Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 135: The Master 'Baters

Episode Date: August 21, 2015

Want to be popular? Then don't talk politics. Oops, too late. Adam has now unleashed the political side of Nerdy Sal....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I got a chance to watch what I was talking to my clients the other day about the debates. That was your one I had a chance to do. Do you think about the political? Yeah. What do you guys think of Trump? That's what I was actually gonna just mention right now.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah, I- Donald Trump, the Donald- He is a character. I fucking love him, dude. Do you really? I do. Okay, wait, but what do you love about him, though? Okay, before I turn off half of our-
Starting point is 00:00:36 I know, half of our- Oh my God, okay. Okay, first of all, let me tell you guys- Actually, let's preface this whole thing, okay? I'll preface my own. Well, I'm pretty preface. He preface like Mexicans, right? That's what's going on that's what Donald yeah well so yeah let me preface my my which by the way Adam's half Mexican right yeah that's how I feel
Starting point is 00:00:53 about our strange politics politics to me is kind of like how Justin called my men's physique Dungeons and Dragons yes fitness dudes whatever no no no it was when you play fantasy football. That's what you said That's like that you're right. Right. So fantasy football is like that. I feel like politics is sports for the adult nerd That's how That's how I feel about politics That's just sinking that's just sinkin that's just
Starting point is 00:01:24 direct the right way down that being said okay I always have a opinion it's not a strong one because I don't follow sports but I do fall sports I don't follow politics like some of my buddies follow follow politics that's a great and now I'm sorry that's a great now it is isn't it here's me here's a lot of this. Everything is. You got different players. They all come from a different, you know, league, you know, league, yeah, right? You get in their back. Oh, what are they doing the off seat? Some people. Some this one was was hand shaking with so and so. No, no, no, no. It's not. It's not the pump a bunch of money. This is this team pumps so much more money. That's why they get a son represents. Oh, you know, it's this company.
Starting point is 00:02:05 You know why? Because look, if the full Niner's win the Super Bowl. So Roman Saunton. Or if the Cowboys win the Super Bowl, it doesn't change. They can't do shit to fuck up your life. Yeah. Politicians takes are higher. Let's just get politicians.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It's fuck shit. It is. This is when they bigger game. It's bigger than Super Bowl. Just like how I feel like, you know, gambling is, you know, stocks are like gambling for the smarter guy. Also, I feel like it's bigger the risk by their reward. So you're right with the politics. There's much higher risk because we're now fucking with people's lives. But in the day, I feel like it's the same way. It's still
Starting point is 00:02:37 sport to them. They still, even in the way, I feel like even in the way politicians communicate amongst each other, they behind the cameras and anything that that have you ever seen two opposing guys talk. It's like, it's not like you wouldn't, you like you would think they disagree so much on stuff. It's like, no, I don't even think a lot of them disagree that much. No, I just have stands that if they're representing Republicans, they got to stand by these staple things.
Starting point is 00:03:01 They can be waverish on these things. And these things, they have to be 100% opposed. And then you have your, you know, liberals over here and they're a hundred percent focused on this, but they can, they're a little green or a little gray on this. It's all a crocus shit. Yeah, it is. You know what? That's the, that is you have actually nailed it down. You actually have nailed down what it's all about. The truth of the matter is behind closed doors, these guys are giving each other hand jobs. They are represented by the same people, by the way.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Do you guys know how much they expect this presidential election to raise in terms of campaign, you know, money? Do you have any idea? So a billion dollars per for each candidate, the Democratic candidate and the Republican candidate, they expect them to spend over one billion dollars. Wow. Now think of that for a second, a billion dollars. How much, yeah, they can't just give it on Kickstarter.
Starting point is 00:03:58 No, how much money is that and where's that money coming from? Yeah. And why are they getting so much money? So people need to realize something. A billion dollars per candidate. Where is that money coming from? Is it coming from citizens who want to elect a president? Or is it coming from massive big donor contributions from corporations?
Starting point is 00:04:21 From corporations. And from big corporations. Right. Because it can manipulate the market. Thank you, yeah, thank you. Influential, 100%. And this is why I tend to vote for me. I tend to side with anything that will make government smaller,
Starting point is 00:04:35 that will reduce their impact or their influence into the market, because that reduces or eliminates the incentive for all this fucking money to come from all these companies. Who by the way, people don't realize this, companies love regulations. People think, oh, companies hate regulations, they don't wanna be regulated.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Bullshit. They love regulations. That's the best way they can eliminate their competition. And it just happened right now, next door to us, what just happened next door? Yeah. For our listeners who don't know, we are right next door to a cannabis dispensary
Starting point is 00:05:05 We didn't plan it that way. It just obviously the universe line and it was beautiful And we have a green smoke We have a clear we have a gods of mind-pumble center So we we share a wall with a cannabis dispenser. Well guess what the city came they've been in business for about six or seven years The city came in and shut them down There's the only to be, right now I think there's something like 30 or 20 something or 30 cannabis dispensaries in San Jose. There's going to be about eight left after all the smoke is cleared. And what people
Starting point is 00:05:34 don't realize is that the city council, that nobody voted on this. San Jose didn't vote on this. It was behind closed doors. City Council decided uh... it looks like and this might be a conspiracy theory but it looks like some of the biggest dispensaries lobbied city council to put new regulations forward and these are crazy fucking regulations and of course they're all fear based like oh we don't want pot on the streets and uh... the fact of the matter is since marijuana's been legalized in california uh... you've had a reduction in crime you have a reduction in addiction to opiates, you've actually had less car fatalities,
Starting point is 00:06:09 traffic accidents. It's actually been a good thing all the way around. Lots of tax revenue being raised, but what they did is they lobbied city counts to put forth these crazy regulations, which of course they passed, and eliminated all the competitions. So now the only ones left are the ones,
Starting point is 00:06:23 and what do you think is gonna happen now? They're gonna make a shitload more money. And this is how it fucking works. But that's working the system that's in place that we have. So it's like, it's not to their fault of doing that, right? That's part of the game. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I think I forgot what university did this nonpartisan study. It was a huge study, I believe it was Penn State. But anyway, they came out and they said that our government is essentially an oligarchy. They looked at issues that people want that you'd oppose to or support, and then they looked at issues that big corporations support or oppose to. 90% of the ones corporation support go through, something like 10% of what the population wants goes through. So basically we get nothing that we really want.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And what they do is they divide us. And that's why we have about two parties, just like Adam was talking about. We have two parties because it gives us two choices, but the reality is nothing really fucking changes. This is why I always support shrinking the government. It reduces the damage they can do. Completely.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I agree. Yeah, I 100% agree with that. You know, this is why I was prefaceing me talking on my own side. Well, I think, no, I love hearing you talk politics. And a lot of it is because we definitely agree on a lot of things and views of politicians and government in general. I feel strongly about it. I am definitely not as well read nor do I pay that
Starting point is 00:07:46 close attention. So it's like, I'm if you can going back to my sports analogy, Sal is a Yankee's fan. I am a Yankees fan too. He happens to follow all of their shit though. He knows all the players, knows who starts, who's where they came from. They know those stats and all of them. I'm a fan. You know, I watched a game, I like how they play. I know a few players, but I don't know enough to argue or debate somebody. But I will say why I liked Donald Trump and why I enjoy watching it is he keeps should fucking real. You hit it right.
Starting point is 00:08:19 The nail on the head and it's, here's the thing. People are tripping out over his popularity. People are like, how can he possibly be so popular because he's leading the polls By a wide fucking margin and he's killing Career politicians like Jeff like Jeb Bush who's from the fucking, you know, the evil Bush family That basically, you know, it's one of the the Bush versus Clinton park right if they're like the like royalty right in in America How is he doing it? And you said he, because he's real,
Starting point is 00:08:47 it's because he appears to come out for real. He appears to be a non-politician. People are so sick of the canned answers, the being politically correct, that some guy comes out as rough as fuck, just says whatever, offends everybody, and then doesn't apologize, and everybody's like, yes, you know, that's why I think
Starting point is 00:09:05 why he's lost. It's because we're all jaded. 100% of the entire process. If you're going to talk to me about politics, I'm going to like, I'll laugh in your face because like I really, it's all big joke to me. And which is why you love the sport analogy I use. Yeah, it's hilarious because it,'s hilarious because at some point I did care and I just have never been real good
Starting point is 00:09:29 with authoritative figures in general. Like I have a general mistrust of any person, like one person with power, let alone people's misguided views of this one person is being more powerful than say Congress or people, you know, like bills passing or, you know, why the fuck do... Why are you putting all this, you know, attention to the president when he should be like, you know, just part of the process? It's not that he's sending everybody over to Iraq and he's doing it. Like, I feel like we think of them as like king and It's bullshit. They're not we have a judicial system. Yeah, well people people always complain and say government
Starting point is 00:10:11 Oh, they move too slow. They don't get things done Here's a newsflash. That's a good thing You know what they call a government that just get that just makes decisions and just you know one after another and execute I mean what they call that that's a dictatorship a dictatorship, that's communism, that's dangerous. Power is not a good thing, and this is the reason why our government was designed to be so slow and to fight and to why things look like they take so long.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Power is a very dangerous thing, but it's only really dangerous when it's centralized. You know what I'm saying? Like, if you have, let me put it this way. People are always asking, you know, talking about how we should get the government more involved in the market. Okay, they need to regulate more in the market.
Starting point is 00:10:54 They need to be more in control in the market. Here's the thing with that. When you give that much power to someone to regulate something and you get the wrong person in charge, somebody who's, let's say the power hungry, let's say they're unscrupulous, they're a little corrupt, which by the way, it probably describes
Starting point is 00:11:12 every single politician. Well, you know what though, here's a sad part, here's what, if I were to defend that, if I was somebody who was debating you, I would be like, well, that's our job as Americans to vote the right person in. We don't see that would be that person they are going to do. Well, here's a whole the laws laws the way we want them to.
Starting point is 00:11:26 How often general population is dumb? Well, no, no, here's a deal. Here's a deal. I mean, this is, and that's correct. Yes, however, how often do we vote? How often do we vote people in and out of office? And when it's time to vote someone, all the money comes in to change our minds.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Okay, but I got a better way that people vote. I got a way that where everybody votes, because how many people actually vote in elections? It's not all of Americans, it's a very small percent. It's actually, I think it's something like 50 or 60% or it's not a huge majority of Americans that vote. But there is a way that everybody votes or most people, like 90 something percent of people vote,
Starting point is 00:12:05 and not only do they vote, they vote every day, and not only do they vote every day, they vote multiple times a day, every single day multiple times a day, and it's called the market. You like something, you vote by buying it. You don't like something, you vote by not buying it. And this is why the market is so,
Starting point is 00:12:23 let me give an example of a, and relatively, and I'm not a nanarchist, I don't think we should have no nothing, you know, regulate anything, but I do think, so I do think there should be a basic framework, but I'll give you an example of a relatively unregulated market that has exploded over the last 10 years,
Starting point is 00:12:42 has just organized itself. No, I'm talking about the internet. Oh, the internet? The internet, if the internet is, it's relatively, it's the freest fucking market that we have. What regulates the market? I mean, if I wanted to, I could go online and see some crazy shit if I wanted to,
Starting point is 00:12:59 and I can buy all kinds of products if I wanted to, and what has happened with the internet over the last 10 years? Just the last 10 years. Well, we've exploded in knowledge. It's, it is, it is, not only exploded, it is becoming better and better, faster and faster and providing us with products and services that didn't exist.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Did you guys realize that something like 38% of the jobs that have been added since the Great Recession have, are due to the gig economy. The gig economy refers to like Uber, Airbnb, lift, all these businesses and companies that originate from the internet, and the reason why they're exploding is because they're relatively unregulated, you know? And it's so like we'll use Uber as an example.
Starting point is 00:13:41 We've got politicians right now. Don't you think someone would debate you that it's not because it's unregulated, it just happens because it's a great business plan. It's a great business plan, just so happens to be that it's unregulated too. No, no, I agree with you. But you would think that that's how I'd come at you. So here's the thing, the reason why a company like Uber
Starting point is 00:14:02 is exploded and by the way, they're worth, I think they have the worth, I don't know how many billions of dollars, they're worth a shit ton of money. They're already battling lawsuits left and right. People trying to shut them down. Yes. So, so here's the deal. First of all, Uber is not completely unregulated. If you drive a Uber car, you still have to follow the rules of the road. You still have to, you still have to, you still have to treat. You still have to treat people a certain way. But it's not regulated like taxis are, in the sense that, let me give you an example.
Starting point is 00:14:27 If you want to become a taxi driver in New York City, it costs you like a hundred thousand dollars, just to be able to get one taxi. We gotta get into unions, sorry. You gotta buy what's called a medallion. It costs like a hundred fucking grand to drive a taxi. Now, who do you think wants that? Who do you think promoted that type of regulation?
Starting point is 00:14:43 The existing taxing companies. This is how they keep their competition small. So Uber comes in and does ride sharing and uses the gray area of the internet. And they explode because they're regulated purely by the free market. The services are better. The feedback that people get, because if you guys take an Uber right before, when you take an Uber, you rate the driver right away, he rates you as a passenger. You can see them coming on your phone where they're at.
Starting point is 00:15:15 You can see a picture of them. It's safer, it's faster, it's cheaper. The drivers like it and the passengers like it, and it's kicking the shit at a taxi company's, because let's be real. Do you guys know anybody that has taken a taxi and said, God, I fucking love taxi. What a great fucking service. Did it smell like beer or farts or anything? No, not at all. Now politicians are going after Uber saying,
Starting point is 00:15:38 oh, we need to protect consumers. Consumers have decided already that Uber's kicking ass and it's doing a great job. politicians who are paid by paid to shut it down by unions that work that you know like taxi companies or whatnot They're gonna come out and they're gonna say things like They're dangerous. We need to regulate them. These poor workers are not getting benefits and this and that It's all bullshit. It's awful. Have you heard so you've been listening in more than I have Have you heard at cuz I haven't heard have you heard in any of the politicians yet discuss Uber? Yes, oh, okay Hillary Clinton came out and basically said we need to we need to regulate these companies
Starting point is 00:16:16 Making it sound like she's for the workers, which is bullshit I forgot the name of the who's's the guy that, the governor of New York? Christie? No, that's Jersey. Oh, Jersey. I hate him too. Anyhow, Cuomo, he basically, they tried to ban Uber in New York. Yeah, so that.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, Vegas, you can't take an Uber on the strip. Yeah, no, you can't. Wow. And that's all because of the taxi. We tried, I was with Mark Heak King from Raiders, when we were at Vegas and we were working out. And I was like, hey, you know, I'll get us a cab over here. He's like, oh, we'll just Uber it on our way out of here because I have Uber and I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And then we get out and he goes to do it. And he's like, dude, for some reason I can't connect to a cab anywhere near here. And I'm like, maybe it's not in Vegas. Well, you've taken Uber and you've taken taxi before. Is there, I mean, how different is the service? I've never been in Uber, that way. You haven't.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Oh really? How away different. Yeah. Like years. It was just amazing. It's so much better. Clean, like, you know, a nice conversation. You know, they had water, like, and it wasn't even one of the higher end ones you can do.
Starting point is 00:17:20 You know what, you want to know what's funny too? It was so quick. So, boom! So, and they'll come out with propaganda. They were saying, Oh, ubers don't go to bad neighborhoods because they're trying to be discriminatory. They did a study on them where they tested the ubers.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Ubers got there, not only got there faster, but got there more often than taxis would. In some of the worst neighborhoods you could think of. Yeah, they're just looking for an angle to sling dirt. Yeah, you know, that's all they're doing. Is they're digging looking for an angle to sling dirt. Yeah. You know, that's all they're doing. Is they're digging right now? Just like any other politician would do is like, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:50 try and collect some data where we can hold this against you. And so therefore, that means you're evil now. This, even though we've been, I got the latest one to watch. If you guys haven't been watching already, I've watched it blow up before my eyes the last six months is a DoorDash. What's that?
Starting point is 00:18:04 DoorDash is where they, it's a middle man and middle company that like like Uber, but, uh, delivers any food you want. Oh, they'll just pick it up for you. Yeah, they go pick it up for you. And it's like basically what you would pay in tipping your, your waiter by eating and dining in there is about the same money that you tip, uh, door dash for coming to you. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And it's, and now they, I wonder if they're employees of door dash or if they're on drugs or you're just like, you're Uber, where is it? See? It's like these rents. See, that's a fucking beautiful. It's a random college student who has another job
Starting point is 00:18:34 doing other things to them, but then on the side, he goes and picks up and runs, runs, runs, he's seeing that it's all done virtually. I just don't understand why people would be against that, especially being like, if you can think back for like, just think about your kid like, at summer break, right? You know, oh, I'm bored.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I got nothing to do. You know, some people bitch about not having a job. You know, it's a perfect job for them to do. When's a job gonna come my way? You have no fucking excuse. Well, see, this is what makes me hopeful because as hard as they regulate and try to control and corner the market for their big buddy,
Starting point is 00:19:12 you know, corporate friends, I honestly think with technology in the internet, I honestly think the toothpaste is out of the tube. I don't think you can put it back in. No, because what's happening is, these companies are coming out of nowhere. They're not regulated because nobody can predict what's going to happen with technology. So nobody regulated Uber because nobody predicted that that would happen.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It didn't exist. Boom, it's out. Before they could fucking regulate it, it's big and it's got money. And now it has power to protect themselves. And so I think that technology, I think the future is so free market because there's nothing we could do to stop it. Because it's connecting people. People are being connected to each other. And here's a thing with the market. In the past, people who've been against it have said things like, well, who's going to protect the consumer, who's going to protect people getting ripped off. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And they used to call that the problem of information with the free market. Like information can't possibly be perfect. Like in other words, you can have a snake oil salesman, go to one town, rip people off, and then go to the next town. And nobody hears about it because he moved from town to town.
Starting point is 00:20:16 By the time people hear about it, he's ripped off a shitload of people, right? Well, with technology, information is so quick that you fuck someone over. So last person, you get fucked over. That's it. I make if you're a shitty driver on Uber, you get a bad review. I pull you up.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I see it. I'm not taking you. You just mentioned it earlier before we were alive on air. You talked about, you know, and this is so true because I've utilized this before, is, you know, getting on blogs about product, about like supplements, saying like in the past, someone just like said, you used to talk about selling snake oil, it could be, oh, this person ran some race
Starting point is 00:20:50 with a supplement, you don't find out till six months to a year later that it has something in it that could cause this or do this shit. People up on a blog do this, as soon as it hits somebody bad like that, they're automatically the first ones to let you know what's going on with it. Well, let me give you a really good example,
Starting point is 00:21:06 a great example. Have you guys heard of the Silk Road website? That just got busted. They got busted. They had, you know, it was the platform for people to freely, you know, sell drugs. Right. Between each other as adults.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Right, so there was a website called Silk Road that got shut down. The only, I think that the guy who started it got like, I don't know, three life sentences, which obviously they were trying to make a statement. Nonetheless, people were buying and selling drugs on there. Now, everybody was like, oh my God, this is horrible. What's gonna happen is people, here's the funny thing.
Starting point is 00:21:39 They did some tests and first and foremost, because people were trading freely on this site, and it was they had this encryption. I'm not quite sure how it worked where people wouldn't get caught. The drug quality increased because if you sold shitty drugs to someone through the site, he would immediately report it on that site and nobody else would buy it. So overdoses went down, drug quality went up, people would buy drugs, test them with their
Starting point is 00:22:03 own like chemistry tests, and then post the results. And so all the scary drug dealers who were not only ripping people up, but potentially killing people, because a lot of people don't realize this, most drug overdoses happen because of drug differences in drug potencies, where I always take this amount, and then I get another drug dealer who it's all the sudden way more powerful at that amount, and I overdose. This was who it's all the sudden way more powerful at that amount I overdose This was all happening. I'm not promoting drug use, but I'm just saying that even in that crazy situation The market still protects people and there's no right nothing regulating it other than other people and the information is so quickly Shared like I said you you can try now. This is what this is gonna be cool in politics in 10, 15 years.
Starting point is 00:22:46 All this money is not gonna make that big of a difference now. That it's easy to post the video and that shit to go viral. Well, that's how it should get found out, it gets found out so quickly. That's how I feel like even with news. So in general, right? Like we're on a podcast and we're trying to already debunk myths as far as the fitness industry is concerned
Starting point is 00:23:06 everything else, but like, I can't even tell you the last time I actually sat through like, you know, live news at nine or something where it's not completely slanted to somebody's agenda or maybe it's like, you know, global news, national news, whatever the kind of news is, you know, has already proven to be unreliable because of certain things that get censored and chopped and like you'll get, you'll get like bits of, of somebody's sentence thrown in as like a, a clickbait. And it's just so sensationalized. Everybody is, um, bin suckered into this whole nonsense of like, whatever, whatever so and so said, or whoever is getting so emotionally involved, where that whole rational brain is just,
Starting point is 00:23:53 it's something that people don't really attribute to news anymore. Two things I have to say, because you just brought up one of that now and Sal did earlier, and I didn't get a chance to tell him, I've homework for both of you guys. You gotta, I don't know if you have HBO and Netflix, you got to go watch the series, South,
Starting point is 00:24:09 you need to watch House of Cards, all that. Yeah, everybody's told me that. And you need to watch Newsroom, if you've never seen Newsroom. Both of those are two of my favorite shows, and the political side on House of Cards, Justin, you'll love that too, but I'm just saying, did you just said you talked about
Starting point is 00:24:23 the news stuff right now? Great fucking show, talking, and shows all the behind the scenes, bullshit, so that love that too. But I'm just saying, did you just, you talked about the new stuff right now? Great fucking show talking and shows all the behind the scenes bullshit. So that love that show. Great show. And then a great acting to and how secards is I mean, Kevin Spacey, do that's a, it's on that place. It's fucking off. I tell you what, man, I have, I have hope for the future because I the, the, the curtain is getting moved. People are, I've heard the Wizard of Oz for so long, but nobody has looked behind the curtain,
Starting point is 00:24:48 and people are starting to look behind the curtain. You look at the Republican presidential, what's going on right now with the debates I wanna. The top people running right now are not politicians. Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ben Carson, Carly Furena. None of them are politicians. People are starting to, and I'm not saying they're great, great people. I'm just saying, look at the trend.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Look at what's starting to happen. People are starting to get turned off big time. I mean, nobody really liked politicians before, but people are kind of waking up to it a little bit and saying, okay, this is, this is some bullshit. And you know, and the fear fear mongering that politicians use, did you guys, I don't know if you guys saw when Chris Christie and Rand Paul got into that little argument on the debate stage?
Starting point is 00:25:32 No, I didn't say. So this was about the NSA collecting people's, basically wiretapping and watching people without a warrant. This was a big thing. Rand Paul, who, in many cases, I'm a fan of, I was definitely a fan of his father, who would, he did a filibuster where he wanted to stop wireless phone tapping
Starting point is 00:25:58 where they're gonna follow, they're gonna look at, see who you're calling, they're collecting all this data from every fucking American, from everybody, and they're saying it's to from every fucking American, from everybody, and they're saying it's to help us stop, you know, a terrorist attack. Here's the thing, every single time in authoritarian,
Starting point is 00:26:13 whether it be government or a king or whatever, anytime they're going to try to seize more control over you, they're gonna use fear to sell it. Okay, so in this case, they're gonna say, listen, we need to wire tap everybody. We need to see what everybody's doing online. We need to look at everybody's phone calls because it's for your safety. No warrant.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Let's look at everybody. Now let's think about that for a second because Chris Christie's a big fucking fan of it because he's a massive douchebag, but I think he's also owned by, I think he's a crony with the government. And he likes this kind of control. And you look at the way he runs his state,
Starting point is 00:26:52 he's kind of that way also. But let's think about that. Imagine if the government had that information on everybody. Imagine if somebody in office wanted to use that information against someone. I mean, that's some crazy power that nobody should fucking have. Think about politicians, if all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:27:10 the good politician comes out and wants to reveal something about some horrible thing that's going on. But that, whatever he's gonna reveal, those people view him as an enemy. They're gonna go on his fucking records and look up his internet shit or whatever and say, hey, you sure you wanna talk about us because we saw that you looked at this or we know that you're doing this. That's blackmail information.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And for people who say that won't happen, it fucking already has happened. Look, Martin Luther King was blackmailed by the FBI. FBI. It's a fact. They took pictures of him with another woman, his mistress, and they sent them to him and said, if you don't stop what you're doing, we're going to tell everybody what you know about your affairs. And Martin Luther King told them to fuck off. And of course, he did what he did, and then we know what happened to him. So Chris Christie, big support of listening,
Starting point is 00:27:54 recording everything about everybody without a warrant. That's very fucking dangerous. Nobody should support that ever. If we wanna catch someone, we get a warrant, like we've always done. We go, the judge says, yes, you may, you may follow and listen to that person. And then they can follow and listen to you. Otherwise, no, not in a free country. Sorry, we're protected. Nobody with the kind of power that the government has, which by the way, government has a power
Starting point is 00:28:16 to throw you in jail or kill you if they want to. They're the only entity that legally can do that stuff. You don't want them to have that kind of power. So when I saw them argue about that and a lot of people said, oh, Rand Paul lost that debate, it's because Chris Christie, you know, he uses the emotion of 9-11, you know, I'm saying about, oh, well, you know, I had a lot of friends who died in 9-11, so everybody gets, oh my God, you know, terrorism, you know, we need to, you know, let the go. I'm going to do the battles. I'll just create a fear.
Starting point is 00:28:43 The fear. The fear will keep them all the way. It's always about the fear. Oh, it's not. So are you, are you not, I talked a little bit about Donald Trump and why I love him and stuff like that. Are you a fan? What do you do?
Starting point is 00:28:55 I can be not like him. So I know a lot about Trump. As a businessman, I respect the hell out of him. You know, people say he's gone bankrupt several times. That's one of the reasons why I respect him. He's bounced back and he's a very, very successful in business. I also see the way he doesn't shy away from admitting that either though, you know what I mean? He's like, yeah, he doesn't hide it. And if you guys have ever seen interviews with his kids, okay. So, you know, a lot of times celebrity children are spoiled idiots. His kids are poised, professional, hard working kids.
Starting point is 00:29:30 So he's obviously done something right there with his kids. So those, I respect him in that sense. In government, the guy's an authoritarian. He likes military, which scares me. Yeah, he likes more power. He likes more power over the, he talked about immigration. That's why he got popular because he says, oh, we need to stop all this immigration from having.
Starting point is 00:29:49 They'll go all the way. Yeah, which tells me he doesn't understand that type of economic, that type of, what the real problem is with immigration, which isn't that we're getting tons of illegals. It's that it's hard to become a legal immigrant. And they need to make it easier to become a legal immigrant because then they come here and they work.
Starting point is 00:30:08 We need to make more ways for people to thrive from the beginning. Yeah, yeah, so it's it. And most economists would agree, but he came across saying he was gonna build a wall, make Mexico pay for it. He's saying things that are controversial, and so people like him for it.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I think he's entertaining his hell. I think on economics, as hell. I think on economics, you smarter than most politicians up there. I think Rand Paul understands economics very, very well. I think Carly Furena also understands economics very well. That's for me is a big thing as I vote a lot on economic. Did you just say Rand Paul's Ron Paul son? It is. Okay. That little so I didn't put that together at first. It is. Yeah. I don't know that because I've been seen Ron Paul was libertarian. He's very, and I know. So his son is son is going underneath the Republican. Libertarian Republican. Yeah. But the way the system is designed, it's pretty much impossible for you to get nominated unless you're a Republican or Democrat. Ron Paul got shut out of a lot of debates and situations because both parties will work together to get you
Starting point is 00:31:07 The fuck out nobody wants because they know he might be closer to independence They're taking votes away from whatever is you know Democrat Republican because they just want to be at the end You know because what Ross Perot they fucking hated that watch what I feel like they're doing a Donald Trump too because we know Donald Trump may stand alone and do his or he's waiting, right? He's waiting to go either or, right? That's hilarious. I love that he said that dude. I love that too that he only only dude did not raise his hand or raise a camera if they asked to raise or not raising.
Starting point is 00:31:35 He was like, yeah, no, I'm not going to say that admit that right now and everyone was like, so appalled by it. But I love that. You know, I'm saying keep that shit. Well, I love, you know, that's one of the reasons why I like you want me to be. That's why I like Ron Paul so much. Ron Paul would actually be at conventions and they, you know, at debates and he would say something and get booed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Knowing he would get booed and he would say it anyway, the guy hasn't had in change his position. He would just say, and he was super consistent. Now, you know, I'm personally, you could consider me libertarian-ish, but there's some issues I don't necessarily agree with, with pure libertarians. But like I said, I believe people should be left alone for the most part.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I do think that we should take care of others. I just don't think government is the best way to do it a lot of times. I think it's a crappy way to do it most of the time. I think the market does a fucking way better. Look, no government program ever, in the history of the fucking way better look uh... no government program ever in the history of the fucking world has fed as many people as capitalism nobody
Starting point is 00:32:30 the market has fed way more people and how and how and how's way more people than uh... any government anything you know at the twentyth century saw the largest migration of poor to middle class in the world then we ever saw in human history and nobody will disagree that it was the, it was the freeing up of worldwide markets, worldwide markets started to free up.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And even China, even communist China is remarkably more free market than the Soviet Union ever was. And China's obviously done a lot better. Now, they're having problems because I think anytime you try to control something, you know, centrally, you're going to have issues because it's never going to be as accurate as, you know, millions of people making decisions in the market. But again, China has Hong Kong, China is in touch Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Hong Kong is one of the freest markets in the world. So, and by the way, Hong Kong 60 years ago was a third world country. Yeah. Third world country was, it was poor. I mean, you know, people starving, you know, what is Hong Kong now? And all they did was, and they don't have like natural resources or anything, all they did was become, just had this very free market, and they exploded and China leaves them alone as a result.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So that's why that's one of the big issues for me. But in terms of the Republicans that are up there, I mean, I don't really like any of them. I kinda like Rand Paul. Donald Trump is entertaining the hell out of me right now. For the Democrats, the ones that are up there are scared that she out of me. Hillary Clinton, she's a Clinton and Bush,
Starting point is 00:34:04 those families, please do not let them you know Yeah, let's charge them and then and then Bernie Sanders. I don't know guys know what Bernie Sanders says, but he's Can you crunching on the mic? Adam Zedig. Um Bernie Sanders is He's actually leading a new ham sure in front of Hillary Clinton for the Democrats Bernie Sanders is in out and open socialist. Like literally says, I, yes, I'm a socialist.
Starting point is 00:34:31 No shit. Yes. So that's some scary shit to me. Like, why? He's leading you, is that? He's leading a new hamster. He's actually getting some pretty good poll numbers. I don't think someone who says they're a socialist could ever win.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I'm not gonna tell you that. Let's hope not. But that's some scary. That's some scary. That's not the end of the election. Let's hope not. But that's some scary. That's some scary. That's so interesting. Yeah, because he's totally ignorant when it comes to economics. Like completely ignorant when it comes to economics. So that's, and that's the thing when it comes to who you're going to vote for, the big
Starting point is 00:34:59 way they can fuck with you is economics. The other issues that tend to polarize people usually don't change. Like abortion is not going to become illegal. I know that's a big wedge issue that they like to get people to split on, but it's likely not going to change. It's likely not going to become illegal. There is no war on women. There is no one party doesn't like minorities and the other party likes minorities. That's bullshit. They're just one party's trying to buy your votes and they cornered the market in your votes. And so you keep voting for them.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Do you wonder if this is a bad thing or a good thing that now politicians have to become even more creative to manipulate the system where it used to be so black or white literally where you could separate. You could separate people by race or sex or where now you know, where now it's like, you know. So comp came, now we got transgender. Yeah, yeah, right. Oh, it's like, stop getting so, so, you know, out there,
Starting point is 00:35:54 you guys, you know, let's, let's say, let's say one and two things. Right, don't you feel like a bunch, that's how they all sit around, have some beers and just like, where are we gonna, where are we gonna split us, you know, where, like, fuck, just get diversity, get out of control. Well, what's, what's crazy gonna split us? You know, we're like fuck this is- Just diversity's gonna have to control.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Well, what's crazy is that because of the internet, movements happen so quickly now. Whereas in the past, it would take decades for something major change to happen. Now it takes, you know, fuck 10 years, not even 10 years. I mean, you know, gay marriage passed and wasn't even that long ago, was like six, seven years ago. You couldn't run against it.
Starting point is 00:36:28 You couldn't promote, you couldn't be a politician so you were forgain marriage and win. Right. It was impossible, there's no way. Marijuana legalization, everybody supports that. Like things happen so quickly now that, I don't know, man, I'm hopeful, but I think they'll fight it. Oh, they're gonna fight it the whole time.
Starting point is 00:36:45 All the way there. I've always laughed about people that like, they base their vote off of like, oh, I like his character. Or like, you know, this is all bullshit. Like coming out of their mouths. Yeah. You know, like basically to appeal to a certain demographic,
Starting point is 00:37:02 you know, that it was already prompted to them, like, look, this is because it's kind of the people. Yeah, it's a big commercial. It's a big hustle. And it's hilarious. It's, it's, did you know, hilarious to me? Do you, okay, so here's a, here's a crazy study that they've replicated several times.
Starting point is 00:37:16 They'll take candidates who are running an office in some obscure town or whatever, and they'll just show their faces. And then they'll have people guess which one they think will win. And with like 80% accuracy, they can guess just based off their face. Oh really? Yes! Oh yeah. Yes!
Starting point is 00:37:31 There is this subliminal thing there, right, with tall and a certain look. Yep. You know, for a president. Mm-hmm. And it just, it just, it's like in the DNA almost, it's like people are more prone. I mean, I know in business practice, like a lot of people wear taller shoes. They do these things to have more of a presence
Starting point is 00:37:52 because it does command authority. Well, I think it was immediately. Who has a Lindsey Graham on the Republic in debates. They were making fun of them because the cameras pan to the side and then he was standing on like these risers because he's short. So he wanted to look like he was as tall as everybody else.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Dude, have you noticed that? Have you noticed that like everybody, like your Ron Paul's are like you're kind of out of the left field kind of people that I love to listen to are like depicted, even though they're short, they're depicted like little like tiny, tiny people, you know, in comparison. They're trying to portray them.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Exactly. It's hilarious. Yeah. I noticed that with a lot of different candidates that like, you know, the media doesn't even want to say that they're even at that debate. It's like, oh yeah, what happened to that other candidate? Oh, well, the largest is not going to make it. The largest voting block in America and the fastest growing voting block is our independence.
Starting point is 00:38:48 It's not Republican, it's not Democrat. Once the independence, once someone can figure out how to get them together and organize them, the two party system will be over. It'll be done for. Or one of the parties will have to drastically change to bring in these new independence. And independence, they are very liberal on social issues
Starting point is 00:39:12 and they're very conservative on economic issues. They like free markets and they like free minds and free bodies. And so they're split because you have the liberals on one side that promote the social liberal issues but are super not conservative with economics. And then on the other side, you have the liberals on one side that promote the social liberal issues but are super not conservative with economics. And then on the other side, you have the conservatives who tend to be anti,
Starting point is 00:39:30 the social issues and but pro free market. Although we all know that when they get an office, it doesn't fuck them out of the do the same shit. That's what they sell. Independence tend to be socially liberal and economically conservative. So once someone can figure out how to kind of gather them together and use that as a force holy shit, man.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I think organized independent sounds like an oxymoron. It does. It's a tough, good luck at that one, right? It's kind of like getting us to have one focus in the group. Man, I've had dreams of putting out a website where I'm like, vote for nobody, just vote for someone who's outside of the party or whatever, you get me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Just as me, I'm always a pro tech. It's a Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse for president. Well, you know what, so far, I'm a fan of Donald Trump, whether I would vote for the guy to be our president, which I don't really play sports in this situation. You just like to watch the fucking show. I do, I do, you know, just be the same.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I am, I- It is a show for sure. That's how I really, I hate, you know, and I'm sure I'm offending some people that are like hardcore into it, just like if I was gonna make fun of, you know, fantasy football I just did, like, Dungeons & Dragons, I'm sure a lot of fantasy football get a finnify, but hey, you know what, dude,
Starting point is 00:40:40 like it is what it is, you know, if it was safe, it looks like a duck walks like a duck. Your quarterback is actually a wiser duck. It's gonna be honest. It's fucking duck. Yeah, Titans or Warlocks. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from South, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mind pumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Radio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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