Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1626: How Your Hormones Affect Where You Store Body Fat, the Ideal Length of a Bulk & Cut, Coffee Vs. Energy Drinks & More

Episode Date: August 25, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how one’s hormone profile affects where fat is distributed on the body, how long a bulk and cut should last, the ...pros and cons of drinking coffee vs. energy drinks, and tips for college students on how to manage school, work, training, social activities, and family. Does fasting cause muscle loss and low energy? (5:26) The remarkable health benefits of Aspirin. (15:04) The crazy effects of LSD on the brain. (18:37) Mind Pump Recommends, Wormwood on Netflix. (23:14) Plan for the apocalypse with Magic Spoon. (29:57) Dad life and baby updates with Mind Pump. (33:48) Atacama ‘alien’ mummy, human or not? (40:58) When a 15,000-year-old virus is discovered in an iceberg. (42:48) The billionaire ego battle. (44:07) The importance of taking it easy after an injury or illness. (47:48) How the majority of people are under consuming protein. (49:40) Do you find yourself overconsuming the things you love?  (52:15) #Quah question #1 – Can your hormonal profile affect where your fat is distributed on your body? (54:22) #Quah question #2 - How long should a bulk and cut last? (1:00:03) #Quah question #3 – What are the pros and cons of drinking coffee vs. energy drinks? (1:04:32) #Quah question #4 – Any tips for college students on how to manage school, work, training, social activities, family, and not get crazy? (1:10:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned August Promotion: MAPS Strong and MAPS Powerlift 50% off!  **Promo code “AUGUSTSPECIAL” at checkout**  A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults Layne Norton breaking down fasting study Aspirin for the primary prevention of skin cancer: A meta-analysis - PubMed Harvard finding: Aspirin tied to reduced colorectal cancer risk - Harvard Health The Woman Who Accidentally Took 550 Doses of LSD in One Hit Wormwood | Netflix Official Site Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia Snake Eyes (2021) - IMDb Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! King Richard (2021) - IMDb Researchers Solve the Mystery of the Atacama ‘Alien’ Mummy 15,000-year-old viruses discovered in Tibetan glacier ice Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin sues NASA Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “mindpump” at checkout** Visit Serenity Kids for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MP20” at checkout** Mind Pump #1607: How To Optimize Your Hormones With Dr. Rand McClain Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. In today's episode, we answered some health and fitness questions that were asked by listeners, just like you, but the way we opened the episodes with an intro,
Starting point is 00:00:26 so the opening was 47 minutes. This is where we talked about current events and scientific studies. We talked about some of our sponsors. After that, we got to answering the questions. So here's what went down in today's show. We opened up by talking about a study done on fasting versus just regular calorie restriction.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Believe it or not, one of them resulted in muscle loss. You may surprise you. Listen to the episode to find out which one. Then I talked about aspirin, and it's many benefits for the body, including anti-cancer benefits, kind of interesting. Then I talked about the crazy case of the young lady who took 150 times the normal dose of LSD.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Let's see the episode to find out what happened to her brain. She didn't die. Then Justin talked about a show called Warmwood on Netflix. Sounds really interesting. Adam talked about the movie Snake Eyes and how you should probably watch that under the influence of cannabis. By the way, this got him the munchies, so he reached for magic spoon cereal. And luckily for him, magic spoon cereal has no sugar, but it's very high in protein.
Starting point is 00:01:30 But it also tastes like the cereals you grew up eating on a Saturday morning. Some of our favorite flavors include peanut butter, and they have maple waffles. Really, really delicious. But again, high protein, no sugar. Go check them out and get $5 off because you listen to Mind Pump. Head over to magicspoon.com forward slash Mind Pump. Use the code Mind Pump to get that $5 off.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Then Adam gives us an update on his son starting gymnastics and swimming, which is kind of cool. I brought up the discovery of the Atokama alien. They did a DNA test and found out what it really is. Then we talked about 15,000 year old viruses that have been found in Tibetan glaciers. Nothing to see here. Yeah, I'll see what that turns into.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Then we talked about how Jeff Bezos sues NASA because he's throwing a tantrum. Sounds like. Then Justin talks about how his football team, he's coaching a high school football team, is loving the organify plant-based protein powder. They're noticing great benefits from it because it's plant-based.
Starting point is 00:02:32 If you have any dairy intolerances, this is totally suitable. Go check them out. Head over to organify.com. That's ORGA and IFI.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump at checkout for 20% off. By the way, if you buy two canisters of gold pumpkin spice, you can get a free collectible mug while supplies last. And then we talked about over-consuming
Starting point is 00:02:57 the things that you love, dysfunctional or normal. I don't know. Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one. Can your hormone profile change where your body fat is distributed on your body? The next question, this person wants to know how long you should bulk and cut.
Starting point is 00:03:13 So how long should those last? The third question, what are the pros and cons of drinking coffee versus energy drinks? Which one's better? The last question, this person wants to know if there's any tips for college students who are super busy managing school, work, workout, social activities, family, etc. Like, how do you balance all that stuff out?
Starting point is 00:03:34 Also, all month long, two of our most effective strength building workout programs, maps strong and maps power lift are both 50% off. You can check them out at maps fitness products.com Just use the code August special with no space for that discount It's teacher time Shit down I'm back. You know it's my favorite time of the week. Oh, yes Oh shit, darling, I'm back. You know it's my favorite time of the week. Oh, yes, yeah, we're all back. Yeah, we have six big winners.
Starting point is 00:04:07 We have four for Apple podcasts, two for Facebook. The Apple podcast winners are AMKTK812, Markey Pepp and CTJ0628. Oh, and IU Menderson. And for Facebook, we have Joanna O'Hanna and Kevin Zinsel. All robots in the mix. Six of you are winners.
Starting point is 00:04:30 In the name I just read to iTunes at mypumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. You're so good to have us all back together in the studio right now. It puts me in such a better mood. Is it just me? Just to look a buffter or something? I mean, you know, it's just an optical illusion. I think we just got smaller, we lost some muscles.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Damn! That's what I was hoping for. I didn't want to say that. Yeah, welcome back. Welcome back. It has a feel to be back in the house here. It's in the eye of the storm in here, man. Missed you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I know, it's way better in here. I mean, I hate being remote, too, that's lame. Yeah, like, yeah. Oh, hey, I'm all way over here. Everybody else is having a good time. Doing a bunch of housework and stuff and between dogs barking like every two seconds, you know, kids, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:05:18 Hey, Dad, where's this? I'm busy. Yeah, I'm working. Yeah, I'm supposed to be working. Yeah, no, it's good to have you back, dude. Very nice to have you back. Yeah, so Adam, we should talk about the intermittent fasting study. Oh, that lane posted about.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah, interesting. Yeah, really interesting to me. Yeah, so basically they compared three different groups, but the two groups that were important to look at were the, there was a continual caloric restricted group. And then there was a groupual caloric restricted group. And then there was a group that every other day fasted. And essentially they ate the same amount of calories
Starting point is 00:05:51 throughout the week, right? So one group had a calorie deficit, I think it was 75% of maintenance every single day of the other group. Would eat 150% of their calories one day in the next day, not eating calories. So at the end of the week, similar calorie deficit. At the end to the week, the calorie deficit was the same between the two groups. The only difference was one was not eating every other day and then the other one was consistently lower than maintenance.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yes. And what they found was that the every other day fasting group lost muscle, whereas the continual caloric restricted group lost almost all body fat. So they lost similar amounts of weight, but the every other day not eating. Interesting. Resulted in some, and muscle loss, which I think is very interesting. Pretty significant too. Very significant. It was like 50%.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah. And now he makes a good point that, and this is true, the human body doesn't really have a good way of storing amino acids in protein, right? So we could store body fat. That's pretty limitless. We could store glycogen from carbohydrates. There's a limit to that, but you actually have a pretty good store in your liver and in your muscle that you can utilize.
Starting point is 00:07:00 But we don't really store amino acids, and so the theory is, is that because they didn't feed their bodies protein every other day, because we don't store it in a way to where we can utilize it, the body paired down muscle. So, very interesting. Yeah, no, I mean, it's... Well, I also think that, and I know they did a really good job of the controls, right, to tease out like all the other potential variables. But we just talked to the other day about how,
Starting point is 00:07:29 you know, we were talking about getting over from being sick and that our body types are the type that, man, if I don't eat, and I lose 10 pounds, I can pretty much guarantee that half of that is muscle and half of it is just body fat. It's just the nature of the beast with my body type. But then I brought up the, the X-girlfriend that I had that was the opposite of that.
Starting point is 00:07:50 It felt, I felt like she could starve her body, try over train, and under consume for extended periods of time, and the weight that she would just hang on to all her muscle. So you gotta think that there's still, even with this study and as good as it control it is, they're still gonna be an individual variance of people that's still, there's always gotta factor that in.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah, respond really well with that. And I feel like if you're the group that would probably lose half muscle and half body fat, you kinda probably know who you are. Like I think that you're the type of person where you can relate to that. So when I shared that the other day, that hey, if I don't eat, or under consume,
Starting point is 00:08:28 I'm sick, whatever, I don't exercise, a week goes by, and I lose 10 pounds, I can pretty much guarantee half of that is muscle mass too. If you can relate to that, then this is probably, this study to me speaks to you. I would assume it's more often people like that than the kind that just keep muscle on. That's pretty rare.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I remember one guy used to work for me. He was a porter at Hillsdale. And he just was, he was always jacked. He always just looked super jacked all the time. And I started to become friends with him. And when I saw his diet, I actually thought he was full of crap because this is no joke.
Starting point is 00:09:07 The guy would eat peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a meal would be French fries or a pop tart. Like, at the worst diet of all time, he worked out super inconsistently and just was jacked all the time. And then he went through a period where I convinced him to take a protein shake. I'm like, bro, increase your protein. Let's just see what happens. Any blue love.
Starting point is 00:09:28 But I mean, that's rare, right? Most people are not like that. Yeah, and I got DMs about this study. Like, people always like to ask us because we've talked about, we've talked about intermittent fasting and I think that for the most part, for the most part, we're fans of it. Depends how you use it. How you use it. And so they were asking what my opinion or what I thought about it. And I said, it doesn't change anything for me as far as my view of intermittent fasting because I think from the very beginning, we've talked about the reason that you should do it is more for the the spiritual practice or the relationship with food, which that doesn't
Starting point is 00:10:03 change. That doesn't change. this study isn't changed at all. Now, if you were somebody who was trying to use fasting as a tool to get shredded and get leaned, this probably should change the way you look at it absolutely, but we've talked out about that for a long time, that that's a terrible idea is to use fasting in that manner and where it has the most value is the relationship
Starting point is 00:10:24 with food and so that doesn't change. No, I know. I totally agree. I think if you're fasting to get shredded or fasting to look different, then you're encouraging or at least you're putting yourself in a situation where you could probably develop a bad relationship with food. Now, here's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Here's another part to it, right? Let's talk physiologically. For some people, fasting improves their health above and beyond calorie restriction. Who are these people? The people that come to mind are people with gut issues. Now this is me, right? So I, on and off, you guys know I deal with gut issues. It's always something that I have to kind of keep in mind.
Starting point is 00:11:06 And sometimes the only thing that improves my gut health is to not eat for 48 hours. Give my gut a break, reduce the inflammation, maybe that thing settle down. Now in the case where fasting is the one option that improves your health, then it's probably better for muscle growth for you than to be less healthy.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It would be for me, right? So if my option is terrible gut health, or I don't eat for two days, which one is gonna be better for? Yeah, but don't you think this study proves, though, that you don't have to actually fast to get that same benefit. You could just stay in a low-cal...
Starting point is 00:11:44 No, not for gut health. Not for gut health, that not a... So, I bet if you took a bunch of people who deal with gut health issues, people with irritable bowel syndrome, people with inflammatory gut issues, then I think it would look a little bit different. I don't know if I agree with that. I feel like the research that like Walter Longo did and stuff about the fasting mimicking diet would show that, you know, if you were running a 500 calorie diet for a week or two weeks you would get the same gut health benefits as the person who's decided to eat nothing he's he's studied Cell atophagy the anti cancer effects and it is very similar but 500 calories and not eating is pretty close and also what he's giving people to eat is Our foods that are like super non-reactive.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Yeah, and to me that's an extreme analogy for I'm sure the studies and testing they did like that. I personally, as long as I'm in a good size deficit, I feel those benefits. Again, this is my personal experience on how I view it, but it seems like the research is pointing that direction too though that if you were to just run a very low calorie diet, you would get the same gut health benefit.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yeah, I mean, it depends. Look, there's times when it's so bad for me that it's nothing. I have to eat nothing. Depends on reactive you are. Yeah, it's also easier, right? So if you don't know what's causing bad gut health and what foods could possibly potentially be flaring you up by eliminating everything,
Starting point is 00:13:10 you're pretty much getting your cover on your bases. Where if you eat a very low calorie, 500 to 900 calories, you may still be consuming that offender that you don't know about or what. So I could see that. Plus, I think we tend, sometimes we run into issues when we live and die by studies because we can sometimes ignore, you know, what's working
Starting point is 00:13:29 well for us. We're like, ah, you know, I know this works great for me, but the study says that I should try this and then they do it and then they don't feel good for whatever reason. But they stick to it because while I read this study, there's always outliers. It's all I'm saying. It's always out there. Oh yeah, I mean, that study doesn't take into consideration behaviors, right? Is it easier for somebody, because that's all control, right? In a study, but in real life,
Starting point is 00:13:54 is it easier for somebody to consistently measure their calories every single day and say, hey, I'm gonna take 75% of my maintenance every day? Or is it easier for someone to say, hey, every day I'm just not gonna eat. Yes, you know what I'm saying? And what you want is more likely to be, are you more likely to be consistent with. So there are other variables that I think that you could challenge.
Starting point is 00:14:13 But I mean, man, it's to see half muscle and half body fat loss. That's, that's pretty significant. Now, in my experience, when I do long fast, I definitely lose a little bit of muscle size, but it comes back really quick when I go back to eating. So that's the other part too, is that, you know, that's a good point. And that's something that this is. I mean, how many times has that happened to you? This study has, and we've talked about this before, right? About, you know, fasting and then kind of resetting and then the way your body just responds to like protein afterwards. afterwards. I mean, could you make the case that sure you may lose a little bit of muscle, but because you've
Starting point is 00:14:51 resensitized your protein by purging for a full day like that, now your body responds maybe even more positively to the protein like I don't know. Yeah, exactly. So, speaking of studies, I read this great article on aspirin. So, and so I've been reading a lot about aspirin because I'm going to be taking low dose aspirin probably for the next few months just because when you read about the potential effects of the Bat Soup disease long term, it's usually related to like blood clotting. My E. Corona. Yeah, and so it's, you know, a baby aspirin every day, it's 81 milligrams, really small eventual effects of the Bat Soup disease long term. It's usually related to blood clotting.
Starting point is 00:15:25 My E. Carolina. Yeah, and so it's, you know, a baby aspirin every day. It's 81 milligrams, really small dose. It, you know, reduces risk of blood clotting and all that stuff. Anyway, there was a lot of, did you know there's a lot of health benefits that have been proven by taking a little bit of aspirin every day? I'm gonna read some of these to you because they're pretty remarkable. I wasn't really familiar with some of these.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I sort of recommended so often, and I didn't know if it was like a blood pressure related or like what all these other benefits were to it. Well here, check this out. There's a study out of Australia that showed that people who used aspirin at least twice a week for five years reduced the risk of skin cancer by 60%. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:16:03 People who used it every day for five years saw reduction of 90% from taking that. It also, of course, we talk about heart disease. It does show a dramatic reduction in heart attacks and vascular effects, probably because it, you know, thins the blood. Free radical damage. Another one, it looks like it could help
Starting point is 00:16:21 with mitochondrial function at low doses. Of course, fights inflammation. And then it reduces the risk of colon function at low doses, of course, fights inflammation. And then it reduces the risk of colon cancer. And a lot of people... So if it's that positive, why hasn't this become something that's like a multi-vitamin that everybody just takes? Because... Because of its blood-thing effects, it can cause gastric bleeding and some people are very
Starting point is 00:16:42 dangerous. Some people are also... It can be allergic to aspirin. So there's not, it doesn't have... But I mean, let's say you tease those two things out. I mean, then there are the rest all positive benefits. I mean, so far from what I'm reading, yes. Now, you know it's standard to care when you have
Starting point is 00:16:56 like a stint put in, right? So if you go to the doctor and they see that, oh, you got, you know, partial blockage, just put a stint in there. They will put you on a baby aspirin every day, which again, that's 81. It's funny, I wrote baby aspirin on my Instagram, people like they sell aspirin for babies,
Starting point is 00:17:11 like no, it's just a low dose. That's for that. Bubble gum flavor. That you take every single day, but yeah, so I'll be doing that for the next few months, just because of, you know, what we kind of got over, just to kind of be sure, you know, careful or whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:24 It almost seems like you should do it no matter what, even if you weren't. Unless you have those two conditions that you brought. Well, I'm weary about that because all those effects, I think you can get from maintaining good omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. So like fish oil. So fish oil shows a lot of similar effects and it also has a blood
Starting point is 00:17:45 thinning of that. That dramatic 90% by no, not that dramatic. But I mean, I'm always weary of taking like, I don't know if I'm gonna take because, you know, aspirin, like I said, it can increase gastric bleeding and can cause other issues. So I don't know, I'm gonna do a little bit more reading. But it's fascinating. I don't know. It's, I mean, it's one of the oldest drugs that's been around forever. I think it's been around for, I don't know how many decades. And is it because it's so, it's one of the oldest drugs that's been around forever. I think it's been around for, I don't know how many decades. And is it because it's so small amount that the adverse effects to your liver is not up there that wouldn't be considered?
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah, that's another one every single day. Right. Because I mean, I be proofing it's a little more harsh on your liver, right? Yeah, and 81 milligrams is a really low dose of aspirin. But you know what, that's true. They also said if you have like a liver enzymes that are a little off or your kidneys are great function, they don't recommend taking it on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:18:34 So I'm not that's kind of weird. And then along those lines, dude, I read a crazy stud, a crazy article about a girl who she was at a party and they were all doing, they're all taking LSD. So you know how we've been talking about psychedelic research. So that's why it went down this rabbit hole, right? There was this party where they were dosing themselves with LSD, but somebody like, you know, made a mistake on the decimal point. So instead of taking 100 micrograms or whatever a single dose is, they took like a thousand.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Wow. So this girl ended up taking something like 150 doses of LSD at once. Oh my God. Yeah, so here's what happened. This is the weird part. First of all, LSD is... Did her mind die and then resurrect?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Well, so it's very non-toxic. It's pretty hard to overdose and kill yourself from LSD or even magic mushrooms. Contrary to what we were taught in dare when we were kids. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, yeah. Dude, I actually, Nancy Reagan was really hammering. I actually had a teacher tell us that that...
Starting point is 00:19:41 There's one girl. There was one guy took too much LSD and thought he was an orange and sat in the corner and was scared if someone was gonna squeeze it. She told us this crazy story. We were told that you had a... She had a meal jump in front of trains.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Well, I'm serious. Like that was what we were, I like vividly remember like that story and that memory come with this like a briefcase and you open the briefcase. Oh, I remember that. Yeah, and then the briefcase would have all the different drugs and then you go through and they'd tell stories of each one and how they affect people.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And I remember LSD, like, oh my god, that one will make you jump in front of trains. Yeah. Thinking of that as a kid. You know, which one fat, and I'll get back to what happened to this girl, but you know what, what fascinated me the most when they would do that? Were the stories of PCP.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Oh, yeah. You know what, what fascinated me the most when they would do that were the stories of PCP. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Because they would say, oh it took 10 officers. Like superhuman strength. Yeah. Yeah, secretly there's part of you that wants to try. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:20:34 Are you kidding me? I'm going to do one of these. I might try that one. I was obsessed with the incredible Hulk and he-man and I wanted to be strong and I'm like, yeah, why are they withholding this? PCP made you as strong as 10 men. Like, where would you find this crazy? I've actually never,
Starting point is 00:20:50 so I've been around most drugs. I don't think I've ever seen or seen anyone do PCP before. Have you guys? My dad, I should have opened up. What? My dad had it not him. Oh, you're like, yeah, my dad used to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:01 It's a sprinkling bathroom. Yeah, sprinkling up right. You dad used something you did? My dad had a, so he used to own a, you know, tile and marble setting company. And one of his employees actually showed up to work on a PCP. What, and you know, taking a hell of shit done that day.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I don't, no, I mean, it threw all kinds of stones on his back. Yeah, I got this. No, my dad said he was acting really weird And then he was taking off all his clothes because he was really hot and then they had to send him home and You know they ended up firing the guy or whatever, but yeah, that's it. No, there was no violence or anything like that involved But that's the only time I've ever heard of any and you know that because how did you guys find out it was PCP? Because the guy might might I mean the guy respected my father so he up
Starting point is 00:21:40 All the time. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, you know, I have the strong problem. Yeah, I've never been around it But have you no, no, I can't say I have yeah, it's got after. I'm sorry, I have this drug problem. Yeah, I've never been around it, but have you? No, no, I can't say I have. It's got bad, definitely cocaine. It's not, where about you? You got some of the registered drugs in your spare. No, I actually know. No, nevermind.
Starting point is 00:21:55 It's got bad PR, it's like PCP and crack. Those are the two drugs that just, they got bad PR. You're like the cheaper versions of the PR. They do, you know what I mean? It doesn't sound cool cool or like cocaine sounds, oh yeah, if you're rich or whatever. So, like luxurious. You're gonna smoke crack.
Starting point is 00:22:08 What the hell's wrong with you? Same thing with P.S.P. Anyway, this girl does 150 doses at once. And she had bipolar disorder. Also, so she's got, yes, some condition going into this. Yes, so this is what happened. So she does this and obviously loses her mind,
Starting point is 00:22:25 acts erratic at one point, she's on the floor and it looks like she might be having a seizure and I can't figure out what's going on. Anyway, her dad, they call her dad, he picks her, they take her to the hospital and in between her weird trips, which lasted, I don't remember how long. She said to her dad, it's over.
Starting point is 00:22:42 It's gonna, this is the end. And he didn't know what he was talking about. You know what she, so here's what she was referring to. Her bipolar, her bipolar disorder, it's over. She comes out of it and had, no symptoms. Yeah, no symptoms of bipolar disorder anymore after that crazy, now I don't want anybody to go. I think you're gonna steer it.
Starting point is 00:23:06 You can steer it. But how weird is that? That's, I mean, that's really crazy. Cause, okay, so I actually got into this new series on Netflix. It was, it's about the whole MK Ultra. Oh, what? You know, experimenting. What's it called?
Starting point is 00:23:19 So, you know, I don't remember, but you can look it up, Doug. But like, so there was, it's from the perspective of the son of one of the agents in the CIA, who actually like, they said, jumped out the window, but later, they also said, fell out the window. And then there was all this like accidentally, and there's all these like conflicting reports of like what actually happened and they wouldn't say specifically who it was
Starting point is 00:23:50 because it was an agent and then something went wrong with the experiment. And so I think it was like 20 years or something of the family not knowing what happened to their dad and then this poor kid like grows up he has this traumatic experience that his dad died and like nobody's telling him what really happened and so like he's kind of going investigating and eventually you know he basically like pinpoints it down to like a failed experiment that the CIA was conducting and they had to actually come forward with it and figure out how to deal with it
Starting point is 00:24:25 because it was all becoming public. And he's out there talking about it and the CIA is like, oh no, like how are we gonna handle this? It turns out they actually had to go get the president to apologize to them personally which then stopped them from suing the CIA. And so anyway, it's this whole thing. I just got into the very first episode
Starting point is 00:24:45 and it's a whole series of this. Is it warm wood? Yes, warm wood. So give me the basic skinny on what the conspiracy around MK Ultra. It's not a conspiracy. It's there's no conspiracy around it. No, it's documented.
Starting point is 00:25:01 They messed with a lot of people. Yeah, but the skinny on the list. They used psychedelic drugs to see if there was potential they messed with a lot of people. Yeah, but the community was getting on with the... Psychedelic drugs to see if there was potential for brainwashing, or controlling people's minds. This was around the Cold War time? Yes, the Cold War is the information war.
Starting point is 00:25:16 So they basically assume that the Soviets were using these techniques, and then they use that as an excuse to basically mess with US citizens inside here in the state. To see, basically to see like, if it's possible, could they, and this was this, military was doing this, CIA was doing this. Yeah, here's the thing people need to understand.
Starting point is 00:25:39 During the Cold War, and we totally forget, right, how crazy it was, literally you had two countries with thousands of nukes pointed at each other. And so all bets were off. Any idea that sounded like it might help us survive nuclear holocaust or not, you know, the Soviets not, you know, destroy us. They, I mean, there was literally,
Starting point is 00:26:01 there was 100%. This was signed off by the joint chiefs of staff. Only reason why it didn't happen, because the president said no, there was, I can't remember the name of it, was the operation northwards, I think it was called. They actually came up with the plan to stage terrorist attacks in Florida
Starting point is 00:26:21 and blame it on the Cubans to gain public support to invade Cuba because they, you know, because Russians had Cuban, you know, we're putting their missiles in Cuba. Right. So it was a joint, it was to signed off by the joint chiefs of staff. They were like, this is good idea. Let's pretend there's terrorist attack, blame it on the Cubans, and they're where there's checks of balances. Yeah. So come on, dude, it's terrible.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It's crazy. And then with MK Ultra, they actually, I think they took a bunch of, I wanna say either prostitutes or men that went to brothels. I think it was men that went to brothels. So they took a bunch of, they found in San Francisco that they actually uncovered in there.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Yeah, so they found a brothel, right? Illegal prostitution. And then the guys that went there didn't know that their water had LSD in it. And they just observed. Let's just see, you know, what happens. And of course, the way that they cover their tracks is like, these guys aren't going to report us.
Starting point is 00:27:15 They went to a brothel. So, yep. No, it's going to say, shall it happen? It's, they record all those interactions. And yeah, and they just, again, I'm gonna have to get further into the series to get specific. Oh, is this series get into that too?
Starting point is 00:27:29 I don't know. I think it goes, I think it goes in that direction because, well, so it's interesting, because it goes from the perspective of this kid and his family, like, you know, him not knowing what his dad did completely for a living, and so they're kind of like retracing all those steps. Like he was part of the bioengineering, I think department or a chemical engineering.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Like he was part of like the whole biochemical experimentation stuff. And so like it went horribly wrong for him. And so he's kind of telling it and then they're dramatizing it. So they had like this whole thing where they show the agents all dramatized like trying to figure out how they're going to keep this under wraps and then setting each other up with, so they're all toasting with drinks and then he basically dozed all the agents. And all the agents are tripping out. And you know, because there's some of them that are like, oh, this is pseudoscience nonsense.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And we shouldn't fund money towards this experimenting. But you know, because there's some of them that are like, oh, this is pseudoscience nonsense, and we shouldn't fund money towards this experimenting. And you can be no other, like just, all of a sudden, you know, the paint starts peeling. You know what, terrified them? They did this one test where they took a bunch of soldiers in a mock battle and then didn't tell the soldiers and gave them all LSD.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And the reason why they got terrified was because the soldiers stopped. And they just, they got terrified was because the soldiers stopped. And they just, they just like, I don't wanna do this anymore. Just sit here and look at the flowers. What's the meaning of life? Yeah, dude. They're just saying,
Starting point is 00:28:53 they're like, oh, why are we even doing this? Like, we should love each other. Yeah, no one's gonna wanna kill anymore if we give them, like, and it freaked them out. Oh, dude. Yeah, crazy. I watched your recommendation last night, your snake eyes.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh, what did you say? Oh, yeah. I mean, I thought it was really good. I have to say though, I mean, I was pretty baked last night your snake eyes. Oh, yeah, I mean, I thought was really good I have to say though. I mean, I was pretty baked last night too though So if someone goes back and watches and be like Adam a kid would be recommended that I mean, I thought it was it was It was I didn't get very good rating first of mean, I thought it was, it was, it didn't get very good rating, first of all. So I was like a little wary about watching it, but then I know you recommended it. So I was like, oh, watch it.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'm just entertaining. Yeah, and again, if you're really stone, it's probably even more entertaining. So that was, last night was my first time smoking in like weeks since everything. So I like, oh yeah, how'd you feel? Well, I mean, it felt amazing, because I think it didn't take very much at all.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And I didn't have that much. I didn't think it was gonna hit me like that And then I got up to get a drink of water one time and it's like I was like, oh, oh wow that was I did so my taste buds are coming back and I did I did actually have a big old massive bowl of of magic spoon last I'm still on the blueberry with banana cake right now. Have you tried the maple waffle? Yeah the maple waffle I haven't had it yet. So I haven't had the maple waffle yet. I've memorized. I'm still I'm still powering through my my Blueberry 85 boxes I forgot about 70 so I'd save about 50%
Starting point is 00:30:24 The apocalypse you know what I was thinking actually I wonder what this because they're it's obviously got So I'd say about 50% the apocalypse. You know what I was thinking actually, I wonder what this, because it's obviously got a long shelf life, right? Cause it's dry cereal. That's probably, stock up on it, right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:30:34 That's probably good like emergency food, right? Sure. One of the problems with storing emergency food is getting protein. You know, it's like, how do you say no? It's like can tuna and then, you know, what else are you gonna spam? Plan for the apocalypse with magic spoon.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah. Cause you're next commercial. Yeah. Yeah. It's so funny. And it's like all manipulation. Like so we were trying to sell off our generator. You know what I'm like, should we throw in there?
Starting point is 00:30:59 That, oh, there might be more lockdowns. You know what I mean? It's like, like hurry. You know, it's like, oh no, now you're being with those creepy, you know, people that like sell it on fear. But it's old, so it'll work. Did you watch the new suicide squad just and I need someone else to, bro,
Starting point is 00:31:15 I need to do that just for you. Okay, to see if I can validate, cause I know these guys, yeah. They're done with the recommendations. I have to like, jog and eyes, word is enough. No, I got like 15 DMs from people who said you guys are crazy. Bro, you are, like, you're smelling your own farts
Starting point is 00:31:30 with your fucking followers. Bro, they're all you're following always. So, hey, just so you know, I get the pretty little argument with you, Adam. You were so right. We're gonna do it right. We'll do a YouTube poll, okay? Bro, I used to say, yeah, we're gonna see obviously,
Starting point is 00:31:41 like, fucking, what's he talking about? You know what I'm saying? 98% of the people I'm saying, because they're all my followers. I. What's you talking about? You know what I'm saying? I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm gonna get through all my followers. I know they're on my side, you know what I'm saying? Run tomatoes, rank them in. I'm telling you. I know just to pull out there and see,
Starting point is 00:31:54 yeah, people that follow me, you know, are up with your recommendations. Yeah, do a comparison. Yeah, just a little like it. Cause I'm somewhere, yeah, sometimes, you know, like especially the sci-fi stuff, I'm down. I keep getting super excited about that foundation series that's gonna come out on Apple because,
Starting point is 00:32:12 what's that drop? I think it's later the fall, but there's quite a few movies. I think Dunes coming out soon, you know, and so we'll get a site. I'm gonna watch Will Smith, he did a, what do you call that? Not a biography, is it a biography where he's like, he's the, he's Serena Williams dad. So it's called, I want to say, like, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:32:35 Andrew, maybe you got this movie? No, no, no, no, the name of the movie is like the king or something like that. I don't remember what the title of it. You wouldn't guess what it's about by the title, or at least I wouldn't be able to guess based off the title. But Will Smith is playing their father and I guess they have a really cool story.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I'm not familiar with that. King Richard. King Richard. Thank you. Speaking of genetics, do those sisters, man, are jacked? Yeah, but you know what's cool though, from the preview, it sounds like they had a crazy story. So as far as like, I mean, yeah, genetics should replace some role, but man, he had them
Starting point is 00:33:09 training like crazy. Yeah, really. You know what the problem with that is? To the place where they actually had the cops like called on them for like, yeah. You know what the problem with that is? Is that a lot of parents see that? And they're like, oh, I'm going to make Mike get a champion by destroying their lives, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:24 I think like one out of a thousand times You'll hit that special, you know, Tiger Woods or Serena Williams or Venus Williams You know what I'm interested to see too if you had them play multiple sports instead of specializing So early and see what a difference that would have made versus them just like you know really trying to specialize and you know Just work on the skill itself of tennis versus like diversifying that. Yeah, yeah. That starts at gymnastics tomorrow. Oh, does he really?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah, nice. I mean, at his age, I think it's like mostly tumbled. I think that's a role. Yeah, I think they just get him to body awareness and stuff. Yeah, but I'm excited to get him in there and just kind of interacting with the other kids and see if he's like, if he takes to it.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I can't promote it enough. It's just done so much to transform, especially upper body strength and just athleticism in general and just body awareness is just totally transformed like both my kids. So that's been really quiet. Can't wait to like throw them in another sport. But again, it's really good for them.
Starting point is 00:34:19 So I'm like, I'm trying to enjoy it. Well, I'm excited. He's, I mean, this is all happening in this next week. So what's the age limit? The young, are you the youngest yet too? Yeah, some places won't even take him at two. Really? Yeah, some places they gotta be three and above
Starting point is 00:34:31 or four and above, but we found a place that would take him at two. But like I said, they basically, and same thing with like his swim lesson stuff. So he's got, he's starting the gymnastics and swim and Montessori school all next week. Everything's all coming at once. Oh, that's a lot, a lot. Yeah, yeah. So I'm excited to see how that all goes. Did you guys know that the history on Montessori schools, like how it started and when it came from? No. Yeah, that was
Starting point is 00:34:55 interesting. So I forget the name of the girl's name. It's Montessori is in her name, right? So that's where the name of it comes from. But the original research was actually around like special needs kids. And it's all sensory teaching. So, you know, because they were special needs kids, they used tools and things to educate with them. And so like a lot of the stuff that we get recommended for him, I posted a video on the other day,
Starting point is 00:35:19 actually, on the main thread of, he's got like all these little kits, where there's like, you know, these round, wet slimy balls and like chunky dirt and you're and you're teaching them and they're also supposed to be feeling with their hands and it's the tactile. Yeah, the sensory edgy, what it does to the brain as far as speeding up the process of them learning, whatever it is thing. And that and it was originally for the special needs kids and that to try and progress them to catch them up to like normal kids, they actually had so much success with it that they
Starting point is 00:35:50 began to apply it to just kids that weren't behind and to see if it would actually progress. I've always heard good things. Cool. Are you going to put your son in music? Oh, eventually, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the first thing is just, I mean. Because he seems like he's got a propensity more. Yeah. No, I mean,
Starting point is 00:36:06 that's where, uh, you know, it didn't look like it's going to be basketball or football or baseball or the things that I was trying, you know, not initially did it all change. I know. I do. Yeah, what you got stories of kids, I mean, you see, you see some kids, they just they pick, they gravitate towards that and I because I don't force it it, it's all there, right? So he definitely gravitates towards music. And he's since the very beginning, I mean, I've told you guys that,
Starting point is 00:36:30 that he was interested in music videos, that hasn't changed. He's still like that. He, he just gravitated. I mean, I'm just excited for him to be into something, I think, as a dad, like, that's what you want to see. And like, and, and I think the thing that I was so excited as a dad to have that opportunity to see something early and then promote it.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Because that was something I always said that I was, again, back in the days when I used to feel sorry for myself and resent the way I was raised. One of the things I used to always get frustrated was that my parents didn't like, all the things I found, I found way later in life because I pursued and I found,
Starting point is 00:37:04 oh, I like this and then I went after because I pursued and I found and oh I like this And then I went after and those so most of that stuff was like you know after teenage years and beyond and I'm always thought like man I wish my parents would have introduced this to me when I was little I wish they would introduce that to me and and I could have been so much better if I was doing it since I was little So I'm just excited to find something that he's interested in and then help So I'm just excited to find something that he's interested in and then help foster that and grow it and see where he goes with it. Right now, Aralius is obviously only nine months old, but he's super into food. That's what he's really interested in. Alright.
Starting point is 00:37:33 We, I mean the kid, if you like, you know what his favorite thing to eat is? So Jessica will make a tritip and she'll blend some of it. So it's all, you know, broken up in a tiny tiny pieces. And then she'll cook squash, like spaghetti squash or I don't remember what the other name of the squash, a corn squash. And then she'll blend that, like cook it, blend that and then mix them together and add a little olive oil. So this kid's eating like a protein,
Starting point is 00:37:58 like his favorite thing to eat. And he literally, I have to stop feeding him because I'm like, this isn't, I don't think how are you gonna hold all this and he just keeps going. And then he gets angry. So I'll feed him and he gets excited. Like I put in his mouth, he's like, he gets like this aggressive excitement and I'm laughing. Like, wow, all right. So I keep feeding him. And then I'm like, dude, I tell, I look at Jessica. I'm like, should I, like, keep going? She's like, we'll stop and see what happens. So I'll stop and I'll wait and then he's like,
Starting point is 00:38:26 ah! Ah! And I get all the pain. Boom! He doesn't even have the hands up. And I'm like, oh my God, kid. What are we gonna do? Grab the club up.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Where is he at with weight and height right now? What percentiles? I don't know. We were supposed to take him to the doctor, but we had, you know, obviously we were sick. So we're gonna take him this week to see. But his height was good. He was always low on the weight, but I think that's changed out.
Starting point is 00:38:48 That's how I'm interested in my stuff. Oh yeah, he's chunking out. So we'll see. That's great, yeah. We'll see what happens, but it cracks me up, dude. I'm like, are you sure, kid? You wanna keep going? Cause I feel like you're,
Starting point is 00:38:58 that's fine. I get so identified though with the exposure of things and like finding out what the interests are at all that, cause it was like, dude, there's so much trial and error of like, I was so team sports driven, I had all these expectations about how they would have the same interests as always, and like, meanwhile, all they wanna do is like,
Starting point is 00:39:16 grab a stick and play swords out, you know, and like, warp, you know, I'm just like, ah, what's happening, you know, and I was all freaking out, like, these kids can be super nerds or what? I'm hoping that when one of my kids gets passionate about lifting weights, you know, I was all freaking out. These kids can be super nerds or what? I'm hoping that one of my kids gets passionate about lifting weights, you know, that's what I want. I would love to just have my workout partner
Starting point is 00:39:30 be one of my kids. I think they will. I think that again, what you do as a parent is so much more important than what you say and because you live that so much. Like, and because you don't push it on them, right? You're not forcing it on. That's my, like honestly, the whole basketball thing,
Starting point is 00:39:46 like I put the pressure on me, I'm like, I'm not playing it enough. He's not seeing me play enough. Like I just gotta let him see me play and then eventually he'll come that way. Just like, just get super excited, like throw something in a hole. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:39:56 No, I always pull it out. I pull the basketball hoop out, and I'll go, I'll play by myself, like hoping he'll come over and stuff. I do all that stuff. So it's slowly working though, like I, I mean, some of my motivation to coach these high school kids was really to just like pull my boys into that environment and let them hang out, you know, and see.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And so I did, I was able to take into practice not too long ago. And so, you know, they're having fun kind of messing around like around campus and exploring and stuff, but then they finally kind of mess around like around campus and exploring and stuff but then they finally kind of came in and so I grabbed both of them and then had them hold pads like with me like for you know they were doing offense and so I put them on like this look for scrub defense we hold pads and and Ethan was just like oh my god I'm like yeah just hold it there and like hit them with it you know as hard as you can I'm looking at the, I'm like, yeah, just hold it there and hit them with it. It's hard as you can. I'm looking at the guys, I'm like, they just don't like truck them.
Starting point is 00:40:46 It's hard. It'd be reasonable. And so they did that and they're like, giving little shoves and hits and all that. I can just see them get all firing up about it. It was cool. It was cool. You got, okay, so I got something else cool for you, Justin.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Are you familiar with the, I think I'm saying right, a Tacoma alien? A Tacoma? Yeah, so look this up, Doug, so we can see a picture of this. So this was, and it's the Tacoma region of somewhere. Okay, so this, like, are we talking about, like, Star Trek universe here?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Are we talking this star wars? No, no, no, no, no, this is a chili. It's a chili. Is this real, a chili? Yeah. Yeah. In the Tacoma alien. This guy named Tacoma. Yeah. No, Takama, the guy named Takama. No, and Chili's a Takama desert,
Starting point is 00:41:30 they found this skeleton, that right there. And it's a real skeleton. And so there was all a speculation like, how big is that? Tiny, it's like six inches or something like that. It looks like somebody took like chicken bones and just kind of left it. And the laugh is this real, is that? Tiny, it's like six inches or something like that. It looks like somebody took like chicken bones and just kind of like this thing. And the laugh is this real, is this an alien
Starting point is 00:41:48 because it's got like this cone head, and these big eyes and the rib cage is weird. And but they finally were able to extract some DNA and do some testing. And it's human. It was some little human. It was some, some, like fetus was some genetic, you know, deformity that they found. And so it's a human skeleton.
Starting point is 00:42:11 But yeah, but how tiny is that, Doug, is it say? I think it was six inches if I'm not mistaken. Wow. Yeah, really small. Six inches. Yeah, but they literally, I mean, because look at that, and for a long time, they couldn't figure out what the hell it was is this thing real see this is 2018 How do you find some weird stuff like this randomly like today?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Like what are you what are you reading that this comes up in your I don't know We're probably on the same website There's one of them where they're like speculating there was Like pyramids and Antarctica at all. I'm like really was like pyramids and Antarctica and all, I'm like really? You know, like a radio, it's all bullshit, you know? Speaking of which. Speaking of which, I think it was in Greenland, I'm gonna find this article that they,
Starting point is 00:42:53 there was like a iceberg or something that they went into and found 1500 year old, I gotta find this, it was 1500 year old, oh, it was a Tibetan glacier. Viruses. So they found viruses. Oh my god. In these glaciers that we'd never seen before that are a thousand five hundred years old. I'm like, no, no, don't worry. Yeah. These ones. Don't worry. Yeah. It's like, yeah, it just, you know, it's like multiple species. We're extinct, you know extinct back then because of them. Don't worry. It's all right, 15,000 years old, my bad. And these viruses, they're like, no, no, these can't infect us because we're looking at them under microscope.
Starting point is 00:43:32 So it looks all good, but we've never seen these before. But this just goes to show you that if some of this stuff melts, we would they're worried about the permafrost because all of those underlying diseases and viruses and things, reemerge and just find their way to a house. Especially when they're discovering them. Yeah, what's this? Oh, no, let's go bring it home.
Starting point is 00:43:58 But our idea is to resurrect mammoths. This is why all of the billionaires are trying to build rockets to get us off this planet. They know something more than all of us. Hey, what happened with, uh, didn't, didn't bezzo suit. Yeah, basis is suing NASA right now. What was the deal again? Why do you suit me again? I guess, I didn't even know you could sue over this. So I guess NASA was trying to get bids for contracts for something. So they had SpaceX, they had blue origin and they had like another one. And the article that I read, I think that NASA alluded that they were going to use at least two with a three.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And I guess that the quote that Bezos gave them, I was like $5.9 billion was like double of what SpaceX was. And so they went with like SpaceX. And so now he's trying to sue because they're not, they're not also including him. It sounds like a baby. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I'm going to get it. Obviously, I's like, but like they're super like billionaires and they got nothing better. I was watching an interview one time and I don't remember who the billionaire was and they were getting asked questions about stuff like that about, you know, fucking with each other. And they're saying that like a big percentage of like the moves and stuff that they do when you're at that level is purely just like that is just to like, you know, I have a spike. Yeah, like exactly, acquire a company, knowing that it's not gonna really help your business very much with that, but it's just because you know it's gonna fuck the guy you don't like.
Starting point is 00:45:30 You know what, though? It kind of sounds fun. Like, let's be honest. Of course you would do that. Of course you would do that. Yeah, like, be honest. If all of us were billionaires and we're all friends, dude, you know we would fuck the show.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Well, how do they get there? Like, they're the most competitive, like, driven people, like, out there. It's like, what's left to say? If somebody rubs you the wrong way, right, you were gonna do a deal with them and they back out last many motherfuckers. And then you have an opportunity to acquire and block them in some business move.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And like, you know, a hundred million dollar purchase of a company for you ain't no big deal. And if it's enough to cause him a fucking headache, it's totally, like, where does his mom work? Okay, well, I'm buying the company in Furniture. She's now my employee. The company's in the red though, I don't care. I bet there have been, I gotta be like a book around stories that have this is happening because it would actually be really interesting to remember. Well, it reminds me that show billions, you know, like, you kind of get into that. Totally. It's totally believable, you know, that they would like go to that level a lot of times
Starting point is 00:46:25 where it's just like just literally out of spite I'm gonna do this. Well, I'm losing money on it. This reminds me of this kid who he was bullied in high school like crazy by like three or four other boys. And the way he got revenge, this is a true story, is he slept with all of their moms. I heard about this. Did you hear this? It's like the ultimate champion move. Oh my god. Like talk about winning that battle. Like, oh, you threw me in the garbage. And I pulled that off. Ten times. Yeah. I'm having sex with
Starting point is 00:46:56 your ugly mom. Just banging the hell out of her. I'm going to send you a video of it. Wow. I'm gonna send you a video of it. Wow. That's what a power move. Oh yeah, dude. Speaking of which, we can't post this on the, obviously, on the video, but my cousin sometimes will send videos of funny stuff or whatever. There's this video of this couple. They have one of those Nest cams or whatever in their bedroom, and it's a married couple
Starting point is 00:47:20 on their having sex, and then all of a sudden they're fucking toddler like bust through the room with the dog and she's like on top of them and they're like, they freeze. And the little kids like, Mommy, I don't know how to crack it up, bro, it's been so good. We're working on moves here, we're wrestling.
Starting point is 00:47:38 What are you guys doing? How do you explain that? Why is mommy bouncing on you? Oh, it's such a funny, sorry, we can't post. That video. Because it's a little bit. Yesterday, I took, so yesterday was my day, day in the life, right, on the main page, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:52 So there's like a, I was telling Chokia, I was a apologize source, so sorry, mine wasn't as active as I normally am on there because there was like a two and a half hour break that I had because I fell asleep. And I guess I'm not all the way recovered because I took max out on that. We have, we bought on one of those, I don't know what you call them, little cart things that you pull behind the bike. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:11 You know what I'm talking about? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. So you ride your bike, you sit there and say, yeah, how is that work? He's loving it right now, right? So he's all into it and I took a train. I'm like, oh yeah, I'll take him outside cars. Feeling better. I'm like, oh, be cool. So I just took them around for, I don't know, maybe 20 minutes, maybe 30. You got exhausted. Oh, dude. I didn't really realize it till after I came home and I sat down and like kind of watching them play around
Starting point is 00:48:33 and then eventually moved them over to the bean bag and I laid down and completely passed out and was out for like two and a half hours. And I still slept that night, because normally if I do something like that, I'll ruin my sleep tonight, slept again. So I definitely can tell that I still slept that night because normally if I do something like that I'll ruin my sleep tonight Slep again, so I Definitely can tell that I still then obviously have like this fatigue And I noticed that the other day when I tried to lift a little bit of weights like I'm not full like I feel
Starting point is 00:48:54 100% You look you look pretty good, but my energy is yeah the energy is all with that And I'm sure there's also some connection to just a calorie wise. I'm still really low I come well, I'm still really low. Well, I mean, you did nothing, you were isolated, you probably didn't eat that much. And then you're recovering, right? So of course.
Starting point is 00:49:12 But I'm getting back to my taste to starting to come back. And so I'm sure my appetite's in a slowly searching. Yeah, I did today. I did, I worked out legs for the second time. All I did was three sets of squats and three sets of stiff leg of deadlift. That's it.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And I know right now I could tell that was too much. You know, and you can tell, I'm gonna get sore. I already feel in the fight. Oh yeah, I'm already feeling it. So I'm like, damn it dude. I thought I was going hell easy. I just just go to show you. I'm beating up my joints,
Starting point is 00:49:40 I'm trying to get all interactive coaching. I was so stupid. I'm saying, what am I doing? Are you still peddling all our supplements to all the kinds of their way? Oh yeah, anything and everything, dude, I'm slinging, organify, like crazy, dude. Actually, they love it.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Like I've had a lot of good replies about, especially the vanilla protein powder. Like they're all about it. Yeah, and mixing it. And so at least have some kids like trying to up their calorie intake and protein intake specifically because they haven't even really considered that.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Like it's not something that I think a lot of these student athletes even care too much about is really like being adamant about you know, like fueling their body, like going into these crazy, you know, rigorous practices. Oh, protein shakes can make a huge difference for teenagers because they have no idea. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Like when I was a kid, I thought, and I was into working out and everything, I thought because I ate a baloney and cheese sandwich that, oh yes. Yeah, I got some good protein in here. I was like, you know, 10 grams of protein. And I remember one year where I was at my grandmother's house for I think it was like a month
Starting point is 00:50:52 because both of my parents went to Italy for a month. And my grandma being, you know, my Sicilian grandma will pretty much make me whatever I want when it comes to, and if I don't, she'll make me something. Anyway, so I have no choice but to tell her what I want and she said, you know, what do you want to eat? What do you like? I said, I like steak.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And so my grandma made me steak for breakfast, steak for lunch, steak for dinner. And in a month, I remember I got, I got so strong. What a hard grab I did. Like I got so strong and I built some, and I was like, what? Could it be the steak?
Starting point is 00:51:20 I didn't realize that what I thought was eating enough protein wasn't enough protein. It was just, you know, because I had a bowl of cereal I thought was eating enough protein wasn't enough protein. It was just, you know, because I had a bowl of cereal I thought. I remember when I first figured that out with sandwiches, like I used to count like a, you know, a meat sandwich from like togos or something as like a high protein. But the minuscule.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah, most places on like a large sandwich, like the standard is like four ounces of meat. I know. Four ounces of turkey meat is like nothing. And so you have this massive thousand calories Savage all bread and sauces and so that and then it's like is 20 cheaper 20 grams of protein in it I know how you're going cheap on this cuz dude Yeah, when I actually had a decent sandwich and he was at beach hut and it was like oh wow that you like hook it up
Starting point is 00:52:03 $70 on sandwiches. Oh my God. For four people. Wow. I almost shit my pants. Wow. This is insane. Wow, that's expensive.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Is this inflation or is this like double-meach? I normal. I actually found a sandwich that I really like. It's got gluten free bread on it. Do you guys do this? I do this. This is annoying about me. If I like something.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Add it to the list. Yeah, one more me. If I like something. Add it to the list. Yeah, one more thing. If I like something, I'll just consume it until I heat it. Like, that's the goal. The goal is, this is great. I'm gonna keep doing this until I heat it. And I do that with food. So, like, I like a dish and then that's what I'm gonna eat every day until I get sick of it.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I do the same. I don't keep it the same way, though. I just look at it. When I find something I like, I don't like to fuck way though. I just look at it, when I find something I like, I don't like to fuck that up. So like if I go to a restaurant, and I try something and I'm like, wow, that was so good. I know it's so good that that's probably what attracts me to come back to that restaurant.
Starting point is 00:52:55 And so then when I'm looking at the menu about other things, I'm like, God, do I really want to try this other thing? Because I know that halibates hell of good. Like, and so you play that game and then you actually like oh you know I should just order another item on there and then you get totally disappointed you're like no shit it's like it's worse yeah so that's why I get stuck in that I get stuck like that for sure okay well how about this how about this then let's forget food for a second what about music if
Starting point is 00:53:18 you find a song that you like do you listen to the shit out of it until I do that all time all right so I'm not the only one. I just do that with everything. I think that's normal behavior. Is it? I think so. Not dysfunctional. I was like, you look forward to it. You know, like, I want to put that on my car and lay home.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And then, yeah, you've just done that way to me times. Yeah, and then you hate it. Yeah. Hey, real quick, I hope you're enjoying this episode. Listen to this, moms and dads. You feed your kids, baby food, but you want them to be healthy. One of the best companies for some of the healthiest baby food that we found anywhere is serenity kids.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I mean, we're talking about grass-fed beef and bone broth and no preservatives and grain-free snacks. Great stuff. It's actually the only baby food that I give to my nine-month-old son. And because you listen to Mind Pump, you actually get a discount. Head over to myserenitykids.com
Starting point is 00:54:11 and then use the code mp20. So that's mp20 for 20% off your first order. You're very welcome. All right, enjoy the rest of the show. First question is from Sal Rules, Adam Druel's 420. Oh my god, this person couldn't be the only one and the name can be more familiar. I bet this is gonna be a really good question.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I bet it's gonna be good. Yeah. Can your hormonal profile effect where your fat is distributed on your body? Yes, next question. No, actually, I mean, it definitely can. Those find that men, when their estrogen levels rise, or too high, they'll store more body fat in more feminine places,
Starting point is 00:54:52 like on their hips or their chest. I shared this. Remember I shared this when I was going through all this. When I came off of testosterone, and I remember telling you guys, we talked more off air than on air, but I know I've mentioned it on air, where I was like, man, you're just fat booty in real life.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I was mad at him, jeez. It was, I got around my hips and my obliques, like just in, it was, I remember when he told us that, I was trying not to laugh, because I was like, this is weird, I just don't like what I'm seeing right now. And in women, different.
Starting point is 00:55:22 In women that will have like really high stress and high cortisol, they'll store it more in their gut and in their belly. And they find in studies that women who store more body fat in the places that traditionally women, right, will store them a hip spot area, will have healthier offspring and will have better health than women who store similar amount of body fat,
Starting point is 00:55:42 but in places where aren't, they're't traditionally, you know, supposed to be storing it. So, yeah, hormones can definitely play a role in where you store body fat. And of course, it could play a role in how much body fat you store. Like the studies on men, on, because I know, you know, ever since working with, you know, Dr. Rand and the hormone clinic, I've done more reading on this and they'll do studies with men who will go on testosterone replacement therapy.
Starting point is 00:56:11 So they'll go from low testosterone to high testosterone and they'll find that even without working out, they're just leaner as a result. Their body will just burn more body fat. So this could definitely happen, but what's the moral story? Just be healthy, right? Just be healthy overall.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Well, it was interesting. I think I picked this question because so Courtney and I were actually like, when we were down in San Luis, we were people watching and we were at this pier and these two guys were kind of walking by and they had more of like a pear shape, you know, and she was asking me about that.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I was like, oh, that's so strange. Like, it didn't look like a pear shape, you know, and like, and she was asking me about that. I was like, oh, that's so straight, like, it didn't look like a normal fat distribution for men. Didn't you share a study a long time ago? Actually, that they showed that, that like, like men that store body fat there had higher levels of estrogen. Yeah, I think you shared that. Yeah, that's what I speculated.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I was like, yeah, I think you shared that a long time ago. Yeah, and they'll show, again, that a person's body fat distribution will change based on the hormones. So there's definitely a genetic component, but the hormones also influence kind of what's happening. So like, and that can change. That can change, absolutely. So again, if you're unhealthy,
Starting point is 00:57:19 then your body fat distribution will start to look a little bit off. And you know, it's funny, because body fat distribution generally tends to be a particular way. As a trainer, I remember early on being able to accurately identify clients that had liposuction. Oh yeah. Because that was, I remember the first time this happened,
Starting point is 00:57:39 I was early trainer, and I'm testing this woman's body fat percentage, and she's, she wanted a higher trainer because she want to lose weight and I remember I go to test her bicep and tricep so you know one of the classic caliper tests as you do bicep tricep, subscapulote right so right below the shoulder blade and then the super iliac crest right which is kind of the crest of the pelvis here right below it. So I go you know I do all those and then I get to the tricep and the tricep measurement for her was lower than the bicep measurement, which never happens. It never happens. Tricep measurement is almost always higher, especially in women, than bicep.
Starting point is 00:58:16 And I tested it and I did it like several times. I'm like, this isn't right. And then just instinctively, I'm like, have you had liposuction? And she's like, yeah, she thought I was like some kind of brilliant genius. I'm like, no, it's because you're tricep measured lower than you normally do that. Yeah, and when they do that, when they do liposuction, it doesn't change your body's ability to store body fat. It just does it in weird-
Starting point is 00:58:36 I've always said that you look better too. I feel like you look better with a higher body fat percentage, more fat on your body, evenly distributed, than it taken in certain places. Does that make sense? I've never, I'd say in that decline, it's like, you know, I know you think that you want to do this lipo thing,
Starting point is 00:58:51 but it doesn't look natural, doesn't look right for you to suck 20 pounds of fat only out of your gut or only out of your thighs, because then it looks, doesn't look evenly distributed, and there's the way our body stores fat if you're healthy hormonal. It looks like something's on.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And then you have like pockets of it, I've seen sometimes too, where it's like, yeah, so it just doesn't distribute the same after that. No, no, it looks weird and can actually look unhealthy as a result. Agreed. So yeah, where you put body fat on your body can actually show or display if you're healthy or not
Starting point is 00:59:27 and people will instinctively know this. You know when female athletes at them, you might be interested in this. High level female athletes tend to store less body fat and their limbs than the average female. So women tend to store more in their limbs than men do, and obviously it's because it's offsets their center gravity, if they're pregnant or whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:49 But female athletes at high levels, and this is probably a genetic thing, tend to be leaner in their limbs because it obviously leaner limbs frees you up to be more at a lesser extent. Yeah, cool. Next question is from Eric Pepper. How long should a bulk and cut last?
Starting point is 01:00:06 Oh yeah, here's a good rule of thumb. 27 days with a bug. Exactly. It's just a sec. Would it be a grave, that was it? Just a buzzer. Yeah, 175 hours. No, here's a good rule of thumb
Starting point is 01:00:18 that I used to go by with a bulk and a cut. If I'm bulking and my strength is going up and I'm adding mostly muscle, then I would stay on it. The minute that I notice my weight's going up, my strength isn't going up and I'm adding way more body fat or I'm not adding muscle anymore,
Starting point is 01:00:37 I'm just gaining body fat, then I would switch out of it. And then with the cut, when my strength would really start to dive and I started to lose muscle, this requires tracking body fat tests and stuff like that. When I noticed that, oh, I'm losing weight, but the weight I'm losing is muscle, then I would switch out of it. So that was kind of the metric that I would use.
Starting point is 01:00:57 So I like spending four to six weeks in the one that's more difficult for you and two weeks in the one that's easier for you. So if you're somebody who typically can put on weight, fairly easy, then a bulk, I would only bulk them for a couple of weeks and then spend more time in the cut four to six weeks. And if the opposite is true, then I would spend four to six weeks on the other direction and then cut for the two weeks.
Starting point is 01:01:19 So depending on which one, and that's just, I mean, there's no real science to support that that's superior than any way. That's just when you coach people. Yeah, just it's something that I've found over years has worked well with myself and then people that I've coached. I mean, we talk about the benefits of, and there's plenty of research and science
Starting point is 01:01:37 to support the benefits of moving in and out of cuts and bolts and not staying in either one of them for an extended period of time. So I think the science is out on that. I think everybody agrees on that. But exactly how many weeks you should spend in each one. I think there's such a genetic variance. And I think that doing spending more time in the one
Starting point is 01:01:56 that is a little bit more challenging for you. And then less time in the one that your body responds to faster has just made sense for me. And I've done well for clients that I've coached that way. I also like for somebody who has let's say a lot of weight to lose, you know, let's say I want to lose 50 pounds, right? So that would be a long cut, but I would break up every three or four weeks I'd break up that cut with whatever you want to call it, a diet break or whatever where I'd put them at a slight bulk or even just that maintenance. So like, okay, every four weeks,
Starting point is 01:02:26 we're gonna do four days where we bump your calories up and put you in. Are they inverse of that too, right, if you're trying to gain? Yes, and there's a couple benefits that, well, first off, studies show that actually it helps with the fat loss and reduces the muscle loss that can happen from going into a cut, but also psychologically, like even bulking,
Starting point is 01:02:46 I know a lot of people cut a lot and try to lose weight and they think, oh, I would love to be on a long bulk. I'm gonna tell you, coming from someone's ectomorph, right? Being in a long bulk, psychologically, at some point, you're just like, I don't wanna eat, like I don't wanna stuff my face anymore. This is like super tedious and I don't like this. So then if I did like a three-day cut, it would like
Starting point is 01:03:06 reinvigorate me and I go back to the bulk and start to feel better, you know, when I would start eating more. And I think that's the key takeaway from a question like this is because there isn't no, there, I jokingly said 27 days and that was a point of me joking about that was that there isn't like this specific. Yeah, I'll harden fast rules. There isn't. There isn't. There's some, some basic general rules as far as not staying in it for too long on my period time. I think spending two months, so eight weeks and beyond in any particular one with no break
Starting point is 01:03:36 at all is not ideal. So if you are cutting, staying in a calorie deficit for eight weeks straight with no break is not ideal. I think the same thing for a bulk. If your goal is to bulk and you're eight weeks consistently and you've been bulking and you haven't had a break where you do a lower calorie day, I think that's not ideal. But everything in the middle of that, I think it's really about personal preference and then what you're most likely to stay consistent with and do. So I like to kind doing the 4-2 thing just because it was,
Starting point is 01:04:05 I was constantly breaking up whatever the client was doing in a month's time. They never were doing the same, you know, following the same meal plan or calorie plan for longer than a four week time. I can get psychologically that work. Yeah, psychologically I can convince anybody to like, all right, for the next 30 days, this is what we're going to do, just stick to the plan, and then I'm going to do this to you, and then they'll, okay, they have something to look forward to, versus, oh, we're just gonna be in this bulk forever, or cut forever. Next question is from Katie Contan.
Starting point is 01:04:34 What are the pros and cons of drinking coffee versus energy drinks? Oh, yeah. You know, what's funny about this is that coffee is genuinely objectively healthy. Yeah. It's full of antioxidants. They've tried to, so hard to create studies where it shows the detriment of coffee to their
Starting point is 01:04:54 dismay. Yeah. No, of course, caffeine, you can overdo caffeine and there's a big difference between people in terms of what's too much or what's too little. But that set aside, coffee's natural, it's full of antioxidants, it's a natural drink that shows lots of health benefits, energy drinks, essentially are trying to recreate what you get from coffee. Now here's the benefit that I could see from energy drinks or like pre workouts. Pre workouts will often include other compounds that might have some benefit like beta
Starting point is 01:05:28 alanine, for example, or maybe citralline might be in the ortheneine in amino acid that balances out the caffeine. But and then here's the other thing, coffee some people have an intolerance to. I mean, it is made from beans. So for some people like coffee for me, it's hit or miss. Sometimes it bothers my gut, sometimes it doesn't. Whereas if I do like a caffeine pill, that never bothers my gut.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Well, it kind of reminds me of sort of, I guess pharmaceuticals versus like herbs, or you know, like kind of going a little bit more in that direction. Like something that's a little more condensed, like versus, you know, like artificially manufactured versus something that you can just grind up and take off of a tree.
Starting point is 01:06:12 And so there's some like natural pathways there for the body to absorb it. But yeah, as long as you're adding all these extra items in there, which you're gonna find in most Starbucks and most, you know, like if it's just like the pure sources coffee and you know your amount that, and how it affects you and you can kind of manage that, I really don't see a whole lot of problems.
Starting point is 01:06:35 There's also natural limiters because of that too, which I think are another positive of coffee, right? So even if you, so Nitro-Brewed Cold Press Coffee is probably the highest level of coffee. You're one of them, right? So even if you so Nitro-Brew cold-press coffee is probably the highest level of caffeine. Yeah, one of them, right? Right. So and but is nothing compared to a rock star, which is pumping out 220, you know, milligrams of caffeine in a single dose of three workout that's 450 milligrams. So you get up there quickly. Going through coffee is you're probably less likely to overdo it, right?
Starting point is 01:07:08 Even though all the positive health benefits of caffeine and all the research around it that we've seen for the most part, it's pretty good for you. But I do think there, it starts to have an adverse effect when you get climb up to a certain amount. I think that's just a lot less likely to happen drinking cups of coffee versus pre-workouts and taking energy drinks that they've got at 4x.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Totally. Doug, how much coffee would you have to drink to get 400 milligrams of caffeine? Maybe we can look that up. Could that be a big ass? Look at that pot of coffee. Right. You'd have to drink a lot to get that. And I had and I told you guys, was it two weeks ago when I went to the supplement store and I got excited, you know, because I do that when those in supplement stores and I had and I told you guys was it two weeks ago when I went to the supplement store
Starting point is 01:07:45 and I got all excited, you know, because I do that when those in supplement stores and I said, oh, look at this drink, this looks fun. And it's like, it was a small bottle, it wasn't even that big of a bottle, but it packed a punch, you know? So let's see, what does that say there? Yeah, one cup of coffee is 95 milligrams.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Or you have to have more than four cups, right? So, you know, 32 ounces of coffee just to equal. Do you know what has the most caffeine of any coffee or whatever? The light bruise. The light bruise, yeah. I thought it was the dark ones. I know, it would seem that way
Starting point is 01:08:17 because the taste of it is more bold, but. Yep. No, like the blonde espresso, and stuff like that, are the highest, but. But yeah, blonde espresso and stuff like that are the highest but But yeah, that's my point is that I think that going the natural route you're less likely to overdo it Totally and I think the way they and and what I've seen at least in the last decade with these pre workouts is they just keep pressing pressing it and I don't think we're gonna see it slow down anytime soon as everybody just keeps going tolerance goes up
Starting point is 01:08:43 Yes, it keeps go I mean it was it used to be a big deal to have 200 milligrams in a pre workout. Like that was a, like a serious pre workout. That's a standard dose now. Yeah, now it's pretty standard to see 300 plus in a pre workout. So that's, that would be my concern of doing it with the, yeah, it's funny. You probably have like the blonde roasting because, you know, I'm a big like nitro connoisseur. And I had a nitro coffee at this whole hipster place thinking that I was going to have the same experience
Starting point is 01:09:10 pretty much, but I think it was made from blonde roast. It was rocket fuel. I hadn't experienced anything that powerful in a while, so that was pretty cool. Well, coffee is not sexy, it's cheap. So the supplement companies aren't gonna promote coffee. But if you want, here's something you can do, is you could buy beta-align in bulk in its cheap, right? You could buy Citro-Line, which is the amino acid,
Starting point is 01:09:41 supposedly gives you a better pump. I'll debate that, but that's fine. You buy that in bulk, buy some Theonine in bulk, and then take those with coffee, and you've got yourself a great pre-workout, and it's cheap. Now, it's not gonna taste like, you know, bubble gum or, you know, unicorn hair or whatever they name these things, but it's definitely gonna give you the same effect, but it's natural. Next question is from Barkley, Soncova. Any tips for college students on how to manage school, work, training, social activities, family, and not get crazy? Yeah, you know what the problem is with kids? Have a kid.
Starting point is 01:10:16 No, scared. You know, you know what the really fine time management. You know what the problem is with kids these days. Here we go. Old man rant. Here we go. They think they can have everything, like everything, you know what I mean? Like, hey, how do I balance building a business and partying with my friends?
Starting point is 01:10:34 Or how do I, and if I can't do it, maybe I shouldn't do it. There's, it's priorities and you get to balance it out. And look, here's a deal with exercise. And this is very true. Two full body workouts a week,, here's a deal with exercise. And this is very true. Two full body workouts a week, three full bodies of workouts a week max will give you great muscle building benefit. So if you're a college student, you want to lift weights, you want to build muscle, but you also obviously have a crazy schedule and there's other priorities. Just
Starting point is 01:11:00 go to the gym twice a week, do a bunch of compound lifts, train your full body, and you'll get great results doing that. Now, it will be better if you did a three days full body, or maybe probably, but two days a week, it's not much, it's only two and a half hours total, a week, and that's all you gotta do. Yeah, well, you gotta manage the things that you can manage, right?
Starting point is 01:11:21 You're not gonna change school, you're not gonna change work. Your work schedules, your work schedule, so long as you have to, right? If you have to work to pay the bills and do things as most people have to, you're going to have your work scheduled, nothing's going to change there. School, if you're going through your degree, you're going to have to go to your classes, you're going to have to study, to pass your tests. Those things are not really controllable. You're going to have to do it.
Starting point is 01:11:43 You can become more efficient, sleep better, so you're more productive at work, and make sure you're studying like you're supposed to, to be more efficient at school, and not waiting to last minute. But as far as time in that, you're gonna probably have to spend that, there's nothing we can do to help you there. Training to your point, so, yeah, do something that is like a MAP Santa Ballock protocol, that it's a two to three times a week is all you need to be, they don't need to dedicate more than that, so you don't need to be in the gym five to seven days a week
Starting point is 01:12:08 for an hour plus. And then the other one's social activities and family, it's like then that's on you to decide how important those things are to you currently right now. I think sometimes too that we feel like you have to do those things like if I have specific goals, like maybe to knock my degree out or save X amount of money, those things might suffer a little bit temporarily while you do the
Starting point is 01:12:29 things you have to do now so you can do the things you want to do later. So, if you're trying to get your degree done, you're trying to knock that out, so maybe you're not doing the same amount of social activities and maybe as much family time as you would like to, but you also have a temporary goal you're trying to achieve. Yeah, you guys stack them up and prioritize what's the most important items to hit, but you also have a temporary goal you're trying to do it. Yeah, you guys stack them up and prioritize what's the most important items to hit. But I honestly, I feel that, you know, this period of your life, you're, you're most resilient for a reason. And this is, if anytime is the time to really stack everything on top of each other,
Starting point is 01:12:59 like you can handle this, like I do, I mean, just thinking back about that, it was a whirlwind. You know, I was full time-time committed to playing football. I was full-time having to run workouts with that and had a job and then a full schedule for school. Obviously, my family probably was the one that I pushed aside because they were in California and I was in Illinois, so that was kind of easy. I didn't have a whole lot of social life, but you know, it's a compromise. So, you just kind of got to figure that out, but I mean, do it now so you can figure out how to really structure time management and deal with it while you're still resilient.
Starting point is 01:13:41 That's a good point. And here's the other thing too, I think, you realize this as you get older, that when you get a mortgage, and a wife, and a job, and kids, it doesn't go away. It's just getting piled up. Yes, you look back, you're like, I remember when I used to think I was busy. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Why don't you kill for that schedule now? Yeah, it doesn't even, that's not even considered busy anymore. Now, if I had that schedule before, like I had before, it'd be pretty wide open. You have to schedule, this is a big one. This is something I think you learn as you get older, is that you create yourself schedule and you plan things out. So you can no longer just work out when you have an opening.
Starting point is 01:14:24 You might have to do it at 5am every, you know, in the morning. Or, you know, you can't just drop at the, you know, at the drop of a dime, go out and hang out with your friends. You have to study. This is my study time and I dedicate it at this time. I think if you organize your schedule, you'll find that you can become way more productive with the same amount of hours in the day. Look, if you like our content, you like our information,
Starting point is 01:14:48 you'll love MindPumpFree.com. Head over there, check out our guides, they can help you build muscle, burn body fat, they can help you squat better, even become a better personal trainer. Again, it's MindPumpFree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram, so you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me
Starting point is 01:15:05 at Mind Pump Salon, Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:15:38 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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