Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1421: How to Develop Rotational Power, Ways to Improve Sperm Count & Motility, How to Properly Breathe When Lifting & More

Episode Date: November 11, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best exercises for developing rotational power, programming P.E. for students in online schools, how to properl...y breathe when lifting, and exercises or foods to help with sperm count & motility. Adam’s snafu with the new nanny. (5:07) Baby Aurelius and Maximus updates. (9:32) How Ned has been Sal’s savior. (20:22) Justin’s COVID rant. (22:45) How Adam pulled a Sal at the mall. (23:55) Felix Gray has physical locations! (27:26) The latest on the COVID vaccine. (28:31) Mind Pump gets political. (32:42) The common misconception surrounding effective programming. (36:59) #Quah question #1 – What are the best exercises for developing rotational power? (40:17) #Quah question #2 – How would you program P.E. for students in online schools right now? (47:36) #Quah question #3 – I'm learning how to properly breathe when lifting, but I get distracted when I concentrate on my breathing and it messes up my form. Any advice on how to do both without messing up one or the other since both are important? (52:56) #Quah question #4 – Any particular exercises or foods to help with sperm count & motility? (56:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned November Promotion: MAPS Ultimate At-Home Workout Bundle for Only $99.99 Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! BioNTech and Pfizer say their COVID-19 vaccine candidate is 90% effective, a much higher benchmark than anticipated Gym declares itself a church to avoid closure under Poland’s coronavirus restrictions HumanProgress Good News, Inspiring, Positive Stories - Good News Network Mind Pump TV - YouTube Rubberbanditz Resistance Band Set Mind Pump #1380: The 10 Best Resistance Band Exercises The BEST Anti-Rotation Exercises for a Strong Core #2 | MIND PUMP MAPS Fitness Performance – Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1212: Seven Ways To Raise Your Testosterone Naturally Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to Mind Pump The World's Top Ranked Fitness Health and Entertainment Podcast. Now, in this episode, we answer fitness and health questions at the back half of the episode. The front half is current events. We talk about fitness, studies. We talk about our lives.
Starting point is 00:00:27 We mentioned sponsors. So I'm gonna give you a breakdown of the entire episode. Now we open up by talking about Adam's new nanny and how they almost screwed that one up. Really bad. Almost literally. Then we talk about how I'm taking the edge off a little bit with the new dad stuff by taking Ned's full spectrum hempoil
Starting point is 00:00:46 Help me helps me relax sleep But also doesn't make me so groggy that I can't wake up when the baby needs me now Ned also makes a Sleep blend so if you just want something to knock you out check out their sleep blend And because you listen to mine pump you get 15% off just go toed.com, that's H-E-L-L-O-N-E-D.com forward slash. Mind Pump and then use the code, Mind Pump. By the way, November 16 to the 22nd, you get 20% off for first time North Star members. That's Cyber Week, so it's good stuff right there.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Cyber Week. Then Justin talks about how bathrooms need to open up a gas station again. Come on, guys. Come on! Justin Come on Justin was Pinching it holding a dire need. Yep, then Adam talks about how he lost his car. It's a sign of aging We talk about the Felix Gray store at Valley Fair Felix Gray makes designer blue light blocking glasses So they block blue light, but you don't look like a dork. You actually look pretty good And it doesn't change the color of everything around you. The lenses are clear.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Go check them out. Go to FelixGrayGlases.com. That's F-E-L-I-X-G-R-A-Y glasses.com forward slash MindPump. Then we talk about the announcement that there is a vaccine coming through for COVID that's 90% effective, not approved yet, but this is great, great news. Then we talk about how workout programming is so important. It's not just about the exercises. In fact, some of the most effective exercises, the ones you probably are familiar with, it's how they're ordered, put together, the reps, the sets, the tempo, that's what makes it work out.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's a solid, truly effective. Then we got into the fitness questions. Here's the first one. This person wants to know what some of the best exercises are to develop rotational powers. It's very important for athletes and fighters in particular. And those of you that want to develop an amazing core. The next question, this person wants to know how we would write
Starting point is 00:02:37 a PE class workout program for kids who are doing online schooling. The next question, this person wants some advice on how to breathe properly, to lift the most weight, but also to give them the best form. And then the final question is, person wants to know if there's any exercises or foods that will help us burn. Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, holiday month, so we're doing our holiday, ultimate, at-home bundle. So the programs I'm about to go over are done at home.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Now, the first program is maps anywhere. This uses just resistance band and a stick and your body. You get a full body workout. It's great for building muscle. It's great for building strength, burning body fat. Now, the next program, maps suspension. This is a workout program full body that uses only suspension trainers.
Starting point is 00:03:31 We also have a program called maps hit, hit stands for high intensity interval training. This is a calorie burner, real calorie burner. You're looking at 20 minute workouts where you burn a tremendous amount of calories, a great fat burning program. If you have all three, you've got everything you need for a amazing at-home workout for the next six to nine months.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Okay, now retail, if you've got all of three of those programs is $291, but right now, the at-home holiday special is $99.99. That's it, you pay it once. You get all three programs lifetime access. Remember, they all come with video demos and blueprints. Essentially, everything you need to follow the programs, they also have a 30-day trial. So once you sign up and you get the programs, follow them for a full month. If you're not 100% satisfied, return them.
Starting point is 00:04:21 We'll refund you every single cent that you paid paid us So if you want to sign up for this incredible offer at $99.99 Just go to maps november.com. That's M-A-P-S november.com Teacher time and it's teacher time Shit dog you know is my favorite time of the week. We have two winners. We have one for Apple Podcast, one for Facebook. The Apple Podcast winner is the Gingin Ninja 73. And for Facebook, we have Kyle Anderson.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Both of you are winners, send the name I just read to iTunes at mimepumpmedia.com. Include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Did I tell you guys that we're in the middle of hiring a new nanny? Did I tell you this yet? No. Yeah, so we lost our nanny waiting to lose her.
Starting point is 00:05:14 She decided to move on from us. Just I think that work has been going good for her. She's moving, she's getting older, her back was hurting, which really sucks because she was amazing. So we absolutely loved her so Katrina had been doing like interviews for the last couple weeks I'm just gonna get a manny and no we got a nanny, so we have we have a new lady who started Like you said, huh?
Starting point is 00:05:34 And she started this last week, right? So funny story here for you So the other the other night Katrina and I well, let me first preface this with this. So we have like an iPad in the house, like it's like the universal iPad it's used for everything. So it's floating around the house all the time
Starting point is 00:05:53 and she uses it a lot of times for the baby monitor. So she mounts it on the kitchen counter. She can work in the kitchen, be in the living room, be in the dining room and kind of see it on the big monitor. And I've told you guys already how obsessed, you know, Katrina is with like seeing her son 24 or seven. So, and I know you're smiling, because I know you're fucking going through this now. So in her up to special time.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, yeah, right. So anyways, it's also, because we don't, she doesn't allow a TV in the room. So I don't have a TV upstairs. We have a TV down in the living room. We do not have one upstairs. But, you know, if I... I like how you said it. She doesn't allow. Yeah, it's like, honey, please? No. Yeah, no. I've been trying. I've been... It's one of those things I've been fighting for for a really long time, but she makes a good case for
Starting point is 00:06:33 why not? And the idea is that... And I think there's actually statistics to prove this. Maybe so you can back me up since you, the want to remember stuff like this. I believe that like your sex life is dramatically affected by a television being in the bedroom. I've read that. Yeah, I've read that. I've read that somewhere too. So, negatively. Yeah, negatively. Really? It's a story I haven't read. Yeah. He's got, I got two TV. Come to think of it. Well, there you go, guy. You know, so. But, you know, there's a sunny haven't read. Yeah. He's got, I got two TV. Yeah, I mean, come to think of it. Well, there you go, guy. You know, so, but, you know, there's obviously, there's times where I would, we watch a movie,
Starting point is 00:07:12 but we had to carry this stupid iPad, right? And so I didn't, I'm always like squinting, looking to see. Boy, hold on, you can't have a TV in the bedroom. Yeah, watch TV on an iPad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. So I think, right, exactly, this is bullshit, right? Anyways, this, sorry, I'm, right exactly this is bullshit right anyways, this sorry
Starting point is 00:07:25 I'm this this is not the point of the story so We it's you know, it's it's baby making Wednesday right last week and Yeah, so we we got we got poor and hard running on On the on the iPad so on the on the iPad. Holy cow. So Katrina's in a love business. Yeah, I'm coming.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah, we'll fast forward to all the details of the great evening, but what happens? So the next morning Katrina's coming downstairs and the nannies got the iPad. Oh, no, yes. Oh, no. Katrina goes sprinting. We have those like all those dog doors.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It was like hurdle, hurdle. We're doing rips it out of her head. She's like, oh, that's not working. And she goes, she hits it. And like literally like four windows of like porn on the floor. Up, yeah. This is like day two of this nanny.
Starting point is 00:08:12 That's not how you lost the first nanny. Not a cat. Yeah, dude, getting to leak your history. Oh my God, it was the night before, right? Night before, this is day two nanny's working for us. And almost came across that. So I think we don't even know for. That's how you make your Nanny super uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I know, right? I thought, go check the iPad. Okay, I'll do that for you. She opened it up. She hasn't made eye contact with me since she started working. The first video that pops up, couple has sex with a Nanny. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah. That was cool. Oh my God, imagine that. Imagine that. Yeah. Wow, I know, I know. See, I could Oh my God, imagine that. Imagine that. Yeah. Wow. I know, I know. I could see that Trude is so embarrassed right now.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah. She's not gonna be embarrassed at this episode. No. That's a great, totally. Anyway, so, but the new nanny's cool though. Yeah, yeah. So far it's working out. So we're on, what are we about a week now, total.
Starting point is 00:09:01 So she's been great so far. So we'll see how things go. Good, good. But I was bummed about losing the other one, and we'll see how this awkward start plays out for us in the future. Right now we got a postpartum doula that's coming right now to the house.
Starting point is 00:09:14 How's that working out? So far so good. So the postpartum doula comes and helps with breastfeeding and all the stuff with the baby. They can even help with cooking the right kind of meals to help nourish Jessica's body, so as, you know, be there for support and all the stuff with the baby. They can even help with cooking the right kind of meals to help nourish Jessica's body, so as be there for support and all that kind of stuff. I mean, I'll tell you, sleep deprivation
Starting point is 00:09:31 is a son of a bitch. It's a mother. You know, and I remember this, but when you don't have kids, or if you haven't had kids for a long time, you hear people talk about it and you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sleep is a big, because everybody says that, right?
Starting point is 00:09:43 When you say, oh, we're having a baby, make sure sleep is a big because everybody says that right when you say, oh, you know, we're having a baby. Make sure you get a lot of sleep. You're not going to sleep much. You don't really realize the how crazy it makes you to not get any sleep. Like literally will make you mental. Yeah. Like poor Jessica, she's literally losing her mind. So last night we're in bed and I'm like, just let me put the baby on my chest so you
Starting point is 00:10:03 could sleep for at least a couple hours. And she's in that stage now where she's like, no, no, I let me put the baby on my chest so you could sleep for at least a couple hours. And she's in that stage now where she's like, no, no, no, I wanna hold the baby. Are you sure? And I'm like, yeah, let me put the baby on my chest. She slept for two hours, woke up like a totally different person. Oh my God, I'm back.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You know, just for two hours, it's sweet. Well, probably the first two hours that she slept consecutively. I would imagine she's probably maybe got lucky to have some little knot-offs at best. Yeah, and I was explaining to her, I'm like, you do realize that this is a form of torture is slept at sleep deprivation. In fact, like if you get captured in war and they want to crack you, they want you to tell them the secrets, the nuclear codes, one thing they'll do
Starting point is 00:10:39 is preventing it from sleeping, because you do lose your mind. That's how difficult it is. Yeah, like how many days can you go without sleep? Is that ever been studied like before somebody dies? You actually develop mental illness after a few days. After a few days, mental illness actually becomes a real thing. Oh my God. I love how we share facts based on just like action movies that we've seen, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:10:59 I want to take it to the extreme. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Like how often is that having? Where some of it's like kidnapped. I don't know like, you know, like, you're doing clothes. Like, how often is that having? Where's something that's like, you're not doing it? I don't know, I torture for nuclear coats. You're a marine. Give us the nuclear, have a marine or not.
Starting point is 00:11:11 You don't start. Yeah. But anyway, but yeah, no, so it's, so the postpartum goal is there not to happen. My boy's having issues with breastfeeding, which is, you know, can be kind of calm and so he's lost a little bit of weight, so now Jessica's a little worried, so we're doing the whole like,
Starting point is 00:11:26 she'll feed him, and then if he doesn't want to eat anymore, we get, we pump a little out, we do the syringe, because they don't want to do nipple confusion. Yeah. Which, that's a long process, dude. You hold your kid and you feed them with the syringe of milk. And then you pump in and then like, store in the bags and all that kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:11:41 just to buy you freedom, you know, just like all these things you gotta do just to like own little tiny bits of your individuality again. I'm already trying to bulk up my kid. Speaking of which, he definitely got, you know, thank you, God. He definitely got Jessica's Muscle Genetics, for sure. A little bit thicker, huh? Yeah, he's got some good, I'm already checking out the, you know, muscle insertions and the...
Starting point is 00:12:05 Well, look at this. He's got some... He's got some good genes, thanks, babe. Do you remember how much your other two kids weighed? Do you remember? Yeah, they were small. They were. Yeah, they were tiny.
Starting point is 00:12:16 My son was barely six pounds. My daughter was even a little bit less. Oh, wow. They were full-term. And they were full-term. They were, my son was 19 1 1 half inches. My daughter was 18, I think, or 18 half, but yeah, Aralius was 20 inches, so just tall. Yeah, and, and thicker. And strong.
Starting point is 00:12:31 He's got big hands too. Well, he was already holding his head up. That's quick too. He's, yeah, but you know, he's also born late, so that could be part of it, you know, that whole thing. But also the other part too, it's, is, you, I forget the, like the, the paranoia that you get when you have a new baby, like you just want to watch them, is he okay? Bring
Starting point is 00:12:50 him to the pediatrician. What about this? What about that? Is this, so is this normal? Is this thing normal here? He pooped three times. How many times you're supposed to poop, you know, on the doctor's point? Now, did you guys have, did you guys have things like the Nanit when you had your first two, or did you have just an old school baby monitor where you can just hear them? Oh, um, we had just the one that you hear. You're right. So I can't wait to see Jessica,
Starting point is 00:13:08 to see if she is like a trinit, because that was foreign to me. Dude, the camera, you can control the whole thing. Everything. It's got an eye vision on it. You can make it rotate and turn, I can talk to him to the thing. Yeah, turn lights on everything.
Starting point is 00:13:19 No, I miss that. Like that happened like right after my second kid. It's too much. Yeah, I think. I kinda, yeah, I don't know. I'm glad I didn't, because I'd been obsessed. We're on a year and a half right now, right? And it still hasn't ended.
Starting point is 00:13:31 We're laying in bed last night. We didn't totally get into it over, but I was just like, she's killing me because she kept getting up and down. So right now we've been up in Truckea lot, and it's always tough when you break the routine, right? And you get them back into coming home and going to bed. So getting back into that swing of things, allowing him to cry himself to sleep a little bit. And so he wakes up. And I normally, I won't do this unless I feel like, I can tell about you guys. I can tell when
Starting point is 00:14:04 it's a different cry. And he was crying different last night like shot right up And was like screaming crying so I thought he had like a nightmare. So I went in there And he did he as soon as I picked him up he went right back to sleep and I put him back down Well, like 10 minutes later goes by He pops up again and does the same thing and I'm like, well, you know, let him be for a little bit And she's like, no, I'm gonna go get him. So okay, so she goes and gets him Does it again? And then and gets him, does it again. And then this time when he does it, he like throws himself
Starting point is 00:14:29 and then he hits his head on the side of the crib and then goes right to sleep. But because he went like, hit the head and then right to sleep. Oh, she's like staring at it. She's just like, why is it moving? He's not moving. I'm like, honey, it didn't hit.
Starting point is 00:14:42 And then she's like, and the camera, you'll see. Replay. Replay. Oh, you can replay then she's like she's like and the camera you'll see replay you have replay replay Replay oh you can replay oh you can replay it and slow motion and So you know that this is what started the argument or whatever right get out and like and she's like stressing out all of it I said okay, hold on let's pause this and replay let's talk about the logic behind what's going on with you right now You are freaking out. We're sitting in this room right now You're concerned that he hit his head and he's not moving right now. What are we doing sitting here, replaying it
Starting point is 00:15:08 and like stressing over it? If you're really that stress, go in there. Right, so she goes in there. And she does the thing where she like puts her hand like this. Oh, it's so breathing. So this is what she does. She goes in there and I'm watching, right? So I'm watching on the video.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And she goes in there and she's like, gently like rubbing his back and this, and then she comes and she comes in right about five minutes later and I go, do you feel better now? She's like, no. And I'm like, why don't you feel her? She's like, because he's like, he's really not moving and I can barely hear him breathe. I'm like, why the fuck should you go in there and not move him then? She's like, why don't I wake him up? I'm like, okay, your concern that he hit his head is she's like, what if he
Starting point is 00:15:41 has a concussion? Katrina, I was like, go in there and move him. Move him and make sure he moves in a response to you to make sure he's okay so you can sleep so you're okay. So as you go back in there, it does the whole thing again and then comes back in and it was like, are you feeling better yet? And she's like, no, I don't feel better about it. Like, oh my God. All I'm thinking in my head is we would have never known that he hit his head,
Starting point is 00:16:06 had an up in for the camera. Because it was, and we can hear, because his room's next to ours, you hear a little thump, but that's always the crib slams against the wall when he's pissed, you know, it shakes the crib and then it hits against there. And you know, all we would have heard was crying for a second and then silence and then him sleeping
Starting point is 00:16:20 and it would be like no big deal, but because you can see everything, you obsess about everything. It's, oh, I'm still baffled by the instant replay feature. Like, I would abused that. Yeah. It's just, woo! Ha ha ha!
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah. Like, like, top corn and everything. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, my son's head so hard. Yeah, look at this. Don't. Yeah, back in the day, you had ash trays in the baby's room. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah. Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah, that's the big deal. Yeah, I mean, think about that though, like for a kid back in the baby's room. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's a big deal. Yeah, I mean, think about that though, like for a kid back in the day to get their parents attention, you had to, you'd have to scream loud enough for them to hear you in the kitchen or whatever. Well, I told you his, I told you his most recent stunt, right?
Starting point is 00:16:57 And Katrina knows, she knows that like, she allowed this to happen, and now we're trying to reverse the process. I told you that he's, he's learned that if sticks his finger down his his throat and makes himself throw up She comes running. Oh wow you got a smart kid Not it's and this was crazy even at this young of an end Is it doing when he's frustrated and angry? Well, yeah Well, he wants to be picked up or he wants out of his car
Starting point is 00:17:19 See anytime he wants his way and he doesn't get his way his newest newest thing is to do that. And it started way back. It started like at about one year old. He owned past like many levels. Oh, and we were in the car. I'll never get him. And I splurged it. Right, and he goes to do it. And I tell Katrina, I said, let him do it.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Don't look and she's like, no, I'm not, he's like, he's gonna get it all over in the seat. And then we got to clean it up. I was like, okay. So she did and I was like, and now this is where we're at. So now he does this. And that the original was that where the beginning of this was that was the justification of going and getting them
Starting point is 00:17:51 because he would throw up all over the bed and should to clean the sheets and do all the stuff. And it was in the middle of the night, have to clean him off. It was just a headache. Wow. And so yeah, now we're like reversing that right now. And it's like, you got it, you know, unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:18:03 I said, I'll help you. Some kids will hold their breath. Yeah, some kids will hold their breath. Yeah, some kids will hold their breath to the point where they actually will pass out. Yeah, he's, I've even caught him doing this where he'll look at her and he'll go like this. Oh, no, like, yeah, like, yeah, he won't even like totally put it. He'll just like, look at her and got you. Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, oh, I'm gonna move.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And that's, I think that's when she realized like, oh, shit, he got me, you know, like originally, you know, you got to do, do get a little Tabasco sauce. No, I just a little finger. We're like, can I do that? Yeah. Well, this is what happened. This is what happens in our relationship, right? When there's a disagreement, I always concede.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Your mom, you win, like, I'll put my two cents in, but at the end of the day, I, I, I, you run the household, do you do all this stuff like that? I respect that. I'm here for support. That's kind of how my attitude is. Totally. And I, but if you turn it over to me, I'm gonna tell you how I'm gonna handle it.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I was like, I'll tie his ass up in mittens. He's fucking, I say, I say, put a muzzle. Yeah. I was like, I was like, if he does that, you let me handle it. I ain't gonna be clean enough throw up in the middle of the night. So I'll put big ass fucking, you know, six-ounce boxing gloves on his fucking ass. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:06 We went through a stinted out with Everett where he would just wouldn't eat, you know? And so like, this went like a full day and then like into the next day and everything. And like, he was just that stubborn that like he couldn't get this one thing that he wanted really bad. And we're like, I'm just like, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:21 I had to keep talking Courtney out of it. Like, I'm like, you can't give it to him or it's always going to be like this. Oh, my brother when he was little would bang his head on the floor. So he'd get super angry. And you wouldn't get my mom's attention. He'd scream, wouldn't get my mom's attention. They need to lay on the floor and he'd bang his head on the floor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And of course, you're going to want to stop your kid. You don't want them to, you know, or just like the throw. Yeah. So what she would do then, after a while, because he would win, if she would just put her hand on the floor underneath his head, and then he'd do it, and eventually he stopped, because it's like, all right, this isn't working.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I mean, the truth is, somebody's getting trained. Either you're training him or he's training you. Right. I mean, it's, it's, it's not. He I'm saying, it's the part where he said, where he actually, he looks at it, and it, bro, it's like, and it, and then it's hard for me too to not be let look at her and be like well told you, you know
Starting point is 00:20:07 Like so I just kind of watch you without is like oh shit He's with dad though. He knows I'll just let you throw up all of your stuff. They're gonna fucking stink all day, bro Dude yeah, so you know what saving my ass a little bit right now is the, the hemp oil because, you know, it's so you can get the sleep one. Yeah, well, so what I'm doing the regular one, because the sleep one will make me sleep really hard. So I'm doing regular full spectrum hemp oil. And mainly the reason why I'm doing it is because I noticed that when you are awake,
Starting point is 00:20:41 sleep, awake sleep, either you're so, you go right to sleep because you crash out or because you're amped. And so you're like, I have an hour and then you lay there and you can't sleep. You need to level that off somehow because it just gets ramped too high. Saving my ass, so I'll take some of that and then I'm like, okay, now I feel a little calm.
Starting point is 00:20:57 If I need to go to sleep, I can. If I need to wake up, I can. So it's a little savior. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause the first three months is just a total blur. Oh, yeah. You're gonna need a lot of aid, you know, like a lot of things to help get you to the storm. But that's just, you know, this is part of gig now.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And I'm pre-workout to wake you up and network your way to the end and level it out. And door dash all day, dude, I'm fat right now. I can't wait to hear. I'm eating so much. I can't wait like Justice and I can't wait to hear the TV thing. See everybody told us like that when he was sleeping on our, like laying our chest and I was enjoying all that. They're like, oh enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:21:32 White last because once he starts walking, it's on. Like you guys are gonna be doing this. And honestly, like I love the phase we're in right now. Like him walking all over and running around the house. It does not bother me at all. And us having to take him out to the park. Like in right now. Like him walking all over and running around the house, it does not bother me at all. And us having to take him out to the park, like I think maybe more fun than, yeah, and because yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:51 Katrina and I are both active and one of the things that started to eat away at us when we were you're at, is it's a lot of fun for the first couple of months. It's all new, but then the newness wears off and then you're like, four months, four, five and six, you're like, oh my God, I've watched everything on TV.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I haven't left this couch, you know, but for a few times, you know what I'm saying? And you're just like, I'm cabin fever dude, I was ready to get out, I'm like, I can't wait till this kid runs around. Dude, the other night, in fact, I took, she was feeding the baby and I'm like, I'm gonna watch a movie, so I went downstairs
Starting point is 00:22:22 to watch a movie and I was watching it. Have you guys seen it? Yeah. The new one? Yeah, the new one. So I'm watching it. So then she comes down and it's a pretty creepy movie. I know you would never watch it at a, of course not.
Starting point is 00:22:33 And she's like, why are you watching this in the dark by yourself? She's like, are you a psychopath? And you're not even reacting to it. I'm like, consider. That's kind of how you have to do it though. It's just entertaining. You know?
Starting point is 00:22:43 I'm having a good time. Do it. I have to have a little bit of a COVID rant. This is a hard left right now. I'm sorry guys. I got a rant, okay. And this is not anti-masks, it's not all that kind of nonsense.
Starting point is 00:22:55 This is a rant about businesses that still have their bathrooms fucking closed because of COVID. No, it's because you're lazy. Yeah. Like, like clean your bathrooms and open it back up. We've all, you know, have all the studies and things to prove. Did you shit your pants? What happened?
Starting point is 00:23:12 I'm say I was driving down to LA and I'm like, I got, I got like this gas station. I'm going to go into the bathroom like a normal human being and oh, it's closed. COVID, like, you know, tape everywhere and all this stuff. Okay, drive to the next one, right across the street, same thing, drive to the restaurant, same thing. Nobody's in public, so I just, I took it outside,
Starting point is 00:23:33 I went to the back of this gas station, this guy's giving me shit about it, and so I just pissed all over his building. I mean, my son pissed all over his building, had no, I didn't care, like, have no guilt about it. No, I've been hit the same way, dude. I thought it was son pissed all over the building. I didn't care, I have no guilt about it. No, I've been hit the same way, dude. I'm glad it was just pissed, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Kinda got real messy. Not affected my drive, though. I was speaking to the driving car stuff, I pulled a sal the other day. So I go over to, so next week is Katrina's birthday. So I head down to Valley Fair Mall. And I haven't been there since all the construct, well, with COVID, right?
Starting point is 00:24:07 So I haven't been going, I haven't been shopping malls or done things like that. And so I go down there and they have completely like, have you guys been there lately at all? Yeah. Oh, so you guys have. So it's like, I've been running. Totally remodeled.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I mean, it's the Insights Complete Remodel. They did the whole new parking structures. Well, okay,, this I've lived in San Jose now for 20 years and I've been to that mall You know for the 20 years I've been there until they've remodel this and so I have like a Parking spot that I always go to I don't know if you guys are like this or not But like I have I know my one spot. I go to the mall I walk in the same store It's always open. I know I know right where most everything is from that point of entry. Well, now that they remodel everything,
Starting point is 00:24:49 all the stores are changed around, the parking lots are all different. So I come in thinking I'm gonna go to my parking spot and I can't, so I end up going like a quarterway or three quarter the way around the mall and just find some random spot and I go walking in to go to the store. Now, I'm like scatterbrained like
Starting point is 00:25:06 sal when it comes to like a sense of direction, but this is how I've solved that issue is I park in places that I'm very familiar with and I've done a hundred times and I'm not thinking that I did this this time. I'm going in, I'm thinking about our birthday, I'm thinking about work stuff, I have everything I need my son, everything else to tell my mind, go through them all, go to the little kiosk, look for the store that I'm looking for. It happens to be on the complete opposite side of them all. That's been remodeled so it's like I'm going a different way.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Well anyways, I finish shopping and it's time for me to leave and I go, oh fuck, where did I go in? That's a big mall too. Oh, it's massive. Dude, there's a lot of parking.'s a big mall too. Oh, massive. Dude, that's a lot of parking. And I got lost? Oh, dude. Oh, that's my nightmare right there.
Starting point is 00:25:49 This is the first time this has happened to me at a mall before. And I go, okay, I have no idea what store I was like, I think it was Macy's. Of course, I came in on Macy's, which has like three stores in the mall. You know, there's Macy's, Macy's, which one was it?
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yeah, Macy's homeware, whatever, that's like three different stores and two different levels for each one. And so I'm like, oh shit. So I pick one of the Macy's, go either side of the mall again, and by the way, too, like all the Macy's are like this. It's like a triangle. So it's like they literally couldn't be like from the furthest points of each other.
Starting point is 00:26:21 So it's not like there's Macy's. This is a huge mall. People need to understand. Yeah, like to walk from one end to the another, it's like 15, 20 minutes lost. Oh yeah, and it's all brand new. So it's everything I can't, I don't recognize anything. So I choose the wrong macy's, I get outside
Starting point is 00:26:36 and I'm like looking around and nothing looks familiar because all the parking garages are different. Dude, I walked around for an hour and a half. And hour and a half, and I, you know, here's the thing is too. Like, I'm, I'm shopping for Katrina. So I can't, she's normally my go to doing like, help me. I'll see you get told. Yeah, I get colored. They help me. I'm like, what do I do right now? Like, I mean, if literally if I don't, I'm not thinking in Uber and go home and then later on come back with her. And then she's going to know I was at the mall. Like it completely happened
Starting point is 00:27:01 to Jessica because she, she totally forgot where she parked. So she was walking around with the car alarm, you know, button. Yeah, turned it set it off. And she was setting it off and she heard it and she went to where she heard it and then she realized it's in the one of the floors above me. So she had to, so that security driver around that is exactly how I eventually found it. But originally when I was doing that, I was on the other side of the mall. So it ain't going off whatsoever. But while I was doing that, I was on the other side of the mall, so they ain't going off whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:27:25 But while I was doing all this, check this out. Did you guys know there's a Felix Gray fucking store in the mall? Oh, I found it. Really? Yes. Wow, like a, like a physical store. Yes. Oh, retail.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Yes. Oh, cool. I didn't even know that. I was like, I was like, that was like the one plus that happened that day of like all being all over the place. Sure shit, there's a Felix Gray there. I don't even think, I don't even think they realize, right? They do sponsorship or advertise this.
Starting point is 00:27:49 They don't know they're that close to it. Yeah, I don't think they realize that we're that close. I don't think they have that many physical locations. I think they're East Coast primarily. Well, I know they did a lot of deals with like Apple and Google and a lot of the Silicon Valley companies. So I would guess that they're this way, but I didn't even know that they had physical locations.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Well, they're they're kind of a designer brand, right? They're like the designer brand of blue light blocking glasses. So and their store looks like that. It makes sense because Valley fair all the stores, it's not like Oak Ridge, right? Oak Ridge has got, you know, Target and whatever. And Valley fair is all the. Yeah, who's checking people? Yeah, we'll eat it up. Yeah, so it makes sense. It has a very apple Rolex type of feel to it. So it's really cool, but...
Starting point is 00:28:29 I had no idea. Do you guys see the news? By the way, by the way, you guys watching the market today, should you do what happened? I didn't. So it's going up because I think another phase trial came out on big news for a vaccine,
Starting point is 00:28:42 90% effective according to the last trial that came out. Is it Pfizer? What company was that? Oh, yeah, I think Pfizer and another German company partner together. Yeah. So 90, first of 90% effective. It's pretty convenient. Well, if that... Hallelujah. Yeah, I saw that they're awesome. We're here. Yeah, so we're... They're also already trying to make it like some study claim that it was going to be okay and safe to have like open We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are.
Starting point is 00:29:06 We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are.
Starting point is 00:29:14 We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are.
Starting point is 00:29:22 We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We are. We really, really good news if that's the case. Yeah, that's good news. For me personally, I still would want to wait because it's such a fast process that they pushed it through. You know, who knows? You know what I mean? Yeah. Now, is there a push to make it mandatory too? Do you know?
Starting point is 00:29:39 Oh, I hope not. Oh my god. I thought I heard that. That's a great way to get people to not get the vaccine in my opinion. I think if you make a vaccine mandatory in a place like America, and I can understand the rationale behind it, you would get more people who would say no. Just because of that.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Just because of it. I could see some private businesses though, like requiring it, you know, like a stamp on your hand or something. Well, that's the thing because even when Courtney was at, you know, Valley Med and, you know, the hospital, they were like, started to require, it moved towards having to have a flu shot. Otherwise, you had to wear, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:13 all this protective gear and everything all day long. So it was like, I don't know, they mandated that and I was like, ooh, I didn't like that. That makes sense in hospitals. But you mean, you think another business is what was like to come back to. Right, yeah, I don't know. I just, I speculate because of the, everybody was so scared of this one. That makes sense in hospitals, but you mean you think another business is what would work to come back to. I just speculate because of that everybody
Starting point is 00:30:27 was so scared of this one. Well, I don't know. We'll see, but I hope what you said Adam never happens. I really do. I thought they were already pushing that direction. There's a big spike right now, isn't there? Oh yeah. Yeah, but not deaths, but then again, deaths
Starting point is 00:30:41 sometimes take time to follow the cases. But yeah, cases are higher. We're getting more now than we were at the peak of the last time it happened. Which is when everyone is in a July. Yeah, when everybody was really freaked out. And it seems like everybody's got COVID fatigue, you know? Like people are not as scared as they were before, which I don't know if that's good or necessarily bad. Oh, it's good. Yeah, I mean, it's good.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I mean, my friends and I were talking about, I said, I's good. Yeah, it's good. I mean, it's good. I mean, I've been my friends in Iortama. I said, I was really curious to see what would happen after election is all done to see how much. I it'd be interesting to come January. Like I think we're going to, it's still going to be a thing right now because of what's going on. Right. So with both election and with COVID, you know, spiking right
Starting point is 00:31:22 now. So I think there'll be some fear November, December. I have a feeling come January time, regardless of what happens with spikes and what's going on with the end. Well, one thing's for sure, if some, in Europe, I know that they're reinstating lockdowns and they're getting a lot of pushback
Starting point is 00:31:36 because people are like, I'm not doing that again. Yeah. They had riots in Italy over their lockdowns. Oh, really? Yeah, you know, so I don't know. I like I said, I think people are getting a little fatig, you know, so I don't know. Like I said, I think people are getting a little fatigued with it. And so I don't know if they'll be able to do what they did before.
Starting point is 00:31:49 If people will support locking anything down. Yeah. You know, widespread, you might get people who are saying, I'm not going to do. Speaking of which, there was a gym in Polis, this is kind of an interesting story. There was a gym in Poland that changed their, I guess the category of business that they do to make it a religious facility. So now it's a church with Jim Aquinas. Did I bring that up on the show?
Starting point is 00:32:10 Did you? I think so. I thought I brought that up on the show. I just read about it. I thought that was hilarious. Yeah, and that's kind of like the other guy in the polling one. Well in New Jersey, yeah, for the change it's a Republican central. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:26 But I mean, the squat rack, I've always called it the altar. Yeah, that's right. That's right. I mean, that's where you do. Preacher curls, right? Oh, yeah. Now, how did I miss that one? That was a low hanging fruit, right?
Starting point is 00:32:38 How did I miss that, too? So are you now that, like, we're here now with you, right? So with baby being home and stuff like that, and the irony of it having your son on election day, are you catching up on all the drama or did you just check out? Yeah, I'm over it. Really?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, I'm over it. You know why? Because the game that I hate that's being played, that was played in 2016 that they're playing now with the whole other side cheated, you know? And I'm gonna piss in people off or whatever. But we got to be very careful because if we, if everybody becomes, gets to the point where they don't trust the elective process, then nothing really matters anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Well, and here's the thing. Like, okay, where I'm at, because I'm, I think I'm for sure the least political out of us is whoever, okay, in January, when it all is said and done, you know. I am 100% on that team now. Well, you want them to do well. Yeah, because it's crazy to me that we have a portion of our country on both sides, that are so anti-whoever is in office that they root against them.
Starting point is 00:33:42 That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life. Like, you know, up into the point, it's all fun. It's all fun. One of these people played sports. Yeah, the way I was taught early. It's all fair and fun and games leading up to it. That's the way I look at it. It's like, ah, you're guy one.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Cool. Now he's my guy. You're in the ring with punch each other, but now that we're done. Yeah, now that we're done, we're friends. You know, and you're on my side. Like, I hope that we, I hope the country is better in four years, regardless who's running. And to, to be better and angry and, you know, and hope for that person to
Starting point is 00:34:11 fail, like, I just, I don't understand that. I can't, I can't get behind like somebody who thinks that way, no matter who it is. Yeah. But at the end of the day, like I said, it's a dangerous game. If, if they keep playing this, in both have done it now many times. If they keep playing this that the system is rigged because if you get the left to believe that and the right to believe that now nobody trusts the elective process. Yeah, what does it look like? Well now you're screwed. Yeah, now it doesn't matter. Now we get no say in and it doesn't matter who ourselves because then it was false and now we're're gonna fight, and you can't do that. Yeah, so, and it's like, you know, back when Bush and Gore had this whole thing,
Starting point is 00:34:49 it was like 45 days, they were still trying to figure it all out. So you gotta keep it in perspective. Well, don't you guys think it's this, okay? And we talked about this already, like, one of the things I speculate right now is, I'm really interested to see what happens to a lot of the fitness people that made a hard political stance, right?
Starting point is 00:35:04 Like, to get views and likes. Like it's drawn so much attention and traffic. So what we see more than anything else, like, and this is like, you have to be able to understand this and look behind the curtain here. Like the media, media both, you know, Foxy and in both sides, okay, both sides of this,
Starting point is 00:35:21 the way they make their money is by views and people paying to, it is in their best interest to drag this on for the next 30 to 60 days. So both sides are gonna create drama and oh, there's a possibility and oh, they cheated and oh, this, it's like, just look at that from revenue perspective of entertainment and then like the political stuff that we've all been bombarded with.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Like all of the eyes and attention is in the political realm. Yeah, the last thing that the media wants is there to be no controversy. Of course. It would be awful for them. If all of us got together and said, okay, it looks like Biden won, shake hands and say, he's our president now, we support him and all move forward, it would be terrible for news. Dude, go, okay, there's a website called humanprogress.org, go to it and you will see actual good news, real good news that's happening every single day.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Not nearly as popular as Fox or CNN or all the other networks. Good news networks and the one. Yeah, so, yeah, so, go look and humanprogress.org talks about things like this, many billions of people were lifted out of poverty over the last two decades or this many more people are literate or these diseases have been eradicated. Like real good news, go and spend some time there because otherwise you're just, it's like advertising.
Starting point is 00:36:36 You're just constantly getting negative advertisements. No different than somebody who is on Instagram comparing their body to somebody who looks perfect who's being told that they're fat 24-7. You're gonna feel like shit. You just turn into golem if you keep listening to all the shit. Tell me guys. You just want to do the voice.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I do, but I won't do it. So bad. He wasn't the do the voice. Try and check that. I got a message. I want to, I got a DM. I want to talk about on the show here, because I've gotten this DM before,
Starting point is 00:37:04 and I think it's important to talk about a little bit. This person said, you know, I enrolled in one of your maps programs and I recognize all the exercises. Like these are all exercises I've done before, where is all the new exercises. And so, and this is a common misconception. I think that people, especially beginners, may have with fitness that you radically different and crazy exercises are what is required for a workout to be effective.
Starting point is 00:37:33 That's not the case whatsoever. There are super effective staple exercises like squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and rows and pull-ups and those types of things. It's how they're put into the workout, how they're programmed, the sets and the reps and the tempo, the order and the way that they days all come together, that's what makes a workout effective. It's the exercises plus that and just throwing in crazy exercise.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And this is what new trainers do, by the way. I did this myself. As a new trainer, when I would get a client, I thought I had to, you know, razzle dazzle my clients all the time with a new, you have never seen this one before, you know, try to sit, press down, curl, press, I was like, whoa. Yeah, because I mean, initially, that's such like an entertainment part of it. Like, it's like the client's expectation coming in is like, oh, wow, what's new? What's all this stuff? It's human nature, right? We seek novelty.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I mean, that's, it's total human nature. So I actually think it's hard. It's hard for people to get that. It's hard for ourselves. I mean, we desire that, all of us in here. So, you know, you gotta understand that from a client's perspective who doesn't understand code or writing programs, right?
Starting point is 00:38:42 This is totally foreign to them. And so it's natural for them to seek novelty. They've tried all these exercises before. It didn't pan out for them before. So must be that, you know, it has nothing to do with the order they did it in or what they were doing diet wise. Maybe I'll get a six pack with that frog thingy. Yes, Steve Cook. And, you know, the less equipment you have, the more valuable programming is. So I know people, for example, will work at a home. Let's say you have bands in your body weight.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Programming becomes even more important because you are somewhat limited to the exercises that you could do. Like, we have the maps anywhere program and people will follow it, trainers will follow it. And they'll write back and be like, I can't believe how effective this workout is. I've done most of these exercises, but why is it so effective? Like, it's how they're put together. It's how you put them in the workouts.
Starting point is 00:39:33 It's no different than looking at code and saying, it's all ones and zeros. What's the difference? It's like, well, you know, depending on how you organize them, you either have crossy road or you have Google, you know, it makes a huge difference. Same thing with the order of exercises, reps, sets, and all the other stuff. Ask Jeves. This Quas brought to you by Organify. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Organify fills the gap with laboratory tested certified organic super foods to help give your health and performance the added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I-D-C-A-C-A-N-I-D-C-A-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N- What are the best exercises for developing rotational power? Oh, just. I love you. Somebody picks this for you. Yeah, so the best exercise as well, I mean, first thing is just being able to control your body properly and be able to anchor your body down properly. I think a lot of people don't realize like how important proper foot strength is and being able to ground yourself first to be
Starting point is 00:40:47 able to really generate even more power and rotational power as a result of that. So really, it's about being able to have ultimate control and anchoring your body first. And then we get into stuff where the obvious stuff where we're going to get into trunk rotation exercises with cables, with rubber bands, with a medicine ball, where I'm violently throwing things into the wall with rotation. But being able to control that power is something to really consider before then really going through and accelerating that process through utilizing fast twitch muscles. So to that point, then do you have, Justin, so do you have something that you prefer
Starting point is 00:41:33 to teach somebody and then that you prefer for most optimal benefits? So in other words, do you prefer using bands as a teaching tool and then maybe maybe like the medicine ball throw as the The greatest expression of that do you have like that you gravitate towards? Yeah, I would say that a band is probably the most fluid I know we talked about this on an episode with just bands where they provide a little less of the clunky experience when you're going to
Starting point is 00:42:03 You know through this full range, because a lot of times, like even with the cable, the plates itself will add like a little bit of a shift, or, you know, you're going to get, if you're moving something really quickly, you want it to be smooth. And I think the bands provide like the smooth experience with that. And also too, like a pale of press is something that is something I would probably start people with to see how well they control their body and are able to anchor their body properly with their core and stabilize. So that either starting, you know, just on your
Starting point is 00:42:36 knees and going from there, sitting on a ball or standing or being in a split stance, you kind of go through those variations to see how well you stabilize being pulled left to right and where the discrepancies lie. And then from there, I add strength to that. So something like a cable machine is a great one to include in terms of loading that a little bit more heavily and then expressing that fully with the medicine ball or something,
Starting point is 00:43:05 then I would kind of progress into that direction. Yeah, someone might be wondering why rotational strength and power is even important. Every time you walk, you incorporate rotational ability. I mean, when you walk, you'll notice as you're right foot steps forward, you're left arm steps forward. It's called this counter rotation process. Of course, it happens when you run.
Starting point is 00:43:26 You could try walking where you don't rotate, where your left foot moves forward. So does your left arm. And you look very strange and it feels very awkward. Your body can awkward. Yeah, so rotation is extremely important. It connects the upper and lower body. And then in sports, of course, this is very important.
Starting point is 00:43:42 It doesn't matter whether you're swinging a bat, throwing a ball, throwing a punch, catching something, this is very important. It doesn't matter whether you're swinging a bat, throwing a ball, throwing a punch, catching something, turning to your opponent, you have to have good stability and rotational ability. The muscles involved really center around the core. Training the rotational, your rotational ability really develops your core in some pretty remarkable ways. You get a nice strong tight looking core by training this particular type of movement. Not a lot of people do it in gyms. A lot of people kind of avoid rotational exercise. The most I've ever seen, the average person do are like twisting crunches, which really isn't training the rotation as much as
Starting point is 00:44:21 it's training. Russian twist. You see those? Yeah, you'll see that sometimes. I like bands. I like bands a lot for this. And here's a deal. If you don't train rotational power, start slow, start slow, develop some strength. Once you get comfortable and stable, then you can add some speed to this.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And to add a few. So you may have seen, like I don't know if anybody falls me, but maybe some of you guys do. But like I've done some stuff with the sledgehammer. And I think this is one of those exercises that just looks cool, and so a lot of people post it. But to be honest, what I was talking about in terms of if I have the ability to anchor myself to stabilize, to be able to do all these things and now express myself fully with accelerating all of this.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I love to use the sledgehammer to now add a rotational element to, that includes my entire body. It's not just my upper body, my shoulders slamming down. I really have to be able to connect to my legs and my hips. Because legs and hips, I think a lot of athletes, they don't really understand how vital that is to be able to drive even more to maximize their power output. And so to be able to firmly stabilize
Starting point is 00:45:37 and have strength in your feet to ground yourself, that's what's gonna determine how much volume of power that I'm gonna infuse into now the rotational part of the movement That's up top and now boxers know this like you're throwing a punch You throw a lot harder punch once you connect your legs and hips and get that all to Smoothly connect all together at once. So we're talking about doing this for like athletic purposes. So I'll mention like walking, you know, that has a big play and rotational strength. But I tell you what, this is probably the number one injury
Starting point is 00:46:13 that I had happened to clients that were training with me was when I would neglect doing anti-rotational and rotational exercises. And yet, you know, they would still get hurt. And they always got hurt doing something so simple. It was always picking a shampoo bottle up or pulling a weed or bending over to pick up a dog food or just something so basic. Yet I was over here able to bench and squat and dead live within with all this
Starting point is 00:46:39 weight, but then they would throw their back out doing such a basic movement. And it is. It's an area that most people neglect, and even if you don't have any desires to be an athlete, or you're not pursuing anything in that realm, there's a tremendous amount of value for just the average person to incorporate rotational strength into their routine. And I like bands as just the staple overall,
Starting point is 00:47:06 like it's good for advanced and for beginners, it's a good place to start, Justin's point of making sure you're grounded first before you move into more explosive things like the sledgehammer and tossing the ball. Yeah, and you work on this and you get a really nice core. One of the side effects of our maps, because mass performances are, I'd say,
Starting point is 00:47:23 the one program we have that does the most emphasis on rotation. And the comments we get from that program are always centered around how awesome people's core looks and develops and really has to do with the rotational exercises. Next question is from the bad mad scientist. How would you program PE for students in online schools right now? This could be a great opportunity for trainers right here. Well, so here's, so there's some interesting challenges with this, right?
Starting point is 00:47:50 So my kids are distance learning, and I'm watching them do PE, right? So I got my daughter, she's in fifth grade, my son's a sophomore in high school, and so here's the experiences that I'm seeing so far. With my daughter, they have the Zoom camera on them on the desk, and the teacher says, okay, everybody go down and do,
Starting point is 00:48:08 I don't know, you know, 15 sit-ups, right? And so here's what the girls do, because my daughter will do this with a couple of friends. They'll go down below where the camera didn't see them, and they'll just sit on the floor and wait. And then they come up and then they do it or whatever. And you see a lot of this, like, do your push-ups, and add a range of the camera or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Now, my son, on the other hand, he's, they're giving him an app. Now, like, do this workout. Now, you look at the app and the workouts are just, you know, 35 pushups, 50 burpees, do it at your time. Yeah, everything. And of course, they're also,
Starting point is 00:48:40 unless I'm watching them, him, they're also kind of slacken off. And here's the big problem, this is always the big problem with fitness when it comes to kids. You don't just tell them to do exercises. That's boring as hell. It's like trying to teach a kid any subject
Starting point is 00:48:53 and making it boring as hell. They're not gonna learn history. They're not gonna learn math. They're not gonna learn science. If you just tell them to do stuff and make it super boring. They just don't engage or learn. So rule number one when you're training kids
Starting point is 00:49:07 is you have to find a way to engage them. So like an easy example would be, okay, let's see who can stand on one foot for 30 seconds. Put the camera on you, let's see who can do this the longest and whatever, make prizes. And the prizes could be, they don't even have to be a prize. It could literally be points. You know, you got five stars, you got seven stars.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Kids like to keep track of it. Keep track of it. Yeah, how long can you sit in a squad? Or balance on one foot, see if you can tie your shoe. Let's see who can do this. Like, make it fun and engaging so they can kind of, not just compete with each other, but see how each other is doing.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And make it really enjoyable. Otherwise, the whole like, you know, you can take them through a mobility class. But if you make it about mobility, you're gonna get a bunch of fifth and sixth graders. We're gonna be like, yeah, you could take them through a mobility class, but if you make it about mobility, you're gonna get a bunch of fifth and sixth graders, we're gonna be like, yeah, I'm not doing this. I really think there's a huge opportunity right here for trainers.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I mean, you guys are starting, I know both of you are doing this right, right? You guys both have kids that are in pods now, where they're like grouped with four or five families, and a trainer's hourly is somewhere between 50 to 150 dollars an hour, I don't think it would be hard to convince you parents that have five of you. Like, hey, I'm going to do a Zoom call with all five of your kids and divide my hourly. Totally.
Starting point is 00:50:13 A hundred bucks by five. Each parent paying 25 bucks to know they're going to be with a trainer for an hour who's going to engage them in exercise. I think there's a huge opportunity for trainers out there that are looking for ways to make money right now because maybe their gym is closed and then they're in the middle of transitioning into being this online trainer is defined parents.
Starting point is 00:50:30 You gotta have a family member or a friend or somebody who are doing similar things at Justin and Sal are doing with these pods and getting them together. And that makes it affordable for the parents. It's a lot easier to convince them. It may not be as easy to convince one parent to pay you $100 an hour to take one kid,
Starting point is 00:50:45 but if they're in pods of three, five, or 10, I mean, it's much easier to convince all the parents to go together and split the cost of the hourly for the trainer and then the trainer is responsible for keeping them engaged, making it fun. That's where I would lean. Yeah, and again, make games out of it.
Starting point is 00:51:01 One of the most effective people I ever saw for doing this, I used to have a friend that, he actually was a client at first, then we became friends and he was a soccer coach. And he had these camps that he would run up in Los Gatos where he would teach kids how to play soccer. And he just became so successful through word of mouth and a lot of it had to do with how engaging he was.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And he would have these fun games, it's like when you're like Karate Kid where he's making him do something, but he's actually learning another skill. Yeah. Except it was fun, Karate Kid, I know. That one. Yeah, it was chores.
Starting point is 00:51:31 He was having a lot of fun with these kids. Like, here's another example. He's kind of, you could have kids bring a blow up a balloon, tie it off, and then say, okay, let's pop these in the air and so you can keep it up in the air the longest. And you see the kids run around, but like, you have to keep things engaging and fun.
Starting point is 00:51:46 You can't train them like you train adults. That's a big mistake. Yeah, and I think too. I mean, if you're a parent and you're just trying to kind of make sense of all this stuff too, like one thing for me, besides like, I think there's massive opportunity for a trainer to come in and be like a helpful guide
Starting point is 00:52:03 to kind of relieve a little bit of this stress and like, you know, program the whole thing for you. But for me personally, I've been investing in things like cargo nets. I don't know if you have access to this in a backyard if you do like this is something where I'm trying to set up more of a play playground experience that they're not going to get now And so I got pull up bars out between trees, I have things, I have a trampoline where they go out and they express a lot of their energy outside
Starting point is 00:52:35 and it's designated, you know, this hour block is you guys are outside and you're moving, you're doing things, you're having fun, it's recess in a sense. So even if you're not getting the actual physical education, at least the expression of energy, like that's something that kids just need that man, they need to get out and get that energy out.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Completely. Next question is from DRJJ. I'm learning how to properly breathe when lifting, but I get distracted when I concentrate on my breathing and it messes up my form. Any advice on how to do both without messing up one or the other since both are very important? I just had somebody DM me.
Starting point is 00:53:16 So whoever picked this was a great question to pick. Cause I get this a lot. And I'm curious if you guys are on the same pages I am. I used to say this to client. The most important part about breathing is that you do it. Yeah, you know, like literally, like there's a lot of, a lot of people that like want to make the case for, you know, when you breathe in, when you exhale,
Starting point is 00:53:35 for optimal performance and what's ideal for bracing your core and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The truth is that if you manipulate tempos and you do a negative, sometimes it's five, six, seven seconds long or isometric holds, that's gonna throw off the cadence of breathing. And really the primary thing that you need to focus on is that you do breathe and you don't hold your breath.
Starting point is 00:53:57 So the most dangerous part of the breathing that you could where you could go wrong is holding your breath while you're doing heavy weight and passing out, right? That's really it. Yeah, focusing on your breathing is something that I do later on when I'm training a client, because here's what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:54:12 If you're starting to work out your beginner intermediate, maybe even in the beginning of advanced, you're focusing on your technique, your form, the squeeze. The last thing you wanna do is throw something that's an automatic thing for you, like breathing. It's like thinking about blinking while you're working out. Make sure you blink this many times.
Starting point is 00:54:30 And be like, all of a sudden, I'm throwing things in at myself and confusing myself. I would tell clients, just breathe normally. Don't hold your breath. Breathe naturally. Later on, when they became more advanced, we're doing heavy lifting. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:43 It became more important. Like, if I'm teaching a client how to do a max squat. A max set. That's when I'm teaching them. Breathe in, brace, hold your breath, breathe out on the way up. Otherwise, totally breathe normal. Or I'll remind someone to breathe. Sometimes clients will stop while they're doing a set.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I mean, hey, don't forget to breathe. Yeah. That's what I experienced the most was just to remind them. Oh, breathe. Yeah, because, yeah, hold the breath. Yeah, because then what I experienced the most was just to remind them. Oh, breathe. Oh yeah, breathe. Hold the breath. Yeah, because then they start getting dizzy, like headed, like as a result,
Starting point is 00:55:09 because they're not listening to their body. Your body, like, it has a natural ability to know, like, okay, if I'm under stress, like, I'm gonna kind of brace up. I'm gonna brace to be able to handle this load. And it's just a matter of like, I have to still breathe during that process. So like, you just have to kind of do it comes naturally to you because if it's unnatural
Starting point is 00:55:29 and you have to think about it, like there's more, going to be more interruptions that happen which is going to throw everything. Yeah, if you're really focusing on your breathing then you should not be doing challenging. If this is something you want to work on for example, then do it with lighter weights and stuff that's not super fun. It's great to do in the beginning of your journey. Yeah, don't throw, like I've got to focus on my breathing and do this really challenging exercise because it tends to be too many variables at once and the person screws one or the other up.
Starting point is 00:55:54 So if I am doing breathing training with someone, it's light or not at all. We're just focusing on how to breathe, how to do diaphragmatic breaths, but it's not really something that I think you should. And this is exactly the question is exactly what ends up happening. had a breath, had a diaphramatic breath, but it's not really something that I think you should, and this is exactly the question is exactly what ends up happening. I get distracted and it messes up my form. That's what happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Next question is from ABT CDA. Any particular exercises or foods to help with sperm count and motility. We were just talking about this. Pineapple juice help? Oh wait, that's not what it was. I'm showing gondas, but you told me, yeah? Yeah, different, different aspect.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah, no. So I actually have a friend right now that I'm helping with this. They're trying to have a baby and they took them like six months, nothing was happening. They went and got tested. Spurm Count was super, super low.
Starting point is 00:56:43 They changed their sleeping habits and some stress management. They got the sperm count was super, super low. They changed their sleeping habits and some stress management. They got the sperm count to go up, but it's still below the number that they say you need to be considered fertile. So we're having this conversation. So there's a couple of things. One, anything that will naturally raise testosterone
Starting point is 00:57:00 naturally, typically also raises your sperm count. And I say that naturally because you could take steroids which will raise your testosterone, but that'll do the opposite raises your sperm count. I say that naturally because you can take steroids, which will raise your testosterone, but that'll do the opposite lower your sperm. So anything that naturally raises testosterone tends to also simultaneously improve sperm count or increase sperm count and improve motility, which is the ability of sperm to move
Starting point is 00:57:20 in their overall health, right? So lifting weights, but do so in a strength building fashion. Don't focus on trying to lose weight or cut your body, unless you're really obese. If you're not obese and you're kind of right around normal way, even if you're a little heavier than normal weight, focus on building strength because that's anabolic that raises testosterone, can also raise sperm count.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Make sure you have good sleep, you manage your stress properly. As far as foods are concerned, adequate fat, protein, and carbohydrates, you're going to be too low in anything. Animal fats help a lot with this dietary cholesterol might actually help with this. Eggs, egg yolks, make sure you have enough nutrients, zinc, and vitamin D. When those are low, you start to see sperm counts issue start to happen. And then as far as supplements are concerned, ashwagandha, very effective and proven, then
Starting point is 00:58:14 on the long those lines, you could try things like tribulus is another herb that can sometimes help men. You have horny goat weed, which might help. That might just be a libido booster, but there's some studies that show that might help us burn. But yeah, food, eat those animal proteins fats, make sure you have enough of all the macronutrients and your calories aren't too low. Isn't this a gigantic market in the Eastern medicine approach where they end up taking
Starting point is 00:58:42 like all the different animals, balls, and penises and grind them up and try and get the benefits from that somehow. Or anything that looks like a penis, right? Anything that's a rhinoceros horse, or they're going to make it into a powder and they're going to put in their teeth. Yeah, it's a big thing. You know, Jin saying, you know, might help some men and other men, it might not help as much, but nothing is going to make the bigger impact
Starting point is 00:59:05 and making sure you don't have any nutrient deficiencies. So I said zinc and D could also be B vitamins. Make sure you're not like super low carb, definitely low protein or low fat. Fat in particular, you wanna make sure you have adequate, healthy fat, I would avoid heavily processed foods. Get good sleep, here's the thing, your sperm count really does man, you know, healthy is possible.
Starting point is 00:59:27 It's the exactly, it starts to match your, how healthy your body is. And if your body's under stress, your body's not gonna try to procreate, right? So your libido's gonna drop so is your sperm count. And I know a lot of guys, they got shitty sleep, they're living off caffeine. You know, if you're not feeling energized without caffeine,
Starting point is 00:59:45 if you feel like you can't wake up because you don't have coffee, and if you feel like you can't sleep without having something to knock you out, or the way you fall asleep is you crash in your bed, like, fix that. Fix that. Makes a huge difference. Rare flannels and go on hunting trips. I don't have anything really to add to that except for just to reiterate that, instead of getting caught up, because this is a big big market and there's a lot of advertising that goes
Starting point is 01:00:08 around this and so people get caught up in the latest greatest supplement that's out there to try and help them. I don't think anything will make a bigger difference than reducing stress, getting good sleep in a three day a week full body strength routine. Yeah. I mean, to me, that is the big rock here. Get those things down then, a good balanced diet, low stress, strength training, good sleep. Those things, if you master that, then all the other things are the volume. Yeah. Watch the volume go up.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah. And, you know, the best, if you want, like, an organized workout program of all the workout programs that we have, I would say maps in a bottle could probably be most appropriate for a man trying to improve testosterone and sperm count. Oh, another supplement. Here's an interesting, Cray team. Cray team fuels the mitochondria of cells.
Starting point is 01:01:00 And some studies show that Cray team may actually improve the motility of sperm as well. It's an overall good health supplement. It's one of the only supplements I recommend to everyone so you can also try supplementing with creatine. Look, mind pump is recorded on video and audio. So if you love listening to us, try watching us. It might be more fun or less fun.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I don't know, I'll figure it out. You can also find all of us on Instagram. You can find Doug, the producer at Mind Pump Doug, Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:01:59 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and an Adjustin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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