Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 175: Don't let these people listen to Mind Pump

Episode Date: October 30, 2015

There are some people who should never listen to Mind Pump. Children are one group that immediately comes to mind but Sal, Adam & Justin can think of a few adults they hope will never hear the show. P...lease subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Chacha, chacha, chacha, oh, this will ever be released. Please, Lord. You know how I know that Doug will always be the manager or producer? You guys want to know how I know? Mom will always, always be the manager or producer. You guys want to know how I know? Moments like this.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Because he records everything that we say. Oh, it's all blackmail. He's got all of this shit on file. And we say, for the listeners, you guys don't know. You think we go off on air? Are you recording? Yeah, well, what we say on air is PG 13, one, one millionth of as bad as when we say off air.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Why do you say that? Because now everybody's gonna be asking us. I don't say that. I don't know. You know what? You're right. Because what if, oh my god, I just thought of something horrible. Doug, I need you to take that shit and fucking bury it or hide it somewhere
Starting point is 00:01:01 great in a vault. What if somebody like found it and then tried to like use it against us in some weird conspiracy? Yeah. What if like shreds or crossfit? Yeah. Like sent spies took that information and blackmailed us, you know? What if we start making a lot of money
Starting point is 00:01:16 and Doug doesn't feel like he's making it enough? I don't like all these scenarios. Bitch. You know, I'm just kind of thinking about this, you know, it's like, okay, I'm working my ass off right now. See? Then when, once this thing blows up, I'm going to have all this stuff to hang over their heads.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And then I'm going to kick back and watch TV all day, why they do all the work. Oh, see? No, I mean, why did you bring up all this stuff anyway? You know, Skate plan. Now Shreds is really going to send their spies over. Right. You know what? You brought brought that up I was just kidding a basic base it doesn't matter to the people that write their articles I'm not too worried about the spice to go to sit over yeah see him from across the street
Starting point is 00:01:56 I don't think you're gonna be too bright it's it's okay though because we do we have remember hey guys remember we went out and we all get drunk and then Doug put on that dress and did that dance for us We videotape. Oh, yeah, so we got to tell him about the pig either You shouldn't call women that you Like rust line again, have you see me dude my my neck hurts bro. Did I take us why my neck hurts? Fuck I can't turn it we have so, so do you call this segment, what's hurting so? I got neck cancer, shit!
Starting point is 00:02:28 Damn it! So we have this, at the gym that I work at, there's, we have a massage therapist. The neck who's the sizeer? Bro, yeah. It kind of looks like a blowjob. So this massage therapist is from the Ukraine. And she's bad ass by the way. And she's a bad ass by the way.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And she's aggressive. Well, she is, so if you were to picture like a comedy movie with a massage therapist that comes in from like Russia and like beats the shit out of the guy, what did you mean, what did she mean? Like Helga. Yeah, and you're like, yeah, it's what she's doing. What it looks like her name should be Helga.
Starting point is 00:03:00 She looks like that. She's an older kind of husky woman. I feel break. And her hand strength is like It's like a velociraptor like she will fuck you up. So I'm sitting in the chair You used an analogy to a dinosaur that If you imagine I could have said it because the last time the velociraptor gripped onto me fucking I knew this motherfucker
Starting point is 00:03:25 It was the last time the Velociraptor gripped onto me fucking I knew this motherfucker's gonna be Rex cuz she'd be like Trying to reach you and wouldn't happen So so I'm in sitting in the chair between clients, right? Listen bro. I'm picturing No, I'm picturing my take my work for it Velociraptor powerful grip So I'm sitting had to take I had to grab onto its prey. And I do the claw thing on my hand. So, I was sitting in my chair. It's so family-
Starting point is 00:03:50 I'm sitting in my chair and I'm in my phone doing social media stuff. And she always does this. If I'm not with anybody, if actually I take that back. If anybody's not with anybody, if you're a client and you're sitting there waiting between sets and your trainer
Starting point is 00:04:01 happened to walk off to change the music and she's in the room, you're fucked. She's gonna come over and she's gonna start man handling you. That's how she sells massage So I'm sitting there. Oh, sir. That wasn't I felt all special when she did that. No She does that to everybody bro, and she yeah, so she did to Adam She told you like literally like me and I saw introduced me to her say hi. What do I do like that? And it's just went behind Adam's I'm on the phone and I'm like I I'm doing exactly that. I'm texting and like resting between Sets starts needing you. And she just starts, boom.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Elbow digging into my trap. I'm like, ooh, oh god, yeah. And she's, and she's, she's violent. So I'm doing this. I'm on my, she comes up behind me and she starts, fuck it with my neck. And it's like, I want to tell her like, can you stop? Because that, that range of emotions too far.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You know, hurt me. But then she's like, push it my neck, twist it my chin. Then dude, then she grabs my hair. I'm not fucking, she know, hurt me. But then he is stuck a little bit. She's like pushing my neck, twisting my chin. Then she grabs my hair. I'm not fucking with you. She starts pulling my hair back, and I'm cracking up. And I'm like, this is the weirdest sex I've ever had. So I've never done it this way. Yeah, it's like this is how the cavemen did it.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And then she tries to explain it in her accent, like in her Russian accent. I pull on your hair to make the nerves pull up and I'm like no you were just being violent you're just being violent you're just I thought you're like little toddler so that that was that's why my neck's been hurting a little bit when was this is a day bro like a fucking you got assaulted is what that's what I said three days ago I still can't term my neck very well that's so funny I told you I swear to God if she gave me
Starting point is 00:05:23 neck cancer, I'm gonna be so pissed. I'm gonna be neck cancer. Damn it, yeah. I've had so many different kinds this year. It always travels around. Oh, dude, I had lat cancer one time. Oh, God. It just turned out to be my last for use.
Starting point is 00:05:37 That was a tumour. Stretch too much. Like, no, they're just wide. God, so anyway. It's speaking to the lats and back. So I'm in the gym today, and this is the reason why I'm only bringing this up is because I've been noticing this a lot. So this is the new this is the new move.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Oh, we have more move. I know this is the new move that I see a lot of men's physique competitors doing. Oh, fuck. And sorry. I said, here comes these wispy ways then and I guess they're not the only one. Maybe maybe some of the I've seen some of their young guys and they're doing this. But the new thing is to do rack pulls. And which to me is such a rare exercise.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Just did stop. He's rolling his eyes so hard. Well, he's going to hurt him. I know I know I am sure it looks like I'm having an orgasm. I'm his eyes so hard. Well, he's gonna he's gonna hurt him say I know why I I'm sure he looks like I'm having an orgasm is I'm rolling them so hard I'm sure he feels the same way I feel about it because it this is now here's the thing and everybody I know Somebody's listening to this right now because they're probably an idiot that does this too and they're like well It does work this and okay
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm not saying that it's not an exercise. Yeah I'm just saying that it has a place and a purpose of why you would do that. And these same people that I'm talking about, I've never seen do a full deadlift. Yeah, I was just going to say, I've never seen them do a full deadlift. I was just going to be following along the patterns of not going full range of motion for like everything. I was just going to say, if you do, if you do rack pulls, but you don't do full deadlifts, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It is, that right? That's just, and I know why they're doing it. I so do I. And because the top portion of the rep is what works the back and I don't wanna work out my, God forbid I developed some glutes and legs. We don't want that shit. I don't wanna look like I'm too strong, right?
Starting point is 00:07:20 So, so, here's the worst part. That and they, and you can do a lot more off of a three quarter rack pull than you can have a full deadlifts. Bro, it was like stacking fours by place on the other side. But I have, I have yet to see one of these guys because I've seen it too. You are absolutely right. I've seen it now like 10 times. I have yet to see one of these guys rack pull.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And when the, and by the way, they're not doing a normal rack pull. The bar is literally, they're literally traveling four inches. It's a high rack pull. It is. So it's a three quarters. It not doing a normal rack pull. The bar is literally traveling four inches. It's a high rack pull. It is. It's about three quarters. It's about three quarters rack pull. Yeah, it's a top rack pull. It's not like how a lifter's power lifter do.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's kind of like a shrug with like a slight bend. You're a slight. A power lifter will do a rack pull and it's like just below the knees to like get past the sticky point. These guys are like six inches above their knees. So they're just like barely standing up. Well, it's just like that guy that loaded like eight plates
Starting point is 00:08:08 and then squatted, like quote unquote, squatted. He walked back there. He just like went, he flexed his knee for a second. Oh my God, my knees are going straight. You know what's funny? We all got tagged on that by like seven different people. I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:22 So I've seen these guys do the rack pulls. And I have yet to see any of them a Rackpole three inches more than I did lift. I have yet to find anybody. The one I saw just yesterday was a guy doing Rackpole three plates. Okay, so three in her pounds. He's doing five reps and he's got wrist straps on
Starting point is 00:08:40 and he's moving the bar, fucking four inches. You need wrist straps. You gotta use the wrist straps. You gotta fucking be able to check it. You gotta all that we spiel a this is gonna fucking break I just I and I guess I knew that if I came out and said that that I was an offend somebody and somebody's probably been like you know Well, like because everybody thinks that fitness icon people should just all be super motivational positive about everything But you know We roll. Yeah, we roll we roll. Let's flip that into a
Starting point is 00:09:05 motivational. How can we make that sound motivation? I don't know. I got it. I got a specific way. I got this is the way you do it. It's a look. I got it. I got me. How about this? If you do rack poles, that's better than nothing. Good job. There you go. That is a good point. It's positive. It's better than nothing. Good to be honest. This is better than seeing on your couch. I'm gonna make a t-shirt. Rack pulls better than nothing. Well, what happens, and this is a part where I feel,
Starting point is 00:09:36 and I can't wait so you guys watch the movie, The Perfect physique, because it's this, I can't either. Am I gonna like it out of me? God, I can't wait. Am I going to like it? Oh my god. I can't wait. You guys are going to like it actually. I bet you I'm willing to actually know what I'm going to close just because I don't think Justin's going to get all the way
Starting point is 00:09:53 through. He's going to get my Vaseline ready. I want I want to know that's how I'm going to feel. I want to just and you need to come up with a time. By the way, nobody jacks off with Vaseline anymore. I want some of that. Justin you need to come up with a times by the way nobody jacks off with best leaning more I don't even use lotion so Bareback you church you chaffed a shit at yourself. I'm a man. Oh wait a minute. You're probably a natural Grizzly bear that natural. No, maybe he's not clipped
Starting point is 00:10:20 He's still got the skewer. He's still a tag noises. He's got the aunt eater going on So he just, he just moved this, he just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes.
Starting point is 00:10:32 He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just moved this, he just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes.
Starting point is 00:10:40 He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He just made any of your eyes. He's a liquid chalk. So dear, he makes my mask invasion. So you think we'll like it. I think that this, I think you're gonna have to do what I do, which is break it up in three or four.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Is anybody we know in there? Yeah. Why me? Well, there's definitely, quite a few guys that you guys know of, for sure. I don't know, they're not like the homie or whatever, but they're all the big names, all the fitness guys that are in men's physique.
Starting point is 00:11:09 They're all men's physique athletes, right? If you're not a men's physique athlete, they're at one point they were, or they're all cover the magazine guys. And... Do they have a talent portion, or are they like juggled over? What I felt like the producer was trying to do was I felt like they tried to make this
Starting point is 00:11:28 kind of like a reality show meets like a soft porn meets like a documentary all wrapped in all one sound. All right, we got to watch this. Yeah, we got to watch it. A-SAP and then what we're going to do is we're going to do a review. We're going to do just a whole episode where we break it down and review it. I'm going to do it mystery science, three thousand style. So you're going to talk shit while you watch it. No, I'm just going to, you know, be very objective and. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Opinion. And it might sound like that. But you do get anything. I want you to finish it too, because that's why I say you break it up because there's sections of it that are just over the top ridiculous and ones will make you go like, what are we watching right now? Oh, so I remember what else was going to bring up. This is something I was going to talk about. So, um, have you ever, I'm going to guarantee you guys had, we've done this where you've trained a client who used to train with another trainer that was maybe a friend of yours, but you know, they weren't that good of a trainer and then they trained with you. And that was an awkward moment. It's but you know, they weren't that good of a trainer and then the train with you. And all of that. Is that an awkward moment when you're client is like, why am I in such better shape right now?
Starting point is 00:12:31 So I have a client like that. This guy's 52 years old. And he trained with a buddy of mine, who's a great guy. I'm not going to say his name. I'm not going to give too many details on what call him out, but he is a CrossFit trainer. And he- You're a silent was a second. I was like, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr We were keeping pull ups, you know, do all this crazy shit. And this guy is 52, he is phenomenally fit. And he would follow this guy's workout, right? And he got down to 100 and... That's that one in my box. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Whoa. He got down to 145 pounds doing this kind of workout, right? So, and then something happened and then the guy stopped working out for a long time, like a couple years. He comes into the gym and is like, Sal, I know so and so, doesn't work anymore, but I do want to still train you, can I train with you?
Starting point is 00:13:30 So I'm like, absolutely. So now we've been training now for about six or seven months together. Now first off, before I started training, I sat him down and I'm like, how do I say this nicely? So I'm like, listen, the guy you worked with before sucked. No, that's not what I said. I sat him down and I said, look, I said, I trained very differently than what you're
Starting point is 00:13:48 used to. Because he's kind of, he's kind of, he's kind of one of these guys that's like, he's so into fitness that he associates getting beat up with having a good workout. Yeah, it's a lot of people. So I got to explain, I got to break it down from because I'm like, you're not going to get beat up with my training. And I don't want you to think that it's not effective. Okay. So I explained to my sit-in-dance, I said, look, this is what we're gonna do. My goal or the goal with any type you use weights is to improve strength, performance, and build muscle.
Starting point is 00:14:15 That's all weights do. Okay, I'm not gonna use weights to make you faster or give you more endurance. If you want those two things, then we could do other things to that separately. Right. So I said, but weights, this is, your is, your training is going to be slower. We're going to do more of these kind of straight sets. The workouts might feel a little more boring
Starting point is 00:14:32 because they're not so hyped up. You know, I'm not going to be slapping you across the face and yelling at you type of deal. But watch the program and I told them, I said, don't worry about the scale because with me, I know you're trying to get leaner, but you're going to gain weight because you're going to build I know you're trying to get leaner, but you're gonna gain weight because you're gonna build muscle and you're gonna get stronger. Cause I know I can tell this guy's got good muscle building genes. I can tell like he's gonna blow up, right?
Starting point is 00:14:53 So. That's why he probably had even success doing all the other stupid stuff. Right. So luckily, you know, he trusted me and we started working out six months later. So he weighed 145 before with this other dude. He weighs with me 155, so he's 10 pounds heavier, but he's leaner with me.
Starting point is 00:15:10 He's probably about 3 or 4% leaner in terms of body fat than he was at 145. Looks fucking amazing, and working out probably half is hard and half is much. So he used the run light crazy, and now I've cut his running down, and like, you need to stop running so much. So he used the run like crazy. And now I've cut his running down like you need to stop running so much. Uh, he likes to swim. So I said, you can keep doing that. And no more soy sort of joints. He feels amazing. He just went and got his testosterone levels check. He's a 52 year old man. His testosterone levels was over 750 Jesus, which is near the upper limit of where it should be. He's feels amazing. People who know him, because he also works at another gym on his own where he goes swimming, have come up to me now and
Starting point is 00:15:49 said, I don't know what you're doing with him, but he looks fucking amazing. And it's funny because he's still friends with the other trainer. And I am friends with the other guy too. But he, you know, and it's weird. It's kind of a weird, like, what do you do? And he brought it up the other day and he's like, yeah, he goes, I go, I look a lot better than I do than I did back there. Who's the other trainer? Do we know? You don't know him. I don't want to say his name because he might be listening. I'm like, go ahead and say his name. Yeah. Come on. He's a great guy. Super, super good guy. Smart guy. He's just, he's a super drink the court, the court CrossFit cool aid. Yeah. And I just did that. And that's what he does. So, so, but it's like, it's like, how do you handle that
Starting point is 00:16:24 situation? Because it's tough because you want like, how do you handle that situation? Because it's tough, because you want, if I didn't know the train, I would have sat down straight up and said, well, sorry, you're a trainer suck, but this, you know, so I had to kind of like, let the results kind of speak for themselves. That could do. So I did something similar while I made a mistake,
Starting point is 00:16:37 because I forgot that this person had trained with somebody. I did something. Yeah, so I totally fucked up on this one, right? So this is how this played out. So I totally fucked up on this one. Right. So this is how this played out. So this lady comes out to me. She knows she's met me before through a OTF.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And she's been out for like three months. She comes to me and she asked me about coaching. Right. So she's like, Hey, I want some help with nutrition. This and that. Mind you, she stopped working out because she got pregnant. So she's one of those people that like she gets pregnant. And then she thinks that she can't work out. So she hasn't been working out for like three months.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And then she's telling me that she wants my help coaching to put in nutrition plan. So we're firing back and forth on email and you know she asks, do you give discounts for cash? And I said, nope, I don't do discounts. I said, I have a waiting list anyways. I said, you wouldn't even be able to get in with me until at least a month. And she's like, well, you know, I was really just, you know, hoping that you could do this for me and do that for me. And, you know, and then I'll just go ahead and do it on my own.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And I said, well, first of all, I don't do that. I said, I don't, I don't write it. And at this point, we've already emailed back and forth a couple of times. So I'm kind of getting irritated. And I send this like long old email back of like how I do things and like this You're obviously you've you've trained with somebody else and this and that before in the past and maybe this is how they do things
Starting point is 00:17:51 But you know, it trainers an idiot if he does this and I start coat up like it's all the stuff that he did and it's someone you know I forgot dude, you know, I'm this Probably she was asking about what she wanted for me. She wanted me just to, what she wanted to pay me for, which people get this all, do this all the time. And it's like my pet peeve is, how much can I, can I pay you? Can you just write me a meal plan?
Starting point is 00:18:16 Oh, can you just write me a meal plan? And I'll follow that. How much, you know, and then they want a wheel and deal for like a cash price or what, right that. And I'm like, you know what I do with that shit? I just throw out some stupid number. $1,000. That's exactly what I do.
Starting point is 00:18:29 You do the same thing? Yeah. Yeah. Because the thing is like, how are you gonna get out of this well? It could be worth your time by making it ridiculous. You know what I mean? Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You know what? I have thrown out some pretty high numbers of that. And they normally like, just to write me a meal plan, that's it. So I'll tell you what, I'll throw in a couple sessions of training, too. You know, but that's awkward, dude. I mean, I've had that happen to me, too. Yeah, no, it happens. Like this lady just watching me train, like, and she wasn't getting very good results with one of her trainers.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Oh, and she was in the same gym. It was in the same gym and it was like, you know, he he had actually flaked on her like he was running late and this was like the third or fourth time. And she kind of pulled me aside and was like, hey, you know, how much you charge? You know, like I watch you train really like you know, did you show up to all your Yeah, like you're a real professional like your clients are really happy really like you know did you show up to all your Yeah, I do a real professional Like your clients are really happy and they you know see awesome results and you know Like I I was trying so hard to like I don't want you
Starting point is 00:19:36 I'm sorry This is too close. Well, yeah, I was like you know, I don't want to like you know I got a look out for every but if somebody has an interest in me. I'm not gonna turn away Yeah, I mean like I was in a to like, you know, I got to look out for every, but if somebody has an interest in me, I'm not going to turn away. Yeah, I mean, like so. Well, no, I was in a situation like that where, hey, motherfucker, you just, did was it? Now, is this at this facility or back
Starting point is 00:19:51 when you used to work at you? Back in a different one. Oh, okay. Because when we, I mean, when we used to be at two four together, I used to tell my trainers, like, hey, you know, some other dumb dick messes up, can't show up on time, and that client convinced you. Oh, 24, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Oh, yeah, I used to, I used to take people's clients all the time. Like, you would actually give me to other people's clients. They screwed up with them. Fuck it, eh? You know, so you want them to keep coming back. Yeah. You know, so that's just, I mean, it happens,
Starting point is 00:20:17 and it's awkward, but you guess what? Yeah, that's just part of the thing. Like, if you're gonna, you're gonna be good at what you do and people will recognize that, that's the nature of the beast, that's business. I got a tip for that. Go ahead. Oh, no, I was gonna say, I got a tip for that
Starting point is 00:20:34 is that this is what I'll do. I've done this situation where a trainer in my gym, their clients not happy with them, they come up to me. And it's always awkward for the client too. Let's not forget that. The client themselves is like, fuck, you know, I want to train with this guy, and I'm in the same gym. And a lot of times what they'll do is they'll just leave
Starting point is 00:20:51 because they feel awkward about it. But when I've had them come up to me and ask me that, and if it's a situation where I think they're justified, like you said, Justin, where someone's not showing up, I'll say, yeah, I'll train you, but I'm more expensive. And I'll charge them more. Then when the other trainer comes in, it's all pissed off. Like, you took my client, like, they're paying me more. You're a client really wanted to train with me. You see what I'm saying? I'll never charge less because then it looks like I stole your
Starting point is 00:21:16 client. They're like devil mad, bro, right? You took my client and you're getting more money out of them. Right. And it's because, yeah, how did that make us off in the blue? That's gonna say, that's like a double seat. No, no, let me break it down. I didn't tell, he just saw it, he shot all, go down.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I was like, yeah. No, let me explain to you. I'm nervous. Imagine you have a client who then wants to train with me. Well, I have a story on what I have. I don't have to use to handle this. Imagine if they come to me and I charge them less than what you charge them.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Now, when you undercut me and try to do the most thing. Right, you're thinking you're stealing my client, but if I charge them less than what you charge now You undercut me and try to do right you're thinking you're stealing my client But if I charge them more I hear you're thinking it's the client. It's I just wants to go I think it is like damn here fucking good closer. That's what I think but the average trader bug You motherfucker Yeah, so I used to do you guys made me it's making me laugh right now because I'm thinking of stories when I used to do this That was notorious for this. Because as a fitness manager, I'm overseeing all these trainers. So I knew a lot of the clients, especially if you're a client that comes on a regular basis and Justin is right.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Justin, many times, did I give Justin clients that were somebody else's client first. But I wouldn't tell the trainer. If a client came up to me and they like, hey, I was wondering, I see Justin training a lot. I really like what he's doing. Is it possible? I could switch trainers. Oh, absolutely. You know, when's your next appointment? Oh, I'm supposed to see, I'm supposed to see Mike on Wednesday at four. I'm saying, okay, we'll go and keep your time. I'll take care of that. I'll make sure Justin's here for you and stuff like that. So he'll be here for you. And I'll let Mike find out when he shows him four o'clock Happy you just brought that up Nobody could be
Starting point is 00:22:52 We knew Mike we had a mic at my point Michael listens to this. I'm not talking about you Mike But I would you are Yeah, I would do that though I would just switch the switch to trainer out and then the trainer comes up. And of course, on the first person trainer comes to you right away when shit like that goes down if someone took a client whatever come running the mouth. What the, what, why is to, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is this, why is, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Evaluate yourself. Yeah. You know, this is actually a learning experience for you.
Starting point is 00:23:29 This is a learning experience. Yeah, you just learned something right now. Now, what about the flip? Has the flip ever happened to you? Let me explain. I've had clients who've left shitty trainers that put them on like super restricted diets, beat the crap out of them, you know, did a horrible thing. I'll give you a specific example.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I had a client who came to me who was doing the HCG diet. You guys remember that? I know exactly where we are. I know somebody who's close to me who just did that. Yeah. Okay. So first of all, HCG diet, bullshit. Okay. It's a fucking super low calorie diet plus they give you HCG garbage. It's stupid. Anyhow, this lady came to me, was doing the HCG diet with the Southern trainer, eating super low calories. He was beating the crap at her, comes to me, and I'm like, okay, you need to eat more. We're gonna build some muscle.
Starting point is 00:24:11 We're gonna fix your metabolism. Three was a two, three months later, she left and went back to the other guy. Because I wasn't beating the crap out of her enough and she wasn't, because it was so ingrained in her mind. And I wouldn't cater to her, you know what I'm saying? Cause I could have beat the show. I do that same thing happen, and if you go wayrained in her mind and I wouldn't I wouldn't cater to her. You know what I'm saying? Cuz I could have beat the show dude. That's same thing happened and if you
Starting point is 00:24:27 Go way back in our podcast and let's talk about that later that always wanted to puke Did I talk about this? Yeah, I did always wanted to puke. Yeah, like that was her like cuz she she was a big lady And then she had lost this weight quickly and I'm pretty sure she had a disorder, you know Not only just like I mean she had a eating disorder, but also like exercise bulimia. It was like that was her deal. She had some trainer that, you know, when she go traveling in New York, she also had another trainer that would like beat the crap out over there and she was expecting the same out of me. And I was like, I'm not comfortable with this. I'm just not gonna do that. That's not how I do things.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I'm like, I kept like Adam, I had this like, this mindset that, okay, this is a challenge, you know, I got, I'm gonna break her, you know, and everything. And she just like kept having this like, demand of like, that wasn't hard enough, that wasn't hard enough, I'm not, I don't feel sick, you know, I'm like
Starting point is 00:25:25 Thank God That's the point. I'm not trying to do that and you know I just got to the point where she didn't want to train with me anymore and then I think She might have came to you and was like I wanted a new trainer and then I saw her training with somebody else You know in the gym. Oh, so this actually happened when you guys were at 24. When you were at 24 and I was just like, and I saw her and I was like, I don't know if I have fun lady. You're crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Should I remember her? She later. She a pretty regular what? Yeah, I don't know. You might remember. I'll tell you a little fair. Yeah. What her name was.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You'd probably remember. It was funny though. I was just like, did, yeah, peace out. You know, I think it happened to me, it happened to me a handful of times, especially early on. And I think that's what made me feel the need that when I present to somebody now, like I lay all that groundwork big time. And because it had happened enough times, it happened to me enough times where I was just
Starting point is 00:26:21 like, wow, just because I kind of go over it and tell people that this is how we're gonna start They don't they goes in one year out the other. They're still in search of that. I'm gonna kill you workout So now like I'm like I almost exaggerate the other way like you're you may not get you may not move on your scale for like six months You know because to me that doesn't matter because what I need to do is I need to get your balance together I need to get you healthy. I need to figure that out. And I'd like to tell you that's gonna take one month. I'd like to tell you that. I'd tell you to take less than that.
Starting point is 00:26:51 But we're gonna find out. And I don't know that about that. So this is brilliant. And I'll tell you right now. You under promise like shit. Oh yeah. And then when something happens, it's true. It's like if you got,
Starting point is 00:26:59 it's like if your dick is medium size, but you keep telling this girl that you have a really small dick. When you pull it out, boom, super. Oh my God, it's bigger than I thought it would be. Exactly. Over, over deliver. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Right? Never had to use that one. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, it's true that and you can't, uh, oh, wait a minute. Adam always under promises. And he always talks about how he's a big dick. It must be.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Oh, it must be. It must be you. Oh, oh, oh, oh his way into the it's so big. It wears a way big. Oh, stop it. As a weight belt on. So does it hurt its back? Oh, yeah. It's only way you stay circumcised. Wait. No. So that's what you do there with Clarence? Yeah, you know, absolutely. I, uh, over, I definitely, uh, under promise over deliver for sure. And I, I, you can apply that to anything. Yeah, exactly. I mean, you can, like, listen, I, I'm just a babe, we're gonna have sex right now. You're, you're definitely not gonna have an orgasm.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I mean, it's not gonna feel good at all. And you're gonna be like, ah, you know, it's okay. You try it hard. Yeah. And then at the end of it, she's like, I had almost had an orgasm. And the more convincing you are about that, the better off the surprises. Too bad.
Starting point is 00:28:13 The surprise. Yeah. Black. Wait a second, I already lost weight. You told me it was gonna take six months, maybe more. It's only been four weeks. I'm so excited right now. You know, clients love you then.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah. Well, that was unexpected, it wasn't what I planned, but it looks like your body's a fast responder. I, you know, I guess, and maybe just because we've dealt with so many people, and we have so many people that are trying to get in and train with us now, is that, you know, I'm a lot shorter with people when it comes to that stuff. Like, you know, I, at that point, like even now,
Starting point is 00:28:44 so what I'll do people, the people inquire now, and I'm I, I, at that point, like even now, like, so what I'll do, people, people inquire now, and I'm like, do you listen to Mind Pump? And they're, they're, like, oh, no, I've heard about it. I need to get, I'm like, go listen to about 10 episodes and then come back to me first, because one, I want to be able to help you possibly on your journey without me even charging you, believe it or not. So I want you to be able to get some free knowledge that you get out there from Mind Pump. And two, you get a kind of feel of where we're coming from and where we stand too. That way. So then when I tell you certain things, you kind of get the drift where, you know, some people they, they, they, when they start telling me like just like that lady
Starting point is 00:29:15 who was asking me to write a meal plan. I'm like, you don't listen to mind pump to you. You guys have clients that you don't want to listen to mind pump? No. I do. Oh, you do. Oh, for sure. For sure. Really? Oh, dude. I've got clients that if they heard Mind Pump, they'd be shocked. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:35 I just talked about, Really, I would have never guessed that. I just talked about it. I've just talked about it. Literally 30, like five minutes ago, I just talked about Dix. I have clients that they heard me say that. Like these are like older women, professional,
Starting point is 00:29:46 very serious. You still have clients like that. And I treat them very nice. I'm a real weirder. I'm a professional women, but they love when we get all vulgar. No, dude. My clients are like, yeah. No, these people would freak out.
Starting point is 00:29:57 They'd listen to it and they'd probably never show up again. Really? Because when they show up, I'm like, hi, Mrs. Johnson, sit them down. How is your day? Oh, you made pumpkin, sit him down. How was your day? And you attract those kind of people. You made pumpkin pie yesterday from scratch and we talk about that for 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:10 This is literally, this is, I'm not, this is a real thing. And mine probably like cock, cock, blow jobs, this. Yeah, yeah, masturbation. Yeah, we talk about, we talked about the pumpkin and then her visit to the cabin and inside, sounds like, t-t-t-t-t. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:24 It's like waiting to come out. He's like, no way, no wonder, side sounds like It's like waiting to come out. He's like no way no wonders ever does he don't know we're all in a group text I think we've mentioned this before and South is like you can't wait to only do his mind pump all day Therapy is always bringing that up now. I know I'll drop something on my foot. I'll be like shucks You know or something like that And then oh you know you, it happened the other day. I was with one of them in one of these, with these, with these, with these, with these, and those are the same people that like hate music.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Have you ever been in a gym that like some old lady? Yeah. Like, why just, I can't have any music. Bro. Music is the devil. Bro, I, we, I was, I don't know if I told you guys this. Stop me if I did. I was training my client's a devil. Bro, I, I was, I don't know if I told you guys this. Stop me if I did. I was training my client who likes electronic music,
Starting point is 00:31:09 and it's just me and him. And so we've got electronic music on. And it's not fucking dubstep. That was a good idea. It's not dubstep. It's like, the other trainer, the other trainer came over, did something right. It's like Calvin Harris or like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:19 like like popular electronic music, okay? Shit, you listen to on the radio. So it's on, we're listening to it. And every once in a while, he walked over to my, to on the radio. So it's on, we're listening to it. And everyone's while he walked over to the, to see who was playing, he's like, oh, this is awesome. Anyway, another train that comes shows up with his client, this is a middle-aged soccer mom woman, okay? So he's the same one you cut off.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So he's tripping out. And probably. So I'm always nice to her. I'm always like, hey, how, I'm nice to everybody that comes in. So he's training her and she's, you know, she's kind of got this look on her face. Well, then this song comes on and it's electronic music. Okay, it's a little repetitive, but it's nothing crazy. She just bursts out.
Starting point is 00:31:52 She's like, oh, can you just turn this off? It sounds like a sock. It's stuck in my vacuum cleaner. And I'm like, that's her exact words. That's her analogy. Yes. So I looked at her and it wasn't like, dumpstep. It's got every sound.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So I looked at her and I'm like, wow, your vacuum cleaner makes good music. I thought I was being funny and she looks at me and she goes, no, she's like, this music is so offensive. I'm like offensive. So I went over and I fucking put air supply on. Like I changed, I'm like, here you go. Fucking cleaning the house, 1980s music. Oh, what do you do, baby?
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah, yeah. Shalom on it. Sonny. And I'm like offensive. I can't believe you call it. I'm like, bitch, you wanna hear what I work out to? I'm gonna put some lamb of God on this motherfucker. Have you start going to run home crying to your husband?
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yes, all this juice of all of all. You're gonna throw it. You're gonna sit there. So you actually have people that you don't tell about mind-pop. Bro, I have people who, in their mind, and I've been training them for years, okay? In their mind, their vision of Sal is this really nice sweet, you know, just good boy scout.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I mean, Tom, you're super helpful. Yeah, which is definitely. It's dropping articles out of the sky. Which is definitely a big part of me. It is a big part of me. This is another part of me, but they don't see this part of me
Starting point is 00:33:21 because I'm very professional in there. There's no way. And there's, but I mean, Adelaide, there's quite a few of them that you actually that don't even listen to Minecraft. You don't tell them. No, and I don't see this part of me because I'm very professional in there. There's no way and there's but I mean out of though There's there's quite a few of them that you actually that don't even listen to mine pump You don't tell the no and I don't want them to what I've actually told them not to they'll be like how has that podcast going I'm like it's going really nice terrible No, no, no, no, it's going awesome And they'll be like I'm so sorry I haven't listened to it and I'll say no, you know what you should probably shouldn't publish it
Starting point is 00:33:42 It's not very good. Yeah, I know I Like it's really, it's a little bulgar. My co-hosts are really bulgar. They're really, yeah. This guy pressed me outside of my comfort zone. Am I going to hear Adam? He talks about like bad stuff. Yeah. You know I listen to it.
Starting point is 00:33:57 But what's worse is that when I have, like another skate good, when I have a client that's in the know, that like really knows like where I can go, and they come in like right after this other client Who who doesn't know everything and they cross paths and they're in the gym for like five minutes together? It's always awkward, you know what I mean? It's always like it's always like you're Boone or unicorns. Yeah, high five It would be as if your girlfriend
Starting point is 00:34:20 Was over and then your ex girlfriend came in or some girl that you're doing on the side. Are you introducing two different groups of friends? And you're like, fuck, they're gonna say something that's gonna ruin everything. Yeah, the ones that really know you and then the ones that are like, Hey, I didn't see you on campus the other day. Yeah. So I, I, I, on all these notes that I got one for you guys. And what it, name right here, we go, name the top three people that are related to, they don't have to be related, they can be connected to you.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Top three people that are connected to you that are like huge mind bump fans. They're the first ones to listen to an episode, first ones to text you or ask you about something or talk to you about something like that. Oh my goodness. Who come to mind in the first three that come to your mind? So my buddy Mike, I don't know if I should say his last name,
Starting point is 00:34:59 but he's an anesthesiologist, great guy. He loves the show. Fucking hilarious. Sean, I know. He loves the show. Fucking hilarious. Sean, I know he listens to the show as well, and then my buddy, Eric listens to it all the time. The people that don't listen to the show. Yeah. You know, I have family members that'll listen to it,
Starting point is 00:35:19 and they sometimes, my mom will actually listen to my pump sometimes, and then it's awkward. I'm sorry, Mr. Stefano. I'm just gonna say, my mom doesn't to my pump sometimes. And then it's awkward. I'm sorry, Mr. Stefano. I'm just gonna say, yeah, my mom doesn't listen to it. She listens every once in a blue moon. She's just like, you guys cost so much of that. My ears are bleeding. Oh, yeah, a lot of them are like my clients
Starting point is 00:35:41 that it's really funny because I am just like you like I'm very professional like I'm not like trying to be the guy that's just swearing up a storm in the gym. Do squats to your cock hits the ground. Yeah, never. And I've been with you know, training these people for years and so and we always have like funny banter back and forth like I do here on the show but it's like them hearing me on here with you guys. They're like, whoa, you know, I just like blew their mind. They listen to it and so they get addicted to it and then they they kind of subtly hint at it
Starting point is 00:36:16 but we still are on that like every now and then I feel okay to like like shit. Like wait, okay, it's okay. Oh yeah, that's the other thing too, is when they start listening, then all of a sudden, you feel like, oh, I can be another level of... Interproperate, yeah. They've heard me say this. No, I'll have a client walk in. I'll be training one of these people,
Starting point is 00:36:34 like that lady I was telling you about the pumpkin pie one. We'll be sitting down, we're just finishing up. My next client comes in, who's a guy that loves my show, and me and him, like, we have a text going on, and I swear to God, if anyone ever found that text, I mean, J mean jail. So he comes in and he'll make a reference to the show knowing that the client like doesn't listen, but he'll say it in a way where they don't know. And I'm saying, yeah, yeah. He's like, hey, Sal, I checked out, I went to I got those Kirkland wipes. You guys are talking about. He's like, it's awesome. I feel great. And he'll walk right by and I'm like, you better not say shit.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Believe it at that. Better not say shit in front of Ms. Johnson, because she doesn't know. We promote shaved assholes. Wipe them down or at least add them to us. Yeah, so is there anybody that you're close to that just won't listen? Well, I have my hardcore, my sister and my girl are like, I mean, they
Starting point is 00:37:28 are the shit's uploaded. I think your girl is the only girl amongst that, you know, of our girls that listens every show. Oh yeah. Just have this discord. He listened to that money. If she hit her man, she'll listen to it when the problem with her is like she usually has the kids in the car with her Or she's like, you know, so the opportunity to sit and listen to one of them is like very limited So every now and then she'll listen, but like won't ever tell me that she did But like is like, oh yeah, I heard that one. Yeah, oh yeah, she's so critical of me Dude, she should be like, I listen, but you saw she doesn't She's so critical of me. Dude, she'll be like, I listen, but you saw.
Starting point is 00:38:04 She doesn't, here's the thing, it's so, like, did I marry her? What, you know, like, she originally thought I was funny, but she doesn't, like, she gets, she like cringes at my jokes, and you know what I mean? Like, that kind of thing, so it's like, and you're like, that's why she's not laid.
Starting point is 00:38:18 She's not laid. Yeah, in the first place. I was like, this is what won you. Yeah, right. Like, I was funny once. Yeah, I mean, like, I'm what won you. Yeah, right. Like, I was funny once. Yeah, I mean like. I'm breaking her down though again. Yeah, I'm throwing at her hard like, look, I'm a funny guy.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I'm a funny guy. Stop treating me like I'm not. I just, I just get in fights. Yeah, we just get in arguments. That's a, you know, I don't listen. And you irritate your girl, never listens, right? Every once in a while, she's, she's supportive in, in certain different respects,
Starting point is 00:38:46 but listening to it, the thing is, is she's a private person. And obviously, we talk about everything on here. So it's hard to listen to. I'm gonna look at, I'm an extrovert. For those of you that know me, if you couldn't guess, I'm of a very much an extrovert. I'm out there. And if I meet someone within 10 minutes,
Starting point is 00:39:03 depending on the context, like if I'm at work and I have to be professional, it's different. But if I'm out at a party and we're hanging out and I just met you, I don't care who you are within 10 minutes, this is how we're talking, just like I am like this. Like, I'm going to talk to you about everything on the laugh. And for whatever reason, call it a gift, but I get away with it. Like I get away with saying some shit to people and people don't get offended and tend to laugh and whatever. That's your delivery.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And it's just the way I am, but if you're an introvert and you're with me, it can make you uncomfortable. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. It can definitely make you uncomfortable. Cause I'll go up to someone and like, I'll be with my wife and we'll be at a party.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And within five minutes, I'll be making jokes about how we just had sex. Well, I mean, like, oh, like, how you feel to it? I'm tired, man. I do. I do. We just went at it and she'll be like, what the fuck did you say? You know, you know, my girl's not, I mean, she definitely, I mean, I probably make her cringe more than either one of your girls though, because I definitely talked to most shit and I definitely put her in that because she's like, you know, it's so great that, you know, I have the boyfriend who's single, you know, I've been with the guy for five years at single, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:08 he talks all single time, right? So I get that shit every time I come in. The fact that she listens to every single episode as soon as it drops. Poor tree. Yeah, I get it right away, but she's a trooper. She's a true fan, though, too. Like she literally loves. Who's her favorite? Who's her favorite character on the show? You know, she, no, no, she, she has like, she knows us. Adam, dude, come on. I was asking if it's what I asked for. I'm making a couple of things. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:40:31 No, I'm, I'm last for sure. I'm, because you know why? She gets all of me at home. So she gets, she gets anything, anything. All of the most critical of us, like I said, like with me, like she, like Courtney loves listening to you guys, and then, you know, I'm, I'm like, chop lever. Well, it's how it is for me too.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I mean, she doesn't care. The only thing, the only thing I will say that she does probably enjoy hearing from me is as much of an extrovert that I am, I have so much shit. The thing we were all like this, right? We have so much crap going on in our lives with all the different businesses and people and stuff
Starting point is 00:41:02 that we interact with. That a lot of times when I get home, I'm just kind of shut down a little bit. I'm kind of quiet. I'm reserved. I like to relax. I don't talk a lot. And sometimes my girl feels like she has to pry out of me like my day, you know. What did you do? Who'd you talk to? What happened? And you're like, just go listen to my pump. Well, I think that is the part that she does like it. And she feels like, you know, we get to talk so so much on here that you know, I'll tell us like the short short the story I just shared stealing the fun about OTF, you know
Starting point is 00:41:31 I didn't share that with her she'll hear that now a mine pump for first time just cuz to me It only reason why it even came up was because I'm listening you guys talk it, you know, okay That's right. This just happened to me so that I bring it up. So that part she does but she She definitely I mean she loves to hear Justin, she loves to hear all his like subtle jabs that knowing that she thinks that I can not allow people pick up on it because it's quiet, you know, that he'll say in the background real quick. So she always points those out of time.
Starting point is 00:41:56 direction. Yeah, yeah, I've like, yeah, I heard him say that I was there, you know, so. And then of course, she loves all your fit, all your fitness knowledge and all your studies and all the nerdy stuff you give her. So she's a diehard fan. So is my sister and her are like, I'm like 75. Hi.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Hi. No, I don't like always being called a nerd. Sure you do, bro. Sure you do. What are you talking about? And you're the criminal voice better than I do. All right. I try. You do the Msermit voice better than I do. Mm-hmm. I try.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You do the Miss Piggy voice really good. Oh, Kermit! Yeah, that was really good. Yes, that is really good. It's so good. I have, let's see, who doesn't, my mom doesn't listen. The best is the Jackal. My, my, my other sister doesn't listen.
Starting point is 00:42:41 My brother doesn't listen. A lot of my close family doesn't listen. My, my aunt and uncle and my cousins that I'm really close to. I got a lot of... I have more and my two best friends. My one best friend actually, he's, he's hitting miss. Sometimes he'll, he'll tune in and he'll listen. He loves to listen to all the funny shit. He don't like any of the fitness and science shit. So he always looks for titles that are like off the wall. And he listens to... So I'm his least favorite. No. We have some mouthful. You know what's hilarious?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Like right now, I just realized I was watching full house with my wife the other night. It was like, her right. Yes, she's like, oh, it's like nostalgia. Yeah. And there's Uncle Jesse. There's that Dave Kooley, a guy. And then there's Danny Tanner. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:23 And then I was like, damn it. I know what you're doing. Yeah. All right, like, I want to be Jesse. Yeah, I know what cool Jesse is. We know who Dave Cooley A like, Bostles Fats, Keeples, you're all over Cotsapoon. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah. I told you, I had to bust that one out. So, so, so what's funny is Bob Sagitt? Have you guys ever heard him? Oh, bro, he is raw. He's like one of the raw dudes ever. You can't crease me out. Which, which actually just plays right into Justin's point of the three of those guys being us as it is, too. That's what I'm saying. We are full house. Oh, shit. And that's one of the twins. Yeah. Oh Once are he's DJ
Starting point is 00:44:22 Don't forget to subscribe to mine pump and please rate and review us or Justin will get beat up Don't make it happen again. Thank you for listening to mine pump for more information about this show and to get Great in ReviewS or Justin will get beat up. This is MindPump.

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