Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1304: Ways to Determine If Your Workout Is Ideal for You, How to Cut & Bulk Without Counting Calories, the Pros & Cons of the Ab Wheel, & More

Episode Date: May 30, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether the ab wheel is a gimmick or essential, how to know if you’re getting results because of what you’re do...ing or in spite of what you’re doing, how to stay in shape, cut, or bulk without counting calories, and whether the coronavirus has altered their advice for aspiring trainers. The ultimate get back. (4:54) Mind Pump on the bullies they had as kids, the most likely bully out of the group & MORE. (6:55) Facebook adjusting salaries based on where you live. (25:07) IGTV is now going to start showing ads and pay content creators. The information wars have begun! (29:10) PETA’s very smart move. (34:00) The nutrient-dense value of organ meats. (35:20) The new normal for reopening family theme parks, companies adapting during these times & MORE. (38:13) Fun Facts with Justin. (42:43) #Quah question #1 – Is the ab wheel a gimmick or essential? (44:07) #Quah question #2 - How do you know if you’re getting results because of what you’re doing or in spite of what you’re doing? (46:44) #Quah question #3 – I know Sal has talked about being an intuitive eater. How do you go about staying in shape, cutting, or bulking without counting calories? (52:00) #Quah question #4 – Would you alter your advice for aspiring trainers to start their career in a big box gym due to industry changes due to the coronavirus? (59:35) Related Links/Products Mentioned May Promotion: MAPS Starter ½ off! **Promo code “STARTER50” at checkout** Special Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “WHITE50” at checkout** Billions Love and Logic Institute, Inc Facebook employees may face pay cut if they move to cheaper areas to work from home Instagram prototypes letting IGTV creators monetize with ads Shareholder Activism: PETA Takes a Seat at These Meatpackers’ Tables Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “Mindpump15” at checkout for 15% discount** Walt Disney World proposes July 11 for phased reopening, later than other Florida theme parks AutoNews Now: Ford cranks up heat in cop cars to kill coronavirus Ab Wheel- How to PROPERLY Use an Ab Wheel | MIND PUMP TV Intuitive Eating: What is it and is it Right For You? - Mind Pump Blog Intuitive Nutrition Guide | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump Podcast - YouTube MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Enzo Coglitore (@enzocog)  Instagram Jonathan Alvarez | Coach (@jonalva7)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, the world's top fitness health and entertainment podcast, we answer fitness and health questions asked by listeners like you. And the way we open the episode was by talking about current events. We bring up scientific studies. We talk about our lives.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Sometimes we mention our sponsors. So I'm gonna give you the full breakdown of today's Mind Pump podcast episode. We started by talking about the guy who got revenge on his child on the kid who bullied him when he was a kid. Yeah. Boy, best way to do it, right there. Best revenge I've ever heard of in my life.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Then we talk about bullies, bullies that we dealt with when we were kids and how sometimes we acted like bullies too. I may have been one. Maybe for a minute. We talk about how Facebook is gonna be adjusting salaries based on where you live. That's interesting. Adam brought up how IGTV on Instagram
Starting point is 00:01:02 is gonna start advertising on there now. So now as an influencer, you can actually make some revenue about how IGTV on Instagram is gonna start advertising on there now. So now as an influencer, you can actually make some revenue for your IGTV platform wars. I talked about how PETA is buying shares at slaughterhouses like Tyson, just so that they have some influence, which I think is actually a smart movie.
Starting point is 00:01:20 They would know. Smart PETA. Now we did talk about nutrition and nutrients and some of the most nutrient dense foods you'll find on the planet are organ meats. These are organ meats from animals, of course. Now we work with a company called Paleo Valley. Now you may know them for their incredible grass fed
Starting point is 00:01:37 and grass-finished beef sticks. We love them, but they make other products as well, including an organ complex, which has liver, heart, and kidney. So these are capsules with dried organ meats inside of them. You take them daily like a supplement and you get all those amazing nutrients. Now, because you listen to Mind Pump, you get a huge discount. Here is your hook up.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Go to paleovali.com. That's P-A-L-E-O-Valley.com-Fourth-Sash Mind Pump. Use the code Mind, and it'll get 15% off your first order of any of their products. Then we talked about Walt Disney World planning to open in July in Florida. Just them brought up how I guess Native Americans don't have the gene that makes you go bald. That's kind of cool. And also one announcement, we are having a live priming webinar.
Starting point is 00:02:27 This Saturday at 10 a.m. Pacific, so you can go on there, watch Justin teach you at a self-assess, your body, and teach you priming movements. And then at the end of it, Adam Justin and myself will be on their live on video answering any of your questions. You can go sign up at maps, prime, webinar. Come hang out with it. .com. And then we got into the questions, the first question, this person wants to know about the ab wheel.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Is it a gimmick? Does it work really well? We talk all about it in that part of the episode. The next question, this person wants to know, how do you know if you're getting results because of what you're doing, or in spite of what you're doing? The third question this person wants to know all about intuitive eating so intuitive eating is eating in a way that is natural
Starting point is 00:03:17 But also promotes good health a relatively lean and strong body So we talk all about intuitive eating there and then the final question this person wants to know what our advice is for aspiring trainers Around what's going on right now with big box gyms final question, this person wants to know what our advice is for aspiring trainers around what's going on right now with Big Box Gems. Do we still think that it's a good place to start if you're a personal trainer or now that things are so different, what should trainers do or aspiring trainers do? Also, there's only two days left, 48 hours for the 50% off Maps Starter sale. So Maps Starter is a workout program. It's great for the 50% off Maps Starter sale. So Maps Starter is a workout program. It's great for the house.
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Starting point is 00:04:10 your clients virtually. A lot of your clients may be working at home, maybe limited with their equipment. Maps Starter could teach you some really good routines that you can take your clients through. Again, this program is half off. Just go to mapsstarter.com, that's MAPS, S-T-A-R-T-E-R.com, and use the code starter50. That's S-T-A-R-T-E-R-5-0, no space for the discount. Oh, and by the way, if you go to mindpumpmedia.com,
Starting point is 00:04:40 check out our apparel. If you're listening to this episode when it drops, there's a few hours left for our huge apparel sale We're getting rid of everything some stuff is as low as five bucks. Go check it out Did you guys see the video of the the guy on the radio station who slept with his with the bullies mom? Dude you got it. Okay. No, no, no, no, tell me I didn't know the whole story Dude, it's hilarious. You know how radio no, no, no, no, tell me. I didn't know the whole story, dude. So hilarious. You know how radio stations, they do this thing
Starting point is 00:05:07 where they're like, you know, if you have a misconnection or whatever, we'll call the person and set you up or whatever, right? Yeah, yeah. So this woman calls in and she calls in and it talks about how she went on a couple dates with a man 20 years younger than her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And they had a great date and they had her. Who just rocked her world in the bedroom. Lots of sex or whatever She's sharing all this and yeah, and so she's like but he's he's not calling me back He's not messaging me back and so the guys on the radio station like we'll call them We'll find out what's going on. Oh, so they call the dude and then they tell him hey we got someone so in the line You know she she said she had a great time. How come we not calling her back?
Starting point is 00:05:41 And he's like oh man, he goes to some bearer. Yeah, I gotta be honest. He's like, all right, whatever, I don't care. I'll just be honest. He goes, I, I saw the last name on a dating site and I thought, huh, I wonder if she's related to the kid that used to bully the hell out of me in school. Yeah, looked it up, sure enough, it was the mom of the bully. And so he's like, to get back at him. I had sex with this mom. Yeah. He says this on radio, dude. Best story ever. Really?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, that's true. So he banged his bully mom. I know, that's the ultimate. That's the ultimate. I love that. I do, I do. No, that's so awesome. How do you like, you can't hang in your bully's mom?
Starting point is 00:06:25 What happened? What happened? What did she say? Did she say that to her? Yeah, no, it was just happening. They just kind of cut it off after that. Oh my God, that was epic. But think about that.
Starting point is 00:06:35 That's so great. Like, how could you, you can never recover from that? That is the ultimate get back. You know what I'm saying? Like to stoop to his level and just fight him when he get older and whatever, but to sleep with with his mom his mom was all about it, man She wanted to keep going. Yeah, yeah, she liked the anger There's there's there's been something there was there ever kid when you were younger that you know
Starting point is 00:06:55 He was such a shit that even to this day if you think yourself. I ever run into that kid I think I'm gonna yeah do something to him. There was anyone like that. There was one kid like a really Yeah, he just had he had a real distinctive nose like I would pick him out of the of the crowd I think I'm gonna do something to him. Is there anyone like that? There was one kid like that, yeah. Really? Yeah, he had a real distinctive nose. Like I would pick him out of the crowd easily. Now what was his thing? Why was he such a jerk? Cause I mean, I think he was just,
Starting point is 00:07:16 he came from another school and he was trying to kind of like be tough guy, you know, and was like messing with everybody. And like would, one time, he threw a condom at me that was like on the ground. Oh, and I was just, that was just like, no. You know, like, we had to fight. You know, you don't do that shit. And, but then I, I softened up
Starting point is 00:07:39 because he tried out for football, and he fucking sucked. Did you just destroy it and plowed into him? Oh, yeah, I would hit him as hard as anybody's ever been hit. You know, on the fields, I felt like I got my revenge, right? But I still hate his face. So I had, there was this kid that used to, he was like a couple of years older than me,
Starting point is 00:07:57 and he was a big kid. So this one I was like a seventh grade, eighth grade, maybe. Neighborhood kid. And with his friends, he would say things to me to try and get me to respond. But he's with his friends, he's a lot bigger. And one thing that does not sit with me, I just can't deal with this is,
Starting point is 00:08:15 when I feel like I had to back down. So I've had to back down a couple times from him because he had his buddies, and again, he was a lot bigger, but it was just inside of me like one day, you know what I mean? One day I'll get you. One day I can't wait. Anyway, can you just picture sound as backyard pump an iron too? It's nice.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah. Yeah. Practicing kung fu with my mom's, my mom's broomstick, you know? It's hell yeah. Watching credit kit or didn't we all think we knew karate? All of us did. So even though we never had one lesson. This is a great story.
Starting point is 00:08:41 So fast forward, I'm the general manager. Oh my god, that far for. Yeah, so so seventh grade net. Well, I remember I one lesson. This is a great story. So fast forward, I'm the general manager. Oh my God, that far for. Yeah, so seventh grade, well, I remember I was young. I was only like 19 or 20. Yeah, but still seventh grade all the way up to 19. Yeah, what is that, five years? Six years. No, six years, no.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Let's see, turn your hand like 12. Okay. It's like six years later. Seven years, yeah. Seven years later, yeah. Anyway, so. That's still a long time. Yeah, that is.
Starting point is 00:09:04 You're like adolescents, zero years. Yeah, seven grade, and then you're a man by time. Seven years, eight, that month. Seven years, eight Anyway, so. That's still a long time. Yeah, it is. You're like adolescents, zero, you're 70 grade, and then you're a man by time. Seven years ain't that long. You've done some life. But seven years ain't that long right now. You know what I mean? As you're older? Seven years ago, I was yesterday.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah. I guess you're right, though. So anyway, I'm in the gym, and I'm managing the gym, and Front Desk calls me up and tells me that this member has a problem with their billing. And I walk up, and it's the dude. No. Yes, it's him.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Now the, the, the, the remedy, and I don't care. I'm gonna say it now. I don't care anymore. I'm gonna tell the truth. The remedy would have been very easy. I would have just had him pay one month back dues. No problem. Here's your cheap ass membership that you got.
Starting point is 00:09:40 That gives you all club access. You must have got a great deal back in the day. Uh-uh, I looked on the computer and I'm like, wow, you have to sign up for Brad, do you remember shit? Sorry buddy, that's what I could do about that. Do you remember him? Yeah, no, I didn't remember him. Oh, he didn't remember you, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:55 He was just a shitty fuck. And remember, I was like 12, I think he did so many kids. Dude, yeah, maybe. I know that makes me think there's probably some kid that really hates me, you know, from when I was a kid. And you would even recognize him. And you would even fucking with them, yeah, because I fucked makes me think there's probably some kid that really hates me You know from when I was a kid and you would even recognize them. Yeah, cuz I fucked with some kids You know I was a dick sometimes. Where you yeah, I could see that yeah, I feel like you would like I like grew out of that
Starting point is 00:10:14 You know, but it was like because I got picked on a lot too, so you learned your lesson. I did yeah I feel like you would be the meanest of all of us. I was a little bit mean, but I grew out of it. That's not even close, that's for sure. 100%. Yeah, that's not even a question, that is for sure. I'm trying to be honest here, you know? The most likely bully is for sure, yes. Yeah. I think because my personality comes out strong,
Starting point is 00:10:36 but I was a super nice kid, man. I got along with all different walks of life. And I was so small, I was in no place to be a bully, saying like I was a skinny kid that would probably got his ass kicked by a lot of people if I was trying to bully people. So you moved the bit. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I moved around a lot. So yeah, I was in no position to be a bully. I was trying to gain friends all the time. Although I had two major like bullies in my life. Many times I think my whole life, you know, in and out I was teased. That was, to me, I felt that was just part of life and normal, but I had two like bullies,
Starting point is 00:11:13 like people that like, you know, dreading seeing them, you know, in the hallway or he's running into them on the campus or like that that would just drove me crazy. The first two were, when I was really young, I was a, see here, fourth or sort of like that, that would just drove me crazy. The first two were, when I was really young, I was a, let's see here, fourth or fifth grade, and they were eighth graders. I went to a K through eighth school.
Starting point is 00:11:30 They were eighth graders and I was like fifth grade, and they would just, they would pick on everybody, all the younger kids, and, you know, they cornered me in the bathroom and bullied, and that was like kind of the climax of the bullying was they had bullied me all the time, just kind of pushing around teasing. They cornered me in the bathroom one time and they tried to stuff my head in the toilet and I fought back and got roughed up a little bit and then eventually I'm trying
Starting point is 00:11:54 to give you a swirly. Yeah, so. These are the name for it, Justin? Yeah, there is David. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's all of it. The good old story. That's what I heard.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like obviously their technique was definitely. Yeah. She was. They'd be down. That's pathetic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Just it's just take one of me. Yeah. Wow. But my my stepdad caught wind of this. I came home crying. I think that day is cool. And so the next day he he wanted me to point him out You know, so I pointed him out and he fucking scared the shit out of him So that was the last time nice I ever had to deal with those guys and then the next time I had like a bully
Starting point is 00:12:38 It was in high school and I you know I should he wasn't really a bully because he I think a bully no man has to be bigger than you and older than you This guy was actually a grade below me, but he was a wrestler and he like you He'd roll up with like his ten wrestler buddies all time and talk shit. Yeah Those are the worst I hate that. Oh, he drove he drove and I was a real friendly kid, especially in high school Got along with everybody and you know, I was I loved high school So I like it wasn't like his, and this was my one,
Starting point is 00:13:08 and Tithesis, or antagonist, right? Nemesis. Nemesis, right? This one guy who just constantly, and a whole year of this where he constantly, and then it finally, he was probably sweet on you. Yeah, I don't know. No, I think I've shared with it.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Adam was friendly. You did say this. I told you my sophomore year in high school, remember I told you this story, I think I've shared with it. Adam was friendly. You did say this. I told you my sophomore year in high school, remember I told you this story, I think I've talked about on the podcast where my buddy had, one of my buddies had an older brother who was a senior when we were sophomores. And one, Saturday night when we had nothing to do,
Starting point is 00:13:40 but we're playing video games, the upper classmen came over and they picked us up, so let's go, let's get in the suburban, We're going to go paintballing, right? So it's like midnight. And we, the upper classmen were in the driver's seat and the passenger seat and then all of us underclassed sophomores were piled in the back of the suburban. So, we're guilty by association here. And we are driving around neighborhoods, like shooting people with the paintball gun. And one of the houses. You gotta get your rest of these things.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Wow. So, this was the 90s kids. Yeah. Back then shit was a little different. Yeah, it was way different, right? It definitely probably gets shot if you did that set of things. It's just true, too.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Oh yeah. And we did it to, one of the kids that, one of my friends was a sophomore, was one of the fastest kids in school. And he was like the running back on the football team, good friend of mine. They would send him out to go run to doorbells, hit the doorbell at midnight, run back in the car. By the time he got back in the car, they were answering the door and then they would shoot
Starting point is 00:14:37 the people that answered the door. And one of the houses that we went to was like a younger girl. She was like a freshman or an eighth grader at that time. And the paint balls hit her. This is, I know this story because my parents later on, maybe go apologize to the family. So you're just in the back of the truck. Oh yeah, I'm just in the back.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I'm like, I don't have... Now what point were you thinking, was this one of those situations where you're like, oh fuck, like why am I here? Yeah, it was, half that. And then the other half of it, like, you know, I'm not doing it. So, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Like you're, you're, they're doing it. I'm just there and it's my buddy's older brother. So, you know, by no means that I say, let me y'all, I don't want to be a part of this. I definitely wasn't that kid. I was just as guilty. I was there. But anyways, you know, they, the paintballs hit her
Starting point is 00:15:22 and they don't explode. They just, they just, like three of them tag her and she falls to the ground crying. It's midnight, you know, parents come running down, she think, they think she's been shot. It was like this. Yeah, I don't know any of this. I love that night, we just shoot and go, right?
Starting point is 00:15:37 And this happened all night long. But it made the news, like in the newspaper, everything the next day and like, there was rewards out for us and all this shit We're scared at this point. Yeah, I was definitely scared because yeah, man a bounty on you. Oh, yeah No, I actually have clippings for of like times where I've been in trouble like that where there's rewards that were put out for me Yeah, dude I haven't was still have You're on wanted post. Yeah show your kid the scrapbook.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yeah. Oh, dad, is that when you won the wrestling tournament? I don't know. That's when they were looking for me. They couldn't find me. Yeah. The other time we got in big trouble was the sign napping. That's the fact that's what's the article for,
Starting point is 00:16:18 reward for sign nappers. And we went and during election time, so it was around this time where everybody puts the signs and yards. Oh, yeah. We thought it'd be a funny prank, one of our cheerleader girlfriends. We went and like, we had three cars and two of them were, one was a Bronco and two trucks, and we went around the entire town and we collected like every sign we could find. Which literally took hours of work.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Which is theft. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we, and we pile them in and we, and we went and we put, we stuck them in her lawn every single one of them. Yeah, there's like hundreds, bro. We even, like someone even took kicked down one of those big billboard voting signs. We kicked down one from up the side of the main highway road and then put it in against it.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Oh, it was just crazy. You guys need a video game. So they, I was just gonna say that. They, you know, they say technology's bad because kids don't go outside and they, but they're not doing this shit anymore. I know. You know what I mean? Well, we were playing video games.
Starting point is 00:17:13 That's exactly what we were doing when they came and got us. We were playing video games and they're like, let's go. We got a paintball gun. It was like, all right, that sounds cool, you know. The game's stuck back down those, you know. The kid, the kid that bullied me
Starting point is 00:17:25 was the older brother of that sister. And he knew you were in the car? Well, the reason why he knew was because my parents, okay, they went to the same church. This all got around. I got found out that I wasn't where I was supposed to be. So my parents put together what was going down.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And the next day, I had to go to their house and apologize for what happened. Well, that's a good move by my parents. Yeah, yeah, no, it was a great lesson for me of like, now you're target number one. Oh, yeah. So now then the whole rest of the school year, I've got this guy that just, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:56 feels like he needs a protective sister, right? Of course. And, you know, this is hindsight looking back. So I have more empathy and understanding to them as a high school kid. I fuck you. I didn't do anything. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:05 I was just in the back seat. You're gonna single me out and try and punk me all the time, right? So yeah, it eventually leaded up in a year later of me meeting up with a park and like 50 people there and being recorded. I went to shit out of this kid, but I definitely didn't want to.
Starting point is 00:18:19 You know, it was like something I tried to avoid at all costs. I didn't want to fight him over this, especially since I had nothing real. I mean, I was there costs. I didn't want to fight him over this, especially since I had nothing real. I mean, I was there, but I didn't do anything to it. I didn't have any animosity towards this. It does seem like these things happen a lot more when we were younger, probably even more before that.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And it's less and less now. At least it gets treated a little bit differently. I know if you, I mean, could you imagine what they would do to a kid? Shooting paintballs. It's so much more of a night. Yeah. You probably send you to jail.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, no, you would definitely, I mean, you would maybe even during that time if you were like in a city like here, right? Oh wow. Shooting paintballs. It's so annoying. It's so annoying. It's so annoying. Yeah. You probably send you to jail. Yeah, no, you would definitely, I mean, you would, maybe even during that time, if you were like in a city, like here, right? Like, that's, you guys, right? You guys were in a small town. Yeah, we're in a country, right? That's right.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Right, I mean, like the, the, the local sheriff and the five cops that worked there, like, no all the families and everything like that. So it's a little bit different, right? In the small town like that. We're on like water balloons. You know, that's as like hard cores we were doing. Yeah we did we do that too though we had a van and we would take you know the water balloon launcher so two guys would hold it on the end
Starting point is 00:19:13 and then we'd slide open the door and we'd drive by people and pelton with it this is all country stuff right what you do when you're out in the country of nothing is terrible you get three channels on TV out there and what you get to make your own fun. That's terrible. Yeah, kids now just like to play video game. I think I'm okay with that now. Yeah. No, I'm serious. Making the case for it.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Dude, when I think back, you know, I mean, we used to do stupid shit all the time too. And I think back and you forget, right? But you start telling stories like this. Yeah. And now as an adult, because you know, let's be honest, when you're a teenager, especially a teenage boy, your brain's not fully, not fully operating properly, you're not. You're just making stupid decisions all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So as an adult, now if I think back, now that I have a teenage boy as a son, I think what if he did that? And it's totally different. I know. It changes the whole, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Like imagine if your son now was a teenager and he came home and you found out he was knocking
Starting point is 00:20:09 on people's doors and hitting him with no p-p-p-p-p-p-p. Well, this, you know, you don't watch billions, but I know you two, Doug, you guys are, you're on the, you're guys are referring on billions, right? And so one of the last episodes, actually I thought this was the one that you watched with us. We didn't pay attention. We did not. But the, the, his son goes to a, you know, a really, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:27 prestigious, you know, private school. And it gets, he gets in trouble because he's in the basement of the school and he's mining Bitcoin. But like, I mean, the, the idea of what he's doing is brilliant, but it's still theft, you know, saying, and he's, and his dad comes in and he gets into it with like the headmaster who wants to expel him from the school and you know he's thinking Axel the main character. He's thinking, oh my god, it's going to ruin my kid's future potential.
Starting point is 00:20:54 This or that. No way he's going to allow this. So he decides the blackmail, the headmaster to keep his kid in there. And Katrina was asking me like, do you think, because yeah, I mean, I totally, there's a lot of, of axle that I identify with, right? And I can relate to. And she's like, you wouldn't do that. Would you know my kill? No, I was like, I, I make my kid pay for the consequences. They, that's just them building the character and showing that he's flawed and that he has in securities himself that I think that's a terrible lesson if your kid does something like that. And you don't, you know, you don't let them pay for what they've done themselves. Well, one thing that they talk about in that love and logic course,
Starting point is 00:21:29 I was telling you guys, I was taking one thing that they say, I think is really smart, as they said, let your kids face the consequences of their actions now because the consequences are far smaller and not as permanent as when they become older. So it's like, oh, they forgot to study for their tests, they get an F on a test. That's not as big of a deal as them losing their job,
Starting point is 00:21:49 you know, later on with their older, or doing something much more terrible, or making a smart, paying the consequences for not being, making smart decisions when they're seven versus getting into the car with their friend who's a drunk driver, you know, when they're driving type of stuff. I think that makes perfect sense. It's hard as a parent though, right?
Starting point is 00:22:06 Because you don't want your kids to feel any pain or have to deal with any consequences, because it's still sucks. Yeah, you still see that. Well, yeah, your instinct is to want to get involved, but yeah, to be able to refrain from that. So they learn that lesson is, is so much of a better strategy.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah, I think the hard ones have got to be when it pokes at your own insecurities, right? Of course. I mean, I've always wanted to. I'd imagine that would be probably that you guys have maybe experienced this because you guys have kids that are older like. Well, dude, think about this.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I don't know. Imagine if your kid was going to present in front of a group and you're insecure about doing the same type of thing and then they freak out or whatever. They force him to do something. Or maybe you're insecure about sports or something like that and you see your kid playing and they're not good and you want to tell him, no, you they force him to do something. Or maybe you're insecure about sports or something like that and you see your kid playing and they're not good and you wanna tell them,
Starting point is 00:22:49 no, you don't gotta do that, don't worry about it because it's your own. So that's almost always what it is. That thing I'm doing with my son where he forgets a chore. I don't say anything to him. He just sees it in his, because if we share notes on the phone, he just sees on his notes that he owes me $5 to do a forum. And that's actually kind of hard
Starting point is 00:23:08 to do because I want to almost remind him, hey, don't forget to do that. But the idea is you don't remind them. You allow them to do whatever and it cracks me up because I'll just, you know, I'll take out the recycling and whatever. And then I'll put it in the notes, you know, five dollars, you know, you owe me five dollars. And then you'll show up on his phone. And then you'll see you'll hear him, you know, $5, you know, you owe me $5. And then you'll show up on his phone, and then you'll just, you'll hear him, wait a minute, I, oh, okay. So you've been doing this now for a little while now. What are you seeing like a behavioral wise from him?
Starting point is 00:23:35 It's been effective. So the, one of the challenges with having a, you know, raising my kids in two households is that they're, you know, one week at my house, one week at their mom's house. So that means if I do something new, they only get to do it with me for a week, then they go to the mom's house, she may have a totally different situation,
Starting point is 00:23:55 then they come back and it's almost like it takes longer. It takes longer because I can't be consistent every single day, because although we raise the kids and we agree on things similarly, there's still some differences, right? Like she doesn't do that with him. Do you just hear X like what you're up to? I did, but she's not gonna, and I don't expect her to.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Well, yeah, I mean, just so she knows. So what ends up happening is he comes back to my house and he typically will forget a couple times, but then he gets back on it. But now this is the third week, really it's been six weeks, right, because it's back on fourth, but it's a third week with me and I'm not telling him what to do
Starting point is 00:24:29 and he's remembering to do it on his own much more often. So the last couple of times out of the whole week, he only forgot twice. So he owed me 10 bucks, it's $5 each time. Yeah. So this time he's so far forgot once. So we'll see, we'll see how it works. But so far it seems to be working.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Now how is he getting money in order to fun? I did you have a salad or does he have a salary does he have an of a Lounce that you pay him with no he they get money for for birthdays and gifts and stuff that they sent that they save Yeah, so he's got money. So I don't know what will happen when he runs out. That's something I haven't figured out something I haven't figured out. Yeah. What do we get to do? We need to build when he graduates. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Speaking of money, what do you guys think about what Facebook's doing? I have you guys seen that they're going to be adjusting salaries based off of where people live. So there's a lot more if you live in an expensive area, pay less. Well, there's no more paying more. Everyone's already at the cap of what they've been paying. It's going to be a straight cut for anybody. Oh, they're cutting.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And that, so you mentioned an article earlier about how there's this, you know, theory that we're gonna see a lot of people like moving out of Silicon Valley that are gonna be working from home now, and maybe moving to the valley into smaller towns. And so Facebook is going to be adjusting salaries based off of where they go and they live.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And though the job is the same, same experience, same everything, but are now gonna start adjusting incomes based on where they live. I wonder how many people have plans like, oh man, I'm gonna take advantage of this and live somewhere where it's cheaper. Totally. You can get the same revenue coming in. I mean, wouldn't you? I mean, I would, I would, I would ride away if I,
Starting point is 00:25:59 let's sucks for them. If I work for Twitter and Facebook and I now have this option to work from home. Well, so it's, it's good for both parties because the Facebook now saves money on, you know, how having to have these big offices, people work remotely. So that's good for Facebook. It's good for the employee. I get to work from home. It's good for my community. Facebook's going to now pay them less. As a result, I bet a lot of these people don't mind the trade. They might think to themselves, that's okay. I'll get paid less, but now I get to work from home
Starting point is 00:26:26 and I have to go into an office. But this makes perfect sense. That's actually the statistics, actually. So show that. There wasn't that as much as you would have thought there would have been a revolt. There was a decent amount of people or a decent percentage of people that were okay.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I bet you, if companies told their employees, will pay you this much if you come into the office every day or you'll make this much, you'll make less, but you get to work from home every day. I bet you a majority people, more majority people. Well, especially if you know that you could just move 30 minutes to an hour, like an art, and where we live, right, Silicon Valley,
Starting point is 00:27:01 you could literally just drive, you know, 45 minutes, almost any direction and save $2,300,000 on a mortgage. That's a big difference. Yeah, you're talking about a few hundred dollars to a thousand dollars a month that you could be saving just by living outside the town. Now, I'd like to see how they figure this out.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Is it region? Is it small locales? So that's what the article was all about was the difficulty of figure this out. Is it region? Is it small locale? So that's where the article was all about was the difficulty of figuring it out. Yeah, because it can't be city to city. Okay, San Francisco is more expensive than San Jose. So what, if you live in San Jose now, you get paid, I would imagine it's probably bigger than that, right?
Starting point is 00:27:37 Like if you live as far south as Morgan Hill or as far north as whatever, you get paid this. So what's gonna happen is you're gonna see cities like Morgan Hill, San Jose, Gilroy, probably go up in value because all those people who are- Yeah, I was gonna think maybe those go up in value. What do you think the properties closer, in the city would go down a bit?
Starting point is 00:27:56 Maybe the convenience used to be the biggest thing, right? Well, the only thing about that is that there's just still not enough inventory. There's not enough inventory. So it would be different. When you go south like for us, and I know for listeners that don't have any idea about California, this conversation sucks.
Starting point is 00:28:10 But just, I mean, the towns that we're mentioning are, they're not rural, but they're, you know, 30 minutes away from the city and there's land, right? So there's places still to build and construction still to happen. In the heart of San Jose, there's no building. There's no property to build on. You're remodeling houses, but there's no new property.
Starting point is 00:28:28 So there's not room for it to really grow, and there's still enough people wanting or wanting to come in that. I don't think it's gonna reduce prices here at all. I think your theory is right, you'll just see those surrounding cities start. This is a good, believe it or not, this is gonna be a good thing for consumers
Starting point is 00:28:46 and for people who are looking to get work. It's gonna get more competitive. Now, you're not gonna have to move to a place just to get a good tech job. They're gonna seek out further. If you live in areas that typically didn't have lots of tech jobs and you thought, oh, I have to move to Boston
Starting point is 00:29:00 or San Jose or San Francisco or Austin to get a tech job. You're probably, you're probably going to see more opportunities. This is actually a very good thing. Speaking of another really good thing and I'm super excited about this and can't wait. Maybe Doug can look up when it rolls out because I don't remember what I read. But IGTV is now so Instagram, their video, right, their IGTV, is now going to start showing ads. And they're still going to start paying much like YouTube does, where it'd be a rev split.
Starting point is 00:29:32 So right now, like our YouTube channel, when you see the commercial, the minute long commercial or whatever, that you can skip after 15 seconds of it, you know, we make a little bit of money for that. And then obviously YouTube makes more of that money for being able to advertise on all these platforms. They are, Instagram is moving to the same model. So that's really exciting for the content creators that have been on Instagram or have large Instagram plugins or like in our case.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Like I would say the most activity that we have, even though our YouTube channel is bigger per se because we have, I think we're about to roll over 400,000 subscribers. Instagram is just a lot more interactive. Way more interaction. And the algorithm, the way they pay you is on that. It's not just views, it's also view time and how much engagement is going on for videos.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And my theory is that even though we've put a lot of time, money and effort into building a YouTube, I think that the IGTV stories will do better for us in our business. Interesting. Now, I wonder how they're gonna pay. Is it gonna be like YouTube where it's like, how time watch?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Totally. It'll be an algorithm, I think. I don't know exactly what the other. So that to me always was so stupid because you guys know as well as I do that, how well you convert into sales. Yes, views play a role, but really it's about how valuable your channel is and the kind of people are.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Well, the algorithm is factoring that in, right? So, yeah, yeah, so like, you know, you get, and I don't mind you, this is my understanding of it. I'm not an expert in how you two pays people, but from what I understand and what I've read, you know, you get more money if people stay longer, which means the content that you're presenting is more valuable than someone who they dip out in 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:31:13 You get more money there. If people are commenting and asking more questions or interacting with the video, it's gonna get you paid. So view time, interaction with it, even though it's not a direct correlation with, are you good at selling or not selling something, it is pointing in the direction that you're probably providing better content than maybe a competitor because people are listening and talking. This is really cool. We are literally living through
Starting point is 00:31:40 the beginnings of new media really taking over and watching it shift going on. Watching it just develop and turn into, you know, the monsters, I mean, people think they're monsters now. You just wait in 10 years. Oh, man, it's that Rogan deal, like I'm still tripping out on it. A majority of people still in America to this day
Starting point is 00:31:58 get their news from the mainstream broadcast news. Yeah. More people still watch broadcast TV than do new media. Radio still has more people than podcasts, but you know that's going to change. It's moving so fast in the opposite direction. We're looking at five years. I'm either the new standard real soon. And it's going to be very developed and all the big, big marketers and big brands are going to be on new media. And we're kind of living through this. Oh, it's a very interesting time right now to be in the space because you're watching
Starting point is 00:32:26 too, all of them Facebook and Instagram and YouTube and they're all creating their own content that's competitive. You know, like this IGTV thing, that's a direct competition of YouTube. Yeah. You know, I mean, looking at it from our perspective, right? No idea. This was even on our radar. I wasn't even thinking about this.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Now all of a sudden, if our IGTV starts to perform better revenue wise, there'll be very little effort put into continuing to scale the YouTube side of the business, and all of it will be put into Instagram. Totally. So it becomes now, and look at what you have with Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan's science is still now,
Starting point is 00:33:02 is also going to, and by the end of this year, pull off all of this stuff from YouTube, and it'll be to spot a war yeah we're gonna see and and for the Instagram's on by Facebook YouTube is on by Google. Oh boy. Oh yeah so it's the information war. It's beginning and if you're a content creator. It's a really good time to be in here especially if as you're refining your craft and getting better at building your network, eventually these platforms, which we're all offering services for free, if you've done a really good job of building an audience, are going to be fighting for your attention on your time and for you to use their platform. So we're going to start seeing, I think it's going to look a lot like athletes. It's going to be
Starting point is 00:33:46 really interesting. I think you're going to start seeing more and more of these content creators get signed for deals that say, hey, you only are on YouTube. Hey, you're only on Instagram. Of course. Yeah. 100%. Interesting. So speaking of really smart things, I thought this was a very smart move by a company that I don't always usually agree with. So PETA has purchased shares in some of the major US and Canadian slaughter companies, including Tyson, Hormel, and Smithfield. So they bought a bunch of shares in these companies so that they can take on the role of an activist shareholder So owning stock in the companies gives p to the ability to attend annual meetings
Starting point is 00:34:31 Correspond with other shell shareholders according to the SEC rules and urge directly urge CEOs to convert the slaughterhouses To eventually only produce plant-based proteins. So in other words very smart move Yeah, I think this is, right. To the lines then. This is perfect. I love this, not that I agree with them, but I like the way that they're doing that. That's the way to protest.
Starting point is 00:34:52 That's right. To get involved and have a say internally. I think that's real smart. So they're buying a bunch of shares so that they have a voice. And now here's the thing, at the end of the day, it's the consumers that decide. So if Tyson, let's say PETA owns a bunch of shares and they say, let's switch over to this
Starting point is 00:35:09 and they end up losing a bunch of money because consumers like, I don't wanna eat, Franken food or whatever, then chicken, and Furkey, then they're gonna be totally screwed. I thought it was funny. Did you guys see all the pictures that have been going on since the whole COVID thing? And there's always like all the vegan foods
Starting point is 00:35:24 that are all still there, but then all the real meat has been gone. It the whole COVID thing. And there's always like all the vegan foods that are all still there, but then all like the real meat has been gone. People need to be pretty interesting that that's happening, right? People need to understand something. Again, I'm not anti. I'm not a carnivore advocate. I just watched Nate. I didn't afraid.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I think there's value. Exactly. I think there's value in plant foods as well. But this is a fact. This is a 100% fact. The most nutrient dense foods on the planet and the most complete nutrient dense foods on the planet are animal. They just are.
Starting point is 00:35:49 You eat an egg, you get almost all your essential nutrients. Organ meats, organ meats are so nutrient dense that you actually, if you were to eat like a liver every day from an animal, you would overdouch. They're the most nutrient dense. That's right, some of the best supplement. In fact, the company we work with Paleo Valley makes an organ complex. Oh, they started doing that. Yeah, so it's, so an old school supplement
Starting point is 00:36:14 that one of the first supplements that bodybuilders really valued a lot back in the day was like desiccated liver tablets and organ, you know, basically organ meat type supplements. And this is because they found that when, and I found this too, when they would eat more organ meats, they would notice improvements in strength and performance. And so one of the first supplements that they made for bodybuilders was exactly that. And in fact, Vince Garanda, who is known as being one of the first like bodybuilder scientists,
Starting point is 00:36:42 like one of the smart guys or whatever, He advocated people take something like 30 to 40 desiccated liver tablets every single day. When training hard to build. I'm also really promoting liver pills for quite a while. Yes, so these organ, in fact, I have a here. Let me look at it real quick. This is organ complex from Paleo Valley. So it's made with liver, heart, and kidney.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And so essentially, here's the drawback with organ meats. A lot of people don't like them. Yeah. So no, I appreciate this, because in pill form, I'm way more likely to be consistent. Yeah, so I'll do chicken liver sometimes when I want the high cholesterol, because you guys know how that, you know, make you stronger.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Yeah. But more often than not, I take tablets like this or capsules like this because you know, find heart, first you have to go find the heart or kidney at the grocery store. How do you prepare it? I wasn't raised eating all these organ meats. They taste kind of weird. Yeah. It's not the bed.
Starting point is 00:37:40 You know, my kids definitely won't eat it. Well, that's the reality of it. We talk of always about the- This is the cultural side. Ideally getting it through whole foods, right? I mean, but I mean, how many people on a regular basis? And I know there's a small percentage that do this. And that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I mean, the best thing is to go to your butcher every single week and go get all of these and prepare it weekly, but your option to have, and I think it's a valuable option to have, and everybody's covered is to have like these pills to where it's like Okay, if I know I haven't had any of this in the last week or a month like this is something I need to be supplementing in there for sure. So you guys hear about Disney world announcing that they're going to be reopening.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I saw that. I don't know all the specifics to that, but that's good for them. So they work so it's in Florida. Obviously California Disney Disneyland still we don't know what's going on but Disney World and Florida will be opening July 11th. There's new rules. People are going to have to wear masks as they're walking through. I believe everybody's temperature is going to be taking so let me see it's temperature checks upon arrival. There everybody has to wear a face covering.
Starting point is 00:38:46 The use of the park's existing digital magic wristbands will facilitate mobile food, rather than face-to-face interactions, and that they're gonna be using the lots of plexiglass barriers. So, yeah, this is the, and then all the parades and stuff, they're out. So none of the parades, none of the fireworks,
Starting point is 00:39:04 none of the character meet and greet. What about like lines, like how are they gonna deal with that? I don't know, it didn't say so much, but I mean, Well, if you have to wear a mask and you're fine, right? Dude, yeah, but just, this is gonna be in my opinion, a buying opportunity for Disney stock,
Starting point is 00:39:18 because here's my prediction. I believe they're gonna open July 11th, and people are gonna hate it. They're not gonna, I mean, imagine taking your kids and everybody, and it's, by the way, it's Florida, July, and July. Everybody has to wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Everybody's gonna be, they're gonna be half on, you know, like, the kids are just gonna throw them some places. Not only that, but, you know, I was having this conversation with Jessica, you know, in California, they're talking about these reopening of school standards and how they're probably gonna ask all the kids to wear a mask. And no recess, no like, dude, no fun.
Starting point is 00:39:50 It's just like, yeah, just go to the class, we got like plexiglass in between all the kids, like it's like, it's really, I don't know what I'm talking about. That's what they're super, those are guidelines. And I was talking, you know, I was thinking about this and I'm like, you know, there wasn't, there was something that happened a year ago
Starting point is 00:40:04 when my daughter was in school, you know, they have these new laws now worth like something happens in the neighborhood. They'll lock down the school and then they tell the kids to hide behind backpacks and do this whole thing, right? And they don't, I don't think they calculate this, but that itself is traumatizing to the kid. So then my daughter, she freaked out about it for a while. She's like, we had to hide behind backpacks, and we were just not talking and sitting there,
Starting point is 00:40:26 I'm trying to put myself in the mind of a third grader, you know, and I was like, oh man. So now I'm thinking, they're gonna go to school, they're gonna wear masks, they're gonna be encouraged to stay away from each other. It's gonna be a lot of anxiety and fear. So I was talking to Jessica, and I'm like, you know, our best option is,
Starting point is 00:40:43 if this is what has to happen, is that we just act like it's not a big deal because they're gonna look at us as the parents on how we react. So I think we just act like it's, oh yeah, just worry about us, no big deal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, cause people are gonna free. So now go to Disney World with your kids.
Starting point is 00:40:58 They're like, they're to be excited, but everybody's wearing masks, it's super weird. I don't know if that's gonna work. I'll definitely watch Disney because in terms of all the new landscape, I feel like they've always mastered efficiency from every end of whatever they do. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:41:14 So it'd be interesting to watch how they manage real big groups of people. That's a very, very good one. You guys see what Ford is doing? No. So Ford is partnered with the cops, right? So they do a lot of cop cars. And one of the big concerns right now
Starting point is 00:41:27 is having all these people in and out of the back seats of cop cars. So they have created a new model that takes the back seat and turns it up to 132 degrees. And the idea is to cook off any germs or anything. Well, when the person gets out of hope. I know, I see the back, you just turn it on. Yeah, I would assume that's exactly what they do.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Interrogation. Right, so it comes in and then they just crank it up and it turns into like an oven in the back. That's a interesting thing. Yeah, is that random? Yeah, that's interesting. Have you guys seen those like self-cleaning bathrooms and I think Japan has them, where after done using it,
Starting point is 00:42:01 you push a button and then like there's a covering on the toilet seat that rotates through, and it gets cleaned. The whole thing gets sprayed, it's all self-cleaning. Have you guys, they've been around for a while. No, I haven't seen them. Yeah, they've been around for a while. The outside of it too, everything, how does it... So the bathroom is enclosed, think of a porta potty
Starting point is 00:42:18 except a permanent nice guy. You go and use the bathroom, then when you close the door, the whole thing disinfects. Oh, the whole thing.s. Oh the whole thing It's been around yeah, those have been around for a while. Oh, I did not know that yeah, I wonder if those are gonna be more Let's get one in here We can't even shit in our bathroom. Can I just yeah, can I just complain? I hope our landlord listen Air condition doesn't work. Yeah, toilets are broken constantly. What the hell's going on here? Yeah, we're suffering
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, what's going on dude dude? Dude, I was listening to this podcast and more random facts that I just like, I pay attention to him, like, oh, whoa, I didn't know that. You guys might know this, you might not know this, but I didn't know that Native Americans don't have the male pattern baldness gene. What?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah, they don't go bald. Yeah, if you're like full Native yeah, full, full Native American, like any tribe here, they're seen. No, I didn't. Yeah, wow. So it's just like, you know, over time as like, you know, why people came in, whatever,
Starting point is 00:43:16 like you know, and mixed it in with that, like then you'd see Native Americans with, you know, bald heads, but like before that, it was just like no baldness. Well, there you go. Yeah. This could be having Native Americans. Yeah, no, you miss it.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Maybe I'll throw a suit. We know Adam doesn't have it. He said, yeah, he said, yeah. I thought the guy had a jeans in there. Yeah. This quas brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organified fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge. Try
Starting point is 00:43:52 Organified totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organified.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. Our first question is from Will Schreiner, is they abwheel a gimmick or essential? Oh abwheel, good old abwheel. Well, that's an extreme right there, gimmick or essential. Essential, yeah. I mean, they're not essential.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And only any fitness tool is essential. So I love, I'm gonna tell you why I love the abwheel and I'm gonna tell you why I hate the abwheel and I'm gonna tell you why I hate the abwheel, okay. I love the abwheel because in terms of being in a muscle building exercise for the abs, it's one of the best ones I've ever used. The resistance is heavy. You really have to know how to use your abs, how to use your abs properly in order to make it work, but if you do, it works the abs in ways that other exercises just don't. It's a phenomenal exercise.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I love it because it's $10. Yeah, that's also very cheap. You know what I'm saying? It's one of the better tools for abs and it's what 10 bucks on Amazon to get one of those things. Now here's the problem. If you don't do it right,
Starting point is 00:44:57 it's a wonderful way to hurt yourself. And I'm talking about, here's all the places you can hurt yourself, your wrists, your shoulders, your low back, you can pull a hit flexor, actually quite common that people hurt themselves with an abwheel. Most people don't know how to use one properly. The way you use an abwheel properly is you crunch your abs before you roll out.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Then as you roll out, you slowly uncrunch your abs, but don't overdo it and then suck back in by pulling with your abs. If you just use your arms or your hip flexors, your abs are maybe stabilizing, but you're going to ask, you're asking for a lot of credit. That's one of the number one viral videos that we did on YouTube. It was the first viral video we ever did on YouTube that we did like three years ago, maybe four years ago. And again, we've mentioned this a few times, but remember, anytime we talk about videos, especially if we've created the videos that Jackie always links those in the show notes. So you can go to mine.com podcast.com.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah, mine.com podcast.com. You can go there and she links anytime we talk about this. So if you want to watch the video, but yeah, no, that's an incredible video because I remember even myself doing it wrong for such a long time. And it makes a huge difference when you understand how to really rotate the pelvis before you go into the ab and keep it controlled. And many people don't have the strength and control to do a full range. Most people, because you not only have to have a really, really strong core, you have
Starting point is 00:46:21 to have strong arms, you have to have good stabilization in just the upper body in general, because your arms are involved in the exercise. Now, they shouldn't be the prime movers if you do it right, but if you're not able to stabilize yourself with your arms, you're gonna roll out and flop and hit the floor. So I actually haven't had very many, all my years of training, I've only had a few clients
Starting point is 00:46:42 I've ever even done this with. Mm-hmm. All right, next question is from Jazz Fitness. How do you know if you're getting results because of what you're doing or in spite of what you're doing? You're going to mess with your best fitness. Those are how to scatter. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:46:56 That's a... Even who up up? If you... Okay, you got to be careful not to play mind games with yourself because if you get trapped in the cycle of, am I doing enough? It's just perfect. That could really mess with you. So number one, are you getting good results?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Do you feel really good? Are you getting good sleep? Do you feel healthy? You're getting stronger. All that stuff. If it's a yes, then I would say you're probably okay. You're probably doing an okay job. Here's where things get kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:47:24 If you're doing all that, getting great results, I feel good, I'm strong, I'm getting good sleep, healthy, healthy libido, skin looks good, everything looks good, and then I sit there and I ask myself, could I be getting there faster? Am I doing the right things, am I perfect? What ends up happening from that is you end up over doing things.
Starting point is 00:47:43 This is a game I used to get with myself. If I saw some progress, then I would add more. If I had a great workout, wow, that was good. I got stronger. Next week, I'm gonna do even more. And you get trapped in this cycle of questioning yourself. So really, you gotta look at all those things and if all those things are doing well,
Starting point is 00:47:59 you're probably doing okay. Well, I have kind of a key indicator for you that most people are gonna like to hear, but it's true, is if you're getting really fast results, they're probably not good. Because the body does not build muscle and burn body fat very fast. It's not a fast process. It's a very slow process. It's a good point. So if you're goal and take either into the spectrum, if your goal is to lose body fat, you have a 30, 50 pound goal to lose weight, and you're losing five pounds a week,
Starting point is 00:48:29 or more, not good, even if that's your goal. It's too fast, your body is most certainly not just losing body fat at that rate. And then the same thing is true if your goal is to build. You wanna build muscle, you wanna add 20 pounds or 10 pounds of muscle to your body, and you're gaining two pounds a week. You're not gaining two pounds of muscle a week,
Starting point is 00:48:50 just that the body doesn't do it that way, not unless you're on anabolic steroids. So if you're an all natural person, even then, you're not gaining two pounds of lean body. That's my point is, so honestly, a really good indicator that you might be, you know, seeing results in spite of what you're doing or doing it right is if it's really fast, this is a very slow process.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And if you're seeing major fluctuations on the scale week over week, it's too quick, regardless of what direction you're trying to go. That's a very, very good point. I would see this with weight loss, a lot with clients. Oh my God, I'm doing everything right. I lost 12 pounds this month. And I said, whoa, hold on a second. Let's do the body fat test.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Let's see what's happening. He's like, oh, you lost some muscle. Looks like we also lost a lot of water. I would look at their program. It usually consisted of a lot of cardio and a dramatic reduction in calories. Here's another thing. is what you're doing something you can maintain.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Okay, so let's say you are getting good results or you think you're getting good results and you think you feel good and all this other stuff, but then you look at your routine, your diet, and you're like, and you gotta be honest with yourself, could I do this forever? If the answer's no, then you're probably, either A, come up with a good exit strategy so
Starting point is 00:50:06 that you don't get this crazy rebound or B, change your routine. Maybe you are doing too much. Maybe it's something that's not going to benefit you in the long term. But again, I do stress this. Don't get stuck in the mental game of, am I doing enough? I know I feel good, but maybe I could do more because that cycle, boy, can that spin in your head? Yeah, I keep waiting to get like a specific metric for this. I know HRV's been trying to tackle,
Starting point is 00:50:35 you know, based on how you feel, like how to interpret that on, you know, the variability of your heart rate. And the morning and also like we've talked about just testing out like your your force output and your grip and like how strong your grip was, which I thought is smart. Like, so there's a way that you can measure. I think strength is just a good measure in general to see whether or not, you know, your progressing or should back off a little bit and just keep that always in mind. Everything else aesthetic wise and weight loss or muscle gain. It's all going to revolve around maintaining that strength.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And pay attention to a lot of signs, not just your workouts or your weight loss or weight gain. Like, are you sleeping good? How is your energy? Do you have good mood? Is your skin look good? Do you have any signs of poor health? You know, you could be progressing in the gym, but you could be having bad skin or start to notice you're irritable or you know, you'll see bodybuilders do this when they get really,
Starting point is 00:51:35 really, really lean. At some point, they start to lose their sex drive, they start to become irritable, yet they're becoming more shredded. Is that something that would be, would you consider that, you know, going in the right direction? And definitely, when you throw in the, is it sustainable question? The answer is almost always no.
Starting point is 00:51:52 So those are the things you wanna kinda ask yourself, but then at the end of the day, if everything feels good, just relax, relax in it, you're probably okay. Next question is from MiniFig. I know Sal has talked about being an intuitive eater. How do you go about staying in shape, cutting or bulking without counting calories?
Starting point is 00:52:11 Okay, so first off, this is a long process. It's a process of really, because here's the thing, we all, most of us, have assigned really one value to food which is how enjoyable is it to eat that food, just from a, from a hedonistic viewpoint. So if you and your friends, for example, are discussing where to eat, usually the thing you're considering is which one's gonna sound the best and the most fun.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Oh, let's go Mexican. No, I don't feel like that. How about Chinese? Oh, I don't know, maybe a time. Yeah, that's all good. And that tends to be the conversation. And it's a result of us living in a wealthy society with lots of food and a market
Starting point is 00:52:49 that responds to consumers and gives us what we think we want all the time. And so almost all of our value is placed on just how good the food tastes and how enjoyable it is again from the hedonistic viewpoint. Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is when it's just that, when that's all I value. So if that's how I am after being on this planet
Starting point is 00:53:10 for a couple of decades or whatever, I can't possibly intuit a beat because all the value that I play sound food is that. So if I intuitively eat from that standpoint, then I'm gonna choose, it sounds good all the way. It sounds good all the time. There's no intuition there, my intuition is off.
Starting point is 00:53:25 So what you have to start to do is really have to start to understand all of the values of food, in the truest sense, how they affect your digestion, how they affect your sleep, how they affect your performance, how they make your skin look. Like really look at all, how they make your moods feel, after I ate this, I feel energized, after I ate this, I feel tired. Start to pay attention to all of the stuff and become
Starting point is 00:53:47 aware of it. What ended up happening over time is you'll start to find yourself valuing foods for other things aside from just the flavor or the palatability and you'll enjoy eating them just the same. So like when I go on trips with, you know, sometimes, you know, Adam, Justin, myself, and Doug will go on these trips. And because we're on trips and we're working a lot, our diets aren't the best. We eat out quite a bit. In fact, every meal will be eating out. When I'm coming home after five days of this, I'm literally craving vegetables. Now, I don't, I would not put broccoli or spinach, you know, at the top of my foods I enjoy eating because of the taste list. It's not even in the top 20, right?
Starting point is 00:54:28 But I enjoy eating them nonetheless because I've now connected the value of those foods. Now it makes you feel. And how it makes me feel. So I want it. I actually genuinely want it. So that's the process of getting to the point where you can eat intuitively.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Now when you want to eat more, you can eat more to bulk, and you can make food choices based off of all this new information and connections that you've made. So sometimes I eat foods that are very palatable and delicious, delicious. Other times I made something because I notice I feel a particular way or I notice that my body needs something else.
Starting point is 00:55:01 But this is a process. It's a process of unlearning what you've learned for most of the time you've been alive. And then it's a process of learning new stuff about food. It's knowledge and applied application. It's both of those things. It's a long period to get to that point. It's the black belt level, right? Now, you've gone through the tracking process after you've gone through which foods specifically work best for you because there's so many foods that are so generally recommended for everybody that may not even be benefiting you, but you haven't done the work to really tease that out.
Starting point is 00:55:35 It's a matter of getting to that point where you can free yourself from having to have so much structure because it's already subconscious. It's already in a level where you know, you know, how to navigate based off of whatever environment you're in. Well, I remember when we first started talking about this, I struggled with us discussing this before we had the intuitive guide, right? This was before we wrote the intuitive guide,
Starting point is 00:56:04 we were obviously already talking about intuitive eating and I think I struggled the most discussing it because I just I felt that a majority of the people that I trained in my career just weren't ready for this step yet. Most people are still there and I think of it just like learning math or learning a language like there's certain steps that you have to do to understand how to speak that language or figure out how to do, you know, whatever math equation. But after you've practiced that enough times, you can begin to start to do that in your head, right? You don't have to sit down and write out the entire equation anymore because you've practiced it so much. You don't have to sound out words anymore. You just speak it because you've probably, but it's to me, it is, it's that nuanced that you have to kind out words anymore. You just speak it because you've probably, but to me, it is that nuanced that you have to kind of gone through the tracking process
Starting point is 00:56:49 and learning about macronutrients and calories and a difference of a high activity day, a low activity day for you, how your body responds. Once you've kind of started to piece all that together, yeah, then it becomes very easy to be intuitive eating. Just like we think that the ultimate pinnacle of training is intuitive training. The idea of like going through all the maps programs
Starting point is 00:57:10 isn't that we force you to do maps programs for the rest of your life. It's that once you've gone through kind of all of them, you really understand the fundamentals of training. You've learned what your body responds best to, what programs it did better than other programs on. And then you learn to kind of build that for yourself and adjust it to your day to day life. your body responds best to what programs it did better than other programs on and then you learn to kind of build that for yourself and adjust it to your day-to-day life.
Starting point is 00:57:29 So, you know, before we had released the guide and we would talk about it, I did. I had a hard time communicating that on the podcast because I felt most people really aren't here yet, but there are. There's definitely steps that you want to take in the direction of working towards that. That should be the ultimate goal, is I want to get to that point. It isn't it's a process, and I think it's always a process, because your life's context changes always.
Starting point is 00:57:53 You get older, your body changes, how you respond to your emotions start to change. And so intuitive eating is just, it's always a process of kind of listening to your body. It's a process of awareness. And food is just, it's one of those challenges that we have in modern times. I mean, if this was 10,000 years ago or 20,000 years ago, this would not be a challenge, you know, we would, food is healthy and in order to get some of it, I have to move a lot
Starting point is 00:58:18 and we don't have a lot of it. So my problem is, I got to get more food. I need to just need to get more food. That was the big problem. Now we have so much of it around us and in front of us all the time, that the challenge now is how do I manage that? How do I manage around all this food?
Starting point is 00:58:34 How do I manage myself? Here's something you should do step one if you wanna learn how to into it a V. Try to eliminate foods that make it almost impossible to do this. Try to eliminate heavily processed foods. Heavily processed foods are engineered to make you want to eat more. So until you become so aware of the fact that that,
Starting point is 00:58:52 of what that feels like, let's say eliminate those for a little while because those foods make it almost impossible. They're designed to make it almost impossible. And let me tell you something, they win. You will not win unless you get to a very high level of how you feel and understand. Here's another one.
Starting point is 00:59:08 How you react, how you eat based on your emotions. I mean, how, how aware are people about that when they get stressed or angry or happy? How they tend to eat? So this is all part of the problem. It's like when you were a kid and you learn how to read, now as an adult, if I see a word, I immediately know what that word says. But when I was a kid, I had how to read. Now as an adult, if I see a word, I immediately know what
Starting point is 00:59:25 that word says. But when I was a kid, I had to sound it out. I had to sound out every letter before I came. You said a metaphor. Exactly. Or is it what they're actually saying? Exactly. Next question is from Will Be Will. Would you alter your advice for aspiring trainers to start their career in a big box gym due to industry changes caused by the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:59:45 What a weird time to get into the fitness space because of what's going on. Okay, so when things kind of get, and I do believe at some point, we're going to see things look more like they used to, I still think going to a big box gym is the way to start as a trainer. You're going to have the most opportunities to work with the most amount of people to make the to learn the most to become the best communicator, to be able to train the most amount of people or whatever. Big box gyms are the place to do it. They provide you with so many tools with the equipment. They provide you with all the marketing and the most practice
Starting point is 01:00:22 here. It's the most practice. It's the best place to go. Right now, boy, I don't know, I don't know what that looks like. Things are kind of weird and up in the air. I would say, you know, and I think this is probably something you're gonna have to do anyway in the future. It's to learn how to build some kind of a virtual component to your business,
Starting point is 01:00:41 either to complement personal training or that becomes the business, your business, either to complement personal training, or that becomes your business itself. But yeah, it's a bit of a weird time. I don't even know if gyms are even hiring at the moment. I don't know, because I mean, my thoughts initially, because I would always refer people to a big box gym, because like you guys said, I mean, it's the most volume you're gonna experience.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And you could also watch other trainers and how they deal with all of their clients and what they're doing which is invaluable. So on that lines, I had also been a big proponent of finding somebody really respect that has a gym that's still around and thriving and has more of a niche that's still around and thriving and has more of a niche focus to it and become an apprenticeship. Figure out something where you could just shadow them and offer to be an apprentice and learn as much as you can just kind of shadowing what they do. But I don't really know, like again, the landscape has totally changed.
Starting point is 01:01:45 So I'm assuming that some of the more specialized gyms are probably going to be, you know, survive more so. But I still think that the big box gym is the place for someone to start, even if, you know, 50% of them close down and rates go up and traffic is down significantly, it still will be the best place to get the most practice. And it's also one of the best places to be for an aspiring business builder. I mean, if you're going to go, I mean, much of my business education came from working for a, you know, billion dollar company and observing, you know, observing the systems that they had in place and how they navigated tough times like this. So,
Starting point is 01:02:32 you know, if any, I don't think that Mark Maastroff is going to go broke from this situation by any means, regardless of how bad he gets hit or has to close down facilities, he will figure it out, right? And if you have an opportunity to work for a leader like that and work in one of their facilities, a great opportunity to learn, you know, on many levels, aside from just the amount of repetitions that you're gonna get because of the volume of traffic, but also just watching somebody at that level that has had success operate their business.
Starting point is 01:03:03 So I still would steer somebody in that direction. Now, the only way I would go kind of like towards what Justin was alluding to or I do see a lot of value in that. You know, if I'm somebody who has another career and I make an income already and I don't need to generate revenue right away and it's just not a bad idea to go intern for somebody or work for free for a great fitness leader that you have an opportunity to be around. I mean, Enzo was someone
Starting point is 01:03:32 who took advantage of us like that, right? He saw an opportunity come in, provide a service, I don't mean take advantage like in a bad way. I mean, like he took advantage of a great opportunity, right? He saw that, you know, these guys I I look up to and fitness, I'm curious about this space, I'm gonna come offer my services for free to pick their brand. And that's exactly what he did. He came in and learned a ton, and I think there's a lot of that. And the kid wasn't in need of money,
Starting point is 01:03:54 so it wasn't like a negotiation of, I need to make X amount of dollars. He was purely here to get the experience. And if you're in a situation like that, I think there's a tremendous amount of value to go offer your services for free to shadow people that you think are very talented in that space. Now, if you have to make a career change where you're like, I do this job, I make this much money and now I'm going to go all in and try and make money and fitness, that way might be really tough
Starting point is 01:04:21 because if working in a private box to scale your business up That would be really really tough for a lot of trainers to do. Yeah, I just definitely don't think it's a good idea to go right to virtual I just I don't think that There's any sort of authority you're gonna be able to generate without doing it in person and you know like really spending time Working on all the little nuances, like person to person first, because if you don't understand that, how are you ever going to be able to coach that where you don't see all the angles? Yeah, the best online coaches are ones that have worked with people in person for a time.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I really like what our good friend, mind-pump listener, long-time mind-pump listener, and our OGs, Jonathan Alva, we've watched him do. Right, he is a, he'd worked for 24, and I think he still works for one of them. I don't know, I'm gonna take that back. I know he's pivoted into his own business now, but this, I mean, he's been listening
Starting point is 01:05:16 mind-pump for five years, and he's slowly integrated Instagram and YouTube videos, and he's been working on podcasts now. Yeah, and a podcast, but he's been doing it while he was also working for a big box gym. Then he had established himself enough to then go private and do his own thing. All while dabbling in the Instagram, obviously I know doesn't generate a ton of revenue or any presidential revenue probably for him right now, but he's acquiring real estate in the virtual world while also working in the real, you know, hands-on world
Starting point is 01:05:46 and starting to kind of scale in that direction. I really like that strategy. I like the idea of go get real hands-on experience in a place you're going to get a lot of practice. Meanwhile, you're getting your hands in, you know, the Instagram, the Facebook, the YouTube, the podcasting, learning all those platforms, seeing where your voice is best heard. You know, maybe you're terrible on camera and podcasts, but then you're a great blogger. You write really well, so I would be dabbling in all of those pieces of content, those different mediums,
Starting point is 01:06:16 while also getting the real life practice on people. That way, because I think you're silly if you completely ignore virtual and you go all in on brick and mortar, it's just a very weird time right now to be betting that fitness is not gonna dramatically change or shift in the direction of this virtual. I think Palatine and Mears and Tonils are all, I think Mind Pump is an example
Starting point is 01:06:44 of the future of what, like fitness is starting to look like, and it's definitely moving in this direction of digital streaming media. And so, even though you need that hands-on practice, like Justin's talking about, I think also making sure that you're starting to acquire real estate on those other mediums, too.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Excellent. By the way, listeners, you may not know this, but mine pump is also on YouTube. This podcast is actually filmed and put on YouTube. And one thing that we do is we separate the questions. So if you just want to see the answers to these fitness questions, you can do that on our YouTube channel. Mind Pump podcast, you can also listen to the whole thing if you want to.
Starting point is 01:07:23 So make sure you tune in. You can also find us on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal, Adam at Mind Pump Atom, and the producer Doug at Mind Pump Doug. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at
Starting point is 01:07:46 MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by South Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Annam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five star rating and review
Starting point is 01:08:30 on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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