Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1411: The Best Exercises to Improve Coordination, Ways to Correct Overactive Traps, the Benefits of Fasting & More

Episode Date: October 28, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about ways or exercises to improve body coordination, exercises to help with overactive upper traps on pulling movements,... cleansing or fast days, and whether there is any detriment to always wearing sunglasses outside. How the ego wins all the time. (4:38) Amazing feats with Mind Pump. (7:37) Has Sal now been shadowbanned too on Instagram? (12:22) Why are men wearing heels? (18:23) Coronavirus regulations for California this holiday season. (20:24) Fun Facts with Justin. (24:22) Impulse buys with Adam. (26:55) The brilliance of Pluto Pillow. (29:24) An app that is gaining attention for the wrong reasons. (33:31) Pulling a Toobin. (35:27) Mind Pump is OBSESSED with Ned’s new sleep product. (38:06) #Quah question #1 – What are some ways or exercises to improve body coordination? I am a competitor in Stihl Timbersports and this skill is very important. (41:25) #Quah question #2 – What are some exercises to help with overactive upper traps on pulling movements? (48:32) #Quah question #3 – What are your views on cleansing or fast days? (53:05) #Quah question #4 - Is there any detriment to always wearing sunglasses outside? I live in Florida and always have them on when I’m outside. I’ve seen mixed answers from various articles. (59:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned October Special: MAPS Anabolic and No BS 6-Pack Formula October Promotion: ALL MAPS Products 50% off!! **Promo code “OCTOBER50” at checkout** This pregnant woman ran a mile in less than 6 minutes 1 week before her due date Muscle for Life Podcast - Sal Di Stefano on Why You (Maybe) Shouldn’t Vote Straight, married dad has been wearing skirts and heels to work for years to challenge gender norms Coronavirus in California: New Rules For Gatherings This Icelandic Craft Beer Is Made From a Giant Whale Testicle (Video) Visit Pluto Pillow for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout for 10% off** This Horrifying App Undresses a Photo of Any Woman With a Single Click Jeffrey Toobin suspended from New Yorker, on leave from CNN, after he exposed himself on Zoom call Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! STIHL TIMBERSPORTS | Lumberjack Competition Series | STIHL USA Stop Working Out And Start Practicing - Mind Pump Media Best Exercises for Strong Shoulders (UNCONVENTIONAL STRENGTH) | MIND PUMP The ONLY Forearm Workout That Matters (TRY THIS!!) | MIND PUMP 5 Exercises For HUGE Forearms & A STRONGER Grip (FREE Big Arms Guide) How to Fix Rounded Shoulders (GONE IN 4 STEPS!) | MIND PUMP Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome to Mind Pump, the world's number one ranked fitness health entertainment podcast. Now in this episode, we answer fitness and health questions that are asked by our listeners. And the way we open the episode episodes by talking about current events and studies and we mentioned supplements. And so in this episode, I'm gonna break down
Starting point is 00:00:30 all the stuff actually before the episode starts. And so you know what happens through the episode from beginning to end. By the way, you can go to minepuntpodcast.com and fast forward to your favorite part. Everything is timestamped. All right, so we open up by talking about smart training in aches and pains.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yeah, I know we've been trainers for a long time, but we kind of heard ourselves. Do we apply our own methods? Then I talk about the lady who ran a six minute mile while nine months pregnant, crazy. Puttin' us all the shame. Then we talk about how I got shadow banned on Instagram. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I talk about men wearing heels and why that's going backwards, Not for the reasons you think. I talk about the laws in California for Christmas. This is great. We're telling us what we can't do. These are my favorite parts. Awesome. Justin brought up a beer made in Iceland with whale testicle. Yum. Yum. We talk about one of our sponsors, Pluto Pillow.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Now Pluto Pillow allows you to customize your pillow based on your height, your preferences. If you like things soft or more firm, great company, really improve my sleep and the sleep of my co-hosts. And because you listen to MindPump, you get 10% off all of their products. Just go to Pluto Pillow.com forward slash MindPump and then use the code MindPump for get 10% off all of their products. Just go to PlutoPillow.com forward slash mind pump and then use the code Mind Pump for that 10% off. Then we talk about this company apparently this app that is causing a lot of trouble because it can take people's clothes off, make them look like they're naked online. Can't wait to use it, which led us to talking about that guy who got fired from
Starting point is 00:02:02 CNN, Tuben, pulling a Tuben, pulling a Tuben. Then we talk about that guy who got fired from CNN, Tuben, pull in a Tuben, pull in a Tuben. Then we talk about another company we work with, Ned, they make a sleep blend made with CBD, CBN and other compounds that, to be quite honest, the most effective thing I've ever used ever for sleep. I mean, you take this an hour before you go to bed and you sleep incredibly well and wake up
Starting point is 00:02:24 very, very refreshed. If you want to try this product out, go to helloned.com. That's H-E-L-L-L-O-N-E-D.com, Fort Sash Mind Pump, and then use the code Mind Pump for 15 percent off. Then we answer the fitness and health questions. Here's the first one. What are some of the best ways to improve body coordination? This person's a competitor in timber sports,
Starting point is 00:02:48 so we talk a little bit about that. Next question, what are some exercises that can help with tight upper trap muscles? Those are the muscles that attach to the neck. Next question, what are our views on cleansing or fasting and the final question, is there any detriment to always wearing sunglasses outside? Where my sunglasses outside?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Wow, it's in good. Also, four days left for this crazy, crazy sale, 50% off all workout programs, all maps workout programs, all maps, workout programs, half off and all bundles. Now bundles are already discounted. Bundles combined multiple maps programs and discount them 20 to 30% off,
Starting point is 00:03:34 take another 50% off that. So bundles are usually filled with joy. Half off everything, okay? So go to mapsfitnessproducts.com, that's the word mapsfit fitnessproducts.com that's the word maps fitnessproducts.com and then use the code October 50 that's the word October and the number 50 no space And It's t-shirt time holy can't
Starting point is 00:04:03 It's it's our favorite time of the, Doug. Yeah, we lost Adam today. It's not his favorite time right now. He's making time in the bathroom. Yes, he is. All right, so we have one winner for Apple podcasts and one winner for Facebook. The winner for Apple podcasts is Geek Gains and for Facebook, Justin, Sophie, Chia. Both of you are winners in the name. I just read two iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. All Justin's are winners.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You want to know easy way to tell if you're surrounded by fitness guys over 35? Yeah. The noises we make when we sit down. Just right here, ready? What is hurting on you, Justin? Well, yeah, my hip. What about you Adam?
Starting point is 00:04:49 Outside of my knee. Yeah, and I got my elbow. So, let's say it's together, we're full trough. Yeah, we hurt everywhere. We can't talk about that. We're supposed to be encouraging people to get into working out. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:05:01 You know what it is though? It never fails. I was doing an interview yesterday and talking about the whole thing when we discussed doing as little as possible to elicit the most amount of change. It never fails that you do more. My ego wins all the time. The ego wins all the time because it's like, even though I know those rules and I live by those rules, 90% of the time, there's still that 10%
Starting point is 00:05:26 that the ego wins, and it says, you know what? You've been doing so good at them these last two weeks. I just see what you can do. You should, you should really made of. So you should throw another hundred pounds on there just to see, just to make sure. That's good for you.
Starting point is 00:05:38 That's what happens to me, dude. I'll be working out, and I'll be like, oh my god, I'm so hurt. So then I'll go through a period of like smart training. Yeah. Then I'll start to feel good, and be like, I wonder if I can lift that like I used to. Yeah, yeah my god, I'm so hurt. So then I'll go through a period of like smart training. Then I'll start to feel good. I'll be like, I wonder if I can lift that like I used to. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:49 That's exactly what it was. And then I do it, but then right afterwards, I'm like, damn, well I could, but that wasn't a good idea. Oh, especially if somebody's watching. You gotta gotta add a little more. Yeah, for me, it's always like squatting or deadlifting. And it's always because I've been in a rhythm for a while and you know that and you know when you hit these workouts right so I've been I've had
Starting point is 00:06:10 like probably I want to say three or four like really good weeks where I've been consistent and I've been consistently training three to four times at least right so I think one week even hit five right so I've been doing well and I'm seeing my squat strength go back up again and I can feel and like that's For the trouble. Oh, yeah I put the weight on the bar yesterday and like to warm up and it was just like when you when it feels light It's like oh this this is good. This is I'm getting back right and then it's like That exact phrase
Starting point is 00:06:40 Jessica calls me out every time yeah, I'll come in after I'm all pumped. You know I had a good workout I'm like coming back babe. I should be like you say that Coming back. What do you mean coming back? I'm chasing my best workout of all time Constantly but I was like 28 and then my then my knees the next morning go no, you're not actually Let me remind you Yeah, you're warranty expired. I'm a vlogtavigo. Whatever. I don't care anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Just keep doing it. I mean, whatever. This is why I remember going, there were people that used to work out of my gems that I would manage that were older and back then older for me would have been over 50, right? But fit men and women. And they always, the ones that were consistent, they always trained really good technique. They never really lifted super heavy, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:31 That's why. Because they're smart. Yeah, they're smart. And reasonable. We're not being smart. Speaking of which, since we're already on this feel bad about your self-trained, what's the fastest mile you guys have ever run before? Ever? Yeah. Did I time it? I don't know if I ever timed it.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Five 50 something for me. Yeah, I'm so bright under six minutes. Yeah, when I was a kid, when I was in six, seven, eightth grade, I was running times like that. That's right. I remember. You don't remember? Did you ever break six minutes? Sure. You get out of your guy. That's what my soul is. I don't remember. You know, I don't know. You guys remember all your guy. This is what my son remember. You guys remember all your stats.
Starting point is 00:08:08 They're so useless. Well, true, Adam and I keep track of all of them. Yeah, like why? I mean, that was a big, okay. Watch out, watch out. Hold on, hold on. Adam, what's the most you've ever curled? Your team does.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I care to you. I actually don't know that. I actually don't know that. But when you were, at least when I was in school, in middle school and in high school was a big deal, the mile, I mean, they tested you every year. And so- Presidential, physical fitness.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, I mean, I guess if you were in the lumped in the average, it probably wasn't a big deal, but if you were towards the, the, I'm rostin' in what happened. Yeah, I'm rostin' in the case. If you got sub six, that was a big deal. His paper just had a pee for pass.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah, good job, that's a new pass. Yeah, I got ease, bro. Ease, lots of ease. That's a, yeah, I a big deal. His paper just had a pee for past. Yeah, good job, that's a new past. Yeah, I got ease, bro, ease, lots of ease. That's a, yeah, I was breaking right. Well, anyway, recently this just happened, a pregnant woman, nine months pregnant, just ran a sub six minute mile. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Nine months pregnant, ran a sub six. It's huffing. Yeah, it says here, a California athlete's speed is going viral for an unusual reason after she ran a mile under six minutes Can we see the video while nine months pregnant? McKayna Miler 28 said her doctors cleared her to continue running with the with the Vailer track club in Orange County really five to six times a week while pregnant her husband Mike Better $100 that she could not run a mile and under eight minutes.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Where'd he go Mike? Good job bro. We're to almost kill your kid guys. That can't be safe no? You know do this such a variance right? An individual variance. Right I mean obviously if you stay consistent training like maybe that's not it. She's used to that kind of intensity.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah I do not recommend anybody who's pregnant try this. Nine months pregnant too. Yeah I mean that's insane. I do have the video here I could send it to you dog. Oh that is impressive. That's crazy to me. and anybody who's pregnant, try this. Nine months pregnant, too? Yeah. I mean, I do have the video here. I could send it to you, Doug. Oh, that is impressive. That's crazy to me, you know? No, that's impressive.
Starting point is 00:09:51 How'd she feel after that? It makes you feel terrible, doesn't it, though? A little bit? Oh, yeah, I definitely passed it. I know I, I, in, I want to say junior high, I was able to go under six minutes before I started lifting weights. This is when I was like super skinny. high, I was able to go under six minutes before I started lifting weights. This is when I was like super skinny.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah, I was young. It was definitely middle school time when I hit time with that. And then I think high school I was in the sixes. I definitely slowed down as I got taller and like you're... Yeah, when I figured out that girls were more interested in my arm, the way my arms looked versus my mile times when I didn't care anymore. Yeah, yeah. You can't walk the other way. I remember 40 times because that was the only thing that matters.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Because you got all the gas, dude. Power. Well, 40 times is what like every other college, they were like evaluating your performance based off of that, the shuttle run, and then that's older, that's older. That's like, I know, I can't go back to Ellen, who gives a shit about elementary school because that's when we were excellent That's fair that's fair. Was it even a real mile, too? You know, they they measured for us They had like these cones. So I mean oh, we had didn't have a quarter mile track at your school. No elementary school I didn't oh we did no junior high. So mine was real so you probably didn't really actually do it that good
Starting point is 00:11:02 Helps have a real school I ran two laps how much is that? actually do it, that good. I don't know, that's probably, it helps that a real school. I ran two laps, how much is that? Oh, that's half a mile? Yeah, I did, I don't think. I don't think, I don't think you did. I don't think you did.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Look, there she is, dude. I wanna see this, I wanna see the mechanics. She's flying, dude. She doesn't move. She doesn't even live at, she's eight months pregnant. She's not like, she's not like, nine months, nine months.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Do you bounce here or anything, you know? No, I mean, that's tough, because I mean Jessica's nine months pregnant and you can see that, look at that. She's not that big at all. Yeah, it's not that big. Oh, no, not at all, that's weird. Yeah, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Oh yeah, look at that. Her posture is definitely interesting, running like that. This baby ran a mile before it was even born. That's crazy, dude. That's insane. Well, I hope she's healthy and she does, she's good. I've seen pregnant women hurt themselves
Starting point is 00:11:46 Before from trying to I'm surprised that doctors released her to do that doesn't it seem here's here's a funny thing No offense to any doctors listening right now, but doctors know very little about fitness You know an athletic performance. So I don't what kind of metrics of the doctors using to clear her you know Yeah, how do you feel I feel good? Okay, you're good. Yeah, you know what? What's the clearance? Well, they're normally on the other side of that like I most doctors tell them not to run Mm-hmm. Yeah, so that's really that's interesting that they would even push her in that direction her chiropractor did it That was the doctor Dude, I take you guys and being shadow banned on Instagram. No.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah. I'm telling you, it happened to me. That video still that I drove all those people, I think it's still at 6,000. Well, it makes you think that. Like what are the numbers you're used to? It just drops substantially. Bro, if I posted anything in my story, I would,
Starting point is 00:12:40 and this is as of the recording the podcast, I would get on a low day in 24 hours 14,000 views on a high days close to close to 20,000 views on just something in my story right your memes You're basically should you post whatever I'll post something I write or whatever and what's a and what's a bad day because I can see the difference in mine 14,000 that's a bad day. Yeah, I would never I mean rarely would it even get even close to 14,000 And so I posted some memes that first I posted a meme of 50 cent. Okay. So 50 cent, which is the one by the way they got blocked, right?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Didn't that get there? That's the first one that got blocked. Which is so stupid. So 50 cent obviously comes out with that tweet that says he's gonna, he doesn't want to become 20 cent because of the new tax thing that Mark, hilarious. So there was a, and this is funny. It wasn't even political.
Starting point is 00:13:26 It's a picture of 50 cent, but with like Donald Trump. More interesting to Donald Trump. Donald Trump's haircut on him or whatever. I thought it looked hilarious. So I posted it. It was funny. And it got, it got like a warning on it because the picture was, well, it's doctored or whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So I'm like, that's weird. Every meme right is like that. I've never posted a single meme that wasn't doctored, but whatever. So then that happened. Then I posted another one that was, I don't remember what it was exactly. I can't remember off the top of my head, but it was another political, funny meme. And then that was it, dude. All of a sudden, I'm getting a thousand views in 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Wow. A thousand? Yeah, and that was yesterday. Today, I deleted all of them from yesterday. So I'm like, all right, let me see. Maybe one of them is causing this to happen. It's happening right now too. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:09 You finally got on their radar. I mean, I feel like I should pop some champagne or something like this. You've been trying so hard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got the shadow, man. We have a political podcast with our buddy Mike and everybody.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Mike Matthew, they do it. They do it in a way though. It's hard to be for sure about, right? Cause it's not like you're not no one's seeing it whatsoever. It's just like also, it just dramatically reduces it. It's just like the video that I posted, it's like... They just throttled it. Yeah, way down.
Starting point is 00:14:34 So, does it mean that they're just not letting your normal people see it? Is it just not jumping in their feet? I have no idea how they would do something like that, or how it works. And I know they keep it a secret, right? They keep the algorithms and all that secret. Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I know there was like a big initiative with all tech companies after Trump got elected the first time to not let that be a factor in terms of like, swaying people either way. And so it's like, you know that a lot of that had to keep going, you know, going into this election. Try to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Yeah. Like that's just gonna, their social media is the era
Starting point is 00:15:08 of free, unregulated social media is over. I know, and what is the answer? I mean, what would be your answer to that, right? Would be to, you just can't, you can't stop anything, good, bad, or ugly, right? I mean, that's the only way you make it free and fair. If you wanna be covered, otherwise, there's always gonna be a side
Starting point is 00:15:22 that is gonna be upset, right? Well, it's getting edited. If you wanna be protected from lawsuits and you want to be, you know, have a good case for remaining unregulated, then you can fall under. I remember what law this was, but it was the same, these laws that cover phone companies. So let's say, like we're here in California, we have PG&E. PG&E is not liable for something that I say over the phone, right? Because they're just there letting people talk.
Starting point is 00:15:50 They don't edit, they don't do any of that stuff. It's all open, and so they're protected so that they can, and that's a good thing, that's a good thing that they're protected because if they- Right, it's not fair to PG&E if you and I were conspiring to rob a bank. And then PG&E gets sued. And then they get sued.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Exactly, or you say something I don't like or whatever. Right. Right. Now, so social media is kind of tries to say that they're protected under that. The problem is is they actively edit their content quite a bit. And so now they would have to go completely the opposite.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Right. They would have nothing. You'd have to allow all things that are good, bad, and offensive. So that's an interesting place to be, right? In which case, they probably wouldn't have very much business. Think about that. How many people would leave Facebook
Starting point is 00:16:32 if it was completely open, if it was completely free? So they have to kind of do this balancing act of, we gotta edit it to be happy to make our customers happy. Maybe they have their own intentions. Because they wanna keep people there. I mean, that's the basis of their whole business is to be able to keep them on there so they can throw ads in their face. Well, do you know how many times they've tried to pass laws to regulate the internet and
Starting point is 00:16:53 stuff like that, and they always get slapped down? But now you have, you know, first it was the Democrats that got pissed off because they said that the 2016 election was heavily influenced by social media. They went after social media giants. Right now it's the conservatives that are going after them, really, really heavy. And now the public is all kind of pissed off. And this is right.
Starting point is 00:17:13 This is what you can do. And they're gonna pass regulations. They are. It'll never know when you can't win, right? No. No matter what, even if you're trying to be as, you know, as bipartisan as possible, you're still always gonna lean one way or another.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Do you think this is eventually gonna affect podcasts? I don't know. In other space. That's a good question. I would think that podcasts are probably more like the phone company thing because companies just hold podcasts. But because there has yet to be like a social media,
Starting point is 00:17:43 like a podcast, social media type thing, where you go on and it's easy to share and you see, and that's been one of the criticisms of the podcast space, because they're harder to share and find. But if that happens, then I could see maybe, I mean, who knows? Who knows? I don't know, I just, yeah, I always like to,
Starting point is 00:18:01 you know, think ahead of all these things coming our way and see how it's gonna affect our space. Cause I mean, right now it just seems like there's so much free speech. And this is like the only place you get it anymore. And I just wonder what the powers that be are gonna start putting a spotlight over here. Yeah, well, yeah, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:18:19 They're gonna be regulated. I guarantee it. It's over. It's coming. Anyway, something else that, and this is not for the reasons that some people may think, so bear with me. I was reading this article about kind of fashion trends and stuff that's happening right now.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You? I mean, I know. I could say that again. Accident? No. While you're watching Sports Center. You know, you just what? If I had to explore it.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Upside down world. I'm gonna act like Justin Adam combined today. Oh my God, I would love to see that. No, so apparently there are a growing number of men that are wearing heels and skirts to work. Now, hold on a second, hold this true. Now hold on a second. I'm gonna give me angry.
Starting point is 00:19:00 So here's why this is backwards. This is why this is not progress. It's not because men shouldn't wear heels. I wanna give a shit, where whatever you want. But because nobody should wear heels. The hell are uncomfortable. If we're gonna progress, it should be the opposite. It should be women not wearing them anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Not men wearing them. Where are you going? What's wrong with you? So like the worst thing for your feet and your posture. That's a thing right now. That's just an article about there's, there was a man in the UK, he's gotta be following on Instagram
Starting point is 00:19:23 and that talked about how. You know what I wanna do? More guys are starting do that. I want to know the women that are fucking these guys. Yeah. I want to meet them. Like what I don't know it. I don't personally know any women that are attracted to that really. Yeah. Are do you? Bro, do you forget like Prince? Do you remember Prince the musician? No, no, not that dude was accomplished. Yeah, that's totally bad. That is not you. You are not I'm not allowed you to draw that. So he was getting laid in spite of the fact that he wore. No, but they're doing it for a cause. I'm assuming, right? Back then he was the only one. They're doing it because of a cause or it's like a new fashion.
Starting point is 00:19:55 No, he likes it. He says it's a good fashion. Oh, really? That's really weird. Yeah, that's backwards. I feel like progress would be people saying, we're not going to wear heels anymore because it causes anterior pelvic tilt. It hurts my, it's not good for my foot health
Starting point is 00:20:09 and they're on constant. Guys are picking them up. What are you guys doing? I don't know. I'm just trying to like equal it out. But what? But should equal it out in the opposite direction. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 It should be helped or at least shave in their legs. You know what I mean? Well, since we're talking about ridiculous stuff, did you guys see the Christmas laws that came out from Newsom? Oh my god. Is that real? It's real right? It's not fake I had to like double check to make sure I wasn't I wasn't I made it through like half that let's hear it. Okay, so these are the California holiday gathering COVID rules. Only three families together at once.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Three households. Three households. Guest tracing, so when people show up to your party, you have to get their phone numbers and emails, just in case someone gets sick, so you can send it out to everybody and have guests tracing, and then of course report it to your government. Yeah, yeah, report it. Yeah, just like to hitler youth. Yeah, let's do that.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Gathering outside only so you can't have an indoor Christmas party, which okay, that's going to kind of be weird if it rains or whatever. Internal bathroom, okay, thank you. I'm going to appreciate for that one. If routinely sanitized, everyone must sit six feet apart. So you have like, let's say you have eight people at your house, and you're sitting in your backyard, 90 foot table. You just like to say things, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Like none of this stuff is like applicable to anything we're going through right now in California. That's weird. Okay, food and single serve containers only. So you have to give it, everybody has to own single serve container, and only two hours is allowed. Now truth be told, I'm sure there's a lot of people
Starting point is 00:21:51 that like these, because now they have excuse, like, oh, sorry guys, sorry uncle creeper, you can't come over. You know what, it makes me laugh because it's like, every time it's such a dumb idea to pass any laws or regulations that you can't enforce. How are they possibly enforce that? They can't.
Starting point is 00:22:11 That's why it's hilarious to me that he even brings it up. Like, who's gonna manage this? Exactly. But what happens if I don't do it? Yeah, and is he taking, like, tax money to, like, pay people to go out there and enforce this? It's like the FBI warning on the videos that I talked about. Yeah. It's the same thing. It's like the mattress tag. Yeah. Don't have to suffer. You're going to. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's going to be a big black market Christmas. What is the move though? I mean, what is what I mean, Sal, you're you're the one that's into the politics. So what's the political mover? Why would you even come out and say that? If you know you can't enforce it, you know, half the people are gonna be forward, the other half, is it because he thinks that more people would actually agree with it? Like is there, maybe we are the minority in this,
Starting point is 00:22:54 maybe we don't think this is weird? He looks like the most ultra progressive guy that's ever existed. It's like super anti-covet. I think part of it is, maybe, you have to put yourself in the mindset of someone like that. I think sometimes politicians think that they're super like kings, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:10 How people are gonna do what I say? And then number two, he can always say he did that, you know the words. Yeah, well I said it. Exactly. In the future, what was your response during COVID? Look what I did. Okay, okay, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Like if it starts as spike in California and everything, he could go back and say, well, I told people not to I did. Okay, okay, that makes sense. Like if it starts as spike in California and everything, he could go back and say, well, I told people not to do this. Yeah, okay. Or if it doesn't spike, then he can take credit. Oh, hey, this because in California, you know, we limited Christmas parties. You don't want a lot of other states think that we're doing such a great job, right?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Isn't that what the, isn't that the rumor that all California's lockdowns, the way we've eliminated or reduced the numbers, so drastically considering how big we are. Yeah, but we had a huge spike in the middle of lockdowns. Even stricter lockdowns, remember that? Remember the spike came up? And I mean, it's logical if people are gonna go out and be around each other,
Starting point is 00:23:59 you're gonna see more COVID cases. That's logical. You have to count it though against all of the other unintended consequences. You can't just look at infections, you gotta look at everything else and all of the other downstream of potential consequences, but they're not considering it all.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Information like this is why I drink sometimes. I'm gonna be honest with you guys. And what I'm thirsty for is this Icelandic brew. Have you guys heard about this Icelandic brew? It's like a craft brew, and they use whale testicles and sheep's dung. Why? Can you imagine like a beer?
Starting point is 00:24:35 In a beer and they'd say the most manly beer you could drink. Right, and it's also like the whales are like endangered. Wow. Oh my, wow, you guys are really going for it. Well, you know, Iceland's known for their amazing cuisine. So this only makes, actually they're not. Have you know, do you know that they have like, I think it's an Iceland.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Are they ready to worst? Yeah, I think they have this fermented shark meat dish that's supposed to be the worst tasting thing of all time. Yeah, I mean, I mean, this compliments it well. Exactly. Yeah, so down a nice beer. So what's the deal with this beer? Why would they make it this way?
Starting point is 00:25:06 I think it's a traditional thing. Like so they used to brew back in the day. And so somebody, this beer company decided to do it like as a traditional thing for like once a year, they would like promote this craft brew that locals would appreciate. That's why Vikings are so tough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Because they can drink and eat anything. They just go through this. Yeah, there it is right there. From whales, testicles. How big is a whale's test stuff? That's what I'm wondering. It must be massive. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Have you ever seen the pictures of whales, like I think a whale penis? Have you seen how big those things are? Have I. It's just, yeah. What are you guys doing? I mean, I got a poster over here.? Have I. It's just, what are you guys doing? I mean, I got a poster over here. Well nothing, it's just interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:49 No, well, no, no, that doesn't just pop up in your feet. You have to actively, it's got to be the biggest one. You have to actively Google that stuff. No, don't you mean they're mammals? You got a, you know, they're packing heat. Yeah, you got to look up how big is a whale's testicle? Tell us exactly how you searched it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I mean, click on images and scroll down five to the third image to the right. Do you want me to say it in this third? Look at weird. It turns out that one fill whale, wow, one testicle weighs seven to eight kilos and is the size of a basketball. That's not as big as I thought it would be.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's the size of a basketball. Bro, but for a whale, that's a small, that's small, dude. Yeah. That's nice of a post-scale wise. There was a guy with, what's that disease? Terrible disease, really, really bad. Elephantitis. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:37 You ever seen a picture of the guy where he's sitting on it? Oh, yeah. On his own, his own. That's in a, I felt bad for, I guess. Isn't that in the Guinness World record? Isn't that, that's in that? I not bad for us. Isn't that in the Guinness World Record? That's in that, I think it's right. I think it was.
Starting point is 00:26:47 It looked like a bean bag. Yeah, he was sitting on it. It was his own thing. Yeah, it's been a bean bag. Those love sacks are massive, huh? How big was that love sack? Did you guys, you haven't seen it yet, Justin? I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Doug is the only one that's seen it, huh? Is that thing huge or what? Massive. Now, was this, let's be honest, everybody, or Doug, since you've seen this, let's just be clearly totally honest, was this one of Adam's impulse buys, or was this like, is this like good? This is functional.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah, because Adam's been known to have impulse buys. Yeah, I think it could be good if everybody's at the house. Okay, I was gonna get you Doug if you did not. No, I would say, I think we're gonna appreciate it when everybody's at the house. Yes. Otherwise, it is a very large thing in the middle of a room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:28 See, Doug, Doug should be in politics. He answers questions very, that was in the middle. It was. That was very much. I was watching it if he was going to be hard on me because it is. There's going to be a time and I, here's the thing. I know why I know he has to agree because he's been the guy on the floor before. I have been.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And that's the hardwood floor and watching a movie. It's not a fun place to be. How big is it? It's massive. I mean, it's big. Bigger than a whale's testicle. Like in this room, how big would it be? I mean, more comfortable.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Okay. Take Adam's chair, fill the whole thing up with filler. And it'd probably be at least that big. Oh, it's more than that. It's way in there. Yeah, it's acceptable. It's did, oh yeah. How much did it cost?
Starting point is 00:28:06 How many people? How much did we buy it for? Don't ask those types of questions. Why not? 1600 I think. No, it didn't, dude. Yeah, something like that. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, a pimple. This was 100% of pimples, but. No, he was talking about it for months.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I'm not impulsed. I didn't really buy. The price was $1,000. Oh, I bought one. I also bought one for myself too. I thought you were gonna say 90 bucks. It's too big for my house, so I'm giving it to my house. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Why did you throw the front door? Why is it so expensive? It's a lifetime guarantee, okay? So it's forever, okay? Forever, you have to let. Think about that in itself. Divide that by all the months, you're So it's forever, okay? Forever, you have a last shift. Think about that in itself. Divide that by all the months, you're gonna lay it over the course of,
Starting point is 00:28:49 you know, 30, 40 years at least. Think about that one, okay? It also has a, you know, we have elk fur cover that you can unzip. Is that included in the price? Is it easily washable? That's it. Yeah, easily washable.
Starting point is 00:29:00 And then it's filled with that memory foam, dude. Oh, yeah, memory foam. And you know what expense of those beds are? Yes. It's worth a wait till you go up there you haven't been up there right now while so when you go up there and you go laying that thing. I'd rather have 560 dollar bills on the floor. Oh you know me I'm not a money guy you don't care about that. Yeah you're gonna like you're gonna like it. Speaking of these types of things, how's Katrina enjoying her pillow? Oh, did you see I posted that yesterday?
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah, so tell me all about what's up to deal. Well, so she finally got hers, right? So, you know, we've been fighting over mine, right? So get your own pillow. She got hers and hers came in last night. She did the whole process of- Yeah, yeah, you know, what's cool too? They always send that like a little card
Starting point is 00:29:43 with your name on it, with like a little airhead candy in there It's like their signature calling right and then and what I love about the company what they do and what I was explaining her Because she she was actually oh, you know, I wish it was a little bit thicker because you mean the first time you do it You're trying to figure out like very few people nail it the first thing Yeah, I feel like very few people will know exactly and this is right on the site You go to the Pluto pillow site and then right away. Well, not only that, so they send you your profile card
Starting point is 00:30:10 and then they also save it in their website. So when she goes back, right? So for example, so the idea is, she'll sleep on this thing now for the next couple weeks and then she'll go back and make critiques. She'll say, man, if it was a little fluffier or if it was a little larger or a little smaller, like so it has all the breakdown of all her preferences.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And you're gonna adjust all of them just a little bit. And then they send you, you send it back and get in the... Yeah, then she can do, no, you don't send back that same pillow. You order another pillow, you get another pillow from it to, you know, make it perfect. But I mean, she did pretty good for what she wants. For me, it's, I like mine a little fluffier than hers. Did you compare the two to see?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah, I, she'll, she, we were similar, except her, I like mine, she likes hers a little more firm, and she likes hers a little bit flatter. I like mine fluffier and softer, so bigger. So more, more, more, so they have like a zero to three. What makes sense? Because you got bigger shoulders, obviously, so your head has to, right, more, so they have like a zero to three. Well, that makes sense because you got bigger shoulders. Obviously, so your head has to.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Right, right. Has to go down or whatever. But I mean, such a, such a cool company, dude. I mean, it's the way they sent, they, they, way they ship it over to you is really, really nice. So like, I love that they have the personalized card inside there. Well, I think when it comes to sleep, um, customizable makes a big, it makes a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I don't know too many, like most people, if you take two random people, they're gonna have different preferences for everything for one they sleep, everything from the temperature to the, and the pillow is one area that, I don't know any, I mean, are they the first company? Yes, nobody was doing this.
Starting point is 00:31:37 That's why I was so, what I fell in love with when I met with the CEO was just her brilliance. Her brilliance to think about creating this, she's like, the experience of buying a pillow is so weird. It's something that we all use. I mean, you get the market's massive, right? So you're renting a market that you know that's not going away.
Starting point is 00:31:56 We're not gonna stop using pillows anytime soon. And there's so much out there and so much information and everybody trying to pitch you and sell you. And nobody's made something customizable like this. And our company, right? I mean, you can go get all these types of different pillows from different places. And maybe one company offers all these different types, but nobody has made like this customizable user-friendly type of service.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So you get exactly what you want. And then, and I imagine, you know, because this is now the second pillow we've bought, my time I buy pillow three or four. Obviously, I mean, how many pillows have you owned in your lifetime? I know. Probably a hundred of these damn things, right? So I'm sure by the time I order my second and my third one, I'm going to like have it
Starting point is 00:32:33 like just absolutely perfect. Oh, I know. I'm excited. Like, even at our house, so we've been sleeping on like a queen forever and we're just starting to like see the drawings for the remodel that we're going to do in the house and like, where we're etching it out for a king bed finally and like it like redoing the whole thing. I'm gonna be like Pluto pillowing everything on my mind. I didn't know that you sleep on a queen right now. Yeah, dude, like it's been tight.
Starting point is 00:32:56 That would drive me crazy. So you're on top of each other. Yeah, yeah, no, no, it's gonna be cool, right? Yeah. I'm gonna use a memory. Now it's a little annoying. Yeah, right now Jessica does the whole pillow fort thing because she's still pregnant, so it's like pillows.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I mean, there's like nine pillows. That's good. I mean, between your legs and under the belly and over the this and the head and whatever. And I'm on the side of the bed and it's like, that was exactly me. This mountain of pillows and all that. Wall of China pillows, I should tell her.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Yeah, I got to write notes and throw them over the wall. Okay. Here's what's going on right now. Anyway, well speaking of technology. Vating forces. This is some kind of crazy news, some bad news, but there's this this bot that this deep fake bot that right now was getting a lot of attention
Starting point is 00:33:42 because what it does is it takes pictures of people and it removes their clothes. So, well, you think that's cool, but there's a lot of people who are really upset about it because it looks real. So now there's naked pictures of you, but you're not actually naked, but it looks like you're naked. Wait, so it takes pictures that already exist and then makes you naked from those pictures? Yes, it's an AI tool that removes items of clothing from photos and it's targeted more than 100,000 women and people around. What are they? Yeah, like do they have this database of all these bodies and they just like sort of like copy pasted on there. I have no idea. I have no idea,
Starting point is 00:34:21 but they're under a lot of heat right now and a lot of these some of these women are bad If I'm like curious what it looks like. I match you to porn stars I'm just interested in like how accurate it could be well. Here's the thing. Here's why it's why it's a problem is They're not checking people. I know why it's a problem Let me explain why this is an issue. There's a thing people don't like this No shit guy. Let's do it with these people don't like this. Yeah. No shit, guy. Let's do it with Justin Tisha. That's what's trying out.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I do, I want to see how I get it. I'll be honest. Like boobs on a go. Listen, it doesn't hang that way. Yeah, it's doing it. It's way smaller than that. Yeah, it's doing it. Bit of a bush.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, it's just a bush. Just a bush. A bush. A bush, a hundred percent bush. Yeah. Wow. Wow, that% bush. Yeah. Oh wow. Wow. That was hot dude. That came out.
Starting point is 00:35:08 That's crazy. Yeah, but here's the problem. Okay, no, here's the other problem with it is not just that people don't like it that it's not checking people's ages, it's not doing any of that stuff. So it could potentially take someone who's under age and do it. And I mean, you know, people's pictures are on the internet
Starting point is 00:35:24 now, everybody's pictures are. Did you guys see the speaking of like inappropriate shit? Did you guys see the guy who got caught with the two of the tube and guy who got caught? Oh, CNN. Yes, the guy who's seen it. Pulling a tube in. I saw the one minute guy breaking it down.
Starting point is 00:35:37 It's pretty gross. Oh my God. So apparently he was on a Zoom conference call, right? Right. And he starts masturbating. And then said he didn't know his camera's on. My question is this, what are you doing masturbating when you have a soul going on? So it goes for him.
Starting point is 00:35:51 So what it was, it was like, and I'm sure, I mean, how many conference calls have we been on or zoom calls where it's like a speaker's talking and then you don't have any responsibility? You have like a 15 minute break. So I think what he was, I think what he was, he would get another window open and he was, he didn't know that he was big. Yes, and he was talking dirty back and forth with somebody and didn't realize his camera was probably on and then he gets caught just doing his business, too.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Oh, that's, didn't work for CNN, is that? Yeah, really good. That's him right there. He's suspended. I mean, that will forever be a thing, right? Tupin, don't be caught doing That's got to be the most embarrassing
Starting point is 00:36:28 To Ben it's got to be so like that'll never leave you. That's like it's like pooping your pants in fifth grade like you'll always Be known now for doing that. He'll be done too, right? I mean that like tarpa a career and well I'm gonna pick some other well, let me put it to this way. I'll I'll say somebody's name who has who was extremely successful But now there's only one thing you think about when I say. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman.
Starting point is 00:36:49 PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman.
Starting point is 00:36:57 PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. PB Herman. more understandable than I do. Yeah, I was zoomed in this call. You know, say, like even P we had more class.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Right? Yeah. You imagine? Just in there with other creeps. Yeah. We're all doing our conference call. I mean, hey, what's going on? Justin, what the?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah. Oh, man, I didn't know. What are you doing? I told you that. I told you that my buddy who's a principal, right? The school said that that's actually an issue that they've had to like, like tell teachers like, hey, listen, like when you are doing these, like, put a shirt on.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Yeah, put a shirt on. Like, some teachers. Well, it's the thing, I can see people not having clothes, but like to be like, you know, jacking it. Come on, guy. I remember one time, this was early days where Doug and I were filming, I don't remember what program it was, either Maps and Obolic or the No BS6 back form,
Starting point is 00:37:42 the one of those two. And I would wear a Lava Lear mic, so it's a wireless mic, right? And I took a break and I went to the bathroom. I didn't do anything in the bathroom other than what you're supposed to do in the bathroom, which is used to the bathroom. But Doug was out in the gym area with the headphones on and he came back out and he's laughing because he can hear everything. He's left a mic on accident.
Starting point is 00:38:03 On accident. Hot mic. Hey, I got a new favorite product that we work with. I mean, and I hate, I love all the people we work with, but this has to be the most effective, consistent product I've used ever for any sponsors we work with. We're gonna talk about the sleep net, aren't we? Oh my, I have to be that.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Gosh. I know, I use it again. What are they putting? I'm on like number seven. It works so well. 100% of the time. Gosh. I know I use it again. What are they putting them on? I'm on like number seven. It works so well. 100% of the time. It's crazy. I have all works.
Starting point is 00:38:29 If I use it, I'm going to sleep hard every single time. There's never, as so far have never failed me. I had a great call with them. You know, yesterday actually, so we were talking about 2021, right? So we're obviously will remain with them. Did they say, did they say that they're getting a good response? Oh, yeah, no, they said, so we, over when COVID hit, uh, number, this is just being completely transparent with our audience, whether they care or not, uh, with, but with you guys, I haven't shared this with you guys,
Starting point is 00:38:52 over COVID months, uh, they saw a slight dip in performance. And so, you know, it's important to us that our partners are doing well. Like we want it to be a mutual, uh, mutually beneficial relationship. And so the big discussion was, okay, let's adjust some things as far as advertising dollars goes and let's see if things get better. And they said, well, we have this sleep product that we're really proud of that's coming that I think that your audience is gonna love.
Starting point is 00:39:16 We'll see what happens after that. So this was the call actually that we were having in response to this launch of them doing that. And if it did boost boo sales and stuff, and it just blew it out the water. So like, yeah, performance is like phenomenal. And they're like, we're getting all kinds of great feedback from your guys as people.
Starting point is 00:39:35 So, if I take it, this is 100% of the time what's happening so far. If I take it number one, I sleep hard. I dream almost every time. I have like very vivid dreams. And I don't wake up. I sleep hard. I dream almost every time. I have like very vivid dreams, and I don't wake up. Dude, I wake up so refreshed. Yes, it's like, whoa, it just reminds you
Starting point is 00:39:53 what a good night's sleep's supposed to feel like. It works so well that I'm trying not to take it all the time. I know. That's okay, so I've used it every single night now for, oh God, it's gotta be now 10 days or really 12 days. Okay, so you haven't done that yet. So I wanna see, I wanna see, is it? You adapt to it.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Yeah, if you adapt to it and I wanna take it for, my goal is to take it until I run out of the bottle, not take it for a week and notice if I get a rebound. Cause sometimes with sleep herbs and whatever, you take it and then you go off and then you can't get sleep anymore without it. So I wanna test all of that, but so far, I've never used anything, and I've tried so many different,
Starting point is 00:40:30 and not that I have issues with sleep, but I love experimenting with supplements and stuff. I've never had anything as effective as this, when I've come to sleep. I made sure I'm experimented, you know, a night of drinking alcohol and using it just for you guys, you know, to make sure I come to sleep. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:40:43 And I still slept great. I don't even know if that's recommended. It's not, I'm just saying, like, you know, to make sure I come back to you. Oh my gosh. And I still slept great. I don't even know if that's recommended. It's not. I'm just saying, like, I'll be that guy. Yeah, I'll go off the rails. We got about 4 p.m. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:53 No, I still slept well, man. No, it's fire. This quaz brought to you by Organify. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition. Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge. Try Organified, totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com.
Starting point is 00:41:16 That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com. And use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Gavin Brumbaw. What are some ways or exercises to improve body coordination? I'm a competitor in still timber sport. Oh, that's dope. And this skill is very important. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Well, nothing, well, that's the chainsaw, like speed stuff, right? Yeah, and then they climb up and they actually, like, chop, they have, like, chainsaw and chopping events, too. I just feel like I want to go to one of these. Yeah, I want to go to one of these. What a man in competition. Yeah, bad ass.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's like, Vam and arm wrestlers, right? I feel like this is right up Justin's alley. I feel like this is what you would have done if you would have known that they existed when you were young. You had no idea. If we didn't get in his way, he by now might be a famous, still competitive.
Starting point is 00:42:08 So here's the thing, nothing will improve your body's coordination, specific coordination like practicing the sport that you're trying to get good at. There's nothing, nothing will rival that. There's no exercise, there's no mobility movement, there's no nothing that'll make you better at whatever you're trying to get better at than practicing that actual thing itself. So that's number one.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Number two, generally we can put, and these are, it can be very specific depending on the sport or whatever you're trying to get good at. But generally speaking, gross motor movements, big full body movements are going to be better at improving coordination than isolated movements. So. What do you think about this though? I'm curious to Justin's opinion on that. I feel like mace bells would be sick for some of my kids.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Probably. Because a lot of what they're doing is they have to balance, core stability, they're moving the chains off from one side to the other side of their body really quick. And I feel like that body control with swinging and moving away to around like that would be great for those questions. Oh, anything swinging.
Starting point is 00:43:08 We're talking Indian clubs, we're talking like those iron bells, iron clubs, you know, stuff like that. I think that these unconventional type of exercises where it requires a lot of high skill, just to learn a lot of the moves because there's some basic moves you can learn but you can really get, the weeds when it comes to different types of movements that you can produce with weight.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And I think that venturing into that direction requires a lot of concentration. It requires a lot of body control, awareness, and it's a whole nother skill that I've actually found it does translate into other motor skills and especially like hand-eye coordination. Now, the areas that you might wanna focus on improving strength or stamina or stability, that here's an easy, and I'm not very familiar with this type of competition, I can picture what you do,
Starting point is 00:44:02 but I've never trained anybody who's done this, but here's kind of a rule of thumb. What parts of your body tend to get beat up and fatigue the most, right? So I would imagine in something like this, this is a guess, but I would imagine your hands and your forearms probably take a nasty beating. Yeah, shoulders and back. I would think. That's what I would think, right?
Starting point is 00:44:23 So I would do mobility movements, I would do strengthening movements, appropriate amounts, because if you're, you know, over-training them, four of those parts of the body to improve your stamina and your strength so that when you're doing what you're doing, your technique is always really good. Oh, especially being so dominant if your right side is chopping and doing most of the work too,
Starting point is 00:44:41 to be able to offset that with a little bit of control. I think when they do, at least if I- I go both fast. I've seen that before. Yeah, for speed, you go both. You go both slow. Not the chainsaw. No, even with the chainsaw, I think.
Starting point is 00:44:52 They go with the little pin grill. Well, I don't know, they switched the grip. As much as they switched like going up and down, like, I don't know, this is a cool question for me because I've never- I know, I'm like trying to figure out- I've never trained somebody who does this and it would be really like, of course, doing this as long as we have.
Starting point is 00:45:07 It's always fun actually to try and figure something out like this. I would really like enjoy trying to write a program for someone like this. Well, here think about it this way. You guys have all worked and been around a lot of blue-collar workers, people who do similar type stuff. I've worked with people who've done that. Yeah, and that's where I think your advice is good, because that basic like grip strength shoulder back
Starting point is 00:45:28 strength, like that all makes sense. And I don't disagree. I think that absolutely belongs to, but the fun part of this programming would be to me, like what Justin was alluding to, which is like these creative like high technical high skill type of swinging weight around and controlling that, because that's what they have to move that axe and that and the chainsaw around really quick with all their movements. And if you've got great control with a mace bell like that and you've trained that. Okay, so I've got I've got all the events right here.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Okay, let me hear him. So here's the first one. It's called the springboard. So the competitor uses two springboards to ascend to the top of a nine-foot pole and chop a firmly attached 12-inch diameter block. So you know which one that is, right? That's where they chop it. They put the wood up and they climb up to it and they chop it up. Yeah, and then they chop like pieces of it off. Yes, here's the other one. It's called the still stock saw. Competitors begin with both hands on the log when the signal is given the sawers using identical chainsaw. But we can go back to the first one. Let's talk about it for a second.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Okay. What I picture with that, with that, that's why the mace belt makes so much sense to me because he's got a balance on a board while he's chopping with his left and his right back and forth like that to be able to swing a heavy mace back and forth and stay stable and control.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah, and there's some cool stuff you can do with chopping movement specifically with the mace belt, too, to emulate that and also like even incorporate your legs and lunge and chop. And so, yeah, the mace belt, I would think, would have a bit of carry over there for sure. Then they do one where they have both hands on a log. When the signal's given, they make two cuts
Starting point is 00:47:00 through identical logs. And I don't know if that's done for speed. Then there's an underhand chop, or they stand on a 12 to 14 foot log. At the signal, they chop through the log. That's this one right here. I think isometrics would be a big thing to really focus on too, especially with all that, just like maintaining your controlling grip, but like having a really intensive grip, because controlling a chainsaw like that, and these huge chainsaw.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Yeah, I have seen these competitions. You're gonna have to have incredible courseability. Incredible. I mean, in power. Yeah. That's why the mace makes so much sense to me because the amount of course ability to have while you're swinging it, because you can get, I mean, you can slowly progress those bells to where you're swinging that.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I mean, how much is that big one you swing out there? Yeah, so the real big one's like, all 45 pounds. Yeah. Yeah, I'm actually getting a 55 pound like somebody that you know I talked to every now and then he's like, oh, I want you to try this 55 pound ball like, yeah, bring it. Oh, there you go. There you go.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yeah, I'm looking up a, with their workouts tend to look like right now, to see what they, what they tend to do. Yeah. Because I'm very interested to see what that looks like. These guys, but they're formed. Yeah, split stances, you're gonna wanna train anti-erotation and rotational movements.
Starting point is 00:48:13 You're gonna wanna train definite like high emphasis on course stability and maybe add in some dexterity with some unconventional tools for you know added Bits of difficulty for coordination maybe invite us to one of the shows we can come I want to watch yeah, I do Next question is from Cass May What are some exercises to help with overactive upper traps on pulling movements? So this is actually quite common a lot of people get tight Kind of upper upper back or neck muscles and they'll feel stiff in there.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And that's because the upper traps are like this, like this and the question are overactive meaning they're doing more work than they should be doing to stabilize the shoulders. How do you deal with this? You train the opposing movement typically. So in this case, I would do rowing exercises while focusing on bringing the shoulder blades back and down, like almost like you're trying to bring and put your shoulder blades in your back pockets. And what this will do is strengthen the mid-back and it'll offset the fact that your shoulders want to shrug so much. When I used to train clients, this is super common and what I would do is that if I have them do rows. They would use light weight. They focus on the back and down
Starting point is 00:49:27 squeeze. So we do a little pause at the squeeze. And then in between sets, I would take my hands or my elbows and I would press down into their traps and give them a little bit of massage, not because I'm a massage therapist, but rather because I'm trying to send a signal to the CNS that's telling those muscles to relax. And honestly, after two or three sets of doing that, you would notice tremendous benefit right away because automatically opposing muscles are active. You're pushing on the tight part.
Starting point is 00:49:55 The CNS is saying, we don't need to be so tight in these muscles they would feel better. I actually had a client that I used to have to have him get a massage there before he came in, saw me to work. They were so overactive. They were like, rock, this dude was jacked. He was like, older dudes in his 50s.
Starting point is 00:50:11 First time we ever worked out was like, repping 315, just straight gorilla strength naturally, right? And he had these like massive shoulders and traps. And when we would go to do a row, I couldn't even get them to retract and depress. They were like so fixed in that position. So like, and I tried for a while and just couldn't get it, man. And I finally just, hey, you need to go see
Starting point is 00:50:33 a massage therapist before you come in and see me, get those things to relax a little bit, and then we could do a lot of the rowing because that was so bad. Yeah, I think too. Yeah, I mean, that was part of my assessment. I mean, especially rowing was, that was a big one you want to look for, see there too. Yeah, I mean, that's the was part of my assessment. I mean, especially rowing was that was a big one You want to look for see their their shoulders elevate and they're in that position while they're rowing
Starting point is 00:50:51 It's it's pretty obvious, but similar to what's out, you know said in terms of like being able to kind of point that out and add a little bits of external stimulus so they knew You know, they could actually feel it and start like sending that signal And then I would if I had to I'd take them and progress that and really try to establish more understanding of that function of elevating, retracting, depressing, and then protracting. So up this circle, and so getting into those circles, so they had a little bit more understanding of the function of all that, their shoulder blade, and everything involved.
Starting point is 00:51:26 What are you doing, like, wall circles within the circles? Yeah, wall circles are really good for you. The other thing that's important to note when we're talking about this too is that you tell someone to do rows, and like anything else, they have a tendency of, oh, I can do these rows, and they can increase weight. I would put more emphasis on the retraction and depression, and like, and I'm even like an isometric hold for like five seconds versus increasing your weight.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Oh, strong cobra. It's a great way to prime before doing it. So don't get caught up in just cause you're rowing that you know, it's row heavier and get stronger and get stronger in this because it's a corrective thing we're trying to do. Your form is, I mean your form's always more important but it's really more important
Starting point is 00:52:03 when we're doing things for corrective purposes, not to just increase the way to increase the way. Your far better off intensifying the isometric whole position, which is the retraction and the depression of the shoulders and doing that and intensifying that, then you are, oh, let's add 15 more pounds just because I do it, because very easily, as soon as you start reaching that,
Starting point is 00:52:22 like towards what's difficult for you, the body will default back to its original path. Yeah, if you use any type of resistance that's at all intense, you're going to go back to your old movement. In fact, this is how I would convince my clients is I would take my phone and I'd stand with them. First, I'd stand with them. I'd have them do the row perfectly and then they'd do it.
Starting point is 00:52:42 And then I'd move away and I'd have them do it on their own and I'd film it. Then I'd add a little bit of weight, have them do it again. And I would show them very clear contrast and see, look, you didn't even notice that your form went the other way. But it did. And that's because we went a little too heavy. You need to go light when you're doing correctional exercise because the four, you need to teach your body to connect to it. That's it. Next question is from June in 87. What are your views on cleansing or fast days? Cleansing or fast aid?
Starting point is 00:53:13 I don't like the terminology. Yeah, like here's the value of fasting is this, okay? The main values of fasting is this. And I know that there's studies that show that it benefits the body and you get salatophagy and you get, you know, you're a genesis. Now all that happens with a low calorie diet too, by the way, so you don't need to necessarily fast for all that,
Starting point is 00:53:35 but here's the real benefits. Really, it's in for the right people, not everybody, but for the right people. It helps you develop a better relationship with food, really helping you detach from something that we tend to have a bad relationship with. So for example, if you did a 48 hour fast, and again, it needs to be appropriate for you if your issues are that you tend to starve yourself, fasting will make things worse.
Starting point is 00:54:00 But if it's right for you, let's say you fast for 48 hours and in that 40 hour period you feel stressed like you normally do or you're bored, like you normally do or you want to distract yourself or whatever, you're not eating. Now you're becoming more aware of how you tend to snack or eat when you're bored or stressed or at certain times. Now you know how to deal with feeling cravings. Cravings are very different from hunger and you can start to identify those things. So it can help with your attachment to food,
Starting point is 00:54:29 it can help with your relationship to food. This is why fasting is present in every major world religion, why it's present in most spiritual practices, not for the fat loss or weight loss effects, but rather for the lack of a better term, the spiritual benefits. But as far as helping the body, I mean, maybe for like specific cases, but otherwise, no, I wouldn't recommend anybody fast to cleanse their body.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Yeah. I mean, I think it's good to mechanistically to take a break and let your digestive system sort of out. Yeah, just to have time to, you know, like function without bombarding it and inundating it all the time with food. And again, like this is, all those values that you brought up
Starting point is 00:55:19 in terms of being able to reflect and have all the cognitive benefits and you know, step away from the ritual of food too. I think all that is the main benefits you're going to get from fasting. I hate calling it detoxing because I know there's a lot of products and things. They even brought up isogenics, which I was familiar with. Some of my clients were always asking me about that.
Starting point is 00:55:43 It's like this solution that they're trying to sell to basically like, you know, get all the quote unquote toxic chemicals and elements out of your body while you're going through this. Really, the main benefit is, you know, it's just stepping away and having, you know, those those other benefits that you'd mentioned earlier. I have a very specific way that I use fasting with clients and I don't use it for everybody. And I don't use it with somebody who's just starting with me.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Most clients that are just getting started with a diet and a training program, like we're learning what all the foods are and macronutrients and figuring out where their caloric maintenance is at and most every client that I've ever taken, very rarely am I not trying to speed their metabolism up by increasing their caloric and taking adding good foods to their diet. So much of what I do at the beginning no matter what your goal is, even if it's weight loss, I'm adding to your diet at first.
Starting point is 00:56:40 And then I use fasting to interrupt like us being regimen for a long time. So let's say you've been training with me for six months. And the first three months was a lot of education and consistency and figuring out your body and where you're at and gets you to understand what carbs, fats and proteins are and what a good day of eating looks like you, bad day of eating looks like for you. And then being and then stringing some consistent weeks and maybe months together of dieting correctly and eating well. And then I like to interrupt that. and then stringing some consistent weeks and maybe months together of dieting correctly and eating well.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And then I like to interrupt that, right? So now that they get it, they get the importance of getting all these macros in and being consistent with what they eat, then I like to just take it away from them and say, okay, now we're gonna on Friday, we're gonna fast for 24 hours. And then it's literally for the purpose
Starting point is 00:57:21 that Sal is talking about, which is to just, I wanna first train you on how important it is for you to get all these foods and be consistent with it. And then I also want to interrupt that by showing you that, listen, you don't have to always be eating all these foods. Let's completely not have anything and start to understand what real hunger is like, because a lot of time people think they're hungry when a craving kicks up every two to three hours. And detach from that.
Starting point is 00:57:45 That is the only way I'm using it. I'm never using it for a, we need to detox your body or this may help us lose some more body fat or none of the thing and all the ways that they promote fasting and all the benefits that come with it. I don't use it for those reasons. It's simply to interrupt as somebody who's been training or eating and dieting consistently. And that normally looks like a competitor for me. It's rarely an average person. Most people, as it would spend most of my time trying to get them to be consistent with their eating
Starting point is 00:58:15 and be consistent with the things that we're trying to do and just throwing a day of fasting at that person who hasn't even strung two weeks together of eating, you know, similar type macros. I don't see a lot of value in interrupting that with a fast. I do though, when I would get a competitor, who is like, for the last year, they've been eating the same foods and they eat every two hours. And they're like so, they feel like if they don't eat that they're gonna lose muscle and they'll never be able
Starting point is 00:58:41 to build unless they're hitting these exact targets every day, and they have this crazy attachment to food. Those are the people that I see the most value to do a fast with. Now, I've also heard, though, too, one of my, well, somebody that I hang out with every now and then, he was doing a clans, but it was all just a lot of fiber. Every now and then, intermittently throughout the year, he would do like this, an excessive amount of fiber to try and clear out all the shit in his body. Yeah, it's okay. It's not like a chimney, you know?
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah. It's not like we're like pipes, you know, or you think, I got to flush something through here to clean out all the pipes. It's not really how it works. So this terminology is all marketing kind of terminology. The cleansing effect that you may get from a fast is just cleansing you of your maybe bad attachment to food. So it's more of a mental thing than anything. But if you're one of those people that, if your bad relationship to food is skipping meals
Starting point is 00:59:41 and not eating, you know, I've worked a lot of cats, so we're so happy. Oh yeah, they call that starving yourself. Terrible idea. Absolutely. Next question is from Dave Sheeran. Is there any detriment to always wearing sunglasses outside? I live in Florida and always have them on one outside.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I've seen mixed answers from various articles. Okay, so you know it's interesting about this. So there actually is some potential detriment from wearing sunglasses. I've heard this. I was like, know it's interesting about this. So there actually is some potential uh, detriments from wearing sunglasses. I heard this. I was like, curious to hear you answer this. Yeah, so um, your body receives signals from your skin, from the food that you eat, from your emotions, and also from your eyes. And when you go outside, UV rays go through the eyes and the pituitary gland reads the intensity of the UV rays and then it puts... I think they're called melanocytes if I'm not mistaken, into production which help your skin tan. So if you're somebody that, you know, if you sunburn easily, wearing sunglasses will actually
Starting point is 01:00:39 make you sunburn even easier. Oh interesting. So it actually will reduce. No joke. Your skin, your body helps prepare your skin for how it can adapt to the sun based off of or one of the factors is reading the UV rays through the eye. So if you wear dark sunglasses and you go outside, your brain thinks it's darker than it really is. It thinks there's less UV rays than they really are, you're not going to produce as many of these chemicals that help your skin adapt and you're more likely to get sun damage. Well, isn't there also health benefits to actually just the sun on your eyeballs, your eyes themselves? Because I know that the juved did some research around the juve light and being looking
Starting point is 01:01:19 into the light is actually good for you. And I can't remember what it is, you know, on the worst with that, right? So you're the best with being able to read one study and remember. I know I read it and I know that, because I remember like, should I be wearing some sort of eye protection when I do this juvelight all the time?
Starting point is 01:01:32 And it was actually the opposite. It was really good for me to be looking at the juvelight when I'm actually doing it. Now that's different than the sun, right? So you don't want to look at the sun that can really get in your eyes. No, of course not directly at it, but being outside and nice to UV. Yeah, like not not directly at it, but being outside and nice to UV.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Yeah, like not looking directly at it, but just still receiving that and not being filtered by a sunglasses, I would think that there are other health benefits for your eyes. There are, there are mood boosting benefits, there's hormone boosting benefits, and I don't know if it, you guys,
Starting point is 01:01:59 but I noticed, I used to wear sunglasses all the time. So I used to love wearing sunglasses, they look cool. If you're at the pool, you know, when you're, especially when you're a kid, you can put on sunglasses and look at people. And then I even know you're looking at them type of deal. Yeah, of course it's sweet.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Every guy does this. They don't know I'm looking at them. Yeah, I know it's like I'm drawing sunglasses. But, you know, I remember. Don't love us in that, you pervert. Yeah, shit. I saw both of you guys in space. Dude, if they could see you, where I'm looking at.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Yeah, they'll tell you. No, but here's a deal. I noticed this as an adult, the more I wore them, the more intolerant I became to the sun. So I'll go outside in the sun, and I'd like, oh, I can't. I can't. I need my sunglasses. I never wear them now.
Starting point is 01:02:36 That almost never happens to me anymore. So I think you also start to lose your ability to adjust to the changing light. So now, now I'm not saying don't wear sunglasses, but I think if you were, the question is if you're wearing them all the time, can it be detrimental? Yeah, I mean the studies do show that, you know.
Starting point is 01:02:53 I've heard this and I've actually, yeah, I've tried to like challenge myself to kind of not wear them as frequently because it was the first thing when I get in my truck and I'm putting my sunglasses on because I get the glare and everything right away. And I'm always like so squinty and then I'll get a headache from being so squinty with that.
Starting point is 01:03:10 So for me, it's just like the level of brightness, like I'll try and like, I'm very squinty. That's the figure out. Oh, I can't see. I'm always like that, I hate it. Yeah, it comes with the skin. Yeah. But have you noticed any difference
Starting point is 01:03:24 from wearing them or not wearing them whether or not you get some burn easier or not? I haven't noticed that and I wonder how strong the effect is. Well, I also want to say you know that Felix Gray, I'm over here just plugging all our sponsors. Felix Gray, this was not a takeout. I promise, but no Felix Gray makes sunglasses too. So I wonder if there's some difference in their sunglasses, right?
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah, I think I mean a lot of it has to do with comfort, you know, if you're out in the sun. I mean, that's where I could see potentially the benefit, like if I'm laying out at the beach, I mean, I might need sunglasses, especially if you're laying on your back and you're trying to tan or relax or whatever. And I don't know how strong an effect this is. I would, I would guess that this effect
Starting point is 01:04:02 is more important to consider if you're fair skinned, right? So if you're somebody that is very sensitive to the sun, then you may want to consider this. If you're, like I am, when I get one on the sun, and if I go on the sun for a couple of days, I'm very, very dark, probably not that big of a deal, big of a problem if I wear sunglasses or not. But for someone like Justin, maybe that's something
Starting point is 01:04:25 you should consider. Yeah, but I look cool, so I'll keep doing it. That's true. Look, my pump is recorded on videos, as well as audio, come check us out on YouTube, my pump podcast. You can also find us all on Instagram, even though I'm being shadow banned.
Starting point is 01:04:39 You can find me at my pump sal, you can find Justin at my pump Justin. Say Sal. At my pump at him, and you can even find Doug the producer at mine pump dog thank you for listening to mine pump if your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at mine pump media dot com the RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic.
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Starting point is 01:05:48 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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