Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1418: How to Critique Your Physique, Adding Twisting & Rotational Exercises to Improve Body Appearance & Function, Ways to Reverse the Effects of Diabetes & More

Episode Date: November 6, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to analyze a physique, favorite exercises & movements in the sagittal and transverse planes,  the best advice ...for someone who just recently found out she’s diabetic, and what they would like to say if invited on the Joe Rogan podcast. Welcome to the world Aurelius Jordan Di Stefano! The harrowing tale of his birth.(4:40) Adventures in Truckee with Adam and Justin. (31:57) Adam’s BIG scare. (40:12) #Quah question #1 – Can you guys break down how to analyze a physique with terms like origins, insertions, muscle belly’s, etc.? I’ve heard these terms thrown around a lot and I’d love to hear from you guys about it. (43:04) #Quah question #2 – What are your favorite exercises and movements in the sagittal and transverse planes? (49:15) #Quah question #3 – What’s the best advice I can give to my sister who just recently found out she was diabetic? (55:34) #Quah question #4 – Here’s a scenario, you're invited on the Joe Rogan podcast. What are the top three messages you would like to send out to his audience with the reach that he has? (58:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned November Promotion: MAPS Ultimate At-Home Workout Bundle for Only $99.99 Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Franco Columbo - Greatest Physiques One Arm Arnold Press- Improve Shoulder Mobility & Development – Mind Pump TV MAPS Fitness Performance - Mind Pump Media The BEST Anti-Rotation Exercises for a Strong Core #2 | MIND PUMP Add Windmills to Your Workout to Increase Your Deadlift Strength RGB Bundle | MAPS Fitness Products - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Joe Rogan (@joerogan)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to Mind Pump the World's Top Fitness Health and Entertainment Podcast. Now, in this episode, we answer fitness and health questions that are asked by our audience, viewers like you, and listeners. But the way we open the episodes with an introductory portion where we talk about current events,
Starting point is 00:00:29 sometimes we mention our sponsors. A special event this time, ASL. Good stuff. So I'm gonna give you a breakdown of this entire episode. By the way, the intro was 38 minutes long. So we open up by announcing the arrival of my baby boy, a railiest Jordan D'Aste Stefano was born on the third. Did that.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah, so we talk all about that whole thing that happened at the hospital and how my wife is such a champion and how great it is to be a father again. Then I talk about how organify protein powder saved my life in the hospital because hospital food is disgusting. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:01:03 So I was able to have their protein powder. By the way, organify makes amazing plant-based organic supplements. One of them is a plant-based protein powder, but they make many, many other products. We love them. They have good stuff. And because you listen to Mind Pump, you get a discount. This is how you get the discount. Go to organify.com-flourtslash-mind-pump.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So that's organify-or-g-a-n-i-f-i, and then dot com-forour-slash-mind-pump. Use the code MindPump for 20% off. Then Justin and Adam talk about their adventures up in the Tahoe area. Justin tells a great story about the guilty felt for breaking a promise to his son. Oh man, that's worse.
Starting point is 00:01:42 With a jerk. And then Adam talks about his eye scare using Felix Gray blue light blocking glasses. You have to listen to the episode to find out what happened to his poor eyes. By the way, Felix Gray makes blue light blocking glasses that doesn't change the color of the world around you. So it blocks blue light.
Starting point is 00:01:58 So you can use them at night when you're on electronics and get good sleep or use them during the day so you don't get eye strain. Go check them out. The best blue light blocking glasses you'll find anywhere and they look the best. They're also stylish. Go to phelix-gray-glasses.com. That's F-E-L-I-X-G-R-A-Y-glasses.com forward slash mind pump.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So after the intro, we get into the fitness questions. Here's the first one. This first person says they want to know if we can break down how to analyze a physique with terms like origins, insertions, muscle bellies, etc. In the competitive sports of bodybuilding, physique, bikini, those terms are thrown around a lot. So we talk about what that means. What does it mean when we talk about muscle insertions, muscle bellies?
Starting point is 00:02:41 What does it mean when you have good genetics in terms of your aesthetics? The next question, this person wants to know what are favorite exercises of movements in the sagittal and transverse planes all. Okay, so sagittal transverse planes. That means exercises that happen in front of you, and then ones happen to the sides of you or ones that happen when you twist. So we go through all the different planes of movement, and why you should pick exercises in all three of them. The next question, this person says, what's the best advice I can give to my sister who just recently found out she's diabetic. And then the final question, this person says, look, let's just imagine you get on the Joe Rogan podcast. What are
Starting point is 00:03:19 the top three messages you try to send to his massive audience. Also, because we're in November, holiday season, we are running a massive, massive promotion. So here's what we did. We took our most effective at home workout programs. So we have maps anywhere and map suspension. So maps anywhere, utilizes resistance bands and a broomstick.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Map suspension uses just a suspension trainer. And you train your entire body. You build muscle, you burn body fat, you get phenomenal results. It's a great, no gym required program combination. So we take both programs, we discount them massively, but there's more. Then we threw in our Maps hit program. Hit, by the way, stands for high-intensity interval training. So three programs all can be done at home.
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Starting point is 00:04:39 The audience doesn't know this like you didn't tell us one that you chose not to know what the sex was until He was born. You also didn't share with us the name that you were going to choose. So when you sent over, not only you had a boy, but you also named him a really, Jordan, I was just like, oh, bro. Yeah, I know, yeah, little boy. So that's, I mean, I would have been happy either way, right?
Starting point is 00:05:00 Boy or girl, but, you know, he came out and, you know, you see the package. So you're like, it's a son. Yeah, Aralius, we love the name. It's, you know, after the Marcus Aralius, they call him the last great Roman Emperor, the Stoic philosopher. Great quotes. You can look them up online and see some of the quotes that he, he put out there and Jordan because his nickname is going to be AJ. I love that. Yeah, so like, Jessica's brother is AJ, so we wanted an AJ and we're thinking, I got a good name for the middle name
Starting point is 00:05:29 and you guys know I'm a huge fan of him. Yeah, so I thought like, you're a big fan. AJ, nobody believes that. Yeah, man, I'm like on. You wrote what a roller coaster for the guys. It was intense, dude, it was intense. So we planned on a home birth.
Starting point is 00:05:46 There's a few reasons for that. I mean, I talked about it on the show a little bit, but a home birth, mom's healthy and everything. It's a different experience. Midwives are experts at vaginal delivery, natural delivery. Jessica was healthy, fit, and we wanted that experience. And then there's another side to it that I haven't really shared on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Jessica's had some pretty bad experiences in hospitals. She was a kid, she had severe migraines, they didn't know, caused them. So when she was like a baby and a kid, they would tape her head to the CT scan board or whatever and put her through. What are those kids? Oh my God, I know she tape her head to the CT scan board or whatever. Whatever. What's it? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So she never chose that. Yeah, she hates hospitals. And then when she was 12, her mom had her in the delivery room when she was delivering her younger brother. She's just 12, 12-year-age difference between her and her younger brother. And it was really bad. I mean, her mom passed out several times. In the delivery, lost a lot of blood.
Starting point is 00:06:46 So she just traumatized with hospitals. Did not want to go. So, we want to do home birth for that reason, but all the other reasons that I said. So that was the plan. We had a great midwife, Melissa Dean, give her a shout out. Just excellent care leading up to the due date, but she missed the due date,
Starting point is 00:07:07 and the law says that you can't go. So that's an actual law. So that's an actual law. It is. And has that a state law or is that, I don't know, it might be a state, or I don't know, I think it might be a state law, but they don't allow midwives to deliver babies
Starting point is 00:07:24 at home past 42 weeks. Now, what was that feeling like for both you and Jessica that because you guys put so much energy and effort into set that up? Right. How did it have to be some disappointment there on some level? You know, she's a champion. My wife's a champion. Once you hit that due date and then you know there's a time frame.
Starting point is 00:07:42 So we're doing all the stuff and I talked about it on the podcast and trying to get it to happen and the Castro oil and stuff. Castor. Really greasy. Race card. Yeah, that'll get it glided out. Maybe that's why it didn't happen. You guys use the wrong oil.
Starting point is 00:07:57 You did the wrong oil. You used the wrong, you should have used it. We did mobile one. 30, the 30, 40 WD, you know what I'm saying? So, no, so. High octane. Yeah, so. No, so. Hyoctane. Yeah, so no, we're doing all the stuff and she's being active and everything,
Starting point is 00:08:09 but everything looks good and healthy. And, you know, we did the, she did the enema a few days before. That didn't work. The castor oil, they save that towards the end because what you don't want to happen with, because castor oil is a laxative. And what you don't want to happen is that you get,
Starting point is 00:08:24 to hydrate it, when in convalment, not a good way to go into natural childbirth. So they always wait to last minute, but, we were up to the last minute, so she did the castro oil, once didn't work, did again the day before the last day, and it started to work. So she starts going into early labor the last day, like that
Starting point is 00:08:47 morning, right? So she's feeling some contractions, but they're sporadic, they're not consistent. And meanwhile, we're trying to stay calm because you don't want to get, you know, stressed or anxious because that can prevent things from progressing. And it just didn't happen. She was in this kind of early labor. So we knew we had to go to a hospital. And Jessica's just like, is the midwife with you guys the whole time right now? No, the midwife, she's just talking to you
Starting point is 00:09:16 until it's game time. So we had a doula carry, I wanna get her last name. Because when I tell you guys about this doula, I mean, she's just, she carry castle. So if you're in the San Jose area, phenomenal doula, and you'll know more as I tell the story. But what will typically happen is you'll do early labor at home, once the contractions get like five minutes apart
Starting point is 00:09:38 and they start to get a little intense, then the doula shows up. Then the doula is the one that makes the decision to call the midwife. And the midwife comes to deliver the baby essentially. Okay. So that's kind of the process of what goes on. So she's in early labor, so doula is not coming.
Starting point is 00:09:53 But we're texting back and forth, she's in contact with us. We miss the deadline, so we're like, okay, let's wait during this day, the next day, and then if nothing happens, we'll go in at night to get induced. Now, okay, sorry, I'll stop you, but I'm curious, right. How do you control, like, the law, if you've 14 days, if you're like, what would stop you guys from like, let's just stay here and push it two more days or whatever?
Starting point is 00:10:20 We can, the problem is, then the midwife can't come and help with the delivery. So you essentially then would be home. Legally, right? Yeah, you would be home birthed by yourself. Oh, wow. So she's held responsible to come deliver a baby beyond for she does. So we wouldn't have anybody supporting us.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Oh, okay. Okay. So believe it or not, there's women that take that risk. Why? I bet. I bet. I call it free birth. I would not recommend. It's like a Leonard Skinner song. I bet. I call it free birth. I would not recommend.
Starting point is 00:10:45 It's like a Leonard Skinner song. Free birth. Let your layer. Yeah. So, and I wouldn't recommend that, you know, but whatever. So, but it is, it's up to us, but we thought, you know, all the risks and, you know, and all that and so we're like, let's go worth it. Not worth it.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Let's go get induced. So we go to the hospital at night, we check in and El Camino Hospital in Los Gatos, great staff, the nurses are phenomenal. And we're there and we're checking in, and Jessica's already upset, she's like, damn it, I didn't make it. She's got to battle that whole,
Starting point is 00:11:20 why didn't my body do this? And this arbitrary timeline, that's another thing, because you know that they designed this time, and there are increased risks, but it's a general risk. Right, it's just a guideline. It's not, on an individual bait, I mean, Jessica's healthy, she's relatively young. So, you know, you're kind of fighting that,
Starting point is 00:11:39 plus then you're thinking, but I want the baby to be safe, because now you're considering everything. So we're there, we're there at night. Dr. comes in and he's like, yeah, I'm not going to induce you because you're, we're going to wait till tomorrow morning. And so I'm like, what are we going to do? Stay in this hospital till tomorrow morning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:57 If you're not going to induce us, we're going to leave. That's why I told you guys, hey guys, long story, we're not going to be here. Yeah, you're almost on home again. Yeah. Yeah. So the doctor tells us that. So I said to him, I said, long story, we're not gonna get you. You're over so in home again. Yeah, so the doctor tells us that, so I'm like, so I said to him, I said, well, why am I here? And you can see that he's trying to switch.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Well, I recommend you stay so that, I'm like, no, we'll come back tomorrow. I said, unless she gets into active labor, then we'll just wait till tomorrow, because we're not gonna stay in this hospital, have her hooked up to machines, watching the heartbeat of her, the baby creating more anxiety.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, so we went home, and she was in this early kind of sporadic, one contraction would happen, and then 30 minutes later, another one would happen. They weren't even within five minutes. No, nothing would happen for five hours, and then she'd get a couple more.
Starting point is 00:12:47 So that happened until the next morning, and then we're like, okay, now we gotta go, and let's go see what happens. So we show up at the hospital 10 a.m. And again, great staff there, by the way, they knew our situation, the nurses are like, we'll let you guys try to create whatever environment you want. Oh that's nice. Yeah so we had candles. They were like that huh?
Starting point is 00:13:10 They were so we had candles we turned the light because you know hospitals are like bright-ass lights. Super sterile environment. Sterile machines everywhere. It's like you're just gonna make you know my wife mooring just about this anyway so lit, put on the music, and we waited a little bit, and the like, doctor comes and's like, okay, we're gonna do this very slow. We're gonna do a very slow induction. I'm not gonna give you Patosin, unless I think you need it.
Starting point is 00:13:35 We're gonna start with, there's something called Cytotech, which is a synthetic prostacladin. You take that orally, and it can kickstart labor itself. Did you know about this before going in? Or did it, okay, you did. I knew that the, I wanted to know what the doctors recommendations were. And they knew that we wanted a home birth,
Starting point is 00:13:52 they knew that we wanted minimal intervention. So she was cool with it. She's like, we'll monitor you and we'll go really, really slow. So we go on the side of tech and we wait, wait, wait. I don't know how many hours later, like 15 hours later, whatever,
Starting point is 00:14:07 they give her a couple doses of that, and then it does. It kicks in to labor. So now I call the, the dual us, so Carrie shows up and- Oh, they better be there? They better come in. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I know, right? During COVID, a lot of hospital work. Yeah, yeah, I thought maybe it was just gonna be you. No, Carrie went a couple days before and got like a fast 24 hour COVID test. Oh, perfect. And they were cool with it. Oh, cool. Yeah, I'm very thankful for that.
Starting point is 00:14:32 So, Kerry shows up. Now here's the thing with side attack. It can also cause contractions to be stronger and faster. So typically with natural childbirth, you have a little bit more time in between contractions and they're not as intense. Every time you add an intervention, whether it's like the cytotech, which I think the generic name is misopropyl
Starting point is 00:14:54 or something like that, or pitosa and especially, contractions can be stronger. So now Jessica's getting, she's kicking into active labor, but it's intense. It's getting really intense. So do that comes there and we are, we're doing it. We're going through it. We're, you know, and it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:11 watching Jessica, it's like, I tell you, that's hard not to get emotional. Her strength, going through, knowing that she's going through this more intensely than it probably would have been, had it not been induced. And it's crazy to watch. And then there was this switch with her. It was six hours of this labor.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And it was like a minute in between contraction sometimes, sometimes two back to back, where she's like losing her breath and doing the thing. Then she had to switch and she went into the space and she's like, breathing and I'm hanging on to her. She's kind of hanging on my body, carrying, this is the funny thing. Oh yeah, how are you positioned?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Do I, she's standing, how did you guys, everything? You know, what's funny is Jessica's very modest. So she doesn't like to be naked in front of other people. She doesn't want people around her when she's naked or whatever. And she was worried about this. She's like, how am I gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:16:13 when's you getting the labor? She don't give a shit. Fuck, it's not a joke. I'm the widow, dude. She's black naked. She's on all fours. It's a pain, it's a pain, it's a pain. Midwife is behind her squeezing her hips. You know, this has got the whole view, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:26 that I'm rubbing her and holding her. And you know, we're going in the shower, we're doing the whole thing. And they checked her as we're getting into this and they saw her at about four or five centimeters. So her cervix was dilating, it looked like we were, so we're going into active labor
Starting point is 00:16:44 at about four or five centimeters, which is what you want to we're going into active labor at about four, five centimeters, which is what you want to do, right? So she's going through, and it's six hours of just, it's intense, it is intense man, and there's moments where she's like, I can't do this anymore, and the duel is like, yes, you can, you can totally do this,
Starting point is 00:17:00 and then the contraction would go away, and then she'd gain her strength back, and then we'd go into it again. This is six hours, dude. So what are the breaks between contractions at this moment? Some of them are, I do. They're like, I said, some are short like a minute back to back, but what's the longest that the one would go? Man, we were lucky if we had a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Wow. Yeah. Wow. I mean, at some points, she was like, you know, one would go away and she'd be like, okay, and she'd just start talking to God. Okay, God, just give me two minutes. And then twenty seconds later, she'd have one. She's like, I made a deal with you! She starts screaming, you know, and she's just going through. So, six hours of this, and we're just creating, and the nurses are coming in every once in a while and checking. And one of the nurses is like, can I check you? Can I check your cervix?
Starting point is 00:17:45 Jessica's like, no, don't check me. No, don't check me. Finally, she's like, okay, let's see where I'm at. This is when shit starts to get really hard, right? She finally, she lays down, the nurse goes in, checks her, and she's like. That much further along. Three centimeters.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Went backwards? Backwards. What? Three centimeters? That backwards? Backwards. What? Three centimeters. That happens? Yeah. I didn't even know that happened. Neither did I.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Oh my God. She's like three centimeters. Oh my God, that had been devastating for her. Well, Jessica's like, fuck you. She's like, what a punch. Oh, no. This is what she said. You're lying.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And the nurse is like, I'll have someone else come and check just so you can see. Oh, no. Another nurse. Oh, yeah, dude. It's another nurse comes in and checks her and she's like, I'm sorry, you're only at three. So at this part, at this point,
Starting point is 00:18:29 oh my God, that had, that felt so bad for her. I love poor thing. At this point, mentally, you're just, you break. You know what I mean? Oh, I remember when Katrina, what, when we, she had already been going for a minute, right, with contractions and they were starting to get really hard and then they put her on the bed to check
Starting point is 00:18:45 and we just found out she was only five. And I remember just, when you're, I mean, I can imagine, right? When you know you gotta get to 10 and you're only at five and you're like, oh, I'm only halfway there, so I can imagine feeling like you're halfway there and then getting on there after probably hours of contractions
Starting point is 00:19:01 and then being told you're going backwards. It's a few days of early labor after missing the deadline, then having to do, take a intervention, right? And then going through hard labor. And then, and so it's like, she's just like, this is insane. So she's now, she's starting to break. And she's like, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:19:21 Like, what's going on? So the nurses of course are like, well, we could give you Patosin to speed it up in this nap, but we think you're, you know, you're maybe are afraid or too much pain or maybe you're pushing when you're not supposed to. So they're saying all this stuff. So I'm looking at, you know, Jessica and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:19:37 you know, look at honey, there's nothing wrong with getting on an epidural. So you can stop with these intense contractions. Maybe that'll relax your body enough so that your cervix will dilate. And so we made the decision to get there. And what's funny too is the switch happens again mentally. Once she's like, let's do the epidural, now it's like, get this motherfucker in your fast. Yeah. Yeah. That's all you need is to allow yourself, like, yes, I'm gonna do this. Yeah, so then just like, get him in here right now.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I don't want to do that. So the anesthesiologist comes in, hooks her up, pain is gone, they do the pitosa, so now the, and we're just exhausted, everybody's, I'm tired, I'm exhausted from supporting her and holding her up, so I can't even imagine how my poor wife is doing. I mean, again, I tell you what, man,
Starting point is 00:20:30 she's so much stronger than me. If you were up to guys, and I hate to say this, but if it was up to man, I think we'd make natural labor illegal. You probably would make it like you have to get, under general anesthesia. Oh, for sure. No way.
Starting point is 00:20:44 No way. No way. So, they put her in the epidural and they put her on a little bit of pitose. And because, again, we want to do the slow. And the doctor's like, go to sleep. Let's go to sleep. Gather your strength. We're going to monitor the baby. Monitor you.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Well, wake up in the morning and then we'll see how everything is. So, we're able to get some sleep and... God, what a crazy feeling to have gone through. Hours and hours and hours of contractions, labor, the roller coaster. And then I'll send it, it's like, okay, let's put a pause on this. Go to sleep for a little bit. We'll resume tomorrow. Dude, taste it. What a weird feeling. And the biggest fear was, you know, she didn't want to have a C-section.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah. She's like, I don't want to end up having to get a C-section. I don't want to go through a surgery and whatever. So, we're like, listen, once that bit of time, you can still do this. So, epidural, a little bit of pitocin at when we wake up in the morning, and they're still monitoring her. And so now this is all day. Now she's still laboring all day long on the epidural, more pitocin, more pitocin, you know, little by little, you know, it's hours and hours and hours later, and doctors
Starting point is 00:21:54 are monitoring the heart rate and they're like, look, we think you can start pushing you're at 10 centimeters, although the cervix, I guess there was like a, the way they explained it, there was a lip, I don't know how they explained it, but they were saying that there was some of the cervix was I guess there was like a, the way they explained it, there was a lip, I don't know how they were explaining it, but they were saying that there was some of the cervix was still there, could get in the way, but they're like, we can try pushing now and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:22:14 So she goes and they're like, and time is now getting a little short because the baby's heart rate, the variability was starting to change a little bit. So what they're looking for is the baby's heart rate to, when there's a contraction slow down and then when the contractions gone, it speeds up very quickly. And that means baby's okay. When that variability starts to reduce, that means the baby's exhausted, starting to get
Starting point is 00:22:38 tired. And that's when they start to say, okay, we need to make this happen. So we get her in position to push, we need to make this happen. We gotta get into this. Yes. So, we get her in position to push. We're going through the pushing. Doctors up there feeling around and is like, okay, I don't know if we're going to be able to do this because of your cervix is, although it's dilated, there's some of it's in the way. Baby's heart rate, now the variability isn't doing so great.
Starting point is 00:23:02 So the doctor's need, we recommend that we get this baby out right now. And so, you know, guys, it's such a hard thing to hear. Oh, yeah, dude, yeah, she broke down and, you know, it's like, okay, and I'm like, listen, we're gonna see the baby, you know, we're gonna see the baby. Right. She soldered so hardly not to that. It was, yeah, it was rough. So, you know, they take us in to, they take her in, and they take me in there, you know, they put up a big, like a big sheet or whatever. So she can't, because they keep her awake
Starting point is 00:23:32 when they do the procedure. She's on epidural, can't feel anything, but they keep her awake. So I'm next to her, and it's like, for her, it's like her worst nightmare. She's doing what she didn't want to do. She's now in surgery, now surrounded by all these doctors, bright lights or whatever. They're doing the thing, and I'm with her, I'm holding her hands, and then you hear the baby cry. And it's like, we just both lost it.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, yeah. That, oh my God. We both lost it. And because of the circumstances, they had to check the baby first. So they take the baby over for about 10, 15 minutes. Now at this point, if Jessica could have got up off the table and Karate kicked everybody in the room to get the baby, she would have. Because now she's hearing the baby cry. They're not putting it directly on her. So now she's like, give me my fucking baby.
Starting point is 00:24:22 She's like, luckily she was not, she could have moved. You know? And I'm like, honey, I'm with the baby, everything's gonna be fine. I'm with the, about watching them, but they're doing all the checking and stuff. Then they put the baby on her chest and it was like, oh, here we are, you know. Here we are, with the kid, I see it's a boy.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And that's it, man. And so, yeah, so. So what's post looked like that? So after a C-section, she has to stay there for a couple days, I imagine. They say they recommend four days, but if she could, if everything's going good, she can pass gas, they're looking to see if her pals are working, then they'll let you go home earlier. So we're going to she's only going to be there for a few days. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And then we'll be able to go home. The doula was there the whole time when we went when we went to sleep, the Dula went to the parking lot and fell asleep in her little car. Oh, what a champion. Waited for me to call. She waited for after the the C section. She went into the recover room with us. She's, you know, doing helping her with the with the latching. I mean, just unbelievable. Like the biggest best investment you can make. I was so that I didn't agree to 100%. 100% our duel was amazing too.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So, a duel midwife, was that like a package deal for you guys or were that two separate? They were separate. Yeah, they worked together, but they're separate. And so, just curious, what happens when the midwife doesn't deliver the baby? Do you guys already pay that pay for that and then you lose that or what happens?
Starting point is 00:25:46 I don't know, but there's a lot of before and aftercare. So we're still doing it. You've already got a lot of value in them. And we're still gonna get the aftercare. So then the midwife comes, checks on mom, checks on baby, does a lot of stuff at home, so it's home visit. Because I hear two, it's, I mean, with the C section,
Starting point is 00:26:01 it makes it hard for breastfeeding to be a little more challenging, right? Just because she's been opened up right there. Yeah, well, baby latched fine. Oh, right away. Yeah, baby latched fine. Awesome. And milk takes a little longer to come in.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I think it's like average four days with the C section and without it's three days. But, you know, Rayalius is a big kid. You know, he's 22 inches long. He's a strong boy. Eight pounds. Yeah, he's healthy, super alert. Now that was a thing that we had to battle a little bit
Starting point is 00:26:27 because we were really adamant too about not using formula or anything and sometimes they give you a little bit of pressure about the milk coming in. If it's not coming in fast enough, oh, we need to give them some food. And so, you know, luckily again, we had our duel there. It'd be like, she'll be fine. She'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:26:41 She's getting some. We'll get there. We'll get him enough food. Don't worry. But they start really quick trying to push the formula even on us. Well, the thing about the hospitals is they'll just do stuff without even asking you.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Right, right, you have to be like, what are you doing right now? Down there procedures. Yeah, so we were adamant. Everything you do, tell us first, and get our permission first. Anything you give, Jessica, anything you want to do, baby, you let us know before you do anything anything and they were really good about that
Starting point is 00:27:07 So that was really good, but I'll tell you what man's like seeing my boy You know holding them being with with Jessica. I haven't seen my my other two kids Yeah, so they have it now has any of your family been able to see the baby yet nobody's because because of COVID I know I know so nobody's seen the baby. No. That's crazy. Yeah, so we're face timing people and stuff. Now, how are you family doing with that? My family would go insane.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Katrina's family would go bananas. I had like half her family in the goddamn labor in the room. I was like pushing people out. Yeah, they wanted to be a part of everything. Lot of tears, a lot of talking to my aunts, my mom and everybody's bawling and they want to see, they can't wait to see the baby.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And it's just, it's, it's amazing, man. It's the greatest feeling in the world. I am, you know, I thought going into this, I couldn't love my wife anymore. And, and I do, I do. It actually, I love her even more. Oh, that's, that's the joke that goes around our house right now. I'll time my kid Trinol always says that after, after she had max, she's like, I, I didn't realize like how much you didn't really love me before until I add your son.
Starting point is 00:28:09 It's another level. It is another. And the respect I have for more, it's just, it's on another level. She was such a warrior champion throughout this whole thing. Tackling all these scenarios that she really didn't want to have to do, tackling her own, you know fear of the whole situation Seeing her with my son just and now I'm now the next thing is I'm so excited to see my kids meet
Starting point is 00:28:36 Their baby brother. It's gonna be amazing to see them. I'm a rock. I can't I haven't seen them You know, I haven't seen them now for a week and so I'm just like can't I can't wait to see them Did you eat? Yeah, I mean't seen them now for a week and so I'm just like, I can't wait to see them. Were you, did you eat? Yeah, I mean, you hospital food. Okay. Garbage. Yeah, I get you some food, man. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Garbage food, and I brought my, you know, my, my shakes, so I had my, organify shakes. I'm drinking that. That's what I figured out. I figured it would be sucking on green juice all day long. Hey, it's all right. Though I was bulking into it, you know. I believe so much food going into this. I got a lot of reserves.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Hospital foods terrible. But I did. I got that, I'm on that adrenaline. Like I know I'm tired. Yeah, yeah. I feel my body's tired, but I'm high. I was that way for like almost two weeks. I remember I was talking a little shit even.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Remember I talked, I talked a little shit too much, you know. I know better, because I got you. Yeah, you've already done this. You're like, oh, ain't confident. Yeah, I was like, oh, this is dope. You know, the other one I was totally deceived. Like, and it's funny because you sent a picture over and I'm like, oh, his eyes are open.
Starting point is 00:29:30 And I'm like, because Max was premium, he was a month early, his eyes were closed, he didn't cry, he didn't do any of that stuff. He still supposed to be inside. You know, you guys are tired. Yeah, so for like the first two weeks, like eyes closed, slap on me all the time. Nothing, I'm like, this shit's no big deal.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I know. It was at four weeks hit and he was, you know, he knew he was supposed to be out. I'm saying totally changed, you know. Totally changed. It's great. I mean, that's a challenge is because she had a C-section. She can't move a ton, so, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Her mom's with us. I'll be there. Oh, so her mom did extend her stay. She was able to extend her stay. And then we have a postpartum dola that'll be coming, which I think that's going to be a pretty coming to collect. Yeah, so she'll be with us a few hours a day to help with. Well, I was a C-section baby just so we'll have that connection.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Oh, I didn't know that. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I was coming out feet first. And so they're like, nope. Yeah, we gotta intervene. Always doing shit back. You know, like, it's have different ideas. It explains a lot.
Starting point is 00:30:26 The cake said to come out for it. Yeah, they can push those through. They're like, oh my god, we're gonna make up. His head is so big. Just on his head. Just the legs got out. Yeah. The big ass ass truck's got stuck.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Rending his mom around. Yeah. Well, you're healthier shit. Yeah, I don't know what I'm saying. Don't even worry about it. I don't know if your big ass head would have made it through anyway. Running his mom around. Well, you're healthy as shit. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if you're saying don't even worry about it. I don't know if your big ass head would have made it through anyway. Not probably. It's a cranium dude.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah. It's done damage. Yeah, dude. So, oh man. Well, we timed it wrong. I tell you what man, that was, we were off on that. We all thought we would the week, the week, the week, the week before when we all took off.
Starting point is 00:31:01 We're all up and going to thought. I know. I would have never, I would have never guessed it was gonna go that long. I'm never thinking like every day like, dude, when's the sound of a synthesis tech? Gotta be today. Yeah, we just kept saying this. Gotta be today.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, but yeah, but I mean, here we are, you know, everybody's healthy. I'm over the moon. I'm like, so again, I'm on cloud, it's like I can't even think straight. I'm so on another level. It's such a rad feeling. It's, I love, I love when people go through,
Starting point is 00:31:26 it gains you remember what that feels like. The first night, so funny, because obviously Jessica's, she's on pain medicine and she's just been through a lot and the baby's laying there. And I'm like, I wanna play with this kid. You know what I'm like? As soon as she's like, a little bit of movement, I'm like picking them up and she's like,
Starting point is 00:31:42 put them back down. He needs to sleep. But I wanna play with them. Have you got to do skin to skin yet? Oh yeah, right right away. Oh yeah. So I took my shirt off and had a mommy and did the whole thing. And exciting. I know. So what are you guys? What you guys been up to? I haven't seen you guys. We were up in Tahoe for damn near a week, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, a few days. And then I went to Pasero Balls like the other half of it for hanging out and doing quote unquote camping with the kids for Halloween. Why quote?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Well, I don't know if you consider camping if you're in like a trailer. So we like rented a trailer, okay. That's jammed. Adam's like, that's hella rough. Yeah, exactly. To me, that's glamping. But yeah, so we had a good time down there,
Starting point is 00:32:27 just because there was only a few families that we knew from the school. So it was like, we didn't really know what it was going to be like with COVID and everything in Halloween. And so we kept it pretty much within like four families that we all just kind of knew ahead of time. And we were able to kind of make a party out of it, have them trick-a-treat a little bit.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And I also went to the Gun Range, and that was fun with one of the guys. It was funny. The story was we were driving to this gun range, down in Pesaroa Bulls, and all of a sudden we just ended up in a Trump rally. This is before the election and everything kind of went down, and we were just driving,
Starting point is 00:33:02 and we became part of the parade. Without even trying, yeah, we were like, what's happening? Like all of a sudden, there just flags everywhere and we were just immersed in this. And we couldn't move. We were like trying to drive, like, you know, like a couple miles down the street
Starting point is 00:33:17 and like we were just in it and everybody's honking at us. Some people yelling at us, flipping us off. And I'm like, I'm not, I'm just here. You know, we're just driving, you know, to. You know, to try and get to this gun range, it was just hilarious how that happened. What did you fire? So we did like a 44 magnum and we did like a nine millimeter.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah, just like the indoor range. Dude, so yeah, so of course my son was born on election day. Yeah, I know how crazy it is. That's it, so appropriate. You know what though? So appropriate. I'll tell you what, I couldn't crazy it's that dude so appropriate. You know what though? I'll tell you what I could explain why that was a little chaotic I couldn't give a shit about you know because I might so yeah, you didn't know anything did not care
Starting point is 00:33:51 I know and it felt good. Yeah, maybe realize just the insanity the whole thing Yeah, you're not care. Yeah, what's going on even even now? I look up there are really not as important as people making it Yeah, I have a funny story for you that happened to Justin He's probably not gonna to share it because he felt guilty. But I think it's just every time I see these like dad situations happen that are like early for, I'm early, right? So I don't see these things.
Starting point is 00:34:13 We're hanging out. We're in trucky, right? And I think Courtney puts the kids to bed at this point. And Justin's youngest comes downstairs and he's like, he's devastated. He's like, he's like, just's like, he's like just so upset. Like first of all, they don't want to go to bed at this time, right? I can't remember what time it was,
Starting point is 00:34:31 it was like nine o'clock or whatever. Yeah, it was nine o'clock. It's their bedtime and I think where we're watching a movie or doing something, they wanted to stay up, they wanted to stay up. Yeah. And you know, Justin was like, no, it's bedtime and so they put it to bed.
Starting point is 00:34:42 But and this just shows you how great and manipulative and smart kids are. So it sends them to bed and he remembers that Justin promised they would go fishing that day. And so he comes down like crying, you know, that they, you know, dad made a promise that we would go, you promised me dad, like with that voice. It just killed me.
Starting point is 00:35:03 You know, like, totally destroyed me. Like, I'm a terrible father. You know, this has helped that I'm putting a few on the fire afterwards to like, oh, I can't think you didn't take them. I know you did. Yeah. I'm going up there trying to good
Starting point is 00:35:16 solemn, you know, like, trying to figure all this stuff out because, I mean, it was, it was cool because Adam and I both, like, were thinking about like trying to get back into fishing and like, learning fly fishing because I had, I had, it was cool because Adam and I both were thinking about trying to get back into fishing and learning fly fishing. I had, this was when I was a kid, I was introduced to it, but I never really learned it. It was one of those cool things that later in life, I'm like, wow, this would be cool
Starting point is 00:35:36 to pick it up and do it with my kids. And Adam's doing it the same time. It's kind of good timing. We made a big purchase. We went down to Cabela's and we bought like all the gear. All the stuff. You let Adam influence your face. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I mean, that's part of it. That's an Adam movie. That was easy though, because I was all about the fishing anyways. So I was like, hey, really? You commit yourself to doing it right? Yeah, that part. Yeah. That's way too much money.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I bet you guys spent like a thousand dollars. Oh, yeah, we did. Way too much money. Hey, bro, we Just under geared up. Of course you are. Boots, the stupidest, stupid amount of stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We will not need anything though.
Starting point is 00:36:12 No, make sure you leave it up to the house like a bar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's up there. Yeah, no, it's all set up for you. So I had to like, so basically the next day, why they had to go to bed, because they had school next morning. And so like anytime they have to school night, I'm like, I'm just like firm. You gotta go to bed because they had school next morning. And so anytime they have to school night, I'm just like firm. You gotta go to bed.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And so I'm just thinking I'm milling the sofa, I'm trying to tell them I'm gonna make it up, see whatever, I'm trying to figure this out. And so I'm like, you know what, why do we always have to do what school says? Let's just not go to school tomorrow. You know, I'm just not gonna have them sign in. We're just gonna go fishing.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I'm just, I'm making this decision for the family. You know, we're doing this. Like, and so I just threw this dad's guilty. That's what it's been. Yeah, I felt like, oh, it just, it really was this like punch in the nuts. You know, that I had to deal with. And so we went in first thing before we left in the morning.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Like we went out and went fishing. The kids, you know, had a great time. The thing, the thing before we left in the morning, like we went out and went fishing. The kids had a great time to think, the thing that warned me up the later is when we were down and Pes Robles and they're talking to their friends and they were like sharing that. Yeah, sharing that, it was like such a big deal to them. Now, this is comical for me. You hadn't understand that.
Starting point is 00:37:17 So I see all of it on the outside, right? I know that the kids just want to stay up because it's fucking TV. You know, they want to watch TV. There's nothing to do with fishing, but now that they have to go to bed, they remember. Oh, they remembered and then they pulled that. You probably held that in the back.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Oh, totally. And then I watched Justin, I can see him get manipulated. Just like, you could just see his heart sink. Like, you see your little boy cry. Like, you're still taking me fishing, dad? Well, because I said it, I remember saying it too. It's like, my promise is something I'm going to do. Well, this is where this gets better though.
Starting point is 00:37:42 And he's leaving this part of the story out that I think is funny. This is the day before they have to get up in the morning, get the house all clean, pack the cars up, drive back to San Jose, then drive down to pass Rose. They got six hours of driving ahead of them. They got to get everything already. And this motherfucker decides to get up, go fishing in the morning before all this.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Yeah, because he felt so guilty. And packed everything and did everything beforehand, and it was like getting the gear ready all night before, and dude, it was madness. And then driving all the way down there, I didn't even bring up this part of it, so my truck broke down again. Wow, what?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah, so we were down in past aerobols, and I realized there's this like pool, and I'm like, what is this? I thought it was oil, but it was like, turns out it was radii air fluid. And I had just got it back because they had fixed my air conditioning. And so I was like, what is happening?
Starting point is 00:38:31 And we ended up pulling over because my water temperature was going pretty high. And it was fluctuating a lot. I'm like, I can't drive another three hours back home without like taking care of this. And the course is on the weekend. So you can't just take it to the mechanic, you know, nobody's open.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And so like basically, I saw that one of the hoses had gone down into the fans and had chewed it up. And so it was just spraying everywhere. And so I'm here with both dogs. So not only that, I had the dogs with me, which is like a whole other nightmare, right? And then the kids and then, you know, Courtney is like,
Starting point is 00:39:05 and I'm trying to calm everybody down and be super calm about all this stuff. And so I stopped at like Home Depot, and I'm trying to find parts and things, and I'm like, Home Depot doesn't have shit. You know, like, I got like that flex, flex all like tape, flex seal, flex seal. You know, they got the boat.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, maybe this guy knows who's talking about it. Oh, he paints the side of the boat and floats it. It's got to work. Yeah. I just got to keep the water out. You know, like, yeah, I was like, maybe this guy knows who's talking about. Oh, he paints the side of the bone and floats it. It's got to work. I just got to keep the water out. You know, like, this is going to work. And so I do that and I'm like taping it up with like a lecture tape and like, I'm like, this isn't going to hold.
Starting point is 00:39:34 And so I have to go find like an auto park store, hold just enough so I could like drive across town to another place. And so I'm out there like in the parking lot, like getting different hoses, different, like attachments and grommets, all these types of things. And I'm like putting it all together. And, you know, I finally, like feel like, okay, this is gonna hold. And then it's like kind of leaking a little. But then I like, you know, tape a bit of that and I get home. And we were the whole time just stressed out, you know, driving home and all this stuff. And then, and then I went and found like the right parts,
Starting point is 00:40:06 I fixed it, you know, with the hose, but now I gotta take the dealership. But anyway, that was a whole nother thing. So I had a big scare last week too. I was, you know, and I don't know if it's because of the conversations that we were having in all this, like, turning 40, UT's of me for going ball, Justin tell me I'm gonna get a finger at my ass
Starting point is 00:40:22 really soon here, like, hey, I've got all this, like, old man's Still a fort too good time and I I go over to grab my Felix crazy. I'm getting ready to it's like we're in Tahoe I'm getting on my computer do some work and I grab him I put him on and I start like and the computer is like Super blurry dude and I'm fucking freaking I'm freaking out Yeah, I'm like oh my god a, a bug. You figure my ass out. Now my eyes are spinning. Oh, dude, I freak out and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:49 and I pull them off and I keep pulling them on, I'm like, what the hell? And then I didn't realize, I thought, because Justin's face is so fat, I didn't think that he's, I didn't think that he had insert the, the fat cheek. I didn't know that he were the same Nash feel of Scraze.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I thought I was the only one that, cause those are for like narrow faces. So I thought I was the only one that had that. So I guess he left me that well. He left his on the table. I have the same black pair, but mine are just like the regular ones. He has a prescription.
Starting point is 00:41:17 So he's got the prescription ones. And I've got the prescription on them. I'm like, the screen's all blurry and shit. I think it's my eyes. How long did that freak out? Oh, it only lasted about three to five minutes because I have called Katrina. And I'm like, I don't know what's going on with me.
Starting point is 00:41:30 You can't see. And she's like, oh, Justin was looking for his, it's Felix Grace. And I pull him off. I look at, these are the gnashes. He doesn't have gnashes. Thank God that, to see, thank God that's not me. You know, you know what I would have done.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I would have been on Google, I had brain cancer. I knew it. I told you guys about the time I thought I had to stick your cancer. And then there was another time when, I don't remember what was happening, but I was getting like these tingling sensation. I was just a lot of stress.
Starting point is 00:41:52 This is what it turned out to be. But I am of course, I'm thinking of myself like, this is how MS starts. Oh my God. What if I have MS? Anyway, so I'm freaking myself out because I'm paranoid about this kind of shit. And I didn't, I'm in my bedroom,
Starting point is 00:42:06 and I keep smelling the strange smell. So at the time I'm asking everybody in the room, do you guys smell that? Do you guys feel like I don't smell anything? And I'm like, this is a sign of either brain tumor or amass, like smelling weird, anyway, it was a freaking teacup. I had links to my bed with an old tea bag in there.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I lift it up, I'm like, oh my god, dude. But I stressed myself the fuck up for like a day over that kind of stuff. All the old tea bags. Those calls brought to you by Max and Obolic! If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start! With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk! So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today! It's the motherfucking fault!
Starting point is 00:42:59 An evilist landed! Quikwa... First question is from Brian Pata. Can you guys break down how to analyze a physique with terms like origins, insertions, muscle bellies, et cetera? I've heard these terms thrown around a lot, and I'd love to learn from you guys about it. All right, Justin.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah. No, I got this guy. I'm going to defer to Justin. I'm going to steer this conversation where I want wanted to go Really what you're gonna look for is you know that sort of like symmetrical V tapering, you know I don't know what to talk about Oh my guys help me is that what I sound like when I talk about I just know enough terms to like pretend I'm in this conversation
Starting point is 00:43:42 So these are all these are all terms that were used and created and by the physique presentation, spaces and in some of them. Well, some of them, I mean, some of them's anatomy, right? So origin and insertion is just where the muscle attaches to the bone. Yeah, but the way that they use it and anatomy and the way bodybuilders use it is a little different.
Starting point is 00:44:04 So, yeah, I'll give you that. Yeah, so these are terms that were... The bodybuilders are using that are just trying to sound fucking smart. Yeah, yeah. You see that nice cat insertion. Oh, wow. The insertions are the same. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Okay, so these are terms that are... We're used by bodybuilders, physique competitors, the judges, bikini, fitness competition figure, to kind of explain what causes someone to have the right aesthetics for that sport. So bodybuilding aesthetics, what are they looking for? They're looking for a good shoulder to waist ratio. Typically the wider the shoulders and the smaller the waist, the better. They're also looking for symmetry, symmetry meaning that both sides of the body match, you know, you're right and left match. Balance. Well, balance means, does my chest overpower my back or vice versa, my legs match my upper body do I have big upper legs
Starting point is 00:45:06 But do I have small calves that would be do you have drag glutes bro? You know what I mean actually that's a good one. I'm glad he said that yeah It's dry it includes right when someone says you're very all man He came in real dry what they mean is not only are you lean but you don't have any water on your skin So you look like an anatomy chart, right? Your shred, it's striations, refer to the lines and the muscle, a lot of stuff. So origin insertion in this context means
Starting point is 00:45:36 how big or how long is the bicep? Yeah, I would say how long or how bubbly. Yeah, right. So someone's gonna say they have like a long origin insertion if they have like a big, big long muscle. If they have like a short, small bubbly, like a, a, Colombo, like a physique. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Versus Arnold, right? Yes. Arnold would be like, oh, he has long origin insertions and Colombo would be, he's got this short origin insertion. What a great example. Look at Franco Colombo's bicep, if you want. You could pause the podcast, look at up, put Google, Franco Colombo's bicep. And then Google Arnold Schwarzenegumbos bicep, if you want. You could pause the podcast, look at up,
Starting point is 00:46:05 put Google Franco-Columbos bicep, and then Google Arnold Schwarzenegger's bicep. And one thing you'll notice besides the different shape is that Arnold's bicep seems to be longer. It seems to get closer to the elbow than Franco-Columbos bicep does. So that's what they're talking about with muscle bellies and certions and origins.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Now in bodybuilding, long muscle bellies is, it looks more aesthetic because, you know, if I have a calf that is really short and up near my knee versus a calf that seems to go all the way down to my ankle, when you develop both of them, the one that seems to go down to the ankle is just can look bigger. It just seems to be more visually appealing from a bodybuilding standpoint. What a great picture.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Actually Doug brought, actually pulled up a picture of Arnold and Franco flexing next to each other and you can see the clear. You almost said naked. Sorry, it's keep going. That's the other picture that Doug has on Doug's hard drive. So that's kind of what they're referring to. And, you know, aesthetics in physique competition sports are more extreme. But they're based off of what we naturally would consider to be healthy. So a man with a small waist and wide shoulders, what does that usually mean?
Starting point is 00:47:18 Well, it means he's lean. It means he probably has good testosterone levels, or at least it points in that direction. It means that he probably has good testosterone levels, or at least it points in that direction. It means that he probably has good use of his arms and legs, which might have been beneficial in hunting and in running, wide hips and narrow shoulders, probably you're not gonna be able to throw as well, or run as well.
Starting point is 00:47:37 But what about women? Why do women have such wider hips than men do it? Well, they need a wider pelvis to birth a child, so we consider that to be more attractive, of course, smaller waist also. It's really just an exaggerated version of that. Totally exaggerated. Yeah, that's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I mean, it's balance and symmetry. It's a, and I think a lot of the terms that, I honestly, I've sat with many competitors and talked about other people on the stage. And I think probably 80% of what you hear is a bunch of fluff. People sounding acting smarter than what they really are, trying to sound like they know it.
Starting point is 00:48:11 The guy is throwing the random term. Like Sal talking about sports, that's exactly what it sounds like for me. When I hear guys talking about stuff like that, because it really just comes down to that. Like having a really good looking physique, coming in super lean, so all the muscle is defined, and the smaller the waist, the broader the shoulders for a male and body building, I think,
Starting point is 00:48:30 and the better they're going to score. Yeah, and I'll tell you what, if you're just, if you don't care about competing, which is 99% of the people listening right now, this is what you do. Train your whole body. Don't leave out an area. Train lots of different movements. Make sure you squat. Make sure you do. Train your whole body. Don't leave out an area. Train lots of different movements. Make sure you squat, make sure you press, make sure you row and you pull, make sure you twist and rotate with your exercises. Make sure you do split stance type squatting
Starting point is 00:48:55 exercises. Do all those things. Develop your whole body, maintain a decent body fat percentage by not overeating and eating a healthy diet. And you're going to look phenomenal. Don't worry about all these insane terms and how you can exaggerate your... Translucent dents, bro. Yeah, that's not a thing. That's not what, yeah. You don't want Translucent dents,
Starting point is 00:49:14 that means you're not there. Okay. Next question is from Zach Thompson 15. What are your favorite exercises and movements in the sagittal and transverse planes? There you go, Justin. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:29 So in terms of a transverse plane of movement, this is one of those that a lot of people like you never see this in the gym. I always get excited. You guys get excited, seeing certain exercises when you walk into a gym. This is where I get a little bit excited when I see somebody actually intentionally
Starting point is 00:49:51 trying to do something even if it's as simple as a step up, but they're now adding in rotation, which you know that gets me excited because you're actually considering the long-term effects of training on the body. And I think that to not consider these things, you're going to put yourself in a position where you're going to suffer the consequences of that later. I really like, even if it's like a bodybuilder move where it's like an Arnold press, for instance, like getting rotation out of the shoulders and adding the strength and muscle development, that's a great exercise for that alone and it's not that complicated. To be able to do things that aren't quite as complicated one of my ultimate favorite
Starting point is 00:50:33 exercises that uh, you know, I get a lot of feedback from when people actually go into our maps performance program is the the lunge matrix. And the reason why I like that so much which I could have done that too is step up. So a very similar type of a complex with that. Um, because we hit all those different planes. I have to move and adjust my body and plot where everything is going to land and be able to stabilize and be able to control my body in those different movements and express strength to dig my way out of those movements as well. So, I mean, you go forward in the sagittal plane, you go out to the side, you know, in the frontal plane, and then we twist our body intentionally,
Starting point is 00:51:11 and we pick a spot, we come down, so we get that rotation, we control the body again, we drop, so, I mean, that's pretty much one of the better exercises for encompassing all of it. Yeah, transverse plane really involves a lot of rotating, right, rotating and twisting. It's probably the most neglected plane of exercise, right? When you go to the gym, you see people doing things
Starting point is 00:51:34 in front of them, right, curls and tricep press. That's why I thought it was weird. I thought it was weird this person asked, the sagittal. Yeah, everything's in the damn everybody's doing that. Yeah, everything, every common exercise you see is sagittal. Probably meant frontal. Yeah, frontal is, I mean, there's in damn everybody's doing that. Yeah, everything every extra every common exercise You see exactly frontal yeah frontal. It's I mean, there's a lot of common exercise in front all laterals side laterals And it is inside lunges side lunges transverse is where a lot of people miss they miss out
Starting point is 00:51:57 They don't do a lot of stuff in this plane and and as a result They don't develop a lot of balance and nice insertions and they're not just kidding They don't develop balance in their movement. That's the area. I would say if you if you work develop a lot of balance and nice insertions and they're not just kidding. They don't develop balance in their movement. That's the area I would say. If you work out a lot, pay attention to how many exercises you do that involve rotation, because you're probably not doing a whole lot. Everything else is, every other common exercise
Starting point is 00:52:17 is sagittal usually. And then, I'd say the second most common is the frontal, right? Yeah, no, everything is in the set. I mean, so simplify this for everybody. So the fact that we're even using these terms, I think, is the front all right. Yeah, no, everything is in the set. I mean, so simplify this for everybody. So like the fact that we're even using these terms, I think, a silly for most people, sagittal is just forward and back, right? So exercises in front view or back view,
Starting point is 00:52:33 basically almost everything you do, squat, forward, lunge, all right? Yeah, deadlift, everything is, yeah, everything is typically in the sagittal plane. So that's pretty basic. Transverse plane is mostly rotational movements and you just don't see a lot of people doing that. I don't hear either one of you guys say like landmine rotation.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Oh, I am. That's a great one. Yeah, that's a great one. Trunk rotations. Yeah, yeah. Lizard with rotation for like a mobility drill. Like any sort of, and we talk just and especially talks a lot about, or like a medicine ball throw against the wall.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Like, these are just, anytime you start to incorporate rotational movement, you're in the transverse Justin especially talks a lot about, or like a medicine ball throw against the wall. Like, any time you start to incorporate rotational movement, you're in the transverse plane. So focusing on that and incorporating that, I'm a fat windmill. I mean, we didn't, you know, that's your go-to. Like you always love to talk about the windmill.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I think just incorporating rotational movement in your program is that's all right. If you follow, and this is, you know, we've actually talked about this recently, the RGB bundle where you go through our antibiotic performance and then aesthetic, we make sure to address that, like, especially in performance.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Performance has a lot of the transverse plane incorporated it, and that's because antibiotic is mostly in the sagittal plane, because we are focused more on building metabolism, building strength, and a balluck is mostly in the sagittal plane, because we are focused more on building metabolism, building strength, laying a good foundation like you should, and then we transition where we start to incorporate more rotational movements in there. And so if you're programming yourself, I think that that's something that should definitely, you either should intermittently always be putting that in your routine, or it should be something
Starting point is 00:54:01 you phase into every few months, for sure. Well, that's how you develop balance. Yeah, and I think, too, because I know initially when we started this podcast, we were very much heavy in the bodybuilding type community. So that's where I really saw a deficiency there in terms of having twisting and rotation incorporated in the programming of a lot of these, even if it's, you know, because we're trying to single out these joints and really like focus in on like very specific muscles by themselves, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:33 talking to bodybuilders and having bodybuilder type models come in and do these exercises for our programs and stuff, I get to talking with them. And it's just neglecting those have caused things like shoulder impingements, like they're suffering certain issues and pains and arthritis and whatnot as a result, because they're not expressing their joint to its full capacity. Yeah, I mean, if you're looking for balance in your body and you want it to look well put together, you work in all these different planes.
Starting point is 00:55:04 And like Adam said, if you were to do like our RGB bundle You know the first program in there is about building maximal strength and muscle and then you move into Working so many different planes of movement to develop balance and then you move into at the end sculpting and shaping the body with a with a legit body building type workout But what that produces in terms of physique is a very well put together, well balanced, a nice looking body and physique. With longevity. With longevity.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Next question is from Shelby Percer. What's the best advice I can give to my sister who just recently found out she's diabetic? You know, so step number one, I would do this. Have her trained to build muscle, and here's why. Building muscle is a phenomenal insurance against diabetes, or at least getting your body to manage its blood sugar and how it reacts and responds to insulin. Muscle uses up glucose and glycogen, it stores it.
Starting point is 00:56:07 It's a very active tissue. When you build muscle, you'll find I found clients have to use, for people who are type one, have to use less insulin. I've seen other clients use less medication to bring their sugar down because now they've built muscle. So building muscle, very important to make a huge difference for diabetics.
Starting point is 00:56:28 As far as diet is concerned, there's a lot of mixed messages you get out there. Some people would say, studies show going real low carb is the best thing. Other people would say, well studies actually show eating lower fat is a good thing. Here's what they all have in common. They're not overeating.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Getting yourself at a nice lean body fat percentage. You don't need to get shredded, but in a healthy body fat percentage range. Not overeating, avoiding heavily processed foods, because that really encourages overeating, avoiding, because you're automatically avoiding heavily processed foods, you automatically avoid things like lots of sugars and lots of added sodiums and stuff like that, you'll find that it'll be easier for her to manage her diabetes. And I've even seen, and I'm not saying this will happen your sister, but I've seen with friends of mine where they've really done this and taken this seriously and over the course of a year.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Got rid of it. Yeah, got to the point where it was barely measurable or not measurable at all because they did those things. Well, I was, first of all, I'm not a doctor and I'm not a nutritionist. Okay, so definitely I think you should seek out somebody that is a professional in the field for sure and we're talking about an individual
Starting point is 00:57:33 that I don't know anything about other than what you're just telling us right here. But I will share with you some generic advice that has worked for many of my clients and that's similar to what Sal said. As far as nutrition, a paleo-esque diet has worked best for me with clients like this. So like in eating like a paleo type of diet, it's not super, super low carb,
Starting point is 00:57:52 but you're making better choices as far as your carbohydrates. It's moderate protein, moderate fat, whole foods. So I think that's a really good place to start nutritionally, generically, generic answer, right? And then as far as like exercises, it's getting the weight down. I've seen many people that are either borderline diabetic or become diabetic, and because we're on top of it right away, that six months of training or without, we can completely eliminate that, and through losing body fat,
Starting point is 00:58:22 getting their body fat down a lot of times we'll do that. So, you know, I would look into a nutritionist or following a routine, a nutrition routine similar to something like paleo, and then I would just really focus on being in a caloric deficit and focus on building muscle, like Sal said, and those two things should hopefully combat this. Next question is from Jeff Dillstrap. Here's a scenario. You're invited on the Joe Rogan podcast. What are the top three messages you'd like to send
Starting point is 00:58:52 out to his audience with a reach that he has? Oh, yeah, Rogan's the king of the podcast spaces. Yeah, what are his numbers these days? Cause I know it was like a hundred million or something a month at one point and I'm sure he's skyrocketed. He's doing like several million per episode on that. Yeah, at least. Yeah, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:59:12 It's yeah, it's got a huge reach. You know, I think one of the things I would like to talk about is how resistance training really should be the go to form of exercise for everybody, form of exercise for everybody. A form of exercise for everybody. It's not right now. People who lift weights tend to be people who think to themselves, oh, I want to shape and sculpt my body. I want to build muscle. There's still that bodybuilder stereotype.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I mean, if you step outside of the fitness space, talk to the average person, your mom, your dad, your aunt, your uncle, your neighbor, about lifting weights, you'll probably get comments like, oh, I don't need to do that. I'm not trying to look like a bodybuilder. I don't need to build huge biceps. That's that big of a deal. The go-to form of exercise typically is walking, running, swimming, biking tends to be cardiovascular exercise. But in reality, it should be resistance training. That should be the first line of defense. That should be the first form of exercise that everybody gets recommended to do and this is for a few different key reasons. One, there's no form of exercise that can be modified like resistance training. There is no form of exercise
Starting point is 01:00:20 I can think of that's appropriate for everybody like resistance training. I can literally design a resistance training workout for someone who's paralyzed, someone who's 85, someone who's 15, someone who's mobile, someone who's terrible mobility, someone who wants to lose 100 pounds or someone who wants to gain 30 pounds of muscle. Resistance training is the most modifiable form of exercise, especially when you use free weights as a matter of tall, short, you are, or how you move, you can train anybody. The second reason that I would recommend it is if you consider most people's situation in modern societies, busy as hell, but very inactive. So they're not moving a lot, but they're really, really busy.
Starting point is 01:01:02 So they don't have a lot of time to exercise, and if they tell you they do their lying, most people will not dedicate more than a couple days a week to exercise. I'm talking about the average person. They're also surrounded by a lot of food. So there's a lot of good food around us. It tastes really good. We're blessed that we live in a society like that, but that also poses challenges. I'm not moving much. I'm really busy, and I got all this food around me. Okay, what can I do? What kind of exercise can I do that's two days a week that will give me the most bang for my buck? Resistance training, it's gonna speed up your metabolism, which allows you to eat more,
Starting point is 01:01:34 and you don't need to do it every single day like you would with cardiovascular activity in order to reap the benefits because it directly speeds up the metabolism. Even when you're talking about older population, it, you know, they lose mobility, lose strength, they have bone loss, hormones go out of balance, men testosterone levels go down,
Starting point is 01:01:51 women's progesterone and estrogen, excuse me, out of balance, no form of exercise, directly reverses bone loss, directly helps with mobility, of course muscle. No form of exercise has been positively shown to improve hormone levels, especially testosterone levels and men, like resistance training.
Starting point is 01:02:11 So in today's world, with all that, when you go to the doctor, or your mom goes to the doctor, and the doctor says, you need to start exercising, what they should be saying is, you need to start lifting weights, let's start you off 30 minutes twice a week, and let's get going. Yeah, I think to listening to his show as long as I have have and have appreciated a lot
Starting point is 01:02:30 of different guests he's had on, but there's still like, and he's brought a lot of really good guests in terms of fitness professionals, nutrition experts and had like his own debates that he's presented to give points on both sides and tries to be measured. I do sense a lot of emphasis though on still a lot of the punishment mentality. What I mean by that is a lot of the guys that come on there for motivation and for inspiration. A lot of that is led by these crazy bad ass Navy SEAL guys and people that come on there that really hype a lot of that particular demographic into working out and trying to improve their life.
Starting point is 01:03:16 What's not being highlighted is how unsustainable that is. What we try to voice out is where I think you should consider like really like if we were to go on there, I would try to hype up a different message in terms of you don't have to punish yourself. You can actually benefit yourself and do this and get all the results that you want by approaching in a completely different way and loving yourself and going into it with that mentality, and we get into the psychology of,
Starting point is 01:03:48 how we trained our clients with nutrition and training and what a difference that makes for longevity and sustainability. So that's definitely something that I would like, if we had the chance to really kind of bring that into the conversation more, because I just don't think that, you know, he's really addressing the average person that's listening.
Starting point is 01:04:08 He's really like emphasizing more to the athletes and the people in that category. That's a great answer, Justin. I was actually looking at this going like, I don't know because, well, first of all, I don't think if we were going on Joe Rogan's podcast, this is how I would think about it. Like, I wouldn't go like, I've got some messages.
Starting point is 01:04:26 I want to make sure I get out there. Like I literally would just enjoy the moment. The fact that just having a conversation. Yeah, having a conversation with Joe about life and podcasting and just shooting the shit probably smoking a joint with him, I think would just be an epic fun conversation for me. So I wouldn't go in there, but I'll play this game, right?
Starting point is 01:04:40 So I'll play this game. Yeah. I'll play this silly game. You want to play the game? So, you, I'll play this silly game. Yeah. I'll play this silly game. You want to play the game? So, uh, you know, first all, Sal's right, we'd probably stay in our lane most of the time, which would be talking about exercise, which is where we're at. And I think Justin alluded to that also. Like, I mean, that's definitely our expertise is training average people and, you know, programming for them and addressing like Justin's saying, like the David Goggins, the
Starting point is 01:05:05 Joccos, the type of Ben Greenfields, the kind of extreme guests that he's had on the show when it's related to fitness. I just end the fact that he's attracting the masses. That message doesn't really, I think, apply to most of the masses, but yet that's what they're getting on that show. So I would love to counter that with you. And then a nutrition along that line too. He's also done the same thing with nutrition like a carnivore expert, a vegan expert, a keto expert. And the truth is like none of those one diets is great for the majority.
Starting point is 01:05:33 It's more about teaching people, about learning about their own body nutritionally versus like a diet. So I think we would get into that. And then third, I would tell them that gorilla kettlebells are stupid. Oh snap. Excellent. Look, Mind Pump is recorded on video as well as audio. So if you want to look at our faces while we talk, check us out on YouTube. You can also find us on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:05:56 including Doug the producer. If you want to look at the behind the scenes stuff, go find Doug on Instagram at Mind Pump Doug. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Adam at Mind Pump Adam and Sal at Mind Pump Sal. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Adam at Mind Pump Adam and Sal at Mind Pump Sal. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:06:21 The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 01:06:59 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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