Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1331: How to Best Add Farmer’s Walks to Your Workout, Good Mornings Vs Romanian Deadlifts, the Benefits of Experimenting With Different Diets & More

Episode Date: July 8, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between a good morning and a Romanian deadlift, how to program farmer’s carries into a workout, ex...perimenting with different popular diets, and the hardest thing about being a dad. Mind Pump goes down the Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein rabbit hole. (4:39) A HUGE black eye on eBay. (12:37) Is Kayne West running for President?! (16:44) In more crazy news coming out of China... (22:42) What does the future of education look like? (25:20) An interesting theory on why COVID-19 cases have gone up. (27:35) Protesting and the coronavirus. (32:08) The conspiracies surrounding the 4th of July fireworks and how NED can calm your pets down. (35:15) How Sal almost burnt down the Truckee house. (41:34) Mind Pump Recommends, Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. (43:55) How supplementing with BCAA’s is a waste of time and money. (45:55) #Quah question #1 – Can you explain the difference between a good morning and a Romanian deadlift? I understand the weights are in different positions, but you're working the same muscles, right? Are they interchangeable? (47:20) #Quah question #2 – What's a good way to program farmer’s carries into your workout? What are the perks of going heavier vs walking farther? (51:46) #Quah question #3 – Do you see any value in experimenting with different popular diets? Purely to gain knowledge and personal experience? How would you go about doing this? (57:13) #Quah question #4 – What's the hardest thing about being a dad? (1:06:53) Related Links/Products Mentioned July Promotion: MAPS Strong ½ off!! **Promo code “STRONG50” at checkout** Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Arrives in New York City, Bail Hearing Looms Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich | Netflix Official Site EBay Employees Charged With Harassing Couple — Tried To Send A ‘Fetal Pig’ In The Post US attorney details eBay employees’ harassment campaign, including live roaches and a pig fetus Kanye West announces he's running for president in 2020; Mark Cuban, Elon Musk tweet support What Is Bubonic Plague? China's Inner Mongolia Reports 'Black Death' Case Harvard Students Will Pay $49,653 for Remote Learning https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/covid-19-cases-up-but-deaths-are-down-heres-why/amp/ Protests have not contributed to rise in COVID-19 cases, research group suggests Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Unsolved Mysteries | Netflix Official Site Build Your Hamstrings- How to Properly do Good Mornings – Mind Pump TV The ONLY Way You Should Be Doing Stiff Legged Deadlifts! - Mind Pump TV How to Build a Strong Core with Kettlebell Farmers Walk – Mind Pump TV COUNTRY STRONG?? Increase YOUR Work Capacity (2 EXERCISES) | MIND PUMP Mind Pump Podcast - YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Robert Oberst (@robertoberst)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, the World's Top Fitness Health and Entertainment Podcast, we answer a lot of fitness and health questions asked by listeners and viewers just like you. But what we do in the intro of the episode, we talk about current events, we talk about studies and we have a lot of fun. So I'm going to give you the breakdown of the whole episode of Fizz.
Starting point is 00:00:34 So we started the podcast by talking about Jill Sain Maxwell. This is the woman that was with Epstein. He's disgusting, human being. The guy that killed himself, now she got caught and let's see what she says, or will someone suicide her, we'll find out. We'll find out. Then we talk about eBay, boy, they're under a lot of fire.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Let's see what happens there. We talk about Kanye West running for president. Can you get any weirder? I can't. Kanye 2020. Then we talk about the plague breaking out in China. That's all we need, another one of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Harvard, Harvard University is gonna be all online next year. Oh, and the price stays the same. Then we talk about COVID, cases are spiking, but less people are dying. What's going on there? We talk about protest and coronavirus. Then we talk about the fire, excuse me, the 4th of July fireworks
Starting point is 00:01:26 going on, how they were scaring the hell out of our pets. Adam put brain FM on in the background, which helped them out. Many added Ned to their dog food. Now Ned is used by humans, but you can also give it to your animals. Ned is full spectrum hemp oil extract. High in CBD, it's got a very calming effect. It's a natural, enzeled, lytic, very safe. Of course, it's over the counter. If you'd like to try it out, by far, this is by far the best CBD product that we've tried.
Starting point is 00:01:57 By far, it's high, high quality. You feel a difference the first time you take this, okay? We have a discount for you. Go to the website hellonet. That's H-E-L-L-O-N-E-D dot com, excuse me, forward slash mine pump after that. Use the code, mine pump, get 15% off your first purchase. Then we talk about unsolved mysteries on Netflix, it's great show. And finally, branch shamingo acids and why they may be making you feel depressed, no joke.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Then we got into the questions. The first question, this person wants to know the difference between a good morning and a remaining deadlift, similar exercises, but what are the differences? The next question, this person wants to know how you put farmer walks into your workouts. Like where do you place them?
Starting point is 00:02:41 And then of course, what do farmer walks do for your body? The next question, this person wants to know if we find any value in experimenting with different popular diets and the final question, somebody wants to know what the hardest thing is about being a dad for all of us. Also, this month, all month long, one of our most effective changing diapers. Muscle building, fat burning programs, maps strong, is 50% off. Now this program emphasizes the posterior chain. So it builds the back and it's a full body workout but you really get great back and butt development.
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Starting point is 00:03:47 Go to mapsstrong.com, that's MAPS, STROMG.com, and then use the code Strong50, that's STROMG50, no space for the discount. T-shirt time! And it's T-shirt time. Ah, shit, you know it's my favorite time of the discount. Teacher time. And it's T-shirt time. Oh shit. You know it's my favorite time in a week. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Red line again. All right, we have two winners for Apple Podcasts and two winners for Facebook. The Apple Podcast winners are Noble Knight 15, TG Jane. For Facebook, we have Christian Tovar vargas and mega mega loudick all of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at mine.com include your shirt size and your shipping address and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Hey, so what's the what's the over under for when when Epstein's girlfriend when they see a side of it? Can you bet on that in Vegas? That would be amazing. What's the over under for when when Epstein's girlfriend when they see
Starting point is 00:04:45 Can you bet on that ambiguous that would be amazing. Hey, it's did they put it in the same exact place? I so I tried I read that I tried to confirm that and I couldn't confirm I might have been like a news Yeah, so first off she would you you heard they found her no they found her in this like house That was on 150 acres and I believe New Hampshire, it was totally isolated. She had someone buy it for her essentially. She wasn't even on the paperwork. So she was totally, totally hitting.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And the way that they got her is they had agents running through the forest on each side, pulling up, they had helicopters coming in. Wow. Yeah, just the grab in. Wow. Yeah. Just the grabber. Wow. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Now, she was in the documentary, right? Yeah. Uh-huh. So, I mean, I don't get it. Why be in the documentary if you're going to go hide then? No, that was, I think they know these clips. Yeah. She wasn't actually like talking in the interview.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Oh, so I thought they interviewed her and she was in the documentary like that. She wasn't like, none of the people that have volunteered. But as soon as he got caught, she disappeared. She was gone. And apparently according to the victims or the people who are accusing them of all these crimes or whatever, she's just as bad as Epstein. Like she was involved in all of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Well, you kind of have to be right. If you're the assistant for that many years and you can't just, that was his right hand person. Yeah. Oh boy. And she's already said apparently she's gonna sing. Like she's gonna start talking.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Nothing would make me happier. Yeah, but if she dies again in prison, like what, what do we, I know, that's the thing is like, are people gonna be mad enough to like, because this whole thing is Crazy to me. It's you know the flight logs for so for the listeners who don't know so Epstein
Starting point is 00:06:34 Apparently evolved in this wide ring of sex trafficking and pedophilia. Okay, it's disgusting, right? Terrible. Yeah. Human being, he had, he owned in Ireland, and they, once they caught him or everything, they raided the sound of this island was essentially an isolated place where he would take very powerful people. Wait a second, it's the island. I thought it was a big new Mexico ranch where all those stuff is going down.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's on the island. He has both. He's got the ranch. That's another one. That's another one. But he also has this island. Oh, I thought the big ranch in New Mexico was where all the big dirt was going on.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Both. But the island is secluded. He can fly people in. Very powerful people. But you don't realize you can get there by boats. You can also get there by boat. Which is like, okay, so you have all these flight logs that are coming out with all these like big, famous people
Starting point is 00:07:21 have gone through and whatnot. It's questionable. But nobody's, I mean, you don't have the records of all those boats and yachts have come through. No, have you seen that, did you see the artwork and shit that he would have up in the island? And then people connected to him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Let me put it this way. If I was going over someone's house and I saw someone's artwork, I would immediately leave and call the police. 100% because it's, it's creepy shit. It's like child pornography stuff. Almost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Well, they're like bound. They're like, it's like kids like kneeling in their bound with like straps and whatnot. Who puts that up on their wall? But this place in this island, it basically was designed specifically, you could tell for this type of stuff. And you know, these victims would say is when they're there,
Starting point is 00:08:05 they felt helpless because they're on an island. Yeah. So, you know, shit would happen and then what do they do? And where you go. And the flight logs are crazy. Bro, the people who flew to this island repeatedly, Oprah, Will Smith, Madonna, Eminem, Eminem, Bill Clinton, flew on...
Starting point is 00:08:27 Steven Spielberg. Bill Clinton flew to this island on Epstein's private plane 16 times, something like that. Oh, bro. Yeah. Yeah. That Oprah is like untouchable. I know. I don't know, bro.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It feels like this ring of crazy, this way. It's definitely a center for power, right? However you want to look at it. Maybe some celebrities went there just to check out, but it's still, this is where everybody congregated. Or maybe that's part of the brilliance, right? It's like, throw normal parties that are for all the celebrities. You've got all this traffic of,
Starting point is 00:09:01 basically you've got everybody potentially in on it, but they're really not, they're just throwing big part and then he has his like dirty. I don't know dude because when you connect all of this with what people are saying, you know the victims are saying, like there's one victim that was saying that she got repeatedly raped by Prince Andrew and Jill St Maxwell was the one that was orchestrating it. Well, I've heard lots of stories like for a long time about this and it was always conspiracy theory. And actually in that documentary, so I haven't told this in the podcast, but I knew one of those girls went to my high school. So it was like, it even made it even more real to me like what was going on there.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And it's just disgusting and I don't know. this is one of those things where I'm just like, now I feel like I can't stop thinking about it. I can't help, you know, this is where my conspiracy stuff starts going is I can't help think that like all the crazy shit that we're going through right now. Connected? Yeah. Like they're all afraid that they're about to be right.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Like their last ditch effort to distract. Like imagine if we didn't have what's going on right now with with all with all the riots and what's going on In COVID and COVID right now. Yeah, if we didn't have that all going on right now How much attention would be you just all be centered on it every every news outlet would be talking about this 24 Seven the same way they're talking about COVID and right you're talking about some of the most powerful people In politics in the world. In Hollywood. In Hollywood. Hollywood in music. Bill Clinton, okay, on these flight logs, I don't, several of these flights told a secret
Starting point is 00:10:36 service not to come. When does anybody ever do that in that position? Yeah. So he would go by himself. That didn't tell me that's not suspicious as fun. Right, especially when that shit's coming. You don't want to watch this. So there's a couple of theories.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Now these are the conspiracy theory theories, right? One of them is that he worked for other intelligence agencies in other parts of the world. Blackmailing all these. Yes, and he would film these powerful people, doing these terrible things and use it as blackmail. One, and then there's another theory that says it was a Soviet union that put this together
Starting point is 00:11:10 as a way to blackmail powerful people and to have a bunch of power or whatever, or people who wanted the Soviet Union to come back. I don't know, but I think this whole thing is crazy and I think I'm afraid that when it all comes apart, that people are gonna be so shocked. It's definitely like the curtains being pulled back. So all of a sudden now it's like, oh wow,
Starting point is 00:11:33 there's real evil shit out there. Yeah, and let me, here's the thing, like for people who are like, oh, those people couldn't do those things. I remember Bill Clinton. I mean, not Bill Clinton, excuse me, Bill Cosby. Yeah. Bill Cosby, like the most liked
Starting point is 00:11:46 person in America by far. I don't think he ever had a negative thought about the guy. No, no, it turned out to be a rapist. So who knows, dude? And remember, a lot of these people are actors. And I always, I remind myself this because I can even fall out and pray to this. Actors are professional liars. They're the best. It's true. When you watch a movie and you see an actor playing someone and you'd like, wow, they deserve an award for that.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Well, that's, that's incredible lying. So they're very, they're very, they're very, they're like, it's salty all actors right now. Well, I, well, I mean, they're doing it for, you know, art or whatever. But I mean, they become somebody else. Yeah. I mean, that's the whole thing. Don't think that they're not masterfully skilled at making themselves likable. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:30 That's exactly what they do. So I'm like, I'm watching this thing like, what is going to happen? Speaking of crazy, did you see the message that Justin sent over about eBay? Oh, so talk about that a little bit. This is crazy. Justin sent that over and I, you know, it was in our main thread and I saw, I think it was like a, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:12:50 10 minute press conference or whatever. I'm like, oh, shit, I'll get it. Yeah, I know. It was a longer video. Oh, but worth watching because it is fucking crazy. eBay literally, okay? Like super like covert like scheme to go harass somebody. So this couple had a blog and they were basically like super like covert like scheme to go harass somebody.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So this couple had a blog and they were basically bashing eBay just their service and this and that and they they had got enough traction that it was actually hurting sales or more hurting hurting eBay and and eBay is caught on record. Like the yeah, was it the CEO? Was it the CEO? I want to yeah, it was executives was it the CEO? Was it the CEO? I wonder, yeah, it was executives, but I don't know if it's CEO. Yeah, I can't remember if it was the CEO
Starting point is 00:13:29 or just some of the executives saying that, take them down, do whatever it takes, and the shit that they were at, bitch. Bro, they were, they were sending her like, larva and a bloody pig mask of, yeah, a pig head, like, just delivering it to the door. Oh, they fake account, they said fake accounts up on Twitter and Instagram and were messaging them,
Starting point is 00:13:51 like just making death threats, everything you could think of, they were, and they were getting like, swingers, like to, to, they would like post a party. So you could come, you could come at any time, just knock, you know, you don't have to call ahead or anything. Like, up through the night. It was so sinister that they had phases of this. Like, first it's like, scare, harassed,
Starting point is 00:14:14 and then eBay was to look like they were trying to help. So they even had to like a plan of action of like reaching out to the authorities. Like, fine, you know. Wow, so they tampered with evidence. It's a, it's gonna, it's gonna be huge black eye on even. Wow, that's huge.
Starting point is 00:14:31 What terrible people. Yes, that's the whole swing or thing sounds like an amazing prank. I know, that's what I thought. I was actually laughing about that one. I was like, oh wow, that's pretty good. I might do that to what are you guys? Yeah, they're, they're, they're,
Starting point is 00:14:42 they gave over here for the gang yet. Yeah, they gave like, it's trying to see just knock on the door, come on in and say, do that to what are you guys? They gave, we're here for the gang yet. It gave like it started to just knock on the door, come on in, we'll save any hour. I'm just to see who'd show up. They sent, they sent porn to the neighbors, but with their names on it, so intentionally sent it over to there.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Oh my God. Oh, they just, they went all out. That's dirty. You know what it reminds me? I don't know if you guys remember the story of Pat and Oswald where he was like making fun of KFC and like It's all out. That's dirty. You know what it reminds me? I don't know if you guys remember the story of Pat Naswald where he was like making fun of KFC and like their bowl where you're eating out of a bowl,
Starting point is 00:15:09 almost like you're a pig eating slop. You know, and like his whole bit, he had a couple of bits about KFC, but they got really angry and we're like totally harassing him and doing like creepy, weird shit like that, you know, to him. So it's like these corporations, it's crazy. Like I've heard stories of that where they pay people to like go, you know, take these people out there to talk
Starting point is 00:15:31 shit. Well, at the end of the day, companies and corporations and politicians would sell people. And do you have bad people? And they're emotional and they're doing stupid things. You got bad people everywhere. So, you know, it's bound at some point. There's some bad people can get some powerful positions and start doing some crazy shit. But it's crazy, they have all that on record. Oh, they have it. Yeah, they were quoting and the email, they had, it wasn't like, this isn't speculation.
Starting point is 00:15:54 This is like, FBI's involved. They, the case. How come this isn't like huge news everywhere? Cause look at everything's going on. Oh, yeah, I guess you're right. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's what I, exactly. If the Epstein stuff like this, I feel like would be everywhere if it wasn't for all the COVID and ride's going on. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's what, exactly. If the Epstein stuff like this,
Starting point is 00:16:05 I feel like would be everywhere if it wasn't for all the COVID and ride stuff going on. I mean, that's insane to me. I couldn't believe I haven't seen it anywhere else, but what you said. I know, I just stumbled across it. I don't even remember I saw it. And as of the recording,
Starting point is 00:16:16 I'm looking at the shares of eBay and they don't seem to be taking a hit. I can only imagine, I guess, if they really gain steam, it hasn't spread enough. Yeah, that was, it was you sent over that that press conference. That was July 4th.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Okay. So that just happened. Yeah, this isn't like this is like breaking news type of stuff that that came out. I hadn't heard anything. I didn't write any articles on it, but that's it's they have everything. It's not like a maybe this is going to happen. Respect the evidence is there. Well, it's so as if you know, the news can't get any crazier.
Starting point is 00:16:44 We have a new potential, new candidate running for president. Is this real? Is he announced Kanye West really running for president? So technically, so he made an announcement that he was going to be running for president. Elon supported him just yet. Elon retweeted underneath. I got you, man. Can I just time much? I love Elon. I love love Elon. I swear we become best friends, we'll hang on with him. Anyway, Kanye, apparently it's real that he's running for president,
Starting point is 00:17:10 but I don't know if you'll be able to get on all 50 states ballots. It might be too late for that. So, how does that work? Spine that to me. So, you can run. I'm sure you need to actually pull it off. Oh, well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:22 I'm sure he is plenty. Once I mean, I'm just like, I'm trying to understand if he's gonna pay like front all that like himself. I'm sure, I'm sure he did need it. Yeah, he did. That's crazy. So he's got a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:17:33 So, let's talk about that for a second. So first off, if you want to effectively run, you want to be on all 50 states ballots, right? You don't want people to have a ballot. Now they could write you in, but how many people do that, right? They do like Mickey Mouse and all that. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So that's gonna be tough, but let's just say that, you know, that all whatever, that all works out. What do you think the strategy is? Do you think he literally wants to be the president? No, I think I think, I think I heard you say this and I agree, is that I think that he is,
Starting point is 00:18:03 I mean, he's already came out, right? He's a big, you know, make America great supporter, Trump support. Oh, yeah, he's a mega for sure. So, you know, the idea would probably be to split the votes, right? To split the Biden votes. Oh, because yeah, where they want so much, they want the young vote, right? And everybody knows Kanye, you know, from our generation.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Kanye would, he'd lower. He definitely would pose a threat for both the young and the black vote. And if the Democrat party loses even a few percent of that, which is typically democratic, right? They're dead. They can't lose that at all. They get something like 90 something percent of the black vote.
Starting point is 00:18:37 If that just dropped a few percent, they're done. Same thing with the young vote. So it's like, almost like he's running on purpose to do that and then- I fear the head of the DNC or whatever. Like what would your wild card be to kind of counter that? Oh, well I already told, I already said what I thought
Starting point is 00:18:54 their only strategy would be would be to run. Michelle, Mama. Michelle is this running mate. Yeah. That would be a tough ticket, but I don't see anything else. That could be- Where is that? That was a rumor that we heard a while ago.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I don't think it's happening. It's so far, the people in the running are not hard for VP or whatever. But this Kanye thing is pretty interesting, man. Yeah. That would totally happen. If he ran, he would not hurt. He would not hurt.
Starting point is 00:19:16 He lived in cartoon world, dude. It's, first we have a TV fucking star become president. It never stopped being the reality show from the apprentice to then into the office. I just kept going even stronger about my prediction of the rock being a president within five and two decades. 100% dude the rock is going to be a president. It's such a shit show that that might make that's where this is going because so much of this is now so much of politics is social media. It wasn't that that it wasn't it like nobody and that was i mean you you know that's why trump one because he
Starting point is 00:19:49 mastered that first they start obama started it right he was a first to really start to utilize it but trump took it to a whole nother level and that's what i think we're gonna see now i think it's gonna be celebrities yeah i was thinking about this a lot and i do I do think it is definitely the birth of completely new change of like the way everything is gonna be done. Like on all accounts, I think that like, it's interesting to see all these people getting rooted out,
Starting point is 00:20:15 you know, that have been doing shady shit and not like, as much like craziness, like I try to find like pockets of hope and happiness and like what's gonna be in the future, like, you know, maybe like us rooting all this out and realizing that it was such a shit show, like how are we gonna piece it all together to get it to find everything? I tell you what the answer is,
Starting point is 00:20:34 the answer is just to reduce, dramatically reduce the power that they have, then it doesn't matter as much. Right. When they have a ton of power, you know, Kanye being the president, scary. Yeah. He doesn't have that much power. I'm like, whatever. Put it where, I don't care if he runs, if he's the president, because they can't do all that.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I still go back to, we have to, we're gonna, I think voting is gonna evolve somehow. Somehow we're gonna have to change the way it is. To make it to, we make it too easy. I think, and this is coming from someone who probably would fail the test, right? I think that you should have to take a test. You should have to take like, yes yes, that would never work out.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Why? You should have to take a test before you vote on the person who's running our country. Who gets to design the test? I don't know. I mean, I don't care. At all, I left and right put it together, but it should be like, you should have like a least a basic understanding of politics, our country, law, economic, yeah, you should have that. And if you don't, then you don't get to vote.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And if you really, really want to put your vote in, you have to do some study in a research. Yeah, that would never, that would never fly. They just wouldn't fly, because, why not? Because, because both sides would say you're limiting this many people. Right now it's just a popularity contest. It always is.
Starting point is 00:21:42 And because it's a popularity contest, you have a bunch of people running out there. You're gonna get free lunches. You're gonna get whatever we wanna give to you. And that's all in all the corporate, you know, infiltration and kickbacks and all that, like that motivates like actual candidates to even run. It's like, you know, we got to eliminate all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Well, again, if you can't, if you want to eliminate that much money that goes into it, you have to eliminate their power because if they have that much power to change, to affect corporations bottom line, then that is a very, very strong incentive to spend a lot of money to get what you want. If that didn't exist, there would be no money.
Starting point is 00:22:19 That would go into it. So I think at some, hopefully at some point, I doubt this will happen, but I would love at some point for everybody to be like, hey, we all don't like these people. Why don't we just make them like not that powerful? That way they can't do shit too much. Let's just take care of ourselves a little bit
Starting point is 00:22:35 and see what happens. Bring that third party up a little higher. Yeah, good luck. Yeah, good luck. Hey, you guys want to hear some more crazy news? Yeah. So the bubonic plague, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the't know. Like, it used to be because, okay, I told you about this. I forget what the name of the operation was,
Starting point is 00:23:08 but this was like a strategy, I believe. Like, it was after everything kind of went down and then, like, there was gonna be a planned attack on the Pacific coast, on the West coast, to basically do like, like add like a bubonic plague, you know, by launching, I think it was fleas or it was something that carried it from submarines.
Starting point is 00:23:36 They were gonna launch it and throw these like, like disease bombs onto the West Coast. Well, which strategy was this? This was from Japan, I believe. Was it really? Yeah. Oh, wow, that's crazy. was from Japan, I believe. Was it really? Oh, wow, that's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I love Justin knows so many of these things. It's totally random, but that just reminded me. Through Justin and I the other night, we're all hanging out, we were staying up late and we were just trading theories. You know, all these stories and stuff. You know where my brain's at. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I totally love it. Yeah, no, so the plague. Yeah, so they had a little break out play. So the plague's happening again. And they identified a new pig flu in China that could pretend has potential pandemic properties. What? Yeah Like no, I get out of the face. We don't need another
Starting point is 00:24:18 Pandemic I know in the making I'm telling you dude. I'm gonna invest in one of those fucking one of those little underground bunkers bunkers dude bunkers, dude. I'm just bunker up for the next day. Okay, just going live in there, start a society underground. People, Shiro Ishi, that was the general that had that idea that was going to drop these like disease bonds with lights. Did you, did you hear, did you, and this was it, this was during World War Two, I'm assuming or around the time, did you hear about the strategy that we had to light their cities on fire,
Starting point is 00:24:48 where we would attach these incendiary bombs on bats, and then let the bats out over these Japanese cities, and because bats seek underhangs, like overhangs or whatever, houses, that the bats would go underneath these overhangs of their Japanese houses, and then the bombs go off, set everything on fire. Do you hear about this? This is the spiritual strategy. What? Yeah, this is the next one.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Like do they just get really high in a room and use that? I mean, it's kind of creative though, when you think about it, it's good, there's a little bit of brilliance there, you know? I know. Crazy, but really at the same time. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So Harvard just came out and said that the whole 20 to 20, 2021 year is all at home. Nobody go to school. Whoa. Yeah. Really? Yeah. And then the second piece of news with Harvard is that the tuition will remain $50,000 a year. It's not going to change. So everybody is going to be at remote and paying full price. You're paying a full price. Wow. Just for the name Harvard. Yes. Wow. So you know how long you think it'll last
Starting point is 00:25:48 until people are like, I'm not gonna pay that much for this forget you. Yeah. I feel like it might be okay this coming year, but I feel like it keeps happening. People gonna say, why am I paying 50 Gs for an online education that I could get for five? That's a stupid thing.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I've never heard of it. I feel like this pressure is going to, because higher education's already been kind of under fire for a little while because the cost has exploded in past inflation. I feel like this kind of stuff, this may be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. I'm really interested with schools.
Starting point is 00:26:20 My best friend was over. I said, you might actually be what you know. Yeah, that counts. You know what I mean? Oh, over. I got it might actually be what you know. Yeah, that counts. You know what I mean? Oh, no. I have to learn. My best friends are principal. And so I haven't had a chance to catch up with him until recently for Max's birthday
Starting point is 00:26:35 came by and I asked him. I said, what are you guys doing with schools? He goes to honestly, bro, he's like, we don't even fucking know. He's like, it changes every, he says the the district right next to me, he goes there, what they're doing and he goes, I think this is the smartest move. So some of these schools are thinking about doing this. Where you do 50% of the kids go to school,
Starting point is 00:26:57 Tuesday, Thursday, and then the other 50% go Monday, Wednesday, and then Friday is at home. So he goes, I think that's the best strategy. That's what my son's cool is doing. Yeah, is that what they're doing? Is yours too? Okay, so he goes, like a hybrid model. Yeah, he says he thinks that's probably the best strategy
Starting point is 00:27:13 that he's seen so, now he says his district, he says are claiming they're going all back. He goes, I don't think it's gonna happen though. They're saying that, he goes, but I think that when it comes time to start again, they're not gonna do it. Well, so I've been reading about the... So, some strange is happening right now. You have an explosion of COVID cases, but the death rate continues to...
Starting point is 00:27:34 Not just the death rate, but the total death continues to drop. What? And they said, well, the deaths need time to catch up, but it's now been like five weeks since things have been reopening, and the cases have been spiking, and we still see the case of the deaths need time to catch up, but it's now been like five weeks since things have been reopening and the cases have been spiking. And we still see the case of the deaths drop. What's the average like time length somebody has it and you know, like has COVID?
Starting point is 00:27:55 Oh, you mean until if they're gonna die, they're gonna die? Well, yeah, well I mean like until they get over it. Like, oh, I don't know. Yeah. I think it's like a month, a month. Yeah, I don't know. I don't quote me on that.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I'm not quite sure. But the amount of people that are dying daily keeps going down, but cases keep going up. So I read this really good article on that on why that could be happening. And one is we're testing way more people. That makes sense, right? So now you're testing a lot more people
Starting point is 00:28:19 who might have mild symptoms. And the other thing is that the average age of the person being infected right now is much younger than it was. Yeah. So we're not getting all these nursing home people that are getting COVID. Now we're seeing a lot more people in the 30s and 40s and of course they don't they'll die nearly the same. Right. I heard there's a bunch of shit going on right now in hospitals too because they get more money if you have COVID patients in your hospital. Yeah, you do. Yeah. So there's lots of shit going on right now where they're listing patients as COVID when they're, which naturally, you know, if you're, if you get incentivized, right?
Starting point is 00:28:52 Right. Yeah. Like there's going to be like shenanigans out there. Yeah. That's just part of the whole thing. Yeah, but yeah, but this, this article was really, it was written very, very intelligently. And it's true. The average age of the person right now that's testing positive is going down.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So of course you're gonna see less deaths, even if the case is rise, the death rate among, I think over 60 is way different than it is if you're under four. Well, and I think we always speculated in this, right? That there's potentially tons of people that have had it and that we're just asymptomatic or didn't even have any symptoms at all, right? So I think that they, I think there's a good chance that we're going to continue to see that go down. What is the percentage yet right now? What is the death rate?
Starting point is 00:29:25 I don't remember off the top of my head, but I know it's comparable to a bad flu. Do you think we'll ever look at it like flu? I mean, it's obviously going to be determined once we finally get the vaccine and all that. I think that people might be a bit more at ease. Like, oh, yeah, it's COVID season, you know, instead of it being always a fucking pandemic. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe the depending on because it's still kind of new. So I think looking back, you know, two years from now, we might be able to be like, you know, it was worse than we thought or not nearly as bad. Yeah, you know, as we thought.
Starting point is 00:30:05 So, uh, So I think it's already, I think we can already safely say that it's, it's worse because, just because of what it's doing to the hospitals, right? I mean, just the, the, the, regardless of the, the death percentage of it and that we may all get it one day and it may be like a flu, the flu is never done not, not in, like, in the recent decades, right? We haven't had a flu overwhelm hospitals like we are. And I think that's the big argument right now is that regardless of the death rate, we
Starting point is 00:30:33 are getting sick. People get really sick and we have, you know, the hospitals can't handle that many people coming through and that's the big, that's one of the biggest fears. So regardless of what side you're on of how scary it is, or isn't, I know that's very, it's become very political on, you know, who are you a non-maskware or a massware bullshit? But at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:30:53 nobody can debate or argue that some of these hospitals, like my best, my other best friend, his wife is a respiratory therapist. So she's right in the thick of it. Yeah. And they just had, I mean, their whole hospital has now been converted to a COVID hospital. She is like, but then there's a few, right?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like that, like hot spots. But there's a lot, like a Courtney's hospital that has nobody. And there are lay people off. Yeah, exactly. And they're going out of business because nobody's going in. Yeah, because they shut down all the other stuff that they do because they're be mandated or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yes, tricky, because like you said though, there are hot spots where it is. It's overwhelmed, because they're all centralized in that one. I think that's why it's causing so much division, right? Because if you're somebody who's coming, like if you're, because you don't see it, like if you're like Courtney's friends from her hospital
Starting point is 00:31:40 and they're like, we're getting laid off because there's no work here and there's no COVID patients in here. And then you have the other, like literally two hours away up the road. Yeah. You have my best friend's hospital and it's all, it's a COVID hospital and they're in the thick of it. And so her perspective, it's totally different.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So you get these two peace. Well, I mean, the part about it all that really makes me upset is the way that it's been handled by our, you know, quote unquote, our leaders or politicians. Yeah. They're, it's really bad because it's inconsistent. This is what makes it bad. If you're consistent, then if you're inconsistent, people start to lose their faith in what you say.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And so, you know, they're saying, for example, study comes out that shows that, you know, remember, 22 million people, can we just go by the data? 22 million people protested, over the recently, right, over the course of, after George Floyd and R. So, tons and tons of people protesting in some cities, tens of thousands of people together walking through the streets,
Starting point is 00:32:41 protesting yelling, screaming, whatever, and they're saying that that caused, that that's not responsible for the spike in COVID cases. Oh, that didn't have anything to do with it. Church singing is. Yeah, right. And then they'll say stuff like that. Or, or, or yeah, or they'll say, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:32:56 It's totally safe, but your gym still have to stay closed. Businesses still have to stay closed. And then the argument is, well, one is essential. One is it, it's all essential. I think protesting is a right that we have and we should never infringe on that ever. I will fight to the death. 100% to defend that.
Starting point is 00:33:13 But people's businesses. But it's also, I mean, come on. Like, let's, I mean, we live in reality. Like, that's a group of people, like in just a different place. Right. And so like in California, they're saying still, they just made it illegal to sing in churches But if you want to go protest and tens of thousands of people they have no problem now actually that actually passed I believe so is kidding. That was that's for real. Yeah. Oh shit
Starting point is 00:33:36 That was like just one of those things are they saying that they don't know like churches fine, but you can sing Wow, yeah, I know That's bullshit and to me it's, I'm not that I'm saying we should ban protests, that's not my argument. My argument is you be consistent, and you know, you're either a free country or you're not, tell people the risks, and then allow them to make the choice to risk themselves.
Starting point is 00:33:57 That includes yourself, meaning if you're afraid of going places because you're whatever, then don't, that's your choice. And I totally support that. If you want to take risks, go for it. If you're a business and you say, hey, you can't walk in the doors because you're whatever, then don't, that's your choice. And I totally support that. If you wanna take risks, go for it. If you're a business and you say, hey, you can't walk in the doors unless you're wearing a mask and I take your temperature,
Starting point is 00:34:11 that's also within your rights, it's your business. Could I see people like, this is a free country, I shouldn't have to wear a mask. You're going into a private business, doesn't count. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're not coming on your property. Yeah, they come in your house to tell you to wear a mask. That's when I'll have a problem with it.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But you're going to someone else's business that's totally in line with a free society. But yeah, they're trying to say that the reason why there were spikes was because families got together. It wasn't because of protests. Now, to me as an average person, especially if I owned a business that got totally just, now if I owned a gym, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:42 If I owned a gym today, it would be, I would be so out of business, I'd be totally screwed. I would be completely screwed with all of this. I would last it a few months, but not this long. And I would be so angry with people shutting my business down, forcibly, some of these business owners were taken, fine, maybe even thrown in jail, and yet you're okay with all this other stuff that's going on, and be like, look, be consistent, man,
Starting point is 00:35:06 because my business is essential to me. You know what I'm saying? So that's the problem that I have with all this stuff. Hey, were you guys able to total change the subject here? I'm sure Doug will appreciate that. You start sweating a little bit. Yeah, it does. It does like hot here.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Okay, it's already been long enough talking about this, yet move along. No, for the fourth been long enough talking about this shit. Move along. No, for the fourth, now up where you guys were, I left, I left you guys up a trucky to come down to Max's birthday. Did they have, no one does fireworks up there, right? You guys are. No, no fireworks. I heard some like at night, like there's a few bangs, but it wasn't like, yeah, they didn't
Starting point is 00:35:40 have anywhere. There's no organized, you know, fireworks. I believe they canceled it this year. I guess Everywhere normally it's at over like Tahoe. They normally do it. Totally canceled. They canceled it. Yeah, and it was canceled a lot of places Did you guys see the the video of LA? No, okay, so all you know no fireworks displays at all not even the ones that normally they would do For the fourth because they don't want people to come together again because of COVID So somebody filmed like a like a broad film over the city and you just see illegal fireworks probably everywhere, dude. It was like a war zone.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I heard that. The beach. I get Santa Cruz. I heard that there was a lot of that along the beach anyways. Like they couldn't control it. Oh, it was crazy in our neighborhood. Oh, it was. So here's my luck, dude. Okay. We have had, you know, we live in the Bay, so we have great weather, like 99.7% of the year. Literally. I think there's, I believe there's two weeks of the year that's like really hot.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Yeah, that's it. Right. And we just, we're having it right now. Fourth of July, kind of weekend tends to be, you know, and the second we could July, we start hitting the high 90s, maybe even get close to 100. And my AC breaks. Does this happen last year?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah. Yes. It did. Not at the same exact time, but around the same time I had this memory and I was staying at the hotel and stuff I didn't have to beach, right? So here it happens again to me. And for the, for people that don't know, Adam, if Adam's in the grumpy bear. This is, is, is, is, is hot.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Oh, it is. He hates it. Yeah, I, I get very, very irritable. I can't sleep at night. I'm just, and, and so I'm like, what are the chances that this had, so think about this too, okay? So it's super hot.
Starting point is 00:37:18 It's, that's hard. It's okay. It annoys me whatever I can, I can't, I can't, but it's also for the joy of weekend. Now what I have to do, so in every other fourth of July, because my dogs go crazy when they hear fireworks, they will not stop barking. But when I seal up my house, I turn on the AC and running it, and actually, this is a trip, I run brain FM, and it cancels, so I run brain FM between where all the windows
Starting point is 00:37:43 are and the dogs, and they can't hear it But when the windows are open. Oh now the boom's coming. Oh now it comes in so my house this whole weekend I've had I've got brain FM and two different speakers upstairs downstairs like blasting full Blair TV is all all the way up I went over and Doused my dog all the both meals. I fed the dogs doused in Ned, like cover them with the whole bottle. Oh, bro, I had to all the fuck out of all the stops, all the stops to get them to calm down. And I actually, so I had forgot about using the net at first. And we were at Katrina's family's house for Fourth of July and Max's birthday.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And it was like six o'clock. And I was so consumed with his birthday that I actually wasn't even thinking about Fourth of July. And then my dad comes down and goes, oh, I brought some fireworks. I was like, oh shit, it's, I so I had to drive back home to go do all this stuff
Starting point is 00:38:36 because I had left them in the house like that and not not thinking about it. Now how effective is it for them when you give them Ned? It is, it's really effective. So what do you, what do you notice in them? They're just way, they calm down. Yeah, it's not enough to, it's really effective. So what do you notice in them? They're just way... They calm down. Yeah, it's not enough to, it's not as sedative enough
Starting point is 00:38:48 like giving them like a, you know, like a, you know, norco type, because they make like dogs, you know, no coca-penzo or... Yeah, exactly, Benzo. So they make that for dogs, and that's like a really heavy sedative, but I'm always like cautious about giving them shit like that. Well, it's interesting,
Starting point is 00:39:03 because I've been to the pet store and I've seen a lot of brands popping up with pet food with CBD and fused. Tons used, but it's like, okay, what's the quality of the CBD that they're actually putting in it? So it does make a ton more sense to actually give them the concentrated source. That's how I feel in their food.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Because I'm like, okay, this CBD, we've talked about this already, right? CBD is gone bananas. It's in everything. Hair products now, shampoo, soaps like everything. I mean, everybody and their mother are just throwing soap, the CBD in it because everyone's all the benefits are coming out. And are they really putting CBD? Well, right. And what's is the dose efficacious? Well, and when you know them, like good, good full spectrum hemp oil like that isn't cheap.
Starting point is 00:39:47 If it's really, really good, if it's quality sourced, it's been test, it's been test third part of test. I tell you what, if you use CBD, try full spectrum hemp oil extract like a good quality one. It's a huge difference. There's no comparison whatsoever. You have other cannabinoids in there, you have the terpenes in there,
Starting point is 00:40:05 and it's third party tested, so it has what it says it has. You feel it, it's not like you're normal CBD, yeah, you feel a little bit, this you actually feel. What, and again, I've, my dogs are eight and six, right? So I've had them for a long time.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Well before we were sponsored by Ned, and I had never even thought about this. And because I've taken them everywhere, had fourth of July, of course, multiple times, I know how crazy they can get. And so to see the difference in their behavior is enough for me. Like I see that how much more calm they are.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It doesn't, again, it doesn't sedate them and put them out and they still will bark, but they'll get so much anxiety from the fireworks that they're like panting, like, like, all freaked out and anxious the entire time where it eliminates that. I still get a bark if they hear something, but it eliminates the anxiety that they have. My dog, yeah, my, my other dog I used to have, like, he used to get real freaked out about that.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I would like have accidents, you know, because you'd just be shaking because of the noise and would pee the whole time. In the middle of the night, it was like all this thunder and lightning and everything jumped on the bed and was like, like on top of me and start peeing on me. It was the worst to wake up to a dog. Are you serious? Just taking a leak right on top of you.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I totally just remembered that right now. Have you ever shared that? I don't know. It's like these things just come back when, you know, certain things get talked about. But yeah, I remember that distinctive. Arlo, who was it? Arlo, who was it?
Starting point is 00:41:29 Oh, Remy. Oh, Remy. My dog before Arlo. Oh my God, that's it. Wow. You want to talk about anxiety. So when you left, Adam, we were, you know, Adam, I'm excusing me, Justin, Doug, and I were still a patrucky.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And we were using the barbecue like crazy, you know, grilling up food. So one night, one night Doug, uh, he had marrant, by the way, Doug's short rib recipe. Have you tried it? Oh, no, I was so bummed out. I was done. Doug's like the best cook out of all of us. And you guys plan his day. Next time Doug cooks first, dude, his, yeah, yeah. Okay. My, my kid, my son, a, probably three pounds worth of short ribs. He ate all of us. So good.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Anyway, he marinate them, so we put them all in the grill. And of course, the marinade's got some, probably some olive oil or some oil in it or something like that. And the short ribs are pretty fatty. So we did that. So we did that drip and injure them. Drippin' on the bottom of the pan of the barbecue, right? And then we've already been barbecuing on that thing.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, all week, all week. The next day is, or two days later, whatever, it's the fourth. And we're like, let's do a bunch of burgers. It's a fourth of July, burgers and hot dogs. Just have a good time. So we buy 80% ground beef, nice and fatty, ground patties or whatever. Put them on the grill, close the thing,
Starting point is 00:42:42 and Justin and I start playing cornhole. And I'm watching the barbecue, thank God I was outside, close the thing, and Justin and I start playing cornhole, and I'm watching the bar, think God I was outside, watching the barbecue, and I'm seeing like some thick smoke. Yeah, what's going on over there? Open the thing, dude, and it's a fire. Full on grease fire. It's a fire, and you shut the propane off.
Starting point is 00:42:58 So I, so first thing I do is I pull it away from the house, because that would suck. Good awareness. Pull it away from the house, and then I. Good awareness. Pull it away from the house. And then I turn off the propane, and I've had this happen before, where you turn off the propane, let it burn out for a second.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And it's okay. Nah man, I keep getting bigger. We were close to needing the fire extinguisher. Yeah, so I'm like, I grab the salt and we're like throwing salt on it. Yeah, I'm trying to get that thing down. I go for two days, you guys always burn the house down. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Yeah, so I know. I know. I'm taking two days, you guys almost burned the house down. Jesus Christ. Yeah, so I know. I know. I'm taking the burgers off because they keep dripping fat. They had like 20 burgers on there. Yeah. So I'm like, my hand, of course, it's not here. It's Sal's cooking day, right? That's it.
Starting point is 00:43:35 No, man. Dude. That's one way to get out of your night, right? I don't know, guys. Last time I almost burned the house down. You guys remember? Yeah. You put me in charge of this? Remember when I burned everything down?
Starting point is 00:43:46 Anyway, we dumped Salth all over it and I had to clean it. I scrubbed it all down. So now we're... If you cleaned up your mess. Yeah, now we're saying... Hey, you guys got... So one of the nights, I was playing cards with Katrina. I think we talked about this.
Starting point is 00:43:58 That was crushed you? Yes, bring it up again. Told you to beat you. She barely beat you. Good job Katrina. You guys were watching Unsolved Mysteries. And I didn't feel like you really beat you. It's barely beat you. Good job Katrina. You guys were watching Unsolved Mysteries and I didn't feel like you really sold it. Like it was that great and then I was like,
Starting point is 00:44:09 ah, the other night I didn't have anything to watch. I'm like, oh, let's just try it and see it. Oh my God, I got sucked in. Oh, it's amazing. That's good. Oh, you know why we were a little disappointed? Because the original narrate. Yeah, the original Unsolved Mysteries
Starting point is 00:44:22 had that dude that were narrate. Right, right. And he wasn't in this one. Yeah, he's not in on or whatever. That was just for an nostalgia because like we love the show growing up and it had all those like crazy stories back then even. Yeah. And to see them continue it, it's great. I'm a huge fan. Now, now remind me because I remember, because I watched a lot when I was a kid, the old ones didn't they actually, they would share when some of the stories get broke, right? Because one of the coolest parts about the show
Starting point is 00:44:49 is that a lot of these unsolved mysteries get solved because all the eyes watching, right. Now, what connected? Which ones are your favorite? Do you like the murder ones, the disappearing ones, or do you like the weird ones, like the alien and those? Yeah, that's me. No, on the opposite. I like the ones that are like ones, or do you like the weird ones, like the alien and the... Yeah, that's me. No, on the opposite.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I like the ones that are like supernatural. Yes, do you know? And then like everybody starts to have their own accounts and... But it is like, again, it's out there. That show used to, I was a young kid when it came out, used to terrify the hell out of me. I'd watch it and right before bed,
Starting point is 00:45:20 because I loved that feeling, but then I wouldn't sleep, but I still did it anyway. So what I think what happens is that music, the intro music, has now been hardwired into my brain for fear, just the song. So when we watched it, we were sitting in front of the TV, I'm a 41 year old man, I said, I'm gonna make goosebumps.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Just the music went on, I got this wave of like goosebumps and fear, I'm like, what the hell? It's been hardwired in the me. But yeah, we watched the UFO one first. I haven't even watched that one. See, I like the murder and missing. Yeah, the very first episode's pretty powerful. Yeah, that'll suck you in.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I did. Pretty crazy. Dude, I got a DM from someone, I want to bring this up on the show that they've been using a lot of branch-chemy noasseds and that they've been feeling kind of down and they wanted to know if it was the branch of amino acids. That was doing that.
Starting point is 00:46:08 It could be, it very well could be. You shared this before. I have and I want to share it again. If you're eating a lot of protein, first of all supplementing with branch of amino acids a waste of time because you're getting plenty in your protein. But if you're eating a lot of protein and you're taking a lot of branch of amino acids, the BCAAs could be competing with the production of certain amino acids that will make serotonin.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So in animal studies, when they give them high doses of BCA's, they notice depression like symptoms, and because serotonin plays a role in regulating appetite, these animals will actually eat more food to try to... Interesting. Yes. So supplement with BCA's,
Starting point is 00:46:44 unless your protein intake is low, probably it's not only a waste of money, but if you take a lot of them, might not be good for you. This quads brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge. Try Organify, totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com.
Starting point is 00:47:11 That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com, and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Rosie Faith. Can you explain the difference between a good morning and a Romanian deadlift? I understand the weights are in different positions, but you're basically working the same muscles, right? Are they interchangeable? You know, when I was younger,
Starting point is 00:47:37 I would look at certain exercises. And I'm talking like, you know, early 20s, I'd already been working out for a while, I'd been a trainer. I'd look at certain exercises that were different, but look so similar that I used to think to myself. They are interchangeable, you know, like incline dumbbell press, incline barbell press, same movement, same major muscle groups.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Why would I waste time doing this other exercise? These aren't as close as you think. And they're not even as close as you think they are. Yeah, as I say, these aren't as close as you think they are. I mean, first of all, when it's loaded on your back for a good morning, the bar path is completely different. So the bar path on a remaining deadlift is similar to any other deadlift where it's close to your shins and close to your body,
Starting point is 00:48:16 where this is extended on a lever. So that's different. You can load the back a lot. You can almost hinging, but that's about as close to getting. Right, right. Obviously, there's a lot of muscles that are involved, but they're definitely different. They are, and even exercises like I did just mentioned,
Starting point is 00:48:34 incline barbell press and incline dumbbell press, the slight differences actually make a decent difference in your muscle development and strength, and all that stuff, because your body has to fire differently and has to stabilize differently, even when the exercise, I mean, I could go from a closer grip and climb to a wider grip and literally the difference can be four inches, three inches.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And it's gonna be a very, it's gonna be a different feeling exercise. I'll give you an example and people will get this because you only really understand this when you've been working out a long time, so use something else as an example. So we all walk all the time, right? So you're used to walking, note that feels like.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Put on high heels. You're still walking, especially if you're a man, you've never done this before. If you walk in heels. I've seen those videos, those are fun. Now, you're still walking. Interesting that he picks this in now. I know, I know. I are fun. Now, you're still walking. Interesting that he picks this in out. I know.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I was like, trust me, the first time I did this. I mean, God, if you ever done this. Yeah, yeah. I mean, the doll, you throw a dress on it. That's why my toes are tight. But if you wear a shoe with a high heel on it and walk, you'll notice same walking, you're still taking strides, whatever, slight difference, you're talking about inches,
Starting point is 00:49:45 and it's gonna be totally different in the way it feels on your body. Romainian deadlifts and good mornings, yes they're hip-pinging, yes the prime movers are the same, totally different feel. Good morning, you're stabilizing the upper back, it's loaded a little lower on your upper back, then like a squat, you have to maintain,
Starting point is 00:50:02 you have to really maintain a strong upper back posture as you do this, you could load it more. Romainian deadl, you have to maintain, you have to really maintain a strong upper back posture as you do this, you could load it more. Romaniadet, you have to hold on to the weight with Romaniadet lift, you have a little bit more activation of the mid back because you're holding on with your hands, different bar path. They both feel totally different, both valuable for different aspects. That's the thing, you want to bank those types of exercises that are similar, but provide a different stimulus.
Starting point is 00:50:29 So that way, you're not constantly always doing the same thing in that way, you can kind of stay ahead of that plateau. And like we always talk about, whichever one that you gravitate most to, and introduce the other one. So if you're somebody who loves good mornings, but you're like, oh, I do good mornings, there's no sense for me to do remaining deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Actually, you should. And vice versa. If you are somebody who loves good mornings, but you're like, oh, I do good mornings There's no sense for me to do remaining deadless actually you should right and you know vice versa If you are somebody who always does Romanian deadlifts and you don't hardly ever do good mornings and introduce good mornings Right have their own value now that being said I don't think for most people it's a good idea to do both in the same workout That's hope that's it might be they're close enough for that. Yeah, it might be overkill right? And especially because of your you need to be really No, that's what it's. No, that's what it's. They're close enough for that. Yeah, it might be overkill, right? Right. And especially because of your, you need to be really, either we're on the left or good morning, you have to have really, really good.
Starting point is 00:51:11 You need real concentrated attention. Yeah, you have to good, incredibly good, low back stability. If you start to break form, especially if you're loaded heavy, these exercises can be pretty nasty on the low back. If your form is good, you're safe. I also think too, you loading it, like good mornings I can do way more than the Romanian deadlift.
Starting point is 00:51:30 A Romanian deadlift, where you're keeping tension on it the entire time and you're having to hold onto that, even with wrist straps, you're holding onto 200 or so pounds, but I could put good mornings on there, I can go 300 pounds and do a good morning. So they're definitely different with loading too.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Next question is from Nick Zeneis. What's a good way to program farmers carries into your workout? What are the perks of going heavier versus walking farther? We're getting questions like this because a lot of people are enrolling to do some strong training. Everybody's enrolling in maps strong because that's the program that's on sale. And so in that program, we programmed farmer walks because, well, Robert Oberst really liked them, said they're really important. And now that I've done them regularly, I 100% agree, regardless of what your fitness goals are, heavy farmer walks have tremendous benefits for the entire body.
Starting point is 00:52:23 It's one of the best exercises. I literally will put it in the top 10 now of exercises that I've done that have really worked. The whole body built strength, the built muscle, and have improved my squats and my dead lifts and all that stuff. But how do you program it? A lot of people have this question
Starting point is 00:52:38 because it kind of works everything. Where do I put it? Now if you follow a maps program, we program it in 40. You don't have to worry about it. Or if you follow a full body workout we program it in four. You don't have to worry about it. Or if you follow a full body workout, it really doesn't matter because you're working your whole body anyway. In which case, I would suggest doing farmer workouts after legs
Starting point is 00:52:54 and maybe at the beginning of your back workout. But what if you do a body part split? Where would you put a farmer walk? Two places I can think of that would make sense. Either back day or leg day. I think those are the two days that can think of that would make sense, either back day or leg day. I think those are the two days that I think farmer walks would be programmed on a split. I don't know what do you guys think.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah, I like that. I also like it as a way to start my workout too. I mean, we talked about this the other day. This was one of the exercises. That was, yeah, I mean, that was one of the things that I was, I originally, I didn't think it was a good idea because I thought, oh, it's gonna exhaust me before I go do legs or I go do chest
Starting point is 00:53:29 or I go do some of the exercise. But because it's one of the single exercises that I can think of that literally wakes up your entire body, everything from your neck all the way down to your toes, I love to start it with a workout. I'll do, you know do two or three nice heavy carries, and then when I go into any other exercise of that,
Starting point is 00:53:50 I feel like I'm so primed. And it reinforces good posture. Right. So yeah, it stacks your spine, it gets all the joints awake and alive, and so I do like it as a primer, and like you said before that, I thought it might exhaust me,
Starting point is 00:54:03 but I've actually used this a few times before going into my compound lifts and loved it. But I also like using farmer walks, you know, for building volume. So we do this whole like these work sessions within, you know, maps strong. And that's really to build up this, this, this tank, this motor, this ability to carry heavy things for longer amounts of time. I just find that so valuable when you're going back into heavy lifting in your workouts, it's like you have that endurance for all those lifts. Now I can get through those lifts more effectively because I just have this bigger tank. Dude, one of the biggest benefits I got from MAP Strong was my recovery ability went through the roof because it builds
Starting point is 00:54:47 Your ability to handle more and more volume and workload So then I would go back to it Another MAPs program and like my body was recovering so fast and it realizes because strong help you know Build that up now the last part. He's asking about the perks of going heavier versus further Is there a recommendation that you guys have with it? Do you prefer to go heavier or go further? So yeah, it depends kind of like what I'm doing. But if it's for building volume, I like to go a bit lighter and then for a further distance.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And so that's something that I actually prefer to do it that way. I know in the strong man training, they do a lot of like sprints with it, with like heavier loads and they kind of run with it Which has value in itself for that kind of more explosive, you know type of strength, but for me personally I do the longer distance. Yeah, so I've used it as a strength building exercise where I go heavy and I'll go 50 yards, which is relatively short distance to carry away and I've gotten up to of the short distance to carry away. And I've gotten up to 450 something pounds for that distance, no wrist straps, just my hands. And it feels like a strength exercise, like a deadlift.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Like it builds my body like a deadlift would. So we're all kind of a little bit different. So I like in here because we have, it's our place and I can take my shoes off. I love to get barefoot in them and actually walk like really controlled. So I'm doing it moderately heavy.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I'm not going like the heaviest I can. I would do that. It was sneakers and kind of moving relatively fast to the 50 yards and back like what Sal was talking about. But because I'm using it more like a primer to wake everything up, I like to get my shoes off, get barefoot, pull them and like really think about my posture and every step I take. So I'll go for a shorter distance,
Starting point is 00:56:28 but I'll move slower and really think about my entire body. The way I'm holding my shoulders, where my neck is positioned, each foot, and as my foot's kind of striking the ground and kind of gripping the floor with my feet, to me, I love that. I think for most people that what you just said, Adam, is probably the most valuable way to do a farmer walk. I think for most people that what you just said Adam is probably the most valuable way
Starting point is 00:56:45 to do a farmer walk. I think if you're advanced high level, you want to build maximal strength, you've already got good support, you've got good stability, been working out for a while, then you can have fun with seeing how heavy you can go for distance, in which case then it becomes like I said, a strength and building exercise. But most people would benefit from farmer carries from doing it with the intent of being perfect, perfect with their form
Starting point is 00:57:11 and their technique. Next question is from fit within, do you see any value in experimenting with different popular diets purely to gain knowledge and personal experience? How would you go about doing this? Oh, just extremely valuable. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:57:25 This is the best way to do it. If you want to learn, here's the thing that is really crazy. We, most people, have no idea, they're just so unaware of how food really affects them, partially because eat the same stuff all the time. So it's hard to know until you cut things out and replace them, and then you become all of a sudden more aware,
Starting point is 00:57:45 like, whoa, you know, removing that and replacing with this, I feel so different. Or in my workouts, I have so much more stamina, or I have so much less stamina, or my sleep is better, or wow, my gas, or my acid reflux now is fixed, or whatever. You have no idea until you have a bit of a contrast.
Starting point is 00:58:02 You know what I'm saying? And doing this helps you do that. So for example, going keto, which is very, very low or no carbohydrates in high fat, it showed me that I just don't need as many carbohydrates as I think. I had great, I was okay, I felt good. And what I noticed on keto, that's distinct, is I'm sharper mentally. I also noticed that I do have less stamina. Carbohydrates do provide me with more stamina when I'm working out. And so these are things you can notice with yourself by going through these diets.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Now the other part I want to say is, you got to do it for a little while though. You don't just go keto or vegan or paleo or whatever for a few days. You got to give yourself a couple months of doing something before you really solidify what you're understanding about your body. So I used to do this without telling them that they're doing it, right? So with your clients, I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:54 Yeah, so this was like a, I love to weave in and out of all the different, you know, quote unquote diets. But I wouldn't tell a client that I wouldn't be like, oh, we're going vegan now, or oh, we're going keto now, or we're going paleo now. I would just adjust their food, and I would run a much higher protein
Starting point is 00:59:14 or a much higher fat diet for a while, and then we would reduce, you know, meats, and then all of a sudden it would be like mostly veg. And so I would do that, and then I'd be asking them to report back to me and be like, how are you feeling? What do you notice? And then try and make them aware of that versus,
Starting point is 00:59:29 I mean, God, this weekend I was with, you know, my niece and her boyfriend were at Max's birthday. And, you know, she's like, oh man, she goes, have you seen game changers yet? Oh, no. Right, right. So she tells me that they're gonna go vegan right now. And I go, you know, why don't you guys call me
Starting point is 00:59:45 before you just all sit and go grocery shopping and decide because you watched one documentary that you're gonna change? I was like, first of all, I said, I know you're eating because I've coached her before. I know you're eating habits. I know what you love to eat. Like you absolutely love meats and you're diet.
Starting point is 01:00:00 So why would you completely eliminate it? Now, I'm totally for you eliminating some of the things that you probably don't need in there as regular as you probably were eating before, like the bacon's every morning in butters and you know, if you're eating red meat all the time, why don't you go to like, you know, reduce down to chicken and fish and see how you feel
Starting point is 01:00:16 and then go run a vegan-ish type of diet but allow chicken, because she's not doing it for animal, right? So if you're doing it for those reasons, she's like, I don't give a shit about that. You're like, okay, if you don't give a shit about that, you enjoy meat. Why would you all suddenly go from somebody who eats it all time to completely eliminate any?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Why don't you eliminate the ones that you think are potential offenders in your diet and eat like maybe leaner cuts or less frequently eat it and pay attention to how you feel and run maybe a higher vet. You're not getting enough vegetables and greens, maybe go that direction and look at it more like that versus going like eating one way and say, oh, I watched this documentary now I'm going to eat a complete other way and not really paying attention to what is your body telling you when you eat these foods and when you don't eat these foods.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Yeah, it's a really, really good way to become aware of how foods affect your body, of how your current diet was affecting you, because again, most people just, they have no idea, and so when they make some changes, all of a sudden things become more apparent to them, I love this, I absolutely love this, and here's another reason why I love it, because for whatever reason, I know why, okay,
Starting point is 01:01:23 our diets are much more to us than just food. I know that's, if you break it down, it's just food, but really it's much more than that. This is why when you talk about diets with people, it gets almost like you're talking about politics or religion. In the fitness space, if you want to get into, right now we're in election season and you say anything that's politically motivated or any type of political comment, you know, right now we're an election season and you say anything that's, anything that's politically, you know, motivated or any type of political comment, you're gonna get fire for one side
Starting point is 01:01:50 and it gets all crazy and so people are like, I don't even wanna talk politics. Sometimes you get this religion. In the fitness space, you do this with nutrition. You talk to fitness people, you start talking diet, I swear to God, you will get into fights and arguments with them as if you were talking to, you know, no one size fits all. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And this is the message that people forget all the time because in their world, this works so well. And it's just gets promoted, you know, and this is what you hear from your relatives, is what you hear on the news, you hear on like a documentary that's trying to, you know, really pull people in their direction. And this is all monetarily driven. They have a reason why they're doing that. They're marketing it to like that
Starting point is 01:02:36 because they want you to buy certain products, they want you to buy their method, their book, their plan, whatever it is. It is totally a good idea for you to go through these yourself and educate yourself. And this is my experience with fasting, which is another sort of a method on its own, which just helped me to understand my own habits and look more from an outside perspective of why I'm so needy at certain times of the day
Starting point is 01:03:07 for nutrients or what my patterns tend to be with I go here because I just get this thing and it's and it makes me feel this thing. I feel great, like having coffee and having this muffin or whatever it was and I can eliminate that and I can even feel even better by doing this instead. And so I just think that putting the ball back in your own court and really understanding it, yourself is everything. That's what I mean. You literally break, that's because nutrition or food
Starting point is 01:03:36 is such a big part of us that you learn to break the chains to your food. And I don't mean break the chains, like you're never gonna eat again. I mean, again, people treat it like it's a religion or like it's politics. And going from one diet to another, with, by the way, this has to be with healthy intent.
Starting point is 01:03:54 And if you're going from diet to diet, which one's gonna make me lose the most weight and become obsessed about it, this can also become, you know, eating disorder. But if you do what the intent of really listening to your body, see how you feel. You'll break those chains. You won't get stuck in that nutritional, you know, zealotry that a lot of us get stuck in. And you'll feel flexible. You'll feel like, okay, well, you know, I got this, this presentation to make. And I notice when I eat keto, I'm a little
Starting point is 01:04:20 sharper mentally or, you know, I'm going to go kayaking with my friends. I notice when I eat a little higher carbohydrate. You know, it's best for whatever situation. Or I'm a little sharper mentally or you know I'm gonna go kayaking with my friends I notice when I eat a little higher carbohydrate. You know what's best for whatever situation or I'm feeling down or my Digestion is off. I know I had to adjust my nutrition accordingly because again We're so tight so funny like when I talk to my parents about nutrition Just give an example of how tied people are to their food if I even make the recommend it if I even hint That they should probably reduce or cut pasta out of their diet, just for, just see what happens. You know, I tell me, just, yeah, just cut pasta,
Starting point is 01:04:51 I remember my parents are Italian immigrants. When I say cut pasta out, just to see how you feel, it's like cut off a leg. It's almost like I said, hey listen, why don't you like kill one of your children just to see what it feels like. That's the response I get, right? It's because we're so tied to our food,
Starting point is 01:05:04 moving from one to another in this way, I helped you, helps you break that. Well, not only that, you know, this is what I was telling my niece too, is like the likelihood that you and your boyfriend are supposed to be eating the exact same thing is so unlikely. Yeah, you know, so consider that too,
Starting point is 01:05:17 because so many people do these diets and then they put the whole family on it or the spouse or whatever has to do with it. Have you seen people put their pets on vegan diets? Yeah, it's so. Like cats and dogs. vegan diets? Yeah, it's like cats and dogs. They die. It's like, it's like, maybe this whatever diet you, maybe you found one that works really well for,
Starting point is 01:05:32 but to think that because it works well for you, that it's also gonna work well for your partner, is ridiculous. That's how individual all of us are and how unique it is. So instead of attaching yourself to the religion of the diet, try to unpack what is it about this diet that is making you feel so good? And what was it about what you were doing before that was making you feel so bad?
Starting point is 01:05:53 And maybe it's, and not maybe, for sure, it's a few things. It's a piece of something. Yes, it's a few things that you probably eliminated when you follow this new diet X, you know, that is making you feel so good. And it'd be where it's less about, oh, being so regimen about this diet, these diet rules. And it's more about, oh, wow, when I cut out having, you know, butter and bacon, I do feel 10 times better. Okay. So you don't need to go full vegan. Just cut out the butter and the bacon and eat normal. Or when you notice when you eat red meat two times a day every single day, you feel terrible. So rotate your meat, maybe have some fish and some chicken
Starting point is 01:06:28 and some turkey and some other things in there. Instead of, so look at those things when you follow these diets, a made up thing. It's completely made up. Yeah, I know. It was just food before. Right. And I'll end on this part with this.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Within reason, I know we're saying try a bunch of different diets. That doesn't mean try every. Yeah, the cabbage diet, the pizza diet. There's a lot of crazy shit out there. You could skip those. Yeah, use a little comment sense. Next question is from Taylor Baca.
Starting point is 01:06:56 What's the hardest thing about being a dad? Adam, you're the newest dad. You're the newest dad in the room. What's the hardest thing so far? I guess I was suddenly gonna ask, if I say that there's nothing really hard. There's like little things, right? And I think the hardest, if I were to label or the thing that comes to mind, is probably the difference that you have with your partner who's raising.
Starting point is 01:07:19 And all the little subtleties, like I'll give you an example to the, to that come to mind that I, and I've shared one of my shared the crawling story, I believe, on the podcast that I share on the podcast. Right, so that we're a little bit, like let him struggle more. Yeah, she's a little bit of a risk you have. Right, and there's another thing recently that's came up that like, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:38 he's starting to walk around, right? He hasn't walked, he's not walking, but he wants to walk all the time. So he, you know, he's grabbing people's hands and then he, that's all he wants you to do is walk him everywhere. And I'm actually really adamant about not wearing shoes. I want him barefoot. I want him barefoot, like all the time. Like, I don't care if he's walking over dirt and rocks and everything like that. Like, I think that's really good for him to start to adapt that way. And then we can put shoes on him later on when it's like, we're going,
Starting point is 01:08:05 I think I'm not talking about when we're going public places in a grocery store. I'm talking about when we're in front of our house or her brother-in-law's house or somebody's- Yeah, you're not walking through the tenderloin in San Francisco Fairfax. Yes, yeah. But, you know, in our, in our, in our round,
Starting point is 01:08:17 our house and things like that, I like that. And she's like, no, he's gonna hurt himself. He can step on glass or he can cut his foot. And so this last, for his birthday, his sister has like, you know, they have kind of an older house, and you guys remember. Oh, who's sister?
Starting point is 01:08:33 Katrina's. Yeah, her sister and brother, I think you've been out there. Have you guys been out to that house yet? No. And Sam, aren't you? No. Okay, so anyways, they have like an older house,
Starting point is 01:08:40 and the driveway is like, definitely like older asphalt, you know, where there's like, it's not flat and smooth. It's like rocks all over. Chunky. Yeah, chunky like that. And I had a barefoot and he walks the best. And now my theory on this is that you have so many nerve endings in your feet.
Starting point is 01:09:00 This kid up into this point has only felt grass or carpet and all of a sudden he gets on this and I could see his toes and gripping the floor, all of a sudden he's walking way, like he's balanced his way and more stable. Now it's scarier because he's unstable, right? So you know, she's like, you gotta get shoes on him and I'm like, no, like this is great for him right now.
Starting point is 01:09:22 It's waking up all those nerve endings that he's unaware of right now. And his brain is developing. Yes, and it's speeding that process up. And so we get into this little bit of a tip over it. And then I find myself getting frustrated because I feel like this is kind of my field. It's like this is kind of what I'm like,
Starting point is 01:09:39 the my specialty, let me have him here. And she's like, no, I don't want him to fall and get hurt. And I don't want to cut his foot and then with the rest of the hospital type of deal. So I find, and obviously it wasn't even a big deal for us who we moved on, but it was enough for her to like to throw a jab at me and be like, hey, whatever, you know, type of deal.
Starting point is 01:09:56 So we've had a couple of moments like that where there's just a difference of opinion on how something should be done. That's about the only thing. I mean, of course, like, tired nights and we don't get to have our date nights like we used to and the selfish side, but honestly, that's not hard for me because I waited till I was almost 40. So I'm over selfish at him.
Starting point is 01:10:19 So I'm not having a hard time with that. I was ready for all that, which I believe if I was 25, that would be really hard for me. The hardest thing I'd say is just that, is that Katrina was raised a certain way, I was raised a certain way. We both have certain things that we probably feel strongly, and I'm sure you guys have stories to relate to this.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I could echo, you know, against very similar, my household's very similar to that, but I think for me, I don't want to always be captain no fun. And really, it amounts to there's ice cream trips, there's these things that happen when I'm out of town and all these things. And it's like, I struggle with that because I guess, I'm trying to create opportunities for fun
Starting point is 01:11:01 that don't involve high sugar outlet things or way too much electronic stimulus. These are the types of things because I pay attention to the behaviors that result from all of that crazy input. I try and balance to the point where I don't want the rebellion to happen as a result of dad always throwing the hammer down, this isn't going to be the case, but Courtney supports me. And she supports a lot of those moments where I do have to remove things that I can see
Starting point is 01:11:38 patterns as a result of these things, of these entertainment things that they get into, especially with electronics and it's a constant battle. But I guess the hard part is just to keep steering and guiding and directing, what my kids are getting exposed to, what their habits are, what kind of friends are around, like what my kids are getting exposed to, what their habits are, like what kind of friends they're around, like all these things.
Starting point is 01:12:07 I'm like, I'm just constantly thinking about how this is gonna affect their development and how, you know, good humans are gonna be as a result, you know, around other people. And so it's not that it's hard, it's just that it's something that's always top of mind. And I'm also very, very very much stressed out about everybody's safety, well-being, trying to provide and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:12:32 So that's all part of the job. This is what a dad is. So I own it. I talked to my mom about that when my kids were really young about the worry and stuff. And I'm like, oh my gosh, I don't realize how invulnerable I was before. I had no vulnerabilities.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I thought I did, but I really didn't. Now that I have kids, it's like, now you really worry. And my mom smiles and she's like, that never, now it'll never end. She goes, you think because you're grown up and you have your own family that don't worry about you all the time? She's like, that'll never go away. And I'll say, oh, shit, that's a big hit. I think you guys both make really good points because I think a big struggle, and I had my kids younger,
Starting point is 01:13:13 so I kind of went through this. I think if you think you're going to have kids and be, and life's going to be like it was before, it's going to suck. You have to expect and accept that things are gonna be very different, and then you're gonna be okay because if you're the guy that like, you like to go hang out with your buddies and you and your wife or your girlfriend
Starting point is 01:13:33 love to have all these date nights and all this freedom, then you think, yeah, when we have a kid, we'll get back to that old stuff before. It's, you're gonna be at odds with reality because the reality is it's just not, and then you're gonna hate life because you're not expecting that it's always going to be different. So I remember going through that as a younger dad.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I think right now there's a lot of things that are tough about being a parent. That's why I think there's nothing that will make you grow. I don't want to say nothing, but there's very few things that'll make you grow as much personally as being a parent because it's so damn Anything that's really challenging does that to you and I could list a bunch of stuff that's really hard You know, it's really hard to like be human, you know like not be perfect because then you second You if I lose my temper and I'm on my own or I'm with you guys I oh I lost my temper and I acted stupid not own or I'm with you guys. Oh, I lost my temper and I acted stupid, not a big deal. You do that to your kids.
Starting point is 01:14:27 You end up thinking about it for weeks. Like, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I,
Starting point is 01:14:37 what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have I, what have, what have, what have I, what have, what have, what have I, what have, what have, what have, what have, what have, what have, what have, what have, what have, you know, you have to learn how to get over that because I could literally sit here right now, you know, let's say your kids are at school and you can think about all the
Starting point is 01:14:47 different things that get at school. That's really tough too, the worry is really tough. But right now, you know what I'm finding is, and this, I know, I'm sure this was tough for my parents too and their parents. It's really tough to do the right thing when the right thing is different than what everybody else in society is saying is the right thing. To do the opposite of what everybody else says is okay and good. It's really, really hard because you're battling,
Starting point is 01:15:16 you're at war with all the other influences that they have. And this gets hard as they get older. When they're real young, it's just you. So they don't know any better. But as soon as they go to school, they have friends, they have their own experiences, and then they start to realize that, oh my dad,
Starting point is 01:15:33 they're different. It's different. Like right now one of the big struggles is electronic use. This wasn't a problem when I was a kid because it just didn't exist. I mean, we had TV, but it wasn't that big of a deal. We didn't have 24 hour cartoons or 24 hour entertainment. And we definitely didn't have the internet
Starting point is 01:15:51 and iPhones and all that technology. And so I'm over here looking at it and I see stark difference in my children when they're using a lot of electronics versus when they're not. Changes their personality completely it changes their mood how they engage with other people it's like the processed food of our generation our generation grew up and processed food became a big thing and you know if you lived at a home where your parents were like no you can't
Starting point is 01:16:21 buy the sugary cereal we're not going to get the sugary cereal. We're not gonna have snacks all the time. You can't have hot pockets for lunch. You're the weird kid, because everybody else says it's okay. And so you have to be different. Well, now I'm the guy that's like, if you wanna use electronics, you need to ask me, so I can monitor it.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Well, I got a 15 year old kid. You know, he's got to ask his dad every time he's used electronics. Right. You know, when he's telling me, you know, my friends can be on all the time. Why am I being a different? This is a challenge as a parent, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:49 or, you know, you have entertainment and media telling your kids that they glorify sex, for example. Nothing wrong with sex, but media makes you believe that it's everything, makes you believe that real connection without it is valuable. So then you're gonna have to counter that too, or counter process food. I'm a health and fitness person.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Well, these shitty foods are all over the place. So now at my house with me, I'm the guy that's different, or we value things that are different than what seems to be advertised out there. That's really fucking challenging because you don't want to feel like the jerk. And then you don't, also, here's the other side of it. I don't want this to happen. I don't want my kids to go off on their own.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Oh, now I'm not under dad's control. Finally. I get to go in the opposite direction. You know what I mean? And rebel. Maybe they'll, maybe they'll end up doing that. I don't know. That's the hard thing.
Starting point is 01:17:44 It's when raising your kids, the right way is different than what everybody else seems to be doing. Well, and also realizing that they're not you. Like really, really understanding that. This is a different human being that has different ideas. Different, because you like portray your own ideas and like, well, I wouldn't have done that, you know, that, that way. And so that's something that I've, I've had to struggle with and realize
Starting point is 01:18:17 and pull myself out and be like, these are completely different humans. I mean, even though they came, you know, from the part of me, they're completely different. Dude, if you, here's a big one, right, if you don't raise your kids, somebody else will. And that just may be society, it might be group of friends, it might be the internet, it might be media, it might be their friends. You know, you look at some of these sites that like, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:43 I have a teenage boy and teenage boys, there's certain sites that they like to go on. And I'll go on and I'll read these forums. And you can see there's a lot of cynicism. This is what tends to happen with teenage boys. They get cynical, they make jokes about a lot of stuff, everything stupid or whatever. And if I'm not opposing that, that'll raise my kid.
Starting point is 01:19:00 So that's a big ass challenge. And as a dad, you have to be very involved because I'll use a fitness analogy. We talk about movement patterns all the time. If you do correctional exercise one hour a week, but then the rest of the week, you're moving terrible. Which one's going to win? Yeah. You know, well, if your kid is being raised by you a little bit and everybody else and everything else is raising them all the time. You're gonna lose, you're gonna lose the battle. So for me, that's the hardest thing about being a father.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Look, mine pump is recorded on video as well as audio. So if you wanna watch mine pump as well as listen, go to YouTube, mine pump podcast. Also, we have a lot of free guides. We present guides that show you how to burn body fat, build muscle, strengthen your body. They say free guides. Guides, no guys, the guys are not free.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Go to mindpumpfree.com, and then finally, if you want to find us on social media, you can find us on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump Salon, Adam. Is that Mind Pump Adam? Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy
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Starting point is 01:21:07 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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