who's a trainer who's been doing this long, it's not like something that, you know, you do one time or that I'm immune to it. Like, I, like, it's an area. I'm on my phone all day. I sit more than I've ever sat in my life this last five years. And so it's something that I constantly have to work on.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And it's a priority. It's the first priority. Before I get into the lift, like, yeah, the bench press part's fun. And I love to lift heavy and get stronger and build muscle. But before that, it's me spending 10 minutes addressing all the things that I need to work on. And to me, the most valuable thing I think trainers
Starting point is 00:54:04 can give to clients is this. Now, and you don't need to be a trainer to understand this. This was a lot of the motivation behind prime was, yes, it was a tool that we thought about trainers when we created it, like every trainer should have this and their arsenal, especially if they're an online coach. But we really wanted to simplify it enough that like my mom could pick it up,
Starting point is 00:54:26 could read through it, watch the videos, and understand the things that she should be doing to help her body out before she goes into a basic workout. And so that was the idea of this program. And I love that you went this way, Saul, because it wasn't where I was thinking at all. It's true, like this should be the place that you start and at the bare minimum be doing that.
Starting point is 00:54:48 And then the next rule of thumb for me is working on the big lifts, right? And getting good at them and understanding that if you're not good at them, which is very common. It's common that you don't have a good deadlift, you don't have a good squat, you don't have good, and the reason why that is is for why you do the assessment and you work on those things,
Starting point is 00:55:05 because most people don't move on a squat or a deadlift or an overhead press or a bench press well because they have dysfunction, because they're not good, they don't have favorable movement patterns that they need to work on. So that's why what Sal said is the first rule. Then what the next thing is,
Starting point is 00:55:22 use those four core lifts and look at it like you're trying to get good at the skill of it. And practice getting good. And when you're not good or you feel weird things when you're bench pressing, it doesn't feel right or you notice when you squat, things break down, the needs come in or you can't get very deep. Instead of just saying I'm a bad squatter, I'm going to give up, I'm going to do it, try and dive deeper into your own body and learn why that is.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yeah. I mean, to reiterate, basically, what both of you have said, it's like for me, the rule is really, you know, the assessment part of it is understanding how the body is properly functioning or it's not, you know, are all the joints able to do what they're supposed to do without, you know, pain and restriction. And, you know, and then it's a matter of, if not, in certain things, then I'm not gonna load that movement. And so there's just standards like that,
Starting point is 00:56:14 where I'm going unloaded with clients in terms of doing a squat, for instance, until we get enough stability support to then gradually add load. But definitely treating the major lifts like a skill is a very important thing to then you know aspire to you know get your programming towards you know something that's like like a very admirable squat you know bench press overhead lift you know stuff like that. Yeah so by the way you guys know where the term rule of thumb came from. Yeah remember this this was on that movie with the Boundox Saints.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Oh, did they talk about that? Yeah, yeah. So this big lady was beating this guy up about it. Apparently, it was, there were laws in certain areas where you could only hit your white face with a stick. With a stick that was as big as your thumb. That was the biggest.
Starting point is 00:57:04 So they were trying to control the beatings. I did not know that. So they called it the rule of thumb. Like you can hit your wife with the stick. It couldn't be big. Very PC. Yeah, very, very, very, very, very, very, very. Anyway, that's, I think that, I mean, that's what I've read.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Maybe it's a myth. I'm sure people will correct me if it is. Here's another good rule of thumb, right? And I'm gonna put it very, very plainly. Practice exercises often, train them less often. So what I mean by that is, rather than going into your squat session and thinking you're going to hammer your legs, more often what you should do is go into your squat session thinking,
Starting point is 00:57:37 I'm going to get good at squats and practice. Totally different mentality, and it actually directs your workout in ways that are more beneficial. Let's explain what that kind of looks like. So let's take, for example, you've gone through like the squat assessment on maps prime and there's certain movements on there that we teach to help improve, you know, if you have a quote unquote, pro-can squat. So you know what those movements are. It might be 90, 90 stuff, it might be combat stretch.
Starting point is 00:58:02 When you're going in to practice a squat, sometimes this is what it looks like for me. I do all those priming movements that I'm supposed to do before I get into a squat, then I go do a set, and it's a light set. It's not supposed to be really heavy. I want some load on the bar because I want to feel the weight. I also feel like when you're especially with squatting. We got to practice with something. Right, right. Sometimes it helps to get into the movement better, even to have some weight than just your body weight. So loading the bar somewhat, but not like less than 50% intensity on it. And then I do the movement, and I'm watching myself in the mirror, or maybe I even use my phone to record myself,
Starting point is 00:58:35 I look at it, and I pay attention to what, oh wow, I look like I'm getting a little bit more travel in my knees from my combat, so that's great. But oh man, I feel like my knees are caving in. So then I go back, I sit down, I do some more priming movements, then I go back to another set of squats, then I look in and assess again, then I go back and do some more priming. And what I'm doing is I'm trying to get better connected, work on my movement patterns, and then go and I'm teetering back and forth between these priming movements and
Starting point is 00:59:00 the squat because my goal isn't how much weight can I throw in the bar or how strong and can I get it. How much can I hammer my legs or how sore can I get? It's I wanna get better at this movement. Right, so it's the difference between like if you're learning how to swim and you're practicing how to swim well, it's a difference between practicing swimming and just going as fast as you can in a meet, okay? That's the difference.
Starting point is 00:59:23 So you're gonna approach your exercises as practice more often than not and every once in a meat, okay? That's the different. So you're going to approach your exercises as practice more often than not. And every once in a while when you feel comfortable and form is good, you can push it and train yourself. It's a really, really good rule of thumb for most people. And by the way, practicing exercises, especially if you do it frequently. So if I practice squats three days a week, I'm gonna build muscle and I'm gonna get stronger. The frequency of practice is what really sends that muscle building signal. So. Two other things I really consider
Starting point is 00:59:51 will, you know, being in a program or programming for other clients is, you know, how long have they been in, you know, like one plane of motion? And how can I incorporate more planes of motion? So it actually expresses those specific movements that the joint needs to go through in order to remain healthy, remain a part of the stability process. And so like, I'm always looking through and kind of scanning it.
Starting point is 01:00:18 If they've been equally loaded too long, like should we do some lateral training? Should we do some more rotational movement? Should we go left to right? All these things are you should consider because the body is capable of those things and we should train them right? So in other words training like if you're always doing squats with two legs and that's what you've been doing for a while Try some single leg exercises or try something where you move to the side, like a lateral lunge versus a, look, here's the other thing you can do. Obviously, one of the easiest ways to do this is to get the program maps prime for all the assessment. But we also have a YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:00:55 with a bunch of free videos and stuff on there. Another thing you can do, if you want to do, if you want to just use all of our free information, is when you do your self-assessment, one thing you could do is say, what parts of my body tend to bother me? Go on our video library and see if you can find something. So, you know, my hips tend to bother me, or my squat doesn't feel good. Go on the YouTube channel, my pump TV, and just search like squat mobility movements, or
Starting point is 01:01:21 shoulder mobility movements, because my shoulder is bothering me, or my back, or whatever. You'll find free videos, and those movements, more often shoulders bother me or my back or whatever, you'll find free videos and those movements, more often than not, will benefit you and get you better at doing your traditional exercises. Next question is from Rabri, how quickly will you lose muscle mass when no longer working out with heavy weights? Can you maintain or build muscle
Starting point is 01:01:42 when you only have bands 10 to 30 pound dumbbells and a suspension trainer? Yes, this depends. So it really does depend on the person. Pensers of programming. Yeah, if you're first off, you have to have a good workout. So if you have a crappy workout, I don't care if you have you weight, lightweight, bands, body weight, it's not going to work very well. So that's number one.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Yeah, if you're following with all the Instagram fluids, they're doing right now with all these weird. Good fucking lot. Yeah, jumping exercises and lifting cou all the Instagram fluids that are doing right now with all these weird. Good fucking lot. Jumping exercises and lifting couches and doing things with your chair. If you're doing ridiculous stuff just to get a sweat, like you're losing muscle. It's common.
Starting point is 01:02:12 You are. But let's say you always train with heavy weight. Let's say you've been doing it for years. This is what you do. And now you're forced to be more creative. You have the light dumbbells, you have bands, you have body weight, sometimes a change, just the change, with good programming actually produces better results. For years
Starting point is 01:02:32 I train super, super heavy weight all the time because that's what was supposed to build the most muscle. When I switch to lightweight higher reps, I actually build more muscle. This has happened time and time again just because it's novel. And honestly, somebody who lifts heavy weights all the time and like trains more, more like a power lifter and is now forced to do body weight, tear extra bands and all of those things are things that are completely foreign to them normally has a really good chance to actually building muscle. And even if you lose a little bit of strength, right? That wouldn't be weird. It wouldn't be weird to not be heavy squatting and not be heavy. Because don't forget there's the skill part of the of the movement too that is required there and that
Starting point is 01:03:14 you lose because you're not doing it as much anymore. So you might see a slight step back when you get back in the gym, let's say three months from now. But and I think Sal addressed us the other day, but how quick you'll gain that back and then the likelihood that you'll progress beyond that because you've trained your body with this novel stimulus over the course of this one or two months that we're out. You could see huge benefits. That's right. And I think too. And I bring up programming because I think a lot of people look at this as like an accessory lift stuff, right? Like this is like novel. It's cool. It's cute. But there's a way to really progress in,
Starting point is 01:03:46 like gymnasts do a fantastic job of this. I remember for a whole year, I was like training with just body weight and trying my best to take an exercise and then intensify it somehow, whether I'm adding gravitational forces by increasing demand through the angles or I'm holding in specific poses,
Starting point is 01:04:06 and I'm adding intensity to the isometric portion. I'm using bands, I'm using a really heavier band load for that. There's ways to progress in that direction will help you to not only just preserve your muscles, but also gain muscles. Now, let's say you do lose a little bit of muscle because you change the stimulus and it's just not as loud or not as effective
Starting point is 01:04:30 as the previous workout. Okay. You're not gonna lose a ton of muscle and whatever you lose comes back very, very quickly. It's called muscle memory and it comes back really, really fast. But if you're smart and you have good workout programming at home and you're getting creative
Starting point is 01:04:47 and you're addressing all the issues that you tend to neglect, here's what will probably happen when you go back to the gym. Maybe you do lose a little bit of muscle but you've gained mobility, you've gained control, you've gained stability, maybe even gained a little bit of endurance, maybe you're not used
Starting point is 01:05:00 to doing higher reps and slower reps and that kind of stuff. You go back to the gym, go back to your traditional lifting, take your time, don't just jump right into it. The muscle mass that you lost comes back in a hurry and then you go past your old plateau. You go past your old limits because now you're heading into them with new skills, new ways of supporting your body and better mobility. This, I'm going to tell you this right now, okay? For a lot of you, gym fanatics,
Starting point is 01:05:27 that get stuck in the same kind of training. This, and now you're changing your routine dramatically because you're forced to. One of the best possible things that could happen to you is much as it's, it's suck, maybe you're resisting it. If you're consistent, you got good workout programming. Mark my words when you're finally able to go back to the gym, you will look back at this and say,
Starting point is 01:05:47 that actually was a good thing that happened for my body because now I'm surpassing all the limits I had before. And sometimes we need to be forced. Sometimes, look, I know for me, injuries and pain in the past have forced me to change my workout program. And then when I come out of them and I do everything right, I always look back and be like, you know, that was actually a good thing. My stability is
Starting point is 01:06:06 better. I break my old, I hit my old PR and I'm above it 10 pounds because I was focusing on all these things that I was ignoring before. Next question is from Steve Morrison 416. I'm coming into week four of maps anywhere and have been enjoying the change from performance. I'm now hearing that we may be having to social distance for another 12 weeks. Since anywhere is four weeks, what would be the best way to progress? Should I run it another two times or extend the phases?
Starting point is 01:06:35 Okay, great question. So first off, maps anywhere is our equipment-free workout program. Oh, you need our bands and a broomstick, and then you do the workouts. By the way, we've extended the 50% off sale and I just used the code white and then the number 50 without a space. Here's a deal. Maps anywhere comes with the ability to scale and progress it over and over and over again.
Starting point is 01:07:02 One of the ways to do this is through what are called the AMP sessions, increase the amount of sets, reps, or pick more difficult movements within there. So my recommendation, just like I would recommend with anybody else who followed any other program, once you've gone through it, look at the program, modify it, and run it again. And then go through the program, and then modify it, and run it again. If you do that the program and then modify it and run it again.
Starting point is 01:07:25 If you do that, you're going to continue to progress each time. This is true for any program. There's also another way that you can progress it that I've recommended to some people too, which is that we've been talking a lot about on this show about the benefits of breaking up a workout, you know, in 20-minute workouts throughout the day. Now, the Maps Anywhere program is about a 40-minute workout,
Starting point is 01:07:44 I'd say, is what it takes to get through that. So I would actually do that twice in a day. Now the Maps Anywhere program is about a 40 minute workout, I'd say, is what it takes to get through that. So I would actually do that twice in a day. So I would actually go twice in a day, or you could break it up three times and split the workout up. So you can increase volume by just doing that the second time around. Now I don't recommend that the first time, I think the first time, like we do with most of all our problems, we tell people to just as is right. Yeah, follow the programming as it is because we always take in account the idea that you may want to scale it up or that you have different levels of fitness that are entering this.
Starting point is 01:08:14 So follow it the way it's programmed and then one option to scale up or increase intensity is what's sour saying is choose exercises because we have exercises one, two, and three at levels, like and level three is more difficult than level one, and we give you the flexibility to build these amp sessions by choosing those exercises. I recommend, when you're first going through it, you're choosing most of your exercises from level one, and get good at them.
Starting point is 01:08:39 And then when you go through a second time, pick more of them through level two. If you go through a third time, pick level three, that's what Sal's talking about with the AMP sessions. You can also build more volume in. Because they're body weight movements, because they're shorter workouts, you can do two, 40 minute workouts in the day,
Starting point is 01:08:55 or you could cut the workout in half, and then do it three times throughout the day too. So there's a lot of different ways that you can scale the volume up after you've been through it one time and then come back around. And this recommendation is true for again, and you probably don't care if you follow our program
Starting point is 01:09:09 or any of the program, if it's a good workout and you wanna go through it again, just look at it. And okay, this is what I did for the last six weeks. What are some new exercises I can add or this movement here kind of bothered me, I'm gonna add this or I'm gonna add another set to every exercise to get me to do more volume.
Starting point is 01:09:27 This is true advice for any kind of workout that you follow. Maps anywhere also include, we don't talk about it very often, but we included a suspension trainer mod inside it too. So that's another way that you have a suspension trainer. Right. And you can find those relatively cheap. I mean, I know the name brand ones are a bit expensive, but they have knockoff brands that are relatively inexpensive
Starting point is 01:09:51 and I don't think they're sold out like a lot of bands are. And you could do a lot of cool stuff. I mean, there's a whole library of movements that we created in that. And that was a ton. I mean, even like Olympic rings, those are another option that gives you the same exact kind of result, but like you can really get some intense
Starting point is 01:10:09 exercise out of that, even just doing dips on that is a whole other level of stability for the shoulders and strength to perform. And so, I mean, there's ways to really add intensity and like difficulty to what we already presented. So, and if you have any more, like you need, you're in need of some ideas, make sure in DMS or like, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:28 get on the forum and there's plenty of people that got some more like additions to that you can add. Next question is from Sean Bailey Math. What accessory exercises do you recommend for building the deadlift? One of my favorite ways to get stronger, and there's a lot of different ways that you can increase your deadlift if you're stuck,
Starting point is 01:10:47 but one of my favorite ways to get my deadlift to go up is to use some form of progressive resistance. So this can come in the form of chains or it can come in the form of resistance band. So a resistance band would be attached to the barbell, either under my feet or under a rack or something that's going to anchor it. And what ends up happening is as I lift the weight off the floor, as bands get stretched,
Starting point is 01:11:13 the resistance gets harder and harder as you stretch them out, just like a rubber band, right? So at the bottom of the rep, when I'm my weakest, the weight isn't, there isn't that much more weight from the band, but as I lift the weight and as I tend to get stronger in my lift anyway, it adds more resistance. So what it's doing is it's adding resistance as I get stronger because when you're doing a lift, some parts of the lift are easier than other. So it's a great way to overload the areas that you're stronger and not overload the areas that you weaker. A chain does the same thing. If I put a chain around the bar, let it sit on the floor.
Starting point is 01:11:45 As I pick up the bar, the links come up off the floor and the bar gets heavier and heavier. And this method of progressive resistance is super effective. Studies are pretty clear on this. Strength gains are faster. It's great for breaking through plateaus and it's also great for building muscles.
Starting point is 01:12:04 So that's one of the easy Simple ways I love doing that and I also I love doing deficit deadlifts like you know and just adding a platform and standing on it Get you know Address certain parts of the lift that you struggle with the most That's one of them that you know you can lighten up the load, but then really You know gain more access and and recruitment where you need it more and so that's one way to work on that and then you can lighten up the load, but then really gain more access and recruitment where you need it more. So that's one way to work on that.
Starting point is 01:12:28 And then you can also add the chains like cell-sane or bands to intensify that even more. And then just having the different stance, trying the Sumo stance and working on that to reinforce the hips and everything else involved in the lift even more. You said deficit debts, here's an easy way to do this at home. So traditionally what guys will do is they'll stand on something. So that now they have to bend down to get deeper to lift the deadlift. That's why it's called a deficit. So rather than pulling it off the floor and your feet on the floor,
Starting point is 01:12:59 let's do smaller. Now you're just, yeah, just those smaller plates. So the traditional height that people deadlift is the height of the circumference of a 45 pound plate. Some people who can't deadlift a 45 pound plate will get lighter plates, but they're the same circumference. So that's the traditional height. Put, you know, 35s or 25s on the bar.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Now you, rather than having a stand on something, you just have to get down lower. But I will say this, if you do a deficit deadlift, you better make sure you brace your core and go live. Very susceptible of your lower back, so be totally similar. So I have one that did wonders for my deadlift, and I love the teaches, and that is barefoot,
Starting point is 01:13:38 single leg deadlifts. You can go on my Instagram and look back, I know I've got at least two videos in the last year that I've posted of me doing this. I love this too in a time right now because most people will have to start with really light dumbbells the first time because just balancing on one leg
Starting point is 01:13:57 and getting down to the ground to pick up dumbbells is extremely challenging for a lot of people. So you have to start really, really light. And then so it gives you lots of room to progress. And man, if you can get to a point where you can do that with 50, 60, 90 or a hundred pound dumbbells, and you can do that balancing barefoot on one leg and do a single leg deadlift, watch what happens
Starting point is 01:14:22 when you go back to traditional deadlift. Just the grounding of that, the stability, the hip stability that you get from that, the ankle stability that you get from that, the unilateral training strength that you're going to get, and then you go back to bilateral, both feet on the ground, a traditional deadlift. Man, I never felt so connected and grounded to my deadlift that when I actually took a break from deadlifting and I tried to progress my single-leg deadlift, that was incredible. You know what, that's a great one for right now,
Starting point is 01:14:52 because that's what I thought of. Yeah, because if people are at home, you don't need a lot of weight to do a single-leg deadlift. In fact, for most beginner to intermediate lifters, no weight. You just bend over, keep good form, touch the floor with your toes and then stand up. And you can get creative with this.
Starting point is 01:15:11 We had somebody in our forum, or not our forum, I think on Instagram that tagged us, that was using jugs of water. So maybe you don't have a set of dumbbells that goes all the way up to whatever, but you can use the one gallon jugs, then you can use five, progress up to eventually getting five gallon jugs.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Man, you do that and get good at that in doing single leg deadlift. Boy, I'll tell you right now, watch what happens. Most people need no, no way. I'll be honest. I'll take people and I'll have them do with, and they're just, they're falling over the place. Yeah, it's no way to start with that watch what happens, but it's a great, that's a great exercise for right now.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yeah, and make sure to like you, you just notice little things like your your heel kind of turning in and any rotation That's involved in that trans days So we have some YouTube's on that to make sure that you're doing the form correctly, but definitely give those a shot now Look before I sign off I want to give a special shout out to our friend Dr. Jolene Brighton. She's been on our show a couple times. We absolutely love her. First time we met her, we loved her. She's got great information, great Instagram page.
Starting point is 01:16:13 You know, she focuses on women's health, wrote some really good books on the birth control she's going through right now. And she's got, you know, she's got the coronavirus. She was at the hospital. They gave her some oxygen therapy. They're sending her home with an oxygen tank as of the recording of this podcast. And she's a big believer in collective consciousness and their studies show that when people pray or
Starting point is 01:16:39 wish somebody to be better, that they tend to get better, can't explain it. But she's because she's a believer in it. And if you're a religious person, you know, say a prayer for Dr. Jolene Brighton, let her know you're hoping that she gets better. If you're not religious, send her good vibes. We hope you get better soon. We hope you beat this and you're okay. And that's that.
Starting point is 01:17:03 And with that, go to mindpumpfree.com. Check out all of our free guides and resources. We got a lot of books there and guides that are totally free. You can also find the three of us on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal and you can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:18:19 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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