Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1628: How to Stop Binge Eating, the Best Exercises to Build Impressive Traps, the Truth About 5x5 Training & More

Episode Date: August 27, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about ways to stop binging when going over planned caloric intake, whether 5x5 workouts are effective, isolation exercise...s that had the biggest impact on their physiques, and better alternatives to shrugs for building traps. Does exercise reduce cravings for alcohol? (4:34) Aurelius loves grass-fed meat! (11:50) The miraculous story of a 1-year-old who survived in the forest for 3 days! (15:42) Mind Pump Recommends, Untold: Deal with the Devil on Netflix. (17:21) If you hit somebody, expect to be hit back. (20:40) Mind Pump Recommends, Dirty John on Netflix. (22:29) Psychopath alert: Arsonist charged with starting the most recent California fire. (26:59) Adam shares his experience dealing with the symptoms of Long COVID. (29:08) Maximus’ first day at school! (35:09) Do higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in your blood increase your life expectancy?! (38:12) OnlyFans curious business play. (42:00) The surprising popular dating site you may have forgotten. (44:48) Mind Pump Investments: Why Adam is high on Weedmaps. (47:10) #Quah question #1 – What are some ways to stop binging when you go over your calories a bit? (50:12) #Quah question #2 – Are 5x5 workouts effective? (55:49) #Quah question #3 – What isolation exercises had the biggest impact on your physiques? (59:45) #Quah question #4 – Are there better alternatives to shrugs for building traps? (1:05:11) Related Links/Products Mentioned August Promotion: MAPS Strong and MAPS Powerlift 50% off!  **Promo code “AUGUSTSPECIAL” at checkout** Does an acute bout of moderate exercise reduce alcohol craving in university students? Mind Pump #1615: How To Work Out Every Day For Maximum Results (Workout Included) Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Visit Serenity Kids for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MP20” at checkout** LUCKY TO BE ALIVE: Girl, 1, miraculously survives THREE days and nights alone in dense Russian forest infested with bears and wolves Untold: Deal With the Devil | Netflix Official Site Untold: Malice at the Palace | Netflix Official Site White woman shown slapping Black man in viral video of NFL fan fight Dirty John | Netflix California man accused of 'arson-setting spree' charged with starting blaze near Dixie Fire Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Higher levels of omega-3 acids in the blood increases life expectancy by almost five years Reversing A Planned Ban, OnlyFans Will Allow Pornography On Its Site After All Adult FriendFinder Weedmaps: Marijuana Dispensaries & Delivery Near You Kevin Durant, Rich Kleiman On Cannabis, Partnership With Weedmaps: ‘The Band-Aid’s Been Ripped Off’ Visit biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP10” at checkout** Eating attentively: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of food intake memory and awareness on eating Grow Your Shoulders With The Rear Delt Cable Fly – Mind Pump TV How to Do SKULLCRUSHERS with Dumbbells for BIG Triceps (ADVANCED) - Mind Pump TV How To Incline Dumbbell Press - The Right Way! (GROW YOUR CHEST) - Mind Pump TV Sissy Squat - The forgotten quad building exercise of the pros – Mind Pump TV How to Lateral Raise for Maximum Muscle Growth – Mind Pump TV How To Work ALL Parts of Your Chest with the Cable Chest Fly! - Mind Pump TV Add Size to Your Traps with Farmer Walks – Mind Pump TV 3 Exercises to Target & Build the Muscle of Your Traps – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. You guessed it. This is Mind Pump, right? We're number one. Episode, we answered some questions related to fitness and health. That was the end of the episode, we answered some questions related to fitness and health. That was the end of the episode, right?
Starting point is 00:00:26 So with the way we open, it's with a 45 minute intro, where we talk about current events. We bring up our sponsors, we tell cool stories. After that, we got to the question. So here's what went down in today's episode. We opened up talking about a study that showed that exercise reduces the cravings for alcohol, which is kind of cool. Then I talked about my nine and a half month old son
Starting point is 00:00:49 and his love for Grass Fed Tri-Tip. No joke, the kid eats it like a machine. And we get the tri-tip from butcher box because they provide us with very good prices for grass fed, sustainably raised, you mainly raised meats. They send it right to your door, they take out the middleman, great company. By the way, Mind Pump has a hookup.
Starting point is 00:01:12 So if you go to butcherbox.com forward slash Mind Pump for a limited time, you're gonna get six burgers, eight hot dogs, and up to three pounds of chicken breasts for free. Sounds like a party sell. When you say that, that's a lot of meat. Then we talked about the one year old that got lost in the forest in Russia.
Starting point is 00:01:33 They found them three days later, okay, they were totally fine. They make those Russian babies really strong. They're pretty strong, yeah. Then we talked about a documentary called the Untold Deal with the Devil or Untold Story. I think with Christy Martin, kind of interesting, which led us to talk about the NFL game where the woman slapped the guy and got hit back.
Starting point is 00:01:53 This was in Pittsburgh, that was dumb. Then we talked about another show called Dirty John which led us to talk about Rasputin. He's one of the biggest scam artists of all time. Then we talked about the guy who got charged was starting some of the fires here in California, you piece of garbage. Hope they throw the, you burn.
Starting point is 00:02:12 They lock you up and throw the Q away. Then we talked about Adam having lingering symptoms from COVID and some of the supplements that he's taking to kind of help himself out. One of the things that we all took when we had COVID and some studies show that this may have an effect or not, but it's also good for you anyway, and it's good antioxidant for the liver and the body,
Starting point is 00:02:33 is glutathione. The problem with glutathione is it's poorly absorbed, unless you take it in a form with some kind of carrier that allows it to be absorbed better. Now, the company that we like to take glutathione from and other supplements is live on. They use liposomal technology to deliver the nutrients to the blood so you don't just destroy it in your gut.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And of course, because you listen to mine pump, you can actually get a free sample pack of six of their supplements, including, I believe, glutathione. Go check them out, head over to liveonlabs.com. That's livenlabs.com forward slash mind pump, and then you'll get your sample pack. Then we talked about Adam's son's first day of school.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I brought up a study on Omega-3 fatty acids. We talked about only fans banning nudity. Sorry, some of you people out there. Yeah. We talked about the number one dating site on the internet. You'll never guess what it is. And then we talked about a company that might be a good investment. We'd maps. Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one. The first person wants to know some ways to stop binging every time they go over their allotted calories. The next question, this person want to know with five by five workout programs were effective. The third question, this person wants to know if isolation exercises are effective in which ones we like the most.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And the last question, this person says, look, I don't feel shrugs in my traps. What other exercises can I do? Also, all month long, two very effective muscle building programs and strength building. These are really actually very effective strength building programs are 50% off. Maps strong and maps power lift. So both are half off.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Here's how you can sign up. Or if you just want to learn more, go to maps both are half off. Here's how you can sign up or if you just wanna learn more, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com. Just use the code August Special with no space for that discount. Justin, they did a study on exercise and alcohol. You wanna guess what they? Oh, I'm listening.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yeah. It's good for muscle growth and improves the pump. I knew it. I knew it. Yeah. I don't know, growth and improves the pump. I knew it. I knew it. Yeah. I know. Could you imagine that? Oh, I need an excuse.
Starting point is 00:04:49 No, I mean, before I get to the study, actually, cause this is a cool study, have you guys ever worked out slightly buzzed with you have? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's not kid. No. No. I actually injured a part of my body doing that
Starting point is 00:05:02 that I didn't know you could injure. When I used to have, I used to be be part investor in this, this gym down in Palm Springs area. And we had, it was like a, like we would cater to, you know, people who like rack a ball and rock climbing. It was like a really nice place, right? And we had a wine bar in there. And we would shut the gym down on Fridays, I think at 11, and me and the staff, but hey, let's have some wine, right? I got drunk and I decided I'm gonna take my shirt off and work out, because that's what I do when I get drunk.
Starting point is 00:05:32 You know what I have to be drunk to do that? Yeah, exactly. I like how you tied it to that, girl. Nice, smart of God, bro. This is me and my 20s, okay? Me and my 20s, you're hanging out with some of your staff Yeah, then we'll get a pulled need Yes, I think you
Starting point is 00:05:53 Is anyway, I was gonna say What do I work out my shirt off? I wear my beard or your wife leaders say I progress. I mean it may as well It's painted on you it covers my nipple But no I went I went I went out into the gym and I worked out and I pulled a lap. You ever pull a lap? That's got to be one of the hardest muscles to pull. Anyway, here's what the study showed. That exercise reduced people's alcohol cravings.
Starting point is 00:06:21 So people who had issues with alcohol when they exercise regularly? Which is kind of ironic because you would think that because it depletes the glycogen levels and the alcohol is one of the fastest converting sugars in the body. Yeah, but I don't think people are drinking alcohol for its energy. No, I don't think they are either, but that's kind of ironic that that would happen, that that would actually suppress that because you would think that depleting the glycogen levels would make you kind of crave, you know, fast sugar. Well, here's, so think of it this way because I read the study and I thought a lot about
Starting point is 00:06:52 it and, you know, if you think about the reason why people crave alcohol in the first place, it's usually to make themselves feel better, right? So it's like a de-stressor. It's like a dope, yeah, it's like a dopamine serotonin thing, right? You drink, you feel good. Exercise produces some of those feelings too, especially over time. So you know what the study's shown on drug abuse, right? If people aren't as stressed and can deal with their lives rather less likely to come
Starting point is 00:07:18 addicted to substances, so it's like, okay, now I'm working out regularly. It replaces that feeling. Exactly. So they have a less desire to self-medicate with something like alcohol, which I thought was, I would love to see studies on exercise. Was it general like that? Or do they give you a percentage or a statistic?
Starting point is 00:07:35 You know, I should find, I could pull the study up to see what it was, but it was significant enough to where, you know, like I said, they did this. I mean, I noticed there was a lot of my clients of somehow I attracted a lot of people that likes to drink a lot. So, yeah, weird, strange.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And that was one of the first things in terms of throughout the day, like having to cope with stress or work or this and that. They started to reduce the amount that they're intaking and inevitably some of like completely eliminated it. So yeah, it really does kind of replace that feeling, that sort of euphoric feeling. So they did this on college students.
Starting point is 00:08:14 These were college students who had problematic drinking behaviors and they did a few controls, so they did one where they did nothing, then they did one where they had them do therapy and art, and then another one where they'd exercise, and another one where they did exercise and therapy and art. And they exercise, and of course the exercise and therapy and art were the most effective at reducing the... Now how did therapy and art by themselves do? Did it come? Did it rival it at all? They helped them, no, but they did help a little bit, right?
Starting point is 00:08:42 Any kind of stress reduction therapy... Right, that's what I was curious to see how close it was. You know, I mean, it's kind of, it's multi-pronged, right? For the exercises. Totally. There's, you got to think of this too. Like, this is one of the reasons why I used to promote going to the gym every day. You know, not necessarily training hard and heavy every day,
Starting point is 00:08:57 but just going to the gym every day because what I started to notice with myself and clients was just because you went to the gym, makes you make better decisions in the rest of the day. 100%. It's self-embederment. It's psychologically, you get value from that just by actively trying to improve yourself. Right, and because I don't think anybody
Starting point is 00:09:18 considers alcohol a healthy choice that they make. Sure. Even if you enjoy it and you have fun. You have fun. Yeah, so you know that that's not a good choice. That's probably one of the first areas people are like, okay, I need to cut back my drinking when they get back into fitness.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And so just by training or exercising or going to the gym every day helps you make those better choices. This is also why, oh, by the way, I got all kinds of DMs around. Remember, I don't remember what the name of the episode was where we did and we were giving out tips. And one of the tips that I gave that was like a game changer for me was making it a priority to lift on Sunday. And lifting on Sunday set the tone.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I must have got 50 DMs of people saying like, oh my God, I did that last weekend and it set the tone for my week and made a huge difference. I'm going to continue doing that. I sort of God. I'd say 80% of the success with fitness is psychological, at least. Like, the workout programming, it's important, you know, what you do, very important. But man, that psychological piece,
Starting point is 00:10:14 if you could figure that out for yourself. Like for me, it's like working out in the morning. I know if I work out first thing in the morning, I'm gonna be consistent. If I don't, I'm less like, so it's a psychological thing, even though workout morning workouts, you know, at 5.30 a.m. suck or whatever. Totally.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Now, I was told it's your speaking of which, my son, my youngest, right, my nine month old, or nine and a half month old, is the lightest sleeper in the history of the world. I sort of got a leaf, good fall, outside of his room, and the kid, so I'm like trying to work out in the morning. And so Jessica and I are talking about it. I'm like, well, okay, let's give this a shot
Starting point is 00:10:50 and see what happens. Cause I have, when I have the older kids with me, they, I have to take them to school. So the only time I can work out is if I go lift it, you know, 5.45 of the morning, the garage is right underneath the baby's room. But he's got a sound machine, you know, I'm like, I'm not even using the barbells,
Starting point is 00:11:06 so I don't have to rack them. I'm using dumbbells, putting them down by myself. That's funny, because that's how my house now is set up too. His bedroom is right upstairs. And not only that, I don't know if you have this. Are you connected to your nanocamera? Not on my phone, but I can. So I can tell when I drop away, the camera goes off.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Oh, you know, the alerts, man. So I know, and he has a sound, the camera goes off. Oh. You know, the alert's so you can, so I know, and he has a sound machine also, so I have to. But does he wake up? No, I'm lucky. He sleeps pretty hard, so, but I've been concerned about that because I've been down in the gym working out,
Starting point is 00:11:36 and he's right, I'm right underneath. You open the garage door and it can wake you up. Oh yeah, that's, I mean, I don't park in the garage for it, because otherwise I'll open it and you'll wake up. And I'm like, oh, come on, kid, stay asleep. So damn, frustrated. And again, while speaking of which, some fun stuff with the kid,
Starting point is 00:11:52 first of all, the kid eats like a machine, which is cool. I guess it's a struggle for some people, right? It's feeding their kids. He loves food. He loves savory food in his favorite dish. So Jessica will take some kind of like she'll either take squash or carrots, something like that, right? Some kind of like vegetable
Starting point is 00:12:12 that's got maybe some starches in it. And she'll cook that, blend it, and then she takes the the tritip from butcher box, right? The grass fed tritip. And she adds it in there. And I mean, this kid's eaten some meat, Like this food that we give him is very high in meat. It's his favorite thing to eat in the world. And I have to like distract him and stop feeding him. So I like to feed him and then give him something and like move away and hope he doesn't scream because he wants more.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Basically like putting, because you gotta like puree the meat like down to like almost like putting. Well he's got baby food. He's got his teeth now, right? He's got four teeth. Okay. Yeah, the two top ones are coming to the two bottom
Starting point is 00:12:50 with it's hilarious too, because we have these serenity kids makes these grain free like puffs and he'll put it in his mouth and then you'll see him go. Like a little beaver. If we let him have the thing, he'll eat the whole thing. We have to rip the ration out of him.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah, yeah, oh really? You know they have that are cool. I mean, you guys probably know this for sure. I didn't know about thing, he'll eat the whole thing. We had to writ the ration that day. Yeah, yeah, oh really? You know they have that, they're cool. I mean, you guys probably know this for sure. I didn't know about these until I had max because they didn't have these when my little brother and sister kids, it was such a smart invention. And they're for like those little puffin type of things, right?
Starting point is 00:13:18 So we take those serenity kids puffins and we put them in this little jar that he can carry around. And it has a thing where he can stick his hand in. Oh, but it won't fall out. But yeah, it won't fall out. So when he, so, you know, because they just grab a whole bunch and then they all fall, yeah, they drop back in
Starting point is 00:13:33 and then he can only do a couple of things. I've seen it, it's got this. Brilliant. Yeah, you throw it on the ground and flip it. I'm like, man, they have come up with some, it's like the tippy-cup for food, right? So like, so it doesn't spill out. Well, so what I was gonna say too is that, you know, because sometimes we'll buy,
Starting point is 00:13:47 because we get a certain order from butcher box and now Jessica's giving the baby all the grass fed try to, sometimes we'll run out and have to order some from the store. Yeah. And because I'm, you know, we're giving it to the baby, I'm way more aware of like the difference between the grass fed and the other one.
Starting point is 00:14:03 The regular one has got this thick layer, it's delicious, obviously, a thick layer of fat on it. The grass fed, not at all. Way leaner. And it's tritip, tritip's got fat. No, it's a lot, it's a lot. You know what, I keep tripping that.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So I just, I had their bacon yesterday again, and the pork is insane. The more I think about it, I actually enjoy their pork more than I like real-world. So the other way around with Tri-Tip and Meat, because obviously if it's more marbly and fatty and stuff like that, it has a bit... No heritage pork is delicious. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:34 In comparison. Way better. I had some of the other regular bacon in my fridge right here last week, and then this yesterday, Katrina made breakfast, and I'm eating it. And I'm like, man, why is this bacon so good? She's like, it's because it's butcher box. She goes, last week we didn't have it. And I used something from the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And I'm like, damn, I think it was a big difference. Yeah, when you have them back to back like that, you can really tell a major difference. What's that one dish called? Where it's got the green salsa and it's pork, something verde. Oh yeah. Yeah, chili verde.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Oh, there you go. Yeah, yeah. Courtney made that with the Verde. Oh, they're really good. Yeah, yeah. Courtney made that with the Heritage Party. Oh, that sounds good. Yeah, that was actually really surprised. We did Taco Tuesday yesterday and it's funny, my daughter. Yeah, he picked Taco Tuesday. Taco Tuesday, I said, you know, my daughter,
Starting point is 00:15:18 well, she's better about it now, but we'll have the ground beef, we'll have the cheese, we'll have the guac and the pico de galle. And she's better at this now, but my daughter would take the taco, you know, we'll have the ground beef, we'll have the cheese, we'll have the, you know, the guac and the thicker the guac. Might, and she's better at this now, but my daughter would take the taco, the shell, and literally be cheese. And then there were like four bits of ground beef just to make me happy.
Starting point is 00:15:34 But now she's adding more ground beef, because I'll be like, no honey, that's not a taco. That'll, you even hang out with me too long. That's just a bunch of cheese, you know. Did you guys hear about the one-year-old in Russia? Did you guys read this story? No. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:49 So a one-year-old in Russia somehow crawled away and got lost in the forest for three days, and they found this kid and baby was survived. In the forest with wolves and bears and shit. Days. How does a parent, how do parents lose a one-year-old? That's a good question. Like how, first of all, how far can a one-year-old really get?
Starting point is 00:16:14 Listen, are they even walking at this point of the crawling? No, it's this, okay, so this girl was playing in her family's unfanced garden in the smallensky region of Russia and wander off while her mother was speaking to a neighbor for three days in the forest. And this forest has wolves and bears and shit. And they found the baby three days later two and a half miles from her home. What? Two and a half miles from her home.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Fine. That baby was on the move. miles from her home. What? Two and a half miles from her home. Fine. That baby was on the move. Doesn't this sound like the, like, an origin story of a superhero? Oh, yeah. Like, she was out there and she like, it sounds like a terrible mother.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I know. I was just so excited. You imagine how bad the mom feels. Oh, I mean, I'm sure she feels awful, but how does a one-year-old get away for three days? Like, I mean, and how distracted you have to be, like, for it to get that far away, that they're not in any distance,
Starting point is 00:17:08 you'll be like, within the first 24 hours. I don't know. The next year's champion right here. I feel like we're gonna find out when this kid's older. She's a super, she's kind of super powers. Oh yeah, Wolf's taught me some stuff when I was in the forest one time.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It's a little girl. Yeah. So I just watched, There's this really cool documentary on Netflix. Christy, what's the name, Doug? I have it on there. She was one of the very first female boxers. Oh, I talked about Christy Martin. Christy Martin. Yeah. Can I just tell you guys about this? What? No, you didn't. Oh, I didn't bring that up to you guys. No. Yeah. No, it was amazing. Do you remember watching her? So I do just by watching that, it kind of brought it back, but I didn't even think about her
Starting point is 00:17:50 because I, you know, run to Rousey and like this whole movement. She's way before all that. Way before all that. She's not even gonna tell us what to do. She's even gonna listen. Sorry, I'm sorry, I told you. I told you guys, I told you, maybe I didn't,
Starting point is 00:18:03 I guess I didn't tell you guys about this because Katrina and I last week, we were surfing on Netflix and it popped up and I saw her name and I had forgotten all about her and I started telling Katrina about her. That what you watched, okay, that's a new thing on Netflix is called Untold Stories. They only have two episodes out so far, both of them are fire. Yeah, it was really good, dude
Starting point is 00:18:25 And it got into her relationship with her husband and who was also her trainer And how she like previous to that was like lesbian and then you know like kind of went away from that for a while and like they came back to it Anyway, there's this whole like crazy story her husband and her and how this abuse and how you basically try to kill her at the end of this whole thing. But when she was boxing and fighting, she looked like the Mike Tyson of female. That's what they call her. She was insanely explosive, dude. It was really cool to watch her fight.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Mike Tyson asked for her to be on his undercar. Because the first time he saw her fight, he was blown away by her. And this was during the time when there was no female fighters. They were all very hesitant. So it was like the 90s or early 2000s? 90s. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So this was, she literally broke women's fighting. I mean, she was the one who promoted her and everything. Yeah, so big time and she was a badass, bro. Like she was I enjoyed watching her for some cards where I watched her on Tyson's card and she put up a better She won five of the night. Mm-hmm. Because she and what she got famous for the fight that Justin is talking with her very first fight with Ty the on the Tyson card her nose nose got broken in the second round, and she went the distance in one, and her whole fight bluds running out of nose. No one's seeing that kind of violent,
Starting point is 00:19:53 and she's nasty. Oh, she's nasty. So why I was gonna bring it up is that, we were always talking about the streaming wars, and one of the things that I knock on Netflix a lot of times like oh they just not as good a quality and they pump a lot out and they I don't think they they're as good as HBO and ESPN with telling like really good stories. Well this is their kind of sport version they've come out with two now. The other one is the the Malice in the palace. If you've never seen that there was a there
Starting point is 00:20:23 was a fan. I watched both these situations. I watched a person. I haven't watched that one yet. Oh, you have to watch that. Because I watched that. That came. They did a good job. Excellent job.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Even if you're not a sports fan, the story is incredible to watch because the documentary does such a good job. Speaking of women fighters, did you guys see that video? It was an NFL game, I think, in Pittsburgh. And this woman is yelling at this dude and then she goes like she goes to like grab him and he's like don't touch me And then she smacks him and what do you think happened next?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Punches yeah, no the guy goes to hit her and the husband tries jumping the dude knocks out the husband pushes her down And I'm watching this and I'm like first obviously you're a piece of shit if you hit back, you know, you hit somebody. It's obviously a lot weaker than you're whatever. But also you are a stupid lady. Well, I just, I just, I tell my daughter, I teach her this. I tell my son to this too, by the way. This is the lesson I teach it. You both of them. If you hit somebody, you expect, expect to be hit back. I don't care if they're older. I don't care if they're a man and you're a back. I don't care if they're older, I don't care if they're man and you're a woman, I don't care what the hell. If you hit somebody, you have, you only do it
Starting point is 00:21:32 if you're okay and you expect to be hit back. You're opening up the field of violence. That's it. Yeah, it's a dumb thing and it's funny. It's, I don't remember who was talking about this, but, and I've experienced this by the way, some women take this for granted that a lot of men are not gonna return fire,
Starting point is 00:21:50 which is the right thing to do. I think that would be good for anybody who's a lot smaller than me, right? That would be the right thing to do, it'd be like, all right, whatever, I'm gonna walk away. But that belief that there's no threat of violence leads a lot of people to doing stupid shit. I know girls, you know, I remember being the car with girls,
Starting point is 00:22:08 and they would yell at people and throw shit at people in the car. Why? Because you know it's gonna be me and not you. I wouldn't do that unless I knew, unless I wanted to engage physically. Like dumb thing to do, lady. The consequences for your actions,
Starting point is 00:22:22 they're obviously, yeah, like you see. I mean, he's gonna probably be go to jail and he should. But come on, lady, what are you doing? Speaking of stupid shit and Netflix series, I believe Doug, I think you recommended this to me months or maybe even a year ago and I never got around to watching it. Did you ever watch Dear John?
Starting point is 00:22:40 I think it's called Dear John. It's about, it's a true crime story on a guy who, so it's based on a true story and they reenact it. I'm pretty sure you were the one that told me about it. So on Netflix it's called Dear John, it's a true crime story. And it's this guy who was scamming like women. Like you find rich women and he was pretending to be a doctor and he wasn't a doctor.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And the whole thing is, it's a crazy series. It's I think an eight part series and again, it's a reenactment. So it's not everything's based off the true story, but it's a crazy ass story. You didn't tell me about this. No, it wasn't me. Pull up Netflix. I think it's dear John. I might be.
Starting point is 00:23:18 You might have said that he was watching a show on the John. No, no. I was almost certain that you told me about it and I had watched it and then we finally got around it with the second season came out. So it got repopulated as a recommendation to me and Katrina and I watched it and we actually binged it because it was so good. Who's the number one, speaking of scam artists, who's the number one like champion world champion scam artist of all of history. Made off? No, but that's, he's up there.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Okay. Rasputin. Oh, Rasputin. Oh, man. You ever hear about Rasputin? No, tell me. Oh, bro. There's all kinds of like crazy legends around that guy.
Starting point is 00:23:55 The Russian like monarchy, like I guess the wife, there was a guy who pretended, he said he was a mystic. Yeah, didn't he, like say, is it gonna come back from the dead? Yeah, yes. And he brought him into the family and he started to like influence how they ran the country and do a bunch of weird shit because he was like this mystic
Starting point is 00:24:15 and he would sleep with women and do all kinds of stuff and he fooled everybody. And other people are like, this guy is a total scam artist and eventually they killed him. But here's the crazy part. In order to kill the guy, we should look up total scam artist and eventually they killed him. But here's the crazy part. In order to kill the guy, we should look up Rasputin and how he got killed.
Starting point is 00:24:29 You need to watch this story then. You guys, I don't want to spoil it and tell you what happens, but it's crazy. What happened. I love don't, and don't, because you can Google the real story and how it all unfolds, so don't spoil it for yourself. Just know that it's got a twist to it and it's a crazy. Oh, I it's a Because I get fascinated by this because you always think to yourself how the hell do people
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yes, perhaps this guy and not only that this guy without I mean this you find this out pretty early his What is it? Oh that him right there? Yeah, three gunshot wounds is what he died of yeah, he got shot three times ahead after he got poison I think he got poison and stabbed and then they shot him three times and I look at his face He looks very happy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's crazy for a fuck. Yeah, probably the world's like most notorious, and this is in 1960.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Was he tied to Alistair Crowley or, no, that was later on? I don't know anything about him. You never heard of it? He's at responement, responement music. I was just gonna ask him, is that connected to that? Of course, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah, after. Now is it named after him or is he, did he own it? No, no, no, no, that's not good. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no was a mystic and he could tell because especially the way he died, like they had to like kill the fuck out of them. Like, yeah, they did. No, I mean, Doug find another source. I mean, I think they poisoned them, stabbed them, and then shot them, and then he finally died. It was, yes, hung them, set them on fire.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Did you look up the name? I was talking about Doug. Did you find it? Was it dear? The dear John? It is dear John. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And you've never seen this. Oh, wow. It was a little while ago. A Channing Tatum is the guy who's the actor yeah oh I'm out no yeah according to this pull it up so I can see it you get weird feelings when he's one too much she does see what she's for me go out it says coming September 1st is a dear John is a dirty John dirty John there you go thank you and it wasn't you who told me that one no yeah dirty John sorry again I think I didn't I thought I was I think I think Doug told you about John. There you go. Thank you. And it wasn't you who told me that one. No. Yeah. Dirty John. Sorry. Again. I didn't think that I was here. John was off. I think I think Doug told you about the dirty John. Yeah. I didn't think I was going to like it. And it boy, I haven't been sucked into a show to
Starting point is 00:26:36 binge like a binge and two just like catch me if you can. It's no, it's more like, um, did you watch that? What was that stalker one that that? Oh, that was really good. You, you, you. Yeah. It's a more like, did you watch that? What was that stalker one that that was really good? You, you, yeah. It's more like that. But a real, was that based on a true story? No. This is based on, this is all true. So the way it unfolds is,
Starting point is 00:26:55 Oh, there it is. Look at that fucker. Dirty mother. I'll tell you, another dirty mother fucker out there who got caught being part of the fires of the Dixie fires. What? So there's an arsonist that is a professor from Santa Clara and also like Sonoma, I guess, was they caught him a couple other areas that like just after the Dixie fire, like they
Starting point is 00:27:19 caught his car vehicle, everything they traced it back to him, setting a blaze, these different areas. Like, what a psychopath. What now, what was, did they say a motive? No. He's a professor. And he's a professor of like sociology and he's like, he teaches all the stuff. What are the social media and his art? What are the social media and his art?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Big deal. It depends how much damage. And if death's the most important thing. Like literally, can they, can they? Oh yeah, if you said a fire that kills people, they could charge you for murder. They should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So I never thought about that. Like some, cause there's probably some, some of these fires are probably been started by dumb ass kids that are, I think they're being funny and shit like that and they light a fire like that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:28:00 He's done multiple areas. So there's no excuse. So I have a, now this is just me making shit up, okay? Just, there's your quick, you know, whatever. Disclaimer. Disclaimer. I, this guy's a soci, he was a sociology professor.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah. What if it comes out? Because there's a lot of weirdos out there that in there, in the name of their cause, we'll do some terrible shit. What if he's like, of these super fanatic? Gary Maynard. What if he's one of these fanatical climate change people
Starting point is 00:28:30 and he's setting fires in order to promote, like to get people to like pay attention. We need to like, could you imagine? I mean, who knows, like what's going on in that stupid brain of his? What a piece of garbage. Yeah, because the fires, they're bad right now. Dude, yeah, that my sister was telling me up Reno Tahoe area is real bad
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah, it was bad when you're up there. What almost a month ago now sucked. Yeah, it sucked. We didn't even go outside Yeah, she says she says it's even the quality is even worse right now Yeah, smokey as hell and then remember last was it last year last year was bad and I went outside Yeah, you got lightning you got all these other factors and then and then now we have to factor arsonist, dude, like I said, I'll tell you some other bullshit, is I got the freaking, the long COVID. Oh, I'm so annoyed by this right now. What's just so okay?
Starting point is 00:29:14 What is that until? Well, hold on, now you, okay. Technically, when was 10 days after your first symptoms up? That was what? Last week, Wednesday, right? Yeah. So last week, Wednesday was 10 days after first symptoms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Okay, so as a... Maybe that was 14 days. Oh no, you're right, that was 10, 10 or 12 days. So you're not even, what, you're two weeks out now. About two weeks out, right? No, no, no. Two weeks would have been Friday. Two and a half weeks.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Two and a half weeks out, okay. So, having some residual after getting sick, it's not that uncommon, especially only a couple of times. Well, it's weird because I felt, it's not weird, I get what I did to myself now, but I felt great, you know, last week. I mean, I tested negative on Wednesday or Thursday of last week of the previous week. So I mean, by day 10, I was already testing negative. And already on my on the road to feeling better. And then what I think, and I talked about it on the show,
Starting point is 00:30:12 I talk about my first time smoking afterwards. And I'm not a guy. And I'm not a great. Yeah. Yeah. You know, kind of ignore it, right? I mean, looking back, especially since I feel this way now, but I did, I thought I was, I felt great, I felt normal. And even now, I don't really feel sick. It feels like someone's sitting on my chest. Just, if you look up long COVID right now, all the symptoms, shortness of breath. It's like lingering, it's basically lingering symptoms.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Some people can have it for like months. I hope it's not that long, because I can't even walk the grocery store for 30 minutes without having to eat a two hour nap afterwards. That's where I am right now. And I've tried to do a little team. You're also getting close to 40 though. I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Starting point is 00:30:52 You got it. Maybe you gotta hold. Get out of here. I'm doing the whole protocol you got me on. You've got me on the glutathione, the vitamin C, the B complex, Z, the baby aspirin. I mean, you've got me on the full deal. I don't know if that approved.
Starting point is 00:31:12 You know, glutathione is very interesting. They're showing some studies that low glutathione levels are associated with severe symptoms. Vitamin D's already been established. I'm taking, I didn't mention that. Vitamin D fish oil. So I mean already been established. I'm taking it, I didn't mention that. Vitamin D fish oil. So I mean, I feel like I'm taking everything around. Yeah, but they say that the,
Starting point is 00:31:29 because I've been reading about this since you told me yesterday, although it's only been two and a half weeks, I think, you know, after about a month or so, then you kind of like, oh, you know, what's going on? Yeah. But the theories are either A, the, that there are remnants of the virus
Starting point is 00:31:43 left over in the body. and so they're kind of still wreaking havoc. The other one is that it's autoimmune. So like your body now is kind of hyper-sensitive and causing some issues. Yeah, but I'll tell you what. It's interesting too, because my psoriasis is really bad right now, which is weird
Starting point is 00:31:58 because I'm so low calorie. Normally when I'm really, really low calorie right now, it suppresses my psoriasis, but my psoriasis is really bad right now. Interesting. Yeah, so I don't, I don calorie right now, it suppresses my psoriasis, but my psoriasis is really bad right now. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't, I don't know something with inflammation. But I look, I tell you what, I know something, but it's what's so weird about this virus is that you have some people that mild and then it's like, I have a, I know a guy, young dude, lost a sense of taste and smell. Mm-hmm. Never came back. Like, it's been over a year. He never has not come back yet.
Starting point is 00:32:25 That's been a really wide spectrum of, yeah, because mine was like that for a while, but I'm back. Oh, your taste is back? Yeah, my taste is back. See, that's a good sign. Yeah, I think, you know, he's funny. Let me ask you this, how many times have you been sick
Starting point is 00:32:38 with other stuff? And then you had like a cough that lasted like a year. Oh, yeah, I mean, the time that we thought, we, you know, when you and I, when we all got tested for COVID way back when it was first going crazy, you know, that sickness that I had was a million times worse. And then even after I got better, because I was like six, like two weeks solid. And then after I got better, I had a
Starting point is 00:32:59 cough for two more, two, three more weeks. I mean, it was like a month. I was. Yeah. So it's not, it's not that uncommon. Yeah. So I'm not, I mean, by no means more weeks. I mean, it was like a month I was feeling. Yeah, so it's not that uncommon. Yeah, so I'm not, I mean, by no means do I, I mean, this is still, for me, it's been more of an annoyance than it's been like scary or like really bad. Like it's just, I mean, I didn't even think there was anything wrong with me until I started to kind of exercise a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I wrote my bike with max for a little bit and every time I've done things like that, I have to like take a two hour nap afterwards, and that's the, I thought maybe the first time was like, oh, I'm just a little tired of whatever, but that's consistently happening now. And yesterday when I went to Target, you know, I ran a bunch of errands,
Starting point is 00:33:36 and I got back and I took a short hike to lay down. Yeah, I feel like that after I go to Target too though. I hate that place. So yeah, you go with the life. I feel like that when I sit outside and wait. You I'm talking about all the supplements of some of that live on They they sent over and we got the they got a ton of time of vitamin C I was just gonna say with glutathione. I want to say this. It's terribly absorbed normally by the body So if you get glutathione you want a some kind of a delivery method. So live on's products have this liposomal delivery method
Starting point is 00:34:07 that was actually produced or studied for pharmaceuticals to improve absorption and it really works. You don't want to just use any glutathione, you want to use something that's got this or good delivery method. So, live-on, that's what they spend all their money on. They taste like they're the best. They taste good. That's the way it. Yeah, it doesn't taste good That's the way I say it doesn't taste good taste like it's the best drugs in the market
Starting point is 00:34:30 Yeah, only but I tell you what you know a couple things pay attention to this again I'm not an expert in this is my own reading is Probably for a month or two afterwards you still have some you might have some inflammatory blood clot issues So that's why I'm personally doing even though I feel like I'm 100% I feel fine. Yeah, you're training and everything. Yeah, I'm, I'm sure you dug, right? You guys are well, like, I, there's, I couldn't even do a full training session.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Yeah, no, I feel totally fine now. But I, I am doing a baby aspirin every night. So I'm going to do that for the next couple of months, just dwindling away. Yeah, do before and afters for you. Because I'm like dwindling away. No, you'll be all right. I'm not going to push all. If not, you'll be all right. You know what I'm talking about. You know what else we had.
Starting point is 00:35:09 So today was a first day of dropping Max off at the Montessori School. Now, how was he leaving them there? So I'm so glad I didn't go. So I didn't go to see that. I was just been Katrina. So massive banded. On the drive here.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And I knew what time she was going, right? So she was going right after I had left to come to work. And like maybe I know it was at eight o'clock when she was getting there and at 8, 10, the phone rings. And it's her and I'm like, oh, fuck, come on, dammit. And I heard in this morning, for some reason this morning, he was a little grouchy and not as usual self. And so I was like, oh, no, that didn't go well.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And she picked up and I'm like, hey, how are you doing? She's just like, oh, I'm not doing so good. I'm calling you to cry to you. No, she's like, I had to leave them. And she goes, and they just take them. She goes, it wasn't like a slow process. They're like, it's easier to just take them. And then we'll deal with them
Starting point is 00:35:56 versus you trying to slowly say goodbye. It'll make it worse. That's what they say. Because they literally like just like tracked them as soon as possible. Oh my God, they just took them. And then she says I could hear them in the other room. Like crying and just I she's like, oh my god. It was so hard for me.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It sucks. I know that I ripped my heart out. It is like burned into my memory when I first did that. My old-ass son. And it reached the little hand for you. Oh, oh, God. It's dude, I can't even talk about it. I literally, I remember I draw my at the time right. My ex-wife was like, oh, you do this.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I can't do this. I don't know whatever. No problem. I'll handle this. And I remember I brought them and I'm like in the whole like leading up to it, you know, he's like, Papa, I'm gonna be brave. I'm brave, you know, because I talked about being brave and this is a big deal and you know, this is great. He's like, I'm gonna be brave. And we got there and he was just squeezing my hand the whole time. I'm like, okay, this might be a little harder than I thought. And then, you know, you're in there in the classroom. And then the teachers, what they do is they say, okay, parents, it's time to go.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And then you got to go. And he goes, can I give you a hug? I said, sure. And he hugged me. And then the teachers like trying to grab him and he wouldn't let go. And I had to peel my own son off my body and hand him over to a stranger while he's crying. Yeah, really hard on that.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Are you kidding me dude? I went to work, I had a client, was, you know, got there early, and was waiting for me, and I went, I didn't even say hi to him. I walked all the way straight to the bathroom. And everyone's like, what happened? You know what, I come out and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:37:19 I dropped my camera. Oh my God. Terrible. Yeah, she told me by, like, hey, you get extra points for mommy, mommy points for handling points for mommy, mommy points for handling that for us cause I would have had a hard time.
Starting point is 00:37:28 You know what's funny though? It's like 10 minutes later, 15 minutes at the point. That's so cool. So it's cool is that she sent it. Like we were actually on the phone still talking about it. Oh, I hope it's gonna be okay. She's like, I'm just praying that cause they,
Starting point is 00:37:37 so he is the youngest day I will out in school. Like you can't go to a school any younger than where he's at. And they actually, and they make exceptions for him. The starting age is normally the earliest you can put a kid in pre-K or Montessori and those are three years old. And he's two. So the deal is, if your kid cries constantly and he doesn't want to be there and he's underage, you got to come get sure. He's just not right. But he seems he like she like she they get she got a picture in a text message of him playing like 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:38:07 later oh yeah so yeah so he was eventually that's good dude you guys want to hear something really cool and a study about omega-3 fatty acids this is a really good one you know there's a little there's been a little controversy about like supplementing with omega-3s and fish oils and stuff like that. So this study was again very interesting. The title of the study is higher level levels of omega-3 acids in the blood increases life expectancy by almost five years. So by almost five years a 1% increase. How do they measure that? It's a, that mean a huge, it's a long term study group. I mean, am I the only one who gets like,
Starting point is 00:38:48 skipping what I hear some shit like that? Like, wait a second dude, like, how can we measure that they add five years of life? Like, how long you would have to track? Well, you want to hear? Yeah, I do. Okay, so. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:01 No problem. So, a couple of things. So, he's part of the article. This is part of the title. That's gonna be off because he was laughing. I don't trust he is. How does that work? Oh, no problem. So a couple things. So he's part of the article. This is part of the title. That's through me off because he was laughing. I don't trust he has that worth. Oh, he's like, there's no one to tag him. It's the science. There's not a real person there. That's fake. I don't believe it. Yeah, I'm just kidding. So, hey, that would be that's my great-grandfather was like that.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I sort of, I don't trust. There's nobody inside the TV. I'm like, what? So a 1% increase in the substance in the blood. so just 1% higher omega-3 fatty acids in your blood, is associated with the change in mortality risks, similar to that of quitting smoking. So that's how much of an impact they found. So researchers, so here's what they did, right? The study used data from a long-term study group. So what they did is they monitored residents
Starting point is 00:39:45 in this Massachusetts town since 1971. So it's a long study. And they found, again, in the study, that the increase that higher levels of this fatty acid in the blood had a dramatic decrease in all cause mortality. So this is a very big deal. It's a big one. Yeah, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Well, it also highlights, because you've talked about the blue zones and one of the theories is like these like Mediterranean areas where they eat a lot of fish that could have a possibility of being born. And this is one of the reasons why our recommendations here for Mercury, when they're like, oh, Mercury and Fish, everybody be,
Starting point is 00:40:25 whatever, you know, you go to Japan or Okinawa, where they eat a lot of fish, and they live longer than we do. And their Mercury levels are probably higher than ours are. So I think there's some, you know, some more. I think Omega 3's, for the most part, makes sense for most people to be taking it, for sure if you're not a fish eater.
Starting point is 00:40:46 So if you don't want, I mean, my goal and the way I kind of use them is like, I keep them in the freezer now because you're the one who got me doing that. And when I know that I haven't had fish multiple times a week, I'm taking it. And the way I look at it is like, ah, if I'm making sure that I'm getting good fish,
Starting point is 00:41:01 like at least two or three times a week, I feel pretty good that, okay, and it may not hurt me to still take it, but I'm like, I'm not big on having to take it every single day. But if I know that I haven't had fish in a week, I absolutely do. It's one of the supplements that I've been taking consistently the longest.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Is fish oil or cod liver oil? Though, you know what supplement I've been taking longer than any of the supplement? Wanna guess? Creasing? Creasing. Yeah supplement I've been taking longer than any other supplement? Want to guess? Creasing? Creasing. No, yeah. I've been taking that probably consistently
Starting point is 00:41:30 since I was 15. Now do you ever go on break through and you're off of it for a while? If I go on vacations or trips, I don't take it every single day. You take it that consistently. Oh yeah, I take it pretty. And I mean, shit, the studies are on
Starting point is 00:41:42 creasing and health are exceptional, especially for mitochondrial health. I'm telling you, that shit's gonna get recommended to everybody. No, you've been saying that. It's a long way to a health product. Yeah, I think it will be, you know, for, for, at some point, probably in the next 10 to 20 years.
Starting point is 00:41:57 No, that's, that's crazy. So you guys see that the news came out officially for the, we talked about it, I think I brought it up on the show almost a month ago now. And now it's like official official that fans only, or only fans, sorry I always go backwards. Only fans is starting October, October 1st, they were banning all sexual content.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Which is like 90% of their content. Yeah, were they pressured into this? So they're not pressured. So they're trying to, they're trying to take on money. So they're trying to go public and they're not pressured. They're trying to, they're trying to take on money. So they're trying to go public and investors. Yes. And in order to get big money invested into this platform, they, they have to go that direction. And so that's a move. Now, I saw the barstool sports take on it. And he said something like he was speculating, like he, first of all, he was talking about how we said was just, I think this is this is crazy. Where's the business model there?
Starting point is 00:42:45 I wanna like visualize this. He brought up something that I thought was pretty interesting and probably a good theory. Like how could they possibly go all the way from there, most of their money is from that. You gotta think that's too risky to lose all that. So he's like, what probably is going to happen is that no longer on your feed or your profile, can you have
Starting point is 00:43:06 nudity. But what you do in your private DMs is completely up to you and we can't control that our visit. So that's true. Part of what second escort service. No, it's just a date, but we might decide. Right. So I'm assuming I haven't actually been on only fans yet, but I'm assuming that because that's a private thing that if I follow, say, this girl, she all of her profile pictures and stuff can be all nudity because it's private like now they are. But what they might move to in order to get the investor money is it would be more like Instagram, but then in your DMs, you could still do so. So his theory is that goes, and that's probably the, would be the smartest play here. Because otherwise it, you just can't, I can't imagine.
Starting point is 00:43:49 It is true though about taking on money, you know, when you're dealing with pornography, it's like, you don't go public. Any risky stuff, I remember that was the hardest part about the weed business when I was in that was, you couldn't put your money in the bank. Yeah. No banks would even take our money. I know. Even when you're legit and you were doing it,
Starting point is 00:44:05 you had your license, everything like that. It's like, that's how I was so bullshit about it. It was just like, oh yeah, all these laws get passed. But then there's other laws in like the banking world that block all that stuff. So then you're in the same goddamn predicament. It's like you're still, you're still somewhat having to run this illegal type
Starting point is 00:44:21 of gray business because not all the laws to where you can legitimately do everything. So, yeah. Interesting. Yeah, I did it. I posted a meme of like, it like, it had the news article and it said,
Starting point is 00:44:32 only fans, bands, pornography, and then underneath it, there's like a bull's eye on someone's foot, like they're shooting their own foot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think his history of from Barshtel Sports is probably accurate. It's got to be that. Did you guys know one of the largest speaking of which, one of the largest online, I think
Starting point is 00:44:55 if not the largest, quote unquote, dating sites or whatever online, is what's it called? I have a friend that works there. Is it humble? No. It's like a friend find works there, is it? A humble? No. It's like a friend finder or a friendly something finder? It's an old one. It's been around forever. Yeah, it's a adult friend finder.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I doubt friend finder. Yeah. And people, f**ts, this people hook up, it's one of the oldest dating sites. And literally it's hooking up for sacks. That's the one that's like, you know, it gets advertised. These like ugly women in your area ready.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Wanna bang? Yeah, I don't say so like that. Like, oh, smart marketing, by the way. Yeah, it is. It's kind of believable. Achievable. Oh, ugly people? Maybe not.
Starting point is 00:45:37 People on a sexist go. But it's, but it's huge. I remember, I forgot the numbers that he told me, but it's by far the largest. It's extremely profitable, but it's by far the largest, it's extremely profitable, but it's private because you can never go public, you can never do anything with that. So I actually trained the VP of that business.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Oh wow. Two decades ago, like forever. Yeah, he's been around for a while. Oh yeah, long time. She was, and first person to tell me all about it, and I forget her exact story on like, you know, she was part of the origin story of it, and she was telling me all about it, and I forget her exact story on like, you know, she was part of the origin story of it and she was telling me all about it.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And she goes what's really popular, especially we know, like how popular is like swinging today, like it's super popular, right? And open relationships. I don't know, Doug, is it popular? So as far as I know. Yeah. So, you know, you have a lot of business,
Starting point is 00:46:22 a lot of business men and women use this and they travel into a city, you're from California, you have a lot of business men and women uses, and they travel into a city, you're from California, you're flying into Dallas for a convention for three or four days, and you get onto adult friend finder, and instantly we'll find everybody else in that vicinity that is also looking for a hookup, and it's that simple. It's the world's largest adult dating site.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I had no idea, but that's how she told me, the most popular way it's site. Yep. I had no idea. But that's how she told me the most popular way it's used. It's exactly what I just said. You want to Tinder or is that like traveling, you know, hookups. Like that was her whole model. You want to guess how many members they have? Over 60 million. Over 60 million.
Starting point is 00:47:00 That's crazy. People, I want to, and I think that there's a bunch of married people. I think the revenues are some like ridiculous. I can't remember what was but it was a number that I was like no way so speaking of companies and revenues so I Try to remember to share on here whenever I buy stock so I bought I just reached I'm body thinking a while I just bought weed maps Which is goes on the ticker MAPS so I really really like it because it's near one year low.
Starting point is 00:47:27 So it's only like $12. When I say it was around $12 or $11 a share when I got it, so it's somewhere around there. And I know that Kevin Durant just partnered up with him. So you know, one of the number one players in the NBA and I'm sure he's got people far more intelligent than me that are looking out for him to help him with partnerships with potential massive companies.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And so, the company was found out. This is actually for the adult friend finder. 300 million annually. Yeah. Revenues. Wow, the acquisition price has said to be around a billion. That's a 2017 too. Pull up where we in that.
Starting point is 00:48:04 That's all right now, Doug. So, so yeah, now I snagged some of that for both. That's 2017 too. Pull up where we in-app is that right now, Doug. So, yeah, now I snagged some of that for both. I actually bought, that was one that I bought from my portfolio. I read a tweet speaking of which, wow, they pulled in 439 million from 2015 through 2019, so in four years, weed maps brought in that much. It's expected 160 million in revenue this year, and they expect in 2021 that it'll hit 205.
Starting point is 00:48:27 That's a big jump from 160 to 205. Yeah, they're just, I mean, they're one of the leaders as far as like networks in the weed plot. They were when I first got into it, they were just starting and they exploded. And so I just, you got that big of a network of people that opens up the door for advertising and many other and I read this tweet that was so sad and hilarious
Starting point is 00:48:47 at the same time. It said, who would have, it goes, I'm at a family gathering right now and we're all smoking weed and hanging out and who would have thought that the illegal part of this was the gathering? I'll say, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I'm like, it's weird, right? That's funny. That's the world we're in right now. The weed is fun. It'll cop show up. You know what I'm saying? No, the weed's cool, man. We're just not supposed to hang out
Starting point is 00:49:10 to get out of this. You guys need to separate. That's funny. Hey, real quick, I hope you're enjoying this episode. Head over to masszimes.com-flwirt-slash-mind-pump. Okay, this company, Bioptimizers, makes the best digestive enzymes you'll find anywhere that will help you assimilate the protein that you're consuming for your muscles,
Starting point is 00:49:30 help you break down carbohydrates for better absorption. So some of you get bloated after you carbohydrates, you can try digestive enzymes. Also enzymes that help you break down fats. Some people have issues digesting fats. Now these supplements have actually been a game changer for me. Some of you know that I deal with gut issues. I've included their enzymes in my meals and I have way better digestion, way less inflammation. And I feel like
Starting point is 00:49:55 I'm assimilating more nutrients. So head over to masszimes.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump 10. So that's mine pump 1 0 for 10% off all of their products. All right, enjoy the rest of the show. First question is from Kool-O Colin 2. What are some ways to stop binging every time you go over your calories a little bit? Oh yeah. Shot collar. It totally works. Very effective. This is really how you go into your diet, really affects this a lot because if your mentality is very much like, I'm on this strict diet and then if I break this diet, I've cheated on it. Okay, what it does psychologically is it creates this phenomenon where there's a line, once
Starting point is 00:50:44 you cross the line, well, I've already crossed the line. I've already crossed all of it. Yeah, now that I've already crossed the line, it doesn't matter. So I might as well just go crazy. Also, it's the restrict mentality of when you're on your diet. And so what you're doing is you're constantly using willpower to restrict yourself. And the second you go off, the floodgates open. Now why is this true?
Starting point is 00:51:06 Well, think about the behaviors that you have when you binge versus when you just enjoy the same food, right? Like I could eat a cookie or two from a sleeve of Oreos and enjoy them. Binging is literally, I ate a whole sleeve of Oreo or ate so much I made myself nauseous. And as I'm eating one, I'm thinking about the next one. I'm not even enjoying what's on my mouth.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Rather, the solution is to go into eating and understand all the value of food. And I'm eating to take care of myself, which sometimes means I eat a cookie, or sometimes means I eat a slice of pizza. That's also taking care of myself just differently. It's not physically good for me, but I'm enjoying this with my friends and my family and it's not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:51:48 This was a game changer for me because this used to be me. I would go to an event or something and I'd find myself eating way more than I normally would because I felt so restricted before. Once I made this switch, it was really easy for me to have like, you know, one burger or something like that. You see the difference when you're mentioning these processed foods. Like, I mean, that's, you get hooked. Like, once you open that door, you know, and so obviously you gotta be mindful
Starting point is 00:52:13 of what types of foods, you know, you're eating. One of the things, too, that's helped me a lot in terms of like not going over calories was just trying to seek out more satiating foods. And so for me, it was like, you know, it's more protein adding that in, but like just having that feeling of satiety where it's like, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:52:32 I'm less likely to keep wanting to be snacky afterwards. And so to introduce that first, and then maybe adding, you know, the carbohydrates on top of that, you know, afterwards was helpful. So I've had a lot of success with this. This is something I struggled with to myself. And I've had a lot of success with both myself
Starting point is 00:52:50 and then teaching clients this. Something that I found really common when this happens, you tend to not want to be aware. You decide, so you're distracted. Almost always happens in front of the television or on your phone, or maybe even at a party or a situation like that where you're not aware. And so instead of telling a client or even myself
Starting point is 00:53:13 that I can't have this, or even saying, I can't binge something. I don't put those restrictions on myself. The rule I make myself is that I have to eat at the dinner table, where there's no television nearby. I can't have my phone and just eat. Or if I'm gonna go to a party, like, I still have to eat at the dinner table, where there's no television nearby, I can't have my phone and just eat. Or if I'm gonna go to a party, like I still have to, if I'm hungry,
Starting point is 00:53:29 I need to eat at that dinner table before I go to the party. So I'm not going to the party hungry, and then I have all these distractions. You're not gonna do that, right? Yeah, so just making you forcing you to become aware and not telling yourself you can or cannot do something, and you just say, listen, my one rule is,
Starting point is 00:53:44 I can eat all those foods if I really want them, but I'm going to sit at the dinner table and just with no phone, no TV. And it's amazing how much, because you're aware of what you're doing at the moment, you just don't keep shoveling in your mouth. You eat and then you're full and you're satisfied. And you're like, I'm cool. I'm going to put it away and then I'm going to sit down. But it's being in front of the TV.
Starting point is 00:54:06 That's where, I mean, if I'm in front of the TV, that's where stuff can just keep going down because of mindless use. Yeah, or on my phone watching YouTube videos or some bullshit and you're eating processed foods like you guys are talking about and you just keep shoveling away. Yeah, and you find that, and I'm sure you guys have experienced this,
Starting point is 00:54:21 you didn't even eat to enjoy the damn food. No. You eat until you made yourself feel bad. Like you're chewing and you're already getting ready to put the other one in. And there's no more room. Yeah, and then afterwards you're like, oh, I don't feel good. And then you might even continue going.
Starting point is 00:54:33 It's a very interesting phenomena. The other part, and you kind of talked about this a little bit Justin, is identify your trigger foods if you have any. I know what mine is. Mine is potato chips. If I have, especially lays potato chips, that is so, for me, it's so palatable
Starting point is 00:54:54 that there's also this physical, they've mastered that engineering. Yeah, so what I do is I just don't have them. I just don't have them in the house. And if I do have them, I'll buy a single serving bag. I will almost never buy a family bag because the poll is so strong for me. So identify some of those trigger foods for yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I agree. But a lot of this is the psychological like, and you'll see it in the question even. The question says literally, what are some ways to stop binging every time you go over your calories a little bit? This person in their mind whoever asks this question, for them it's like I'm either at my calories,
Starting point is 00:55:29 now that I've gone over I'm already screwed. It's all or nothing, it doesn't work that way. You go over a little bit, you went over a little bit. There's an afflexibility. Yeah, it's not black or white at all. It's very gray when it comes to nutrition. So if you go over a little bit, that's okay. You went over a little bit.
Starting point is 00:55:44 It's not like, oh, I'm already screwed. I might as well just go crazy and eat everything. Next question is from Nene Mudd, is five by five effective? Yeah, so five by five. So effective. Most of our programs have some sort of five by five. All I was doing to establish with the football team,
Starting point is 00:56:02 like just like throughout their programming previous to that and just try to keep it as simple as possible. It's the best programming for just getting to the very meat and core, you know, of what to do in the gym. Yeah, for people who don't know, five by five is five sets of an exercise and five reps. And why is it so effective? Number one, there's more to this than just that.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It's, it's a place a heavy emphasis on compound lifts. So if you look at five by five programming, it's usually squats, dead lifts, bench press, overhead press, rows. So that's part of the reason why it's so effective. The other reason is, because they make you do five sets of an exercise, yeah, you practice them very often, you get a lot of central nervous system adaptation.
Starting point is 00:56:46 These are technical exercises, practicing them, you know, set after set makes you really good at them. And then of course, because what I said earlier, you picked these compound lifts. Like if you get a little bit better at a barbell squat, the returns are so much greater than if you got a little bit better at, you know, a leg press or a leg extension or something like that.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Well, yeah, if you're running a five by five, you're not doing 10 different exercises. No. You're doing a handful of exercises. You're more likely going to pick, or you should, if it's a good five by five program, pick the big compound ones, and you're getting great practice. You know, you got two or three sets to get in the groove,
Starting point is 00:57:20 and then you got two or three sets, where you're actually hitting it really well. And I think for anybody who's just starting in the gym or even if you've been in the gym for a couple of years, you're still relatively new to training that those movements, we talk about it on the show all the time, how important they are to practice. And that adds up when the average person's only doing programs that are two to three sets in there and you're doing five, you're doing damn near double the work on the movements that are most important, you're going to get double the work on the movements that are most important
Starting point is 00:57:45 You're gonna get and over the course of weeks, months and a year of training this way You're gonna get a hell of a lot more practice than the average person Yeah, and I like it too with the lower reps because then you can really you know eliminate some of the fatigue Yes You would normally get with higher reps and then really perform them at their best Especially with these compound lifts and then you're still getting the volume because you've got five sets. So to your guys' point of being able to get that kind of practice, so you hone in on those skills while also performing them at a really high level.
Starting point is 00:58:14 That's why I like five. Yeah, because some people, what they would do, right, instead of doing, if they, okay, let's say the options were five by five or their regular program, usually what it would look like is two or three sets of one exercise, two or three sets of another exercise versus five sets of a compound lift. So you can think of two leg exercises, not including squats that you did five sets total for versus five sets of squats. I don't know if I can think of any combination of two exercises
Starting point is 00:58:43 that would give you more bang for your buck than just five sets of squats. That's a big reason. Now, when does this become not effective? When this is all you do, all the time. You've been doing it too long. Yeah, and what you'll notice, this is what I noticed with clients too, if you stick to this long enough,
Starting point is 00:58:58 I'd start to get issues in my joints because of the heavy weight because I'm doing the such repetitive movements. I would notice my hips or my shoulder or my knee. There's not enough other planes accounted for as well too. So we got to consider training in the frontal plane and the transverse plane, not just sagittal. So not just what's in front of you, what's behind you.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah, and also not doing higher reps. Not too. Yeah, I mean, you go from five by five, you knew that for six months, switched to like 10 reps or 15 reps, watch what happens to your body. So anything could be abused and will stop working, but overall with all the popular programming that's out there that's well known,
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'd say five by five is pretty solid. Oh, it's top five or top three even for me. Next question is from Neal SM. What isolation exercises had the biggest impact on your physics? I love this question because I could think of an exercise for almost every muscle group. Really?
Starting point is 00:59:56 Yeah, absolutely. So shoulders, the cable reverse fly. I've demoed it on the YouTube channel. So not like your standard standing up where you bend over and I actually pull the cable through. That blew my rear delts up. That was a great isolation exercise. My triceps, I remember when I introduced dumbbell skull crushers, never had done those before and that was blue. My triceps up. Chest, I know this is a compound, but going to incline and introducing that
Starting point is 01:00:30 was one of the biggest things I ever did for my chest. Sissy squats for my quads, like that was a huge game changer. I don't know if I have something specific for my hamstrings that I remember as an isolation exercise because there's not, there's only so much of that. Can you consider would you consider a Romanian deadlift because it's a single joint exercise isolation right because technically you're not yeah, I guess you could right yeah, although it's hip so that's kind of a big joint. Yeah, it's lots of muscles involved, but yeah, I mean, it's it's definitely targeting. Yeah, I noticed a huge impact from
Starting point is 01:01:04 I can do exercise in particular that really did a big difference on me. Dumbbell pullovers. I really saw a difference on my back from doing that exercise. And that's technically an isolation movement. And then laterals for my shoulders. I was gonna say that.
Starting point is 01:01:20 It really rounded me out, you two. Yeah, I really rounded out my shoulders to do those. So, you know, isolation exercise, I know we talk about compound lifts all the time, but you know, they also have value, they're good to add volume, they help you isolate, obviously certain muscles, and they're not all created equal. With isolation exercises, it's really important. It's important, technique is always important. But isolation exercises are exceptionally important that you feel the target muscle.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Otherwise you kind of waste the whole reason while you do them in the first place, like laterals, like what I'm talking about, right, I'm doing regular laterals, not even the rear ones. People in the gym often turn it into like this weird shrug, row kind of movement, waste of time. You develop your upper back. You almost see like a hip-hing row kind of movement? Waste the time. You develop your upper back. You almost see a hip hinging kind of
Starting point is 01:02:07 in extension there to be able to get it up. But yeah, I was gonna mention that in terms of providing that kind of definition and cap of the shoulder, that really helped to develop my shoulders further. But yeah, I mean, again, you guys probably have a lot more experience with the isolation exercises, but for me, just any time I do any kind of bicep exercise, it just blows them up. I just don't do it.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It means like preacher curls. I'm like, oh, wow. Look at what just happened there. Well, I'm just a scum. I just discovered the second. Yeah. That's the important. So silly.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Well, I think point to know is that it's more often than not. It's you introducing a new movement more than it is. Oh, because mind pump said dumbbells, go crushers or ladder rolls or whatever that. It's like, if you do ladder rolls all the time and then you go try and think that's gonna blow them up for you, it may not do anything for you because you've been doing that for so long.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Doing something unique and different could be and then upright rows may blow your side delta more than anything ever has before because you never do that. But yeah, I think the formula is, an great isolation exercise is an exercise that you can feel that target muscle, you could keep it under tension
Starting point is 01:03:16 for a good portion of the movement, and then you could load it. If you can get, if you can control it and really feel it in that area, you can load it really well. That's kind of the recipe, I think, for end-of-the-date being novel. You know, that's kind of like the tri-effect, a novel, be able to feel it really well, load it good, and it's probably going to develop.
Starting point is 01:03:35 One more, and I remember specifically adding this because it was after I watched Pumping Iron at the age of 16. I think that was the first time I watched it, 15 or 16. The concentration curl that I learned as a kid was the one where you sit on the bench and your arm is inside your elbow. Remember that? Then I watched Pumping Iron and Arnold does this bent
Starting point is 01:03:57 over concentration curl version. And I tried it and it was, till this day, it's one exercise that'll give me a bicep pump like nothing else. I don't know if it's because I'm hanging my arm low and the blood's flowing to it or whatever, but it's like for a pump, it's like incredible. I've never liked that, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Really? Yeah, I mean, I still did them and they were in the routine but it was nothing like a preacher. I mean, preacher curls, spider curls actually did that for me. Like that was a big one. And see, there's similar to spider curls, just an angle. But I think you have to like pull your elbow out and there's all kinds of technique.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Well, I put a lot of focus on my chest and it's a very basic exercise. But like when I'm doing a cable fly, I really like it when, you know, I'm alternating it. So I'm keeping one, you know, I symmetrically contracted, well, there's gonna be a full range of motion. Like it's so simple, but I feel the shit out of that chest.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I love that exercise. That's a staple chest movement for me for sure. Just because we talk about the benefits of isometrics and there's just not a lot of exercises that you do for the chest. You maintain a squeeze. Yeah. Yeah. Where there's a good isometric portion of it.
Starting point is 01:05:00 So it's a great way to incorporate isometric training into your routine and it feels amazing to like finish a chest day off with the next exercise like that. Next question is from Pat of Blanc. I don't feel that shrugs do much for my traps. Can I swap them for farmer's walks on my workouts? Are there better alternatives? So first off, yes, but second, let's talk about shrugs for a second. It's not just pulling the shoulders up. If you pull the shoulders up and back, you'll feel it in the trap.
Starting point is 01:05:32 So think about, you're not going straight up, but you're going up a bit of a back angle, almost like you're trying to shrug behind your ears. Totally hits the traps differently and you'll feel more of a squeeze. Now that being said, there are some phenomenal trap extra. Farmer walks are great. The one exercise that I've never felt anything hammered my traps like this following exercise
Starting point is 01:05:54 ever is the wide grip snatch grip pulls. I'd never done them before until we did map strong. We created that with Robert Obers, right? He's a strong man competitor. And he was like, adamant. No, no, no, we gotta put this exercise in the program. It really works for my shoulder girdle. It makes me really strong.
Starting point is 01:06:13 So when I followed the program, and I went light, right? Cause it's kind of an explosive movement. I had never felt my traps work like that exercise. And so if you really wanna hit your traps, give that one a shot. I like, yeah, I definitely like farmer walks for the isometric contraction,
Starting point is 01:06:30 but what really blew my traps up was hang cleans. Hang cleans to a press. Yeah. Unbelievable for my traps. It's just because it's so explosive and getting those fast twitch muscle fibers activated helped really develop more size up up in my trap. So I definitely think that you're looking to that.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I had to, I had to think I was the only, at least in my gym for sure, whether we were, there was quite a few men's physique athletes in there. I think I for sure was the only men's physique athlete that was doing hand cleans to a press. Like just, it's not a common exercise you see, especially in the body building and sculpting type of world.
Starting point is 01:07:07 It's definitely a more athletic type of exercise. But boy, do I remember those blow, I think, and it's just when you think about it, because the point that sounds making about how you shrug kind of up and back, and you get it. It's because of the way the traps run, right? They're like this, you know, kind of diamond shape
Starting point is 01:07:25 in your upper back and they're responsible not only for lifting your shoulders up, but also pulling, helping pull the scapula back. So both the pulling of the scapula and the elevating of the shoulders is incorporated in the trap, the traps movement, right? So doing a hand clean, you get that. You have to do you rip it up and back.
Starting point is 01:07:41 And then the press part, they also are responsible for stabilizing the shoulder girdle. So if you're ripping up a heavy weight, you get that, and they're explosive, what else do you do explosively for traps? They just don't get a lot of explosive training in all the other traditional exercises, and you can get, and because it's explosive, you can move pretty good weight, and then jerk it up or press it up over your head, and then the stabilizing portion.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Oh. and then jerking it up or pressing it up over your head and then the stabilizing portion. Oh, so you wanna know what's interesting is that the traps, the neck and the shoulders are all typically higher in Androgen receptor density versus other muscles. So, and the Androgen receptors are the receptors that testosterone attaches to. And incidentally, traps, shoulders, and neck, you'll see, and men,
Starting point is 01:08:26 tends to be much more developed versus any other muscle group versus women, right? They tend to be, dense and androgen receptors, which is why I think of all the muscles I can think of, the traps and the shoulders, they really respond well to explosive movements, more than other muscles.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I mean, you don't necessarily build huge biceps with explosive, you know, hand cleans and stuff, even though biceps are involved, but you see the traps really blow up. Here's another exercise for traps. Lee Haney, who won Mr. Olympia eight times, he did this version of Barbell Shrugs where it was behind his back.
Starting point is 01:09:06 So he put the barbell behind his back and it's like he had to do almost a bit of a row, right? To get it from his forehead. Past his glutes, but I've tried it out. Now go real light because it's a weird exercise, but oh my God, does it hit the track? Cause it forces you to bring your shoulders back and kind of do that movement with the shrugs.
Starting point is 01:09:24 And man, does it hammer the traps? Look, if you like our information, if you love our podcast, you got to head over to MindPumpFree.com. We have so many free guides there to choose from that can help you build muscle, burn body fat, sculpt your body, improve your performance and mobility. Again, it's MindPumpFree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:09:46 so you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adder. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:10:05 The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes
Starting point is 01:10:48 and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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