Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1573: The Golden Rules of Training for Performance, When to Train Through Pain, the Importance of Food Variety & More

Episode Date: June 11, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the golden rules of training for performance, training through pain versus taking time off, dealing with a clicking... or popping in the shoulders when doing an overhead press, and whether eating the same healthy foods on a regular basis stops being beneficial. When super talented people can be annoying. (3:10) Mind Pump Kitchen: The guys are enjoying getting down in the kitchen using Butcher Box cuts. (7:19) Justin to take over a high school football team?! (11:08) Wild News with Sal: FBI finds horrific Frankenstein-like experiments at body donation facility in Arizona. (18:18) Unusually awesome movies with Mind Pump. (28:05) What’s the deal California?! (37:42) Magic Spoon whey protein versus standard whey protein. (44:41) #Quah question #1 – What are the golden rules for training for performance? (50:03) #Quah question #2 – When should you train through pain versus taking time off? (55:07) #Quah question #3 – How should you deal with the clicking or popping of your shoulders when doing an overhead press? (1:00:01) #Quah question #4 – If you eat the same regular foods on a daily basis, does your body get used to the nutrients and they stop being beneficial? (1:03:39) Related Links/Products Mentioned June Promotion: MAPS Prime, Prime Pro, and the Prime Bundle 50% off!  **Promo code “JUNEPRIME” at checkout** Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Judo - San Jose Betsuin FBI Finds Horrific Frankenstein-Like Experiments At Body Donation Facility In Arizona Buried (2010) - IMDb Profile (2018) - IMDb Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) - IMDb California county cuts COVID-19 death toll by 25% after finding some deaths 'clearly not' caused by virus Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Sore muscles…what does it mean? - Mind Pump Blog Prime Your Shoulders with Handcuffs with Rotation on a Bench Mind Pump #1407: Build Amazing Shoulders With These 10 Forgotten Exercises MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered some questions, some fitness questions asked by our audience. But the way we open the episode is with an intro portion where we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:27 We're bringing up scientific studies and we mentioned our sponsors. Today's intro was 44 minutes long. After that, we got into the question. So we opened up the episode by talking about movies that we enjoyed, pitch perfect. I actually discovered that movie recently. It's an old one.
Starting point is 00:00:41 It had a lot of fun, just it makes fun of us, but it's a good movie. Tell him. DMM on Instagram. Then we talked about our meals. Adam has been cooking up some amazing steaks from butcher box. This is one of our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:52 They deliver grass fed meats to your door, high quality, great prices, and of course, because you listen to mine pump, you get an exclusive offer. Check this out if you go to butcherbox.com, forward slash mind pump, you'll get bacon for life. That's right, bacon, one pack of bacon in your box
Starting point is 00:01:11 for the life of your membership. That's insane. Then we talked about Justin coaching football. Oh, this is gonna be great. Watch out kids, here you come. The very lucky to have you. Then we talked about the place in Arizona where they take dead bodies and do weird stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:28 FBI agents found some pretty scary stuff at a facility that stores dead bodies. Creepy. Then we talked about an usual awesome movie. So had a great conversation around that. Then I talked about the revised COVID death toll here in the Bay Area of California. That's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Used to make you a conspiracy theorist to say some of the stuff that they're saying now. Could have been right, all these conspiracy theories. And then Adam is now reintroducing magic spoon back into his diet and it's going great. Magic spoon is a high protein, no sugar cereal. The protein is way dairy protein. It's high quality, great macro profile.
Starting point is 00:02:04 The best part is the flavors are like the serious weight when you were a kid, like there's fruity, there's frosted peanut butter, cinnamon, blueberry, and more. Go check them out. And by the way, you'll get $5 off of the Mind Pump code. Go to magicspoon.com forward slash Mind Pump. Use the code Mind Pump for $5 off.
Starting point is 00:02:22 By the way, you can build your own box. Interesting feature there when you go to that website. Really, really cool. Then we got into the questions. The first question, this person wants to know the golden rules of training for performance. The next question, this person wants to know when you should train through pain or take time off.
Starting point is 00:02:38 The third question, this person wants to know how to train their shoulders even though they click and pop while they do overhead presses. And the final question. This person wants to know if there's any detriment to eating the same foods all the time or if they should add some variety. Also, we are running a promotion right now. 50% off, maps prime, maps prime pro, and our prime bundle.
Starting point is 00:03:01 All 50% off, head over to mapsfitnessproducts.com. Just use the code June Prime with no space for the discount. Dude, speaking of singing, so I watched a movie, I actually watched three movies this weekend, that I did not think I would enjoy as much as I did. What's that? Pitch perfect. Oh, here you guys go again.
Starting point is 00:03:23 It's hallowed good. I, you know what? Just, listen, just, I forgot about that movie. Bro,. Oh, here you guys go again. It's how good. You know what? Just listen, just I forgot about that movie. Bro, I forgot. It's actually really, it's hilarious. It is fun. I promise you, it's hilarious. I promise I just have to play the guy that's just like, what is that? What is that reminds next? The notebook? No, you know, you know, you know, it reminds me the same surprise I got when I watched the heartbreak kid with, oh I love that move. Right, you wouldn't think,
Starting point is 00:03:48 because that looks like a good road. I did not think I would like it. I wrote, yeah, that was good too. No, I did not think I would like it. Jessica wanted to watch it. She's brought it up a million times. And so I'm like, all right, let's see what happens. It was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I ended up watching the first one. I'm like, I love this. Let's watch the second one. Let's watch the third one. It was really good. Yeah, whatever dude. I have faith. It was fine. I'm like, I love this. Just watch a second. Let's watch the third one. It was really good Yeah, whatever dude It's fine. I get you I get you back. It was funny It was I spent a long time. So I watched it though. It does it's the first one was it's old 2012 It's that one in one. Yeah, and the second was 2015 and the third one was like a couple years ago
Starting point is 00:04:19 But it's one of those ones that I don't think I would have thought I would like it and then you end up with sometimes That's the best right when you're like, I don't think I would have thought I would like it and then you end up with. But sometimes that's the best, right? When you're like, I don't know. And here, look, I'll tell you what, I'm going to be honest. The comedy was, that's what made it great. It was actually really funny, but here's the other thing too. It's, to me, it's incredible when people can sing that dance and act all at the same time and they're good at all of them.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It blows my mind. Well, the damn talent isn't half. Isn't that actually unfair, really? Well, isn't that a little, isn't that more common than not in the acting world because a lot of these guys and girls started doing different Broadway. Yeah, they started the Broadway route doing plays and stuff where you have to do all of that, right?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yeah. Well, I mean, theater in general when you're kind of going up and that's like the direction you want to go. I want to be an actor. Like most of them get trained and singing and. Yeah. And Kendrick is that an Andrick is the main girl in it. She plays, have you seen trolls, the cartoon trolls? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:11 You know the little girl one? She plays her voice and the singing is actually the voice. No, she is a great voice. And then there's a song in the movie where she like uses a cup and she makes sounds with it with her hands and then she sings. And I've heard that song, it's actually really good. It's her, it's her real voice.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Like how talented could you be? It's so annoying. It reminds me when I used to train really smart, there was like, I used to train a lot of doctors and surgeons. And when you get to know these people, you realize they're definitely a special breed of intelligence. Like to be a surgeon, you're really, you're really, really just a super smart person.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I remember I trained them and we talked about stuff and I'd start to realize just how talented they were. And then I'd say stuff like, so what kind of hobbies do you, you know, these are like vascular surgeons and heart surgeons and general surgeons. What do you, what do you do for fun? Oh, you know, I'm a classically trained pianist. Oh, what do you mean, classically trained?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Like how good are you? You watch them play, you're like, you're, this doesn't make any sense. Where do you find the time to do all this stuff? Yeah, so damn now what you're every now and then you'll get like a huge Jackman though Yeah, he'll find his way into some like musical and he's like Yeah, dude no you Jackman did the one musical that was epic Let me like that. No the other one the one where he's like the circus one. Oh, yeah He's not that great of a single was it him? I there was like a definitive like
Starting point is 00:06:28 Manly I'm an actor that that was like kind of crossed over into that I thought I thought he I thought he was good Maybe it wasn't him. Yeah, there was somebody that really I feel like you're wrong because I think that was a wasn't a really good one What was that circus one? No, I think you're right. I think he did actually get a little like praise No, not don't know that what was the circus one? No, I think you're right. I think he did actually get a prize. Was it a Dumbledore? No, not Dumbledore. Dumbledore was the circus one with Eugene. The greatest showman. I knew you would know. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Great job, Doug. Doug's a huge Hugh Jackman fan. He's a big dancer fan. Big musicals. Yeah. He was also good in... Started back in the day with Fred Astaire. Big fan, man.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Lemme is Rob. It was super good. He had him in there. I never watched. You know who's in that, too? Who's the guy that played gladiator? Oh. Russell Crowe. He was in that. He had him in there. I never watched. You know who is in that too? Who's the guy that played gladiator? Oh, Russell Croupe. He was in that. He couldn't sing.
Starting point is 00:07:09 That's who it was. That's who it was. That's who it was. That's who it was. Sorry Hugh Jackman. And he was a say cause he was pretty good man. Yeah, I thought he was a lot of like you. I like him pretty good.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Speaking of pretty good, tell me about that food you sent a picture over to the group. Oh. It was like a steak mushroom. Yeah, daddy cook. You know, I had to give some credit though, the Douglas, like he is the one that first got. That's the staple trucky meal for us.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It is. It is with the mushrooms. Yeah, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed onions. You saute them in the ghee like he does and the whole ghee and onion, or I mean garlic salt. That's so good. Yeah, like you do it for about an hour, right? So the mushrooms and the onions get about an hour
Starting point is 00:07:49 of sauteed and then the steaks are quick. I could eat it by itself. Eight to 12 minutes, yeah. What steak are you cooking? I use the butcher box rib eye, so. And I really like, so, and again, this is from, play from Doug's book. What I like about using the grass-fed beef because it's a leaner cut
Starting point is 00:08:06 right when you do the grass-fed, then I get to kind of a bit longer. Well no less. Yeah less and then you also get to you know drown it in the ghee and mushrooms and onions so it gives it even more a juicy kind of flavor. I put I poured it over the top. It's like sear-bow sides and yeah so I have a I can't YouTube this guy one time and it's a two minute rotation. So, and if you do a good job, you get your temperature just right, you should know. Yeah, you're real scientific about your mate. And I see what the timer, you know, putting it on, you got to make sure the temperature. You know what, for a long time, I didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:08:39 That was just my, my ego, like wanting to be like, I don't need a timer. I don't need this, but it's like, do you? I just feel the means. Yeah, you know, my brother-in-law, like he talks a lot of shit. Sorry. For me, using tools like the Trigger and some of that, because he thinks,
Starting point is 00:08:54 but I'm about, it turning out good. I don't care if I gotta use my phone and timers and all that stuff like that. Like I'll do whatever it takes to cheat, to have good meals. Are you guys doing the flank yet? From, from Butcher? No, you've been saying that for. You know what problem is I'm lazy about changing my my things on It's easy on your phone change and I don't do that. I don't run that side. Katrina does everything for you like a baby
Starting point is 00:09:15 She does everything for you. Hey, don't be my all New York. Don't be back cuz my wife is awesome This is my wife is awesome. Yeah, it's good response. Yeah, it's gonna be a hater. No, so the flank is, first of all, obviously it's thin, right? So it's a big piece of meat, thin. You want to cook it rare. And what I do is I go rock salt, so it's nice and chunky. Then I do garlic powder and then rosemary.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And I do it on both sides. And it comes out, and I cook it to like a temperature of like 128 so it's like 20 it's like rare-ish. Oh man you cut that into strips so good. It's my favorite. I haven't always on the regular rotation now from butcher box. Yeah, super good. Are you eating your meat? That's all you're eating right now. All burgers. Stakes. Like it literally is like those two things are like the majority of what I'm putting in my body. Now how dialed do you stay on the weekend? Like are you, are you like, well, you good this weekend?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Good this weekend except I did have a few drinks because I played poker with some of my friends on Saturday, but I kept that even to just like three whiskeys on the rocks and you know, tried to keep it just to that. And so I, that was it though. I mean, I'm not like I had steak and actually brought it with me to grill. And so, we all had that, did the coffee rub again and show the boy. Oh, I haven't done that yet. Am I not invited to that?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Because you're afraid I'm gonna take all your money? You know, we had that a long time ago, dude. So I'm a different player. I don't know if you want to get into this. I do want to get to that. I don't want to be in that action. I think you did. I was very young in my skills back then.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's a card to my game. But yeah, I enjoy it. It's just something that an excuse to get together. I haven't seen these guys in a while. These are like your buddies that go all the way back to even high school or college. What is it? High school.
Starting point is 00:11:04 It's like high school buddies. But yeah, it's, it's funny. Because I actually got pulled back in a little bit to helping out with the high school football team. And this is one of those things I just started talking to one of my friends who's going to help me like, groove trees. And he's like, now there's this changeover of the head coach for the varsity team. And so I was like. Now have you done it yet? So today is gonna be the first group workout for the team. Oh my God. So you're gonna go in and you're gonna work
Starting point is 00:11:32 with a bunch of high school kids. I'm taking over. Now you do realize, I'm gonna say this right now because it's today, right? It's later today. Yes, but no. They're not the same as when you were a kid. I know.
Starting point is 00:11:41 You might offend or scare someone. No, that's the point. It's football. It's football, you are supposed to. No, we talk about this. Bro, that's the point. It's football. It's football. You are supposed to. No, it's different. That's why I want to get involved. Because the head coach, I really like.
Starting point is 00:11:52 He went through the program with me and with my other friends and has that same mentality of that mental toughness and really just getting back to the roots of what made us successful. And we were like one of the best teams that ever came out of that school for a specific reason because of our mentality and doing the extra amount that nobody else would do and being champions. All of that, we're gonna be planning seeds in these kids' heads.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And if there's the whiny, snively shit, it's just not gonna fly. Do you remember the viral baseball coach video? Oh yeah. You've seen that one, right? Yeah, I love that. I totally feel like that's gonna not gonna fly. Do you remember the viral baseball coach video? Oh yeah. You've seen that one, right? Yeah, I love that. I totally feel like that's gonna be just it. I think that's gonna be hilarious.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And you know, like I don't, I, like I was thinking about that too, because like it is gonna be different. They're, they just haven't, like, been exposed to, you know, certain kinds of men and people that are just like, listen, like this is a tough sport. This is something you can get hurt.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And so we have to take this very seriously. And if you're gonna be complaining about doing X, Y, Z or not like cover your assignments, or you're not gonna take this seriously, go take a hike. Can we please send Eli to come get some photos of this? Yeah, I would like to see you a fent layer. Yeah, we don't need you around That's maybe Because
Starting point is 00:13:16 I've at least go tripod this year I don't know like because here's the thing like I was and I was so motivated because there was like a changing of the guard so You know our old coaches that were there, they did a fantastic job, but they all had that feeling like it was a different vibe and their time was done. And so now coming in, they were doing CrossFit and they're just doing this nonsense for their workouts.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And I just, oh, it was nails on a chalkboard to me every time I would listen to what they were doing with the program. And so now it's like, it was like nails on a chalkboard to me every time I would like listen to what they were doing with the program. And so now it's like, I'm like, hey man, I would love to help at least with the workouts. At least let me kind of come in and show them the way. Like this is, there's a way to get powerful, strong, fast, specifically to enhance the skill and position by position. So you know, that's something I'm totally going to take.
Starting point is 00:14:04 This is going to be so fun. You know what, a lot of people don't realize this, but a lot of the value of playing a sport or doing something competitive, there's obviously value in the organization of it, working with other people, knowing what it feels like to have people depend on you, being competitive. But there's also a lot of value in that toughness
Starting point is 00:14:23 that you get from some of these coaches that Where it's like, okay, oh yeah, I understand your knee hurts, but guess what we're still going you got to keep that's a life lesson That's kind of a life overcoming adversity. It is one of the best places and learning how to work with others I mean when exactly those two those two things maybe two of the greatest lessons that sports teachers almost ever did. You know, I remember as a kid, the first time something like this hit me, I was 12 or 11, I'm at judo. I used to do judo when I first started doing judo at, it's a club here in San Jose, it's old,
Starting point is 00:14:56 it's been around since 1950 something. It's San Jose Buddhist judo club. So it's one of the oldest judo schools in the country. And the instructors when I was a kid were these volunteers and most many of them were from Japan. So these old school 60, 70-year-old Japanese instructors from Japan, right? So they don't, they literally don't care. They don't care if you're gonna whine or whatever. They don't want to hear about that stuff. You show up, you have to clean this the whole place when you're done, you have to sweep and clean,
Starting point is 00:15:25 you have to show lots of respect. And I'll never forget this. I went with my cousin, and my cousin, one of my cousins was a bit of a whiner. And he was always trying to get out of doing a lot of the exercises. And so, oh, my foot hurts, oh, my whatever hurts. And there was this little, I sort of got
Starting point is 00:15:40 a five foot four old Japanese instructor, didn't speak very good English, but you know not to fuck with this guy. And my cousin was like, oh, I can't do the drill because my toe hurts. So the sense he goes, oh no, come here, come here. So he walks over to him.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And he grabs a broom with the broom handle and everything. And I thought he was gonna be like, sweep. I thought he was gonna be like, you go sweep. He's smack all our stuff. He hits him in the toe. Boom. Like he stomps it. And my cousin, oh, now your toe hurts.
Starting point is 00:16:09 That's it down. And I was like, what? The sensei just hit one of us. I was like, is this legal? Like, what's going on here? It's great. That's the like old school. Same sensei.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I'll never forget. Same guy I was talking during one of his instructions. I was kind of like giggling or whatever. And he walks over to me, and he judo throws me so hard to knock the wind out of me. And it was like, this was the environment that we, there was also very respectful and odd stuff, but you can't do that anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, but it's like, it's a contained environment for it's an outlet, for aggression. And there's just so much value there. My main motivation because it's high school, and my kids aren't even in high school yet, obviously. So I just wanna make sure that they see it. Like they wanna be, I want them to be around it. I want them to look up to these kids like I did.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I looked up to the high school kids that they might as well have played in the NFL for me. Right. Like going to these high school games with these big towering guys, you know, and like going head up against each other and. No. It was just one of those things. I want to, I want to bring that environment.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Oh, I experienced all joking aside, those kids are going to be very lucky. I'm serious. This is all joking aside. They're going to be very lucky to have you. You're going to be one of the best coaches they ever had. It's going to be very, very valuable. Are you bringing your boys with you? Yes, they're gonna come to practices
Starting point is 00:17:27 with me every now and then. Oh, that's so great. And then, hopefully, yeah, it's over. So how often are you doing it? So what's the plan? I saw you texting in the group thread about this so I didn't see what. Yeah, I mean, I, again, like obviously we're super busy
Starting point is 00:17:38 and this is something that I've always wrestled with because I was wanting to do it, but it was just like, it doesn't make sense, but it's never gonna make sense with what we do. So I'm just trying to, I'm just trying to do if it's after hours like around five, then I'm like, I can make it or if we're not out of town, I'll make it. So really it's just about as many opportunities I can be there. I'm going to be there, but if I'm not around, I'm not around. We'll totally cool this.
Starting point is 00:18:03 So this means you're going gonna be like officially on the field for Friday games and everything like that? Oh yeah. Yeah. Well, so we gotta go. Absolutely. Yeah, I have to go. Oh, I'd love that.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah, bro. Oh, he's kidding me. That'll be awesome. I get field passes and everything, totally, bro. I got you. All right, so I have an article that when I read, I thought this is not real, but it is,
Starting point is 00:18:22 it's a real article. You guys ready for this? Okay. This is wild, it's a real article. You guys ready for this? Okay. This is wild. Here's the title. FBI finds horrific Frankenstein-like experiments at Body Donation facility in Arizona. What?
Starting point is 00:18:35 Yes. Okay, so. Okay, define Frankenstein-like projects here. I wanna hear this. Here we go. Here we go. This is Arizona. Yeah, there's a Body Donation places.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I guess when you die or whatever, they'll take the body and they'll donate organs or when I'll say store the bodies there, right? So FBI agents stumbled upon a house of horrors after raiding a body donation company, Arizona, discovering a warehouse containing refrigerators, fold with penises, buckets of limbs, pools of blood, and a human head sewn onto another body in a Frankenstein manner. What? What?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah, dude. Why? No more than that, you gotta give us more. It says, the former owner of this particular place, Stefan Gore, his last name is Gore. Yeah, perfect. Pleaded guilty to one count of illegal control of an enterprise in 2015
Starting point is 00:19:22 received a sentence of four years probation. However, he now faces a civil lawsuit. So anyway, 33 plaintiffs are suing the body-breaking business, alleging the remains of their family members were obtained through false statements, and their bodies were not stored, treated or disposed. Okay, so is there a big black market for organs like like body parts?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah, what was his company? So he was obviously storing these bodies and what was the purpose? I think, okay, there's no money for sewing. I'll read a little more. That's why I don't understand. Like where? He's obviously a weird sicko. Yeah, obviously.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Obviously, look at this. So they, they just can dunk pull up a picture with the sky looks like. I mean, you can look the guy up. So it says, this is a former pickled wiener. This is former FBI agent stated that he saw various unsettling scenes at this particular place in Phoenix, including numerous dead bodies that appeared to have been played as with as a morbid joke.
Starting point is 00:20:20 One of the most shocking was a small woman's head sewn onto a large male body. Oh my god. So here's some of the stuff that they found. Oh gosh, the court documents also contained a price list for various body parts. Whole body with no shoulders or head, $2,900. Torso with head, $2,400. So he's selling these off. So there was a black market.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Oh, that's crazy. Wow. That is. who buys this? Oh, I know. Can you look that up? Or were to buy a dead body? Have you ever tried to Google that? Well, they found this.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I can't say I have. I feel like Sal had it. I don't know if I should start. I was just getting dark. Did you Google that one time? Well, apparently the body-breaking industry is very unregulated, especially in Arizona. So I guess that nobody checks.
Starting point is 00:21:05 That sucks. What do you do with that though? What do you buy a bot? I don't understand. What would you do with it? I have no idea. It's experiments, dude. Obviously. I mean, there's some weird people out there. Is that dead body? Google had done, come on, put it in your browser. Well, I got this guy. This guy. Okay, so I'm not gonna lie. Make him is that his family right there? He looks like he's got a normal family. All I know is his face looks like someone that was his face is for sure like a tell. Yeah, like if I if I just saw this guy on the street, I'd say to myself, he probably on this guy. He probably has sex with dead body.
Starting point is 00:21:41 So we're my necrophilia. You know? Dude, how creepy and disgusting and scary is that? Imagine if the FBI agent you walk in. Oh, five facts. Now you're his wife. It's immediate, like divorce. Oh, I'm out there. I don't know, look how happy she looks. She looks like she is.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Well, that's before she found out that he, Oh, you don't think she has a... He's man-going body parts. You don't think she knows? How does your husband doesn't have a jar, hundreds of jars of penises and you not know as a wife. He's got like two daughters too. Yeah, but they're at his business.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Do you think his wife goes through that stuff all the time? I don't know. Do you think you could hide it from your wife? What, if I had a bunch of jars of penises in my office? Yeah, I would've been. That time that you did, did you? No, that time that I did. Yeah, where'd you store it?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yeah, hey, honey, where'd you get that deal though? That was really realistic. Oh, gross. was really realistic. Oh Real safe place boy the technology's gotten good these days I didn't even know there was I didn't even know this was like is there a name for this type of person that's into this stuff? I don't know Justin I feel like you know, I mean just like just the ones that have sex with their body That's a I don't know what I is. So I would imagine. That's actually a big problem.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Frankenstein. So if that's a big problem, then that's what I would imagine he would be selling on the black market. Would be people that want to have sex with these dead men. No, I just want to torso. Well, before I know, yeah. It's very specific. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I would look at a female head, like a big masculine body. Yeah. Just really just the real thing. Maybe that's what it is. Maybe it was a bunch of like requests. I guess me it goes. Maybe this guy built a big masculine body. You just really just the really just the really That's what it is. Maybe it was a bunch of like requests. I guess me. Maybe this guy built a network of these. What are they called?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Neckwafiliacs. So maybe he built a network of these people and he started Taking requests like I want one. I want one armistone arm. Yeah, I want a I want a black penis on an Italian man and And with a woman's head. That's what I would like and I'm willing to pay $5,400.
Starting point is 00:23:26 You imagine he shows up and he's like, I've got some cutting to do. He's like, so you got dead bodies here, right? Yeah, he's like, I got a, I don't know, I'm just saying weird, you know, request. How much would a jar of Dix cost? I'm like, damn a jar of Dix. I mean, that's the ultimate prank, right?
Starting point is 00:23:40 You send somebody that like, hey, you're a jar of Dix. I don't know, I just said thank you. They're imagining dropping the jar. There's a company, there's a company that you're a pub jar of Dix. I don't know, I just thank you. They're imagining dropping the jar. There's a company that you can send the bag of Dix to somebody. I've seen that. I've seen that. Yeah, let's call.
Starting point is 00:23:52 They're not real Dix though. No, of course they're not real Dix. They're fake. Let's dig into the next level. That's way next level. Speaking of that. That's what I would do if that's like Logan Paul level. I feel like if someone were to send you a bag of Dix
Starting point is 00:24:02 that that would be your one up, right? They go, all right, send me a bag of Dix. I'm gonna send you a jar of real dick. See how you like See how you like that one throw throw it at someone Wap disgusting look at in the US market for human bodies almost anyone can dissect and sell the dead what this is a problem I don't know that yeah, well you know the black market, you're cream-ading. The black market, Oregon market is huge because it's so regulated. There's like a wait list for organs.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And in the black market, you could buy kidneys, you could buy liver. Wasn't there a movie about that? Where people that would go down to Mexico and get kidnapped and they would take out like one of their kidney, like. Now is that real or is that a, what do they call it? I mean it's a horror story.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah, urban legend. No, I think that's a thing, Doug. No, I think it might be real. Yeah, there's probably some pieces. Look at organ thieves, Mexico organ thieves. Boy, you're gonna have a browser full of some neat shit in the next week. We're about to get the FBI's about to come.
Starting point is 00:25:00 He looks up to, is the body trade market regulated? Right, organ thieves. How do they do it? He looks up. Is the body trade market regulated? Right. Orgian thieves. How do they do it? Do they get caught? It doesn't actually. Bags of fertilizer next. Go look at that.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Oh my gosh. But boy, that's, I didn't know that. I thought it was an urban legend. That's the one where the person goes out and then next the end of the wake up in the bathtub full ice and then they notice that they have incision. Isn't that a movie? What movie was that it was a movie minority report But that I mean obviously that was where they like he got different eyes to be able to like a skin
Starting point is 00:25:32 What do you find in duck? It seems that this is true thing that organizations have engaged in kidnapping people with the victims being killed And their organs harvested for the illegal organ trade well, you know How much do they I think a kidney goes for like 20 grand. It's got to be expensive, right? To be worth killing somebody over. Yeah. Oh, that's crazy. Well, the problem. How much does it cost to kill somebody, Doug?
Starting point is 00:25:53 No. I just was the, I just was the old far away. You get dug to go like this. Like on the Home Depot, buying tarp and rope. But you're discreet. Yeah, yeah. Duck tape, that's it. Rope, duck tape, tarp.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah, it's duct tape tarp. You got so many corp forms. I want to know what it smells like. That's a thing. Anyway, scary, frightening, disgusting stuff, but it's unregulated, which I had no idea. I had no idea that it was that unregulated. That isn't lightning.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Now, how are you guys about that for yourselves? It's no big deal. When you die, you'll donate your organs for. Yeah, dude. No problem. It's just, it's just a body. Yeah, like it. But there's some cultures. That's like a huge no-no though, right?
Starting point is 00:26:32 Yeah. Once, yeah, again, that's all like your, your belief system and your traditions and all that kind of stuff. But I know that I was tripping out on that because like with mummies and everything, like their whole thing was that they were eventually, like science would catch up and they'd be able to resurrect them.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And this is actually like possible, right? Because you get the DNA samples from them still and you'd be able to clone them. That's my only fear of giving it away. Well, I don't want to be cloned out. There's a lot of weird shit happening. What if, you know, we get to come back? You might need it.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah. Have you guys ever read stories about memories being stored in cells, not just in your brain? And so the stories of people that'll get a heart transplant, and then they'll start to have memories or take on the characteristics of the person whose heart that they took. That's why.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Have you guys ever read this stuff? It's really when you have a pig heart. Cause it's... Oh my God. Oh my God. Beatsley. I don't want her nowhere. Yeah, honey, I don't want bacon anymore for some reason. It's not, it's not.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I don't know if it doesn't taste right. It doesn't taste right. You get any slump? No, but weird, if you read about some of these stories where people will, those just have like very strange changes in their personalities and then they'll find that the person whose organ they took was like, I thought that was her origin.
Starting point is 00:27:47 That's real. I know I've read stories. I don't know if it's real like they've studied it, but I've read stories like RL, Stein stories. No. I've read stories. No, that's definitely been, yeah, there's been cases. I've seen the same thing.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Like there's been a few cases out there where people are like talking about that. It's for change my behavior. See, I don't see Adam. I don't, do you ever go in to rabbit holes on the internet like Justin and I do? I don't think he does so. I don't. He's fun.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I do different stuff that's not as cool as you guys' stuff. There's layers, dude. It's an onion. You never, you never just get curious about weird shit. Not weird stuff. I go down rabbit holes on things that I'm interested in, and then I'll just, in YouTube. And YouTube is the most dangerous, because they do such a good job
Starting point is 00:28:27 when I do a rhythm of like, sinning you. And before you know it, you're off on a far trail. Yeah, no. I've found some great content that way, though, so I mean, I do. Just not. I read one time I was going down the rabbit hole and I was reading about some of the most inhumane experiments
Starting point is 00:28:41 that people have done or had been done on humans. Have you ever read the one, and I don't know if it was real or not, but I read about it and it was terrifying. The Soviets did a study on humans where they kept them up for as long as they could. Have you read about this one, Justin? Where they didn't allow them to sleep,
Starting point is 00:28:58 and then apparently they went so mad. It's not. Well, one of them killed the others and ate them, started eating them. What? Yeah, they just became these like, like, yeah, dude. Good rabbit beast. Like eating the other ones.
Starting point is 00:29:12 That's supposed to be like one of the, like, number one ways of torturing, right? Keeping them up with loud music and doing weird shit like that. Like, that's like so torturing. Oh, you lose your, you literally within a few days, your odds of becoming mentally deranged or gets a frame. It's like 70% or something. Now, do you ever think like, okay, so like when we have like these weird things,
Starting point is 00:29:30 like, like the whole idea of the stories of like zombies, like that, that's where the origin of it came from something like that were. No, where there's people being tortured or kept from. The whole thing with vampires, with lab, the imp Impaler. They're just trying to figure out why he was so evil. And why he got off on just basically killing all these people on spikes. Yeah, well, you know the term ring my bell. I think that's where it comes from. Ring my bell comes from.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I think that's the term dead ringer. Dead ringer, sorry, thank you, Doug. Sometimes Doug's on. Oh yeah, because it bury people and a lot of times it'd be alive still. Yeah, because back in the day, you passed out. Oh yeah, they had a little rope and they could of times it'd be a life still Yeah, because back in the day Oh, yeah, they had a little rope and they could they could ring it because you know why they did that There were times where they'd have to move bodies and they'd open up the casket and they'd see scratch marks on the inside
Starting point is 00:30:13 Like somebody was trying to get out It just does something like that Be awful hands down that has to be the number one worst way to go would be buried alive Alive yeah, I'd rather drown I'd rather burn I'd rather I worst way to go would be buried alive. Alive? Yeah, I'd rather drown, I'd rather burn, I'd rather, I would bury to live would be, I get the chills just to think about that. You have to make peace with the fact that you're, did you ever see that movie with,
Starting point is 00:30:35 I wanna say it's Ryan, whatever, Ryan, is it got, not Ryan Gosling, but the other Ryan Reynolds? Yes, Ryan Reynolds, thank you. God damn, I'm so fired today. What are you doing right now? What are you doing over there? Taking to the Philippines? I know I know I know it would be great for commercial day on that man What's going on over here? No, yeah, he was in this movie where the whole thing was shot
Starting point is 00:30:56 He was buried alive in a coffin. Oh, I remember that I never saw that movie. Yeah good I mean or to give you anxiety the whole time dude I couldn't watch I I mean it made me give you anxiety the whole time. Dude, I couldn't watch that. I mean, it made me uncomfortable even watching the one with Quentin Tarantino, where... Oh, what's her name is in the... Yeah, kill the bill. She was like, doing the one inch punch.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah, so he, so what happened, I didn't know going into the movie. So I remember watching it before I had heard about it. And I only stuck around because I couldn't believe that this movie was taking, I was like 20 minutes, I'm like 20 minutes, this has been the whole scene. 30, 40, an hour, we haven't left this.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I'm like, and then I was so curious, are they gonna end this movie and this guy's never gonna get out. It's called buried. That's it. Was it a good movie? I mean, it wasn't horrible. I stayed in, I watched, but I mean, again,
Starting point is 00:31:44 a lot of what kept me in was I don't think that's ever been done. I don't think there's ever been a movie where... Well, there's some of the best movies of all time are only in one or two scenes. So like, 12-angry men was almost all of it was in that where the jurors were, or what's the other Quentin Tarantino reservoir dogs?
Starting point is 00:32:04 Oh, yeah. It's literally, the car chase and then the entire rest of the movie is in one scene, one area. Well, another thing was like cast away for an example of like one of the longest amount of time before there was any dialogue, but you're captivated by it because there was so much he was like working through and but like there was no, he wasn't speaking
Starting point is 00:32:27 and then finally he had Wilson to kind of like speak to, but you're just like, I'm watching a movie right now and nobody's talking. So I just watched one this weekend that was like this and it was actually really good. It's based on a true story. I wanna say the name of it was Profile. I just texted Katrina to double check the name.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I think it's Profile. And basically it's profile. And basically it's about this reporter who goes undercover to try and find these jihadists and that recruit like young girls. And so she goes as this young girl who is just recently converted and that he tries to recruit him over there. And the whole thing is literally her sitting at her computer going back and forth between, let's see if you point it up, Doug. See if this, yes, that's it, I nailed it.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Profile, actually really good. Really? And it's literally the whole movie is her sitting in there, communicating, it's like you watching her, that type him back and forth on social media and then them Zoom calling. And like that's the whole movie. Wow. And it's really good.
Starting point is 00:33:25 I like movies like that. I like movies that are different, that challenge to norm. Yeah, and it's all about the writing. I mean, if you hit it, I mean, it's really good. Like if you can pull that off, right? Of like literally one room be able to do a whole entire plot. I mean, that just speaks to the content.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I'm a big dialogue guy. I love really good dialogue. I'm a movie snuggler. Doug and I, Doug and I. What are you talking about? It's a liar, dude. Tell me it's a liar, Doug. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:33:53 It's a liar. I like a variety. You're like a variety. I like a variety, but I love good dialogue. Quentin Tarantino movies, one of the reasons why their movies are so good, is they don't call as dialogue. And they don't talk like you normally would
Starting point is 00:34:08 agree with that. It's weird dialogue, but for some reason it works. It's what makes it reservoir dogs. It's my favorite example of that. That whole movie, the dialogue is just so interesting. Yeah, I mean, Quentin Tarantino is just a master for sure. I mean, you brought up the other day when I was challenging, but that's movies that came out that Jojo Rab, and I would have to agree with you guys,
Starting point is 00:34:26 that that's probably up there with one of the most, like, creative, well-written, well-shot, great cast. So there's another movie he did that I watch with my kids, and it was like such a random movie. I didn't even know he produced it, but it had that kid that was a big, you know, rotund kid from New Zealand. I forget the name of it, but it has this,
Starting point is 00:34:49 it's a really like endearing story about this kid. It's like from, what do they call those places where basically kid from? No, not a hostel where you adopt a kid from. Orfinage. Orfinage, thank you. And so he finds his way to this family and basically the mom dies. The mom was really sweet with him and all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:35:13 But what I like about the director is he takes a lot of really serious type of subject matter and he takes it through a lot of the child perspective and makes it somewhat whimsical. So this is the guy, the same director that did JoJo Rabbit. Oh really? He was the name, or you were Jesus? I don't remember the name of this. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Oh wait, for the name here, and I'm like, come on, guy. I'm trying to wrap up my brain, I'm talking. What is he? He was blue balls. That sure is his leg. Okay, okay, what is it? What is it? What is it? What is it got this song in there? This is why I remember. It's even like, it's like, it's like... Okay, okay, what is it? Ricky Baker, what is it? What is it? What is it?
Starting point is 00:35:47 What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it?
Starting point is 00:35:55 What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it?
Starting point is 00:36:03 What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? I guess like what the name is me. It's all right. I gotta do is look up the director from JoJo Rabbit, look up other movies he's done, and then you got it. And I always mess up his name too. It's like Taiki Wattita. Taika Wattita. Taika Wattita. Mm. Taika's why what?
Starting point is 00:36:14 I love him, dude. He's masterful with what he's been doing. Yeah, what a great word he used, by the way, whimsical. That's a great descriptive word, Justin. Yeah, you know what I mean? It is. Yeah, I mean that was JoJo Rabbit, right? Adam, you're gonna use it next.
Starting point is 00:36:26 You're just gonna say it wrong. I'm gonna say it. You're just gonna say it. You're just gonna say it. You know what I'm saying? You got a Pranee Way, it's a great movie. You'll figure it out. Hey, we'll put in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I got some good news. You guys want to hear some exciting of course. I mean, I guess it's good news. So this report just came out. More and more interesting stuff is coming out about you know the folks. What we just know. What we just went through you know this whole pandemic could I interrupt you a quick though? I asked you, did you respond to me about? Did you watch that? Closing counter with the fifth kind? Not the fifth kind. Yeah, that's a new one that's out I thought for sharing. The third kind was where I stopped. Is this it Doug? I don't know which
Starting point is 00:37:02 one you're talking about Justin. Okay. Yeah, it's okay. So the on the bottom road, it's the second one. He did Ragnarok. Yeah, he did Ragnarok. And he's also he just did the later the store. Wilder people hunt for the Wilder people. Hunt for the Wilder people. Well, no one wilder got the name. Yeah, I know. Wilder wilder. Yeah. Yeah. Make any sense. Yeah. I want to watch. Totally random. What so good though. What else did he do? He did what else he did? He did the latest Thor.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Um, thunder or something. Oh, the one that hasn't come out. What so good though what else did he do you just had he did what else he did either the latest Thor Thunder something oh the one that hasn't come out. We haven't come out. The one words God of thunder and something and he's also done an episode for Mandalorian So he was The Rock was the best one I think best one. Oh, yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah, it was one of the best one my favorite directors Totally all right, so I got some good news good news news, or I don't know. Check this out. Good news, or I don't know. Okay. I don't know. We'll take a vote.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Weird stuff's been coming out about this whole pandemic that we're coming out of, right? So new report comes out. We're in the Bay Area, right? So Bay Area is like San Jose, San Francisco, very populated part of California. So check this out. They revised the COVID-19 death toll. So they went back and revised it. People came back to life.
Starting point is 00:38:06 It seems that 25% of the fatalities were not caused by the virus. Oh. Oh. This. How convenient. Can I just leave the room? Yeah. This is it. I'm gonna walk. You know what's crazy about that?
Starting point is 00:38:20 What's crazy about that? That's a lot. Yeah. Now, you know what's crazy about this is that, here's what's crazy. It's not that they did this. That's fine. I is that the here's what's crazy it's not that they did this that's fine I was crazy about is that people were saying this and they were they were labeled conspiracy theorists right they were demonetized they were kicked off social media shame on people you know that the Facebook for example that's bullshit Facebook did you
Starting point is 00:38:38 know that if you said that the virus came out of Wuhan lab they would have kicked you off a Facebook right for now for now, they're allowing it because reports are showing that it might have actually come out of. Now, are you guys following? Do you know anybody that's read Fouchy's book and is anybody following it? His emails are very ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Yeah, I don't know. I'm not following any of that stuff. So one of his emails he said, he went back and forth talking about how masks aren't really that effective. They don't protect the wearer. They might protect other people a little bit from, you know, big pieces of spit. But he says it's like very minimal. They said that asymptomatic people probably aren't really spreading it, which that was a big thing they talked about. All these symptoms. That's a really big one. That's a big one. Because then now, like, I mean, that became just hysteria for anybody is basically disease.
Starting point is 00:39:30 You're looking at everybody's disease that way because it doesn't matter. Like, you're gonna get my gramma sick. Yeah, so. So what's gonna happen in California? I just heard that Nusom pulled the whole, we were supposed to go in what in a week or so, we were supposed to go full.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, he just completely just didn't even, like he went back on that promise 100%. So, okay, I'm not, again, I'm not falling. So, it was supposed to be what? June or July 15th? So, I thought it was June 16th. Or, one of those. Yeah, it was coming up, really soon here.
Starting point is 00:39:57 It's June? It's a date. Either way. Yeah, yeah. And what they were supposed to do. It's an arbitrary date. They were supposed to lift the mask mandate. Was that what it would mean?
Starting point is 00:40:04 Yes. Lift it, yeah, completely. And we were supposed to go the mask mandate. Was that what it would mean? Yes. Lift it, yeah, completely. And there's a lot of people who just went back on it. So my theory is what, like I guess, maybe he's feeling the heat that he's not coming back. So now he's like, oh, well, whatever. I guess I'm gonna shit on everybody. Yeah, just punish you now.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Maybe. June 15th, see? You know, California's got the, well, the US in general, the cases are coming out very, very low, but California is tiny. I think we're having like a hundred. I know, so you guys are following this. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:40:31 So, why, if we are, cases are diving, we have, I think, some of the highest percentage of people are vaccinated here. Yeah, in the Bay Area, 70%. Okay, so what was his reason? What's his reason? I don't know. I mean, not what really is his reason. What is he saying?
Starting point is 00:40:47 That's what I want to know. I know there's a bunch of bullshit behind the scene. I don't know his statement. But if all those numbers are going down, we originally were supposed to open up on this. How does he make the case? If you're, yeah, follow the science guy. Like, let me hear the science.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I think the, what they're saying is they want to, we're not out of the woods, we don't want to prevent a particular surge again, right? I think that's what they're saying. I believe that the reason why they're doing it is because it adds more pressure for vaccinations. Because remember, it's going to be, you don't need to wear one if you're vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:41:23 So it's going to continue to apply pressure. I think they're still trying to push to get more people vaccinated because obviously one if you're vaccinated. So it's gonna continue to apply pressure. I think they're still trying to push to get more people vaccinated because obviously the more people like you vaccinated, the lower the rate. Which is so weird, that's how it is in Nevada right now. So Nevada is, if you have been vaccinated,
Starting point is 00:41:35 you don't have to wear a mask. But then it's the honor system because legally they can't ask you to prove that you've been vaccinated. And finally it's HIPAA. So then what the, you're not legally supposed to tell anybody what've been vaccinated. And finally, it's HIPAA. So then what the VAR? You're not legally supposed to tell anybody
Starting point is 00:41:47 what your medical history is. Yeah, no. So that is clearly defined. So that makes such a moot rule to have, right? That makes no sense at all. Nonetheless, I mean, a decent chunk of Americans have been vaccinated in California quite a bit. I think California is like eighth in the country.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I think the number one country for vaccinations is real. I'm not mistaken. Yeah, I think Israel is number one, but I think our cases, if I'm not mistaken, we're close to 60% 50% in the US. I don't know what the number is for what they call herd immunity, where certain percentage,
Starting point is 00:42:23 I think it needs to be like 75% or more. So in my personal opinion, I think they're just trying to continue to apply pressure. Because I feel like what happens is they think if they lift these mandates, the pressure comes off and then less people will want to go get vaccinated because they'll see around them, oh, it's not that bad because it's a reminder, right? Oh, everybody's still wearing a mask. We still need to go. Yeah, it's partially that bad because it's a reminder right? Oh everybody's still wearing a mask We still need to go yeah partially that but it's mostly pride. Yeah, yeah, it's because he said and he put so much weight on the fact that You know, we were the only state that was so strict about that and look what it did nothing Yeah, look at all the other states that are flourishing right now. Yeah, that's that's there's actually not a bad point when you compare the states the
Starting point is 00:43:04 Populous states they're finding that that's why it's not a bad point when you compare the states the popular states They're finding that that's why it's glad. I'm glad you know why I read a huge article on this So I read this article. There was a study. I don't remember what university did it But they did a huge study on the masks the mandates and what impact and also on Mandatory social distancing like closing down businesses. Yeah, and especially that. And they wanted to see from state to state, didn't make a big difference if like in California, we had the strictest social distancing laws and we shut down the most businesses.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And then you have states like Florida and Texas, which were much more loose. And what they found, and I remember the University of Dices was an actual study, so this is my opinion, this is a study. They found it didn't make a difference. Now, the scientists couldn't understand why. Why didn't this make a difference? If we'd obviously, you're gonna spread less disease
Starting point is 00:43:52 if you're not around as many people, why is it that California that shut down so many businesses didn't do that much better per capita than a place like Florida or Texas? And here's what they found. And again, this is the one thing that we always dismiss is that in those other states, where businesses were allowed to open much sooner
Starting point is 00:44:11 and people were allowed by the state to do other certain activities, people voluntarily socially distance themselves. People acted in their own best interests. So although businesses were allowed to be open, lots of people were not going to restaurants. If they did, they saw that there were people in there, they didn't go in there because there were too many people.
Starting point is 00:44:27 So people through their own actions actually did the social distancing thing. This was always my argument was, if you force people to do it, they're gonna blame you and shit goes wrong. If you allow them to make those choices, they take on that responsibility themselves. So I have a question for you that has nothing to do with this.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It's nutrition related. So you know that I did the whole carnivore-esque diet know themselves. So I have a question for you that has nothing to do with this. It's nutrition-related. So you know that I did the whole carnivore-esque diet for a while and I've been introducing foods. Yeah, how's that been, by the way? It's been going good. I've reintroduced a lot of different foods and then pull them out back in and just kind of test how things are reacting. I think I shared with you that I was really bummed out that I've been having way shakes and the way shakes have bothered me. And so I'm like this kind of sucks because I love way protein shakes. Now, I have also introduced the magic spoon back in and I've pulled it out multiple times. For some reason, magic spoon doesn't bother me, but then a way shake by itself does,
Starting point is 00:45:19 yet I know magic spoon uses way protein. Do you have any idea why that would be? Is it because maybe the... Different ingredients added in? That's what I'm wondering. Is it because the magic spoon has got other ingredients that it's paired with and just pure straight way? Is it just, it's, and because maybe...
Starting point is 00:45:36 That's a really good question. And I know that in the past that I've never, I've been like... So you have no reaction to the magic spoon? At all. At all. Now are you eating like 40 grams of protein at a time when you're eating the magic spoon?
Starting point is 00:45:48 Like is it the same amount? So that's what I'm wondering, is it maybe because I'm getting more way in a serving of a scoop of way of protein in a protein- Yeah, more concentrated. Yeah, because the protein in magic spoon is they use way, but they also use milk protein,
Starting point is 00:46:04 which is both cas casing and way. So maybe it's the amount of way, or it could be some other ingredient. That's very strange. Yeah, I haven't, and I've already done this enough times that it's like, okay, magic spoon doesn't bother me at all. Especially if I am using it with almond milk, instead of using it with dairy, right?
Starting point is 00:46:19 So I've noticed that when I have it with that, I feel completely, and I can have a big hole bowl, not like a tiny little bowl, so I'm a big bowl of it, which I'm assuming is, and I haven't measured, so I should measure to give you the number, so I can be a little more precise about this, because your theory is that, oh, maybe I'm only getting 20 something grams from magic spoon of way at a shot,
Starting point is 00:46:37 and then versus maybe getting 30 to 40 grams from the way she traded. Yeah, I don't know, but it's, I've done it enough times now that I'm sensitive to just the shake, and it's not bad, right? So what I still notice is that I can have little bouts of it. I can't take a lot of dairy.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I wonder if it's the amount. I wonder if it is the amount or just being concentrated. Yeah, exactly. So I don't know. That was really, really interesting. Magic Spoon is just an interesting company for me to look at period. I don't see anybody coming close to competing with them in the market still.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And this is a, I mean, there's going to be competition that has to be, this market's exploding. I can't think of another high quality protein, high protein cereal that also tastes everywhere. They're everywhere, right? You guys seen there. But this good quality protein makes me feel good too, because like I, I don't like being the stickler so much with my kids and like what, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:34 having them still have a, you know, something that's a treat and fun and that they can have for like, sorry, more like I enjoyed that whole experience, but obviously that was garbage. I was putting in and so it's like I, it's just so nice to have that as an alternative that they can look forward to it as well, and it's not as damaging. What was your cereal again when you were a kid? You had a favorite.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It was a pop. Cinnamon toast crunchy. Yeah, right away. Boy, that's the best. That was a jam. Oh, dude, it was like crack. Yeah, you guys didn't like, what was it? Smacks?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Was it the one with the frog? Yeah, I don't like that one. Really? Sugar smacks? No. They didn with the frog? Yeah, I like that one really. It was terrible sugar smacks. No, I didn't even mess around with the name. I mean, free loops is okay. I mean, frost flags like that was a good jam, too. But back in the day, they eat it quick though. Back in the day, they were pretty bold.
Starting point is 00:48:15 You know what I mean? Like, what do you mean? They name this serial for kids? Sugar smacks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're insulin sugar. You know, it's not really. Drinks, I forget what the generic version was. That's what we had.
Starting point is 00:48:27 They came in the big giant. Oh, sugar blow. Oh, cool. Yeah, I want some sugar blow, mom. It would probably call sugar puffs. Yeah, I think it was. I think it was sugar. Okay, honey, you said the snorted.
Starting point is 00:48:37 My mouth's on me. It was the brand. It came in a big plastic bag. And they have those pixie sticks that basically, like you just, it's just sugar. Pure sugar and like like those are still popular You know that they now have like oh like one up those they come they come in like these big thick tubes You never had the one from you guys never went to your dextrose. Yeah. Yes. Did you never go to the the ice cream man and get the big long
Starting point is 00:49:01 Plastic one. Yes, the ones that that's what I'm talking about. Oh my god Did you ever get that? Yeah, my brother. No, I never got that. Oh, I did That was hard. That was the shit. I was the cookie dough guy. Yeah, you guys remember that not from the ice cream man No, no, no, he just no, I'm just like that was my thing You just went to the grocery store and I walk home. He the whole fucking thing Disgusting all your friends are at the ice here, man. You're looking at him like you don't even know. You don't even know. You don't even know.
Starting point is 00:49:29 That's where it started. Shhh. Shhh. Quick call. I'm going for everything. Max. Qua. Today's calls brought to you by Max and Obolic.
Starting point is 00:49:41 If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start! With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk! So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today! It's the ball of fucking four! An eagle has landed! Quikwa... First question is from C Greenwood 32. What are the golden rules of training for performance?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Oh, that's a just a question. Golden rules. Yeah, just a, give us a golden rule. Well, I mean, the biggest thing I think that I've adjusted with athletes was to really, you know, pay close attention to like how your joints, like what your range of motion is, the integrity, like the movement quality in general,
Starting point is 00:50:31 I think that we kind of leap past all of the prerequisites towards training. And I think there's just so much attention there that needs to be had because these sports require so much out of our bodies. I mean, we're moving all different directions. We have to stabilize, we have to like, provide power when we need it.
Starting point is 00:50:48 So it's like so much you have to build upon that that if you haven't put the work in there, I would have immediately drive them back into like quality of movement and how we need to address each individual joint specifically. I think another golden rule that we have to list because we, I think we revisit this every week when we get a quaw is nothing is going to make you better at playing your sport than playing your sport.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Yeah, in fact, I would name that rule skill is the most important thing. Right. Skill over anything else because it's got to be the most important. It's a very, I mean, every week we have a question related to sports and also looking good and people, should I practice my sport more or should I work out more? Right. And it's all, if you want to be good at your sport, nothing is going to make you better at that
Starting point is 00:51:30 than actually. That's great. So I would say definitely skill over anything else is always number one. And then when we get to physical performance, Justin said a good one, mobility is very important. Lack of mobility is one of the number one reasons by people hurt themselves
Starting point is 00:51:45 And then you can't play your sport at all and another one I would add is that strength For most sports or for most physical pursuits is the foundational physical pursuit meaning what does that mean? That means if you get stronger you generally improve your performance and other metrics You can't say this for other metrics. Like if I make my speed better, my endurance better, my agility better, I don't necessarily get better in everything else, but with strength, we tend to. Now this doesn't mean you just focus on strength and you ignore everything else, but it does mean that strength is very important.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And it's more important the younger you are and the newer you are. As you get older, things get more fine too. What I mean my older is more experienced, not older like in my 40s and 50s, but rather I've been playing for years and years, then it's less important, but when you first get started, you want this kind of general strength
Starting point is 00:52:37 because it's gonna help you. You have a real strong base to work with. And that's why you guys brought up skills, like it's hand in hand. You never lose sight of skills training. That has to evolve as you get stronger as well. Otherwise, you know, there's going to be a big disparity between the two once and this happened to me even just focusing completely on getting bigger, getting stronger. But now that affected my actual movement and my performance on the field because I wasn't keeping maintaining up my skill.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Now, what about like the said principle, right? Like, I mean, what you guys, what you train is what you're gonna get, right? So if you have somebody who is trying, has a very specific sport, there's obvious specific movements that carry over that are gonna benefit you versus doing world general. I know you made the point,
Starting point is 00:53:21 general strength is the foundation, but then after that point, if you're a a tennis player trying to get good versus a football play, right the specific exercises that you are doing is going to be completely different. Alignment doesn't require as much rotational strength. Let's say like a tennis player is going to. I'd say the more advanced in competition you are and the more experienced the more important that is. Right. If I'm training a new athlete, general strength is going to give them the most bang for their buck. But when you're training someone who's been playing for a long time,
Starting point is 00:53:52 you want to start to focus more on specific types of strength and mobility plays an even bigger role. Right. Because as you get bigger, faster, you're playing against people that are better, mobility becomes oftentimes the difference between a winning team and a losing team. Typically, I mean, if you're at your peak performance, that's what's going to carry you, you know, and like provide longevity in your career is to really address those things. And I think that's why I brought that up first is because it was something that was completely like, breezed over.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Like we'd have like a barely even a warm up. And then we'd get into this really intense workout or intense practices and people were dropping flies. And the reason being is there just wasn't that quality control and attention that right? Well to that point, another goal in real I think is that the real work is done in the off season. So I think that was like that. I mean, I used to talk about even competitors on stage, that's what I'd tell them. And I think athletes are the same way.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Like the real work is done in the off season as far as how hard you're training and getting after it. Once you get into season play, you're just trying to prevent yourself from getting hurt. That's right. Like then it's more about protecting you than it is progressing. And so, and then becomes all skill mostly
Starting point is 00:55:02 at that time and taking care of yourself. So the real work is done in the off season. Next question is from 12 weeks out. When should you train through pain versus taking time off? It seems like doctors want to sideline you if you have any pain at all. You know, the more you work out, the more you start to kind of learn your body, the easier it is for you to decipher good pain from bad pain. Why is it important to know the difference between good pain and bad pain? Because then
Starting point is 00:55:31 I can move within my limits. I know what my edges are, right? So if my knee is sore or my hip is sore, it's slightly injured. I can work on mobility and I can go to the edge and know that if I go beyond this particular range of motion, I'm going to injure myself further, but I can move up to that edge and work on strengthening it, bringing blood to the area, which oftentimes will accelerate recovery. So this is when it becomes very important to understand the difference. Now for someone listening who's like, oh gosh, that sounds so hard to decipher. You know, start with this.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Soar muscles, typically moving them with low intensity is a great thing. Joints oftentimes need rest. Not always can you move through joint pain and make them feel better. Oftentimes, if a joint hurts, if it's in the joint, oftentimes rest is something that that particular situation
Starting point is 00:56:26 is. Well, I always think that pain worries me, right? So, one says, I'm in pain or something, I have pain somewhere, versus I'm sore. Soren pain are different. Like, somebody can be very sore. They both hurt. I know, but, and a lot of people interpret soreness as pain, which is muscle soreness, which is not as big of a deal. And training through it a lot of times is actually a great thing for you to do. But if a client complains to me that they have pain, and like the pain is not going away, like soreness should progressively get better over time, right?
Starting point is 00:56:55 So as days go by, you're a little less sore, a little less sore, just because you're resting and recovering. A lot of times, if you've injured something, and you have serious pain somewhere, two days, three days, five days, doesn't make a difference. And that's where I'm like telling a client, okay, you should probably go see a doctor, we might need an MRI, we might need an X-ray,
Starting point is 00:57:12 because you may have tore something, you may have broke something, you may have fractured something, and that is, to me, pain. But being sore, and it being, you know, painful, because you're sore, that's a different story, because you might have just over-trained a little bit, and then there's tremendous value, and doing mobility work and working through it and
Starting point is 00:57:28 getting some circulation, getting rehydrated, things like that. But you have to be able to decipher the two. This is kind of a role of thumb. Does light movement make the pain feel better? Usually, yeah, or worse, right? Usually if it makes it feel better, then movements what you wanna do, if you do light movement and then it feels worse,
Starting point is 00:57:49 then you probably should set it aside and let it rest. I still think it's better to at least go through that and find where those edges are. Just so you know, because at the end of the day, you're still gonna have to function and walk and move and do things and lift bags of groceries. And you're gonna have to go on with the rest of how you would normally do things.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And so to start that process in a very gradual way, I think has value in itself. But it is scary to, when you're getting these parameters in the doctor's tone, you're like, no, I don't want you to move at all. But there's definitely degrees of what your body's gonna tell you in terms of a signal of pain. This is where that range is for you.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Well, that's a good point, because even a physical therapist after you've tore something or broke something, they take you through that. I mean, that's part of the process of rehab is, they put you to those in limits. I mean, that's part of the process of rehab is, they put you to those in limits. I mean, a lot of times rehab is painful and is tough because they're pushing those in ranges and stretching your capacity.
Starting point is 00:58:53 So that, just a little, if you have a major injury and you're in major pain, doing that by yourself without the expertise or the guidance. Yeah, that to me, that's something that's like, by the way, this is one of the main values of Exercising regularly is it puts you in your body. I used to he used to blow me away when I was a new trainer And I would train a client that really never exercised on a regular basis Just how outside of their body they were like they would do an extra I used to get this all the time
Starting point is 00:59:20 They're doing an exercise that's targeting a specific area and they'd be like, where am I supposed to feel this? You know, what do you mean where are you supposed to feel this? In their fatiguing too and they just feel it everywhere, or their sore and they'd be like, I think I hurt myself. I was like, well no, that's actually what muscle soreness feels like, or they couldn't tolerate the fatigue or pain from regular appropriate exercise. So when you exercise on a regular basis,
Starting point is 00:59:45 you actually learn to be in your body, you learn to decipher. And tune with it. Exactly, because if you never do that stuff, you're literally detached from your body. And I've seen this time and time again with new clients, and it was always strange to me, but then you'd see them improve their connection
Starting point is 00:59:59 as they continue to be consistent. Next question is from Peaceful Canoevo. How should you deal with the clicking or popping in the shoulders when doing an overhead press? It isn't painful, but prevents me from going heavier and owning the movement. You know, of all the joints in the body, the shoulder joint is one of the more complex, because you have the humerus that moves in the shoulder joint. You have the AC joint, which does some function. Then you have the scapula, that moves in lots of different directions, it can retract, it can abduct, adduct.
Starting point is 01:00:34 It does all these weird movements, and all of those have to move together in the right way. Part of the reason why is we evolved to throw with tremendous accuracy. So we have this really mobile, interesting shoulder joint. Meanwhile, it's floating. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And so if you're feeling pain, I mean, you're doing the overhead press. What's happening is one of these moving parts isn't moving the way that it should. It's not moving optimally. And if you continue to push through this, you can cause yourself a lot of pain. So what I would suggest is avoid overhead shoulder press and focus
Starting point is 01:01:05 on shoulder mobility. Then when you work yourself back into the overhead press, go very light and relearn how to move. Do not go heavy. The second you go heavy, you go back to your old way of moving. Go light and move in a way that avoids the clicking pain. And it won't feel very natural at first because it's a new way of moving. But eventually you'll become your new pattern. Well, this person is also not, they say it's not painful. And I've been told that the popping sound is just air in your joints, right? So a lot of times when you hear popping and it's not painful.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Well, they're saying it isn't painful, but prevents me from going heavier. Well, maybe that tells me there's something else. You that are from fear, or at least that's how I was reading this. I was reading this like, because sometimes that, you hear that like popping of the joints and it's not painful, but you hear it like, okay, so I just did a video not that long ago on my Instagram and you can hear my ankles popping like crazy,
Starting point is 01:01:57 but it doesn't hurt me at all. Well, there's a difference between joints popping because of the suction that's created and the gas that's released like when you pull a suction cup off the window. And then there's the popping that comes from tendons and ligaments flipping over each other over and over again.
Starting point is 01:02:10 And that can become a problem. Yeah, which is the worry. Like it's gonna be dislocated or, you know, like, so there's different concerns there, I think, for people. And maybe that's happened to them in the past. And then they still have like a bit of clicking that they're kind of working through with that. But still, that's one of those things where I'm definitely slowing it down, working on
Starting point is 01:02:31 building up more tension and support around the joint as I'm going through those movements. But part of that clicking, for some people, is just going to be part of the process. Right. If this person is not priming, you've got to be priming. I mean, I tell you what, go do some hand cup with rotation or suspension trainer W's before you go and do your shoulder press or zone one in maps prime, address all that, and then go in and then tell me. Now, if it's a mobility issue and you're just not aligned
Starting point is 01:03:01 very well and then you go do these movements and then it completely eliminates that, then there's your issue right there. You're just not aligned very well and then you go do these movements and then it completely eliminates that then there's your issue right there. You're just not lined up properly. It's not tracking like it should be and you just need to prime for it. I have this and I have this more right now than usual. I'm noticing my right side a lot because that's where I carry max. I've got to put an extra work on my right side to get it back in its position before I go do bench press
Starting point is 01:03:25 or overhead press. If I don't and neglect it, I can do the movements but I'll feel that clicking and popping. It might actually bothers me. It doesn't feel good at all. So if that's the issue and you need to be priming before you go into these movements. Next question is from 713 Clown. If you eat the same healthy foods on a regular basis, does your body get used to the nutrients and they stop being beneficial? I've heard this before and I don't know if I believe it. No, it doesn't work like that.
Starting point is 01:03:53 What could happen is you could have nutrient deficiencies because you're not eating foods that contain particular nutrients. That's right. Now, if you're eating a lot of animal products and meats, you're probably okay. Red meat contains a lot, it's very nutrient dense, so you're probably fine. This is more of an issue for vegans. When they get stuck in the cycle of eating the same vegetable sources or the same vegan sources,
Starting point is 01:04:18 they run to issues because they need a more wide variety to provide themselves with nutrients that they'll be missing. Now, there is one potential other issue. If you're eating the same foods over and over again and you have gut inflammation, you could increase your risk of developing a food intolerance because your body's being exposed to the same food over and over again. You have inflammation of the gut, your body now is developing an immune response to that particular food. Next thing, the sweet potato that you eat every single day now is something that bothers your gut or your body because you've developed an immune response. But other than that, this is not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 01:04:56 I think we eat one food all the time. This could become an issue, but it fits the same four, five foods and you have two animal sources. You don't hear that though from carnivore, right? You don't hear that from them because of how nutrient dense meat is. Sure. So it's not, and it's not just vegans that have this issue,
Starting point is 01:05:10 but it is if you do tend to only eat a few things and you stick to that all the time and you don't get a lot of meat. There's a sort of a looses this potency, I guess. Right, well, the potter, or you just are missing some nutrients that just those foods. There's that story, there's a girl, I think she developed some big issues.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I was a story a while ago, cause all she would eat were chicken nuggets. She had a weird, you know, aversion to any of the food in all she would eat pizza too. And there's stuff like that. And they get away with it for a long ass time. Yeah. Because a lot of these foods are fortified.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Well, yeah, and the body is resilient as shit. I mean, it will, it's goal is to survive. So, and if you're giving it some sort of fuel, it'll figure itself out. Does not mean it's running optimally, and it won't, doesn't mean that it won't catch up with you eventually. Now, it definitely doesn't mean that it loses its benefit.
Starting point is 01:05:58 I mean, you're, you're, you're, you're, no. No, you're still getting the same nutrients. I, I think though there is some value in like eating with the seasons, just because it's already there in nature. You see like how these different types of vegetables and plants, you know, have provided you with like, you know, like certain nutrients going into the colder. That's true. You know, seasons. And so you'll get, you'll get some of that benefit just by following nature patterns. Now, you know what the big value is with doing that is in my opinion, psychological.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I think there's a huge value to changing the way you eat, either with the seasons or with your goals. You're more accustomed to wide variety. You're less likely to have to always be in this rigid box. Then if you go off, oh my gosh, I go way off and I binge all of a sudden. I never eat carbs. Now, all of a sudden, I eat some carbs. I'm going to eat all the carbs.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Type of deal, for example. So I think the psychological benefit is really high. You know who does this the most is bodybuilders, mainly when they're in preseason or excuse not preseason precontest, will they'll eat the same like four things all the time, like tilapia, chicken, broccoli, asparagus, and some white rice. It's the same thing all the time. But again, it's more of a psychological issue that I see. Because then when they go off, it becomes like this.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Oh my gosh, the chains are off. I can do whatever I want. Well, we've always, I mean, promoted that on the show, the food rotation. I just think that's just be aware of those things, especially when there's foods like, for example, like fish, right? So I don't always have fish in the diet,
Starting point is 01:07:25 but I try and be aware of, you know, when I've done a week or two and I haven't got any fish in the diet, then I will actively go out there or when Katrina is asking me when she's ordering our food, our groceries and she says, you know, what do you want for dinner this week? So you know, let throw some fish in there. It's been a week or two since we had that.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Make sure we get that in there. Or if we've been doing a lot of red meat, then I'll throw some white meat in there. So I just think it's in the vegetables or trying to change all the colors up. So I just think it's a good habit for people to try and get into is to rotate your foods because different foods provide different nutrients.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And if you have a good rotation, you're probably gonna cover most bases. Agreed. Look, if you like our content, you'll love our free stuff that we offer at MindPumpFree.com. It's free, great information. We do it for all of our fans and listeners, head over there. Also you can find us on Instagram, so you can find Justin at MindPump Justin, me and
Starting point is 01:08:15 MindPump Salon, Adam at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance. Check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:08:47 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Until next time, this is Mindbomb.

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