Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1748: Stomach Vacuums for a Smaller Waist, the Pros & Cons of Only Consuming One Meal a Day, How to Choose the Correct Weight for a Lift and & More

Episode Date: February 11, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q&A), Sal, Adam, & Justin coach four Pump Heads on stomach vacuums, selecting the proper weight for your lifts, eating one meal a day, and more. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The BEST f...at-burning supplement, BY FAR, is creatine. (3:46) The Mind Pump family fitness challenge is brought to you by Organifi. (21:53) The delicate balance of having a healthy relationship with money. (27:10) Dad life updates with the guys: Your kids asking if you’re famous, my dad is stronger than your dad, and new phases of growth. (32:20) Vuori, making you look good inside and outside the gym. (45:13) Another animal study showing chronic use of THC can lower testosterone. (47:54) The unintended consequences of lockdowns. (51:02) Is YouTube bigger than Netflix?! (54:46) #Quah question #1 – What training frequency should be applied towards stomach vacuums? Should they be done daily or have a few rest days in between? (59:11) #Quah question #2 – For beginning lifters, how do we figure out what weight to start with on the main lifts? (1:03:26) #Quah question #3 – Will consuming all my calories in one meal a day, and not eating 6-8 hours after a workout, limit progress and/or ruin my metabolism? (1:06:37) #Quah question #4 – How long should one stick to a workout routine? (1:11:11) Related Links/Products Mentioned February Promotion: MAPS Performance and MAPS Aesthetic 50% off!! **Promo code “FEB50” at checkout** Pros and Cons of Creatine – Mind Pump Blog Creatine — Health Benefits, Dosage, Side ... - Examine.com Creatine monohydrate supplementation on body weight and percent body fat Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Chronic exposure to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol impacts testicular volume and male reproductive health in rhesus macaques A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality Is YouTube bigger than Netflix? Visit Drink LMNT for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Shrink Your Waist with Stomach Vacuums | MIND PUMP TV How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) – Mind Pump TV How Phasing Your Workouts Leads to Consistent Plateau Free Workouts – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Mark Bell (@marksmellybell)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Right, today's episode, we answered some questions at the end that listeners and viewers asked us. So we went through, answered their questions, helped them out with their fitness, but the way we opened the episode was with an intro portion. So in the intro portion, we talk about current events,
Starting point is 00:00:31 we bring up scientific studies and we talk about our sponsors. Today's intro was about 52 minutes long. After that, we got to those questions that I talked about. So here's what went down in today's podcast. We opened up, I talked about the best, most most effective as proven by studies, fat burning supplement. Then we talked about the family fitness challenge that's going on with some of my friends and cousins. And how I'm also gonna hook them up with a bunch
Starting point is 00:00:55 of organifi supplements to help them out. Now organifi is a company that makes plant-based organics supplements for the most part. I love their protein powder, easy to digest, great amino acid profile. They have a great green powder, red powder, and gold powder, all for different uses. Go check them out, very popular company, lots and lots of people very satisfied and happy with their products. Head over to mindpumppartners.com, click on Organify and then use the code MindPump for 20%
Starting point is 00:01:24 off. Then Justin talked about how his son thought I was a famous guy, not him, kind of cool, which led us to talking more about our kids and some stories about our families. Then I talked about how my wife thinks I'm super hot in Athlete's Aware. In particular, Viori Athlete's Aware, their stuff is high quality. Last a long time, it looks really good and it's suitable to work out in. So it's really hard to do all those things, but Viori nailed it out of the park. It's no wonder the one of the fastest growing Athletes or Work companies in the world. And of course, we have a discount code for you because you listen to our show.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So head over to mindpumppartners.com, click on Viori and that link will give you 20% off your first order. Then I talked about how THC was just shown in some studies to shrink the size of testicles and monkeys. Uh-oh. Then we talked about the new study out of John Hopkins, the meta-analysis on the lockdowns over the pandemic. Turns out they didn't help, they actually caused a lot more problems. Gee, I wish people said that when it all first started. Then we talked about YouTube and the streaming wars and then we got to the fitness questions.
Starting point is 00:02:30 So here's the first one. This person wants to know how often they should practice stomach vacuums in order to shrink their waist. The next question, this person wants to know for beginners, how do they know how to pick the right weight for each exercise? The third question, this person wants to know if eating all of their calories in one meal will have any detrimental effects versus spreading the calories out throughout the day. And then the final question, this person wants to know how long you should stick to one particular workout program.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Also, all month long, we're running a sale on two very popular maps workout programs. The first one is maps Performance. Train like an athlete, look like an athlete, move like an athlete. That program is 50% off. The next program that's on sales maps is static. This is a body builder inspired program for symmetry, balance, to sculpt, and shape, and build your body. That one is also 50% off. So here's what you got to do if you want the programs at discount. For maps performance, head over to mapsgreen.com, for maps aesthetic, head over to mapsblack.com, and the code for both of them for 50% off is FEB50. Feb50 will give you half off either one of those programs or both of those programs. All right, the best fat burning supplement by far is Craya Team. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I like that. Yes, I like that. I know where you're going with that. It's true. So there's a huge market for fat burning supplements and they're largely made up of stimulant-based products. And what stimulants do is they obviously make you feel hyped. In the short term, about my pyruvate, bro.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Oh god, nobody talks about that anymore. Remember that back into the day? Yeah, yeah. But yeah, they're stimulants, so they get you kind of hyped up in the short term, and the long term they don't, because your body starts to regulate, adjust and adapt. But in the short term, you get this boost of energy, so it may make you move more. There's also appetite appetite suppressing effects. So that's why sometimes fat burners in the short-term
Starting point is 00:04:28 can help people lose weight, but I'll argue in the long-term, not so great, because the effect they have, the stress response they have in the body, they don't really contribute to muscle building for long-term health, not really too many benefits. Crating on the other hand, never marketed as a fat burner, but we all know it's a clearly
Starting point is 00:04:48 the most effective non-hormonal, legal muscle-building supplement you can take. So indirectly, you are going to burn more body fat and the long-term with Cratee, because more muscle equals faster metabolism and a faster metabolism is a wonderful thing to have when you're talking about fat. I love that. I love that.
Starting point is 00:05:05 You don't recomp. No, I mean, not to mention it's probably significantly cheaper than a lot of those fat burning supplements. Yes, and healthy. Yeah. And good for you. It's got great health properties. Action brings.
Starting point is 00:05:16 It's good for the brain. It's got great properties for the heart. They're now starting to use it with the aging population to prevent atrophy. It's cognitive benefits. Arthritis benefits. Vegan. It's a great supplement.
Starting point is 00:05:29 It's been around for a while. It's the most studied, one of the most studied supplements. And it's indirectly, it will help with fat burning. Just like resistance training is a great fat burning tool when it comes to exercise, even though it burns less calories, than other forms of exercise. And it's all through that muscle building process. Now I want wanna tell you, so when I used to tell my clients to stay away
Starting point is 00:05:47 from fat burners and that they're a waste of money, the thing that I would tell them is that they're a stimulant, and if you've ever felt yourself eat, you know, drink, you know, extra caffeine on a day or whatever that, how, you know, antsy you are and how active you are. You just, you tend to get up more, you're tapping your hands, you're doing stuff. And most of the studies and research around
Starting point is 00:06:07 any of these fat burners that show any sort of positive benefits towards fat burning are directly connected to the just how much you move more. Because you get right. Is that not true or what? That's part of it. And then the appetite suppresses. That's a present.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Other than that, like there's the other benefits that they try and tout or just not. Yeah, they'll show studies like more fat mobilization and whatever. But when you look at the actual studies on fat loss, you do in a short term, sometimes seeing a fact. In the long term, I don't think there's a great effect. In fact, in my experience with clients who did use fat burners, there was always a strong rebound, right? Because when you're on them for, you know, 10 to 12 weeks,
Starting point is 00:06:45 you get this appetite, suppressing effect, you get this kind of hyper energy. It starts to wear off. You're gonna go off at some point, because you can't just keep ramping up your stimulants, you know, forever. When you go off, now everything's down regulated. You feel like crap.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Appetite comes back, like crazy. And it tends to wash out. And I mean, I'm even talking about the ones that were very, that aren't even legal necessarily today, like Ephedra. The Ephedra caffeine aspirin stack of the 90s in early 2000s, I mean, that'll kick the crap out of most, you know, over the counter stimulants now, it had those effects, but in a long term, it wasn't very good.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And oftentimes what people would notice is maybe some muscle loss because of the stress response that it induces in the body versus creatine, which you're healthier, you feel good, muscles are stronger, full of the recover faster, you build them faster, and then over time you get this metabolism boost. I feel like one to two wraps, I've always feel like stronger when I'm running creatine.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like it just feels like I have like a little bit more in the tank, you know, in the workouts. So it's like, you know, it has to benefit your overall progress if you really can wrap it up. Here's why creatine never gets marketed as a fat burner because you gain a little weight when you go on it. Yeah, because it holds water in your muscle. Yes. So, yeah, so that's a terrible line of fire performance.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And we know that's gonna fuck with most people's heads, right? People that are getting say, oh my God, I heard from Mind Pump that this is a great way to lose body fat and then they start taking it and they're like, oh shit, my scale went up two pounds and they freak out. Yeah, I don't realize that. Yeah, okay, so your body's holding a little bit of water in your muscle, doesn't mean that you got fat or?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah, and by the way, water in the muscle is not the same as bloat. So you can have water outside the muscle, which is bloat and it makes your body look smoother. Water in the muscle is a more full looking muscle. It's a tighter muscle, not unlike a pump. Like when you get a pump, your muscles now have more fluid in them. You don't look like your fatter.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Your muscles actually might look even more defined. So it's not a bloat on the outside of the body. It's intracellular, intramuscular water. And it's a little bit. It's not much. That's why I was saying gorge. That's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I might gain with Cratee and I'll tell you my way will go up like three, four pounds. Three or five pounds. And I have a lot of lean body mass with someone with less lean body mass. It's a pound or two. Yeah. But the fat burning effects over time, I don't think anything can really compare over the counter that you can find, especially when you look at the health effects. I'm going to add to that and take it one step further.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I would agree with you that I think creatine is a superior fat burning supplement for those reasons. Then I would even say the next series or types of supplements that would be even better than fat burners would be actually just assessing and seeing what nutrients you're lacking. So are you getting enough magnesium in your diet? Are you getting enough vitamin D? Are you getting enough vitamin D? Are you missing in some of these vital nutrients or are you lower than than lower than average, and supplementing to
Starting point is 00:09:46 get that up, I think makes your body run more optimally, everything from sleep to energy to strength, to just over and over time, those compounding effects will pay back more dividends towards fat loss than taking some bullshit T2 supplement or liposomal, some shit, like that stuff is like- Anything that's going to bring you back to a more healthy place, right, like your healthy homeostasis where after you're deficient, I mean, that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:10:12 If you're eating certain foods that are inflammatory, your body is just fighting this internally as you're trying to progress and lose bifat, you know, you have a hard time. So to be able to kind of figure all that out, much more effective than taking some fat burning clothes. Oh, I wish I understood that as a kid. Like, you know, the fur, I remember I spent so much money
Starting point is 00:10:32 on, and what I didn't have very much money either, you know, it's making $5 an hour or whatever and a few hundred bucks a month and I'm spending 200 something on like muscle building supplements. Me, meanwhile, I'm not even tracking my protein and years later find out that I'm grossly under consuming protein simply just,
Starting point is 00:10:52 and there's another supplement, right? I would rather see someone take, and that includes for fat loss also. If you grossly under eat protein and you're a female or trying to lose weight, you getting your protein at stake. I've had this conversation literally with my sister right now or trying to lose weight, you getting your protein intake. I've had this conversation literally with my sister right now who wants to lose a bunch of weight.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And she's like, she has all these questions. Should I take this and tell me the exact, I'm like, listen, all I want you to do is prove to me for two weeks that you can hit the protein and take I'm telling you to you. And watch how hard that is. And she's calling me every day. I'm like, God, brother, it's really hard to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Consisting me. I'm like, this is going to pay you back towards your fat loss goal more than anything else I can teach you. Just start with that. And so, and that's the very beginning is just getting hurt at eat or protein. You're right. Similar to creatine, right? Because higher protein diets, so long as calories are controlled, right? It's appetite, suppressant, builds more muscle indirectly. You end up burning more body fat. You know what the nutrient deficiency thing? I'm glad you said that, that's a big one because if you have a legit nutrient deficiency, you're, forget fat loss, your health is not good.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Like if you're lacking vitamin D or magnesium or zinc or any other essential nutrient, your rate of anxiety, depression, insomnia, your hormones are like low vitamin D&M and low testosterone, right? So nutrient deficiencies are that's a medical issue and there's almost nothing more impactful and I've had a few clients like this where we were going down the list Trying to figure out what the hell was going on They got their nutrients tested my B vitamins are low or whatever Supplementing with them finding the dose, and then it's like,
Starting point is 00:12:25 night and day, like complete night and day in terms of how they feel. That's a really big one. Now I know the next question's gonna be like, what's the best form of creative team? Creative monohydrate. The cheap one. That's it.
Starting point is 00:12:37 That's the one that studied. No other form of creative has been shown to be better. So you have to explain, K, because that is marketing, right? Yes, and there's lots of it around creatine. And it's and it's continue to evolve and change. And I guarantee there's somebody on here right now that's probably shouting at their phone or what about this? Like I've heard this the delivery system on this is so much better.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Or did you see? Well, or that or they sell a creatine that they and the the reason why that has exploded all the different types and delivery systems is because the margins have gotten so shitty in creating. Creating is so widely known, it's actually pretty easy to get, it's relatively inexpensive. And so it's no longer what we could make off of it
Starting point is 00:13:19 in the late 90s and early 2000s. Now everybody can get it in bulk for really cheap. So we know the next way to good margins at it is make it a delivery system that's different or pair it with something else and sell it on why that is such an important factor. It's the old one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:36 We're at splitting hairs. If you wanna understand the supplement industry, read up on the history of creating. It's a beautiful textbook example of how the supplement industry evolves and how they constantly shit the bed, right? So in the mid-90s, I don't remember the exact year, but it was sometime in the mid-90s, creating became an available supplement. And it was a complete breakthrough because up until then, and even since then, no supplement has been shown to have those kinds of effects.
Starting point is 00:14:05 There's all kinds of supplements promising, muscle building, not stuff. Nothing actually works like Craya Team does. You take it and 90% of people at Take It are going to notice an incredible effect. So in the mid 90s, I believe, and it was Bill Phillips company EAS, was one of the first ones to market it.
Starting point is 00:14:20 This is no joke. So this is like 90, I want to say 95, 96, probably when I first started taking it, a 100 gram bottle of Cratee Monahydrate. So it was a small bottle. Yeah, yes. $45 in the mid 90s. It's how much it costs. Yeah. Or you could buy phosphagane. This was a protein supplement with Cratee. With Cratee and phosphogen, IHP. And then they started coming out with different ones. And they they really they really kind of own the market on Create team for a little while and it's one of the main reasons why they completely exploded besides the marketing brilliance of Bill Phillips They exploded and so what supplement companies did is they're like, okay as Create team becomes more available
Starting point is 00:14:57 How the hell do we separate ourselves from our competitors because it's just all Create team? It's all the same. So they first started competing with delivery systems. So this company over here is like, Dextrous, gotta have Dextrous, and then this one over here is talking about, oh, this other thing that you gotta take with it, and it's carnitine, and it's whatever. So they started competing with that first. Then they came out with different versions of crating.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Crating, site trait, throat, water, it fizzes up. This is better absorption, it's not, right? All these different forms coming out, this one prevents the bloat that comes from creatine because what they did is they worked off of the false myth around creatine causing bloat in a lot of people. And the truth is they've studied all of them. None of them are more efficacious
Starting point is 00:15:38 than creatine monohydrate. In fact, creatine monohydrate usually is the most efficacious one at the very best. They're about the same if they have a different version. So there's nothing that's better. It's the most studies, also least expensive. So really, and what you powder,
Starting point is 00:15:51 just get Crating monohydrate powder, pure plain powder. It doesn't need to be micronized, although that's fine if it's easier for you to swallow than the gritty powder. It doesn't need to be put in a tablet, but if you prefer that way, you could take it that way. It's inexpensive. What you want is just something that's got third party testing
Starting point is 00:16:09 to make sure that it's pure because supplement companies can sometimes it's dirty. Yeah, or just be dirty. Like you'll have heavy metals or something like that in there, but that's pretty much it. And so they try to find ways to compete with each other by coming up with a new marketing angle. And maybe
Starting point is 00:16:26 it's a different, you know, we, we bound it with an amino acid. We did this. We did that to increase none of it. None of it. None of it. And by the way, I love that you use that as like, this is a great like history lesson for people around supplements because protein has followed that same pattern. Pre workouts had followed that same pattern. It's like we take a couple of things that we learn that are oh this There's some value to this like people should have you put a twist on it Yeah, now and now and then every and the first few people that figure it out and sell it make millions and millions Sometimes probably billions of dollars and then then the market gets flooded with everybody trying to jump on it
Starting point is 00:17:01 Like and then now it's like okay? How do we separate and differentiate ourselves from the other guy next door who's selling the exact same product for about the same price, or maybe even a little bit cheaper? I've gotta throw some other things in it, I've gotta sell the idea that that's so important, it's like, it's so unfortunate. One of my favorites, I never,
Starting point is 00:17:16 I'll never forget this, I had a female trainer that worked for me, and we were talking one day about supplements, and I was talking about Crating, and she's like, okay, I think I'll get some. She comes in and she's like, I got Crateen, but I got the one for women. What?
Starting point is 00:17:29 What? And I swear to God, it was this, I don't remember the name, I wish I knew the name because I'd love to make fun of this company. It was a pink bottle. Yeah, it's because it's pink, right? And it said Crateen without the blow. Shreds did that bullshit, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Crateen without the blow. They did that for protein powder. Protein powder for mid, protein powder for wibbub. Here's a whole load of bullshit. You know what? You know what 99% of them do too, right? Because it's the same thing the multivitamin does. And the multivitamin, the iron.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Extra iron. That's it. They put a little more iron in it, and then they throw in a pig-label and say it's a... Procimiron. Yeah, that's all the difference of a woman's multivitamin, a men's multivitamin is a woman's multivitamin has a higher dose of iron inside of it, that is it.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And then you do the same thing with a protein powder. It's like, oh, there's a protein powder for women. Why? Because we bumped an extra 500 milligrams of freaking iron inside there. So now we say it's for women. Yeah, you know what they'll do in the men's one? Like, men's multivitamin with, you know, lycopene for your prostate or some shit.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah. Yeah. But no, it's, it's, it's completely true. Plain powder, the bloat thing that's a myth, if it causes digestive distress, that's different, very small percentage of people, might notice digestive issues will create team, but it's very small, it's like less than 10%. You will gain a couple pounds, it's not body fat,
Starting point is 00:18:40 it's literally intracellular, intramuscular water, that's the good thing, that's what you want. You will get stronger, you nailed it on the head, just in the average person. It's not steroids, you're not gonna, all of a sudden, you know, have these crazy gains. But you'll gain about five pounds or two reps
Starting point is 00:18:58 on most of your lifts. That's a great way. I think that's a great way. Well, isn't what's happening? It's speeding up the way your body replenishes ATP and ADP, right? And it causes, so it has more ATP. So I know this is not scientifically correct, but this is the way I'd explain it to clients
Starting point is 00:19:15 to get my point across as I'd say. Imagine you have a hundred of these energy molecules, ADP and ATP, a hundred of them before you do your set. When you do your set, your body uses 20 of those. When you rest between sets, your body replenishes, let's say, 15 to 18 of those. That's why as the workout goes on, you get a little weaker, a little weaker,
Starting point is 00:19:33 because you're constantly depleting and then it's not quite replenishing all of it back. He's a closer. When you're on Crete, by the way, it's on sale this month for you. You're on sale this month for you. So my book Crete, I wish I was this month for you. That's my book, Cretin. I like how you say this, there's no size for this month.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I wish you had that, really. But by the, you know, so then it replenishes, okay, when you're on Cretin, and I said that, you know, or without Cretin, your body naturally replenishes on the rest period, I said 18 of those molecules, it now does 19, right, or 19 and a half, or whatever. So it's, you know, as it can deplete, it's just replenishing them up.
Starting point is 00:20:05 That little bit more of energy per set, it translates into one more rep, which is more rep. Now the reality is, it's more like you normally have a hundred of these ATP molecules, and because you supplement with creatine, you have 150. So your stores are higher, and because of the intracellular, intramuscular fluid,
Starting point is 00:20:24 or water, they believe that to be one of the reasons why you see faster recover and faster muscle growth. So you are stronger because you have more muscle energy and you do gain a little bit of water inside your muscles, but through that process your muscles actually build faster over time. And creatine also is now being discovered, well not now being discovered, there's lots of studies that show this, but now you're gonna start to see it get marketed as a health and wellness supplement, improving cognition, reducing arthritic pain, heart, health, like this is a supplement
Starting point is 00:20:55 that was advertised to hardcore bodybuilders, you know, 20 or 30 years ago, whatever, so. Yeah, really excited. Well, I know you've been, you were, did you talk about, I know you've been doing this way, I brought it up on the last episode, you've been talking to some of our partners. I know Organifies been one of the partners you're talking to did you guys even talk about potentially doing creatine or anything like that? I know they don't offer that. I can't really talk about what we discussed in regards to you know
Starting point is 00:21:18 You know potentially creating new supplements moving forward. You can't even hint for us name a little bit supplements moving forward. You can't even hint for us, not even a little bit. No, not really. I can't. It's a secret. And it's a secret. We're trying to look at all the gray market stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:29 We could throw in the money. He's still alive. I mean, I was just kidding. I was creating even on the tape. Was it something that you guys discussed at all or no? No, not really. We didn't talk about it. I like creating a lot, but I also think it's ubiquitous.
Starting point is 00:21:41 It's inexpensive. And you could do it and whatever, but. We're not going to getitous, it's inexpensive, and you can do it, and you know, whatever, but- We're not gonna get rich doing it. No, I think exactly. That's why they come up with so many different crazy, you know, types of creatine and stuff like that, right? Speaking of organifies, it's hilarious. So my cousins and my friends, I'm in this big thread with my, a bunch of friends and cousins, okay. Is this the body, the one you guys are all starting
Starting point is 00:22:05 competition news? I saw it in the internet. Oh, bro, it's hilarious. So usually, so everybody in there except for me is a stockbroker or an investment banker. So nine at a 10, it's like Wolf of Wall Street kind of. And this is, I love it because I get, I don't need to do research, I get to go on there and watch these guys
Starting point is 00:22:23 argue and debate each other and post shit, talk shit. And I get to learn about investments from these guys to do it, all of them are doing it for 10, 15 years and they're all really good, right? So usually it's filled with investment stuff, shit talking along those lines. Like, oh, you know, this stock you picked, you only made this much, so come on,
Starting point is 00:22:40 it's great, that's a good time, right? But the other day, they're on there, and my cousin Alex goes on there, and he starts the challenge, one of the guys in there, for a weight loss challenge. Hey, let's see who can lose the, I don't remember how it started, they were talking shit about how fat,
Starting point is 00:22:58 you're fat, no, you're fat way or so. That's how it always started. Oh yeah, so then they get on there, and they're like, yeah, well, let's do this weight loss challenge. How are we gonna do it? This and that, so of course I'm waiting for them to call me in there, okay? Now keep in mind these fuckers. I've given them all workouts and nutrition advice 150,000 times yeah, all and just they've done they'll do it and then stop doing it
Starting point is 00:23:16 So I'm just annoyed at this point don't ask me for help anymore. Yeah, so of course it's sure enough Sal what's a good metric? How should we measure who wins? Like, what's going on? So I'm like, all right, dude, I'm gonna just, I'm gonna let them have it. So I said, you sure you, I'm like, you sure you guys wanna do this? Cause it's gonna make, I'm gonna make it ugly. I'm not gonna be nice about the city board.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And I started, now you're in my world. And I started telling, I can't put too much in the stock conversation, but I got a lot of this. Actually, the first hour was me arguing with them and saying, I'm not gonna help you because you guys are failures. I'm sorry, you guys fail all the time. I'll take away clothes on this. Actually, the first hour was me arguing with them and saying, I'm not gonna help you because you guys are failures. I'm sorry, you guys fail all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I'll take away clothes on their bed. Oh bro, you guys aren't ready. You're not ready. You're not ready. Remember, these are my family and close friends. I'm just ripping them about it. And they're like, what should we do? So finally, we agreed and I said, okay, here's what you do.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Take a picture now, and you're gonna take the same picture again later. Take a picture now, post it, and then 90 days from now, take another picture, and then everybody in the group is gonna say who wins. So we're gonna be all make fun of each other the whole time. So this is what they agreed on. So my buddy Eric is doing it, Dom, my buddy Dominic's doing it,
Starting point is 00:24:16 my cousin Giuseppe is doing it. They're all kind of jumping in and doing this thing, talking hellish shit, they're talking crap to my cousin, is my age, right? Because a lot of these guys are younger. Oh, you're old now, you can't do that. So then I told my cousin, I said, Seth, him and I are real close.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I'm like, you need to show these kids what time it is. Show the way they don't poke the old line. You know, so he's all getting hyped up. So if you know like each one of their strategies in terms of their way trading and their new trading. How did that do with organic life? Oh, no, I'm gonna tell you. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:44 What does that have to do with organic life? So then finally, finally today, we're getting there. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no do with organic life? Oh, no, I'm gonna tell you. No, I was just like, what does that have to do with organic life? So then finally, finally today, we're getting there. No, no, so it's, we're getting there. So that was a terrible commercial. I know. No, no, no, you're in my, so a day later, right? So now this is just a bunch of shit talk. Finally, I get in, after I tell them,
Starting point is 00:24:57 they're gonna fail, I don't wanna help them. Finally, I get in. And today, I come in this morning, and I already talk and shit. Like, my cousin takes a picture of his bench, right? And I'm like, I don't see you on it because he's trying to show me these working out. So now they're taking pictures of the workouts,
Starting point is 00:25:11 they're posting pictures of their meals. What should I do, this and that? So I'm giving them like a list of things to say, okay, I know what you're gonna wanna do because what you guys always fucking do and I always tell you guys not to do this. Do not go and just go do a shit ton of cardio and just stop eating.
Starting point is 00:25:24 You were 100% rebound. You're not gonna last, you're gonna be terrible. You're always the first in this, like the button. Yeah, I'm like, here's what you do. So I'm giving them kind of examples of workouts, telling them with diet. I'm saying don't get too crazy with your diet. Just stick to this kind of stuff here.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And then they're like supplements. What about supplements? Try and get everything from food. And then I'm like, and look, if you guys want supplements, and I shouldn't have said this, because I opened the floodgates, even though they're all wealthiest shit, they're all still, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Do you all, they're all offer our protein batter? Yeah. That's the confession. So, and they're all children of immigrants, right? So, they're all, although they're all very wealthy and successful, they're all cheap as a free shit. Yeah, successful. They're all bubbs up free shit. Yeah dude. So I'm like, listen, you guys can come to Mind Pump Headquarters.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I said I got a whole back room. To drive all the way here, waste gas just to get free. Oh yeah, dude. From San Francisco, from San Fernando. Why is that make sense? So I'm like, I got a whole back room full of like, organifi supplements. So I'm like, you know, here's what you can do.
Starting point is 00:26:21 So now everybody's like, green juice, red juice. I'm gonna take a protein powder. But I said, okay, it's gonna help can do. So now everybody's like, green juice, red juice. I'm gonna take a protein powder, but I said, okay, it's gonna help if you miss your targets with your food, but you gotta do the food first. But now they're jazzed, right? Everybody wants to do the Organifi Supplement Stack, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:35 So I already, and I told them, but I got their permission because last time I brought them up on the show, I got a bunch of heat because everybody was like, don't talk about me on that, whatever. So I said, listen, I'm gonna call you guys out on my show. That's why I said everybody's name. Put a little pressure on you guys. If you guys want free supplements,
Starting point is 00:26:50 this is what's gonna happen. So I'm gonna give some updates now. That's the deal. I'm gonna give updates now on what's going on. But you know, it's fun. This kind of shit's fun for me. I have a blast with it. Obviously I'm working out this morning.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I'm a little extra angry because it gets me in the mood to kick ass at whatever. I'm sending pictures of the music I'm listening to and they're like, that's double me. You know, it's funny. You're bringing up some of the actuals just talking to Katrina the other day about like, I'm having a really hard, there's something that I made a deal with myself that I was going to, you know, when I reached this certain milestone, I was going to reward myself, and I'm having a really hard time buying it for myself and I'm like, What do you wanna buy? So it's like the final watch that I set up.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oh wait, it's the final one. Yeah, yeah, the final one. It's like a boss. Yeah it is, it's literally like, but it's like a girl watch. It's like that I made it one, right? The one that I thought I would achieve the under bosses. Yeah, I did go for the mega boss, right?
Starting point is 00:27:42 And I'm having a really hard time. Katrina is like, It's a time machine watch. She's like, what's wrong with you? She's like, why don't you, why don't you deserve it? I think you should do it. And I'm like, I don't, I just, I'm struggling really bad with it. And the irony of this is, I'm watching the two of you guys. And we're, this, we're all kind of opposite here right now. It's like, as I've gotten wealthier and as I've gotten older, I've become more and more of a miser about with spending money at all.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And then I'm watching you over here who's like, hey, you'd be so proud of me yesterday. I've spent this on a bed. And I got Jessica Perse and Justin's like, hey, you'd be proud of me the other day. Like I could have done this way, but I'm working. I hired somebody else,
Starting point is 00:28:20 so I'm doing that. So you guys are going the way. You've got all the food, so nice. I know, I've gone the other way, right? You know why? It's kind of funny. You know what it is? We're all getting a more healthy relationship with money.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So, and it's like balance. In both directions, right? I think you guys are probably a little more on this screen. We were too over here, a little more extreme, and we're kind of both. We're all coming in the middle. Yeah, it's kind of, it is, that's what I'm trying like wrap my brain on.
Starting point is 00:28:43 You have a lot of like, you know Really nice watches that are very that are value that quite valuable So I can get why you would be a little bit, you know, yeah, so I'm I'm just well it was really this was a again A goal that I set a long time ago And and thought okay if I if I get to this place This is when I'll reward me with this watch that I always wanted and I got there. And what's, I think what's eating away at me was, I was shopping it last year,
Starting point is 00:29:11 because I was already like, I had a feeling like, I'll let me guess it's way more now. Bro, it's like, how much more? Yeah, it's gone up like $12,000 in just, whoa! Less than a year. It's gone up that much? Yes, see that's cool.
Starting point is 00:29:23 You get something you really like and it's actually gaining value. Oh, dude. Well, I mean, that's what my old ones, I was showing Doug the other day, because I finally, What is the watch do? What does it do?
Starting point is 00:29:33 Yeah, it does. For that watch, bro. It does time. It does time. It does time. I mean, is it transport you or something? It's due to check out my watch. It's going to leave you behind.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Hey, I tell you what though, because I was obviously in the market and I've been looking, so I went down the rabbit hole of kind of like every once in a while, every couple of years, I check up on my, so I had, I had my first one in 2010, my second one was 2012, and so I pulled those up just to look, and I think I said over to Doug, I was just sure. Could they hold them, they build value? Yeah, so I bought, I bought that Daytona back in 2010. That was my first one, and I bought that at 18.5.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You, as long as you have the boxing papers, which of course I do for all of mine, used Warn, that same exact model I found it for the high end was 29, the low end was 25. Oh, cow. Yeah, and that's used right used worn. I saw some people selling it with no no box no papers and still more than what I pay for so cool that you could, you know, have something like that that you could wear
Starting point is 00:30:37 for long time. It's really the only I guess acceptable jewelry for man, right? Like women women. Well, well, women, women will wear a mask. Well, well, women will wear, you know, diamond rings and necklaces are an athlete or a rapper. It's pretty common. Well, that's what I mean by saying you're in the necklaces with the, yeah, you know, be funny.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Could you show a magic by rolling? What if I came, it's like a time capsule, a big, a diving, yeah. Yeah.. Later we just have like our whole entire arm is covered with bracelets. I'm gonna get you in there. I'm gonna come in when they be like, you know, I don't want to watch Adam but check out my inklet, this thing's 25,000. You know what, though, in this inflationary market
Starting point is 00:31:22 that we've been in, you know, these last couple of years, I mean, we're always in one, whether it's 2% or 7% or whatever that, but. Seven percent. Yeah, yeah, quote unquote, right? But I guess I understand a little more because I used to really talk shit about somebody that would have a million dollars in jewelry. But shit, a million dollars in jewelry,
Starting point is 00:31:43 if you bought a million dollars in jewelry just 10 years ago, you're better off with that. If you had a million dollars in jewelry, but shit, a million dollars in, if you bought a million dollars in jewelry just 10 years ago, you're better off with that. If you had a million dollars in a savings account that was earning you two or three percent. Yeah, you'd be losing money. Yeah, I'm just saying like it. So I mean, how can I talk to you my shit? And that's the same thing as like my watch, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:57 And just it's just not my style to wear a big old. You know, it's funny. So we'll be waiting to go buy the necklace. I can see you with one of those big old chains. I know, you can take your cover off here. You put one on me like, yeah. It's gotta rotate though. I want to make a dinelip face of Sal.
Starting point is 00:32:12 That I would wear on that chest. You wear me on there? I would. Big old dinelip face. Just to rub it in. Yeah, look at this Sal. Go sleep out. Sal's number one. Okay, hold on, that totally segues me in.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So it was the funniest and cutest thing ever, right? So your boy, you ever it like comes up to me. And so he just stops and he's like, Dad, are you famous? What? And I was like, Oh, I mean, I don't think so, but you know, I appreciate that. Like, thank you, buddy. Like where? And he asked me because he has a specific project at school. He has to like, you know to write about something and have, but the qualifications are, you have to have X amount of, I think it's like significance and followers and whatever, but also have to have a book.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And I was like, well, I mean, Sal has a book. He's like, Sal's famous. And he's like, he's gonna write a thing. He's gonna write a word. Like a moment for me, Sal took then he's like, No. So you're gonna write a thing. You're gonna write a, like, a moment for me, South took it again.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Oh, South. No. You know, you're gonna write a report to No I never was. I told them to, but I think he's, yeah, he's not interested in me more. Pick it some of us.
Starting point is 00:33:18 So he's like, No, I told him to, like, South Famous. Oh, you're gonna do those qualifications. You're gonna have to write it that so very quickly. Okay, so that's crazy, right? So kids now, when they do papers on that, the teachers now, because that, think about that first thing,
Starting point is 00:33:30 that would never, like, we all did that. I wrote papers on like famous people at one point, as a kid, but obviously this was before social media times. That's why, that's a qualification now. Yeah, because I can't just pick some TikTok star. I think that's probably why they did it. Oh, you mean with the book also? Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Oh, okay. You have to actually be tied to somewhat of like you went to school. I mean, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Not just like the island boys. Yeah, I can't just pick some random dumbasses. Dude, my daughter, that's so, remind me,
Starting point is 00:33:58 I just forgot about it. My daughter comes home from school and she's like at this big smile. I'm like, what's so funny? And she goes, I had my friends Google you the other day. And so of course what pops up are like some of my flexing pictures and shit. And her friends are like, dad, you're dead.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah. Yeah, it's my dad. He's kinda strong. Yeah. My dad could beat up your dad. I'm like, he didn't say that. He's like, yeah, yeah, I don't know. Like it's okay, you can tell the truth.
Starting point is 00:34:23 You can't even get into like school dads, you can get into a fight because you're done. Actually, actually one of the dads. That's good. No, no, I can't remember his name. I feel like an asshole. One of the dads used to be a Greco-Roman alternate for the Olympics and fought as a pro MMA fighter.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So I was like, I was like, don't tell her dad. Yeah, yeah. Like, is it a kick-flat? Yeah, yeah. He's a really. He's not messed with that. Yeah, he's a really good guy yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and he's now at this age, right? So he stuck his hand down his diaper, and it was full poop, and he brought it to the teacher and said, pupu, here's the evidence.
Starting point is 00:35:11 And then he tried to wipe his hand in the dirt to clean it, and they're like, no, no, no, so he's like, my God. So he's now, okay, so the phase I'm in right now is, he will try and repeat almost everything I say. And maybe he hits, you know, at about 30% to 50% you know what I'm saying, as far as being able to say it clearly, but he'll try.
Starting point is 00:35:34 So I can get him and say, say light, say book, say door. And he's trying to say it, you know, and some of them like he doesn't do M's very well. So certain letters he can do really good. But that's where he's at right now, is he's putting together and so funny. Because every once in a while, he'll do something. The other morning was Saturday morning,
Starting point is 00:35:52 Katrina and I were trying to sleep in, and he comes crawling up on the bed, and her and I are just, give him the iPad for a little bit, so we can sleep for another half hour or whatever. And he tries to do it, and he puts it this side or whatever. And he's like, she tries to do it, and he puts it aside, no. And he's like, he's gonna have to wake up.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Wake up, wake up. So he could put like randomly, he'll do that. And then I try and get him to repeat it. He won't repeat it on command, but he's really starting to pick up everything that we're saying, and then he'll just kind of randomly use it or say it. And sometimes it's like, clear as day,
Starting point is 00:36:24 other times you can't get him to say it. So you know what's really weird about that? So you know how kids will learn a word, but then they'll say it kind of weird, but you'll know, because you'll know what they're trying to say, and because you understand the English language. That's where he's at right now. Yeah, and you understand the English language.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So certain words, even though they say him wrong, you can't appease it together. Okay, so Jessica has been teaching a Relius sign language, along with obviously English. And it's great because he, it's the same thing is learning a new language, right? So he'll do a sign and then he'll try to say it sometimes or sometimes he'll just do the sign.
Starting point is 00:36:55 But what he's done for the last, like it's been like four or five weeks now, there's a sign that he does and we don't know what the hell he's trying to say. So, so I'll show you what they are. So there's one for food which is this this. Right. He puts his hands like this. And then this is more. Yeah, that's more. And then this is outside. And then there's a bunch of a bunch of other drink. Yeah. So, and so he'll come up to me. He'll look at me
Starting point is 00:37:17 and he'll do this. He'll do this with the sannyl go. So he just, he put one thing around and look at me like this. I'm like, what do you, what do you try to say, buddy? I'm like, what, Jessica, what's he trying to say? I don't know. I don't know. Daddy's talking too much. No, I think so, yeah. That's what that means.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I see you don't do it every once in a while. Yeah. Well, no, what's even, what's hilarious? And now, okay, this funny part of the story is we figured it out five weeks or four weeks later. But anyway, he'll come up to me and you'll grab my face. Like, look at me, dad, and then you'll go, he'll do this. And I'm like, I don't know what you're trying to say.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So he must want something. So I'll just give him whatever we figured out what he's trying to say. He's trying to say water. And water is, I can't remember the sign. It's like, it's like this or I can't remember. There's like two fingers and you do this, but he doesn't do it right, right?
Starting point is 00:38:02 He just does this. So for like the last four weeks We been ignoring the poor kid and he's looking at us like give me some water guys I'm like you want more chicken You're all telling a story and he's like When my brother was little he said fire truck, he said fire fuck. So of course, yeah. What do you think I made him say all the time?
Starting point is 00:38:29 All the time. That's around the corner for me right now. I could tell. I could tell we're right around the corner with like, and we'll even contribute because she was, she swore to the day and she's like, oh, you know what, we got to be careful now. This is the time. He's trying to say everything we're saying.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And so if we say something around him, we're going to, he he's gonna repeat it. So that's what we're entering in right now So he's he's fun man right now just wait because what the challenge is when they say something like inappropriate You can't laugh or make a big deal. Yeah, cuz then they just say it all the time. Yeah, I mean So you just act like nothing excited. Yeah. Oh, it's funny. That's like that story. Okay, like so when when Courtney was we were up in Tahoe I believe with our event, we were up in Tahoe, I believe, with our event that we were thrown and she was there with the kids and they're talking,
Starting point is 00:39:12 you remember I told this story about her, basically talking about, I think it noises in the house, like Ethan comes out and is like, yeah, there's all the noises going on in house like like at certain times of the night, you know, I hear this squeaking and this is that. And he's like it's like, everybody just lost their shit. And so he's just like, he's like, he's like, he's like, that was a dinner.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And he like got like crazy with it. That was where he's just dying. He did that. So this was one of the first times that. He's not only happy for 10 seconds. He went, ever when we went to Olympic Village, right? When we went up to Squaw Valley, like years ago. That was like, this was like four or five years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:57 It was like the first time Courtney was hanging out with Katrina and all her family. Yeah. So Larry was there, Katrina, Katrina's mom, and they're all having dinner. Yes. And it was ever it, right? Was it ever?
Starting point is 00:40:09 Oh, it was Ethan. Ethan's telling the story to everybody at dinner. Yes, that's what I was thinking. Not knowing what it is. Yeah. And Justin and Courtney are like, first time hanging out with all Katrina's family, and some of that. Courtney is so embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Oh my God, it's so great. Oh, it's so great. That's what I'm doing. He did some, man, last night I melted my heart, dude. So right now I've told you guys, like we have the little outside lock on the door, so, and we can see him to the camera, and like, you know, every once in a while you put him down, and he'll get up, he'll walk over,
Starting point is 00:40:39 he'll check the door, and we can now do this, like, max, get back and bad. Well, last night was one of those nights, and it's not normal that he'll do that like three or normally does it one time. We tell him and then like he's out every once in a while he'll do it multiple times and normally we does it multiple times. Something's up. Either maybe he went to the bathroom in his diaper or he's not feeling good or something.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And so he had last night it was a couple times like that. I thought I'll go in there, huh? I'll go check on him and I go walking in there and he's, all right, open the door. And it's always so cute and funny because he knows he's not supposed to be up and I always open the door and he kind of looks at me and then he puts his head down and then he like puts his hand out to grab my hand
Starting point is 00:41:17 and we know we walk back to bed and then put it back there. And we go walk back, but this time he stops and he looks at the rocking chair and he sit down. Sit down. And he wants me to sit down. And he stops, and he looks at the rocking chair, he sit down. Sit down. And he wants me to sit down. And he sits down and he climbs up to me and then he like, nustles his head into my shoulder. I'm like, oh my god, yeah, you got me.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah. Especially since like, he said that age now, where I don't rock him, I used to rock him to sleep all the time. Well, that's been gone now for almost a year, right? So he's, Do you get it now when you see old pictures of him already, where he makes you emotion?
Starting point is 00:41:44 Oh, yeah, I mean, there was, because it's like that, old pictures of him already where you mix the emotion? Oh, yeah, I mean there was it's like that that version of him is not it's gone Well, the side that I remember I used to say how much it drove me crazy that I had to lay around all day and watch TV with Themself, but then there's the other side of that was so great like I remember during football like football season this year Was different than football season that year as he would sleep on me I'd watch the games on the couch and he just sleep on my chest the whole time and it would be wake up, get fed, back on my chest, dad Watches football or now like I can't get him to sit and watch football with me. He's playing his toys So I miss all that. No, I really just this thing right now where he gets he'll get super frustrated And if I try to do something he'll like try to squeeze my face just instinctively like he's upset and then I'll look
Starting point is 00:42:19 And I'll be like, ow and then he'll look at me and he'll grab my face like this and he goes, Papa, and then he kisses me. Oh, man. Now, are you, do you, and you guys do this too? I'm curious, do you guys, like when you guys see things and the kid like point out who he gets it from? You know, like, oh, that's definitely from you. You know, that behavior or that thing that he's doing, that's definitely coming from you guys, do you,
Starting point is 00:42:40 and Jessica do that? Do you guys go back and forth yet with a rillius like that? Not too much, not yet. You know why? Because he's young, he likes to talk, he's very affectionate, he likes to hug, that's both of us. So so far, there's not like, you know, something that's really sticking out
Starting point is 00:42:56 because those things are, I mean, Jessica and I are both very verbal, we're both super empathetic and loving and hugging and kissing also. And that's him right now. He just wants to know. He is just like me in the mornings. Like his the way he is. Not bad mood.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Well, yeah. He don't like to be fucked with for the first half hour. So like he is the easiest, best like loving sweet kid ever. But he has his, and I feel like on the same way. I'm very easy going guy all of a sudden, but there's a few things that like just don't fuck that up for me, like just leave me alone. And he is exactly like that. Just leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And he is exactly like that. It doesn't matter. Great sleep. Terrible sleep. Where we're at. Just the more time. I learned that. One of our first trips when I woke up and did what I always do to fuck with people.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And I was playing loud ass metal music. That'll be hilarious. And Adam walks out and I look like I ruined your whole day. I remember being this. Oh shit. I better have a I'm about to fight you. You're so mad at him. He's like, I'm sorry, man. I'm the same, you know, fuck with me when I'm trans.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Yeah, and he's like that. He's like, and the six, let's take my one button. And once I warm up, I have my cup of coffee, and it's been about a half hour than I'm like the happiest guy in the world, right? And he is just like that. It's like, you just gotta let him slowly wake up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And then he's cool. I feel like you're either one or the other. You're either like the wake up, super energy, turn the lights on real quick, bright, let's do this, or you're that person. And they always marry each other. I feel like that's always ends up happening. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:15 I don't know, Cornie's just like me. Oh, I should really. Oh, you guys are both like that then. She's an auto-moring person. So are the boys like that? Then they bolt in after that same kind of start. Just starting with the beforehand, they would get up first thing and they're like,
Starting point is 00:44:26 ready to go. And now Ethan for sure is like the preteen kind of like, you know, just like, I have to literally go in there like rip the sheets and like pull them out, you know. Oh, just wait, I remember when I was a teenage, you know, when I was in my teenage years, I used to be able to sleep in if I wanted to. Yeah, I was like, you know, new.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And dude, I used to sleep in two and we used to sleep. No way I could do that now. No, I know. If I sleep until noon now, there's something very seriously wrong with my health. When I was a teenager, now it didn't happen very often because nine to 10 times my dad would do this. He didn't knock, my dad never knocked.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Open the door full blast and this is exactly what you do. So I thought, go mothalon and he walked out. I'm like, oh fuck, I got it. And he would just leave. I couldn't say shit back, I had to get up. Mothalon and you walk out. I'm like, oh fuck, I got it. And he would just leave. Like, I couldn't say shit back. I had to get up mothalon, six a.m. Okay. Oh, dude, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Oh, dude. I don't want to get you. You know, I looked up, I saw that we had a Viori commercial today too. And I don't, did you guys get Jerry over the sizes for the girls? Yeah, for the bronze eyes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah, wouldn't make sure that we tradition would do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, yeah, when I show that we tradition, we're starting. Yeah, yeah, yeah, by the covers, my ass. I've gotten compliments on Viori more than any of the piece of article clothing that I've ever worn, from people, from random people. Maybe because it's the nicest stuff that you wear at a regular place. Probably.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I didn't even piece that. Too real, too real huge step up, dude. I mean, my family appreciate when you wear it. My family's like, you gotta say something nice to them right now, because he's actually doing something that looks alright. No, people will ask me, where'd you get that? That looks really good or whatever. Jessica really likes it too.
Starting point is 00:45:51 She thinks it's very handsome. That's leisure wear. She's like, you know, with your silver hair and you're wearing your leisure wear, you just look like a really sexy older fit guy. That's what she's got. Yeah, well thank you very much. Well, I just love it. That's pretty good. Yeah, well, thank you very much. Well, I just love it so weird that I could wear like khaki
Starting point is 00:46:09 or like slack type pants. And I'm like squatting in it, you know, and then I'm like, I have to do everything in the same pants. So it's a beautiful thing for me, I love to check. Well, isn't it wild that wasn't even a space? Like just, I don't know, what, when it Lulu hit the scene,
Starting point is 00:46:23 because they were the first to like, kind of really break, break. It's been around for a while, but I wasn't know what when it when it Lulu hit the scene because they were the first to like kind of really break Break that's been around for a while, but I wasn't like men were like less than 20 years Options came around when we were we were trainers before Lulu hit the mark as I remember vividly when it hit the market 2000 2000 Okay, so they had the the mishap where it was like the see through I was like oh But I mean, I mean your only options as a man before were you wear sweats and if you're not in the gym You look like a bum like oh there's that guy it's on a
Starting point is 00:46:58 Well, it's the interest it you know talk about a shift a total shift in culture that caused it and completely new market to open up. It was just, I mean, just think about this, in the 50s, it would be so unacceptable to wear something that was like spandexy at all in the day, like men wore suits and women wear dresses all the time, like that was like normal attire. It just wouldn't be socially accepted, where now it's totally socially acceptable
Starting point is 00:47:22 to be in this kind of, ATHLEASURE wear, this space. It's a shift in the culture. You're a master. You wear thongs on the street. That's a red. Yeah, well, it's good. I don't think you can't put it on.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I'm just saying. I want to get a house on your blog. You guys have a lot of influencers in the wild. It's everywhere. Oh, yeah. I found that page to do before 10,000 followers. I know. And that thing I knew was going to be.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I was like, why didn't I think of this? This is such a brilliant concept and people are gonna provide you content all day long. I know, it's wonderful. It's so good. I wanna bring up a couple studies for you guys because I wanna throw these in, I don't wanna miss these. So interesting study came out on THC,
Starting point is 00:48:01 the major cannabinoid in marijuana, and monkeys and testosterone production and testicular size. So they gave monkeys THC, and over time they found reductions in the size of their testicles and lower production of testosterone. It's another animal study showing chronic use of THC can lower testosterone
Starting point is 00:48:21 affect the endocrine system. It gives you BBs. Yes, so, and I know people are like, oh, it doesn't affect testosterone. I don't believe that. I know if I use too much in the past, I could tell. So I agree with you. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Although I went down the rabbit hole of like this because it was kind of making me worried, because out of all of us, I obviously admittedly smoked the most weed. And I remember when I was, I was starting to get like the gyno flare up when I was, and I couldn't figure it out, like what's going on. And then I think you and I were talking about it. So then I was like, oh wow, they could marijuana is...
Starting point is 00:48:55 I have no one of my friends is a chronic marijuana smoker. Really? Yeah, yeah, gyno. And it had no idea where you got it from. And I was like, dude, I appreciate the weed. Well, what I started to notice was, if I was taking like breaks like where I wasn't having it every single night and I wasn't smoking like heavy, it was like,
Starting point is 00:49:13 oh, I would say that my normal cadence of smoking is every other night or so and I had a couple puffs right before bed and that's kind of, but there's been times in my life where I've been smoking like a half a joint before bed, you know, or something like that, which is a lot for me, right?
Starting point is 00:49:29 And when it was during those times, it was when I was doing that, just by me scaling back. So where I'm heading with like, when I started diving deeper is, I also see or saw that when you scale back or stop, it comes right back. So it's when you're in the thick of it, it has those side effects, but take it out
Starting point is 00:49:49 and then right away it rebats. Absolutely, yeah, because the reproductive system is chock full of cannabinoid receptors, and THC has an interesting effect on them. And so this is a kind of hormonal effects that you notice. So lots of weed can cause some detrimental effects on your hormones. Now, the same as something like CBD. CBD is very interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:50:12 CBD and other cannabinoids don't hammer the CB1 and CBT receptors like THC. It doesn't actually mitigate some of that with THC in terms of the side-loss. Yeah, it helps with the memory loss. THC, combined with CBD CBD less memory loss effect. It's a one to one, right? Isn't that what the ratio is? Usually is what they'll find. Or less anxiety or paranoia affects those.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Yeah, but this is another reason. Another reason why I always like to take like a break for a little bit after I've been consistent with them. I just noticed negative effects. It just stops feeling as effective. Save you save money that way too. I mean, all you have to do is take a break for a week off of using cannabis and your tolerance goes back down
Starting point is 00:50:51 and it's like, oh my God, it feels like it's the first time I ever had this stuff. And so for that reason, I think it's worth it. And then of course, for the compounding effects it probably has on your hormone levels, it makes sense too. One more study before we sign off here with the centroid. Did you guys see the John Hopkins study that is going is circulating right now and going insane causing so much controversy? No, because I mean, originally, there was one about COVID that was exactly what we fucking said. Right under the right. We said over
Starting point is 00:51:21 a year ago that there was going to be unintended consequences and we have to really ask ourselves. The percentage of potential lives we're saying is worth. We said this from day one, go back and listen to the podcast that the best thing you could possibly do in a situation like this is inform people and allow free people to take their own risks and chances themselves, which means you can either a, say, if you want a business, you can't come in unless you're vaccinated or you can say, come in if you're not or you are, it doesn't matter. You allow free people to make those choices. You'll have far less unintended
Starting point is 00:51:52 consequences. If you're really scared, you're a super high risk person, get all the vaccines, get the booster, stain your house as much as possible, wear your mask, you're going to go smart strategy. And so the numbers are out. So the numbers are actually out and we were 100% correct. So this is a meta analysis. So this is an analysis of many, many studies. By the way, they looked at tons of studies
Starting point is 00:52:14 and only qualified I think 24. So these were like the best 24 studies. And what they found was the effects on mortality of COVID were insignificant between states and areas with heavy lockdowns and heavy-handed approaches and those where there were a much looser approach to COVID. So however, the study also found severe unintended consequences, both economic and mental and emotional effects, things like depression, overdoses, domestic abuse, and of course, economic issues, which can lead to all those different things.
Starting point is 00:52:47 So not to mention too, that we are, I hope this is the nail on the coffin, that's what I hope. Yeah, so the children and their education, where I was just gonna say is like, we traded, we traded a senior population that we are trying to save and potentially did more damage to the future generation coming up. We're gonna still see the damage of that cause.
Starting point is 00:53:05 No, 100%. We don't even know. We can't even calculate the dramatic effect. We literally caught, we'll trace it back. I'll guarantee it. And I want to be very clear, COVID would have affected things anyway, but not nearly to this effect.
Starting point is 00:53:20 What you saw in the places with the most heavy-handed approaches was a huge, it's just so funny too, because the very people that supported these crazy measures are the very people that are like, we need to fix the, you know, the income gap. You know what we did with this? Is we destroyed, we took the market and destroyed small businesses and gave that market share to big businesses. So Walmart and Amazon and Target made way more money. Right, like I hate monopolies. You know, the same people like,
Starting point is 00:53:51 it cracked out so hard to stride all like small business with their ideas. Totally. And it had little to no effect, except for the negative unattended consequences. So I really hope this is the nail in the coffin for this type of policy. By the way, China, which has way more control over the people, has way more crazy draconian
Starting point is 00:54:09 policies. So they can literally, and they literally are, by the way, locking people in their homes. They can lock them up and not let them out. They'll let them out. They'll tell people, if you test positive, you have to stay in here for two weeks, you have to do this. You're not allowed to do anything. They still have COVID.
Starting point is 00:54:24 It's still, people are still getting. And what are the consequences of that? Would you want to live in a place where, oh, you know, we decreased our COVID by 50%. But it's a prison. It's a living in. It's a prison and it's a ridiculous approach.
Starting point is 00:54:36 And I hope nobody in the future supports this bullshit again, because it's, we have the evidence now. Thank God. So there's the numbers. There you go. Well, speaking of numbers, I wanted to bring something up that I read this morning that I thought was really interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:50 You know, we, and because it's something that we've talked about quite a bit, which is the streaming wars, right? We talk all about, you know, what companies are leading, and is there going to be a dominant one, are they all going to be around? And, you know, when we have that conversation, we don't include YouTube in that, as we don't think of them as like a streaming service.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And this is an, let me read this short little bit from the article I was reading. I think this is in the hustle, I think I was reading, and I thought this was really interesting. So Google acquired YouTube for 1.65 billion in 2006, but didn't break out earnings for the streaming service until 2020. For the latest quarter, YouTube ads brought in 8.6 billion dollars
Starting point is 00:55:29 Here's the wild part. That's an annualized run rate of 34 billion which outpaced Netflix at 30 billion run rate for the first time Oh my god. With a mostly ad-base Ad-base business YouTube is usually left out of the streaming subscription wars But the conversation with it's, they are the video leader. As one point comparison, a study of Android users found that in 2020, the average monthly time spent on YouTube was 23 hours versus six hours for Netflix. Well, you know what it is. Here you have a largely free service.
Starting point is 00:56:04 You could pay for YouTube red, but most of it's free. It's much more decentralized than what you'd see on Netflix or anything else, because you produce your own content, put it up there. There's tons of available content. It's used by way more people, and don't forget this. Google works very closely with YouTube. So when you search on Google, YouTube things pop up all the way.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Oh yeah, so you, how crazy is it? Let's talk on Google, YouTube thinks pop up all the way. Oh yeah, so you, they, how crazy is it? Let's talk about Google, right? I wish they were cheaper. I'd love to buy a lot of. Google is a money printing machine. I mean, they, they own Google on number one. On one tire internet. And number two, search engines.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Yeah, I mean, with, with Google search and then with the YouTube channel, they just, so anything and everything, everybody, they, you're trafficking through Google. It's not to mention too, Netflix in order to generate that $30 something billion a year, they're spending a tremendous amount of time to produce and to make and to be one of the leaders
Starting point is 00:56:58 and content producers, where YouTube is allowing others to do it for them to generate like that. So, if they, it's, you know, I talked about before that I believe that we're gonna see a monster come swoop up or gobble up a handful or most of these. Like talk about them being one of the best positions to potentially do that with the amount of revenue and money they have, they're already generating
Starting point is 00:57:21 and the viewers, they have, they're the only person who has more eyeballs and attention in his Facebook, but it's like neck and neck with YouTube. Wow. So the power that they have is, is really funny. I remember when YouTube was young, I would go on there and look at fitness people,
Starting point is 00:57:38 and I remember thinking to myself, like, God, I wonder if I should get on YouTube as a long time ago. And they were like, it was one guy, Scooby, I think it was his name. He had the top YouTube channel. There was like another guy, Mike Lee. That Asian guy, the six pack guys. These guys became millionaires,
Starting point is 00:57:54 largely because there was no competition. So they put up their videos. And there was an easy market for them. Obviously they couldn't do it now because now it's so competitive. But I remember thinking myself, oh, I should do this, but I don't know how to do it. So I never did.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I know. Totally could have crushed. Out of crushed scooby. Hey, you gotta go check out one of our favorite sponsors, LMNT. They make electrolyte powders with an appropriate amount of sodium, because most electrolyte powders don't have enough sodium to make a difference.
Starting point is 00:58:21 These ones actually do. Of course, they taste delicious. There's no artificial sweeteners or anything in them. They have flavors like watermelon and raspberry and citrus. I love them. You get better pumps in your workouts, no joke, better performance. I was skeptical at first. I've talked about this on numerous podcasts. I love their products so much that mine pump actually invested in the company. This is 100% true. That's how much we like Elemente. Anyhow, there's a discounted hookup
Starting point is 00:58:49 for you listeners right now. So here's what you can do. You can actually get a free sample pack. So you don't believe me, try it out for free. That's what you can do right now. All you gotta do is head over to mindpumppartners.com. Go to Elemente, click on the link, and you can get an eight packet sample pack from Elemente. So go try it out. All right, here on the link, and you can get an eight-packet sample pack from Elemente.
Starting point is 00:59:07 So go try it out. All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from Sean Tanu, K Desai. What training frequencies should be applied towards stomach vacuums? Can they be done daily or should there be a few rest days in between? Oh, good old fashioned bodybuilder exercises.
Starting point is 00:59:25 So, first of all the vacuum is a great way to train the TVA, the transverse abdominis. It's the muscle that sucks in the waist. It's actually one of the few exercises that'll actually shrink your waist if you get those muscles tighter and stronger. And it's like the body's weight belt. So it's an important muscle or train,
Starting point is 00:59:42 especially for postpartum women. Yes. After having a baby, but it's an important muscle train especially for postpartum women after having a baby, but it's important for everybody. Because it's minimal resistance, because it's not a heavily loaded exercise, you have to create the tension yourself when you do it. It doesn't create a lot of damage and you can practice them every single day. And what will happen over time is you'll get stronger and better at doing them. So when you first start them, you may feel a disconnect, it may feel kind of weird, but over time you'll get stronger and better at doing them. So when you first start them, you may feel a disconnect, it may feel kind of weird, but over time you'll get stronger and stronger and be able to generate more force with them. But this is one of those few exercises.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Go ahead and practice them on a daily basis. That's always how I recommend it. Well, wouldn't you say like training the TVA, that's, you're really looking for the ability for you to be able to draw that in, draw that in almost subconsciously, right? We're not trying to build or bulk or like add in. You could with the vacuum. Right, so that's what I'm saying is like, so this is the more you do that,
Starting point is 01:00:33 the more it becomes like a regular habit for you that when you walk around, when you've been over doing the thing, like a natural weight. Yeah, you're naturally kind of drawn in and comfortable. I actually think that when I was training for the shows and stuff, obviously because of my stage posing and stuff, I was practicing doing that all the time. I never felt so good, as far as my low back support and then my posture. I started to, I could tell I was carrying my posture, walking around just more upright than
Starting point is 01:01:01 I did because of how much practice I was putting into to that drawn maneuver That's the most I never have cared enough to actually apply that consistently But when I had to because I was practicing posing so much I got to a place where I could tell that I was naturally and I can already tell since I haven't Trained it like that frequently again. I have to more I have to be more actively thinking about oh, I'm not I'm slouching or I'm not drawing in where I kind of have felt that I was holding myself that way all the time while I was practicing. At what point did it fall out of favor
Starting point is 01:01:32 in like the bodybuilding community? Because that's really where it started from. And then it's making its way back, right? So ever since the reintroduction of classic physique, that category which is only like. Because the vacuum pose, it's an old school bodybuilding pose. You see Frank right where you see the ribs and everything and it's yeah, so that's almost like an ab pose with the hands behind the head, but rather than flexing the abs, they would draw in with the TVA and create this.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Is it super? Frank Zane, the one who's most famous for doing it. Yeah, but they all did it was. I mean, they all did, but he's like most famous for that. Yeah, that one behind the head. And now you just see the turtle shell ab, you know, where so I think that's why I kind of fell out of favor Right, they stopped doing it because everybody had pretty shitty mid sections and now that new category is open I think what do you think classics been around four or five years? I think so. It's only been about four or five years
Starting point is 01:02:18 It's already bringing in more money than traditional. Do you know that oh, I did it. No, it's it's a more I mean real I said yeah it with quotations, because there's more desirable fuzzy. Yeah, they're not like so freaky looking, and it's kind of hearks back to the hearkens back to the old days of bodybuilding. Yeah, it was opposed. And so people practice it, and you can get better at it,
Starting point is 01:02:36 where you really draw in and tighten that muscle. It's extremely valuable for postpartum women, extremely valuable, because that muscle atrophies in order to make room for baby. And I remember I get clients postpartum women, extremely valuable because that muscle atrophies in order to make room for baby. And I remember I get clients postpartum and I'd say, okay, we're gonna try and strengthen your TVA. And I'd have them, you know, you wanna be on your hands and knees if you want a little bit of resistance from gravity.
Starting point is 01:02:55 I would place my finger on their belly button and I'd say now draw it in. And they would always be shocked that they couldn't because they lost total connection to that muscle. And then at through practice, they were able to do it and it totally works. And what you'll find is if this muscle lacks, I guess, strength and instability, as you do vacuums, you'll lose like a half an inch, maybe an inch around your waist without getting in the leaner.
Starting point is 01:03:20 It'll make your waist smaller just because of the muscles doing more of its job. Next question is from Daniel James for beginning lifters. How do we figure out how much weight to start on main lifts? I did a video on this. Yeah, you did, didn't you? Yeah, yeah. It's not the best video quality. It was a while back when we did this, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:40 It's the best way I've ever been able to explain to somebody because it's not it's not like a straightforward formula Like oh if you're a new lifter plugin ten times your you know this minus your body weight It's like there's not like this perfect formula. You got to kind of figure it out through it Yeah, and I think the the biggest mistake made is People Grabbing away they can quote unquote do but they don't do with like perfect form. Yep, I agree. And so, you know, I'm always telling a client,
Starting point is 01:04:09 like yeah, we wanna do the most way we can and be able to maintain perfect form through whatever the desire reps are. So, usually pretty light for the beginning. Right, so if it's 10 reps, I wanna be able to perform, barely be able to form 10 reps, not barely be able to perform 10 reps, not barely be able to perform 10 reps at all, I mean with perfect form. So that means I probably could do 12 to 15 reps, no problem.
Starting point is 01:04:31 But I'd have to rock, I mean, for time I'll buy some curls, I rock my shoulders, my elbows, or arch my back to get up those last three. Like if you have to break form at all and you before you get to the rep range, it's too heavy. You back off. If you can do all 10 reps with perfect form and it's not hard at all, then you need to go a little bit heavier. And so that's what you're looking for. This is something I've been working through with the high school kids because it's really testing me in terms of like, you know, answering a lot of their questions because they're just not familiar with weight training like they should be. And so to pick weights, it's like trying to describe like you wanna have each rep needs to be quality reps.
Starting point is 01:05:10 So each one has to be able to do like maintain, compose, maintain, control your body and work through each one of those without wavering at all. And if you can't, you gotta go replace those weights and go down a bit. And so they're just like looking at me like dumbfounded. It's about like always lifting more. Yeah. As a beginner, especially, you're better off airing on the side of lighter always. Right. Because you can always you can always progress. And you're a beginner anyway. I'm going to tell you something right now. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:38 from the build on. Yeah. And if you're in the if you're deconditioned, you don't work out and you go to the gym and you're like, I'm going gonna try doing squats. You do body weight squats, which is more than you do every day. You've actually sent a muscle building signal. And you might actually even get sore from doing just body weight squats. I remember back in the day, I wasn't really trained in not realizing that. I'd take a beginner, and I'd push them
Starting point is 01:05:57 through a crazy workout, and then of course, I'd get the phone call. I couldn't walk for five days or whatever, but that was way overdoing it, and I only slowed the progress. Air on the, especially when you're a beginner, perfect form is more important than intensity. Air on the side of lighter, you'll still improve,
Starting point is 01:06:12 you'll still get stronger. If you do the opposite, air on the side of heavier and sacrifice form, you'll actually slow your progress down. Well, and listen, anytime that we talk about things like this where there's a video that we've already created that's specific to this,
Starting point is 01:06:24 all you have to do is check show notes. So I know we get a lot of these questions and the people, ah, I can't find it. It's like check the show notes. It's mindpumppodcast.com where you can find the show notes. Yeah. Or down in the description of the link right off you're watching this on YouTube. Exactly. Next question is from Lazy.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Lazy. We'll consume you know my calories in one meal a day and not eating for six to eight hours after workout, limit progress, and or ruin my metabolism. I'm currently five six, 153 pounds, 18, 2600 plus or minus 200 calories, trying to recompose and maintain naturally skinny. Yeah. Okay. So I don't understand what he meant by maintaining naturally skinny, but okay.
Starting point is 01:07:01 So let's go back here for a second. Technically, I mean, maybe a little bit, you're not gonna build as much muscle. Maybe studies show that you probably want to protein feeding every four to five hours to increase protein synthesis. It's not a huge effect. It's not a big thing.
Starting point is 01:07:17 But let's talk about... It's definitely not gonna ruin your metabolism. No, but let's talk about the reality and the pragmatism of this. You're eating 1,26 plus 100 calorie meal. That's a big sitting. Yeah, so how is that going to affect your digestion? Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:30 How is that going to affect the food quality? Because I don't know about you guys, but eating 2,600 plus calories of whole natural foods is really hard. Also showing a brick. Also showing me what that's going to look like protein-wise. Yeah, wait your protein. So you're hitting your protein.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Let's assume this person is there 153 pounds. I'd say the 130 grams of protein in that meal. Yeah, you don't know what that is. You like protein wise. Yeah, wait your protein, so you're hitting your, let's assume this person, there are 153 pounds. I'd say the 130 grams of protein in them. Yeah, yeah, you don't know what. You ain't eating 2600 calories unless it's garbage, hyper palatable process, food or, or if it's just, you know, how much that is, it's chicken breast. You know what I'm saying, what is that? 40, so you're eating four, six ounce chicken breasts.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And once in a, and then you're throwing another stuff on top of that. Yeah, yeah. No, the stuff on top of that. Yeah. Yeah, no, the pragmatism of that is, it's not great. I don't think it's a good idea. I also think it could encourage a bad relationship to food because let's say you are a unique person that can do this
Starting point is 01:08:16 and you eat one 26 or 2800 calorie meal with 120 grams of protein, you're literally daily restricting and binging because that's a binge mentality with that volume of food and it does kind of encourage that. So pragmatically, behaviorally, I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, that's the stuff you have to consider here because technically, you're fine. Technically, you're not going to ruin your metabolism. Technically, you could get the macronutrious you need in one of my, I have done this before and been okay.
Starting point is 01:08:48 So I just, I think you have to always consider long term behaviors around this. And are you promoting the best behaviors? Is it realistic? So you got to weigh all that in. Yeah, I've tried this. Really, it's not the digestion. That was the hardest part for me. And so it's like, if you really can digest, it's just fine and you can do fine with it.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I mean, I guess that's an option, but for most people, I would tend to think that they'd have an issue with that. It's making its way back around. It's called omad diet, right? So it's making its way back right now. I did it, it was a warrior diet. It was a warrior diet, what do they call it?
Starting point is 01:09:22 No, when it's a single meal, I just call it, yeah, yeah, one meal a day. One meal a day No, when it's when it's a single meal. I just call it. Yeah. Yeah. One meal one one meal again. Warrior does it like Yeah dinner only. Yeah, you saw What's our buddy Mark Bell with I don't know if he's still doing it, but he was promoting it just like a couple months ago I don't know if he's still going on or not. So I mean the one thing I love about Mark is that he does all these different things And he shares this audience and I think that I think that's I think that's honest about it. Yeah, I mean, the one thing I love about Mark is that he does all these different things and he shares with his audience. And I think that's... He's honest about his experience.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Yeah, I think that's... I appreciate that. I don't think he's pushing one single diet. And I think really what I think he's trying to show is that there's a lot of different things that you can do. You don't have to follow this one diet. They all technically work if they're based off of less calories and you're trying to lean out.
Starting point is 01:10:04 So, that makes sense. But I think that's what you have to really consider is like how practical is this? Do I enjoy doing does it work while? And maybe this is incredible for your lifestyle. Maybe it's very key to that. I just don't understand how the average person can eat over 1300 calories of whole natural foods at one sitting and not feel. You really have to shovel it in. Not feel terrible. Right? Not feel bad. It's too much. You got to digest it in. Not feel terrible, right? Not feel bad, it's too much, you gotta digest it all, it's a lot of volume. I mean, I could do it with shitty food, I could eat over 2000 calories worth of garbage
Starting point is 01:10:31 because it's engineered to make me wanna overeat and I'll feel terrible after all. Well, this was the hardest thing for me as far as maintaining my, when I hit my peak size of like 235 body fat and like 220, 220 something pounds of muscle on me, like that was so incredibly difficult to to keep up the calorie intake. That was and then and to do it without piling on, you know, ice cream or burgers and fries. I had to do that to hit those numbers and you
Starting point is 01:10:57 just to push those limits. It's just tough. Yeah, I'm right now I'm averaging about 3500 calories, which is a lot for me. That's over 1,000 calories for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If I'm only eating three meals, yeah. Imagine doing that one meal. This is not gonna happen. Next question is from T-circ. How long should one stick to a workout routine? Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 01:11:17 You know what? It depends on the routine, right? If the routine includes phasing and changing of programming and considers that your body needs different stimulus, needs to move in different planes of motion, needs to focus on certain correctional exercises to prevent overuse injuries. Well, then the workout routine itself is all baked in there.
Starting point is 01:11:38 But most of the workout routines that I've seen probably start to lose their effect or and or cause overuse type injuries and pain at about the three month mark. It's usually what it looks like. If I have all the routines I'm familiar with and I've seen, you look at it and be like, yeah, after about three months, you're going to start to hit a wall and then maybe it's a good time to.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I mean, I think I would not only agree, but I'd even say that like our map's anabolic or aesthetic programs are like that too. Even though we phase it, you could probably get away with doing it longer. There's some things that are missing that you would want your team. We've talked about this before. I think, or personally, I don't hear you guys think,
Starting point is 01:12:15 maps performance is the single program that if a client, if someone came to me to add them, I can only afford one of your programs. And I want to just run it back over. Yeah, over and over for an entire year, which one is the best? And honestly, it doesn't even matter what your goal is. It could be Billy Muscle, Burning Body Fat,
Starting point is 01:12:31 just being healthy. Doesn't matter what your goal is. If you asked me, if the one single program that you were going to run over continuously in a year's time or two years, maps performance, because of what you said, if like a lot of programs are limiting some things that eventually, if you're not, maps performance because of what you said, a lot of programs are limiting some things that eventually, if you're not, maps on a ball, it's in the sagittal plane.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Totally. No lateral movement, very little rotation. Yes. You're going to get started, notice aches and pains in your joints. Great muscle builder for a three month period. Maps performance is, you use all planes of motion. Mobility is very important. There's a strength component.
Starting point is 01:13:07 There's a, you know, a component of speed in there. The endurance. The endurance. It's the most balanced, I would say. And you could definitely run it indefinitely. In the short term, is it going to build as much muscle and strength as some of our other programs know? In the long term, the total win,
Starting point is 01:13:21 because exactly what you're talking about. Yeah, well, it's always the one, too, to throw in there to interrupt that, because most programs are structured that way, very heavy in the sagittal plane, and very much repeating the same type of stress over and over and over again, right? And so to interrupt that helps to create that longevity within, you achieving where you want to get, but then like continuing that progress.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Yeah. I totally agree. And of course, the best, you know, combination is just to go through different programs, complete one, do another one. Yeah. That would be, I mean, obviously, that's the way we wrote in what that intention is to cycle through all of them and get the benefits from it, and you'll get the most benefits. But if I had to, you know, all I can only give you one. And definitely one.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Yeah, definitely one program. Even in the irony that, right, that's not even, that's one of my least favorite of all of our programs. But I know it's one of the most beneficial. And if I had to stick to one forever, that would be the smartest one. The irony is that the one program that most viewers and listeners would probably get
Starting point is 01:14:21 the most gains and results out of only, only because I know most of them are like drawn to bodybuilder style, math programs. Is it gonna be a mass performance? I'd say eight at a 10 people watching this right now would do mass performance and at the end of it be like, holy cow, this is totally what I needed. So look, if you like our information, head over
Starting point is 01:14:39 to minepumpfreed.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any fitness cool. You can also find all of us on Instagram, so Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump Sal and Adam is at Mind Pump Adder. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:15:03 The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos. The RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five star rating and review
Starting point is 01:15:46 on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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