Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1424: The Best Way to Get a Higher Vertical Jump, What to Do If You Have Poor Calf Genetics, Why Female CrossFit Athletes Tend to Have Thicker Waists & More

Episode Date: November 14, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best way to get a higher vertical jump, favorite old school lifts that don’t see love anymore, whether the ca...lf muscle is mostly determined by genetics and is not as “trainable” as other muscles, and why female CrossFitters usually have thicker waists. Why Mind Pump has more faith in the Disney+ business model. (4:47) Sal is not winning points with Jessica. (7:42) Justin is a content machine! (14:26) Russia continues to troll the US, Bill Gates talk, viral videos & MORE. (17:18) Spotify continues to make BIG moves in the podcast space. (23:50) How Legion has helped Sal wean off caffeine. (25:34) Congratulations to Emily Harrington, the first woman to free-climb El Capitan. (28:32) Why Adam is in the doghouse. (32:05) Gymshark’s “interesting” marketing strategy. (34:32) Another reason why Sal loves ButcherBox. (41:11) The impact of making food more expensive. (42:43) #Quah question #1 – What is the best way to get a higher vertical jump? (45:36) #Quah question #2 - Favorite old school lifts that don’t see love anymore? (53:06) #Quah question #3 - Is it true that the calf muscle is mostly determined by genetics and is not as “trainable” as other muscles in terms of increasing size? (59:06) #Quah question #4 - Why do female CrossFitters usually have thicker waists? (1:03:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned November Promotion: MAPS Ultimate At-Home Workout Bundle for Only $99.99 The Right Stuff | Disney+ Originals Knock Knock (2015) - IMDb Justin’s Magic Spoon commercial Russia says vaccine 92% effective as 4 doctors who got it catch COVID Golfer Jon Rahm Skips Ball Over Water for Hole-in-One During Masters Practice Round — On His Birthday! Spotify is buying podcast advertising firm Megaphone for $235 million, its latest attempt to stand out in a booming industry Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** El Capitan climber Emily Harrington on how she used her fear to succeed Free Solo | National Geographic Documentary Films Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! A Carbon Tax on Meat? Mind Pump #900: NBA Superstar Sports Performance Coach Paul Fabritz Lebron James Gets ATTACKED By Twitter Trolls Who Claim His Squat Form Is TRASH Mind Pump #1200: Max Schmarzo Mind Pump #907: Cory Schlesinger Mind Pump TV - YouTube Build Your Hamstrings- How to Properly do Good Mornings Sissy Squat - The forgotten quad building exercise of the pros Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf)  Instagram Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance)  Instagram Max Schmarzo (ATC/CSCS/MS) (@strong_by_science)  Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Now, in today's episode, we answer fitness and health questions that are asked by our listeners. But the way we open the episodes with an introductory portions where we talk about current events,
Starting point is 00:00:28 we talk about studies, we mention our sponsors. Today's intro portion was 36 minutes long. After that we got into the fitness questions. Here's a rundown of today's episode. We open up by talking about a terrible terrible movie on Netflix called Knock Knock, starring, can you, can you read? New way.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah, terrible. Can you? Then Justin explains why his ear is so red. We talk about Russia making a vaccine that's 2% more effective than the one that we have here in America. That seems accurate. They're winning. We talk about how Spotify is making more moves
Starting point is 00:01:01 by purchasing companies to strengthen their hold on the podcast space. Sounds good. Yeah, go Spotify. I talk about the right dose of caffeine and why weaning caffeine down can give you better performance, which led me to talk about Legion. Legion makes a great pre-workout drink, full serving 350 milligrams of caffeine, half a serving 175, but it also has things like beta-alene and a form of colon that helps with focus and intensity
Starting point is 00:01:29 and many, many other things. Legion also makes great way protein and other supplements. All their products are naturally flavored, no artificial sweeteners whatsoever. And because you are a mind pump listener, you get 20% off all their products. Here's what you do, go to buylegion.com, that's BY-legion.com, forward slash mind pump listener to get 20% off all their products. Here's what you do. Go to buy Legion.com. That's B-Y-L-E-G-I-O-N.com forward slash mind pump and then use the code mind pump for 20% off.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Then we talk about Emily Harrington, first woman to free climb, I think El Capitan. That's pretty amazing. Then Justin talks about Jim Shark's Harry armpits. That sounds awesome. And then I talk about butcher box and some of the incredible add-ons you could do to your current box. Incredible meats, I ordered their sausage. It was really, really good. And because you listen to Mind Pump,
Starting point is 00:02:17 you get a huge hookup. In fact, right now, signing up with the Mind Pump offer, you get a free Thanksgiving turkey. Just go to butcherbox.com forward slash Mind Pump and then use the code Mind Pump. And then we got into the questions. The first question was, what's the best way
Starting point is 00:02:34 to get a higher vertical jump? The second question, what are some of our favorite old school lifts that nobody does anymore? The third question, is it true that calf muscles are mostly just genetics? And the final question, why do female crossfitters have thicker wastes? Also, right now we're running a huge at-home bundle promotion. So these are the programs that we offer that require little to no equipment. So you could do them at home and they're very effective.
Starting point is 00:03:05 They're very, very effective at building muscle and burning body fat. So the first program is maps anywhere, very popular. This program actually blew up when a lot of gyms closed down due to COVID. All you need to follow maps anywhere, are resistance bands and a broomstick. It is a full body, two and a half, three month program.
Starting point is 00:03:25 The next program is Maps Suspension. This is a program that uses only suspension trainers to train your entire body. So suspension trainers, you can hook over your door or over a bar or around a tree. And you can do all kinds of beginner to extremely advanced exercises. The third program that we have in this bundle is Maps Hit. Now, Hit is high intensity interval training. These are 15 to 25 minute short, super hard calorie burning workouts. So if you have a little bit of time,
Starting point is 00:03:56 you want to burn a ton of calories, follow these high intensity interval training workouts that you find in Maps Hit. So all three programs normally retail for $291. Well here's what we're doing right now. Get all three of them for one payment of $99.99 and that's it. $99.99, get full access to all three programs. If you follow all of them, it's about six months or more of expert workout programming.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Oh by the way, if you sign up, you can follow the programs for a full month. And within that month, if you decide that this is not blowing your mind, you're not getting the great results that you were looking for, return them all for a full refund. Here is how you sign up, go to maps november.com. That's the word maps, the letter M- A, P, S, November, dot com. Since day one, I've been touting Disney, right?
Starting point is 00:04:48 I've been saying them for everyone's own. You guys fucking Disney, everything, Disney, everything, loved to, I think they're on to something by keeping the traditional one time a week release, putting a lot of energy and effort into one show, making it epic. And, you know, I look forward to it. Iconic versus Netflix is going the binge model,
Starting point is 00:05:11 is keep feeding these people. They're addicted to watching TV, more series. Let's use the algorithms to figure out all we need to piece together to get them watching more, like very, very different business models, both are successful, but I have, I really do have faith in the direction that Disney is.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Do you think that'll be the better one? I do. Because I think right now, Netflix is the process food, bro. They have- Process food outsells. All other food. It does, but I mean, just like what we're at right now,
Starting point is 00:05:40 I feel like people are becoming more and more savvy. I believe we're on the front end of that in the health and fitness space, making more and more people aware of how dangerous that path is. If you fill your cupboards up with nothing but processed food on its almost inevitable, you're going to become obese from that. I think the same thing was going to happen with like Netflix binging. It's all fun and games right now because everybody's enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:06:02 But after a while, we're going to have a bunch of zombies that just stare at screens all day long and we're gonna see all the unintended consequences by decade for now. That's some wishful thinking, bro. That's what I think. Really? Yes, dude. Okay, if I'm wrong, we are on our way to Wally.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah. If I'm wrong, we are on our way to Wally. Well, it's gonna be a clear divide of Wallyans and, you know, non-wallions. Right. Yeah. Totally. Yeah. So that's the case. And I don't know. I just, I think that Disney, here's nothing. Disney's programming is superior, but they don't put out as much. You know, so Netflix has got the throw spaghetti at the wall approach, where you're going to get something is going to stick. And every once in a while, do you put something out out that's really good. Well, a lot of times. Yeah, it reminds me of the
Starting point is 00:06:47 old school like a HBO was was the best one for that because it was like they had maybe three or four shows but they were like the best shows right and I feel like they just need like two or three other really you know massive hits and then I kind of agree with your show. Have either one of you guys watched the right stuff yet? No, I haven't seen it. I cannot believe you two have watched it. No, you know what I would like. You got the right stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Ooh, do you not have Disney plus? I do. Yeah, I can't believe you haven't watched right stuff. Is that the astronaut one? Yes, yeah. 100% in both of your guys' wheelhouse. I tried to watch it, and I couldn't convince Jessica. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, because it has to do with space. So she thinks it's sci-fi. I'm like, that's sci-fi. It's fake. Just because they're in space. It's based on a true story. I know. Oh, it's so she thinks it's sci-fi. I'm like not sci-fi. It's fake. Just cuz they're in space. It's based on a true story I know. Oh, it's nothing. It's nothing sci-fi again And you know what I already lost points last night with her anyway. Oh you too, I lost Hell of a game. You guys are doing well. No, dude because I can so dad game this off this week
Starting point is 00:07:38 So this has happened a few times where I'll convince her to watch something and it's terrible It oftentimes it's really good, but the terrible ones should just, they should, she remembers them. I disagree with that. Well, this is what happened. I agree with Jessica. It's probably why she gets upset is because I think it's probably more terrible.
Starting point is 00:07:52 No, no, terrible more awful. No, it's good. You're, you're, you're a reviewer. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'll give you, I'll give you. You are not my trusted source for this. Listen, this, this, this, this, and Linda. This time, what, you're right.
Starting point is 00:08:03 So I got, I got your back on some of them. So I'm on a group text with my cousins and a few friends and they're all, it's an investment thread. And everybody wants a while, somebody will say something non-investment related. So one of my buddies on there, I first thought it was one of you guys.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So yesterday she was asking me, who the hell told you to watch a stupid movie? And I'm like, I can't remember something. But it was Adam or Justin. Never, Jessica. I would never get Salabad right. I'm like, I can't remember saying a bit. But it was Adam or Justin. Never Jessica, I would never get Salabad. Well hold on, I'll tell you why. So anyway, so I, I checked and it was actually one of my buddies in this thread and he's like,
Starting point is 00:08:34 dude, you guys gotta watch Knock Knock on Netflix. It's like a thriller like fatal attraction. Can you remember fatal attraction? Yeah. That was a good movie. Yeah, it was a good movie, right? I mean, I don't remember that much, but yeah. Can you remember fatal attraction? Yeah. That was a good movie. Yeah, it was a good movie, right? I mean, I don't remember that much, but yeah. It was iconic, right?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Iconic. Kind of one of those like, what do they call them? Steamy thrillers. Oh, I was thinking basic instinct. Those ones should cross their legs. Yeah, and you could see the... But like that? Yeah, there's a like that, right?
Starting point is 00:08:57 Steamy thriller, right? Steamy. To make a steamy thriller good, it's gotta have like, suspense and mystery, and it's gonna have a good story. Yeah, a real it. Yeah, it can't just be, you know, proxies. Right. So anyways, I could get a watch knock knock.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So last night we're sitting there and Aralius is now starting to kind of settle. We're starting to kind of get in the hang of things with the breastfeeding. So she's chilling with them on the couch. I'm like, hey, you want to watch a movie? She's like, okay, she's like, do you have any ideas? I'm like, I heard of this movie, knock knock, and I can't remember who told me, but they said it was really good.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So I go on Netflix, and sure enough, it's ranked number seven on their top, like rankings, right? I just can't picture you not going for the who's there, dad Joe. I just can't. I've been, I said like four times, can you? I knew it. So anyway, I go on Netflix and it's number seven. You know,
Starting point is 00:09:45 they do the rankings. Yeah, and by the way, those things I've now thrown those out. Wait, it's a bunch of kids skew that. It's stupid. Yeah, a bunch of Ben Jeaters. So throw that in. So I put it on, and it's Canarees, right? Canarees, isn't it? I'm like, I love Canarees. Come on, you guys. He's a surfer in every movie. I know, but dude, you just love him. I that you he's a surfer in this movie. He's the worst actor all time He's one character. I know Yeah, no, he's reliable. He's either he's either Bill and Ted or he's Neo from the Matrix That's it. I am I okay First of all, he was a lot of w
Starting point is 00:10:20 And Bill and Ted is surfer. Yes, oh still still surfer. John Wick. Donor surfer. He does good with John Wick too, but it's the same character. That's Matrix, yeah. Same character, right? And you're right, he's terrible. Terrible actor. Anyway, so the premise is,
Starting point is 00:10:32 you guys are crazy. He's his father, you know, married, he's got this wife and two kids. He seems like a good dad. That's how it opens. I'm don't where I'm gonna ruin it for you because you don't have to watch it. Shit, it's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Can you, I mean, I'm, I'm not, I'm'm, I might do it. Wait, how do you say it's there? Can you? Yeah, yeah. So anyway, he... What is that from? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:52 What was it supposed to be from something? Yeah, Justin just says it probably from that. He's saying that. So anyway, he's with his family and then it's Father's Day and then the wife and kids go to the beach because he has to work. So he's at home by himself and you know, he's drinking a little wine He's doing work is about to light up a bowl
Starting point is 00:11:10 Smokes and weed or whatever doorbell, you know rings or whatever he goes over and it's these two like 21-year-old, you know girls and they're all soaking wet and they're like, oh my phone doesn't work Can we come inside and you know, we you know, we need to make a phone call it? Such a great premise anyway So he invites him so he invites him in real life situation and so we invite and I just got right away calls it She's like you just you just want to see naked chicks. I'm like no, I don't babe. That's not why that's not why I'm watching this She's like yeah, right dude. Let's see how this plays out. I'm like So like I'm like a this plays out. I'm like, yeah. So like, I'm like, it's ruined the plot.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I'm like, it's supposed to be the thriller. I'm like, so who knows what's gonna happen? Well, sure enough, they seduce him. And he bangs him both, right? He has sex. Anyway, they turn out to be these crazy chicks that don't leave his house and then they try to kill him. And it's this whole crazy, and 30 minutes into the movie,
Starting point is 00:12:04 Jessica's like, I've given this a chance. It's 30 minutes long. We've seen her 30 minutes. She's like, this is shit. I'm like, no, but it got recommended. I said, I bet there's a crazy twist. I bet it's gonna get good. It didn't.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It was fucking garbage. There's nothing, there's nothing worse than a recommendation from somebody. And then you're in it, like halfway or quarter way through. You know it's bad, but you're sticking around because you're like, okay, he said it was. I was committed. It's gotta be a twist.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I was invested. You get to the end of it. There's no twist. I was invested. You know, you're invested and you're like, in plus I want to prove her wrong. So I'm not going to check. It's going to get good.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I just know it. It was the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Yeah. I kind of felt that way about tenet and I know there'll be some people that will battle me on that probably because people like new unique concepts, something that they haven't seen before or whatever, but the acting in it was so painful and like the dialogue between everybody,
Starting point is 00:12:58 it was just like, I wanted to walk out of the movie and it was just like, dude, at that moment, you really have to be like, okay, this is so incredibly awful that I'm just gonna walk out and like, release all the money on this. Oh, dude, I'll never get that 90 minutes back in my life. And I even went to bed angry.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I woke up to the morning and I was like, oh, damn it, that was so dumb. Because it's just like eight, a huge chunk of your time. It was gratuitously weird and disturbing and you of course lots of TNA now. I know why my buddy thought was a great movie. Oh, brother That's why you thought it was gonna be so terrible. Can't it reads the worst actor of all time in it the worst. Yeah, no I'm a father come in You look what And I was in comfortable watching it because you know, he's like this married man father
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, and these girls are obviously you watch you with your wife. Yeah, and I'm sitting there. No terrible I'm just getting uncomfortable, you know, I mean like to you. This is this is not I'm sitting there and I'm zero terrible. I'm just getting uncomfortable You know what I mean like to you this is this is not I'm like sounds like I would never let them in Yeah, no well first of all fear a smart man You wouldn't because that would never happen in real life. You like all right. Yeah, something's Yeah, cameras exactly. I'm getting set up here This is not real middle of the night to chill up. What a take a bath. Oh, man Anyway, I was just showering all night. Yeah, that's what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah, well, how was your ear so red? It's so red. Look at it still, it's still red. Why is your ear red? Yeah. So like yesterday I was shooting again with Eli and we were doing another commercial. And I had like the makeup on still.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Do that stuff is so hard to get off your skin. Makeup. Yeah. Where you're makeup? Oh, shit. Oh, wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh my god. I got a new character I'm developing here. So we'll see how he does. Is this samurai devil? Yeah, it's something we call him satonio. That's his name and you guys will see it down the road. Oh my god. That's why I'm pick.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I think I did one more of that. Were you here, Doug, when he was doing all this? Yes, I was. Oh, you were here. Doug, I got to see it first. You got to see a little bit of it. I tell you, you hit a home run with the Magic Spoon one. Oh, that was so good. So weird. I'm so curious.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Maybe somebody who's a listener is more savvy than we are on Instagram because for some weird reason, that did not get viewed a ton. So we have, you know, boring ass videos of us talking on our mind pump media page. So we got 7,000 views. Well, yeah, plus, yeah. More than that.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And this one gets 3,000. Meanwhile, every real discipline in you guys, yeah. I don't know why that was. It feels like, like, I think your theory was right. Yeah. Might be right, because it's an ad, and we didn't say it was an ad. Maybe there algorithm or someone flat.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I actually think, because it was on Saturday. So Saturday was like big political news and everything. And I think like Biden was announced, you know, like the elect. And so like the entire feed was just all politics and all that stuff was like, you know, riddled through everybody's feed. So I don't even think anybody saw it. Huh. Yeah. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:16:01 See, that might be right. I that's more like because I haven't heard anything about like the ad thing. If you haven't, if you're listening, you haven't seen it, go to the Mind Pump, uh, media, uh, Instagram page. It's fire. It's so good. Sweet. Yeah. So this, so this makeup, like, is it just stick to your face? Yeah. Well, you, I mean, you paint it. Like, I was painting my body. There's like, you know, the one that you paint your body with, it was actually true in me pink, because I'm so white, you know, the one that you paint your body with, it was actually true to me pink because I'm so white, you know It's supposed to be red and so I had to be thrifty with the face One to lose from my arms and anyways. Yeah, it was that was the first time I actually like was like, you know I'm going all in you know
Starting point is 00:16:36 I'm gonna change my entire look all this stuff and we'll see how this guy and it's just soap and water Yeah, soap and water, but then I had to, I was like scrubbing everything, dude. Like, and it, that was first of my days, our shower here too, by the way. Oh, is this running? Yeah. Yeah, so that's working, but I didn't have a towel.
Starting point is 00:16:55 You know, I didn't have any soap. I grabbed a soap from the bathroom. Yeah, I was just scrubbing myself. Oh, the hand soap? Yeah, yeah, that's all right. So it's clean everything anyway. Yeah, yeah. It's an upgrade from dawn.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I'm even more like, you know, you dried out my skin's all you more flaky now. Yeah, it's better from the tide pods you sometimes. Yeah, that's true. It's a bit of an upgrade. I'll cleanse your clothes, my as well. Clean your stuff anyway. Dude, so news came out of Russia about their vaccine.
Starting point is 00:17:20 So you know how our news comes out that says that, it's like the space race. No, hold says that it's like the space race. Oh hold on. Wait, hold on a second. Space race. Their whole population has been using this. I don't know, I don't know. I don't know, but a lot of them anyway.
Starting point is 00:17:34 It's been out, right? So here's, this is what's funny. So our news comes out, Pfizer and I remember what other pharma company trial comes out. 90% effective. Like that's insane, right? Yeah. Anything over 60, 70% would have been a home run. Russia comes out 90% effective. Like that's insane, right? Anything over 60, 70% would have been a home run. Russia comes out, 91%. 92%.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Oh, yeah, I call it. 92% of course. You got us on 2%, 2%. Yeah, Russia comes out, it's like our vaccine, 92% effective. Shut off. You had a week. We did a vaccine.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I gotta read it. I did not know that. It's bloody. They cracked me up. So is it going to be available soon? Or what's the, because I've heard mixed things here. I've heard that it's still going to be a ways away. We're a little ways away.
Starting point is 00:18:17 We are. Yeah, it should be by the end of the year. It should be OK. So you know, Russia named its vaccine, by the way. You said space race, right? Yeah. OK. Sputnik. race, right? Yeah, okay. Sputnik. Sputnik V, COVID-19 vaccine.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Wow. Oh, that's funny. Yeah, so our Patriot missile. So is this gonna be like a race against? Totally. Totally. Which country does better? Even more reason why you guys should write,
Starting point is 00:18:40 the watch right stuff, because it's all bottling. Yeah. The Apollo vaccine. You know, the CEO of Pfizer dumped 62% of his stock right on the COVID vaccine announcement. So he dumped it at a nearly 52 week high because it was a high. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:57 So it was a five five point six million dollars, but you got to be careful when you do that because you have, you know, what is insider information. And so you got to be, you got to be careful when you do that because you have, you know, what is insider information. And so you gotta be careful when you do that. So I'm wondering if he's gonna get looked at. Or would you? Yeah. Did you see Bill Gates' awkward interview about his vaccine efforts?
Starting point is 00:19:17 No. Oh yeah, you guys should, I'm not even gonna go into it, but it's worth a look. It's worth a little YouTube search. Bill Gates has been hammered with conspiracy theories. Oh, well, the thing is they were hammering him about like the side effects and all these types of things
Starting point is 00:19:32 and like, you know, potential, like maybe there was some deaths, you know, involved in the testing of it and all this and he just was so aloof about it. It was pretty scary. Yeah, he's been the target of huge conspiracy theories. Did you guys hear what happened to Trump with the whole four seasons thing? No.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Oh, Doug, pull this up. So my buddy sent this over to me. This happened to Trump just the other day. So I guess after the election, they had this like post rally thing all set up and it was supposed to be at the four seasons and somebody who boated for him made a mistake into the four seasons landscaping. And so they had this whole thing all set up and ended up being at
Starting point is 00:20:08 this landscaping business outside. I can't believe you guys didn't hear anything. No way. Yeah, yeah, pull it up. So do Trump for seasons landscaping and see it was tell me what you pull up right here, Doug. Yeah, my buddies sent us over to me and I was like, so what's he doing? A big rally. Yeah, it was yeah, it was supposed to be the four seat like a COC of Ducky. Miles a grad. Did you find a duck and rock?, it was, yeah, it was supposed to be the forest, look, uh, C.O.C. of Dumpkin. Piles of grass. Would you find a duck and rock? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Trums legal team failed forest season's press conference.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And like a warehouse? Yeah, look at it. Wow. And they were already committed. It was already, but it still did it. I mean, that's hilarious. I guess there was like an adult video shop right next to it, right to the left of it right there too.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Oh, yeah. Well, he still did it. Yeah, different. What? Oh, you know, hey, hey, that video, who was that golfer that you sent? Oh, yeah. Did you see that, Justin? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:50 At the Masters. He skipped it off the water and made of hole in one. Yeah, I don't think it was, they put a hole in one, but it obviously wasn't a hole in one because he wasn't hitting from the tee. It was right in front of the water, but still, I mean, it doesn't matter. No, he sunk the shot.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Right, right. But yeah, I mean, he healed it. So it wasn't like, there's no way he intentionally did that. You think it was an accident? There's no way that was an accident. Well, he's aiming for the food. Dude, he hit it, like, with the heel of the club, would you're supposed to get under it, right?
Starting point is 00:21:16 To give it loft, and it went like, like, a laser beam across the water and like, made its way over it. Oh, I just, I can't imagine that he planned that. Oh, I, come on, you're a pro, dude. Well, yeah, I mean, they're another level, but still really that's the trick shooting. I mean, has maybe gone to another level, I guess. Well, I just think that do you make that big of a mistake
Starting point is 00:21:36 for you? I mean, for a golfer to miss the ball, by that much on the club is that doesn't at a pro level. Well, I mean, look, you're aiming for the whole. Sure. Obviously. So how can it be an accident? Well, because of the way that he hit it was not like the way the club's design has an angle so it gives the ball lift, right?
Starting point is 00:21:55 And he didn't give it any lift and begin. He was trying to hit it with the heel of the club and it just, it goes like straight like he was trying to hit it over the water. Yes. But instead he hit it across the. Yeah, exactly. Yeah you were trying to hit it over the water. Yes. But instead, you hit it across the water. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's Justin's point, but I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I mean, I feel like that, I mean, you're at that level, I feel like you're, that's, it'd be so weird to see that. Well, and I can see that because I've watched a Vintel like a pro event and I've seen the spin that they can put on balls. It's amazing. So they'll shoot it way past you. Oh my God, that's a terrible shot they'll shoot it way past you. Oh my
Starting point is 00:22:25 God, it's a terrible shot. And then it has all this backspin and it goes like right up next to it. Yeah, you know, the blows me away the most. You guys ever watch, of course, you don't. Guys who kick soccer balls and are able to get it to spin. Oh, no, I'm already bored. Yeah. Yeah, corner kick. That's crazy. That was the one that was viral on, I don't know if it was bar stroller who would score or who put it up last night. The guy did the no look corner kick. Dude.
Starting point is 00:22:51 He was looking the other way, kicked the corner and just hooked it in. Just hooked it in. And it hooks in. Yeah. Cool story. What was that? What was that joke and soccer player? What was that one video where the guy, he like, what do you do, the other guy made him
Starting point is 00:23:03 fall down and you're like, oh, this is why nobody likes soccer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How do you make it? Yeah, so, no, he got a stretcher. Yeah, he got like a little shoulder and elbow and then they had him stretchered off. It was like so. It was the most overacted thing ever.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah, he gets pulled away on a gurney because he's just like, oh, he hit me, he bumped into me. We better backp it up, we're gonna fin all the time. It's all right, but you know what I do want? Soccer fans. No, here's a cool, oh, he hit me, he bumped into me. He's a better back pedal, we're gonna fin all the time. It's all right, but you know what I do want? Soccer fans. No, here's an interesting thing. I wanna know what kind of spray they use. You ever see them, oh, my knee, and then they're fine.
Starting point is 00:23:33 You're seeing that in soccer? No. Oh yeah, there's like this spray that they do, and it makes all this, I don't know if it's cold spray or something. What? Yeah, so they're like, ah, he broke my leg, and then they get something.
Starting point is 00:23:43 He's like, I'm cool now. Yeah, you guys don't watch, you guys don't watch soccer. No, yeah, I know that. That's too bad. Do you guys see Spotify acquiring another company? Yeah, the ad company, right? Yeah, another one. They're making it a lot of money. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So that was another company. It's just basically a software that helps podcast users with advertising. So it's like, how does it help? Well, because I think I've told this to you guys before, one of the options that we have with our advertising, when we don't do this right now, so one of the perks of advertising with us is it's evergreen for the company.
Starting point is 00:24:15 So if a partner pays for a commercial, even though a year later, like so, an episode we did last year is still getting downloads. It's still got your commercial on it. Yeah, it's still got your commercial still getting downloads. Well, the future or what a lot of people do, podcasts that are even bigger than us, do is they sell only so many, like, listens.
Starting point is 00:24:37 So, for example, so like one of our partners, like to, you know, today, Legion is a commercial. So Legion would buy this commercial. We, they would, once it hits 100,000 listens, they, if the commercial drops off, that's it. You got your 100,000 listens from us. If that show ended up being an amazing show and goes on to do 150, 200,000,
Starting point is 00:24:56 we have the opportunity to resell that slot. I see. And so that software that allows you to do this. And then it also, I think it has some sort of an algorithm to help brands get partnered with the right listenership. So like you're not messing around with brands that aren't gonna probably perform as well. So it's interesting software.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I mean, we obviously we've built a different, a whole different model here on how we do things and I wouldn't change what we're doing. But it's interesting to me that just watching Spotify double and triple down on the podcast. That's exciting, I mean, they're putting all the effort into podcasting, I mean, we need a big company like that to really push it through into mainstream.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Well, speaking of Legion, I remember how I told you guys about a month ago, I was gonna start weaning down caffeine and cycling, just preparing for now when now I'm not getting much leap over. I'm so glad I did, I swear to God, it makes such a huge difference. The right dose of caffeine, and the reason why I brought up Legion is their pulse pre-workout, one full serving,
Starting point is 00:25:55 is 350 milligrams of caffeine. So it's a decent dose of caffeine. And I was at the point where 350 would have been my dose, but it's a little too high for me. And the way I know this is, when I'm working out a body part like legs, which requires more stamina, right? Legs much harder to do than chest or shoulders or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:15 If I have too much caffeine, I find myself getting at a breath. Like I don't have the same stamina. Oh, interesting. So I slowly started weaning it down. Now I'm at half a dose. So what is that? 175 milligrams of caffeine.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And my stamina is great. And it's the right, for me, at least it's the right amount of caffeine. And the way that I do this is I'll reduce my caffeine and take by a quarter every week until I'm down to a really low amount. And then I'll stay there for a little while and then start to ramp it up.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And then I'll make sure to take off one or two days a week. If I go every single day, that's when shickets too much. That's when I start taking too much damn caffeine and it's just not good. And then speaking of which, great natural post workout drink that one warning, it's because it's raw eggs, you gotta be careful. But great post workout drink you could do.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I've been doing this just as I'm in a hurry, trying to get to work on time. Aig-nog. No. I know that's the one where he's not. I'm sorry I was thinking. I'll call it a guy. I'll call it a raw egg.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Aig-nog. No, I do egg yolks and coconut water. So coconut water's got, really? Yeah. Yeah, tastes good. Really? Absolutely. Interesting. A lot got your, yeah, yeah, tastes good. Really? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Interesting. A lot of calories, yeah. So the egg yolks give you your protein, your colon, your cholesterol, which is excellent for recovery, excellent for recovery. So it sounds terrible. I'll do eight egg yolks and I'll do it in coconut water and I'll do it in a shaker cup.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And the coconut water's got the natural sugar, the potassium, you got the proteins and the colon and the cholesterol from the egg yolks. Really, really easy. Again, you have to be careful though, because raw eggs are always a risk of things like salmonella or whatever. And it tastes okay. Faced good. Sounds horrible. No, no, tastes. But then again, I forget you're a baby.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, I thought I was cooking it milk. You just cooking it water, cooking it water. Yeah, I forgot you guys are both a. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like the taste. It just sounds like you're drinking raw eggs. Like, raw eggs. I mean, coconut water doesn't have much flavor. No.
Starting point is 00:28:11 It gives you sweetness. Like, like a little bit. Yeah, it gives it enough. It's good. It's not bad, dude. No, no, no. Your recommendation on food is similar to your Netflix recommendation.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Well, it's so, let's see how many people do this. Yeah, yeah, well, I thought it was pretty good. Oh, the radical salphans. Yeah. Oh, it's so good. Oh, the radical Sal fans, yeah. Oh, it's so good. Sal, strudamos, I haven't read here in my shirt.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Shhh. He's my hero. Hey, speaking of athletes, did you guys see that woman, Emily Harrington, first woman to free climb? No. There was a route on, what is it? El Capitan?
Starting point is 00:28:41 El Capitan. Yes, free climbed in 24 hours. Yeah, first one. Now, is that, did that beat Alex's record or is that? No, no ten. Yes, free climbed it in a day in 24 hours. Yeah, yeah first one And now is that did that beat Alex's record or is that no? No, no, no, no. There's a big difference Oh, there's free climbing and there's free solo. Oh, it's a difference between free climbing and free solo free climbing You're going up and you're attaching your rope still your ropes to you know Anchor points. Anchor points. So if you fall, you don't die. Got it. Free solo.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah, none of that. Not a damn novel. I thought that was all underneath free solo. No, free climb is not the same as free solo. Oh, interesting. Free solo, you are legitimately crazy. Free climb, you're just, you're crazy-ish. You're still crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Yeah. But she did a route on there. I remember the name of the route, but the first woman to do it, because there's different routes. Some are easier than others. Yeah. And she did a route on there. I remember the name of the route, but the first woman to do it, cause there's different routes, some are easier than others. Yeah. And she did a particular route that was hard. So first woman to do it in a different way.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah, congratulations. That's awesome. Do you remember what they described with the doctors described on that documentary with Alex of like what was going on with his frontal lobe? Do you remember that? I don't know if it was frontal lobe, but there was something with his brain
Starting point is 00:29:44 where he kind of doesn't get much joy or fear out of things. Unless it's super. Yeah, I'm trying to explain this to my brother. My brother-in-law, I think, is the same way. My brother-in-law, I told you what you're talking about. My brother-in-law broke his hip, okay? He does downhill extreme mountain biking, right?
Starting point is 00:30:02 And he's mid-forties. And everything he's always interested in something that is risky and like that. This dude was literally still using a crutches and got back to downhill riding. Dr. did not clear him yet. He's only supposed to put 20 pounds of pressure and weight.
Starting point is 00:30:22 How's he riding down? Well, because you don't put a lot of weight and pressure on that, you're on a bicycle. So it's sitting on his ass, it's not standing up. So he's not even allowed to walk. Okay, yet, this motherfucker's going downhill again. Yeah. I told him he's missing that frontal lobe.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I wasn't sure what it was. I felt a lot of these extreme sports people were like this. Yeah, he scored fairly high on conscientious scale. This is, say say right there. He appeared to be twice as sensation seeking as the average person. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:52 You know, so here's a deal with it, right? So, most people have a normal reaction to fear and excitement and kind of extreme emotions. Right. People who do this crazy shit, like those people that do the squirrel suits. Yeah. Okay. By the way, did you guys know that,
Starting point is 00:31:07 there was a documentary. Eight out of 10 people die. Oh, everybody. Everybody dies. There was this documentary that was done on the squirrels. I watched that one. By the end of it, they're like,
Starting point is 00:31:15 yeah, 40 of these guys died. No, I saw that. That's crazy. Yeah. So what happens is they don't feel extreme feelings, and so the only way they make themselves feel like they're alive is by doing crazy ridiculous shit. Remember at the end of free solo
Starting point is 00:31:27 when you finally made it to the top? Yeah. If I did something like that, I would have dumped back flips, I would have cried, I would have been, ah, it's like, that was nice. I was like, okay, I did that. Yeah, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah, what's next? I feel like it's a little bit of torture, don't you think? What do you mean? Being like that. Oh, it's awesome because you do these crazy feet. Life must be depressing. Like you're so driven for like crazy crazy things. Yeah, if you're not pushing the limits
Starting point is 00:31:51 and almost killing yourself, it's not really that interesting. You probably, life would probably feel like mute. Yeah. Like it's on mute. Right, imagine that. You can't just sit there and play cards. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:02 You're gonna feel crazy. Almost depressing. Yeah. Anyway, Adam, you'd be like you're gonna be crazy. Almost depressing. Yeah. Anyway, Adam, you were saying earlier that you did, you've messed up with your girl? Oh, God. I want to hear the story. Way to go.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah. Well, I thought about it. But it's not the only one that messed up last night. Yeah, yeah. Fucking, I'm in the dog house right now. Well, I've just, yeah, this is a pure, I have no excuse. I just purely fucked up. It was a bad, you know, late at night thinking I'm being funny. I just purely fucked up. It was a bad, you know late at night thinking
Starting point is 00:32:25 I'm being funny and stuff like that given her like a playful job because she's turning 40 and that was not Yeah, yeah, just cuz it's been 10 years we begin. I'm like, oh my god. It's been 10 years together I'm never when you were young and hot and all that Yeah, just fucking not a good idea. What classic at I was just trying, you know, kind of a playful job Well, you know not all the time. Yeah, some land some don't you know kind of a playful Jeff well, you know not all the time Yeah, some land some don't you know I'm saying Maybe the party a braid Processes appropriate or not exactly. I think we push boundaries so much that sometimes we think something that like that's really funny
Starting point is 00:33:00 And then you know when it came out. I knew it wasn't very fun. Oh fuck that didn't land the way I thought Yeah, so she pissed at you. Yeah. Yeah. fun. Fuck that, I didn't land the way I thought it was. Yeah, so. So she pissed at you? Yeah, yeah, I know I'm in trouble right now for sure. And there's like no backpedal to that either. She's like, what part of that do you think is funny? You know? No, I was talking to myself.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. Well, she's definitely, I mean, she looks phenomenal. Yeah. She's definitely the better looking at that. Yeah, no, no offense definitely they I mean she looks phenomenal. Yeah, she's definitely the better looking at that. Yeah No, no offense to you, but she looks I mean, no, no people still think she's in her 20s I mean come on. Yeah, I mean, I mean, maybe that's what it is because she gets it Maybe it's my own insecurities, right? She gets fucking told she looks 20 all time. I don't ever get that. Oh, I see So you want her to feel bad?
Starting point is 00:33:42 Subconciously,. I don't know. I was trying to, not only was I trying to explain myself, I was trying to figure it out myself. I was looking at the mirror. Like, fuck, man. Yeah. Hey, babe, you're old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Like a boy. Listen, I know, you know, the party favors over the hill. 80% of the time, I'd like to think that we are good, right? We're good. We do the right thing. We're good men. We're good dads. We're good also that, well, you know, sometimes we don't always do so well.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So, yeah. You know what, we're such a youth-obsessed society. It's crazy to me because I wouldn't trade my youth for what I am now at all. The wisdom, the confidence, and you know, women, women when they're older, they're more, I more, my opinion, to become more attractive because the confidence, the self-awareness, it's just a whole different, it's a different ball game. As long as they shave their own pits. Yeah, why? What? Jim Shark, you guys didn't see these?
Starting point is 00:34:33 Oh, yeah. That was like I had to bring it up. Great transition right there. That was good transition. Yeah, what happened? Yeah, so I was perusing, you know, on my Instagrams. And I saw, it's gym shark girls or ladies whatever and I'm like I can't make a song you get there on accident.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah, like weird. I was looking at fitness- Look at that fitness-y stretchy clothes right? You're a camaraderie and I'm now I'm in the doghouse. Here we go. Yeah so it was like this lady and you know it was just interesting to me, this is all I'm't say that. Here we go. Yeah, so it was like this lady, and it was just interesting to me, the salt I'm gonna say, it was like purposely the arms were up like this,
Starting point is 00:35:12 and it was like very unshaven, flowy hair situation. Oh, so they're just showing off the armpit hair. Yeah, very much like, hey, there's just, here it is, we're doing this. It's interesting to watch. I'm very curious to see how this goes. Like, I mean, they're going hard
Starting point is 00:35:28 in the body positivity direction. Yeah. And so it's interesting. We'll be see how far they go with that, you know? Well, I tell you, you know, my dad, there's a wide open space for that. Think about this, okay. Here's where I'm gonna give them credit, right?
Starting point is 00:35:41 I think it's weird too, Justin, but to give them credit, and if you look at the ATHLEASURE Wear Market, okay, look at all the brands, even like brands like Viori that we work with and like the Lue Elemens, things like that. And they are very old school marketing, like sexy and the models are very good looking
Starting point is 00:35:59 and fit and lean. And the truth is, when we look at the gym, we've talked about this, I used to stand members up and say, listen, how many of these crazy bodies do you see? Look at the gym. Everybody looks very average normal people inside here working out.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So how many, but how many hairy armpits is this? Yeah, well, that's my only thing. Like, like different bodies, that's another subject. Well, I mean, there's, there's, like, that's a move. Here's the thing though, there's gotta be in America. Let's, yeah, I mean, maybe duck and bully stats up, there's got to be at least a million people
Starting point is 00:36:29 that are girls that like to have hairy armpits. And nobody is selling athletes your work to them. Oh, so think of it as a leisure work design for hairy armpits. Yeah, no, I mean, so, I mean, let it flow. And in their defense, okay, from a business standpoint, it's a very interesting strategy to see if it's going to hold. I mean, would you have, let's be honest, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:50 And I think we actually railed on them five years ago, Planet Fitness, would you have thought Planet Fitness is where it's at today? Because they went after the opposite market. I would have guessed that for a while. Yeah, because, no, I would. They would say that. I would have pretty much know these things.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah, I would have. Get out of here. I think there's an episode 75. I think you'll back in here, Sal, not agree with that. I predicted it. No, I know. I mean, we, I came up with the name.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And planet fitness is clearly going after the market of people that don't show up to the just. That's the reason why you can sell it for $10. Remember curves? Curves did the same thing. Right. Curves, because the fitness space. And then I think that's the reason why you can sell it for ten dollars remember curves curves did the same thing right curves because the fitness space and I think that's what we especially unaddressed the market but I just I guess I just see that as a really small market I don't know maybe I'm
Starting point is 00:37:32 alone here well the fitness space does a good job of trading members and trading people so what I mean by that is they'll penetrate the market so much and nobody will penetrate it more. They just end up fighting over that same percentage. And companies like Curves early on, and then Planet Fitness reached people that were not part of that traditional percentage, and that was very, very smart strategy on their part. But as far as the Harry Armpit are concerned,
Starting point is 00:38:00 you know, my parents' generation, and maybe even younger than that, in Italy, no women shaved their armpits. That was the thing. Yeah, I mean my aunts, I remember going there when I was 12 all my aunts were Yeah, I mean, I just think that there's no athletes your company that's doing that You know what it does scream though that like a 23 year old's running the company though Could you look up tell me it really does how old is the CEO or owner of Jim shark? I think he I think he or she is really young. Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 00:38:22 What's with what you guys just thoughts thoughts on Harry armpits on girls? Is that a fantasy? I'm not a fan. Really? No, it doesn't bother me too much. Yeah, I can see that. I can definitely see that. Oh, why can't you see that?
Starting point is 00:38:33 Because you were the guy that was like the non-deodorant guy for a while too. No, no, no, no. So you know why? You lean a little hippie. Yeah, you were by far the little hippie out of all of us. Yeah, I'm probably the least. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Look, I drink mushrooms on a regular basis. All I I'm trying all I'm trying to say is that you know if someone's healthy If fit in attractive hair or no hair, let's still attract look at the founder eight years old. Yeah, it explains everything It does yeah, so our pubes gonna come back in style then sure they first. Yeah, that's different big old bush or pubes gonna come back and style them? Sure, of course. Yeah, that's different. Yeah, big old bush. What's coming? What, why is that difference?
Starting point is 00:39:06 Bush 20, 20. That's just dairy armpits are different dude. I don't know, there's like, having dairy armpits makes it stink more too. Yeah, that's what they're there. That's my opinion. You guys know that right? That's why we grow hair in our pubic area
Starting point is 00:39:18 and in armpits to emanate. It's to collect pheromones. Yeah, throw it out there. No, it's for reals. Pheromones make up, they play a big role in our attraction to other people. They've done studies on this. Well, they'll have women smell t-shirts and men smell clothes
Starting point is 00:39:32 and just in, you know, that story you told, but you were smelling your girlfriend back in the day. I mean, that's what's not talking about. Yeah, it's an old episode, ladies and gentlemen. I don't even remember that. I don't even remember that. Where did you go on that one? Maybe you didn't tell him about the show. I don't want to that. I don't even remember that. Where did you go on that one? Maybe you didn't tell him about the show.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I don't want to do it. Whoops. Oh, bad. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, so that's when the hair is there. So it's not that. It's a lot younger back then. But I'm also not anti it, whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:57 If you want to have hairy armpits, and there's obviously a group of men like yourself that would just totally be game for you. It's not a fetish. I'm just saying I'm not that big of a deal. Okay, now you're defending it so much, I feel like did you, did Jessica try this for a little while? Or did she grow hair, dude?
Starting point is 00:40:11 Oh wow. No, she's like a dolphin. She has no, she grows no hair on her body. She could not shave her legs. I wouldn't know the difference. Really? Yeah, I call her the hairless wonder. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah. That's amazing. The dolphin analogy is great right now. Yeah, just smooth. Yeah, that's like a That's amazing. That's amazing. The dolphin analogy is great right now. It's just smooth. Yeah, that's like a porpoise. No kidding. I swear. That's wild.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I'm imagining the noises at night. Yeah. I have not imagined it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:39 What's happening in there? Yeah. It's so smooth. Yeah. Anyway. I mean, I remember, I'm from in my culture, like the women, like my, you mean, I remember I'm from in my culture like the women like my they know I hate to call it I mean you weren't you didn't grow up in Italy. No, but genetics are strong dude my sister my poor sister from their hair the arm hairs were like where's the mine?
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah, but they didn't grow they didn't grow there. They grow their hair No, they had to shape my sister shaves her arms and everything because she was yeah See so I don't know you you're acting like you grew up around it or something's there on it. I don't like it Yeah, yeah, hey if you guys tried to butcher box wow Oh, Harry armpit The worst transition ever hold on it's gonna buy it now hold on a second hold on a second We're gonna have to do a free commercial for butcher box. No, we're not. Listen, have you got, Okay, I'm listening.
Starting point is 00:41:26 For reals though, because I'm grilling like crazy right now. We're at home and I got all those food stored in the freezer. Have you guys tried the sausage and the hot dogs that they serve? No, they're freaking out. I didn't even know they had that. They didn't have those yet.
Starting point is 00:41:37 They're really good at it. Do you have like a variety pack that you get every time? Because you always bring out the, He changes it up the most. Yeah, I don't. I have like a set what. Yeah, I don't. I have like a set what I know. I know, I'm too.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Now, go on butcher box every month and look at their specials and their add-ons. And there's always something different. Well, whether it be lost or dead. Yeah, you're always trying the different stuff. They had sausage and it was phenomenal. It's really, really good. My kids loved it. It was really, really good.
Starting point is 00:42:03 But every month you go on there, it's what I love about them. One of the things I love about them is every single month you can go on there and they'll have some kind of a special for some kind of an add-on. One time it was a pulled pork. They had the pulled pork that I had you guys try. Other times sausage. They had lobster tails one time. They had like a surf and turf one time we got for courtyards.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yeah, and you just add it to your box. It doesn't go automatic. So you have your normal box, right? That you pay whatever 100 or 200 bucks a month for. That's got your staples. Yeah. Like for me, it's tri-tip, rib-eye, chicken thighs, and pork chops.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And then, so that's my staple, but then I'll go in every month, and I'll do add-ons to see. Speaking of meat, did you see, I think Rob Wolf posted this. Did you guys hear that they're trying to do a tax of meat, did you see, I think Rob Wolf posted this, did you guys hear that they're trying to do a tax on meat, a carbon tax? God.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Did you hear that? Yeah, I mean, I saw him posting about it, but it was him, it was Rob Wolf. Okay. Gosh, tax meat. But that looked like hopeful thinking, like it didn't look like that was something that was definitive.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Oh, I thought I read that it was like, that's on Biden's plan to do that. Maybe I'm completely wrong. So fact check me Doug here, like I know. I know this was definitive. Oh, I thought I read that it was like, that's on Biden's plan to do that. Maybe I'm completely wrong. So, in fact, check me Doug here. I don't know. This was misinformation. It's hard to believe. Carbon tax on meat, Biden, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:43:13 something like that, see what happens. Yeah, let's just make everybody less nutrient. Yeah, let's less healthy. Yes, stop eating. I was actually reading the comments. It was interesting how many people thought it was not a bad idea. You know what it is. If you, this is very smart by government.
Starting point is 00:43:27 If you want to charge a tax to raise more money, one of the ways you do it, you know, by 2050, we're talking about stuff that's going to go down in 2050. Yeah. We could face it. That's like a Gavin Newsom move right there. Yeah. In a hundred years, we will all be, yeah. Cancer will be cured by this new bill that will be passed.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I wrote it into office. Yeah, get out of here. But no, very smart move by government. If you ever want to raise taxes and not get everybody pissed off, you attach it to some kind of moral thing. So like, you know, meet's bad for the environment. So we're going to tax it and you get a lot of people who support it and say, yes, that will help the environment.
Starting point is 00:44:01 But the science actually shows that meat done grown properly and raised properly is actually quite good. Well, so let's speculate a little bit. Now would you be pro that if it was for overseas, massive commercial farms that don't have the best practices are getting heavily taxed, but then if you do an all grass fed, all natural type of farm. You tax incentives. Yeah, because your carbon emission is a net zero, so you don't get taxed. Who do you think it's going to hurt the most if you make food more expensive?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Of course. No, not just the consumer. What kind of consumer? Wealthy consumer or the consumers that are struggling to make their pay for the bill. That's a good point. You're not hurting the rich people who are, I'm buying grass-fed meat, I'm going to whole foods and spending tons of money, I don't care. But you're gonna hurt the single mom who's trying
Starting point is 00:44:54 to make burgers for their kids, and that's the only unprocessed food that they have. Oh, now it's gonna get taxed. On top of it, sorry kids, guess what I have in Cheerios again for dinner or potato chips or whatever. Yeah, that's stupid. I'm definitely not supportive. No, it's interesting.
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Starting point is 00:45:44 You remember those? I, bro, I owned them. Did you? What is the best way to get a higher vertical jump jump shoes next one Doug? You remember those I Did you oh yeah me my brother did too? Oh my buddy and I'm out These were shoes that essentially had a block under the the front part of the foot So it's like you're you're doing calf raises right walk around doing calf They were they were a a Phenomenon for about ten years. I mean, everybody bought into them for, I wanna say about 10 years ago. What did you do, put them on his walk around?
Starting point is 00:46:08 No, okay, so yeah, you, well, no, no, they had a program that went with it. Like you were supposed to do sprints and little like hops and you were supposed to train in them. And oh my God, did you get like unbelievably sore, right? Just for your health. And so that's what made you think like these things. It has to be working, yeah. so it when my when I was a
Starting point is 00:46:27 Let's see here at Santa Teresa. So when I was managing Santa Teresa. So I'm I'm probably at this point 26 or so And I mean, I bought those shoes back when I was 15 So I would say from 15 to then I had a trainer that was going to San Jose State and was a Kinesh major And he took he got me into the department in there and we did like some body fat with a bod pod thing that they had there and I got to meet like the professor. And he actually did a thesis on the jumpshoes
Starting point is 00:46:56 and completely debunked them. But it wasn't until like a decade after they had already like sold millions and millions of these things and everybody was sold on the idea that they worked. They absolutely do not have their run for sure. Oh, they did. Well, that was back then, we thought that that calves played such a huge role. They play a role. Yeah. But they're not. Yeah. Oh, there's much more happening than just having. Yeah. I mean, I would, I would argue, they almost, I mean, if you broke down the mechanics of a jump, I know there's somebody who's like,
Starting point is 00:47:21 just a dude playing a role. Yeah. It's like, no, role. No, I mean, they play such a small role. If you, honestly, the time and effort spent on the calf to help the vertical, if that exact same time is spent on your quads and move the movement, you'll get way more bank income. So that's it. Okay. So here's a big one. A lot of people don't realize that jumping, there's a lot of technique involved. It's a skill. So it's not just about power or explosivity, although those are important. Yeah. It's also a skill.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And in fact, when you look at people who can jump really high, you start to notice a common pattern in techniques. So it's not just about power, strength or explosivity, although those do play a role. I would argue, especially watching a lot of the P.J. performance videos and all these, like technique is so much of a higher priority than I even realized, besides getting your legs strong
Starting point is 00:48:14 and making sure your whole body moves and has a lot of control and can be explosive on command, to be able to get the right step and to really have an even bigger step to maximize that stretch reflex, to get you to catapult up, like all these things matter, all the little nuances matter, you know, the way that you approach the hoop if you're trying to dunk in all these types of things.
Starting point is 00:48:39 So, you know, I think that they just do a masterful job at, you know, coaching people and teaching all these techniques. Hands down, best information online is, and so I found Paul, I wanna say five years ago, when we were first getting into this and I was just getting on Instagram and because I like basketball sports, like he came up in my feed, back then I think he had maybe
Starting point is 00:49:02 maybe 10,000 followers or so. And right away whenever I see coaches or trainers, I go through their feed to see what kind of content and information producing. And right away was like, this dude knows this shit and I have not found anybody else that's putting out this good of information. And really there's this misconception of,
Starting point is 00:49:24 because trainers that are working with professional athletes, they must be like the best or the smartest because they're working with professional athletes. But a lot of times in the pro world, it's all about who you know. So that work. Yeah, it's just a network of the right person,
Starting point is 00:49:37 you know the right person and get in, and a lot of times, they're kind of average trainers. They're not that great, the information they're presenting. And I knew this, as my experience went on and my education grew in the space, I started to become aware more and more of this, like, oh wow, like that's not great to be training that trainer that,
Starting point is 00:49:52 or I'd meet like a professional athlete, and he'd tell me the routine is trainer and I'd be like, what the hell is this? But when I saw Paul, like this dude knows this stuff, when we were talking, one of the things I asked him, actually, to your point, Justin was, I was like, how much does technique make a difference in compared to like, you know, building your squad up? Because obviously learning to squat really well, the power to
Starting point is 00:50:13 your point, Sal does play a big role, but technique is such a big role. He's like, a lot of times out of him, he goes, I can take somebody in the, in the same day, add three to six inches to their vertical. Just insane. Yeah, that is insane. That's the difference if a person dunking a basketball or not being able to dunk. That's like somebody who can barely touch the rim
Starting point is 00:50:31 and all of a sudden leaves that day and can dunk a basketball. That's mind-blowing and he's all just by picking apart their technique, the way they lead into the jump, the way they set into it. And this is why it's weird for us. Sometimes when we look at some of these guys
Starting point is 00:50:46 that have these crazy verticals, they don't have the biggest calves all the time. They don't always have massive quads to get them up there. It's not always that. Some of them are just, they have the technique down so well. It's a skill, it's like saying, how to get a harder punch, you could definitely get stronger,
Starting point is 00:51:02 but learning how to punch better is gonna be more effective. So skill is number one. So number one, focus on the skill and technique of jumping high, and then number two, build up overall strength. Squats being one of the best exercises. And here's where I would actually recommend a quarter squat or a half squat. This is where, that's the range of motion that you really want to get stronger at to improve your vertical. Full squats are great. They're not going to actually contribute as much as a half squat or quarter squat. But if you're a beginner and you don't have good general strength, then I would go full squat. If you're already working out, if you already got good full squats, you just want
Starting point is 00:51:35 to do an exercise that's more specific to a vertical tricep and half squat. And this is what there was a lot of controversy, I think, a year or two ago with LeBron James LeBron James squat went viral. I must have been tagged a hundred times on that. And everybody looked, look at this pro athlete. It's actually, this is where it applies. LeBron James doesn't give a shit if his quads are two inches bigger than the next guy. LeBron James isn't caring about, you know, having great hip health when he's 60 years old. All he gives a shit about is, can I improve my vertical?
Starting point is 00:52:06 Where do I generate the most force that's gonna be applicable to my sport? Right. And that's where the quarter squat kind of comes in. That's where you wanna be able to have the maximal amount of force to deal with so I can transfer that to my feet to then catapult me up towards the rim. So I've announced this on my Instagram stories many times. So if you haven't heard me plug these guys, you absolutely should, if you're interested in basketball,
Starting point is 00:52:31 vertical jump and training, and even like technique and moves, like PJF performance, our buddy Paul Fabritz is, I think the best in the industry. Max Marzo, who's a good friend and partner of his also. This is awesome. And then, what's Corey's page? Yeah. What is it?
Starting point is 00:52:48 Slesinger strength? Yeah, Slesinger strength. Slesinger strength. And all three of them, they all know each other. They come from a similar circle of people that I think are. Those are all my favorite strength conditioning coaches out there for sports. Yeah, they're general. They're leading the way for sure.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Next question is from Coach Hickman lifts. strength conditioning coaches out there for sports. Yeah, they're general. They're leading the way for sure. Next question is from Coach Hickman Lifts, favorite old school lifts that don't see love anymore. You know, it's funny is we're seeing more old school lifts being done today than we did before. I mean, when I was in gyms, I never saw, I mean, heck, we didn't see dead lifts or barbell squats, let alone, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:25 zurcher squats or good mornings. Good morning. What are you attributed to? Mine pump. I think we started talking about. It's definitely us. No, I don't know. I think it's the, I think it was social media. A lot of good trainers and coaches coming out and talking about the bed. Like good mornings, for example, never saw them. And I love that exercise done properly. It's a great hamstring exercise. I'm going to pick an exercise that it's old school that you still today don't see a lot of.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I love the one arm push press with a dumbbell or one arm clean press with a dumbbell. This was an old strongman lift. Some people call it a circus press. Like similar to a circus press. I love it. I love it. I love doing heavy singles with it. I'll take a circus press. Like similar to a circus press. Oh, I love that. I love that. I love it. I love doing heavy singles with it. So I'll take a heavy dumbbell.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I'll clean it to my shoulder. Opposite arm is kind of out for balance. And I'll pop it up and then drop it down on the ground. So I'll make sure I have some nice mat or something I could drop the dumbbell. And then I'll rest and I'll do it again. Great exercise for shoulder strength up or back. And then here's another one.
Starting point is 00:54:22 We've talked about this one a lot. It's in a lot of our programs. Still don't see it, I don't see it anywhere still. Windmills. Windmills are great exercise for the side of your body, your QL, spinal health. If you have issues with your deadlifts, where your back starts to get little sore or hips,
Starting point is 00:54:41 get good at windmills and that makes a big difference. It just bullet proofs your spine and helps to support you in any kind of rotation. I think it's important to really visit that and make that priority in your programming. I also, well, it's interesting about this too, is I just, every now and then I'll kind of do some moves with Indian clubs and I expect already
Starting point is 00:55:02 that I'm gonna get some jokes about air traffic control and whatnot. But there's been a lot of interest. And I get like, DMs constantly about it. I've seen other pages and people popping up where there's this like real interest in that style of training and also in Persian meals and then also like mace bells and goddess and things like that. They're very much unconventional, but they're like ancient, you know, like people are using them for a long period of
Starting point is 00:55:31 time and they have value and so it's, I don't know, man, it's exciting to see, but also it's definitely underground still. I'm going to pick one that Sal actually introduced to me and it completely changed how I train like so I used to love or do a lot of lay extensions and I have not done a lay extension and I don't know how many years now ever since you got me doing sissy squats. I think sissy squats are one of like the one of the golden forgotten movements that you'd still never see. I always get like a bunch of pieces of Because they're hard. Yeah, and they're just, they look weird, right? If you don't know what the person's doing, it looks like, oh my God, their knees are traveling way over their toes, he's on his tippy toes.
Starting point is 00:56:12 What the hell is this guy doing? It just looks weird if you have no idea what it's doing, what you're doing, but the movement, I think it's not only is it, I feel it 10 times more in my quads when I do that over a lay extension, it also promotes good hip extension. And I just think when I think of a majority of my clients that I was always talking to them about hip extension
Starting point is 00:56:36 and why this is such an important movement for you and you have to be able to engage that really well and do that movement. So it's a little more technical, but like movement. So it's a little more technical, but like anything else, that's a little more technical. It comes with more benefits. And so, and you don't need anything. You could just grab something to hold onto
Starting point is 00:56:55 anywhere in your house and get this massive quad pump with just your body weight. And then if you get really good at it, holding a 25 pound play, and I never really have to do that. I mean, just my body weight. Just your body squeeze. Oh yeah, it promotes good ankle mobility.
Starting point is 00:57:10 It's got you good hip extension in it, and then in just the massive, Sissy squats, I think are for sure a forgotten movement that I think belongs in a lot of people's routines. And I still, I've never, I've actually never seen anybody else do it in the gym. That's still an exercise that I never see anybody else do it. Well, they had that Sissy squat machine or apparatus, not the same.
Starting point is 00:57:30 And nobody used to use that. Yeah, and nobody used it, but it's still, it's not even the same. The actual free body Sissy squat is superior. Another exercise that's good that I've never really trained myself, but I see what's involved in doing it and I can see the value in it. And just then you're really good at doing this is the bent press, the side bent press. This was how strong men back in the day would do these exhibitions, whether they would
Starting point is 00:57:55 lift ungodly amounts of weight with one arm above their head. I think Eugene Sandow did, I don't know, almost 300 pounds with this Ben press. And it's very, very technical and it requires tremendous oblique spinal stability, QL quadratus stability and of course shoulder mobility to do. Well, it's combining two of the moves that you picked. Yeah. The windmill and the circus press. It's very, very similar to those two. You get the benefits of both those, right? So if you can, if you like the windmill, the circus press, press, to me, that's the progression is to do a bend press.
Starting point is 00:58:28 You've got to be a master of distributing that force throughout your body and not having to get stopped at those compromising joints, like your shoulder joint. And, you know, it's very much of a technical move. But once you get the technique down, it opens you up for lots of other treatments. And then here's a movement. It's a bodybuilder, old-school bodybuilder movement. I don't really never see anybody do reverse curl with a curl bar. You love that one. You know what, I tell you what, do reverse curls
Starting point is 00:58:51 and then watch the comments you get on your arms, get good at them. It really does develop the top of your forearms and the thickness in your bicep. And it gives you nice looking relaxed arms. You know, you're walking around a t-shirt. You can tell when you do that exercise. Next question is from NAD7719. Is it true that the calf muscle is mostly determined by genetics
Starting point is 00:59:13 and is not as trainable as other muscles in terms of increasing size? Half that's true. You know what's funny about that one. So I think about this sometimes with calves and I'm going to be very honest. Okay, because I talk about that one? So I think about this sometimes with calves and I'm gonna be very honest. Okay, because I talk about my calves that respond like the rest of my body. Here's the truth. Of all the body parts that I've trained in myself, I've trained my calves the least, straight up, 100%.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I'm the most consistent with other body parts of my body and my calves. I've always, if I neglected anything, it's my, and I believe this to be true for most people, or more especially most men who work out in the gym. So it's hard to say, now there's the argument for genetics because we walk around a lot, so the calves are at least doing something,
Starting point is 00:59:57 so they may require more volume and work. Maybe they're comprised of more slow twitch muscle fibers for stamina and endurance. I've definitely known people to have big calves and no other people who train their calves that crazy and get little development. But it's hard to say because I don't know very many people that train their calves as consistently as they train their biceps. It's usually not the muscle you start training when you start working out.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Yeah, but so here's where I agree with you. It's neglected as many, and it's a muscle it can be developed so and And I when I was getting into competing like the I never put the the effort towards train my calves like I did then and I a lot I put obviously I'm on stage in my shorts even though they don't they don't Judge a lot of your calves. They still see them so they if you're up there and you have this impressive Upper body and you have no calves whatsoever, you'll get doc points. I mean, if it comes down to that, that will make the difference, right?
Starting point is 01:00:51 Me and another guy who look exactly the same at top but then I have no calves, I'm gonna get doc. So it was 100% of focus for me and it was already a weak point going in. So I trained calves like I'd never trained any other muscle. It began, it became a muscle that I started most all workouts with. It had its own dedicated day and I did was doing blood occlusion. Like the amount of volume that I scaled up was insane.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I scaled up the volume on my calves more than anything I ever done. And I got results, like my calves, I got to a point where I mean, I've joked on the show if you've listened long enough, you know, the day I got compliments, starting getting compliments on it was such a big deal for me, right? Like, oh my God, somebody noticed, right? But here's the thing, here's why this feels true for a lot of people, and this is where I understand, because genetics do play a huge role, okay? So like, if it's in, where the origin insertion, if you have these short little muscle bellies,
Starting point is 01:01:41 and these really high calves, like a lot of basketball players, it's not gonna look as big as like someone like Justin who has longer... short little muscle bellies and these really high calves, like a lot of basketball players. It's not gonna look as big as someone like Justin who has longer or terms of the look, yeah. Right, so it's not gonna look the same. Just like a butt. Like some girls naturally and guys have a natural bubble butt and they don't do anything.
Starting point is 01:01:56 They just have this nice little bubble. Other people have like a flat butt, which is a long origin insertion. And both those butts can be developed. The reason why I think the calves feel this way, because unlike the butt, which is a massive muscle, the calf is such a small muscle. It's one of the, it's like, forms where you could see here and talk all day about putting all this attention in your forms, and you can develop them, but they're never going to feel impressive like a chest or a back or quads. They're just
Starting point is 01:02:23 a small muscle. So I think part of it is true what you're saying that most people, it's because we've just liked the attention. That 100% was me. As a teenage boy, you know, we did it for basketball a little bit, I did them occasionally, but I neglected them more than anything else. As an adult, I definitely put a lot of energy and effort to them, saw results from it,
Starting point is 01:02:44 but still were never really that impressive. And I think a lot of that has to do with, they're a much smaller muscle. Yeah, I definitely think a genetics are part of it. Also though, expressing that though is really important. For me, it's not like I didn't put any effort there. There was a lot of frequency. There's a lot of jumping.
Starting point is 01:03:02 There's a lot of jump rope. There was a lot of driving the sled. There was a lot of frequency. There's a lot of jumping. There's a lot of jump rope. There was a lot of like driving the sled. There was a lot of positions, you know, being a linebacker where you can't put your heels on the ground ever. I was trained to do that. And I was also trained to do front squats and stuff with my heels raised because back then it applied towards the sport,
Starting point is 01:03:18 but there was a lot of frequency and there was a lot of volume, you know, for me over a huge span of time. So this is like, at least over a decade, I've just like sports in general where I'm just like constantly sprinting, I'm driving things and I'm always on the balls of my feet. That was like definitely something stressed a lot
Starting point is 01:03:38 from coaches when I was in technique of different positions where I never like really had my heels down flat. And so this to also like go back to like the deadlift thing was so difficult of a transition for me, being super grounded and grounding in my heels because that was just foreign to me. Next question is from Hal Dunnstein. Why do female crossfitters usually have thicker waist? It's for the opposite reason that you think.
Starting point is 01:04:04 People think they have a thicker waste because they do Crossfit. It's, they do Crossfit because they have thicker waste. Well, they're good at Crossfit. Well, that's what I mean. That's what I mean. It's the opposite of what you would think. You would think like, oh my God,
Starting point is 01:04:16 I'll look at all these Crossfitters. There's a bias, right? You get, you're looking at people that gravitate towards a sport because they're naturally good at it. If you have a good solid base, good strong obliques, you're going to be better at across. Yeah, you have to be careful with these types of assessments. You could look at Olympic swimmer, so watch the Olympics and you're looking at the best swimmers in the world.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And you may say to yourself, wow, swimming makes your chest shallow, makes your wide, give you a wide back, and long arms and short legs. So if I swim a lot, that's what I'm gonna look like. No, that's not true. It's just that their genetics gave them a amazing body for swimming, and then they trained on top of it, and that's what made them such high level.
Starting point is 01:04:59 When you're looking at the female CrossFit champions, yes, they've developed their body through training. Yes, they've developed the muscles around the waist as well, a bleaks in their abs and the core, very, very strong, but they probably also naturally have thicker, stronger waist and that's what gives them more of that stability. A super small, tiny waist, and by the way, having muscular, defined a bleaks and abs looks really good,
Starting point is 01:05:24 shows that you have good stability and strength doesn't look bad But sometimes we have these ideals right we look at models or whatever and they're supposed to have these that can possibly tiny waste Mm-hmm. In sports or in movement. That's a detriment. You have a tiny little Whispery waste and you're gonna go and do susceptible for injury Oh, you're gonna hurt your spine. You're not gonna deadlift much. You can't overhead press much. You can't twist very well. So it's a bit of a detriment. So that's actually what you're seeing.
Starting point is 01:05:50 What you're seeing is a bias towards people who competed at high level. And then on top of it, they also develop their bodies through lots of training. They probably have tremendous muscle building genetics. So they don't just have thick muscular waist. They have thick muscular backs and shoulders and quads and hamstrings and glutes and all that stuff because they're at the top level.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Now if you take the average person and they ate right and you train them to compete and crossfit, they're just gonna get fit. They're gonna get really fit, they're not gonna get big waist, they're gonna get leaner and you'll see more definition, but it's not due to the training. This reminds me of the myth, like dead lifts and squats, makes your waist big, so don't do them.
Starting point is 01:06:29 I mean, it's silly. It's really if you want your waist to be small, just get lean. Body fat takes up so much more space. You could drop inches off your waist by getting lean, and then you could build the shit out of your core and you might gain a quarter of an inch around your way. So you lost five inches from fat and you gained a quarter of an inch of muscle.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Sounds like an amazing trade-off if you ask me, plus it's more defined and you'll look a lot better. And you're healthier. Look, MindPump is recorded on video as well as audio. Come check us out on YouTube MindPump podcast. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So you can find me at MindPumpSoul. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So you can find me at Mind Pump Sal,
Starting point is 01:07:07 you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Adam at Mind Pump Adam, and Doug the producer at Mind Pump Doug. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:07:26 The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:08:13 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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