Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1619: What to Do When Progress Stalls in the Gym, Identifying the Cause of Unwanted Weight Gain, How to Balance Training With a Physically Demanding Job & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: August 14, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom. Why the incline press is a superior exercise for the chest. (3:50) Throwing logic out the window in Calif...ornia prisons. (20:53) The wild housing market in the Bay Area. (26:28) Mind Pump Recommends, FBOY Island, and The Suicide Squad on HBO Max. (27:31) Mind Pump reads YouTube comments. (46:08) McDonald's broken ice cream machine lawsuit investigation. (48:11) Caldera, ‘man-care’ for your skin. (53:08) Sal’s grandfather is a gem. (56:36) #Quah question #1 – How can I maintain my strength and performance while playing professional basketball overseas? (59:38) #Quah question #2 – How do I work in resistance training around a physically demanding job? (1:09:28) #Quah question #3 – What programming would you recommend to revamp my progression in the gym? (1:19:08) #Quah question #4 – Tips and advice for breaking through a training plateau and unwanted weight gain? (1:30:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com August Promotion: MAPS Strong and MAPS Powerlift 50% off!  **Promo code “AUGUSTSPECIAL” at checkout** Mark Bell’s Power Project - What Bodybuilders Are Doing WRONG! ft. Doug Brignole How To Incline Dumbbell Press - The Right Way! (GROW YOUR CHEST) - Mind Pump TV Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump5” at checkout** At least one California inmate pregnant as ‘transgender’ convicts move into women’s prisons A Bay Area house that burned to the studs just sold for more than $850,000 in less than a week FBOY Island | HBO Max Originals Sexy Beasts | Netflix Official Site The Suicide Squad | In Theaters and on HBO Max A Restraining Order Has Been Issued in the Continuing Drama Around McDonald's Ice Cream Machines Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** How to Become a Tyrant | Netflix Official Site Watch Val | Prime Video Visit My Serenity Kids for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MP20” at checkout** MAPS Fitness Performance | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump #900: NBA Superstar Sports Performance Coach Paul Fabritz MAPS Fitness Anabolic | Muscle Adaptation Programming System MP Hormones MAPS Prime Webinar The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano How Phasing Your Workouts Leads to Consistent Plateau Free Workouts – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mark Bell (@marksmellybell)  Instagram Doug Brignole | Biomechanics (@dougbrignole)  Instagram Shawn Baker MD (@shawnbaker1967)  Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live questions from viewers and listeners just like you. So I actually called in, asked us fitness questions and we helped them out.
Starting point is 00:00:27 By the way, if you wanna get on an episode and ask us questions, email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now we open the episode with an intro, right? So this is 57 minutes today, where we talk about current events and we bring up our sponsors. After that, we got to the live questions.
Starting point is 00:00:45 So here's what went down in today's episode. We opened up by talking about the Inclined Bench Press. There's somebody now on social media saying it doesn't really work the upper chest. We disagree and we explain why in that part of the episode. By the way, PRX now has a folding Inclined Press that goes into your wall just like their racks. Really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:01:07 It's stable, very effective, takes up very, very little space. Go check them out. Head over to prxperformance.com forward slash mind pump. Don't forget to use the code Mind Pump 5 for a discount. Then we talk about how there's a woman pregnant in prison after they transferred somebody who transition to a woman to their cell or I should say to their prison. It's kind of interesting policy and Really weird then I talk about how there's a house for sale in Walnut Creek It's basically a burned out shell selling for $850,000. That's cool
Starting point is 00:01:43 Then Adam brought up some cinematic glories, some really good TV on HBO. It's a show called F-Boy Island. So you can guess what F-Boy stands for. F-Boy Island! Pretty cool. Then I talked about another show on HBO Max, movie I should say, called Suicide Squad, really, really funny, really good. Then we talked about some YouTube trolls, great, accurate that we've read on YouTube. Also, McDonald's in a lawsuit having to do with the ice cream machines. If you wanna know why they're always broken,
Starting point is 00:02:13 listen to that part of the episode. Then everybody comments on the gloriousness of my skin. Looks real good, and that's because I'm using Caldera Lab products. Caldera Lab makes natural skincare products that balance out your skin. So whether it's oily or dry, it will make it look really good. Go check them out. Get 20% off with our code. Head over to calderalab.com.
Starting point is 00:02:36 That's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump for 20% off. And then I talk about my grandfather's 90th birthday, which is coming up. Then we got to the questions. The first live caller was Haley from Michigan, professional basketball player had some questions about her workout training. The next question was from Isaiah from Ohio. This person's going to become a police officer wants to know how they should train during the academy. The next question was from Joanna from Florida.
Starting point is 00:03:08 This is a 49 year old female. Her body just isn't responding anymore, wants to know how to change her workout and diet. And then the final question is from Jeff from Idaho. This person lost a lot of weight, has been working out for a little while, but has plateaued completely. The body won't respond anymore and would like some advice. Also, all month long, we are running a sale on two very effective muscle building and strength building programs.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Maps strong and maps power lift are both 50% off. You can find them both at mapsfitinistproducts.com. Just make sure to use the code August Special with no space for that discount. I got tagged at least 10, 15 times, a handful of DMs on our good friend, Mark Bell, his power cast, his podcast. He had a recent guest on his show is,
Starting point is 00:04:03 I forgot the guy's name, he's a biomechanics expert smart guy Talking about Inclined chest now. I want to be careful because I I did not Listen to the entire episode and I I don't like Jumping to conclusions based off of a 60 second clip and there's a good chance based off of a 60 second clip and there's a good chance that if I listen to his entire argument that he makes that maybe there's a lot of things that we would probably agree on, but the statement alone about incline chest press,
Starting point is 00:04:35 not being a good exercise for your chest. If you're upper chest. It doesn't hit the upper chest. Just period chest, I think is what he said, is just not a good exercise, incline, incline press. And so normally I wouldn't even address it, but we had so many people messages. I think we should talk about it.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And it's not the first time I've heard a biomechanic expert shit on an exercise that we've probably touted as a phenomenal exercise. You know what the problem with this? And this is sometimes the issues that I have with academia. It reminds me of, do you guys remember when it was all the rage to use, I can't remember the equipment they would use,
Starting point is 00:05:13 but they would measure muscle activation when people would get into that. ART, machine or whatever that. I don't think it was that. It was like muscle meets magnet or some shit. And what they would do is they would have someone do it. Max, I think. What was it?
Starting point is 00:05:27 MAT, I think that was, there's a whole like program centered around muscle activation theory. Yeah, and so what they do is they'll look at the machine, have someone do an exercise and be like, oh, this exercise actually does do this or doesn't do that. And in some of those, they showed that a decline press activated the upper chest more than an incline press or that dips activated the upper chest more
Starting point is 00:05:53 than incline press. The problem with some of the stuff is that in application in the real world, that doesn't really pan out that way. I don't know a single person who trains their body for aesthetics or who trains and sculpts and builds a body who has done either exercise will say, oh yeah, I decline presses totally built my upper chest. Never works that way ever in the real world. It's always the upper, you know, the inclined stuff that builds the upper
Starting point is 00:06:22 chest. I've experienced it that way. Everybody I've ever trained. Everybody builder you've ever talked to. So I think there's more to it than they understand. And it's more than just looking at biomechanics or just looking at activation. And that's a good example. He's saying incline press doesn't work the upper chest or work the chest well.
Starting point is 00:06:40 That's just not true because when people do it in the real world, that's exactly what you see. Well, it's an exercise that I have set on the show before as one of the biggest game changers for me as far as building my chest. But I did also say that I are alluded to that it was probably because I avoided it for so long because I was weak in it. So I didn't train in-climbline press very much as I was a kid. I did flatten decline of anything.
Starting point is 00:07:09 So I hated doing incline press because I was significantly weaker. And it wasn't until my late 20s that I set a personal goal of, okay, let's see if I can get my incline press to be as equal to or close to as equal as my flat bench and to see what would come of that. And, well, what came of that was one of the best versions of my chest that I've ever had. Now, specifically, did you notice more upper chest development? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 So, and that made a huge difference. Now, had I trained incline press most my life and never changed or trained flat bench, I would go ahead and take a stab at it and say that the same thing would probably have happened had I started to do flat bench because I never did flat bench before. So I do think that you're not taking that into consideration also. So when people, when biomechanic experts like to play the game of this versus that, and this is so much better based off of mechanically how it works, well, that goes out the window when you take into consideration, somebody's been doing that for so long, and maybe they haven't been doing
Starting point is 00:08:23 the other one. So what I mean by that is, okay, let's say we all agree on an exercise that is superior to another exercise. As far as its ability to build muscle in any specific area, right? And so because you hear this article, you go, oh, well, this guy says that this exercise appears. So I do that one all the time. And I always do that one. that this exercise superior. So I do that one all the time. And I always do that one. Well, once you've been doing that for weeks, months, years, consistently, and avoiding the one that you thought was inferior,
Starting point is 00:08:52 I would make the case that the inferior exercise now becomes the superior exercise because you never train it. Yeah, but that being said, right? That's true. That's 100% true. That being said, that we don't understand everything about how exercises build muscle necessarily or why some exercises are superior to other exercises. For example, on paper, you could look at,
Starting point is 00:09:20 I don't know, a leg press, you could look at a hack squat. How about that? You could look at a hack squat compared to a barbell squat. And I could say, well, a hack squat, you're using more load, range of motion is very similar. Therefore, the hack squat is gonna build more muscle. Now, in application, it's just not true. You know that when people do a free weight barbell squat, they typically tend to build more muscle generally speaking. And it's just like this with all the exercises, a lot of stuff we don't necessarily understand
Starting point is 00:09:51 but we know through practice, that through years of practice that, no, this actually works better in this way. For example, here's another one. I've heard many biomechanics experts say that sumo deadlifts don't build the butt very well. No, look at the biomechanics. The glutes actually are not that active. It's a short range of months. That's a big one right now.
Starting point is 00:10:09 It is. I've done sumo deadlifts for years with clients who want to build their butts and I will put it up as probably top five extra. 100%. It's a staple move for it. It's a top five exercise for building the butt. Well, here's the thing too. I mean, it's a compound lift and you're never going to truly isolate certain muscle groups.
Starting point is 00:10:28 There's a lot of carryover that, you know, like in terms of it being close to an overhead press, you could make that argument, but you're still activating the chest. And if you're not really activating the upper chest and it's getting involved with that press and that's something you with that press. And that's something you haven't stimulated before. You're going to see gains in your upper chest. So it's to say that it has no upper chest value is pre-radiculous. Well, there's another case I like to make for the in-client press being a, you know, can dare I say superior chest exercise. And I've said it before in the show,
Starting point is 00:11:05 why I used to love to teach my inexperienced clients in client before flat bench. Oh, it's technically easier. That's right. Yeah. It puts you in a more favorable position. Yes, you're in a more favorable position to teach. So one of the hardest things to get a client to do
Starting point is 00:11:22 when teaching the bench press is to get them in the proper biomatic mechanical position, right? So here we are talking about a biomechanic expert who is clowning on the incline press. Well, one of the most challenging parts about getting anybody to train their chest well is to get their body or get their posture
Starting point is 00:11:39 in the most optimal position to activate the chest. Yes, scapular retraction, pin them down. You have a nice slight arch in the low back, hips on the bench. You put someone on an incline and it drops down. It puts them in that position. So it is, it's 100% easier to teach. I did the same thing.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Before I would have clients do a flat bench, I would have them do an incline bench. Not just for that reason, here's another reason. Especially towards the end of my career when I was training old people in advanced age, get somebody who's over 65 or 70 to life flat on a bench just to get them in position. It's kind of hard.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Get them to sit on an incline and it's much more natural of a position. But I'll make this argument. Look, I will make this argument all day long. Somebody who only does flat bench versus someone who only does incline bench, are they going to develop different looking chests? Even if you had two twins, are you going to see a little bit difference in the development of the chest? I'll argue yes. And I'll argue that the incline, you're going to see more upper chest development was with the flat, you're going to see more. And this is, by the way, this is decades of people's experience doing this exercise, which, you know, here's the problem oftentimes with the,
Starting point is 00:12:46 I guess, I don't know what, for lack of a better term, the science worshipers, right? Is they, and you see this in medicine too, they discredit everything that's experienced in anecdote. Oh, no, that's, that's not scientific study. That's all anecdote. Look, in medicine, okay, I would trust double-blind placebo controlled studies are considered the gold standard. Do you know what's better than that? In my experience, thousands of years of anectop. You show me a medicine or an herb that has been used to treat, I don't know, bronchitis or fever that has been used for thousands of years. I'll trust the safety and efficacy of that over something that passed
Starting point is 00:13:25 one double-blind placebo controlled study. So one anecdote or two anecdotes or a dozen, maybe not, but when you have decades of anecdotes, how many people have done incline press for upper chest now, right? Yeah. Millions maybe, over the, since what, the 19, when does the incline press kind of become popular or became a thing in the 60s? So you're looking at decades and decades of decades of people developing their chest saying,
Starting point is 00:13:50 oh yeah, this works my upper chest better. Well, it helps it. To piggyback off that analogy too, like medical professionals stick with their specific system that they're a specialist in. And so a lot of times they don't consider the bodies holistically and how all the systems interact with each other.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And so to look at that, specifically from a muscle activation, a perspective is just a narrow view of what's really happening. It is. And again, even if we look at the anatomy of the chest, it's got multiple insertions up and down the sternum. And so the muscle fibers don't just go straight across. They go across to the upper part of the sternum and then they kind of angle down like a fan
Starting point is 00:14:33 towards the lower part. And those muscle fibers somewhat dictate or tell you when the muscle contracts where the tension is coming from. But again, there's also the experience component. And when I know, and beyond a shadow of a doubt, when people do lots of incline, where they notice a lot of the development is in the upper chest, me as well personally.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So to have someone come on there and be like, no, the biomechanics don't work that way. You're discrediting lots and lots of experience, which I think is silly. Again, exercise science is not, actually no science is 100% complete. You have to take into account people's experiences. Not just that, you're thinking of the other variables, like I keep trying to explain is that you're, once you're, you've been doing that for an extended period of time, your body has
Starting point is 00:15:21 gotten very good and adapted and the ultimate goal is to build the chest, to build muscle, then doing the same exercise over and over and over again is less advantageous than doing something that's different. Even if it's, even if we can agree that it's an inferior exercise. And that, the problem that I have with, when people come out with content that states things like this, that this versus that or this is better than that, is a young, I can go back and think about what it was like as a kid in his late teens and early 20s,
Starting point is 00:15:53 trying to learn about this stuff. And I would read or see something like that. And then, and because the person's credible, they're a PhD and seem to know what they're talking about or back then if they looked amazing, well that was enough credit for you as a kid. And you go, okay, he says this is terrible, this was, this was, this never do that.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You never do that. So you abandon it. Yeah, you abandon it completely, because you've been, why do the inferior thing? I'm gonna do the thing that's better, and then you get trapped in three years of training the same chest exercise. Now all you're doing is fend presses.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Yeah, and flies. Yeah. There's also the, like, there's all these camps in the fitness space. And he's coming from the, you know, muscle development, body sculpting, kind of bodybuilding camp, talking about developing different segments.
Starting point is 00:16:39 He's the same guy that said that CISC squats load the quads more than barbell squats. Therefore, they're gonna build more, to build more bigger quads or whatever. Here's something that they ignore completely. There's a functional component as well. If I always press horizontally and I never press in that incline position, I'm not going to have as wide of a range of functional strength in pressing. Now, for sports, it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I'll argue that an incline press is probably more functional. Well that's what it was created for. That's what it was created for. Yeah, isn't that right? Justin, isn't an incline bench? The origin of it was for football. Oh, I don't know. For lineman.
Starting point is 00:17:16 It's supposed to mimic the angle that alignment is coming out of their three point stats and hitting them. Yeah, well that makes perfect sense. Right, that makes perfect sense. So, but also does improving your functionality and your range of functional strength does that contribute to a more aesthetic physique? Sure. Of course it does.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Absolutely. But they completely ignore that and they only look at like, it's what is it missing the force for the trees or whatever? Right. You know, so that's like a speaking of incline press by the way. PRX has a incline. Yeah. I see. Yeah. We can finally talk about it. I mean, I set it up in our studio, it was super stoked because that was the one thing when I ordered and got my own set here at my house. I was like, man, I do wish like I could incline this bench. It's kind of a bummer. And, you know, they've been working on kind of how
Starting point is 00:18:05 to how to solve that issue and so we have one here in the studio and I'm pretty stoked on it. So so it folds into the wall right like the flat does. Yep okay. Super convenient yeah you can you can fold it up and it gets the wall and then it has like different angles so you can actually go incline all the way up into like a military press. Oh wow. Oh, it'll go all the way to a military press on it, huh? Now, what do you think? You're the only one that's set it up and used it. So what's your feedback on it?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Did they do a good job as far as the engineering? The engineering sound, the only thing I would say, it's a little bit sticky in terms of moving it and adjusting it to the different pin points. But that's something that I'm sure they'll probably have iterating. This was one of the first sort of prototypes, so I'm sure that they've kind of figured that out.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah, right. We couldn't talk about it originally because they were just, they had to release it, yeah, right? And it's official. Doug, is it on their website? Yeah, it's on their IG account. So they're selling it. I haven't checked their website, but I'm sure it's there.
Starting point is 00:19:03 If it's on IG, I'm sure it is. Yeah, yeah. They're crushing. I, you know, when I was up in Truckee, you know, before I, before I got sick or whatever, I was, you know, working out on the equipment. And we work out with it here. And I was showing Jessica's friends. One of her friends is really big into working out. And he had heard about the PRX, but hadn't used it. So he's like pushing it up and folding it in the wall, bringing it down, he's like, oh my gosh, he goes, I thought he thought because it folds into the wall that they would compromise stability. I thought the same thing.
Starting point is 00:19:34 You just think of that, I mean, when you think of like a power rack for squatting, you think it's something that it folds away into the wall and you think it would be less stable, but the opposite. It's more stable. Yeah. It's more stable. Yeah. It's actually the most stable rack I've ever used
Starting point is 00:19:48 because it's anchored into the wall, more stable than the cage that I've had a cage for a long time, more stable than that. Looks like you can pre-order it, excuse me, on their website. So you gotta get on there and pre-order it. So you get when it comes out. But I mean, there, there again the big problem with equipment
Starting point is 00:20:06 Home equipment for a long time with space So they keep solving that issue and Dude I had to bench is and now I can reduce it down to one because you can go flat all the way up to military So you know, it's that's game changer because now everything can fold up into the wall. And really the only thing left is like the dumbbells, like having a good rack for that. But they just figured everything else out. And by the way, if you have this, this is how it works. It can go from flat all the way up to essentially to military. You can fold it up into the wall and then use the rack for squats and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:44 So it's out of the way. So it's like once it's there, you can't use the rack for anything else. You could do everything in the rack with that bench on there. No, it's amazing. Hey, so we have I have to bring this up, dude. I saw this. I saw it somewhere else first and I thought it was like a joke. And then I think I saw Sean, I think Sean Baker, uh, uh, Carnivore guy, right? He, I think he posted it and I fucking died. So, you know, California passed that law. I forget SB 120 or some shit like that, which basically allows a prisoner who now identifies
Starting point is 00:21:18 as a woman can now be transferred into the woman's prison. And so now, what could possibly go wrong? Yeah, hey, did you see what's coming out? There's so the there's a for sure hundreds of thousands of transfer Well, no, not just that what there's of the first girl who's pregnant already has came had just came. Oh my god. So one for sure is already pregnant. And that can't happen because it's a woman. Weird.
Starting point is 00:21:45 So crazy, dude. Oh, how fucking so funny that is. We throw what a God, dude. We throw logic out the way. First of all, prison is a different environment than the real world. OK, so you can have a bunch of guys. Well, you do.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You have a bunch of men in prison. And they, especially if they're in there for a long time, they can be straight as they want. They do a bunch of gay stuff. I mean, that's just what, just stuff that happens. Isn't there a statistic on that that like, actually, there's a large percentage of them that are having butt sex, but are not gay?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Oh yeah, I don't know about that. I don't know the statistic. I like how he said butt sex. Yeah. Yes Adam, that's one way they do it. Yeah, but nonetheless. No, I think, I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere Doug You know the fact is I'm sure you've good on how much or have but sex
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, no extra on this I'm afraid Don't lie don't act like you don't know the answer to this Doug Google but sex in prison real quick You're not gonna get me okay, click on images. I know the women's prison There had been a lot of, you know, like, with the guards there, there had been interactions and stuff they had to crack down on with women kind of coming on to the guards. Well, you know what, they'll think about this way, right? This is a bit of a challenging situation.
Starting point is 00:23:00 So your cisgender man, and then you're like, you know what? I'm trans. I want to transition to a woman. Now you transition to a woman. Okay, it might be the best option to put you with the other women because you imagine a trans woman in the men's prison. That might be a lot worse. Yeah, because you don't have to be a trans woman. That's just saying you're, you know, well, I don't even think I don't even think they have to transition. I think they just have to say identify us. Really?
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah, that's what it said. Or at least that's what the article said that I read. Should I, if I'm going to jail for life, I mean, what do you get to lose? I would say that. Yeah. That's the go-to move. Yeah, I wouldn't use that.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Yeah, no, you, at least the article that I was reading, didn't say, oh, here we go, done. What do you got? At least one in course, what would you do? See, identifying. Yeah, but I mean, are there, say, oh, here we go, Doug, what do you got? At least one in course, what would you do? See what it is? Identifying. Yeah, but I mean, are there standards or is it just identifying?
Starting point is 00:23:50 I think that's all you have to say. If that's it, that's insane, dude. That's what the article said that I read. You're gonna get the dress different or anything. They sell or the same color number. So there's, I don't know. So maybe when we're talking later, Doug can look up the law. I think it's SB, SB 120 or some shit like that sp one thirty two thank you that's
Starting point is 00:24:08 what it is it looked maybe that sounds like another news and law well it is a california law and i do believe that all they have to say they just have to say it they don't have to make like a full-on transition they just have to say that they identify as a woman and then they can now be transferred into the woman's presence. I mean, think about it. Well, we'll find out. It's gone so far off the deep ends insane. Yeah. So, current policy allows any biologically male prisoner to request a transfer into a
Starting point is 00:24:35 woman's jail or prison without any questions asked so long as they identify as women. Wow. Is that actually an absolute absurdity. Listen, listen. Yeah, even if they were initially jailed or imprisoned for committing violence against women. Wow. Yeah, smart.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Wow, smart. Well, you know, hey, here's how anti- Ridiculous. Here's how ridiculous they are. I'll tell you what, you guys know this, right? In California, they removed weights out of prisons a what they, you guys know this, right in California, they removed weights out of prisons a long time ago. You know that right?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Yeah, yeah. They got rid of weights because they don't like inmates getting too big and strong. And the truth is, the fucking truth is, when you look at the actual science, people who exercise, who better their health, they actually had better behavior, better moods, things to look forward to. It was also a very effective tool to take away
Starting point is 00:25:28 and punish people if they acted up. And it was quite valuable to a lot of inmates. I mean, if you're in there for fucking 10 years and you can lift weights still and work out and you're like, you know what, I'm gonna act cool because I don't wanna miss my weights or it's a way of bettering it, no, no, they got rid of that. But now they're like, by the way,
Starting point is 00:25:46 you can go sleep with the chicks if you say that you're one. That's insane to me. Cause I tell you what, right now, if you're in jail for years, if you get sentenced for decades, that's the play. If you ask me, if I go in there for six months, I'm going in like that. I can be different decades.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I identify as a woman. I can walk around, yeah. I could be different decades like, you know, I identified some women in this round. I'll change my mind when I get out. I put candies on immediately. Hey Adam, how was prison? That is bad as I thought it was going to be. It was a good time, dude. I had a hero. Met some nice ladies.
Starting point is 00:26:22 What the fuck? Wow, what are they doing, dude? We live in a weird fucking time. Speaking of weird stuff, did you guys see that the house that was for sale on Walnut Creek for $850,000? So first of all, what is it like a shack? Hold on a second. First of all, anybody from anywhere else in the country,
Starting point is 00:26:39 I say $850 grand for a house and that's like, man, that's a lot of money. Yeah, that's, I'm just feeling like a mansion. No, this was a house that caught fire. It was burned out. So it's literally the remnants of a house after a cut fire. And we're about as good as to have it had all four walls, but it doesn't even have eight hundred eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:26:58 for a burnt to Chris. Oh, yeah, you got to tear it down and do whatever. There was another in Redwood City in Redwood City. I think for six600,000, there was a log cabin on the piece of land. And when I say log cabin, I literally mean, like imagine if me and Adam built a cabin out of log. That's like a Lincoln log cabin.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah, we just like, that works. Yeah, $600,000. It's getting wild out here with the prices. That's so stupid. Yeah. Wow. It's getting pretty crazy. Hey, so I know you're not Justin
Starting point is 00:27:32 because you're busy with the move and stuff, but Adam and I and Doug, we've all kind of, but just sitting at home, we're still boys. Board death. Isolated. Yeah. We still have the pangolin. Watching Jenny Jones and yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:47 all those other reality shows. What a great idea. I'm getting shredded though. I know. We got the. We're on the eyebrow. Yeah, you know what I found? I'm not, you know, I watched all the seasons of 16 and pregnant.
Starting point is 00:27:57 So I can't obviously watch that anymore. There you go. But I found a fuck boy. Wow. Fuck boy. Fuck boy. Island sounds amazing. Oh, it is just as fucking terrible as 16 and pregnant. but I found a fuck boy. Wow. Fuck boy, fuck boy island. Sounds amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Oh, it is just as fucking terrible as 16 and pregnant. So, how does this work? Tell me that this project. Okay, so, listen to this show. I mean, it was HBO. So, I'm a little disappointed in HBO that they would actually put trash like this out, but it sucked me in, right?
Starting point is 00:28:23 When you feel like shit, I've talked about this before. I just want to see people worse off. Yeah, I want to see if I go. I want to see somebody who feels definitely that watch intervention and hoarders and 16. Totally, right? So here's the premise of the show. I forget what tropical island.
Starting point is 00:28:41 They're on. They're got them on a tropical island. There is three beautiful single ladies that are looking for love. And if they find a match, I think both the couple gets $100,000 towards their wedding or some shit like that. So that's like the prize.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Okay, so then they bring 24 dudes to the island. 12 of them are fuck boys. 12 of them are looking for love. And it's a 12 of them are like, I don't want love, I just want to be there. Yeah, 12 of them are fuck boys, 12 of them are looking for love. So 12 of them are like, I don't want love, I just want to be there. Yeah, 12 of them are there for the game, because if they get picked and the girl doesn't figure out that he's a fuck boy, he still wins his 100,000. She got played. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:29:16 So I got regular guys basically. And then basically. So, at the end of every week, the girls each get to eliminate one guy now the park that I'm dying right now Is it I've gotten to like four episodes of thing and they had to bring more guys to island because these dumb ass girls keep fucking they keep kicking off all the fuck all the good guys What happens is they each they each grow gets to eliminate one guy per week. So three go off per week. And then after they say, okay, he's the one I'm eliminating,
Starting point is 00:29:50 then right before they leave, the host of the show says, are you a nice guy or are you a fuck boy? And they have to, so they tell them. And then if they were a nice guy, they know the numbers now. Like, okay, shit, we had 12 nice guys. Now we have nine.
Starting point is 00:30:03 So the guys all got kicked off? Yeah, so like in the first three weeks like I think I think literally I think nine out of the like 12 that was a limited were all nice guys. Oh my god. The official name is actually F boy Island. Yeah, we know that stands for though. Of course, but I mean that's an official title. Yeah, okay, somebody's looking it up. Yeah, I'm pretty sure if they put fuck boy in there, it'll find it. Is it fun? No, no, no, no, it stands fuck Yeah, I'm pretty sure if they put fuckboy in there. They'll find it Yeah, maybe it's a fun boy. No, no, no, it's a fun boy. Oh, no, it stands fuckboy I mean, it's literally what it because they interview them and that's what they the guys all do their little
Starting point is 00:30:33 Which by the way, hilarious because it just highlights those guys are probably trying way too hard You know and like asking all the questions about like, you know, are you interested in kids and stuff like that where they could just, you know, read it a mile away? How bad do you have to want to be on television to actually interview to get on one of these things? Like, how bad do you? Oh, so here's my theory. So my theory is, oh, there's Justin,
Starting point is 00:31:02 just green came off for a second there. My theory is this my theory is, oh, there's Justin, just green came off for a second. The my my theory is this is that if nobody going on these shows actually is looking for love or I want to fight. First of all, that's the worst fucking place to find a good partner. It's just this. I think they're all aspiring actors and actresses. And this is one way that they get themselves on media as they sign up for these dating shows. I don't agree with that. Well, some of them are even married.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Come on, we have a, just to get attention. Yep, yeah, I mean, they've exposed it. Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm just saying, I don't think all of them, I mean, are... I think most of them are. We had a buddy that was on the bachelor, bachelor, bachelor at or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Oh, I'm not a tux-shit. Yeah, that's guy. I think most of them... Yeah, I like him. I think a lot of them'm on a tux-shit. Yeah, that's guy. I think I think most of them are like in. I think a lot of them, yeah, you're talking about Ben. He's a great guy. I think a lot of them are going on there because they just want to be on TV. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:31:54 That's right. But that was what I just said. I said, how bad do you want to be on TV that you would allow yourself to be called a fuck boy and put your shit out there? You know what I'm saying? People don't care, dude. You must not I mean you and then imagine what your dating life is gonna end up being like afterwards like you're a self-proclaimed fuckboy
Starting point is 00:32:12 Like that said I mean at least I grew up thinking that that was an insult Is it now am I am I am I not correct or is it now become a badge of honor? Some dudes think it's cool like when you back in the day when they would say player, like, oh, he's a player. Like, yeah, I'm a player, you know what I mean? Oh, you think it's like that? Yes. Oh, I'm a slut boy. Yeah, like, oh, I just bang.
Starting point is 00:32:32 You know what I mean? That's what I, you know how it is with young guys and their egos or whatever. Ah, wow. There was one, there was one dating show on Netflix that was weird where. Oh, I think I know you're talking about where they had the dressing costume.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Yes, dude. Did you see that one? Yes, so they wore, okay. So here's the premise of the shot. I forgot the name of it. Beast, I don't remember something like that. There's something beast or what. They have professional makeup artists put them into character.
Starting point is 00:33:02 So like one person looks like a dolphin, another person looks like an owl. It's really creepy. Yeah, like a D-ciality stuff. Maybe this girl like a demon. Yeah, it's really weird. That professional makeup, it kinda looks creepy. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Sexy beast, look what they're wearing there. Sexy beast. Yeah, that's it. And then the idea is that they meet, and they go on dates, and then you pick the person based on the personality. It's all based on their personality. But it's weird because the makeup is so good that it's almost like I wouldn't be able to.
Starting point is 00:33:36 You have no idea what they look like. You can't, you can't. And they go to the reveal and I was like, oh, that's what that guy was saying here. Oh yeah, you can't even take, you can't tell their nationality. I mean, that's just the next level to the one that, remember they came out with that one last year,
Starting point is 00:33:49 which I think the sequel just came out again, is a blind, blind date where they had a date through a wall so they never, they never saw each other, right? So same concept. So these actually get to meet each other but then they're dressed up as animals. They look weird, yeah. Now, I know some, some people are into that, though.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And while you can at least do that, at least you can say. You can say, yeah. They're body, right? So you can see if they're kind of healthy or whatever when they're coming or not healthy, right? So, because the blind date you get nothing, they literally, that one they had to,
Starting point is 00:34:17 you had to court somebody for, you know, a couple months, through a wall where you can't see anything. Well, what's funny about 60 beasts is that they'll have to pick, right? So they'll send one person home, but before they send them home, they get to actually see what they look like. And a couple times they sent the person home that's that's really good looking. So they take off the like, you know, baboon mask or whatever and everything.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And then you could tell them, looking at them, they're like, damn it. I sent home the wrong guy. This guy's handsome, what the hell? It's interesting. Yeah. It's pretty funny, actually. What is the, do you guys know what the stats are on?
Starting point is 00:34:53 I remember years ago when I looked this up, when it was first getting really popular. What, how many people that actually meet now through a dating website? Oh, I think it's a majority. It is, it's a majority. It is a majority. It is a majority. I want to say it was like two or three. Is it something like that?
Starting point is 00:35:12 Do you know what you mean? It's got to be close to set. The last time I checked if I'm not mistaken, it was something like 78% or something like that. Yeah, it's crazy. Like a majority of people meet. Well, so now they've psyched it off, right? So you have like different interests.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Like if you want like a long-term relationship, you're like e-harmony or whatever, then there's like scales down of like just a night hookup, versus, you know, if you want the girl to decide where the night she likes you first. So I have interesting little niches. I have a question for you guys. This is a theory that I have.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Because my dad comments on stuff like, my dad's old school, right? He grew up in Sicily, quite poor, whatever. My mom, from the same exact town, right? So he says, you know, he goes, all this choices is too many choices. It's not good. And I said, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:36:00 He goes, he goes, look at all the choices now we have to watch movies and stuff on TV. He goes, you spend 45 minutes trying to pick a movie. You can't choose because every movie, you can't make a decision. He goes, I think that's what's gonna happen with all this dating stuff. You can't make a choice
Starting point is 00:36:15 because you feel like there's an infinite number of choices. What do you guys think about that? I don't know if I agree with that. I think I could argue it both ways. I think that there's some value. Like, you don't think if I agree with that. I think I could argue it both ways. I think that there's some value. Like, you don't think it increases the amount of the percentage of people who are like, you know what, I'm just gonna always keep things open
Starting point is 00:36:33 because there's this endless sea of potential that I'm just gonna keep. I'm sure there's a percentage of that that happens, but I would think that, at least for me, now this is great that you're asking this question because you're probably a really bad example for this because you got married so young. Where I would say,
Starting point is 00:36:49 I got remarried recently. Yeah, but I mean, you didn't have a long dating pro, you didn't have a long dating cycle where I had a very long dating cycle. I obviously waited only till I was 30 years old before I really settled down. And for me, that process, more than anything else, was a major learning process on who I am
Starting point is 00:37:09 and what I really want. More so than it is, like, oh my God, there's so many options. And because I dated so many different. If you think it would have been different, because our generation, we came up knowing both, you know, with internet, without internet. Imagine if you're, let's say you're 22 right now.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I think it might speed that process up. You think so? Yeah, like so, okay, so if it was me, you're 22 year old Adam right now. Right now. Right now, the, you know, say whatever amount of girls that I had to date to finally kind of piece go, and because there's a very clear shift
Starting point is 00:37:40 in the type of woman that I dated in my life, and it didn't happen until I was in my late 20s, did this kind of like, aha happened. The first half was I was attracted to all the things that were dealt with my insecurities. Like I wanted to be the father figure in the relationship and the teacher. And like, so I was attracted all different types of girls.
Starting point is 00:38:00 But that was the main insecurity that was driving me back to the same ones. I didn't unpack that till I was almost 28 years old. Once I did, I made a complete shift to what I started to look at girls and then the ones that went on after that. So I think if I was going through, because I think it speeds the dating cycle up. If you have an app, like if I had an, I can't imagine, like for me,
Starting point is 00:38:21 it was like, oh, I met someone with a grocery store, I met someone with a gym, and the randomness of that, or at a concert, like it would take a while for that to happen. Or like my buddy who's still using dating apps and things like that, and is single, seeing him like, man, he lines up like four dates in a week, you know, saying like, that is like unheard of back when we were at it.
Starting point is 00:38:41 But it's endless though, you know what I mean? I don't, it doesn't run out, you know, statistically, people are settling down at lower rates now than ever before, all across modern society. Yeah, but you can also. I don't know if it's that though, right? Could be lots of factors.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yeah, and you can also make the case that. It's like having a buffet, you know? Like you can go up and then everything's awesome and you just keep your stuff in your face. After a while, it's like, it gets old, man. Like you want a real nice refined meal that, you just keep your stuff in your face. After a while, it's like, it gets old, man. Like, you want a real nice refined meal that, you know, that's more attractive. I'm good now.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Justin's like, it's like, it's all about food. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just like cheese, okay. I like cheddar. I mean, I think of it more like the learning process of learning about a real partnership. Like, that takes a while. It's not, at least in my opinion, that's not, uh, like the learning process of learning about a real partnership. Like that takes a while.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It's not, at least in my opinion, that's not. Well, one of the big differences, see, this is a big difference between men and women, is that women have this natural biological clock that tends to put them in that situation where they're like, okay, look, I need to start settling down. I'm reaching a certain age. I do want to have children,
Starting point is 00:39:44 so I want to make sure I settle down with someone. Guys don't have that. And so I could see this being more of an issue for men because theoretically, I mean, we can have kids whenever we want, right? So guys like, well, I don't care. You know, I'm 40. I'll just keep dating.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I mean, there's definitely gonna be guys that are already prone to Peter Pan syndrome that this is going to make it worse, right? They're already stuck in that and then there is a buffet to use Justin's words of women out there for them so they don't feel they're ever going to starve so they don't ever slow down doing that
Starting point is 00:40:17 and that just makes their issue worse. But then there is, I think what I think is the majority is the dating cycle and dating people is really this process of figuring out what it is that you really like, what it is that you're attracted to that is healthy for you and that is not healthy for you. And a lot of learning that is just going through multiple relationships. I think too. It's at a certain point you realize with these dating apps, it's not challenging enough to, you know, for it to have purpose.
Starting point is 00:40:52 So for me, specifically, like I was looking for something that, you know, stimulated me intellectually, but also, you know, it was a bit of, you know, that sort of mentality. Like I want to pursue somebody because at the other end of that, you know, it was a bit of, you know, that sort of mentality. Like I want to pursue somebody because at the other end of that, you know, there's lots of value in that relationship because you know, I had to work for it. So, you know, not having to work for it as much, I think it really
Starting point is 00:41:16 taints the whole process. Yeah, there's actually some, definitely some, some truth to that. So when I, I mean, Jessica, I was not looking to date anybody. Remember, I had gotten divorced. And that's a, by the way, a lot of people don't know this, but when you're going through a divorce, there's years before that where you actually have the mourn. And like, you've made that decision over the course of a long time. Like, you just make the decision overnight. But Jesse was like, hit me like a, like a thunderbolt. It was, it was now, I was not looking to meet anybody. I don't want to be anyone. And I couldn't help it. It was, it was not, I was not looking to meet anybody.
Starting point is 00:41:45 I don't want to be with anyone. And I couldn't help it. It was just somebody that, you know, I wanted to be with. But I do, I do agree with you, Jesse. And I think there's some value in that, in that pursuit. Here's the other part of it, too. We're constantly being told, especially young men, or constantly being told that being married sucks.
Starting point is 00:42:03 It's boring. Oh, you got kids. Life is over. So it's like, we're sold that message married sucks, it's boring, oh, you got kids, life is over. So it's like we're sold that message on top of it. Then on the other end of it is this plethora of availability through all these apps and stuff and you can go on apps and see people who just want to have sex. And so I think all of these factors
Starting point is 00:42:20 plan to what I was saying. What are the statistics on people staying together that find each other through these dating apps? Isn't it getting better? Isn't that part of why it's had so much success? Is the people that actually use these apps and that kind of thing? That's a good question. I believe in that. I mean, I think you're right. Because you got to think there's some, there's some, I mean, I can like I said, I can argue I think either case. That would actually be good, right? Maybe less people are getting married, but the ones that do more of them are.
Starting point is 00:42:46 That's what I would think, is it? You get to filter out so much more, man. I mean, there's probably a lot of relationships looking back now that if I had to have met them through a dating app and actually had their profiles, like, oh, look, she was bipolar. And this is, they're not gonna put that in their profile. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:43:05 If I could have found that shit out a lot earlier, you know what I'm saying? I mean, I wasted six months to figure it all out. And you're right. I'm actually more likely to stay together. See? Yeah, that's a great observation. Yeah, I would agree with that. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah. Very interesting. Yeah, but they're not going to put that their bipolar on. Unless, it's bipolar people trying to find other. You know they have dating apps? Have you cheered a car before? Check. Yeah, crazylove.com.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Crazylove.com. Have you guys, did you guys know that there's dating apps for people with STDs? So they meet up for people with the same STD? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's smart. I mean, it sort of helps, right? So it's a lot of the open.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I don't know, I just feel like that we're getting so good in. I've never used one of these apps in my life before, so I don't know what it's like to be someone going through that, but I would imagine that it's making the process easier to figuring out what it is that you really want. And you can filter that at a much higher rate, where we have to take that more chance back when we were dating. It was like, you meet somebody and let's hope I guessed right on this prize.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah, you know, so I don't know. I think that, I mean, rejection stings more when it's a person, you know, like online, it's like, oh, you know, I just swipe left or whatever it is. You know? I mean, the truth is, I don't think that I would ever, like if I, let's say things didn't work out with Katrina and I or whatever like that,
Starting point is 00:44:38 and I was all said on the market at, you know, 40 something years old, right? I still don't think that I would use a dating app. I think I would just prefer to do it the old school way. So even though I'm like, the old school way like DMing. Yeah. Male order bride.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah. Yeah. Hey, speaking of surprise, I watched a movie yesterday that was surprisingly amazing. So remember the original Suicide Squad when that came out? It wasn't that good, right? Did you guys like the original?
Starting point is 00:45:07 It wasn't that good. The new suicide squad? Uh, hilarious. Really well made. Different cast, same people. Different cast, it's a different spin. And you can tell. John Cena in that one.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Yes. And the way they put, the way that they did it, they did it such a good job artistically, the way that they. Yes. And the way they put it's the way that they did it, they did it. Such a good job artistically. The way that they injected humor. Super catches you off guard. The first 15 minutes of movie catches you completely off guard. You're like, what the hell is going on? Oh, really? And then it changes directions. Really, really good. Some who recommended it to me, I think it might have been Max Lugavier that recommended to me. He's like, dude, great movie. I'm like, suicide squad.
Starting point is 00:45:45 I'm like the first one sucked. Put it on. It's kind of funny how DC has to go back over movies they produce. Like, oh, that sucked. And let's try it again. Well, it's not a remake. It's not, I mean, they refer back to the other suicide squad. You got to watch it.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I don't want to give it away. Yeah, I'm going to watch it. I'm really, yeah. All right. They did a phenomenal job. I'll try it even though you're shit's suspect whenever you do recommend it. Hey, real quick. I want to read to give it away. Yeah, I'm gonna watch it. Really? Yeah, all right. Really, really, really good. They did a phenomenal job with it. I'll try it even though like your shit's suspect whenever you do recommend it. Hey, real quick, I want to read to you
Starting point is 00:46:09 one of my favorite YouTube comments I've read in a long time. It's here, you know. So I just saw this one. Dude, you know, I was reading them yesterday. People were so funny, like someone was talking shit about the economics debate that we had other day. They were talking about what you said.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Yeah. Nobody on there was talking. No, no. They were talking about me you said. Yeah. Nobody on there was talking about me. Talk about me. Talk about me. No, it was me. It was me. It was us saying that we don't do it. We're not, we're not.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Don't know we're talking about economics and then my response is like, well, drop where you disagree and then, well, I don't really have anything to say. It was the fuck is that me? You can talk shit and walk away. Yeah, that's gonna talk shit, but then I have nothing to contribute. Like, hey, challenge, I'm up for a conversation or a debate on something. I'm open-minded
Starting point is 00:46:48 Hey, no, so YouTube always brings the Man the crowd they always bring the trolls. Listen to this one. This is a comment me Describing the podcast to other people in Italian a hot guy and a dude who won't shut the fuck up about himself Fuck you You won't shut the fuck up about himself. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. And I do. Whenever I, and you know what, by the way, I'm gonna address this. Fuck you, YouTubers that feel that way too. This is a skill. He's a whole lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Let me tell you a story about myself. I'm so real quick. Which is handled. This reminds me when I was competing. Yes. This is an acquired skill for coaches and trainers is the ability to humanize yourself and to tell a story. So rarely ever do to tell a story.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So rarely ever do I tell a story that's like, check out how cool I was. Yeah, it's normally, you're trying to be relatable by a different body experience. Let me tell you about this story where I fucked up too, or I made this mistake right into these things, so you can relate like that. And so you can,
Starting point is 00:48:01 and I can humanize myself for the audience. So I do know there's a percentage of people that appreciate, but then there's a few assholes out there that think it has ever been to do with me talking about myself. Oh, it's a good time. All right, so I got some cool interesting news for you. You guys know McDonald's is being sued right now, or is it a lawsuit I should think?
Starting point is 00:48:16 When's it not? Isn't it always being sued? No, over what this time next? Not the hot coffee, what's next? No, no, no, so it's a lawsuit having to do with McDonald's. Okay, so here's what the title says a lawsuit alleged That the company that makes McDonald's ice cream machines
Starting point is 00:48:32 Intentionally designed flawed code to profit from repairs So you know how often so that's the thing right? That's a thing you go to McDonald's. Yeah, it's ice cream machines always down. Fucking brother. Are you making factories do it? You know, Apple every time they have updates on my phone gets fucked up. I mean, all these companies do that. Dude, how slimy is that? Now, how do they, how do they, how do they figure that out? I don't know how they would figure that out,
Starting point is 00:48:57 but obviously if they have a lawsuit, they've got some evidence to show that the code, they put someone probably put the patterns together. They were like, dude, what is this? Every one of these machines. Yeah, that's shady. Yeah. Cause I remember that as a kid. That was like, please let the machine be not broken.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Cause it was always broken. It was a pain in the ass every single time. I remember that too. But now, yeah, that's soft serum. Oh, man, that's the, that's the one thing, dogs, you know, nailed. I mean, they're the fries. I mean, I feel like the car industry has been doing this to us forever.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I mean, don't you ever see as soon as the warranties over? Super ironic to me that we can build something that fucking flies the moon and back and totally fine, but we can't get a car to go past 100,000 miles without the transmission. Me want to piece of shit Honda, like you can't even put like 600,000 miles on it and it still feels like nothing's ever gone wrong. Yeah, and that's been that way for how since I was a kid since we've been driving. You know
Starting point is 00:49:53 what though they've made a big deal. I remember as a kid you guys remember when if a car had a hundred thousand miles on it you might as well throw it away. It's not true anymore. Now cars they generally go a lot longer. So they've definitely made some improvements. I don't know about that. I feel like for it's pretty standard that around a hundred thousand miles, shit starts going wrong. That's because you guys buy America. You don't idiot likes to pop up and the hell, oh my god, I have to take it to, you know, the dealership. That's because you guys, so that way they can get their money. That's you guys in your Chevy's. That's what's a scam dude. It's all a scam.
Starting point is 00:50:25 It's all a scam. I pissed off so many people right now, by the way. So I went to a concert not too long ago, which was great because it was open and they're all worried. We had to wear a mask or whatnot, but like we were in there. And it was a really fun punk show. It was a super small kind of venue, but like we're in there and it was a really fun punk show, it was a super small kind of venue, but there was this opening band that I thought was really, really wild,
Starting point is 00:50:52 really interesting like why they would kind of mash these two genres together. So basically they had a combo of the sex pistols, you guys ever heard of the sex pistols? Yeah, Of course. You know from, yeah, right? So they were like a covering sex pistol band with spice girls. And they were dressed up like spice girls. Wow. Was it good?
Starting point is 00:51:14 Big fat guys, you know, dressed up as a spice girl. So I'm like, really? This makes sense, you know? Like this is, this is part, like this is like, not even ironic anymore. Like that seems like something that is just normal. I'm not going to lie. I love the spice girls back.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Didn't they all they all went on to go do like big things by themselves, didn't they? Some what they all yeah, aren't they all still super famous doing stuff like but individually that was a thing for a while. Spice girls was like everywhere. Oh my god. What a wall. What you really, really well. Yeah. Well, it's it for a while. Spice girls was like everywhere. Oh my gosh. Let me know how much you really, really well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Well, it's, uh, Yeah. What is that Justin in the music industry, when they figure out like a hack like that, when you, that was their part of that, right? They're a part of like, oh wow. When we throw, you know, a group of hot chicks together, just like they did with the backstreet boys.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Yeah, it's all engineered. Yeah. Just like the backstreet boys, just like all that kind of stuff, like they had some You know brilliant mind in there that already knew like all those different types of chord structures and ways to kind of engineer this pop Bubble gum kind of music and then fill fill it in with certain looks. Yeah, cuz most of the time they're not they weren't all like buddies and friends hanging out before they met when it got away. Like boys to men was like all buddies
Starting point is 00:52:25 that were singing in the high school hallway like that and shitting together, right? Were these other ones, they're like, here's a cute guy, here's this one, let's put them all together, like now you're all friends. But they were phenomenal for a second. They were massive for a second. I think they're still, I think they still are like
Starting point is 00:52:42 famous like. Which one's the one that married Beckham? Which one was that? Oh, that's not sporty spice. That's a, um, that's what's your name. Posh, yeah, she's a spice. She's the one with the tattoo down her back. I don't know. I love that tattoo.
Starting point is 00:52:56 The only hot, I mean, well, she was the hot one. Posh spice was the, yeah, she was, she got a little, she got a little bony there for a second. She looked very healthy. Really? Yeah, for a second there. I thought she was pretty good looking. Hey, speaking of looking healthy, your skin's looking pretty healthy.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I like that. I know you must be using Caldare. I've been throwing it all in like crazy every single day. Yeah, especially. Let's just call it man care. Yeah, that's a new thing. You know what, dude, I told, I said this last time, I was reluctant to use, I don't,
Starting point is 00:53:25 I never put anything on my skin, I have this just natural Mediterranean glow, you know, you can see it on camera. Very nice. Here's the thing though. I'm always got a golden sheen. Yeah, I'm a, I'm afraid to rub. And I'm the guy who talks about himself all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I'm just fletching both of you. Hey, YouTube says it, right? I, I'm afraid to put oil on my skin because my skin's naturally kind of oily anyway, but whatever they put in the caldera balances out my skin. So I don't get oilier from using it. It just balances it out so that it's not,
Starting point is 00:53:55 I don't get like oily segments or whatever. No, serious no, you do, it does look good right now. I'm a mess right now. So I haven't shaved, so I haven't seen Vicki for my haircut. I haven't had my caldera because I'm downstairs in the other bathroom, so I don't got it in there. So I look like I probably age 10 years this last week.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Now, what are you doing in the room by yourself the whole time, vlog? That's so cool. Do you really want to know, Roy? Yeah. I don't know if you want to know, man. Yeah, that's you. Are you experimenting?
Starting point is 00:54:23 I mean, he's an irritated old day, but I talk with him on text. You have no idea. He's the biggest asshole. He's sitting there just crying. Yeah, just angry. If you guys thought I was grumpy when I'm healthy, man, I tell you what, I am a grouch when I'm not feeling good, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I'm just not fun to be around for sure. Just watching everything you can. Yeah, I've watched everything on TV. I should be actually a little more, but I mean, I'm able to work. So I'm in my emails and things like that, so I've been doing a little bit of work in there. I've watched a lot of television.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I listened to some audio books, not as much as I should. By now, I could have finished like four books if I would have disciplined myself, but when you feel bad and you don't feel good, it's hard to do the things, like those types of things, like growth-minded things, things that would help me. I totally should. I know I should, but it's like I'm in this,
Starting point is 00:55:11 watch, you know, fuckboy island type of mood, like so much. Feel sorry for myself. Eat chicken noodle soup and watch terrible television. I've had a lot of baths too. I've taken a lot of baths.. I've taken like oh my god. Yeah. Yeah. Take a lot of baths. Yeah. Handles. I think I've I think I've taken more baths in this last week than I have in the previous like do you leave the lights on or you turn them off? No I turn them off.
Starting point is 00:55:34 A lot of candle like I have I got a TV in the room. So I actually I actually put on one of those movies. I've actually been going back watching old like classics like Dazing Confused I put that one on the other day and I get my great bath. I do my little bath salts and then my little Wait, wait bath salts. Yeah, I got bath salts in all like legit one. Yeah, not the ones that turn you Yeah, okay, so what's your your go-to sick movie, right? Because I know we all kind of have that grown up like mine was always big trouble Little China hell yeah, dude me too Yeah, I like religiously when I'll sing love it. What what did I watch so far that I was you good man? Oh no
Starting point is 00:56:17 Shawshank redemption oh there you go Shawshank redemption is one and I already watched that already so that's that's like a good thing It's because I think when you're sitting you're locked up. You thought I feel like I'm in prison You can still watch and like watch in the great escape, you know break it out I my you know, I told you guys that I was supposed to go to my grandfather's 90th But now I can't go obviously yeah, but he he wanted me to do a speech for him So I decided that what I, because it's so sad, my grandfather's such a,
Starting point is 00:56:47 he's the most macho yet sensitive person you'll ever meet in your entire life. He facetime me and, you know, just to see how I was doing and then he teared up because I'm not gonna be at his party. So I felt so bad, right? So what I did is I wrote a speech and Doug's gonna record me and we're gonna play it at his birthday. And, dude, I didn't think this would happen.
Starting point is 00:57:07 As I'm writing the speech about my grandfather, I'm like emotional as fuck, just because I read some of it to me. I had to stop and leave the room several times. I read this, yeah, dude, so I'm hoping I can get through the whole thing. I want you to do it on the green screen, dude. Come on, let Doug have some fun with it and you know Put you a lot of work though. What are you? Dugs in a lot of work Doug?
Starting point is 00:57:29 It's more work I'm willing to play along come on your quarantine. You're not doing anything either You know what I'm saying? What do you always do? It's what are you doing over in your quarantine? No, no one's asking you what's going on. You've been awfully quiet. Hey, I've been mixing it up I've been watching more movies than usual. I've watched a couple series, I've been watching the one and how to be a tyrant. Oh, that's a good one, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Which I think everybody should watch because it seems very timely for some reason. It's happening right now. I watched the docuseries from Val Kilmer. Oh, I haven't watched that yet. Yeah, that's pretty interesting. I tuned that off. You kept going with it, huh? Oh, man. It watched that yet. Yeah, that's pretty interesting. I turned that off. You kept going with it, huh?
Starting point is 00:58:06 Oh, man, it's all awkward for me. It's rough, it's rough. I mean, that guy was on the top of his game, Iceman, all that, but he had throat cancer. Oh, I don't know that. Yeah, I know, it's, it's really sad to see. Yeah. It was just weird that he filmed so much of his own life, you know, first it felt kind of pretty narcissistic
Starting point is 00:58:28 But yeah, like it gets real sad when you find out that he has to cancer. Yeah, also cocaine cowboys That was an interesting that was a good documentary. Yeah, I watched that. That was really good actually And then in in you know in addition to that I've been doing some audiobooks Obviously, I some work to do at home. It's not all fun in games. Reviewing shows, doing financial stuff, that type of thing. Yeah, I feel like you and I are working. I think the style is pretty much vacationing.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Yeah, I think that's what's going on. Do you know what I'm saying? Just say typical week, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Hey, real quick. I hope you're enjoying this show. Head over to myserenitykids.com and check out some of the best baby food and baby food products you'll find anywhere.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Very healthy, grass fed meats, grain free snacks and puffs, no preservatives, great stuff. This is the only stuff that I feed my baby son. Adam does the same thing for his kid. Serenity kids, again, it's my serenitykids.com. Just don't forget to use the code MP20 for discount. All right, enjoy the rest of the show. Our first color is Haley from Michigan. Hi, Haley, how can we help you?
Starting point is 00:59:42 Hi, thanks for taking my question and taking time. I'm currently a professional basketball player. I just graduated from college in 2020. So I haven't had a weight room literally since then and I was just kind of wondering How I should go about my training now that I'm playing overseas And I'm also now playing in the summer with my team in Detroit. So I basically have to be ready all season to be like in shape and everything. So I'm wondering how to make like proper gains, strength wise, agility wise functionality wise, well, staying in shape and being able to perform on the court.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Okay. Do you not, you don't have access to a gym? Is that, is that still? I do now. Okay. You don't have access to a gym, is that still? I do now, but it's just like recently, but I think last summer I didn't, so I was doing a bunch of banded workouts and all like the hills and sand and like outdoor stuff, but I just recently now have like a normal way room again.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Oh, cool. Well, you know, there's an important part to what you said, which is that you're gonna be playing year around. So it's not like you have a true offseason where you're not competing and you could focus more energy towards other attributes with your training. Because you're consistently competing and playing, we need to be very careful with how we approach our training. You don't want to do is sacrifice your practice
Starting point is 01:01:05 and your skills training for strength training. It's not worth the trade, okay? So what I'm gonna recommend you do is maybe one day a week, maybe max two days a week of strength training at the most. Even one day, even one day. Well, let me ask you this, how often are you practicing with your team? How often are you guys doing your own workouts?
Starting point is 01:01:30 So I, we just finished my season in the States, and then I'll be going like next month or the end of August, next month to go overseas, but I was practicing with my team three times a week, and then most of the time, I'll probably do two a days with that to get some shooting sessions up and then I'll probably go on my own at least another three times. So I would say like five to six, I'm doing at least basketball. Yeah, yeah, once a week,
Starting point is 01:01:56 one day a week. One day a week of strength training will be perfect for you and you can throw in mobility work if you want during Okay, yeah, try to do that as much as possible as well just cuz I'm really I'm not flexible So I try to at least be mobile and what I do so perfect and now do you have do you have maps performance? No, I currently don't have any training guide Which is like kind of where I was looking to go for that too. Because I have a good, like, I think I have a good baseline strength and understanding of what to do. But I just, in terms of programming, I'm not, like,
Starting point is 01:02:30 I don't know how to go about that yet. Well, here's what I'll do. I'm going to give you maps performance. And now in mass performance, there's three foundational workouts a week. I don't want you to do three. I want you to just do one. So go ahead and look at the workouts. Like the mobility stuff she's going to do whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Well, yeah, totally. I'm going to interject here for a second, too. I would think that phase two is something I want you to focus on a little bit more in terms of multi-planar type of strength training where we're getting a little more unilateral work in season, mainly because I'm trying to maintain and reinforce that stability on the joint because you're a professional level.
Starting point is 01:03:08 It's all about longevity and making sure that we're not putting too much damage on the joint. So, yeah, that in combo with the mobility sessions can be perfect. Okay. Now, what time of the day would you guys recommend her doing her mobility training? You think she should get up and do it first thing. You think it should be a post workout or post training when you want her doing mobility. Oh boy, I would think it would be great if you did 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:03:33 I mean in the morning and mobility afterwards. Absolutely. Exactly what I was gonna say. Do some of the morning, 10, 15 minutes, and then again, after your training, whenever you're doing your practice or even after your workout. And then, Hayley, do you, do you follow Paul Fabritz? You know who that is? No, I'm, oh, PJ, is that, yes, is that, is that performance? It's a performance. PJ, yeah, I follow, yeah, I like stock him as well. I kind of have all his podcasts and stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Yeah, he's awesome. Paul, Paul's the man. So the content that he puts out, not even, and even his strength training program stuff that he has to align for athletes, like everything he's putting out is fire. So that's a great person to follow and pick up on. But as far as training, like Sal said, one day we got of the maps performance, Justin, great recommendation with the second phase, stay in that. And then pretty much every day you could be doing the mobility work. You can pull the mobility work out straight from mass performance, so you can use those to fall along.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Then I definitely would be consuming Paul Fabrett's, I mean his co-attense fire. That's what I was trying to, because I listen to you guys a lot, and the one thing you guys always say is trying to pull back and not do too much and in college I definitely did way too much I was always tired and I think that's just kind of how college is but now as a professional I'm trying to like unlearn a lot of the training habits that I have because I just don't think they're that necessary and I can be in shape without killing myself every practice so I'm trying to like learn that but I was lifting like four times a week and trying to be like agility twice a week and then basketball every day and I was it wasn't working out for me
Starting point is 01:05:09 So I just wanted to reach out to you guys. Hey, you should feel good after each session So that's how you that's how you judge it So if you finish practice or you finish a workout and you're like man, I am wasted Or I can't move or I'm really stiff or I'm too sore. You over did it. You should feel good, especially because you're playing year round. So this is especially important for someone like you. You should feel good after each one.
Starting point is 01:05:35 And use that as a game. You're a pro now. I mean, at this level, you know, that's where the mentality shifts now for all coaches that are training pros. It now becomes About longevity and taking care of you. I mean, you've put a recovery. That's right recovery Yep, and and making sure that we keep your skills Where they're at because you got there. Yeah, you obviously you've got that you wouldn't be where you're at
Starting point is 01:05:58 So that's the main focus is to take care of your body Okay, that all makes sense. Yeah, I can do that. All right, perfect. And we're gonna send mass performance over to you, okay? Okay, thank you. I appreciate it somewhat. No problem. Thanks for calling us. Yeah, thanks for answering.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Thanks for taking time out of your day and just no content all the time. I appreciate it. Awesome. Thank you, Haley. Yeah, so you still there, Justin? Yeah, you didn't cut me off, good. Oh, perfect.
Starting point is 01:06:22 You know, I'm so glad we have athletes calling in because it can definitely be confusing because you'll hear, okay, we're doing all these practices. Oh, no, I also need to focus on agility. Oh, no, I need to also build strength. And what they tend to do is they tend to just add on top of each one. So like, okay, five days a week I'm doing this. Now I'm going to do four days a week of this.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And I guess I could do strength training after I do those workouts. And it's just, it's just way too much. And here's the beauty of, this is one of my favorite things about resistance training. You don't have to do it very often to reap a lot of the benefits. You really don't.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And if you're an athlete, especially an athlete, because you're not your goal, your desired outcome isn't pack on as much muscles I can or get as shredded as I can, it's about performance. So, yeah, I mean, your mindset has to completely shift. You know, it's funny how it still blows my mind that as far as we are with science and training and nutrition and recovery, that this is still really, really prevalent in the like college down, you know? It seems that it doesn't until you get that professional level,
Starting point is 01:07:30 do you start getting like these really high? And that there obviously there's exceptions to rule. Like I know a lot of people who've had great college coaches and even some people that might have had a great height but it's more of an anomaly to have this coach or get somebody like a Justin who's helping a high school team out that knows what they're actually doing. Most of these kids are getting coached by volunteers or people that this is kind of like their
Starting point is 01:07:51 side profession. You know, they have like a real job and this is the side thing they do because they have a passion for the sport and they're advising these kids on training protocols and you think and they everybody, they all lean towards the mental toughness part, right? The idea of training that hard and that consistent, sure, it has some value as far as mental toughness, but that's not everything, especially with someone as high of a level as she is. Well, yeah, especially at that level, and again, there's a massive difference when you go up in levels from high school to college to the professional
Starting point is 01:08:26 level. So you really have to assess what's going to be best for the athlete. At that level, it's really just about keeping the body healthy and performing because you're already at the highest peak of your performance. We need to just sustain that at that point. I remember when I figured this out as a trainer. I had a client that was a competitive triathlete and then he wanted to do an Iron Man
Starting point is 01:08:47 and the beauty of this was, he obviously was very meticulous about his times. So he knew if his performance was improving or if it was declining. And initially when he hired me, we were doing three days a week of strength training and very shortly he'd come to me and be like, you know, I know this is supposed to help, but my times are getting worse. And eventually we reduced
Starting point is 01:09:08 this training down to once a week, and the workouts were like 45 minutes. Why? Because he was doing so much other stuff, right? To train for his bike and his swim and his run. When we did that, then we saw tremendous improvements. And then I started to really figure it out, like, oh, okay, we only need to do a little bit to really boost this performance. Any more than that is too much. All right, our next caller is Isaiah from Ohio. What's up Isaiah, how can we help you? Hey good, I appreciate you guys taking my call.
Starting point is 01:09:34 This is pretty cool. I have a quick question. I'm going to be a police officer here to start and actually tomorrow. I started the department. After next week they're going to be sent them into the academy for four months. I follow mostly mass program, do pretty much all resistance training. Up until I found out I was going to the academy, I started implementing more cardio, I'm not a cardio guy, I hate running. But my question is how do I work in resistance training around everything that I'm going to be doing at the academy.
Starting point is 01:10:08 So obviously most every single morning we do the normal push-ups, sit-ups in about two to three, four miles of running every morning, which is quite a bit for me coming from my background of little running up to this point. So I'm wondering how to program. I follow pretty much all maps programs. I have quite a few of them, but I'm trying to figure out what's going to be the best programming for me while I'm trying to manage both the working out still in the morning and then the stresses of whatever I'm doing during the day. As far as the training that they put me through and then what would you guys say would be like the best program for like after work, should I be focusing on, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:52 mainly recovery, just do four months of figuring out mobility working on that, because that's something I'm lacking. Or is there a way I can still implement a good resistance training routine and not overstress my body. I would do an antibiotic, although you just made another point about wanting to focus on mobility, which there's nothing wrong with blending the programs, right? Here's an example where I would do this with somebody. I might follow the foundational training from antibiotic and take the mobility days from performance. I think since you just said, I wouldn't have said that until you just pointed out that
Starting point is 01:11:28 that's an area that you know you can work on. And so this might be a great opportunity for you to implement that. But yeah, I'd say maps anabolic with the mobility days from performance. Yeah, I say, yeah, first off, I appreciate you doing what you're going to do. We need more good police officers, so that's awesome. But you're going to a police academy, right? So this would be four months of academy, and you're pretty familiar, I'm sure you know
Starting point is 01:11:52 what you're gonna be doing. It's somewhat grueling. There's a lot of workouts. You're gonna be training with them on an almost daily basis, right? Yeah. Yeah, so with all those workouts and training that you're doing with them,
Starting point is 01:12:04 you don't need to add much more to your your total programming. In fact if you try to add too much You're gonna run into some problems Honestly to be quite honest. I've trained a few people through the academy I've actually had clients who hired me and then went through the academy and they tried to follow their normal workouts While they also did the Academy and within a month they were like this is just too much. So honestly what I'm going to recommend is do the Academy workouts and then add like another day if you want of strength training and then mainly focus on mobility.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Are you going to lose some of your max strength and stuff like that? Yeah, probably, but not a ton, but that's not the point. The point is you want get through the academy, become a police officer. When you graduate, then you can go back to your old training and make sure you incorporate your course. So I was seeing an antibiotic one day a week and then mobility breaks.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Yeah, that's it. So like one day, how long is your academy? It's four months. Made around four months. I'm not exaggerating. Four months. Four months. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I would say doing that whole period of time do maybe one foundational workout a week
Starting point is 01:13:13 And then just do the Academy workouts and yeah, you're probably gonna lose some of your You know bodybuilding gains or whatever you got from the maps programs, but that's okay You're kind of getting conditioned in following their protocol, but when you're done with it, you can go back to your old programming and maintain a certain level of running, because you're gonna need some of that stamina, of course, in the line of duty.
Starting point is 01:13:34 But yeah, don't try to throw everything at your body while you're doing this. The academy is somewhat strenuous. The beauty of it is muscle memory, and so like right now, like you said, you haven't really adapted to the conditioning and the durability yet. So I would embrace that as your new adaptation focus
Starting point is 01:13:54 and really just try and reinforce your joints with mobility practices to try and keep everything healthy and moving forward. But embrace it for now. And just try your best to just kind of focus on gaining that type of conditioning. I say, do you own anabolic and performance already? I have anabolic, I don't have performance. Okay, there we go, we have shooting performance.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Yeah, we'll send performance over to you. And so you're using the mobility days from performance and then following a maps foundational day one. Yeah, one a week. And honestly, even with that recommendation, still listen to your body because there is a possibility that that may even be taxing because of all the work that you're going to be doing there. Yeah, from what I recall, I know that each academy is probably different, right?
Starting point is 01:14:40 Because they're run by the city, but I worked with people who went through San Jose police academy. And from what I recall, it was like daily workouts, including running lots of calisthenics. And then at some point, they reduced the workouts and would focus more on certain things, like how to take someone down, how to use you know, how to use your weapon in a particular way, you know, law, focus, when that happens, then you can incorporate more of your workouts. But you know, to put it differently, your priority is the academy. So place your energy and focus on the academy. That's where your energy and focus is.
Starting point is 01:15:21 So stay in that. And then if you add anything, it's to compliment it. Don't try to supple, don't try to replace it. Does that make sense? Yeah, for sure. All right. Perfect. Where is the, um, just the other part of the question was, I was thinking like going into it. I wanted to try and lean out a bit. I'm a little higher. I'm coming from like a 12 hour shift nights job. So my sleep's just going to. It was been terrible. I put on a little weight since starting the job, but I was wondering like, should I go into it, trying to lean out, like keep my cowards there,
Starting point is 01:15:50 should I just really focus on, you know, getting through it, not really have. I think that's, that's, I think that's naturally going to happen. Yeah, focus on your progress. Yeah, but I'm worried about it. I have quite a bit of muscle army right now. I'm worried that most of that with all the running is going to be my muscle going away. And I'm not going to be like leaning out. No, no, no, no, the body, the body, to utilize muscle, it's an expensive tissue and the body doesn't want to use muscle. It will much rather utilize fat as a source of fuel if it doesn't have carbohydrates, right? So if it doesn't have glucose,
Starting point is 01:16:26 it's going to move over to fat before it wants to move. So your body does not want to burn muscle. So don't be afraid of that going on. You're not gonna lose mostly muscle, especially if you're doing things like pushups and pull-ups and sit-ups and then one day a week of foundational training. You'd actually probably be really surprised.
Starting point is 01:16:44 You're probably gonna hang on to a good amount of muscle mass, you're probably just lean out. Even if you do lose a little bit of muscle and strength, as soon as you get out of the academy, it's, you're gonna probably rebound really. That's the big one. Like don't worry about it. When you're done with the academy,
Starting point is 01:16:59 you can kind of go back to your old training, get incorporate some more stamina in the muscle. Whatever little muscle you lose, you'll gain right back. As far as getting leaners concerned, just see the healthy to feed performance, you'll probably lean out from that. That's, you know, but I wouldn't make it a focus. I wouldn't sit there. I'm going to go into calorie deficit.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I got to get shredded because the priority is the academy, not your physique. No, you need the energy to perform at your best. So keep that as a main focus, and that'll just naturally occur because it's a totally new stimulus. Right. Okay. All right, man,
Starting point is 01:17:32 we're gonna send you over maps performance, okay? Awesome, I really appreciate the... No problem, get those bad guys, all right? All right, they don't even know. They don't even know. They don't even know. They don't even know. Oh, I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Yeah. I'm really looking forward to seeing where mine pup does for me. You guys have changed a lot about No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, because I'm like that. If I had to train, I did this happen for me when I did Jiu Jitsu or Judo, I remember I'd be like, oh man, I don't wanna lose my gains. And it actually took away from my performance in those sports because I was too focused on, the muscle, the way it looked and stuff. It's like you get to prioritize one thing or the other and then it comes back, it comes back so easy and so fast.
Starting point is 01:18:21 I actually think that he's gonna get, because this sounds like it's so out of the norm for him, the way they're gonna be training bodyweight exercises. You're right. You might be surprised, right? I bet you, it's just like what happens when you take a guy like one of us. Like newbie gains. Yeah, right. And you're so into lifting weights all the time that also you do a bodyweight program or like a suspension trainer program and you see phenomenal results from it. The body is just, it's just a new adaptation and I bet his body ends up loving him for it. So I imagine if he, so long as he doesn't eat like an asshole, he makes good food choices
Starting point is 01:18:55 and stays fed and then follows the academy and some of that. And maybe one day a week of MAP's antibiotic, I think that he's gonna be surprised on how he shapes up from it. Yeah, I agree. Our next caller is Joanna from Florida. Hi, Joanna, how can we help you? I'm hoping you guys can help me out with my current routine because I'm gonna be 15 next month. And as everybody says, things have changed.
Starting point is 01:19:23 So I've been working out about 10 years and lifting a lot of weights trying to build muscle because I know that that is something that is going to rapidly dissipate if I don't. But I'm just not progressing. The fatigue is a real issue. I have these great plans of how I'm going to work out. And then I guess it changes in hormones aging. I don't really know, but I'm trying to be on top of everything from circadian rhythm to nutrition to sleep to all the things and what's the best way to go about all of this.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I have a job that I have to sit at like right this minute for eight hours a day and a 45 minute commute on either end. So I'm like obsessive about trying to get my workout in in the mornings before I even get here because when I get home, I am dead. So I'm looking up at your your question that you have sent in and it says that boot camps and body pump is that how you've maintained your fitness up into this point? Yeah, about I've been working out at home for probably eight years. OK, that's usually, OK, and you're also saying that you just, again, in the same question that Adam's pointing to that,
Starting point is 01:20:35 you feel fried after your workouts. Well, I try to go hard enough to make a difference. I mean, I'm not going to mess around. I want to make sure that it's progressing as much as possible. But it's not. So this is what I want you to consider. Cause I think oftentimes, especially those of us who are, you know, high achievers,
Starting point is 01:20:56 or we like to, you know, accomplish things through great and effort, is we tend to either lie to ourselves or ignore the signals. Whatever you're doing is too much. So really doesn't matter what you're doing, it's just too much. Obviously your body's telling you, the right dose is gonna get your body to progress.
Starting point is 01:21:14 More than that, it's not gonna happen. And you can't push through that. There's no way of adding even more to too much, to make it work, it just makes things even worse. So I'm also gonna go out. I'm also gonna go out on a limb and just say that your body is probably adapted to that type of training.
Starting point is 01:21:29 I'm assuming if you're into the body pump and boot camp type of training, it's probably high paced, low rest periods, kind of getting a pump and a sweat versus strict sets of like four or five reps and then rest periods for a minute and a half to three minutes. Is that right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Yeah. You mean I found that, yeah, I can't even do high intensity training for more than about 15 minutes. So, some of them are longer and I'm just like that's ridiculous. Yeah. Maps and a ball, like all the way. I would put you on Maps and a ball,, follow the program as it's laid out. You could do three, you could do three foundational workouts a week,
Starting point is 01:22:08 do some trigger sessions on the off days, watch what happens, watch what happens to your body. Now, you mentioned some of the hormones and all that stuff. I don't think there's an issue there, but if you do think that there's a hormonal issue, you can get it checked out with our partners at mphormones.com and they'll do a whole assessment with you and a lot of stuff. But I think the issue is,
Starting point is 01:22:32 your training is all wrong for your body. And I would go, maps and a ball, straight all the way through, follow it as it's laid out, trust the programming. Within three weeks, you'll notice a difference. You'll feel like oh more energy stronger And then after about 60 days you should start to see some visible. So long as you stick truly stick to it So that I'm gonna make sure okay when someone's trained this way
Starting point is 01:22:54 So one of the hardest things when I have a client Like this that trains similar to you is Getting out of that mentality of like, the workout needs to be this, that needs to be this, I'm sweating and I need to feel like I kicked ass. That you don't need to feel like that. And, and, and it's also really hard to get someone like you to sit still
Starting point is 01:23:16 and actually truly rest for two minutes before you go to your next set. You would be the client who would always be telling me, I'm ready to go, Adam, I'm ready to go. Feels like nothing. Yeah, I'm ready, next set, next set. Can we do next set? And I be telling me, I'm ready to go, Adam. I'm ready to go. Feels like nothing. Yeah, I'm ready. Next set. Can we do next set?
Starting point is 01:23:28 And I'm constantly going, relax. You're doing good. Just, we're resting. We're resting right now. We're going to wait. You still got another 30, 45 seconds before I want you to do your next set. And that's really hard to do for someone who has trained
Starting point is 01:23:39 a particular way for so long. So probably the biggest challenge of maps and a bulk for you won't be so much the exercise programming in it, but more so the mentality that you need to now have going into these workouts for them to be truly effective. Do not look at them as, oh, I wanna crush these and get through these. That's not the objective here.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Follow the blueprints. Give yourself the long rest periods in between, try and get stronger. On what each set, I want to be stronger. It's not about how much I'm sweating. It's not how much my body is burning. It's all about following the program the way it's laid out. Think about it this way, Joanna.
Starting point is 01:24:19 When you're telling your body to build strength and build muscle, okay? Think of all the hormones associated with adding muscle. You're going to get more youthful levels of hormones as a result of this. If you continue down the path that you've been going on, which is boot camp style, workouts, body pump, obviously frying your CNS, you're probably telling your body to not build muscle. In fact, you might be telling your body to start to lose muscle Now think of the hormones associated with that process right elevated cortisol
Starting point is 01:24:51 Growth hormone not youthful an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone I wouldn't be surprised if you noticed Changes not just in energy, but also in libido you might also notice more cravings as your body is trying to get more You more sugar in your body to keep you alive, essentially. So, am I painting, am I accurate? Am I hitting all the points here? Yeah, I mean, that's why I thought,
Starting point is 01:25:16 I don't know another source to go to, because I studied this constantly. What am I doing wrong? Because I'm trying my best to do every little thing that is going to give me some positive outcomes. So you are you saying not working out every day? Oh, yeah. Oh, two to three days a week.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Yeah. Now you can now you can walk every day. You can do mobility every day. You want to do yoga every day. That's totally fine. Strength trained two or three days a week, that's it. Yeah, something you're to to consider as you switch this up and focus a little more on strength training and you're sitting so much and you know, you're in your commute and
Starting point is 01:25:55 your muscles are going to feel like they're locking up and tight. You want to really reinforce good posture. So to establish a good ritual, to address those things like the hip flexors, you know, your shoulders, contracting, you know, that's something, especially if you can find time throughout the day and get out of your chair and kind of go against the wall. And something I recommend, we have one of the webinars, if you haven't checked out yet, you know, the prime webinar where we go into some of those easy things to do just against a wall to reinforce good posture and to really attack those.
Starting point is 01:26:34 So you don't start locking up and having issues as you start actually focusing a little bit more on lifting weights and strength training. Yeah, it's Maps, Prime, webinar, dot com. Do you have Maps and Ob Balak, by the way? No, I don't. All right, we're going to send that right over to you. And just follow that to a tee. On the other days, you can walk, do yoga, work on mobility.
Starting point is 01:26:55 And here's what you'll experience. OK, I'm going to be, you know, Nostradamus right now, or I'll be Salsstradamus. Here's what you're gonna feel. Initially, when you follow it, you go barely, it's in the door. Here's what you're gonna feel. Here's what you're gonna feel.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Salstein. Hey, look, I'm making the prediction. If I'm wrong, you can DM me, okay? But here's what you'll notice. The first week, you're gonna be like, this is not enough. This doesn't feel like enough. I feel like I'm not doing enough working out,
Starting point is 01:27:26 what's going on. By week two, you should notice an increase in your libido. That'll happen by week two. By week three, you'll start to get better sleep. By the fourth week, you'll start to see a difference in the mirror, and then after you'll start to think to yourself, I'm getting leaner, this is very strange. I feel like I'm burning less calories.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Why am I getting leaner? That's how you're I feel like I'm burning less calories. Why am I getting leaner? That's how you're gonna feel when you start to train your body properly. I would like to add one more recommendation to you. I would love to see you follow Maps and Obolic and then because you were probably used to training every day and I never like to break that from a client. If I've had a client who is disciplined themselves
Starting point is 01:28:02 to exercise and do things to take care of their body on a daily basis, I just, I want to switch their focus, right? So, strength training three days a week and then your other three to four days that you would normally be weight training or doing boot camp stuff. I want you to go for a walk. And on your walk, I would love for you to listen to the resistance training revolution, the book that Sal just wrote. This book, this book and the content that is in this book is literally will speak to you. And I just think it would be very therapeutic, it would be good for you to listen to that,
Starting point is 01:28:33 while you go for a nice walk, go for a walk on the other days that you're not doing the resistance training and listen to the book. Okay. That's my recommendation. Thanks for calling in, Joanna. We'll send you maps in a moment.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Yep. I appreciate you. you're making my commute bearables You know this highlights She listens to the podcast regularly. Yeah, it's taking her this long to call or even consider changing what she was doing That's how hard it is to know that's why and that's why typical client She's like she's's spot onto normal. She's like 70% of the people I trained right there. Yeah, I know when we, I feel sometimes when we, we, we talked to these people on the Q and A like this,
Starting point is 01:29:12 I always feel bad because I feel like they think that we're kind of like hammering them, but it's like, dude, this is, you were literally so normal. Like, these are the same conversations we've had like over the years, like every single time. So it's very typical. And it'll and the hardest part of this will not be her discipline to be consistent or her ability to bring intensity to the workout. It will literally be to follow the programming to back off of all the intense training when she feels like, oh my God, I can do more to not do
Starting point is 01:29:42 more because this is the, this is the client who finished her workout with you. And then you would see her out in the gym floor an hour later still doing more exercises. I can't tell you how many times I kick people out of the gym. I used to do that, I'd see a client like, what are you doing over here? Well, I really hope that she, I hope she gets the book and listens to the book
Starting point is 01:29:58 because I feel like what you wrote in resistance training revolution really speaks to a client like this. And I think that it can be life changing. I really do, especially someone like her who's got the discipline and she's in pretty damn good shape at least what it looked like from where I was sitting. So I mean, she's not like she's got a long way to go somewhere.
Starting point is 01:30:16 She just needs to shift her mindset. Our next caller is Jeff from Idaho. Hey, what's up Jeff, how can we help you? Hey guys, thanks for having me on. I really appreciate what you guys do. So I'm just going to give you a little quick background and that'll help me kind of set up my question. So about a year though, I really started to get into lifting for the first time and by that I mean I had lifted a lot before, but I had never actually progressively overloaded my lift.
Starting point is 01:30:44 So I started doing that as well as tracking you know macros and calories. to the lot before, but I had never actually progressively overloaded my lift. So I started doing that as well as tracking macros and calories. And between about this time last year and the end of the year, I lost about 35 pounds. Wow. I went from around 200 to 165. And so at the start of the year, I still kind of had
Starting point is 01:31:00 a skinny fat physique. So I thought I would just keep progressively overloading and making sure I was hitting my calorie and macro goes and just recomp as much as I could. And this worked really well for about five or six months. My physique was progressing. My, let's cut it heavier and my metabolism got faster, but these last two or three months, everything just really seems to have kind of stalled out. And so my question is, is this my body telling me that I need to go on a little bit of a bulk in order to put on more muscle, even though I'm not necessarily as lean as I'd like
Starting point is 01:31:32 to be? Or do you think this might be an issue with my programming, and if I have been to following something like a MAP Santa Ballet? Probably both. Yeah, I was just going to say both. I would say go on a little bit of a bulk and change your workout program. This whole time Have you been following a similar workout?
Starting point is 01:31:49 Yeah, it's been a four day upper lurch split mostly. Oh, yeah, dude Just yo for sure switching up your programming adding a couple cow extra calories in there and watch you break through that plateau Oh, yeah, I would go maps and a ball do three three foundational workouts a week. Do three trigger sessions on your off days. That's it, follow that and then watch what happens to your body and pump your calories. That's it, yeah. You don't even have to bump in that much. I bet you three hundred calories.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Yeah, I bet you if you just change this programming, his body would just start getting it. Yeah, but why not do both though? You know, let's have some fun with it. Your body's gonna respond to the new adaptation, give it some extra calories so you really pack on some muscle, which is only gonna speed up your metabolism more, even though you're not at your ideal body fat percentage,
Starting point is 01:32:28 this is not gonna hurt you. Cool. Sounds good. I guess you guys have any tips, because I guess since I went through that cycle of losing the weight, sometimes it can, it sometimes it kinda freaks me out of seeing it go back up. I don't know if you have any tips
Starting point is 01:32:43 just dealing with that mental hurdle. Yeah, we're the scale. Yeah, don't stop weighing yourself and judge your progress by your strength and your performance in the strength of performance. That's your focus now. That's it. Here's another tip. How long have you been listening to us, by the way?
Starting point is 01:32:59 A couple of months or so. Do you consider us to be experts? Yeah. Beautiful. Just listen to us. That's all. Just do it. Just do it. Just do what we tell you. Just try. Listen, I'll ask you for trust right now. I won't have to ask you again. I promise you. Just do what we tell you. Don't weigh yourself. Give yourself a few months.
Starting point is 01:33:17 It's maps in a box about three months long. At the end of that three months, you're going to be like, oh yeah, that's it. I'm not going to ever doubt what these guys say ever again. Yeah, and I think you're in a great place right now. You've changed your physique quite a bit on your own already, kind of doing the same thing. And just simply following a program that's a lot different, which if you've been running a body part split type of routine going to anabolic full body is going to shock your system. You do that with a little bit of a mini-bulk since you've probably been at maintenance or
Starting point is 01:33:45 lower calorie to lose weight. I think that you're going to see a great response. And I think you should notice in the first couple of weeks. Oh, totally. Yeah. Awesome. Were you at night, Ho? Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Uh, uh, several of a Boisey. Boisey? Suburb. Oh, suburb. Like Meridian? I think it's a suburb of Boisey. Like Meridian or Eagle or like we're familiar with that. I have a little west of Meridian. Okay, good deal.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Yes. We have friends up there. All right, thanks for calling in, Jeff. Yep, thanks for having me. No problem. That change in workout programming makes a big difference. Yeah, I don't realize that. I've been doing the same workout for five months.
Starting point is 01:34:21 My body stopped responding. It's like, change it. He's gonna see, he's gonna see, he's gonna see great results. Oh, huge. It's gonna be like night and day, especially because he's already been doing, what he's been doing for five or six months.
Starting point is 01:34:31 It was working. It stopped. Well, that's the biggest hurdle is the mental part. Like, a lot of people just start a little bit weary, leery of changing things up, but because it's of the unknown. And so, yeah. So, a lot of times as trainers,
Starting point is 01:34:44 we just have to reinforce that. I also, I wanted him to do the calorie increase too, because I bet you money. If you lost all that weight, I guarantee you, he's probably closer to running under his caloric maintenance or right around maintenance, right? So he's probably been, hasn't been in a surplus in a very long time.
Starting point is 01:35:01 So just feeding his body more while also switching a program, I think he's gonna start strength gains, I think his metabolism's gonna fire right up. I think he'll see his body change right away. Like, guys in a great position, it's the perfect time to do that. And it really will be about trusting the process and not worrying about a couple of pounds going on the scale
Starting point is 01:35:19 because he's probably gonna be building muscle quick. Agreed. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com. We have lots of free guides that can help you do everything from burn body fat to build muscle, improve your mobility. We have guides for personal trainers. Lots of guides that are all free, mindpumpfree.com.
Starting point is 01:35:36 You can also find all of us on Instagram, so you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me and Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Battle. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com.
Starting point is 01:35:56 The RGB Superbundle includes MAPS and Obolic, MAPS Performance and MAPS Esthetic, nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:36:34 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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