Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1502: How to Drink & Stay Fit

Episode Date: March 4, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin talk about how to enjoy drinking alcohol and still achieve your fitness goals. The fascinating and surprising statistics surrounding drinking alcohol. (2:24) Then a...nd Now: How the guys address the alcohol conversation to their clients. (7:36) How to drink and stay fit for the party animal. (11:11) What alcohol does to the body. (16:18) What you can do to help mitigate the effects of too much alcohol and the value of pacing yourself. (22:57) Diet and alcohol. (26:12) The alcohols with the least amount of physical effects on the body. (29:46) Addressing your behaviors/psychology and building your self-awareness around alcohol. (31:13) Why it is good to have hard rules for yourself. (35:45) The Mind Pump formula for drinking and staying fit. (41:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned March Promotion: Bikini Spring Bundle - Promo code: “SPRINGBREAK” at checkout Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Wine, beer, cocktails: How many alcoholic drinks are too many? Global Drinking Demographics Drinking Ages Around The World Mind Pump # 1345: 6 Ways to Optimize Sleep for Faster Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit ChiliPad for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Activated charcoal detox: Does it work? Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout* Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Okay, in today's episode, we talk about how to drink and stay fit. The truth is, the average American drink is about 1.3 glasses of wine a day, so that means some of you are drinking more than that, some of you are drinking none. Nonetheless, alcohol is definitely a part of American
Starting point is 00:00:36 culture, and for that matter, world culture, but that doesn't mean that it needs to really hamper your fitness or your health. There are ways to do it to minimize or mitigate the negative effects. So in today's episode, we talked all about how to party in a way that reduces negative effects and then also how to drink your occasional drink or your daily or your nightly drink and mitigate those effects on your body. Now this episode is brought to you by our sponsor, Zbiotics. Now Zbiotics is a patented, genetically modified bacteria.
Starting point is 00:01:11 It's a probiotic drink that you take before you drink alcohol. This bacteria then produces a compound in your digestive system that breaks down the negative byproducts of alcohol. So what are the effects of that? You take Zbiotics, you drink, you wake up the next day, and you feel way better. And this stuff really does work.
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Starting point is 00:02:19 and use the code Spring Break for the discount. I would say, I don't know, 75% of my clients asked this question at one point when they hired me as a personal trainer. And that was, Adam, how do I stay fit and not stop my wine drinking or my Sunday, fun day with the girls or my occasional beer while I watch football.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I love the drink. I'm not an alcoholic, but I enjoy the social side of it. I enjoy it. I don't want to give it up. Can I be fit and still do this? I got that question. Can I still party? Yeah, I got that question all the time.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It's very common. I looked this up and the average American, I don't know this, average American drinks 1.3 glasses of alcohol or drinks a day. A day? Average. Now, it's this average and remember,
Starting point is 00:03:15 average is, you take the total amount divided by everybody. So this means there's some alcohol. You have to just outliers, just bringing that average up. Just bringing that average. And then I looked up the top drinking countries in the world, you guys want to take some guesses? Not ours.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Germany. No, I don't guess, German. Denmark. So countries that consume the most alcohol, number one, Lithuania. Number two, the Czech Republic. Three is Germany, Romania, Russia. Russia, Russia, Bia, or something.
Starting point is 00:03:41 France, Belarus, Hungary, Portugal, so America is like, way down the list, believe it or something. France, Belarus, Hungary, Portugal, so America is like way down the list, believe it or not. Now, okay, so if you were to compare us to all those, the drinking age, I know it, like Germany's like 13 or something like that, isn't it? 18. Oh, is it 18? I thought I know it isn't.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I think it is for, look at Doug lowest drinking ages and tell me what they are. Yeah, I know in Italy it's 18, but maybe not for wine. You know, I think that they treat liquor different than wine. Oh, interesting. I think you can drink wine when you're four. I'm just kidding. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:11 That was just when I was a kid. Yeah. We had a little bit of that. But yeah, we don't drink as much per capita. However, I can't speak for some of those countries that I've ever been there, but I did, obviously, I've been Italy oftentimes. In Italians, it's much more acceptable socially.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's just a thing you just have wine. Yeah, I think that's the main difference is just like culturally, like how people deal with it is a bit different in how you're raised with it, like how young it's introduced. But yeah, a lot of those factors. And so that was a lot of times, like when I get clients, it was people from different countries or different cultural upbringing with it. It was just a part of dinner, always a glass of wine,
Starting point is 00:04:55 always had some kind of alcoholic beverage with every meal. Wow, Doug, just pull up an order. I know, that's interesting that you had Norway in there. So 10 countries with no minimum legal drinking age. There is no minimum. I'm sure they'll frown upon a bartender giving a 10 year old. Yeah, could you imagine like a 12 year old slides up to the bar? Well, you want to know it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And again, in southern Italy, my cousins would go to clubs in the summer because of summer, you know, no school, whatever, 14, 15 years old, and they would get drinks. Well, you're a study guy. Didn't they do a study on this or a survey on this with people that are countries that didn't have drinking ages? And they actually, there's less abuse of it. There's less alcoholism.
Starting point is 00:05:34 It depends on how you're raised with it. So, and what they found is that if you're raised with responsible drinking as the norm, and it's not like this big deal, you're less likely to partake in binge drinking. If you raised in a household where it's like, oh no, nobody does, that's the worst thing you could possibly do. Then you go off to college,
Starting point is 00:05:54 you're more likely to engage in some of those risky behaviors. I just think you just don't learn how to, I remember the first time I, so I know I'm Italian, we didn't drink when I was in my household, nobody did. In fact, most of my family doesn't drink. When I go to Italy, I would see my family in Italy drink, but here I didn't.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And the first time I really drank, I got way too drunk because I didn't know. I didn't know how. I don't know that, oh, this isn't gonna hit me right away. It actually takes 15, 20 minutes, but so, by the time I felt super drunk, I was like, oh no, those last two drinks are gonna hit me. Oh, same, yeah, I was very, oh, no, those last two drinks are gonna hit me. Oh, same.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Yeah. I was very, my household was like very frowned upon. Like, so like, even, you know, even any of my parents' friends or nobody in our circles, even drank really, and so I didn't really have a good healthy relationship when I first got started. I just didn't know what I was doing. So, I mean, I think of that as definitely a factor to it. It's an interesting substance, I mean, it's, that as definitely a factor to it. It's an interesting substance.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I mean, it's okay, it's present in the, one of the most popular, just in terms of numbers, religions in the world, Christianity. Wine is, in the Bible, didn't Jesus drink wine? Well, wine was safe for a back then, then drinking water a lot of times because, you know, dysentery, different things like you get from water.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So like to ferment, you know, grapes or barley or something else, like, you know, you had a lot less likelihood that you're gonna get sick from that. Oh, that's interesting, I didn't know that part. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, that does. If you're, this is like the middle ages
Starting point is 00:07:23 and you go over your friend's house, what do you want to drink? Oh, that bucket of water over Yeah, that does. If you're, if this is like the middle ages, and you go over your friend's house, what do you want to drink? That bucket of water over there, or the wine? That's just washed my feet with it. Yeah, I'm cows washing himself. I'll go with the wine. I think that's a little safer.
Starting point is 00:07:34 It's very interesting. You know, so this, now I'm curious about you guys. It's changed how I talk about this to clients. I used to, in my early 20s coaching clients, I would tell them like alcohol is the devil if when we're trying to get results. It's just none. None.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah, just avoided at all cost. If you really care about your results, you gotta get rid of it. At least get rid of it for this time period that I'm trying to change your physique. And that's because I personally struggled with that. If I knew that if I was drinking or going out on the weekends and partying, so like that,
Starting point is 00:08:08 I just didn't, I saw a little to no progress in my own physique. If I had clients that were falling a regimen, and they were consuming alcohol on the weekends, it was just enough for us to stall our progress. And so I avoided it like the plague early on. Now that's kind of changed for me later on in life of learned balance and I have a better understanding of the metabolism
Starting point is 00:08:31 and what are their factors we're going to play? Cause for me, many times I thought like that was the main problem, right? So I was unfamiliar with how I could have somebody that was 50 to 100 pounds overweight and then only be eating 1300 calories. I didn't somebody that was 50 to 100 pounds overweight and then only be eating 1,300 calories. I didn't know that was possible. And then when you drink four or 500 calories
Starting point is 00:08:52 or 700 calories on the weekend, and that's 50% of what your daily intake can be, you know, on a regular day, it can be stifling to drink out. Yeah, so I'm, same pattern as you. When I started as a trainer, my understanding of health was very small.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And what I mean by that was, it was like the scope was small, right? It was like a magnifying glass on one aspect of health, which was, get lean, build muscle, perform in the gym. If that's all health is, if all health is, is muscle fat and performance, then yes, alcohol is a waste. Don't drink it because it's not gonna contribute to any of that. But the problem is that's not what health is.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Health is much bigger than that. Health includes relationships, it includes enjoying yourself in the moment, it includes good feelings, includes palatability of things, for the sake of them, right? So like, you know, drinking or eating something just for the sake of the enjoyment of it
Starting point is 00:09:49 is all can also in a healthy way contribute to positive health. And so once I was a trainer for a while, I realized that, okay, if they're, they're asking me this question because they find value. And again, I'm not talking about dysfunctional drinkers. It's totally different. I'm talking about like people who are healthy. They're asking me this question because they find value. And again, I'm not talking about dysfunctional drinkers. It's totally different. I'm talking about like people who are healthy. They're asking me this question because they find value in the wine, whether it be, you know, at the end of the night,
Starting point is 00:10:12 my wife and I unwind with a glass of wine and we connect or, you know, Sunday dinner, you know, at my grandma's house, you know, we have a little bit of wine together and we hang out or I like to do the occasional wine drinking with my friends and whatever. In those cases, can they can be contributing to positive health? Absolutely. I've experienced it. I've experienced sitting at a table with a friend or family member and, you know, having a little bit of wine. The wine, you know, loosens you up a little bit. You have conversations and then they get deep and it's really great and you know, although the wine gave me extra calories or the alcohol gave me extra calories, it was totally worth the trade off. So my conversation totally changed, it changed from no, don't have it to, okay, there's
Starting point is 00:10:59 value in it, let's talk about how to use it in a way that's appropriate, but also let's talk about ways to mitigate the negative physical effects, which are the fat gain and the performance loss and all that kind of stuff. No, I think this is a very fine dance, though, because what comes with this is a level of self-awareness that the client needs to have.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Totally. Because there is that, you know, at what point does something that is part of the balance in your life and in giving you fulfillment and joy and you're using it for Social reasons or those all those that you listed off and then at what point are you using it to distract you from being present? Yes, and so I drink at night because I hate my kids Yeah, that's not really well I mean that's like flat out admitting it some people just say like oh, I just really like to have a glass of wine or two every single night. And it's like, okay, well, what drives you to
Starting point is 00:11:49 to do that every single night? And there are thought processes, oh, I need it to decompress. I have a very stressful type of job, so I need to do it. So now you're telling me as a trainer that you have high stress levels, and then you choose at night time to medicate. To medicate with alcohol. That, we've got to definitely get a hold of that
Starting point is 00:12:11 because healthier ways to do that. 100%. And we're not going to get to your fitness goals while also doing that. Right. So there's two things we can talk about. One is the occasional drinking, and the other is drinking when you're
Starting point is 00:12:26 quote unquote partying, both of which I think have can have some value. The occasional drinking can have some value and then the even more occasional, dare I say, rare occasions where you party, I think can also have some value. I mean, obviously, we've all gone off and party and have a drink more than just one drink or whatever and found value in it. So I think there's two things that we should communicate to. Speaking to the party aspect, this is something I learned a little bit later as an adult, as a kid and my 20s, usually I didn't party a lot. I was really focused
Starting point is 00:13:03 on working out. But when I did, it was always, we would start at 11 o'clock at night and we'd go throughout the night and then I'd go to bed at 4, 5 a.m. And then the next day was ruined and then the day after was kind of ruined as well. Later on, I'm trying to think of the first time this happened. I think I went with my guess what I did.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I went with my cousin, it was a Saturday, and it was like afternoon, and we drank during the day. And that night, we stopped, we stopped, like around five or six p.m., and by the time it was time to go to bed, 10, 11 o'clock, I'd sobered up, I slept okay, woke up the next day and it felt better, and I'm like, wait a minute, the reason why I felt so shitty before, yes, I'd sobered up, I slept okay, woke up the next day and I felt better and I'm like, wait a minute,
Starting point is 00:13:47 the reason why I felt so shitty before, yes, I had alcohol, it's also because I didn't sleep. Yeah, maybe I should do this if I'm gonna do it, do it during the day, so at least I could sleep at night, made a huge difference. That's one of the biggest factors I've found, is the sleep factor, right? Like, like, staying up till three in the morning
Starting point is 00:14:02 and again, this is one of those old sort of wisdom things where anything passed like midnight or whatever, usually you're not gonna make good decisions. So, I'm definitely, if I'm gonna now, I think obviously more, I'm older now and Courtney and myself too, we still like to have beverages every know, beverages every now and then, but it's, we're definitely more prone to doing it
Starting point is 00:14:28 during the day or like near the pool or something that's like, you know, a little bit more reasonable on that where we're not gonna be affected by sleep. Well, this speaks to why alcohol can be so bad for your fitness goals other than just calories. People think it's just empty calories. People think it's just empty calories. So it's not just empty calories. In fact, you could argue that the sleep that you get because of alcohol or the lack of good sleep that you get or quality sleep that you get because
Starting point is 00:14:56 of alcohol is as bad or if not worse than the actual few hundred calories that it costs to have. I'm going to make it comparison here, and I gotta speak very carefully, because I'm not trying to say, one is okay, one is it, whatever, but I'll tell you what right now, if I drink during the day enough to get me a comfortable appropriate buzz or even drunk,
Starting point is 00:15:18 not like overdoing, not throwing up, not sick, I'm not stumbling, but enough to words responsible and having a good time, and then I go to bed that night and get good sleep. And I compare that to no drinking at all, but losing a total night of sleep. I'm gonna feel worse the day after the loss of night of sleep. Then I went from drinking and getting decent sleep. The lack of sleep would make me feel...
Starting point is 00:15:38 Especially if you accounted for those additional calories in your diet earlier in the day. So if you knew you were going to have four or five beers, which equates to, depending on what kind of beer you're drinking 700 or so calories, seven to 900 calories, and you modified your diet, you had it earlier, and then you get to sleep, that person I could argue may actually not be as affected as the person
Starting point is 00:16:01 who has terrible sleep, the same amount of calories, but then has terrible sleep and then goes to bed. So that's a huge part of what makes it. And it also promotes this appetite. Like you guys remember as a kid, like I remember, you know, I think Jack in the Box became famous for this because they were like the first fast food restaurant that I remember staying open beyond 2 a.m.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Oh, you imagine if targeted drunk people and stoners. They did. You imagine if they had a breathalyzer at the jack-in-the-buffer right in the middle of everybody be arrested. Sorry, we can't. I mean, it was brilliant. It was absolutely brilliant because nobody was catering to that market and that was a massive market at that time.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah, so alcohol does something very interesting, okay? So let's think about this for a second. Think about some of the dumbest, stupidest decisions you ever made in your life, and alcohol probably played a role in some of these decisions. And I don't mean just, I mean, across the board, either you slept with someone that, no way in hell you would normally sleep with,
Starting point is 00:17:01 or maybe you didn't use protection, or you made a dumb decision with your buddies, and you thought, oh, this is going to be funny. I'm going to see if I could, kick my foot through the wall, or jump off the roof and pull. Destroy things. Or whatever, it's because alcohol has a very powerful, disinhibiting effect on the brain. It actually, the way it affects the brain is it completely reduces, or in some cases cases eliminates inhibitions. So if you're somebody that's normally like shy
Starting point is 00:17:30 and you're like, oh man, I don't, you know, and then you drink, next thing you know, you're drunk and you're flashing people at the bar. It's like a super power for them. Yes, or you know, you're like, oh no, I would never just have sex with someone I just met in one night, let alone do it without protection. And then you're drunk and then you wake up the next day,
Starting point is 00:17:45 oh my gosh, what did I do? I made some stupid decisions. Okay, so that all happens. Here's another part that you lose your inhibitions with. You're diet. Normally, you might have a craving for, you know, french fries in a cheeseburger, but you'd be like, man, that'll mess up my stomach.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I'm not gonna eat that right now. It's midnight. But now you're drunk, inhibitions are gone. I don't care. I don't care if I get diarrhea for two days or whatever. I'm gonna eat that disgusting, whatever food. It's just delicious. So your decision-making process goes out the window.
Starting point is 00:18:15 So what I used to tell my clients was, here's what we need to worry about, okay? If you're gonna drink, have your meals planned out for yourself, because that's where people really screw up the most. You can add up all the calories from the drinks. It usually doesn't even come close to the calories that they have from the food that come as along with the drinks.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And that was a game changer for me and my- Well, especially when you, and I remember when this, I pieced this together. So have you ever noticed after a heavy night of drinking, the next morning, sometimes you look leaner. The hydrated. And you're deep because it dehydrates the shit out of you, especially when you had a lot of alcohol like that. And so psychologically,
Starting point is 00:18:52 what happens to a lot of clients and myself when during this time when I didn't understand this, I wake up and I'm like, oh shit, I had all that party and fun last night, and I still look good. So it tricks you into thinking. So you want to see the whole pizza. Yes, and then you're like,
Starting point is 00:19:05 I'm gonna go eat that pizza or I'm gonna go get those 20 tacos from Jack in the box for eight bucks or whatever. So you gotta watch out for that too, and then that just snowballs, and before you know what it all catches up to you. It does. It's interesting though to talk about.
Starting point is 00:19:17 So this is mainly the people that are prone to parting, but the ones that have it occasionally consistently with dinners and it shows up continuously, it's interesting because I've had clients that have done this, but also did struggle a bit with their sleep still. Noticeably when they took alcohol out completely, their sleep improved tremendously. So I just was having a conversation with a client of mine and she has the aura ring. And we were actually testing out all the sleep
Starting point is 00:19:50 as like one of her things. She's got all the sleep aids. She's got everything, right? She's got the oolors, she's got the philous gray glasses, she's got the Ned, she's got all these tools to help her sleep, right? And ever occasionally she likes to drink on Friday nights with her girlfriends and she just has a couple. She's not a big heavy drinker or anything. And we've been
Starting point is 00:20:08 like comparing like how she sleeps. Now first of all, nothing beats like the all natural route, like doing for quality sleep. Yes, like using like like an oolars natural thing for just cooling the bed down, right? You're not taking anything. You're not taking anything into your system. So using tools like that, or Felix Gray to calm her down, and then not using any sort of pills, like, you know, Tylenol PM or anything, nothing gives her better quality sleep than just doing that stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Being mindful of the sun going down and tech and stuff like that, making sure the room is cool, by using tools like that. The Ned Sleep Aid, Tylenol PM, any of the, and then if she drinks, and nothing is worse than drinking. So if she drinks, and just like two drinks, it doesn't need to be, you know, five, six, seven drinks. She has one or two drinks. That's the worst sleep she'll get. No matter what, how she feels, too. That's the thing that throws people off is they think like they might have slept hard,
Starting point is 00:21:02 you know, or they wake up and they've slept long. And so they think they they might have slept hard, or they wake up and they slept long. And so they think they got really good quality sleep. But then when you use like a tool like the ordering, you can actually see the quality of it, and it's just restless. And even though they might have felt that way, and she'll tell me she'd be like, it's crazy, Adam, I didn't think my sleep was that bad,
Starting point is 00:21:19 but when we keep going back and we're checking this, it's consistently, anytime I drink, it throws it off the moment. It does, and there's a lot of things that happen in sleep. You don't just become unconscious. If that was it, like medicine, modern medicine would have solved in Somnia. It would be solved.
Starting point is 00:21:34 There'd be no problem. Oh, in Somnia, easy cure, take this pill, you're out, and you'll wake up the next day. Doesn't work that way. A lot of things happen when you sleep, and anything that alters you can make. Now, of course, there's a risk versus reward, right? If you just can't get to sleep,
Starting point is 00:21:50 then taking something that helps you fall asleep, even though the quality is a little bit less, or not as good, it's still better than not sleeping at all. But if you can sleep and then you drink alcohol, and you're like, oh, it knocks me out, your sleep is not going to be as good. This is, again, it goes back to, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:07 don't drink, you probably wanna sober up before it's time to go to bed. I remember, I would tell clients this and they, sell them on it, and they do it, but like, man, it's way different, it's way different. If I have a drink right before I go to bed, even if it's one, versus if I have it, you know, four hours before I go to bed,
Starting point is 00:22:23 big difference. It's a big difference. Well, I remember that hack that you, I mean, we talked about this early on the podcast that you introduced, I think Justin and I too, which I never had this habit of doing this before. Before I was the typical person who I think drinks, too many drinks and then goes to bed
Starting point is 00:22:39 and tries to sleep it off, right? By having the charcoal at the end of the night and then chugging as much water as I could before I went to bed, made like a night and day difference on how I felt the next day. That was a huge hack. Yeah, so that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:22:54 So, and this is just success I've had with clients is to have them have kind of hard set rules where it's like, okay, if you're gonna go out with your friends for every alcoholic drink, make sure you have water in between. And that serves two things. One is it, of course, make sure you're hydrated because if you're dehydrated on top of recovering from drinking and losing sleep,
Starting point is 00:23:16 oh, you're gonna feel terrible the next day. So, you know, find your drink. Let's at least make sure you're not dehydrated or you get at least enough fluids. But it also does this, it paces you. If you're drinking alcohol and then drinking water and then drinking alcohol, speed is a factor.
Starting point is 00:23:32 It's a massive factor. I mean, this is too. Why I avoid shots like the plague now. The growing up, and that was sort of bragging thing where we're doing shots, but the thing is, once you drink super fast, it won't hit you initially, but then once it hits you, now it's sudden, it just overwhelms your system. And now you're not going to receive the beneficial part of the feelings of an elevated mood
Starting point is 00:23:59 or feeling more social or all these things. You just go straight to the darkness. Well, it's not just that. It's also what it does to your blood sugar. So like when you drink fast and wrap it like that and you don't break it up with the water, you have a massive spike to the blood sugar. And part of the hangover headache
Starting point is 00:24:14 and all the shitty feeling that we feel the next day is actually it's the dramatic drop that your body goes through. It's because it spikes so high blood sugar wise and then it's the crash and it's that discrepancy right there that makes you feel so terrible by you adding in water in between like that, you mitigate how bad that drop off is.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It can also, that can also stimulate appetite as well. Blood sugar spikes and then drops and now you're triggered to eat something that's gonna raise blood sugar, which usually looks like something starchy, which fast, right? So, I mean, French fries, pizza, like those are the best foods to have when you're drinking.
Starting point is 00:24:52 But yeah, that pacing makes it, it's funny, we talk about, you were talking about when you were younger, you know, taking shots. One of the easiest ways to tell, besides looking at someone, right, whether or not they're an older drinker or a younger drinker, is just how fast they're drinking. Yeah. An older, besides looking at someone, right? Whether or not they're an older drinker
Starting point is 00:25:05 or a younger drinker, it's just how fast they're drinking. Yeah. An older, more experienced drinker enjoys the drink, sips on it, the younger. The younger. Sippers. Yeah, the younger person is just, I wanna get smashed, how fast can I get there?
Starting point is 00:25:15 Let's do these shots real quick. I'm gonna be long islands, can I slam? Yeah, and then you're totally different. Like, that's what I would do when I was younger too. Now, as I'm older, it's like I'm sipping and enjoying my drink. And I think that makes a big difference. Like overall, don't overdo it.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I think overdoing it is the worst possible thing you can do. And you get less of the positive and way more than that. Well, that's where it goes, right? That's very similar to the advice that we give with eating, right? So, you know, by no means do any of us believe that you should have chicken and broccoli and rice for your own meals, and that, you know, part of enjoying a piece of cake on a birthday and stuff
Starting point is 00:25:47 like that is also a part of health. It's not the piece of cake that's going to make you fat either. It's the overindulgence of that. It's the going back for the second slice, the third slice, you know, and eating it the next two to three days a month. Open up the floodgates, you know, instead of just like being like moderate about it and just like having to enjoy the taste of it and slowing yourself down But also being able to be somewhat reserved about it. Yeah, totally. What about things with diet now do you guys
Starting point is 00:26:13 Let's say it's it's Friday nights coming up and you know, you we we've planned all of us We're getting away. We're gonna have some drinks. We're gonna enjoy ourselves Will you eat differently leading up to that night? I'll eat, I'll eat, make sure I have good protein in fats and I'll reduce my carbs because the carbs are gonna come from the alcohol. And I'll tell this to clients too. If you want to drink a little bit
Starting point is 00:26:38 and not have the excess calories turned into body fat or whatever, then the trade is typically the carbs, not the, definitely not the proteins and probably not the fats. It's going to be the carbs because you're going to get them again. A glass of wine is going to have carbs. Alcohol turns into that as well. And I don't know of any protein alcoholic beverages or definitely not any better fat. And so that's typically what I'll do.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And that way, so if you're going to have, let's say you have a drink every night and your drink is, you know, I don't know, 170 calories or 150 calories, you could theoretically, and this is an ideal physically, but it is a, again, a way to mitigate, you could cut 150 calories worth of carbohydrates in the day, have the 150 calories from your alcoholic drink that you have at night or whatever, and calorie wise, you'll be in a wash.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Calorie wise, you'll be okay, and you won't be in that, you know, in 150 calorie surplus. And I know it's more of an advanced move, and you sort of work your way towards not having to have training wheels. I mean, I've done the same thing with coffee. Do you see how Starbucks is basically like turned everything into a milkshake before you actually feel the effects of the caffeine? But alcohol is no different. There's a lot of drinks that people may not typically
Starting point is 00:27:53 like the flavor of alcohol. And so they'll add whatever like sugary soda, whatever type of mojito or daiquiri, or some of these are real sugary drinks, which are great. But also like, I mean, so many excess calories and so many things to consider with that, whereas, you know, I've moved on to, you know, a rock's glass and I'm sipping on something like straight, you know, whiskey or straight, some kind of straight spirit where spirit where you know you go nice and slow,
Starting point is 00:28:27 you get the same effects, but yeah, it is a little bit more of a mature approach. Yeah, it's, and you feel way worse when you have alcohol and a shit ton of sugar. That's the thing. Way worse, and a lot of drinks, if you look at them, you get these mixed drinks and it's got one shot of vodka in it. And I don't know, how many calories is a shot of vodka
Starting point is 00:28:46 have, Doug? Maybe you could look at it. About 110. Yeah, it's not much, right? Yeah. But the drink has got like 300 calories because it's blended with, you know, simple syrups and sugars and fruit or whatever. And it's this drink and, you know, and then you have three of
Starting point is 00:29:00 them. So you have your three shots of vodka, but the reality is you had a thousand calories worth of sugar. And it goes down so smoothly that you're more moved to have another one. It's very easy to add more in than you would if it's like, it's got a little bit of a reserve to drink in that fast.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Well, then you also, I mean, the blood sugar point that I made too. I mean, you add it. Oh, it's way worse. Yeah, you add a bunch of sugar to that. That's gonna make that spike in crash even harder. Totally. And, you know, it's funny, when you're younger, that's what you want.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It's the sugar. In fact, because it makes people drink more. So you have a party and you're like, let's make, you know, whatever they call it, gorilla juice. Chilla juice, right? Yeah, there you go. And it's a bunch. And really, it's because, you know, when you're younger, you just, you don't like the taste then.
Starting point is 00:29:43 So you're just gonna drink to get drunk or whatever. And speaking of alcohols, types, dare I say the healthiest, I guess I'll say the lowest calories, or the ones that you can drink that will probably have maybe the least songs it's done appropriately, least physical negative effects, vodka's gotta be at the top, right?
Starting point is 00:30:02 It's a pretty clean, low calorie alcohol. Luckily, it goes with almost anything and you can get gluten-free varieties of vodka. That's my choice if and when I go drinking, which isn't very often. You can look at the different alcohols this way. Wine tends to have a little bit more calories as a straight alcohol.
Starting point is 00:30:24 By the way, wine in my experience, especially the darker ones, tend to produce more of those hangovers the day after. I don't think there's that. I actually don't think there's as much difference as you think when you're drinking like pretty straight stuff. Like everything from wine to beer to hard alcohol. If it's not mixed with anything else, I'm pretty sure the calories fall between that like 95 to 120 range. For the same volume. Yeah, for the super one ounce, one ounce to one ounce. Now that when you bring up things like wine,
Starting point is 00:30:53 the thing I think of right away is, you know, nobody, yeah, nobody pours a four ounce glass of wine. And when you read like, oh, how many, how many ounces? But for a goblet. Yes. It's like six glasses. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yes. And then you also like it with cheese and crackers and other things like that. Oh, how many how many are for a goblet? Yes, it's like six glasses. Yes, yes. And then you also like it with cheese and crackers and other things like that. And so, you know, to me, it's the two things that I think that I've had the greatest challenge as a trainer with coaching people to this is the psychological piece and the behavior piece that goes with it.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Totally. Yeah, it's the, I'm actually naive to the fact that I'm using this to medicate. I'm really not, it's the I'm actually naive to the fact that I'm using this to medicate. I'm really not, it's not enhancing my life. Or I have other bad behaviors that are attached to this, and I'm also unaware of that. That is way more detrimental than the actual calorie counting of like, oh, this is better. Because although that's what everybody wants to know, everybody wants to tell me like, okay, I'm going to go drinking what's the best drink that I should have,
Starting point is 00:31:44 so I don't get fat the next day. I can't tell you how many times I've been over this with a certain clients that would just tell me they had one glass or they had two glasses and then I finally would call them out and we'd look and see what kind of glass it was and it was just astonishing to me, you know what they considered a glass.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And honestly, they didn't even think anything of it, like it didn't associate that with the serving size. So it was somewhat of honesty on their part. But again, they weren't aware that, you know, that really wasn't considered a glass. That's like that old joke. I'll just take one slice of pizza. Don't cut it though. Just make it all one slice. No, I'm curious about you because of all of us, I think you would admit that you probably like alcohol more than you.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I think sound I don't drink hardly at all really, although lately I have since the introduction of Z-biotic. But I want to know from you, knowing the psychological stuff and the behavior stuff that can already be attached to it, do you have rules that you've gave yourself? Like that you say, like, okay, this is how I keep myself and check because I do admittedly like alcohol, enjoy glass of scotch every once in a while. What are your rules?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Well, again, to the behavioral part of it, if I notice that I'm feeling stressed out and then I'm drawn to drink, like I try to check myself on that, like I don't wanna drink because I'm feeling stressed out and then I'm drawn to drink. Like I try to check myself on that. Like I don't wanna drink because I'm stressed out. I don't want to rely on that as being something that I'm medicating. Like I wanna drink and enjoy drinking
Starting point is 00:33:16 to be more social and have that as interaction time with me and my wife or with my friends. Or I have that as like a more of a something that I look forward to. It's not very, it's not something that I'm like introducing a lot as a lifestyle thing. It's something more that I'm looking at as leisure and recreation. So the association of it I had to because I would get through spells of that where especially like last year, in particular, like where we're going through a lot of stuff, like leaving because everything's on fire.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And it just seemed like my stress levels were so high that I just, I wanted a drink, I wanted to chill out. And so I had to really start to kind of be more firm with barriers that I put around it. So I didn't make it a habit. But I know like, you know, for me, I look at it a little bit differently. I do, I do enjoy it, but also I'm very, I'm very conscious of how often, you know, I've been drawn to it and then I'll push back and I'll, I'll go away from it for a while.
Starting point is 00:34:23 But I just try to make sure that it's not something that I'm like, I'm reliant on this for something. Yeah, whatever you use to help yourself deal with challenging situations, starts to become a pattern. And that's what you start to train. And then you start to get good at relying on that whatever it is. By the way, I say whatever it is because it can be alcohol, but it can also be cigarettes, it can be food, very commonly food, by the way. A lot of people
Starting point is 00:34:52 use food to deal with feelings. Which because that's not taboo. It's not taboo, foods everywhere, and I'm supposed to eat anyway, right? So I'm just going to do it. But whatever you do becomes your pattern and then it can become because it's how you deal with stress, here's what ends up happening. You start to use it for hard stress, then you start to use it for moderate stress, then you start to use it for daily stress and it can become a big problem.
Starting point is 00:35:17 But it does take a level of self-awareness and you have to interrupt that pattern. So you have to say to yourself, I know I want this, it's because I'm really, really stressed out. So I think today I'm gonna just deal with that shitty feeling that I have, rather than medicating with this substance because it's a slippery slope.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It definitely becomes a slippery slope, and then you can get caught up in this pattern that can really harm you. So I'm glad the way you answered that, I think. Now, do you sell that you ever, I just assume that Justin's the only one that's probably put like rules and stuff like that. And now I know how you, we all are, right?
Starting point is 00:35:51 I'm even this way with caffeine. So right now, I'm doing the mind pump story. And I think last, I did it a month ago, right? So the last time I did it, I was starting my day off with the pre workout because we've been meeting in the morning to work out. I had been doing that consistently for well over a month now. And so I have like rules just like with alcohol
Starting point is 00:36:12 with caffeine. It's like, okay, I was getting up to three caffeinated drinks, including one of those being a pre-workout in a day. That's kind of my upper limit. That's kind of where I go, okay, it's time to come back the other way. And then I have ways of mitigating that or reducing that, right? And one of those is using the Organifi Red Juice in replace of what would probably be, you know, a caffeinated
Starting point is 00:36:34 drink right there. So have you had to do things like that with alcohol or have you coached clients on using tools like that? I've coached clients on that. and when it comes to me, I've done that with cannabis. I'm much more likely to utilize cannabis for, you know, relaxing purposes or whatever. And my, the way that I mitigate it is by dose and by frequency. So I don't, I don't go above five milligrams. When I find that I, I'll take five and I don't notice it as much is when I know I'm using a little bit too much. Frequency, I'll limit it to a few days a week, not every single day. And I feel like you have to have, here's why it's good to have hard rules sometimes,
Starting point is 00:37:15 because self-awareness is tough and you're really good at talking yourself out. You're really good at closing yourself. You can sell the fuck out yourself. Oh, no, it's not that bad. Oh no, this isn't because of bad stress. It's not that, you know, this is cool. Or you'll just ignore it.
Starting point is 00:37:27 You'll be in the background and you'll just go. But if you have hard rules, then I already had a three days this week and I'm gonna follow the rule that I made and not have it again, then you're more likely to stay consistent. So I, and that's why I'm asking these questions. I've never had to do this out close.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I've actually never liked alcohol. It wasn't until zibiotic, but I even indulged the way we have on weekends occasionally. That would just never happen for me. So I've never had to put these rules in place. I imagine if I had to, it would look something like, okay, so let's say I'm the guy who is maybe more like Justin, we're occasionally on the weekend,
Starting point is 00:38:00 I have a drink or two or whatever. What would keep, my hard rules would be like that buzz feeling or that loose, relaxed feeling that it takes, which for me probably is only about two stiff drinks, maybe three tops. When that becomes four or five, right? When it takes more to get that same feeling of truth, which is the same way I measure cannabis
Starting point is 00:38:23 and the same way I measure caffeine, right? That's right. I'm drinking three caffeinated drinks to give me the same feeling I measure cannabis and the same way I measure caffeine, right? That's right. I'm drinking three caffeinated drinks to give me the same feeling that one caffeinated drink used to give me just, you know, six months before when I wasn't doing it at all. And so that's where I think this, there's a lot of value for clients that really are drawn to having alcohol still in their lifestyle somehow because they do really enjoy it is being honest with yourself and saying, okay, the part that you enjoy is probably
Starting point is 00:38:47 that kind of relaxed loose feeling you get after X amount. Whatever that X amount is, understandably, if you haven't had it for, let's say, for months, and I think everybody, just like we do with a diet, right, where you go and do an elimination diet and then you introduce things.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You got eliminated out of your life for a while, so it's not in there. And then when you introduce it to enjoy it, what is that number that it takes to enjoy it, and then give yourself a rule from there that it's like, okay, it used to only take one drink for me to relax, now I'm up to five. Yeah, I think that number really does help
Starting point is 00:39:18 to reveal the frequency, you know, and it's very much a tangible way to look at it. So that is something I would pay attention to. How many does it take me to get to that feeling of being relaxed and uninhibited? You know, do I just need one glass or am I up to five? Like you said, like that is something
Starting point is 00:39:37 that I definitely consider all the time. Yeah, you mentioned Ziootic and same here. I never, I almost never drink alcohol, except when in the rare occasion that I went out with my buddies, and then it was just as a social lubricant or whatever to party. It was just a means to an end.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It wasn't like I got the drink. I like this, like, okay, we're gonna get drunk, so I'm gonna drink this drink and then get drunk or whatever. But I didn't like the after effects. Alcohol all the way, and there's a genetic component. I'm sure But alcohol always messed up my stomach and it always made me feel like Dog shit the next day even if I drink during the day I still can notice a performance drop and I was so into the gym that if I couldn't have a great work out the next day
Starting point is 00:40:17 It was like, you know, I don't know if I want to really go with that and then you know Zibiotics comes out along and It's like craziness. It's, it works like magic. And so now I will have the occasional drink because of it. So it's very similar to you, Adam. I did, if it wasn't for that, I don't, I still think the negative for me because I value the way I feel, especially with my workout so much, I still think I wouldn't have anything. Well, you just nailed some, I think it's so important too, is that there's such a genetic component to that. Like, I look at Katrina and it's definitely a gene.
Starting point is 00:40:48 It's in the family. Like, you can see her family and my family is not drinkers and her family and can be, right? And we can both hurt, she can go drink to drink with me, which I'm like, you know, 100 pounds on her and she could still go drink for drink with me. And the next day, she gets up, works, works out and is fine. And so I think when you have that, when you have that genetic component that allows you
Starting point is 00:41:14 to do that, you've got to be, you have to have, you have to have more self-awareness than other people because you don't get to say, like for me, it was very easy, like you. It was like, I drank and yeah, we had a good time that night, but then man, the next two to three days were just, I was sluggish, I ate terrible, workout suffer, sleep suffer, and so it would take really, and I'm seriously very, very important or exciting
Starting point is 00:41:41 weekend or moment for me to want to sacrifice the next two to three days of work and working out, and so it was very moment for me to want to sacrifice the next two to three days of work and working out. And so it was very easy for me not to. I would imagine if I wasn't like that, and I was like Katrina, it would take a lot more discipline. Yeah, here's the formula.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And again, I'm not gonna encourage, be responsible, don't be stupid, because nothing I'm about to say, we'll protect you if you're stupid. But the formula is lots of water electrolytes. So have some electrolytes because you want to have some of the sodium, some of the magnesium and the potassium to balance you out while you're drinking. Z-bottix before you drink, so what Z-bottix does is it's got these bacteria, it's been modified.
Starting point is 00:42:18 So it's a patented bacteria that produces a compound that breaks down acid, acid aldehyde, I think I pronounce it right, which is this like negative byproduct that you get from alcohol, which is responsible for a lot of the shitty feeling. When this builds up in the system, headache, you feel like crap, your gut's off, and so what this does is it breaks that down,
Starting point is 00:42:36 so you don't get that build up. And then before you go to bed, activated charcoal for the gut or an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen, and you usually will feel the next day way better. And a lot of water. And water with the electrodes. And the next day you wake up and you'll feel way better than had you not done all that
Starting point is 00:42:58 stuff. And you know, like I've tested this a couple times and it's pretty miraculous. The caveat is this, if you try all that stuff and then you feel great the next day, you self-awareness because what it meant might end up happening is you might say to yourself like what you were talking about with the genetic component is, oh cool, now this means I could go hard all the time
Starting point is 00:43:17 because you're still drinking a lot of alcohol, you're still getting unhealthy effects of doing all that and the extra calories from all of that. Look, MindPump is recorded on videos as well as audio so you can come find us on YouTube, MindPump Podcast. You can also find all of us on Instagram. You can find Justin at MindPump Justin, me at MindPump Salon, Adam at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance.
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