Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1669: How to Cut Cardio Without Gaining Weight, The Downside of Using a Fit Bit for Tracking Calories, What to Do When You Feel Burned Out With Lifting & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: October 23, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. How the dumbbell pullover is a foundational movement. (5:19) Jordan Shallow has a vocabulary and brain like no othe...r. (8:11) What will be more popular, biohacking/genetically modifying your body or going virtual? (14:49) Economic ignorance and the propaganda machine of the media. (25:19) What does the future of education look like? (30:48) The high school football update with Justin. (37:37) Who is more prone to injury risk when weight training, men or women? (41:42) In N Out takes a stand in San Francisco. (47:58) Can Chili Sleep save marriages and also cause divorces? (51:20) #Quah question #1 – How can I speed up my metabolism, and lower my body fat percentage at the same time? (58:09) #Quah question #2 – What can I do when I feel burnt out from a lift, and what can I do in meantime to maintain my strength and progress from that lift? (1:12:35) #Quah question #3 – How should I adjust my diet, calorie intake, since starting my first dose of hormone replacement therapy? (1:25:03) #Quah question #4 – How can I cut cardio without gaining weight? (1:35:04) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com October Promotion: MAPS Anabolic and NO BS 6-Pack Formula – Get Both for $59.99!    How to Perform a PROPER Dumbbell Pullover (Target Chest of Lats) | MIND PUMP A pig kidney has been transplanted into a human successfully for the first time : NPR America isn't running out of everything just because of a supply-chain crisis. America is running out of everything because Americans are buying so much stuff. It’s not certain rising wages will be enough to outpace inflation How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes – Book by Peter Schiff In California and Across the Country, Parents and Their Kids are Abandoning Public Schools Luna Physical Therapy Injury Risk Factors Associated With Weight Training In-N-Out blasts S.F. over vaccine mandate shutdown: 'We refuse to become the vaccination police' Corrupt Gavin Newsom Trying to Defy Own Mandate to Exempt Union That Donated to His Campaign Visit Chili Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Facebook Forum | Mind Pump Media GROW Your GLUTES with a SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT! Summary of Ashwagandha Independent Analysis on Supplements & Nutrition | Examine.com MP Hormones MAPS Aesthetic | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc)  Instagram Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff)  Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Now today's a live episode. We actually have people call in, ask us a question live, and we've got to coach them on air. By the way, if you ever want to be on one of these episodes to ask us a fitness or health question,
Starting point is 00:00:29 email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now, we open the episode with the 58 minute intro portion where we talk about fitness and current events, scientific studies. We talk about some of our sponsors. So that's what happened, the first 58 minutes after that we got to the live questions. Here's what went down in today's episode.
Starting point is 00:00:48 We opened up by talking about the dumbbell pullover. This is a single joint isolation exercise that behaves like a compound lift. And we think we know why. So we explained that part of the episode. Then we talk about one of our good friends, Jordan Schallow. This is the really big meathead guy that is really, really smart.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Beast. Kind of interesting. Then we talk about how scientists, genetically modified some pigs, took out their kidneys, attached them to your human, and it worked. What could go wrong? It's not a bad scary movie, ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:01:20 this is real life. Then we talked about economic ignorance and the propaganda machine of the media. You're going to love some of the articles that we quote in that part of the episode. Then we talked about education, schooling, and the shifting tides. Parents are taking the kids out of public schools, homeschooling them, and putting them in private schools. I wonder why. Then Justin talked about how he's referred some of his high school student football players to Luna. Luna is an at-home physical therapy, occupational therapy service.
Starting point is 00:01:53 They accept insurance. You don't need to go through your provider or through your general health practitioner. You can call them directly, tell them you need to help with shoulder pain or mobility or any other physical issue that physical therapy can solve. They'll come to your house, your insurance covers it, you don't got to go anywhere. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:02:13 By the way, Luna is also looking for really good physical therapist. So if you're a physical therapist, you want to make more money, do less paperwork, go check them out. So everybody interested, head over to getluna.com. One more time as g-e-t-l-u-n-a.com. Then we talk about a study on men versus women and their injury rate when they lift weights. You want to guess who hurts themselves more often? I bet everybody will know the right answer. Then we talked about in and out burger getting kicked out of San Francisco for not following certain mandates.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And then Adam had a rude awakening in his chili uler bed sleeping system. He went in there and instead of it being super freezing cold, the way he likes it, it was really warm. Who's been sleeping in his bed while he's gone? Goldilocks. We don't know. By the way, chili makes products that cool
Starting point is 00:03:03 or warm your bed using water. It's low EMF. It improves your sleep quality. It's a game changer. You can do both sides at different temperatures. You can program it with your phone to warm you up or cool you off to wake you up. Really interesting product.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Very effective. Go check them out. Head over to chileysleep.com. That's CH-I-L-I-Sleep.com forward slash mind pump, and there's a code on that page that'll hook you up. Then we get to the question. That'll get to the question. Here's the first one.
Starting point is 00:03:34 It's moddy from Maryland. This person has lost a lot of weight, but can't seem to go down any further, wants to know how to speed up their metabolism. We give them advice. Then we talk to Billy from Utah. This is like a Superman, right? He's got seven kids, just became a CEO.
Starting point is 00:03:52 His workouts are not working for him anymore, and he's very burnt out, especially on deadlifts, wanted some advice. Then we talked to Elijah from Texas. This person just started testosterone replacement therapy. And as predicted, this is very predictable, as appetites through the roof, metabolism's obviously boosting, wanted some advice. By the way, if you're interested in getting your hormone profile
Starting point is 00:04:15 looked at, getting testosterone levels checked, or if you're a woman, you want to see what it looks like to have your hormones optimized, head over to mphormones.com. They're the best in the business at those types of services. optimized, head over to mphormones.com. They're the best in the business at those types of services. They really know what they're doing. Then the final question was Ruth from Washington, this particular individual lost weight
Starting point is 00:04:37 doing lots and lots of cardio, switched over to resistance training, still doing lots of cardio. Their calories are still low. They want to know how they can back out of this unsustainable approach to fat loss. Also, all month long, MAPS and Abolic has been combined with the No BS6 pack formula for a bundle and it's been discounted tremendously. Okay, so we took over a hundred dollars off the price of this particular bundle. So right now, only for this month,
Starting point is 00:05:05 you can get Maps and Obolic with the No BS6 pack formula for only $59.99. If you're interested in signing up or you just wanna learn more, head over to mapsoctober.com. I did a workout the other day, where I haven't done this in a while where I do like a pre-exhaust super set.
Starting point is 00:05:23 So I did, like for a back, I went really heavy dumbbell pullovers to pullups to pre-exhaust the lats. We've talked about that before in the podcast. Yeah. And I haven't gone because it's the first exercise in that lift, that means I can go heavy on a dumbbell pullover. And we've talked about the dumbbell pullover before.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's in a lot of our programs. And old school lifters used to use it as one of their strength tests They would actually compete with a dumbbell pullover believe it or not It was ranked higher at one point Was that oh it sounds strange. This is like the 30s and 40s They would this was like a not necessarily compete, but this was an like a staple. Oh heavy lift Okay, you say compete so I thought like they actually had competitions around. No, like the same way like when we were in high school,
Starting point is 00:06:07 where I was bench press, how much do you bench? Yeah, in those days, it was like, how much do you overhead press? Yeah. And what's your barbell pull? How many people can you leg press on a bench? Yeah, so well, so, you see that? That's 2000, that's 2010. 2010.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Well, so check this out, right? So I was talking about this. I was Jessica was like, how's your day? And I was like, what was your workout like? And I was telling her. And I'm like, you know, it's weird about a dumbbell pullover is it is it technically a single joint isolation movement, but it feels like a compound lift in terms of how affects the body and the strength and the muscle building that you get from it. The only one that really kind of combines triceps in lats, you know, and you get that sort of
Starting point is 00:06:48 interesting combo. Yes, it's also this. So, trip off this, this totally came to me, right? Most of the effective, the most effective exercises that you could do with barbells and dumbbells tend to be exercises that strengthen what are considered fundamental human movement, right? Barbell squat, squatting, right?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Pressing, rowing, overhead pressing, rotating, split stance exercises. These are all considered fundamental human movements. Well, what else is a very, what is one of the things that humans do physically that's better than almost any animal, if not any animal in the animal kingdom? We throw.
Starting point is 00:07:22 We throw. It's this overhead from back to front motion and our scapula and our shoulder evolved specifically to give us this incredible skill that is one of the reasons why we became the Apex Predators, right? So one of the reasons why we were so successful as hunters, we could throw with accuracy.
Starting point is 00:07:41 What exercise strengthens that foundational human movement? Better than the pullover. A dumbbell pullover. No wonder, because I'm thinking about it, I'm like, it's an isolation movement, but man does it feel like a compound lift in terms of how it develops strength in my body. I've always noticed that, right? Yeah. Because it's a foundational human movement, and there's really no exercise that we do.
Starting point is 00:08:02 That strengthens that kind of overhead movement that is so fundamental. Kind of interesting, right? Yeah, you bring in that up, reminds me. I did a video with Jordan Schallow on the pullover, looking back at the other days, I'm like going to cut off and I look like a slob. Back when we first started the podcast, some of the stuff that we used to do, and we had him in the studio yesterday and you had a great conversation with him. And boy, I tell you that guy,
Starting point is 00:08:28 he talks at such a high level. Even when I try and get him to distill it down for the average person, it's so, I feel like it's impossible for him. Yeah. Even when he gives his analogy as example, he's still over the top with it. I think it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:08:46 He was just bored. Yeah. He's bored with the way that we're trying to like, you know, distill it down. It's like, no, this is actually what it is. I don't think I've ever met a meathead who talks like him like that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I don't think I have another friend that has a vocabulary like him and uses it the way he uses it. Hyper intelligent. He's on a different level in terms of intelligence and it's not just his verbiage. And he doesn't look it, that's what's so, that's what's great about his brand. He looks like a meathead with a beard.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I compare it in a beast on X-Men, the blue scientist, that was very similar. But he's super intelligent because if you can understand the language that he's using, he makes connections to things and he explains things that he really puts things together really, really well. So this obviously why he's been so successful is that he's that combination of application and intelligence, but yeah, when you're at that level, then it's like it's hard to communicate it. The next level is like, how can I get this
Starting point is 00:09:45 so that the average person knows what's going on? Oh, our conversation about the foam roll, Golgi tendon, the transmitters, like counter receptors. Yes, his explanation on that, I have never heard somebody break it down, I thought it was so interesting to me. But it's like a brand new angle I hadn't even considered. I felt like I was intently listening though so I could consume all of it. I mean, it's the average person still, I think it'll be over the top.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Over the couple of weeks and we'll figure out how to dissect it all and like, you know, relate back to you guys, but yeah, we got some work to do. Yeah, what I appreciate about, appreciate about someone like him is he, he really is explaining the details and the mechanisms behind what we've observed and explained and talked about because we trained so many people for so long. Like, for example, we use the example of the vibrating plate. I remember those vibrating plates first came out,
Starting point is 00:10:36 I laughed at them like, okay. What new thing are they doing now? Why are you standing on this thing? Tell us or it feel good. By doing it. Why are you sitting on that, Justin? Yeah. No, but why are people using this, what's the value?
Starting point is 00:10:49 And then I went to go use one, and I noticed that because of the way that the thing vibrated, I noticed that it affected my CNS in a way to where I would get into positions that I normally wouldn't be able to get into, create new patterns, go off the vibrating plate, and now I have new ranges of motion that I can connect to. And I remember it was like, this has to be like three years ago, four years ago, in an episode where we were talking about this. Now, he explained the mechanisms.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Oh, it blew my mind when he was breaking down the speed which it's transmitted, and that it's, I mean, he had the rates which blew my mind. He knew the rates at which Transmits and it actually moves faster than pain vibration does so you know what this what it reminded me of and I said it when we interviewed him We've all experienced this you ever touched something super hot move your hand away Yeah, and then you feel the pain. Yeah, that's because your brain under people perceive the heat Faster than the pain. Yeah, so it's almost like seeing lightning and then hearing the thunder later It's like your brain's like move your hand away and then faster than the pain. So it's almost like seeing lightning
Starting point is 00:11:45 and then hearing the thunder later. It's like your brain's like move your hand away and then you feel the pain. Understanding that allows you to train the body in ways to get around those roadblocks. But he explains the mechanisms. Oh yeah, I mean, we've known for a long time that it's a neurological thing happening,
Starting point is 00:12:02 not a physiological thing that's happening. So we had pieced that together about foam rolling quite some time ago, and we've talked about that on the podcast. But I've never been able to explain why that is, like not to the detail that he did when he started to break down the way that the brain receives that message. And it's just, it's that simple that vibration is, it gets to your brain quicker than pain cancer. Basically, you're just hijacking the signal
Starting point is 00:12:25 and tricking the body into almost thinking that it's better than what it really is. It's fascinating. And through that, you can accomplish what you want. But that's also why it doesn't fix the problem. Right. It gives the tool, right? And that's, now I feel like I can explain to somebody
Starting point is 00:12:40 who's like, why foam roll? And it helps. I can totally tell it's working and it's helping. It's like, well, no, temporarily it is, because it's hijacking that signal and it gets to your brain faster than actually the signal of pain coming from your body that's still technically there.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So it kind of hijacks that temporarily so you can do stretches and mobility, work, and everything. So, okay, so it reminds me of this. I remember years ago, we all know the sports creams, right? Ben Gay and Tiger Ball, I'm gonna let shit, right? And you rub it on your elbows. Just smell like a medicine cap. Yeah, so I remember you saying,
Starting point is 00:13:12 would you play basketball with your dad? He just, oh, it's like, I'm like hugging a peppermint tree or something, and it's just smearin' all over me. Suck. But anyway, I remember as a kid, I even piece this together as a kid, like, this one I was, it's like 12, and I'd go to judo when I was young and my knee was hurting and my dad's like, put this tiger ball among. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Yeah. And I remember I'd rub it on. And even as a 12 year old, I'm like, how is this going to help my knee? It's not absorbing to my knee joint. Yeah. But I did rub it in. I did feel less pain. So I remember as a kid thinking, how does that work?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Later on, I piece it together. Jessica, she suffers from migraines. And when she used to travel with the circus, and she go all over the world, and at one point, I think she was in, I wanna say Thailand or the Philippines, and somebody gave her this little bottle of green oil. And what it essentially is,
Starting point is 00:14:01 it's this really concentrated form of tiger balm or whatever. And what she does is she dab some of it and she puts it on her head, where she feels the migraine and it produces that cool sensation and she doesn't feel the pain anymore. So she was using this and the same thing, I'm like, it's not really stopping the problem. Like I know what's happening.
Starting point is 00:14:19 The cool feeling is interrupting the pain signal. So the pain is still there. You're not Proceeding at it and you don't feel it anymore. That's exactly what's happening. Oh, yeah, blue my mind The way he explained it and the fact that guy could actually break down each one of the transmitters and the speed at which they Transmit to your brain. Yeah, just like where you have that useless information I mean it's not useless. He obviously applied it and used it very well, but blew my mind, man. It's a great conversation with you.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Hey, speaking of cool science, did you guys see what scientists did with the pig kidney? Did you guys read about this? Is this the pig human that just had a great day? No, so check this out. So I'll read it to you. This is the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Surgeons in New York have successfully attached a kidney grown in a genetically altered pig to a human patient and found that the organ worked normally Yeah, so this is a scientific breakthrough that one day may yield a vast new supply of organs Well pigs are closest I guess you know species for us to be able to Adopt like what did it wasn't pig hearts? Yes, that too was like something that is about pigs that that's the case because I know that we're not the closest to them we be close to like their organs are somewhat similar to enough or usable and what they'll do is they'll genetically modify the pig so that your body doesn't reject right the kidney or the heart or maybe it changes it a little bit so it's man, does this sound like a sci-fi movie? How does that, how does that,
Starting point is 00:15:46 like a common sci-fi movie? Oh yeah, now how does that work? Cause we've understood now that through, you know, some, basically through some tissues that you store memory, right? And so, now you're putting organs from a pig inside your body and I wonder what kind of fucked up dreams you get. Okay, so what Justin's saying is it sounds crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah, strange. Right. Look it up. Peep, there are, there are wake up the middle of the night. It's the slaughter. Oh my god. The terror. Your wife's like, you smell?
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah. You think it. What the bobbing crap holds up. That's really weird. No, there are lots of reports, anecdotes, right, of people who've gotten a heart transplant, or a kidney transplant, and then their personality will change a little bit, or they're being to something
Starting point is 00:16:35 that they weren't into before, or there was this one story I read, where this husband, I think it was a husband, he met this other man, and for some reason, they had this crazy bond, or woman, they had this crazy bond, it wasn't sexual or whatever. And then later on, they found out that his wife who died, that this new woman has the heart.
Starting point is 00:16:54 And he's like, I couldn't understand why I was so, like I felt like we were so attracted to this way. There's a lot of these stories, it's not like, I mean, again, anecdotally, but like, they haven't really put a lot of study into it But it's like it trips me out cuz like yeah, it gets in the middle of the night starts like rooting outside Who knows? Yes, you don't know now what are the I mean, how was that this even possible that we allowed this to go into a human like I
Starting point is 00:17:19 Imagine there's all kinds of like red tape to get to do that right there Or is it just anybody could just transcribe it? No, I don't think anybody I'm sure there was. Well, yeah, right. So I mean, I would think that you wouldn't even be able to do that. Yeah, would you want to be that guy? Well, that's also that's the other question I have. It's like how to transplant.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Who did they convince to do that? They're like, we have two options. Yeah. Human kidney, $50,000. Or we have this thousand dollar kidney. That's pretty good. Right. More free because we want to try that. I mean, here's that guy that's like flirting
Starting point is 00:17:47 with the black market in options at that point, right? And this guy's like, well, we can you pick. Let's back up for a second, right? Let's think about this. Genetically modified pig, what does that mean? That means it can be a patented pig. So now, because pigs can't be patented because they're natural. But if you genetically modify it as a pharma company,
Starting point is 00:18:08 you now own the patent on that genetic modification. A pig farm of just organs. Exactly. So now you're a pharma company. You've got genetically modified pigs. Nobody could copy you because you have a patent on it. They grow kidneys, hearts, livers, and whatever. Think of the market on that.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Well, what's the black market on organs? Well, forget the black market. Look at the regular market. Oh, yeah. They would have to sell in the regular market. I know they would have their sell-up, but there's a reason why there's a black market because there's not enough supply for the demand.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Very good point. So that will give me the indicator on how much that could grow. You know, that space along. Yeah, you know, sad a lot of people do die because they can't get organs in time. Yeah, you know, sad a lot of people do die because they can't get organs in time. Yeah, I think I read this or saw this somewhere and I was actually really fascinated by
Starting point is 00:18:50 how big this market is. Like it's like a big deal. Yeah, isn't it like if you have pre-existing conditions and things like you're lowering the list? Wow, look at this. If you want to legally sell your heart in the US, it can be purchased for about one million. Livers, half a million kidneys, about a quarter a million.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Wow, human skin, $10 an inch. Yeah. You can sell your skin. Wow. Holy shit. There's a market. Well, I mean, I'm sure the price is that high because it's also so rare.
Starting point is 00:19:19 And if they, if they mass-price it. I'm also only 15. I mean, if that's, that's, jug looked up legally. E legally, I bet it's, I mean, half the price. I mean, that's, that's, you jugged up legally, illegally, I bet it's, I mean, half, half the price, I mean, that means someone would sell, sell what, was it a liver, was the highest, what's the hardest? No, the heart is the highest.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Heart is the highest at one minute. I think the black market's cheaper. Yes. Well, no, of course it is, that's why it's the, dude, how you only get to get 1500 for your eyeballs? I know, I'm so proud. Cause you don't need them, because you're excessively low.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Cause you need a heart, you need a heart, that's why it's the highest. I don't know, I'd like to see things I don't think it's a priority of what you like and which I mean I'm sure like things that you don't need are probably lower. You can be blind But you can't have you can't live without a heart right? You'd be dead right? Yeah Is that how they scale when you think that right? We go all of the most important organs. Yeah, that's how it go
Starting point is 00:20:02 I suppose I would I be curious on where keeping you alive, I would want to know where the genitals fall in line with the eye. I don't think you can buy this. Which one is considered more of a priority? Wow, let's look that at it. Because you let us know what's more. How much is a penis cloth?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah, in the market. And I'm sure there's a different range of clothes. Yeah, the sizes, right? Yeah. You got small, small medium and large. I'm sure the large ones are cost a little bit more. Yeah. Does it, is there, I don't think you can,
Starting point is 00:20:27 I don't think you can buy. Well, you can buy anything. There's some, there's definitely, there's a lot of people. Didn't we, didn't we, when we talk about an article about some guy that was Jaren Dix and was saving him? Oh, that was the dude that worked in the,
Starting point is 00:20:39 yeah, he was, so there's definitely a market for him. Yeah, he was, yeah, what do they call that? Where he had all the, mortuary and for you. He was, yeah, what do they call that where he had all the mortuary and dead bodies. What did that say, Doug? Mortuary? Mortuary.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Oh, let's see here. You know, I don't think this. I'm not getting any numbers here, honestly. I don't think they've done it. The sex organs don't seem to be high. Yeah, yeah, dot, dot, dot. Selling item here. Yeah, I don't think they,
Starting point is 00:21:04 I don't think they have any questions. Eyeballs are higher priority than genitals. Now, at one point, do you guys see in the future where people are gonna be like, when this science gets really crazy and people are gonna be like, I wanna jump, I wanna run as fast as a horse and they, you know, horse quads.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Replace my quads with horse quads. There's already, there's not a community of people that are already messing with like vision and hearingads. Well, there's already, there's there's no community of people that are already messing with like vision and hearing and I mean, there's already, it's already become a thing. I don't think we're far. The question I have is that what will be more popular? Biohacking and and and doing weird stuff like that, where you genetically modify your body or going virtual. Oh, you mean with
Starting point is 00:21:42 Oh, virtual, are you just saying tech versus, No, just not anything like that. Or asking chips and what. It's like what will become more pot, will become more, because we're advancing both those wrapped in right now. The ability to do this, I mean, real soon here, you potentially could go upgrade your eyeballs
Starting point is 00:21:56 and have like, you know, telescopes for eyeballs, right? Coming up real soon here. And same thing with hearing, like ridiculous hearing to be able to control all that. But then we're also, look, we're moving, like we brought up that alter ego for Fox,
Starting point is 00:22:08 where this virtual world is becoming really popular. And so, is it more likely to see, I mean, both are gonna grow. But, but virtual is limitless. Like if you're in the virtual world and you're not technically changing, you can get out of it. And you don't have to obey the laws of physics. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:24 That's right. In the real world, you still got to got it like there's still gravity and shit not in this virtual world Where yeah, you know, they it doesn't matter. Yeah, it changed the code a little bit and you can do what you want That's why I think that's why I think that will pass it. I think this idea of well the the big there's a big just few Extreme people yeah the little mess with their body. Yeah, and there's a big debate right now about Genetically modifying your offspring. Now they're selling it by saying eliminate predispositions for disease and all these allergies and whatever, but it's a very short walk from there too.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You know what, here's the range of twins. In China, they did that too and it was for HIV and yeah, what happened? They modified them so that they were resistant to HIV, resistant HIV, but then the side effects where they had all these like superhuman abilities or something. So I don't know about that. Why had like all these like added things? Why HIV? Why did they modify them to be resistant to HL? Well, I mean, that's it sounds to me because that's publicly like that's that's not a politically incorrect. Like if they modified them to make them hyper intelligent, everybody freak out, but if they said they can't get HIV, everybody would applaud because it's like, but it sounded like it got back
Starting point is 00:23:37 stored in there. Like there was some like intelligence added in. Yeah. Well, as I was saying, as I was saying, it's a short walk from, we've genetically modified kids now to where they don't have any genetic issues to, well, here's the range of height that my wife and my genetics will allow. We're just going to make sure that they get the highest of a height and the smartest of the potential combinations of genetics. And now, next thing you know, we're going to have these like superhuman. Well, meanwhile, we have the thing that I brought up to the day with the schools where you can modify
Starting point is 00:24:07 your kids' pictures. I think that's more likely. Like, I think you're less likely to see a modification of people's bodies, you know, even though it's happening, I know. I think it's gonna be more socially accepted to do things like that, which what we're, I mean, obviously if a junior high is already doing that
Starting point is 00:24:24 with parents and people are, oh yeah, they're all buying into it and paying five more dollars to have their kids. But you've seen how like even Instagram and all these, obviously that's been a thing where people like adjust and filter their face, their body, all that kind of stuff. And you've seen how that's actually translated into the real world where you see, you know, these butt transplants, you see like all the weird you know body types that are just really great on Instagram and they see it in real life, you're like whoa this is Distorted, you said transplants implant. I don't think I have a butt transplant. No, there's no like donors
Starting point is 00:25:00 Top dollar over here. That's at your funeral. It's really sad, but I would like to say that 15 people benefited from nobody wants my liver, but they don't want the glue. Yeah, his liver's fucked. Nobody wants that. Yeah, you don't want that. Nobody wants his liver. But it's asked. Let me tell you, 15 people.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah. You have to 15 people. I did pretty well. I'll take top part. So speaking of weird stuff, I tell you what, man, if you ever questioned whether or not the media is a propaganda arm of the government, I'm going to read you a couple article titles. Never do. Okay, so I believe everything. Yeah, if I'm going to read you a couple titles of articles and if you, it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:39 you know, how can you tell me that you're a propaganda arm of the government without actually telling me? So here's what's happening right now. So okay, as we know, in prices are becoming inflated. Okay, food prices, gas prices, electronic prices. Are they trying to say like the economy's booming? Bro, yeah, yeah. No, it's worse to shipping containers on ships or just stall all the way. It's worse than anything.
Starting point is 00:26:01 The average American now is noticing that they go to the store and their grocery bill is now more expensive for the same stuff or less stuff. And so people are starting to say, holy shit. Part of the reason for this is they printed money like crazy and just gave it to a bunch of people and stuff. And the second thing is there's a supply chain blockage. There's lots of supply that isn't getting to our shores
Starting point is 00:26:22 because of reduced production and also because there's, I think there's something like a hundred like or a thousand shipping containers off the coast that haven't can't come in because we can't unload them because of all this craziness. So you got inflated prices, okay? Not a good thing. Obviously, if if something costs a dollar yesterday and today it's a dollar 50 for the same exact thing, you are 50 cents poor for that one item or whatever, right? Okay. Check out this ballooning, right? So this is Yahoo.
Starting point is 00:26:49 So Yahoo prints this article. Here's the title. I haven't heard from them since 1992. Here's the title. Okay. America isn't running out of everything just because of a supply chain crisis. America is running out of everything because Americans are buying so much stuff. Wow, brilliant. Wow. Yeah, sums it up. Do you know that the Soviet Union, they used to disremise me of the propaganda the Soviet Union used to tell their people? Do you know that
Starting point is 00:27:16 they used to, because we would show pictures of our grocery stores versus their grocery stores? And that stuff would leak to some people in the Soviet Union, right? They'd see this and be like, oh my God, like we have nothing, I have to wait in your life's dead. Yeah, and over there, their shelves are full of food. You know what they used to tell their people? Americans are so poor, they can't buy anything.
Starting point is 00:27:37 That's why there's so much stuff on the shelves. Just give you an idea of that. So that's one. Here's a way to spin it. Here was another article. This one was from CNBC. Inflations silver lining. Higher salaries.
Starting point is 00:27:52 On the leave of the. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. So leave that increase. You know what? I tell you, that's what I tell my kids. I tell them, and the one thing that I try and teach my kids to keep them from being manipulated
Starting point is 00:28:07 is to understand economics. Because I think if you understand basic economics, it's very hard for you to get manipulated by the process. It's very hard though, that's why I love that Peter Schiff of the how an economy grows and why it crashes. Because it's really hard to, I think, really understand economics from the level that we're all at now.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Like we have this, that's on purpose. Yeah, we have this massive economy with so many moving parts. And so it's really tough to teach a kid or even an adult for that matter if they don't have any background in that, like exactly how an economy works. And so I love that he took it all the way back to,
Starting point is 00:28:48 let's pretend there's 10 people on this island. And we build an economy from here. And then you start to see like, because it makes total sense, like, oh, it probably started. What was the most important thing was food, right? You're on an island, so the guy who could catch the fish
Starting point is 00:29:04 now has the first ability to probably charge or trade people for something and then you just kind of see how it all builds and he inserts all the challenges of like how we vote for things to like, oh give this to this person and oh, allocate this over here and he gives examples of that in a more practical like, oh what would you, what would happen if the main guy was fishing? you all said and say he has to give up
Starting point is 00:29:27 half of his fish over to this person. What would that do? And you go, oh, that wouldn't work. That would completely destroy that. Or he wouldn't be able to keep, be able to afford to keep going. And that person become lazy. And then that person, you see it from that perspective.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But when you look at it, when it's this massive machine, they want it to be complicated. And they want people to be ignorant. Because it's really easy. Like, look it to be complicated, and they want people to be ignorant, because it's really easy. Like, look, if you're salary went up 20%, most people know how much they make every month. They get their paycheck, they see, oh, I made 20% more,
Starting point is 00:29:57 but if the cost of everything went up 25%, you're poor. You've actually lost 5%, but a lot of people don't track their expenses that way. Don't pay attention. Also, here's a little trick that manufacturers and producers do is Let's say you're gonna buy, let's say you buy one toilet paper roll for $3 and in that toilet paper roll is 100 squares of toilet paper and the company sees oh shit We need to raise our prices by 20% either we raise the price of the toilet paper by 20%.
Starting point is 00:30:27 25% of the product. Or we cut 20% of the squares down and sell it for the same amount and people don't even know. They go by the same product. Oh, I'm still buying bacon. That's in change, yeah, still $5, but you're not getting a pound now. You're getting three quarters of a pound.
Starting point is 00:30:41 So people have no idea. And that's what they count on. They count on that happening. And inflation kills. It kills people. I got to bring up the article that Doug sent over because it was a while back when we, I mean, we first started talking about the direction everything is going. And, you know, and I think I made it clear that I have faith in humanity. I just believe that we have these times and periods in our life where we see these dramatic swings left or right. And I really think that we've just seen this.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And rightfully so, there's a lot of things that need to be corrected. It wasn't that long ago that we were a very racist, sexist society. I mean, it's not even a hundred years ago, we were definitely like that. So, which is a blip, right? So, I definitely think that it was needed to get corrected.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I just think we over- We're swing back. Over-corrected. And I do believe that we're seeing that correction start to happen. And I think that the article Doug Suntover is proof of that, is that you see now like your Christian schools and homeschooling because of all the curriculum
Starting point is 00:31:42 and what's been going on in public schools. That parents are, and because of COVID, everyone being home, parents were forced to kind of dive into what their kids were learning and what was being taught and their teachers and are starting to see that a little bit more. And a lot of them are going, it's blowing up right now.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Like you can't get into like a Christian school right now, they're having to expand rapidly. Like I think like on a typical year, you might see a couple percent swing up or down. That's a 12 percent. Oh, yeah, 10 to 20 percent on most. You know, and then also homeschooling is like double. Like, it's crazy right now.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah, I think it's gonna keep moving in that direction because of the ability to deliver information virtually. And I think, you know, what's gonna, what you're probably gonna see more of is, you know, I want my kids to learn, you know, what's gonna, what you're probably gonna see more of is, you know, I want my kids to learn, you know, these subjects and there isn't one school that does all these subjects the best. Like, I want them to learn math from this place. I want them to learn history from this place. It's gonna move in that direction. And look, I hope so. It'll be so much better. Here's a deal. Go to, look at college is the worst. College is the greatest example of how distorted things are.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Today, you go in and you sign up in a college course and the teacher says, your professor says, here's the books you're required to buy. And it's, you have to get this edition, which is almost identical to last year's edition, but whatever. How much is that book cost? $300. All right, hold on a second. It's the year 2021. I could download that book for three cents, right? You could sell it to me for 15 bucks and have huge margins. I'm still forced to buy a $300 book, paper book, such bullshit. So it's it's rife for disruption. And I think with COVID and everything, that's just accelerating.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Well, you mentioned something that I mean, do you believe that because we are off air, we are talking a little about this and you were saying that you actually think that this might be a sign of us just being divided. Oh, huge. So you think that and I don't know if I agree with that. I think that this is just a sign of us collectively kind of moving back more towards the center. I think that maybe 20 years ago, we were a little bit more right. We've been swinging to the left.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And now you're seeing a more collective movement back towards the center. So the two sides, so there's, yes and no actually, there's truth to that. And then there's also truth that there's more divided. So the two sides, so if you look at like Democrat Republican, when they actually do studies on this, Democrats moved really far left compared to where they were about 20 years ago. Republicans moved a little bit further right, not as much as the left has, but they still did move a little more right.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So they're further away from each other, but here's the part that we're saying, which is actually true, there's more independent voters than ever before. There's more people who don't identify with either party now in the middle. So that's where I think what's happened, I don't identify with either party now in the middle. So that's where I think what's happened, I don't think that all of a sudden we saw a 20 to
Starting point is 00:34:29 30% of people that believe in Christian faith. I believe we see a percentage of people who don't like what's being taught in the schools and they're like, they don't really, and they know that that's not being taught in the Christian school. Even though they don't maybe believe in the faith and that's not being taught in, in the, in the, in the, I agree with Chris and school, and it's always in the, even though they don't, maybe believe in the faith and that's not, but they just, they don't,
Starting point is 00:34:48 they're not okay with how, how radically left some of these public schools have gone and so they want just that. And it's not about all of a sudden, there's a bunch more Christian people that are walking around. It's like, hey, we know that these schools, schools are teaching this
Starting point is 00:35:01 because you're, and you're even seeing that by schools are starting to advertise that. Like no critical race theory will be taught here. Like they're actually advertising that so people know this place. Like parents actually have a voice. You know, otherwise everything is just rolled out from the state.
Starting point is 00:35:15 The public school is the biggest, you know, they talk about disparities and dividing the classes and all that stuff. The public school system is the worst. It's the greatest example of that, because in most states, not all, but in most states, you have to go to the school that you're in whatever district you're in.
Starting point is 00:35:34 So if you're struggling family or single parent in a tough neighborhood, you gotta go to that freaking school and you have no choice. You can't tell the public, you can't tell the district look Here's a deal might I want my tax money to go I want to pick a different school because I this one shitty It's got metal detectors and the teachers don't give a shit and people are getting beat up I want to go to this school over here, which is paid by the same people
Starting point is 00:35:57 It's still telling they'll say no you're forced to go over here. It's total crap compare I'll tell you what, you compare the public schools and some of these rough neighborhoods to some of the public schools and these like desirable expensive neighborhoods and you will see the most opposite, different experiences you could ever imagine. You're talking about tax money and bullshit.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I was talking to my mom's husband Lonnie the other day and you know, I didn't even know this, that somebody can marry somebody who's in prison. Like they't they don't meet till after they're already in prison Say they're incarcerated for life Mary them and then apply for welfare and collect a check a free check because they're married to someone prison. Yeah Yeah, wait a minute. Did you know this Doug? They're signing press yeah, and that's a hat like it's so such a hat that it's like a very popular thing in areas where there's prisons like that
Starting point is 00:36:46 of like people migrating to that town so they can do exactly that hack and then collect a free check and live off of that. Can you marry one that changed genders that goes to the other one? Don't think it matters, doesn't it? I'm just wondering. Fact check me though, Doug, because I, I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:01 he taught, we were literally talking about this last night and I'm like, get the hell out of here. I have never heard of that before. Wow. And he was telling me that, yeah, no, he taught, we were literally talking about this last night, and I'm like, get the hell out of here. I have never heard of that before. Wow. And he was telling me that, yeah, no, it's a really big tale. And it'll destroy some towns because people will move with that intention to go near where these, these prisons are at. Wow. Just to, just to get that hack.
Starting point is 00:37:16 That's crazy. And then pull shit. And then it's expensive to, to, to, to, to, it's gotta be a name for, for that. That's why I want you to look it up. There's gotta be, I mean, if it's become something that's, because you have like, cleat's why I want you to look it up. There's gotta be, I mean, if it's become something that's... Cause you need to have like, cleat chasers, you know, for like, ass chasers.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Yeah, yeah, prison, yeah. Mary and in, may, first, the prison, well fairies. Something like that. I don't know what you're gonna do. What we call, that's what that was crazy. Hey, speaking of school and education, just any updates on your team and the coaching
Starting point is 00:37:40 and what's going on. You have been quiet over time. As I say, he's frustrated the other day about it. It's such a bummer, dude. We've been hit with riddled with so many challenges this season. It's like the bad news bears. It is, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:50 We're at the point where we're hanging by a string, dude, a thread of a string, we've had guys from injury or from basically just like COVID stuff where we have to quarantine. and so I can't even go to practice because one exposure You know Anybody that hasn't been vaccinated because of the mandates this and that and the other Can't like step on the field and so it's been hard for me to even coach I've done it up in the box where I'm not in the field and I'm like trying to like you know voice
Starting point is 00:38:22 The plan from way up there. Yeah, like nobody can hear me. Yeah, like on the microphone, you know, the headphones. And so it's just been really frustrating. But yeah, the injury thing is even the most frustrating for me personally because that, to me, is an indication of the off-season work. And yes, I will admit, we are super low in terms of personnel.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So like kids are running, you know, both ways. And they're just getting like exhausted, fatigued, and just couldn't beat up. But like these things that you get beat up, you just work through. That's part of football. Like you just gotta be tough and work with like little dings and bruises and like, you know, stuff that you want to go,
Starting point is 00:39:04 you know, get a hug from your mom about. But like, you need to tough it out. So there's actually been some, some injuries that we've had to address. And I've, I've sort of had my hands tied with them, but I want to, I've been able to kind of help in terms of like some of our mobility programs and things to get kids working on that at home, but also, you know, some of these cases, I things to get kids working on that at home, but also some of these cases, I'm like, thankfully now we have somebody to send them to.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So I've actually mentioned Luna to two of the players. Oh, good. That have had some significant injuries and are trying now to recover from them. And they didn't know that was an option. They went to Kaiser, they went to their hospital provider, whatever. And they only got this short window of therapy and I'm like, look, you can extend this. And here's how you do it.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And so I'm going to follow up with them. But I'm very curious to see how their experience went. I was just going to ask. I was just going to ask because I have somebody that went through them and loved it. Because they call them, they sent someone, I mean, just like advertised,
Starting point is 00:40:10 they sent someone to their house and they're way more consistent and it's longer. I didn't know that. So I know a lot of them. It's longer, yeah. Typically, they'll give you like five weeks or whatever. For Luna can like extend it much further. For six visits,
Starting point is 00:40:22 you're talking about what I was talking about my buddy that who just is like, this thing's gonna blow up because he's a physical therapist. And insurance companies are really, really strict and so they will prescribe like the bare minimum of therapy because it costs them so much money and he tells me he has to fill out butt loads of paperwork just to get them to renew and be able to come for more visits.
Starting point is 00:40:44 He says it's like pulling teeth to get somebody 15 to 20 visits because you really have to justify why this person needs to be in therapy, where he says, if you go do like something like Luna, this outpatient, why he goes, though, right, a 20, 20 visit plus subscription, no problem because it's so much cheaper for them. It's cheaper for them. It's cheaper for everybody and it's a better service. It's so cool. I can't wait until we get the quarterly updates with them
Starting point is 00:41:11 because they are just, they're gonna disrupt that entire situation. Or so nice, because it's exactly what they need, you know? And like for them to even be able to come back full force, you know, they need that like hands-on therapy that they're not getting. I just never understood the six visit thing. Like as a trainer trying to help someone get stronger six visits, not okay, like it's so- Well, it's a bureaucracy. It's because there's money involved in insurance. That's why. So they're going to make it really, really difficult for you to do that. It's not going
Starting point is 00:41:40 to be that easy. Oh, hey, speaking of pain and stuff, I gotta read you this. So I was doing some research on resistance training or weight training in injuries. Injury rates, I should say. Okay. Here's something interesting. So this was in PubMed and it was a study done in 2020 and it's injury risk factors associated with weight training.
Starting point is 00:42:01 So they studied men and women over the course of a year to look at the injury rate between men and women with resistance. Are we giving a guess from stuff? Oh, hold on. Yeah, so first off, I'm pretty sure you guys will get this right. Who's more likely to injure themselves working out? Men and women. The same people that are more likely to crash us off.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Who has more ego problems? And that's an obvious take. Now, I guess, well, here's more. I just say, yeah guess what's more, I just say yeah, what percentage more? So I would say men are at least double the risk of getting hurt. So twice as much.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Twice as much. What do you think Justin? It's a fair assumption. Maybe four times. Yeah, maybe three. Okay, so over a one year period, 0.6% of women experience the weight training injury. So less than 1%, almost half of 1%. Yeah. 4.5% of women experienced the weight training injury. So less than 1%, almost half of 1%.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yeah. 4.5% of the weight. Yeah. Damn, you're 5x, right? I have a 5x time to worry about that. It's a huge difference. It's so true though, we can totally guess that. I always had a challenge with my female clients
Starting point is 00:43:00 was getting there to push themselves more and take more risk. My guys was always like, no, you don't need to. Oh, I could do it. I could do it. I could do it. You know, bro, bro, you're fine. You know how many times I would train a male client. I'm care how many years I train them too.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And they would do a set. And as their trainer, I'm thinking to myself, I judge that wrong. It's a little too much. And then they'll rack the weight and the bars a little cricket or whatever. They'll rack it up and be like, I think I could do like five more pounds or 10 more pounds. No, we're not. No, we're not.
Starting point is 00:43:31 No, we actually went too heavy. Yeah, in fact, that's 20 pounds too heavy as it was. We did the back off a little bit. That's so true, right? Yeah, yeah. If you think about it, like the really stupid shit that you would see in gyms, I'm trying to think of like the stuff that really stood out.
Starting point is 00:43:47 It was all guys. I think it was all men. Oh, I don't think I've ever seen a girl do some stupid shit in the gyms. The thing I would see women doing is they would just beat themselves up with the robous classes. Yeah. I would see that.
Starting point is 00:43:58 But the really hilarious dumb stuff. Like there's the guy we've talked about him before. We all know him, because we all managed and worked in the same gym, not at the same time necessarily, but the guy was a member. But he would walk in, he had a weight belt on always. It said beast on it. Beast.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And he would go and he would load the shit. And do the abs, dude. Oh, bro. He would stack five plates on his chest. And do that. That's it right there. Big old belly. More than he would do. Every 45 on the leg press and then his friend on top.. That's it right there. Big old belly. More than every 45 on the leg press
Starting point is 00:44:27 and then his friend on top. Yeah, and it would be like winning. Me. I shared this one. You remember that guy who, and you guys should know that remember this dude too, he used to, this was like a kind of shorter, stocky white guy.
Starting point is 00:44:38 He was in good shape. He was fit. He used to stack seven plates on each side for bench press. And then he'd have three people spotting him. He'd have a guy on each side spotting him and then a guy straddle the whole time. Yeah, it's everybody else is doing like a zero choice. Oh totally.
Starting point is 00:44:53 It was a four person lift. And he would go ask like random people, I remember being a trainer and like watching this all the time. And eventually I had to talk to him. I said, hey, listen dude, if you come in here with your group or your friends and you guys do this, but I can't have you asking random members to spot you on weight you shouldn't be doing.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I could do that way with, no, you can't. Not if it takes three people to spot you and help you. You can't do that way. So that, so can't even do half that way. Yeah, so that happened to me once, right? So it was at Hillsdale and maybe it's the same guy. I don't remember what he looked for. He used to go to Hillsdale, Santa Teresa,
Starting point is 00:45:26 and I used to see him in another one. Okay, so it might be the same guy. I don't remember what he looked like, but the first time I saw him, I watched because I saw him stack the weight on and I said, there's no way. He's gonna lift that. And then I saw, there is no way.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Then I saw everybody lifting the weight together and I'm like, oh God. And I would, I see this guy come in. And so one time he's looking for people and I'm like, watch this. And I would, you know, I see this guy come in. And so one time he's looking for people and I'm like, watch this and I went over to him and I said, I'll spot you. He's like, well, I need two other people. No, no, no, no, I'm really strong.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I could totally spot you. And I did. I stood over him and I let him handle some of that weight. Now I did have the deadlift half of it. But I made sure for him to know that, bro, you're gonna hurt yourself. Do this by yourself. Dude, back to your previous point, I was trying to rack my brain if I've ever seen, know that bro you're gonna hurt yourself to do this by yourself.
Starting point is 00:46:05 To back to your previous point, I was trying to rack my brain if I've ever seen or even seen a video out there where a girl is doing a bench press by herself and it doesn't load it properly and it comes up too fast. One's like the classic right? The one where you lose the weight. I've never seen a girl do that. Have you ever seen it? No, I haven't either
Starting point is 00:46:25 Yeah, I mean I mean we're picking on guys right now the only thing I see girls that girls do more than guys are all the The dumb little exercises That's advertised to do with this yeah, that's it. You'll I'll see that more often not where they're like I mean They're just busts through the master master I want to go over and be listening if you literally just did five sets of squats today You literally would have a superior workout than all that shit you just did for like 940. I'll have to claim, K, the worst one,
Starting point is 00:46:50 worst offender in my opinion is the, was a gravitron? Yes, the push down. Push down, leg pushed down, the gravitron. Stop doing that, ladies. This is a public service announcement. I see dudes do that. That's not a stop.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I've seen dudes do it. I've seen guys do it too. Oh, that's the stop. No see dudes do that. That's not a stop. I've seen dudes do it. I've seen guys do it too. So that's the stuff. No, I have one. I have one. I actually lit a lady up in the gym. What? Early trainer.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I was like my fourth month as a trainer. Wow. And I went off because I had a client doing a hack squat. And while the weight was moving. She pulled the weight off the thing. I've had that. She pulled weight off of it. It hurt to fit so it's like, okay, so in off the thing. I've had that, I've had that. She pulled weight off of it. It hurt defense, so it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:47:28 so in a person's defense. I'm like, it's moving. That's happened to me, that's happened to me before in their defense because I've seen this happen more than once. You know why, like a hack squat is one of those machines that has like, you know, six different places that you've loaded and we're acting.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I know, I know. She's like following the weight and sliding it off at the same time. Like, what are you doing? I know, you know, I know I know just like following the way and I'm off at the same time like what do you do I know to yell that I've seen people do that before like I see people do on the leg press to like that like what do you do you know you're in the middle of a leg press you can't take that way off like that I heard somebody hey did you guys hear about in and out pulling out of San Francisco yes so no no I don't think they pulled out
Starting point is 00:48:03 sometimes they were shut down for the first restaurant. Okay, so all the restaurants in the Bay Area are supposed to, it's supposed to be vaccine mandate. So if you, Yeah, they're, they're compiling in San Francisco. So you have to, you have to provide proof that you're vaccinated
Starting point is 00:48:20 and they crack down on in and out because in and out wasn't checking and they, in and out came out. and they in and out came out so listen We are not the vaccine police. Yeah, and we are not gonna. I'm not gonna make our staff ask every single person to proof of their vaccination And so the city said okay shutting you down so they shut them down because of that They're the first example that they've or made an example. Well, they are bidding well them Southwest I think said they're gonna stop requiring, because remember they had that where all the planes were grounded?
Starting point is 00:48:49 I think Delta? Oh, that wasn't the weather. No. I mean, they're still saying that. I think Delta said the same thing. So what is happening with that? I haven't followed up on that story. The last, like a good percentage of the pilots said we're out.
Starting point is 00:49:03 So yeah, and I heard that, so they were gonna be all unpaid leave, and then I guess the CEO, so they're not gonna do that, or... Something like that. It was like that's where it left off, but again, yeah, Delta, I heard, and then also I heard like M Track,
Starting point is 00:49:16 like one of the train companies. We gotta be further along those. Doug, have you heard anything? Do you know what's going on with that? Cause that was like a week or two ago, when that all went down, and we're, I mean, what's going on with flights right now? Do you guys know it is Southwest back to normal flying? Or is it like moving at 50% capacity right now?
Starting point is 00:49:32 Cause we're hitting into the holidays, which is gonna be like pretty crazy if they haven't figured the sounds. Speaking of the holidays. Hold on, real quick, I gotta get, one thing I gotta add on this, this is for your favorite governor of all time. Just in covering Newsom.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I have a big picture of him in my bedroom. Obviously Newsom of California, and they have some, we have some of the strictest mandates, right? And he is asking for an exemption for a union that gave him a $1.7 million. Yeah, yeah, because they gave him money. So can you believe that?
Starting point is 00:50:05 If you give him money, you don't have to do these. Then he pulls the thing. It's the mafia, it makes sense. It's like the mafia. You said one of the, is there, I don't think any other states stricter than California, is it? Hawaii is pretty strict. Oh, you know, I've been watching BJ Pinn post some stuff on the crackdown.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Why are they really, really, really strict? Wow, worst in California, New York. I don't know. Because we get a lot of travelers all over the place, so they're very strict. Yeah. Imagine being on that living there and feeling trapped on there with like,
Starting point is 00:50:35 that would be horrible. Well, so much here, if we really get frustrated, we drive across to another state and get out of here. Or also, so much of their economy is dependent on tourism. So, I mean, I understand the rationale, right? other state and get out of here. We're also so much of their economy is dependent on tourism. So, I mean, I understand the rationale, right? Because for them, like, their tourism makes up such a big percentage of their business.
Starting point is 00:50:52 They can't shut down all the time. When we went there, when we went there, there were like, we went to get a rental car. Yeah. And the line was, it took me almost two hours to get a car. And I finally got to the front. I'm like, what's going on here? They're like, a lot of the car companies shut down
Starting point is 00:51:09 because of what happened, and they just haven't reopened because we haven't really been able to pick up. So we have way less openings that can service these people. I got a funny story for you guys, it involves one of our partners, Chile, too. And I've said this before that,
Starting point is 00:51:25 Chilly saves marriages. It also could cause divorces too, I think. Wee. So slowly you're all white, man. So I've been promoting the same marriage message. Yeah, no. She gets in bed, wait a minute, why is one side of the bed warm? What the, still, why is it so weird?
Starting point is 00:51:39 We just went up, right? The four of us went up to Truckee for a few days, right? So we were up there recently and I come back. And so right now, okay, we're in the middle and you just, and you know, for sure, because your weather is closer to mine, where it's starting to get pretty cold at night. So I thought I'd have had the fire on. And I like to sleep with the door open. I've all summer, I've been, that's been kind of the deal in our bedroom.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I keep it open. And now it's getting like pretty cold. And so Katrina's been like, we're closing the door. And I'm like, so there's a little bit of contention already. And it's like, oh, it's okay. I've got my ulla right. And I, and thing is time to drop to the floor as far as cold. Well, anyways, well, we went to trucky.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I didn't know this. The way I found out was waking up in a fucking sweat 12 o'clock at night. Did she change the whole thing? She changed my side because she was so cold with max in the bed that she would roll over. It was freezing because no one's laying there and that thing just gets colder and colder if a body isn't there, not a body on there.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So while we were up there, she adjusted mine, didn't adjust mine back. We were already having the debate about the door being open, I can see and go like, okay, whatever. Climb in my little little safe. Yeah. Climb in bed and fall asleep and then wake up with 90 and 90 degrees side of the bed, dude, and like, I was so fucking pissed over that. So, yeah, so I guess it could cause divorces too.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I know I've been touting them as like this marriage saver. You know what I noticed with the cool? Just don't tamper with it. You know what I noticed with it? I've always noticed this. Less joint pain the next day. So because when I sleep, I sleep harder, longer, fall asleep faster, sleeper sleep.
Starting point is 00:53:08 It's up there when I think of our partners, the things that I use. You know, I use all of our stuff, but there's some things that I use every single day and it's like I swear by it. Like the ruler has been that bit of an investment. So the first time, I mean, I remember looking at it and going, damn, it's kind of a lot of money for this thing.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Like, does it really worth it? I'm so glad that I did because it's one of those things now that I can't imagine. Well, my mom swears by. I got her one and so she's finally using it because, I mean, my dad's a beast. He's like six, seven, huge guy snores like a freaking bear. You know, and so she has a hard time sleeping in the begin with and it's very sensitive to like
Starting point is 00:53:46 heat cold, all that kind of stuff and it's been using. She's like, oh yeah, I just wake up like refreshed. And she's like so energetic and everything. It's pretty cool to watch, you know, I just difference. I feel like that, I mean, at least I don't know anybody who's married at that, they both agree that they like the temperature. Nobody's on the same climb out.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Nobody is. There's no way. You know, you either have someone who's like going through a minipause and they're running at like 120 degrees and they want it freezing cold or you have like the big bear dad who's like got it, you've got to have it super cold. And so, you know, then you have someone like Katrina
Starting point is 00:54:18 who wants it 90 degrees under the sheet. You go in my house and literally Jessica goes to bed in pajamas, a robe and cover I'm in my little underwear Without and I'm out like this like sleeping like a freaking starfish and she's next to me bundled up like we're Are you are you an underwear or naked guy? What are you I'm on to wear a guy? You're an underwear guy, too? Yeah, what kind of underwear do you wear to bed? I'm trying to get I'm actually to work. You're an underwear guy too? Yeah. What kind of underwear do you wear to bed? We're trying to get a picture of someone.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah. Well, yeah, I'm actually trying to get your bikini underwear bit. I'm cheering my head. Just so you know. There you go. Now you got Justin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I don't know which one. I don't know which one. I know it. I'm a hug. Wait, hold on a second. You know why I don't do naked naked? Why? First thought, you got to jump out of bed
Starting point is 00:55:03 and soon she goes down. I knew there's one line of defense. Yes, you want to shit fall around. Come on, dude. I feel like that's more intimidating. Imagine a guy is creeping around my car in front of my house and I walk out in my, you know, sweats versus me running out naked, shit's just going, you know what? I'm chasing him like, imagine how scary that is, right?
Starting point is 00:55:20 You know what? This guy fucking means business. You know what? That's terrifying. It is terrifying. If I saw that shit, I'd be like, I'm saying this guy fucking means business You know what? That's terrifying. It is terrifying if I said shit. I'd be like I'm out. Yeah, yeah That's like one of the that's like one of the best strategies to get out of a fight to if like someone want to go down You like take your clothes off right away like someone's like what the fuck? There's like a one and one hundred chance though you might
Starting point is 00:55:39 Oh, it's what we're doing. It is a bit of rowing the dice. You know all right We won't fight if you can't fight though. You may as well go that right Who say if you can't fight in defenders? I mean you can fight It is a bit of rowing the dice, you know? All right, we won't fight. If you can't fight, though, you may as well go that, right? Who's saying, if you can't fight in defenders, I mean, you can fight in defenders, then maybe you roll the dice back. Yeah, I think, because I've done it before. Yeah, I think it's your option. If I cuddle, if Jessica tries to cuddle with me
Starting point is 00:55:54 in the middle of the night, and I'm like, there's nothing between me and her, I ain't sleeping no more, bro. What, you mean to tell me your little bikini briefs is the difference between you getting a bow to her, not? It's better, it's better. There's at least that layer of protection. I don't think he's in there.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I don't know why it is. I don't know why it is. Oh, I don't know what's going on. Doug, what are you sleeper? Do you have like a regular wear? Just you're an underwear. No, I sleep hot. So I have to get it.
Starting point is 00:56:14 You guys don't feel like it's like get the lines run on you and feels do snug and tight. What are you doing? You're business is what I'm breathe. Are you free ball during the day or what? What's going on? You wear underwear during the day? Yeah, but I'm also awake and doing stuff
Starting point is 00:56:25 and I can adjust every two minutes if I need to. I'm trying to sleep. I'm trying to be comfortable. Whatever, bro. Listen, this is why I don't share hotel rooms with you. It's like my thunder vest. Yeah, I know this is my thunder vest. Hey, Doug, this is why Adam always requests
Starting point is 00:56:38 that he shares a room with Justin. This is the reason right here. I don't know the truth. I don't know the truth. Well, what are the, I mean, I would love to see the stats on this is men in particular, because I think men are more likely to sleep naked, right? Even though I know there's now revealed What are the what are the I mean? I would love to see the stats on this is men in particular I think men are more likely to sleep naked right even though I know there's women that obviously see Well, I keep it prison back back to your theory if a woman runs out at a at a burglar naked
Starting point is 00:56:55 It's not to do the opposite. He ain't going nowhere. I'm gonna wait this out See how this goes down right here What are you gonna do exactly? Which way you gonna go which are you gonna do? Exactly. Which way are you gonna go? Which way are you gonna go? Thanks. Hey real quick, I hope you're enjoying the show. Look, if you wanna get nutrients into your body,
Starting point is 00:57:12 you don't just wanna take them and then they come out of your pee, you wanna get them in your body where they're needed. You wanna absorb them. This is a big deal by the way. A lot of supplement companies pay no attention to this. So you end up with really expensive urine. Well, one company in particular has mastered the delivery process. They actually use a process that was designed for pharmaceutical companies.
Starting point is 00:57:35 It's called live on labs, and they have many, many different products. I like their glutathione. That's really good. They have alpha-lipobic acid, B vitamins, vitamin C, and much more. In fact, if you go to liveonlabs.com, that's livenlab.com, that's livenlab.com forward slash mind pump, you can actually order any of the products and then get a sample pack of all six of their other products for free. So again, head over there, get your free sample pack and notice the difference. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first color is Maddie from Maryland.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Maddie, what's up, man? How can we help you? Hey, how's it going? First of all, I just want to thank you guys for being the best fitness podcast out there. Thank you guys so much. A little bit of background by myself. I started working out around when I was 16 years old. I was pretty morbidly obese. I was like 280 pounds. And I dropped, weight pretty quickly. Like in a year, I got to like, to 20. But ever since then, I've been fluctuating between being,
Starting point is 00:58:40 I think at the lowest, 215 to 280, up and down. You guys know like the cliche story basically someone who just Does a lot of hit training does a lot of high intensity workouts. I did I did I started periods my in my life Train for strength, but I never until doing maps in a ball like which was I did I started my first phase I started my first run of maps in a ballet, which was, I started my first phase, I started my first run of maps in a ballet about six months ago. Up until that point, I never did like one structured program. I took programs online, like free programs,
Starting point is 00:59:16 and I made some of my own programs, but I never had like a particular program. But I did lots of hit training. I did some strength training here and there, but nothing consistently. Now at the current set, I am now about 510, 250 pounds when I first started maps. Actually when I first started maps, I was 28 pounds, but after listening to the podcast, I thought maybe I should bulk up a little bit to get my metabolism up, because at that point, I wasn't dropping weight lower. And I was eating consistently around like 2,300 calories a day.
Starting point is 00:59:56 And I wasn't dropping weight. So then for the first time doing maps, like all the phases, I was in a bulk, and I was just using my Fitbit to gauge where my calories should be. Whatever my Fitbit set up during that day I was just eating that much food and I got up to 250 pounds. Then after I finished maps for the first time, I started it again and I guess about after the first phase, I went from 250 to about where I am now. No, I went from 250 to 244.
Starting point is 01:00:35 And I sent you guys some body fat scans. I don't know if you saw, but basically from the end of the first phase of maps to where I am a couple of weeks ago, I dropped about 5% body fat and I gained about five pounds of muscle. But my question is, right now I'm eating about 2,300 calories, 2,600 calories, give or take. I wanna know, because I still have have a lot of body fat to drop,
Starting point is 01:01:07 my biggest goal is to get to a healthy body fat range, which for me, I think I want to be 15% body fat, maintain that. But I feel like I'm worried that because of my past experience, I'm worried that I'm going to drop calories to low and go crazy there, or I'm just going to be eating too much and be in a perpetual bulk. I just want to know where I should be with my eating in terms of my long-term goal, which is getting to like 15% of body fat. There's a lot there to help you. Yeah, so, Mody, let me get the straight. You
Starting point is 01:01:40 went from 2.15 to 2 two 50 during that first bulk. Are you talking about with you when I started maps? Yeah. No, no, no, no. I went from like two 30, two 30, two 40, to two 50. Okay, which one is a two 30 or two 40? Because that's because 20 pound bulk, there's a lot.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Over the course of three months and a reverse diet is a lot. Unless you gain 20 pounds of muscle which I I don't he gained five was a 20 pounds muscle Yeah, I think it was like I think it was like two thirty eight two forty I mean like that my weight fluctuates a lot every day, so okay That's like the wrench again, okay? Cuz cuz there's a couple things here first off when you're trying to do a bulk in order to speed up the metabolism
Starting point is 01:02:22 You do want to do it slowly, so that's why I asked you that question. And if it was just aggressive like weight gain, then what that screams to me is you weren't tracking your reverse diet or your bulk. And what he was, but he was going by his fit bit, which I wouldn't recommend doing. Yeah, and sometimes what people do is they say, okay, I'm gonna go on a bulk and they eat more
Starting point is 01:02:43 than they should and because it kind of gives them a little bit of, you know, looseness and they end up going too far. So, okay, so now we're at a position here, we're eating 2300 calories. You wanna get that up higher so that you can burn body fat and then have a comfortable kind of maintenance position. And it's gonna be the same thing. I'm gonna recommend that you do a slow
Starting point is 01:03:05 bulk. And I think you should do a slow bulk on a pretty consistent basis, but interrupt it with a week here and there of maintenance or even a slight deficit. So it would be something like three or four weeks of a, you know, 400 calorie surplus. And then maybe a week of maintenance or a hundred calorie deficit, and just kind of stay on that path and let your metabolism slowly build up. And it might take some time because of what you've done in the past with your body and kind of the tendencies that you're moving to. Maps and Obalus is a great program for this. Maps aesthetic, if you can handle more volume, would also be a great program for this, but that's where I would go
Starting point is 01:03:46 I would I would constantly and consistently with again those interruptions of maybe a slight deficit Work towards getting your metabolism to kind of speed up and give it some time. Don't do an aggressive bulk Don't allow your weight to go up or fluctuate so heavily But doing a kind of a slow comfortable pace and allow things to reverse out. I'll be even more specific. So I think we have enough information from where you were, where you're at right now,
Starting point is 01:04:12 kind of what you do. And by the way, you didn't do a bad job. I think you were kind of close to be honest with you. I think the mistake was using the Fitbit as your guide to tell you, oh, eat more calories because those things, those things, and by the way, I love tools like that. So I use them like crazy. I use them all through competing. I think they're a great,
Starting point is 01:04:31 another piece of data you can use to help kind of guide you. But if you use it as your true north, you can get in a little bit of trouble. And it sounds like that's what we did. It sounds like you allowed it to dictate your calories, and you probably did a little more than you needed to. So yeah, so where you're at, this is what I would like to see.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I like to see you at 2,500 calories a day for three weeks, pretty consistently, every, every fourth week, a week, and a deficit to 2,100 calories. So that's only a 200 calories surplus with a 200 calorie deficit for a week. And you're doing the month average out is I think a better surplus for you.
Starting point is 01:05:09 It's gonna get you closer to what kind of sell is alluding to with the less of a calorie surplus and just focusing on bulking. So I think you had the right mindset. I think you were doing a pretty good job. I think you just kind of overshot it. It doesn't take that many extra calories. And one of the best ways to ensure that you don't
Starting point is 01:05:29 continue to stay on that path of overconsuming is by interrupting it. Like Sal was saying, I'd interrupt it for a full week. In that week, I would keep myself in about a 200, 300 calorie deficit for that whole week and then go back to the bulk. Every time you go back to the bulk, my goal for you, if you were my client,
Starting point is 01:05:47 would do see if I can inch you up a little bit more. So let's say the first three weeks, I say, okay, Marty, I want you to be at 2,500 calories. Let's hopefully kind of maintain your weight. I don't want to see a big fluctuation. A couple pounds up, I'm not worried, but if I see you moving up pretty fast, I might pull back a little bit.
Starting point is 01:06:04 But I like to see you kind of stay with your weight around where you're at right now, while also knowing that I have you in a little bit of a surplus, I'd like to keep you there to 2,500 for three weeks, then I put you in that deficit for one week, and then when we go back to the surplus again, I might go to a 2,500 or 2,600,
Starting point is 01:06:22 and that would be the goal, is to just kind of give you an extra 50 to 100 calories every fourth week until I can get you up to a place where you're like 2800 or 3000. And I know you said, and you didn't say it to the audience, but you wrote it in your thing that you feel good. You're comfortable at 2300 calories. So that tells me a lot as a coach that,
Starting point is 01:06:42 okay, he likes eating around here. So my goal is to probably get you up to 28 to 3000. So I can then pull you back down to 23 to where you're eating comfortably, but then your body is nice consistently losing weight. Now, did you say you're running Maps in a Bolic? And is that the programming you're running right now? Yeah, I'm running Maps in aabolic. Basically what I do because because the gym is so packed whenever I get off work I usually run it to two to three days a week, but what I do is some days depending on how packed the gym is I'll split the workouts in half so I do like half of day one on Monday and then the other half on Tuesday and then go to day Workout number two, etc. That's fine. Okay, yes.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I liked that. What do you guys think about tracking progress, though? Because the thing is, I do want to drop the weight, but I understand that the muscle mass is what's really important. I feel good whenever I have more muscle. But the thing is, whenever your body fat percentage is so high, it's hard to see like that that reflection in the mirror. Should I just continue to get body fat scans? I know that they're not the most. No, they're not, but they're not, but if you have the say, if you're using the same one and you're consistent like every month,
Starting point is 01:07:57 it actually will be a great gate, right? You'll see the trend. Yeah, you'll see a trend. So don't get, don't get so hung up on if it says it says 25% or 12% doesn't matter with the percentage so much, it's, okay, you have a baseline, wherever it's at right now. And then as a coach, if I give you this instruction to now increase your calories, and we follow exactly what I said on that one month mark, I'm going to want you to retest. And the only thing we're looking at is the difference of where you were when I told you to do the calories surplus and to follow what I said and where you're at body fat percentage and if I did my job really well you've added muscle
Starting point is 01:08:31 and lost a little bit of fat and really haven't moved that much on the scale and if I see a major fluctuation south or north I'm going to adjust as a coach so if I see at a month that your body fat percentage went up okay well we added too many calories I should have adjust as a coach. So if I see at a month that your body fat percentage went up, okay, well, we added too many calories. I should have only added a little bit, like maybe 50 calories, and I'd go the other direction. Now, if I noticed that you didn't really move very much at all, I might go the other direction. So use that as just kind of a compass for you, not so much, you know, hung up on the percentage, but if and use the same same place or whatever you're using, you know, hung up on the percentage, but if you and use the same, same place or whatever you're using, use that same, same tool every time, same day, same time, make sure you're
Starting point is 01:09:11 like this. If you did it in the morning where you weren't fed, you didn't drink much, all that stuff matters. You can really manipulate those. That's the negative part of those things is if one time you did it on Thursday at three o'clock in the afternoon, after you've had two or three meals and a half a gallon of water, and then the next time you test, you test first thing in the morning on Friday, you know, dry, no water, no food, that could really fuck the swing up, and you want to be very consistent with how you do it, and then
Starting point is 01:09:38 that will really help us decide which way we should go. And if you're not in the forum already, we'll put you in the forum so you can kind of check in with us. So do you have the forum yet? I do not. Okay, so doll have Doug gets you access to the forum. And then you know, when you hit that one month mark, give us a give us a screenshot of the before, you know, or three or three weeks ago, four weeks ago, excuse me, body fat test to now. And then the guys and I could really easily adjust you from there. You could throw and also monitor your strength. If your strength is going up, that's a good sign. You can also use circumference.
Starting point is 01:10:11 That's another one. Your waist is just your waist measurement. For men, that is a relatively accurate, consistent way to measure fat gain or fat loss, because we tend to store body fat around our waist. I mean, that's it. If you got strength, circumference of your waist, the consistent body fat test, you have a really good idea of the trend of the direction you're going. I like strength, though, the most, because if your strength's going up and your weight's
Starting point is 01:10:36 staying the same or it's going down, there's a good chance you're building muscle and burning body fat. Yeah. I mean, it's crazy. I just want to thank you guys so much because literally on other programs, you just feel I felt like so tired and depleted. And I know this is probably compared to the past. This is a time where I'm eating at a slight deficit.
Starting point is 01:10:56 And I'm just getting so much stronger. And it's just, it's like, what is this program? You know, so it's really fun. I just really appreciate it. Thank you guys so much for what you did It's magic Thanks for thanks for calling in eggs. Mottie. Where thank you Yeah, that the the when you're dealing with somebody who's been really heavy in the past and then they're trying to reverse out
Starting point is 01:11:16 Yeah, it's it's a it can be a slow process and it can be really challenging to stay consistent with that Well, I think you hit it right on the head when you said to him about, you know, we tell people to go in a bulk and they kind of, you know, oh, cool. I'm on a bulk. And if you follow the Fitbit and you allow it to tell you how many calories you burn. I mean, you can manipulate the shit out of that thing. So again, I think I like to fit bit the most out of all of us, but I'm very careful to not, that's not my end.
Starting point is 01:11:46 I never used it for like that, like telling me what I should do. Yeah, really what it is is the more metrics you have, the clear the picture. If it's just one metric, it's not. Yeah, like if it's just body weight, I mean, that doesn't tell you a whole lot. Body weight plus body fat percentage.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Now you know more, body fat percentage weight and circumference, okay, now we're starting to see a clear picture. Body weight plus body fat percentage. Now you know more body fat percentage weight and circumference. Okay, now we're starting to see a clear picture. Now what about your strength? Now we see the whole thing. And that's the key because if you just go off one, I mean, like if it's just weight on the scale, I mean, I can manipulate that seven pounds in one day, and same thing with those body scans.
Starting point is 01:12:22 So when you look at all of them, you get a much clearer picture. And what you want to do is look at the trend. Not necessarily stressing over the fact that it went up a half percent or whatever over the last two weeks, but rather over the last three months, which direction is this moving? Our next caller is Billy from Utah. Hey, what's up, Billy?
Starting point is 01:12:37 How can we help you? Hey, guys, what's up? Thank you for taking some time to answer my question. This is awesome to be talking to you. Little background, I have been lifting pretty consistently for about two and a half to three years. I've spent a lot of that time in kind of a strength phase. So heavy lifting, low reps, a lot of linear periodization
Starting point is 01:13:01 kind of progressing that way. What I've noticed recently, probably over the past three to four months, is a, I've been a little bit burned out on a specific lift, and it's been the deadlift, to the point where when it shows up in my programming, I kind of really hesitate to go to the gym and get a little bit, you know, it's a little bit harder to get to the gym just because that's showing up in my programming,
Starting point is 01:13:29 which is interesting because it was one of my favorite lifts before, one that I made a lot of progress on, but for some reason I just felt burned out on it recently. So my question is, is this something you guys have seen before on specific lifts kind of getting burnt out on it? And if so, what could I do in the meantime, if I need to take a break from it, to not lose the strength and the progress on that lift?
Starting point is 01:13:56 I love this question because I don't think we've had someone actually asked specifically something like this, but this has to happen a lot. That's right. And this is a perfect example of why, you know, that's why there's no perfect program for anybody. That's why there's always an exception to the rule. That's why there's, there's more to it than just this is the best exercise that burns the most body fat and builds the most muscle. Because if my client is just hates doing something and it will even discourage them potentially from going to the gym that day
Starting point is 01:14:27 or they just skip an exercise all together, that's part of my job as a coach to insert something else in there that they enjoy doing that I know has tons of benefits. Yeah, or taking it out, but it really depends on what you mean by burning out on the exercise. That'll determine the answer that I'm gonna give you. So what do you mean exactly?
Starting point is 01:14:44 Is it that it's hurting you, That you're noticing that your progress is stalled or going backwards. It doesn't feel good. Like what do you mean by burnout? Do you have more stress like in your life and things kind of going into this because that's a very demanding lift. So yeah, so a couple of things on that. No, it isn't hurting me. I haven't been injured by it. It's more of a mental block than it is going in and not being able to perform a lift or anything like that. So it's more of a, you know, just don't feel like
Starting point is 01:15:18 lifting a big heavy bar off the ground when I get in there. Regarding stress my life life just, and yeah, I mean, we had another kid about a year ago, started a new job in March, had a couple of other stressful things. So I guess the last year, the last, you know, 10 to 11 months have been an increase in stress, so that certainly could be adding to it. Yeah, that sounds like it. So okay, what program are you following right now? I haven't been consistent on a single program for a little while. I had been following Bigger leaner stronger by my Matthews for a little while. Oh, there's your mistake right there. That's the problem
Starting point is 01:15:59 That's just it. Where are you taking? Look at writes good books. Yeah just it where you say, I'm not how to just look at rights good books. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, no, okay. So you were following that and then what are you, are you currently doing that or did you modify it a little bit? No, I've modified it a little bit.
Starting point is 01:16:14 My consistency has not been as great recently. I've still been going three to four days a week into the gym. I recently just restarted anabolic because they felt like maybe if I take a step back on volume and run through that again, that might help break through it a little bit, but that's kind of where I've restarted anabolic most recently. Yeah, good. No, that's perfect. Okay, so, and by the way, do you mind if I go into a little detail because you actually wrote us out your question with more detail? Yeah, absolutely. Okay, so you have another kid, this is kid number seven.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Is that correct? Yeah. Holy shit. This is beyond minivan. Yeah, bro, that's... You need a full-blown bus. Yeah, God bless you. God bless you, by the way.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Yeah, and you just became a CEO of a company. Yeah, so in March, yeah, the new job was a CEO of a company that's some investor bought out. Two of probably the most stressful things that can take up stress. Yeah, so okay, so what you're feeling right now is that your stress bucket is overflowing and exercises of stress on the body. So and that's why it gets your body to get stronger. And deadlifting is probably one of the biggest.
Starting point is 01:17:20 It is. And if you, if your stress bucket is overflowing, the workouts are now no longer helping you, but rather hurting you. Maps and a ball, two foundational workouts a week, I think is where you need to go. Don't do three, do two. Now you're going to the gym three or four days a week. I also read in your question that this is a good
Starting point is 01:17:36 me time for you, I get that. So it's not just going to the gym to work out but rather center, be present, kind of get away from things. Walk mobility. Yeah, dude, go, okay, so two days a week, two foundational workouts for maps and a ball, like the other days you go to the gym, mobility, stretching, walking, like do things that kind of rejuvenate your body and make you feel good. And what you'll see is your body will actually start progressing again.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Now, back to your specific question about deadlifts, unilateral deadlifts, single leg deadlifts. I mean, you're still doing that movement, but it's one leg, it's way lighter, it's with dumbbells, and it will, if anything, not just maintain your strength in the deadlift, but might actually improve it or increase it. This is one of my favorite strategies, because there may be an underlying thing there too, in terms of like an instability that needs to be addressed, which then will actually promote you to be motivated to go back to the deadlift and see what kind of load you can put up.
Starting point is 01:18:35 But a lot of times it takes that sort of zooming in and really like staying in there to see the discrepancies between left to right and addressing those will really help the overall strength. I also wanna give you the option to do something completely fucking different. You know, if you're following a bulk of maps and a bulk, and the only thing that we're changing out is a deadlet. Listen, I haven't deadlifted in over six months. So it's not the end of the world
Starting point is 01:19:01 if we don't do a deadlift variation right now. I mean, this is a perfect example of sometimes, this is where I'll get on a kick and I'm like, you know what, I'm going to get strong doing the Turkish get up. I haven't been, I haven't really focused on getting good at my Turkish get up in a while. And I know it's not in my maps and a ball program, but every time the deadlift comes around, that's what I'm going to do instead. So don't, don't feel like, and this is why our programs are moldable. This is why we have the podcasts,
Starting point is 01:19:26 this is why we have the forum to kind of do things like this. If there's an exercise or a movement that interests you or that you know makes you feel better or that you have a lot of room to get better at, like insert it in there right there. I just, this is the area, yes, the deadlift was programmed in there and it was a brilliant written program by us
Starting point is 01:19:49 and that's the most ideal thing for progression for you to put in there. But that's where this is, there's a lot of room to play with that because sometimes that shit doesn't, you getting an extra quarter of a pound of muscle over the next month versus de-stressing and having better balance and being a better CEO, that trumps that.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Yeah, well, you're not going to gain that quarter pound of muscle if your stress is over flying. That's right. It's not going to happen. Are you taking any supplements right now? I am. I'm taking a, I take creatine, I take official oil and I take a multi-bubble. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I'm inviting indeed. Soottom. Okay, bye. I invite them to be. So look into ashwaganda, okay. It's probably one of the most well-documented herbs to help the body deal with stress, okay? So, and what it does essentially is literally, it's a very powerful adaptogen, and it allows the body to deal with stress and adapt to stress a little bit better I personally use it, you know, I'd say every two or three months I'll throw it in or when I feel like I'm not getting good sleep or
Starting point is 01:20:54 You know, I'm much more challenged with stress and I do notice an improvement in how I feel and how my body reacts So you can read up on it check it out examine.com is a great website for looking up supplements. But aside from that, what we're saying with the workout is, I think, where do you need to go? And don't be surprised if you start to progress again. But also consider this. This is the most important thing. Your workouts should be to improve the quality of your life, not necessarily to improve your quality of your workouts. So sometimes it's to improve your workout performance, but what's more important is, I mean, you're not a professional, you know, lifter, right? You're a CEO, you're a dad with seven kids. I'm going to assume that your priorities in life are probably not to be the biggest beast
Starting point is 01:21:40 in the gym, but rather to be an amazing dad and a great CEO. Just be stronger than your kids. Yeah, exactly. So use the workouts to make you better at those things. So sometimes that means like Adam said, you go to the gym, like man, I feel like doing something totally different because that's what's going to make me feel better. And if you do that, believe it or not in the long term, you'll progress because you're going to make better choices and decisions for yourself. Great, great, That's great advice.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Thank you. I think, yeah, some of that stress relief kind of focus might be what's needed right now in the near term. So, um, we give it a shot. All right, Billy, thank you very much. And are we gonna go up to 10, 11? How many kids you want? We cut this off.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Yeah, and I think seven has his overfilled the cup as you guys There you're a champion man. All right, man. Thanks for calling me. Yeah. Thank you Bro, I talk about like it makes you feel weak seven kids CEO And he works out consistently. Yeah, wow. Yeah, that's a that's a tough one because I think we forget, right, that because we know where we were before. So we think, oh, you know, two days a week, that's too little for me. It matches your lifestyle. And sometimes that's totally appropriate.
Starting point is 01:22:54 And I've done this where I'll back off and wall off. My body progresses and I go, oh, this is a lesson I have to keep going. Well, I think what you said that is even more important is it's not always about progressing in the gym. I know that's what our business is surrounded around. I know that's not always about progressing in the gym. I know that's what our business is surrounded around. I know that's what makes our program so amazing is all that stuff, but at the end of the day, you hit it right on the head.
Starting point is 01:23:13 This guy is a father of seven and a CEO. His number one priority isn't, I gotta show that I can get my bench press up to 315. Like who gives a shit? I know he obviously doesn't care that much about that, but we always get this in our head all the time that you gotta be seeing all this great results. It's gonna be the best at everything.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Yeah, just keeping healthy, you know, sharp and strong. Yeah, those are like very like realistic things to focus on. And I totally relate to this right now, being a newer father, the three of us, that that's where my priority is. And then actually performing in this job, I mean, I've got a lot of responsibility when it comes to our business
Starting point is 01:23:47 and a lot of things in my play. And if I'm so focused on my workouts that it's taking time away from those things, then and so my workouts are completely modified right now. It's to stay healthy and to be able to perform at those things, that's where my priority. Now, go back two and a half years from now, it was chasing Sal and the deadlift or getting ready for his stage. Well, that's a different part, now, go back two and a half years from now, it was chasing Sal and
Starting point is 01:24:05 the deadlift or getting ready for his stage. Well, that's a different story, you know, and eliminating a deadlift at that time when my goals are so focused on that is something that I probably don't want to do, but in a case like this, like, who cares? Well, in even that sense, like, it's always amazing, like, how little you can do to keep moving the needle forward. Totally. And I think that's the message that we're always trying to kind of
Starting point is 01:24:26 drill into people because it really is less as long as it's like very structured and you're smart about it and you listen to your body. You're going to get a lot of results. Yeah, and the irony is this, right? The right dose. I know he'll probably progress. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Here's the irony.
Starting point is 01:24:42 The right dose will get you there. The more than that is too much and less than that is too little and won't get you there, right? the irony. The right dose will get you there. The more than that is too much, and less than that is too little, and won't get you there, right? So it's the right dose. So here's the irony. You train the way that we're talking, and over time, you get better gains
Starting point is 01:24:55 and better results anyway. So it's not even like you're trading one for the other. If you want to progress, you still have to do it this way. Our next caller is Elijah from Texas. Hey, what's up Elijah? How can we help you? Hey, so I had a question about some TRT diet stuff. So a little bit of backstory. Former Air Force got out. Got lazy, got fat. Had the realization that I needed to make changes.
Starting point is 01:25:26 So about three years ago, I peaked at about 314 pounds. We basically changed our entire lifestyle. I now maintain about 2.35, but have been dealing with some symptoms of low T for a long while now, even after the fat loss. So thanks to some of the conversations that you guys have had on the show, especially Adam. I pursued that and I'm now two weeks on the initial dose that they're putting me on for TRT. Already within a few days I'm starving all the time. Already within a few days I'm starving all the time. So right now I maintain about 3,000 calories and I don't know whether I should kind of stay
Starting point is 01:26:12 at maintenance for a little while. Obviously, I got to get used to everything. They're going to dial in the dose. But after that, do I stay at maintenance and try and recomp or push calories up slowly and see how I respond and If so how long before I should probably jump into some type of You know cut face because I do still have some some body fat to lose. Yeah, no good question a couple things Do you mind if I ask what your testosterone was at before you went on TRT?
Starting point is 01:26:45 So the initial diagnosis test was like 320. I had another test at like 290 something and then they did another one that was like 357. Okay. And in starting dose, do you mind if you let us know what the starting doses and milligrams just a week you're only on a hundred that's it. You're not what you're not with doctor ran then are you no? Yeah, you must know it's a local clinic that my insurance covers. Oh, I see doctor ran is the best in the business So I would go there and you usually starts people off higher nonetheless What you're noticing is quite normal. So testosterone is a metabolism boosting hormone.
Starting point is 01:27:27 If they give it to man who don't even work out with low testosterone, they'll lose body fat and build muscle without even working out. So it just shifts the way that your body uses nutrients and where it shuttles them. And you will typically, if you look at the research, it takes about four months or so before people start to kind of settle down.
Starting point is 01:27:46 So initially, sometimes people feel way more energy, libido goes through the roof, that will settle down a little bit, and their appetite goes up quite a bit as well. These are actually good signs, okay? They're good signs. It's telling us that the testosterone is doing its job, but also realize it's going to settle after about four or five months, typically again, when you look at the literature. Now, if you were my client, what I'd recommend
Starting point is 01:28:10 is to go with it. I would say, look, here's a deal. Stick to whole natural foods, prioritize protein, eat until you're satisfied, okay, don't eat until you're stuffed, eat until you're satisfied, and that'll keep you probably where you should be. Now, if you hyper palatable foods Process foods I should say you're getting your calories gonna go up naturally if you don't prioritize protein
Starting point is 01:28:32 You're more likely to eat too many calories. So high protein whole natural foods continue doing your workout And then just eat until you're satisfied and kind of give your body What it needs and what you'll probably notice is you're just gonna gain muscle. And then what happens is the body's fat starts to come down because of the metabolism boosting effects of the increased muscle mass. I'm gonna predict that at some point
Starting point is 01:28:56 they're gonna probably increase your testosterone dose. 100 milligrams a week is typically barely a replacement dose from what I understand. But again, you can get a consultation from someone like Dr. Rand and what they'll do is they'll go over what your clinic's doing and then give you some advice and you can go back to your clinic and say, hey, this is kind of what I want to try. But this is not a bad sign. This is a sign that your testosterone is.
Starting point is 01:29:20 It's more like, you're in a great place right now. You're in a great place right now in the fact that you're already consuming 3000 calories. And I know your question is asking us, you know, what you should do, whether you should cut, bulk, recompt, what you should do right now, well, the answer is you can kind of do anything. You're in a healthy place calorie wise. You obviously, your metabolism is speeding up and you're hungry. You're, now I personally, if you let me tell you what to do, what I want you to do, I mean, your body is basically primed for building muscle and it wasn't so much not that long ago.
Starting point is 01:29:54 With your testosterone levels as low as they were, now that you're supplementing with testosterone, you're gonna build muscle better than you ever have before. And so I would wanna go with that. I'd wanna, instead of going into a cut right now, which you could, because you're at a healthy amount of calories, I'd rather put calories on and really focus on getting strong and building muscle. And I would want, so if you're a client, our goal would be okay, I'm going to keep
Starting point is 01:30:17 inching your calories up until you get in a place where you tell me like, Adam, this is, I don't want to eat all this food. And then I go back the other way with you. So I'd keep inching you up, trying to build strength until we reach a calorie intake where you're looking back at me saying like, I feel like I'm eating all day. I don't like this much food.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Can we go the other way? And then I'd bring you the other way and try and land you somewhere kind of probably where you're at right now, calorie wise, but work you up to probably 3,600 plus. Yeah. I mean, keep this in mind. This is a very good sign.
Starting point is 01:30:48 If you feed your body properly, you're going to be fine. Yeah, you'll be fine. Now, if you take this increased appetite and then eat a bunch of processed garbage, then yeah, you're just going to gain muscle and body fat. So you get this huge bulk effect, right? But if you eat whole natural foods, prioritize protein, what you'll do is fuel muscle growth. And then your metabolism will boost. And then at about like month three, four, five, now you're going to start to burn body fat. And the body fat really
Starting point is 01:31:14 starts to come off your body because of the this sped up metabolism effects of what's happening right now. So not a bad place at all. Again, feed your body. Just stay away from those foods that are engineered to make us really overeat, because then it'll just be too much of a compounding effect. Okay, I appreciate it. That's awesome. Elijah, what workout are you following right now?
Starting point is 01:31:37 I do my own programming. I've been doing a push pole legs six days a week. Okay. Modulate intensity and volume. Yeah, I'm gonna put that. I'm gonna send you maps aesthetic if you don't have that. Great program for building muscle. I think you're in a good place for it right now,
Starting point is 01:31:52 especially if you've been doing what you've been doing for a little while. So if you don't wanna have access, we'll send that over to you. And then if you want that consultation, you wanna inquire about it, you go to mphormones.com and they'll look over your current protocol
Starting point is 01:32:05 and then tell you what they think would be good for you. Okay, that's awesome, I appreciate it. No problem, thanks for calling in. Thank you. Yeah, this is a different situation, right? than the average person. Yeah, no, I mean, but what a great place to be.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Eating 3000 calories, still hungry, taking your testosterone levels to 90, 300 and probably now shooting them up to 900 plus. I mean, your body is just, you know, so I guess, you know, he could go and cut right now if he really, if he says he's got extra body fat, but I would much rather, you build muscles. Yeah, feed the metabolism. It's already trying to, you know, bump up. And who knows how long he's been training with this low of testosterone, which we've all experienced low levels of testosterone
Starting point is 01:32:49 and know what it's like to try and build muscle. It's very hard to build muscle when your testosterone levels are in the floor. And one of the best parts about getting on hormone therapy is having optimal testosterone all the time. It makes it a lot more fun. Oh yeah, I mean, now, so long as you don't eat like an asshole, like it's south-talking about, I mean, you,
Starting point is 01:33:06 you will add and build muscle and speed the metabolism up. I would go right with feeding the body right now. I tell you what though, just kind of a side note, it is quite, it was very surprising to me to, real, and of course, this makes sense. This is true for any business, right? The difference in expertise and recommendations from one clinic to another.
Starting point is 01:33:26 I mean, it sounds like he's had a clinic, I was the first time. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. When you went to that first one and they were, you started you off on 100 and you're looking at your numbers and like, I still, I feel better, and then you go talk to Dr. Ran and he goes, you know, that's important,
Starting point is 01:33:40 but we also got to go based off of how you feel. And it can fluctuate depending on the man and Andrew and receptor density and all that kind of stuff. A hundred is in, you know, typically, typically, not low if you're gonna go on replacement. Well, my takeaway from it and my experience is that you get these clinics like this and Ageless Men was like that.
Starting point is 01:34:00 And I think that they, they kind of like how NASM would tell you not to shoulder press deeper than 90 years. Yeah. You know, it's like a safe, like, well, we don't want to risk going to the cards. Yeah. So let's be conservative and put you on the lower end when in reality, it's like you could handle,
Starting point is 01:34:18 double that, no problem. They inst me up like 10 milligrams at a time. I know. By the time I got to Dr. Ran, you know, I'd already insted up four or five times, and he still was like, oh my God, I would start you at almost double that. That's nowhere near where you go.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Yeah, and it's old school, it's an old understanding of testosterone, because the research now, not even now, for the last 20 years, shows it's only because it was a controlled substance, because for a while, athletes are used to start it. But no, no, no, it's only because it was a controlled substance, because for a while, athletes are used to start. But no, no, no, it's not, of all the hormones, you need to be careful for.
Starting point is 01:34:51 testosterone is a pretty dense, safe hormone, so this like fear around moving it up is totally unwarranted. And I, you know, like I said, when you talk to people who really know what they're doing, it becomes quite clear. So our next caller is Ruth from Washington. Hey, what's up Ruth? How can we help you? Hey there guys, really happy to be here.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Thanks so much for taking my email. So I originally wrote my email because I have about 20 pounds left to lose and I really want to do it through weight lifting alone, but I just can't seem to find the right mix. So a little bit of background about me and I feel like my story can be extrapolated to many people, particularly women, but men, probably too. So 39, 59, Rujligauna fitness through cardio, a surprise surprise, did a very uncomfortable marathon at one point. Eventually found a really high cardio dance fitness class and ended up instructing that for a number of years. And then at the end of that, I kind of got through that time, I lost a lot of weight after my last baby who's now eight.
Starting point is 01:35:54 And at the end, I kind of started doubling into weightlifting, felt like I loved it, just felt really good in my body, started with some five by five. And I really wasn't able to sustain all of that with my teaching and I was in grad school at the time so I had to kind of focus on the cardio with my classes that I was teaching at that time. Long story short, I graduated from school, started a full-time job as a nurse practitioner and ever since that time, I kind of gradually increased my weight a little bit, but I started strength training regularly about three years ago. So I'm kind of in this place where I'm wanting to lose
Starting point is 01:36:36 these last 15, 20 pounds, having a difficult time. And time is very precious. I have three school-aged kids, a plus or full-time job, which is one reason why I love weightlifting because it is so efficient. And I know my body is made to do it. My problem is when I reduce cardio, I sometimes have a harder time losing weight consistently. Like I really want to just do the weightlifting
Starting point is 01:37:00 because it feels the best in my body. I've tried various calorie macros setups, I've tried various kind of programming. I'm currently in phase three of Maps Antabolic right now and really liking it kind of staying around the same weight. I am tracking, we can get in the details of that. If you're really interested. I listened to your podcast about why women should bold
Starting point is 01:37:21 and I was like, yes, I am on board. So after a spot check and realizing I was eating very much, I did increase my calories and did that for about three months. I got up to 1,800 or so and felt, actually my workouts were feeling fantastic as you'd expect by increasing calories. And I was doing pretty well with that, but realized after three months,
Starting point is 01:37:41 I had gained some fat along with that, which I wasn't really a fan of. So I'm kind of in this place where I really want to bulk and increase my calories, but I can't seem to do it without cardio at the same time. So I'm really curious trying to figure out that optimal dose for me. I think a lot of other people probably are in the same situation. So I'm really curious to hear what you guys have to say. Yeah, this is really common.
Starting point is 01:38:05 This was Katrina when Katrina and I met. This was, she was strength training like three times a week, running three to four times a week. Her way of kind of maintaining her weight or getting in shape would be to ramp up her runs and just run more. And she was probably eating about 1800 calories or so. And by the way, okay, so she's,
Starting point is 01:38:24 well, maintains like better shape today at 40 years old than she did in her 20s, only strain training and not running and consuming over 2600 calories. So it's very much so doable. And I think you were heading on the right track, or at least in the right direction, and maybe what happened when you put on,
Starting point is 01:38:43 maybe you put on a little extra body fat that you didn't like, or maybe it wasn't that bad at all and you were more in your head and you decided to reverse back down because if you are only eating 1800 calories and you're exercising this much, we need to, what we need to do is speed your metabolism up before you get to a place where you can completely cut out
Starting point is 01:39:02 cardio and stay at a place that's sustainable with just weight training. It's just your calories are too low for all the activity that you're currently doing. And that's why you're feeling that anytime you cut out cardio, which is probably burning, you know, a few hundred extra calories every day that you're doing it, is making a difference. That's a big difference when you're only eating 1800 calories. It says it says you're a question you're running or doing spin for your cardio? Yeah, I just started spinning again a little bit. I haven't been running recently.
Starting point is 01:39:31 I'm dealing with some kind of SI joint stuff, so running is no bueno for me. I've been doing mostly walking right now, actually, and just kind of started to add and spin back in about 30 minutes, maybe one or two or so weeks. Yeah, there's nothing necessarily wrong with cardio, but for what you're saying, to add and spin back in about 30 minutes, maybe one or two a week. Yeah, there's nothing necessarily wrong with cardio, but for what you're saying, you don't want to do it,
Starting point is 01:39:50 you'd rather wait train, plus you're trying to speed up the metabolism. I would stay away from the spin. Walking's fine, it's healthy for you. But here's something else you can do, okay, because I've done this with clients. All right, we're going to cut the cardio to get the metabolism to speed up,
Starting point is 01:40:03 but we want to kind of burn more calories in our workouts to kind of help a little bit with what might happen initially. You can add volume to your resistance training. You've been following Maps at a Ballack. I would go Maps aesthetic. It's a very similar program with more volume. You're gonna burn more calories in the workout. It's still a muscle building program.
Starting point is 01:40:22 And then I would cut the cardio out. I mean, you do Maps, you do maps aesthetic, three foundational workouts a week with two focus sessions. That's a decent workload. You don't need to throw any cardio in, and then slowly reverse diet. Get your calories up.
Starting point is 01:40:36 1800 is not really a good place to start from if you wanna try and burn, you know, lose weight. I'd like to see you get up to, you know, 2500 calories at least. And so I do that, I mean, focus on the muscle building, maps aesthetic, you can cut the cardie if you want to keep walking because you enjoy it and it's good for your health, that's totally fine.
Starting point is 01:40:56 Don't do the spin classes, that's probably the worst for what you're trying to accomplish. And now you're doing more volume in your workouts, right? So now you're lifting more weights, which does burn more calories as well, but it's still geared towards building muscle. How long, honestly, were you able to keep in the bulk in terms of like being able to, you know, stay there for a few months, you know, like how long was it? So I was doing another program, you know, like how long was it? So I was doing another program, a hypertrophy-based program through Girls on Strong.
Starting point is 01:41:29 They have some pretty good programs too. I love your guys' trying different things. It was about three months that I tried that. I wasn't tracking my food the whole time. So 1800 is probably about where I was at, which to me felt like a lot of food coming from where I was at previously. Yeah, here's a strategy. If you're not one to one account and track everything, just track your protein. So try and hit your protein targets.
Starting point is 01:41:57 And then avoid heavily processed foods and just eat until you're satisfied. This does not mean eat until you're stuffed or really full, but rather until you're satisfied. So focus on protein, whole natural foods, and then train to build strength and then kind of allow your body to do what it's gonna do. That usually moves people in the right direction. Now if you wanna get more specific, I would definitely track. For some people though tracking is,
Starting point is 01:42:24 it makes it worse or or makes it a stress, or they feel like, I don't wanna, you know, have to tell them everything. I would also be interested too. So the program that you were running, the one that you said was hypertrophy focused, I'd be curious to actually see the programming. If that means it's more 10 to 15 rep ranges,
Starting point is 01:42:40 supersets, and kind of focused in that direction where you're probably chasing the pump more versus like a 5x5 type of protocol. It was actually a mix of it was similar to your guys as there was four weeks of a kind of strength focus and then there was kind of a higher rep focus at the end. Because you're going to benefit the most from a strength focus, five by five type of a routine for bulking, right? When you're just trying to bulk, that's when I would love to see you. And then we just talked to another person at a similar question. I would just interrupt the bulk every third week or so, third or fourth week with a one week calorie deficit.
Starting point is 01:43:25 So run the bulk for three weeks straight after the three weeks, then then drop your calories, two or three hundred calories lower than what you would consider maintenance. So maintenance is 1800 for you. One week out of the month, run a 1600 calorie week, and then the other three weeks stay in more of a bulk. And that will probably help keep you from putting on much body fat at all on the way up. And then the goal is every time you go back to the bulk
Starting point is 01:43:51 is trying to increase the calories a little bit higher and higher until we can get you a place where you're more like 25, 2600 calories. That is a more sustainable place to be calorie wise, to be able to never do cardio and get yourself lean. Because then if you can get, we can get your maintenance at 2600, and you say to me,
Starting point is 01:44:10 hey Adam, I wanna lean out a little bit, coming up on summertime or whatever, I like to drop a few pounds of body fat, we can easily without doing any cardio, go from 2600 down to 2000, and your body's gonna lean out real nice, and you're still eating a sustainable amount of calories versus if you're at 1800 as a maintenance with doing cardio,
Starting point is 01:44:28 if all of a sudden you wanna lean out, you gotta drop. Yeah, you gotta drop to a place that's just not sustainable. You gotta get down to 1200 calories. Yeah, you'll eat more than you are now if you do this right and get lean. It is possible. I mean, it seems like very daunting, but to kinda stretch it out,
Starting point is 01:44:43 you know, even further and do it very gradually is my best advice. Yeah, a map-sustatic, follow a map-sustatic, cut out the cardio, you've got plenty of volume and map-sustatic, you're working out five days a week, and follow what we're saying with the nutrition, and watch it slowly creep up and be patient. Allow that to happen. When you get to a good place, you do the cut,
Starting point is 01:45:05 it'll feel better than you do now. Ruth, are you in our forum yet? I am not. Okay, so I'll have Doug give you access to our forum too, so you can kind of check in with us. I love when we give people kind of prescripted steps to do, as far as diet goes, to kind of just check back with us in a month and just let us know kind of your progress
Starting point is 01:45:22 and we're going, we can help guide you better that way. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Cool. Thanks for calling in. Okay, thank you very much, guys. No problem. Yeah, taking someone who's done a lot of cardio and then telling them reverse, cut the cardio out,
Starting point is 01:45:36 it's like they'll do it for a little while and then, ah, gotta go back to what I know, you know? Yeah, especially when your background is in like spin and running and, you know, and you love that kind of stuff. It's really hard to go against the grain. Well, it's a mind-fuck. And she's in a very similar situation Katrina was.
Starting point is 01:45:51 I actually wouldn't let Katrina weigh herself during this time. So it messed with her head. Yes. So I knew the inevitable is gonna happen. I cut your cardio. I tell her to stop running 10, 15 miles a week. I completely cut that out.
Starting point is 01:46:03 All focused on a strength training. And increase your calories. I know I'm gonna put some weight on her a little bit and weight that she may not like. So the last thing I need is her looking to scale and seeing three pounds. It's not working. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:46:13 You don't know what you're talking about. So I was like, okay, part of the rules are, don't look at the scale, just trust the process. Let me do this with you. And then it took a while to get her there, but we got her to a place where she can eat 26 hundred plus calories. Because otherwise you're just in this sort of manual place
Starting point is 01:46:27 where you have to always kind of shave that down by adding this little bit of like excess movement and cardio. And so you're going to be in this trap of always trying to like, you know, shave off the fat, build, try and build muscle, not quite effective yet, but then shave the fat and it's just like your spin your tires. Well dude, 1800 calories, she's working out five days a week, including spin, including working out, like not sustainable.
Starting point is 01:46:50 You're just not gonna be able to maintain that. Yeah, because you think about that, her resting metabolic rate is much lower, much lower. So if you do it active. Yeah, if you're doing all that work to maintain it at 18, that means if she wasn't doing it at that, she couldn't eat much more than 12 or 1300 calories without putting body fat on it. which is not a good place.
Starting point is 01:47:07 You want to be able to be at a place. No flexibility there. Right, where if she ate 1800 with no activity, her body would actually lose. If that's the case, we need to be somewhere up in the 2500 plus type of range metabolism wise in order for that to happen. Totally. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfreedocleman, check out all of our guides.
Starting point is 01:47:24 We have guides that can help you build muscle or burn body fat, improve your mobility, squat better. We even have guides for personal trainers. Again, it's MindPumpFree.com. If you want to find us on social media, you can find us on Instagram. You can find Justin at MindPump Justin, me at MindPump Salon, Adam at MindPumpBadam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:47:47 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review
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