Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 142: Sculpting vs. Performance Exercises

Episode Date: September 3, 2015

Adam feels a little left out because Sal and Justin scoff at some of the exercises he does to "sculpt" his body as a physique competitor. Todays episode breaks down the value of these and other exerci...ses to meet specific goals.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I would like to discuss the weekend. I had a great time with you guys. Dibbotture. We were at the, we should tell the Mind Pump listeners. We were at a pool party, we were invited
Starting point is 00:00:25 with a Bay Club and hooked up with a, we were with Craig Caperso and Mr. Ben Zorn from the Bachelor at and we drank a little bit of alcohol I think. Yeah, we were little tipsy-turvy. Just a little bit. Jumping in the pool, wrestling and acting a fool. Yeah, I'm like, let's do a shot. And I'm thinking, I'm gonna have a shot of like, like a fireball or something like that.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Just an Adam just informed me how big of a pussy I am. He wanted to do a blowjob shot. So he wanted to do a shot. I had to have a, no, we're like, we're gonna have a man shot. I don't need to have cream all over my face. Yeah, so we did a shot of what was that black label? Yeah, Johnny Walker.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Johnny, that's fucking is a faux pas to begin with. It's like doing a shot of it, really? Yeah, bro. I can't accept that. Because that's what old guys do. They drink scotch on the rocks. I love me. The enamel on my teeth came off.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I had to go to the fucking dentist. It wasn't that bad. Actually, I was glad that at least it was whiskey. So anything else would have been like, like let's be honest, Yeager is just pure concentrated evil. I'll do Yeager. It's like tar evil.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Really? Yeah, why? It just fucks you up, like, instantly. Why don't we do that? Cause I wanted like, just like rotten black licorice, bro. Oh, delicious.. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and then things got a little weird. We got the pool. We got the pool. We got the pool. We got the pool. We got the pool. Yeah, you guys were hugging and.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Me and Adam were trying to ride the floating, the flotation, what was that? Was like a Ponyton or something? It was like a hot dog. It looked like a big hot dog. What is the name floaty hot dog? Yeah, Adam gets on there and he's like, hey, get on the back. I'm like It looked like a big hot dog. What is the name of the loady hot dog? Yeah, the name for those. Adam gets on there and he's like,
Starting point is 00:02:06 hey, get on the back. I'm like, that's a fucking great idea. Yeah. You know, that's what happens to his great idea. You think it's a good idea. And everybody wanted to race. And then we especially Adam. Oh, don't bring that up.
Starting point is 00:02:17 He's still a butt hurt over there. Well, I don't even talk some shit right now. Why? We should talk about it. We should talk about it. Talk some shit. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, bro, you did good.
Starting point is 00:02:26 You totally did good. It was like, bro, it wasn't even a good or bad thing. It was the fact that you were just like on liquid courage. Let's go. Shh, shh, shh, in the pool. Bro, you were doing good and then you decided to go hell of a slow all of a sudden, I don't know why you're doing it. Yeah, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:44 So Adam, did you challenge them to a pool? No, so what happened with some guy we're we're all sitting around drinking and I was talking with Craig and we're joking around and some dude gets in the pool and he's like, you know, it's just there's like a pool party, right? It's like, you know, Vegas type scene, right? We're just everyone's drinking and swimming around and goofing off and having fun. And this dude shows up and he's like our age, right? Maybe a little bit younger even. And he's got like his speedo shorts on and his speedo hair, his hair cap and his like goggles.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And he's like, and you wanted to punk. And he's, yeah, he was doing fast. Well, he's like swimming laps and like, you know, calling his buddies out. But he had his girl, he had a bunch of girls with him that were kind of like, so I told Craig. I told Craig. I told Craig.
Starting point is 00:03:21 So Adam's like, oh, hell no, I'm about to go. You shaved for this, didn't you? I told Craig, I said, hey, go tell that guy over you're you put money on me that you're your big your big Fat buddy. So you started it? Yeah, I started I told well, I told Craig to do that right? So then great of course Craig Craig so goddamn I know Great dude. What was Craig thinking? He's not have a swimmer's body. It doesn't even matter. He's so competitive He made it all the way and then just stopped on the way back. They didn't even like. Bro, Craig is, Craig swims like a rock. I know, that's why me.
Starting point is 00:03:48 We can't even float. Yeah, it's actually, it actually made it down there pretty fast. That was pretty impressive. Yeah, it was gas out. It was pure, it was pure horsepower. Yeah, he was the guy that throttled. The guy that was, you know, Mr. Swimmer dude in his speedo gap and I remember that.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Craig was right with him the whole time. Well, you, you actually dusted that guy. Well, okay. It was the other guys that were in there. First of all, that was the first time I ever lost in this speedo gap and I remember that Greg was right with him the whole time. Well you actually dusted that guy. Well okay. It was the other guys that were in there. First of all that was the first time I ever lost in the pool. I just had a guy's, oh I'm gonna put this out there now. Now second time you've raised in your life, first time you lost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:15 No, it's just kidding. So I never want to swim in my life except for like goofing around like this in the pool. Like you never swim competitively, you never born a swim team. No, I never even swim as a kid like that. You know, we had pools. We had pool, I swam in pools. Bro, can I just tell you something real quick? All joking aside, I know I'm talking shit right now.
Starting point is 00:04:32 The two guys that you lost to who both tied each other by the way, so you actually got second place. Who's doing like that butterfly? No, no, no, no, no. Those guys, one of those guys is a high level, or both of them are high level college swimmers competitive. They're both brothers.
Starting point is 00:04:46 One's from San Diego State went to a full ride scholarship on swimming and the other one went to Arizona State. Okay. So here's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say, I hate to say this. This is gonna, I hope you don't feel offended, but I think you made a massive mistake in your choice of career because you're fast as fuck for never swimming and for being a big ass gorilla in the pool because those guys were streamlined.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You're taking up two lanes with your shoulders and he fucking was fast and you just didn't know how to do that. You didn't know how to do that turn. The flip turn is where they got me. You got up and you're like, what? Oh yeah. He's fast, I was shocked at how fast Adam is in the pool.
Starting point is 00:05:22 No, yeah, he was blazing. Yeah, you're right out of the game. I bet you could have gone far. I bet you could have been Olympic, bro. Fuck. I know what I bro. I know it would have been pretty decent. I know that.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Wow, so just because he went from being competitive all the way to Olympian. I don't know about that. No, I'm going to be far away. Why don't you take your head out of his crotch? I do, I do know that I have race people that have done Iron Man that have race competitively. And you dust them.
Starting point is 00:05:49 But yeah, but those guys were, he was legit, dude. And normally I have room for air. And I can do the flip turn. I'm just, I'm not, I've never done it like, been taught it. I've done it like watching TV. And I'm like, oh, this is how these guys do this. So I can like, I can do it like 50% of the time. Half the time I miss the side, right? So I'm like, well, this is how these guys do this. So I can do it like 50% of the time. Half the time I miss the side.
Starting point is 00:06:06 So I'm like, oh, I better be safe and just touch the rail and then come back in and then go back the other way. But I didn't know when we race. I didn't know these guys were swimmers. I just thought they were tall, built body types like it, but I'm like, that didn't scare me away. I'm like, you know why I kind of knew they were swimmers? Because they were pretty fit, right?
Starting point is 00:06:24 They were fit. They were kind of long looking and then they didn't have legs. Yeah. They really didn't have any legs. Yeah, you're right. You know what I'm saying? Some were so and arms.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah, some were. Yeah, some like, they have to either swimmers or they work out in the gym like douchebags. Apparently they were swimmers. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, really good too. And they took everything in me to try and stay with those guys, man.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I was gassed. Bro, but you were so funny, because then we get home. And of course, you did this drama. We were all tipsy. Yeah. Then you get home and then the tech start. You know, hey guys, I totally, if I did that turn, I could have totally won.
Starting point is 00:06:58 He said this to the video. He goes, look, I kept up with him. Oh, man. It was like 10 techs. Like, you were seriously irritated. I get it. I get it though. Once you put yourself like,. I'm competing. Yeah, it's you know Like you do it to win. Oh, I'm concerned. I'm competitive as shit. Yeah, no matter what
Starting point is 00:07:12 I am so you didn't you didn't do a so I don't commit to anything You know like you see me commit to something. It's like I'm gonna win. Yeah, yeah, you didn't you didn't do a salvo See this is you know how I would have handled that shit. I would have lost. I would have come out and I'd be like, hey, let's go deadlift. Let's go see who can, I would have just found another competition. I don't wanna fucking beat you at something before we leave today.
Starting point is 00:07:32 You know what I mean? Hey, you guys went arm wrestle for fun. You know what I mean? That's what I would have done. None of the less though it was fun. It was fun. We had a great time. Super talented.
Starting point is 00:07:40 No, it was a good time out there for sure. It was a good time. So we were out there with a bunch of really, you know, we got Ben Zorn from the bachelor at which by the way Women go stupid for him. Yeah, like and I'm not being you know, I'm not being like funny I'm serious. They go stupid if you look at the comments under his pictures and she's interesting including your wife Interesting. Yeah, and my wife actually I told her I brought her over and wanted because I know she's a fan of it So yeah, and I want her to be like oh, it's cool that you're doing mine pump and you know
Starting point is 00:08:05 I get to meet all these handsome dudes so you know, I mean it's all part of the plan so anyways we're all there and it was a good time dude But God there was one guy who's getting fucking hit on left and right Benzor no Justin Justin was getting bro that lady that 50-year-old lady was totally yeah, man totally flirty Whoa, don't go on in the pink fingers Yeah, that one cashers are all talking to my stuff I don't even know what she's talking about I was like oh yeah, yeah, well, I don't know if you read I don't know if you read and this is he's a post that so magnets so Ben Benz Benzzie puts up
Starting point is 00:08:44 Put the post the picture of all of us of all of usz, Benz, he puts up the post, the picture of all of us. Of all of us, yeah, by the poor, right? And he had 14 billion comments and stuff, whatever. And Katrina was like going through and reading them while we were trying. Oh, just read the one about Justin. Oh, there's like five of them.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Oh, I had the guy that A's hat. And then one of them's like, who's the guy turning around and showing us his butt? And then like little heart, just a little heart and butter conifer. Yeah, I got Humps. I love it, dude. Lovely lady Humps.
Starting point is 00:09:07 You do have Humps, yeah. They do, they do. Love me suggesting. I told you, it's like, maybe it's a small, but it's a raving fan base. Yeah, I mean, it's like, I corner that. I don't know, but I think you're trying to corner the market, but I don't think we can call you
Starting point is 00:09:22 Duff anymore. I think that's for sure. He's buff now. Yeah, buff. Just buff. Yeah, bud ugly, fat friend. No, just buff with the literal meaning of buffed. Okay, I'll say it.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah, sexy man. Hey, are we gonna do this show or what are we gonna do? Let's do this. So Adam wants to talk about how he trains muscles to shape them a certain way to look a certain way. And it's a little bit of a different philosophy than the one that I tend to a spouse, or even the one that Justin goes with. Did you use the Soros your way through that?
Starting point is 00:09:53 Yeah, can you a spouse a muscle? No, no, no. A spouse means how you explain the things that I talk about. No, I just like the word. Yeah, I get it, but I don't think you put it in the right spot. No, I did. I said, I think you just definitely than the way I espouse the way that I talk about it.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I think you said I absurd it a word, Ralph. Me espouse. I didn't. You can't do that, dude. I totally, just because you are a nerd and you read the encyclope. I mean, you just need to get random words. If you like, I can't. I think I'm going to go ahead and throw in spouse right here.
Starting point is 00:10:19 This seems like a good place to go. You know, you know, who has incredible verbal fluency is a dog dog. Did I use the word espouse properly? I believe you did actually judges say yes. Oh, slap. I don't know. Yes. Yes. Very popular. What I felt like that was like he was saying like I need to check real quick. No, you know what we're going to do? We're not a, you know, English major or anything like that, but you did teach English. To espouse some Japanese people. I did do that, but we didn't use a lot of my stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Boom, bitch. They use a lot of stick figures, bro, and real bait like CJ J run. There's a real basic vocabulary there. CJ, run. That's what I thought. That's what I thought. So, so no, Adam want to talk about how he Differs a little bit in some of his philosophies when it comes to true And you're using example. What's the exercise you were talking about?
Starting point is 00:11:11 Well, this is this is why I wanted to talk about this favorite subject. No, this is good You can put you can you can defend Sound and you guys and you guys in team up on me on this situation, which is totally fine. No, it's cool Maybe I'll piggyback your piggyback. I actually would like that, actually. I would like to see you team up with me for once. Let's piggy. I am the winning team. Anytime you have three people,
Starting point is 00:11:29 there's always a fucking one left out. I feel like I feel like, I don't know how. I feel like Adam's trying to do the reverse cycle. I kind of feel out. I'll feel out where you're going to be. And then I'll, I'll come in. Yeah. I'll let him in.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I'll let him in. I'll let him in. I'll let him in. I'll let him in. I'll let him in. I'll let him in. I'll let him in. I'll let you know. One of you has the best argument. I'll start chiming in. Okay. Isn't that what you think? Well, it is going to crazy that this works out with three because three is normally what they say three twos of company, three is a crowd. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:53 You know, there's always one guy that does, but I don't feel like that with us. No, no, no, no. No, this is from Justin being the Duff. I really don't feel like you know, but the Duff, you know, contributes. No, but this is the, this is the perfect dynamics. The Duff can get it. This is why on his own. It can't. That's what the difference is, but this is the perfect dynamics. See, the Duff can get it. This is why, on his own. That's what the difference is.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And this is why, this is why, this is why three sums never work. Like when you had, when people talk about having a sexual three sum, is always someone that, except when it's a pyramid. Right. So we're like a pyramid. Yeah, we stack well.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I don't know who's on the bottom. You're gonna have to break that down for me. You guys just, you just lost me with that, it adds you. Bro, it's three-dimensional, bro. I don't know who's on the bottom you're gonna have to break that down for me You just lost me without an ad you dimensional bro One two you ever play with Lego so that's why it's on top though That's how that's how the three sir rotates. That's how we move. It's like this weird You sick fucks already made me forget what I wanted to tell you guys no, I so Here's I've noticed that you know so here's, I've noticed that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You know what I've noticed, I've noticed that you take your sweats and you pull them up and out of show off your calves now. Well, no, something that's cause I'm fucking hot. A little warm, a little toasty. Yeah, you know what I do like to, I do like to make it to make you, you are hot, but you know what you could do is you could take off your fucking winter beanie.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That might make you cool down a little bit. More than pulling up your sweat. That keeps them all, that keeps my head for tight. For the, yeah, there. Thank you for the. For the. Oh, yeah, there's still is a purpose for everything. Everything. That's the only way he keeps his constant. Everything.
Starting point is 00:13:11 You notice that purpose. It's a purpose for everything. We've got the beanie on purpose for everything. All right. So talk about the nugdo's dome. No, I find I find this is necessary for us to discuss this or discuss it, debate it, whatever. I think it's important because there although we all are
Starting point is 00:13:30 use the maps program as our foundation We all have created like our own like version of it or added things to it And I and I think that I'm the furthest from you guys. I'm not the furthest from maps. I'm just the furthest from How you guys have like modified or changed it for'm just the furthest from how you guys have modified or changed it for you. The reason being is because you stick to a lot of staple movements always, which I feel like I do that. Is it fair to say if this was a spectrum of, if we were looking at a spectrum, if we were
Starting point is 00:13:59 looking at a graph, and on the left we have performance based or performance focused training, and on the right we have at you know performance based or you know performance focus training. Okay, we have aesthetic focus training. Okay, that we're kind of just in on the left. I'm in the middle and you're on the right. That's a pretty good fair. Is it? Yeah. Yeah. I would say it. Would you say just? Would you agree with that? So I'm like if you guys had a child, it would be me. I'm like the guy that doesn't have biceps because I don't give a shit. Except you do have, in my way. Except you do have bicep. It just happens naturally.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So yeah, so you know. I think it's a good way to explain it, which I think it's important that people understand that because I also feel like, especially South, South has a great way of influencing people to believing everything that he says. We get sucked in yeah, right even I like we got sucked into an episode earlier today Sounds like this is how we're gonna do things today. I almost cared about my abs
Starting point is 00:14:58 So Where I'm going with this they're figuring me out Where I'm going with this they're figuring me out. Yeah, there we are. We're on do I need those? Oh, so so you know, I do a lot of stuff that I know that Justin definitely doesn't do and Sal rarely ever or chooses not to do also, which is a lot of this auxiliary masturbating with canola oil. I just don't do that. It just makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:15:21 Yeah, cook with it. What are you doing? Multitasking. I'm not going to your house. Duh. And then you kind of chickened the whole world. Where did that come from? I know. That's so disrespected.
Starting point is 00:15:32 That's so unhelpful. Yeah, I use all of my little stuff. Non-GMO. Yeah, right. Come on. What made me think about this was I had saw a post about somebody showing a rear Dell exercises and he made a comment about, I wish I remember who this was, but it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Somebody, it was one of those pro guys that a billion people had. You matter, buddy. Don't worry. You mean it. No, this was like one of these pros who has a million followers or whatever, so some Olympian guy. Any showing rear, reart flies, right? As like one of his, you know, favorite go-tos for rear delts.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So rear delts happen to be one of my strengths now, although it was one of my weaknesses, and I love to train them. Now, with this athlete or whatever you wanna call him, was not explaining to people is the... There is a hip bottle. That's probably better way to explain it. Was that there is a, I don't wanna say a wrong way,
Starting point is 00:16:28 but there's a more efficient way to do this if you're specifically targeting a muscle. And I tend to do a lot of this, which this is the part where I feel like it's different than Sal and Justin, is I a lot of times would like to say however, I used to train a lot like you. Oh, I believe that.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah. So I completely understand where you're going. I honestly got to say, however, I used to train a lot like you. Oh, I believe that. Yeah. So I completely understand where you're going. I honestly got to do. Yeah. And, you know, so little things like that. So I know that, you know, if I mentioned to Justin or Sal, like, hey, let's hit some rear-delt stuff, then Justin would want to do some fucking power cleans. And, you know, Sal would want to do some like heavy-bid over-roads or something, something
Starting point is 00:17:02 into the rows. Yeah, right? Something along the lines of that that's a more gross movement. In my case, I would not that I wouldn't do pindalay rows or do the, the cleans, they just not, and may not be the, the exercise I did that day. And I might be trying to focus and bring my rear delts up. So this may be the second or third time I'm touching them, not including the Benova Rose and other big gross movements these guys do a lot of.
Starting point is 00:17:29 So this being said, like a rear delt fly or a Benova rear flies or cable real flies or whatever angle you're doing them from. The biggest and the most common mistake I see with rear delts is guys activating their rhomboids. Now the rear del is responsible for a very small movement as far as a scapular attraction. So it's not the same as like pulling back your entire scapulae like you would with your rhomboids.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah, now the technical term would be the humorous, horizontal, humoral abduction. But to a certain extent, just like what you're saying. So in layman's terms, that's me lifting my arm out in front of me. So like imagine I look like a mummy or a zombie. And then I take my arms and I bring them out. So I form a T. That's abduction, horizontal and air. But the rear delts are responsible for a small percentage
Starting point is 00:18:22 of that range of motion. The rest of it comes from a scapula, which is what you're saying, where the rhomboid's activate. Yeah, right. So, and now, how do I do that movement, which is this that movement that he just described, is pretty much the staple movement for a rear delt fly, but what a lot of people do is they do it in a manner
Starting point is 00:18:42 that ends up causing more rhomboid activation than actual, not actually, but as much if not more rhomboid action than rear delt. And if I wanna get more rear delt, I'm gonna stay in a protracted position the entire time and I'm not gonna allow my shoulders to retract all the way back. This puts more emphasis on my rear delts than it does on the wrong boys for this movement.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Now, I do a lot of this in a lot of different movements and exercises throughout my workouts. And we don't discuss it and talk a lot about it because we talk about the things that matter the most. Now, if you were to compare that exercise to one of Justin's cleans, I would 100% agree that that clean is far more beneficial for overall strength gains, muscle gains, calorie expenditure, the whole bang for your buck. Yeah, whenever you get judged completely differently, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And so like I completely understand too, from your perspective, like a lot of these things, I would never consider because I'm not getting judged for how the back of my arm looks, you know, in a certain light in what kind of definition I'm presenting. So definition is really, I mean, that's a focus. That's something that you have to understand, like how to emphasize and improve really very specific muscles in your body,
Starting point is 00:20:01 which is, that's the sculpting, right? That's what the difference is. It's the sculpting, right? That's what the difference is. It's the sculpt of the body versus, you know, the overall performance of the strength and the movement and what I'm generating, which is what I'm focused on. Well, I'll tell you, I do rear laterals, probably every single shoulder workout. So it is an exercise that I do.
Starting point is 00:20:22 That's why I'm kind of between the two of you in terms of your philosophies. But I will say this, this is where I think isolation movements like that have their benefit. This is why I think those, because look, if you don't do rear laterals, can you develop nice rear delts? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:37 If you are, if you're the kind of person, if you have the genetics of the genes where that rear delt doesn't pop out naturally with normal exercises, will it benefit you to do rear laterals properly? Yes. genetics or the genes where that rear delt doesn't pop out naturally with normal exercises. Will it benefit you to do rear laterals properly? Yes. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:49 You'll build more rear deltoid doing rear laterals by doing them properly in addition to some of those big exercises. But here's why I think it's effective. I don't necessarily think it's the exercise itself. That's effective because it's such a small range of motion. It's a small movement. You never use it. Look, rear laterals, if you're doing right, you're not using a shitload of weight. I go and I have really strong posture or chain, including my rear delts, and I don't
Starting point is 00:21:14 go heavier than 30 pounds for rear laterals, which most people shouldn't go over 10, 15 pounds if they do them properly. Big guys may be 20, especially if you're staying protracted, because you're just, if you're doing it right, if you're doing it right, because you get in those, you get those wrong boys involved. So it becomes a lot bigger.
Starting point is 00:21:31 It becomes a wide row. It becomes a row is what it looks like. Their elbows come into their body and they start activating lats and everything else. But here's why I think isolation movements will help develop a weak body part. Because it changes, it helps your body activate that muscle which might not be necessarily communication channel. Yeah, yeah, exactly because
Starting point is 00:21:54 you know, I've taken clients who need to develop their rear delts and we do rows, we do all these different things and then I teach them how to do a rear lateral which by the way is one of the tougher exercises to teach. I'm pretty sure some of you guys are great angles are tough to really. It's just people have a tough time doing it. Once I teach them to do it right and they do it right, then they get more rear-dale activation when they do a row. Because they've changed that kind of that recruitment pattern. And that's where I think the gains come from the most from those movements. Not necessarily the movement itself, although you do get some stimulation there,
Starting point is 00:22:26 but it makes those muscles more active in other movements also. Well, now, don't you feel that that contradicts the debate that you and I have been having for a while now on the whole mind muscle connection piece? I think it depends. I think it depends on the exercise, and I think it depends on the body part.
Starting point is 00:22:42 If we're talking like, lats, chests, the rest of the delts, like the front delts, you know, maybe not. But in certain situations, look, a rear delt, the rear deltoid, I've noticed them people, and this is anecdotes, I don't know if you guys have noticed this as well, but people either develop them or they don't. You have to really focus on them or you don't. Well, what happens to a lot of people too is they are so protracted that they have a hard time engaging them completely like that, unless you're doing a specific move like that. Well, see from a performance perspective, there's benefits to having a bit of a
Starting point is 00:23:17 protraction. So if I'm trying to get more strength gains, let's say that that, that what's it called? Basically, like what I'm talking about is between the chest as it's shortening, I'm going to have more strength, right, when I'm in that synergistic dominance, that's what I was trying to, you know, remember. But basically, if I'm more focused on one particular anterior chain of my body, that's where I'm going to start benefiting more on the lift. So if I'm totally balanced, I'm not going to be as strong in a specific lift. Well, I think if you're extreme in one sport or direction, that you aim for balance,
Starting point is 00:24:01 but you're not going to be balanced, right? Yeah. If you're a guy who can bench press 600 pounds, but you're not going to be balanced, right? Yeah. You know, if you're a guy who can bench press, you know, 600, but you're not going to be because performance, you know, it, you're talking about a very specific movement. Yeah. That's, that's, can't really the point I was just trying to make is just, it's an excellent
Starting point is 00:24:16 point because it's just like what we talked about before when you and I benched together. Yeah. You know, you, if you looked, if you were to look at both of our postures, when we were standing up, I, I may have a better posture than you, than you may have when you have a lot more strength in that plane than I do for sure. I mean, and it showed when we lifted. Yeah. So, and I, and that's just it. You're not going to be good at everything. And I think that if you, if you aspire to be, you know, more well balanced, you know, you're gonna be pretty good at most things as far
Starting point is 00:24:47 as like movements are concerned, but and then there's also like, you know, if you're overtraining constantly doing one movement, you want to balance it out because you want to have longevity in that movement, right? So there's also that, like you don't want to wear it out like completely because you're just completely, you know, overtraining that specific movement. You know, in terms of laterals, just any kind of, whether it's a real lateral, front lateral, side lateral, uh, side laterals, people fuck up all the time too. I rarely see anybody do a proper side lateral. It turns into some weird, like, clean looking exercise where they externally rotate the humorous and the hands come up and it becomes like a trap. Traps exercise. Very rarely do I see someone where they can just get that side, that side delta to bring the arm out to the side. Very similar to the rear delt movement.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And it's hard to learn. If you don't have a trainer there who knows how to kind of put you in the right position, it's hard to learn. If you don't have a trainer there who knows how to kind of put you in the right position, it's hard to learn. I would say the best way to learn would be to go real light and really try and feel that area, but don't neglect those big heavy gross motor movements. And this goes back to also that debate too of like the heavy lightweight, the mind muscle connection versus, you know, we know that if you were to perform a movement, you know, like a squat, you know, comparison like that, there's far more benefits to you. Maybe having a slight deviated form being able to squat 500 pounds, then having perfect form and squatting 135,
Starting point is 00:26:15 right? You're going to get a lot more gains out of that, the heavy squat with maybe a slight deviated form than having, you know, perfect form and doing 135. But then you take a muscle like a side lateral, like you were saying, you know, that's a very small muscle. Well, you trying to work that specific area, doing lateral raises with 50 pound dumbbells versus 20 pound dumbbells in a controlled manner, you know, if you're doing those 50 pound lateral raises and you're using momentum to get you up, you're rolling, you're rolling the shoulder, there's a capula forward, like you're saying, you're getting all these other movement or other muscles that are engaging,
Starting point is 00:26:48 you're probably not benefiting the lateral delts as much as you think you are and you're getting more gains at other places. So, right, because I think, we talked about the spectrum, right? We were talking about Justin, me and you. You know, if your focus is on performance, unless there's a recruitment imbalance,
Starting point is 00:27:04 like there's a shoulder problem, then a rear lateral is probably not going to benefit you as much as heavy rows and cleans, right? Because if I get strong and a rear lateral, how much is that going to translate on the field? Right. Probably not much. Whereas a clean or a heavy row, if I add weight to that, it's going to translate a
Starting point is 00:27:21 lot better. However, if you want to change the way you look in a specific way, then you can start incorporating some of these movements. But at the end of the day, you know, we use the word sculpt and I hate that fucking word because it's muscles don't sculpt, but I think you get the idea, right? Well, I think too, I guess I'm more focused on the overall movement. So if we talk about a movement, it's usually a big thing, right? You're using your upper body, lower body together, your core, like everything is simultaneously firing. And so anything that resembles more of a simultaneous
Starting point is 00:27:59 firing of muscles, like obviously I want more contribution from more muscles in the movement, right? And so maybe there's some benefits to isolating and activating some muscles that otherwise might not have contributed. However, really the benefit and the gains that I'm gonna wanna focus on the most have to be more involved.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Like I have to emulate a lot more movement in my exercise because I need to train my body to be able to recruit everything together in harmony and as far as being aesthetic goes, that's really, that's not really a consideration that you need to focus on completely. However, it will, it will benefit you to incorporate, you know, to overall, to build overall strength in your physique, but, you know, you definitely need that definition. Yeah, it depends on all over. It depends on your goals. I mean, our average listener
Starting point is 00:28:59 wants both. I would say the average listener. And this is why I wanted to bring this topic up because I feel like sometimes so they want you cells that you're saying. Yeah, that's exactly what you want. That's how he's I just circled that you got. I'm glad you called that shit out. I'm glad you called that shit out. See it's an injustice. Yeah, you did nice try fucker. You know, I want abs again. Yeah, I'm on dog dog edit that last part. Yeah, and just leave leave it at one. That's exactly why I wanted to talk about this, because I really feel like we talk heavily around overall health and the beginner and the average person what's best for your body
Starting point is 00:29:34 and we talk a lot about those gross movements, but you know, that's not all of our listeners. We have a lot of competitors, we have a lot of trainers, we have a lot of people that are fitness gurus already and kind of know their stuff and they're coming to us for even more advanced information. So I feel like this is why I wanted to kind of go down this road is, you know, here we talk all about these movements and I'm like, okay, well, I do all those movements too, but I do a lot of other stuff that we don't talk about. Yeah, but because it's and we don't talk about it because that's my world, right?
Starting point is 00:30:05 That's my whole aesthetic thing or whatever. But in reality, there's a lot of people that do follow us or that are connected to us or that listen to us. No, it's important. Yeah, you're definitely distinctive in the way that you train because you're trying to look at certain things. Right, and my point is not that that's not good. My point is that that also has a benefit.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, besides looking good, if you incorporate it properly, you're going to, you're not going to get worse. You're probably going to move a little better. Well, I think Justin said it really best when he said that what it does is, and I guess it's probably a perfect example of my overall strength and performance of my physique is that I'm not really great at anything. I'm not. And when people ask me like,
Starting point is 00:30:47 oh, what do you bench? Oh, what do you squat, oh, I'm really not great at anything. But I'm your balance. Yeah, I'm pretty damn good at everything though. There's not a lot of things that someone's gonna smoke me at, like I can hang overall on a lot of basic, you know, your big exercises, because I do a very good job of symmetrically balancing my entire my physique by the way I train.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So that being said, like that's what that to me is like being balanced, being aesthetic, like that's what I'm all about. Now, um, absolutely, there's a lot of guys that could get under a squat rack and out squat me and out deadlift me and out bench press me. No doubt, you know, in my weight class too, you know, whatever. But I, you know, I've always joked around and it me, no doubt, you know, in my weight class too, you know, whatever. But I, you know, I've always joked around and it's, it's partially a joke, but a lot of it's true.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Like, I care about how I look, you know, that's, that's what the physique that I've been working towards and building is I want. And let's be honest, like you said, you're going to get health benefits. I mean, I'm healthy because of that. Like, I feel good because of that. I've got great posture because of that. Like, I've got good strength because of that, you know, I've got got great posture because of that. I've got good strength because of that. I've got good endurance, because of that.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Well, the approach is different. The approach, so the athletic trainer is looking for balance. Also, actually balance is the goal for the athletic trainer, just like it is for the physique competitor. No, not necessarily true. It is. No, it's not. It's just. No, no, no. It is. No, it's not. It's just.
Starting point is 00:32:06 No, no, no, I'll tell you what. Oh, I'll let everyone else get in. I'll let everyone else get in. No, no, no, no, I'll tell you what I mean. I just said, you better smash on that before I do. No, no, no, no, here's what I mean. Here's, I don't mean for a sport. I mean, if you take a client and you're training them
Starting point is 00:32:16 and you're an athletic trainer, you're looking at balance from a movement not for athletic. You mean a personal trainer. Sure, but with an athletic background. With a personal trainer with an athletic background, who's training people for balance is looking for movement balance, whereas for physique, you're looking for how you look about.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I see your angle. Do you see what I'm saying? Like confusing angle, just so you know, though. No, it's okay. Did you write? Yeah, but I got you so. No, it's all right. You're on the right track. The balance is always the goal, but there's balance for movement and there's balance for how you look. Yeah. So's all right track balance is always the goal. Right. But there's balance for movement
Starting point is 00:32:45 and there's balance for how you look. Yeah. So someone can look very balanced. Okay. Like they can you could look at them with your everyday person. You want that because you want them to move proper. Right. And have good mechanics. You know, whether they're pushing pulling, whether they're you know, supporting their spine, whether see, you know, sitting down upright, you know, you want them to be able to present themselves properly and also be conscious of how they're moving in order to prevent injury. Yeah, I'm not saying one's better than the other.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I'm just saying that if you look at someone from a how they look standpoint, they can look very, very balanced, but they could be very, unbalanced movement wise. Yeah, and on the flip side. Oh, sure, absolutely. On the flip side, someone can be very balanced movement wise, but then you could tear them apart, physiquize.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And you could say, well, your quads are too small and you're, so, so for the average, what I'm saying is for the average listener, the average listener probably does want both. They want to look good, but they also want to have that balance and performance. But then we have on the extremes, on the other extremes, we have people who compete like you who really don't give a shit how much they
Starting point is 00:33:49 lift and any particular lift, they just need to look a certain way. And then the other extreme, we have athletes that could give a rat's ass what they look like, they just want to be able to perform a certain way or whatever. Or even how many times have you guys had clients, I have, where someone says, yeah, I mean, I want to look okay, but really I just want to feel good. Yeah. You know, so, you know, so I try to take both kind of both approaches. I do, I love performance, but I also like looking a certain way. So I do incorporate a lot of bodybuilding stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And that's where my background is. My background, I started lifting with like a bodybuilder. I want to look at some, I started lifting weights because I was skinny. Yeah. And I want to build muscle and look like a bodybuilder. I didn't play sports. I mean, yeah, I did compete in judo want to build muscle and look like a bodybuilder. I didn't play sports. I mean, yeah, I did compete in judo and stuff,
Starting point is 00:34:26 but I didn't lift weights for that. I lift weights to something like a look a certain way. Well, I think, and to give you credit, that's why when I went through your program and I definitely saw in maps like for the general person because you're right, people do want to look good and they want to have like performance that they can benefit from.
Starting point is 00:34:46 They wanna have a good bench, they wanna have a good dead left. You know, all these kind of things, they want that, but at the same time, you know, they really do care about how they look. And I mean, that's the general consensus I get from everybody that comes in for training with me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:02 You know, it's very rare. It's like a fraction of the population that comes to me that has very specific sports related goals. I always get really excited when those people come see me, right? But they are so few. And they only lost, you know, so long
Starting point is 00:35:19 and then they're playing their sport. And it's like, if I'm, if I'm gonna speak to the general trainer out there that's a training client, you do not wanna focus and specialize in just athletes. No, you've got your whole life. You're like, yeah, it's so small. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It is a bad idea. I will say what we're highlighting. What we're highlighting right now though, is this is a great topic. It's such a good topic, Adam. So glad you brought this up because, because exercise is, this is why great topic. It's such a good topic, Adam. I'm so glad you brought this up because. Yeah, it is. Because exercise is, this is why exercise is so fucking awesome, especially weight training.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Of all forms of exercise, weight training, is the most individualized. I can train anybody with weights. You could be, you could come in and be 89 years old, have bad spine, have bad knees, whatever, and you can lift weights a certain way. You could be a 27 year old kid with crazy genetics who wants to be Mr. Olympia and I could train you a certain way.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You could have just the average 40 year old come in, you know, business person. It's so individualized and you should individualize it. Just like what we do. We train, there's things that we do that are similar, but there's things that we do that are very different because we're different people. And think of the programs that we bash. They're the ones that are like your cookie-cogger size fits all. Yeah, it's the one size fits all.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Like we have one workout. Everybody do this workout and scale it to meet your needs. Bullshit. Okay. If you believe in that, you're dumbass. Go to somebody who's qualified that addresses you as an individual and wants to improve you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Not some class. Well, hey, what do we promote with, like, the programs that we sell on our side? They're guides and there's evolution to it. We call them guides. Even the program, even the maps program, which has a specific workout in, the only reason why the workout is included, ladies and gentlemen, is because we give a general guideline of what we'd recommend to most people, but we totally encourage experimentation with it, because we know very well that, you know, look, we talk about how squats are such
Starting point is 00:37:16 a great exercise, and for most people, squats will destroy any other leg exercise, most people. But there are people out there who probably will do better when leg pressing. Yeah, there's exceptions. It's just the way it is. There's pro bodybuilders. Look, I'm not going to argue with Doreen Yates who said he liked the leg press better than the squat, or he used to like to bench press at a slight decline. He said he got to, he hit his chest better. Everybody's a little different. Everybody's built a little different. Their body moves a little different. You have different levers, you know, like just as far as like your skeletal structure, that's gonna define how your muscles are reacting.
Starting point is 00:37:50 No, I think the debate, when we have the debate over mind and muscle connection, this is where I get the issue with mind and muscle connection. I get the issue when I see the everyday person, I see this much more in both women and then young dudes who want to build muscle. So I see this a lot in women too, and this is just because they've been advertised
Starting point is 00:38:11 this bullshit for so long. It's they'll take these little tiny movements and they'll be like, oh, I need to build my glutes. I'm gonna do this little, I'm gonna get on all fours and do little dog pee exercise to make my, because it isolates the, ooh, I can feel it burn, right? My butt isolated, just feel it in the glutes. Don't feel it anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And when I see that, I'm like, okay, you're not gonna build your glutes that way. Or when I see the 15 year old kid in the gym who's going through the bodybuilding magazines, and he's like, oh, we gotta do all these different angles for my biceps and all these different angles for my shoulders. And the kid is 145 pounds, and I'm like, go bench, go deadlift and go squat.
Starting point is 00:38:43 That's the issue. And I guarantee, we all agree on that. No, and that's something that I wanna make very clear about that, maps is still my foundation. You know, everything that's in maps, I still do all of that. And some, you know, that's just it, is that. I utilize all of those big gross movements
Starting point is 00:39:00 because they are the biggest bang for your buck. I would be an idiot, not to. And I like to use the analogy of like, you know, if you're the guy who's, you know, you get the wood log and we were sculpting away at it. And it's like, you know, I most certainly, when I first start sculpting, I'm chain-song away. I've got a chain-song, I'm just chopping off pieces
Starting point is 00:39:17 until I get down. And then once I kind of get down, now I bring out my little scalpel. And now I'm starting to carve and shave and do little things like that. But most certainly would, I would be an idiot to be carving and shaving without little scalpel. And now I'm starting to carve and shave and do little things like that. But most certainly, I would be an idiot to be carving and shaving with that little scalpel on a full log that has been-
Starting point is 00:39:31 We take you forever. And that is what you're talking about right now, which is what we see. And I see it all the time and it drives me crazy. When I see the lady who's 150 pounds overweight and she's doing machine bicep curls. And it's like, what the fuck are you doing? Like seriously? I know, seriously. She goes machine bicep curls. And it's like, what the fuck are you doing? Like seriously?
Starting point is 00:39:45 I know, seriously. She goes machine bicep curls and she goes to hammer screen chest press and then she goes over to the lat pull down machine. Like everyone is like seated. Yeah, it's like, do not sit down. It's crazy, right? I gotta, yeah, if you're just big, just do me a favor.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Move, you know, you can carry weights with you whatever, but just move. Just move. Just move. Do not sit down. It's just let's have, let's start with that. There's no reason for that person to do that. And I guess the other extreme analogies, the skinny kid who weighs a bucko, five,
Starting point is 00:40:13 and he's trying to build like, there is no reason for him to be doing those same machine exercises and those little basic movements. Like dude, get on there, squat, bench press, deadlift, do those big gross movements that are gonna give, gonna give you the overall gains. And then when you start to see this shape come, then you could start getting picky. If you want to be like, Hey, I need to work on more of my chest or hey, I feel like my
Starting point is 00:40:34 leg is just on all the way there or hey, my rear delts aren't there, whatever. Then you can pull the scalpel out. You know, I'd like to take it a step further even and say, you could do some, you could do almost any isolation movement with free weights. The old school guys who lifted like, you know, Serge Nubray, that guy's body was like, oh, sculpted it. And they used cables. I think cables were as far as their machines went, right?
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah. They didn't really have anything else in terms of machines, you know, we're concerned. So I mean, yeah, I would say incorporate some of those, you know, an experiment with your body, but if you're a beginner, focus on the big things first until you get to that point, or if you have a good trainer who's teaching how to do them properly. Yeah, you rarely, I mean, even I'm trying to think right now,
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm trying to think what machine I was on last. I use cables pretty frequently. You know, I don't, for me, I don't know how you guys feel about this. I almost don't consider cables machines. Like cables are like in the middle, you know what I mean? I, I, I, he's cable's quite a bit. They're so free movie. Yeah, well, that's just it.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I like, I like the movement of it. It, it allows, you know, a different stimulation and it's just, you know, yeah, you feel like you had to have so many different angles in your way. It's like a freeway, but you've just changed gravity. Yeah. Well, and you've also, now you've captured 100% time and attention.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Right. Because you can't do what you can't do with actually freeways. No. So it does, it does. There's a curve of how much weight you're lifting with freeway just because of the way gravity works. So there is, there is a nice little benefit to incorporating that, that stimulation.
Starting point is 00:42:03 What you can argue and say you can get from machines too, but the machines totally, you gotta, you're sitting down, you're in ice. You're locked into your locked. Do you know that most machines are designed for a rehabilitation? Not one that will be besides that. They're designed for a man who's 5, 9, 160 pounds. Oh, and actually, you have a size that he's supposed to have. Yeah, and then what they do is they try to scale it up and down a little bit, but if you're
Starting point is 00:42:24 kind of tall or big or short or, I'm sure, because you're tall, I'm guarantee you've been in machines, you're like, no matter where you adjust it. So almost all machines, whether it be a preacher-grote machine, or I have to stand or do something weird like to get on it.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It's not, I don't just use it the way it's set. Because I have to adjust myself a certain way to get to it. Well, two women have such a hard time with those machines, like getting it all set to certain levels. Because like you said, it's specifically geared for that male that's five, nine, or whatever. And I mean, that's where we saw that whole,
Starting point is 00:42:59 that surge of female specific machines that were like, pain at all cutesy and stuff. Oh, yeah. Which was irritating. But I, you know, like, it's, I understand the frustration there. I mean, there was a lot of machines that just, you know, you couldn't even,
Starting point is 00:43:16 you couldn't even work with it if you had a female client. It's just the silly. Don't, go ahead. Don't you find it kind of crazy too that like, the people that are using the are like if I saw like Another body builder guy and he's in there and he's doing like preacher curls a machine like a case He's focusing on buildings biceps and I get it. Whatever he's doing. So do more power to you. I do the same thing too But I find it weird when you see the kid or the girl who's overweight, but yet
Starting point is 00:43:40 That's a majority of what you see on there, you know, and in reality It's it's kind of flip flopped on who who should be where you know like it should be if you see on there, you know? And in reality, it's kind of flip-flopped on who should be where? You know, like it should be, if you're a beginner and you're starting, you should be in the freeway area for, it's more important that you are than the guy who's all chiseled and all ripped down. Some reason it's more intimidating. Yeah, it's just easier to jump onto a machine and... Well, look, support it. If I give you a dumbbell, a dumbbell is about one million possibilities.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I could do a whole fucking host of different things. It's like a piece of clay. I can turn it into whatever I want. I mean, you can shake it. You can do whatever you want. Throw it over your head. Yeah. If I get on a machine, it does one thing.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And so it's so I think no, no, no, no, no, I disagree. Because that's the newest thing on fucking Instagram. Oh, I hate that. That's not damn it. Is this show, the guys, the guys. Let me show you how to use the preacher cradle to make it work your glutes and they do some weird stuff. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:44:32 If you twist to the side on this chest press machine, you can get the upper right hand corner of your chest creative moron. You know what I've seen that, just I, I've seen one thing and I've seen it several times now So I think it's becoming a thing you know the weight assisted pull-up machine Yeah, okay, so it's got like so wait assisted pull-up machine. Oh girls are using that for like step downs They're using it for step down
Starting point is 00:44:56 So there's a plate that goes on your feet and you put weight on yes, and it lifts a certain percentage of your body to do pull-ups What they're doing is they're standing with one leg on the machine and then one leg on the plate and then like doing a leg press down. Oh my god. It's like, what the fuck? Get your glutes. What are you doing? Go use a leg press like that. What are you doing on that shit or step up on something? It hits it like in the middle part.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I don't get it. I don't get it. There, I feel like there's a thing and I remember, I remember having trainers work for me and I remember them doing a lot of funny stuff like this. I feel like it's like this thing that, when you start to learn and understand biomechanics, I think it's like this thing that you wanna do
Starting point is 00:45:35 to show that like, oh, I could show you how you could use this for something else actually. If you actually stand on one leg here and press this down, it's like a glue exhibition. It's so embarrassing. But I really feel like this is what it press this down, it's like a glue extension. That's some bear thing. I really feel like this is what it is. Well, let's be honest, if you're training for years and you've got eight clients in a day, sometimes,
Starting point is 00:45:52 you get bored. I guess that's it. And sometimes, it's, look, have you guys never gotten bored? Kind of like, you know what, we're gonna do some weird shit today. Yeah, you just gotta check yourself. Yeah, I'm tired. I've already trained creative. This is way too creative
Starting point is 00:46:08 I'm gonna step back a little bit here. Yeah, we're gonna just make up something You know the other big one I see now is is guys doing the The shoulder press on the on the leg press So they get they get down and they use the leg press lead and they push the shut up. Yeah, you haven't seen that Oh, that's like the new things. It's really dumb. It's like it's like that's what you would do if you were Super like if you only had one machine. I'm not gonna say You know like I'll have a leg press. I can't afford to need it equipment. What am I gonna do? I know I can just invent shit If I had a boulder, you know, I'll do all kinds of weird stuff
Starting point is 00:46:44 It's exactly what it is if you only had a boulder, you know, all the, all kinds of weird stuff. Do it right? It's exactly what it is. If you only had a leg press, how do I do triceps, chest, back, on this? You don't think you created, but you could, or you could do it, you could figure it out. It just goes to show you how much of the fitness industry of the people that go to work out, how much of it has to do with novelty?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Like how much of it has to do with different, you know, like, let's go flip a tire. People are just a tire. And it's different. Don't flip a weight. Flip a big fucking tire because it's different. And it's like that kind of stuff. Like it's gotta be different.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Like I'm gonna lift a chain. Well, I think part of it too is that we're just over entertained, you know, like with, I swear to God, like everything on TV, everything in magazine, like everything on TV, everything in magazine, like everything is like it has to be this big production and that carries over to everything. Like if you're in a meeting and you're just talking it like, oh yeah, like that was some shitty meeting, you know, let's spice it up.
Starting point is 00:47:39 You know, somebody juggle next time or keep my interest a little bit, you know, I'm like, let's get flashier graphics. And cornflower blue, all that kind of stuff. I'm just saying that, I know this is a fact. And that's why some certain projects I work on and everything. It really is entertainment alongside the nuts and bolts of what works. Because people are freaking,
Starting point is 00:48:05 what would you like, what would Jim, zombies to entertainment? Well, think about this, what would most gyms look like if they were just designed for what works? There'd be a rack of dumbbells. A rack of dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:48:15 A barbell. The mills rack some benches. And they'd be like, all right, we're done. That's it. But that's, they'd be like, we're sexy enough. Where's the treadmill outside?
Starting point is 00:48:23 You could just walk around. Could you imagine, okay, like the square footage of like the treadmill outside? You could just walk around. Could you imagine, could you imagine, like the square footage of like the gym that we work out in, which is pretty good size, probably 30,000 square feet. If all it was was dumbbells, barbells, and benches, dude, that would look crazy. 16 flat benches, 16 inclined benches. You'd have some hardcore ass members.
Starting point is 00:48:41 That's what my high school gym looked like. Really? Yeah, we were like And it it looked like we were just poor, right? That's what it looked like, but it was like this one box I mean everybody was in there at once and it was just benches squat racks and dumbbells and that's it Do only what's all we had when we were rich can we do this? Can we build a gym like that?
Starting point is 00:49:05 That's just like that, just a huge gym. So that's just all the main stuff. You know damn well, if we build a gym, it's gonna be ridiculous stupid stuff that nobody needs just because it's fucking R-Gam. That's true. You know that's gonna happen. That's true.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Yeah, I'll buy like a surf machine. So you know where we're from. We're like, do we do an aerial yoga on top of you? Yeah, we need some rings over here. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh it that is for mental stimulation, right? And for sanity reasons, you know, like, okay, you know, sometimes I'm bored and I don't want, I've squatted and deadlifted three times this week, I'm just feeling like doing something different today. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:50:00 I think I haven't got to go to the seated row. I think I'm going to do some kickbacks. Yeah, I think I'm going will do some Christ of Blue kicks. What's the last time I haven't done a Christ of Kickback in years? I haven't in all the times. Oh my God. No.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I've done Skull Crusher the other day. That was hilarious. Really? I did good exercise. I did a lot. I do remember me. I know you guys do. I know.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I was saying from my experience. I did. It was silly. He's like, why I I not bench pressing this? This is stupid. Yes, this is real weird stuff. Give me a barbell please. I'm isolating him, I'm isolating.
Starting point is 00:50:32 It's such a pumped dude, what a pumped dude. You know what, next thing you have to take it to guys through my workouts, I thought it's gonna be an all-meet head workout next week. That's what we're doing. It's a pro workout. You know what, you're due taken you guys through my workouts. That's how it's gonna be a all-meet head workout That's what I'm doing. You should bro. You know what you're do. Yeah, I have I'll come in you I've been doing over doing a bunch of functional ship route. I've been pushing some Good boy. I've been pushing some sleds and squatting down your body. How amazing it is right? Yeah, it is Yeah, it is amazing. Thank you. You agrees. Thank you. I feel a little fluffy though after all the drinking There's that yeah, yeah, yeah, and let's let's also not forget to mention what a dick you are when I came in here trying to eat
Starting point is 00:51:11 Lasagna and share it with you guys Fucking first thing you said. Well, how's your ab cell? How's those up the day after we were at the pool and I am Bulked out of it hits you in your low. I am a little bulked out, but that picture we posted the fucking angle bro Dude, what do you want to know? Look so down. I'm still I bulked out. But that picture we posted, the fucking angle, bro. Dude, what do you mean? Look, still, I'm still, I'm still blood-heard about that, bro, because you know what you do, you always hog the outside, bro. That's booty.
Starting point is 00:51:32 We're notorious for hogging the outside, dude. I ain't standing in the between you and fucking Craig. That's, that's a stupid. Yeah, that's so sad. Why would I do that? I'm a strategist, you know what I'm saying? I'm gonna stand on the outside, angle a little bit. Boom. Make sure my, my delt comes the outside, angle a little bit, boom.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Yeah, picture by the adult comes out of him. Oh, it's dick, bro, you're dick. I stepped forward to look a little bigger, but at one time, I stepped too close. Oh, yeah. Good job on picture. Step, step. Good job on the other picture.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. How come it looks like a book? How come in that picture that we took yesterday, it looks like you're punching Ben with dick? I was just like, I was joking. It does look like it's about drinking him off. That's what it looked like.
Starting point is 00:52:06 How funny, Ben is like in the shadows too. He's all the way the shadows, yeah, he gets all the love. Oh, God, Ben, see? But you can't even fucking see it. Oh, it's just smile. And then you're like, ah! He's perfect. Ben, here's my bad news.
Starting point is 00:52:19 He's perfect. Enjoy them. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump! you

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