Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1294: How to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle, the Difference Between Flexibility & Mobility, the Truth About Casein Protein Supplements & More

Episode Date: May 16, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to lose fat without losing muscle, credible online nutrition programs, the differences between flexibility and ...mobility drills, and whether casein really provides more benefits than whey due to its slower digestion rate. How Sal has been utilizing occlusion training during the lockdown. (4:50) How you SHOULD go back to the gym when your gym reopens. (6:45) The rise of black markets during the current lockdown, loans/bailouts & MORE. (11:02) American’s top searched fetishes by state. (19:17) Mind Pump Recommends, What We Do in the Shadows. (26:56) The curse of knowledge. (29:00) Mind Pump goes down the psychedelics rabbit hole. (33:13) #Quah question #1 – How do you lose fat without losing muscle? (39:05) #Quah question #2 – I have been looking into a second source of income and nutrition has been a heavy interest of mine for the last couple of years. Are there any online nutrition programs you recommend that are credible? (46:40) #Quah question #3 – I know the difference between flexibility and mobility, but what is the difference between flexibility and mobility drills? (50:28) #Quah question #4 – When taking a protein shake before bed, do you think casein provides more benefits due to its slower digestion rate than whey? (56:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned May Promotion: MAPS Starter ½ off! **Promo code “STARTER50” at checkout** Special Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “WHITE50” at checkout** Occlusion Training Guide – Mind Pump Media Occlusion Training Tutorial- How to Increase Muscle Size Using Blood Flow Restriction – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1275: The Best At-home Workout That No One is Sharing The Most Common Fetishes in the U.S. | Future Method Joe Rogan Experience #1464 - Duncan Trussell What We Do in the Shadows | FX on Hulu Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics | Netflix Mind Pump #1210: How to Eat to Lose Fat & Build Muscle With Jason Phillips Join the Revolution in Nutrition Coaching – NCI Certifications x Mind Pump MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@jasonphillipsisnutrition)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, your favorite fitness health and education and entertainment podcast. Don't lie, it's your favorite. We answer fitness and health questions asked by listeners like you. And in the beginning of the episode, we do our introductory portion where we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:31 We mention studies, sometimes we mention our sponsors. So I'm gonna give you a breakdown of what happened in today's MindPunt podcast. We start out by talking about occlusion training. This is a training technique uses lightweight that actually builds a decent amount of muscle. It's also known as blood flow restrictive training. So you might wanna look that up, it's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Then we talked about how you should go back to the gym when your gym reopens, and most of you should probably go easier than you think. A lot of you are probably gonna overdo it the first week you're in the gym. Chill out. Then we talk about all the black markets that are probably gonna pop up
Starting point is 00:01:06 because of all this shelter at home stuff that a lot of our states and cities are telling us. And not the kind of black markets you're used to. Like I'm talking about black markets for like cutting your hair, interesting speculations. Then we talked about the top fetishes in each state. This is where it got weird. This it got pretty weird here.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Then Justin brought up a show on YouTube called What We Do in the Shadows. We talked about the curse of knowledge and then we talked about hallucinations. Oh, by the way, we have a free class this Saturday. It's a webinar. Justin's gonna teach you how to self-assass your body. Come on, let's come hang out.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And had a prime your body before your workouts. It's a free, again, it's gonna teach you how to self-assess your body. Come on, let's come hang out. And how to prime your body before your workouts. It's a friggin', it's a total class. He teaches you, he uses Doug, as a student in the class. It's really, really fun. And when the webinars are going on live, we will be on their live answering questions. It's unlimited, it's free. Sign up at mapsprimewebinar.com.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Then we got into the fitness questions. The first question, this person wants to know how to lose fat without losing muscle. This is a great question because studies show that when people burn body fat through diet, they often lose just as much muscle. So how do we stop that? The next question, this person is looking
Starting point is 00:02:18 for a second source of income, wants to do nutrition coaching online and wants to know what online programs we recommend. Now, our favorite online certification course for nutrition is NCI certifications. We love them, we work with them, and we actually have something for you. Here's what you do. Go to NCIcertifications.com forward slash mind pump, and you'll get a copy of nutrition coaching secrets audiobook for only a dollar ninety nine go check that out.
Starting point is 00:02:48 The next question this person understands the difference between flexibility and mobility. So what do flexibility and mobility drills look like? What makes them different? And the next question when taking a protein shake before bed should I try casing? I heard casing it has slower digestion, it's better for before sleep. Is it better than way protein? Also, this month, all month long, one of our best at home workout programs, Maps Starter is 50% off. This is a great program to get you back into working out. It's a great program for new people. It's a great program if you're
Starting point is 00:03:23 advanced and you'd like to revisit Good forms stability and control all you need to follow this program is a stability ball and Dumbbells. That's it. You can do the whole workout Here's how you get the 50% off discount go to maps starter.com That's m a p s s t a r t r dot com and use the code starter 50 That's s t a r t r five zero no space for the discount S-S-T-A-R-T-E-R.com and use the code starter50. That's S-T-A-R-T-E-R-5-0, no space for the discount. How come you guys didn't say anything?
Starting point is 00:03:52 About what? You have your hair cut? You have it? Come on, bro. Lack of hair cut. What hair cut? Yeah. It's getting pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Jess got a conversation with me about it last night. Oh, you get a talk, huh? No, yeah. She call you Wolfman or what? She's like, oh, she's like, we have to do something. Yeah. That's it. Tony Dan, I mean, I imagine she could cut it for you.
Starting point is 00:04:11 She can't be that much worse than supercuts. She didn't want to. Bro, listen, my lady at supercuts is hella good. Not the lady with the shirt. I didn't find everything. Pretty sure they get most of them trading from YouTube. Yeah, one of those lizards that changed at Camillean. Yeah, that was the lady that cut my hair messed up at one time.
Starting point is 00:04:31 She's a lizard? No, she had the eye that went beer. Yeah, it was one went this way, one went that way, and then she was cutting my hair and I'm like, that's probably not gonna affect her hair cut a bit. I'm sure I'm fine. And it did. It did affect her.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But that's strange. No predators can get it from behind She's looking both direction. So maybe she's gonna trim it. No, that's how I'm talking about you guys even notice, huh? No, what'd you do? Look at that. You get a bigger right now. I still see you gain things. You don't see the extra the extra Half a quarter inch You guys can't tell no,, what've you been doing? How many rubber band bicep curls did you do before you came back?
Starting point is 00:05:08 Dude, I did, I've been doing occlusion. I haven't done a long time. Oh, you did occlusion. When's the last time you guys had occlusion training? When we talked about it on the show. I did, yeah, I did it after we talked on the show. It's not that long ago. Like one time.
Starting point is 00:05:19 You gotta do it. You gotta do it consistently, you know? Just like we did back in the day. I do it with my calves. I don't really, my arms are. You still do them? No are still doing no, I don't last time you worked at your calves honest Long enough that it takes me a while twice the wearing pants. Yeah, it's still winter Brumble we came through the matter summer summers I hear you I hit my calves. Yeah, twice this week
Starting point is 00:05:49 I did standing calf raises with no weight and they got sore. I was like, whoa. Yeah. I just slipped that mine. I was like, oh, shut up, just then pretty good. Yeah, whatever dude. I'm good. Yeah, if you were a girl, it wouldn't be good though, huh?
Starting point is 00:05:56 I got them down. No, no, yeah, you'd be walking around tree stumps. Yeah, exactly. I'm sexy. Nobody, the occlusion, it's, it works dude. Every time I do it, I'm always like, dang, this is pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:06 You know, I just use the knee wraps and, at the end of the workout, I do a few sets with, you know, the light barbell and some close grip pushups just to get a pump or whatever. And it's sure enough, it works every single time. You look amazing. Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I didn't know I needed to do this here too. I have to do this at home. What? Affirmation. Yeah, it's like, do this here too. I have to do this at home. What? Affirmation? Yeah, it's like, come on, everyone. Oh, you're so good today. Yeah. Come on, dude, it's exhausting.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah. And, fine. You look good, Sam. You know what? Like, you just should know that. Whatever. Yeah. You are the chicken of the group, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah, what are you gonna do? So that leads me to this about getting back into your workouts. I've been getting messages from people like, how do I get back? What should I do? I'm you know my gyms Reopening or whatever. Obviously, they're not in California because California is steel Nothing's open But other other states are opening up and stuff and people are getting back into it and this the advice I'm telling them is this because I fall into this category also. Go easier than you think you should go.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah, go much easier than you think you should go because whatever you think. That has to be a message right now. Whatever you think, when you get back, if you're taking a break, whatever you think is the right amount is almost always too much. Well, I've challenged it over to it. I've challenged a couple guys that,
Starting point is 00:07:26 on Instagram, we've been talking back and forth about this exact conversation. And I said, I know that our map starter program looks like it's geared towards the super basic or person who's never trained before, but it is for that person. But it also can be used by someone like you who's been lifting for four or five years, but you've been off for two weeks, three weeks, or more,
Starting point is 00:07:51 because you haven't been doing much or anything at all, and watch what that program will do, and that's where you should probably start. And I know that's tough for us with our egos, and to go, oh, this, do, you know, physioball exercises and light dumbbells. Like, why would I do that? But it's true though. You don't need to do much when you first give out. Well, that's the, I think the confusion is that they,
Starting point is 00:08:13 that we're saying you don't need to do much and they're thinking, but if I do more, I'll get there faster. That's not true. The right amount is the, is the amount that gets you there the fastest. And he more than that gets you there slower and he less than that gets you there the fastest. Any more than that gets you there slower, and he less than that gets you there slower.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And in my experience, okay, this is just my experience training lots and lots of people and myself, the few times I've taken a long break or I've had clients taking a long break, you almost always overestimate, you know, where you should start. Like, okay, so, you know, a month ago, I was benching, you know, 175 for 10 reps.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I'm gonna do like seven reps or six reps, and then I'll be fine. And then for three days afterwards, like they're sore, totally fried. And that just slowed down your progress. Go easier than you think, give yourself at least a couple weeks of that kind of gauge. And what you'll see is you'll see your body bounce back very quick.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Well, the truth is if you've been doing nothing, okay, or little to nothing for two weeks or more, almost nothing will actually stimulate a response. Yeah, just a little more than that. Yeah. A set of something, all right. Of, if you went through and really, and if you went through every muscle group and did one set of it, and that's more than what you did the previous two weeks of your training, because you haven't been training at all,
Starting point is 00:09:28 that will stimulate, it will get you moving in the right direction, and it leaves you lots of room to build volume on top of that. Totally. Really hard for, I feel like when I communicate that to my female clients, they adhere to it really well. Like if you, like, I don't know, and this is me talking shit about men if you, you, like, I don't know, and this is me talking shit about men, right?
Starting point is 00:09:47 Like women just, I don't know if they're smarter or what, when you communicate that to them, they hear it, they go, oh, that makes sense. Actually, listen, yeah, it's like, oh, that makes sense. That's different. I'm gonna do that, right? And then they follow it and they see great results. You tell that to a guy.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I'm paid of the ass. You tell that to a guy and it's exactly what you said. Like, oh, okay, so if he say just I just need to do less I'll just do pretend to listen to go. Oh, yeah I'll totally do that. Yeah Yeah, that's what's going on their head dude. How many times is your wife blasting for that? I get blasted daily For that you said you would I did I did oh man. I was just trying to get out like conversation Why do you not remember anything?
Starting point is 00:10:25 I can't get better at this. I can't remember anything. No, it's true. It depends though, Adam, on the situation. You're right with men, that's the thing. Like you tell a guy, it's like telling a guy, hey, go lighter, you know, you don't have to go with that heavy go lighter, good form,
Starting point is 00:10:40 but like, yeah, that's a good idea. At weight. Yeah, let's see how heavy I can make this out. How many times have you trained a client like that? Were you doing like an incline press with dumbbells? I think I got this. And you're watching them and you're like, this might actually be a little too heavy, right?
Starting point is 00:10:52 And they put it down like, what do you think of we go up like, I think I give you the 45s? Yeah, no, no, we're not there yet. I can't do the 45s at all. Anyway, dude, I was, you know, been DMing people and back and forth and people are talking about their own industries and how much they're being impacted and I had a massage therapist contact me through DMs and talking about how bad their business is being hurt, jujitsu, instructors in schools.
Starting point is 00:11:19 You know, these are all close contact businesses. And then it made me think to myself, you know, we all know what black markets are. People think black markets are drugs and guns and that kind of stuff. But that's just a type of a black market. Black markets, all they are are markets that are not approved by the by government. That's all it is. Right. So like in the Soviet Union, they had a vibrant black market for American tennis shoes and jeans and food, milk and meat and things like that. They had big black markets in the Soviet Union for that because it was so controlled that they, you know, because markets will exist
Starting point is 00:12:01 whether they're legal or not. For example, it's like what we see it, and still I think today is this way with like cigarettes in New York. Yes, yes. Because they tax it so heavily that you go buy it somewhere else and then they sell it on the table. Right, because markets will exist whether we like to,
Starting point is 00:12:15 what like them or not, if there's a high enough demand, if there's like, look at drugs, right? We, that is the most regulated market in the world in the sense that it's the most, you know, prohibitive, yeah, most of the world. It's super prohibited. You can land yourself in jail for life, for just possessing a certain amount of certain drugs
Starting point is 00:12:32 or whatever. And yet, the black market for drugs is a vibrant, you know, billions and billions and billions of dollar market just in the US alone, not even talking about the rest of the world. What if these shutdowns and shelter at home and I mean L.A. Just talked about they're gonna be shut down for three more months. It is it is gonna create black markets for more more shit It already I'm not gonna sell people out at all, but I've already had multiple conversations of people. I know quite a few yes that are
Starting point is 00:13:01 Definitely doing things right now cash under the table under the table, paying employees under the table, still servicing clients as if they were, and I don't know, it's talking about the fitness space, I'm talking about other spaces too. Yeah, haircuts, anything. Yes, nail slons, haircuts, that's all happening right now. Dude, how interesting, you know what I'm saying? Because I think, look at LA, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:20 LA is, they said, probably will be shut down for the three months. I think the unemployment rate in LA was like 50% I just read, LA is, they said probably will be shut down for the three months. I think the unemployment rate in LA was like 50% I just read, which is insane. You can't tell me there aren't gonna be, you know, people making tacos for people on the side, cutting hair, you know, gardeners, massage therapists, showing up to people's houses.
Starting point is 00:13:39 There's gonna be a huge, they're gonna just make this huge black market explode. And then here's my fear fear when they read open things, some of these people may be like, and cool, I'm gonna keep doing it this way, making all this cash or whatever. Well, and not only that, but so I told you I was talking to Scott the other day and he was telling me the way
Starting point is 00:13:55 that some of these rules are with the SPC loan, right? Oh gosh. Yeah, nothing like what everybody, I can't believe it. Well, I can can believe it. Yeah, no, that to me is insane. So you have a lot of, now I feel for the people that are trying to do things legitimately,
Starting point is 00:14:10 and they're saying, okay, like yeah, they're getting screwed. And they're still getting screwed anyways with these loans, because when they approved this stuff, there's 5,000 different lenders that are going through the loans. And the SPC tells the lender that it's off their rules. So the lenders now have what they want to,
Starting point is 00:14:27 and let's be honest, if you're lending money, you don't want it to be forgiven, you don't want to have stipulations. Yeah, I want my money back, right? So the bank's everything is free. And people get, it's so crazy to me. People, oh, we're just getting this money. Like, oh, this is great.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Everything will get alone. And everything's gonna be hunky-dory. They're the ones determining all the rules. Well, listen to what Scott told me he has to do. So he gets that he was one of the people that was on the front end got the loan right away, right? So one, he gets it and he has to pay it, pay it out within I think two weeks and show that he's
Starting point is 00:14:56 giving it to his employees. Yes, to pay it all to them. To all those employees. Write it like right away and show that it's keeping them afloat and giving them money. Well, here's a shitty part. He's got to pay all them that and they can't do work for him because they're closed down. Right. But he gets to he has to pay them to help them
Starting point is 00:15:10 out. Right. Well, one, that screws them with the inability to get unemployment because they're getting that because they're getting that money. Then on top of that, they're not doing any technical work for him. He's just keeping the business afloat by being able to pay his employees. But then he has to pay taxes at the end of the year on that money. So he's now has to pay taxes. And then operating costs and even where is that going to go? Doesn't stop, right? And he has to pay taxes on labor that he was given free money for to pay for that he didn't
Starting point is 00:15:35 get. Does that make sense? They don't do any work for that money. And he has to pay that he's paying them that money and he has to pay them that money. He can't just put it away for a rainy day in case they need it as a reserve fund. He's got a show that he's spending them that money and he has to pay on that money. He can't just put it away for a rainy day in case, you know, they need it as like a reserve fund. He's got a show that he's spending it on his people. Right, and every business has different needs. So to give money and then to say you have to spend it like this,
Starting point is 00:15:54 it's very inefficient. Oh, very, very inefficient. And this is not- And then there's a payback structure, right? Well, they have to pay back X amount of dollars. Yeah, he said like four grand and it kicks in within 60 or 90 days afterwards or something like that. Well, see, here's the crappy part about all this.
Starting point is 00:16:07 They didn't know this when they got the loan. Right, and you can't even give it back. Oh yeah, that's right. They won't take it back, huh? Yeah. Oh, this is crazy. Well, you know, it smells of a racket. When this all went down and they were talking about
Starting point is 00:16:20 this emergency money that they were gonna give to businesses and they pushed it through really fast. Legislators are like, we need to do this emergency money that they were gonna give to businesses and they pushed it through really fast. Legislators are like, we need to do this right away. And by the way, when the left and the right agree on something, that's when you should be careful. Yeah, because that usually means something. Some shitties about to go down. Apprehensive.
Starting point is 00:16:37 So that like, we need to push this through. And so when they do that, they spend very little time on how it's gonna work, what it's gonna look like, they just push it out. Then after the money's out, then they tend to go back and say, okay, let's audit everybody. Which is such bullshit. Which is such bullshit because the only bit
Starting point is 00:16:54 of dragging the feet that happened between the left and the right was like, who should get what money and what more, who gets more, and like, oh, the left wanted more money to go over here, the right wanted to go over here. But no one's talking about like, is, the left one and more money to go over here, the right one to go over here. But no one's talking about, like, is it gonna be effective? How are these people gonna actually implement it?
Starting point is 00:17:11 Like, terrible. When does it stop? Where, how do we cap this? Well, so I, I mean, I have friends that have been unemployed now for a little while and they haven't gotten any unemployment checks from California at all. My buddy guy is the first one.
Starting point is 00:17:22 He did, how long does it take him? Well, I mean, he just got it literally two days ago and I know what has been 60 days since his name. Oh, yeah. And California, I think is 50, if I'm not mistaken, $50 billion over, like what's it called? Their budget?
Starting point is 00:17:38 And so they're going to ask for a federal bailout. But here's why they're under fire. They took 125 million and gave it to undocumented workers in California. So they're 50 billion over budget asking for bailout. Meanwhile, they gave 125 million. So you wanna kill our actual economy of businesses out there and give it to people who don't even,
Starting point is 00:18:00 aren't even legally doing that. Now explain to me how, now how does that fly under Trump? Cause there's no way Trump would allow that to happen. That's, remember the states have a certain amount of power. Yeah. They have a certain amount of power. Federal government has a certain amount of power.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And there's certain things that the states can do and the government, I mean, the feds could come in and sue the state and try to, you know, good luck with that, right? So, crazy, right? It's a very weird world we're living in right now. That's very, very strange. I flip flop every day on just how bad it is. Because you read one article,
Starting point is 00:18:31 you hear something from one person, and then the next day it's the opposite. Like I was telling you before going on the podcast that strangely, there's this huge surge in e-commerce right now. So there's a lot of... It makes sense, though. Yeah, you have the Twitter's the Facebook's the Google people They're all still making the same kind of money. They're all this working from home and they're at home all day long and board
Starting point is 00:18:50 You know you can't go out and visit people you can't do anything can't go the movies can't do shit to like fucking distract you So I can't get puzzles so people is our puzzles hard to get right? Yeah, are you kidding me? Yeah, what do you like? What do you mean like they're sold out? Yeah? There's all the ones I've looked at are sold out out I'm sure people like DM me some links for other ones. I haven't found any that I liked yeah Oh, man, that's a puzzling name It's a puzzle to this. Oh my god, bad dad. Sorry about that for us Anyway crazy so you always want to hear something cool that I looked up to the day. Yeah, Tira fetishes
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah, so it's a nice turn right? Yeah, you like that? Excellent. No, there was this site there. I bet those are through the roof though right now. Well, what, porn searches is the stuff. Yeah, through the roof, totally. Yeah. I know that the traffic on some of the top porn sites are through the roof, but there's this website went through Google searches and whatever,
Starting point is 00:19:39 and looked up like the top searched fetishes per state, and the top search fetishes per state and the top and like the top searched fetishes fetishes in the United States. So so here's a trippy thing. What so I'm gonna go down the list is one two three four. What do you think the fifth most searched fetishes in the United States? The fifth. Yeah because I couldn't even give you the top four. Okay well all right fine I'll go through the top right. Yeah yeah. So give me a couple so I get an idea what that four. Okay, well, all right, fine, I'll go through the top, right? Yeah, yeah. So, give me a couple so I get an idea with that.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So, that's an M first, right? Settlementishism. Of course. Group sex, number two. Okay. Just sadism, number three. Sports gear. Crash videos.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Whoa, a sports gear? Sports gear. Facing. Facing. Okay, so now, is this all under the umbrella of pornography or is it like any fetishes? Like somebody who just like, like, what is that, what is that in case?
Starting point is 00:20:30 Like when you're looking at the list, is it all like related to porn? It's all related to sex. So it's sexual fetishes. Okay, that's what is sexual fetishes. Not just fetishes, it's sexual fetishes. So sports gear. Number four.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Sports gear, like how do they're huffing it? No, bro, Don't you remember like Sweaty gear They're not working right now. Hey saying some people like that you might be right I mean if you're if you're an NFL player and you're not playing right now and you need some side cash solar jocks traps. Yeah, that's Hey, remember who told us that they had vending machines and it's big in Japan. That would just get you Panies stinky underwear. No, there would just be your panties that were worn. Yeah, worn panties. That's girls too
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah, but I mean maybe Justin's right. You're making fun of him right now, but he could be right maybe that I a hundred percent Think Justin's right. I a hundred percent people buy right now, but he could be right. Maybe that's I a hundred percent think Justin's right. I a hundred percent people buy I think people buy that shit. It's so weird. I heard a new one, Duncan Trustley was on Joe Rogoz podcast. He's talking about like people getting stuck in the mud as a fetish. What? Yeah, like you get stuck in the mud and like, yeah, like, like,
Starting point is 00:21:39 like, they could get off on that. What? Some reason because they're like, I'm in the mud. I can't get out. Humans are like, what? Humans the mud. I can't get out. Humans are weird. We're so weird that we get into weird shit. Now, do you guys subscribe to like, let me finish here.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Do you guys subscribe to like, like Freudian theories that it's like some childhood thing that causes something that happens to you. It's an imprint. Yeah, it's an imprint that happened. was that causes something that happens to you are imprint. Yeah, it's an imprint that happened. So when they were kids, the first time they orgasmed and they were trapped in the same thing. No, like their parents were having...
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah, monster-trip parents were having sex in the mud while they were fucking sitting there playing with their toys or some shit. That's what it is, right? Isn't it something like that? Don't you might do not subscribe to those theories? It may be. Maybe. I do.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Well, I mean, it coming from somewhere. It's got to come I do. Well, I mean, it's coming from somewhere. It's got to come from somewhere. Well, here's number five, armpits. Yeah, apparently armpits is a fetish. Number six, balloons. Oh, balloons? Yeah, balloons. What did you like about them?
Starting point is 00:22:38 I don't know, I'd still like them. You actually don't like pop on right away. Really? Yeah, that's a fetish. So now, like, okay, now name a state and I'll tell you one of the top fetishes in that state. Well, compared to that are like really different. Like give me like a Texas versus California.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Let us guess. You say the fetish, we'll try and guess the same. Well, so Alabama, I don't even know what this is. Yani egg, I don't even know what that is. Y-O-N-I egg. What is that? You don't know. Yeah, Gully, a Yani egg.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah, Y-O-N-I and then egg. That's Alabama's fetish. I have't have to eat that. You don't have to eat that. Yeah, gulia, gionni egg. Yeah, why oh, and I, and then egg. That's Alabama's fetish. I have no idea what that is. You know what I want to know? Well, what? Gulia egg. What leads you to these types of articles? What?
Starting point is 00:23:14 I'm looking for content for this. Yeah. You're looking for content for our fitness show and you're like, I'm going to look up porn fetishes. I know. You know what I googled? Am I normal? I'm like, oh wow, I've made the top I googled? Am I normal? I'm not normal.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Oh wow, I've made the top 15 with my, that's a Yani egg right there? So what does it do? You explain it. You put it inside your, oh it's one of those. Is that one of the things that you put inside her then you can control and vibrate?
Starting point is 00:23:38 It's a polished stone in the shape of an egg, inserted into your vagina, and they're believed to be Chinese and origin used by concubines of the emperor for youth, sexual prowess and vitality. What if it doesn't come out? Yeah, you know, you just put it in and it will, you go to the doctor. It's a big ass egg.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I would think you'd really get that out. Maybe, I don't know. It's like people that put bottles up there and stuff like that. Like those come out. Wow, Yeah. It's discussed all right So California. It's a new one for me. So California's is wax play Wax play is like your brain candles and like dripping it on your nipples apparently. It's up. That's pretty specific Yeah, I mean, I was like you know hypothetically I like this game where it was very revealing about your eyes right now.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Keep going here. Let's see. I just know. So Texas is whipping. So that's for, that's for, like 10. Yeah, for Texas. Yeah, why is that makes sense?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Nevada armpits. That's armpits came from Nevada. Apparently they're big into the armpits. I know what that is. That's freaky. New Hampshire sounding. What is sounding? Look up sounding fetish dog
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah, when you're getting the BJ I'm just guessing Just it knows a lot yeah a lot coming out right now guy. I'm gonna see what's out. Oh Ducks wants to throw up over there pull it up. No, are you gonna make a skin a shock? Don't put up images though. Doug. Fuck is it images? No, what is it images? Sounding? No. What is it?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Would you put a rod down your penis for sexual pleasure? Oh. That's where is it? What's that called? Sounding. Oh my God. That's a hamster. I'm way off in.
Starting point is 00:25:17 No, thank you. Wow. So I guess you put it in there. Oh. And then they make it vibrate. So does, does that, I think it's just going in there. No, sounding means I think they make it in there. And then they make it vibrate, so it does, does that. I think it's just going in there. No, sounding means I think they make it vibrate.
Starting point is 00:25:28 You know, you hit like a metal rod and it was, boom. Wow. That's a terrible. In the peole. I just showed you how big we are as a society. That there's, you know what I'm saying? Like first of all, who was the first guy that said,
Starting point is 00:25:43 I'm gonna try and stick this rod in my penis. And vibrate it or put sound to it. And oh wow, this feels good. Now let me share this with as many friends I can and find. And it becomes a thing. And then it becomes a new hamster. Yeah. Everybody's certain.
Starting point is 00:25:55 They all move there. Wow. Have you guys tried this? No, dude. It just sounds bad though. I don't understand why somebody would even try that. Yeah. Doug's still looking at reading.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I can see that. I can't read it. You know, I always love when Doug pulls stuff out of the TV because it gives away, because all the advertising that gets hit, like I always make stuff out of it. Like you see Juve, then you see like Laundry for plus sizes, Doug. What do you mean? What have you been searching lately? I like those.
Starting point is 00:26:18 That's true, the ads do follow. They do, like, see their Organifi green juices on there, you've got the Juve light, so that's good, Doug, that you're searching in our brands. But then also you have lingerie for those plus sizes. What's that all about? Everything in that one column is associated with the page I'm on. Everything on the far right is associated with me.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Sure. Oh, sure. Sure. Just so you know. Doug's ordering plus size. It's like, let me look up this horrible thing like sounding. And next thing I know, I've always weird stuff following me. Oh, Doug.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Flip it over, Doug. I don't want to see what the sounding is anymore. I don't want to see. It's funny how he's a banana to demonstrate. Dude, I got a new show I wanted to recommend. You guys, have you ever watched what we do in the shadows like the movie? It's with vampires.
Starting point is 00:27:03 It's like total satire, it's hilarious. Anyways, they have a TV show like it's on YouTube, it's another original, but oh my God, it's so funny. There's this vampire on there too, so they try to like, the roommates or whatever, and it's basically one of them, they have it, they call them an energy vampire. So he's just like this normal kind of bald guy
Starting point is 00:27:27 with glasses and he goes into like offices and stuff and he just keeps, he talks and he's really boring and people are around him like, oh yeah. And then you start getting like just drained because he's just stealing all your energy. It's just, the concept is so funny dude. And he gets more powerful like the more, you know, boring more you know boring
Starting point is 00:27:45 You know he you been getting I know people like that. Oh my god. It's going down the Larius the YouTube rabbit hole. It sounds like like you've been watching a lot of the originals on there that you finding good stuff They're they're coming out with some good content man like I like the only thing they had before that was the Cobra Kai series which I loved that but Yeah between between this and in the AI one I recommended last time, like it's, dude, they're starting to hit some hits out there. Dude, I know somebody like that, that we all know, I'm not gonna say any things, but that we talked to this person.
Starting point is 00:28:17 This sucks, that sucks. And they, and you know, what, what's supposed to take 60 seconds? Like it's a 60 second, you gotta tell me, you gotta tell me two sentences. I got it, let's do this. It's a 45 minute conversation. So anyway, hear me out, and then we're gonna do this. And then we're gonna do that. And here's a graph, and then cornflower blue,
Starting point is 00:28:36 and you know, like they just keep going, and then you're like, oh, yeah. And you know what I do? He's just getting powerful, and he starts floating, because everybody's so fucking boring. You know what I've actually done with people like that, when they talk to me like that, I interrupt them, and you know what I do? He's just getting powerful. He starts floating, you know, because everybody's so fucking boring. You know what I've actually done with people like that when they talk to me like that? I interrupt them and they say,
Starting point is 00:28:49 so to make a long story short, I'll actually say that to them. It's like, or I'll paraphrase. That's where you need that music. You know, remember that, and then like a cane pulls them off. Do you guys remember, again, I'm not gonna say names
Starting point is 00:29:01 because people know who this person is, but do you remember that friend of ours that had that fitness business idea? Oh god Adam Adam went to meet with him because he was gonna present it to Adam Yes, and Adam comes back. I don't know how long you met with him for an Adam goes three hours Yeah, three hours three hours three hours I was longer that and and it was this was when we were all first getting together right So we're really kind of like learning each other just and I, fuck, maybe I'm the dumb one, the group.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And I need my partners to take a look at this because this is, I don't know what it is. Yeah, it's not registering for me. So you send Justin and I, and hour and a half into the conversation. Maybe they can figure it out. Yeah, I'm sitting there, I still have no idea what your product is.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You're just talking about it, but I have no, till this day, I still don't, I had to stop them. I said listen, you probably have a good idea. I could probably, you're just talking about it. I have this day till this day. Yeah, I still don't I had to stop them I said listen you probably have a good idea I'm a good guy probably and you got money you work hard. I said, but I if you're telling me and I'm in fitness And an hour later I have no idea what it is. Yeah, you're not gonna be all sell to anybody else Yeah, that's the that's one of the biggest mistakes people make is they can't they have a product or something they can't Explain it you say what is your what is your product? Do and it's one of the biggest mistakes people make. They can't, they have a product or something, they can't explain it. You say, he's like, what is your product, do? And it's like a 45 minute conversation.
Starting point is 00:30:09 You should be able to tell people in like a minute, you're less than a minute. Exactly what it does. I think an elevator pick. It'd be interesting to see the stats on that. You think because you're in the space that you know best, but sometimes you're your own worst enemy because of that. Because you know too much.
Starting point is 00:30:25 You know so much that you don't, I mean, I just had to, I did that red dog talk. And I think this is the plus side of what's going on with COVID, and I shared that. I said, I don't want to be all doom and gloom because I started to talk about that like how I think it's just gonna forever change fitness and that a lot of these businesses are gonna go under
Starting point is 00:30:46 and a lot of bad operators are gonna be exposed. But the reality is I think a lot of fitness people have been speaking to the wrong audience for a long time. We knew this when we came into this space, I thought, you know, we're all fighting over all the people that already love coming to the gym. And we know that it's like less than 20% of the population. So we're all fighting over than 20% of the population.
Starting point is 00:31:05 So we're all fighting over the smaller piece of the pie and debating over who can help those people out the best. And I'm going over here going like, well, fuck talking to those people. I'm not gonna fight over those people. I'm gonna go help all the other people that think this isn't for them because you guys have overcomplicated shit so much. Yeah, they call that Doug pulled it up the curse of knowledge.
Starting point is 00:31:22 When you know so much about something that you assume that the people you're talking to will know the basics of what you're talking about. So you communicate it different. You're in it every day too long to where like all those little details matter and like, doesn't matter to your average person. No, so this is what I loved about personal training so much
Starting point is 00:31:38 and why I find so much value in it because if I didn't train everyday people, it would be very easy for me to talk and assume people knew what I was talking about. Hey, you know when you do a back step lunge, and I'm assuming the person knows what a back step lunge is, or if I say the word resistance training, I'm assuming the person knows what resistance training means
Starting point is 00:31:57 or tension or hypertrophy. How many times have you heard of fitness professional? You said. Talk about hypertrophy to everyday people. They have no idea what you're talking about. You have to speak at a much, much different level. Otherwise, you can't communicate your ideas effectively at all.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I think that's a lot of that. It's an ego, right? That's a lot of that is we compare ourselves to all the other professionals in our space. And you see this even at the highest levels, like with the doctors and stuff. Like they end up getting into these conversations and it's like, wow, you levels, like with the doctors and stuff, like they end up getting into these conversations and it's like, wow, the people that you're helping,
Starting point is 00:32:29 you're speaking so far over all of them. And the desired outcome is to truly help the people then maybe you would find a better way to communicate versus. Well, some people get off on that. Yeah, like they're leadist about it. Like, oh, they just wanna maintain this upper echelon status over people
Starting point is 00:32:45 or everybody else. Like, you know, they'll come around and figure it out. Yeah. Well, if your goal is to confuse people and make people think you know a lot of big words, then that's good. Right. If your goal is to influence people and communicate your ideas, then that's bad. Right. In order to communicate effectively, they have to understand that's like the rule number one. You know, how do you communicate effectively? Rule number one, they need to understand you. You know what I'm saying? Dude, I mean, they forget that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:10 There's this show, a new show, it's not a show, it's like a documentary kind of, on that presentation for me. Yeah, well it's about, well, fuck you guys. No, I'm not actually, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm sorry, I take that. First you don't notice the half a quarter inch I gain in my arms, you make fun of my hair. You that first. You'll notice the half a quarter inch again in my arms
Starting point is 00:33:25 You make fun of my hair. No, so this is there's a there's a building back there's a documentary on Psychedelics and the interview. Did you see this? I saw the trailer, but did you actually watch it? I watched some of it right so the interview celebrities and the celebrities share their Psychedelic experiences, which I think is first off, very interesting, second off, as a father, I'm watching this and as a dad, I'm like, this is coming across really pro taking these things, you know what I mean? Because you hear these libraries tell these
Starting point is 00:33:54 glowing stories and of course, was it sting was on there and he's like, even my really bad experiences were good. I'm like, that's a terrible, that's a terrible way to communicate this. But did you guys know this is, so trip off this, did you know that blind people, if they take LSD can experience visual hallucinations?
Starting point is 00:34:12 What? Yes. That's wild. Well, obviously it's coming from the brain and it's a different place. It's not coming from processing through the eyes, obviously. So if they take LSD, they'll see visual hallucinations. Do they see like fractal geometric shapes?
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yeah, it would be that it wouldn't see like actual visions. No, they're not like they're not seeing. Yeah, well, obviously they never, they've never saw a mind. They think so. Maybe I have no idea, but they do get visual hallucinations when they take those substances. I want to know what they're reporting with that.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Like what, if they've never saw anything, what is it? You know, how would you explain it if you've never seen before? Maybe it's future. That's too hard for me to comprehend. Isn't that weird? Yeah, but then, you know, and then the way they talk about psychedelics in this,
Starting point is 00:35:01 you know, and it also, you know, this is a subject that I get very interested in. Just the way that they affect the brain, and did you know that there's not a living thing that we haven't tested with, like LSD for example, that doesn't get affected by it, give it to a fish, give it to a spider, give it to a dog, and now whatever, every single living thing that we've tested, it's a spider on now. Well, is it, isn't that? They do, they spend webs on on LSD and then they'll analyze the webs. Did you ever seen this? No, that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yes, they're like YouTube. That's an old that's an old I think the first ones they did when the 60s remember that the government had a lot of some pig. No, the government had a lot of let's web. Wow, that was good, dad. I know. That was really good right there. I'm not even there yet. What are some of the other words that he put? Like it was like a spectacular song. But they would have spiders in there.
Starting point is 00:35:51 They put them on LSD or they put them on other drugs and then they look at the spider webs, a beddugs pulling in our brains. Well, Charlotte's webs was supposed to be high in that book, you know, all those children's stories, they always have some like weird, like, underlining issues. Definitely Dumbo.
Starting point is 00:36:04 If you guys go back and watch Dumbo, like there's a moment where they ate something and then they tripped balls. Yeah, Dumbo, Alson, Wonderland. There's a lot of kids. Pinocchio, yeah, they have like drug references in him. I wonder if Charlotte, to look at that up. Look at me.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Charlotte, look at the web there, the top one. Normal and then LSD. Do you see the two? Bottom one's marijuana. The bottom one's marijuana. You could tell too, the top one. Normal and then LSD. Do you see the two? Bottom one's marijuana. The bottom one's marijuana. You could tell too. The bottom one got lazy. Yeah, it's totally, I didn't finish the job.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Did it finish the job? He did it at first and he's like, I have fucking, that looks like a raise of like from a son. Doug, look up Charlotte's web. Do they do psychedelics in Charlotte's web? No, just a drug, underlining drug story or whatever. Like, see what's, yeah... Drug references and children's cartoons. How about that?
Starting point is 00:36:46 Well, then you're gonna get all of them. I just wanna show you some Charlotte's web because now I'm, you know, I'm curious. I don't think so. Mm. I don't think that they referenced, I don't, I wouldn't be surprised. But you are right about Dumbo.
Starting point is 00:36:56 They literally eat something and then trip balls and then Alice on Wonderland of course, that's a real. There's a lot of that stuff. There was a show in the 70s called H&R Puffin Stuff. That's a real show. So H-R Puffin Stuff, H-R stands for probably Hand-Rolled. And it's this kid, this is a show for kids. And this, I think it was in the 70s, okay?
Starting point is 00:37:22 And it's this kid that gets a magic flu, looks kind of like a pipe. He plays it and then he goes to a land with big nuggets, a Merrill one and mushrooms, with a look how high his health. This was a kids show. The cartoon's really weak. Right there, right there. Lewis, H and R puffing stuff, you gotta pull up, just pull up. Oh, yeah, that muppet looking guy looks so high. Yeah look at the
Starting point is 00:37:47 game like dark circles. Yes, and the way the kid goes to this magic land is by playing this flute looks like a pipe. He's like hey man follow me. Yeah look at him. It looks like a total stoner. Yeah, this was an actual kids show. Yes, I feel like in those stoner. This was an actual kid's show. I feel like in those days, the writers and producers, we're like, they're like, let's see what we can do. Yeah, this will be funny.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Do you puff the magic dragon? I mean, that whole song. You would do though, right? If you're like, that's what you did for a living for like 20 years of your life, like right children's stories, you're like, you know what, fuck it, let's have some fun with this. Yeah, let's have some fun.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I mean, the creativity, right? Like, yeah. Yeah, see, I get it. And it literally says they're tripping down psychedelics 60, oh, it's the 60s, 60 Saturday morning. So it was all about that. Yeah. So funny. Well, that was a big part of the culture back then. So this quas brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods
Starting point is 00:38:47 to help give your health a performance-the-added edge. Try Organified, totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organified.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Chats with Gabby. How do you lose fat without losing muscle? I love this question because this should be your goal if you're trying to burn body fat. Your goal should not be lose body fat and then whatever else happens is all good.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Your goal should be lose body fat, preserve muscle or in really, really perfect situations, gain muscle. Now, why would you want that? If you keep your muscle, you're less likely to have the negative metabolism adaptation. What I mean by that is when you lose weight and lose muscle, metabolism starts to slow down, which makes further weight loss or further fat loss more difficult. It also makes the fat loss that you did get more difficult to maintain. So you want to keep muscle because it helps promote a faster metabolism, which means you burn more calories all the time.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And it's protective. I mean, you get more strength from it, but their findings do those studies too about, the immune system and everything else, like how protective it is to acquire more muscle. You get more strength from it, but they're fine as through those studies too about the immune system and everything else, like how protective it is to acquire more muscle. This is also why it's very important that you build the metabolism up by increasing calories before you decide to go in a cut, because if you get a client who is only eating 1800 or 2000 calories and they have a long way to go fat loss wise and they come to you and they want to do that
Starting point is 00:40:25 And then you dramatically cut them to say and that's not dramatic. There are 1800 1500s on dramatic at all So you cut them down to 1500 or 1400 calories What ends up happening is sure they might lose body fat because but that's not enough calories to support the muscle that they need on their body Either so you end up losing both muscle and and body fat at the same time and then that's where you see someone who loses. This used to happen a lot. I remember when I used to have the hydrostatic way come to the gym all the time and we'd have them do all of our clients that our trainers were training and you'd get trainers and this would happen a lot especially when they're a newer trainer and they haven't learned this lesson yet.
Starting point is 00:41:03 They'd have a client that they, you know, through on cardio, cut their calories like crazy, and, you know, they lost them 15, 20 pounds into the client celebrating, they're celebrating, they did a great job, then they go do the hydrostatic way, and then the person comes back with a higher body fat percentage. And they go, and they go, and they go, like, it's the last way?
Starting point is 00:41:18 Yeah, and then the client's, like, this has got to be wrong, the trainer's questioning if the hydrostatic way is correct or not, no, it is, and that's what happens when you cut too hard and you're not at a good sustainable place, calorie wise, you're not feeding the body enough nutrients to hang on to the muscle mass that you have and you're telling the body
Starting point is 00:41:37 to adapt to a lower cow. So it pairs down muscle, it says, okay, it's too expensive to keep this muscle mass on my body because they're feeding it so low of calories that yeah, sure it does use and burn fat as fuel because you're not giving it very much fuel but then it also pairs down muscle because you're not feeding enough nutrients.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's 100% your, the reason why you lose muscle when you die is because your body's purposely trying to slow down its metabolism. It's purposely trying to run on less calories because you're feeding it less calories. Now this happens almost every time. What I mean by that is almost every time you cut your calories, your metabolism starts to try to slow down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:42:16 It's a normal adaptation. Nothing necessarily wrong with it. But again, if it happens too much, you put yourself in a bad situation. Now how do you prevent this from happening? Well, the number one thing you do is you lift weights. but again, if it happens too much, you put yourself in a bad situation. Now, how do you prevent this from happening? Well, the number one thing you do is you lift weights, and you lift weights in ways that promote muscle growth
Starting point is 00:42:34 and strength. So what I mean by that is you don't lift weights in ways to burn tons of calories. So if I'm lifting weights and I'm just going, doing tons of circuits and going from one exercise to the other because I'm just, I want to burn body fat, I just want going doing tons of circuits and going from one exercise to the other because I want to burn body fat, I just want to burn tons of calories. You are sending somewhat of a muscle building signal but not a super loud one. The best thing to do is to build muscle and build strength or try to while cutting your
Starting point is 00:42:57 calories. What this does is it tells the body, okay, we're not getting enough calories, we need to burn fat for fuel, weight should we pair down muscle? No, we need this muscle because we're getting a strong signal from actions that we need muscle and we need strength. By the way, studies are clear on this. When people die without exercise, it's about half muscle that they lose. When they lose 10 pounds, it's usually around five pounds of muscle, five pounds of body
Starting point is 00:43:23 fat. This is totally, this is exactly what will happen if you don't lift weights properly while you're cutting your calories. You know, this question reminds me of a great conversation that we had with our good buddy, Jason Phillips. In fact, this is when we really hit it off with him is when he did such a good job on that episode
Starting point is 00:43:40 that we interviewed him of explaining this and how common it is. And honestly, a lot of coaches aren't privy or aren't savvy to coach through this or know what to do. And that's one of the things I love about NCIs. This is one of the most important things that Jason tries to teach to all of his coaches underneath him. And when we had that episode with him,
Starting point is 00:44:00 this was, we went deep into this conversation. So if you're listening to this and you have more questions and you want more detail, refer back to that episode that we did with Jason Phillips and check out NCI because this is something that they speak to a lot and they help coaches and trainers figure this piece out, which I think was one of the more challenging things for me
Starting point is 00:44:18 because most of my career, that's what I was teaching other trainers and then this is what would happen. They would, they would cut their clients and then they would see the body fat percentage go up and I'd have to constantly be reminding them that you know you've got to take this a lot slower, more methodical approach because you know now we have the tools to be able to check and pay attention to that. In the past before all these tools existed you would think that you were a successful trainer
Starting point is 00:44:40 client lost 20 pounds. They came in that's what they want to do. They want to lose 20 pounds. But if you made them fatter, you weren't that successful. And people, it doesn't constantly be in their ear reassuring them, this is the right approach. And that doesn't compute to the average person, we just talked about learning to communicate this, right?
Starting point is 00:44:54 You say that to an average person, that, wait a second. How can I lose 20 pounds on the scale, but get fatter? Well, it's because you didn't technically add fat to the body, you have a higher percentage of fat because you lost muscle. Because you lost more muscle than you actually lost body fat. So 10 pounds of body fat on a 100 pound person is 10% body fat. 10, eight pounds of body fat on a 70 pound person
Starting point is 00:45:19 is a higher body fat percentage, even though there's still less fat because there's less lean mass overall. Here's the second thing you need to do if you want to prevent losing muscle. Eat a high protein diet. So even though you're in a calorie deficit, you still want a higher percentage of your calories coming from protein. Studies are consistent on this. A high protein diet reduces the amount of muscle that's lost in diet.
Starting point is 00:45:42 And when you lift weight along with a high protein, then the odds are higher that you might actually even build muscle. So number one, lift weights to build muscle, build strength, while you're on your calorie deficit. Number two, you need a high protein diet that'll help a lot. And here's number three, I don't think it's a good idea to go too extreme in fat or carb cutting. In my experience, flattening out carbs, going zero carbs, unless it's helping you health wise and you have food and tons of like that,
Starting point is 00:46:13 going too low of carbs in my experience with clients over time starts to reduce the ability of to build muscle, even preserve muscle. Now, studies aren't clear on this. They're necessarily support this. This is just my own personal experience. I don't have anything wrong with low-carb diets necessarily, but if they're too low for too long, I have seen people start to lose muscle. Well, in the behavior of that too, when you go reintroduce them and how like excessive it gets after that.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Next question is from cams. I've been looking into a second source of income and nutrition has been a heavy interest to mine the last couple of years. Are there any online programs you guys know of that are credible? We just mentioned it and Adam mentioned it briefly in the last question we just answered. NCI is one of our favorite online certification courses
Starting point is 00:47:04 run by Jason Phillips. The reason why we like them is because of course their information is accurate, but more than that, they actually teach you how to coach clients online. They teach you the process of coaching, how to help them with nutrition. So one of the big, I guess one of the big problems I would say with online coaching, besides people who are not qualified, let's forget that, that's obvious. Is that you have people who understand nutrition? They just don't know how to coach nutrition.
Starting point is 00:47:33 They can't speak to the behaviors as much. And I think that you can have all the book knowledge and all, you know, like everything from nutrition, like your background could be, you know, like a degree in nutrition, but it's gonna be nil, unless you're able to communicate all that and be able to convey that to your clients. Well, they're huge on application. This is what, again,
Starting point is 00:47:54 this is one of the things that I really liked about Jason when we first met. Like, you know, there's certifications out there like precision nutrition, which is probably one of the most famous, right? They deal with a lot of pro teams and probably the most profitable nutrition coaching out there. And that was his kind of direct competitor, is him.
Starting point is 00:48:12 And there's no knock on them whatsoever. The information, the science that's behind precision is so, so good. The problem and the knock that he had on it and a lot of coaches do is they get all this overwhelming information and all this overwhelming information and all this great science and all the studies to support all this stuff, but then they don't know how to communicate that and then apply it to a client.
Starting point is 00:48:31 That's Jason picked up where I think they left off and he said, listen, this is where he says, I see there's a huge disconnect from these people that go through this great certification, learn all this knowledge, but then don't know how to apply it to real life clients and that's where he focuses a lot more of that is like, not only does he support and share the science, but then he also know how to apply it to real life clients. And that's where he focuses a lot more of that. It's like not only does he support and share the science,
Starting point is 00:48:48 but then he also says, okay, now that you understand what the studies say and support, a lot of like what we're talking about right now, now let's talk about, okay, you get this type of a client who comes in. How do you handle that? How do you now start to deal with that issue? This was a conversation I had with trainers all the time. It's like, I don't care how much you know. I really don't care how much you know what I care about is how effective you are at Helping your clients change behaviors long-term and the positive that's really the only thing that matters your knowledge
Starting point is 00:49:15 Is what drives what you do? But if you can't influence your clients if you can't train them or coach them Effectively all that knowledge doesn't mean anything. Now, that being said, I will say this, I do think, I don't think with the current situation that's happening right now that the market for fitness and health is gonna go down. I think the market's still gonna stay strong.
Starting point is 00:49:38 I think where people go have fitness, where they look for coaches, where they look for trainers, is gonna change. The market's gonna look different, but there still is a market demand for coaches and trainers. And so I think you're going to see a potential surge in online coaching, in particular, online nutrition coaching. I just see that start growing. So do I think this is a good potential
Starting point is 00:50:03 second source of income? I do, you gotta do a good job, of course, but I definitely do. And again, I think it's gonna grow. I mean, what do you guys think about that? I agree. Yeah, I definitely think that, when you've seen that with Zoom calls
Starting point is 00:50:14 and the way people are meeting, it's all virtual now. So I mean, that's a pretty seamless transition. I would think for somebody to even, even personal training coaching, I think is gonna be a lot more visible online, you know, going forward. All right. Our next question is from Catherine B. Fitt. I know the difference between flexibility and mobility, but what are the differences between
Starting point is 00:50:37 flexibility and mobility drills? Okay. So, they say they know the difference. If you know the difference, then you'll know the difference between the drills. Okay. So flexibility is just range of motion. How far you can take a muscle through it's full range of motion.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Like how much how far I can versus active. Right. So how far can I touch my toes? How much can I stretch my hamstrings? Mobility is control and stability within a range of motion. Okay, so just because I have the flexibility to do the splits,
Starting point is 00:51:09 doesn't mean I have the mobility within the splits. Okay, a good example of this is a baby. You take a baby, babies are very flexible. You can take their little legs and bend them back and they often will suck on their toes and do, you know, whatever, but they have very poor mobility, in the sense they don't have that stability and strength. Another fetish.
Starting point is 00:51:28 That's it. I'm really revealing my say, a drip that wax on my nipples, why it's sucking my toes. Oh. So much being revealed about you today, guy. Hey, you know, I just wearing. The yellow toe.
Starting point is 00:51:41 No, so it's, so flexibility is just that range of motion. So the drills, of course, are going to be geared towards both of those. So what are flexibility drills? Static stretching. Yep. Static stretching would be a flexibility drill. I'm just looking to increase my range of motion. What is a mobility drill look like? Mobility is connecting through its tension. It's connecting through those ranges of motion. So like we have our maps, prime webinar coming up, which is free and Justin actually teaches that class, teaches you how to prime your body, does a self-assessment. In that webinar, in that class, you are going to experience what it means to connect rather
Starting point is 00:52:19 than just stretch. Totally different, totally different level of effort, but the results are, look, flexibility is, flexibility can mean you're in unstable. Mobility means you're stable. So there's not even a competition between the two. What you want is mobility. Flexibility can lead to improved mobility if you do the right stuff with it, but on its own,
Starting point is 00:52:39 it can lead to different. Yeah, it's a different mentality and I kind of mentioned passive versus active. So like if you've been in certain types of yoga classes where they're trying to get you to really relax and breathe and calm your system and find yourself into these positions by relaxing the central nervous system, it's a totally different technique than mobility where I'm really trying to gain access to where I'm squeezing my muscles and some of Basically, I'm trying to create lift so if I'm trying to lift my arm trying to lift my legs, but I'm not I'm just squeezing my muscles to act as if I'm about to move and so that I have access to that now
Starting point is 00:53:16 So if I were to get in that situation and being that position with my body I have the strength to dig my way out. Well another example example, and referring to the webinar that you did that goes live on Saturday is the windmill, right? So, we're all, if you've played sports, and even if you haven't played, everyone has seen the memory in PE. It's cool to cross your leg, hang over, and stretch your hamstrings, right? Like that, it would be a static, like Justin's talking about, where you're working on flexibility. You just hang over there for 30 seconds and you stretch the hamstrings. A mobility drill that's going to help with not only flexibility, but
Starting point is 00:53:52 also strength and control, a mobility drill would be like the wind meal. So the wind meal is going to gain the same access that you're, you're talking about with like the hanging, hanging over stretch, but then you also get strength and control through the full range of motion. So just in teaches, you know, the windmill and how to break that down with Doug on Saturday, but then that's the real difference. That would be an exercise that is a mobility drill
Starting point is 00:54:15 versus just crossing your leg over and hanging in stretch. So I think I have an analogy, hanging there with me. I think this will work, but you guys remember walkie talkies back in the day? Yeah. So if you don't know what a walkie talkie is in your list, but you guys remember walkie talkies back in the day? Okay, so if you don't know what a walkie talkie is and you're listening, which you might actually not know with that is, this is before cell phones
Starting point is 00:54:31 and they were things you would talk into, they have an antenna, and if there's certain distance apart, you'd be able to communicate with your friends and they're super fun, and there's expensive ones that the military would use, but they would actually go miles. Yeah, a mile or two miles away, where I could, like a cell phone, except it's not pinging off cell phone. I think a metro even had that as an option.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yeah, like I had a button on your cell phone you could do that. Yeah, so walkie talkies, I'd talk in one end, my voice comes out in the other, and then we'd have to be a certain distance apart. Okay, so once you move outside that distance, the walkie talkies can't reach each other, and I can't communicate with my friend.
Starting point is 00:55:04 When you stretch past a certain point, your central nervous system can't connect to the muscle. It's off. There's no control and stability. So imagine if you have these two walkie-talkies, I move them apart, move them apart. Uh-oh, I can't hear Adam anymore on the other end. So now what I do is I push a button
Starting point is 00:55:18 that sends a stronger signal to establish a new connection. Now I can talk to him at this distance. Now we move further apart. Uh-oh, we lost connection again, send a stronger signal, new connection. Now I can talk to them at this distance. Now we move further apart. Uh-oh, we lost connection again, send a stronger signal, establish connection. This is what you're doing with mobility. You're working in new ranges of motion where you don't have control and stability,
Starting point is 00:55:35 but the way you gain that control and that stability is by connecting, you have to connect with your central nervous system. Then when you do this enough times, you establish a solid connection. Now you've gained mobility. That's the big difference. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I love that. Almost ramp water there, but you can. No, he dug his way out. Yeah, like you can kind of hear your friend, but then you know, becomes clear later. And that was next tell, not Metro. Oh, it was next tell? Yeah, damn it.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Next question is from Griff 378. When taking a protein shake before bed, do you think casing really provides more benefits due to its slower digestion rate than way? This is funny. I felt like we used to talk about marketing. Well we used to talk a lot about questions. We don't normally pick these questions anymore, so it's good that you brought it back up because I felt like we beat it to death early on.
Starting point is 00:56:25 My four years ago. Yeah, well, so here, so I used to do this when I was a kid. I was a kid. When I was a kid, I was, I need, oh, I need to have all the protein in the world and I would have shake right before bed. I'd actually sit in a alarm to wake me up so I could wake up in the middle of the night and drink a shake.
Starting point is 00:56:42 And okay, so let's forget the casing versus way debate here for a second for before bed. I'm gonna ask a question. Do you think sleep plays a role in muscle building? Okay, the answer to that is yes. Sleep plays a very important role in muscle building. In fact, if you don't have optimal sleep, you will not build muscle in the optimal way.
Starting point is 00:57:04 It's just a fact. Sleep is very, very important for overall health, but it's also important for the muscle-building process. Okay. We have a circadian rhythm that our body has a circadian rhythm, and it uses various signals to tell us when it's time to fall asleep. One of them is light. If you are in bright lights right up until you go to bed,
Starting point is 00:57:25 it might take your brain about an hour to register that the lights are out and now we can start to sleep. So studies show that when people turn out the lights an hour before bed, that they get better sleep than if they're in bright lights. And this is because we evolve this way, right? The sun comes down, less and less sunlight, eventually it's dark, the brain is now prepared, we go and get really, really good recuperative sleep. But there are circadian rhythms in other parts or other signals that tell the circadian rhythm if it's time to go to bed or not, in other parts of the body. One of them is your digestive system. If I eat food, that digestive process tells my body, believe it or not, it's time
Starting point is 00:58:02 to be awake, it's not time to go to sleep. So this is like one of those things, we're like cutting our nose off despite our face. I need protein to build muscle. So I'm going to interrupt the one of the most important things that I could be doing to build muscle, which is get good sleep. So taking a shake or eating right before bed is not a
Starting point is 00:58:26 good idea in terms of having good sleep, which then contributes to muscle growth. I wouldn't not ideal. Yeah, I wouldn't say it's not because here's a thing too, because the argument or devil's advocate with that is, okay, well, if somebody is not hitting their calorie intake or not hitting their protein intake before bed, I would advise to have that, right? If you were, if you were, let's say you're a 200 pound male trying to build muscle and man, you just had a hundred, a hundred gram protein day and it's, should I take, Sal said, don't, it's not ideal to take a shake at 10 o'clock before bed. Well, that person is so low on their protein intake, the benefits that you'll get by adding that probably Trump.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Maybe. Yeah, maybe you're right. I mean, another 30, 40 grams of protein that then will interrupt sleep and prevent, you know, that the it may be negligible. It may be negligible, right? But so it's so I don't think it's necessarily fair to say
Starting point is 00:59:14 it's like a bad idea to eat it. No, it's just this question screams like splitting hairs doesn't matter waste of time, like even discussing it and worrying about it. It's just, it's purely another marketing ploy that supplement companies have done a great job. It's just what we do, what we tend to do is we tend to eliminate the value of everything else we do,
Starting point is 00:59:37 and we only value lifting weights and taking in protein. And so if it interrupts sleep, that's okay. It's like, oh, oh my God, if I go to bed right now, I'm only gonna get seven hours of sleep, but I need to lift weight, so I guess I'll get four hours of sleep so I can get a really hard workout. You just killed yourself, you know? Yes, you lifting weight to build muscle.
Starting point is 00:59:55 You're a rob, Peter to pay for. That's what I'm saying, so no, the idea is not to have food right before you go to bed. You should have your last meal at least two hours before you go to bed. It makes a big difference. Studies support this. Okay, but let's forget all that for a second.
Starting point is 01:00:11 The question is, is casing better than way because it digest more slowly when you go to sleep? No, no, stupid. That's a dumb, yes, it does digest slower, but that's not gonna make a big difference just because you're not eating through that. I mean, when it comes to building muscle, there's already been plenty of studies
Starting point is 01:00:27 that support that nothing is better than way, right? Way is the best, right? If you take a protein, it is the way. If you can handle it, and you don't have digestive issues with it like someone like you, nothing is more superior than a way protein. Right, right. And in terms of like, oh, oh, I'm not gonna have food
Starting point is 01:00:41 for eight hours come sleeping, that means I need to have amino acids trickling into my bloodstream to build muscle because if I don't have protein all the time, I'll lose muscle false. You can fast during the day for six hours and not lose any muscle. You can fast for 24 hours and not lose any muscle.
Starting point is 01:00:58 So this is all 100% protein powder marketing where they got you to buy way they closed you on way Now they're like wait a minute. How do we get? How do we because when you get milk by the way milk is way in casing So they take the way off the milk and now you're buying all that and they're like what do we do with this extra protein? How are we gonna spin this all I know casing digest slower? Oh right before bed and when it's ritualized It's before bed. So now you can take it right before bed. We know you can use it all the time. I fell for this.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I had way protein for my workouts, casing for pre-before bed. Then collagen. And then exactly the throw that in. And with that, go to minepumpfree.com and download all of our guides, resources, and books. You can also find all of us on Instagram. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal,
Starting point is 01:01:42 Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Adam at Mind Pump Adam, and Doug the producer at Mind Pump Doug. Thank you for listening at Mind Pump Sal, just in at Mind Pump Justin, Adam at Mind Pump Adam, and Doug the producer at Mind Pump Doug. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:01:56 check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full
Starting point is 01:02:31 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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