Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1548: How to Use Two-A-Day Workouts to Accelerate Gains, Tips for Maximizing the Benefit of Bodyweight Only Exercises, Managing Digestive Issues When Bulking & More

Episode Date: May 7, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the Mind Pump stance on two-a-days, mitigating digestive system issues when bulking, the best way to approach train...ing obese clients, and building a healthy metabolism with only bodyweight exercises and no access to gym equipment. YouTube comments can be harsh. (3:47) Follow along with full workouts on Mind Pump TV. (4:55) Shout out to Serene Wilken! (6:03) Updates on Sal’s book launch so far. (8:18) When will the Reality TV craze end? (14:11) How caffeine can be deadly if you overdo it. (20:36) Interesting things unfolding with Adam’s new diet. (22:26) How Justin’s son has taken an interest in his protein intake and building muscle. (30:00) Mind Pump on having the sex talk with their kids. (32:31) The guys address the controversy surrounding Joe Rogan’s comments on the vaccine. (40:10) #Quah question #1 – What's the Mind Pump stance on two-a-days? (41:31) #Quah question #2 – How do you mitigate your digestive system acting up when bulking? (46:20) #Quah question #3 – What is the best way to approach training obese clients? (49:48) #Quah question #4 – Is it possible to build a healthy metabolism with only bodyweight exercises and no access to gym equipment? (55:43) Related Links/Products Mentioned May Specials: MAPS Aesthetic & the Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off!  **Promo code “MAYSPECIAL” at checkout** Mind Pump TV - YouTube The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano TikToker Is Hospitalised After Taking Eight Scoops of Pre-Workout Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Headspace Guide to Meditation | Netflix Official Site Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout* Joe Rogan Anti-Vax Comments About Young People Create New Headache for Spotify MAPS P.E.D. | Muscle Adaptation ... - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1527: The 3 Step Solution To The Obesity Epidemic Mind Pump #1207: Five Ways To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories MAPS Suspension Training | Muscular Adaptation Programming System MAPS Fitness Anywhere | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Serene Wilken (@mindful_axis)  Instagram Mark Manson (@markmansonnet)  Instagram Mind Pump Memes (@mindpump_memes)  Instagram Joe Rogan (@joerogan)  Instagram Stan “Rhino” Efferding – CSCS (@stanefferding)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered four fitness and health questions. On the back half of this episode, the front half, the first 45 minutes, we talked about current events. We brought up our sponsors. We talked about scientific studies.
Starting point is 00:00:30 So here's a rundown of today's entire podcast. So we open up and talk about YouTube comments. They're changing. You guys are noticing that we're working out and trying to be fit. No longer we're fat. We're right heads. Now we're right heads, apparently. So we progressed.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Uh, then we talk about our trainer, Serene, uh, and her follow along fitness videos on mind pump TV and asking for some feedback. Um, I gave a little update on my book, um, and it's success. It seems to be doing okay. Killing it. Now we talk about reality TV. The changes in reality TVs from day one till now, I brought up the tragic situation with a kid who took eight scoops of pre-workout on YouTube. And I think he almost died, really, really crazy. Then Adam gave us an update on his diet, believe it or not, too much grain-fed beef in particular is actually causing him a problem. This is because he's been on an elimination diet.
Starting point is 00:01:26 By the way, we work with a company called Butcherbox that mails grass fed meats among other things to your door. They also have heritage pork and wild fish. So really, really good quality meats to your door for amazing prices. And right now, right now, they've got a huge promotion. If you go to Butcherbox.com forward slash mind pump, here is what you're gonna get. Two pounds of pork chops, three pounds of free range
Starting point is 00:01:51 organic chicken breasts, and two pounds of grass fed ground beef, four free. Go sign up by the way it's promotion ends on May 9th. After that we talked about Justin's son, maybe taking protein drinks, he's getting older now, trying to build bull, trying to get them gains, trying to look good like his dad. By the way, we have an exclusive offer from Organify for Mind Pump Listeners. They make some of the best organic supplements around including grass, excuse me, organic vegan protein powders. So here's the offer. And 20% off all,
Starting point is 00:02:26 organify products, plus free shipping, when you go to organify.com forward slash mine pump. This promotion is only running till Mother's Day, the ninth after that, this promotion ends. So make sure you go do it. Then we talked about our kids and the sex talk, they're getting to that age now,
Starting point is 00:02:42 they need to know about all that stuff. Then we talked about Joe Rogan and vaccine controversy. After that, we got into the questions. The first question, this person wants to know what we think about two a days. So two a days are we working out twice a day instead of once a day. The next question, this person says,
Starting point is 00:02:59 I'm trying to bulk, but my digestive system starts to act up. How do I approach this? The third question, this person wants to know the best ways to approach training obese clients. And then the fourth question was asked by a single dad with two young boys has very little time to work out. One of some workout tips for someone like him
Starting point is 00:03:17 who has very, very limited and minimal time. Also, all month long, all May, we are running a huge promotion, 50% off Maps aesthetic and 50% off the Extreme Fitness Bundle, which includes multiple workout programs all in one bundle. So both are 50% off. You can learn more or sign up at MapsFitnessProducts.com. Just make sure to use the code MaySpecial with no space for that 50% off discount. So the show has been doing well on YouTube now for a little while.
Starting point is 00:03:50 We've had the podcast forever. We'll be honest, your hair is taking quite an upgrade. It's nice, not sensitive. Okay, so here's a deal. So here's a deal, right? So podcast has been, we've been, we kill everybody in podcasts. Nobody comes close. But YouTube, we slay. Recently, super humble guys. It's just just the fact, right? It's just the fact.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I'm just reporting the facts. YouTube, only recently, have really paid attention to it and has just started to grow, right? Yeah. Now the comments on YouTube harsh, they can be very harsh. They are. So they started, it's weak. This is where they started, okay, they started
Starting point is 00:04:21 by saying things like, oh, three dudes are out of shape, telling me how to work out, right? You know what comments I'm seeing now? Three roided out dudes talking about health and fitness. Oh, dude, yeah, we've crossed over. We're just, yes, we're killing it. You gotta love the best, come here. You gotta love the YouTube extreme roiders.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah, we're either a fatter on roids. Can't just be like healthy dudes, right? Can't just be healthy to have muscles. That's not the case. I did the rock steroids are getting fatter. Wow. No, I saw that today and I was like, oh man. I was speaking to a YouTube dog, I got to bring it up while.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That is nice. So, as of this podcast recording, so this is live already now, if you haven't gone over to our other YouTube channel, my pump TV, that's where we have all the exercises. Yeah, and so something we're starting to play with. So if you're listening to this for the first time, even if you're listening on the podcast, appreciate any sort of support in this direction to let us know if this is an area we should put
Starting point is 00:05:16 some time, effort, and money, because it's not cheap to do this, but I think this may be something we can, we start doing in the future, which is this follow along style workout. So serene is leading you through the video. Yeah, that's right. So you'll be able to and it's, you know, Eli's got all kinds of great edits to where it's
Starting point is 00:05:33 got a timer on there. It shows you a progress bar to how far through the workout. So those people that have TVs in their at home gyms or have an iPad, they could shoot it up and they want to follow along a workout or in your living room, Serena's going to start doing some of these. And if it gets enough traction, we may put some time and effort on to be completely transparent. It's not, it's very expensive for us to do that.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's all free content. We're doing it anyways. But if it gets enough good feedback, it might be something that we can do. Don't we'll do it? Yeah. Speaking of Serena, you guys look super cool. I tell you, I hired her to train my boy. I heard you I heard you save that now. I know
Starting point is 00:06:10 Strategic Yeah, very sure he's gonna listen a little bit. Well, that's a thing. You know to do okay So okay if you got you guys have all tried to train your girls or your wives, right? It's very hard Yeah, because you're not just you're not their trainer, you're their boyfriend or their husband, and they don't wanna listen or whatever. I've had this happen when I've trained other family members too, right? Training my kids, it's like,
Starting point is 00:06:32 either I'm making them do it, and then I'm like developing a bad relationship with exercise or... Right, right. So I knew if I hired somebody, so I'm hiring somebody, he's more likely to listen, be polite, plus she's a female, so he's not gonna feel like he needs to whatever, show off or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And I think he's gonna do a good job. And she's an excellent trainer. She's an amazing trainer. I think he's not gonna train, show off. Well, we just gonna get to know the fact that she's attractive to him. Right. You skipped over. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Well, that's good. She's smart, she's a good trainer. She's hot. That's gonna be honest. Teenage attention. You'll pay attention. Exactly. I think you'll pay attention. Hey, Dad, can I work out every day?
Starting point is 00:07:08 Calm down, so yeah. Two days a week for now. I'm really into this thing now. No, but today's is first day, so I'm excited, man. That's great, man. Now, I know Doug, you had already hired her, right? Yes. Yeah, how long she been training right now?
Starting point is 00:07:20 About two months, Brianna's been going with her. Okay, she's just such a good, she's a great trainer. Yeah, she's a good, she's awesome. Have. Yeah. She's like, yeah, she's awesome. Have you seen her train? Yeah, I have. I have. She's a really good trainer. I originally thought I was like, I saw her the first couple of times.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I was like, oh, that's really sweet that she's doing that. Like, when then I started seeing her doing more, I'm like, damn, is she? I'm Doug, are you paying her? And then does like, yeah, of course I'm paying her. I'm like, oh, I'm like, yeah, I thought she was just going out of her way.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Every does like that was really nice. That was really detailed. Yeah, she spent some time there. Yeah, that's how I was. I mean, there's a difference, right? So it's so funny, right? Even trainers, all trainers are like this. There's like paid helping you,
Starting point is 00:07:52 and there's like helping you just be a nice helping you. Right. Oh, you need to work out help. Here's a sheet. Oh, what are you working on today? Yeah, yeah, yeah, here do this. Here's an exercise. First, it's putting your professional hat on.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Yeah, before. Really going to town, of course. But she does a good job, and I'm excited because my kid is like, he's such a math science computer dude, that if he doesn't like, if I don't do structured something with him, he'll just live on the fucker all day long. Yeah, so I'm like, no, dude, you need to. So update us on this experience of this book launch so far.
Starting point is 00:08:21 How's it going so far? Is the fame getting to your head yet, do you feel? I'm seeing all kinds of tags with the book and people receiving them now. So it looks like there's a bit of a hype machine going on. It's yeah, it seems to be doing all right. So on Amazon, I'm tracking the, how it ranks on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And so with Amazon, you have big categories, like all of health, right? All of health has a massive category, which includes self-help books, psychological health, you know, nutrition, some of the biggest sellers of all time are in that category, like Mark Manson's book is in there as well, right? And then under that, they're smaller categories.
Starting point is 00:08:57 So a sub-category which is still big but not nearly as big as exercise and fitness. And then you get small categories like stretching, quick workouts, weight training, whatever. So in the small categories, it's ranked number one in new releases and even in best sellers. In the larger exercise and fitness, it's like top, I think it's in top 20 for best sellers.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I think it's, I think it's two, one or two for exercise and fitness for new releases. And then health, it's ranking, it's not ranking a best sellers, I think it's, I think it's two, one or two, four exercise and fitness for new releases. And then health, it's ranking, it's not ranking a best sellers yet, because that's just a huge bit. But in new releases, it's doing pretty good, it's like top sales. So I'm a little disappointed in you. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I thought for sure, I thought for sure by now, I would have received a picture of it and Barnes and Noble from you and you would have gone, I haven't gone in yet. I can't believe that. I'm a little ashamed of you. Yeah, why? Why is that? Whoa, I mean you're ashamed of me. Yeah, yeah in yet. I can't believe that. I'm a little shamed of you. Why? Why is that?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Whoa, I'm just shamed of you. Yeah, I'm just, what's their crime? Come on man, I feel like I would. I mean, if my book was in Barnes and O.S. I was going to go celebrity and be like, yeah, yeah. I mean, even if you, okay, let me back. I've had people send me pictures, like friends and family.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, I mean, I didn't expect you to go take a picture of it and post it online. That's not your style. But I thought you would post to us privately. I thought for sure by now, at least I would have, I would have went down there, saw it, took a picture of it, sent it to you guys, and you're like, hey, this is a cool moment right now.
Starting point is 00:10:14 It's a cool moment, it's a cool moment in the business. I mean, everybody in and Doug can to test this, right? Cause you and Doug both have done the online marketing courses way back when and so that. And part of the formula for scaling an e-commerce business, they say is to write a book. But something that you kind of made a path to yourself and us when we first started,
Starting point is 00:10:36 is like, I don't wanna write a book until someone wants to pay me to write a book. Which I thought that was kind of cool and that was always a goal, right? So goal was to write a book. You could have wrote a book four years ago. The same content you've been talking about forever. Well, you've refined that message over the last few years and everything we've talked about on the show.
Starting point is 00:10:53 So it was like the perfect timing to put it all into, you know, word form. Well, so far the most excited I've gotten, because I expected people who listen to the show to be very supportive. And we have the great, we have the show to be very supportive, and we have the great, we have the best fans, the best, best supporters ever. But some of the best comments I've gotten were from, like I got, like this one lady, she was like in her 50s, and she sends me a message, she's like, hey, I just read your book, I had no idea, I'm going to start lifting weights. And when I see something like that, I'm like, that's what makes me excited
Starting point is 00:11:26 because never would she have, and she told me, she's like, I would have never considered doing resistance training until I read your book. And that's the idea, the idea is, let's change the failed fitness paradigm because again, resistance training's gotten such a terrible stigma. And that's our job as trainers.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And at the end of the day, look, I've been a trainer way longer than I've been a podcaster and writing a book. My goal is, is it same as it's always been? There's a few family members of mine that I had to get the book that I'm most interested in. Yeah, I would love to hear what they're talking about. My brother too, I can't really read through it.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah, there's people that I'm like, because the thing is, those are the people that I really want to see read this, that I think it's gonna be most impactful. If you're really into fitness, you're kind of aware of the, if you're listening to this podcast, right? Unless you're brand new into listening to this,
Starting point is 00:12:15 if you've been listening to us for four years. It's just, if everything we talk about, but put in one book, it's not gonna be new knowledge to those people, but for somebody who is, you know, still chasing fat loss through cardio or the group X type classes or all these high intensity type workouts,
Starting point is 00:12:32 to me, those are the people that are gonna really... So as Adam's post been getting at you at all, yeah. Which ones? Just all of them. Oh, all of them. Oh, he's been roasted. I gotta, here's the thing, I build them up in here, and then I gotta bring it back down.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah, I gotta take him down a little bit. I don't wanna even get too. I think they're hilarious, dude. I showed my son the one where, that you posted of me and it was, and Wenzi, which I don't know how you got my face on that. But I showed my son that he was dying. Oh, so good.
Starting point is 00:12:58 You know what, we're from a different generation. I don't know how they are nowadays, but for me, when your friends are doing that to you. It's love. Yeah, it is. It's like, oh, I know exactly. Adam's showing me some love right now. Yeah, the best one was.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Let's look at it about me. Hey, the meme, and this is Carlos is just crushing it with the memes. He sent me the one I did the last one was the one one year after Sal's book. And he's leaning against a phantom. I mean, it's totally not his body. It's like some little like five foot eight like,
Starting point is 00:13:26 you know, influencer kid or some silly stuff you would have seen. Oh, I'm like, one of the gurus in our state of being behind him. He's leaving it gets a Rolls Royce. Oh, big deal. Just making money. I think that was so. Oh, look, I scratched my car. Look at my pro just carry like some Lambo keys around. Yeah, just cuz I love that one. They would post like a protein shake, but it's sitting on like a flamburgue. Yeah. Yeah. That's that your car. You're full of shit. Especially when you find out, especially when you find out these movie sets in LA, like when they have like a fake private jet. Yeah, you rent it. That's why you take pictures. It's so brilliant, but it's like, man, everything is so fake.
Starting point is 00:14:07 You go through all that stuff, and especially in the influencer realm. Do you guys think it's gonna come undone? Is it gonna come undone? Like, is it all gonna undone? Like, people are gonna have to do that. Media's been fixed in stay one, dude. Yeah, but here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:14:17 and this is why I don't know, because I was actually just- I hit the tipping point here. Well, this is kind of a long, some of the conversations we've been having around. Like, you brought up the other day, like, you know, Fox and CNN, right? There is, I don't think there's anybody
Starting point is 00:14:30 in the, at least the United States that doesn't know how biased each one of those channels are. Yet, millions still tune in to them. Because you want to smell your own fart, I'm sorry. Well, that's, so it's like, you're aware it's biased as shit, but you still want to consume that content. So there's a part of me that goes, people don't care.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's like completely the opposite narrative. So they just create their own stories now. It's like, is this even based on real shit anymore? Are we just like writing things? No, no. So you think that it's gonna hit a tipping point where it's there's so much fakeness through social media because it's everyday people maybe doing it where there's so much fakeness through social media
Starting point is 00:15:05 because it's everyday people maybe doing it. Yeah. And at some point, I was like, okay, I'm done. I mean, I think that, but then what makes me think maybe not is like what I just said about Fox and CNN. It's just like, people know it's fake, but I don't care, I still wanna get this. It's almost like Jerry Springer, right?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Yeah. I mean, when Jerry Springer first hit the hockey stick, people thought, wow, this is really just drama, and maybe it's real, real drama, and not like, drama ties, right? They weren't staging it. Even when people figured out it was completely staged. The real world, remember, on MTV is now the real world.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah, the real world is what we're dealing with. You know, I'm glad you brought that up. So this is for Luminati. This is great for it. The power is it. Yeah, Luminati, I love the show. Anyway, I'm just gonna talk like this the rest of the show. So anyway, so someone would be like, sound those. Yeah, early this. Yeah, just do that. What is that the eye thing that they do?
Starting point is 00:15:59 I know what they're like in. No, so the real world that's a great example. The real world on MTV was the first reality show ever. Now the original season literally was, let's film everything. Let's not try to create drama. Let's not tell people what to say. Maybe throw some booze in there, but we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:16:16 They didn't do anything. They just filmed the first one and they made the show. After that, they started to create and script and engineer it. Yes, because they found that when people did stupid crazy shit, like, oh my god create and script and engineer it. Yes, because they found that when people did stupid crazy shit, like, oh my god, this gets so much fun. Their views just, so watch the first real world, and what you see is like, people getting along and just kind of acting normal.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, and then after that, we're like, what the hell's going on? Yeah, even the crazy backgrounds that are completely opposite, they tended to get along in the beginning. That's right. You know, technically it was the second reality show. You know the first one was technically? What? Was cops.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Oh yeah. Cops was technically. Technically, yeah. Yeah, great little statistic game there. Right. I would have lost that. That's true. Yeah, they were technically the first reality show.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And I mean, I'm sure that's where a lot of these shows started to piece together. Like, oh my God, people love cops because they're, you know, fucking beating people up and grabbing freaking, you know, people that are breaking the law. I see tramas. Yeah, it's the drama, right? So I think they piece that together and then sure enough, same thing with your real world that probably noticed that, oh, wow, the episodes where a big fight happens, you know, that's the ones and so just playing to the end.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I think that the cops need police officers need PR now. I think they do. They need PR today more than ever. A show like that I think would be smart to bring back on the air. I wouldn't even sign up to be a cop, right? Really? Oh man.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Talk about such a, a, a, thankless job. I mean, yeah, it would, I mean, and shout out to all of our, I know we have a lot of officers at list. I know we have a lot of firefighters that listen. By the way, I've been wanting to do this. So glad this was. Which does the finger thing.
Starting point is 00:17:49 So good, by the way. Yeah, by the way, by the way. So we, I've had many times where someone's message me that, oh yeah, our entire firehouse listens on lives. So if you're listening right now, and you're in a firehouse or a station, you're with a big group of officers or firefighters, and you're in a firehouse or a station, you're with a big group of officers or firefighters and you listen to show, message me either DM me
Starting point is 00:18:08 or email one of us and I would love to give you guys a shout out. So I think that'd be cool, yeah. Because I get that and then they don't ever tell me like where they're stationed at or where they're working from, I'd love to shout out like a. I've gotten that a few times from some military bases too. So I would love to see that as well.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Yeah, and you're saying, I mean, that's a tough, fanceless job. But that's a bottom line. Yeah, back to what I was starting to say that. I think it's always been challenging. I think right now, imagine like, imagine you being a cop right now, heading into a situation and like that is, you know, that could be potentially dangerous.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah. And everything that's going on in the news, like scary dude. It is dude. You know what it reminds me of? I had a friend of mine who, this is someone that worked out my gym and he was a Vietnam vet.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And he told me what it was like coming home from Vietnam and getting, and people were spitting on them. And this is my dad's experience. And he's like, man, it was terrible. I mean, the shit that I experienced out there, and they come home and I'm being hated, even though I was drafted.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Exactly, he was drafted, didn't wanna be there, was just trying to survive and make things manageable and then coming back home, it's like you're finally home and people are throwing shit at you, spitting in your face. What? Yeah, I didn't know that. Well, because the Vietnam War was heavily protested.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I know that. So that's why. And then there was one of the first times where war, there were reporters filming and reporting in real time. And so you had, like war, okay, here's a deal, war is war. War is fucked. A lot of crazy shit happens. So they're reporting on some of this stuff and it was violent, there was terrible shit
Starting point is 00:19:52 than the reports of soldiers doing things that maybe they shouldn't have, but they were actually quite rare, whatever for the most part, doing a good job. And so it was just, they were viewed and villainized, they were villainized as bad people. These soldiers going out and killing innocent people and they're bad or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:09 And so, and that was the media. The media promoted that. And so people came back. I didn't know it was to that extreme though. We're so good. So what you're coming back and then like our own people spitting on them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Have you seen the movie Born on the Fourth of July? No, I have not. Okay, so that'll highlight a little bit of that. That shows kind of what happened. That's why I mean, you brought up the point a long time ago, like 60s and like what we went through with all that versus like 2020. Like it's just like you put in perspective.
Starting point is 00:20:31 It was pretty damn crazy back then what we went through. Yeah, it was a crazy time. A lot crazy. Speaking of crazy. Yeah. How did you guys hear? So this kind of made, I think it made it to mainstream news.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Did you guys hear about this kid who almost died? Because he took eight scoops of pre-workout. What? This is true. Wow, really? Yes, so apparently it's this YouTuber. Is this new training or what? Yeah, a couple of people sent it to me.
Starting point is 00:20:54 What? What a terrible idea. So apparently this kid, he does YouTube, and he like, he dry scoops, which is just, you take a scoop, you put it in your mouth, wash it down with water. By the way, you guys didn't invent that, so stupid. I see that back in the day because it was just easy.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Right, because you didn't have a sugar cup. You tried getting it in. That was something you only did because you flashed your water. I've done that with protein powder. You'll try doing that with a big ass scoop of protein powder. Come on now. You're not tough because you dry scoop.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Big use cough and poop. Yeah, but anyway, apparently he did this and he did eight scoops and like to show like, oh, you know, whatever, I'm crazy. Yeah. And got, I mean, whatever, I'm crazy. Yeah. And got, I mean, one pupil was dilated, the other one was constricted. His head brain swelling, had to like crack school.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Well, that's scary. I mean, some of these pre-workouts got 400 milligrams of caffeine in it, dude. Imagine that right there. People don't realize this, caffeine is deadly. Yes. If you go past a certain amount, it will kill you. It's not like it, just because it's in,
Starting point is 00:21:46 because it's in your energy drink, does it mean it's super expensive? Especially when you go from that to that, right? Like if you're somebody who drinks 400 milligrams a day and then you work to 500, then 600, then 800, then 900, then 1000, that's one thing. But to go like, oh, I'm gonna take 2,400 milligrams of caffeine in that shot.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Oh, yeah. That's hard. It was like feeling like it was gonna burst out of chest. Oh, yeah, so he like created like a situation where he gave himself strokes and they had to like, apparently had to release pressure in his skull because it's broken. Well, that's what I was thinking when you're talking about the eyes pupillating like that. Pupillating. That's how it is.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Pupillating. Yeah. You had me fooled. Bro, your eyes are trying to make up work. Do you feel it? I don't know. I have two. Dude, I got an ab cramp last night talking to Katrina.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Those are the worst. It was so weird. We are talking. I don't remember what we're talking about, but we're talking about something, business stuff, right? And it slowly, I was like, oh, but she's like, are you okay? I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And then it was like, whack. And then it hit me. It was like, oh, me my whole body's shaking. Dude, it was so bad. So I get those if my carbs are really low for a while and my electrolytes are off. So is that what happened? Yeah, so I would, obviously,
Starting point is 00:22:52 I've been super low carbohydrate, right? Which is why you look incredible. Well, thank you. By the way, thank you. Very, very, very, very, Adam's on those guys, no, I'm just honest. Adam's on those guys, he gets leaner, looks bigger.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah, you know what I mean? I just look smaller. I don't feel that way. But thank you though, I need that today. I actually, along my diet, so interesting things unfolding right now. Oh yeah. So, I thought for sure that I would see
Starting point is 00:23:18 a pretty immediate difference in my psoriasis from the meat. Along the Adam and the Vord diet. Yeah, and initially I kinda did a little bit. Now, it's not trending yet. What I think started to happen after a few days of eating that much red meat every single day. Since obviously that was trying to stick mostly to meat, I'm gonna target red meat primarily,
Starting point is 00:23:39 just because it's- So nutrient-dancing? Right. So what I was noticing was my psoriasis not only was not getting better, but it was actually like starting to itch and bothering more. And normally when I do something like that, I'm that I know obviously offends it like high sugar ice cream things like that. Like dairy like it like hour after eating, I itch.
Starting point is 00:23:59 It just oh, that fast. Oh yeah, it's that obvious. That obvious as soon as I digest it, I can already start to notice. And sometimes, like that's how I've, I mean, the psoriasis has almost been a blessing in disguise because it cues that, like, right, like I can be totally fine. And then I'll be sitting there an hour afterwards
Starting point is 00:24:15 to watch TV and then also when I reach down, I start scratching, I'm like, oh shit. It's like my grandfather when his corn's act up. It's gonna rain. It's a matter of, I know, what is that of the pressure? I had a client like that too. But I need to think this is gonna rain.
Starting point is 00:24:27 But listen to this dude, the red meat actually might be some of the problem. So I've noticed it. Now where it really stood out to me was, I had a couple of days. So originally I had all my butcher box meat prepared. I was cooking like five pounds of it at a time. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I was eating it like that. Well there's been a couple of times now where I've ran like five pounds of it at a time. I was eating it like that. Well there's been a couple times now where I've ran low and I didn't have it access. So I've done a smash burger and five guys where I just had the patties. I have them just order the patties and I eat just the patties alone. So basically high quality grass fed me and now your grain fed, you know. And that's what made me go, oh my god, because I noticed when I, here's what also, I kind of noticed the original, I think I talked about the psoriasis feeling a little bit better,
Starting point is 00:25:09 but that also could have been because I was at such a low calorie intake from what I was before, and I was offending it so much with everything else. So I felt, oh, maybe this is getting it better, but then it like plateaued and then it even got a little worse and it got worse when I noticed I had these types of foods. So since then, I started introducing more white meat. So I've had chicken, I've had Ville, I've had ground turkey, and I've had salmon. And so I started to limit the amount of red meat.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Well, Ville's red too, but it's not as fatty. Okay, so yeah, or like closer to white meat, I feel like right. So more white meats and fishes and things like that So best just basically mixing up from just ground beef, which I was eating primarily and already started to notice the the psoriasis Inflammate it's inflammatory. It must be the fatty acid profile or like that So you know, it's interesting. I've had two clients that had to be that had to limit red meat one lady It's the only person I've ever worked with that had to be, that had to limit red meat. One lady, this is the only person I've ever worked with
Starting point is 00:26:06 that actually had an intolerance, a borderline allergy to red meat. Now she thought it was because she got Lyme disease, you know, years prior, and I know that can cause that in some people. The other guy literally would become inflamed when he ate too many animal products, especially meat. And it was, we tested it so many times.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And this just goes to highlight the individual, especially meat. And it was, we tested it so many times. And this just goes to highlight the individual variance with nutrition. You cannot, you cannot state this enough. There's such a huge, the things you wouldn't even imagine, it could be so different from person to person. Well, I even find it fascinating how I can already start to tell a difference between like the grass fed
Starting point is 00:26:41 versus eating like the regular meat from like five guys or from a smash burger, like what a difference it may too. So what I think, so kind of where I'm moving now is I'm slowly starting to introduce other things, right? So I let Alvacado in there the other day. I let some bell peppers and onions in there. All these things seem fine.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I actually think it has something to do with my meat where I'm, or my protein source. And so I'm going to try and if I eat red meat, I'm not going to eliminate it completely. If I eat it, I'm going to do my best to only have grass fed and see what happens. And then I'm going to have more chicken and veal and like others as salmon and other sources of protein. Well, I also imagine that would make a difference. I mean, just the in terms of the quality of the meat, because I went through a little bit of that when I was in the carnivore diet. Notice a big difference when you had a... You did, huh?
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yeah, yeah. That's when the intake is real high. I know we talk about it, right? But I wouldn't have noticed it, except I was eating so much. Of allumes, yeah. Yeah, I've never ate that much red meat before. I've always liked red meat, and it's always in my diet. But I think when it's only in my diet once
Starting point is 00:27:44 or twice at most in the day, it wasn't enough for me to like to really register on that. That's when you were just eating it all day. Yeah, when I was eating it all day, that's my main source of calories, then I noticed it. Yeah, that's why I tell people,
Starting point is 00:27:54 people ask me, is grass fed worth it? And I say, look, if you eat red meat every once in a great while, I mean, it makes a little bit of difference, maybe over time, so over a long period of time. But if you eat a lot of red meat, it makes a difference. Now, I don't get any gut issues or anything from red meat at all. It's actually one of the most tolerable for me.
Starting point is 00:28:11 However, I do notice, if it's all grain fed meat, I'm more sore after my workouts and I'm more stiff. So I definitely have more inflammation in my body than I would when I do grass fed. That's what I notice from it. Yeah, this is really interesting to me what's unfolding. I mean, it almost makes me want to try vegan out for a little while.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh my God, bro. It's can't though. We just can't, I'm like, fuck it. I'll just have psoriasis. That's good. Just give up. I mean, you may as well make me do crossfit after that. Dude, I'm so fucking throwing the towel.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I'm doing it all in. I tell you, again, dude, you got it. We were, Jessica and I were watching this show on Netflix about sleep, headspace. Have you seen the headspace? I've seen the app. Okay, so they have an app and then they have these videos on Netflix and they did one on sleep.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And the first half of it was talking about all the ways you can improve your sleep and then the back half was a meditation, right? So, but we're watching the first part, and Jessica is just getting annoyed with the whole thing. And I'm like, why is so annoyed, honey? And she's like, because they're being irresponsible with the information they're providing. I'm like, what do you mean? She goes, they're so general. She goes, you know how, how big of an individual variance there is with some of this stuff? For example, they said, yeah, two or three cups of coffee before five is
Starting point is 00:29:21 fine for sleep. And she's like, for some people, any... That's not true. That's not true for me. Right, and so, and that's the point, and that's, I mean, she made an excellent point. And now you're making excellent point. Like, I've had clients where they literally have issues with foods that you wouldn't even imagine, bananas or apples or carrots.
Starting point is 00:29:42 You know, like just the most often, that's why it's so important to listen to your own body because if you were like hard-headed, if you weren't like, you know, self-aware. And you're like, oh no, I heard this on a podcast. This is how I'm supposed to be. You just ignored that you're not working for you and just keep pushing through,
Starting point is 00:29:57 cause yourself problems. Well, it was interesting. I was having a bit of a conversation with my oldest about he's kind of going through some changes. You know, we got him a book about everything, about puberty and stuff. That's right, him and my daughter at the same age. Yeah, so it's like, he's more interested now
Starting point is 00:30:11 and before about building muscle and how we can do it properly. And so he started to read in his book about getting more protein than his diet and stuff. And so he actually came to me and was asking about it and how we could do it. And so, and we to me and was like asking about it and how we could do it. And so, you know, and we started to talk through it
Starting point is 00:30:27 about why we always like try to, you know, highlight, you know, like some kind of like whole foods and meat source, you know, in our dinners and a lot of our meals, we center around that first for that specific reason. But also, you know, I know for me is, I was growing developing, I need even more than that. And so like, I, you know, in I was growing, developing, I need even more than that. And so, in there, they kinda highlighted protein shakes,
Starting point is 00:30:48 and so we kinda talked, we had a little bit of a talk about that, and how to do that, and maybe we should just try and see what he thinks and stuff. And so, I had some organifier for him to try. And so, he tried the chocolate one, and we had it blended with ice and then milk. And so, we tried both options, but he likes the one we were just like with ice, then milk. And so we tried both options, but he likes the one we were just like with ice,
Starting point is 00:31:07 but I don't know, it's kind of nostalgic for me to kind of see like the full progression of like, I'm interested in like protein shakes and getting gains, Dad. Now would you let him, now did you push him in the in the organified direction instead of way for any particular reason? No, not for particular reason. Other than he tried way as well,
Starting point is 00:31:25 but like he actually preferred the organifies. I'm just like, okay, you know, yeah, he liked the taste of that better. Cause I, organifies. No, don't get me wrong. Organify is the best vegan protein out there. I've tried so many and I don't think any of it. Good time and close.
Starting point is 00:31:40 But I still think that way, so it depends, right? So Katrina, we just had this conversation yesterday cause she made oatmeal with your organifies. She's like, why does it taste? But I still think that way so it depends right so Katrina we just had this conversation yesterday because She made oatmeal with your again if I she's like why does it taste? Why I when you make this for me it doesn't take this as it said because when I make the oatmeal I mix with way I said and way when it's like a if it's savory stuff or with food I like way better. I love organic stuff when you mix it with tardy stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Because it got fruit. Yes, that's right. So like berry, strawberries, blueberries, bananas. You have the vanilla ones. Yeah, bomb. But if I go chocolate peanut butter, savory direction, I like way better. Me too, for that.
Starting point is 00:32:18 This is more creamy and yes. Yes, I'm with you all. I know Sal doesn't have an option, but I know. I mean, I used to drink away when I was a kid, but the organify saved the day with their protein, for sure. Now, you've done the sex talk with your son. Yes, so yeah, it's funny because we really didn't get that far with it, but like, all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:32:36 now he thinks he's like an expert. You know, he's like, some people be making out on the screen or something. Oh, no, no, no, this is good, right? That's the way we're right, man. Let's see. Yeah, I don't know, no. I know this is good. Right, man. Let's see. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Let's see how this plays out. He really sends them. I would fucking fall off my chair. You guys would die because he's in this funny period now where he's getting some attention from girls and stuff. And so he's actually, like, he's been really focused on one, but then all of a sudden now, one of his friends, like older sister, was like, oh, here's my handle for row box. Like, let's hang out.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Oh, no. So he's like on there, like chat with me, like, yeah, I'm chatting with a little bit. And I'm like, what about Kendall? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, her too. I don't want to tie myself down. I'm like, whoa, dude, you're way farther than I was. So, so my daughter, she's also in fifth grade, and she's a young fifth grade.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And what I mean by that is, I remember when I was in fifth grade, I knew everything. I mean, I was, it wasn't good. I was kissing girls at that time. I mean, we were talking about kinds of crazy too. My daughter is very naive when it comes to this kind of stuff. So anyway, I-
Starting point is 00:33:41 Or really smart. No, no, no, no. She, I know she's naive. I know, I just like to fuck with you. I love that. But I know she is because things will be said and stuff and then my son will laugh and she'll be like, what, what, tell me, and anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:52 So we were all going on a walk and I took the baby for a longer walk and Jessica will walk back with the kids. Well anyway, I think my daughter felt like, because Jessica will answer any question. She's not like embarrassed. So the kids can say, whereas I try to be, but I'm sure they can sense in me that I'm almost like,
Starting point is 00:34:10 oh no, this is one of those questions. So anyway, they walk home. So my daughter just started asking questions about sex. And so Jessica's talking about the whole thing. I'm like, everything. Everything. So how does it work? How does it get in there?
Starting point is 00:34:22 What does that look like? Why do people do it? Like everything. Wow. Yes. So then I came home and then little later, I was like, Hey, I heard you guys talked about whatever. And then we started having more conversations. I was like, Oh my God, my daughter's growing up, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Wow. This is so, it's all happened. It's like, oh, too fast. Yeah. I can't wait to hear your experience because, I mean, Jessica, two boys. So I feel like it's going to be so different having an older boy who you've talked to,
Starting point is 00:34:44 and now having a daughter. And it's great if she's comfortable to talk to you about that. Yeah. Well, this is what I love. Later on, we were all hanging out. It was my son, my daughter, Jessica and I, and of course the baby, and my daughter is asking just out in the open, and this is a good sign, right? She's not feeling embarrassed. She's asking period stuff. How does a tampon work? And why would I use that over this? And my son's not embarrassed. I'm like, this is good.
Starting point is 00:35:10 When I was a kid, we didn't even utter the word sucks. No, it's great because if they don't come to you and say that, they go to their friends. Or they'll go Google. Yeah, like I guess Google's a step better than your friends. Yeah, but I mean, not always. That's always, we were good. Not stupid friends, brothers.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And Google might not be. There's all kinds of crazy shit on the internet. So, but the other she was asking these questions. But when I was a kid, like I remember, the first time my parents actually talked about sex around me was after I got married. After I got married, all of a sudden my mom was making sex jokes. I'm like, sorry. And it's too much.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And you're like, no, no, this is awkward. You missed your window. Exactly. Like mom, the boat is sailed. That's really awkward now. So that's, have I ever shared on this? Have I shared on the podcast? I know I've talked to you guys about. I know Justin knows a little more
Starting point is 00:35:55 because he knows Katrina's mom pretty well, but Katrina's mom is like. Very open. Yeah. Very, very, I mean, she cracks me up with that stuff. Isn't she? She's like, and very forward about it. Like, if it's on her mind, she's an open book.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, she's gonna ask you, you know, we've been together 11 years now, we're going on 11 years, very weird at first, especially because I'm kind of like, my family was kind of quiet about it, and I was the oldest, so definitely I think they learned to have those conversations exactly next kids.
Starting point is 00:36:23 More, you know, me, it was like, you know, we learned about like, oh, we probably should have talked to him about that shit earlier. So when we first started dating, like, I remember we'd be seeing a dinner table with like her brothers, sisters, like 12 people there. And like her mom, like just like mid, like dinner would ask her like, honey, are you giving Adam blow jobs? And I'm like, just looking straight ahead. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:36:46 I don't even want to make eye contact with him with a table like. And I'm just over here like, I love you. Yeah. But you're like, yeah. Mrs. Garcia actually. I could use a few more. Yeah, he's talked to you about it. Yeah, or shall make comments like when you come over
Starting point is 00:36:59 ever see your couple of days and like, honey, your skin looks amazing. You guys must be having incredible sex lately. Oh my God, mom, I see really? Like, dude, but she's like, but you know what, though, she cares. It's great. It is cool though. Now that I've gotten used to it and I've been around it long enough, the family is, they're so unbelievably close that whenever something,
Starting point is 00:37:20 someone has a question about anything and no matter what age, you know what I'm saying, if the little nephew who's coming into age right now at 13 and asking questions like that, that dynamic has been such an open like that that everybody's very comfortable sharing and helping. Well, you want them to be open because then you know what's going on. Otherwise you don't know what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 00:37:38 You know what I mean? So, I spent some crazy time over the weekend. Courtney was gone visiting a friend in Idaho and so I was like trying to figure out what to do with the kids all weekend. And so I was like, yeah, we're going on high. So I'm trying to get the dogs, trying to get everybody exhausted. And we went to go pick her up at SFO.
Starting point is 00:37:54 So I went and took them to San Francisco earlier. So they've never been to like the city or like seen anything, you know, up there. Cause I just pretty much avoid it like the plague. But apparently there's still some nice areas. And it's usually like the real touristy spot. So we went to like Fisherman's War for all that kind of stuff, and it was so fun. I had to share this because we're walking down the street, and apparently there's like a lot of guys come through with their hot rods, or they're like low riders, or you know, stuff in know like get on it and try get attention all the stuff. It's so You know this this kind of band of low rider dudes are like driving down and and one of them's like This is like slamming on the road all the stuff Yeah, it's a hydro. Oh, yeah, and Ethan was like yeah, it's so awesome cool. It was just like what's up homies?
Starting point is 00:38:52 I was dyed inside I was like trying to hide you know They like totally were like like playing into it with him and he's like dancing was that the things like slamming That's so great. Oh my god Dude, that's so well. I'm in it now. So I'm like I'm like, oh my God, dude. That's so great. Well, I'm in it now, so I'm like, I'm like doing it with them, you know. Oh God, dude, I'm so good. I haven't seen a low rider with Hydro's a long time dude. Apparently there's, there's a lot there. Oh, I love it. And just cruise over to East Side San Jose.
Starting point is 00:39:15 They're all in the middle. I haven't seen it so like, I remember when I was in high school, there was a couple guys, you know, they do the three wheel and they get up on three wheel. I mean, sinko to mile, you see the, I mean, for the old day, straight up, I used to live on all in rock, which is an extension to downtown Santa things. I mean, think of them. You see the mean for the old day, if I was straight up, but I used to live on all in rock, which is an extension to downtown Santa Clara.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Oh, yeah, so you're, so my parking lot was the turn-around spot. So everybody came through. So everybody came through the front of my house and flipped around and went back down the other way. So like playing oldies in a room. Yeah, yeah. I mean, cool. If you decide you want to stay, right?
Starting point is 00:39:42 So if I decided that, okay, this thing went to my, I'm going to stay here and I'm going to watch all the cars, and that's going to be my thing. That's a good time. Yeah, get your lawn chair out, have a beer and just enjoy yourself. I love those bikes that they fabricate, you know, with the crazy wire rims and stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah, they make some sick bikes. One of our OG listeners, shout out to Aaron. Aaron's got a couple of those, I think, he's hardcore. He's got those low rider bikes. Yeah, those things get expensive, dude. They put some money in them. Yeah, it's a lot of time and. Yeah, those things get expensive, dude. They put some money in there. Yeah, that's a lot of time and energy.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I want more of those, dude. Look at that. Hey, real quick, I wanted to bring this up. I forgot to bring this up earlier. You guys see the controversy over Rogan's comments on the vaccine? Yeah, I did. What?
Starting point is 00:40:17 It makes me so, he didn't even say anything real crazy, didn't he? No, he really was just kind of saying that he didn't really think if you're young, you're healthy, you know, you're taking your vitamins, you're working out, you're doing all the right things, like you're not really that susceptible to having a really bad experience with COVID, like I don't know that vaccine is probably appropriate. You should be for everybody else that's susceptible to it. He's getting hammered.
Starting point is 00:40:42 So, but I saw the meme, that was one of the best memes I've ever seen my whole, this is why memes are so amazing. I saw the best meme it said, Joe Rogan has the same medical degree as Bill Gates. Yeah, that's cool. Wow, that is really good. That brings up a good, very, very good point. But I mean, he's got an opinion, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Right, right. Shhh. Shhh. Quee-claw. I'm going for everything. Max. Claw. Today's Claw is brought to you by Max and Abolik. Quik-quik! I'm going for everything. Maps-quik! Today's clause brought to you by Max and Obolic! If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength,
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Starting point is 00:41:30 First question is from the real Anthony G. What's the mind pump stance on two days? Oh, love them if you do them right. So two days, it's advanced. Yeah, two days, basically, okay, so what it is, if you don't know what that is, basically working out twice a day, okay. Now, here's where I'd say our stance
Starting point is 00:41:49 is not in support of two a days. Let's say you do your normal workout, which is let's say an hour long, and then you wanna add another hour long workout later on the day, you're gonna overdo it. The two a days that I think are good is when you take your normal workout and divide it into two workouts and
Starting point is 00:42:05 Studies actually support the performance benefits from working out this way. There were studies done on cardio There were studies that have been done on resistance training. I've tested this out myself Of course the the challenges time, you know I don't have necessary easy for me to schedule two workouts in a day But if you take your total workout and you can break it up into two workouts, most people will notice some benefits. It's actually more ideal, and we would love it if people had that kind of time on their hands
Starting point is 00:42:33 where they could devote more of their day towards very specific types of exercises and movements that are going to benefit them. It's just the reality of that is really the schedule is the monster that usually is the the big deterrent for a lot of people to stay consistent. So if you have that kind of accessibility and availability, really you just have to figure out like what the right dose is intensity wise, volume wise for you to make that work.
Starting point is 00:42:59 So you're not overdoing it would be the big challenge. Well, the way that you guys are explaining it right now is this is how I train right now because I have the gym now at my house and then we have here. So sometimes what will happen is like, a morning I'll get busy doing stuff. I won't do a full workout in here. I'll go do two or three exercises.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And then when I get home, I'll do two or three more exercises to finish my workout. I love that. And I think there's tremendous benefit to that, especially after I've been sitting in the car for like an hour and then I've been sitting down in a podcast before that, and then I go get another workout in and move again.
Starting point is 00:43:29 So I see tons of value there. Now we have a program, MapsPED, which is a double day hard core program. That type of training, similar to how I got to training when I was competing, but that was towards the end of my competing career. I scaled up the very pinnacle of training. So we have a program, but it was the last program
Starting point is 00:43:51 that we did for a specific reason. It was that you should have gone through all the other maps programs before you dabble. There's no reason for somebody to go to double days like that, where there's that much volume in it, unless you've already kind of scaled up to that. Otherwise, you're missing all the great benefits of doing a lot less volume and getting more results.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah, and I mean, for sports, there was a way. I honestly liked using the double day for getting in shape and conditioning. That was very effective because I could split it up and it wasn't like I would just fatigue myself where I couldn't even walk. Like we'd cut it about halfway through, get some food in us and recoup and then come back
Starting point is 00:44:34 and then attack it again, which actually we were able to adapt to more endurance pretty quickly. Well, first sports, that makes sense. Yeah. To your point right there, you wanted to get adapted quickly so you perform on the field. Like, first sports, that makes sense. Yeah. And to your point right there, you wanted to get adapted quickly so you perform on the field.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Like, that's different than somebody who's chasing aesthetics that wants to actually improve their fit. Like, they want to build more muscle, burn more body fat, going from where you're probably currently at to a super double day type of training is more than you need. Yeah. Now, to be fair, splitting up your workouts throughout the day, you do increase your body's capacity to handle some volume. It's not a huge, massive, crazy difference,
Starting point is 00:45:13 but it does increase your body's capacity to handle more volume. Like, I've done tests on myself where I'll do, you know, three sets of three exercises every other hour. So I'll start at like 8 a.m. and I'll stop at like 5 p.m. I keep the intensity very moderate by the way, so it's not a high intensity workout. And at the end of that day,
Starting point is 00:45:32 if I count the volume in the sets, like it's way more volume that I would be able to handle in one workout. But because I split it up throughout a bunch of mini workouts throughout the day, my body was able to handle it. I didn't over train and I felt okay. So there's some of that with these split type workouts as well.
Starting point is 00:45:49 So if your workout is taking you an hour and a half and you're like, you know, I wanna add a little bit more volume, but I don't know if my body could handle it, you can definitely experiment with, you know, two 50 minute workouts, rather than doing, you know, a two hour workout, maybe try two, one hour workouts and see how that feels.
Starting point is 00:46:06 That's splitting it up where you allow, you can feed yourself, allow your body recover a little bit and then go back to the gym. It might be, it might be just what you need, but it requires a lot of time, a lot of dedicate, your life is revolves around working out when you do it that way, let's be honest. Next question is from once upon a picture.
Starting point is 00:46:23 How do you mitigate your digestive system acting up when bulking? You know, this is my once upon a picture. How do you mitigate your digestive system acting up when bulking? You know, this is my limiting factor always. For me, because my gut is just so sensitive and just gets on my nerves, this is always my limiting factor when it comes to putting on muscle. I can push it a little bit,
Starting point is 00:46:39 and then my gut acts up and I have to kind of back off. Now the way that I've managed it is. You just came off of that recently, right? Yeah. Right? Because you were starting to put some good size on and what made you come back the other way, it was exactly that, right? My gut, it's always my gut, right? So what I, what I had, now here's how I kind of work with it
Starting point is 00:46:53 a little bit. I have to completely stay away from foods that bother my digestion even in the slightest, especially when my calories go up. So like, I'll give you an example. Normally under normal circumstances, I can handle potatoes. They don't bother me. If I'm bulking I got to cut potatoes out because they start to bother me. I can
Starting point is 00:47:11 handle rice but not a ton of rice. I can handle a lot of fats and a lot of proteins and that's pretty much it. Anything beyond that and it starts to really bother me. Now it's really hard to bulk with that limited you know kind of choices that I have. So that's always my limit factor. So I would say that number one thing, and even people without gut issues, what you'll find is they'll say things like, oh, I feel so bloated, I can't eat anymore food,
Starting point is 00:47:35 I feel so stuffed, avoid foods that bother your digestion. So that means you're probably not gonna be able to eat as much junk food, you're probably gonna have to avoid things like gluten and dairy, some people have to avoid things like gluten and dairy. Some people need to avoid legumes. Stick with the very easily digestible food. You'll be able to consume more of it in a similar way.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yeah, figure out what those easily digestible carbohydrates are specifically, too, because that's one of those that like with rice or something like that, that's a little easier on my stomach. Like, and I know like, was it the guy's name that's like, Rhino or whatever, or something like that? Stan Effording. Stan Effording.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I love that though. I love to add like the bone broth in there, and then, you know, if I could put some ground meat in there and like have that all in one sitting, it's, you know, beef up the calorie amount a bit, but it's something that's gonna sit my stomach and not just tear me up. So I actually, this is where I love to use either a day of fasting
Starting point is 00:48:27 or just like a really low calorie day too. So like if I've been like increasing calories, increasing calories, increasing calories, starting to notice like inflammation or whatever or my digestive system starting to bother me, then running a fast the next day or just a series of two or three days that are really low-cal, like 500 to 1,000 calories, which is kind of like mimicking similar to a fast. Doing that for two or three days, resetting,
Starting point is 00:48:51 and then going back to the bulk again, I find a lot of value in that also, but you definitely want to start to find out what foods are offending you for sure, because that, it could be just simply, that could be simply, whatever it is you're bulking with, there could be something in there that is, your body is definitely going, no, I don simply, that could be simply whatever it is you're bulking with, there could be something in there that is your body is definitely going,
Starting point is 00:49:07 no, I don't want that much of that. Yeah, gone are the days for me of where I could just bulk. Just gonna, whatever. Oh, I mean, there was a period there, like, my teens and twenties where I was like, I just eat more and more and put on more weight. And now my body goes, no, not only are you not gonna put
Starting point is 00:49:22 on weight, you're gonna lose weight because- Well, and the truth is, that's what got us here. That's the reason why all those things do bother us is because we used to, and that's what I think, it's so hard to get a 20 year old kid, to listen to this right now. But they're bullet proof right now. Yeah, but that's, I mean, the reason why we have to
Starting point is 00:49:38 fucking eliminate all this stuff now is because we bulked with everything and so aggressively when we are younger and now you're extra sensitive to all that stuff. Next question is from B-Bouks. What is the best way to approach training obese clients? Yeah, okay, so obese clients, so we're talking about people who are in that kind of
Starting point is 00:49:57 clinically obese, which by the way now is a pretty big percentage of a population now, but when you're training someone like this, consider that the psychological pieces are more important than the mechanisms that are involved with weight loss. So obviously we know if they ate less and they moved more and they exercised that they would lose weight, that's obvious, but it's not even close to that easy. You're dealing with someone who you have to completely get them to change their relationship to food, they have to change their relationship
Starting point is 00:50:29 to exercise and how they are with their own body. That takes some time. So one of the first things I like to do is I like to incorporate strength training and I tell them they're not gonna lose any weight for at least a couple months. So for the first two months, we're not gonna lose any weight. My goal with you is to strengthen your body and get your metabolism to speed up a couple months. So for the first two months, we're not gonna lose any weight. My goal with you is to strengthen your body
Starting point is 00:50:47 and get your metabolism to speed up a little bit. And I know if you get stronger and your weight doesn't change, then we probably have lost some fat and gained some muscle. Then when it comes to the diet, I like to try to add things before I take things out. So, and why? Because it's different.
Starting point is 00:51:05 It feels different. Feels different to somebody to say, don't eat these anymore versus, hey, look, don't change anything else. Just make sure that you eat 130 grams of protein every day. So make sure that you hit that first. If you hit that, I don't care about anything else. But you know through doing that,
Starting point is 00:51:22 that that'll get them to naturally want to eat a little less anyway because of the satiety effects, for example, of protein. But I mean, in a nutshell, it's a very slow measured approach. It's not the, we're going to get this weight off you because that's what you hired me for, type of deal, because you will fail in the long run. I mean, that's pretty much exactly how probably all of us go towards it. I'll add one thing on the exercise portion because when they would be with me,
Starting point is 00:51:47 the goal that I'm going to strength training. And strength training, by the way, for this person could look vastly different, right? So sometimes strength training was holding their hand and then getting standing up and sitting down on a chair. Now, I've also had obese clients that could still put a barbell on their back and actually get a pretty decent squat. So depending on where, I'm gonna meet them
Starting point is 00:52:07 wherever their level is for strength training and then we're gonna primarily focus on strength training with me. Then this is where, and I think I brought this up a long time ago on the show. I used to get these colored dots, and I, a client like this, I used to love to do this, where I put them, have them put it sporadically
Starting point is 00:52:23 through the house on the refrigerator, maybe on their bathroom mirror, maybe by the TV. And when they saw this, I would get, they would do something. Every client was different unique, but what, sometimes it was mobility work, sometimes it was body weight squats, sometimes it was a sit-up or whatever. But I'd have like little things that are just 10 sets or 10 reps of something, just to keep them moving and trying to implement just more movement in their day.
Starting point is 00:52:46 You're already mind her. Yeah, just a little reminder, when you see that dot go do this, if you see that dot go do that or you know encouraging them to walk more and move more normally people that are in this obese category and depending how far we're talking like if we're going all the to morbally obese they're extremely sedentary. And so I just wanna find little ways that I can create more and not extreme ways, not biggest loser style, not let's go to boot camp
Starting point is 00:53:11 and get the ropes out and do crazy shit. No, things that I know that they'll continue on forever just saying, hey, this is what you'd normally do at this time, let's add this. I love that. I completely did the same thing, but I didn't have like a system like that, which I think that. I completely did the same thing, but I didn't have a system like that, which I think that's
Starting point is 00:53:25 really smart. It was always just like what they could do after the shower or what they could do while they have the TV on instead of sitting down. Just trying to address a lot of normal tendencies and patterns that they usually are doing or they're going out to get food or what that looks like, how they could get more involved when actually making it at home. And so I spent a lot more time actually going to the grocery stores with them and walking through,
Starting point is 00:53:53 and really figuring out what type of decisions they were making and then how we could just modify one thing within that same mindset. Yeah, you have to appreciate that you're the person, what you're asking the person to do is to change their life. This is not, I don't mean that in the lightest at all, right? The reason why somebody's obese is because of their life.
Starting point is 00:54:19 That's just not the time they spend with you. That's everything, right? It's just how they are in the way that they live. You're asking this person to completely change that. That's what it would require for them to go from obese to lean. And so this is no small task. Anybody watching this right now, change your life completely and then make it stick forever.
Starting point is 00:54:39 That's a very difficult thing to do. I don't care what it is, you're asking yourself to do. So this is a very slow process you need to appreciate. And then I want to go back to the, you know, what we've talked about with resistance training in regards to obese individuals. There's this myth that obese individuals have a lot of muscle and that they just need to do cardio. I don't need to get bigger, look how big I am. Lefait's, no, no, studies are clear on this. Obes individuals have low muscle mass. Actually have very little muscle. They're actually underneath frail.
Starting point is 00:55:08 In fact, osteophenia bone loss is more common in the obese, even though they're heavy. So there's this myth that, no, don't lift weights because you're not trying to get big. You already probably have a lot of math. I've seen people say this, like, oh, I don't need to build. You can see that I'm, you can see that I'm thick. The truth is, these days because we're so sedentary, everybody has't need to build. You can see that I'm, you can see that I'm thick. The truth is, these days, because we're so sedentary,
Starting point is 00:55:26 everybody has a little muscle mass. And people who are obese, especially when they start to develop insulin resistance, their body actually starts to get even weaker and they start to lose even more muscle. So the truth is, strength, more pain and more problems. That's right. Strengthen their bodies, build some muscle, and that'll pay them dividends.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Next question is from not so fluffy dev. I'm a single father of two young boys living miles away from friends and family. How did your clients stay consistent with their training and what type of workouts did you suggest to someone who had a few minutes to themselves at night after the kids were put to bed? Is it possible to build a healthy metabolism
Starting point is 00:56:03 with only body weight exercises and no access to gym equipment? Yes, it is. So here's something that is just, this is a very important lesson to understand when it comes to, well, probably everything in life, but let's talk about exercise here. And fitness for a second is that there are things
Starting point is 00:56:20 in your life that are just uncontrollables, right? So you're a single data to kids, by the way, I commend you, it's hard enough being a father with a wife, I can't imagine being a single father. So that's really, really tough. So obviously, they're important to you. You're not gonna change that. Your life is busy.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Okay, there's nothing you can do about that, so let's work with that. Okay, you got a few minutes at night? That's enough time to do two or three exercises. And so what I would do with this person, if this was my client, is I'd say, do two or three exercises every single night when you put the kids to bed
Starting point is 00:56:54 and you have a little bit of time to yourself. So rather than doing long workouts, which you don't have the time to do three days a week, then fine, do 10 minutes, you know, seven days a week, right? 10 minutes, seven days a week is 70 minutes of exercise. And especially if you do slow movements, even though you don't have equipment, you create a lot of tension with the increased frequency of training on almost regular basis, you will definitely see positive results.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I mean, I would love to see this person take a page of the last question that we talked about with the two of days, right? So maybe, maybe you don't get, you know, a full hour at the end of the day, but maybe you have 10, 15 minutes multiple times throughout the day. Right. And do a program like our map suspension trainer. I mean, getting the suspension trainer, having it hooked up somewhere at your house. And so maybe your prep and dinner and you go over and get like 15 push-ups on it, then you're doing stuff later on with the kids and you can do some bicep. I mean, I would do, you know, I have a goal of like exercises that I can do on that, you know, or follow the program so you get an idea what's in there. And then I would break them up throughout the day. Everybody has this idea that you have to sit down or not sit down, go to the gym or be
Starting point is 00:58:03 working out for an hour for it to be really effective. I mean, you could break this up in four, ten minute sessions throughout the day and get incredible shape that way. In fact, probably better shape that way. So you don't have to confine yourself to this only, this only this one block of time that you feel this freedom. You know, get something like that.
Starting point is 00:58:22 That's versatile that you can just hang up in your house or take with you to the park and go places. And when you can strap it up and do a few movements, this is probably one of the single greatest things that's changed with my own training. It took me a while to get to this point because even myself as a trainer thought like this way that if I didn't get that full hour hard workout,
Starting point is 00:58:40 it wasn't good enough. I train a lot of times one exercise, you know, or just a couple on the day or, you know, broken up like that. Little bites like that. I think that's perfect. If you can just find those opportunities, I mean, there's, and to address the bodyweight thing, like we create an entire program for bodyweight with, you know, maps anywhere, and that's something too that you can split up, you know, into chunks and do 15 minutes, you know, like you're saying, or, you know, and there's lots of ways to really intensify that. If that's what you're worried is that,
Starting point is 00:59:07 like, I'm not getting enough intensity in these exercises, you know, there's a lot of ways to challenge your body from different angles and progress just by body weight. But, you know, it requires you to follow something that's very specifically, you know, laid out. Yeah, and in low to moderate intensity done very frequently over time, produces great results.
Starting point is 00:59:31 You don't have to always train super hard. I had a client like this, and she would work out twice a day, 15 minutes each time. So there was like, in the morning, and then she would do it when her kids went to school. And so she did 30 minutes a day, but she did it every single day and she was in phenomenal shape.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And so she figured out a way to work it into her schedule. And those short workouts again, if you do them frequently, you're gonna get great results. And here's the thing, even if you're limited, even if you're limited to one of them, it's still more than nothing and it's still gonna improve. And she keeps that signal alive.
Starting point is 01:00:04 That's right. And that's what you need to focus on. Yeah, what you don't want to do, and this is the challenge, is you don't want to get stuck in a situation where you say, a little bit is not enough, therefore I'm not doing anything. A little bit is better than nothing. A little bit is a lot better than nothing.
Starting point is 01:00:22 That's the important thing here to pay attention to. Look, if you like our content, you'll love MindPumpFree.com. Go there, check out our free guides. We have guides that help you burn body fat, build muscle. We even have guides for personal trainers. Also, come find us on Instagram so you can find Justin at MindPump Justin, me at MindPump Sal and Adam at MindPump Adder. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:00:50 check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus
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