Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1493: When Being Lean Is Unhealthy, Signs You Should Increase or Decrease Your Calories, How Much You Should Be Able to Bench, Squat & Deadlift to Be Considered Strong & More

Episode Date: February 19, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about signals that indicate you will benefit from calorie increase or decrease, why some people lose weight when reverse ...dieting after hitting a plateau, the message that we aren't meant to be lean all year long and that wanting to maintain a lean body is bad for our health, and the ideal ratio of strength you should have between your bench, deadlifts, and squats. A Very Happy Mind Pump Valentine’s Day. (4:20) The joy of going down memory lane through old photos. (8:03) Which will make you gain fat faster, stopping lifting weights or stopping cardio? (18:35) The future of ownership. (23:14) Sal’s conspiracy theories surrounding Bitcoin. (31:30) Chocolate Orange Slices brought to you by Organifi Immunity. (35:46) Wonder Woman 1984, a letdown? (36:33) Is this the end of movie theaters as we know it? (37:59) The benefits of wearing blue-light blocking glasses at night if watching TV. (40:21) Mind Pump’s favorite rep ranges to build muscle. (42:20) #Quah question #1 – What are some signals you can hone in on to know when you can benefit from a calorie increase or decrease? I have been around maintenance for a while and recently seen some slight puffiness. Have I adapted to that amount and need to slowly increase, or is it a good time to go down? (45:19) #Quah question #2 – What causes some people to lose weight when reverse dieting after hitting a plateau? (49:10) #Quah question #3 – It recently seems a common message in the online fitness space is that we aren't meant to be lean all year long and that wanting to maintain a lean body is bad for our health. What are your thoughts on this type of message? (53:56) #Quah question #4 – Is there an ideal ratio of strength you should have between your bench, deadlifts, and squats? I can bench my bodyweight, but I can’t do that much more with deadlifts and squats. (1:00:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned February Promotion: Phase II Bundle Spider webs were used as bandages in ancient times Spider-Goat, The Goat Which Produces Spider Silk Cardio Sucks for Fat Loss – Mind Pump Blog Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better Michael Jordan's new golf course uses a drone to deliver beer to players on the course JRE #1609 – Elon Musk Iran-Contra affair - Wikipedia Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Organifi Immunity Orange Slice Recipe Wonder Woman 1984 on HBO Max Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Which Is Better: Low Reps Or High Reps? - Mind Pump Blog Are You Strong? | T Nation Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey, you are listening to the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Now, in today's episode, we answered fitness and health questions that are asked by audience. But we opened up the episode initially within Intro portions where we talk about current events. We bring up our sponsors. We talk about
Starting point is 00:00:30 Scientific studies. So I'm gonna give you a breakdown of today's episode. We open up by talking about what we all did on Valentine's Day. We love our wives tremendously, and so we all did cool stuff over the week. So for Adam, obviously. For Adam didn't do anything for it about that. Oh yeah, for real. Then we talk about old pictures and how fun they are to look at. We talked about the effects of stopping lifting weights to stopping cardio. Which one makes you gain fat faster?
Starting point is 00:00:58 Then we talked about ownership in the future. What's the future gonna look like? Are you gonna own things or is everything gonna be rented? Then we talked about the delicious chocolate dipped immunity slices made with Organifies immunity that our assistant made us. By the way, right now, if you go to Organifies website, Organify has organic supplements, protein powders,
Starting point is 00:01:19 green juices, green juice is one of my favorites, by the way. If you go there right now and you buy one green juice canister, you get three free green juice travel packs with your order and you get to use the discount code. So here's a deal. Go to organify.com forward slash mine pump, then use the code mine pump. So you'll get the 20% off plus you'll get those free gifts with your order. After that, we talked about Wonder Woman, that movie suck. Real disappointed in that one. Then we talked about movie theaters.
Starting point is 00:01:52 What are they gonna do in the future, because they might not exist soon. Then we talked about using blue light blocking glasses in the middle of the night when you wake up to pee and why that'll help your sleep. By the way, our favorite company of for blue light blocking glasses is Felix Gray sleep. By the way, our favorite company of for blue light blocking glasses is Felix Gray. The reason why they're our favorite is because these glasses
Starting point is 00:02:09 don't change the color of everything. They're not yellow and red. They look stylish. They're easy to wear and they're still effective. Yeah, they're cool. Go to Felix Gray glasses.com forward slash mine pump. That's F-E-L-I-X-G-R-A-Y glasses.com forward sash, mine pump. Use the code, mine pump, and get hooked up with some cool stuff. Then we talked about our favorite rep ranges to build muscle. All of us have different rep ranges that our bodies seem to respond best to. After that, we got into the questions. The first question, this person wants to know what signals you should look out for to know when it's time to increase or decrease your calories. The next question, this person wants to know why some people lose weight when they reverse
Starting point is 00:02:52 diet. In other words, when they increase their calories. Believe it or not, that actually happens sometimes. Putting it in. The third question, this person wants to know why it's a common message right now in the fitness industry that we're not all supposed to be super lean all year long. That's a good message, now in the fitness industry that we're not all supposed to be super lean all year long. That's a good message, by the way.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I believe we started it. The fourth question, the last question, this person wants to know what the ideal ratio of strength is for bench press, dead lifts, and squats. By the way, we refer to a pretty cool article in that portion. You can go to mindpumppodcast.com. We always have a bunch of show notes there
Starting point is 00:03:26 and links that you can refer to. Also, all month long, we're running a promotion on two of our most popular programs. It's called the Phase 2 Bundle. The two programs included our Maps Performance. This is an athletic-minded workout program, and then Maps Esthetic, our bodybuilding-minded workout program. Combine them together, and you have a beautiful marriage
Starting point is 00:03:45 between functional movement, mobility, and awesome looking sexy muscles. Both programs, about three to four months long, so if you run them back to Mac, you're looking at like seven months of exercise programming. They both retail together at close to $300, but right now you can get them both
Starting point is 00:04:01 in the Phase II bundle for $79.99. Okay, this promotion ends this month. So get on it quickly. By the way, it comes with the 30-day money back guarantee. Go check it out. Go to mapsfebuary.com. That's M-A-P-S-F-E-B-R-U-A-R-Y.com. You guys have a good weekend? Yeah, I was good. Really? Well, it was like, what Valentine's Day weekend, what did you do, dude? Well, we did it like Saturday night, so we went out to dinner. It was funny because we're outside,
Starting point is 00:04:33 and it felt like pre-pandemic. Like everybody was out at the same time, like all kind of crowded around these like fire pits. And it was, everybody, like, they were over 60 or so, acting like a bunch of kids, dude. I was just like, this is crazy. Like what, getting smashed and I can crazy. Yeah, well, I could tell a bunch of them were out
Starting point is 00:04:55 on dates, and so they're all trying to be, these guys got drug into these three girls, obviously knew each other. Like they were like all friends and talking the whole time and the guys were just sitting there just like, boo, didn't say anything. And this one girl gets up, the lady I should call her,
Starting point is 00:05:15 because she's probably like 65 or something and walks over to another group of guys over here, just all getting all smashed and talking and starts flirting with them. And I'm like, wait a minute, isn't that this guy's date? And then it was like all this drama and mean Courtney were sitting there eating and it was just like hilarious. Maybe that's part of the role player, whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah. And I was like, they're probably all swingers. Yeah, later on they go home. He's like, I saw you. How hard was it to get reservations? Well, actually it was, because we went to another place in AppToss first and it was just like packed and like nah. This is the rebound effect.
Starting point is 00:05:49 This is the rebound effect. If I go out anywhere, because restaurants are starting to open up a little bit here, I've never seen them like that. Crazy. And I feel like everybody is... It's the only thing to do. You know, there's no movie theaters. We actually went to the movie theater and tried to support them.
Starting point is 00:06:04 They're doing their popcorn and concessions and stuff. And so we bought some of that for the kids and then we watched a movie one of the nights, but it's like, it sucks, man, because that used to be like a fun thing to do every now and then. You could at least go see something. Yeah, Jessica forgot I was Valentine's Day, which means I got to surprise her.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I never, surprise her, because I'm so terrible at surprises. Oh, what'd you do? Just had flowers and chocolate delivered, but she was so happy about it, and I was so proud that I didn't spill the beans. Because you guys know me, right? I didn't forget.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Very hard. Like if I get someone a gift, someone's something like a gift, it kills me. I have to tell them right now. Well, especially if it's like a cool surprise, right? Flowers and chocolates kind of consistent for that. It was not like a big surprise. Oh, it doesn't matter. I got to tell them right now. Well, especially if it's like a cool surprise, right? Flowers and chocolates kind of consistent for that. It's not like a big surprise.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh, it doesn't matter. I got to do a surprise. Surprise, obvious. Yeah. Yeah. I just thought of it. And then here's a bear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 The first thing, hey, shut up, man. Wow. I did a good job. That's right, I thought I did. That's what I always do. Not better than me, I mean, better than me. Did you do anything from us? No, no, we did do anything for sure.
Starting point is 00:07:04 We're in the middle of moving, right? So the whole, I mean, our house is just a disaster right now. Boxes everywhere. And yesterday was, yeah, so do I. Yes, it was clearing out underneath the house and pulling out all these boxes. And, you know, so I told, here's the deal. So Katrina, I've told this before, right? So, you know, expensive gifts is my love language.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I like to buy that stuff. She hates that shit, even though she pretends to like it every time I give it to her. The stuff that she loves, that she saves, that she holds onto is a card, if I write it. And so, I wrote what will go in a card, but I told her, listen, wait till we get in the new place in a week
Starting point is 00:07:40 and I'll do Valentine's Day. Oh, so you wrote it out. Yes, but it's not in the card. Right, right. Just to back myself up, in case she was like, what the fuck? Valentine's Day and I'll do Valentine's Day. Oh, so you wrote it out. Yes, but it's not in the club. Right, right. Just to back myself up, in case she was like, what the fuck? Valentine's Day and I got nothing and I said, just so you know, honey,
Starting point is 00:07:50 I already wrote your card. I just didn't do anything for you today. Happy Valentine's Day. You just gotta front of your. I mean, you're an incrested card. You know this, like fits both your pants. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Thought about this for like two days. No, yesterday we were going through like, her and I were going through like boxes of stuff. So we, so this is now our second move together since we've been together. And last time I had convinced her to like get rid of almost everything, right? But there's still boxes that we kept
Starting point is 00:08:17 and that we packaged stuff up of, and understandably, right? Like old memories and things like that. Like, you know, I don't expect her or me to throw stuff away it goes all the way back to when we were kids and So I was like let's try and purge some things before we move again Just I know we did last time just a few years ago. Let's do it again
Starting point is 00:08:35 And we pull these boxes out and we're going through stuff and just going down memory lane was like hilarious One of the things that her and I were cracking up about is I've got these picture frames, and her and I both have this. We have boxes that take up three, four boxes of all these big and weird sized frames that we've had since we were like teenagers and stuff. And we agreed like, why are we keeping these frames? You could go rebind another frame for like $7.
Starting point is 00:09:02 We're never gonna know that's gonna put a high school frame picture of our high school frame picture of our high school girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever, like up in our house. So why keep the frame? If you wanna keep the picture, pull it out of the frame and then just file it away. And then, so we're like throwing stuff away.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So I get to, I get to one of my frames and I got like one of these frames that sits. Maybe a lot of shrine, don't you think? Yeah, just to get all your old girlfriends. Well, I'm okay with it. She's, it's so she's, so that's what's kind of cool about our road that led me to you. Yeah, yeah, it's what we got all the mistakes.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I mean, yeah, we both have a we both have a stepping stone. A relationship where we actually I mean, I love to go through her old boyfriend stuff. She likes to do the same thing. We think it's funny, whatever. So anyways, I'm going through this.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I have this frame and it's got it's got nine or 12 pictures. It like folds out and it stands as a big ass thing, right? And I'm like, I'm pulling the pictures out and I'm cracking up because I've had this probably since high school. So there's been several girlfriends since high school, of course. And so my lazy ass as a kid, when I would date somebody new, I wouldn't even take it out of the frame. I would just put the new picture in it. In the frame. So yeah, it's like those russian dolls.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yeah, they're like stacked on top of each other. I thought, oh my god, I would have said something like a flip book. Yes, so we're going through. I was dying laughing. Katrina was pulling out some old photos of boyfriends that she dated that were sending her like half-newed model photos and stuff. We were cracking up. I think we got a little bit of work done.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It ended up being like memory lane for half the time. We were like, man, that's great. I like to, you sent us some pictures of yourself when you were a kid. You must have found or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I was going through there and found some high school stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:44 You look more ethnic as a kid. You know, I think that's what's funny about the, you know, because I get lumped into the white privilege category as an adult, which I think is so funny, I think it's so funny, because I have like, when I was a kid, I was teased for being, like when we moved to Colorado, I was bullied. I was bullied in eighth grade,
Starting point is 00:11:01 and they called me every name under the sun, because I looked ethnic. But then what's after your mom is? Yeah, my grandma's full, my mom's half. But they all married white men, so I have that white wash to me. And if I was somewhere where there was more Hispanic brown people, then I didn't fit in with them. If I was somewhere where there was all mostly white people, I didn't fit in with them.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So I've always been no matter where I was in an outcast, but I always find it funny when people that have just found me because of Mind Pump today, they look at me and assume that I'm like this white privilege kid. I'm just like, dude, it's so funny. I don't identify with that whatsoever. If anything, I was teased more for being the other one. Yeah, good looking kid though.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Yeah, my mom sent a bunch of old videos, actually this morning, she was watching some old VHS videos or whatever, when we were kids. Man, we used to have family part, we still have these big family parties, but the family got so big when I was younger that we had to kind of split up. And I remember that, remember these families of kids,
Starting point is 00:12:01 these family parties were like for Christmas, there would be a room dedicated to presents. That's how many gifts were in there. It was literally a kid, these family parties were like for Christmas, there would be a room dedicated to presents. That's how many gifts were in there. It was literally a room and you'd, like the door was open, they would kind of fall out. And I remember that as a kid, but it's hard to remember fully. Anyway, I'm watching some of these videos
Starting point is 00:12:16 and literally, you know, my dad, he bought like a VHS back in the day, so he's like, that was a big shot, right? So he's filming all these family, you know, get together. And we were like sardines, dude. We were in the kitchen and he's like, that was a big shot. So he's filming all these family, you know, get together. And we were like sardines dude, we were in the kitchen and there's just like people just like a like a net club. Oh my God, that's how he's to hang out. That's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It would be like, it would be like a Sunday dinner and there'd be 70 people in like a three bedroom house. Dang. You know what I mean? If it was a holiday, it would easily hit 100. Yeah, yeah. No problem and then we all kind of, but I'm watching these and I'm like, oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And then the kids were just, I'm like, how did they, and it makes me feel, because sometimes I'll go to family function and there'll be like four kids. And you know, by the time eight o'clock rolls around, I'm looking at Jessica, like, let's get out of here. I'm getting, I can't handle this anymore. I'm a whimp. These, there were like 15 to 20 kids running around,
Starting point is 00:13:01 throwing shit or whatever, and everybody was chill. Yeah. You know what I mean? Different handle that. Different time, man. You know what I mean? Different handle that. Different time, man. Totally different time, man. I posted it, I think I sent this on the, or put it on my story too, is there's pictures of me
Starting point is 00:13:11 and you know, Justin, did you see the ramp that we had built when we were kids? So I gotta be, you know, there's no, I got no helmet, no nothing on the, we're out, we did do helmet. We're right, and we're not dirt. We're out, all the ass fall in the middle of Yeah. Jumping on this thing. And I'm like, okay, I'm doing the math on the age on there. So we moved from that house when I was nine.
Starting point is 00:13:32 So I got to be between seven and nine years old. A little kid. Hitting that in the middle of the street. Yeah. This is why I tell you, this is why our generation, all the weak kids are dead. So that's why I also left over. So we have, I didn't post this, but there's photos that the next page of that album, so I mean, I must have took 40 photos of us jumping as a kid, right? They're terrible with like blurry, with one of those old cameras with the flashes on top.
Starting point is 00:13:56 There's, we took photos of the bottom of our bike tire because we thought it would be clever. One of us laid underneath the ramp was if you've jumped over a super state. Yeah, can you just picture these kids? Middle of a main street, big ass ramp, I'm like seven to nine years old, somewhere between there, laying underneath each other,
Starting point is 00:14:13 jumping, all dudes, we should take those like longboard, like skateboards, and we would do downhill boarding, you know, on asphalt. Oh yeah. And sometimes we do that with like flip flops on it like I just remember just like Skinning my like everything my knees everything's a bloody rod. Come home like oh Think about that like if you really think back Was there ever a moment you would come home after being outside all day where you didn't skin something
Starting point is 00:14:41 There was something all my mom my mom kept peroxide on like on like the outs out We didn't even put in the cupboard. It was just like out. I was trying to explain that to my kids like this weekend I was at my parents and like Ever it like he he just like skin something like and he's like Let's let's put some back teen on it, you know like you got some back teen in here And he's like what's back teen? You don't know what back teen is. Oh Just wait and he's like, what's back teen? You don't know what back teen is. Oh, just wait. I was stunned.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Oh my God, he's like, ah! You could feel it clean, everything. Oh, I remember almost being competitive that my butt was like, who could get it to bubble up the most? Like, who had the bigger, the bigger, the bigger burns real dirty in there. Yeah. You know, my dad used to make me do,
Starting point is 00:15:24 when I would go help him, when I go work with him, whatever, I'd get blisters and shit in my hands or whatever, I fall down, because we're working on construction. I'm like nine years old. He'd be like, he'd be like, he'd put some cement on it. So I'd rub my hands together with cement,
Starting point is 00:15:36 he goes, it'll harden up and stuff. Yeah, it'll stop it. I know, I'm like, I'm surprised that I didn't get, maybe I will later, maybe I'll get some kind of camera stuff. So you work it with my dad when we're in construction, if you like, split your finger open or cut it get some kind of cancel something. You work it with my dive and construction. If you like split your finger open or cut it on some tape.
Starting point is 00:15:48 No glue. Oh, yeah, yeah. Fantastic. Super glue. Yeah, actually, actually, they do that now, you know, in the hospital. It was actually pretty smart.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah. Just don't put really good on the other one too. I guess like even further back, I don't know if it's medieval times or what it was, but they actually use the spider webs as as bandages.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah. That's fucking creepy. I heard you say that. Yeah they actually use spider webs as bandages. Yeah. That's fucking creepy. I heard you say that. Ew. Yeah, spider webs are, you know, you ever read the properties of spider webs? Oh, well, it doesn't make sense how strong they are. The tensile strength for how, how, you know, light and small or whatever it is, is like, it's on another level.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah. Oh, dude. I did not know that. Oh, it's stronger on a weight, you know, weight by weight basis or whatever. Yeah. It's stronger than steel. What? You don't know that? I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Oh yeah. Yeah, spiderwebs are the tensile strength, the strength that they have for how small they are. They've been trying to engineer it forever, you know, for bulletproofing and all this kind of stuff. But that's what led to the goat that actually through its milk would you like they they they they oh genetically engineered it So it like basically would have spider webs coming out of its its teeth. Oh look at this. Yeah, it tells you right there How strong that is compared to to steel so and that crazy that is wild. Yeah, it's really really crazy that what's but that what you're saying
Starting point is 00:17:02 Justin I remember reading that what was wrong with scientists I that again this was years ago Yeah, what are you saying over decade ago they genetically engineered a goat spider goat Is what to create that up that spider to create spider webs in its milk. Yeah You know why is this Yeah, exactly really just cuz maybe we can well I mean, they could just produce it, mass produce it. Because I mean, think about like harvesting like webs from spiders. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 That's gonna take a lot of spider. You know what I feel like though, sometimes, here's what I think. I think sometimes. So the theory is that the goat would milk out spider-waves. They created milk and there were strings of spider-waves. Yeah, you just pull this, it's disgusting. I don't know who thought of it. Well, I was just gonna say, I wonder, this is what I think.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I think that's, you know, they're really smart. So you have these super smart scientists and they're like, he's like, he dude, like, the smadgin' we're all like super smart scientists. Like, he gets one to come over tomorrow night and get real high. He's gonna say, he's gonna say, he's gonna say, he's gonna say, so then we come up, we get blazed and we're like,
Starting point is 00:17:59 hey, you wanna, let's think, what can we do? Let's do something crazy. I wanna make a frog dude that can fly. Oh shit We can totally do that. Let's make a frog. What we know so they come up with a crazy idea like this And then they then afterwards they come up with a reason like oh this is so that we we can make Spider webs mass produce. That's right. Yeah, that's for the military Yeah, but what if they fucked up though? What if the goat ended up like you're walking on the walls and we've got two extra legs Yeah, yeah, I had like venom
Starting point is 00:18:29 Goats like biting people whatever we do Yeah, anyway crazy stuff messed up petting you dude. I had a great Conversation with Jessica this weekend that I want to share with you guys So you know what one thing I love about her is very few people can get me to think as deeply as she can. And we were talking about just working out fitness and she asked the question, she goes, why is it when, because she's gone through different phases in her fitness history, before I met her,
Starting point is 00:18:56 she went through a period where she was just a cardio machine. She would run miles every day and because that's what she thought was the way to for fitness or whatever. Of course, when I met her, she got really into resistance training all that stuff. She says, why was it when I used to do lots of running in cardio when I would stop, I would gain weight faster than when I lift weights and I stop? Like what's the reasoning behind that?
Starting point is 00:19:20 Why is it that stopping the cardio makes me gain body fat more where I stop and weights, I don't notice that kind of a rebound. Well, the process of atrophy is longer, the minute you stop doing cardio, the benefits of it end right then and there. The benefits of you building muscle is a faster metabolism. It takes a while for that to fall off. 100%. So you get a lot more leeway time. 100%. So, you know, I was thinking how to explain this, but when you're doing lots of cardio, especially as a fat loss strategy, the benefit of the cardio is it just burns a lot of calories. Yeah, why you're doing that? Yeah, so you're running for, you know, an hour, you're burning, let's say, five or
Starting point is 00:19:59 six hundred calories. And the ad app, here's the other thing, people don't think about how exercise causes your body to adapt and change. Cardio, do lots of it and your body just gets better at endurance. The really isn't a metabolism boost from that. If anything, over time, it can actually teach your body to burn less and less calories as you become more efficient. But even if we negate that, right, you're burning calories through running.
Starting point is 00:20:21 When you stop, the benefit's gone. The benefit's gone and you've now decreased your caloric burn by five or six hundred calories a day. When you're lifting weights, you know, an hour of weight training, you're going to burn maybe 160 calories, maybe 200 if you're going real intense, at most, right? So weight less than cardio, but the adaptation from resistance training speeds up the metabolism, both through the muscle building effect effect and also because it teaches the body to become less efficient with calories. So when you stop lifting weights, you're now burning 160 less calories a day, not that big of a deal. But the metabolism stays fast for a while, and that will slow down as you lose muscle, but that process takes longer.
Starting point is 00:20:59 So cardio is one of those things where as a strategy for weight loss, number one, it doesn't cause the preferable adaptations of metabolism boosting. And also, you stop it, you gain back very quick, not so with resistance training. There's another factor too. Okay, so have you ever seen somebody who is really lean from doing cardio versus one who's muscular lean from weight training? And both those people add 10 pounds of fat onto their body who looks way better. Of course, the person who built all that muscle, because you've shaped the body by building muscle,
Starting point is 00:21:30 and so sometimes even when you put on a little bit of body fat on a body that's been, that muscle has been built on, it actually looks better. That's right. It looks more shapely. So, both people could have gone up the same, as far as adding 10 pounds of fat to their body, but the body that was lean from just cardiovers,
Starting point is 00:21:45 the body that was lean from building muscle and from being lean from lifting weights, that person, if they both put 10 pounds on, looks dramatically different just because of the muscle. And people forget that your, it's body fat percentage, it's not total body fat. In other words, it's a percentage of your overall body weight, right?
Starting point is 00:22:02 20 pounds of fat on a 200 pound man is 10% body fat. You are lean. 20 pounds of body fat on a 100 pound man is 20% body fat. You are obese. Very big difference. The difference being, it's a percentage, right? It's a smaller percentage of more weight and that's what muscle does. And then here's the other thing. Building muscle because what it does for women is it shapes the body. It gives them more curve. It's funny because you'll hear women say that, like I want nice curves.
Starting point is 00:22:31 What they don't realize that they're saying is, I want to build more muscle. Yeah. They don't think that's what it is. They say I want more curve. But reality, I need to build more muscle. So I thought that was interesting. So we had a good conversation on that.
Starting point is 00:22:42 It's just another reason why the, probably the best strategy, well definitely the best strategy, just for fat loss general, is to prioritize resistance training. Yeah, it's just one of those uncommon, you know, conversations, like you're not gonna hear that a lot
Starting point is 00:22:56 from everything else that we're getting marketed to. So, you know, I think that just needs to be reiterated constantly. All of the friends of Courtney, it's like one of those constant things I'm trying to explain, so that's just another good way, good example to kind of bring up with that. I read an article this weekend
Starting point is 00:23:15 that I wanted to share with you guys so we could speculate together. So I forget what it was titled, but it was in 2030, no one would own anything anymore. Yeah, I've seen stuff like this. Yeah, and I think we've kind of talked a little bit about like, you know, the car, theory and stuff like that, but it wouldn't even further the stuff
Starting point is 00:23:31 that I wouldn't even think about. For example, like your utensils in your house, your air fryer, your toaster, your all these things, instead of even keeping it and storing it in a house, when you want it, it'll get to you. So when you decide you're going to use your air fryer on Tuesday night, it would be something as simple
Starting point is 00:23:50 as putting it in your app that tomorrow night, or even that morning, tonight, I'm making dinner with this, it's like the Jetsons. Everything would be for rent. Everything would be, everything would be at least, and then you'd be, and because if we solve the transportation thing, like the cost to get from point A to point B, unlike how we do it right now,
Starting point is 00:24:08 I think they've already done this too, like it would be way cheaper for no one to own cars and for us just to all share transportation. I was just gonna say, to understand this, we would have to talk about something that's easier to understand, because it's hard to conceptualize renting my utensils. I use them every day all day long.
Starting point is 00:24:26 But if you think about cars, right? The cost, how much money it costs you to maintain a car both through insurance, registration, cost to upkeep the tires, whatever, the maybe if you pay payments on a car, let's say you finance your car, versus paying each time you want a car to pick you up and drive you somewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And they've actually shown this, they've done the math with today's numbers and shown that it would cost something like a thousand dollars a year to just drive a car, pick you up and drive you around, which is way less than would cost the owner car. And then of course storing your car in a garage, all that stuff. So it just, in my opinion, it makes too much sense,
Starting point is 00:25:08 nobody's gonna own a car, or a lot of people, people who own cars, the same people own horses. Well, and then the way that- That a lot of money is fine. You think that'll actually translate to people that live in the middle of nowhere? So no, so then that's what the article actually talks about. It's like metropolitan areas.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah, city people. He goes, they'll still, their theory is that there'll still be people that want that kind of country living and ownership. And that's also their theory of like what we see, like they see that in the future going up. The price of like owning property, land, and stuff like in the country and away, continuing to rise because people will like to have that.
Starting point is 00:25:42 But everything within the city will be like least. You won't want to own anything. That makes sense. Now, of course, if there's just too small of a market, they're not going to really be a need to service it. But let's say there's a town that's got, it's small. Let's say it's a thousand people. If a company could fully automate electric cars,
Starting point is 00:26:01 and let's just imagine, they literally have a station near this town that has, I don't thousand and there's a thousand people living there's got 200 cars or a hundred cars And nobody needs to operate it. It's fully automated So all someone has to use go on their phone hit the app the car picks them up drives them somewhere and then drives back and charges itself I can foresee at some point in the future that even small towns People are not gonna need to own cars because it would be very easy if it's fully automated. Right. If literally you hit it on the app, it takes itself off the charger, picks you up, drops
Starting point is 00:26:31 you off and then charges itself. And that's the thing. And that's the theory with all these things. So imagine tonight, you're whatever dinner plans anybody has tonight, like everything from the food that you need to make that recipe to the tools that you need to use it, like right now, we'd be like, oh, tonight I'm going to do Brussels sprouts and I'm going to do a tried tip this nut, boop, boop, boop, you put it all on your phone. And then AI picks all that stuff up to send the car to a certain time to your house and
Starting point is 00:26:55 it arrives. All the things you need to make that and it all bundled is one side. So I don't know if I can see this with stuff you use so often every day. I don't know how they would get through the trouble of like, because I'm not gonna plan to rent something that I use all the time. No, you're not gonna do it with like, I don't think forks and knives, things like that.
Starting point is 00:27:13 But it does make sense for like an air fryer, my Trigger. Okay, your Trigger cost you, that makes sense. $1,500 for that. If you were able, anytime you were thinking about using it, it was like, it costed five bucks. Yeah, a $5, $10 fee plus, it came with the meat that you were, if you were able, any time you were thinking about using it, it was like, it costed $5.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, a $5, $10 fee plus, it came with the meat that you were wanting to grill and whatever tools you needed, everything to come, the pellets, everything for such a reasonable price, you go, man, I would have to use that, you know, 100 times in a year for it to make sense to own it. I'm not gonna use this thing 100 times in a year. I'll just rent it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 You know what else I could see this with clothes, especially clothes with another one that talks about it. Yeah, especially clothes that you wear. I think the first market that's gonna get crushed with that is a like nice clothes. Suit, suits. I mean, I wouldn't own a suit if I had a tailored fitting to my size suit that I could just rent and brought to my house. I wouldn't own suit. Or nice shoes. This is all like really heavily dependent on the delivery process. Yeah, the car is gonna change everything. Oh, dude, when they're automated drones, like.
Starting point is 00:28:11 That too. Yeah, I've got it. Have you guys seen it's, is it Michael Jordan? I gotta look this up. Either Michael Jordan has a new golf course. I wanna say it's Michael Jordan's new golf course. I'll look it up, give me a second out who's it is, but I've seen this. So check this out when you're out on the course playing
Starting point is 00:28:28 And you want food beer cigar. What about that? You ordered on the app drone brings it to where I hold you are and drops it to you That's all the hole whatever you're at. Yes. So there you go. I mean you're already see I mean that how smart is that because they're on a private place So you don't have to worry about any drone bullshit of what you can't, can't do. So that's already a business that's already utilizing the delivery with drones. I wonder it, now I wonder if drones will, well, I guess not. I heard Elon talk about flying like taxis and stuff
Starting point is 00:28:55 is like too noisy. It wouldn't make any sense to have. Well, interesting though, like he was just on Rogen again. He was talking about like building and developing an upgrade like a SpaceX upgrade to the test does at some point, so they could hover. Wow. They could hover like up to like six feet in the air.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah, look at this, Abdoch. It's Michael Jordan's new course, what was that course called Grove? Grove, 20, looks Roman numerals, 23. Grove, 23. I wonder what, I wonder if like, thieves in the future will like specialize in like taking down drones,
Starting point is 00:29:27 delivering people shit for sure. Oh, that's up there. Like a markup. They'll be all the next like, like heist movies we see. Like a targeted EMP. No, or a hat you lost, dude. Take over the flight plan. No, man, I'm getting Eagles from Tony.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I'm worried about, see here's my, yeah, then we start talking about like weird conspiracy shit. What if like somebody could just take over all these self-driving cars? Yeah. I mean, you're like driving like when you take. Oh, sure, hacks, hack it over and make drive it.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Just since getting too loud on Mind Pump, he's gonna get an accident tomorrow morning. You know what I mean? Yeah. Wow, look at that. His airness, his airness, is delivering drinks and snacks to players on the course via the air.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Wow. Yeah. Now, because it's his course and it's private and these are drones, I'm sure a freaking hot dog is like $75 in. Drone drops it off. I mean, they're already in dog. Oh, yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Or maybe it was able to cut costs. Now you don't have to pay an employee who's driving around on the cart and you're probably increasing sales. One of the things when you're golfing who's driving around on the cart and you're probably increasing sales. One of the things when you're golfing, that's a pain in the ass is you may go four holes and never see a cart come by. So, you know, think about how much that would increase sales that instantly when you decide you want another cigar
Starting point is 00:30:38 or you want another drink, you've got a whole fleet of them going, running out there with stuff. Wow, that is so brilliant. That is very, very cool. Wow. Are drug dealers in the black market using drones to get drugs?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Do you think this is not? I'm wondering, is that a thing? Could I use, none of my drug dealer friends are doing that. I mean, Bitcoin though. I mean, they all are using Bitcoin. They'll take that. That's big.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Remember, we talked about this a long time ago. And that for sure was, my theory was regardless if you believe it's going to be our future currency or not, the black market fully has adopted it. Yeah, I would think drones in order to not be detected by radar, not be detected by all these normal flight patterns or things. But that's just small though. Yeah, that's my mean. How can they keep tabs on these things?
Starting point is 00:31:23 So I would think that would be a perfect way to smuggle stuff. Now Justin, because you're my conspiracy theory friend. Yeah. So let's talk about Bitcoin for a second. I indulge. The creation of Bitcoin, massive mystery, there's a name of a guy they think
Starting point is 00:31:35 that invented Bitcoin. No, I thought the theory is it's like 17 of some of the most brilliant minds that's together. Whatever, there's a lot of theories. Nobody knows for sure. Right. Nobody knows its origins. Nobody knows what the fuck. It's just all of a sudden there, and's a lot of theories. Nobody knows for sure. Nobody knows its origins. Nobody knows what the fuck.
Starting point is 00:31:46 It's just all of a sudden there, and now people are using it. What if Bitcoin was created by the CIA as a way to track the black market, as a way to see what's happening in the black, it's electronic, so they're watching what's happening, and then every once in a while they'll go in and plug in. So that is a theory, okay,
Starting point is 00:32:03 so the theory is that they're just gonna sit back, though, and wait of course if you were the CIA you wouldn't hammer everybody all once then you'd lose your most valuable I think it's new world order bro oh I mean I don't I don't think so because what it wasn't like silk road was one of the first places that adopted it right yeah shut down yeah but I'm wondering if they did this because like listen we need to come up with a way to track the black market and then when we want to, we'll drop the hammer on certain players or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Well, yeah, I mean, that's not that crazy of a theory. I think, too, well, even the internet itself, where I started as in the military. Yeah, and then they adopted it worldwide. Dude, the CIA has done some shady, shady shit. Are you guys familiar with the Iran Contra deal in the 80s with Reagan? You guys familiar with this?
Starting point is 00:32:48 No. Oh, this is real. This is legit. Like this is not a theory or whatever actually happened. We were trying to, by proxy, right? So this is during the Cold War and there was, anywhere communism was spreading, we were ready to stop it.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And I get that, I get why why we were afraid of the Soviet Union to renewks, pointed at each other, whatever. So in South America, you had groups that were trying to overthrow countries with like Marxist revolutions. So what we would do is we would fund the opposing side and we'd give them weapons or money. Well, at this time, it was very unpopular. American public did not want it.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And so getting political support for this was almost impossible. But remember, the CIA, they, and a lot of people believe that they operate outside the government. They're like, we need to do what's best for the safety of the nation, right? So here's what they did.
Starting point is 00:33:40 They're like, okay, we can't get money to support what we're doing because there's no, there's political support for it. So to support what we're doing because there's no political support for it So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna sell weapons to Iran That money we're gonna use to fund These these rebels to stop Marxism and the way they would bring the weapons down there because I had to keep it hush Hush as they would pay these like private these people at own planes or whatever. They'd pay them to fly weapons down to give to these rebels.
Starting point is 00:34:09 But here's the thing, these guys that they were paying, they were making money hand over a fist because on the way back, they're like, well I'm already coming back, I might as well fly some cocaine over to America. And this is what caused the cocaine explosion in the 80s. And the CIA literally turned a blind eye.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Because they were, at least we're gonna stop communism. So cocaine was just flooding the country. That's true. There's a famous guy out of Miami. There was a documentary done on him that had the speed boats that he used to sell. He used to sell like the million dollar speed boats and they would come with a bunch of cocaine.
Starting point is 00:34:41 You guys seen that documentary? Oh, I have to look it up to see what it was. No, but this is religious, what they did. So to think the CIA would create Bitcoin so they could see what's going on and fuck with people, it's not out of the realm of possibility. Yeah, I don't know. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I don't know if I subscribed to that. Well, think about it. If Bitcoin was really a threat to the currencies, they would have easily been like, it's a legal-to-use Bitcoin, it's a legal-to-have, it's a legal-to-trade it, and they would have shut that shit down so quickly. I mean, don't you feel like they are trying to,
Starting point is 00:35:09 they're not. They've been trying to resist it for a hot minute. They're definitely not watching it. I mean, yeah, they're definitely watching it. They're resisting it like the MLB resist steroids. Oh, yeah, we don't really wanna, we ain't, you know what I mean? Well, now you're starting to see,
Starting point is 00:35:22 I've seen a bunch of brands now accepting it. Of course, that's what I mean. Yeah. Because it could have said it's illegal, no one can use it, you can't trade it, no apps can serve it, Apple, you can't have apps that do it, whatever. And then it would be pure black market,
Starting point is 00:35:34 but they kind of legitimize, they let it happen here and there. Yeah, I'm selling it. I don't know. I don't know, bro. I like it. It's a good theory. Isn't that a good theory? Yeah, that's a good stuff. Hey, speaking of good, did you guys like the orange slices that Jerry made? know, bro. I like it. It's a good theory. Isn't that a good theory? That's a good stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Hey, speaking of good, did you guys like the orange slices that Jerry made? Oh, yeah. How fire was it? So, Doug, put the, okay, here's, okay, he put it up here. So, this is what you do. Something I would have never thought of. The recipe's on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I think it's on our mind pump. Oh, it's on Instagram? Yeah. So, she knows. No, it's not on our mind pump Instagram, Doug. I think so. Yeah, so chocolate, coconut oil melted, one packet of immunity sea salt,
Starting point is 00:36:08 dipped oranges in it, incredible. Yeah. And the immunity is, of course, it's got some stuff. Where do you think you see it on our mind ponds? Where do you think you see it? Yeah. Well, here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:36:18 this is going up on Thursday. I think they plan on putting it up. Ah, they're gonna post it. Okay. We're in the future. Okay, I got it. We're in the future. Oh, okay, I got you. We're in the future. I was like, no, Doug, no, it is not on there.
Starting point is 00:36:28 It's me, A, A, you know what, it's now. You know what movie I watched, I was so disappointed. And you, I should have listened to you, told me it sucked. Wonderful woman, 84. Oh yeah. Was it good?
Starting point is 00:36:38 No, it was a lie down, dude. It was in terrible story. Yeah, terrible story. Oh, good, I'm glad. Sometimes we disagree on stuff like this, but the plot was stupid, It was dumb, right? No, that's absolutely. We love a gal Gadot over in her name.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah, she's about it. So, I get, yeah, be careful what you say too much because Jessica gets like, oh, I know what you want to watch. Wonder what? No, I like Super Never, dude. They got thorn, all that stuff. Do you give me a break?
Starting point is 00:36:58 Yeah, so, so here's just two things I hate in movies. When they do this in movies, I just, I want to pull my hair out. One is when they end a movie where it was just a dream. So it's a shitty like easy plot, right? Where crazy stuff happens and at the end they wake up and you're like, oh, it was all a dream. Yeah. This movie sucks.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And then here's the other one. Whenever somebody, this is such a cop-out, easy way to make weird shit happen. Somebody finds something that's magical and gives them wishes. That's literally the bad guy. The bad guy finds a stone and he gives him wishes, so Wonder Woman has to fight him.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Oh my God. What? Yeah. I'm glad you hated it just as much because I thought it was super unearigable to me. I feel like the first one got so much, and this is what they do, man. This is what I, why movies suck now, dude,
Starting point is 00:37:39 is they get these movies that go crazy and then they just make part two, part three, and they all suck. Yeah. It's just they, it's the same, same story arc, which is bullshit story. Justice League's coming out. If it's not out right now. So I think Justice League, the new ones coming out and Superman's in it. He's got the black suit on. So do you guys see what, so have you guys been watching some of these previews to like movies that they say are either, they're in theater or they go in theater or on HBO Max or Amazon
Starting point is 00:38:05 product. So it looks like movies that would eventually go into the movie theater and how they're promoting them, there's going to be options going forward. And I don't know if this is just for this time being that we're in this weird period of we can't go to the movies or this is the future we're going to see people are going to have the option. Do you want to go see it in theaters or you can download it on HBO Max or. Yeah, I think they're going to see people are going to have the option. Do you want to go see it in theaters? Or you can download it on HBO Max or I think they're gonna be releasing both at the same time I'm gonna see that with these hill movies. Yeah, that is going to kill movies It'll kill the movie as we know it. I think they're still gonna make a killing movie theaters. Oh, no theaters are done Oh, that's right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think yeah, the movies are gonna kill
Starting point is 00:38:42 No, the only theaters that are gonna survive and it's not gonna be all of them because there are just too many of them to meet this demand. The demand's not gonna be that big but would be a theater worth an experience. Yeah. So like you go there, they give you alcohol, food, you know, and it's a movie.
Starting point is 00:38:57 It's a movie like when we used to watch Big Lebowski. Like it was literally like, it's an old movie. Like everybody loves it. And we would go there and it was just, you'd get white Russians and you talk shit, the whole time and throw popcorn at the screens. That's actually really fun. If you could do cool stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:39:12 that's very smart actually. You know what I mean? Do that actually? Yeah, they did that downtown Santa Cruz at the time. White Russians are being served? Yeah, no shit. There's theaters, that's brilliant. There's theaters that are doing that.
Starting point is 00:39:22 They were doing horror picture show, everybody dressed up, all stuff. Yeah, there was a theater in San Jose that was doing like all the Godfathers. And so you know, it's gonna be a bunch of Godfather fans. They're gonna quote the movie as it's going on. Yeah, I can see that. The other thing that movie theaters did as a pivot
Starting point is 00:39:36 that I think is smart and could keep them around is like paying for UFC fights. Yeah, so you know, these UFC fights and now are getting like what? $100 or something. Yeah, so you just pay $10 ticket. Yeah, $10 ticket, go watch it with, you know, these UFC fights and now are getting like what? $100 something. Yeah, so you just pay $10 ticket. Yeah, $10 ticket and go watch it with, you know, 50 or however many of those.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Now I wonder what they're charging the theater to broadcast it. Oh yeah, I mean, they're getting charged obviously a premium to be able to be able to, because the same thing goes like if you were at a bar and used to do the same thing too, I forget what you had to pay. I know, I remember when I had my studio, I would put like UFC fights on and stuff like that. And I remember somebody's like, hey, you know, if I report this, you're gonna charge you way more. I'm like, fuck out of my gym.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I have that kind of power. Did you know that? Wow. You're an asshole. Yeah, you're that guy. Get out of my face. Speaking of movies, you know, every time I forget to wear blue light blocking glasses at night. Huge difference.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I'm so huge difference. I brought this up the last time we had a Felix Gray commercial about my TV, and I misplaced them again, and I was down there, and I'm like, it's so funny, I've talked about on this show, it's happened to me a couple of times now. If I watch that TV without wearing those,
Starting point is 00:40:43 I get headaches for sure, or just it's so hard for me to fall asleep from there. Here's another use for the Felix Gray glasses. Keep them next to your bed if you wake up to go to the bathroom. Because one of the worst things is when you wake up to the bathroom, you got a turn on light or whatever, and then it disrupts your sleep. Are you a turn on the light bathroom guy at night? I'm a feel my way.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah, I'm a feel my way. Yeah, well you sit on the toilet, too Yeah, you don't stay you you stand in being in the middle of night. Yeah, of course You do too. Oh, yeah, bro. What your wife's must fucking hate you know get out of here Don't act like you guys I don't sleep in a skirt Stop your nonsense dude. I'm gonna talk to both your wives that guarantee there's pee all over the fucking floor And all over the same man. I'm very talk to both your wives that guarantee there's pee all over the fucking floor and all over the scene Hey listen to me. I'm very I use exactly a sonar
Starting point is 00:41:29 You can tell you can tell where the peace here is like in a text message from Jessica and Courtney after this That's this episode for sure you guys are not not missing the freaking edges Especially like three in the morning when your dick saw smashed against your leg and shit Here especially like three in the morning when your dick saw smashed against your leg and shit It's not shooting in a shooting straight at three o'clock. Oh, or any hold on second. Come on. You don't know where you rip it off your leg There's a man stuck here there. What you know where it is You know where the end is you just gotta aim in the right direction and then you listen Yeah, I wonder that's the floor Water. That's the floor.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Exactly. You have to splash. The only problem is when you get the split stream, then you fuck. That's what I'm saying, dude. Wait a minute, that's water. Yeah, yeah, that's rude. Yeah, if you're trying to pee with that. Like that's water and floor, so no bitch, that's the split stream.
Starting point is 00:42:16 That's not gonna work. Anyway, you guys are ridiculous. Hey, I wanted to ask you guys about rep ranges. I find this with myself, and I'm sure it has something to do with, I'm sure this is a genetic reason for this, but, of course, every time I switch to a new rep range for myself, or when I do this with clients, just the switch always causes the body to progress again,
Starting point is 00:42:35 right, that novelty, but I also find that there's a rep range that, and I found this with clients, and I find this myself. All things being equal, the low rep range for me, if I transition to that, it just kicks it, no matter what, it blows the doors off of the moderate and the high reps for me every single time. I think that's a genetic component,
Starting point is 00:42:53 because I would agree. Yeah, because it's not that way for me. I feel that way whenever I go back to like 10 to 12 reps. You feel that one, all things being equal is the best. Yes. Yeah, like I definitely agree, like, I mean, some of my best games came from when I started training in the low rep range.
Starting point is 00:43:08 So I do, but I consistently feel like, and here's the thing too. There's, I think it's, it's, you know, multi-pronged here because it also, when I lift heavy, the most joint pains, muscle tightness, stuff starts to fight that all that, the most, which always ends up kind of hindering my workouts.
Starting point is 00:43:26 We're in the 10 to 12 rep range. I never feel that. I never get, I never get the, it's super inflamed joints. I never feel so tight that my hips hurt. My ITs bothering me. So that's why I also think I want to go that 10 to 12 rep range. It's if I switch to a new rep range, I mean, I'll make gains off the 10 to 12, 15 to 20,
Starting point is 00:43:43 all that stuff. But whenever I switch to a low rep range. I mean, I'll make gains off the 10 to 12, 15 to 20, all that stuff. But whenever I switch to a low rep range, it's like, boom! Yeah, I get some of that. I also get it though, when I'm working on just like real power, fast switch movements. Like it's just, yeah, that's another one of those things my muscles respond to,
Starting point is 00:43:57 because it is like I put so much work in that direction through all the years of sports and everything. So it's like my body just like, oh yeah, I remember this and it just gets right back to the... So now the thing I would challenge all three of us then is this because I just see, I alluded to like the hypertrophy phase, you alluded to explosive, you alluded to strength.
Starting point is 00:44:15 My question is, what are you measuring? Like, so what I'm thinking of when I say, I see the greatest change in my body and my physique, my strength, I agree with you. Whenever I go, obviously I get the most strength when I go down in the three to five rep range. No, I'm talking again size. Yes, me too.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Oh yeah, I do. Yeah, I build. Once I switch to low rep, I build faster in that rep range than any other rep range. It just piles on my body and I feel like, but you're right, I mean, like any rep range you got to move out of it in the low ones, they just stress the joints.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah, I know the other joints. Yeah, no the other way Today's calls brought to you by Max and a ball like if you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength Math and the ball is the perfect place to start with a full 30-day money back guarantee There is absolutely zero risk! So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromedia.com and get started today! It's the Bologna F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F**king F** Step, what are some signals you can hone in on to know when you could benefit from calorie increase or decrease? Ben around maintenance for a while
Starting point is 00:45:29 and recently seen some slight puffiness. Have I adapted to that amount and need to slowly increase or is it a good time to go down? Yeah, well, first of all, the comment slight puffiness, that can mean a lot of different things. It could be water retention, lack of sleep can slight puffiness, that can mean a lot of different things. It could be water retention, lack of sleep, can cause puffiness also. Also when people say I'm at maintenance for a long time,
Starting point is 00:45:52 are you really at maintenance or are you winging it and feeling like you're at maintenance because when people are not literally counting and measuring and weighing, they're almost always off. So that's number one. Now as far as signals that can tell you when you can increase or decrease. Here's what I tend to pay attention to for myself, and I would also, I used to coach my clients this way. When it was time to decrease, let's say you're in a bulk, you're eating
Starting point is 00:46:17 more calories and you're burning, when it becomes a chore to eat, when you find your appetite, start to decrease, and it's like, I can't eat this much anymore, probably time to start to decrease calories. On the flip side, when you find your appetite start to decrease and it's like, I can't eat this much anymore. Probably time to start to decrease calories. On the flip side, when your calories are low and your appetite's high and it's high and it continues to go higher high. And then you start to notice that your strength gains start to really drop in the gym, performance starts to drop.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Maybe it's time to bump them. Here's a good rule of thumb. I would say regardless of what your goals are, at least every two or three weeks, throwing a day or two, that's different. No matter what, you can go back to what you were doing before and studies actually show this, by the way. There's a great study that was done not the long ago where they compared people who were on a consistent calorie deficit versus people who were on a calorie deficit and then would throw in some higher calorie days. And the people who threw in the higher calorie days burn more body fat and kept more muscle. So it's a better strategy to do it that way.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I feel like whenever the results, either direction, slow up. For example, when I'm bulking and weight's coming on the scale, even if I'm feeling a little puffy, if I feel like the gains, I'm built, I like the way I'm looking week over week over week. I'm going to keep going. If I feel like I don't feel like I'm liking the way I'm looking anymore, strength is starting to plateau, I'm in this surplus, that's when I'll start to come back the other direction. And the same thing is true when I'm going to cut. If I'm going to cut and week over week, I'm seeing improvement in my physique and I like
Starting point is 00:47:44 the way it's looking. I'm going to cut and week over week, I'm seeing improvement in my physique and I like the way it's looking. I'm going to keep riding it. The minute that I start to see that slow down and I'm not noticing major progress week over week, I go the opposite direction. So, you know, and I think that that number is going to look different for every person. And for me, that's what I have found works the best. Yeah, you know, what's hard about this is it's hard to remain objective because most people lean to either This is pretty general but generally speaking I could put people into two categories people who are more focused on gaining Size and strength and that's there that's what they think about mostly and then people who just want to be lean or lose weight And that's what they think about mostly
Starting point is 00:48:21 Here's why it's difficult to remain objective if If you're somebody that's always struggled with weight and you're been in this deficit for a long time, you may ignore the signals because you're afraid. You're afraid to increase your calories. I don't want to gain a single pound. Or people on the other side, I was one of those people. I always wanted to gain weight, I always wanted to put on size. You don't want to lose any weight.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah, so I don't care about these signals. There's like, I don't want to lose a single pound on the scale. So it's really hard to stay objective, which is why until you become super self-aware, you've been doing this for a long time and you've got some of those insecurities out of the way, I would say every two or three weeks, no matter what, just put it in your schedule and do it no matter what, because whenever you ask somebody to be objective, hey, do you think you should start to cut calories? You tell that to the skinny kid? No, I'm gonna keep, I'm gonna keep I think, I think the signs are still good,
Starting point is 00:49:07 even though they're maybe not. Yeah. Next question is from Malibu Banks. What causes some people to lose weight when reverse dieting after hitting a plateau? I love this because, you know, I sometimes I'll get pushed back from some of the stuff that we say on the podcast when we'll say things like, you know, lifting weights, boosts your metabolism, or reverse dieting, plus lifting weights is a great way to boost the metabolism. This question is an example of how we haven't quite figured this all the way out.
Starting point is 00:49:34 We have this phenomenon happens. Always, and a lot, and we'll get, they'll send studies and be like, look, this study showed that gaining muscle only really increased the metabolism by 20 calories or whatever. This is all bullshit. So, we've witnessed this many times with many, many of the clients that we've worked with
Starting point is 00:49:51 with ourselves. It's a real phenomena. And when you increase or decrease calories, yes, your body can pair muscle down, it can store body fat to store extra calories. But it can also become more or less efficient with calories, okay? And we don't quite know how this works, but the body can literally take 10 calories
Starting point is 00:50:12 and become more efficient with it or become less efficient with it. Where, and the less efficient may look like, some of those calories are just turned into heat. They're just turned into extra heat in the body or extra energy or whatever. So this phenomenon is hard to explain, but for sure happens. I've seen this with my own eyes.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I've seen people who've been on a calorie deficit for so long. Their metabolism is really adapted to few calories. They're over-training like crazy. I'll reduce their exercise, so they're burning less calories, and I'll bump their calories, and then they get leaner, low and behold. Now, it could be they built some some muscle which then burnt more calories, but I don't think that fully explains it. I think there's other stuff that's going on and I've seen it again with my own eyes.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah, no, this is one of those ones that I don't know how to even explain it to somebody. I just know that it works. I know that this is what we're looking for. Like that's when I know things are going really well. It's when I can add calories to somebody's diet and they actually lose weight. And it does. It breaks all the rules that we're aware of and that we've been told forever, but this is the benefit of weight,
Starting point is 00:51:10 and this only happens, by the way, when you have somebody who is weight training in conjunction with what their diet is. I'd never see this with somebody who's doing cardio. If you're doing cardio only and you're also trying to reverse diet, I don't see the same thing happening, but somebody who is lifting weights, and a lot of times my simple theory of explain is
Starting point is 00:51:29 that your body would need those calories. It wanted that. We were running lower without it, and your body was waiting for us to give it those calories, and now it's running more efficiently. I mean, I feel like it's when you tune up your car, like you can get a car that's at the same engine, same everything, but by tuning it up, also, it gets faster. Well, look at, you look at some of the studies, observational studies on like POWs, like prisoners of war
Starting point is 00:51:51 who've been kept captive for years and years and years and fed very, very little. And yes, they come out, lost lots of muscle, very emaciated, but still, they are surviving off an amount of calories that usually doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense that a grown man, even if you lost muscle, does all stuff, is surviving off of, you know, 400 calories a day. How is this possible?
Starting point is 00:52:16 The body can really become efficient or not efficient with calories. It's got a remarkable ability to do this. Yeah, it's interesting. I know this is probably a terrible example, but when I was going through carnivore diet, I was anticipating, because I was eating such big volumes of meat, that was going to produce a lot more waste. It was actually the opposite. The waste, the poops were a lot smaller than previous to that.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I don't know if it was utilizing more of the nutrients or not. I think, I certainly like the leader of North Korea. He doesn't poop. He works so hard, he absorbs all the little pellets. Yeah, I think it might have to do more with the fiber and vegetables and stuff like that. But I mean, I'm telling you, there are certain things.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I think we'll be able to explain this at some point, but until now, you can show me all the studies you want, that show that, oh, you know, building muscle doesn't really speed up the metabolism much or whatever. I have taken women who were eating 1100 calories a day doing cardio every single day, doing all kinds of stuff, and I've gotten them to get their calories up to
Starting point is 00:53:22 2200 calories a day, not doing almost any cardio, except for maybe some walks, lifting weights, why doesn't it line up with any of the studies? It doesn't line up with any of it, but legit, and they're leaner, and they've got muscle, and it's not like they gain 30 pounds of muscle to make up the difference. We're talking about, you know, eight pounds of muscle on somebody, this is a woman we're talking about. I've seen this happen many, many times, so it's a for sure real thing.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And again, you see people who lift weights consistently, do it properly consistently. Look how much they can eat with the little amount of activity they do compared to somebody who is doing tons and tons of activity constantly reducing their calories. Look at the difference. Next question is from more life, Jojo. It recently seems that a common message
Starting point is 00:54:01 in the online fitness space is that we aren't meant to be lean all year long and that wanting to maintain a lean body is bad for our health. What are your thoughts on this type of message? I think this is a message that we've been saying for almost six years now, and it's finally getting out to the rest of the space. Yeah, and it depends what you mean by lean.
Starting point is 00:54:18 So do I think a man whose let's say 13%, 14% body fat is gonna maintain that all your long and be healthy. Absolutely. Even 10. Yeah. 10 is harder. Some people can maintain.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Depends on who you're talking about. But even 10 to 14 I think is very real is. Yeah. So I would say that's a good range, right? Yeah. And it depends on the person, but, you know, why is it unhealthy to maintain very lean all the time? If you've ever gotten down to single-digit body fat as a man time. If you've ever gotten down to single digit body fat as a man or if you've ever gotten down to let's say below 17% as a
Starting point is 00:54:49 woman, your lifestyle is very much dedicated to maintaining that leanness. It's not a healthy lifestyle mentally or psychologically. It just isn't. You're constantly looking at that. You can't you can't overeat this. You can't do that. You're thinking about food. I got to make sure I get this milligram's a protein. My carbs can't be over this or my fat't do that, you're thinking about food, I gotta make sure I get this milligram's a protein, my carbs can't be over this or my fat can't be over that, I have to work out like this all the time, it's just not a healthy, it's a very obsessive way of living,
Starting point is 00:55:13 it's just not healthy for most people, and then especially for women, body fat is essential for health, and women who maintain these low teen body fat percentage all the time, they're rarely, do they have a period? The hormones tend to be off. Many of them try to control the symptoms with hormone therapy. So no, it's a, now, when you go on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:55:33 you look at the pictures, it looks cool, right? The shredded muscles, whatever. But it's not something to strive for all the time. I think doing it every once in a while, especially if you have a healthy mind, you want to see what it takes. Absolutely fine. Maintaining that, probably not healthy. Well, I think doing it every once in a while, especially if you have a healthy mind, you want to see what it takes, absolutely fine, maintaining that, probably not healthy.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Well, I think that you refer to Instagram. I think that 80% of those bodies that you see on Instagram is bullshit. If they're not being photoshopped, then they were shot at a period of time, and then Instagram people dripped that over the course of a year. So a lot of it's a facade, a lot of them pretend
Starting point is 00:56:06 like they looked that way and they really looked that way. And then the ones that do, the ones that walk around, it's six to seven percent body fat year round, you don't know the rest of their life. How many people are suffering? I mean, I know how much Katrina suffered for me, for me to compete. I saw that and I remember that was a constant conversation
Starting point is 00:56:23 with her that I'm not gonna make you do this forever I promise I promise like there's a goal in mind We're gonna reach that goal and then I'm done with this lifestyle as cool as looking that ripped was as cool as competing was I would never put that on my partner ever again and I've been in a relationship where I had somebody who was competing And I was the other person like it sucks You know, you know how lame it is that we have to like map out everything that we're doing all day long to make sure that he or she gets their meals all day
Starting point is 00:56:50 just time right, or we can't go to this restaurant because they don't offer an option for this, or oh, I can't have popcorn at the movie theater, oh, I can't bring this home because then that makes her wanna have it too. Like, just that lifestyle, there's a lot to that. And that's why too you see a lot of these fitness fanatics, they end up marrying or dating another fanatic,
Starting point is 00:57:09 so they can be neurotic. They can be neurotic. Yes, they can be neurotic together, not realizing how much of life that they're really missing out on. Yeah, that's just another form of an extreme, and that's just the thing. When you want to live in the extreme, you can have to make compromises in and other parts and other facets of your lifestyle
Starting point is 00:57:28 are gonna get affected. And so it's like, if that's what you really want and you desire constantly, you're gonna be battling some things along the way. And that's the thing is, in terms of being super shredded and lean all the time, your body's gonna be fighting you that whole time. It is, and your hormones suffer.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Men testosterone levels will drop. Women's estrogen, progesterone levels kind of go out of whack. I'll tell you what, like here's the truth in the real life. If you're a man and you're a strong 13%, 14% body fat, most women will consider you physically attractive. If you're a woman and you're a strong, you know, 20 to, you know, 24% body fat, but you're strong, obviously, lift weights, because the muscle gives you shape. You look attractive, physically attractive, you look good, you look healthy.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Isn't that ironic, though, that we chase these ridiculous, like, thing, but the opposite sex that we're trying to attract are the same sex possibly are not even attracted to that. It's almost like we're competing with our peers. That's the only people that we're really trying to impress. If you're a ripped ass dude, you know who thinks it's really cool, other dudes. The other dudes that are trying to get ripped. Like you said, I mean, they've done plenty of research
Starting point is 00:58:40 around this. Most people want somebody in that kind of body fat range because you look normal and healthy and you look fun to be with. You look like a good talent. I remember going to the first time I ever went to a show. At the time, my business partner was competing in bodybuilding and so when they did the show, they also have bikini and figure and physique and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I remember seeing the girls that were competing in the bikini, and you know, I would go backstage because I was helping them out, so I was allowed backstage and I'd see these girls getting prepared in their faces. They looked dead. They were sunken in ice. Gone to an acne obviously because the hormones roll off and this is supposed to be like the best way that they look.
Starting point is 00:59:22 And if I saw that person in real life, I would think, you know, I would maybe think, wow, if this person gained 15 pounds, they would look really good for another. Well, that's the thing too. It's like it's not just the abs. Everybody wants these like ridiculously popping shredded abs. Like you have to lose body fat all over your body.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And so, you know, you get that. You'll get the bony sticking out, you know, points that are unfavorable just to maintain this lean ab look. Now that to be, you know, it's also important to note that what isn't healthy either is to get lean every once in a while and then blow away up and come back down. To extreme. Right. So, I don't want us, or I don't want to come off like we are advocating for people to be, you know, okay, well the guys say I shouldn't be lean that often so I'm going to blow up. And that's what we see a lot.
Starting point is 01:00:05 You see one extreme or the other. You do see the neurotic person who tries to stay six percent year round, or you see the average person who yo, yo's hard. They swing high up, they could put on a much away, and then they put you in the car. And nothing wrong going for a goal of trying to make that happen. And you know, and like get to a peak, like you're peaking, just like anything else with sports even for me,
Starting point is 01:00:25 it was like we went through an offseason that led into an extreme competition at the end of that that I was preparing for, but then I came right back into a normalized type of training situation. Next question is from Gretz123, is there an ideal ratio of strength you should have between your bench, deadlifts, and squats? I can bench my body weight, but I can't do that much more
Starting point is 01:00:51 in deadlifts or squats. Okay, so normally what you'll find is that you can bench a certain amount of weight, you could squat more than that and you could deadlift more than that. So typically what it looks like is your bench is the lowest, then it goes squat, then it goes deadlift. Is that true? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 For most people, I thought it's interchangeable with the squat and the deadlift. No, some people, or this is not most, some people can squat more than they can deadlift, but it's much more common that someone can deadlift. More than they squat. That was definitely me for a while. I mean, that's just because I didn't deadlift.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Right, you know, I didn't have the skill of it yet. Right, right. And every once in a while, you see someone who could bench, a ton, and you can see the way that they're built. There's big ribcage short arms and, you know, kind of like the power lifted, like the guys who could bench like crazy, but they're deadlift and squat. Okay, so here's a good number for a guy.
Starting point is 01:01:39 This is a good, I guess, strength goal that's probably attainable for most men if they train consistently. Being able to bench your own body weight, being able to squat about one and a quarter your body weight and then being able to deadlift about one and a half times your body weight. That's a good goal that I think most men if they train consistently could be able to accomplish. Now, if you want to be like, I want to be super strong, well, if you bench like one and a half times your body weight, squat you know, two times your body weight,
Starting point is 01:02:08 deadlift two and a half times your body weight. Now you're starting to get pretty damn, pretty damn strong for a woman. This is a little bit more difficult for me to figure out. I'm trying to think what would be a good number. You're probably looking at something like half body weight to maybe, you know, three quarter bit wall body weight bench, squat, probably body weight, and deadlift, probably body weight in the quarter or something like that. I remember T Nation had a really good, yeah, T Nation had a really good article that was like a whole chart. They did. They had a whole chart of this and maybe we can look it up and then hopefully attach it to the show notes. It was, it had both men and women and-
Starting point is 01:02:45 It showed you like, like, elites. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I said like bad, good, very good, or whatever. There's like three or four categories of what, what, what Salis referring to for both men and women, like, where they should be on this. I thought that was a pretty good, accurate chart to whatever it is. For as a trainer, I would say I'm a, where you're at,is, if I if I had a woman that could do almost her weight in bench That's phenomenal. Yeah, and as long as she was squatting and deadlifting her weight and above we're doing pretty good
Starting point is 01:03:14 Yeah, we're doing pretty damn good. So oh there is that it? So this is okay. So male okay? Here's what they have for you see they didn't they don't do this by body weight Oh, well actually they did so for they said for a man for, they don't do this by body weight. Oh, well, actually they did. So they said for a man, decent for a squat is 315 pounds or one and a half times your body weight. Good was 405 pounds or two times your body weight. And great was, what is that?
Starting point is 01:03:37 465 or two and a half times body weight for a squat. For female, it was 95 or 75% to 0.75 your body weight, good, 155 or one and a quarter of your body weight, great was, what is that, 205 or two times your body? But you know, they're talking to a, like a fitness fanatic audience, because those numbers are pretty high. Yeah, that's why I would.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Even just decent is high on there, I would say. I mean, when you're talking about, okay, the clients that we train, which were average person, I wanted, the way I looked at it was, rarely ever in their life, are they're gonna have to pick something off the ground that's heavier than them, right? Or squats in the down that's heavier than they are.
Starting point is 01:04:15 So as long as they could do their body weight in squatting and deadlifting, I was really happy with the progress or where we are currently at. Of course, we are trying for more, but I would be very impressed or happy with the progress or where we are currently at. Of course, we are trying for more, but I would be very impressed or happy with the client that was doing that. And then as bench pressing, if I had a guy,
Starting point is 01:04:30 if he was able to at least do his body weight, and for a girl, if she was able to do 50% of her body weight to 75, I would be very happy. Yeah, totally. You know what's interesting too, is that you typically will be good at like really good at one in comparison to the other. Totally.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Your body type tends to, like if you've got long arms and you're kind of tall. It's all your levers that you have. Yeah, you're probably a deadlifted, right? You're probably going to be able to, if you have short arms kind of stocky, bench press is probably going to be, you know, what you're better at. I know for me, my squat and my bench was, you know, good. My deadlift was always great. And it'll match.
Starting point is 01:05:04 My deadlift was always, you know, through the roof in comparison to the other two. So that's the other thing. But here, look, and it'll match. My deadlift was always through the roof and comparison to the other two. So that's the other thing. But here's the thing, at the end of the day, this is a question that's essentially saying, how do I compare myself to other people? That's a trap. Right, just be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:05:18 That's such a good point. Really, and that's another thing too. Like if I had a client, it was about where we started. Total rad now. So even though we're all throwing out these random as percentages and numbers, you know, if you have been strength training for, you know, months or years and you're better at all those things
Starting point is 01:05:33 than what you were before, you're in the right, you're heading on the right, you're in the right, you're in the wrong journey, man. I'm sorry, I threw away all these standards and these like performance, you know, metrics as far as like, oh, here's what somebody, you're age and you're body weight. Cause it just attracts you from making progress
Starting point is 01:05:51 for you individually. Well, especially the numbers that we just looked at, I saw you ride. That's definitely geared toward the finish. Cause if you showed that to a person who doesn't lift, they are so, but they're not even close to inflating it, they're not gonna get close to any of those at all.
Starting point is 01:06:06 They're gonna be way. It says decent. Oh, I'm not decent because I can't swap anything. Yeah, no, I mean, what's the quote? Comparison is the thief of joy. Yeah, right? So one of the biggest traps in an interesting life, but especially in fitness is comparing yourself
Starting point is 01:06:20 to other people. First off, it's not fair. It is not a fair comparison. Everybody is so different, so individual, different genetics, different diet, different lifestyle, different time that they can spend working out. Their lymph is different. Their muscles are very different. Their central nervous system reacts very different. Age, different, hormone differences. It's so unfair to compare yourself to someone else. If you want to compare yourself,
Starting point is 01:06:47 which there's nothing wrong with comparison, but if you're gonna do this, you know you've heard apples to apples, right? It'd be like me comparing my, you know, my four by four truck to a Ferrari for zero to 16 being sad that my four by four truck is not as fast as the Ferrari. It's not a fair comparison.
Starting point is 01:07:02 If you want to compare, which is fine, at least make it a fair comparison. There's only one fair comparison. If you want to compare, which is fine, at least make it a fair comparison. There's only one fair comparison in fitness. It's you to you yesterday, that's it. There is nobody else, not even your twin, because they don't even live exactly identical to you. The only fair comparison is you to yourself. So questions like this, yeah, I know we gave out some numbers.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Those are super general. But to be honest with you. Arbitri. Arbitri. It's barbitry. It's been all, like I had clients who, I had a woman that I trained who, she was hyper mobile, I'm very lax and she had beat cancer. And her squatting the bar was a greater accomplishment than the 22 year old ex football player
Starting point is 01:07:41 who I got to squat 405. That's great. But getting her to squat a bar from where she came from. Oh my God. And but it's still, it's not fair. You compare yourself to yourself. Don't compare to anyone else
Starting point is 01:07:52 because you will crush your, take your joy right out of your life. Look, Mind Pump is recorded on videos as well as audio confindes on YouTube, Mind Pump Podcast. You can also find all of us on social media, Instagram, so you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Adam at Mind Pump Atom, and me, I'm Shadow Band,
Starting point is 01:08:09 but if you type in Mind Pump Sal, I promise you I'm there. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
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