Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1732: How to Workout Every Day for 30 Days (Free Workout!)

Episode Date: January 20, 2022

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover five keys to designing a daily workout for 30 days & have also included a free workout at maps30day.com! Mind Pump, giving back to their audience. (3:14) The ...value of proper programming to get you started the RIGHT way. (5:43) The importance of mobility and mapping it out for the general public. (6:52) The design and features of this program. (8:16) #1 – A focus on compound lifts and mobility. (11:28) #2 - Scaling up to create a positive feedback loop. (14:48) #3 - Tracking your movement with step goals. (18:29) An example of what the first week will look like. (24:11) Why exercise order matters. (27:10) What you can expect by following this 30 day workout. (29:16) #1 – Get stronger. (29:26) #2 – Increase in metabolism. (31:22) #3 – Less pain and stiffness. (33:38) #4 – Build more energy and stamina. (34:49) #5 – The beginnings of a snowball effect, when it comes to fat loss. (37:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned MAPS 30 Day Free Workout Luna Physical Therapy January Promotion (#1): NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS SPECIAL BUNDLE OFFERS January Promotion (#2): MAPS Anabolic 50% off **Code “JANUARY50” at checkout** Mind Pump #451: Introducing Mind Pump 30 Days Of Coaching (And It’s FREE!) 30 Days of Coaching | Mind Pump Media What is NEAT and Why Should You Care About it? - Mind Pump Blog Why You Can Prioritize NEAT Over Cardio – Mind Pump Blog Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump right in today's episode. We're going to give you a free workout. So we've only done this maybe one of the time in the history of Mind Pump. We wanted to give back to our listeners and our community.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I know a lot of you like what we have to say, you learn stuff from our podcast, maybe a little apprehensive to enroll in one of our programs. Totally understand, we wanted to give you an entire 30 day workout program, literally mapped out with exercise demo videos. I mean, the whole nine, it's like a maps maps program but it's for free. It's 30 days and you have exercises and mobility movements to do every single day. So it's all set up for
Starting point is 00:00:53 you and we talk about it in this episode why we did it the way we did how it works. By the way if you just want to go get the program right now just go to maps 30day.com and again it's's free, there's no catch, free PDF with the video demos, it's all set up for you right there. Now this episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Luna. Now Luna is an incredible company that is bringing physical therapists to your home. So check this out, right? If you want physical therapy, you don't have to go to your primary care physician for referral,
Starting point is 00:01:24 you don't have to do anything. If you have insurance, you just go to getluna.com forward slash mind pump and you tell them what you're looking for, they will send a PT to your house specifically for your needs and it costs you no more than you would do if you would did it somewhere else. Your insurance covers it. Also, Luna is actively looking for physical therapist. So if you're a physical therapist and you want to moonlight, you want to do extra work, or maybe you want to move to a completely new platform, Luna is phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:01:52 They do the paperwork for you, you'll get paid more, and there's actually incentives for physical therapists to join them right now, and you can find that again at getluna.com-flour-slashmind-pump. By the way, if you try them out, they're going to give you a free foam roller just for trying them out. So it's a great, very disruptive technology, disruptive company. It's going to change the face of physical therapy.
Starting point is 00:02:14 We love them. Go check them out. Also, all month long, we're running a promotion. We are putting together three workout bundles for three different types of people. In other words, each bundle includes multiple workout programs. Each bundle gives you about nine months of planned exercise programming. Now, the first bundle is for beginners.
Starting point is 00:02:33 The second bundle is for intermediate lifters and trainees. And the third one is for people who are more advanced. They're all discounted heavily. So the biggest discount we've done on bundles like this ever, so they're very inexpensive in comparison to retail, go check them out and go sign up. Head over to mapsgenuary.com, that's where you'll find all of them. Also, if you just want to try one program, you just want to do one maps program, the one to start with is maps and a ballic, it's the flagship maps program.
Starting point is 00:03:01 We put that 150% off, so if you just just wanna do one and you wanna try it out, go to mapsred.com and then use the code January 50, that's January 50, with no space for that discount. I wanted to do an episode, I thought that would be cool. And what sparked this was, and we did this, you guys remember what I'm talking about in a minute, we did this, I guys remember what I'm talking about in a minute. We did this. I believe four years ago
Starting point is 00:03:26 We wrote this you know free 30-day Workout that we did and then we shot it on YouTube and and it was like a free maps program Yeah, and it and it was very well thought out. We produced it We spent some good money and time putting it together and it was like over four years ago And why I wanted to talk about it is because I've got a lot of family and friends that I wouldn't consider like hardcore fitness people. I would consider them January fitness people.
Starting point is 00:03:52 You know what, the New Year comes around, they put on some weight and they want to get started. Well, all these close family and friends of mine, they have all of our like map starter, map Santa Ballic, a lot of our beginner programs at one point either given a max access or they've purchased it. And you know what they all follow.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I just found this out just the other day, like you talk into a few of them, they all reference this 30 day as they absolutely, and they've tried the other ones and then like, it's just, they feel like it's perfect. They're like, I feel like you guys hit it out the park with the right amount of exercises and work. And it's so specific because we give something like every single day for them to do.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And then we scale the volume up. It's the perfect way to get, I think, to get started, especially if you're looking to get started in the month of January on your fitness goals. It's funny, we were all talking about how grateful we were the other day. It was the new year and we've been doing this now for about seven years, so it's been a while. We wanted to give people something free.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Now, we give lots of free information, right? We give lots of free advice and, you know, how to do this and how to help you with that. But we talked about giving some people a free 30 day starter of getting going. So I love that you're going in this direction. We created this four years ago before we got, we were a fraction of the size we are now, which is probably why it didn't explode, right?
Starting point is 00:05:25 We were kind of tiny back then. We just forgot about it. Yeah, there's so much valuable information here that we haven't really brought up in a long time. So I'm glad we're revisiting. Yeah, and the truth is, although it's more complex than this, and there's coaching involved and hopefully our podcast provides that for people.
Starting point is 00:05:43 But when people first get started, I mean, I know you guys know this, when you first get a client, it's, you really do increase their odds of success initially when you can help them day by day. Like people like to know, what can I do every single day? Now of course, you're not gonna lift weights hard every day
Starting point is 00:05:59 that's counterproductive, it's not gonna work, it's not good for your body. But there are things you could do every single day that kind of keep the ball consistent, keep things rolling. And then if it's done properly, the way you feel really is a motivating factor to help you continue on. Of course, it's more complex when you get further down the year, but at least that initial startup can be done the right way.
Starting point is 00:06:22 So that's the feedback that I was getting. Okay. start-up can be done the right way. So that's the feedback that I was getting. So the feedback that I'm getting from my family and stuff that are following it is, they love that it's like they have a small goal every day. And it's very obtainable, it's not very time consuming, but they have something they can work on their health and fitness every single day, and every week we kind of scale it up. So they can start to slowly build the volume up and get some momentum. That and then the combination of what we did with mobility because one of the other things we get is we talk a lot on the show about the importance of mobility mobility and we've
Starting point is 00:06:57 got programs stuff around it. But we've sold a lot of people on the idea of that they need to be doing this, but then so many people kind of don't know where to start. And sometimes prime and prime pro, there's, we've provided so many movements in there that some people feel kind of lost. Like, could you just tell me what I should do? And then we're always like, well, that's kind of generic just to say go do this, but we mapped that out in this program based off of the exercises that we knew they would be doing to make it as customized and individualized as we could. And we picked like the biggest bang for your buck type of mobility moves.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And that's the feedback I get. I get the day-to-day stuff, so I have a goal. And then the addition of that, the introducing them to mobility and be able to actually feel what a difference it makes right away. Yeah, mobility requires good programming, just like a workout. I think people think mobility is just general, and there's value to just doing mobility.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But to really get value out of it, it should be programmed properly, just like a workout program. And the factors that you consider are your individual body, and the other factors you consider your workouts. What are you doing the day before? What are you doing the day after?
Starting point is 00:08:11 Because that can make a huge difference in terms of what you need to focus on. We have a very large audience, the show gets millions of downloads a month, and a small fraction of people take the leap and sign up for and buy one of our workout programs. There's a lot of people that listen and don't take that step. And I get it. I totally understand that. It's a leap of trust when you do something like that,
Starting point is 00:08:35 especially with online workout programs, stuff like that. So this is going to be free. So we're literally in this episode, we're going gonna break down, you know, the features of this program that we're giving you, we're gonna talk about the value, what it's gonna do for you, what to expect over the next 30 days, how to progress through it, why we created it the way we did, and you're gonna actually have access to this all written out for you, not only is it all written out, but the exercises that you'll get access to in a blueprint are gonna be hyperlinked
Starting point is 00:09:08 to videos on YouTube where we're demonstrating how to do these exercises. So for all intents and purposes, this is a straight up, full on 30-day maps workout program. And it's a really great way to get started. It's a really great way to get structured and organized. Yeah, I think a good way to explain this. This is like our most handheld type program,
Starting point is 00:09:32 where we really try to kind of eliminate a lot of confusion, a lot of, we don't want to in-and-date people with too much information, which is something we learned as trainers. We got to start real simple and just keep it to the real effective point to focus. So, you know, this program is sort of that introduction
Starting point is 00:09:53 where, you know, you can really get a good experience and then build off of that to where you won't need so much hand holding and then be able to kind of work your way through on your own. Totally. You know, the other thing that we did, and I forgot that we did this, because I don't think we've done this any other time, is we were experimenting with the coaching aspect
Starting point is 00:10:12 of the videos. Yes. So, and we had a little bit of fun with it. I actually really, you know, and maybe we'll go back another time and do this, because I've had nothing but positive feedback, and we only, I think maybe we did it because it took all three of us, and it was a little bit more time timing. We're like, okay, this isn't realistic to do this all the time. But we had Justin demo the exercises. So he's being videoed and then Sal and I are commentating. So and kind of like talking about coaching, yeah, we're coaching, we're coaching
Starting point is 00:10:39 and pointing out the movement and the cues while you're actually performing it. So it's actually really good coaching, uh, built into it. And you get a little favor of our personalities too if you don't know. Yeah. So here's some of the features of this 30 day workout program. Now remember, you have something to do every single day with this. So every single day, you're either going to be using resistance training or working on mobility and the workouts and the in the mobility sessions are going to range anywhere between 20 to 60 minutes as you progress through this program. So every single day you'll have something having us train you in person without us actually being there in person.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So one of the features of this program, especially in the beginning of the program, is a focus on compound lifts. So compound lifts are exercises. Now that the specific definition of compound lifts would be lifts that involve more than one joint. But to make it more simple, really these are exercises that use more muscles, require more motor control and more stability than other exercises. And what this does is it results in more bang for your buck.
Starting point is 00:11:58 So to give you a good example, a squat is doing so much more for your legs than let's say a leg extension or a donkey kick back or an isolation movement. It's just one exercise does so much. Now why do we do this? We're saving time and we're maximizing results. Most people are not looking to work out more for less, right? They want less for more. The compound lifts and exercises do that and there's so much carryover. As you get stronger in these particular core lifts, you're going
Starting point is 00:12:30 to, you're going to see carryover into other movements and other exercises down the road. We also follow the principle that we always talk about about doing the least amount possible to elicit the most amount of change, right? So we start the very first week and there's only three of those movements per workout. And then we actually split the body up, right? So you have upper, lower, upper, lower, so it's about the week. So you do.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And mobility in between. And then mobility, and then the mobility is specifically addressing the movements that you did in the previous day, so that they complement each other. And I think that's what people really enjoyed was it. It was something as simple as just a couple of exercises, so that they compliment each other. And I think that's what people really enjoyed was it was something as simple as just a couple of exercises,
Starting point is 00:13:08 three exercises to get started with. We're picking ones the biggest bang for your bucks and we know them doing even just those three movements is going to start to show change in their body. Most people, if they're just getting started, we also know they're probably gonna be sore and feeling that it's the first time they're doing a lot of these movements
Starting point is 00:13:24 or first time in a long time they're doing these movements and so then the mobility days on the following day really address that. Yeah, so it's actually go ahead Justin. Oh, also too, yeah, just the compound list. I know that they're a bit intimidating for people if they don't have any previous experience to, you know, trying to complete these types of exercise. So we spend a lot of time breaking down a lot of the nuances of these lifts. So that way you maximize your effort, your form, your technique, and everything's on point. Yeah, totally. So think of it this way,
Starting point is 00:13:56 too. Like one day, your sending a signal to your muscles and your body to get stronger, to adapt. There's a little bit of damage that's done. That's what sends the signal, right? Because that's why you get a little sore or it's kind of hard. The day after is mobility. Mobility is recuperative. Mobility helps facilitate recovery and helps you move better so that the next day when you exercise, you're actually doing movements better than you did before. So you'll start to see this kind of linear progression because of this alternating pattern of resistance training and mobility. So I can say very confidently this program focuses as much on mobility as it does on the exercises. And that just results in a program that feels really good as well as being extremely effective.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Another thing about this program is over the course of this 30-day period, you scale, you scale up. What you'll notice is each week you're adding an exercise or two to your workouts. Week one, maybe three exercises on a particular workout, week two, maybe four, and so on. And what this does is it keeps the ball rolling. And as your fitness level improves and gets better, you can do more and get even faster results. And that's actually what you're starting to notice.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You just start to notice that the results will start to kind of accelerate. Well, it's addressing what I think we all agree is maybe one of the number one, if not the number one, mistakes that people make with their New Year's resolution when they get back into the gym. And that is throwing everything that they can tolerate. Like you like to say, like what you can tolerate and what is best for your body are two different things. And so we're really encouraging people to do what's probably best for them volume wise
Starting point is 00:15:46 and then we will scale that up over time and eventually get to maybe where you can tolerate but starting off right away in the amount of intensity and volume as the most you can tolerate is a losing strategy. Yeah, to illustrate that further, think of medicine, right? You have a headache, you need to take some ibuprofen. There's an amount ibuprofen that's gonna help
Starting point is 00:16:08 take away your headache. And then there's an amount ibuprofen that you can take that. You won't die, but you can, you'll survive, right? Those are, that's tolerate versus effective dose. Exercise is the same way, and we tend to push ourselves, especially when we first get started, and do the maximum amount that we can handle,
Starting point is 00:16:25 not the optimum amount. So what we're trying to do with this is, we're giving you the optimum amount, and over the course of 30 days, as your body's ability to do more, and to handle more, and recover faster, and also require more, right? So what works for you in week one
Starting point is 00:16:42 isn't gonna necessarily work for you anymore, week four, because you've already gotten stronger and you're more fit. So the program scales over the course of that three days and also gives you something to look forward to. What I also like about this program is that we prescribe the mobility because we're establishing these rituals.
Starting point is 00:17:02 So we're setting you up for long-term success, not just like getting you to this weight loss goal or this sort of 30-day goal and then you stop. No, we're trying to set you up. So you feel good, your joints are stabilized, they're strong, it's supportive. And you're able to then move forward as you gain the strength that you're going to gain move forward as you're getting the strength
Starting point is 00:17:25 that you're gonna gain in conjunction with the way Trink. Totally. So there's a phenomenon that you can apply to many things called a positive feedback loop. And to give you an example of that, it's like if you've ever had a microphone where you speak into it and then your voice comes out of a speaker
Starting point is 00:17:41 and then you get the microphone close to the speaker and then you hear this really loud sound. What's happening is the microphone is picking up sound, it's getting amplified by the speaker, that gets into the microphone and what happens is it's called a positive feedback loop, right? It accelerates and gets louder and louder and louder until you blow the speakers out. Well, when you program mobility and exercises together, so not just mobility by itself, exercise by itself, but rather, we put them all together knowing what you did before, knowing what you're doing after,
Starting point is 00:18:09 knowing what you're doing the previous week and the week that follows, is you actually get this positive feedback loop with the mobility program with the workouts. You actually start to get better and more efficient and effective results as you continue. So that's one of the features of programs that are written the way that we created this one. Now, there's one other thing that's included in this because it's resistance training focused and mobility focused. And a lot of people say, well, what about activity? What about daily activity?
Starting point is 00:18:37 What about cardio? We thought about that as well. Now, in our experience, the most effective way to increase activity is not to schedule 30 minutes or 45 minutes on a treadmill or a bike. Now, that's okay, there's nothing wrong with that. But taking an additional 30 minutes or 45 minutes out of your day to walk on a treadmill, you're far less likely to be consistent long-term versus just tracking your steps throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Because you can do that throughout the day and you can literally do things like park further or walk a little further with your dog or take the stairs instead of the elevator. All of this actually adds up. And in the program, we give you step goals on a week-by-week basis. So not only do you have your workouts
Starting point is 00:19:20 and your mobility workouts, but you also have step goals that also scale as you progress through the program. You know, even though this is... Go ahead, Justin. Well, this was a big epiphany ad as a personal trainer because there's so many competing factors. And, you know, to be able to schedule them a lot more time specifically for a treadmill or for a bike, you know, that's going to take away all these other items and things going on in your day that you have to consider. And so for me to kind of eliminate that and just focus on more of the activity of you
Starting point is 00:19:54 being productive and then incorporate that into success of body fat loss or whatever is going to help kind of aid in your progress by just tracking the amount of activity overall and having way more adherence. Oh, totally. That's a similar point that I was gonna make is, you know, although this is a beginning of the year, getting someone started type of a program, over my years of training clients,
Starting point is 00:20:23 I actually found this as a strategy all together for no matter what level of experience you are. Totally. I mean, for example, the last official true client that I trained was probably Melissa for a show, right? And this is one of the ways, so the bikini competitor, highly knowledgeable experience. Yeah, advanced.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah, advanced lifter, but yet this is exactly how I prescribed her fat loss journey heading into her bikini competition would be through steps. I just find it a much better strategy for people to follow instead of this, like, oh, you need to be on a treadmill for a one hour time versus I just need you to get your steps to this point. When and how you get there, I really don't care.
Starting point is 00:21:04 You can break it up 10 times in the day or hit it in three little bouts. It's easier to scale and it's easier to sustain after you reach your goals, right? So versus this, I have to be somewhere for one hour on a treadmill in addition to my weight training. It's like, hey, I was doing 10,000 steps a day and now I'm at my goal or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:25 So I know, as long as I keep my walking up and act be active, and like Sal said, go park further away, take the stairs instead of the elevator, I can maintain that type of movement and not feel like I'm having to schedule an hour of cardio out of my body. No, that's, it's so effective. I mean, and you're talking about a bikini competitor
Starting point is 00:21:44 who, you know, this is an advanced person's so effective. I mean, and you're talking about a bikini competitor who, you know, this is an advanced person who's competing. I mean, the average person, one of the biggest struggles with consistency is just, how do I schedule all this stuff? How do I, how do I keep this up? Well, when you're talking about steps, it's, it's really just about your daily life. I mean, when I had clients do this and, and step counters are inexpensive and for iPhone. Yeah, even your phone will have an app that can do this. So anybody can do this. It's super easy. Like, I would have clients that would tell me, oh, you know, how I used to have to do 30 minutes of cardio, you know, once or twice a day to hit 10,000 steps, and I'm using
Starting point is 00:22:20 a just an arbitrary number, but they would say I'd have to do that to hit my step goal. Now, I literally, I mean, we're saying things like park further and use the stairs, sounds silly, but that's literally what they would do. They would say, oh, I would just take the stairs, I had one client who said, you know what I do to hit my step count cell? She goes, instead of using the bathroom on my floor, it worked.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I use the bathroom, that's two floors up, and I just take the stairs. And at the end of the day, I end up hitting my step goals. I don't have to do any cardio. And it's so easy to be consistent that way because you don't got to go change, go to the gym, schedule this and go do that. Now if you want to do that, it's fine. If you love that, there's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:22:55 But we wanted to make one of the problems with giving people a 30 day workout is this. There's a million and one 30 day crash course, lose weight, you know, contest type programs that you see online. We wanted to maintain our integrity and give people a 30 day start that was sustainable. That was, had a long term effect as well. Not just 30 days getting the best shape of your life baloney and then get out of it
Starting point is 00:23:19 because we hate that as trainers. That just always fails. Well, that was the main goal, right? We know that most people that gets started in January aren't here three months later. And so that was kind of the problem we were trying to solve. I was like, okay, we recognize there's a massive wave of people that are coming into the fitness sphere right now.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And we know that many of them, more than half of them, will be exiting in three or four months. If we really care about and are passionate about what we do, how do we help a majority of those? How do we solve this problem? And I think one of the biggest problems is starting with a routine that's not sustainable. I mean, and that's the biggest is,
Starting point is 00:23:59 is not focusing enough on laying a solid foundation. And I really think that's what this is, is it's a very solid foundation for anybody that's been away from the gym for an extended period of time or somebody who was just getting started in the gym. Now before we get into the kinds of results that you can expect in 30 days, and again, remember, we were trainers for two decades before we ever started
Starting point is 00:24:20 this podcast, so we're gonna be very honest. What you're not gonna hear from us is you can expect. You can expect. No, I'm not gonna tell you pounds. No, yeah, I'm not gonna tell you below me like that I'm not gonna tell you you can accomplish if you do things that are not sustainable or if you harm your body We're gonna be very honest, but before we get to the types of things you can expect Within this 30 day period. I'm gonna give you an example of what the first week looks like and then remember This scales every single week. So the first week is literally the least exercises and work.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Every single week, you'll add an exercise or two or a mobility movement or two as you progress through the program. So just to give you an example, right? Monday, for example, day one, you're doing a bench press, a pull-up, and an overhead press. And remember, all of this is on a calendar that you're gonna be able to get.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And I believe the website, I think we have it up here now, maps30day.com. So it's maps30day.com. So you can go there and get this calendar. When you click on Benchpress, pull up or overhead press, there's a video demo with us live coaching it and telling you all the cues, right? So that's day one, day two, mobility,
Starting point is 00:25:23 90, 90 with the back leg up, the next one is a shoulder dislocates, then you get to lizards with rotation. Wednesday, this is your lower body, barbell squat, barbell hip thrust, walking lunges. The next day, mobility again, pigeon, thread the needle, and the high five movement. So if you don't know what these are again, remember, these all have videos that you can click on, literally the word high five, and you'll see what that is. Then Friday, upper body again, flat bench fly, straight arm pull down, laterals, then Saturday, supine scorpion, prone cobra, and then handcuffs with a rotation.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And then Sunday is the next lower body day. It's Bulgarian split stance squats, Romanian deadlifts, and calf raises. That's the first week. Each week we add more, you scale up, and it gets a little bit more challenging, allowing your body to progress the entire time. So I just wanna give that example, so people kinda get an idea of what that first week looks like.
Starting point is 00:26:15 The first week has also got 8,000 steps a day as the first target, right? Which, this is the one area where I would kind of, but depending on the family member that I was talking to, we could, we could change your modify, right? And what I mean by that is, so I might have like my, you know, 70 something year old aunt who isn't moving at all and asking her to do 8,000 steps. It's too big of a leap. And what you'll see is basically we're scaling up 2,000 steps every week on somebody. I would just start her at a lower position.
Starting point is 00:26:48 So if I know she's doing hardly anything and not moving, she may only start at like 4,000 steps to get her going. And then I'll move it to six and then eight. And then she would end at eight to 10 where we have some people starting eight to 10 for the average person should be a pretty good place. Especially since we're asking you to walk We're not telling you you should be doing anything intense Another thing I want you to do Salas you went through the workouts real quick
Starting point is 00:27:10 But I think what's important that people understand it We're like obviously we do this with every program But the the thing that I see with a lot of coaches and trainers is this the randomness of just throwing exercises Yeah, the when so explain the first three exercises with the mobility. Why did we do those three mobility moves after those three upper body exercises that we did, right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:27:37 So you have, first off, the mobility day on Tuesday, not only has to help take care of what happened on Monday, but also somewhat set up what happens the following day. So the 90, 90 with the back leg up, well, that's a hip kind of connection and mobility movement. Now, why is that important? Well, the next day you have barbell squats and hip thrust and walking lunges. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:57 But don't forget that the day before you did a lot of upper body stuff. So you have shoulder dislocates. This is a shoulder mobility movement helps your shoulder move through full ranges of motion and helps your scapula communicate with the upper arm as it moves, because when you move your shoulders, not just the upper arm that moves in the shoulders right, but it's also the shoulder blade that has to move as well. And then lizards with rotation.
Starting point is 00:28:18 That is to help you with the mobility in your spine, your thoracic spine. That's good for what you just did Monday, and also good to help set you up for what you're about to do Wednesday. So every single mobility session does that, and again, it scales. It continues to scale,
Starting point is 00:28:33 and you'll find yourself improving each time. And this is why I think the feedback that I get from all my family is like, oh, I feel so good. Which is the opposite of what they would feel like in the past when they just go follow some random routine. I'm so sore. I can't move.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I'm thinking about skipping the next day. And I really think that's the brilliance of how we organize this is that not only are we gonna be progressing them so they're seeing strength gains go up and starting to feel their body kinda tighten up, but we're also making sure that we're complimenting that with the mobility stuff. So they actually aren't feeling like
Starting point is 00:29:07 they're losing joint mobility at the same time, which sometimes people feel like when they start off with a weight training routine and they're not addressing that. All right, so let's talk about what you can expect by following this 30-day workout that's all planned out, mapped out for you, and scaled through that four-week period.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Well, number one, you should expect to get stronger. Okay, so what do I mean by get stronger? Well, either you'll be able to do more reps, you'll be able to do more weight, or you're going to feel much more solid and stable. So maybe when you first did an exercise, it felt a little shaky, you didn't feel stable, but now by the end of this program, you're doing that exercise and it's smooth and stable and you feel great.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Or very clearly, you can do more repetitions. I did 10 reps with a hundred pounds and by the end of this program, I'm doing 18 reps with a hundred pounds. So you can expect to see clear gains and strength as you follow this program. and strength is such an incredible metric to follow because if you're getting stronger It's all it's one of the metrics where you almost you almost can't do anything wrong in
Starting point is 00:30:18 For that metric to be positive like if you get stronger With that usually means and I'm being very general here. Of course course it's more complex than the way I'm gonna make it sound, but if you're getting stronger, it means you did most things right. If you didn't do most things right, you wouldn't get stronger. That's just the bottom line. So it's not like the scale moving up or down,
Starting point is 00:30:36 well maybe I lost water, maybe I gained water, maybe I'm dehydrated, maybe I starve myself and lost muscle. The scale can lie to you, right? The mirror can lie to you. Obviously, it's very hard to be objective when you look at yourself in the mirror, especially over the course of three weeks, right? How many times have you thought you look bad
Starting point is 00:30:52 and then looked at a picture yourself later on and said, actually, I've looked a lot better than I thought, right? Strength is objective, the numbers go up. And like I said, it's really hard to do a lot of stuff wrong and get stronger. Usually means you did a lot of things, right? I'd argue it's probably hard to do a lot of stuff wrong and get stronger. It usually means you did a lot of things right. I'd argue it's probably the best indicator for your progress and for your health in general, just because of that fact alone
Starting point is 00:31:13 that it's something objective that will show you whether or not everything is aligned to that to happen. I agree with that. And one thing I want to add because I think most people won't know what this looks like. Because most of those benefits you just set are pretty self explanatory. It's pretty obvious when you get stronger. It's pretty obvious when you feel better. It's pretty obvious if you're starting to lose fat. The metabolism one is that kind of throws a curveball
Starting point is 00:31:38 for people sometimes. And probably the most common feedback I get from people that are going through this is, oh my God, my appetite is kicking up. I'm so hungry, I want to eat more. So this is a positive sign. Especially in culmination with strength. Yes. Yes. If I'm getting stronger and my body is, I feel like I'm hungry more often, that is a really good sign. That's your body naturally telling you, like, we're trying to build and I need the material to do that. Yes, and now I wanna be clear here too.
Starting point is 00:32:05 There's a difference between an increase in appetite and cravings. And cravings. Cravings happen when we're stressed or bored or anxious or there's a trigger food with some kind of emotional connection or something you ate when you were a kid. You know, foods that you can't stop eating
Starting point is 00:32:22 once you start eating them. Hunger is genuine, and what you're gonna find, if you really a kid, you know, foods that you can't stop eating once you start eating them. Hunger is genuine, and what you're gonna find, if you really pay attention, is you're actually gonna be hungrier for foods that contain things like proteins. This is the number one thing I hear from people, is like, I'm stronger, my appetite's up, and I'll say, well, what kind of food do you find yourself wanting to eat more?
Starting point is 00:32:41 And I'll have clients, especially female clients, would say this to me like, this is weird, but I wanna eat more meat, which is strange, they don't normally crave meat. Well, your body is looking for the raw materials to build muscle because strength always comes before the building of muscle. You get stronger, muscle is going to follow.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Although not always, right, you can get stronger just by getting better movement. Well, if you don't give it what it needs, it will. That's right. But the appetite going up with more strength, that means your metabolism has sped up. And let me tell you something right now, one of the best things you could possibly have
Starting point is 00:33:13 that will safeguard you against obesity and make living life in a world where food is so tasty and around us and so sedentary. One of the best things you can have is a fast metabolism. Like if your metabolism burned a lot of calories on its own, it makes being lean way easier than if you had a slow metabolism. This is a wonderful, wonderful sign that you'll get
Starting point is 00:33:34 and you'll notice this within the first 30 days. You'll also notice less pain and stiffness and better movement. So what you should not notice from a new workout program is the opposite. And a lot of people feel the opposite and they shock it up to, well that's because I started working out. Like how many times have people started a program and then, oh my God, my knees kind of bothering me or my back is kind of stiff or, oh man, that workout was real hard and you just sit down. It doesn't feel
Starting point is 00:34:01 really good. Like that is not a good sign. You should move and feel better as you're doing a good program. That's what you can expect from following a program like this. You should... Sornis is okay. A little bit of sornis is okay. But overall, you should feel like your posture is better, you're moving better, and those aches and pains that you might have had in the past that were kind of naggy are starting to feel a little bit better. For example, I'll have people tell me, you know, on my ride to work, which takes me an hour, you know, I'm here in the Bay Area, so an hour commute is quite common. They'd say things to me like, usually at the end of my hour commute, my back is really
Starting point is 00:34:37 stiff. I'm noticing my back is not stiff like it used to be, very good sign, and it's definitely something that you can expect within this 30-day program. Well, you hear that. So, and the energy in stamina, too. I feel like the feedback is, man, I feel like I wake up with more energy,
Starting point is 00:34:55 I'm more productive at work, I'm in a better mood, all that stuff bleeds into that. Yes, totally. Go ahead, Joe. Yeah, something to consider, too, for your overachievers out there that want to throw the kitchen st. Holy things. To go with Adams, sort of saying that you always
Starting point is 00:35:12 says about, go ahead and say a real quick. I could do the least amount possible to elicit the most amount of change. Which most amount change, right? So in terms of picking weight, in terms of really trying to bring the intensity levels up in each of these workouts, just know you have 30 days to really scale this up into, I would almost suggest to do a bit less in terms of the intensity than you'd probably think. Well, the way that I coach it to my family right now, especially since we have some really
Starting point is 00:35:42 good coaching cues and the videos of you doing the movement and you've got great form is I tell my family like watch Justin and your goal don't think so much. Adam how much weight should I be doing? Don't be distracted by the hands. Yeah, don't be distracted by that. But try and get to a place where your form is perfect. I care more about that. So find a weight that you can do the reps. You can look like Justin's technique in form. And that is, and your goal is to get as good as Justin is at moving the weight. And if you're off at all and your form isn't as good,
Starting point is 00:36:16 do not move the weight up. Even if you feel like you can do more weight and those muscles are strong enough to move more weight, I want you to put emphasis on the form and technique, especially right now, over trying to scale the weight up all the time. I think we get so hung up on, you know, how much can I do versus how much should I do and getting the form and technique down. So when I coach my family on following this routine, I really put most of the energy
Starting point is 00:36:43 and if because here's what I know, I know that, you know, let's say my mother-in-law is a pretty strong woman and she can do, she could squat 90 pounds. She hasn't been doing anything. I know even if she did her body weight squatting for those reps, she's going to see change, especially in the first... More than what she always does. Yeah, that's more than what she was doing currently. So just because I could potentially throw 90 pounds on her back and have her get after it, it doesn't benefit me that much. It would benefit me more by me saying, hey, listen, take 50% of the load, mom, and actually just get really good at the movement. I care more
Starting point is 00:37:20 about that. A little side note, by the way, you mentioned that they're going to be seeing Justin and I think we're in some of the videos as well, Adam. Did we do? Maybe. You're in troze and expletations. There you go. So keep in mind we did this four years ago. A lot less media experience and I have a lot less. Hey, the value is there. The value is still there. But the value, yeah, so if you're looking at it, man, look at Sal's hair. It's really
Starting point is 00:37:43 dark. I was like 20 pounds heavier, but you know, no, it's a good time. So that's what you're gonna see. All right, so I know what the main thing people are waiting to hear is, okay, what can I expect with fat loss? What can I expect with, you know, how my body's gonna look? What I want to explain here is this.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Imagine you're witnessing the building of a, the building of an incredible house, okay? The first period, the first short period that the builder's gonna focus on is gonna be on the foundation. So you're gonna show up to this site where they're building your home. And for the first few weeks, it's not gonna look like much.
Starting point is 00:38:19 You're gonna, now for someone who's experienced, they'll know, oh my God, look at the foundation here. And while they've got good balance here, the concrete is laid here perfectly, this is gonna be a great foundation, but the average person is gonna walk him, be like, where's the house? I don't see the house yet, right?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Once the foundation is built, then you start to get what's called a snowball effect, and then the house starts to really pop up, the walls, and then next thing you know, they're put in the fixtures, and next thing you know, you have this beautiful home. Our goal with this is to set you up, with a faster metabolism, better movement, stronger muscles. So in terms of fat loss, you're not gonna notice
Starting point is 00:38:52 a whole lot in the first month and that's expected, not only is it expected, but this is what I encourage. I do not encourage people to go after crazy fat loss gains in the first month, because you're gonna mess up the foundation building that we're trying to do. But will you be building? Yes, but will you? That's the point.
Starting point is 00:39:09 The whole point. But will you will notice are the beginnings of a snowball effect. Real effective fat loss does not happen quickly in plateau. This is what most people experience. When most people try to lose body fat and they do everything wrong, which don't feel bad, this is just how most people do it, they get this initial very fast loss and weight, right? Oh my God, first 30 days, I lost 10 pounds, right? And then they hit this hard plateau
Starting point is 00:39:34 and they're stuck in this position where they're like, I guess I gotta work out a lot more or eat a lot less to get this going and it's obviously easy to see why it's so unsustainable. Real fat loss, not muscle loss, real fat loss done in an effective way, starts slow, but it speeds up. You get this snowball effect to the point where a few months into it, when everything's going well, you may actually start to wonder how the hell you're getting leaner so quickly.
Starting point is 00:40:01 That's my favorite comment I would get from clients. When they come in and go, I'm keep getting leanerer style. I feel like I'm eating more food than ever have I don't know what's going on almost like it's like a mystery that their bodies like freaking out on them I say notice we're doing everything the right way and we built a solid foundation Especially with your metabolism. So will you lose fat in the first 30 days? You might you might lose a little bit But what you'll feel are the beginnings of this snowball effect, but you'll definitely be stronger, you'll definitely be more stable, and you'll definitely feel and move much better.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Well, I want to add a little bit to that so their expectations are right, too, because there's a very good chance you actually will drop a good amount of body fat, but what you probably won't see, and you actually shouldn't see, is much movement on the scale. Because if we've done our job and scaled this correctly with the strength training piece, you should also be building muscle. And if we did a really good job
Starting point is 00:40:58 and you did a really good job of following it, you've added a few pounds of muscle at the end of the month and you've lost a few pounds of body fat, which actually ends up looking like the same on the scale. So don't let the scale be what you're deciding factor on how successful that you were during that month. In fact, that's actually what I'm looking for for a client in this situation that goes to the first 30 days for me. And I am constantly reminding them that like, I know you came to me and you hired me to lose 30 pounds. But this first month I don't
Starting point is 00:41:29 want to see that. I want to start to build some good strength. I want to build your metabolism up and yes, we're going to lose fat, but you may not see it on the scale. Hopefully you do it a month's time start to feel it and see a difference maybe in your waistline and how you're holding yourself and muscle definition starting to come. That's some stuff that you should expect to start to see happening, but so many people were trained to look at the scale and use that as like, oh, I'm losing or not.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And it's like, yeah, you could easily be losing five to six pounds, but we could have also added five to six pounds of muscle. And so it's a net zero on the scale. And a lot of people that are doing phenomenal because they're following it to a tee, don't even realize how phenomenal they're doing because they're measuring their success by what's happening on the scale.
Starting point is 00:42:14 By the way, if you lose, let's say, five pounds of body fat and gain five pounds of muscle. Cute difference. Although the scale isn't gonna move, you're gonna be smaller. Body fat takes up more space than muscle does. I believe if I'm not mistaken, muscle takes up about two thirds of the space as body fat because it's more dense. Like a brick would be in comparison to let's say a plank of wood, right? It's heavier. It's denser.
Starting point is 00:42:40 So what that means is if you gained five pounds of muscle and you lost five pounds of body fat, you weigh the same, but you're about a third smaller in terms of size where you lost that body fat. So visually you'll tell, you can tell. So don't just look at the scale. I'm so glad you said that Adam, because people will ignore all the other positive signs that they're seeing that first 30 days
Starting point is 00:43:02 because they're so focused on the scale. In fact, I would often tell clients not to weigh themselves the first month because it's such a, it's messes with their mind so much. So look, there you have it, again, this is totally free, there's no catch or anything like that. It's something we want to give our audience, something we want to get people going.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Now our bet is you're going to love this and you'll probably come back for more if not no big deal. But here's again how you get it. Maps30day.com. You'll get a PDF on there is the whole workout. So everything laid out for you. And then on each workout it's hyperlinked to a video demo of that workout with us explaining how to do each exercise, each mobility movement. So it's all set up for you. So you're basically gonna get as close as you can get to personal training with us for this 30-day period. Again, one more time, it's maps30day.com. Look, if you like our information
Starting point is 00:43:55 and you want more free stuff, you get that, but you want more free stuff, we also offer free guides at mindpumpfree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin is remote right now. He's in the COVID house, but he looks okay. So you can find Justin. Go over here.
Starting point is 00:44:09 MindPump Justin, you can find me at MindPump Sal and Adam at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac,
Starting point is 00:44:30 maps for performance, and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and justine as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus
Starting point is 00:45:01 other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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