Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 171: Cherry Devine

Episode Date: October 23, 2015

Sal & Adam interview female entrepreneur who is making a name for herself in a "fringe' business. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Can we just give Doug a shout out real quick? Yeah, just before we before. Doug does deserve a shout out first. We had Selucor, we had Orn's theory, big thing that hit it, and then we have Joe Donnelly, who...
Starting point is 00:00:22 Four hours of episodes, and it ended down to like 20 minutes. We can't air any of this so much. You know what, Doug, you bust your ass, bro. We appreciate it, which is why Adam's giving you a blood job. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Adam, what are friends for? Good wipes. There's a plug. All right. So that sweet voice you hear in the background. It's not Justin. It's me. Besides that one. No, we've actually invited one of my friends on the show. We're not going to use her real name
Starting point is 00:00:53 because she's, well, you'll hear why. But the reason why I wanted to bring her on Mind Pump is because we talk a lot about entrepreneurship, right? She's a much cuter version of Justin. Yep, definitely. Thank you. Yeah, Justin's going to hear this and be so pissed because he knows he's cute. Right. But we, we, you know, we talk about entrepreneurship
Starting point is 00:01:10 we talk about motivation starting, you know, if you, if you want to get into the business of fitness how to do it on your own or even just how to do anything on your own and, you know, how that requires swinging the bat and taking chances and, you know, but so far you've heard a bunch of guys talk about this. I thought it would be great to bring a female perspective. Now, what name can I call you? Cherry Divine. Cherry Divine. It's like a porn star. I know, but I'm going for the Divine, coming from the Vine slash play on Divine.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Oh, I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like know, I like that. I like that. I like that. That's good. So, so, so, Mr. Mr. Vine is a friend of mine and that rhymes.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It was that good. Now all that just rhymed right there. It was perfect. You know I'm a rapper, right? Did I ever tell you about that when I used to rap? Yeah. Fuck. So, how do we meet Facebook, right?
Starting point is 00:02:03 Right. Through a mutual friend. And I had a lot of, instantly I had a lot of respect for her because she had, she's an entrepreneur, she had a business. That she had started and it was growing and I like the branding, I like the labeling that she used. I like to attitude a lot. And, you know, I like to hang out with people that I feel like I can learn from.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And so I kind of, you know, I invited her to my gym and we became friends as a result, but she's an entrepreneur. So, I don't know, maybe we should talk about that a little bit. So the current business you're in, the reason why we have to change, use your name, a different name is, what's the industry that you're in? Well, I work in the cannabis industry. Well, I want to know, being that she's an entrepreneur, I'd like to hear her, she'd bring us an economist on. Well, right.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Well, I know, right. Strike one, right there. Well, no, I did. You won. Oh, that a girl, see, kind of like her. I knew you'd like that. But you better be papered up. I would like to hear kind of how you got into entrepreneurship. So let's pack it up a little bit, but even maybe before cannabis, you know, what made you decide to head into entrepreneurship?
Starting point is 00:03:12 We all talk about how it takes a unique person. Yeah, because you were a corporate girl before, right? Yeah, that's right. I want to hear that. Yeah, so corporate girl got my college degree at Chico State, BSN, business administration, went straight into IT, made great money. At one point in time I was working for Hewlett Packard in 2004. Carly Fierena was running it, and as you know, and probably know even more now since she's in the news more, because she's a candidate for president. She fired a lot of people laid them off. The only person that was in my
Starting point is 00:03:48 upline management after the merger of Compaq was Carly Fiorina herself. So after the fallout of the acquisition of Compaq, it was all Compaq management. So at that point, no new culture I'd said in. It was like the Houston texting culture, which is different from a Californian culture. And I just realized, you know, this isn't my ballgame. I don't have any control over this. You know, that's the man right there. And I don't like the way this feels. And, you know, I clearly don't have control over my future. And I want to have some self-reliance in my life. So this is why you didn't just go work for another company.
Starting point is 00:04:29 You ended up starting your own business at this point? No, I kept working in the IT industry and making super good money, like six-figure income money. I don't want to turn that down. After work, I would hustle and work on my craft, because that's what it's all about, is getting basically those 10,000 hours in of what you do best in mastering that craft. And so many people talk about that.
Starting point is 00:04:54 What was some of the things that surprised you the most when you first started doing that? Because I think there's a lot of challenges when you try to start your own business. Did you have any preconceived notions that were shattered or changed as you got going? No, I don't think so because I knew it was going to be slow to start and it's always been slow to start. I've been doing it since 2004 but slowly and building it and then finally left on good terms in the IT industry in 2011. I did that because I knew I was kind of on the nipple of corporate America, you know, getting my paycheck. And I knew I would make mistakes a lot faster if I went out and just did it rather than
Starting point is 00:05:38 making mistakes a lot slower and going day by day by day by day and corporate America. So yeah, I just finally took the jump and did it. And you started what skincare? Yeah, I do skincare cosmetics, mostly natural products. So that sounds an ask you when you referred to your craft that you were doing after work, is what were you doing exactly and what made you start doing that? Yeah, so certified aroma therapist since 2004. The real story is I had cervical cancer and I couldn't get rid of it, couldn't shake it for four years pre-cancerous.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And I tried herbs, I tried different things, I couldn't shake it. And I know a lot of women out there will totally resonate with me on this because it's pap smears, we have to get these every year. And it was irregular. So it was really scary for me and like I said,
Starting point is 00:06:28 I studied herbs and they really weren't working very fast and so I started getting into essential oils and they are much more aggressive, just medicine. And I worked with my teacher who I was a protégé for about a year and we created a formula and for those out there it's just Eucalyptus citradoria. who I was a protege for about a year. And we created a formula. And for those out there, it's just eucalyptus citriodora, eucalyptus, ferraha, which is a rare oil,
Starting point is 00:06:53 and cinnamon, which is really aggressive. And we put those in suppositories. Well, I did. And I did cervical suppositories. No shit. Yeah. And it worked. Yeah, in two weeks, I did two weeks. Wow. And I literally
Starting point is 00:07:07 pray to the plants in my kitchen. And I said, plants, if you heal me, I'm going to forever be your advocate. Right forever. Forever. Yeah. And I did it for two weeks every night. And then when I had my cervical exam, they had to take a sample. And the doctor actually said, hey, I think I see something. So it was like, shit. No, I hope you don't. And it turned out negative. Negative.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Woo! Wow. Awesome. And so at that point, you're like, I want to get, I want to be in this industry. I want to make these types of products, work with these things, plants to help other people. Yeah, absolutely. I totally do. Yeah, that is the reason I'm here.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And I feel like that's why it's divine. I mean, I mean, really it's more than just like, sounds like a porn star name or something. I mean, it really is. I feel like plants are divine. If you look at them, the Fibonacci sequences in them, Fibonacci, the mirror, Fibonacci, the man with the eye. So it's got the spiral, like a nautilus, like a snail shell.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And you find that sequence everywhere. In nature, you find it in the universe, you find it the way you plan its move. I mean, it's pretty crazy. It's a, so, and this, you know what you're the, you're exactly the kind of person I would want, making a cannabis product for me, because you love plants so much, that I want somebody who's got that kind of passion, making those kinds of products. Which is so refreshing to have somebody like her on here,
Starting point is 00:08:36 because I think the whole cannabis industry, being somebody who was in the cannabis industry for a long time, it gets such a bad rap, because there is another half or there's side of people that are in it just to make a buck and, you know, they know it's, that's what's where it's going. And so, it's a hustle for them or whatever, and they don't really truly care about, you know, what it can really truly do. So it's always refreshing to meet somebody who does care, who has a great story like that and can share that. So, where,
Starting point is 00:09:02 where did this, where did this start to turn into, you know, heading in the direction of cannabis, you know, you obviously, you're doing essential oils, you're working that way. This happens to you and then where from there? Yeah, just, you know, seeing more activity legally in California, the ability to do it. So I just, I saw a couple of people out there doing it badly, you know, my competitors, I guess, and it's like, oh my God, I can run circles around this. So yeah. Can you relate with that?
Starting point is 00:09:31 Before you came in here, so I have three buddies. The way I fell on a cannabis, I've been a personal trainer, I've been health and wellness my whole life. I actually was anti-marijuana guy. Just because as a kid, when I first tried to have a bad experience, nobody told me that you could smoke too much of it to get it.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Would you? Apparently. Yeah. And I was, and I was, and I was, somebody who was very sensitive. So I was like, ah, away from it forever and didn't want anything to do with it. Well, fast forward my life 10, 10 plus years later, and I have a client of mine who is in the industry and have been in it for a long time. And he saw the direction was going as far as, you know, going in the legal direction and the cannabis clubs.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And he saw the way that I actually manage a team and a staff and the way I ran my club and he said, Hey, I have this vision that, you know, this was back when San Jose original was only supposed to have 12 clubs when they first came out. And he says, I'm going to have the rights to six of those 12 clubs. And I want you to manage them and oversee them. And I'm like, dude, I don't know anything about. I don't know. I don't know shit about this man. He's like, yeah, I don't need you to. I need you just to run the facilities. I trust you as a person. And I don't know. We had built that relationship. So when I got into it, I saw how many idiots were actually running
Starting point is 00:10:44 it. Is it, is it, is saw how many idiots were actually running it. Is it just because it's just a bunch of hippies and stoners that started? I mean, I think it's like street hustlers that turn try to legitimize it, but they're still hustling. And it's like very aggressive alpha males out there. Just, I want that. I get that. You know, I know that.
Starting point is 00:11:03 You guys probably do a better grant than me, but that is, I mean, you see. I know that you guys probably do a better grant than me, but that is, I mean, you see. I think that was very well put and I think it sounds better coming from you than it was for me because I was probably more rude about it the way I said it is. That's exactly what it was. And, you know, even though I didn't have any real experience in that, it didn't take me very long to realize that, wow, these guys are just like Passing information around each other nobody understands the science nobody actually picked the fucking book up and read anything And so even though I wasn't really educated in that field I thought well
Starting point is 00:11:34 I most certainly could go down to Barnes and Noble and start fucking picking some books up and start reading And so me and my two other nerdy buddies started doing that we started started reading and learning all about the plant and learning about the body. And I thought, holy shit, there was, and then I started to find a lot of parallels with the cannabis plant with the human body, which then I actually got hooked and onto it, because I've always been into the human body and anatomy and kinesiology and all that stuff. And then when I started to see the parallels that the marijuana plant had, I thought, wow, this is really cool. And then I got really into it. So did my two buddies. So
Starting point is 00:12:08 we got very good at it. And we just destroyed everybody in the area because nobody was, nobody understood the science behind it. Everybody was just passing on information that they had learned from somebody. And some of them, you know, we're decent at doing it, but no one even really understood the process on how they got there. So obviously you ran into the same thing. What is the current state of the industry look like right now in California? I think it looks bright because a lot of women are getting involved. Oh really? Yeah, in fact, there's a really cool women's organization across the nation.
Starting point is 00:12:39 There's 37 chapters called Women Grow. And it's really really gonna be the piece that pushes us over the edge and legalization because right now a lot of women are uninformed. You know, that there's a stigma and maybe like a Puritan thing. I don't know, but most guys are, there's more men okay with cannabis than women.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You know, it's funny. It was women who were strongly behind the Prohibition Act back when alcohol became illegal. It was women coming together and saying, we want to make alcohol illegal. And until this day, they're the most anti-drug. And the stereotype is because they're moms, they're their kids, they don't want their kids
Starting point is 00:13:20 to be exposed. But now that we're learning about the ills of the drug war and how the black market that created much worse than the drugs themselves, that's what you're starting to see. Yeah, and then who buys, who's typically making the store purchases, like the toothpaste and the deodorants and the aspirin and the vitamin C?
Starting point is 00:13:40 Who's making that women, right? So like they're the caretakers, they buy the majority of the groceries usually. So they're gonna buy cannabis too, because that's medicine, and they're gonna wanna take care of their family and use it for the right reasons at the right times. I tell you what, if you had to pick a consumer,
Starting point is 00:13:59 if you had to pick between men and women, women all day. Women all day. Women all day. Yeah, all day. Oh yeah, definitely Women all day. Yeah, all day. Oh yeah, definitely, because of my men's skincare line. Yeah, I mean, it's a little bit harder to sell. If I put flowers and stuff on it.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yeah, well, I'd be like, Justin just mentioned the last podcast. We had he don't even wash his fucking face, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, it's just a little bit harder. Yeah. And then, Sal, Sal, he lotions up three parts of his body. So we're the worst, we're the worst people in so- Yeah. Lots of lotion.
Starting point is 00:14:31 So I want to talk about some of the products that either- Well dude, there was one that we were talking about off-air. We got to start about it. Well, I wanted to get to that, but you can't. No, no, no. You want to drop there? Yeah, no foreplay. Yeah, no foreplay straight to the ainus, please.
Starting point is 00:14:45 So you guys have a lube. You guys have a cannabis lube. How does that work? Well, it's the only silicone lube on the market. So there's a bunch of, they call them lube, you know, infused lubricants out on the market, infused with cannabis. And but if they're all coconut oil or they're oil-based, that, that f affects with your condom. Sorry guys, but that's how you get a girl pregnant. It is messing around with oil. Yeah, section 101.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I would think the cannabis, I would think the cannabis with desensitize down there. No, it doesn't. Well, for the women, it makes it even more sensitive. Really? Yeah, yeah. Okay, so with the silicone, the silicone, you can also, it's great for gay male sex too. Oh, there you go Adam. So this is like, it's really high performance. It's so high performance. It's so, hey.
Starting point is 00:15:45 High performance. It is, yeah. Well, you need, I mean, okay, you're gonna want a loop that doesn't like break down, right? And silicone is supposed to be the best loop. Well, okay, we have to back up because I'm fascinated by this right now. I do understand that, you know, sex, if you've never had sex, while having cannabis in your system, you're missing out because I think it's... Oh, yeah, do I have for G-Shack?
Starting point is 00:16:08 Greatest F-G-Shack. Absolutely, I think it's fantastic. Now, if you're somebody who has had that, I get where you would heighten the senses, but I would also think that like you would, like just like they used for the pain. If you do it for pain, it's numbs the area, so I would think that it would decentatize,
Starting point is 00:16:25 but it doesn't, it heightens. For the clitoris, yes. Wow. So I'm so fascinated with the clitoris, too. It is, you know, I have the clitoris. Yeah. Yeah, we're still doing some 13. I'm sorry, we're 13 years old.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Well, we can talk more about the clitoris. It's okay. Yeah. Well, so some of the, like it's, straight couples that have talked to me and said, once that she put it on an hour and a half before intimacy and she's, okay, this is crazy. She said, I guess she's a squirtier. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And she's just conversation. Yeah, really? It just got really interesting. Keep going here. Well, yeah, it's a show. I know. It's just kind of crazy. So, and she scored it and like, scored it just got really interesting. Keep going here. Well, yeah, it's so show I know it's just kind of crazy so she scored it and like scored it through her duvet. This is the straight quote. It's like her testimonial. That's crazy, right? Right that right that on the bottle. Yeah, so so increase the sensitivity. Actually, you know why that makes sense? Okay, so there's no psychoactive effect.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Really? Okay, it's not going to ask you effect. Okay, it's not gonna ask you that. So let's say you're having sex, you've got all this loop. It's, you've got those membranes of the vagina, they are sensitive, they will absorb. They don't get, like, they don't like three hours later all of a sudden get high as shit. Yeah, I don't think it's, I don't know, people are using it really using it like vaginally.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I think it's more like clitoris. Oh, like rub it on while I gotcha. What about you said something earlier about Gasex. You were saying that the guy will be high for two days or something like that. Yeah, the receiver gets super high for like until mid-next morning. Well, that makes sense because you can absorb things. Oh, exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Exactly. That's just like we've joked about this before. I think on my pump about getting drunk. If you take a shot through the asshole, you're going to be like, your body absorbs like a higher percentage of it. You have to go through this. Which to me was like, it's like a freaking paradox because you're
Starting point is 00:18:16 probably already drunk when you're decided to put a shot up. Right. Right. That's not like a sober decision. Yeah. You guys want to start drinking for shot up the ass. Let's do it. Like, you don't? Right. That's not like a sober decision. You're not like, hey, you guys want to start drinking. First shot up the ass, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Like, you don't do that. No way. It doesn't make any sense. So you've got a lot of positive feedback from the cannabis sex loob. Yeah, yeah. We even took it to full-substreet fair. No. San Francisco, yeah, it was so awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:39 The people try it right there, would they like? Oh, we gave it to the rugby team. I guess there's a gay rugby team in San Francisco and they were so excited about it. There's a gay rugby team? Yeah, they're all your size, Adam. I am not joking. I wouldn't even think that it's like literally the gay rugby team. That's, I don't think they necessarily proclaimed it.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Oh, okay. I mean, they are gay for sure. They're like, yeah, they're out there doing it. No, what? You didn't happen to bring that, did you? Did you bring it? Did you bring it? Yeah, I mean they are gay for sure. They're like yeah, they're out there doing no way you didn't happen to bring that did you Did you bring it? Yeah, I actually What what I do have a bottle? Yes, you have a bottle. Yeah. Oh, all right go grab it. Yeah, you have to grab it right now Adam's gonna rub it on his cliff I am definitely gonna use
Starting point is 00:19:18 Sal doesn't have to sell doesn't have enough sex to use this, but I will most certainly use this so let me borrow that one I'll give you I'll give you some reviews. And then when you get back to the mic, if you could, if you could explain where the clitoris is for Doug, because I can see he's looking at us confused right now. Is that inside? Is what he's asking? So what is the bottle? Are we allowed to say what the name of the product is on the bottle?
Starting point is 00:19:42 Okay. You can say it's a natural cannabis. It's CO2 cannabis infused. So it's infused with CO2, which is awesome. And it's called canalupe, C-A-N-N-A, and then lube, personal lubricant. Is it, so this has all the cannabinoids, THC, CBD, whole plant. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Any benefit to either THC or CBD, any in terms of for Lou birds all of it I just don't think we have enough experience knowing Yeah, I mean, I hope we get to do more formulas. That's actually although the label doesn't say it that's candy land That's infused with candy land. Oh the strain candy land. Yeah, exactly Oh, the whole thing has 20 milligram 60 milligrams of THC. Yeah So the difference with... I'm gonna try a little bit on my fingers, is that okay? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:20:27 The difference is... Make sure you save some for me, bro. I'm taking that home tonight, I guess you're welcome. Oh shit. Okay, so this is really slippery. It's really slippery. Like, astro glide slippery. More, astro glides water-based.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Silicone-based stuff will, is way better. Yeah, it stays around. Dude, here, rub my finger. Put your finger on my finger, dude. It's not weird, dude. No, dude Here run my finger Put your finger on my finger It's not weird when you just don't look at me. It's not weird if I like it No, put a little bit of just a tat on your I'm going to bro I don't think it'll work because a little you have to take the whole cap off. Oh you yeah
Starting point is 00:21:00 But be careful because it'll spill everywhere. Oh, gosh. Yeah you just put a little bit on it like I did your duck bend over real quick Like it yeah, you're gonna be high for the next four days Is this is this your best is this one your best sellers? It just came out on the market in August. Oh awesome, but everybody's really excited about it This is so I can see I'm excited. I can't wait. Honey, it smells good. Honey, when I get home, it smells really good too. It smells like natural to me. It smells natural. I like it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I agree. I would hype it up, I get smells like fantastic. It smells good. It smells natural. Mind pump episode, whatever, Sal and Adam, test out Loub. It is very. So what are the products that you have that you're selling right now?
Starting point is 00:21:46 I think another good one I have is sunscreen. Oh, really? Yeah, because you know, cannabis is technically antioxidant. So well, it's anti-cancer, right? Let's talk about that for a little bit. Some of the studies that are coming out showing that cannabinoids are anti-cancer. Yeah. This is one of the reasons why they've tried forever to tie smoking
Starting point is 00:22:06 marijuana to lung cancer, and they can't, because although smoke is very carcinogenic, the cannabinoids are very anti-cancer. And so people are coming out without lung cancer. Do you have anything that you've made for psoriasis or eczema for skin stuff like that? I know there's been studies out for that also. Yeah, it's supposed to be like, sciaritic, meaning like anti-surreicists. We have a lotion, I have a couple of lotions that I make for different clients. We still have about 5,000 bottles. I brought some of that.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah, good stuff. So let me, I would be like your number one customer. Oh, I'm sure dude. Seriously, she's the best. So let me ask you this. Let's talk about the cannabinoids, which I guess, talk about a little bit explain
Starting point is 00:22:47 them to me. We know what THC is or our listeners are going to know what THC is. That's the psychoactive, right? That's what gets you high. What about some of the other lesser known cannabinoids? Yeah, well, cannabis dial is the one that Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks about the most because of Charlotte's web and little Charlotte having something like 500 epileptic seizures. I think like 300 in a week or something like that and dosing I think internally, you know, basically eating a little bit, minimize her seizures to only three in a month. Imagine being that parent. Oh, this is like the that changed your life. Oh, the kiss of time. Yeah, someone was having 300 a week
Starting point is 00:23:27 to all of a sudden three a month. She only combatoes, yeah. She was like, that's like, that's more than life-changing. That's from the CBD. Does, yeah, from Charlotte's web. Do you remember how much they had to docer in order to get them to settle down that much? Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:23:39 No. I remember here in the store. Well, so GW Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical company that's working with CBD to make drugs. And they've actually got fast-tracked to, I think, orphan drug status for a drug that is CBD-based for certain types of epilepsy. So stuff like this, like what she's talking about, is what prompted a lot of these companies to take a look, because now there's money.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah, and frankly, it makes everybody reconsider what it is as medicine, you know, and they're definitely our physiological effects of it, but you know, I don't think a lot of people realize they might be using it as medicine for their mental hygiene as well, like feeling better, happier, calmer, about things. They may think they're getting maybe so-called high, but it's actually medicine and they're taking it and they're feeling better. It's actually supposed to be really good for, I think, one of the reasons someone and take it's for pre-mensile syndrome, things like cramps and, you know, where you feel kind of down or whatever, it's supposed to help with that as well.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So any other benefits to CBD? So anti-seizure, it's not psychoactive. That's right, yeah, I think that's a great benefit because there's a lot of people who can who are consumers of external products like, you know, lotions or I don't know anything bombs, appointments, because there is no psychoactive factor to it. There's a lot of people who don't want to feel, you know, the high from it. So it works out well, especially the older patients, which is like a big part of our demographic. You know, that's what we're top heavy with. Our like elder generation and their knees are hurting and they're using it for pain.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Oh, for sure. They are. Yeah. And other diseases. Oh, what's that one that they Parkinson's, Parkinson's. Oh, right. Yeah, they're using it where they Parkinson's, Parkinson's? Yeah, they're using it where they're the most tense like in their sort of neck.
Starting point is 00:25:31 They get really tight right there. And so the- Specicity, help with specificity? I guess, yeah. So CBD and T-sheb are the two most well-known cannabinoids. What are some other cannabinoids that you're seeing some new research on? Cause I know you're on the up and up.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Kind of, yeah, I mean, there's cannabageral and there's some people that are saying, I think that one is like a anti-apatite, like a appetite suppressant. But I just think that's a little hyped up. I don't believe that. Yeah, I think there's an appetite suppressant. I think that's like Sativa.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Really? Yeah. That's. Well, cannabacromine appetite for the person. I think that's like Sativa really yeah Mm-hmm. Well, can it be chromine? Is that am I saying that right CBC? I read somewhere. It's like it improves or it's good for neurogenesis helps grow brain cells Which is hilarious because that's the opposite of what they said it did for such a long time. Yeah, so So being so you're obviously against the war on drugs then. Of course. You would say that's a position you're at you. Yeah, it's up to you.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah, definitely. Now, are you pro, like, heavily regulated for the marijuana industry or how do you think it should be run if it becomes, or when it becomes legalized? Because I think it's going to be eventually. I come from the School of Thought of Good Manufacturing Practices as defined by the Food and Drug Administration. So I feel that people should make and produce products safely for consumer safety, and that means making sure your ingredients are produced in a clean environment with people
Starting point is 00:26:56 wearing gloves, face masks, hair nets, lab coats, and a clean facility with stuff that's been sanitized with alcohol. And because these people have immune systems that might be compromised. And there's a lot of people who are unregulated in the industry creating products, and they're not being held accountable to wearing a mask. Yeah, and that makes it hard, especially when it's not legal. It makes it hard to regulate it in that way. So you think like regulating kind of like food or like wine, which would make a big difference.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I think so too. Yeah, that's kind of my school of thought, because I think there's kind of this range of regulation that you can have with products, everything from being unregulated completely but being legal to being so strictly regulated that it's a schedule one drug, and you can't even study it. And I think drugs, all illegal drugs fall somewhere in that spectrum, but I think very few to none
Starting point is 00:27:54 should be schedule one, can't even study it, especially not marijuana. Yeah, I think schedule two also I think only keeps it in the hands of a pharmacist. So that's a problem potentially for me as an entrepreneur in the cannabis industry that might make it difficult for me to do something with the plant. Now, what happened recently, because we were next door to a cannabis club
Starting point is 00:28:20 that now had to move. Right. What happened? Because like all of a sudden, they were there. They've been there for a while. Yeah, I've heard rumors of them trying to get everybody located downtown or something like that. Is that what they're trying to do?
Starting point is 00:28:32 They're trying to, I know before it was industrial area and zoning and no ex amount away from schools, this, that. What's the latest and greatest with the city? Yes, really just the city trying to minimize how many ice or I guess they want to see and there's definitely some people who are doing business badly. Some loitering, you know, so they weren't they weren't holding
Starting point is 00:28:57 their patients accountable to good to to behaving well. So I could see why San Jose did some of it, but they did a very broad brushstroke and and made it very hard. So there's only going to be about 20 people, maybe 12 at the end of it all and so we're actually going to lose clubs. Oh, yeah. We've probably lost already like 90 or something since last summer. Wow. Let me ask you this. The people who will be left over. Do you think they were part of pushing through
Starting point is 00:29:25 this legislation to get rid of their competitors? No. You don't think so at all. No. Yeah. But they're going to definitely benefit from it, profit. Oh, for sure, yeah. Because there's a high demand low supply.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And there only need to be allowed to grow a certain amount. Really? So the price is about to go up. Well, they're real estate. They're only going to have a certain amount of grow locations. Yeah, because they now made it, what I think that was last year, the year before where you actually
Starting point is 00:29:50 the grow on site of where your cannabis clothing is right. Yeah, or at least like one or two maybe alternate sites max. Right. So that mean that clearly puts your supply at, you know, a ceiling at least, you know. Yeah. Now, how is your relationship with cannabis?
Starting point is 00:30:05 How did you first start using it? And what do you use it for if you do? I think it's well... Besides the loop. Yeah. Well, I will for medicinal for sure. I mean, I usually do some edibles if I have cramps for my period.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So that actually helps a lot and same with my migraines, edibles help, but otherwise I don't really like edibles because I definitely don't like to have fun with them because it's just not the type of fun I like. And, but I do like to sleep well with them. And so I know what my dose is.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I'm like, you know, 12 milligrams. Everybody should know their dose. They should figure it out. Yeah, have you ever done too much? Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember one time for tickly, you tell me about. Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:55 So it's not too often where people actually have, what do you call like a psychodelic experience? Yeah, because you could go there with you. Oh, I have. Yeah. It's a high to bad experience my first edible. Oh, see? Yeah, because you could go there with you. Oh, I have. Yeah, yeah. So I had a bad experience, my first edible. Oh, see? Yeah, that's so, yeah, be careful out there,
Starting point is 00:31:10 because those edibles will rock your fucking skull. Well, and this is something that, and I'm sure you can agree with this, one of the things I had a problem with it when we had the clubs was, you know, when they first started, it became this competitiveness between these companies making the edibles on who can make the strongest cookie for the cheapest price. There's a freaking cookie that has 1,000 milligrams of THC in the cookie.
Starting point is 00:31:36 That's silly. And that's just silly. And that's just silly. Yeah, because they were appealing to a certain demographic of people that were coming in that were so looking for this crazy amount of dosage. Then you get a guy like me who's never had it before and he thinks, okay, I can have this one little sugar for this big around.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I'm not a good guy. It was Halloween and it was not a good time not a good fucking time to do it, right? So my buddy goes up to one of the clubs up in Santa Cruz. This was before I had the cannabis club. So this was, this is pre-Adam doing any cannabis or around it. So those that are listeners,
Starting point is 00:32:10 they know that I talk openly about smoking marijuana. And I had, this is before all that, before I had learned about it or anything. And my buddy says, oh, they got these great cookies. You'll love it. And I was like, oh, you know, I don't know. When I was younger, I had an experience with brownies. And I didn't like it too much. He's like, oh, no, no, these are cookies. You'll love it. And I was like, oh, you know, I don't know. When I was younger, I had an experience with brownies. I didn't like it too much.
Starting point is 00:32:26 He's like, oh, no, no, these are fine. These are, you know, medical marijuana. So they'll be okay. And I'm like, okay. So it just means they're strong. Right. I don't know what the fuck that means at the time, right? So I'm like, whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Of course being a sucker. And it's Halloween. So we're all getting ready for this party. And it's like, I don't know, four or five o'clock. And he comes over and he gives me this little cookie. And on it says four doses. I hate those. Which is probably, it probably had about 80 to 100 milligrams
Starting point is 00:32:49 and total on the cookie. Yeah, and at that time, I don't even know. This was even before they started really, because breaking down the milligrams of doses was way later. Yeah. When they first started, it was like, It was just like dose. Yeah, it was one dose, two dose, three dose, four dose.
Starting point is 00:33:02 It's so subjective too. Yeah, very subjective. Exactly. And, you know, and later on, it was one dose, two dose, three dose, four dose. It's so subjective too. Yeah, very subjective. What is a dose? Exactly. And later on, I learned that a one dose to one company could be five doses to another company because no one was putting these act milligrams in. Nobody was handling it professionally.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Like Cheri's talking about. So I take this four dose cookie and I'm thinking, my little buddy who's next to me, he probably weighs a buck 50. And he's eating all of it. So I'm like, okay, I could probably handle all of it, right? I'm twice this size. So I take this cookie and maybe actually, in in fact, I took half the cookie at first and I waited like 30, 45 minutes. Oh, and I didn't feel anything.
Starting point is 00:33:37 This is the big mistake. Yeah, everybody does. I don't feel anything. Sometimes it takes like an hour and hour and a half. Exactly. And so, especially if you're on a full stomach, like I think I just ate something, right? So, like a half hour, 45 minutes goes by and I don't feel anything at all, so I'm like, how many to other half? Because it's, I'm probably not gonna throw it.
Starting point is 00:33:54 So, eat the other half. So, wait, before you continue, this is why that sucks so bad. So, you ate one for 30, 45 minutes, didn't feel anything. It's the other half. Yeah. So, here's what happens. The first half will hit you. you're high out of your mind, but then you fucking realize, oh shit,
Starting point is 00:34:08 I'm not even feeling the second half yet. Because another 45 minutes, the second train is gonna come running over. I actually have a picture of me. Someone took a picture of me. I have it, I'll show up. You're in the bathtub. I'm in the fetal position on the bed.
Starting point is 00:34:23 That much? No, it made me throw up. I threw up from it. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, I threw up because it was so strong. I could. Were you just tripping balls? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:31 No, I was totally, totally, totally, you know, and that people think that you can't hallucinate or anything like that. Oh, yeah, you can. No, yeah. No, there was fucking dancing peak elephants and everything. Bro, it was fucking. Were there really pink elephants? No, there wasn't really pink elephants.
Starting point is 00:34:43 But what they're, what I did experience was and what happens, it's more a mental thing, right? So someone would come in the room right to check on me. I was laying in there just, oh, tripping balls. And someone would come in and they'd be like, hey, are you doing okay? And then I would hear that repeated in my head over and over. After they said it, you know, over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:35:04 And then I would wig out like Nothing as funny or the listening to people oh, oh, oh, these guys dude like the over those stories I was it was the worst and you just wanted to stop you but it doesn't no it doesn't and it slows time down Oh, it's actually distorts your perception of time it lasts so long Right so four hours does like 24 hours. Oh four hours feels like it just it feels like one long nightmare It's well power. Yeah, you have to just go I got to get through this exactly It's you and I literally remember just being in the fetal position putting the the pillows over my ears I didn't want to hear any noises. I want to hear anything because everything
Starting point is 00:35:39 Okay, yeah, just can't reply in my head replaying in my head People coming to like leave me alone just leave me alone, I seem to sleep, but I just didn't sleep. You know, and they kept doing it, and they kept messing with me and making me throw up, and then I'd throw up, and then it was awful. So you can imagine, right? The guy who ends up doing the cannabis clubs later on
Starting point is 00:35:56 is that I really had a bad taste in my mouth when it came to Maryland. Well, here's the thing, it's so much easier to overdose with edibles than it is with smoke. Oh, absolutely. Smoke or beer. I don't even, I don't know anybody that's from traditional smoke, maybe from wax and doing, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:10 stuff like that. And wax that brings us to cherry story. Yeah. I remember you telling me that. This one's good. So I was on a first date, basically. Were you overdosing on first date? Totally.
Starting point is 00:36:21 It was so bad. Yeah. That was a great first day. Yeah, and I definitely had, did too much wax and in one sitting. And I don't know what it was, but I went straight into like tunnel vision. And it was at an event too. And I was just like, keep it together, cherry, keep it together. You just kept saying that to yourself.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Oh, totally. I had the game face on. And I couldn't see anybody. It was like all dull and just like time warpy. Wow. And my date got me a water. And so I sipped on that. I thought I was OK. And then we started driving.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And I was feeling sick. So I said, pull over. That's when I became a phallic, like a phallic tower of lava. What do you mean? I became lava, like in my mind. What a lot of seconds. We stopped.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Wait a minute. Let's back up for a sec. A phallic. Yeah, like a mound of lava. So you became a lava cock. Is is what you say I was like this long Mound that's what you saw yourself as I just was that and I'm like I'm going with it. I was You know, it's just like I went right in there to my lava place whatever it was and it was like red and orange and I'm just like in there to my lava place, whatever it was. And it was like red and orange. And I'm just like, I'm lava. It was crazy. So what do they, okay, I want to hear that I wish we could hear the
Starting point is 00:37:49 guys perspective of this. I just tuned them out. I have no idea. I have no idea. But I'm guessing you didn't have a second date. Well, that's, I didn't get to the second worst part of the date with. Oh, it gets better. Yeah. So he's like, we should just get back. And I say, yeah, let's go. So he starts driving just too fast. And my stomach starts doing flip flops. And I have to grab the Ritz Cracker Bar, or Ritz Cracker Box, and throw up in the Ritz Cracker Bar.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Oh, my God. On my first day, I'm blowing chunks. I don't throw up. Well, I'm like a cat when I throw up. I'm just like, you know, I can't do it. So, yeah, it was bad. So I actually contained my spill within the Ritz cracker box.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Oh. Yeah, and yeah, we really didn't talk after that. Yeah, I bet. So this is a lesson for you guys out there, ever trying to, so you said your dose is 12 milligrams? For additives. Five for us for me. Anything over five, I just don't like it.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I just don't like the way I feel. I feel too weird. I don't know, I might get paranoid. So. Yeah, you're pretty sensitive. You're kind of a Sally Sal. You know what? No, you know what it is?
Starting point is 00:39:00 We call it, we call it Sally Sal over here. You know, you know what it is? I can't have too much milligrams of caffeine. I know that's too much. You know what it is? I can't have too much milligrams of caffeine. I think it's too much. You know what it is? I'm all, I'm all, I'm all, if you were in my body, this is what you would say. You'd be like, this guy's high all the time.
Starting point is 00:39:12 That's my natural. That's how I naturally am. Oh, is that what you're saying? So anything additional to that is like, it's amplified, you know what I'm saying? But naturally, I'm always like, I'm on like five different drugs. That's just my brain, just the way it works.
Starting point is 00:39:23 It's already crazy. So, Cherry, before we finish, you also at one point had a website talking about sexual hygiene. Yeah, and I wanted to talk about that because Adam's a big supporter of that kind of hygiene. So any tips you can give some of the list that's of sexual hygiene? Yeah, I I would send a list of the sexual hygiene.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Yeah, I think there's a lot of tips that people can use out there to always guarantee a good experience with your girl or even your guy. You know, and one of that is just washing with the right kind of soap and not using the synthetic fragrances. Because that doesn't get rid of anything going on down there. It just like masks it with perfume plus funk, whatever. So what's a bad soap to use? Probably like designer soaps. Oh, okay. Like floral.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Sorry Adam. It's like floral. You know, what do you think about like summer's eve? And stuff like that for cleaning down in that area. He's so serious. I am. I'm just education right here, bro. Yeah, I don't think so. I mean, they're using like chemicals and stuff. I mean, what people really want to use
Starting point is 00:40:30 is natural products, frankly, with essential oils, because essential oils are bacteria static. What does that mean? That means that it keeps bacteria in a holding pattern. So it doesn't kill all the bacteria, which is what you don't want. You don't want. Yeah, in fact, women don't want, you know, we have a total equal livery imbalance going on down there. There's a whole ecosystem down there. Adam, you know that? Absolutely. Every time you go down there, I'm always trying to make sure it's balanced, bro. I'm working on that. I'm always trying to keep my fung shway.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Whenever a woman's ecosystem senses Adam coming, it's like, no, I'm kidding. Yeah. But I I mean it goes for guys too. You guys don't always what we have an ecosystem. Yeah, well, so I told you I went to the full Sun Street Fair. Yeah, so I happened to meet. Oh, I was hanging out with the lawyer for kink.com. A female lawyer and at the same time. I don't know what that website is.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Continue. Well, so there happened to be this nice looking lady that was definitely, that's very small breasts. And she was working it really good, just like pinching her nipples, just acting like she was the shit. Wow. And so I'm like, damn, that girl was working it back there. She goes, oh yeah, girl friend. Everything's changing in the porn industry. Wow. And so I'm like, damn, that girl was working it back there. She goes, oh yeah, girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Everything's changing in the porn industry. The natural look is back. Guys don't want to see like a bunch of spheres on women anymore, like melons. They want to see the real natural look and the bush is back to, but keep it trim. Wow. Trim bush.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Oh, it is coming. What do we talk about? We talked about this while we started to make full circle back in the 70s here. I said the same. Wow. Trim Bush. Okay. It is coming. What do we talk about this while we're starting to make full circle back in the seventies here? I said the same. Yeah. Here we go. We went. Yeah. We just you did. Didn't you share that post recently? The seventies was a big old bush than the eighties. We had the triangle and the nineties. It was the runway strip. Then 2000. It's bald. Yeah. Now we're working our way back and men have hairy beardsards and then we're gonna start shaving and they're gonna start growing It's gonna be the opposite right you know, I mean hairy bushes. You can't have a big bush and a beard Yeah, I can double positive or something
Starting point is 00:42:32 Well, then you get you could get entangled Tynott's down there. You don't want to do that. No kidding out there interesting. It is interesting. I like it so so Boom back to keeping our another reasons clean you You have a line, a product that you sell? Well, I do. I do have a line. It definitely helps. I mean, people just come to me and told me, oh my god, my husband actually smells better and I like to give him blow jobs now or something like that. So, it's just, Probably the best selling, I've never heard of a sales pitch
Starting point is 00:43:07 as effective as what you just did. You're right, right. This will probably increase your bloat. I don't know why, we need to figure out a way to sell this through our site. Well, I was gonna say when you leave, we need to talk about what we can do business wise again. Cause I already preached this as it is
Starting point is 00:43:19 and like I can always be taught. And it sounds like this would be a great product for myself and all my listeners that agree with me and disagree with Sound Justin and this air anybody that's sexually active. You know, it's like who wants exactly it's just that it's sourly or sexually active so That's really what? Kuku. Kuku. Don't want to smell like Kuku. I like that. Nobody wants to check the mic when it smells. Nobody wants to check the mic when it smells. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Listeners, please do not forget to subscribe to Mind Pump. It'll leave us a nice review and give us a good rating. Let's check. Keep your butt holes clean. Thank you, Cherry. You're welcome. Thank you. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin. Visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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