Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 160: Detox teas, cleanses, super juices & other hocus pocus

Episode Date: October 5, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin reveal the RAW TRUTH about the newest fads of the day and how you can get the benefits you are seeking without buying overpriced, hyped-up products with outlandish claims....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Woo, we're going to the chair go! Yeah, we got fun again! We got to have a thank you, wow! Yeah! That's never a little high. that is my type of song right there, dude. I played
Starting point is 00:00:31 I'm over here doing the crab dance. Yeah, I'm better with you than Adam is on this thing here. Let's be honest I actually like every time I start I look at you. I want to give out of a chance though We should get harmonica so we can just get on G. I want to give it a chance for singing. I am completely okay with not being the best at everything, bro. I know. So you said it. Yeah, it shows.
Starting point is 00:00:55 So you said you want to sing. I like how you're screwed up. Dude, you don't lose much muscle after being sick. You still look kind of... No, he didn't lose any muscle. No, I didn't lose any muscle. I don't lose anyway, and yeah, I tell you what here's the here's the crazy I can't tell if you're being sarcastic Let's get like hop some entry. I guys are talking so much shit these days. I'm like I can't even keep up No, no, he looks pretty good. I mean I was I came back all the excited
Starting point is 00:01:19 All right, I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna be smaller Oh, I'm gonna show them what time it is. It's the same. Well, lucky for me, the one day. You're gonna get sick. Sick enough. The one day I trained, I was on a big screen though.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I did some heavy, heavy school, what's heavy for me? I mean, it's not sal heavy, but I did some heavy squats. And so my legs got crushed, and then I got sick, and then I was down. And I'm just a little crazy like that where I was sick laying a bed and not feeling good. I'm still, you know, the chicken soup, my girl makes chicken soup and I got like 12 ounces of chicken in my soup, you know. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So I'll make it sure I'm getting my girl makes it bad. Yeah, like five chicken breasts and water. Yeah, that's seriously. So I was, in my meals were not good. And typically when I get sick like that, I do. I crave a lot of bad stuff, you know, I want bad food. What was the worst thing you ate when you were sick like that, I do. I crave a lot of bad stuff. You know, I want bad food. What was the worst thing you ate when you were sick? Uh, frozen yogurt.
Starting point is 00:02:08 That's not bad. I know. That's the worst thing. Well, let me see. I gotta have some better now, right? Bro, I had a fucking double burger yesterday, not yesterday. A double? Double.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Oh, I had a burger. A double homemade burger. It's manly. Yeah. I had a buckhorn grill burger. I did have a guacamole So I had a guacamole bacon burger one night. Oh, yeah, and then I had Derek clean No, I just had a blizzard yeah, it's a win my wife was was pregnant and like having these crazy ass cravings and We were like driving we were driving everywhere.
Starting point is 00:02:45 We went to, she wanted a fosters freeze. Yes, like specific. You know, I want a 40 specific sprinkles on it and all this shit. You had to find it. And I was like working and it was like right near where I work at this gym and I'm like hiding, you know, we actually found, we had to go define
Starting point is 00:03:04 that like it was a dairy queen because the fosters freeze was close, we went to the dairy queen and it'm like hiding, you know, we actually found, we had to go define that, like it was a dairy queen, like as the fastest freeze was close, we went to the dairy queen, it was like right next to the gym, and I'm like, foot in their shirt over my head. I don't want anybody to see me in there. You know, that's like the most embarrassing thing too, when you're a personal trainer, right? And you have to go into some fast food place
Starting point is 00:03:19 or something that's nearby, and it's like, you're some clients or somebody's- Dude, because everybody in there is in Namibah. They're like fucking like blobs of human. Y'all huge. Dude, you know what I mean? Like nobody like, they're flexing. In broad daylight goes to like those places
Starting point is 00:03:38 unless they just don't give a fuck. The biggest people you'll ever see in your life eat at the hometown buffet. The people of Walmart. You ever go to the home town buffet? No, I have. You used to be my grandma's family. I'd play this hometown buffet.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I find it, I just find it fast. The buffet is disgusting because I've been a year up before, when you're in Europe, it's not like that. It's a lot of skinnier. A lot of skinnier. It's not just a lot skinnier or kind of, it's, I literally, I think I was there for like 10 days, right? I think I saw two people in 10 days
Starting point is 00:04:08 and all I did was walk and take the metro everywhere. I think I saw two people that we would consider portions or just not what we have. And they just they walk every day. And they're very active. Did you, have you tried to buy a shirt in Europe? Oh yeah, the size is, yeah. I'll get an extra large and it's fucking skin tight.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah, yeah. Extra large skin tight. And I'm not massive. It's like Ted Baker. It's like one of my favorite brands. It's like, I can't wear anything. Yeah. The guy in the ladies is like, oh, we carry double X.
Starting point is 00:04:36 So I'm like, oh, great. Could you get it? And I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? This is a double X. It's like a medium anywhere else. This is just not safe. It's a fanny pack. Yeah, I love that style. and I can't wear it.
Starting point is 00:04:46 It's just not, it's built for skinny little 130 pound dudes. Dude, I just put it on. They do not have like buff dudes. Just put it on tight dude. Just put it on tight. I do. You've seen my shorts. Those are them right there. Which shorts, my shorts that I have.
Starting point is 00:05:01 That's what you call it. The ones you prance around it? Yeah, yeah. Prance. shorts that I have, that's what you call it. The ones you prance around it? Yeah, yeah, they prance around it. Yeah, no, no, no, no. No, but yeah, so when you go over there, you do not see it. People are, there's no big, and we just get used to that here. Bro, they don't even lift weights over there.
Starting point is 00:05:19 So I went, it's not that popular, it's not as popular. At least maybe it is now, but I went when I was running and walking is. Well, like, I'm speaking for Italy now, soccer is very popular, right? So I went when I was 19, so that's quite a bit, it's about 15, 16, 17 years ago. And I went to Italy, 19 years old, I go to the gym, and I'm not a massive dude. I'm muscular, but I'm not huge'm not a massive dude I'm muscular but I'm not huge over there I was massive Hercules dude I'm working out bro I st a crowd formed around me really I swore to God wow a crowd formed around me and then they
Starting point is 00:05:54 applauded after I was doing my sets I am not making the shit it was the weirdest thing ever oh man I'm like video yeah'm huge over here. Yeah. I was felt like Arnold, I would over there with an ex girlfriend and she, you know, I'm gonna if you guys remember Monique or not, but she's like a figure competitor. So she's like, you know, she walks around like 150 as a female, like lean is fuck 150. She could be 175, no problem with a flat stomach. Wow. So she's like, jack. She's got the kids.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah. Right. And so, and then I'm all beefed out, probably two, 30 or so, we're walking around Europe and just people looked at us and it wasn't like, see here, you walk around and somebody sees like a fit couple. It's like, I feel like it's like you get admired or people will compliment you or something like that. Yeah. There, they are staring at you like you're from the circus. You know, people are tapping on each one of the like, look, and it's like gross. They're like whoa what is wrong with them? Do my my buddy weighs 220 he went to He worked in Japan for a second and people will come up to him and ask him a few as a pro wrestler Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got in a foul player the other day
Starting point is 00:06:56 It was pretty fun. Yeah, in the grocery store She's like she's and she's I was telling my girl that she's she's ringing up her groceries and I can see her And I'm down on my phone. I'm texting him like waiting waiting for my turn and she's right in front of me and she's checking out she keeps looking back and It's like I can see you right looking at even though I'm looking at my phone I can see you like turning around she's looking at me head to toe head to head to she's looking back looking back looking back Looking back and finally when I peel away from my phone and make any sort of eye contact whether she finds Excuse me. I don't mean to be rude, but are you a professional football player? Like, no.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Excuse me, can I touch your penis? Can I, can I, oh, am I wrong? Do you want to spank me? Yeah. No. No, I was trying to think, dude, the only time I had this like really bizarre, like so I, they must have thought I was famous or something.
Starting point is 00:07:46 It was really weird. I was in Orlando with my brother at Disneyland. There was like, there's how there's huge groups of people and they all have the same shirt and it's the same color and all that. So it was all Asian chicks. And like they were all in this like elevator or like pass through with me and my brother. And they were like all pointed at me and then they just won by one started coming up to me and taking pictures with me and like. If you would stop them, I didn't even, I couldn't ever stand them. I was like sitting there
Starting point is 00:08:21 I was like, what's going on? They were talking shit. Look at that. Look at that super white American. Let's go take pictures. He looks like he glows the dark. The abominable smooth man. There he is. Abominable. Oh, so I have a bone to pick. That was me.
Starting point is 00:08:37 What happened? That was quick. Like a little cool. I do. I have a bone to pick. I've got a fucking bone to pick. All right, I picked this. You know what, dude, I... What'd you do? have a pick I've got a fucking bone to pick this you know I did I would you do pick a bone
Starting point is 00:08:45 So I started it today by by posting on my Instagram and I'm so fucking tired of my news and it sucks because a lot of these motherfuckers are my friends Dude our fitness people. I know what you're gonna say our fitness fitness people. Fitness people. People that call them fitness professionals. You're not a professional if you fucking sling this shit. Okay? If you go around and you're pushing fucking detox teas and cleanses and goji juices and all that bullshit out there, you are no longer a fitness professional in my eyes.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I don't give a shit how many fucking national certifications, what gym you work for, or whatever it is you do. If you're going around pedaling that shit, you are not a fitness professional in my opinion anymore. Now that being said, if they wanna pay us money to talk about their brother. Yeah, put us at the top.
Starting point is 00:09:34 No, they're pyramid. It's literally, it's like every other stupid thing now, and my newest feed is somebody talking about these detox teas or these cleanses, and you and you know what here's a here You know and I'm so and I know Ev I love you brother. I know you're listening to this I'm not this isn't towards you, but I this is what stem from right here, right? So I come home and my boy Okay, my boy my boy Ev my roommate dude He's you know, he's got his new girlfriend over and they're fucking breaking out the detoxing and he's doing a something and my here's my girl. She's such an instigator, right? This is two nights
Starting point is 00:10:07 ago. And and I see him and he's doing this whole, you know, he's teaching her how to do it and everything that they're all, you know, detoxing it's, you know, part of the reading instructions, like, you know, eliminate red meats and stop this and stop that and it's a 10 day cleanse thing, right? And I go upstairs and I'm like, you see your brother. And she's like, no, what's he doing? And I go, well, he's he's got his girl in him. They're doing a detox thing now. And she's like, why don't you say something to him? I'm like, I don't want to say something to him. If he wants it, it's not going to be hurt him. It's going to be, I mean, it's going to help him out. It's going to do. But it's like he, he lives with
Starting point is 00:10:38 me. He probably should ask me these things like this. I'd probably save him a few bucks before he goes and gets it, right? I said, if you were to, and there are intermittent fasting guide, I have the book on the table. And I'm like, you would open the book and actually turn to the page and it shows all the health benefits. It trumps all the health benefits in that. Well, that's, that's the health benefits of a client. Right. It's the fast. Yeah. And this is where I'm getting to this, right? So, in all these things. So what is my girl do last night? And I'm, I'm sitting on the couch and he, he comes walking in and she goes in front of him.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Hey, babe, did you tell Ev about his detox tea? I love Katrina. And I go, no, no, no, no. And I was like, what, what's going on with my detox tea? I was like, no, I was just wondering what one it was you were doing, I just played off. And then he, oh, it's this one and he's explaining about it. No, babe, tell him what you were telling me seriously do like I
Starting point is 00:11:30 don't want to get on to him about it like you know I know my boys doing some healthy good for his body it's not bad but it's just like dude save your money and what I what I love about these things right so you flip the box around it's like fucking 17 pills you gotta take right and it's like here's all the rules, 10 days long. And you read like all the pills. Okay, all the pills, right? Calcium, fiber, iron. It's all the shit that you need to take. And because you're taking all the other food away, right? For so many days, as 10 days or 30 days or 15 days, whatever your fucking cleanse says, is you're taking all these nutrient rich foods out of the diet to cleanse yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So now take all our pills that would be supplied from those nutrients. Because it's purified. And then there's the special one. The purified. Then there's the special one with a proprietary blend that has all the fucking caffeine, B6, B6, all the fucking B vitamins, all the thermogenic stuff inside of it. And this is what is going to burn the fat. And it's just like, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:27 The term, the word detox gets on my nerves because if you're really toxic, you're sick. Like you're going to the hospital. We're gonna die. Yeah, if you've got issues where you really need to get detoxed, then you're talking about some major problems. Oh, dude, my favorite is, you guys know those strips that people use to put on the bottom of their feet and they get dark
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah, and they get dark and they're like that's all the toxins leave my body I've never seen what yes Out of my thing What biggest scam like ever yes, yeah, there's a lot of these you know It's okay. This is not to go out to off subject a magnetic shit. Oh, I'm with that. Okay. Yes So did you guys ever see masses? Did you guys ever go in the mall and see those kiosks where they would sell those bracelets? Yes, bro, and do you remember the test that they had the test they would they would they would push you?
Starting point is 00:13:14 Yeah, right and you'd be like oh And then the next time they'd warn you ahead of time So basically your core is gonna engage and you're gonna brace yourself and Boom. Oh my god. It works. So I called a guy out once So I saw them doing this test and I was with my wife and I'm like, oh, I'm like watch this So I go over there and it says you fucking your shoving This is how they do this is how they do test he goes Okay, stand on one foot and stick your left arm out
Starting point is 00:13:41 So I'm sticking my left arm out and I'm staying on one foot. And then he pushes on my left hand and I kind of tip over. And then he says, now put this bracelet on and try it again. So I do it again. And then the second time it's harder, you know, I resist better. Yeah, and he goes, come in. And he goes, well, that's what it, that's, that's the bracelet. And I said, no, that's called central nervous system adaptation. I was like, that literally just happened. I said, if, if, if, if, literally, when you, when you tell someone to balance on one foot and do a movement and have them stop for a second and try it again, they're better the second time.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Central nervous system adaptation happens right away. And he's looking at me like, show up, man, get the fuck away. Hey, you ruined my, get away from my kiosk. You hear, bro. Yeah, so I'm breaking it down from like, no, you're, you're magical bracelet, you know, made with the metal. Tommy copper. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I just, I tried, but as far as those teas go, the thermogenic, your magical bracelet made with the metal chopper. Tommy Copper. Yeah. It's just right. I just pray. But as far as those teas go, the thermogenic, the thermogenic fat burners have a couple fat burning potential benefits. But here's what they really break down to. A, they can suppress appetite. And B, there is a thermogenic effect in which they do increase the production of, you know, certain
Starting point is 00:14:45 chemicals in a body called catacole amines that help you know, amplify your body or stimulate your central nervous system. Here's the problem though. When you go off of them, your body is adapted to those extra-release of catacole amines. And so you have a period of time where you're depressed, where those things are low and you feel shitty. This is why when you drink coffee every fucking day and then you stop drinking it, you feel like shit for two weeks. So many times, when you take them and you go off of them, whatever benefit they gave you, you lose and then you gain back afterwards. Really, that's what it breaks down to.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Well, that's really the most common thing. And at the end of the day, it's like, those, like I said, all the health benefits that they claim from those are the exact same health benefits that you get from a 17 to a 24 hour fast. Yeah, the fast of the low calorie, the fastest where you get the benefits. Yes, that's it. Bottom line, bottom line,
Starting point is 00:15:33 you do not have to buy any extra price for it. You're trading and fasting. Yeah. If you had to boil it down to two things, that are gonna really help to recharge your metabolism. Right there, that's it. And you can even do it this way. You can even not do a complete fast.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You can do 500 calories a day for five days in a row or three days in a row. Yeah, that'll cleanse you out real too. Yeah, that's kind of like a fast. That's a low calorie fast, you know, or a thousand calories a day or whatever. Don't take what I'm taking. By the way, don't take what I'm saying,
Starting point is 00:16:00 you know, to point, I'm just giving examples. Yeah, I'm just, I'm giving examples. I don't want some media now to go eat 500 calories a day. I don't see, yeah. Salto examples. I'm just giving examples. I don't want some media in that to go eat $500 a day. Salto, maybe 500 calories, and I died. Let's not, if you really want to know how to fast properly, learn how to do it properly, we sell a fast thing guy that breaks it down, but you can find good information online.
Starting point is 00:16:17 But as far as cleansing the body, most of these teas are all the are, diuretics and laxatives. They make you shit yourself. See, lose water weight. Oh, so someone takes it like, look how flat my stomach is. You just shit your brains out.
Starting point is 00:16:30 You just had dysentery. And now you have a flat stomach, no shit. Well, the other thing that they do, which I, I lose my mind, we all, we fall for this is, they take all the, you know, the, like let's say it's one of the T ones, right? And they put some, you put some special flour in there and whatever, like, or a special herb or vitamin or something.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And then they take all the benefits of it. Like, you know, let's just say iron. You know, you could take all that, we could say here, we could talk all day about the benefits of iron and why iron is essential to the body. Same thing you could do with proteins, anything you could do with fats,
Starting point is 00:16:59 anything you could do with a B vitamin, with a C with D. You could take that and we can do a whole paragraph about how essential it is to your body and how important it is for the skin and for the hair. And you would be accurate. And it would be accurate. And then, but then step two, take a whole shitload of it
Starting point is 00:17:15 and you get more of that stuff. No, it never works. I mean, vitamin B12 is important for energy production. We know this. So what does every energy drink on the frickin' planet have? 5,000% vitamin B12 is important for energy production. We know this. So what does every energy drink on the frickin' planet have? 5,000% vitamin B12. Yeah. You're not gonna get more fucking energy from it?
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah. Because there's 5,000%. You only get so much. The rest of it just makes your pee really expensive. Yeah, right. That's why it glows to it. Oh, it's glowing, right? Insulti, vibrant.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Insulti. I tried. You tried to reuse it or what? Yeah, no, I'm just kidding. I've never drink my, it's never been It's salty. I tried. You tried to reuse it or what? Yeah, no, I'm just kidding. I've never drink my, it's never been my view in Bear Grill. So what you just seen these on your news feed? Just people talking them? Well, and that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:56 They're so popular right now. And it's crazy because they've been around for a long time. But they become, you know, now I have the skinny bunny, the detox, whatever, and there's all different formulas. There's the seven day cleanse, there's the five day cleanse, there's the 30 day cleanse. And, you know, they all, and then you know, here's the other thing too. Here's a great one because now then people are probably people are listening right now going like, well, actually, I had a girlfriend who, you know, lost 15 pounds or I had someone who did this or what of that.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Of course. Here's what most of these things do too. If you get on their website, they all either offer a free or complimentary or charge you a small, small, small price for a meal plan and a workout regimen to go in conjunction with it. Yeah. And so a lot of these people. I wonder why you lost weight.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Right. A lot of these people are, yeah, eating or drinking 200 calories with a fucking flowers and not eating any food and working out like crazy. Make a tea and call it fucking flowers. It's what it's like. Did you drink your fucking flowers? Diary of flowers. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:53 They're drinking diarrhea flowers that are 300 calories, you know, for seven days straight and they're doing cardio and lifting weights like no fucking shit. You got a shit. Diary of flowers is, well that's when Justin goes to the bathroom and then he sprays this air freshener after. You're watching their ray, I spray the back of the toilet bowl, you saw that. Rocked it, bro. It was violent. You were awesome. That was a violent shit.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I was holding on to this. Did you have the detox? That would happen. Somebody must have slipped me one of those. You fucker. That's what we should do at the break. What about the super adios? I was just guessing.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Your ear, wait. Whatever happened, let me just say this. Whatever happened to the good old days when your friend used to say, hey man, come over. Like I'm having to get together at my house. And then all of a sudden the projector comes out and then, you know, hey man,
Starting point is 00:19:43 you want to make some money while you're in and try this you know barrageous you can be one of the first of 500 people to get going but wait this one's totally different than the last 15 days now it's like I have it's fucking everywhere it's on my phone and it's like to get the fuck out here at least I know what I'm in for right I'm going to my friends out and then I'm like, hey, you're not my friend anymore. I'll see you later. Then I can do that.
Starting point is 00:20:10 So, I mean, with any oxygen stuff, any oxygen is good for you, but a shit ton of them is not. Well, it's just like you just said with the B vitamins. It's like, and that, so I love talking about this stuff because my father was like Mr. MLM. Like, he'd done every single one. So yes, he's done all the monovies and goji juices and all the other berry fucking things. And you know, of course, the trainer of me, I don't just, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:34 punk my dad and say that's stupid dad, you know, let me read it dad. Let me see what it's all about because I want to educate my dad on it and like explain to him. And they all they all have the same thing, right? It's loaded full all these vitamins. All the every berry and fruit and thing that we know that is rich in vitamins and minerals is all in there. And then what's makes them special and what makes monomy different from Goji
Starting point is 00:20:57 and whatever other brand that's out there is they all claim they have this special berry that they have to, they have to, they have to. Super. And it's always like the most obscure. Oh, it's in the rain forest. have this special berry that they have to, they have to, they have to super that is it. And it's always like the most pure. It's in the rain forest. There's one mountain in the Himalayas and there's a tree
Starting point is 00:21:10 protected by a sloth. Yes. And we have to defeat the sloth to pick. And there's a inch. We're like, shit's on it. It's right. And the sun only gets direct sunlight for four hours at a day.
Starting point is 00:21:21 So it's, it's, it's the, we pick these berries by hand. And then we have, we have Tibetan monks bless them. We wash it with a, we wash it with a urine of a yak. And then we mix it with our, our proprietary blend. And then we've patent that. So nobody else can ever get this formula. This is the crown jewel, our entire company. No, no. Any oxen, ladies and gentlemen, do not take pills with super high entire company. No, right now. Any oxidants, ladies and gentlemen, do not take pills with super high dose antioxidants. Actually, not that good for you to do that. You could be acidic.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Well, they've show, I'll tell you what, when my close, close family friend, like Killsets, was fighting cancer and doing chemo and stuff, I was looking up studies and high doses of antioxidants actually can prevent the killing off the cancer cells process with chemo and shit like that Oh, yeah, yeah, so that is not Producing and look look there's a part of the process of the body where cells have to die
Starting point is 00:22:13 You don't want to make them fucking zombie cells because then you get cancer. That's what that is So any oxidants good for you and super super high dose not actually To be clear. I don't think there's anything in super high doses that's good for you. That I'm thinking about. Oxygen. I need oxygen to breathe. Should I just pump 100% oxygen in my lungs all the time?
Starting point is 00:22:32 No, I'll fucking burn my lungs. Right. You know, water, you drown. Yeah. You know, so I mean, it's true for all that stuff. No, no, it's learning the balance. It just pains me when I see the people that are fitness professionals that are doing it.
Starting point is 00:22:45 It's like, have some integrity and what you guys do, it's like, well I think, yeah, I think they just don't realize. It just falls into that same trap of a pill. You're prescribing a pill at that point. You don't even realize it's a pill. You're trying to give you a solution that's just one thing and it's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:23:04 You guys know how effective the placebo effect is too. Oh, sure. It's so effective. And anecdotes, right? Everybody with their anecdotes. That's it. A placebo effect is so effective when they do studies, they have to account for it.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah. Because they know when they tell people, you're taking a fat burner and there's nothing in it, a certain percentage of people are gonna feel like they're burning body fat. Oh, absolutely. I mean, we all can attest for this. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I used to buy supplements on stuff that I knew that wasn't even that beneficial because I knew that when I spent the money on the supplements, that would make me go to the gym because I'm taking them. No way. Yeah, I'm like, I'm just, yeah. I'm through them. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I'm spending $40 on this. So I better get my ass to the gym and go utilize it, right? It's like, exactly. It's a placebo effect. That's not really what it's doing. You know what I'm saying? That's just by gym gear, at least you look good. You're right.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I think the part that drives me fucking crazy though, it makes me so mad, is that these are people that know me. You know I have a fucking radio show. You know this is the stuff we talk about. You know you can come and just ask me first. Not everybody listens to it. It's like just, they listen, but they don't listen. Right? It's like, I know you're listening. No, they listen, but they don't listen, right? It's like I mean like I know you're listening.
Starting point is 00:24:06 No, they know dude. No, no, it's like a little shit who just made a comment on my Instagram. It doesn't saturate. It's like dude, you know, instead of telling us like who are you to have the credentials to tell me like fuck you bro, because I don't listen to my bio. Because I don't listen to everybody. Everybody's on board with Adam, by the way. And then there's this one kid.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Just one. Just what I tried. He's like, what do you mean the detox tea dog? He's doing good. Where's your curtain? Oh, hammering right now. Yeah, I am. Let's get him.
Starting point is 00:24:35 You know, our boy Joe Donnelly's got me all fired up again because since I saw him in Olympia and talked to him, I was, I've been back on his feed, read all his stuff and he tags me in all his posts now, especially when he talks shit. And I forgot, and I probably need to get back to it because what grew my Instagram, I think, more than anything else. Yeah, the transformation thing was probably what kick started,
Starting point is 00:24:55 but I used to do a lot of helpies like Saladin. And then when people would Josh back and forth me, I would talk shit, you know, it would call you out. My helpies are awesome. Yeah, I would call people out, and I'd get into these battles back and forth with me, I would talk shit, you know, would call you out. My help is awesome. Yeah, I would call people out, and I get into these battles back and forth with people, and you know, and I got shared a lot. So I'm gonna try and get back to,
Starting point is 00:25:12 uh, of talking shit. Here's what happens when you get really good at that though, because I will purposely bait people. Oh yeah, I'll bait and I'll say, whoever, nobody will step up. No, I'll start a post and I'll literally put, whoever thinks this is an idiot, and I'll put idiot and big, like, I'm trying to up no, I'll start a post and I'll literally put whoever thinks this is an idiot And I'll put idiot and big like I'm trying to bait you, you know, if someone tells you this they're stupid
Starting point is 00:25:30 Yeah, and like nobody will say anything. Well, see it. Yeah. This is where you went wrong This is where I'm okay because you pulled too much. He's after gun You I showed it what it was it was like a bazooka when they thought it was like a little pea shooter It was like a bazooka when they thought it was like a little pea shooter. Yeah. Pea. It's because I make the case so well and the whole thing. Yeah, you go way too far. You go way too far.
Starting point is 00:25:50 If you read mine, like, it's like I say some shit like that and then I'll do that. I thought you were just lazy and you don't want to go. No, no, no. He's playing cute. He's like that, you know, that girl that's like, hi. Yeah, exactly. I'm not really that smart. I go to Harvard.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I'm not smart. Smart. Then I wait till you say some shit and then I already have yours written out in my notes. So I just copy and paste. It's like, what did you say? Black. Here's all the studies.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And you can tell it really breaks down you dumb shit. Yeah. Boom. But I say it though, I come off like Justin said, like the dumb blonde first. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I got to try that. Yeah, your baby is, you come off way too said like the dumb blonde first. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I gotta try that Yeah, your baby is you come off way too. I believe you're dumb blonde. Yeah, yeah, you come off way too intelligent way too soon
Starting point is 00:26:32 You I'm not gonna get it. Yeah, so I Missed the boat so one of our girls I gotta get some love I gotta give some love to one of our my pump fans Rita I ran into her for the first time in this country at Orange Theory the other day. She came up to me and she was so excited to finally talk to me and meet me in person and it was a great pleasure to sit and talk to her for a little bit, but she was just talking about, you know, all of us as a group and, you know, she had been coming to Orange Theory for a long time before she she'd just literally like I think two weeks ago. She two or three weeks ago hasn't been that long that she had been listening to the podcast and she says you know I have to admit to you she goes you know I totally didn't download it at first
Starting point is 00:27:12 when I first heard about it because I just thought you were just some dumb and some bro and this like that like she's just like she's like insulting me right for like five minutes right she's like but it's totally not that because as soon as I tune in I was like oh my god I fucking love these guys like I got no idea you guys were that intelligence Oh, yeah, so it was it was a backside of compliment. It was totally nice and it was awesome That's why it's better to look stupid because when you look stupid people have they have such low expectations Yeah, right. You know what I always do. That's what I always do You guys know that. Yeah, I think you and I do that very well. So yeah, yeah, he comes right
Starting point is 00:27:43 Just stand or tell you know, I let I like love like I do that very well. Sal, yeah, yeah, yeah. He comes right up to you. But I just stand or tell you know, I let, I love like sitting back and letting people just dig a hole, you know, like all the way to the other side of the world. And then I'll come in with the hammer. The hammer. Yeah. But I wait, dude, oh, I'm so patient.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Sal, Sal, like comes right out with like a scientific study before he even starts his play. Well, actually, there's this a study that actually goes up. Well because I like to get to the roots. It's because I'm merciful. I don't want to fucking burn it. No I'm merciful. I don't want to have to like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:11 So like here, let me just tell you real quick so that you don't say anything. Yeah, let me, this let me tell you how smart I am. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, like, no you're stupid, no you're stupid, no you're stupid. Okay, here's some play. Boom. Knowledge. Go cry. Go on and cry. But I'm going to cry. You know what though, I hate it because some people just can't debate.
Starting point is 00:28:32 They get offended and shit. I mean, I don't get offended. You can fuck it. You can rip me all day long. That's all good. Yeah, you guys like, I honestly don't, I don't care for it too much unless like, it's like one of those things that I'm really passionate. I'm like, okay, now let's go.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Star Wars? Yeah. Like, real deal stuff like that. Well, I feel like Justin doesn't, I think Justin will, like if he gets passionate or angry about something, you're gonna feel it and know it, where I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a little more brain ninja, like how kind of wizard you, you know what I'm saying? Like I'm not gonna just come out and like, insult you, I'm gonna like, slowly insult
Starting point is 00:29:03 you. I'm gonna let you insult yourself, saying my pulling it out nice and slow. You do the Adam. You know, I've talked to people, and a lot of people who sound like you are actually stupid. So they're like, wait, wait, can you just call me? Can you just call me stupid?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Was that directed in this direction? I think you just call me stupid. Well, I guess to finish it off, don't buy detox teas, don't buy baloney stuff on stay away from MOLM fucking super juices. Let's all eat whole natural food. In fact, is there anything with the word super in front of it that's even that super? Superman. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.Mind Pump Radio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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