Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 156: Ben Zorn Returns

Episode Date: September 28, 2015

Ben Zorn of ABC's The Bachelorette is back on Mind Pump to talk about training for his upcoming debut on the Men's Physique stage....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. We've got the lovely Ben Zorn with us today, but for those of you that don't know, Mr. Ben Zorn is getting ready for his first physique competition, which is what's the date, October 10th? October 10th. In Hayward?
Starting point is 00:00:28 In Hayward. The San Francisco show in Hayward. Oh. Contra Costa, right? That's where it's at the Shabbat College. Shabbat College. Shabbat College. How's the prep coming along?
Starting point is 00:00:37 So what do we, what do we now? Two, three weeks? Three weeks out. Three weeks out. How's it going? It's going good. It's definitely been a strenuous process as it comes down. As it gets further along, it definitely gets a lot harder. You're cutting more stuff out. You're trying to be even more strict on your diet and everything
Starting point is 00:00:53 like that. And you're starting to mess around with a little bit more of taking out supplements slowly that you've been taking before. I'm completely clean, no steroids, no nothing. So I have to be even more on my game because I know that there's gonna be guys out there that I'm competing against that are gonna be taking stuff. So I'm gonna just gonna just wild guess that today is a low carb day. I was gonna say, it's not hungry, bro.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Today is a low carb day for me. So I'm at about 50 grams right now, which for me is ridiculously low. I mean, I usually maintain it like 3,5 for me is ridiculously low. I mean, I usually maintain it like 3, 5,400 grams. So, how do you feel? My energy level is pretty shot right now, but I'm doing my best I can.
Starting point is 00:01:34 To get through some of the process, I mean, I remember we need to pep them up here. The very first show I did, I was, I actually, you know, looking back, I thought how crazy it was, because it was such a new place for me, week to week, you know, looking back, I thought how crazy it was, because it was such a new place for me, week to week, you know, it was like, wow, I've never felt this with my body,
Starting point is 00:01:50 and I've seen this, you know, what are some of the things that you're noticing? And, you know, because you've been, now how many total weeks have you been dieting pretty strict now? It's been dieting for nine weeks now. Nine weeks, yes. And in the beginning, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:01 it was pretty consistent where I was just coming down slowly, slowly, slowly, and then now it's at the point where after like a low carb day, I'll wake up the next morning super flat, but super lean. And then after like a high carb day, I'll come in really, really full. And I'll be like, I'll feel big. And but I won't be as cut as I was on the other days. And so it's like every single day, I'm basically looking at the mirror waking up and I'm seeing something different. And so it's crazy and frustrating at the same time, but at the same time, it's a crazy experience. Now, have you been doing the selfie like since the
Starting point is 00:02:35 day one of this, so you could see that I haven't rationed or haven't done the daily selfie? I've done a, I've probably done a picture like every four or five days, you know, high-car versus low-carb days and stuff like that. And so, yeah, those pictures have been pretty crazy. I can post those later. What was your weight when you started your disdiding process and what's your weight at now? When I first started, I was about 228, 229, and I'm about 219, 220 right now.
Starting point is 00:03:03 So is it safe to say you've built some muscle while losing body fat? As you look like, you look like a lot leaner than when I saw you. I think the biggest thing is, I've lost the 10 pounds, but I have definitely built muscle over the course of this time as well.
Starting point is 00:03:16 But as you lean up in your waist and your shoulders build, you just look bigger. Right. Especially in a tank top or with a pump, I'm assuming. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, one of the, I can't remember who it was.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I think it was Pobble maybe. He said, if you take, you have two options, you can either take two inches off your waist or you can add an inch to your shoulders and take an inch off your waist. And you'll look pretty much the same if not better the other way. Yeah. So, that has definitely been... Or wear black. Yeah. Or wear black. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Or were black, exactly. That's my mantra. Or those girdles that people have nowadays, it just sucks, everything is. It's squeamish. It's squeamish. If it's not working, you must squeam it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah. Squeamish. Good. So. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, so that's been up and down depending on the day. Obviously, Adam and I can attest to this, but this but like emotionally I had no idea how hard it was You know as far as like there's certain days where I'm just pissed off at the world and there's other days where I'm
Starting point is 00:04:13 You know I have all the energy in the world, you know, so well, you know You're if you if you feel like you need to cry you can do it with that. Yeah, man Yeah, the racial is proud bro. I think I think the was a little bit of a senior, bro. I think the mental game. We'll hug it out a lot. The mental game is the biggest piece. I mean, especially when you're a collegiate level athlete, and I was an athlete in my whole life, you know, the aspect of working out and pushing hard, and that's like second nature to us, right? I mean, I get no problem getting the gym and pushing away, but it's the mental struggle,
Starting point is 00:04:42 you know, and the consistency of just day in and day out. And what I mean It's only when you think about it and the bill that are listening right now This guy's been on a strict diet for what he said eight nine weeks already now And he's still got three more to go and there's only been a ten pound fluctuation. Yeah, that's when you think about that of Pure perfection on diet and workout routine and everything. I mean you're dialed as dialed someone can be and it's only ten pounds That's where it's actually. That really brings it into perspective for those people out there that are on their weight loss journey
Starting point is 00:05:08 or on their journey of getting in shape, whatever it be, that, you know, this shit does not happen overnight, and that's the mental part that it's like, you know all the hard work you're putting in, you know all the sacrifice and the struggle you're having, and to see like, little bit of change, a little bit more, a little bit more, you know.
Starting point is 00:05:23 So, yeah, that's being said, like, are your motivations like you going on in your head like because like even when I was doing my little Transformation thing like I had to like hold on to like this mantra in my head I'm just like that was just firing me up every day. Yeah, you have anything going on like that The biggest thing I've just been focusing on is You know, this is something that I sign myself up for that I chose to do that I don't do anything half-ass. I'm either gonna do it 100% or I'm not gonna do it at all. Yes, some days are harder than others, but I mean, just like in life, like the daily struggles
Starting point is 00:05:57 are the ones that are gonna make you achieve your goal in the long run. Nobody does it overnight, nobody does it in a week or something like that, unless you go on a reality show then kind of happens a little bit. Well, you know what, I'm glad you brought that up. Boo, yeah. Does that add another level of pressure to you?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Knowing that people are not just looking at, you know, does Dude Ben, who's doing his first show, but they're looking at a dude that was on the Bachelor at, you know, and he's now showing his body on stage Does that add another level of pressure to you and how do you deal with that? Yeah, it's a lot larger audience than just the people They're gonna be there. Yeah, absolutely Absolutely, you know when when I went on the show I I wasn't in bad shape. I was I was in good shape on the show, but Right where I'm at right now. I'm in a completely different level of where I was before.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You know, a lot of the competitors that I'm gonna be competing against are gonna get on stage, and they'll, you know, the thousand, maybe two, three thousand people, if you add in their social networks and stuff, we'll see their picture and be able to look at it and all that stuff. I'm gonna be posting a picture in front of 250,000 people on my social media, so.
Starting point is 00:07:04 There is a thirsty woman. There is a lot of pressure out there. I've tried to tell as many people as possible about it for my own sake, because the more people I tell, the more pressure puts on myself and the harder I'll be on myself. So you find that the pressure is making you focus. That is making me focus. I feel the same way too. I thought the best thing for me was the social media piece.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Knowing that I'm committing to it, obviously, I don't have a quarter million people that are tied into me. You're still important, dude. Yeah, don't downplay it. So, you know, when I put it out there, I was like, fuck, if I said I'm gonna do it, I gotta do it. So I actually really liked that pressure because there was many times where the mental piece gets you,
Starting point is 00:07:43 like, why am I doing this? I don't have anything to prove like, why am I doing this? I don't have anything to prove. I'm gonna say, I'm in a pretty good shape already. I know what I'm doing. I'm a smart guy, but I was like, fuck, I said I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this all the way.
Starting point is 00:07:52 You know, one of the things that really, Justin went through his whole transformation too. And I could do the same thing for you that I did for him that I'd really helped him out. I blew up this 16 by 30 poster of myself and he put it up on a ceiling every day. Every day, yeah. I was like, oh, what can I do, Shafer?
Starting point is 00:08:08 What? What next? Tell me. And then there's this wisdom that would like, just come over me. Literally. Yeah, you jerked off. You jerked off.
Starting point is 00:08:18 No, walk right into that one. Softball pitch. So, got messy and weird. Now, what about this? I'm just my mind always works like a promoter or a marketer. My mind always goes there. So, here you are, you do the bachelor at, you've got huge following on social media, but even bigger following of people that might loosely follow you, know who you are, recognize
Starting point is 00:08:40 you, people that don't follow on Instagram. So, it's a lot more than 250,000 people. So, you're going to get, in the more than 250,000 people. So you're going to get in the best shape of your life visually, you know, you're going to get lean, you're going to have your abs, all that stuff. You're going to go on stage, you're a physique thing. But now you've got a picture of you've got a before and after picture. You've got a Benzorn from the Bachelorette. Exactly. And then this crazy transformation of the way you look now, whether you win or not, whether you do well or not
Starting point is 00:09:05 in a physique contest, you're gonna look dramatically different. Absolutely. You've thought of that, so obviously that's gone through your mind. Like that, is there anything you're gonna do with that, or are you gonna use that, because this could very well be taken up by tabloids that are gonna pull it up and be like, hey, look what happened to Ben Zorn from the Bachelor at,
Starting point is 00:09:21 look what he looks like now. It could very well go viral and become a lot bigger than just, you know, fizzy contests. I mean, yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think one thing that's helped me is even when I was getting ready for the, for the, for the reality show, for the Bachelorette, I went in with an open mind kind of what ever was gonna happen,
Starting point is 00:09:38 was gonna happen and I was just gonna kind of roll with the punches, you know, that's kind of how you approach football also. You show up for the play and you run the best play, you can, you have no of how you approach football. Also, you show up for the play, and you run the best play, you can, you have no idea what they're gonna run. And that's kind of how I look at life, too. I'm gonna show up with the best thing that I got
Starting point is 00:09:52 and whatever happens happens. I know that's a very interesting approach to some people. You try and plan out as much as you can, but there's only so much you can do. So, you focus on things and you're controlling. If it goes viral, which would be awesome. I bet you if you posted it before and after picture. I would bet I would I'll put money that that shit will go viral beyond anything else.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Just because it's going to be a dramatic change, you're already known. You know, people already know you from reality TV. I think that would be huge. So anyways, as far as that goes, like you're kind of setting a new precedent as far as what your motivations are. You want to be known a little bit more for fitness in your career as far as that's concerned. Tell us maybe things that you're working on or what are your plans as far as this new attention as far as the, you know, this new attention as far as like the fitness world is concerned. Yeah. I've actually received a lot of attention from, you know, the fitness industry, the fitness world, even people that, you know, are just my followers and stuff that are just, they're reaching out to me like for nutrition plans, for exercise plans and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And actually, today, later today, I'm going to be announcing, we're going to start doing challenges. So I'm teaming up with a company called MyZone. It's a MyZone belt, it's a hearty monitor, activity tracker, all that stuff. And there's so many of those weight loss challenges out there. No, it's not obvious. It's its own company. But there's all these weight loss challenges out there.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Everybody's got a 30 day challenge, a 60 day challenge, and eight week challenge, all this stuff. And I mean, you have somebody on the couch that has 50 pounds to lose. They have a good chance at winning, but what's your triathlete gonna do, what's your guy who's already in shape gonna do? He's like, well, I'm not gonna compete.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I can't lose 15 pounds, I don't have 15 pounds to lose. So what I wanna do is with this my zone tracker, it actually goes based off your heart rate. So you get a certain amount of points, if you're between 60 and 70%, your max heart rate is 70 to 80. So you get a certain amount of points if you're between 60 and 70% of your max heart rate, 70 to 80, and you get these efficiency points. And so you don't necessarily have to lose 10 pounds
Starting point is 00:11:53 in order to be entered in this drawing or something like that. You just have to get off your ass and move, which anybody can do. Is it gonna be a little bit harder for the guy who's in shape to get into his 85 to 90% of his heart rate max? Yeah, but he's also gonna be there longer and he'll probably train longer.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And so that kind of balances out the playing field. So that challenge I'm gonna be announcing probably later today, I'll be posting that on social media and stuff like that, you guys can check out my page on Facebook and check that out. Good deal. Now workout, you're always into exercise. You've always been working out.
Starting point is 00:12:28 How has your workout changed, or your routine changed since now you've been training for this contest? Yeah. When I was an athlete, it was all about as heavy weight as I could go explosion, speed of the exercise, full range of motion, all that stuff. And recently with all this physique stuff, it's keeping tension on the muscle. It's focusing on different parts of the muscle when I'm doing a chest fly if I want to work on the inside
Starting point is 00:12:55 muscle connection. My mind muscle connection, yeah. So if I want to focus on the inside of my chest, I'm going to squeeze a little bit harder and not go through the full range of motion because I want to focus on that inner part of my chest. And so little things like that, little adjustments, I've done more auxiliary training as far as...
Starting point is 00:13:15 Body parts, individual body parts, and stuff like that. I used to do, you know, total body for the most part three, four times a week. And now I'm doing, you'm doing my six day splits. So it's completely changed the way I work out. It's also helped me get to know my body better also, knowing where my weaknesses are, knowing where my strengths are, and my other lifts have gone up, like my squats,
Starting point is 00:13:37 and my dead lifts and stuff are getting stronger, because now I'm making my weaker muscles stronger. Now I ran into you the other day at the gym, and you had commented about, because you had started implementing a collusion into your training. Absolutely. So, yeah, I want to,
Starting point is 00:13:49 what do you notice with the collusion? And then the other part that you had commented about is how big you feel when you get pumped, like how it's such a dramatic change. Like, what, so talk about the occlusion for your part. Yeah, it's increased, yeah. Yeah, so I was a little bit worried about,
Starting point is 00:14:02 again, being on stage with other guys that are gonna be on gear or something like that and I Decided to go with the occlusion route and so about two three weeks ago. I started doing the occlusion training about six weeks out from my show Which I know you guys have a you guys have the guide and and so that people have a pretty good idea of what that is If not go out and get it. It's awesome Yeah, look at that. Get right there.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Thanks buddy. But yeah, no, so I started backrope for that one. I started about six weeks out, and the first time I ever did it, it blew my mind. I have never felt my arms burn like that in my entire life. I told you. It is the most painful, it was awesome, and painful at the same time.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And the pump is almost distorting. It's like a distorted pump, right? And it stays after you take it off. Yeah. And so, to your point what you were saying earlier, where what I've noticed the last couple of days is every now and then when I'm walking around and I haven't done the occlusion training
Starting point is 00:14:58 like that day or something like that, I won't feel like I don't feel any bigger. My arms won't necessarily look any bigger. But then I'll do like one, I can pick up a box or a weight or something like that. And my muscles will just swell up just simply for like 10, 15 seconds of holding something even light just because my blood vessels have dilated so much and so they're so used to it almost like they're stretched. Now a little bit of blood goes in there and they just fill up. Well, to get scientific with it, so here's what happens. When you're training with occlusion, what you're doing is you're preventing
Starting point is 00:15:32 or reducing venous outflow. So the muscle can't pump out blood and get rid of waste as well or as fast as it does when it's not occluded. So, how does the body adapt to this? Well, the body tries to adapt by increasing its volume or capacity of sarcoplasm, increasingly amount of blood that can go in there and try to, in order to try to increase the ability of venous outflow. So now what you've done is your muscles start to adapt and when it ends up happening over time
Starting point is 00:16:00 of using occlusion, a few things. First, you build more muscle because you stretch the fascia, you build up those waist, those waist-buy products, you know, under occlusion, which stimulate muscle growth. There's all that great stuff. But besides that, your muscles, your body actually adapts to improve your body's ability to get a pump. And so that's what you're noticing. Now you're, you're going to go move a box and it's like, I get a pump like instantly. And this is exactly what happens. It's like every time I have a client, you know, train on this and it's more of an advanced technique. And by the way, ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:16:29 you have to do this right because if you do it wrong, it can be dangerous. But if you do it properly, you'll find, in your regular workouts, you'll get crazy pumps. And you'll just sit there with a better pump. And it's a fantastic technique to give you bigger looking muscles. And in the long run, you do get better performance because that blood flow and that ability
Starting point is 00:16:48 to generate more circle plasma with the muscle is only gonna enhance your muscle's ability to function. So it's pretty awesome. But yeah, when you put them on, especially when you're doing like calves or your super-sacrific arms, it fucking hurts. Oh yeah, it's probably the most painful thing I've ever done with my farm. It was've ever done. Wait, it's like fire. What's ironic though and I had no idea when I was doing it
Starting point is 00:17:11 is what hurts the most isn't when you're doing the exercise. In between you stopped the set. That's when it hurts the most. You know, you're just standing there like why is it getting worse? Because the byproduct is building up building up building up and what happens when you're flexing the muscle during the exercise, the very act of contracting the muscle will squeeze out some of that byproduct. So when you're just sitting there, that's happening. So she just builds up. Oh, I believe I believe I was the first one in all of us to do this way back when.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You were, you were doing it on your dick and like, that's the same thing. And when I did this, not gonna grow anymore. I remember when I was doing all the reading on this and I'm like, you're not the same thing. And when I did this, not gonna groan anymore. I remember when I was doing all the reading on this, and I'm like, okay, I'm gonna try and implement this and see if it's the real deal or not. And I'm part of why I wanted to do it, because I thought I was attracted to the idea that I only had to do 20% of the load.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Oh yeah. I thought, oh, this is cool. One day's when I don't really feel like getting after it. I'll just do 20% of the load, and it'll be a lot easier to work out. And that'll be nice to implement. And if it actually works, like it'll be a lot easier workout, and that'll be nice to implement. And if it actually works, like it says, it's gonna work, then this will be nice.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And I remember the first time I did it, I did it on legs, I did leg press. Oh my God, I thought it was gonna fucking dial the bro. So much for this being easy. I thought I was gonna be super easy, and it was not easy at all. It burns like, I mean, it's fast. The cool part is, it's a short period of time, right?
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's a comparison to a long workout that you might do on legs or whatever muscle or arms, whatever you're working. So it's a short period of time, right? You can go to a long workout that you might do on legs or whatever muscle your arms, whatever you're working. So it's as far as the duration, it's nowhere near, but the pump is so insane that you, it's on fire. It's ridiculous, yeah. What are you using it on?
Starting point is 00:18:35 I just arms and calves? So I'm doing it on my arms and my calves. I've been alternating. So I kind of separate it from whatever body part I'm doing. It just doesn't matter as far as that concern for me I'll do occlusion for all my arms every Monday Wednesday Friday And then I'll do my calves every Tuesday Thursday Saturday And so it gives them about a little time off and so
Starting point is 00:18:57 On arm what if I'm gonna do arms that day. I'll finish all I'll finish off with the occlusion either way Right And then I'll usually do biceps and triceps on both. See, I'm glad more people are doing this because number one, it works, but number two, I'm not the only person that everyone's staring at. Like, every time I do it, I mean, I've got these bands around my arm. I'm using literally 12 to 15 pound dumbbells, max. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And I'm making faces like I'm curling 150 pounds. And you'res, max. And I'm making faces like I'm curling 150 pounds. And you're like, well the worst is when you're standing there and you just like, first of all, your arms are, your veins are popping out and then you have this like face that you're about to cry. And they're like, what is that guy doing?
Starting point is 00:19:36 Well, so check this out. Here's a little tip with occlusion that I've started to test out on myself. In between sets, what I'll do is I'll sit down and I'll let my arms hang so I'll let the blood just pull in there even more. Holy shit. Yeah, so I'll like sit down and kind of lean over
Starting point is 00:19:52 and let them hang and then they really get freaking swollen. And it hurts more. Yeah, I feel like mine hurt more when I like, when I, if I stick my chest out and like push my arms against my, oh yeah, you're just including more. Against my body. I'm including more and so they're just, they're just getting pushed Yeah, that's another way to do it and that thing. Oh man, it's hard
Starting point is 00:20:13 But with funny is like I've got guys can you know coming up to me in the gym and they're asking me about it And they're like dude, that's ridiculous like I've been reading about that and stuff like that so Yeah, I just recently started doing it on my upper legs on my Quad which The burn you get in your calves is probably the worst but the overall exhaustive like you're gonna shit yourself in the gym feeling Oh Jesus Dude I'll do and I don't do I don't you ever use machine So I'm including my legs and I'm squatting. I'll put a 45 on each side.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Which I think is retarded just so you guys know, I wouldn't do that. I'll do 20, and I put a bench behind the squat rack because I can't stand. So I'll do like, I'll put like 135 on the bar and I'll pump out really fast, like 20 or 30 reps, and then I'll sit down and it's like, oh my God, I want to kill myself.
Starting point is 00:21:01 I think I'm insane. And I did short, I did short a couple times. Yeah, well, because of leg pressing and it's ridiculously, I feel like, I was doing leg press on it I don't want to kill myself. I think I'm insane. And I did short a couple times. Well, because of leg pressing and it's ridiculous, I feel like. I was doing leg press on it and it fires them. So I couldn't imagine squatting with that. So are you nervous about this show? Are you nervous to get up there and your board shorts
Starting point is 00:21:19 and shades and your eyes? I'm nervous to tell. I'm not gonna lie to you. We talked about last time I came in. I used to be at Office of Lime Man. I'm not gonna lie to you. Like we talked about last time, last time I came in. I used to be at Office of Lime Inn. I used to be 300 pounds and so the thought of me getting on stage scares the shit out of me. And you know, I'm three weeks out and I don't feel ready.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I know I'm like leaner and everybody's like, oh you look great, like stay the way you are and stuff like that. I'm like, you guys don't realize, I'm three weeks out from a show, it's gonna get worse or better, depending on how you look at it. And I don't feel ready.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I know that so many changes are gonna happen the last two weeks when I completely dehydrate my body, which is again, the last two, three weeks is when it gets unhealthy. So I want everybody to know that also. I know Adam's talked a little bit about that, but up until now, like anybody can do this and continue to do this.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It's the last two, three weeks where you really start to get into the unhealthy aspect of it and that's where you really see those big changes. Well, I'm glad you kind of shared a little bit of your fear because I think it's important. A lot of people, they watch people like yourself or me do this and they just think to themselves, like, oh, I could never do that or do that.
Starting point is 00:22:24 But I think it's important that we share our insecurities and what goes through our head too, because it's the same thing. Just because we get up there and do it, doesn't mean that it's like, oh, yeah, I can't stand getting up and imposing. That is not my thing at all. I hate that part of the, I love the competing in the, as far as getting in shape and the competitive of that.
Starting point is 00:22:43 That's because that's our life. Right? Yeah, that's where the sport of it is in my head. And then the moment that I think it on stage and I have to, you know, prance around, let that to me is just, I've never been the model boy or ever even really wanted to do that stuff. So I try my best to fake it, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:57 But it's- I'm gonna sit with you on the swing that one time in your modeling and underwear. I'm gonna post that picture of you. It's on Mind Pump, bro. The swing? How did you? Oh, I love it. Don't you remember? you're modeling and under these post that picture. It's on mine pump, bro. This swing. How did you? Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Don't you remember? It's on the Justin put me out there with your, you had the red cover. He has the electric. You're like hugging a bear rug one time. There's worse ones you haven't posted. They're all out of your modeling pictures. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Actually, that's stored them all. That's my goal for this competition. I want to be on the cover. It was just like Adam was on the cover of a romance. Oh's my goal for this competition. I want to be on the cover. It was just like Adam was on the cover of a romance. Oh, I'm sure you're going to get some off here. I'm sure you're going to get some off here. There it is. Now that you said that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:34 We want a piece of that. Yeah. But the insecurity aspect, that's, that's, I'm so glad you brought that up. That's huge. I mean, you said you were a 300 pound. Yeah. Is, is that something for yourself in terms of body image? Was that always an issue for you?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Was it being heavy, easier than being lean for you your entire life? Is that something you've dealt with and now having to face? I think it's always gotten, it's always gotten, it's always changed. So when I was heavier, I was insecure about my weight and stuff like that. Now I don't give a crap about my weight.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It's all about like how big my triceps, how hard to find my triceps look, because I'm gonna be judged on it. I don't get on the scale and I'm pissed off about it or I don't care how my clothes fit. I really don't care at all about that. It's now it's on a whole other level where every little detail is gonna be analyzed
Starting point is 00:24:20 and looked at. So I think it's the same, but on a different level at the same time. You know, when I started to lean down and the process where you're at right now, I started and you start to see your body kind of take a new form and shape. You know, talking about insecurities. When you look at yourself, if you're critiquing yourself, what are some of the things that you feel like that you've been in, you know, like, oh, wow, I didn't realize that my chest looks this way or my shoulders or whatever, or things that you're like, you've been in, you know, like, oh wow, I didn't realize that my chest looks this way or my shoulders
Starting point is 00:24:45 or whatever or things that you're like, man, I hope this comes together or I feel like I need to put more improvement here. Like what do you see when you assess yourself and you look at your physique right now? Yeah, you know, over the course of these last nine weeks has been training stuff like that. My shoulders went, they blew up pretty quick
Starting point is 00:25:01 and especially when I get a pump, they feel great, they look great. My chest, same thing and back, same thing. The thing that I've always been concerned about because I've never had them in my entire life are apps. I've finally seen them. And again, it depends on the day, whether it's a low carb day or high carb day. Sometimes I'll see them, sometimes I don't.
Starting point is 00:25:19 But that's a thing that scares me. It's not scary, man. That's a thing that scares me though. Because on stage, you see these guys and their abs are just popping. And some people walk around like that. Others, you know, some people carry a lot of water weight there. I carry a lot of my water weight there.
Starting point is 00:25:33 So it's literally gonna be up until the week of, I'm gonna be like, all right, fuck it. I'm going on stage like this. I'm gonna be like, yeah. Well, let me ask you this, where's the, when you gain weight, where's the first place you gain in your midsection? Usually the midsection right there.
Starting point is 00:25:45 So that's the last place you're gonna lose it. And what you're gonna notice, you're gonna notice more ab definition from now until contest day, then you have in the previous. Oh, yeah, I agree. That's what, because I know for me, that's the first fucking place I store body fat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:58 It's in my midsection, and it's like, I have to get lean, lean, lean, lean, lean, and then boom, it's like abs start to really start to come out. But it takes a while before I get to the point where they start to show. That's why I asked that question because I'm the opposite. My abs, I could, I'll be at 13% body fat and I can still see my abs. Yeah, but my back, he's like a dick like that. But yeah, see, I mean, it's all relative though because I would, I've always,
Starting point is 00:26:19 my face is fat. Yeah, my face, my face, and my back are the last two places to drop water. You can always tell by the size of his beard. I do like this. If he's rocking the Chubby's. This is a true story. That's part of why I like, when I feel like my face is fat, I just roll the facial hair because I don't have a jawline.
Starting point is 00:26:39 He creates a jawline. I got to create an artificial one. But it is, I remember where you're at and that's why I asked this because I was so insecure about my back. And they say for men's physique that V-taper and the way your back looks when you turn around and you show your back is a big part of
Starting point is 00:26:55 what can make or break a show. And I've always felt like I have a very strong back and I work back really hard. And it's like, man, it doesn't show. And it literally is due to, it's not till I'm at the final week that it shows up. And then also it's like, man, it doesn't show. And it literally is due to, it's not till I'm at the final week. That it shows up. That it shows up.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And then also, and it's unbelievably impressive. And I'm like, holy shit, there it is. You know, it's like, I have to wait till then till you get there. And that's part of that just staying true to the process. I bring that up also because that's no different than even the average person who's trying to get it
Starting point is 00:27:21 in shape. A lot of times, the average. Yeah, because they'll say, how do I burn body? I can never lose it from my thighs. I can never lose it. It's the same thing. Yeah, you just never gotten lean enough.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I mean, I talked to my girl about the same thing too. I mean, for the longest time, she used to think that, you know, she was, she was just built a certain way that she's always gonna have kind of these boxy, a boxy back in hips. And, you know, I'm like, you've just never got, you, that's where you hold your fat. That's your, that's your place.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Like, she can get down to 10% body fat and she'll still be kind of holding a little bit there. And I keep telling her, it's like, you know, I'm like, you've just never got, that's where you hold your fat, that's your place. Like she can get down to 10% body fat and she'll still be kind of holding a little bit there. And I keep telling her, it's like, you know, it's not till we push beyond that, you start to, that's where you'll finally start to see that come there. And sure enough, she's obviously done that and seen the change, but you know,
Starting point is 00:27:57 it takes that, some people, it's, everywhere it's different for everybody. You know, if you're fat, nut, man. And when you're ever trying to compare your physique to another person, that's where the first mistake that you go, is just we all hold water, we all hold body fat in different places and we all lose it differently. And understanding that, hey, if there's places on your body
Starting point is 00:28:13 that you want to look leaner, it's not an exercise or a difference that you need to do in your diet, it's just the consistency of continuing to go that direction. I think that's what a lot of people don't understand is, I mean, I have clients that come to me and like, I really want to work on like, you know, my back fat, my lower back fat, I'm like, that's not a muscle, you can't work your lower back fat.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Like, and it's all about taking your overall body fat percentage down like you were saying, where are people store their fat? It's so true, like, my shoulders and arms are straight, no matter what. I could get so heavy and a half straight arms and shoulders. But my abs don't show until I get super lean. Yeah. So are you still personal training then at the moment? I'm still personal training at the moment. I could get so heavy and a half stretch. But my abs don't show until I get super lean.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So are you still personal training then at the moment? I'm still personal training at the moment. I'm still doing my small group training at club sport. And then I'm also doing my own personal training on the side with Justin over at NorCal. Oh fantastic. And that's been going great. Slowly started building some clientele over there.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I've had the time and the people have been coming. So it's been, it's been good from that standpoint. I've seen, see Justin in their old time. Yeah, it's cool to see in there. It's funny because he walks in and he grabs, you know, these Indian clubs and starts going, you know, oh, dude, awesome. You guys have these here. I'm like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:29:19 You actually know how to use these? Justin's love you. I thought, I didn't think I could like you anymore. I know. I was like,'t think I could like you anymore. I know, I was like, dammit. Man, you want to go? You want to go, I don't get dinners. How do you like the facility?
Starting point is 00:29:35 How do you like it? That's awesome. I love the place. It's got everything that you need in there. Everything that you need from bumper plates to Indian clubs, to the sled, cables, anything you need from bumper plates to Indian clubs to the sled, you know, cables, anything you need, any type of person that wants to train there, there is something for you there. Right. So. Yeah. And it's chill. And you get the best looking people
Starting point is 00:29:56 around to get there in one place. Shit. It's like a good looking black hole. It's like a singularity of good looking. It's like it just explodes like a it's like a good looking black hole. It's like a singularity of good looking It's like it's just it just explodes like pretty soon. I mean Adam and Sal you guys want to come over Chicks heads are gonna explode. Yeah, it's gonna happen. I'm not going anywhere bends going. Oh, it's true So it what do you what do you find right now out of all this like? Do you use any foods that you're missing really bad right now? Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you right now. So I was at, I was at Safeway the other day. Yeah. And I actually, I was just walking down the aisle and I saw like all the cookies and stuff like that. And I bought myself a big box of Oreos, double stuffed Oreos, pumpkin spice. The reason
Starting point is 00:30:41 that bought it because those look really good and I don't know if they're gonna name it, I'll get sold out. I don't know. I know they're from Halloween, but I was like, I got a stockpile, right? So I bought, you know, I bought my box and it's sitting there in a safe place. Oh, bro, you are my name on it. I'm just waiting on a race. You have way more discipline than I do. I could never, you know, I have buddy, a Marlin was like that too. A lot of these guys, they do that. They trophy weight. They go, when they start getting really, really hungry, they start picking out all the stuff
Starting point is 00:31:08 that they're gonna have afterwards and they start storing it in their house. Oh, I would eat it too. I have unbelievable discipline when it comes to nutrition and working out. So, like, yeah. But if it isn't my fucking house, don't tell me.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I'm the exact same way. If it's in my house, I'm gonna eat it. However, that one thing, that's kind of what I've made. I've been telling people that that's gonna be my after show, you know, treat. I've been telling people that for like a month already. Like, I'm gonna eat an entire box of Oreos. And so I just know that it's there, and I'm just gonna leave it.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Now, is that a new claim for you or do you like Oreo cookies? Is that something? No, I like Oreos. Okay, so I noticed I started a lot of. It's like you're pregnant, I swear? No, I like Oreo. Okay, so I was like, I noticed I started a lot of... It's like your pregnant, I swear to God, you guys don't mean that. It's like your fucking pregnant.
Starting point is 00:31:49 It really is, look. Well you started, I started liking things and I didn't even want before. There's things, and I remember walking down aisles in the same way and just like looking at the bread and going like, I just want to dry piece of bread right now. Just want to suck on some bread. Actually, I'll tell you a funny story.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So when you know when you have these super, super low carb days, I crave peanut butter. I mean, it makes sense, and you're craving more fat, but to me, the only time I ever ate peanut butter was on a peanut butter in jelly sandwich, and then that was once in a blue moon. And now I crave peanut butter all the time. But you wanna just sit down and eat that of a jar.
Starting point is 00:32:25 I want to just take spoonfuls of peanut butter and rub it on your chair. It's the closest thing to a treat. You get right, that's why. I do the nuts and more peanut butter, which has the protein in it. It's a little bit healthier for you, and it tastes amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Have you had that before? How about you? I have the whole line of nuts and more. I've got it all, bro, for sure. I have a little, here I'll give you a little favorite treat of mine. So I take a rice cake, I take the chocolate peanut butter nuts and more, one tablespoon of that, then I take non-fat Greek yogurt, your faja, and then I whip like a stevia inside of it, and then I just put like a tablespoon of that over it, and then I slice one strawberry
Starting point is 00:32:59 over it, and it's like a strawberry cheesecake, bro. You know what, I was gonna ask you if you had some kind of go-to treats or vices right now, or have you been perfectly, I mean, is there something that you do when you do have a real craving that you find, like, okay, this helps? If I have a really bad craving, later now, or some frozen grapes have helped me,
Starting point is 00:33:18 because it seems almost like a dessert, because it's cold, and then I've also done frozen blueberries with cinnamon on top. So those are good ones. And then on like a low carb day what I've done is made like the simplest protein pancake you can possibly think of which is literally egg whites, protein powder, cinnamon and stevia.
Starting point is 00:33:37 And I'll put in a shaker cup, shake it up and pour it down. And I'll make this like this protein pancake out of it and then I'll use a little bit of the peanut butter for the, for like layers in between. And that's my, you know, super, super low in carbs, little bit of fat in there. And that's my like, if I'm craving something or if I just wanna like, I'm not gonna make it
Starting point is 00:33:55 until next week, I'm gonna have some protein pancakes. Yeah, see, I'll take, if I'm craving something, I'll take pizza and put ranch dressing on it and assemble some corn chips on it. I'm with you, bro. And then I, and then I, and then I eat it. I just eat a big ol' Ben and Jerry's. I cry.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And just as in the corner, like, it's my treat. Yeah. It doesn't count if it's every day, just. Wow. Really? Don't you find this fascinating to you? I remember going to this, you know, when you've been dieting that clean for so long too,
Starting point is 00:34:24 how rich whole natural foods taste, like you mentioned in the blueberries. Oh yeah, yeah. A frosin grape is like. It's our gas maker. Oh it is. It's a most amazing thing. And to me, and why I like to talk about it,
Starting point is 00:34:38 because I know not everybody who listens to us gives a shit about competing, is that this is like, in reality, for a normal person, to eat, clean, to clean your system out of all that artificial bullshit that we've been pouring down our throat for so long. And then it's amazing how good some of these real natural foods. But for most people, grapes and strawberries don't give you
Starting point is 00:34:57 that sweet craving they need. To them, it's just, it's like fruit and vegetables or fruit and vegetables. It's not like there's nothing treaty about it. Say, it's just something that they think they're supposed to eat every single day, where for someone who's been dining hard, there's nothing like a strawberry or a blueberry, how rich and flavor, or peanut butter,
Starting point is 00:35:14 good natural fat like that. I mean, those are the things that people don't realize that are really great for us and that taste amazing, but we're oversaturated with bullshit in our diet. I mean, I think so many people don't even know that fruits are carbs. I say that in my nutrition seminar sometimes and people are like, what?
Starting point is 00:35:33 I get a right that down. Like, how do you not know that? And then the amount of sugar in the fruits, I mean, they're good healthy sugars, but still, people when you're having a banana, right before you go to bed, do you realize how much sugar you're putting into your body right before you go to sleep? Little things like that are things that surprise people. Yeah. Absolutely. Is, uh, do you have any
Starting point is 00:35:52 fat, fat friends and family nearby that are coming to watch you? Yeah, I'm gonna have a lot of supporters come and watch me, uh, families coming down from the East Bay. Uh, I'm gonna have a bunch of friends around the area that are gonna be coming up and watching me and stuff like that. So good deal. I'll have a good support system around me. We'll be there. So this is October 10th. Hey We'll probably be the loudest. I'm gonna assume definitely the nakedness Justin's gonna be using a paint in his body. I am. Yes. We got a whole thing planned out With the big number one, you know, I'm saying excellent man Well, we look forward to seeing your brother
Starting point is 00:36:23 We're can everybody find the occlusion guy that you guys were talking about. MindPumpRadio.com, it's still available there. Correct Doug? We still got it there? It is there. MindPumpRadio.com and don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and give us a good rate and review.
Starting point is 00:36:38 The best review, Ben Zorn, may or may not go on a date with you. May or may not go on a date with you. May or may not go on a date with you. So leave a review, leave a good, you've never done it before. And if not, Adam is ready. Thanks for making me second best. Hey, thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin. Visit us at www.minepumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Until next time, this is MindPump.

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