Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 150: HRV Training, Best Split, Lifting Cues & Negative Calories

Episode Date: September 17, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin talk about Heart Rate Variability (HRV) training, and answer your questions about the best split for beginners, favorite lifting cues for compound lifts and negative calories....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. It's time for a song, time for a song. Time for a song, time for a song. You in there, you in there, you in there. Can you do a polka dot song? Adam.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Polka dot Don't go come on sing go go. It can't do Good bro. I can't do it. It's He makes me so mad. I'm not by Keeney make me so mad just because you know what I know is I do want I do it with all my heart I want to sing Oh my heart. It's a sad day. I know Bro, I would do that. Do your best.
Starting point is 00:00:45 You know what? I would give up one of my nuts to be able to have a voice like this. No, you would. And then you'd only have two left. I would. Yeah, exactly. So I'm trying to say that I'd be normal with a great voice.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Why don't you donate that extra testicle to science? He's having it. Back up. Wouldn't you like to have a backup of everybody part you have? A backup nut. Yeah. You know what happens when you lose a ball? This is, you know what happens?
Starting point is 00:01:11 The other ball then produces the testosterone that the one that's gone was producing. So you actually your testosterone levels remain normal. Isn't that strange? We have a few things in our body that we don't need to have both of them that we can far bodice in. Well, I just think how it's like, to me, it's just fascinating the wonder and the amazingness of the testicles, the fact that one of them could just pick up.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Like, if I lost an arm, my left arm, like if I lost my left arm, my right arm, all of a sudden became so good at doing everything that it would be like I never remember it becomes strong as strong as both arms nothing nothing nobody nothing in your body does that but your balls you know what I'm saying yeah that's special that is kind of special if you ask me special balls I got three of them I got three special balls I got three special balls yes that was close to harmony you know what I am let's talk about balls of course to get a thing. Yeah, I read special ones I got to be special balls my name is Adam. Hey Adam. What your hair? Your hair? Your hair is fucking awesome
Starting point is 00:02:18 Would you do it? What you do to your hair dude tomorrow? I get hair So you come on come on come on, come on, come on. You guys can help me out here and relate to me. You know what it's like. You look like 10. I'm overdue a little bit. Okay, I'm a little bit. Yeah, is there anything in your hair?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Because it's like malleable. Every, like, if you move it to the left, it all sticks up in that direction. This is how this would happen. This would have, this would have just natural gel. No, this is how this would happen when you start to lose all your hair. And it's really thin. This is what this would happen. Is that just natural gel? No, this is how this would happen when you start to lose all your hair. And it's really thin.
Starting point is 00:02:46 This is what happens, bro. Because back when I had it, didn't manipulate it? No, it just, it's weak. It goes off when it's on. He said it's weak. It's weak. It's really sad.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It's just besides different things. I used to be the kid who used to get his haircut and like the hairstylist lady whoever was in the care. Your hair's so thin. Oh, your hair. Oh you're beautiful thick hair. Oh, you're so lucky. Oh No, you know, they say now they don't say shit and then I go like, hey, does it look like I'm thinner than the last time I was here? They're like, no, no, you look about the same in layers like you guys are lying to me. You guys are fucking I hate you guys
Starting point is 00:03:28 For the longest for the longest time I was in denial, you know, and then that time then that that they happen Did you see the hair on the pillow stuff? No, the first time I ever saw like saw me losing hair or thought that I was thinning Was it was after shampooing one time and I you saw I saw a couple of strands of hair in my hand and I'm like What the fuck? You know like check it, check it in the shampoo bottle make sure you do put acid in your head. Oh, they're like, oh, why not just put it in here? It says fucking head and shoulders, I don't understand, it should be fine. I didn't put the nare on my head.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah, I didn't put the nare here. I'm losing mine too, but to a farce less smaller degree than you are. It's like a little bit. Thanks, dick. I'm losing mind too, but to a farce less solid agree that you are It's like a little bit It's doing the widow peaky thing. It's a little bit in the back. Maybe maybe you know There's nothing wrong with losing your There's roll oh bro You know there's phases of there's phases of this where, and I'm not through the phase where it's okay yet.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Like I'm like, you know, I, and I've watched my two best friends. Are you hoping that it'll come back? Yeah, well, no, I'm beyond, I'm beyond the, the already days. Yeah, that was about a year and a half ago. I was like, you're just trying to stop it, stop the process.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah, well, no, you're, you're in a half ago, it was like, you know, I could get it back. I could, if I start buying these products that are gonna help, help it regenerate and grow. Well, I'm telling you, Saul Paul Meadow shampoo. It doesn't matter. It does.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It does. Everybody, you know what? Everybody has a, everybody has a fucking. This is why I'm, you know what? And if those are listening right now, don't send me a bunch of your bullshit that, oh no, I'm telling, no, I don't wanna hear. Dude, maybe we can get sponsored by a hair dryer. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no a bunch of your bullshit that oh no, I'm telling you I don't want to hear it, dude. Maybe we can get sponsored by hair
Starting point is 00:05:08 No, I'm so wrong, dude. Yeah, I don't even want to hear your story I don't want to hear it because everybody this is why I don't like talking about this subject because the moment I do talk about it Then all said my inbox is flooded Well the fucker unless you come over and grow fucking hair on my head, or let me borrow yours, you ain't helping me out. What about Monoxidil? Does that work? Dude, I have researched every fucking pill and juice
Starting point is 00:05:33 and goji thing and freaking special prayer that I'm supposed to do before bed. Like, I've done it all by myself. You know, I'm a hercassist, or a practicing alchemy. Now, I heard that Monoxidil will make hair grow anyway right like you could put it on your like arm. Is that true? I don't know because how funny would it be if you took your like your friends like shower gel and just put my Still on it. It just washes his body Every day
Starting point is 00:05:57 All of a sudden he's Sicilian So so Adam you were gonna talk about oh no, I was you were gonna talk about something other than So so Adam you were gonna talk about oh no I was you were talking about something other than Yeah, then your and then your androgenic alopecia For some reason I'm not losing you know my ass though. We don't fucking I got that no problem It's that's that going anywhere in fact. I think that's getting they're getting that's getting furrier as I get older my head It's the hair transfer Well, so I gotta me hell of depressed. You got him in the head, dude, fucking hey, you saw my ass chambers here. Huh? Yeah, so you saw my ass
Starting point is 00:06:32 right in the hall. Yeah, it's funny, Harry, dude. Yeah, you're good. For some reason, you still got both going for you. Lucky you. Lucky you. So that's hair is hair, bro. The topic I did want to talk about, hey, you know what, we're gonna talk about fitness today. What's that? Yeah, we're gonna talk about fitness days since we've, we've been doing episodes that aren't fitness related so much.
Starting point is 00:06:56 What I wanted to mention, and this is something that Justin, this is your wheelhouse, bro. What? I'm listening to, I want to say, fighter in the kid, I'm not 100, I wanna say fighter in the kid. I'm not 100% sure, so don't quote me. Great show, by the way. Yeah, love fighter in the kid.
Starting point is 00:07:10 That's probably, I wouldn't call it. You wouldn't call me, right? That's the best podcast. I would say that's our favorite podcast besides ourselves. Because 90% of the time, if you get in the car, it sounds like car hypnosis. Yeah, the other day, you sound like a driver somewhere, and I'm wanting to if you get in the car and sell car, you know, the other day you sell
Starting point is 00:07:26 and I are driving somewhere and I'm wanting to listen to the fight of the kid and he's like, and he gets like, I've already heard this. No, no, no, no, no, no, put on my pup. Like, you really want to listen to my pup, bro? We're so good. I'm like, seriously? So what were they doing on the show?
Starting point is 00:07:39 What were they talking about? So they were talking about, I believe they were all looting to, though they used the terminology of HRV training. Okay. They were talking about just the fighters and, you know, oh, it's crazy where science is at, how much we've learned and what we're doing as far as tracking and this and that. That's the next metric.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Which I, you know, I think it's, and this is why I wanted to talk about this. I feel like maybe we haven't talked enough about this because to me It's not I mean the fact of firing a kid that you they didn't even seem to know too much about it We've talked about HRV before. What is HRV stand for Justin? Heart rate. Yeah variable training. Oh, okay. Yeah, so yeah explain that you explained it so I know very little about this um Yeah Yeah, it leads up to not South. Does it know it's fucking crazy about it? Rehallegee. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:30 So it's going to sit this one out there, Dr. Sal. Yeah. So HRV, basically, I don't know how long ago, but whenever the Russians dominated the Olympics for that time period, you know, they're testing their athletes, all kinds of different ways. And I believe it's stemmed from that.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I know, back in the 70s then. If it's even further than that. Yeah, I don't know. I think it was 60s. Yeah, 60s. Wow, I'm guessing. This is me not totally Wikipediaing or anything right now.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Okay. But basically like, they came up with this. They used the EKG machine beforehand to track, to find out where athletes when they were getting stressed or just patterns as far as what the heart rate was going through and all these things. So it's more based off of this aggregated amount of data that you can use to find these patterns and find when it's optimal to rest versus to go ahead and perform at an intense pace. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah. So by measuring the, and I'm assuming the variable, the variability between heart or heart rhythm, they can determine how this person's, yeah, this person's rested, this person can train really hard. And you know why that sounds awesome to me? Because before that or besides that, it's all subjective. And a lot of times athletes are like, I feel great. I know I've done that a million times. I'm like, oh, crazy. That's why I keep kind of bringing it up subtly. As we talk about things because it is,
Starting point is 00:10:10 it's very interesting to me because it's a new metric. It's something that inherently I think a lot of athletes and other people that lift constantly, they just know when their body tells them, it's that whole thing your body's talking to you, right? And that's really like the only sort of measure I can see applying to that. That's like, that's in its objective.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And it's objective. You do have an actual number that they can coordinate for you. So basically, and this is where my mind goes into our programming of how we do things, right? Which totally falls in line with that because we're more focused on performing, but then recovering, but also staying active. And so, for this to give me a number to say, hey, maybe I want to kind of use this as a trigger session or something like that today, that's interesting give me a number to say, hey, you know, maybe I want to kind of use this as a trigger session or something like that today.
Starting point is 00:11:06 You know, that's interesting to me. So how would do they have any, is there, are there any devices or any tools? Yeah, they, they color, they have ones that color code, Nate and stuff like that. Yeah, so actually, yeah, there's this great company, Ithlete, ITH, you know, LEET. So like, yeah, so you guys can like finish the rest of that. I'm talking
Starting point is 00:11:28 to children. But basically, they, they, they're able to kind of use modern day tools. So you got your iPhone. And they had this jack that will basically sync up to a heart rate monitor. Like, so if it's a chest strap, I do believe they have a measure. So I think they might use LED with it to capture from your fingertip. Or actually, yes, the flash from your camera. Oh, what? It's an app.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Well, you have an app that, yeah, we'll be able to communicate with whatever heart rate measuring device you've been using. And then you do it first thing in the morning, and you kind of find out where you're at as far as your HRV score, and then you proceed to work out accordingly. Dude, this is taking it to another low. What's so bad about this is, I've seen, I don't know if it's the same company, Justin talked about where they make it very simple. So it's like red, yellow, and then green. Yeah, green means you're like fully rested.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You're rested. You're ready to fuck on. You're ready for your CrossFit workout. Good workout. No. I had to throw that in there. I think you're ready. But yeah, you're very focused, specified workout. No. I had to throw that in there. You're right. But you're very focused specified workout.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, it's to help you advance. At green, you're good at something. Get after it. Yellow, it's kind of like, okay, you've banged up a little bit, but you're still okay to go, but maybe that should not be your most intense workout of the week. And then red is you're probably better off resting than you are even going in. So now this brings up some interesting questions for me. So some people would look at that and say,
Starting point is 00:13:12 okay, always train, wait till you're in the green before you train hard. But there's something to be said about training when you're not fully recovered or maybe not. Maybe that is the best time to train. I would like to see some studies behind this. You know what I'm saying? Like saying, the best time to train is actually
Starting point is 00:13:31 in the yellow zone or if you're in the yellow zone, you have to train at this intensity. If you're green at this intensity, because I think people always feel that they have to be fully recovered before they can work out, which is not true. You guys know, it's not true. And I don't think that you can use it just specifically like that.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Like this is like the determiner of like, you know, what your workouts are every time. Like I think that it's more of a gauge. Like it actually gives you a sort of barometer of like where you are. So you know that you might be lagging a bit today, but you're going to have to like overcome that in your workout. Um, is how I look at it, you know, from, from that aspect, but, um, it's just interesting because yeah, like you said, there isn't a whole lot of like real lengthy study out there other than, uh, studies conducted that, you know, are, are pretty recent. Um, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:20 there's no long term study. So it's nothing that you get. And plus you've got to also take a consideration goals too. So it's very generic. Yeah, that's a broad, yeah, it's very, very, very, very, very, very, five years from now, this is gonna be pretty, but that's why I'm so interested in it. Yeah, because it's heading the right direction. It's for sure.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It for sure is now trying to understand, like, and this is where I see technology really sort of applying to finally catch up to our human body. It's this biofeedback. It's all this stuff that you're able to now quantify all these different things, like whether it's steps, whether it's the amount of activity per day,
Starting point is 00:15:04 it's calories, you know? It was like steps, whether it's, you know, the amount of activity per day, it's calories. Yeah, but it was like, you had to kind of rough. Yeah, I mean, you really had to do a lot more ground work. Like you had to write it all out and like, you'd have to go like, you know, to the grocery store, like, wouldn't even give you accurate information because they weren't, there wouldn't even laws or anything really for that, you know, they definitely have worked on that and it's gotten better, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:30 to reveal like quality information, but it's just, that's kind of the world that we're going towards. Like it's going to be this thing now where like you're going to have a pretty good understanding of your own specific habits and your nature. And so, you know, to crack one little thing is going to be so much more beneficial to you because now like you see how that one thing it's like this huge thing in the long term.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And so if you can, if you can systematize like, you know, your programming accordingly, you're really going to benefit. And I think that it's going to do us a lot of good. However, right now it's super distracting. And I feel like the, the mediums that it's using right now are very distracting. So like, if I have to keep checking back to my phone, back and forth, and use it while I'm moving and all this kind of so that doesn't work. Right. You know, so there's been advances with, you know, watches and things like that that you're wearing, which is great and all that kind of stuff, but, you know, it has to be, it has to be automated. And so, you know, it's gonna go in that direction
Starting point is 00:16:46 and sensors are gonna become a part of everything. So, this, and this, this brings me back to, and I know Douglas and Lee have mad at me for doing this because we're not supposed to refer to other episodes. That's what we did in other episodes. Oh, no. Where this is where I was just talking about what I believe the future of the way we eat
Starting point is 00:17:06 and consume and stuff is because, like you just said, the ability to quantify this, the biofeedback that we get right now, it's all, I think I feel good, or oh, I think that makes me feel this way, or oh, I'm pretty sure whenever I eat this or do that, I'm this, where in time, you're gonna know. You can test for intolerances. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I get real specific with DNA matching. It makes me believe we will be, it'll be different. You'll look at food, you'll look at things like that differently because we will know, we'll know. Right now, there's just still this debate about everything where it's like, no, real soon here, we're gonna be able to track and quantify all those things and when we can, it's gonna be,
Starting point is 00:17:50 you'll, I think the other end will look silly, the people that choose to continue to go be in Americans and just eat whatever the fuck you wanna eat and just, oh, everyone's gonna die anyway. So, I'm gonna die and join myself, that attitude, as we go away, we're like, well, hey, idiot, you have no idea that we could do this, this and this, and if you just pay attention
Starting point is 00:18:09 to that for the rest of your life, you actually could live not only a longer life, but probably a lot happier and healthier, and a lot more functional. So, I definitely see that. What I do see though, and here's your mind publishers, here's a, give you a heads up when this happens, When you do, when everyone does start to hear about it,
Starting point is 00:18:28 you heard about it here probably first or maybe second. But when it does start getting big and start talking about, you watch, they'll put a spin on it just like everything else. HRV will come out and it'll be like the next best way to all end all. Yeah, that be all you know, though, if you're in the red, you have no business training because we've, you know, like, it sounds to me like it's going to be an advanced tool. Yeah. Well, it absolutely like it's, it's, it's irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:18:54 It's, it's just like writing down your food for the week. Yeah. You know, like, you have to have commitment to do that. And you have to know what it means. You need to know what it means. Yeah, you have to be educated somewhat on like why, like what to eat and why to eat, you know, where you stand.
Starting point is 00:19:09 So anyway, yeah, it definitely has, you know, advanced. And it's called HRB. Feel to it, yeah, for sure. I see it more as a benefit to athletics than I do your average is Jim going person. That's what I mean, like when you're looking for that real. I don't really think it's like, if I'm just trying to lose weight or you know what I mean. When you're looking for that real. I don't really think it's like, if I'm just trying to lose weight,
Starting point is 00:19:26 or you know what I mean? I would say the average real relevant. Yeah, because I would say the average person, probably doesn't need to worry about getting in the red. No, right. But the Jim rats and the hardcore people, that's the problem. That's always the problem.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I doubt they were hard enough. Yeah, and once you get going back to the, it's more sports performance, right? If you're an athlete, if you're a competitor who... Well, this is why I'm, like, I just, I love it because then, if this takes more limelight, it's gonna, it's gonna really bust all this, like, crossfit mentality of, like, you know, super,
Starting point is 00:19:59 like, I'm ready for anything intensity. I'm at 100% throttle. All the time, which is total bullshit. Yeah, like, you know, I'm ready to explode and burn out. Good job. Yeah, I guess what? I have like a full tank and I'm ready to charge. You know, like, because I'm smart. Yeah, so that's what I want to combat with.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I mean, I can't wait, dude. Like, it's going to take, and you'll see it, like, like, I what I want to combat with. I mean, I can't wait, dude. It's gonna take, and you'll see it, like I also was talking to you guys a little bit about exos, and like it's a training system. It's not a Google, I believe, and they're trying to create this like ultimate, you know, training facility that like, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:40 data analysts and all these people are there collecting all this information and they're wearing specific body suits and, you know, it's getting like super ridiculous. It's all the stuff you see on that like, sport science lab, you know, like the old cool experiments and like, you know, what your foresight is and like how much your ground forces around. Exactly. I think all that stuff will benefit advanced athletes
Starting point is 00:21:05 and advanced trainers. I do not think it'll really have much. Absolutely. I mean, there might be some carryover in terms of how, like we understand how to train people, we understand how intensity can be abused, we understand how the body responds, especially how to train a beginner.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So maybe this kind of information will be the subjective data that then will become more mainstream. Well, that's what I think. I think that because technology is more accessible, like that kind of data, it's not gonna be that hard because you can have it on your phone. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:37 It'll be easier for you. Yeah, you had to have these elaborate sensors like all of your body. It'll be easier for a person to be like, you're a shitty trainer. I'm looking at my day. Exactly. And you just fucked me up.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And seriously, but that's why if you're not listening to this show, you're gonna get left in the dust. Yeah. You know what I mean? You gotta stay on top of the times. Speaking of which, we gotta tell our fans to be cool, man, to the new fans coming in. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You see that on the Q&A one? Yeah, I thought it was funny. It was great. But yeah, should we answer some questions? Well, since you kind of just alluded to that right there, we probably should go that You know, Doug, why don't you read off some questions that we can answer. Yeah, we've got one from Squally Boo Boo And this is the one that actually started all the a little bit of commotion. Promotion of eight. Yeah, on Instagram page.
Starting point is 00:22:29 His question was, what is the best split for beginners looking for strength and size? So he got hammered a little bit because we've talked about this all the time. And so our fans are like, you obviously don't listen to Mind Pump. Bruno! Come on, guys. Oh, guys. Nice you know, you should point to a specific episode.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Be nice to squatted a bit. Yeah, exactly. Remember, I mean, some of you guys have been with us since the beginning. Got where on like a hundred? What are we? A hundred and forty? Where we at, Doug? I think a hundred and forty five.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I'm not like that. A hundred and forty five episodes. I mean, Sal, I'm not shut the fuck up. We have two co-workers. We continually have to cover this studio more and more capturing every thing. Originally, when we started this project, Justin, I committed to twice a week, that's it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Now we're up to four times a week, it's ridiculous. Sal just has way too much to talk about. So, but if you are going to, I think it's kind of funny. I kind of like it because I kind of feel like, you know, you see, do you see those guys up there like Ian and stuff who's been with us from the beginning, and I like- I'm like, dear homework.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah, you know what I'm kind of like, I feel a little loyalty towards the guys that have been, you know, at one point. Yeah. You know, he's new. Come on guys, he's new. And I think that's the part where I think we'll definitely answer his question because I think it's an opportunity for us to talk about splits
Starting point is 00:23:47 also talk about the way we create and design maps because ultimately splits are really uh splits are for kids. Yeah, yeah, you're most As for Justin, I do just do a catch that was yeah, we're right over No, I'm tricks. Okay, good. Come on, bro. Come on, bro. Silly rap. So best split, most people, most, not all, but most people will respond best to a full body routine two to three days a week.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Most people, period. It allows you to train the body parts more frequently. It allows you to do the big core lifts more frequently. Your body will respond better. You're not destroying a body part to where you can only train it once a week. In terms of protein synthesis and whatnot within a muscle, it peaks at about 72 hours
Starting point is 00:24:41 and it starts to drop. Boom, you hit it again. So full body routines tend to work best for most people. And we've had a lot of people switch now and we're getting, what are they all saying? We see it. And these are experienced people, people who would not expect to ever go back.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Yeah, and they're like, oh my God. It makes an amazing difference. So like typical full body workout, you start with squats, move to a back like, like, typically, typical full body workout, you know, you start with squats, you know, move to a back exercise, a chest exercise, shoulders, biceps, triceps, do some core and some calves, and you're done. One exercise per body part, three sets each,
Starting point is 00:25:15 don't go to failure. That's your basic full body routine. There's also, you can break it up into upper lower body, but you gotta get the idea. Now, the program that, you know, the program that we design maps is based around that, but it goes much more in a depth. We also break the workouts down into phases and to different types of muscle adaptation, everything from central nervous system adaptation
Starting point is 00:25:36 to muscle fiber hypertrophy, to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Those complicated terms all refer to different types of different ways that muscles respond and grow and get stronger. And then we included something called trigger session concept, which maintains that muscle building signals on the day off, on the days off. You know, kind of like active recovery. So on the days off, you're not necessarily resting. You are stimulating the muscles, but to a much lower degree.
Starting point is 00:26:04 So just that's kind of a general breakdown against the maps program. Well, I think a good point to say to our buddy who's asking this right now too, is that if you ever were to ask this to a trainer or anybody for that matter, and they give you a direct answer, oh, this is the best.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Right, yes. This is what you only way. This is what you're going. This is what you got. This is what you got to do. Yeah, that's an instant red flag. You know, when you're talking about something, when you're talking about the body, you know, when we're dealing with science
Starting point is 00:26:34 and something that's always evolving and changing and adapting, there is no like the holy grail of a workout because that's the trick is that. Too many variables that everybody's presenting from whatever environmental, genetics, you name it. Exactly, and I feel like this is a lot about what mind pump, what maps, what this is all about is,
Starting point is 00:27:01 we all came together for a reason and we created this for this exact reason. It's because we knew that, okay, between the three of us that we, you know, we already had this network of people and relationships that we've built in the Bay Area plus that we've extended beyond that within a competing world and social media and you know, you know, it would have been very easy for us to design a the golden workout or the best workout and to present a bunch of of our client success workout and to present a bunch of our client success stories and put up a bunch of pictures and sell the shit out of a program over and over
Starting point is 00:27:32 and over to people. But that was not what the goal was. The idea was to educate people on the way the way you're supposed to train the body. And the way you're supposed to train the body is uniquely to every person listening right now. Yeah, there's general, there's general, you know, and I say general again because it's
Starting point is 00:27:51 not 100%, but there's general truths. Okay, so when I say a full body, you know, three day a week full body routine, usually that's best. For most people, that's what we've seen. But, and I said this on the forum too, somebody asked me, you know, Sal, why are full body routines so much more effective? And of course, this person now has tried them. And I said to them, you know, I gave them the reasons, but I did save them. There are people out there who are going to respond best to a, you know, traditional bodybuilding split where they work one body part a day,
Starting point is 00:28:22 you know, each day. You know, and like know, and like, like Adam was saying, it's, it can be quite unique. There are general truths, but between individuals, the variance can be dramatic. It can be huge. So we're going to give you, you know, based on our experience and what the science says, how most people are going to respond. But then what you need to do is you need to, you know, go with that, take our advice, because we know what we're talking about, especially if you're a beginner. And once you do it for a little while,
Starting point is 00:28:50 you'll start to learn your body a little bit. Don't be afraid to experiment and to change and to try different things for yourself to see what works because I've been training for a long time, a long time. And I really know my body pretty well now. Way more than I knew my body even five years ago. Yeah, I think it's important. It's the foundation is what it is.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Right, right. I don't even like telling people like, oh, there's this or do that instead. No, you can't. Yes, turn on the right foot. Yes, you should do this no matter what. I don't care what you're going. You should always experiment with that first
Starting point is 00:29:24 is what we're trying to say. And that's how we do it across the board, whether it's nutrition, training, whatever it is, how to be a better person. These are just some of the core values that we see that have science behind them or we've experimented personally with. And we have, I mean, I got 12, 15, whatever,
Starting point is 00:29:48 how many years we all have in the industry, that's a lot more time than I'm sure most people that are gonna ask us questions. And we see it every single day. The experience is very powerful. It's something that I didn't really consider as much like when I was first starting, but like just to see it on a daily basis, like it literally like I haven't done anything else, you know, this is all I've been doing. And so, you know, if you're gonna ask me a question,
Starting point is 00:30:18 like I'm sorry, but I kind of know more than you. Just like I will put. Yeah, so you perlager better words. Yeah. So yeah, so I'm done. Hopefully that answers your question. Squallad Boo Boo. But if you want more specifics and something that's totally detailed broken down and gives you examples and videos demos and whatnot, go to mindpumpradio.com. that's where the program's available. So far, every single person that's purchased it has been very, very satisfied. So, all right, Doug, what do we got? Cassidy H626.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Is this our girl? Yes it is. Cassidy! Yo! Favorite mental lifting cues, especially for the big compound lifts. Oh, okay. So, this is like when Adam pinches his nipples before this cap. No, right. Yeah. I see him doing that.
Starting point is 00:31:10 It's not weird. I don't know why that was a physique thing though. Yeah, it just helps me. It helps me squeegee the better squeeze for so many. Do you put your belt on and wrist around and like, let's do this. Shock up your nose. Well, why don't we go through some exercises and you guys can tell me some cues and tips that you guys give for that. So let's start with the big ones. Let's go with like a deadlift.
Starting point is 00:31:33 What do you guys have for smelling salts? Yeah, what are your mental cues for deadlift? Okay, so one of the things that I tell a client before we're even trying to feel or get a cue like that is is the rotating of the hips out before they get over. Typically when people... I stick the butt out. Yes, and that's actually what I say because if you tell someone to rotate your hips, that doesn't mean...
Starting point is 00:31:55 They're gonna do it to me. Yeah, so I normally visually show them and I only, you know, exaggerate what I'm doing and stick my butt way out and be like, I like... Yeah, I like to make sure they take the bar all the way to the shin. They start from a really, really close position. And so it's all about that first, that line. So I'm drawing that line vertical up to the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:32:15 So you use a line as a cue? Yeah, tell them how. Yeah, I'll tell a client, so I'll get him in position with the deadlift. And then I'll tell them to, rather than try to lift the bar off the ground Push through the floor. Yeah, that's a good one to I use because Push your heels down on the ground. Yeah, like you're like you're pushing down your hips into the bars You keep your arms straight and just push down into the floor like you're pushing the floor down and I tell this to clients because
Starting point is 00:32:42 When clients try and deadlifts it turns into a really ugly, you know, back rounded type of deal. Now for me, when I deadlift, I don't use that queue anymore because I know what I'm doing. For me, I use mental, some mental things that I do with myself is I'll picture, I'll pretend like the weight is glued to the floor and I need to rip it off the floor or pretend I'm lifting something off of someone. Like, oh, shit, this car stuck on somebody. I'll use these kind of mental games on myself to pick up a heavy weight.
Starting point is 00:33:11 That's interesting, yeah. So, that's a little off that. I do kind of like the rip off the ground. Yeah, I grab the bar, and I pretend like the bar is either nailed to the floor. Yeah, I pound it into the ground and I rip it out. Like, I gotta just rip it, and once I rip it off, it's gonna come up real easy.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Yeah. Because I know for me that what's a deadlift, whenever I've been- Yes, it's the driving force into the ground. Yeah, once I get it off the floor, sometimes I'll get stuck like three inches off the floor. But if I, in my head, I'm mentally saying the hardest part of the floor,
Starting point is 00:33:39 if I can rip this off the floor, it's gonna come up quick. And so that's it, I do my head. I, with a deadlift, what else is like this? Squat? Maybe even a bench press, maybe? Those movements, because you're generating a lot of power and force to do them, right?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Especially if you're lifting heavier in phase one. One of the mental cues I think of is, I immediately think about contracting my abs and tightening my stomach up. And that the butt puffer. Yeah, so like, let's say like your deadlift, I'm like, right? The butt puffer.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Right, like let's talk about the deadlift, right? We just talked about all our cues. That's not a cue. And we get our form in there, right? So my hips are rotated out just just bring the bar in close. So you're drawing that line straight up, sourcing about ripping off the floor. So you're in position, you're ready to go. And instantly, right before I pull up and move, the first thing I think of is my abs.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Tighten the core. Tighten the core. Yeah. I mean, that's part of it for sure. Because the way you, if you think about it like you You've got everything in position. You're in good form. You're not moving yet. Yeah, you're in good form And what's gonna keep you in that good form more than anything else is that transfers abdominis, right? So the other thing that I just remember that I just started doing recently and I'm routinely now pulling
Starting point is 00:35:00 five You know just for workouts five 20 and above and 5, you know, just for workouts, 5, 20 and above. And before I would always do my heavy single sets would be with like 500, which is not my max, but that's where, now I'm like in the 5, to I'm getting stronger. And so my grip is becoming more of an issue. Only because I didn't think about it before,
Starting point is 00:35:17 like I would just hold the bar. Now, what I'm noticing is I started to lose the bar a little bit because I didn't focus out at the very beginning. So now what I'm doing right before I lift the bar is I squeeze the shit out of the bar and then I deadlift and it just seems to stick better. Sometimes I'll do that. I'll just, I'll do a little lift.
Starting point is 00:35:33 So I'll lift it just a little bit off the ground, put it down and then I kind of have like a feel of it. And then I pound it. Yeah, and try and get it. It's kind of what I do in the bedroom. But, she's put it in a little bit. She gets and get it. It's kind of like what I do in the bedroom. She's putting a little bit. She gets a pound it. She gets a feel for it.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Is that a good cue? Oh, this guy, you shave his balls and listen to it. That's it. So that's, is that we all gonna go over those balls? Oh, here should do more. Yeah, we're gonna go over those balls. Well, like a power clean. That's too long-winded for me to get going on that one.
Starting point is 00:36:06 What about a bench press? Bench press. Bench press, I have one. I tend not to do a lot with that. I just go. Yeah. Well, not everybody's as awesome as you want. But it's kind of like what you said.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Like, you know, I don't really think about anymore. When I first started for sure, like, you know, I was making sure my hands were in a specific position. Shoulder blades were attracted. I'm ready to go. So what I do, I'll pull my feet back so my legs are kind of tight. I tense my glutes, tense my legs. I put my heels down so everything's fired up with my legs. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And then I squeeze my shoulders blades back and then down, activate my legs. Yes. So it's like I'm doing a downward lap pull down and then I do and I squeeze my shoulders blades back and then down, activate my last. Yes. So it's like I'm doing a downward lap pull down and then I do my bench press. Now my shoulders is not 100%. I haven't really been able to lift super heavy. So heavy for me now is not like I used to be. Heavy for me now is like 220, 230, 240, maybe 250
Starting point is 00:37:00 and that's it, which is kind of weak for what I used to do. But what about you Adam? Well, it's not bad for a small guy like you. I think it's a pretty good amount of... He's serving a lot of underhanded compliments today. Hey, oh. No, that spot on exactly how when I bench press first thing I do, I kind of get my grip in place where I want to grab the bar
Starting point is 00:37:22 and then the very next thing up to that is I roll my shoulder blades back and depress them down and then I'm in that position, you know, and you know, I have to be honest, so I've never been because just because I've never really been a power lifter or I you know, I've trained more power phase in the last two years and I have my entire life. So I've never been a guy who really gets too much focus on his, his footing to get drive more force through his legs, which I know if I was trying to push it up, did. Oh, yeah. I mean, I, I, no, I definitely, I definitely get it. You know, I've, I've kind of done that now, which is weird. So I, I tend to incline bench more than anything else now, which is completely opposite of how I used to train. I used to train flat bench
Starting point is 00:38:03 all the time. I rarely ever train flat bench right now. And a lot of it is because shoulder, when I start getting heavy weight. Yeah, I barely ever benched now too, because it's a tough angle, yeah. It is, and it's a lot of pressure. And I have to say, I've seen way better results from incline pressing than I have from flat.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Now, okay, I attribute a lot of that too. I've been flat for such a long time now also, and I've seen these huge, because before 185 used to be super heavy for me on incline, you know, and now I can, I can hit 315 on an incline, which, I mean, I couldn't even do that on flat back in the day. So obviously, I've evolved a lot and grown a lot over the years, but I also feel like I like the way it just builds my upper chest shoulder, everything area, from the incline, opposed to the flat, and then it gets no stress on the shoulders in comparison to what I was going to.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I got to admit something. I used to do this crazy ass ritual before I start bench pressing. And I was like in high school, I think. And I was like, uh, uh, uh, sophomore. I used to like, like, so I basically was doing like a dynamic stretch. I started to bring my hands back and emulate like a bench press, but I would do it really fast. I'm like, and then I would hit it like as hard as I could.
Starting point is 00:39:21 That's a good one. It was ridiculous. I got made fun of for that one. I was like, dude, this is my thing. That's a really good one. And I'd outbent you everybody. That's a good one. It was ridiculous. I got made fun of for that one, and I was like, dude, this is my thing. That's a really good one. And I'd outbent you everybody. That's a really good one. Yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:39:31 What about squatting? Probably the most technical on all these. Squatting for me is the most, of all the big lifts, that's the one I need to prep for the most because it's the most, it's the most difficult for me to do. Even today, it's the most difficult for me to get into,
Starting point is 00:39:44 to get into the flow, to squat low without some shit hurting. I have to stretch it, I have to warm up a lot before, before I squat. So I guess when I get into the squat, the bar position on my back, it's got to be kind of, it's above my rear delts, and I squeeze the bar with my hands and squeeze my shoulder blades back and I stick my chest out. One of the cues that I use when I squat is to stick my chest out and sit down. Because otherwise, I can be pretty tight, especially when I first start the sets,
Starting point is 00:40:13 that if I don't do that, I'll notice that my scapula will round a little bit and I can feel the bar feel a little different on my back. So I guess for me, that's one of the biggest cues to squeeze the shoulder blades back and to hold the bar in position. Yeah, like you, I'm a mess when it comes to squatting.
Starting point is 00:40:30 So I have to do a 20 minute warm up and stretch. You made the comment about the other day on one of the podcasts about me spending 45 minutes in the squat rack. That's a typical squat session for me. It's 45 minutes to an hour. It just takes that long for me to really warm it up, get in a groove, because I mean, which is funny,
Starting point is 00:40:50 because I used to, you know, when I rarely squat, not only would I rarely squat before, but I'd rarely squat and then it'd be like five sets and I'm like, I'm gonna fuck out of here, because I'm fucking sweating and tired from this year. Yeah, this should make me nauseous, I'm outta here. Where now, like, I will, I'll just take my time. It's become a very important goal of mine to improve that.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And so I want to get good at it. I want to be a good squatter. I want to get my weight up and strength up. And I'm working on building my legs even more because of possibly getting into classics next year. So that's all very important to me. So I have to like you. There's so many. And I have to like you, there's so many,
Starting point is 00:41:26 and I have to be honest that, you know, some days I'll leave and I'll be like, that was a great session. Just no pain, my low back's not on fire. I didn't feel anything in my knees. I was sitting back and the pocket really well. I moved good weight. I just felt great.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And then other squat sessions I'll have and I'll be like, I got through it, you know, but it was like yeah, what's your That's like my HRV, you know, like I have that same thing like where I have good days I have bad days I always feel like as long as there's a mirror I can keep myself in pretty good Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty natural squatter. Yeah, well it I mean, it's not it doesn't take a long time to ramp up It's sometimes I'll jump to quickly and then, you know, I'll feel the pressure in my knees. I tore my MCL when I was in college and stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:11 So it's that kind of stuff will come back, you know, to haunt me if I jump to rapidly. So I do have to ramp it up at a gradual pace. But yeah, as far as the mechanics go, I just, it just sort of fits into place and I go, where's your weakest links with the squat? Because I know for me, it's like, the thing I gotta warm up the most is my hips. It's my hips.
Starting point is 00:42:35 It's not my knees, it's not my, everything I gotta get warmed up, but it's my fucking hips that can be my pain. Is it your knees? I literally... Yours is the hips too. I make love to my IT and pair of farmers of some hip flexors for like 20 minutes to. I have to. I mean, it's all hip for me.
Starting point is 00:42:51 If I do not open that all up, I'm a... You guys are with the Rumble roller. You get to. I do the nasty roller and everything. And then I do deep stretching. Like, it's quite through routine. And then you want to know something funny. And I don't know what this is,
Starting point is 00:43:07 is the first couple of sessions, or the first couple of sets that I do like to kind of warm up, are actually more painful, more difficult for me than when I get heavy. You know why? Same here. I bet your form is better with heavy weight.
Starting point is 00:43:21 It's because you're tight. So the heavy weight is literally forcing you into a fucking squad. Whereas the light, if I get into like a light bar and try and squat low, I end up doing a good morning half the time and shit because I'm tight. So it's a tightness issue. You know what would be good for us, dude? I hate to say it, bro. Yeah, stretching and yoga.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Yoga. I know, I'm telling you right now, if we can ever make the time to do consistent yoga, like two days a week, I bet you it would freaking take us so much further with our way. If we guys wouldn't have to have that whole process going into it. Oh my God, it would be so awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I'm just imagine it would be great to go. You know what, be great. If we had a good yoga instructor that's a listener who would like to offer their services and for us to report on how on how well how awesome it was Oh, train sound that would be great. I'm doing yoga. Oh Hey, you know what we have to wear Lulu lemon if we do And that's why I was so excited about the stick mobility to come with once that comes
Starting point is 00:44:20 I feel like that's like masculine yoga exactly Paul miss it's a bunch of dudes doing it that teach you? I'm not gonna do the yoga. I'm not gonna do the yoga. I have the ability all day. All right. Do we have any more questions, Doug? Yeah, we do.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Reggie, underscore a low-hom once you two debunk negative calories. Oh, negative calorie foods? Yeah. Apparently people are talking about it and he wants you to. So I ate that and then a black hole inside my body. So let me, let me get this straight because I just want to be clear on it before I talk about how silly this is. So the theory is that you eat something
Starting point is 00:44:55 and because it takes more calories to chew the food and digest it, then the food actually contains, the food actually contains is considered a negative calorie. Right. And so, so what the fuck is like that? I don't know, bubblegum. Like celery or it, okay. So, okay, okay. All right, so that's the theory in reality.
Starting point is 00:45:13 No, it doesn't work that way. They say, okay, so if that was true, then what we could do is we can drink freezing cold water because your body has to heat it up, right? All day long and we should be able to burn a few hundred calories. The water is in calories. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Therefore, we would have negative calories. Also, it's negative after the zero. Yeah, whatever negative calorie effect you may get from doing eating celery or something, number one, probably not true, but number two, let's say if it was, the effect would be so nominal, it would be stupid. nominal, nominal, it would be stupid. Well, you know, it would be like, it would be like, I mean, how much of it would you have
Starting point is 00:45:48 to eat? Point five calories or something? Yeah. How much would you have to eat in order to frickin make that make it? Well, I, we can, I can tell you right now. I mean, you can, well, I could roughly guesstimate for you chewing, let's say a whole fucking head of, uh, frickin, uh, would you say lettuce or celery? Yeah, a whole lot of frickins, you know'd you say? Let us or celery. Yeah, a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:46:06 A lot of frickin', you know. I mean, let's be honest, if you sat down, and you went through everyone, everyone in the celery sticks, I wish you guys would have just thought of that. That was a bad visual. I was going, his hand was going to his face.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Less teeth. Yeah. I mean, you know what? Yeah. Well, give me a time frame. What do you guys think chewing that would take a fucking maybe three minutes for you to eat a whole thing? Yeah. Right? Yeah. Have non-stop chewing. Well, non-stop jumping jacks for three minutes is only going to burn like fucking 50 calories. So I imagine what chewing
Starting point is 00:46:39 just with your jaw. So. Point five calories. Yeah. One calorie. Yeah. Let's just say it burns one. Yeah, it's negative one calorie. Okay. Well, negative one calorie. Just say one. Yeah, let's just say it burns one. Yeah, it's negative one calorie. Okay. Well negative one calorie. Let's see, that's going to take 3500 days of consistently doing that for a to burn one pound of fat off your body. So that's a lot of, so 3500. Are they talking about to like with the negative calorie? Are they talking about like something like alcohol where it puts your body like it slows your metabolism and all that kind of, I've heard like a, does alcohol make you leaner? Like seriously, I heard some wacky theory about that.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I have no idea. That is definitely a wacky nature. I've heard about people cold water, drink cold water, or speed up in metabolism. You know, of all the things you could do to affect your body composition, if I made a list of 50 things, they would even come closer to the class. It would make a list. If I made a list of 100,000 things,
Starting point is 00:47:34 it wouldn't be on that list. So it's, yeah, don't waste your time with that kind of stuff, it's baloney. Yeah. And baloney is not a negative calorie food. Yeah, no, no. It is not a, yeah. Except when it has olives in it, because then I throw it up you're like olives in your
Starting point is 00:47:48 No, I'm just a bunch of money. Hey, I want it. I wanted to it's the nasty meat That's an atom calls it So I wanted to say thanks to all the people that have been getting on to our iTunes review and reviewing us on iTunes It's made a huge difference Not only if we don't keep doing it. Yeah, if you're listening to this right now, which I know You know what actually I'm talking to you right now. I'm talking to you right now Well, there's there's we have 150 or so reviews on iTunes and trust me I I know how many downloads and listens we have so there's a have 150 or so reviews on iTunes and trust me.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I know how many downloads and listens we have. So there's a huge portion of you guys that have not been on iTunes to review us and give us some love. You guys give us some love like that, helps all of us out, helps us, continue to produce more things for all you guys listeners. Here's how you do it on your phone. Go on the podcast icon, click on it, search for MindPump, even though you might be subscribed. You got to go to the search function, type in MindPump, click on the icon,
Starting point is 00:48:49 and then you'll see a section that you can click on reviews. That's the only way to leave reviews on your iPhone. Yeah, so remember that that's what you have to do if it's on your iPhone. You cannot just go click it. I think everybody I've talked to you, like I'm clicking on the icon, you can't just click on it if you already subscribed you have to pretend like you've never heard of mine Search for it search for it and then you click the icon and then you'll see the tab That's how you can leave a review. Uh-huh, and maybe maybe maybe slum is the bone. Oh, that's I left I left a review slum is I did put that maybe if you leave a really good one Doug might I don't know what do you want to do, Doug, send him a naked picture of yourself?
Starting point is 00:49:25 That's a good idea. That sounds like a good idea. Yeah, have a bunch. Let's bring that back. In my drawer, I need to get rid of it. You printed them out. They must be old. See, on a swing?
Starting point is 00:49:36 They were every one of them? Yeah. He likes to swing a lot. I like the one on the rocking horse. Well, we will be, yeah. I suppose we can revamp our contest here again. Wanna give out some stuff? Yes, we'll give out some stuff for a show.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So swag. So swag. Let's set a deadline for this thing. Let's put it at the end of September. Okay, end of September. Sounds like a song. It's the end of September. There's no, there's no Vembrane.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You'll never get it back. There's no there's November rain So top three Three yeah top three will get Because that's what we have t-shirts. All right, so should we sign the t-shirts? We could yeah, let's sign the t-shirts. Okay, sign t-shirts sign t-shirts. So yeah, I'm just gonna out what if they what if they can say the word what if they could say the word balls three times No stop that Doors shenanigans Like when they do that. Thank you for listening to mine pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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