Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1738: HIIT Vs. Traditional Cardio, How to Speed Up Recovery, Best Pre-Workout Meals & More

Episode Date: January 28, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about which is better, HIIT or traditional cardio, good pre-workout meals, how to recover more quickly from extremely hig...h intensity squatting, and something that they preach but struggle to practice when it comes to fitness. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Do you want to make some of the fastest gains in your lower body? Use the sled! (4:04) Mind Pump on the most used and unused pieces of equipment in their studio. (10:13) The Mind Pump sleep connection. (18:10) Cold weather and kids, where do you stand? (22:14) A new California bill proposal would allow preteens to get vaccinated without parental consent. (27:58) KFC, stop pretending like you’re healthy. (31:08) Organifi Pure is magic! (37:47) The NFT market is bananas! (38:18) YES! There are differences between daytime and nighttime blue-blocking glasses. (45:02) #Quah question #1 - Which is better, HIIT or traditional cardio? (48:34) #Quah question #2 – What is a good pre-workout meal? (57:00) #Quah question #3 - How can I recover more quickly from extremely high-intensity squatting? (1:01:28) #Quah question #4 – What is something all of you preach, but struggle to practice when it comes to fitness? (1:04:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned January Promotion (#1): NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS SPECIAL BUNDLE OFFERS January Promotion (#2): MAPS Anabolic 50% off **Code “JANUARY50” at checkout** How To Do The Sled Push The RIGHT Way! (AVOID MISTAKES!) - Mind Pump TV Power Sled Pull – Mind Pump TV NEW CALIFORNIA BILL WOULD ALLOW KIDS 12+ TO GET COVID VACCINE WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT All-In Podcast E64: Antitrust standards & enforcement, tech repricing, lab leak obfuscation, E63 reactions & more Plant-based meat alternatives, like new nuggets from KFC, sound healthier. But are they? Heart Attack Grill Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** Midnight Mania! UFC Coming To Metaverse Near You! A student who accidentally became a millionaire with a cult following after selling his expressionless selfies as NFTs says he feels confused Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! HIIT vs. LISS Cardio - Which is Better For Fat Loss? - Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Patrick (@kneesovertoesguy)  Instagram Kyle And Natasha Kingsbury (@livingwiththekingsburys)  Instagram Dana White (@danawhite)  Instagram Brendan Schaub (@brendanschaub)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we did four questions that people asked us, so our audience asked us, we answered them, we helped them, we helped them with their fitness and health goals.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Now that's the back half of this episode, right? So the first half, the first 45 minutes is in intro portions where we talk about current events and we're being obstinate to fix studies and we talk about our sponsors. So here's what went down in today's show. We start out by talking about sleds and their value for lower body development.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Then we talked about how all of us are now connected through sleep, that's right, we've been working together for so long that we all have crappy sleep at the same time. Then we talked about cold weather and kids, doesn't make them stronger or should they put a jacket on. Then we talked about the proposed vaccination bill in California that if it passes, we need
Starting point is 00:01:06 to string up these politicians, tar them, and feather them. Then we talked about KFC and their new meatless nuggets, they're disgusting. Don't get them. Then we talked about our sponsor, Organify, that makes organic plant-based products for performance minded and health-minded individuals. One of my favorite products for Morgana Fight is pure. I take this before podcasting to have sharper cognition to be more present. It makes me feel good.
Starting point is 00:01:32 It's not as stimulant, so it's not like caffeine. It's a great product and supplement for brain health. But they have other stuff too, like plant-based proteins and powders that give you green supplements and those that will help you sleep at night. So go check them out, they're called to Organify. All you gotta do is go to mindpumppartners.com, click on Organify and then use the code
Starting point is 00:01:52 MindPump for 20% off. Then we talked about the kid who accidentally became a millionaire with NFTs. That's totally not a bubble, right Adam? Then we talked about daytime versus nighttime blue light blocking glasses. There is a difference. One of the companies we work with Felix Gray has daytime blue light blocking glasses and
Starting point is 00:02:10 nighttime blue light blocking glasses. One of them keeps you alert. The other one helps you get sleepy. Don't mix them up. By the way, their lenses are clear. They're not red or orange or yellow. And they look good. They look really good.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Head over to mindpumppartners.com. Click on Felix Gray glasses and you'll get free they look really good. Head over to mindpumppartners.com, click on Felix Gray Glasses, and you'll get free shipping, good stuff. Then we got to the questions, here's the first one. First person wants to know, what is better, hit or steady state cardio? The next question, what's a good pre-workout meal? The third question, this person wants to know,
Starting point is 00:02:41 how they can recover faster from really high intense workouts. And then the fourth question, this person wants to know, they can recover faster from really high-intense workouts. And then the fourth question, this person wants to know if there's something that we all preach, but we struggle to practice ourselves. Also, four days left. There's only four days left for literally the biggest promotion we've ever done ever in the history of Mind Pump. It's turned out to be massive. Here's what we did.
Starting point is 00:03:03 We took multiple maps programs and we put them in bundles. And then we designed three different bundles for three different types of people. Each bundle gives you nine months of planned workouts. Nine months will you know how many sets, how many reps, what exercise to do. There's video demos, everything planned out for you. For the next nine months, just imagine
Starting point is 00:03:22 the changes you can make in that period of time. Now there's a bundle for beginners. There's one for those of you that are intermediate, and there's one for those of you that are advanced. So, we have one of those three will work for you, and they're discounted heavily, like over 70% off. So, go check them out, head over to maps, January.com, click on the bundle that's right for you, and get yourself started. Also, if you just want to try one maps program, you just want to test one out. Do Maps in a Bolic. It's the flagship Maps program. That program is 50% off right now. You can get that at MapsFitnessProducts.com. Just click on, excuse me, at MapsRed.com, and then use the code January 50, that's January 50, no space for that discount.
Starting point is 00:04:03 You want to make some of the fastest gains you've ever made in your lower body, use the sled. Here's the best part. You can do it every single day. Oh yeah. Yeah, you know what's so overlooked, man? So overlooked and it is one of the few strength and muscle building lower body exercises.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I guess you can put it in that category that you literally can do a tremendous amount of frequency on and not suffer the same consequences you would if you did, let's say squats every day or front squats or anything like that. I've been such an evangelist of sleds for so long and it's just now, I get encouraged because I see it more often in the gyms and they actually make turf areas for the sled. So I think that it's more accessible. So it's like we can talk about it now.
Starting point is 00:04:49 It used to be one of those like functional tools that only, you know, sports specific people had in their gyms or not, but there's so much value in the sled, especially, I mean, anywhere from, you know, a kid to, you know, 80 year olds, like there's just, it's, it just spans across like all You know different types of of people and where they're coming from. Yeah. Do you do you think that has a lot to do with it? No eccentric portion of the exercise. I absolutely do. Yeah, I know I'm right now. I'm trying to think of like What other movements that are popular where? It's completely eliminated the eccentric portion of the exercise. Well, you're doing the work, right?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Like the machine isn't like placing a force on you. So you're the one that's driving, dictating, how much effort you wanna put into it. I know what else is like that? Is there anything else that would be on it? I mean, Olympic lifts technically are all, you know, no eccentric, right? You do a clean and press drop it or a clean drop it.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And that's, there's something to be said about that. The eccentric part, so you have, whenever muscles contract three different ways, right, generally there's concentric, which would be like, if I'm doing a curl, I'm curling the way. E-centric is lowering, that's actually a type of muscle contraction, and the nice symmetric is holding, and the one that causes the most damage,
Starting point is 00:06:02 E-centric. Is eccentric, it's the lowering of weight, isometric and concentric cause less damage. Now there is a positive to eccentric. It's also the most connected to muscle growth, but the limiting factor is you can't do it all the time. It's so damaging on the body. So this is kind of like a hack, right? With the sled, I can do it so frequently.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Like I can literally do three sets of it. I love it. You can. And you get, and it's super safe. Like, I feel no joint pain. In fact, I feel like my joints almost get like a chance to recover. So if I'm starting to feel stiff from doing lots of squats
Starting point is 00:06:37 and deadlifts, I just start using the sled. I don't lose any muscle mass, which tends to happen if I do any other exercises side from those other ones and My joints feel really good and I can do it like Every single day if I wanted to and feel fine. It's you know, one of my favorite things to do You know, it's inevitable when you are training no matter what kind of great programming you're following that You know, we all have a tendency to have those days where we overreach It's one of my favorite tools to supplement into my routine. Let's say I have a program I'm following and I'm squatting
Starting point is 00:07:08 at least two or three times in the week. And on Wednesday I get a little excited and throw on probably more than I should. And then Friday I'm back at legs again and I'm really sore still from Wednesday's workout. I'll drive the sled that day. It's one of my favorite things to do and replacing something like that when I overreach
Starting point is 00:07:26 because then I still feel like I can get this great workout, but then it almost feels recuperative while also still building. That's what I'm saying. It's so unique. And then there's some other benefits as well. One of them is that it strengthens the foot and the ankle through that range of motion. So like you could do calf raises and you'll technically work the foot and the ankle of course, but it's not working the foot and the ankle in conjunction with the knee and the hip,
Starting point is 00:07:54 which is how you'll use it in everyday life. With this, as you're driving, your foot has to get stronger and your calves and your tibialis and all the stabilizers have to stabilize and strengthen, and the benefitsibialis and all the stabilizers have to stabilize and strengthen. And the benefits are tremendous because they all work together. So your weakest link starts to catch up. And this is what I've noticed. My feet and my ankles feel so much more stable and stronger because I've been driving a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Oh, it's huge for that. Especially athletes. Being on the forefoot and you don't want to be on your heels in any athletic endeavor. And so this is one of those that helps you kind of train and strengthen again, you know, your feet to be stable and strong in those positions. And so to add some volume to that and frequency to that, I think is super value. Yes. And then what you can do, and this is what I've been doing too, is you can incorporate
Starting point is 00:08:43 some isometric stabilization in the upper body with your drive. So the two different ways I'll do this are either fully extended. So let's say I'm driving three or four hundred pounds on the sled, which is a decent amount of weight for me, keeping my arms totally extended and fully extending my shoulders. That has to, I have to be able to support the weight with my arm shoulders, scapula, my core, right? So that's good.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Or I can bring the sled here. And now I have to stabilize in this kind of down pressing position as I'm driving with my legs. And they both have really good carryover to upper body exercise. Well, shout out to the knees over toes guy, putting out great information on this stuff, too, but about also like bulletproofing your knees and like getting in that position, like even dragging it backwards.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yes. So it puts a lot less strain and impact on your knee, but also gets it stimulated in order to also build strength and support around your knees. Yeah, and then those of you that are like, don't enjoy the, I guess, the stamina conditioning aspect of exercise, which I get, that's not my favorite either. The sled gives you a decent amount of that.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Like if you push it just further than a short distance, your heart will start to be, and you'll get like a conditioning, this is why athletes like to use it, or why coaches who train athletes like to use it, because they get the strength with the with some of the strength stamina Throwing in which you don't necessarily get as easily with traditional lower body exercises So since we're talking about great fitness tools
Starting point is 00:10:13 Are we gonna talk about the stupid one that you bought the other day? There's not stupid That's not good. Did you try it cuz I can't even need to already know it's gonna be stupid Try it. I got it in and tried it. Did you get it into it? I did. It was pinching my sack and everything else. Well, that's the story. So tell the audience,
Starting point is 00:10:31 so Sal bought the other day a, No, no, no, we all bought. You're right, you're right. I don't like that we didn't just, We didn't just, we all bought it. We did all, but I don't know what to say to it, but Sal found this, I mean, I guess we should tell the,
Starting point is 00:10:44 I'm gonna shit on it. Well, don't shout on it. Don't give him the name, because I don't want you to say, but South found this, I mean, I guess we should tell the, I'm gonna shit on it. Oh, don't shout on it. Don't give him the name, because I don't want you to, because I like it. I do. It requires some setup, but it's a belt squat attachment,
Starting point is 00:10:53 and if anybody's ever seen a belt squat machine, it takes up a lot of space, kind of a pain in the ass if you have your own gym. But this is an attachment in the cage, and there's a couple of things I had to do. I had to add plates to give me more depth. I think there's gonna have to put like a two by four to hold it up when I load it and then lift it and knock the two by four down so I could do my, but it loads the weight
Starting point is 00:11:10 and pulls at the hips. So it takes out the kind of the lower back. And for someone like me with my knees really, yeah. So when my knees are apart with a wide stance and going low for me, that's challenging and I really got some decent feel and it's a bit better. So I wanna be clear, because I know somebody, of course your fans that will defend you right away. I think belt load of squats are amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I think the tool he bought is what's there. You have a new deal. It's a little funky. I don't even have to. I can tell by the mechanics of it, it's pulling away from you. That's not as much, that's not an issue actually. Really? Yeah, the issues are set up.
Starting point is 00:11:45 That's the part. The Jorn said that was an issue for him. No, it was the, okay, so we don't have the right belt. It's really the belt and it's the chain and it's the whole attachment. It's just funky like the, because of the setup. But it is too like the angle's challenging to direct it completely how it should,
Starting point is 00:12:01 because I've done the other one. I know the difference. So it's like it's way smoother. But you know, again, you can make it work. I've done the other one. I know the difference. So it's like it's way smoother But you know again, you can make it work. I understand where you're going like you're just trying to put all the work in in those cakes Man, you try to catch Again, I do what's that what's the what's the over under on the last day he ever uses it the last day Yeah, I use everything I bet I bet after I bet after three weeks from today Doug put it on the calendar three weeks from today You'll never see him struggling.
Starting point is 00:12:26 You speak ill, use it more than that deadlift cage thing that he bought. That's my, even that, I like that way more than I like this one. So my bet is, was it, I use all the stuff in there, more than you do. Yeah. So there. Boom. Yeah. We'll see, we'll see. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I actually liked it today for someone like me whose mobility is an issue. It's going to help me challenge my mobility. I, so I'm going to use it quite a bit. Yeah, I will see. We'll see. I'm my three weeks. That's the overrunner.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah, I'll get a better attachment because you're right. The belt that we had to use was the one that we used for pulling out. I would love to have. I needed for the sled anyways. So we could, you know, double that up for. Yeah, because Justin said he's gonna, he's gonna look into getting a different sled because the one we have is kind of-
Starting point is 00:13:11 That one's funky too. Which is true. Is it because it's too, like, tipsy? Like you want some of this little more- It's a rickety and, like, there's just so many better options now out there and there's like just a single loaded plate, you know, that you can drag versus a one
Starting point is 00:13:24 that you drive life, huh? No, we're a fitness. We're a luxury fitness. We just finally got rid of that janky ass bench that we had forever. The we had that shit. Marrowway first started, we couldn't find any has or any companies that would like, you know, hook us up or give it. We weren't even asking for free stuff back then.
Starting point is 00:13:42 We were just like, could we get a discount? We have this podcast. We're like 5,000 followers back then. And I think they gave us like 10% off for some shit. So we went with this. This is your special discount. Wait, I just saw that on your website. And then we get the bench and it's like,
Starting point is 00:13:53 what I do in your country. It's like a modesty ability ball. No. On action. Well, hey, you know, he made you work against all kinds of pretty things. So many picked it up. I think Jerry put it out in front of the studio and said,
Starting point is 00:14:04 whoever wants to Refruse somebody's out there get nobody wanted is there any piece of equipment that we have out there that need that you guys never use never use Yeah, I mean I don't use those calf machines You know I like that I like we use those I use those both of them I do although I do well So I actually don't stand up ones awkward to get in but yeah it's okay if you get into right now. So I like using that for legs. So I, if I, if I, I may use that for the hacks, I guess. So if I, like, let's say I have a day where I was just talking about where I, I taxed my legs and I overreached, I will do that machine in a sled that then that's my workout. Like that's a great way. So the calf aspect of it, it's kind
Starting point is 00:14:41 of awkward because you gotta get in weird or whatever, and then if the range of motion is kind of short, you're here, so I figured out kind of a hack. So you know where the shoulder pads sit on your shoulders? Yeah. If you walk forward in the machine, so scoot yourself forward to get the front of the shoulder pads, you'll get more of a range of motion. Oh, almost like you're leaning forward like this.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's just, you're the back of the pads are back here, so I'm way more forward. Oh, okay. It actually works a little better. Okay. Remember, I've been working out in backyards and home gyms forever, so I, you gotta do that when you don't have enough of them. Yeah, I'm trying to think of what equipment, Doug, does anything pop up for you that we have,
Starting point is 00:15:14 that we've just, I use all the bars that we have. So like all the, I love that you have. Do I have a flow bar? Yeah, I love that we have all those. I'm trying to think if there's, obviously the dip stuff, that's obvious that we love all that. I'm trying to think if there's, obviously the dip stuff, that's obvious that we love all that. I'm trying to think if there's anything out there that was everything. Yeah, the only thing I have because is that power rack that you have? Yeah, mainly because I don't know how.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Uh, the, the death of 20s? Yeah, the dead left already on that. I just haven't focused on like strength in a while because I'm trying to get my joints to feel better. So that's why I haven't, because if I do, I get carried away. I love the hard, heavy shit. And I just got to focus more on, you say you haven't been doing strength? Not hard strength.
Starting point is 00:15:54 No, I really? It looks like it's so strong. No, I haven't. Guys, this guy says it for like a week, dude. You do a couple of mobility exercises and you're like, I'm totally, I'm totally, you watch all my workouts. It's like, what's going on in days? What do a couple of mobility exercises and you're like, I'm totally, I'm totally, you like watch all my workouts?
Starting point is 00:16:05 It's like, what's going on in a day? What do you mean? We can all hear them, they're in here all the way, every one of us there's, there's, there's, No, it's true, I don't go lower than eight reps ever anymore because my, Oh wow. Yeah, or rarely, I should say rarely because it just, it just starts to bother me. That's good, that's good awareness because that's typically where you like to be is enough, the five by five little world. I know, dude, and you once you get to a certain point, it's good, that's good awareness, because that's typically where you like to be is enough of the five by five world. I know, dude, and you'll, once you get to a certain point,
Starting point is 00:16:27 it's like, you know, it's cool when you've been working out for a long time, what you need to do to keep your gains is way less than what you used to have to do to keep your gains. So now I can train, you know, with better form, with just perfect form, the benefit, but it's also a totally different mindset. Totally different mindset. You have to, you have to kind of concede to it.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Oh, dude, I remember in my 20s, man, I'd walk into the gym and it was like, it was like I was invincible. I'm gonna do everything as hard as I can and I'm gonna feel fine. You know what I used the least amount that we have? I actually don't use our kettlebells that often. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:00 I know you do though. You use the kettlebells a lot. You like to press with the kettlebells. I do, I do press with them with the ball. I do like that. I do like that. So I need to get back into doing the clubs more often. I was just in the mix. Oh, that's what I don't use. I use the clubs with the mace.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Man, I mean, I was on a hardcore kick for a while where it was pretty much how I got ready for every workout I started doing that. And I tell you what, I picked them up the other day and noticed like how much I've lost already from not using it like that consistently. So I would you know, I think I want to try practicing the mace. It's pretty impressive to see you swing that big ass. How much that went away? It's like the big one. Yeah. 50 pounds.
Starting point is 00:17:38 The big one's only 50. Yeah. But it's a long lever. 50 pounds is exactly. Yeah. It feels like 500. It might as well. I won't even do it I'm scared to do it. Oh, yeah, yeah, I've worked up to the 30 the 30 I can't I can't go around properly
Starting point is 00:17:50 You're screwed. Well, I remember one time you were doing it and Adam brought the dogs in for one of the dogs And then he was running by and oh my god I'm a kid of my stopped and was like if you if somebody gets in the way Oh, that would be really bad. He's kind of a tank. Huh? He's kind of a tank. He's a j- He's taking that all over the country.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Hey, you know, I gotta say something. This is really interesting now. You know, you know, what do they say about, what's that saying about women when they all hang out together enough times or cycle start to line up? Right? You guys have heard that, right?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Everybody gets a, I don't know if that's true or not. We've actually looked it up. Remember, we did. You know what, there's so if there's actually I know you're going with there's actually some some people still say it's a thing and other people say it's not so So the theory was that it's like when you're at a light and your blinkers on the car's Linker's in all right eventually they align. Yeah, but then I read some other articles are saying no There might be some evidence anyway, but here's where I'm going with this
Starting point is 00:18:42 I think all of us have Connected in a very strange way because we all have shitty sleep at the same time. No, I think every time. I didn't have any tummy issues until you. I swear, you're gutted. He either influenced my gut, dude. Actually, I did.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I just didn't ignore it. I just never had any of this. Now, I feel like I have everything you got. I feel like, man, if all the things you're a little bit of food. Yeah, a little bit of food. So you guys get my back. Everything you were sensitive to, I feel like I have everything you got. I feel like, man, if like all the things you're a little bit of, yeah, a little bit of your point of hair as food. So you guys get my back to it. Everything you were sensitive to, I feel like I
Starting point is 00:19:07 get sensitive to that. No, no, no, no, so I had shit sleep last night. So I woke up at like four or three, 34, and that was it. And then I'm restless from there until six, where I'm like, up and I can't get fully, you know, good sleep, I come in here, Doug comes in, like, man, I had crappy sleep, and I was like, oh, me too. And then Justin comes in, oh, me too.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And then you, we all slept bad last night. I sabotaged myself though, because I was still, you know, nibbling on some cookies from Everett's party. So, that destroyed me. Wait, wait, wait, let's get a little more specific. I mean, not nibbling, like, or was it a, a zookey?
Starting point is 00:19:44 Right. That's a big ass. It was a big hefty chunk of chocolate. And it messed you up. What did you guys do, Summer? Was it this weekend? It was during the week because, yeah. It was his birthday. You threw a weekday birthday party?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Well, it's a dick move. Dude, like, Dad, why isn't it on here? Like two friends, so. We had one last cool night. We had this really cool, I feel bad for him because we had this like awesome birthday all set up for him. Like he was gonna have like, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:10 his friends were gonna stay over. We're gonna do all these activities, all this stuff. And then like his friends, you know, couple of his friends got COVID and then, you know, we had it going through the house. So we had to like delay it. And so this was just like the family get together thing. So we did that, but so did he not get a makeup birthday then at all?
Starting point is 00:20:30 He will. We're scheduling right now with his friends' parents to see if we can make it work, but I know, kind of, you know, like you just see, he was having a hard time with it. Of course, you know, I felt terrible before him. But dude, that's just how how good. I bet that's happening a lot right now for like everybody. Yeah, I mean, how many, how many, I mean, I know, I know more people, I think I said this other day, like I know more people right now that have COVID
Starting point is 00:20:54 than like don't have COVID. Like that's how fast it's going around right now. Yeah. So I, you got to think that there's tons of poor kids who've got either their parents that caught it right when they're supposed to have a birthday or one of the kids that catches it. Like kids school, like everybody got it. But the good news is it's like it's making its way out. Yeah, so, here and gone. So you ate that and messed it up, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was up and I have this weird,
Starting point is 00:21:17 so with acid reflux, it's kind of one of those things where sometimes it just, it wakes me up because it's like, oh, it's steams and it burns This time it was like it was just stuff coming up where I felt like I was like drowning in the middle of the night Like and I just wake up like oh and it kept happening so Yeah, I just I do the old move of like go to the toilet and bat just get rid of it. Wow Yeah, you're okay. Yeah, no, no, that's all right. Yeah, that's terrible. She got to get just get it out Jesus Yeah, exercise the demons. No, no, that's okay. That's terrible. You just gotta get it out. Jesus, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Exercise the demons. No, no, that's bad, dude. No, I just, I'm restless. So it's like I'll start to drift off and then wake myself up for some damn reason. And then here's what's really annoying. Oh, this was annoying. I finally start falling asleep
Starting point is 00:22:00 and I guess I started snoring and you know how I know this? My wife wakes me up. Yeah, kicks you. Boom, oh, just nice and sweet. Nice elbow in the this? My wife wakes me up. Yeah, kicks you. Boom. Just nice elbow in the ribs. Now both of us aren't sleeping. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Terrible. And it's like 3 a.m. right? Like I swear, that's like the time it always happens. Dude, speaking of kids, okay, but first I'm going to a little warning here, okay? Trying to get too heated and let's try to keep it, let's try to keep it as. Well, before you transition into the heated stuff,
Starting point is 00:22:24 I do have a question because I did, speaking of kids. I'll stay on the topic for you So but before you piss off our audience and get everybody all fired up Okay, I had a question for you guys that so Katrina I don't want to say we got into it but we hit like she was giving me a hard time when I came home last yesterday And she was really busy and so I Took Max, you know away from her right away and him and I were like playing and we were upstairs doing stuff and we were in his closet doing stuff. And then he wanted to go outside. And yesterday was like a sunny day. It's cold. It's like 64. So like that. So it's pretty cool. But it was sunny and nice and not really windy at our place. And so
Starting point is 00:22:57 the guys go outside and he's barefoot, you know, and he's wearing like these these thin sweats. And sure, I did a video of, you know, if you guys saw my story or not. And so we go out there and I'm letting him play in the water and the mud and guess what, that. And Katrina is like, you need to put all this stuff on him. She's telling me that how he's cold.
Starting point is 00:23:13 He's just got better from being sick and he's been so sick all the time with that. And I'm like, honey, you, I don't understand. Like if we, if we always bundle him up and we never allow his body to adapt and learn to handle cold temperatures and hot temperatures. We're always trying to regulate to keep it perfect because we're afraid he's going to get
Starting point is 00:23:30 sick. I'm like, you may be protecting him at this moment, but you're setting him up for having this super weak system in the future. I'm not saying that we should always have our son out, you know, naked in barefoot in the freezing cold and stuff like that, but intermittently challenging that, I think, is really important that you do that. And you're always pushing back on me when I want to do that. So you got to let me do that every once in a while. Or else he's going to be like, it's not be able to handle that stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, he was totally fine. Like, he was having a blast in playing. But the reason I'm bringing up to you guys is at one, I don't know if that's a conversation that you guys have had to have at your house or not, but I had to like really break it down and explain to her like the way the body does. And I said, listen, the body is always adapting in one direction. It's either getting stronger in a direction or it's getting weaker in a direction. And I said, if we coddle his temperature all the time and we keep in this perfect 72
Starting point is 00:24:21 degrees, whether he's in the house at 72 degrees, or we're putting on clothes, so he's neutral in that all the time, it's never challenging that system in his body, and so there's tremendous value in that. Did he use that same argument when kids forget their jacket? Yeah, I'm like, oh, well, I guess you're gonna go ahead and deal with this and challenge your body
Starting point is 00:24:43 with the fact that it's gonna be cold for the rest of this time. Is it, is it, is she like this now because of that time that you didn't give water and you got that's different. That's different. It's different. So make sure you give water.
Starting point is 00:24:55 You know what? That's probably why backfires. I mean, because sometimes I think she thinks that I'm just like being irresponsible. So I think that was her, her reaction is just like, you know, go, it's like I'm being lazy. Like I don't want to put them on. I'm like, no, I intentionally do that. You know what? Kids are so different from each other. I think you can often tell when they're cold because they're, believe it or not, I mean, the lips will start to turn a little blue and
Starting point is 00:25:16 their hands get really cold and you kind of tell. And kids are different, man. My, my, my son's a, he's a little heater. He's always hot. But my older son was the opposite when he was little, he would get hot. Regardless, if he's cold or not cold, though, the value of training him in a cold condition like that is, I think, it's tremendous. I mean, you have to understand that.
Starting point is 00:25:36 That system is responsible also for coughing and sneezing and also that if you make him more resilient, he's going to be able to fight off things in the future. Well, do you know what they do? And I think it's Russia, I want to say, that. Oh, they throw him out in the snow. Well, what they do is when they give a kid a bath, they keep cold water.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Well, no, they'll do a normal bath and at the very end, they do a super cold rinse. Well, you remember Kyle King's Berry? His kid had never even touched warm water. Oh, yeah. I'm serious, like, theyed him from birth in cold water. And, you know, he'd be out in winter time on our coast, swimming with his dad in the ocean, like it was no big deal.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And I mean, that's a little extreme, right? So I don't think, and that's what I'm trying to explain to her. I'm like, listen, I'm not saying that we should always freeze my kid out and stuff like that. But I think we should make him a little cold and uncomfortable sometimes, because I think that it's only going to strengthen his immune system in the future by doing that versus always kind of caught on. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no get water and then they would heat it up, they would have to heat it up by the pot on the stove and then pour it into this big like basin
Starting point is 00:26:49 and then there were six kids in his family and they would start with the baby and work all the way up the chain until my dad who would be dirty because he was working and then my grandfather. So they'd all use the same freaking water, dude. And the baby would get it first and they move all the way up. My dad's like, that's how I watched myself.
Starting point is 00:27:06 That's how I watched myself. It'd be as a peonet. Yeah, it's a man. Oh, man. No, he just, yeah, it's all right. Just put some soap on it. Yeah, be okay. It's great.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I was just watching the show, and I don't remember the time or the era it was, and that was like a big deal they were at, like some, you know, get away, like a hotel or something like that. And, you know, that was back in the days when you'd have to go shuttle the water. Like there wasn't even a running pipe that went to the bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You have to go down somewhere. Get the water. Get the water. Bring it up and then pour it in the bathtub, you know? And that was like a luxury to have a warm bath. My dad, remember my dad got married when he was 19 and up until he got married, he slept in the same bed with a half of his siblings and they'd sleep head to toe
Starting point is 00:27:48 like this so they could fit. So my dad's like, yeah, I'd have my brother's feet right next to my head and that's how I slept up until I moved out. I'm like, holy shit, that's terrible. But we know, what are you gonna do? All right, ready to piss everybody off? Yeah, there we go.
Starting point is 00:27:59 All right, here we go. So this is a proposed bill, so it's not a one that passed. Nonetheless, I can't believe someone would even propose this. California, I got to read which politician proposed this, because this person needs to go to, I don't think they need to get rid of them. Have they proposed anything of value in the last few years? Not in California.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's, I have not seen anything positive. It's unbelievable. So I gotta look and see where it is. I think I might have lost it. Nonetheless, I'm gonna read it to you. I'm gonna tell you what it's all about. So it's a proposed bill where kids, as young as 12, will get vaccinated without parental consent.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah. So disempower parents. So the school, now do we have anything at a federal level that protects that? It's at the state level I know but it's something that still protects that though that like they don't get if it got all the way up to the supreme court They would get veto for sure. Oh, I think this would go to the supreme court if they tried to if they passed it
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah, you can't do that. Okay, so could you imagine if it was so California state? Okay, so Scott weiner Introduce the bill late Thursday and sacramanol He's probably a Weiner, but a dumbass. Listen, it was quote, giving young people the autonomy to receive life-saving vaccines, regardless of their parents' beliefs or work schedules, is essential for their physical and mental health. Can I tell you something right now? Just 12-year-olds are so smart.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I don't know. Dude, state just ignores all my current data. I'm sorry, you don't own my kid. It's my kid, not yours. Do you know what I would do if I found out that they gave my kid a medical treatment? Now, they say life saving, there's a difference. Vaccine is preventative.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's different than you gave my kid, you had to give him blood because you got an accident, I wasn't there or whatever, it's totally different. But if I find out that a teacher or some politician gave my kid something without my consent? Oh, well, that'll be a bad day. Well, anything. Anything.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I mean, I know it's heated right now to talk the whole vaccine thing and you can't say something like that without sounding like you're an anti-vaxxer, but it's like, dude, it's not about that. It's like you're giving my child something without my consent. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:30:00 It's a family decision. I'm telling you what it is. I get mad if someone does that with a sucker with my son. You know what I'm saying? You let these lines give my kid anything. Allowing the state to come in and dictate Family decision. I'm told what it is. I get mad if someone does that with a sucker with my son. You know what I'm saying? These lines give my kid anything. Allowing the state to come in and dictate
Starting point is 00:30:08 like how families operate is insanity. It's crazy that they would even propose something like this, but it comes from this very twisted mentality that they know better and that your kid is actually theirs. It's theirs to raise and they know better and you do a shitty job. Hey, since you're talking about stuff like this, that's like is actually theirs. It's theirs to raise and they know better and you do a shitty job. Hey, since you're talking about stuff like this, that's like controversial or something.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Are you following what happened with Chimoth? I know we commented on it and stuff like that, but I don't know. Since we recorded our episode, I know that he put a statement out and. I saw that. Yeah, so it looked like he was kind of apologizing, kind of not.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I don't know, I'm waiting for the next podcast. To hear what he says about it. Yeah, I'm curious to see what he's doing. I hope you do. I saw everybody be posting it like crazy. Well, he got targeted because he owns an NBA team. There's the whole like, oh, the NBA's friends with China. Yeah, they're tight and with you.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Somebody in our forum thought I was supposed to denounce it. I think that was comical. Yeah, they call it me to denounce it. Ridic that was comical. We call him to denounce it. Yeah, ridiculous. Dude, speaking of denouncing, did you see that ad that KFC put out that's getting just destroyed? Did you see it? The chicken nuggets.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Wait, so it's an ad. I thought that was like, what I saw was they actually have meatless nuggets now. They do, and the picture that they posted, they have the meatless nuggets. Nugget, and they have a couple of them like cut in half. And it's like obviously. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yeah, what is that, dude? Like frieder racers. Why, why, it does a good frieder racer. Okay, so if I was KFC, if I ran KFC, this is the meeting I would have. I'd sit in a big board, you know, room, whatever, and I'd tell everybody, can we just admit that we're not healthy? Like, let's not pretending like we're trying to be healthy. Let's just make fried chicken.
Starting point is 00:31:43 It's not everybody loves. I don't have thing I can. And it's not healthy. There, let's not pretending like we're trying to be healthy. Let's just make fried chicken. It's not everybody loves. I don't have thing that has made- And it's not healthy. It's nothing to do with health. This has everything to do with the movement in that direction. And it's not even healthy anyways.
Starting point is 00:31:51 No, we gotta get beyond all this stuff. Look at that, meatless nuggets. Ooh, disgust. Get beyond, beyond meat. That is, this, look how gross that looks. What is that? Although it might taste good because it's fried, I've never actually had anything that was fried.
Starting point is 00:32:04 It tastes good. It's frank and chicken. Let's be honest. That's why like Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr. doesn't pretend. They're like, we're bad for you. Come eat it one. Come eat a burger or something. Come eat it.
Starting point is 00:32:14 No, you want it. Yeah, it's late at night. It's actually pretty good at it. I wanted to do something with that. Yeah, it's just that when they're pretending like they're trying to act like, oh, this is meatless. You make fried chicken.
Starting point is 00:32:23 When you guys think of fat, you guys just made me think of Carl's Jr. like an ad that I'm reminded of. Like, what do you think are some of the best ads they've done in the last two decades? A pair of siltin' words like drips. It drips, huh? That guy cheating, remember the guy with the wife
Starting point is 00:32:37 thinks he's cheating because he's got, like, it looks like lifts up. Is he talking about the wife's cat? The big wife's ass is there, the dripping. The wife's face, with the inside of his shirt. Carl's Jr. was smart because they stopped playing the game. They're like, let's just embrace what we are. Big messy, not good for your burger.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Wish every business did that. Yeah, just to stick with what you're winning with. Do your thing and no one cares. Stop appeasing to the nonsense. Is that restaurant in Vegas called Heart Attack Grill or something like that? There's a restaurant, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Is it in Vegas? Yeah. Yeah, and they Oh, yeah. Is it in Vegas? Yeah. Yeah, and they crushed. Does that what it is called? Yeah. People go there to like challenge each other to eat as much as possible. It's called heart attack grill. If I'm not mistaken. Collest raw infused food.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And you get maybe ducking, look it up. You get a discount if you're over 300 pounds. Oh, really? Yes. Yeah. And then the waiter or the people that work there are dressed like nurses Is that true? Is this true? Yeah, I am Vegas. I've never seen Vegas Doug. Look maybe Doug can find this this is old I feel like the 90s. I remember like like that being a thing
Starting point is 00:33:35 I heard it from them and forever. Oh, yeah, Las Vegas look at that Like they don't pretend you know, I'm saying how have I never heard of this place? Yeah, like stop acting I mean you're in heaven if you're like a chubby chief. Fighting anorexia since 2005. So, do they have a scale there where people actually get on and weigh themselves for the discount? I don't know, Doug, find their actual website.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I don't know what you're looking at there. He's looking at like, that is their website. That's their website? Yeah, it's not a good website. I mean, like it's old school. See, look, they're dressed like doctors and nurses. That dress's servu.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Oh, wow. So they have the double bypass burger. Yeah, double bypass burger. Oh my God. Flat liner fries, butter fat shake. Have you guys ever seen, like, have you been to a restaurant like that where they have like a featured item that's like impossible to eat?
Starting point is 00:34:24 So I've been to this one truck stop. It was in southern Illinois and their whole thing was this burger that was literally this big. And the hardest part, I saw a guy get through most of the meat, but you can't get it for free unless you eat the bun, which is a whole loaf of bread on both sides. And this guy's just grinding through, eating. And he got a crowd. Everybody's like cheering them on and everything. And it's just like. So American.
Starting point is 00:34:51 So American. Can you imagine? Exactly, right? There's people that don't even have food. And he just like, I can't do it. Yeah. I'm gonna force feed myself. What are some of the craziest feats of eating
Starting point is 00:35:03 that you guys have ever done? Do you guys have any any any story? I mean, I think I think eating a whole like extra large pizza is pretty crazy. By yourself. Yeah. You've done that before. Yeah. I've done something like that before. After you know the times where it's been crazy is after a show, which is why I totally understand why some of these people put on so much
Starting point is 00:35:19 ways. Your appetite is just boring. It's ravenous. And it's like, you eat a huge meal and it just kicks you off, oh, this is warm up time. Oh, yeah, it's like you just, it's real, which I tell you, it takes a lot of discipline because the first two shows, I remember eating like that. I was so hungry and I told my other such a big deal, I was like, oh, I'm just gonna go to town.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And it's like, you, you, and you don't get sick and nauseous feeling like, if I were to sit down and try to eat a whole pizza right now, and you don't get, you don't get sick and nauseous feeling. Like if I were to sit down and try to eat a whole pizza right now, I wouldn't even get halfway through and I would feel. Yeah, that's too much. I would, you would have to really force myself. But after a show when I'm depleted like that hard,
Starting point is 00:35:57 I'd power through something like that and be like, oh, I could still, I could still do some dessert right now or like, it's still hungry. No, I did it once. This is back in the day when I was younger and I just, all I could still do some dessert right now or like it's still hungry. No, I did it. I did it once. This is back in the day when I was younger and I just all I cared about with the scale. And of course, you know, I was getting easy kids. I just want to gain weight and I bought whatever the largest bucket of chicken you could get
Starting point is 00:36:16 at the KFC is. So it was like, it's like for a family of seven or something like that. And I ate the whole thing by myself. And till this day, I can't smell KFC without getting nauseous. Oh, I can't. It just, I went so far. It was too much. After I smelled like chicken.
Starting point is 00:36:32 That's me with pancakes. I used to be a big breakfast eater. And when I was in college, we'd go and stop at an eye hop. Or one of these buffet places where you just stack plates and I would eat scrambled eggs bacon and then pancakes. And I remember eating just stacks of pancakes. I think I stacked up like, it was like five or six plates of like full stacks of pancakes.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So healthy. And it was just like, completely worthless on the field. I remember up like, you know, you get that like total crash afterwards. So it's so tiring. So know, you get that like total crash afterwards. So it's so tiring. Yeah, hometown of phase like that over here. Yeah. After USA's, I, it was late when we got done in Vegas
Starting point is 00:37:13 and I was, I was craving a Cinebun and it was like five, 10 minutes before it closed. It was on the other side of town from where we were at. And I offered the guy that worked there that I'd pay him 50 bucks if he held it open. So I gave him 50 bucks on top of the six full size the minerals. I had four of them.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I couldn't get any further than that. That was pretty, that was, yeah. That was, that is terrible. I think there's like, 1500 calories or so per, I think, I think somewhere around, somewhere around there. By the way, I wanna say something real quick. We talked about having poor sleep or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Right before the podcast, I had two servings of the Organifi Pure. That stuff is magic. I actually feel okay right now. I was feeling like garbage earlier. Have you doubled up like that? I haven't doubled up on it before. Yeah, I don't know if you're supposed to,
Starting point is 00:37:56 so I don't know. I do shit like that. Is that the, so you're not doing the packet, you're doing this? No, I did the scoop, right? But I did, I didn't, uh, tuck double packet. I did one packet today, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:04 I've done that before. I have to pack. Man, that's incredible. I literally felt like complete dog shit. And, and I took, I took the serving about 30 minutes later. Uh, I feel, I feel way better. Oh, wow. Yes. Pretty, pretty remarkable. You know, talking about Vegas, it just reminded me of a, I want Doug to look this up because I just briefly saw it before we go on the podcast and so I should probably research to confirm, but want Doug to look this up because I just briefly saw it before we go on the podcast and so I should probably research to confirm, but it looked like it was true. Dana White has came out and officially announced
Starting point is 00:38:32 that they will be hosting a metaverse fight. No. Wait, how does that work? It's in the video game fighting? No, I don't think it'll be a video game fight. I don't think that's how that works. Are they gonna wear, they wear like little dots so they can track them and like throw them in there Or maybe they actually fight and then they put them in the metaverse
Starting point is 00:38:51 Here that you can want you'll be able to watch it you pull it up for us right now, Doug Yeah, I'm pulling up what it's gonna be weird. It's true. Yeah, is it you're gonna watch the power bar go down or to hit? You get like super like like power shots where their hand turns into flames. They're like the stars go above their head. Kill them. Finish him. That would be pretty cool actually. Weird.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Do you guys follow his thing that he does on Friday's now? It's pretty clever, right? He does this like every Friday, like fans and people sending like different foods and stuff to try. So he tries all these like exotic foods and stuff to try. So he tries all these exotic foods and different stuff and he then he kind of reports, oh, that tastes awesome or it tastes like shit or whatever. Last, it was just last week or the week before
Starting point is 00:39:33 he did this dill pickle one. Never heard of this dude, where you dump out the juice. Oh, you said, did you see this Andrew? Did you see him do it? So he takes, he takes like, he took like three like, kosher dill pickles, the big ones or whatever, pours the juice out, and then you take like Hawaiian punch, like your favorite flavors, you did like three different
Starting point is 00:39:53 flavors like watermelon and some of that. And then you pour it back into the pickle. With the pickles. And then you, and I think it's 24 hours or something that you let it soak in there. You made a Hawaiian punch pickle? Yeah, and then you eat like a Hawaiian put, yeah, it sounded disgusting.
Starting point is 00:40:06 He didn't seem like he was too impressed with it either. Oh, I was like, who started with a airplane? Dude, speaking of Metaverse, you guys hear about this kid who became an accidental millionaire with an NFT? Did you hear about this? What? Okay, so what kind was it? Cause did you find out more about that Metaverse fight?
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, it's gonna be a fight. Basically, you just watch it, I guess. You just watch it in the metaverse. Yeah, I think so. So that's what I think it's going to be a real fight, but you'll, you'll watch it inside the metaverse. Yeah, I need to look into it deeper, but doesn't look at that exciting to me personally. So listen to this Adam, you're going to love this. A student in Indonesia has made a fortune after turning a collection of selfies into NFTs because he thought it might be funny. He did it as a joke.
Starting point is 00:40:49 So, Sultan Gustaf Al-Gozali, who studies computer science, took nearly 1,000 pictures of himself sitting in front of his computer over a four-year period, before transforming them into NFTs, then he sold them, so check this out. He sold the 22 year old originally priced each one at just 0.001 ETH, ETH, which is $3. But they soon skyrocketed in a value after gaining the attention of high risk crypto traders with individual images now selling for more than $10,000. Why? And he's making a kick back royalty on each one.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Oh, you got to see this kid. Now, you know what, I made you why do you want? You know what's funny to me? He made one point to the dollar the are the NFT junkies that would take an article like that to prove that we're NFTs are going that's proves that this is all wackies There's not I'm like doubling and tripling down on all the like people I'm love by the way people that are sending me the NFT memes. I appreciate it. I love it because I'm like I It gets it's my new people to rile up now. Yeah, so like if I say something about NFTs They're not religious about it. Oh, not at all. They get so offended
Starting point is 00:41:53 I think too much money. I continually say this on the show like they are here to say at the 100% it's gonna be Game-changing like the technology is gonna disrupt a lot of industries and change the way we do things like, oh yeah, it's here But if you think so, but this is a lot of dog roll kid making a million dollars off of selfies He did if you think that's a future of how we how we use NFTs You're a moron money into that like that's just ridiculous Yeah, the vast majority of people are gonna are gonna lose their pants% at least. 80% at least. And not more. Kids selfies. That you just bought for 12 grand.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's stupid. Yeah, it's really cool. You know, I heard another NFT guy that was like pushing, like talking about how amazing it is. And like basically, you know, the board, yacht club thing that we were talking about before. So I heard him explaining more. He's like, it's like you're joining a mastermind group.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And imagine being in a mastermind group that's got Snoop Dogg, Snoop Dogg, Ferrell, Steph and Curry all hanging out in this little group because you have to have a quarter million dollars just to get into it. And okay, theoretically, that's like, okay, it's valuable to be working with those minds, but here's the thing, what happens when those guys are bored and they don't want to participate?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Exactly, they opt out. What happens when those guys are bored and they don't want to participate exactly They opt out what happens the way in Steph Curry's busy playing basketball and Snoop dogs busy with the million other things He's got going on and they're not in there and then this is your dumb ass with your quarter million dollar ticket to get in Hey, you snoop you want to play and they know care cuz what the quarter million dollars in they might use it's like the way you probably buy Like a video game to play for We do skills. Yeah, hey you want to play some video games? No, man I'm trying to play a game right now. Yeah, that's the part that I think that people are are Because I get it right I there they're obviously would be tremendous value of being in a a small group like that where you're connected to
Starting point is 00:43:38 Multi-millionaires that are making moves and doing stuff like it'd be like a mastermind I thought people love joining mastermind groups not for what they learn in the mastermind group, but purely for their connections. And that's why- You know they're showing up. Yeah, right. But exactly. And even if they do show up temporarily,
Starting point is 00:43:53 like what happens when they just, it gets old for them, they don't care anymore. Your NFTs worth nothing. Yeah. Or they find some other group they like hanging out with more. And it's like- Well, it feels like this is like a prime way to pump and dump something, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:07 So if you're a celebrity, you could sell NFTs to meet with you in the metaverse or whatever. Get the price, weigh the fuck up, sell yours off, and then bounce. So I heard another person talking about you guys doing. There's no regulation. Gary, I heard Gary Vee's made already like $90 million off of his NFTs.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Wow, okay. Is that crazy or what? What are we even doing you guys? Well, that highlight. Some ladies sold their Farts in a jar. This kid made millions of dollars with a selfies. What are we doing? Farts in NFTs.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah, I had no idea that was the beginning of the end, bro. Hey, if you had asked me five years ago, so I'll do you think some of this make 150 though whatever was half a million dollars. Selling Farts in a jar and a kid would make a million dollars selling a selfie, what do you think? Right in that here. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:44:48 That's not. I'd say, yeah, I believe there'll be a pan. That's not a sign of weird times. I don't know what it is. Hey, something else that's cool. Oh, yeah, he did. He made 90, 90 days, by the way. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:59 That's insane. All right, here's something else that's cool. I was reading about blue light, right? Because we work with Felix Gray, which is blue light blocking glasses. And I wanna learn more about blue light and some effects on the brain. So we know that if you're exposed to blue light,
Starting point is 00:45:12 especially through the eyes, right before bad, you'll produce less melatonin, it can affect your sleep because it sets your circadian rhythm. But did you know during the day, blue light increases attention span, it makes you more alert and it helps you with your memory. So, why am I saying this? If you wear really strong blue light blocking glasses during the day when you're on your computer,
Starting point is 00:45:34 you could be hampering your productivity and your ability to pay better attention. This is one of the good things I feel like straight-ed. They have daytime blue light blocking glasses and nighttime ones. the daytime ones only blocked the most damaging types of blue light But allow others to come in so you stay alert and you're able to now because of those benefits Have you guys have a from blue light the actual positive things that come from it? Have you seen people using it for training with athletes and stuff like that? No, but I came across an article actually where people are really yeah utilizing So I read it for learning.
Starting point is 00:46:05 There's some universities that will have rooms that are where those overhead blue light to help with studying. That's why I read in this article. So what are they doing with athletes? Yeah, so I don't, I didn't go deep into it. I saw it maybe, I don't know, three or four months ago, I came across it and I thought,
Starting point is 00:46:18 oh, that's interesting. Like they would be doing that. But I'd already read that about blue, like, it's not all negative, right? Like it's not like, No, it's just don't have it right before we go to bed. Right. I mean, that's the case that I try to make all the time is like, listen, the blue light is fine, but it's like if you're not, if you are getting ready to go to bed and you're
Starting point is 00:46:33 getting this bright blue light, then your brain just thinks it's freaking two o'clock in the afternoon. Yeah, and electronics put out quite a bit of blue light. And concentrated, right? Yeah. So it's even hot. So it's like, where the day time, so if you're working a computer all day long, you wanna wear blue light blocking glasses made for the day, and then a couple hours before bed, if you're still on electronics, then you wear the ones that are stronger because now you're preparing to go to bed.
Starting point is 00:46:54 What you don't wanna do is wear the nighttime ones all day long because you could be hampering your ability to retain information. I don't know how someone could do that because when I wear the night feelings great, like so I have, make your sleep have so many pairs, right because I when I wear the night feelings great like so I have make a sleep I have so many pairs right and When I have them side by side and I put one on put the other I could I could actually see the difference
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah, I look through them, but sometimes I've grabbed them before like thinking one pairs the other pair and not realizing it and then after I'm like Notting off what I'm sitting there. I'm like Jesus these and then I realize oh this is the because they're like a thicker lens even Yeah, so I don't know if you guys have noticed that before but the daytime ones I mean like I said if you go back and forth you can tell if you do yeah You can tell a difference for sure and that if I were those things half hour hour into a show and I've got the the night time Ones it'll put me to sleep. Oh, yeah, you're drowsy Hey, you got to check out one of our partners live on labs. They make products you gotta check out one of our partners, live on labs.
Starting point is 00:47:43 They make products, nutrient-based supplements, B-complex supplements, magnesium three and eight supplements. They have liposomal glutathione. They have products that your body actually absorbs and utilizes through a pharmaceutical grade process. It's called liposomal technology. It's one of the few products and supplement companies out there that uses it.
Starting point is 00:48:04 So a lot of the time you take vitamins and minerals and other compounds and you just PM out. That's not how these products work. You actually absorb and use them. And yes, you do feel a difference. So if you're interested, head over to liveonlabs.com, forward slash mind pump and you'll actually get a bunch of free sample packs
Starting point is 00:48:25 if you just get one product. Again, it's liveonlabs.com forward slash mind pump. All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from Malena, a race. What is better? Hit versus traditional cardio and why? Yeah, this is one of those annoying questions where I'm going to have to say it depends, right? Let's talk about the pros and cons of each right the pro of hit you burn more calories in a short period of time It is more muscle preserving than traditional forms of cardio
Starting point is 00:48:55 Go back to that for a second though. It's more calories per the minute within it, but you could technically do Steady state were for an hour compared to the 12 minutes, and you'll technically burn more calories. So if they all do 15 minutes, right? Then you're gonna burn more with it than you will with tradition. I think it's important to know that,
Starting point is 00:49:13 because I know that it gets marketed like that a lot of times. So people are like, wow, I can do 15 minutes, and it burn more calories than an hour of cardio. It's like, ooh, no, that's not what it is. No, it's more per time spent. It does preserve muscle better. It is better for, if you want, the kind of explosive performance
Starting point is 00:49:33 that a lot of sports are looking for. Here's the cons. Requires a lot higher skill. The risk of injury is much higher. If you're a high stress individual, probably not appropriate. So it's less appropriate for far more people than traditional cardiants. Now we go to traditional cardio. It does burn less calories, but it also tends to be more recuperative. It doesn't preserve muscle as well,
Starting point is 00:49:59 but if you do in traditional resistance training and your diet's okay, then you're probably okay. Traditional cardio is not gonna give you the kind of athletic performance that most sports look for, unless your sport is like long distance, you know, type endurance, like running or whatever. And it's just more appropriate for more people. So essentially what we're asking is what's better or hammer or a screwdriver,
Starting point is 00:50:21 and it depends on the job and the tool that we need for the job. Well, I think to like risk factors. So if you go in the high intensity, yes, it is more muscle-preserving, but also you have to be a little bit more advanced in terms of having the prerequisites and having experience exercising at that pace where cardio, you can kind of string it out a bit longer, might not be quite as impactful in the joints. You can kind of string it out a bit longer, it might not be quite as impactful in the joints, like you can kind of structure it that way. So, you have to kind of decide what makes sense in terms of your goals and like,
Starting point is 00:50:51 are you really at that level, or should you just kind of construct more of a cardiovascular, longer version of that? You know, every time we talk about cardio, I feel like we upset the cardio bunnies, or the people that just absolutely love to do cardio. But I really wish that the general population or a majority of people that are listening to this that are trying to pursue fat loss, which is why most people get on cardio. Very few people are just doing it for
Starting point is 00:51:18 overall health, which if that's the case, something that's fantastic. Most people think it's one of the best modes for you to get in shape and to lose body fat. And I just wish, if I could convey one thing to those people, I wish that you would figure it out without that first and then learn to add that in later. And then have fun. Add hit, try that out for a while, see how it makes you feel, add a little bit of cardio, maybe do some walking,
Starting point is 00:51:42 maybe do some hiking, maybe do some stair mass, maybe play with all the, but first, figure out your, your caloric maintenance, okay, what, what, what amount of calories do you need to eat to maintain your body weight with no cardio and just your normal daily activities and then learn how to program training in there, weight lifting to see how the body changes from that and or if you reduce a couple hundred calories from your maintenance, how your body responds as far as losing body fat, learn all that first and then bring and introduce cardio in and bring it in intermittently and or put it in places that you go like, oh, I could see myself doing this for the rest
Starting point is 00:52:21 of my life. I could definitely do a one hour hike every weekend or 20 or 30 minutes, two to three times a week. But first, figure out all those other things, how your body responds without it in there, and then introducing it, I think it would benefit everybody so much. Yeah, as a primary mode of exercise for fat loss, and that very effective, it leads to plateaus,
Starting point is 00:52:43 leads to metabolic adaptation. It's just not a super effective sole way of weight loss, at least not on a long-term basis. But back to the question of HIIT versus traditional, which is where you're steady state cardio, what percentage of your guys' clients, did you put on HIIT and what percentage did you have do as clients, did you put on hit and what percentage did you have do something similar to steady state? I tend to use steady state more. So did I. Far more.
Starting point is 00:53:12 It was a very small percentage, you know, apply hit to. Yeah, same. The same where they were coming from. Same here because if I, if you have movement pattern issues and a high stress life and I'm not there to monitor and watch it And I'm asking, hit training requires all out intensity or effort. It's very high intensity, it's part of the name, right? High intensity interval training.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Whatever dysfunction you have or movement pattern issue you have is gonna be amplified tremendously. And it's not a recuperative form of cardio. It's a more of a workout. There's nothing wrong with that, but I like to have cardio. When I'm talking about the average person, if I'm talking to an athlete, that's totally different.
Starting point is 00:53:49 But I'm talking to the average person. I have to be used to hit quite a bit. Yes, you know, we did train very many hours. No, I'm talking to the average person. I wanted cardio to be recoupative. So I would do lots of things like walking and hiking and cycling to where that's gonna facilitate recovery, rather than take away from the recovery that I need
Starting point is 00:54:07 when I'm applying resistance training with them. So that's what I didn't wanna do. I don't want your workout, your cardio workout, unless again, you're an athlete and there's a specific performance goal, but I didn't want your cardio workout to be so intense that it competed with what I was trying to do with resistance training in the sense
Starting point is 00:54:21 that I had to modify my volume and intensity to make room for your cardio. I don't want to do that. Again, unless you're an athlete and you have specific performance stamina goals, but if your goal is fat loss and health, then I'm going to pick the form of cardio that's appropriate for all of that in the context of what I'm doing with you. And it was probably 90% of my clients, I would have them do traditional cardio. You're also going to have 10% to hit. You're also going to pick the form of cardio that's I would have them do traditional cardio. Maybe 10% did hit.
Starting point is 00:54:45 You're also gonna pick the form of cardio that's more likely for them to sustain long-term. Yes. And getting a client, that's why we talk about the steps and the walks and the hikes and strolls with your spouse. Like, it's so much easier to convince a client to do that. You said something the other day on the podcast, too.
Starting point is 00:55:01 It's so true. It's like, if I give my client like step goals, or hey, I want you to walk for an hour every day, and you could break the hour day on the podcast, too. It's so true. If I give my client like step goals or hey, I want you to walk for an hour every day and you could break the hour up and 10 minute increments, you could do it all in one, you could do it in two half hours. I don't care, just get an hour of walking, purely walking for a day. Then that means a client can do this.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Oh wow, I have a 15 minute break right now. I'm gonna go for a little bit of a walk or, oh, I'm on lunch now. You know, instead of driving to get food, I'm gonna walk to get food. They can do things that, you're not instead of driving to get food, I'm gonna walk to get food like they can do things that like You're not gonna go like it's my lunch break and I'm gonna go do sprints on the hill No, like nobody is doing that unless you have a job or change or you close
Starting point is 00:55:33 Yeah, it's just that it's just not likely to happen for most people so for the general pop I would say mine was more like a 70 25 split. I would say 75% of my clients, I did steady state traditional cardio or walking, 25%. And the reason why maybe I'm saying a little bit higher is because I don't think I trained more athletes. It was, I had the very small percentage was maybe one to five percent
Starting point is 00:55:57 was athletes that I utilized hit. And then my advanced clients. So my clients that have been training for a long period of time and we've done steady state cardio forever. We've done, I've strengthened them there and we've done explosive stuff and so they're ready for that. But I don't, did you guys see we just have an umbrella in shop? He heard his name. He blew up all his hamstrings. Thought he'd go for a sprint real quick. That wouldn't have happened if you went for a light jog or
Starting point is 00:56:23 a whole. That's right. That's right. He was racing a friend. And the reason why I bring him up, not to throw shade, we got a lot of love for Brendan, is that that's an example of why as a trainer, I wouldn't do that with a no-quake, because it's an all-out. It's that you're asking somebody for all-out for 20 seconds to get after it as hard as they possibly can, and then call me out.
Starting point is 00:56:42 If you get after it as hard as you can and you haven't conditioned the body to handle, that's exactly what happens. You blow a hamstring, you roll an ankle, you hurt your knee, you do something like that, and the pursuit of, you're gonna get this fraction more of fat loss or retaining muscle over it. It's just not worth it for a majority of the clientele.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Next question is from Cup of Joe. What is a good pre-workout meal? I've been doing a zikiel bread with honey and peanut butter and a cup of coffee for months, but are there better things to eat specifically for strength training? Yeah, boy, people really get caught up in the details and minutia of things that I don't think are that important.
Starting point is 00:57:19 So, here's the things to focus on. Studies will show that for performance, about a couple hours before work out, you want to have some carbohydrates and some protein, okay? Where they come from doesn't matter except for this. Make sure it's very easily digestible, okay? Because what will screw you up, isn't whether or not you had this fast or absorbing starch
Starting point is 00:57:42 or honey and the fructose versus sucrose versus what? Who cares about that? It's like, it's just splitting hairs. It's about digestion. And do you feel, are you going to your workout feeling bloated? Do you feel sweaty? Yes, I'm going to be internally fighting something
Starting point is 00:57:56 as you're now going to work out. Yes, eat something really easy to digest. So for me, pre workout meal would be like some chicken, some white rice. And that's really easy for me to digest. I'd have maybe 50, 60 grams of carbs, 30, 40 grams of protein, and I'm ready to go. I wouldn't choose proteins or carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:58:15 that might give me a little bit of digestive distress, which were maybe later on the day when I'm not gonna work out, that might be okay. Not good before the workout. I'm so glad that you went that direction with this advice because when I was competing, I actually got into this a little bit. I mean, when you're weighing and measuring and tracking
Starting point is 00:58:31 and never missing and like, you're looking for every half a percent of advantage that you can get, you start to pursue some things like this. Like up into that point, I never did. Like it never did. That doesn't make sense unless everything is perfect. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Like before that, I'd already been training for 15 years of my life. That's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:58:52 it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like stuff. And there's lots of stuff, there's people that are doing pop tarts to do it, there's people that are- Yeah, they're fast absorbing cars. Yeah, and they make this case for, and here's the thing that I, what I had found from trying all the things, is it was, it was the meal that just digested well for me. It just made me feel good in general, like it,
Starting point is 00:59:19 and you know, maybe it wasn't the perfect ratio of carbs to protein that you might read that, oh, this is the most ideal. No, it doesn't really say two to one. Yeah, and there's material out there to read that will point you in the direction of what that should look like, but the truth is, there's such an individual variance with everybody's digestive system
Starting point is 00:59:38 that it's whatever food gets digested, really easy for you that it doesn't impede on your training that will probably benefit your training the most. And just because somebody else does this one thing that like, you know, slams two or three pop tarts and they feel amazing and they swear by the pumps, doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna work the same way for you, especially if things like that upset your gut.
Starting point is 00:59:58 So, you know, find a meal that, you know, keeps you satisfied, you don't feel overstuffed, it feels light when you digest it. It's, you've given yourself, by the way too, I think time is important, like sometimes people do something a half hour before your workout. For me, it's about two hours. Yeah, two hours, I mean, so I think it's 90 minutes
Starting point is 01:00:16 to two hours is typically, I mean, liquids are different, but for most foods, your body takes about that long to digest and convert it over into fuel. So, you know, if you're doing something an hour before, and you think it's impacting your workout, I mean, it's really not, and most of that's not even getting converted yet. So, you know, find something that you can eat,
Starting point is 01:00:35 that you like, and here's nothing too, that matters. Consistency. You know, if like, maybe you could put together this perfect combination of foods, that gives you like your extra 1% in your workout, but it's like so difficult to put that together every day. What the fuck are you worried about? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:00:51 Find something that you know you can consistently do and stick with that, and that's probably the most important. I work out fast that every day. Every morning, I work out at about 7 a.m. and I didn't eat anything that morning. It's the dinner before, that's my pre workout meal. It's not that big of a deal. The biggest thing is the digestive piece, really the difference between rice versus potatoes, versus pixie sticks or gummy bears.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I've seen people probably just stupid, excuse to eat garbage, whatever. It's just whatever digest well and is easy and what you want is some carbohydrates and some proteins. And that's basically it. Really, it doesn't make a big difference. Next question is from Josh Shannonator. How can I recover more quickly from extremely high intensity squatting?
Starting point is 01:01:36 Usually I am buffered for five days. You are asking the wrong question. You're trying to, you're trying to, you got to leak in the ship and you're asking me what the best, you know, silly putty is to- I don't know, I patch everything up. Yeah, no, the problem is that you're working out too hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:50 If you're hammered for five days, there's no recovery tool available. I don't even, I mean, what's that thing that Boba Fett sleeps in? Yeah, Chamber? I don't know what it's called. Car-wise reference. Yeah, I love the driver. Unless you have one of those. Yeah, it's like a healing chamber. Unless you have one of those. Yeah, it's like a healing chamber.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Yeah, let's have one of those. I mean, but no, there's no recovery tool or, you know, technique or hack. That's going to, if you're hammered for five days, it's going to make a difference. It's not going to make a difference. The problem is you're working out. It's too much volume or too much intensity or both in your workout. Fix that. The recovery tools and stuff,
Starting point is 01:02:25 you know what those are good for? Those are good for people who are always training near the line and they're really dialed in about everything and they just want that slight extra edge and I'll list you, here's the list of things that are most important. Or they have to perform. That's right, so they just did an event
Starting point is 01:02:42 and they performed at their highest peak and now that like, it's really necessary you add all these recovery aids. Yeah, but here's the list of things that help with recovery in order of importance. Sleep, food and water. And then all the other stuff, like a red light therapy and you know, that might do a little bit or sauna or cold or plunge and that kind of maybe
Starting point is 01:03:04 will do a little bit, but or cold or plunge and that kind of maybe will do a little bit. But yeah, the fact that you said you're hammered for five days, there's nothing I could throw at you that exists today. That will make that big. Isn't it interesting that's how this is how our brains operate? I was the same way too. You know, like it's not the workout that's the problem. Should I take some BCAAs or should I do some hot cold plunges or should I do a massage
Starting point is 01:03:22 like right afterwards? Like I'm thinking of all the rooms and 3D. Every time. I'm so sore. Versus the way I look at it now, which ises, or should I do a massage, like right afterwards, like I'm thinking of all the dreams. Every time I'm so sore. Versus the way I look at it now, which is like, oh, I have this amazing signal that my body gives me feedback when I overreach, when I train, and look at this, the last two times I've trained legs,
Starting point is 01:03:37 I've been sore for five days. It's not that I'm missing a supplement, it's not that I'm not doing something in my routine to speed up recovery, it's that I'm overtraining. I'm overtraining and I need to back off. And so that's the way you need to reframe this and think about this is that, and it's not a negative thing. It's just that simple is that your training is really hard probably on those days and your body is still sore when you go to train your legs again. And that is your sign that you did too much. Totally. And you're backing off doesn't mean that you're slowing down your pursuit of going forward
Starting point is 01:04:10 in progress. No, it's your accelerator. You were just getting smarter with your training. I have to put that out there because there's so many people out there still promoting intensity by all means necessary. Yeah. Like more is better. No, there's a smart way to train
Starting point is 01:04:25 where you still progress. You can lift more weight if that's the desired outcome, but you got to be smarter about your training. No, Josh, here's a deal. If you trained less intensely or less volume, you'll get faster results than you're getting right now. So you're not going to compromise anything. Right now you're compromising everything
Starting point is 01:04:43 because you'll work out as too intense. That's the problem. So back off and then watch what happens to your progress. Next question is from Nathan Teal. What is something that all of you preach but struggle to practice when it comes to fitness? That's easy for me. That is a big one for me. We always talk about how supplements don't make that big difference. Yeah, you take everything. And look, I mean, I admittedly have a dysfunctional relationship with supplements. It's like almost like a drug addiction, I guess. Luckily, they're not drugs, but I do love messin' with supplements.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I like buying different supplements. That's the supplement companies right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up, so. We're knocking on our front door. Yeah, I do like supplements. I like messing with them. I like experimenting. I like combining different things.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Seeing how they work in my body. I like to experiment on myself. Probably to the detriment of my own health and well-being. Fully aware of it. And this is one of the ways I'm a better coach and trainer for other people than I am for myself. But that's an easy one for me. I know about that one and I'll work on it one day.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Well, overreaching for me, I mean, just to kind of piggyback on that last question. Sometimes I just feel so good and I just wanna recreate some of those moments I had like in my career where I was lifting heavy weights and it was hitting personal bests and you just get in kind of the momentum
Starting point is 01:06:12 and the flow of the workout where I'm just like, yes, and then I get after I know better. And literally I'll stop myself and be like, I probably should back up, but I want to do it. And then I just throttle down. So it's not always consistently smart. Every time I go in there and work out, sometimes I do stretch that capacity quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:06:38 I would say, I don't know, rock stars or diet coax, those are probably things that I wouldn't promote for people to be doing. You never put that in your client's diet? Yeah, I never wrote that into a diet plan or encouraged someone to do that. Yet I still enjoy a good diet coke when we're eating out somewhere. And I've been on a rock star kick for the last probably year. So, which I got to stop because I can already feel it eating way at my teeth. And I'm going to go see my dentist.
Starting point is 01:07:04 And I know they're going gonna tell me right away. So that's probably one that I don't encourage people doing and I catch myself still doing it even though I preach otherwise. Other than that, oh, you know what, here's another one. Definitely I'm challenged on the staying off my phone late at night. I have practices that I put in place where I put the phone away
Starting point is 01:07:25 and do think of it that, but it still creeps back into my life. Like I definitely find myself, it's curious about, you know, what's going on with the business. We just launched something and so I'm watching the numbers like crazy and I'm just so interested or we just got a cool email and I wanna read it. I wanna wait till tomorrow and so, and sometimes I like that stuff so much like I love
Starting point is 01:07:46 Looking at the business like I've never had a business that has so many different analytics that I find it like relaxing even though I know it's not relaxing for my brain to do that like I enjoy just sitting there And so I catch myself Doing things like that late at night when I know it disrupts my sleep So that's probably something I can always continue to be better. And then yeah, the probably the drinks are probably the big ones other than that. I'd say I'm pretty consistent with the stuff
Starting point is 01:08:11 that we talk about and we say on the show. Yeah, I would say, you know, is if you're a coach or a trainer, it's really important to be honest to yourself about this kind of stuff because I think trainers, and I just used to be me too, I would kind of fall in this trap of like, I need to be perfect, otherwise I can't help other people.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Nobody's perfect. Nobody is perfect. And that, because you're not perfect, I mean, you can't help other people, just be honest. And I think the challenge is when, like I would have trainers that did this, that worked for me, they would preach eating clean and perfect,
Starting point is 01:08:47 and then they would preach it like they were gods of eating perfect and clean, and then when they would eat garbage food, they would hide it, you know, like they'd eat the occasional bag of chips or you know fast food and they'd hide it, oh don't anybody see, and it's like, you know, you put yourself in a weird position
Starting point is 01:09:01 because you're not a real human. Yeah, you're making yourself, you're turning yourself into something that you're not, and that's going to backfire. So I think it's important to be super honest and look, I'll be the first one to tell you that I am a way better coach and trainer for other people than I am for myself. And I think it's like that for most coaches and trainers. So, and that's the thing, nobody's perfect. And in the pursuit of health and fitness is not the pursuit of perfection. That is what will get you in a lot of trouble.
Starting point is 01:09:29 You pursue perfection, it's not gonna, not only will you never get there because it doesn't exist, but you'll probably go in the opposite direction. So, keep that in mind. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com and download all of our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any fitness goal. You can also find all of us on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:09:48 So Justin is at MindPump Justin. I'm at MindPump Sal. By the way, there's somebody on Instagram using my name and trying to scam people into buying crypto. It's what a God. My name is spelled mine. I have any business I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:09:59 It's MindPump Sal. One L and MindPump. There's an I in there. They'll switch the letters around and make it look like me. It's not me. I'm MindPump Sal. It's a mind pump cell, one L and mind pump. There's an I in there. They'll switch the letters around and make it look like me. It's not me. I'm mind pump cell, it's only one. And then you can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
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Starting point is 01:11:08 and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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