Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 168: The Kinda Positive Episode

Episode Date: October 19, 2015

Just how driven are Sal, Adam & Justin to expose the BS of the fitness industry? So driven that when presented with the challenge of talking about fitness industry positives that they have a hard time... staying on track. Raw Fitness Truth cannot be caged. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Denver, the last dinosaur! He's my friend in a whole lot more! Denver! Was it named Denver? Is that Denver, is it? Yeah. I thought it was something else. Oh Is that Denver is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I thought it was something else. Oh, fuck you, is it? Maybe. Right. Doug, can you, can you on your phone? I'm gonna Google it. On your phone, Google the last dinosaur car now. It's Denver, bro.
Starting point is 00:00:34 You sure? Denver. It sounds doesn't sound like dinosaurs. It does sound right to me. Yeah. It does it, right? Something sounds like,
Starting point is 00:00:42 do you guys have a good workout today? I did, actually. Did you see my video on Instagram? I did. My workout? Actually, you did, because I sent you. I did, I did a couple of share of ladies. Yeah, you're happy with your front end squat.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Whoa, you guys can check it out on my Instagram page, Mind Pump Sal. I'm doing singles with front squats with 315, which is not earth shattering. It's not super duper impressive, but for me, it's a lot. It's a lot of weight, dude. And I just want to say,
Starting point is 00:01:12 because- You're the downplay. Hey guys, did you see my workout? Oh man. He's like, my workout, my butt. So awesome. It's no big deal. It's not like a big deal.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I mean, let's talk about this. Yeah, yeah, it's not a lot, but let's talk about this. Yeah, yeah, it's not a lot But let's see it though. Do you remember you see how awesome way that was but dude, so listen So somebody's like somebody comment and are like like what's your secret? Maps right Mind pump radio com Hey, you know what we gotta get back in the habit up We got in the habit of introducing ourselves again.
Starting point is 00:01:46 We hit so many new people that have been diving on here. The guy talking, who was just talking before me, is Adam Schaefer. With the whole tree force. And the other guy who was singing earlier, just in Andrews. Oh yeah! And you're listening to Sal, the stuff, and the Salvatore di Stefano.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I just went to Telemundo on the guy. Friendsquatten 350. Not even. So Adam, I want in Tel Amundo on you guys. Front squat in 350. Atty bat. So Adam, I wanna make a comment. Keep your feet on your shirt. That's C-3. It's a little bit, and I just realized something. It looks soft, like a fresh velvet.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I wasn't paying attention to this when we were swimming. A while ago, when we were on the pool and shit. Your nipples are dark. You can see, dude. Maybe, yeah. Little dark. Maybe you're just cold. Maybe they're just, they need oxygen. Maybe. Your nipples are dark You can see them dude. Yeah, little dark Maybe you're just cold. Maybe they're just they need oxygen maybe if you move more on the gets a box to blood They're not that dark to peak it's very just fine. Just it's got the pink ones. Yeah, really pink
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, and you get the dark minor dark. I think I like they're like puppy titties. I have They're like puppy titties. I have pretty bad luck. What? I don't know. What? Puppy titties. I think mine are pretty normal. As normal as they can be.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah. Whatever the fuck normal. That's all right. Normal nipple. Dude, so I didn't tell you guys what happened the other day at gold. So I'm at gold that work out, go in the bathroom and fuck. I almost thought I was going to get it. I thought I was going to kick that for a second. So I look, you know, I'm going to go take a piss and I look, you know, people. I'm, I almost thought I was gonna get, I thought I was gonna get kicked out for a second.
Starting point is 00:03:05 So I look, you know, I'm gonna go take a piss and I look, you know, people, you know, the, the, the toilets and you could see people's feet. And I see, whoa, one pair of shoes and another pair of shoes. Oh, wow. So I'm, I'm looking at it and I'm like, yeah, I'm looking. I'm like, is this two people, are they, are they shitting tandem?
Starting point is 00:03:25 Hey man. Is this tandem shitting? Small feet. Was there a small feet or they're both pretty as it's size feet? They were the same size. So here's why I think I, this is where I fucked up. Maybe somebody was helping plunge it out.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So here's, here's where I think I got fucked up. That's where I fucked up. So I'm looking at them like this has, this is crazy. I gotta look, I gotta look. So I went, I looked through the crack and it's just one guy with an extra pair of shoes on the floor, but he saw me look at him.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Stupid. Have you ever had sex in a bathroom? Have you ever had sex in a bubble bathroom? I can't. I can't. I can't come in. What about you, Justin? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's one of those things, right? It's, do I talk about the little Yeah, no, I think I think Dude, I don't know Bro, yeah, yeah, yeah, I have I have and also my car and on top of a house and on top of a house. Yeah, if you're done Yeah, a flat house roof, right? Not one of those like shingles, like a, like a a frame. Oh, no, a frame.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Whoa, that's impressive. Oh, yeah. That's for the balance on that one. Great core strength. What? Yeah. That's good. Yeah, that is.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Did you shake it? Front lawn. When it was raining one time, that was interesting. You crushed it on the lawn. Yeah, man. Well, it was raining. That's like a movie. It was.
Starting point is 00:04:42 It was a nice movie. It's a movie. Did you make love or was it hard? No, it was not it was hard and filthy. Can you think of probably the most? I'm gonna edit all this out actually Absolutely not Well now let's listen to I want to hear out of the fifth Adam. I'm gonna change the question for you though What's that the question you're gonna answer is I love how we get that we give worse ones to me That's not even fair to know where have you not had had sex because you stupid question ask you have you had sex
Starting point is 00:05:08 with video? Yes, yes, yes. Like okay. Well, you mean like like a like a cliche place. I like everybody has the craziest place you've done it. The craziest. Yeah. I don't know. Let's work. Somewhere where you worked at. Yeah. That's where you that's obvious. That's everybody's like a room. Well, I mean, okay. So that okay. So I know that doesn't count as cool. Okay. I mean, I can't think of something that's not cliche like the movies or you know, I haven't had sex on a fucking a frame roof. I can lie. That's just an winds or what? Cruiser now.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah. I just earned my Merlin straight. You know, I have to say that I actually don't have a lot of like crazy stories like that because by the time I was 21, I had my place. So like being a 21 year old and having your own house is like, that was like, that was a game, that was a game changer already. Yeah. Because why do it anywhere else when you're going on house?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Well, yeah, and that was, and that was, except for the excitement, that was the final close. Like, I mean, if you want to be real, so if you're a young, young man listening to this and you're working and saving your money or what, or blowing your money, start saving your money, buying a house at a young age is probably one of the coolest things you can do for vagina.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Because it was, the rings at the top. Well, yeah, I didn't have to, I didn't have things for. I didn't have to come off like that thirsty guy who was like trying to get in every girl's pants and stuff. But you know, eventually that comes up in conversation, like, oh, where do you live?
Starting point is 00:06:35 And so, oh, let me take you back to my place. This is your house. You own this. Yeah, because if you don't have a house, what's the second option? A minivan or something? Yeah, if you live with your parents and stuff that then you're sneaking around doing all these weird girl a date in a van
Starting point is 00:06:47 That's weird. Yeah, but you got some clothes and skills if you can do it in a tursell. That's all I'm saying You guys Bro, you're kind of big. How the fuck did you do that in the tursell? It was really tough This is and this is where he learned yoga. Yeah, do you know it flexible? Okay, so I watch out for the stick shift. That thing gets in the way, man. Don't mistake it. It's real friendly with, you know, the backside.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I have, what's this awkward? Wow, dude. I have this awful visual on my head. I'm trying to please erase the fucking right now. So you guys wanted to go down this rabbit hole. I know, I know, we're there, we're there. You're a fault. And you know what, I don't, I don't, I, I, I, I'm ashamed
Starting point is 00:07:30 that I don't have this great story because I normally have great stories to tell, but I mean, I'm just keeping it real when I was, by the time I was, I mean, I was out, also see, I was renting my own, a renting my own apartment when I was 17. So I was in high school still. Not a lot of high school kids were, you know, or out on their own. I was out on my own, and my own apartment when I was 17. So I was in high school still. Not a lot of high school kids were, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:45 or out on their own. I was out on my own 17 years old, running my place. So then I had a place there. And then after that, I bought my house at when I was 21. So it's kind of like, there's no real reason to do weird places like that. You know what must have been really weird?
Starting point is 00:08:02 A lot. Like a long time ago, like 200 years ago, 100 years ago, 300 years ago, when people all lived in one room. And you had like five, six kids. Like people used to have to fuck. Like where would they do it? I know, they had to get super creative
Starting point is 00:08:17 and like quiet. Like ninja. Many times they'd share the same bed with their kids and shit. That's what I'm saying. That's not what you'd about this. Yeah, that's weird. Think about it. Why are we talking about this? I'm just saying like how did they they must have been freaks. You know, we're nothing compared to back then. You'll be sneaky. I'm sure Justin has that look on his face. I know like he has these old these moves they do when the kids are away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah. Oh, dude. It's way different. No worry daddy. Daddy's just tickling mommy. Daddy's just tickling mommy. I'm just getting creative sometimes. She just has me in the guard. We're doing your jitsu. Yeah. What's that sound? It's a bad thing. It's so much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So I was listening to some of our episodes and although they are brilliant and beautiful and wonderful, we do talk a lot of shit. And sometimes it's a little negative. The tone can be a little negative. Oh really? What are you talking about? Well, because we talk shit about all the bullshit
Starting point is 00:09:11 we see in the industry. So I thought to myself, maybe we should do a positive episode. Maybe we should talk about the things we love about the fitness industry. You know what I'm saying? Okay. And say that some of this bullshit, like, project out the love.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So I'm gonna challenge you guys this then. So if you're gonna go there, then I'm gonna challenge you guys this then so if you're gonna go there Then I'm gonna challenge you to talk about a lot of things that the positive sides of some of the shit that maybe we talk shit about So let's say for example Like a lot of us are super anti-crossfit, right? We we know that that's a joke now I was just was thinking about this other day that there's a lot of these modalities that we just kind of like Just kind of snicker at is like, okay, that's so silly.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Like, no, we get nothing positive. I think it just does. That's okay, you could say this. Sorry. Well, here's the thing. And I have some positive to say. What, we were able to record some good episodes of this.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, they helped us boost the download. Well, here, and here's where I think I have the stance of I hate those things, or I'm so anti-those things when people are choosing to do it because they're ultimately trying to get in shape. And they find themselves signing up for some of that because they heard a friend told them, do this, you'll get in great shape, or do that. That's the great shape. That's where I have a big problem.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Now, if you choose to do a modality that maybe we disagree with as far as the ideal modality for you to get in shape, but you just, it's what you love to do a modality that maybe we disagree with as far as the ideal modality for you to get in shape, but you just, it's what you love to do and it's motivated you to get in shape and you've never cared about getting in shape before and it's something that, whatever, something about it with this competitive side of it or it's something like that. Okay, I mean, you mean better that than I guess nothing, right? Well, we, I would like to kind of voice just for a minute about like, you know, with that specific thing,
Starting point is 00:10:47 that, you know, you're talking about CrossFit and everything, just because it is something that like, I've totally changed as far as like having to have like a really rigid view because it's just something that like, they've made it into such a thing that like either it's so polar now for me. I can't just, I can't be like, okay, I like this element of it. I like that element of it.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And it's turned into almost a political thing for me now. So it's more of something that like, I think that it's a belief. It's so readily adopted without question that I think people need to understand really what it is. And that's so much more important to me now than to just say, hey, well, they do do some things that are good and they do. And it's great community.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And they get men and women trained together. And there's a lot of positivity and people experience fitness together. And there's great community there. positivity and people experience fitness together. There's great community there. They have established a really solid fan base. They've done a lot of great things as far as changing the paradigm for fitness. It's not so heavily focused on bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:12:04 People's understanding of what fitness is or sports. It's this new thing, right? But just for me personally, and I've been somewhat conflicted about this because it's like, I have friends that still do it, and they don't understand why I have to be so polar about it. And so I guess for me personally, it's like, it's something that really, I can't waver with it anymore
Starting point is 00:12:32 because I feel like it's integrity. And I have to keep this integrity going forward from here. Well, I could say easily, I mean mean we talked about this the positive shit man he got people squatting in deadlifting again oh yeah we we we we mean it's like single-handedly crossfit did that single-handedly because before crossfit nobody was fucking getting that message out effectively
Starting point is 00:12:58 and and i know listeners like especially if you're younger don't realize this those of us that have been in the industry for over 15 plus years, nobody was fucking squatting in bedlifters. There was a time, there was a time for a very, very long time where I could show up to the gym and the squat rack may have not been touched for a week straight. Like literally seven days go by. Easy. And nobody got in that squat rack and even utilize how many times would you see it actual deadlift? Yeah, or a deadlift? Dude, I would deadlift back then,
Starting point is 00:13:27 and I'd be deadlifting in the gym, and people couldn't figure out what I was doing. Like, what are you doing? You're gonna hurt yourself. Why are you lifting it that way? What is that? And I'm like, it's a deadlift, one of the most fundamental exercises of all time.
Starting point is 00:13:38 People have no idea. It proved that people get way better results doing these types of exercises. It's proven. It's just that it's the programming. It's the way that they program all these movements in an unsafe way. And they give no regard for the fact
Starting point is 00:13:52 that they're responsible for injuries. They're responsible for these athletes and they're well-being. And this is why big establishments like NFL and actual sports, if you want to call yourself a sport, there's a committee that that decides whether or not, you know, maybe there's too many head trauma cases. Maybe that, you know, maybe we should change the gear, you know, maybe, like, there just is no
Starting point is 00:14:15 accountability. Well, I put it in the same category, and I'll tell you why, because for a second, it's not going to sound like they should be in the same category, but I put it up in the category of like the biggest loser, and I'll tell you why. The biggest loser became a phenomena, right? It got millions of viewers high ratings on TV because of the intensity of it, the ridiculousness of it, not because people were getting their lives changed in a real, you know, productive way in a way that most people could do it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Not because the trainers knew what they were talking about, because they don't, sorry. Biggest loser trainers. They got cast. Biggest loser trainers. If you train people like they started. If you train, if you're a trainer and you're listening right now and you train people like Jillian Michaels did on the biggest loser, you should be fired. That's the, that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:15:03 That's absolutely. So I don't know if she's actually a good trainer or not, but on the show, it was a show, it was entertainment. And I put it in that same category. It's like, people have a certification going into the show. Well, people like to see that shit, you know? I mean, let's look, let's be honest. If you saw trainers training people appropriately
Starting point is 00:15:19 with correctional exercise and it'd be boring to watch. You'd be like, wow, this, I'm gonna change the channel because, you know. See, there's the dichotomy, right? And this is our voice. This is our voice of reason to the world of people that all they wanna see is sexy shit and super hard training and people that are at this pinnacle
Starting point is 00:15:40 and nobody wants to watch their progress to get there. No, and I just want to see you at the very, very, very top of the game and the point 1% of the population. And I just, we're trying to go positive and then it started going, no, I love it. I can't. I love the fact that Sal challenged us to be positive. We just started to go positive.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I decided to switch over to CrossFit and challenge us to see how well we can do it. We just hate it so bad. You know what? You just sort of rip it in. I got to say this. I got to say this. If you start talking about clients and results and all that, that's where my positivity layer.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Well, I'm talking about the fitness industry. The industry that we work in. I'll say something. Here's something that stands out to me about the fitness industry that the industry that we work in. I'll say something, here's something that stands out to me about the fitness industry that is extremely positive. Whether you're full of shit or not, whether you're in the fitness industry and you're hooking bullshit supplements or whatever,
Starting point is 00:16:35 people in the fitness industry are doers. For the most part, they're doers. And motivated people. That's what I'm saying. For the most part, these are people who, and look, it's the truth is, a lot of people in fitness probably had some kind of body image issue and that's what motivated them.
Starting point is 00:16:50 But instead of sitting in the corner and crying about it or being depressed and, you know, they went out and did something about it. Now, some of them did things that might not be healthy, but for the most part, they, people adopted healthy lifestyle and they went out and did something about it. How often do people in society actually do shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 You know what I'm saying? The fitness industry is full of doers and I like this. I 100% agree. You know, can you tell when you're around people who are in fitness? Yeah. Like, even if you don't agree with them, we're all just a bunch of doers. Right. And in their defense, okay, so let's what I'm going to try and stay positive here.
Starting point is 00:17:21 So if in those people's defense, this is what happens, right? So just like you said, at one point in their life, they decided that, hey, you know what, like I like this fitness thing. It's changed my life. I'm happy now with where I'm at. Like, I want to give that gift to somebody else. And there, and most trainers kind of have a similar story, somewhere along those lines, right, where that light bulb went off for them or that, you know, internal motivation to become passionate about fitness and share it with others. And they all start off with the right foot. Like that's the direction we go. Well, the hard part is that it's really hard to make a lot of money doing it. It is. It's not and it's and it's glorified by a lot of the, you know, social media and the famous people like Jillian Michaels and
Starting point is 00:18:03 shit that like, damn, I want to be a trainer and be rich and stuff like that. Let me tell you right now, like very, very few trainers make big money being personal trainers. So what ends up happening is they start going along and they have to find these ways to make money and it's the gimmicks. And then there's smart big companies that see that and they pray on these guys and they find these good personalities or this just great looking guy or girl who was 100 pounds overweight and then transform their body and they take their story and then say, oh, this is perfect. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:18:35 give them X amount of dollars for pushing our supplements or X amount of dollars for pushing our program or whatever, whether it be detox shit, whether it be supplements, whether it be a program or whatever. And then that's what they start doing because they can make a quick buck. whatever, whether it be detox shit, whether it be supplements, whether it be a program, or whatever, and then that's what they start doing because they can make a quick buck. I will say this though, that's part of the reason why I think people, for the most part, who enter fitness, don't enter it for any of the reason
Starting point is 00:18:56 that they love it. Like people are, it's almost like being a musician. Like nobody's like, I'm gonna become a musician, why, because it's gonna make a lot of money. You know, people are musicians or artists or people in the fitness industry do it because they love it because they love fitness and they either a want to honestly help people or be they like working out so much that they want to make a living doing it. And this is a very positive thing about fitness.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Look gyms as fun as they as funny as they can be look I've been in gyms for 18 19 years now. Uh professionally and longer than that, just as a member, and for a short period of time, I don't know if you guys know this, for a very short, for almost a year, I worked in investments. I went and worked in the banking industry,
Starting point is 00:19:36 and I had a series six license, and I was gonna start doing investments. Let me tell you something about working in the bank, okay? It's fucking boring and negative. It's hell. It's boring and negative. It's like, that would be hell for me. Bro, I have never in my life looked at the clock and just like, oh, I got an hour left. Oh, fuck hurry up again. I can't. When she started looking at the clock, it moves so slow. Dude, I mean, when you work in a gym, it's just positive. Like everybody's in a good mood. Everybody's in a great time.
Starting point is 00:20:06 People are trying to get in shape. The members are in there at having a good time. It's just a freaking, it's a freaking blast. It's like a bar without the alcohol. It really is. Well, it takes a very special person too, because you got to think someone who's in the fitness industry, and especially if you're at all successful,
Starting point is 00:20:20 you got to bring it to everybody. You know what I'm saying? You can't like bring it to one client. No shitty people don't last. Yeah, you can't have a rough day at home and then come in and bring it to everybody. You know what I'm saying? You can't like bring it to one client. No shitty people don't ask. You can't have a rough day at home and then come in and bring it to your client. So if you're, although these trainers do exist and they never do well, let me tell you. And that's when you don't belong being a trainer.
Starting point is 00:20:36 If you let your, the outside force is affect how you are with your internal relationships inside the gym with your clients, you're gonna have a rough time building your business because that's what's so unique about those that are special trainers is they have that ability to, who cares, I got a flat tire on the way to work and that I'm freaking behind on rent or whatever the drama they got at home is, when I got my person in front of me,
Starting point is 00:20:59 like they got all of me. You know, it's funny, we're talking about trainers too. Trainers are one job in the fitness industry. It's a big job, it's one that people automatically think about when we say fitness, but, you know, we came from corporate fitness. Yeah, how many positions? We're in a business counselor.
Starting point is 00:21:15 You could do sales, you could do membership sales. Right. You could work front desk. You can manage the front desk, you can manage operations, you could be the general manager. And you can work with a group class instructor. That's right. And you can actually do decent.
Starting point is 00:21:28 You can do decent working in corporate gyms if you're doing a good job. There's a lot of entry level, where you don't do very well. But if you want to do well and you're more of a corporate person, you could do it in fitness. There's a lot of big gyms you could do it in.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And like I said, man, you're surrounded by doers. These are people who just get out and say I'm gonna get something done and theyames you could do it in. And like I said, man, it's, it's, it's, you're surrounded by doers. Like, these are people who just get out and say, I'm going to get something done and they go and they do it. Yeah. And that's the kind of attitude I, you know, I like to be around. Literally, like, I brought that up really, like, I, the only positivity that I experience anymore with fitness is really when I just vest myself into, like, a client that is so hungry to, to change. And Either that or somebody else that's just like at the gym and is asking questions or you could just see it in their eyes that they're there and they're just really motivated
Starting point is 00:22:14 and they're looking for something to happen and they just look up to you for inspiration. Just to be able to take somebody through the process of that and give them quality information and everything, it just helps to bring that spark back. And I've never had that anything else I've done as far as like a job is concerned.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Like having somebody's life transform in front of you. And then you literally see like for me, like seeing this kids's grades change, being able to make this team, getting into this college, it's like this whole snowball effect that happened as a result of just taking that initiative of, hey, I'm gonna change my life right now.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And I was like just a vessel for that. I'm like, look, I'm here change my life right now. And, you know, I was like just a vessel for that. I'm like, look, you know, I'm here for you. And however we can make this happen and give you that self-confidence and empowerment. Oh yeah, changing lives, man. Oh, I take, you know, that kind of reminds me of something that I was literally just talking yesterday with Ev, my roommate, and he's on the maps program.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Oh good. And he's been doing it for a while now. He's kind of inconsistent. So that because he's bartending, plus he's going through and he's getting all his series seven and a bunch of other certifications so that because he's getting in the finance industry. He's been an athlete. He went to college as a sprinter
Starting point is 00:23:36 and stuff like that, full ride, his brother played the NFL. So he's got these genetics where, you know, the sucker does some pull ups and some push ups and like all of a sudden, he starts to get back into shape all the time. And I kept, I've been telling him for a long time. I'm like, dude, I just let me take control of your program. You know, let me help you out like, I know you don't need it because you take your, you take good care of yourself and you look good.
Starting point is 00:23:55 But man, you have the genetics that if you followed like the regiment I want you to, like you're going to start noticing all these things. So he, so he's been going, and last night we're talking, he's like, bro, he's like, I'm coming back and it's my second time on this power phase, and dude, sex is an unreal right now, and bedroom. He's like, you know what's funny? Everybody says that.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Dude, he's telling, he's like, he's like, man, it's makes you horny. He's like, and I start laughing, and I go, you know what, it's crazy you say that too, because maybe if you're in your early 20s or even teens, And I start laughing and I go, you know what? It's crazy you say that too because, you know, maybe if you're in your early 20s or even teens, so that this may not really know that you might not know as much but being guys now in our 30 plus,
Starting point is 00:24:32 you know, I have also a 35, you know, we're in our mid 30s, you know, and we're not in our prime of, you know, testosterone and sex drive. So they still break records, but go ahead. I know, you're special. So, so he's telling me this. I said, man, I tell you what, I said Katrina teases me all the time that you're such a
Starting point is 00:24:52 girl when it comes to feel good. I'm like, I don't feel good. I don't feel sexy. I'm totally like that. Like, the whole thing for me, like, I gotta feel that way. I gotta have got my workout. And it makes a huge difference on my libido when I do that.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And he was chiming right in and the green right in. Right, right with me, whatever, fuck you guys. You know what, if somebody, somebody out there listening to me right now that agrees with me because, and you know what, maybe you're too young, you don't realize yet, but I guarantee you, if you're 30 plus 40 years old.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Bro, I told you this the other day, you don't jerk off enough. Yeah, show me your song. I'm not gonna go. I've been trying that, dude, it's not it you got to do more often. Oh Do you have like a special like pelvic position or maybe it is? We time out bro. You're your man. I know you know how to You're an expert by now. You should be at least
Starting point is 00:25:37 Just do it. Yeah, I'm pretty I do do that. Try to read just a listen to me does it all time. Yeah, send me he sent me some videos But you know, I think that I think that's why I'm though that that I've noticed that more and more myself I've noticed it and then Ebb was talking last night literally last night about this. I thought I'd share that bro speaking of Feeling you know clean and stuff. You know what I bought the other day at Costco. Oh Fleshable wipes. I got the flushable Oh, what did you get? Flushable wipes. I got the flushable. Oh, God, I knew it.
Starting point is 00:26:04 See, I knew it was gonna be real soon here. I got you. You got you. Bro, you know what though? I fucked up. Cause you got in my head, right? And I'm thinking of myself like, he's right. Like, how dirty am I?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, like, like, you can't get rid of all of it. I didn't know. No, it's not. Like, I'd never wash my hands with toilet paper. Well, I think if I touched poop, I wouldn't like, wipe my hands with toilet paper. Exactly. I'd have to clean them.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Right. So I bought the wipes and I use I utilize them now and Tell you what man I feel fresh. I feel Word I feel I feel Svelte is that correct? Yeah, I guess I look Svelte if you were to look down there Yeah, dog is Svelte or The cleanliness you make you know I always make up work filtering down there. Doug, it's Veltar from the Claneliness. You making them worse right now? I don't know. I always make up worse. I always make up worse.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. I always make up worse. We say you never know. You can get a mid afternoon blow job. Mid-epidude rim job. There it is. So how about this? How about when you go out and party with people, fitness people, they party. Like they're good people to go out. We're pretty one way. We're both extremes, right? I just think we're just happy and we're freaking energized people. We've all got good hormones and shit going on. We're gonna go out. That's what you think. I think it's because I think we're a little extreme. Because we're so strict with the diet and stuff. Yeah, I think, I think when you, we're not talking about just anybody who works out. I'm talking about people that keep in the industry.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yeah, in the industry, keep yourself in the, you know, upper echelon of, you know, super fed or that in comparison the rest, the population. There's, we've talked about this before. It takes a little bit of a different breed. You're a little crazy, right? We're a little crazy if you stand in that shape. I love it. You have to be a little neurotic about your food
Starting point is 00:27:53 and your workout regimen to maintain that, especially as you get older. This doesn't look better than everybody else. That's why. Why'd you say that like a dick? Yes. Yes. Fitness people look good. Yeah, no, dick? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Fitness people look good. Yeah. No, it's true. It's true. Yeah. I think we're so strict that when it is time to go out, then everybody, and you see your peers, you see the other trainers and the other people from the gym and everybody's like, just letting loose, like, fuck it, let's go. Well, I feel like I treat partying the same way that I treat my routine.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Like, I don't go half ass into it. Like if I'm gonna tell myself, like, hey, Adam, it's time to like really get in shape. I don't like kind of start getting things. I don't like kind of make good choices eating and kind of work out. I'm like, I'm working out hardcore consistently. I'm dieting on point.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Adam's like, break out the blow. We're gonna party. And I'm drinking. And if I'm going to party, I'm like, we're going all the way. We're gonna party. And I'm drinking. And if I'm going to party, we're going all the way to Kila. We're bringing the heroin. I'm looking to have like two or three drinks and just chill and relax. I'm like, it's not a party. It's not a party. It's not a party. Let's forget what happened. Yeah, right? Exactly. What happened last month? Which hints is why I came back from Vegas. Fucking six. Yeah, cuz I'm scared to hang out You guys what Friday night you guys got me worried
Starting point is 00:29:09 Dude, well, we gotta be we can't go super hard because then we're gonna come back and record I have a feeling that you want to go hard and then record yes, but then we're gonna be done. We're gonna be dumb We might be awesome. Remember the beginning episodes when we get to that. Yeah, that's why I mean, we might be awesome. I think we're gonna be okay, man. I think Joe is gonna pull that character out of all of us. So I think he's gonna be a great little fourth musketeer.
Starting point is 00:29:38 So I think we're gonna go hard in the paint. I can't hold alcohol like you guys can. Or at least like Justin. I know Justin can put it down. We'll get some questions for you Some quick Quail is They may tell us anymore I saw that on the was that was that movie wolf who all sure yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:29:55 They also smoke crack in that though. I know they smoke Yeah, I was like oh that was dying. Yeah, why are you signing that part? It was funny. That's a fucked up We'll bring you some crackers. We'll figure something. Yeah, yeah. I need to get lean anyway, right? I don't want to eat that much. I don't need my teeth. You know what, that's one of the,
Starting point is 00:30:10 I've seen a lot of drugs done in front of me. Crack is not one I've seen done in front of me. That's not one. No. Good. Because that would mean that you were somewhere where people smoke crack. Or, or, like a crack house.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Well, pro, you never know. I mean, come on, growing up, all the parties you've gone to. So that it's not I mean There's never been a cool drug. I'm seeing you know I'm saying it's not like one of those those party drugs like hey, oh, day who brought the crack? Yeah Like what the fuck's that guy's back. Yeah, do that guy smoke a crack. Oh shit It is one of those closet drugs right that that in heroin are like the two closet. Yeah, they don't seem like drugs You can be at a party be like oh, what are those guys doing?
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh, they're just doing some heroin. You know what I mean? You'd be like, fuck, leave those guys alone. That's the joy. Yeah, I guess you're right. I've never had someone in the Hey, Bro, I brought some heroin. You want some?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Never asked me. They asked me everything else before. I've never been there. You want some crack and stand? Yeah, just some crack and heroin. It's simple. You just tie it off. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I got you. I'll help you out. Yeah, episode just went down. No, no. No, we're trying to tie it off. Oh my god. I got you all help you out. Yeah. The episode just went down. No, we're trying to bring it back to the fitness thing, right? Yeah. All the positivity, all the positive stuff. We're talking about drugs and yeah. How, I mean, how about just in general, the evolution of it? I mean, oh, it's an, it's an, it's of all industries. I'd say it, it's like the tech industry in the sense that it's constantly evolving. Yeah. Constantly growing and learning and evolving. I was, I don't know's like the tech industry in the sense that it's constantly evolving. Yeah. Constantly growing and learning and evolving.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I was, I don't know if you guys saw my post about the stretching and stuff like that. And I, you know, of course, you did a post on stretching. Yeah. That's weird. It's given some help ease. It's given some help. Oh, I did see it. Well, I did see what you were trying to, you're trying to get people to get.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I do. Okay. So Joe, since I've been, Joe and I have been talking back trying to, you're trying to get people to get, I do. Okay. So Joe, since I've been, Joe and I have been talking back and forth and he's, and he is like that, right? And I, I forgot that that's how I started my, my Instagram. So it's kind of, and I, did we just talk about this on a podcast? I feel like we talked about this on a podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:58 He got you all motivated. Yeah. And so that's, so lately I've been trying to make sure I get a poster to up there. That's kind of controversial or, or to drag some people into it to debate. And sure shit I did, you know, people coming in and trying to say, oh, my physical therapist told me this. I said, well, if your fucking physical therapist is still touting the shit he was touting fucking 15 years ago, then he's probably wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:16 So, so it's, we've evolved. I used to tell my clients the same thing too, like, hey, you should stretch before you work out. Static stretching. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you'd have been doing corrective stretches before they worked out and it's just not ideal. No, no, it's not okay. Did you see, God, where did you tag me that we talked a little bit of shit and then their fans came over?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Shreds, dude, that's cool. Oh, bro, oh, you saw it. Are we shitting there right now? Maybe we should. Oh, yeah. All right, we're done being positive. Yeah. So Adam tags me on, we're done being positive. Yeah. So Adam tags me on a shreds Instagram page,
Starting point is 00:32:50 and they were like, they were touting some supplement or something like that. No, it was Devin Fazik, and it was one of his last posts where he had, he was holding some, the newest, newest fat burner 7 with the new formula, especially formulated whatever you know whatever and so I commented and I said it's probably and I put a little emoticon of poop yeah like I probably probably shit well a few of
Starting point is 00:33:13 their fanboys came over to my page and started talking shit oh they sort of about me oh see Salah I was wondering where they came from because you showed me that and I was just like who are these little pickers? They're talking shit about my body Nobody After brother, they're like he has no traps. He's got saggy chest I couldn't believe it I'm dying a little bit first of all. It's not a good picture The way I'm posing the way I'm posing, the way I'm posing,
Starting point is 00:33:46 I'm flattening my traps out. So, so they're talking shit. And then you click on these kids, they're profiles, and they're like 15 years old. Yeah, 17. You just got like pulled into that classic online, you know, I'm playing somebody from, you know, Germany or something, it's like a seven year old kid talking shit to you.
Starting point is 00:34:08 So we're going back to kill you. Bro, we're going back and forth. And I don't remember what was said. There was some shit talk about, you know, a lot of gay, they kept going all the day. Oh, dude, they kept telling me like, well, you eat a lot of dick. And this is, I'm like, why is that? And first of all, why is that an insult? I'm not, I don't eat dick, but if I did, it's like, you wouldn't be insulting me.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I know a bunch of gay dudes that could squat you and all your friends together. And I'm a lot smarter than you. And I'm a lot smarter than you. Like, how is that an insult? You know what I'm saying? You like, guys, like, no, I don't, but okay. Like, what's that?
Starting point is 00:34:36 That's all. Anyway, so they're going back and forth and then Joe gets on there and starts talking shit telling me to get off your mom's Wi-Fi. Which is pretty good. His favorite, my favorite line that he uses Joe gets on there and starts talking shit telling me get off your mom's Wi-Fi His favorite my favorite line that he uses that's he said shit like that get off your mom's Wi-Fi And he's and he always says stay in your lane bitch Stay in your lane. I'm so good to steal that At the end of it they became mine pump listeners. I know I'm really gonna be kept directing them yeah to the show
Starting point is 00:35:04 So I might be listening right now. I bet they them to the show. So I might be listening right now. I bet they're listening right now. So if you're listening right now, you fucking grow up. Check yourself, grow up and learn some shit. And otherwise it gets like, I don't know, you know, I hate everybody gets a free pass. He's actually at that age and that age.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah, yeah, dude, when you're young, it's just like, come on, yeah, it's true. Yeah, they're still learning, don't don't go around like Pumping people if you don't know the fuck your dog. Well, that's what that's where he started He started like calling me out on being successful. This and that saying Just because I don't post fucking Lamborghini's and all my fucking cheap ass watches on the fucking Instagram every other It's like does it mean this little shit butt is fucking more successful. We trust me. It's like, but okay, you know Hey, they kind of hit us like a little bit like right where hurt like talking shit about
Starting point is 00:35:55 Successful yeah, they did they got I think I got sounds looks and my success and I was like okay motherfuckers Kudos guys, but now you're listening to us, aren't you? So who won? Who won that one? That's right. Yeah. So I will be, I will be stirring the pot a little bit more. So I, I miss that.
Starting point is 00:36:15 You're not supposed to stir it. We'll smoke it. No, no, no, no, no. I know. I like Batonum and Brigham Inn. So we'll start doing what? Batonum and Brigham Inn. Yeah, it's good for us.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah, the Batonum and Brigham Inn. It's, it's, it's healthy for us. I think it's good that we do that for sure What's funny is every time that happens I'm all I'm thinking about is this is gonna make a great episode I really don't care yeah the whole time actually if anything else texting you guys like this could be great check it out No, you did I'm surprised you haven't had more back lash from like the political stuff though That's what we thought well it's cuz fucking nerd over here. He remember we talked about this. I know. I know I know Posts they're like so that they're that's what you know so layered already you need to tone it down, bro
Starting point is 00:36:54 What do you mean? I think you're in I gotta leave it open for them to do more political Yeah, just like just like in these case cool for example Joe did a did a Political one, but it was totally one of those ones that you knew a bunch of people were gonna be offended by it And we're gonna start talking shit and then since they started on shit He started you all sudden the smarts came out that he was just like I got some debates on there too with some people Yeah, good times. Yeah, you gotta I think you you you come too smart, bro. Why do you smoke shit? Yeah? You're the only the people there only people that agree with you, the only people that are gonna be tagging
Starting point is 00:37:26 and looking at your shit, you need to say stuff that's just like stupid. Yeah, stupid, just like Democrats or idiots. Yeah, just everybody off. Yeah, just leave it like that so people are like, what, when they start coming after you and then. I hate poor people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:42 That should work. That should work. Yeah, yeah, so like that. You know, follow my lead, bro. You'll see, I just put out a little bit out there. Just a little bit, you know. Where are we going with this show? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I don't know. But if you're listening, you should subscribe to Mind Pump, rate, and review us on iTunes. And I don't know. I think that's pretty much it. What do you think, Adam? I'm fucking out of here. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:38:04 For more information about this show, to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. you

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