Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1780: Why Blood Tests Are Overrated With Dr. Stephen Cabral

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Dr. Stephen Cabral who talks about the shortcomings of blood tests and reveals the results of their hair lab test during the show. What is the old mode...l of health, and what does this new model look like? (3:24) The foundational products that everyone needs. (8:51) The process of methylation. (11:18) Why are men at higher rates of cancer? (16:23) The Big 5 Labs and their importance in your long-term health. (17:27) Are there unique toxicities in the modern world that don’t exist in different places? (27:34) The controversy surrounding Acetylcysteine. (32:02) What do hair tests show that others don’t? (34:03) The importance of the sauna for the excretion of heavy metals. (39:33) Unpacking and understanding the results and findings from the guy's lab tests. (42:40) Adam. (47:30) Justin. (1:04:31) Sal. (1:14:38) Doug. (1:25:13) How to work with Dr. Cabral today! (1:38:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: Get The Minerals & Metals At-Home Lab Test for 50% off! Visit Blinkist for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! March Promotion: Limited Time Power Bundle! MAPS Strong and MAPS Powerlift for the low price of $79.99 Methylcobalamin vs Cyanocobalamin: What's the Difference? The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000 Year Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again! – Book by Stephen Cabral N-Acetylcysteine to Combat COVID-19: An Evidence Review Acetylcysteine Uses, Side Effects & Warnings Biomonitoring study of people living near or working at a municipal solid-waste incinerator before and after two years of operation Reliability on Intra-Laboratory and Inter-Laboratory Data of Hair Mineral Analysis Comparing with Blood Analysis Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Balanced Zinc - EquiLife EquiLife - Heavy Metal Detox Daily Nutritional Support - EquiLife Sleep Help Protocol - EquiLife Empowering the World to Breathe Cleaner Air | IQAir AirDoctor | HEPA Air Purifier for Home and Office Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral)  Instagram Website Podcast  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pup, right? Today's episode is a fun one. This is a special episode. We actually had Dr. Stephen Cabral back on the show by popular demand. And in today's episode, we talk about why blood tests are overrated, and we talk about other types of testing
Starting point is 00:00:32 that can tell you more about your body than just a blood test. In fact, he actually did that with Adam, just and myself, and Doug. We did a hair test where he tested our minerals and heavy metals. So when you listen to the episode, you'll hear all our health basically through that test. By the way, he's actually doing this crazy offer
Starting point is 00:00:50 for our listeners. He's gonna offer the same hair test to everybody who listens that you heard here on the podcast or you and here, here on the podcast with me, Adam, at Justin and Doug. He's gonna give everybody that hair test at 50% off. So what you do is you go on his site, stevencobral.com forward slash mine pump. It's spelled S-T-E-P-H-E-N-C-A-B-R-A-L.com forward slash mine pump.
Starting point is 00:01:15 You go there, you get the hair test, you get 50% off. By the way, that includes a one-on-one consultation. So you'll actually have somebody talk to you about this test. So it's really cool. Go check that out. Also, this episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Blinkist. So if you like to consume information as voraciously as I do.
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Starting point is 00:02:08 Also, there's only four days left for the Maps Power Bundle promotion. So that includes Maps Strong and Maps Power Lift together for $79.99. It's a huge discount. Normally, it would be $300. So if you're interested in the Maps Power Bundle, go to mapsmarch.com.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Dr. Stephen Gaboral, welcome back. It's great to be here, as always. Yeah, you know, you're one of the most of all the people we have on the show. I get, you're probably one of the top people we get comments on, positive, and people asking us to have you back on. Yeah, it was a request more about it.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah, so, so, so, It's amazing. Glad to have you back on. No, I mean, you're, and the thing is too, like your community for whatever reason is just really responded positively and I I truly appreciate that it's smart Audience smart the best looking So let's start with this model of health. I know you you had want to talk or start talking a little bit about what this new model of
Starting point is 00:03:02 Health looks like Let's start there. What does that mean? What do you mean by a new model of health looks like. Let's start there. What does that mean? What do you mean by a new model of health? What's the old model? And why do we need to move to a new one? Yeah, the old model of health is what kept me sick for two years longer than I needed to be.
Starting point is 00:03:14 So like many people, you have your medical doctor and they are essentially almost like a demigod. It's like whatever they say is, it is what it is. And if they don't know something, it's because it doesn't exist. So I certainly did that. I went to the best specialists in the world, many people in your audience know my story. But for two years, I went from doctor to doctor. And these are Boston's best doctors. These are Harvard educated brilliant people. But when you were only running blood work, you can only see so much in the body because blood, unlike other fluids which
Starting point is 00:03:45 we'll talk about here today, is a homeostatic fluid. So it's very rare for calcium to be off, magnesium to be off, any of your numbers to be off, because it will just take it from organs, fat, bone, whatever it needs in order to be able to balance that. The best example is blood sugar. So all day long, your blood sugar is imbalanced essentially, but due to your state of what's called dynamic equilibrium, they just break down a little liver glycogen when you need it. You can just pull it from your muscles if you get really depleted, but it's always going to maintain a level between like 75 and 95 if you're healthy. So what happens is blood is a great way to diagnose disease when your proverbial rain
Starting point is 00:04:22 barrel is already overflowed, but it's not a great way to look at where your deficiencies are and what your toxicity are that ultimately lead to disease. And so the new model is taking people away from not saying don't see your medical doctor. You should. Everybody should have a medical doctor, but there has to be a way to run other labs that share with you why one out of two men will have cancer in their lifetime and one out of three women.
Starting point is 00:04:47 There has to be a way to know that you're gonna have cardiovascular disease before you get it or high blood pressure before you get it and type two diabetes, because those are the forming causes of disease and mortality. It makes up 75% of all deaths. And so we were just chatting about this before the show,
Starting point is 00:05:00 but if you don't die from cardiovascular, type two diabetes, stroke from high blood pressure, or cancer, you won't live just about 75 years, you'll live 85 years. You add 10 more years automatically to your lifestyle, but also your quality of life goes up dramatically. And that's because there's most likely as a byproduct of that, you're living healthier lifestyle,
Starting point is 00:05:20 you don't have as much inflammation. And inflammation is the byproduct or as you can say the byproduct, but it's at least implicated with every disease that we know. Well, so, okay, so to put it differently, essentially, by the time you start to notice things in your blood, things have already been happening for a little while. So what we're looking for, what you're talking about is looking more for the canary in the colon of mine. Before, it gets real bad, are there other ways, other things we can look at to identify, okay, something's happening.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Well, that, and he's also saying that you potentially could take basically Rob Peter to pay Paul in your body, essentially, right? If you, I didn't realize that with your blood work, I've assumed that that was like these gold standard to tell me if my levels were off. So you're basically saying I could be low in magnesium, but it not show up on my blood work
Starting point is 00:06:03 because it could be technically taking that from other organs. 100% I did not know that and it's one of the reasons too and this is a this is a really good example. So when people are over fasting, your body will maintain equilibrium two degree and then you'll start to go real downhill and become very catabolic. We start to see that with people getting more sunken in eyes or they start to, it's called the elbow breath. So they start to lose more muscle mass on their limbs as they start to get older. Your body just begins to compensate. And another great example is with women that are pregnant.
Starting point is 00:06:35 We work with many prenatal and pregnant women in our practice. Now, no matter what, their child that they are growing within their body is going to get all the nutrients that that child needs. But it will rob the mother of a lot of those nutrients at the same time. So we want women to be on a prenatal diet to start to build up and fortify,
Starting point is 00:06:57 not just their protein. I mean, that's important, right? The amino acids, but it's the vitamins and minerals and omega's that ultimately they're gonna use to create another life inside of them. And then it doesn't end after they deliver, they're now gonna be breastfeeding many women, we'll do that and their body needs
Starting point is 00:07:12 that another source of nutrients for not just their own nutrition energy, but their child's as well. So what's not looked at on blood work is, okay, what are all my mineral levels, not just inside of the red blood cells, but as your body's using what's called the interstitial fluid, and that's what feeds your red blood cells.
Starting point is 00:07:30 That's what feeds all of your tissue. It also takes your waste. So we're looking at deficiencies in terms of minerals and your vitamin levels, which vitamin levels are important, but believe it or not, mineral levels that we're going to discuss in more in depth here today are even more important, because minerals almost act as enzymes, and there
Starting point is 00:07:45 would allow your hormones and vitamins to actually be uptaken by your body. And the other part is omega-3 levels. So a lot of people believe like, well, I have fish a couple of times a week or, you know, I do this and that and so my omega is okay. But it's much easier to be able to just say, is your diet providing this yes or no? If not, are you going to change your diet? If the answer is yes, great here are the fish that you can eat, and if the answer is no,
Starting point is 00:08:07 then you're going to use these nutritional supplements. So it makes it a very simple decision, and we get to take dogma out of the equation, which, again, there's conventional medicine dogma, then there's natural health dogma. What I'd like to say is what's best for your bioindividuality? Let testing show you what you really need. Yeah, how big of a difference is that bio individuality?
Starting point is 00:08:25 Do you have any examples of how with one person, this works really well and this other person, it's the wrong thing? 100% and this goes for every single food, diet, and supplement out there as well. There's foundational products that everybody needs. You need a certain level of B vitamins. But let's say, okay, B vitamins based,
Starting point is 00:08:43 I was just listening to talk the other day, again, really smart physician and was on point with what he was saying. But he was saying, if I know these five genetic markers and I know your blood work, then I know to the month when you're going to die. And I'm like, that's, you know, that is outlandish. Like that's completely outlandish. You know, like it really is. And so, but I understand what he's saying. He's basically saying, you're going to be predisposed to these diseases based on your genetic markers and blood work.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And if you're like the majority of people, well, you'll probably die around 74, 75 for men and 77, 78 for women. So I get it, you can look at it like that. But the truth is that people who have, let's say, methylation defect in their genes, they're a single nucleotide polymorphisms, the SNPs, need a little bit more folate,
Starting point is 00:09:31 a little bit more methylcobalamin or genosolcobalamin, or B6, which is P5P. Now, those same people need more B vitamins. Every human needs B vitamins. They need their B9 for folate, their B12, and they need their B6 as well. All of their Bs though, from one through 12. But some people need a little bit more than others. So all we're basically saying through bio individuality is that we all need the same subset of nutrients each human, some need more and some need less.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Now, the problem is the same people with methylation issues that have autoimmune issues and poor detox, you give them B vitamins, that of autoimmune issues and poor detox, you give them B vitamins, they start to feel amazing. So they're like, oh, little's good. More must be better. They start over-methylating, and they get the same exact symptoms as they had when they were under-methylating.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So it is all about just, I recommend essentially testing twice. You're gonna test first to look at from functional medicine testing, what are your deficiencies? What do you have too little of in your body? Then what are your toxicity? What do you have too little of in your body? Then what are your toxicity? What do you have too much?
Starting point is 00:10:25 Heavy metals, viral overload, lime, mold, gut issues, et cetera. Then you're gonna get things balanced. And you're gonna live on your normal diet like, hey, this is how I like to live my life. And then you're gonna test one more time. And you're gonna say, okay, based on how I live my normal life,
Starting point is 00:10:40 these are the supplements I like to take. I'm gonna continue to take them. Do I need a little bit more? Or do I need a little bit less? And then you're good. Like, you know what you need for your body as an individual. Yeah, question about methylation. I would like you to free it, explain that a little bit. Just for me personally, I've been, I do a lot of reading around creatine. I think it's a phenomenal supplement. And I read that creatine can help people with methylation issues because we use the process of methylation to make creatings, therefore supplementing with it will allow your body to
Starting point is 00:11:08 methylate better with the other things it needs to do. I don't know much about it though, what is this process? So methylation is used with almost every enzymatic transaction in your body. It's used for detoxification, it's used in energy production, it's used in mitochondrial function, and what your body has to do is take the food that you take in or nutrients that you take in. So, for example, if you take in a pound of red meat, you'll probably get a couple grams of creatine right there, right? Or you can supplement with it. But everything needs to be processed through the liver.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And that's essentially what we're talking about the process of methylation. Cretin is a little bit more complicated only because creatine helps the body methylate to a better degree. And it satisfies a lot of the needs of the body already needs by taking in that Cretein. So it is a helper but not the thing that helps with the methylation. So what would help with methylation? For example, let's say someone takes in folate from food. We still have to turn that folate into methyl folate in order for our body to actually be able to use it So in that process happens typically through the liver and that's why if you take in that the craziest thing of all is giving people folic acid
Starting point is 00:12:13 So there's a good third of the population that that's toxic to but it's in every prenatal vitamin out there unless it's a functional medicine formula So if you take in folic acid, you were essentially filling up the spots that a methyl folate would need in order for you to use that product, which means you're blocking your body's ability to use folate in the first place, which means you could still end up with the same birth defects in some women because they are, they have an issue with their MTHFR gene. And it's not just MTHFR, that's the popular one, but it's MTR, MMR, MRR is part of those genes. So, the nicer thing is this though. If we know that some people have methylation issues
Starting point is 00:12:54 and it's anywhere between, like, so there's homozygous and heterozygous, if you're homozygous, then you're really occluded, you only get about 30% function, and if you're heterozygous, you get about 70% function, then there's those other people out there that are just fine. They could take in folic acid and they methylated and know issues at all. That's why we can kind of look at different segments of the population.
Starting point is 00:13:12 But if everybody just got a methyl folate, then everybody would be fine. So it's okay, even for people who have no methylation issues. That's right. Same with methylcobalamin. That's the scariest of all, B12. So B12 can be, there's a bunch of different forms of it. And essentially, there's methylcobalamin, there's adenosylcobalamin, there's hydroxycobalamin. Cobalamin is the B12 from cobalt.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Right. And cobalt is something we actually look at, but it's such a small amount. I mean, we're talking about micrograms for the 12. So, but what is in your typical centrum vitamin or anything you might find like B.J.s or Costco is cyanocabalamin. And anybody can look this up. Syanocabalamin sounds totally benign, no big deal. But it's literally made from a cyanide molecule.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And if you look up cyanide, the exact form of cyanide that goes into cyanocabalamin, it's used in chemical warfare, legitimately. And so these are not things we don't want to be put into our body. And so they say, well, why is it allowed? Well, it's still a former B12. It's just the cheapest form of B12. It's easy to make, and that's where the profit is.
Starting point is 00:14:14 It's obviously 10X, the price of creating one of these more functional medicine-based forms. And for most people, it doesn't cause an issue, and for almost nobody, it doesn't cause an issue the first time you take it. The problem is, what the FDA doesn't study, nobody really studies the EPA, is the build up of these things over time. What about injecting B12? I know some people who can't absorb it properly,
Starting point is 00:14:34 so they do like a once-weekly, sub-Q injection of it. It still has to be the methyl version. Well, and so there are different genes, or I shouldn't say genes, because genes are pretty simple. a the genome is pretty simple But you're talking about 10x the amount of what's called proteins or single nucleotide polymorphisms the SNPs That's what can dictate does someone absorb this form of B12 better or not and and typically it's there's hydroxy
Starting point is 00:15:00 There's a denocel and then there's a methylcobalamin So methylcobalamin is typically the injectable form. I have no issues with the injectable form. The only thing is it's not how you would naturally get it. That's the only reason why. So I like to drip it every day, rather than get a big dose. Like a big bowl of stuff,
Starting point is 00:15:17 once a week or whatever. And people on are absorbing it, that's also a tip off. That's why I love hearing these stories because I can say, okay, you're not absorbing it. Well, then that probably means you have H. Pylory. Yeah. Or you have low stomach acid. Or you have some type of, you know, jujune based issue in the small intestine where you're not able to process that and break it down and actually assimilate it. That
Starting point is 00:15:36 can be a vitamin K issue. That can be a C. D. F. C. L. in the intestines. And if we know that, oh, this person's not absorbing it, why aren't they absorbing it? Okay, they're not absorbing it because they're not the cofactors, which folate, magnesium, these things are all important as well. Or there's an issue up line in the GI. Oh, interesting. You had earlier had said that men are about 50% of us are going to get cancer and women was a third.
Starting point is 00:16:01 One and three. One third. Why are men higher rates of cancer, do we know? Men are at higher rates of everything, unfortunately. Really? Yes. We're expendable. We've talked about this before. Cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, that was a big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, looked at is, okay, they're showing that even pregnancy and higher levels
Starting point is 00:16:26 of estrogen and progesterone can actually be beneficial throughout life. Higher levels of testosterone can be non-beneficial, men are typically promoting or producing more norepinephrine and stress-based hormones. So there's a lot more stress factors in inflammation on men, especially cardiovascular-wise. I mean, that's the number one killer of men is cardiovascular. So really, if you can prevent cardiovascular issues, which I believe every man can, even if you have familial, meaning like genetic familial issues, that's the biggest one to look for. Okay. So blood work doesn't tell you everything you need to know. What do you do then? What are we testing?
Starting point is 00:17:02 So in our practice for over a decade, we've been running something called the big five labs, and none of them are our labs. You can get these labs through your local function lesson doctor if they specialize in this, snatch pathocdoctor, but you can still, you have to run these three doctor, but they're going to share with you,
Starting point is 00:17:17 what are your hormones from, not just blood work once in the morning. So what blood work once in the morning is grades, but you need to run the other factors with hormones. So for example, many end women should both run estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, and cortisol throughout the day. Because you want to see your cortisol diurnal rhythm.
Starting point is 00:17:36 You want to make sure cortisol is rising between six and eight in the morning and then falling the rest of the day. Is this the Dutch test? Is that what that's called? Well, it's like the Dutch test. You can certainly use that one. This one's saliva and blood drop. So it's a little capillary drop from your finger too. And that's because, so if we're talking about these functions as in labs,
Starting point is 00:17:52 they're looking at your saliva, they're looking at your urine, they're looking at a blood drop, meaning just a finger prick, and they're looking at stool samples. And we don't do the stool samples, part of the big five, although it's very valid for looking at gut testing. So the saliva is great for hormones, because it's showing free hormones, which is what we want to test. Now, the thyroid can't be tested that way. And so there are each element of the body is tested a different way.
Starting point is 00:18:15 So when you're looking at vitamin D, hemoglobin A1C, insulin, first thing in the morning, and you're looking at thyroid, then you use the blood spot. So we do free T4, free T3, TSH and TPU antibodies. So then we have the whole picture, meaning that, and we look at insulin first in the morning in hemoglobin A1C, which is a measure of your glucose
Starting point is 00:18:32 over 90 days. So when someone tells me their testosterone is off, I say, okay, that's interesting. Do you have your cortisol for the day, DHA estrogen, because I want to know what's going on. Okay, so someone tells me their testosterone is low. DHA, estrogen, because I wanna know what's going on. Okay, so someone tell us, we need to testosterone as low. I say, okay, understood.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Here's why, and we look at why. Okay, you have high cortisol at night, low cortisol in the morning. Okay, so you're not getting it deep sleep at night, REM sleep at night, because you're not producing it at melatonin, most likely, because you have high cortisol at night. And if I look at it, you don't have enough DHA.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Why don't you have enough DHA, most likely chronic immune stress or chronic stress in your life. And if you don't have enough of dihydroepiandestrone, which is the precursor to testosterone, there's no way that you can make testosterone. Like you just can't make it on the building blocks. So then we say, okay, well, what else is going on? Okay. Testosterone might be normal, DHA might be normal, but your testosterone is a male instead of like a 0.7 for estrogen is a 2.3. I'm like, whoa, you're moving estrogen down the chart towards estradiol.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And you're converting your male hormone to female hormone, predominantly female hormone. So you can end up with gynecamastia, you can end up with all sorts of the same like low mood, you could end up with issues like that. Or we could say, okay, your testosterone looks good, DHA looks good, estrogen looks good, cortisol is still high, thyroid seems to be low, what's going on? Oh, you're shifting now towards dihydrotestosterone. So now you're gonna end up with,
Starting point is 00:19:55 in the future prostate issues, hair loss, all sorts of issues. Okay, I really wanna get into our blood work right? Because I feel, stuff you're talking about right now, I feel like I'm so curious if you noticed anything like that in my mind because I've noticed things like that. Well, you did a hair test with us. Yeah, so I got off track.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I mean, this is what I loved it. I mean, we do just in this heritage that we're gonna talk about. We do 20,000 of these labs a year that I oversee. I mean, I believe that function medicine lab testing is the future of wellness. I really believe that. I believe that medical doctors lab testing is the future of wellness. I really believe that. I believe that medical doctors are gonna start bringing in some type of integrative health practitioner
Starting point is 00:20:31 to use it in this practice. Because if they care about their patients, this is what helps people get well. So the big five is that here at T-Shield, we're gonna talk about in a moment that looks at all your minerals and heavy metals. You've got your Candida metabolic vitamins test, which looks at your gut function. It's a urine test and your vitamins. So it's a nice subset and add on to this
Starting point is 00:20:49 one. You've got your omega-3s to omega-6s to see your inflammation level, which we know right away for cardiovascular disease. If you just optimize your omega-3s, which is a 9% saturation of the blood, and a 3 to 1 of omega-6s to omega-3s, not even a 1 to 1. You decrease your chance of cardiovascular risk by 90% of cardiovascular death. It's one of the most amazing studies out there. And even conventional medicine knows this because they now have a prescription for omega threes. They just use the wrong type.
Starting point is 00:21:15 That's all. What are they going to use? Well, the studies show that if you use a two to one of EPA to DHA, you'll get a better result. Because EPA can be converted to the body as DHA, but it doesn't work so the other way. So we always like to say as practitioners, whether you're an integrative health practitioner, a naturopathic doctor, whatever you are, health coach, even nutritionist, your body is not to heal. Your job is not to heal the patient
Starting point is 00:21:41 or wellness client. Your job is to give their body what it needs to heal. Like I can't, I'm gonna fix this. No, I'm gonna give your body everything that I see in terms of deficiencies and help you take out your toxicities like heavy metals. And so the last one of the big five is the food sensitivity test, because a lot of this is due to gut permeability issues
Starting point is 00:21:59 and imbalance got inflammation, which throws off your immune system. So yes, in the future, if you just fix those things, a lot of the food sensitivities will go away, but it's still good over the short term to know to eliminate those to cut down your total inflammatory load on the body. What are you testing with the food sensitive? You're looking at IGG antibodies? Yes, I've heard controversy around that. It really doesn't mean something. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't really tell us, like explain that a little bit with the IgG antibodies are and why
Starting point is 00:22:25 that's something we should consider. So we used to test IgE, IgM, and we used to test IgG. So the IgA, IgE, we're looking at more of an immediate response to food. So let's say you have a shellfish allergy. So that's more of an allergy basically. That's right, it's more of an allergy or it's a short term reaction.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So you have to literally put the food in your body and then run the lab test and then you can see. But you'll get hives, you'll get brain fog, you'll get headache, you'll know. So that costs twice as much. So we're all right. We're going to get rid of that because what we care about is just getting the client the best results possible. IGM is an intermediary.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Your body is starting to react to this from a delayed reaction, a chronic standing reaction. IGG is a delayed response, 24 to 72 hours later. So let's say we're recording this on a Thursday. Well, I could ask you, hey, do you know what you ate on Monday? And you might have no idea. Because if you're eating three to four times a day, and you just, you don't know every subset of that meal. So we test for those things, the controversy is this.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Somebody be like, well, I'm testing sensitive for the majority of things that I eat. And I would say, yeah, you are. And that's your immune system is actually functioning. It's showing what you're reacting to, but you have so much gut permeability that you're allowing these things into the bloodstream. And your IgG is just an immunoglobulin is reacting to it.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Because they're taking your blood off of a card, it's a dried blood spot, which has a preservative on it. Then they have 196 different foods and vials, essentially the reactive component of those. They're dropping your blood in those and they're saying which ones react and which ones don't. And the reason why we know it, I mean some of the biggest hospitals in Boston,
Starting point is 00:23:56 like Boston's Children's Hospital uses this for kids with autism and allergies and antifil, like all these different things. So we know that it's working. And the other big part is that we do something like the CBO protocol, we heal your gut, we seal up the gut afterwards, we retest the allergy 16 weeks later, non-alleges apologies,
Starting point is 00:24:13 they're food sensitivities, which is different than the anaphylaxis, which would be caused by a true allergy, and then they go down, or they're gone. And so we can see the difference. Well, you're still eating the same foods, why don't they react anymore? Okay, your gut is now healed and sealed. God, okay, so in other words,
Starting point is 00:24:29 you do one of these tests, one food shows up. Yes. You may have an sensitivity to just that food or you do the test. A lot of food showed up. All right, you got some gut issues going on because you're reacting to everything. That's right.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Okay, that makes sense because the controversy was, well, yeah, if you react to these foods and you eliminate them, it doesn't make a big difference. But what you're saying is, look, if you don't fix your gut, if you're reacting to 15 different things, it's your gut. It's not the food that's the issue. It's basically what you're saying. 100% it's the overall philosophy. My only goal is to teach people how the body works in terms of like the net balance of health in your body. So to me, health and longevity equals no deficiencies
Starting point is 00:25:09 and no toxicity. And all we're trying to do at all points during the day on our body does this for us, is create that equilibrium that balance. Then it goes too far in one direction. We see the deficiency, we see the toxicity. Conventional medicine doesn't see it for five to 10 years on blood work,
Starting point is 00:25:24 but it's already been there the whole time. Because disease doesn't exist. And I say that and people sometimes lose their minds because they want to associate with their disease. Problem is if you associate with your disease, for example, like I had Addison's disease type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, pots, myelotica stuff, myelitis, all sorts of issues.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Like my body was a mess. So yeah, but the thing was, how do you get all of those? Not great genetics, sure. That's, I'm prone to those things, but I don't have any of them today. It's been more than 20 years. So I don't have anything today of the same genetics. Because back then, I had so many deficiencies from massive gut issues that I couldn't absorb the foods properly.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And I had so many toxicities, candy to overgrowth, age, pylori, sebo, so much got permeability that my body was a mess. It was so inflamed that my immune system was just massively imbalanced. And when that happens, okay, then genetics matter. You're expressing those genes that are there within you. So my goal is just to teach people the essence
Starting point is 00:26:23 at a foundational level. And I know that you do this on your show, you have to keep peeling back the onion. Of course. And so food sensitive is a good example. That's more conventional medicine-based. If you think about it, okay, so I have a food sensitivity, it says I'm allergic or sensitive to eggs.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay, I'm gonna take eggs out of my diet. Okay, well, but why are you so sensitive to eggs in the first place? That's a human nutrition, like that's pretty normal. Why don't we figure out why you're so sensitive to the dozen foods that you eat all the time instead of just eliminating them? Yeah, it's like when the doctor,
Starting point is 00:26:51 I've had clients come to me and say, oh, my doctor said I need to stop working out my legs because my knee's hurt. I was like, what? Yeah, they might stop hurting for now like that during that, but that doesn't sound like a great option. Right, go to do something physical and now it's back.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah, okay, so you know, are there unique toxicities that we see in the modern world that we maybe don't see in other places like, what's bringing this up is I was reading this article the other day on the Amish and they live very, very non-modern lives and I did not know that they had extremely low rates of cancer and disease, which lends itself to thinking
Starting point is 00:27:26 maybe we're being exposed to things in the modern world that are causing higher cancer rates and whatever. Are there specific things we see in the modern world, toxicities in particular that don't exist in the places? Yeah, and I love looking at the outliers. So for me, what do I read a lot of? I read of, like, who is doing well right now, even in this modern world? And so when you look at the Armour's or actually the seventh day Adventist, they have like the best health living in the United States of really anybody, because we could say, okay, the people in Okinawa are living to 100 plus years. Okay, but like, we don't live in Okinawa,
Starting point is 00:28:03 we're not farmers, like, we're not doing those types of things. So what we look at is they have a much simpler lifestyle. They are more communal and the foods they eat are also simpler. Like that makes a huge difference. So the nutrients we put in our body makes a huge difference. When you look at, and even if you go back to ancient Rome,
Starting point is 00:28:26 the people who had more money and wealth and could have all sorts of different types of food and more food live less, they didn't live as long as the people who worked the fields and they had less to eat. So there is this big thing of fasting, nutrients, not overdoing that makes a huge deal. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And so that's definitely part of the monoworld. It's a monoworld is about excess. Excess. Yeah, exactly correct. Lots of everything. That's one of the biggest things I point to and then toxicity in general. We're exposed to far more toxicity.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So I wrote my book about three years ago. There was 77,000 man-made chemicals in the environment. That's what was in the US. In Europe, there was about 8,000 allowed. There's now over 140,000 just three years later. Wait a minute, three years later, we've almost doubled it. Almost doubled it. Yes. Wow. What are the top offenders out of that list that you still have? So we still have the same pesticides, glyphosate, you know, those types of things, right? We've
Starting point is 00:29:21 got herbicides, fungicides, all those different things. But what we have now are new and so-called better forms of plastics and petrochemicals that are being introduced into the environment. So a lot of these are used to replace the ones that were also found to be harmful, right? So we, oh, BPA, let's not use BPA anymore. It's replaced with this new one. Exactly, which is just gonna be found in five years
Starting point is 00:29:42 to be toxic as well. And so, and even in Europe, they're allowing a lot more in. So we're exposed to that. Now, the problem is this, like people always say, like, oh, you know, what's this functional medicine detoxing that you talk about? Well, the truth is, like, our body is detoxing every single minute of every single day.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Literally, we take all of the courts of blood we have in our body, and we run it through this organ right below our rib cage, and it happens all the time. It filters all of our blood every six minutes. It's like an air filter that you put in your house, right? Same thing, if you didn't do that, you'd be dead. Well, the problem is that our liver, and we talked about methylation earlier,
Starting point is 00:30:14 is using all of those methyl donors, and phase one and phase two nutrients. So phase one would be, a lot of the antioxidant is B vitamins and phase two, a lot of the sulfur-based amino acids, torine, cysteine, and acetylcystine glutathione that we get from like cruciferous vegetables or certain supplements if we decide to do that. But we are now exposed to all of these things that's breaking our body down at a much faster rate.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And one of the reasons why cancer is so prevalent, cancer a hundred years ago was not a blip on the radar. Not like it is now. Now I've heard people say that that's because we live longer. Like if you live long enough, you'll get cancer. So of course when you get cancer 100 years ago, we only live to 50. But if we control for age, do we still see a difference?
Starting point is 00:30:56 Well that's why I love that argument. Because when people see that, say that, I say, okay. But that's not really true because they didn't take into account childbirth and how only X number of children survived childbirth. So that's what brings the number away down. Oh yeah. I mean, it really is. Like if you look at it, people lived in their 70s
Starting point is 00:31:16 and 80s, 100 years ago. That's true. And so just more people died when they were babies so that that changed the average. At any enormous rate. Yeah. And absolutely enormous rate. And they also, a lot of unfortunately, children did not survive childhood because of the
Starting point is 00:31:29 different disease back then that we can now easily cure for. Interesting. You brought up an acetyl cysteine. Am I saying it right? Okay. I have a question about that. So that's been a supplement for two decades. You could buy it on the shelves.
Starting point is 00:31:41 More recently, it's been now, the FDA said, no, we're gonna try and take this off the market. We gotta make it a prescription drug. A lot of controversy around that. Part of the controversy is it was shown to be potentially effective at reducing the severe symptoms of COVID and other respiratory diseases. So like, oh, that's why they're taking off the market. I don't know if I necessarily believe that,
Starting point is 00:32:03 although it is weird. What's the deal with this? Is it a drug, is it a supplement, is it something that we should supplement with? Well, the interesting thing is that, because we use N and C little CIS team in our practice, because again, it's efficacious at work. So the reason why it works is it helps thin mucus secretions
Starting point is 00:32:18 and it allows for them to drain. So if your nose isn't congested, you can actually bring up that mucus, and what is wise mucus there in the first place? Well, mucus goes to inflamed areas to help coat the surface. Right. And so that's one big part of it. But along with it comes immunoglobulins.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And that's the first line of defense, like a secretory IgA. So the problem is that the issue, yes, they might have called it out because of COVID. But the issue is, was it used and noted as a drug first or as a supplement first? If it was noted first as a drug, they're trying to say it's always then going to be a drug and not a supplement. Because we're dealing with the same thing
Starting point is 00:32:55 that everybody else is, we may have to take it out of our products. Now, Amazon, we don't do a lot on Amazon, has already preemptively said, no one is, I have to buy it on another site. And what it does, when you take it, when you take it, it raises glutathione on the liver, it's also good for liver health, is that so it's a precursor to that. So if you look at sulforophane, you look at touring, you look at cysteine and acetyl cysteine,
Starting point is 00:33:15 even saline is a precursor to glutathione. So these help make glutathione wise glutathione that important because ultimately that is the mother antioxidant that we're all looking to promote more of and create more of in our own body. Because it's way more powerful than even fruits and vegetables which produce those same, or give us those same antioxidant. It's interesting. All right, let's talk about this hair test that you had to see.
Starting point is 00:33:37 What is wide test hair? What is the hair show us that other tests don't? I'm assuming because it stays on your body, it grows. You can see a timeline of build up, of potential minerals and stuff. Is that part of it? You've done your homework for sure. No, I just literally just thought of that.
Starting point is 00:33:51 No, that's exactly right. So when I first heard about here tissue mineral analysis or minerals and metals testing, I was super skeptical because I'm like, OK, I can kind of get your intestine, saliva testing, blood testing, but why they're here. So it's interesting, the here has been used for almost a hundred years since 1929
Starting point is 00:34:10 to test for toxicity-based levels. And one of the more famous studies recently was actually used in Spain. They looked at children who lived in Catalonia in Spain that lived near a biohazard waste incinerator. So that means all of the waste would go to this factory, it'd be burned and it would go up in the atmosphere. And they would actually look at the levels
Starting point is 00:34:31 and they could see the levels of these toxicities kids here. The military uses it, the government uses it, and again, I'm skeptical by nature. But what, it was actually the first lab that I ran over 20 years ago now to help me understand my body to a better degree. And then the research has just gotten so much better. For example, like 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:34:51 great research showing that the actual studies called reliability of intra and inter laboratory hair tissue analysis testing, comparing blood work analysis. So they actually did it one for one. Now, I just want to put a caveat out there. We do not use this instead of blood work and I highly do not recommend using this instead of both. We use both. Yes, because you want to look at both. This is meant to do one thing, which you actually just called out. The here is a protein. It's tissue. It's actually living and when your body comes in contact with using minerals or heavy metals, it's either gonna break it down
Starting point is 00:35:28 through the liver and it's gonna be extruded through bowel movements. Or it's gonna break it down still through the liver, but it's gonna extrude it through the kidneys as urine. So you can look at these through the urine as well. Here is just the simplest, which I'll talk about a second. Or it's gonna store it in body fat, or it's gonna store it in your brain,
Starting point is 00:35:42 which is why we see such high levels in body fat in the brain of metals. Your body fat is 200 to 300 times more toxic than your blood, because you can't have it in your blood. So you can get rid of it through your liver or your kidneys or your can't. And people like, well, see, your body's detoxing sure, but if it can't keep up, it stores it in body fat.
Starting point is 00:36:02 This is why people can swell up. I mean, they get a lot of toxicity-based issues, or herxheimer issues when they're losing weight, because when they're oxidizing out of post-issue, all of that is coming into their bloodstream now. So herxheimer, that's when you lose weight and all of a sudden you feel like complete garbage, and it's because you're burning body fat
Starting point is 00:36:19 or using it for energy, but also because there's stored toxic elements in there, now you're getting exposed to those. You go through this period of feeling shit. Astrogens, heavy metals, bacteria, virus, dead viruses, all of these things can be stored there. Now your liver has to process them again. When you are losing weight, just make sure you are giving your liver more of what it needs
Starting point is 00:36:39 in order to detox. Now, the here, your hair grows at about a quarter inch per month. So what we like to do is do about an inch and a half of hair. Now, none of us have an inch and a half of hair, really, right? So what do you do? Well, if you test, we just know, like, okay, we're working with the person, oh, you tested a quarter of inch of hair. So we know that your analysis is based on the last 30 days, not three months. So you can look at a timeline of 30 days for that. 100%.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I see. And you can actually choose yourself. Oh, I only want to look at the last 30 days. Because all the lab is, it's very simple and straightforward. So with Adam's test, you got to see two seconds. So I knew this was coming. I knew the hair joke was coming super later. So how we look at it, though, is we say, OK.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I brought a screw back. And you can use, you can use pubic hair, you can use head hair. Hair joke was coming super later. So how we look at it though is we say, okay. And you can use pubic hair, you can use head hair, we prefer head hair, it's gonna give you the best analysis. But, you know, people can actually look at that and we can say, okay, this is what it's based on. So we actually know the exposure of what's going on into the body, because all that's happening when they go to lab and this kind of is just demystifying
Starting point is 00:37:44 this, all you do is take the hair and you're gonna burn it and send it to an ash, it's going into the body because all that's happening when they go to the lab and this kind of is just demystifying this. All you do is take the hair and you're going to burn it and send it to an ash. It's all and they do the same thing for fruit testing. So the only reason we know that a lemon is high in potassium is because we burn it. We look at the ash. We say, oh, there's a lot of potassium got it in this ash. So all we're taking is the hair, burning it, looking at the levels and then we're saying based on the human body, all levels aren't meant to be the same. That's the only thing that the, this is on pub bed. That's the only thing pub bed found
Starting point is 00:38:11 is that when you look at blood work, and you look at a here analysis that you can't read them one for one, because they all go by their own levels. And so when you go by your levels, are you looking for his optimum? So you're supposed to have more calcium being excreted than magnesium at about a seven to one ratio.
Starting point is 00:38:27 It's 6.671 ratio. You're supposed to have more sodium than potassium being excreted because sodium is extracellular, potassium's inside the cell. So what we do is we look at all your minerals, your electrolytes, which are calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and then we look at all of your minerals, and we're looking at essentially, we will go through this, manganese, selenium, zinc, et cetera. And then we look at all of your minerals and we're looking at essentially,
Starting point is 00:38:50 we will go through this, manganese, selenium, zinc, etc. We can look at that. And then we look at five of the most pervasive heavy metals, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and lead. And if we start to see any of these, we say, okay, this for sure shouldn't be in there. Why are these in there? And we'll start to talk more. Interesting. You know, you were talking about fat storing some of these things. Does that mean that if you're lean, you don't have a place to put these toxins? Or does that mean it's better to be lean because you don't store these toxins as much? It's a really great question.
Starting point is 00:39:16 So if you are lean, you can actually start to gain body fat unknowingly to you, meaning like you don't know why you're starting to gain more body fat. Because your body's looking for a place to store the stuff. Wow. And it changes its way. So I did a show called, you know, basically, I don't know if it's called toxic fat or something like that,
Starting point is 00:39:34 but literally your body, because it's gonna oral store it in your brain. So it will store these metals somewhere in your body if it can't excrete them fast enough, which is why sauna is so important. And I feel there's a lot about cold therapy and I love cold therapy. Don't get me wrong, but sauna is so much better. If you can only pick one, you need a better excretion method and less shocking to your nervous system. Most of us are already stressed. I'm not
Starting point is 00:39:59 again, I'm not against cold therapy. If you know how to breathe and relax into the process, but sauna is for sure. What about steam room, is that similar, or not as effective? Nope, steam will work as well. Okay. It's just usually, as we're going through this, there's a toxic element to it.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Okay. Because if you are not filtering the water for steam, you are breathing in all of the metals and chlorine vapors into your lungs, which they, again, talk about depleting metal donors. I'm gonna get a room in my steam sessions. Why am I so nervous? Infrared has to be one of the best saunas
Starting point is 00:40:27 in what we have here, correct? Correct. So I love both. I have a big barrel outdoor sauna. Yeah. And then an infrared sauna. An infrared sauna is better at detoxification in terms of metals.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It does a better job. Interesting. You know, back to the fat thing. I remember reading, you know, THC from cannabis gets stored in your fat. And they actually showed people losing lots of body fat, would get a rise in THC in their blood. Have you seen that?
Starting point is 00:40:52 So I was going to, I was going to mention this, I don't know how deep we wanted to get. One of the reasons why, and I work with, I work professional athletes, I work with all sorts of different people, when, let's, I'm just not, I'm not going to name names. There was a professional mixed martyl artist a couple of years ago who tested high on test oscarone
Starting point is 00:41:09 and he may have may not have used it for two years. And because some of these can actually be stored in the adipose tissue and when he cuts 20 to 30 pounds over the period of six weeks, so typically, like for mixed martyl arts or wrestling, wrestling not so much anymore because they've helped high schoolers not to deplete and die, which is great.
Starting point is 00:41:29 But let's say you fight it 155. You're typically walking around 185 to 190 pounds. So then you're gonna get down to 175, 172, 175, and then you're gonna just deplete water weight and some body fat the two days or three days before. Well, everything's getting released during that massive depletion. Wow, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And so if they test your blood or urine, guess what's coming out? Yeah, whatever was stored in there. That is so crazy. And so people can test positive for that. And they legitimately, they use in the past, but they may not have used it for the last six months to a year as they're packing on what?
Starting point is 00:42:04 You know, 30, 30 things. Yeah, they're already packed. Exactly, yeah. Oh wow. Wow. I'm gonna use it in a new excuse. Yes. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:42:11 All right, so the hair stuff. So we sent in samples of our hair so that you could test us. And we have yet, we don't know what these results show. So I have no idea what you're gonna say. I really hope you're not gonna surprise us with something crazy. You're on the show.
Starting point is 00:42:24 We'll just edit it out by the way. Yes, exactly. You don't read it. But you did our hair, you did all of our hair and you're basically looking at. I'm also, you didn't hear this, but we were out there talking, one of the things I'm really excited about is,
Starting point is 00:42:35 Dr. Kroll was talking about how helping us read. Like I've never been able to like read my blood work. I normally send it over to South. South is my good and my bad and whatever. And I'm really excited for you to kind of teach us like some fun. I scare him on purpose. I get to say weird stuff to my head.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Oh, this looks bad. I'm really excited to learn some basic fundamentals on what I should be looking for, what's good, what's bad and I kind of unpack. Yeah, and also the ranges. Here's what's interesting to me. There's always this range that you get from lab core or whatever, but I know better that range
Starting point is 00:43:07 doesn't necessarily mean optimal. So you can be within a range low or high, whatever, but that necessarily mean you're okay. It just means you're maybe not in a really bad disease state or whatever. 100%. I mean, it's a good example. Let's say hemoglobin A1C.
Starting point is 00:43:22 If you're a 5.7, okay, well one more point and youmer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer,
Starting point is 00:43:33 hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, hemer, this lab, and that is part of, I do case studies on my podcast, I do things that I just wanna teach people how to read these labs, because there was a doctor,
Starting point is 00:43:51 he's still around, Andrew Saul is PhD, wrote a book called Doctor Yourself, and regardless of what you think about the book, I like people to be in charge of their own health. And I know you guys want people to be in charge of the whole body, their own nutrition, their own exercise. You can't rely on, you can't even rely on your health coach or natu-pathic doctor or
Starting point is 00:44:09 medical doctor because you're with you every minute of the day, right? So it's like you have to know about you and then people should pass this on then to other generations for your kids. Like you should know how to read labs, not as the practitioner, but to a general degree. So when we're looking at this here tissue mineral analysis, the only thing that throws people off is that the graph is vertical up and down versus horizontal. Every lab you've most likely ever read has been horizontal graphs. So that's the thing that throws people off. So if you want, you can literally turn it on inside and be like, Oh, okay, I get it.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Otherwise, like, oh, my cow. What's going on? Why is it going so high? And so you want to be within a range. The nice thing about this minerals and metals test is that shows you the going so high? And so you wanna be within a range. The nice thing about this Minerals and Metals test is that shows you the blue wave. And you just wanna be within the blue wave. And then there's a black dash across the middle. That was like, if you were ideal, if you were perfect, that's what it would look like.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And but you don't have to be there, because again, there's this bio-individuality. We're not everybody's gonna be right at that black line. It just means, okay, that's the median. And the other thing to know about this is that it's. It just means, okay, that's the median. And the other thing to know about this is that it's not even just about, okay, you're within range, it's always about ratios. So the entire human body works in partners, antagonists,
Starting point is 00:45:14 and agonist. So the best example is cortisol and melatonin. If you have high cortisol at night, you're not gonna be able to produce a lot of melatonin, which means you're not gonna get the deep sleep, the rejuvenating sleep that you need. Well, in a scenario like this, if you have high copper and you have low zinc, or even copper is a little above zinc, then you're not going to have the best immune system that
Starting point is 00:45:36 you need, the production of testosterone, et cetera. So we read this also in terms of ratios. I'll have you know, by the way, we did two of these. So the first one we did, all of us have short hair. We can't get enough hair so we did body hair And that was hilarious by the way. I'm here shaving my chest trying to make it work order Anyway, we sent another one and so what you got was head hair head hair So we came back and did another one for you. Yes, and so what I'll do is I'll go through each one typically when and then you're gonna
Starting point is 00:46:02 Give us an award like whose first place second place There'll be a lot of gold stars handed out here today. Yes, very competitive typically when. And then you're gonna give us an award, like whose first place I can play. There will be a lot of gold stars handed out here today. Very competitive. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, how were we generally speaking? I mean, when you've done 20,000 of these tests. Where are you like, oh shit, I gotta tell you guys bad news.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah, they're very good. Well, I actually, so I was hoping some from wild irregularities, so we could talk about some of the things that we see in our practice. But you guys eat well, you exercise, you're doing a lot of the right things, but still there's some discrepancies. So you're going to see some similarities because you're for fit guys who do a lot of the right things,
Starting point is 00:46:35 but you're also going to see that bio-individual. That's what we're going to talk about here today. Okay, they're cool. So typically, someone would run this lab, they would then get on a video call, and we would ask you a little bit about your symptoms in story first. We're not going to do that today.
Starting point is 00:46:48 We'll just play, hey, let's go through this lab and you can see if it matches up. Should I be holding mine too? We're going to go through one at a time. Oh, yeah, do me for it. And I'll just kind of run through and then by the time we get them, you'll be able to see the different similarities. So we'll go over Adam's first. I always have to, again, I take client confidentiality,
Starting point is 00:47:05 confidentiality very strictly, so I have your permission to... Absolutely, we can share all of that. So, because this is like... There's a lot of people. Yeah, exactly. It's going out to obviously a lot of people. So what we're looking at,
Starting point is 00:47:17 the first four markers are calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. These don't show, oh, I'm taking in a lot of calcium, so my numbers are going to be high. This shows stress on the body. Okay. So you're looking at the sympathetic nervous system versus parasympathetic nervous system. And here's how that works. So when you are very stressed and you're producing more of the neurotransmitter, noropenephrine or more of the stress hormone cortisol, you're going to be pulling in more calcium into the bloodstream, making you more calcium-retentive, which is why one of the reasons men are more prone
Starting point is 00:47:48 to cardiovascular issues. If you pour more calcium in, pull more calcium in, you're going to create more plaque, you're going to create more stenosis of the arteries. That's very common in men. Yeah, so basically, why have stress us out? And then we end up with, yeah, dying a little bit earlier. And then you'll also see higher levels of sodium sometimes. Higher levels of sodium is because we also produce
Starting point is 00:48:07 another stress hormone called aldosterone. That makes our body retain more sodium, so it can be puffy or especially with high blood pressure, swollen ankles versus potassium. All right, so we'll go through these. So when we look at yours, Adam, we say, okay, first we look at macro. Does everything fall within the blue range?
Starting point is 00:48:22 And we say no, your phosphorus does, your zinc does, your magnesium does. Okay, so that's our macro and your magnetize kind of does. So when we look at your calcium, we say, all right, calcium is above magnesium. So you might say, well, my magnesium is good then, but it's actually not. So your deficient in magnesium,
Starting point is 00:48:40 because magnesium is what calms the sympathetic nervous system. So calcium is an indicator of fight or flight and stress. And magnesium, if your body has enough magnesium, stores wise, it will help to bring down calcium and keep your body. This is why when you suck down... I know, I know, this is... So, what's really fascinating about this, and that's cool,
Starting point is 00:48:58 is that recently, one of our partners came out with a really good magnesium product sleep product and I swear of it's one of the most impactful supplements I've ever taken now what that led me to believe is that there's something magical and their Supplement is that more than likely I was probably Minesium deficient because I literally can feel the difference when I take that supplement and when I don't but what's interesting is that you're saying I'm still low so even though I supplement with that pretty regularly, I'm almost every single night. It's rare that I actually miss a night right now.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I still am a little low because of how high my calcium is. So how many milligrams the product do you take? Do you know what the amount of? I don't remember. Well, how many capsules do you take? Because you can't really fit in more than like 100 milligrams per hour. It's a powder and the main form is magnesium three and eight,
Starting point is 00:49:42 but it also has a couple of the form. Maybe Doug can pull it up, but you use one packet, right? That's it. Yeah, you'd be fine, probably I'm sure going with, like twice. And see if it's a mixture, see if it's multiple forms of magnesium,
Starting point is 00:49:52 or if it's just magnesium 3 and 8. Magnesium 3 and 8 is the very best form of magnesium for the brain. So it's a great product for that. Your body may need magnesium 3 and 8, with magnesium glycinate and some other forms, which your body absorbs better. Just kind of like we were talking about with B12,
Starting point is 00:50:07 but it's good that you hear, but don't, so let me say this though, it is a mean that's not working for you, it is. You can feel the difference, you feel calming, but imagine maybe what your levels were before doing this. That's why everybody has to know what they were and then okay, you're gonna get better. That's why I find this so interesting is that,
Starting point is 00:50:22 I mean, the fact that's what you thought. That's exactly what, because I'm not, I don't think that a supplement like that would be that impactful, unless I was probably deficient because, 100%. Yeah, you got some people that will take it and they're like, oh, I don't even really feel,
Starting point is 00:50:34 I mean, my wife takes it and she's like, oh, I don't really notice it. It's not a big difference for her, but it is like night and day difference when I take it. So, 300 milligrams of total magnesium. Total magnesium. What are the 300 milligrams of total magnesium? Total magnesium. What are the forms in there, Doug? I know this three and eight.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Lactate gluconate, magtein, three and eight, and aquamine magnesium. Okay. Okay, that's great. Yeah, absolutely. No, that's, and it's, again, I think that your numbers
Starting point is 00:50:59 were even lower than you started taking this. It started raising them, but again, not for you. So what I take those 600 milligrams before bed, I wouldn't. I would do 300 another time of the day. Well, in more, the morning you want to just be careful with magnesium, because it does take you out of that sympathetic nervous system.
Starting point is 00:51:16 So you don't want it to drop your energy levels, and you're like, I'm too chill. So you might take it mid afternoon, and then before bed. So that's a great one to look at. You can take it morning though, you need to chill a little bit with me. If you do, you know you do. All right, I got it. And then when I look at it,
Starting point is 00:51:29 so this is really interesting because this came up on a few of your reports. If you see lower sodium potassium, it means that you've been chronically stressed for some time. Now when I say stressed, I don't just mean like mind, emotions, all the things that go into it work, etc. I mean that you're...
Starting point is 00:51:47 You have been sympathetic nervous system dominant for some time and that has caused depleted levels of your get up and go, your fight or flight. Which means most likely now versus five, ten years ago, you have less energy, less clear thinking, not as much drive, then you were maybe five, 10 years old. If you knew the amount of caffeine that we consume on a daily basis, I think that's a part of it. Well, that is certainly a part of it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Because that drives that response. Oh, yeah, because we all consume it. We can't wait for my report. Oh, shit. All the way to on a regular basis. So okay. Now, would that be one of my first actions that I should take to help that would that be to reduce my first actions that I should take to help that would that be to reduce
Starting point is 00:52:25 my caffeine consumption. I also know two, I mean, man, after having the two bouts of COVID, my autoimmune issues are the worst they've ever been in my life. Like right now my psoriasis has been the toughest I've ever dealt with and I'd say my diet's pretty dang good, not the best, but it's not bad when I, and so battling my psoriasis right now. So obviously, I'm having chronic stress. I mean, I was assuming that's what that means. Chronic stress, allowing for more inflammation, because they're synonymous. And then that
Starting point is 00:52:52 would then, that would then leave you open to your pre-disposed genetic issues, which would be psoriasis, which is a TH1 dominant immune response. So your body would be good at fighting off viruses and things like that, but you'll also then get the negative part which is the autoimmune issues too. So, what I would share with you is this doesn't mean necessarily supplement with more. And I'll kind of give you the recommendations in a moment
Starting point is 00:53:18 because I want to pull all this together, but it does mean reducing your total stress load and more recovery. Now, the only item we never look at, and we just don't look at on this, is iron. Iron should only be testing your blood, and you wanna test TIBC, total line and binding capacity,
Starting point is 00:53:34 and your ferritin levels as well. But however, we've seen this number high a bunch of times, and this then is a danger, especially in men with hemicrimatosis. So at that point, we say, hey, go to your MD, test your TIBC, your transferatin, your saturate levels, and then look at this, and like nine out of 10 times
Starting point is 00:53:51 it's elevated, and that's that's dangerous. So then if it's a man, they're gonna get blood and we kinda go through it. Your copper levels are a little low, and we're gonna see this on a few of your labs, so this will kind of just be like a recommendation. Your zinc is perfect, but your copper is low. And this is important because copper is actually used
Starting point is 00:54:09 for mitochondrial energy. It's used for your thyroid. It's used to help prevent skin issues, ADHD, ADD, allergies, asthma, and many other like energy transportation-based things. So this is an important one because here's one of the issues why it goes low. One, these things just aren't available in the soil.
Starting point is 00:54:29 So we were talking about like 100 years ago, why would this one in this issue? Since the 1940s and 1950s, they're just in the same nutrients in the soil. That's just the bottom line. Even if it's organic, you're not getting the same minerals in the soil for sure. The thing is though, when you take soil,
Starting point is 00:54:42 a lot of people rightly so, were recommended zinc during the pandemic. The problem is zinc, when you take, so a lot of people, rightly so, were recommended zinc during the pandemic. The problem is zinc pushes down copper lines. So you want it for you, you'd be using a product like balanced zinc, which contains zinc and copper in a ratio of about 15 to one, because you can't overdo your copper either, that's not a good thing.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It's oxidative. Right, okay. So your manganese is pretty good, we won't get too deep into that, but that's an important one for energy, for adrenals, for thyroid, really, really crucial there as well. Your zinc is right on point, so that's great. You still may need zinc for autoimmune issues, et cetera, but you'd want to use one that
Starting point is 00:55:16 also contains copper. Your chromium is a little low, which is used for blood sugar regulation, and your selenium is a little low, which is used for blood sugar regulation, and your selenium is a little low, which is used for detoxification. It is used for thyroid, because it helps actually convert usable thyroid T4 to T3, and it's also an anti-cancer antioxidant. So we wanna optimize that one. Why do I see chromium and selenium low across the board?
Starting point is 00:55:39 Because it's no longer in the foods that we eat, such a small amount. And we also need to make sure that we are getting more of it if our detox, meaning if you need a detox more, well, you need more of these nutrients. That's a big part of it, same for blood sugar balance. So we'll be going over that one multiple times today.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Your phosphorus is great, which means though, even though there is stress, it's not wild. Believe me, your stress is not off the chart. One of you guys has stressed off the chart. We'll be talking about that. Look, right at me. You were not, your body's not breaking down. I could have told you not without the blood work.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Or without the hair. You're not breaking down to a huge degree. I mean, like your phosphorus levels are good. So you're getting in a good amount of protein. You're getting in pretty good recovery. Your body stays strong and balanced. As we move on to the heavy metals, the toxic metals that says we look at lead,
Starting point is 00:56:24 there's nothing, which is great. The lead's the worst. You don't want lead in there, because that's the most oxidative to the heavy metals, the toxic metals that says, we look at lead, there's nothing, which is great. The lead's the worst. You don't want lead in there, because that's the most oxidative to the body. And then we have mercury, and you do, so you don't want any mercury. I'll talk about there's one on here that you won't get away from.
Starting point is 00:56:36 It's just pervasive of the environment, so we'll talk about that. But you shouldn't have any mercury. One common characteristic between all four of you was some mercury to varying levels. And that shouldn't happen. So yeah, because I mean, again, so I run 20 of these a thousand, 20,000 of these a year, not just like one year. So I see, you know, obviously hundreds of thousands of these labs, that's not common. And you can't say, oh, well, that's
Starting point is 00:57:01 just a normally with a test. It's not. They burn the hair. They look at the minerals that's in it. And this is used by the FBI. This is used by everybody to look for drug testing. So we should discuss where this mercury is coming from. You don't have any cadmium, you don't have any arsenic, which is great, which can happen sometimes from rice based products. And you do have a good amount of aluminum. These aren't super high, but any mercury is bad.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Aluminum we typically want it to be below that first marker one. And that's because aluminum comes from aluminum foil. It comes from aluminum and antiperspirants. It comes from water. Like you are surrounded by aluminum in this world. Aluminum pans, almost bachelor's. So we expect that to be in there a little bit. We just want to lower that.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And we don't really look at the additional minerals. We don't have to spend our time on that. So my recommendations based on this lab. now typically again I would do your intake. You're talking about psoriasis, your term, other things like that. I'm going to say, all right, this lab has its limitations just like every lab. It doesn't tell you anything about your gut. It really doesn't. So if we want to run your gut lab, we're going to run the Kendi to metabolic and vitamins test. That's called our starter kit, both of these come combined. Because I need to see if you have
Starting point is 00:58:05 in test variability, I need to see if there's yeast overgrowth, vungal overgrowth, is there mold? Like what's causing all of this, you know, the immune reaction as well. But right away we would start with magnesium. You're already doing that, which is fantastic. We would op your dosage. 300 milligrams is great.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Some people need more. You know, for me, I take around 240 to 300 milligrams of magnesium a day. If I take more than that, I'm a little more tired the next day. If I take less than that, I'm a little bit more, you know, on edge, take the right amount, it's the right amount for me. You know, that can vary based on the stress that you have in your life. More stress, you might be more magnesium for that night. There's nothing wrong with that. After that, we would use a product called the adrenal su. The product doesn't matter. It's what's in it. Ashwagandha,
Starting point is 00:58:43 fossil of serene. you use this at dinner time to really bring down those cortisol and stress levels. Yeah, really, really important. Little sea salt and lime and water, especially when you're working out or doing sauna. This is gonna give you just a little bit more electrolytes and just help your adrenals with the, so it's the HPA access.
Starting point is 00:59:02 People always go bananas if I just say adrenals. It's your hypothalamus telling you're pituitary gland, how much stress hormones you should produce. So the sodium is the sea salt, like Himalayan, Redmond's real salt, the lime is the potassium. So it's gonna give you a nice balance to bring you up. Should you never take ashwagana in the morning then?
Starting point is 00:59:18 If people are stressed, so that's the stress hormones, the minimum metabolism test. And again, that's why I recommend the big five, because if you have high cortisol in the morning above a nine, yeah, you take it off your gun. And ideally, it's with, archivirganda is great, but I like synergies,
Starting point is 00:59:32 because not everybody responds just to archivirganda. So take it with fossil serine, which knocks down cortisol, take it with alphanine, take it with some aluthero, those are all great to mix together. Yeah, really, really great. The next one, balance, think I talked about that, that zinc and copper take something like
Starting point is 00:59:48 a daily activated multi or daily nutritional support, which is what we use. Because it's all your methylated B vitamins, a little vitamin C, it's everything that your body needs, but not an omega dose. Because B vitamins could be great for you, but we don't need to do a separate supplement. We try to do as little as possible
Starting point is 01:00:04 to give you the greatest effect, you know, needed. And then the last one is the heavy metal detox. So because you show up high in mercury, the heavy metal detox is cilantro. So it's cilantro, crack cell, clorella, and it's vitamin C. And then we use a biofilm disruptor to pull it out of the intestines as well. That's been clinically proven that after 42 days, six weeks of using this, again, is on PubMed, that it reduces heavy metals by over 90%. Naturally, without having to do any keyless. What were they against cilantro?
Starting point is 01:00:34 Chlorilla. Crackcell chlorilla. And vitamin C. And you take as a supplement. Yes. Three separate ones. Oh, wonderful. And then you can use, we use a biofilm disruptor with it called fluorophym.
Starting point is 01:00:44 And what that does is heavy metals get trapped in your biofilm, which gets created by bacteria and parasites and you can use living there. Got it. And then the lifestyle recommendations, of course. So really focused on your seven to seven being on fine, but do some breath work or different things during the day,
Starting point is 01:01:01 we can just turn it off. And then from seven to seven at night, really try to get in that parasympathetic nervous system. And that's just the relaxation, turning off the blue light, using more salt lamps, meditation, box breathing, those types of things are really, really great. Now, when you were going through all of them individually,
Starting point is 01:01:17 I did hear this common theme. A lot of these could potentially be what's making my psoriasis even where I know you said the gut, obviously there could be issues there too, which is probably likely. But it sounds like I can improve my psoriasis right currently, right? Just by simply getting these balanced out more,
Starting point is 01:01:34 is that likely or? Well, it's a crucial step because stress can lead to gut issues. Gut issues can lead to more stress. It's the first two places we look at for autoimmune issues. Meaning a lot of people have gut issues, but they don't have autoimmune issues. Okay, well, why is that? It's because stress is the trigger.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So I wrote about this before. It's genetics, it's environment, but there's always a trigger. So I work with a lot of people with alopecia. I have never met a person that I work with with alopecia that hasn't had a traumatic stress in their life. That has then triggered the alopecia, which is basically the body saying massive fighter flight here. God, I got it. And so what do we do?
Starting point is 01:02:15 Well, the stressor may have passed the loss of a loved one, the break up in relationship. These are things that I see all the time. It's like literally things that most important to you that have the deepest meaning. And then that's when the Candida mattered, right? They had Candida overgrowth. So for you, we're running for sure,
Starting point is 01:02:33 the bacteria and parasites stool test to look at the either parasites or H. Pylori or bacterial overgrowth or yeast, right? But I also would run the stress hormones and minimal metabolism with you to say, is this really high cortisol that we're not even picking up onto that graded degree? So, but yes, the stress alone can 100% cause psoriasis. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Cool. Very, very cool. All right. And yeah, feel free to ask me any questions just in this up next. Right. And then so typically what people get is, and I can give this to you guys, you would get a lifestyle recommendation sheet, and we can give this to you guys, you would get a lifestyle recommendation sheet, and we would give you nutritional supplements
Starting point is 01:03:08 to based on your profile. And then it's always like tweaks we can make to that. So nutrition, supplementation, those are the easiest places to start, they're the biggest mover, because just like you said, I could tell you to do box breathing and breath work and biofeedback to your blue in the face,
Starting point is 01:03:23 but if your stress is not helping. But if I give you magnesium, it works right away. So then that, what does that do? Well, it allows you then to get to sleep earlier. That helps. It allows you to then be able to do the box. So that's why we do that. And then you can ween off eventually
Starting point is 01:03:35 the supplements after about 12 to 16 weeks. Well, I'm excited. I'm gonna do all of it with you. So we'll share the journey with the audience as I go through all this because it's been on my list to really, I really want to attack the psoriasis. I've never gotten after it. Of course, I've made better food choices
Starting point is 01:03:52 and try and minimize stress, but not at this level where we start to supplement and eliminate some things and maybe potentially heal my gut. So I'm excited to do that. 100% yeah, be happy to help you with that. So Justin is up next and the nice thing is now you have a basis. So as we go through these,
Starting point is 01:04:07 you're already gonna know a lot of what to look for. So we say, okay, Justin, first off, macro viewpoint, 30,000 feet up, how many of yours are in the blue, healthy zone, the blue wave? We say great, you actually have calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus. So we say you're doing pretty well. Great.
Starting point is 01:04:27 So we say right away, but do the ratios match up. And we say, okay, let's look at this. Calcium to magnesium, almost perfect. Like legitimately, almost perfect. So Justin, you wouldn't want to take just a magnesium product most likely, or if you did, it would be a small amount,
Starting point is 01:04:43 and it would just be before bed. Because if you took a lot more magnesium, it might make you really tired, might make you a little too exhausted, might give you brain fog. Interesting. Because you're shutting down your sympathetic nervousism even in a greater degree.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Now you're in the parasympathetic. Parasympathetic's great, but it has to be balanced with a sympathetic. I've had the opposite, that plays into what you're talking about. I took two packets of the 300 milligrams of, and I was super exhausted and foggy the next morning. So that's interesting that you mentioned that.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Yeah, and again, I know nothing about you guys ahead of time. I would have been asking these things, but the data allows you to know what to do. And that's nice. And you're not static. So six months from now, life changes, you say, okay, well, what's going on with my body? So the next thing is though, even though you're sodium
Starting point is 01:05:26 potassium, this is a great example. Or in the ideal zone, the ratio is inverse. It's flipped. So your sodium is actually lower than your potassium. You should not have that. What can be the cause of that? Okay, this means typically, this individual has a little bit more catabolism.
Starting point is 01:05:43 They're breaking down a little bit more than they're building up. They're a little bit more catabolic than anabolic. And right away, if I ever see this, I go immediately over to phosphorus. And I say, is phosphorus below that black line? And it is. So you are, you could be repairing on a daily basis, but you're at a one for one. Meaning you're not in an anabolic state. So you're breaking down more muscle tissue. Just driving in my stress guy or what?
Starting point is 01:06:05 Well, this can be... I won't know. No, you're not the stress guy. Yes, I do. I've probably done it. But it does mean that you may be under-eating, under-eating protein, over fasting, or over doing a lot of the biohacking things like
Starting point is 01:06:22 sauna, cold punch, et cetera. It's probably the eating. Yeah, yeah. So if you're extended fasting, then you may have put yourself in a little bit too much of a catabond state. Yeah, I went through a period of that where just to try and maintain, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:36 smooth, bleeness. Yeah. I was pretty much in that state for quite some time. Quite too long. See what you did at him? Yeah, you guys really gave me a comment. No, he's before all my fat jokes. He was easy like guilty of that.
Starting point is 01:06:48 This is strategy sometimes. He's just a little more information. I was interested actually in the potassium sodium levels because I had a tumor on the adrenal gland and I actually had it removed adrenal gland and because I was not able to bring my potassium levels up. And so it was a real problem, which then affected my blood pressure. I had like a really high blood pressure.
Starting point is 01:07:14 And so anyway, I got that taken care of. And so I was curious to see how that balance was. That's interesting that you say that. And that's right on point. So if a lot of people have a pituitary gland tumor or adrenal tumor or cysts and it's then hurting exactly what you said because what happens that hormone aldosterone helps regulate blood pressure. So you had high blood pressure that was regardless of diet and exercise and all those things. So you had to look deeper. Now the real question is are you producing the right amount and of cortisol during the day? And to give yourself the energy
Starting point is 01:07:44 that you need in North and Epirin. So in that case, the opposite product from Adam, which is adrenal su, there would be adrenal energy support. But again, what does that even mean? All it means is that licorice root and rodeola, if you only use two herbs, those that do clinically proven, to not necessarily raise cortisol,
Starting point is 01:08:02 but extend the half life of it. Cause we know cortisol, once it peaks in the morning, it just starts to precipitously drop for the rest of the day. That's normal. So you might need, though, to give it a little boost at breakfast, two caps and two caps at lunch. And that'll keep you with that extent.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Because Justin and I are opposite in this category, is that the reason why I don't like rodeo, because I don't like the way rodeo makes me feel, could that be the why? Because we're flipped? It could be or a sensitivity to herbs. So people with gut Issues are just much more sensitive to herbs as well interesting well so far you sold four bottles of supplement
Starting point is 01:08:38 And you know, and that's the thing though, but we want to teach not just the supplement It's what's in the supplement and why doesn't know how to but we want to teach not just the submit, it's what's in the submit, and why doesn't it? No, I don't know. It's gotta be in the visualized. People are literally, so we, They're just taking stuff. Like you read, oh this is good, I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:08:50 But if it's not for your body, you can be doing the opposite. And people listen to this all over the world though. You don't have access to the same exact submit brands all over the world. So it's like, it's not the supplement name that works, it's the ingredient and dosage that's doing the work. And for the right person, right?
Starting point is 01:09:02 Yeah, and then also knowing that some of this stuff could be potentially just temporary till you fix the root cause, which I think is something that we all are aligned with. And I completely agree with that, especially with herbs. So herbs are medicine. You don't need to take them for the rest of your life typically, herbal supplements.
Starting point is 01:09:17 I'm not against a lot of them, but you don't usually need, in vitamins and minerals, yeah, we need those on a daily basis, but herbs, you're not herb deficient, right? So you just need those to get the body back in balance. Right, right, right. minerals, yeah, we need those on a daily basis, but herbs, you're not herb deficient, right? So you just need those to get the body back in balance. Okay, yeah. So again, we're not looking at iron unless it's high,
Starting point is 01:09:30 so you're good, your copper is low, your zinc is within range. So what do we do? Same thing. We're gonna boost that copper up. And again, not by taking zinc out, because we know we need zinc for the immune system, for muscle, for the everything.
Starting point is 01:09:43 I mean, balancing inflammation, for actually pushing down heavy metals. So we need that, but we're just going to boost that copper a bit, again, for the learning, the skin, the energy, mitochondria, et cetera. Your manganese is pretty good, so it's right with the low part of the zone. But again, if manganese isn't high enough, you do need to give that a boost. And the crazy thing about manganese is that you're really only getting it from, see if I can remember this off the top of my head, legumes, rice, grains, and nuts, those are really four.
Starting point is 01:10:13 You don't need any of that stuff except for nuts, huh? Yeah, I mean, in rice, but I've cut out like all beans, so, but yeah, I might wanna introduce that. That's one of the reason why a lot of people are deficient in that, because they are on a, like a, more like a lazy grains and, yeah. I've want to introduce that. That's one of the reason why a lot of people are deficient in that because they are on a, like a lean to greens and yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:27 I've got it. Absolutely. And I'm not even saying that you needy grains, but what it does is then there are some benefits to these things and you could just have nuts instead. Or again, you supplement, because some people they just don't want to eat nuts. It's okay, you're just gonna take a little manganese.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Got it. And the crazy thing about manganese is it's one of, it's like the 12 biggest mineral that we need, but it's only absorbed between like one and five percent, which is crazy. Like it's such a small amount of kids absorbed from food. Interesting. So you need to take in a decent amount.
Starting point is 01:10:53 The next one, zinc looks great. Chromium's a little low, slenium's a little low. We talked about those things. They need to be supplemented with not at mega doses, just a little bit every day. That's why I am an advocate of a good methylated multi or daily nutritional support, something like that, just because we're just not getting enough.
Starting point is 01:11:09 So it's just, I call it like your fallback, your safety. If you don't get it through your diet, you're just getting a little bit. And then we said your phosphorus is great. That's really a proponent of, are you taking enough protein, are you breaking down your body too much? It looks at both protein intake
Starting point is 01:11:22 and it looks at tissue degradation. You have the lowest amount of mercury, you only have one little notch there, so you've got a little bit of exposure. Now again, you could have the same exposure as everybody else, but you may have the best detox out of everybody in this group. And so then you're eliminated. I have a big one. I am the best. And you can actually know that because if you go out and consume alcohol, and it doesn't affect you really the next way, that's why I said that. Okay, so you go out and consume alcohol, and it doesn't affect you really the next way, that's why I said that. Okay, well, there you go.
Starting point is 01:11:46 So you have the best detox most of it. That's what I've done every day. And I'm a high list. Since I turn 21. Yeah. And your aluminum is still there, and again, that's literally daily exposure that typically we all get.
Starting point is 01:12:00 So overall, the recommendations for you would be, give up. I would, I said, just be careful with the weight loss, So overall the recommendations for you would be give up. I said just be careful with the weight loss low carb really hard workouts because it's pushing you more towards countable. That's like everything really. That's the only way I do it. No, it's just great. So you got to show more.
Starting point is 01:12:17 So basically what you need to do is eat six meals a day and do yoga. That is like so opposite of your. Well, it or Completely opposite recover harder. Right. So if you go harder row. Well, it or... Completely opposite. Recover harder. Right? So if you go harder in your workouts, you need to recover harder. Oh, you like that.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Which just means more sleep and a little bit more of this rejuvenating thing. What is that? Yeah. So that's the recommendation there. Then a little bit more copper. As we talked about for the hair skin, nails, poor circulation, if there is any poor circulation.
Starting point is 01:12:43 We talked about the chromium and the selenium. We talked about doing the heavy metal detox before. Either if your protein's not already at a one-for-one with your body weight, you might want to bring it up to your body weight and grams of protein per day. Decrease major sluppers, I should say, stressors that are affecting your sleep,
Starting point is 01:13:01 using a product like the adrenal energy if needed in the morning, just to give you that little bit of get up and go, daily activate multi, and then I wrote for you, and I don't know if this is gonna be, or if you tried this before, but using a product like collagen support,
Starting point is 01:13:19 which is going to be the other factor of not breaking down tissue. Protein's definitely more important. Like we think of, oh collagen is like the next big thing, no, protein's so much more important than collagen. But collagen for someone that is in a more catabolic state can actually be really beneficial for the hair, skin, nails and muscles.
Starting point is 01:13:36 And in connective tissue, like tenons ligaments that take us out of the game. We've got a whole bunch of that protein in the back, dude. You know what we do? We do. Yeah, a lot of collagen, make sure back dude. We do. We do. We do. Yeah, a lot of collagen mixture.
Starting point is 01:13:47 That will be help. And the last one for you recommendation, if you were to run another lab, it would be that Stress Home Alone's Minimum Talblosum, just to see if your cortisol is too low, which is not usually the common one, but it could be, and then just to optimize, look at your vitamin D, look at your thyroid. Like, what if you're low thyroid, and that's why you have lower energy? The rest of you. Okay. And that's it.
Starting point is 01:14:05 So overall, great. Great. Great lap. It really was. It was a very good lap. Awesome. Salos up next. Oh, the real fucked up one.
Starting point is 01:14:13 No, I'm looking at it now. I'm looking at you bad. Let's check it out. Maybe I'll read it right. I'm turning it sideways. Oh, shit. Exactly. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:21 So when I look at Salos numbers, I'm looking at, okay, what's inside the zone? Well, Kelsey Magnesium, or perfect. They're right at that ideal zone. Then I'm looking at the zinc. That looks great. And phosphorus is great. Okay. cells, numbers, I'm looking at, okay, what's inside the zone? Well, calcium magnesium, or perfect, they're right at that ideal zone, then I'm looking at zinc, that looks great, and phosphorus is great. Okay, so now we have at least a base point.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Now, the interesting thing about cells is that both of his electrolyte markers, so calcium to magnesium is your first most important ratio. That means, is your body's ability to respond to stress adequate? That means, is magnesium at the same level as calcium? And the answer is yes. So, cell could be stressed, but he's getting at least enough magnesium or his body's parasympathetic work,
Starting point is 01:14:54 nervous system's working well enough to balance the sympathetic. So that's great. Then I look at, all right, sodium potassium, they're both low, not super low, but they're low, but they're in ratio. And that means that there's not necessarily the same catablism that we just saw
Starting point is 01:15:08 with the low phosphorus that was Adams. Yeah, he's losing muscle and building it. Yeah. I was just in, so apologize. I was just in. So you are, you're not losing muscle tissue, exactly, you're not losing muscle mass, even if you're going lower carb,
Starting point is 01:15:22 even if you're doing whatever, because you're at a net one once. You're at a balance. Yeah. All right. So that's a good thing. Now, we still know that there's a little amount, and this is most of us in this world, in this West at least, there's still a greater amount of stress on the HPA axis, on the
Starting point is 01:15:39 nervous system than there is calm. And that's, again, that's prevalent. You've got family, you've got work, you've got workouts, you've got, there's a lot that goes into it. That goes into it, man. You're like, kids, that'll do it for sure. I understand that. Now, if we move over to iron,
Starting point is 01:15:51 iron's looking pretty good. Copper is very low. So copper is like, you're only at four notches on that. I can supplement with that, huh? So for sure. And again, when I look at copper, I'm saying, okay, energy balance, thyroid, adrenals, believe it or not, copper gives you the pigment in your hair.
Starting point is 01:16:10 It's good for the eyes and the pigment in the skin as well. Holy cow! That's why you grazed. That way I got here. I held it for the last two years. It's my opinion, if it comes on quickly, it's a great depletion in copper at a very fast rate. Because grain here comes from lack of copper, but also oxidation in the body.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Bro, my hair is great, I mean, I've always had grayish, you know, whatever, but it's not grayish. It's real fast in the last like four years, three years. And people always say, well, if you're getting gray or hair that means something's off, everybody's getting gray here. Like, like, I've never seen a nady-year-old
Starting point is 01:16:38 where, you know, it's happened no matter what. It happens from oxidative stress in the body, not just stress, but oxidation. And lower copper can be one of those things. So people are like the body, not just stress, but oxidation. And lower copper can be one of those things. So people are like, oh, you need zinc for your hair. You need zinc, you need vitamin C, you need glutamine, you need your B vitamins to ward off stress and help rebuild tissue.
Starting point is 01:16:55 No doubt about it. But copper is what helps with the pigment. Now, okay, so because my zinc is good, does that mean I should just supplement with copper? So it's an interesting way and a good way to look at it, but the answer is always no. Okay. Because copper, you never want copper to be put in the body without its playmate, without its partner.
Starting point is 01:17:12 So the same supplement you recommended to add on would be? Always in a 12 to one ratio. Got it. 15 to one, 12 to one. Because I do supplement relatively regularly with zinc, but I never, I don't have anything that has copper in it. Yeah, the balance thing is really important, because if we, again, we didn't go into this today
Starting point is 01:17:29 because I don't wanna get too deep in the weeds, but if you look at the ideal marker, calcium is a 40, magnesium is a six, sodium is a 25, potassium is a 10, you see how like, they're all mid-range, they're all leveled out for you, but that doesn't mean everything's supposed to be equal in the body. If we look at copper, copper is a 2.5, zinc is a 20. You're supposed to have more zinc in your body
Starting point is 01:17:50 than your copper. So that's why the ratio is supposed to be more like a 12 to 1 or 15 to 1. All right? Again, chromium and selenium a little bit low. Not too, we don't, that's pretty normal for us. That's what we see over every lab. And your phosphorus is perfect, which means that you're
Starting point is 01:18:03 at least building up, you're putting back whatever your body's breaking down. That's a good thing. Recovery looks pretty good. And protein's probably adequate for your body. And I know that you put on a lot of muscle over the last year. So certainly you're in more of an anabolic than catabolic state. Got it. So Doug is the stress kid.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not, I see the mercury though with me. I still got the mercury too. We all do, he said that. He said we're getting it. We all have got something to do. Yeah, some of you guys are with me, huh? I still got the mercury too. We all do, he said that. He said, we're getting it. We all have got something to do. You got something to do, huh? It is because it's not common.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah, I mean, so don't get me wrong. Mercury is very common in the environment, but I would never see it typically if I were to look at, this is like either a really strange coincidence or it's something that you are all doing. I ask collectively. That's right, so I would agree with that. I have supplement, a drink, or something that we're all taking or something that you are all doing, I ask collectively. That's right, so I would agree with that. I just want to supplement a drink
Starting point is 01:18:46 or something that we're all taking or something. It can't place where eating on a consistent basis together. I'm gonna supplement that we all take at this together all the time. I take more supplements on your stomach. Or, let's just say that over the last 30 days, because that's where this is looking at. So we are looking at either fish, which is the most common.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Yeah. We like sushi, and you know it's funny, you had the lowest mercury just in, and you eat the least amount of fish. Yeah, well, yeah. the most common. We like sushi, and you know it's funny you had the lowest mercury Justin, and you eat the least amount of fish. Yeah, well, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the always the most likely, or the always the most likely cause of high mercury is fish. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:15 100%. During college, I've said this before, but every night after my regular dinner, a couple hours later before bed, I had minute rice, I had a can of tuna, and olive oil on top. That was like my poor man's college dinner right there. a couple hours later before bed. I had minute rice, I had a can of tuna, and olive oil on top. That was like my poor man's college dinner right there. My mercury was through the roof. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 01:19:31 When I had this done when I was like 19, 20 years old, I'm like, oh, well, how's this happening? Well, you're eating that much tuna, so tuna and swordfish are the two biggest ones to stay away from. If you eat sushi, you're just gonna stick more towards the lower mercury fish. And you can still do it.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Got it. You know what I'm gonna do? But I'm gonna do the mercury fish. And you can still do it. You know what I'm gonna do this supplement that you said that'll help. You wanna do the heavy metal detox? It's only six weeks long, you can add on to whatever you're doing right now. And so essentially what you're saying is just as the least metal out of all of us.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Yeah, bro. Except that. That's not at all. I would have never guessed. So overall pretty good. I mean, the lowest we ever see aluminum come back is two notches, two ticks. Okay. And I know people can't really see this if they're listening, but basically it's the number
Starting point is 01:20:10 of little black dots going up that tells you how much of that thing you have. And so yours is only three. I've only seen it in a hundred thousand of these at two. And that's because again, you're getting it from essentially all of your cookie tensiles, the inside of, you know, it from essentially all of your cookie tensiles the inside of You know, aluminum bottle everything has aluminum. So your job though is just to keep it low. Minimize it. Let's say minimize it Okay So overall a great lab. There was a couple recommendations here
Starting point is 01:20:38 There's signs certainly of stress for the lower sodium to potassium. Okay. That's the NAK So this could be though. I always say I think we just chatted about this with you with magnesium. I don't know, Sal, if you're a level is where lower a year ago. Yeah. Right? How do I know? I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Yeah. Or what if they were much higher six months ago and now they've come down. Got it. So if you run this once a year, you can see your trends. That's really what you want. Because I can't tell you if it's better or worse. Like, are you doing something it's better or worse. Like, are you doing something that's better or worse?
Starting point is 01:21:06 I don't want this one snapshot. So at least I can tell you, well, keep working on the parasympathetic nervous system activities. And then again, when training, do a little bit of that lime and sea salt water. I think that's very, very helpful. You can just drop it in some of that, squeeze it right in there.
Starting point is 01:21:21 And then the balance zinc for the low copper. You, I didn't mention this and I apologize, your manganese was really low. Okay. And manganese for you should be brought up. Okay. That's automatically in many functional medicine formulas for a daily activated multi or daily nutritional support.
Starting point is 01:21:38 So you really don't need to do more of it. Because if you're not someone that's gonna eat some grains, legumes, nuts, then you just wanna supplement for it. Got it. What nuts have high manganese? Almonds, pecans, those will be pretty good. You can even macadamia, you could eat some of those as well.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Okay, excellent. Perfect. Let's see. Illuminum was great, talked about that. Still doing a heavy metal detox because of the mercury. Whenever we see mercury, automatically we need to get out of the system because it can affect the brain, which can in the future lead to dementia dementia all those different types of things that we don't want. So that's gonna be gone. That includes any metal, so I'm not trying to scare anybody. And then if for you
Starting point is 01:22:12 I said if your sleep because again I usually would ask is not like if you're tracking your sleep and you're not getting 90 minutes of deep sleep and two plus hours of REM I would use something like the deep sleep protocol that we use. Got it. And that's because your recovery still needs to be better at night, especially with kids and a lot of demands, whatever it is. So those are things like the Ashwagandha Fossil, Serena Nakhdankoordazal, Liquid Melatonin. Again, these don't need to be used forever,
Starting point is 01:22:38 non-Groggy form of that, and Magnesium. Got it. Three great forms to get you into a deeper sleep. And again, if you're using a tracker, you'll be able to see your levels, all right? All right, cool. That's it. And then just making sure you get in in your B vitamins, methylated B vitamins, to help with stress.
Starting point is 01:22:53 And now that'll be in, that would be in a functional medicine methylated multi. And you're going to look for 50 milligrams or pretty much across. You carry these, right? I do. Okay. Yep. But let's see you're working with already a functional medicine doctor, an archipathic doctor and be like, hey, it shows, I'm going to get it from all stress. I trust you, so I'll get it from you. I do. Okay. But let's see you're working with already a function as a doctor and as a doctor, and
Starting point is 01:23:05 be like, hey, it shows. I'm going to give it a more stress for me. I trust you, so I'll get it for me. So we typically just say, just start with the daily nutritional support, but then other people, because of MTH of our issues, or like with alcohol, you want to use them called an activated B complex. It's just more methylated Bs and tri-methoglycine, which I didn't mention. Anybody with autoimmune issues, anybody with poor detox, TMG, also something called
Starting point is 01:23:27 BTNHCL, is very, very helpful. Now, if somebody was going through this whole process with you right now, I mean, you're doing this all for us right now, but, and you told me much things, I didn't take notes. Would you also provide like a breakdown of like, these are all things we're gonna take
Starting point is 01:23:42 and the recommendation of all of it, okay, so that would all. all wait so back and I mean I learned all of this just like I learned So I started in proselyt training 25 years ago in nutrition and you learn everything kind of a hard way Nothing wrong with that and so when I got into functional medicine more than a decade ago learn everything the hard way I used to give Each wellness client a packet of information And then I realized none of them ever read all of it. That's too much, yeah. So we give them a one-page cheat sheet now. That's it, it's one page.
Starting point is 01:24:10 At the top, you literally cut out your nutritional something label and put it in a box that we send you. So it's that easy. And here's what's take one. And then the lifestyle cheat sheet is below. Here's what you refer to for your nutrition plan. We give you one-page cheat sheet for that shopping plan and you're good to go.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Because you can't do everything in the beginning. So we focus on what's going to move the needle the fastest. refer to for your nutrition plan, we give you one page cheat sheet for that shopping plan and your good go. Oh yeah. Because you can't do everything in the beginning. So we focus on what's going to move the needle the fastest? Nutrition, and then nutrition extracts, which is nutritional supplements. And then we say if you're doing great there, let's add on then some sauna, some walking, some exercise. Yeah. Because if you're not already exercising, it's a big ask for people in the beginning.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Right. You know, so we move there. All right, Doug is our last one for the day. The stress cadet. Yeah. Hey, we said there was one. Yeah. And so we look at, okay, well, what's-
Starting point is 01:24:53 I wonder why I'm so stressed. I'll ask that question first. Oh, I'm stressed. Man. So we look at, and Doug's, Doug's, it's interesting, you know, look at that. I love the interesting one. So I oversee a team of 22
Starting point is 01:25:07 Health practitioners, but you that this one come back in a red envelope I get to work with You don't typically see I get to work with more the unicorn So you know we'll run thousands of labs and the team says okay. This one's a little bit different You know, let's let's go over this and I love to be able to review them. So this is the fun part for me so We look at calcium magnesium and again, we to be able to review them. So this is the fun part for me. So we look at Kelsey and Magnesium. And again, we want them in the blue wave.
Starting point is 01:25:28 But the chart goes up to 120 for Kelsey and Doug's at 178. Holy shit. So it means it's off the chart for Kelsey. Now I'm off the chart. Just to let you know, I've seen well into the 300 and 400. So, okay. You don't win any awards for that, but definitely. I have no idea why.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Wow. And then we look at magnesium. Here's the silver lining. The magnesium is actually keeping up with the calcium. Okay. So there is a lot of stress. Your body is doing its best though to keep up, but you are absolutely becoming depleted in the back end
Starting point is 01:26:00 because your sodium potassium is quite low. So if we look at this more from a even constitutional standpoint, your body may not be able to take the same stress load as someone like Adams or Justin. Like if I were to look at, okay, constitutional types, Adam, Justin, then Sal, then Doug. And I'm like, okay, who can take the greatest amount of stress load?
Starting point is 01:26:23 Well, it's the largest built constitution, naturally. You've talked about being a hard gainer in the past. Yeah. Well, you're as big as anybody in this room or bigger, right? Right. But... Bigger than Adam too. I don't know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:26:37 But let's just say, you know, if you were, if you would just leave yourself to your own devices, eat normally whatever, what size would you be that's kind of how Right, right? So that's how we look at it Absolutely So that's something to look at so the we'll give you recommendations in a moment So you're Sony potassium the levels are pretty good. I mean in ratio which matters it does matter because you're not in a very You're not a super catabolic state. It just means the chronic stress has been there for years. We're talking like five, ten, fifteen. As long as my self is better.
Starting point is 01:27:08 So running the day to day, all any different stressors for you, that's quite elevated. There's no doubt about it. We gotta give him a massage after. Tell me about it. I'm gonna get some release. I'm gonna stress his hearingness. No, John.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I'm gonna buy him a bread. If we might be the irony of it, this is a little bit ironic. We're going through this right now. I mean, Doug has been had a really rough like 30 days or so. So it's interesting how much, because you don't know any of this. Well, we do. So it's so cool about this for at least for me is that I know these guys so well. We all went together every day.
Starting point is 01:27:42 And you know, you're pointing out nutritional deficiencies stuff that are correlated with certain behaviors or things going in our life. And it's like, oh my God, like everybody is so on point. Well, what this means too is, let's say this is just the last 30 days, because again, it could just be what happens is though, it dramatically begins to deplete the things that we don't see in this test.
Starting point is 01:28:02 We didn't test any vitamins. It's dramatically depleting your B vitamins, just a massive level, because that's your anti-stress vitamin, your B vitamins. Everything from, again, B1 to B12. So our job is to make sure, even though we don't know that, let's say you never wanted to run
Starting point is 01:28:16 the Kindi Meda-Balken Vitamins test, we say, okay, based on this, you still need more B vitamins. But also, we need to double down, not just on supplements, because it's not just about that, it's the recovery part of it, the rejuvenation part of it. So, if we were talking about your workouts, your workouts would be three times a week weight
Starting point is 01:28:32 training with a day in between. Like, it would never be back-to-back weight training days. Or then that includes restorative times. So, like, people like, well, on my off days, then I'm going to do cold plunges and 40-minute sonnets at 200 degrees. Exactly. So it's like, no, the off days are literally stretching binaural beats, yeah, walking exactly. Massage, foam rolling, if you don't wanna get a massage. Mitting.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Mitting, knitting. Right, exactly. I love all of those things. So that's a big part of reducing this. And again, sometimes we're in different phases, right? This 30 days is super stressful, but then we're out of it. Oh good, we recover. But it doesn't mean that we built back up our reserves.
Starting point is 01:29:09 That might take 12 weeks. Now you recommended at least once a year, is it overkill for me to do this every three months? So most labs we run 12 to 16 weeks, and I recommend that for blood work with your doctor. If something's off, you don't just rerun it just to run it. You did a protocol that should rebalance you. Twelve weeks, again, don't start it from the date of the lab. Twelve weeks after you've did this protocol, or should say after you've gone through it, run that lab after that to make sure it's balanced. So the here is the only one that's not a part of that. And the reason is, you need to allow that here to grow back. 30 more days minimum after you've completed the protocol.
Starting point is 01:29:45 That'll do the next test in 10 years. So, this one about every six months. Okay. Yeah, this is the only, this is the one with the caveat. Now, the reason why we select this test first, honestly, any child from three years old to the seniors can run this lab and it's simple. Like, it's very, very easy to do.
Starting point is 01:30:05 That's why we like this. Usually we do it. It's called part of the starter kit. It's a partner to then your vitamin levels and gut testing as well. You wanna look at the whole thing. Now Doug, you also had one other, one that was interesting.
Starting point is 01:30:16 And that was copper above zinc. And so this is called copper toxicity. Now again, those are just terms. We don't wanna scare you saying, oh, there's too much copper. What happens is when there's too called copper toxicity. Now again, those are just terms. We don't want to scare you saying, oh, there's too much copper. What happens is when there's too much copper in the body, though, it can lead to skin rashes, ADD, anxiety, low mood, adrenal issues, energy issues, and low immunity.
Starting point is 01:30:37 So it might take you longer to recover because it's also driving down zinc. Now, it doesn't, you could be taken in too much copper, possible. It's usually not the case. Now, it doesn't, you could be taking in too much copper, possible. It's usually not the case. Most people are higher on copper than they are in zinc is because their zinc supplementation is not high enough to drive down copper. So he's an example of, he would only take the zinc, where we would take the copper and zinc 12 more. And if he took more copper, that would be toxic to his body. Got it. So you want to take... That's so crazy. It could also be the pictures they need sometimes.
Starting point is 01:31:05 It's delicious. Yes. Less of the Moscow mules and the copper cups and all that. So that would be a big recommendation for you. Like there's two red flags and that's stress. And then the other one is the higher copper. Phosphorus does look good. I mean, the nutrition looks probably like it's on point
Starting point is 01:31:25 in terms of keeping your body from being too catabolic. However, it's not affecting the nervous system. The nervous system in your body is rebuilding or different. Your nervous system is innovated by your brain through your spinal cord, telling everything else what to do. That's the autonomic nervous system. It's perception of stress. Now, it could be real stress
Starting point is 01:31:42 or it can be imagine stress, either way it's stress in the body. Your mercury was fairly elevated. Your aluminum is pretty good, but again, there's that mercury there. For sure, it's coming from environmental factors, water, contamination and insupplement, or it's coming from fish. Yeah. Could there be something environmental in like our studio or something because we're all hanging out? Okay. What the hell would be mercury? Believe it or not, industrial-based equipment
Starting point is 01:32:09 can give off some of these heavy metals. I don't see anything in here that I can like. We have terrible circulation in here too. There's no circulation in here. And I'm in here the longest every day. I work in here basically. Do you have an air filter in here? No.
Starting point is 01:32:21 No, no. That's an easy first one to do. Do you guys work with an air filter company right now? No. I can give you two recommendations, you can edit it out if you want. The strongest air filter known to man right now is the IQ air.
Starting point is 01:32:33 It's using hospitals. It's amazing, it's loud. So you would turn it off when you were doing recording and then back on. It'll clean this room in a minute. To do it, it's ridiculous. It's a huge box though. The second best one is the ear doctor.
Starting point is 01:32:47 And the ear doctor, I'm sure they'd love to work with you and get, you know, because they're a great company, they just came out with a stronger one as well. But this is not a big enough place that you couldn't just use one in here, and it would clean it in about 12 minutes. Really? So definitely, right now.
Starting point is 01:33:02 There's industrial products could give off mercury in the air. That's right. Yeah. Depending if there's mercury in the thing itself, believe it or not, I mean, it's not shown to be in high levels, but these new LED lights or things like that with a mercury, if they ever broke, I mean, that's really bad for the environment, right? I wonder if for something here, it has to be, because the fish thing doesn't make sense. I have eaten the least amount of fish I have in a very, very long time.
Starting point is 01:33:25 And I stick to salmon, I don't need like, so that doesn't, Sam and, oh yeah, if you're in salmon, salmon's a low mercury. Yeah, I don't need lots of tuna. Yeah, I haven't had hardly any lately at all in the last like three or something here. That's what, and it's harder to test, you'd be able to,
Starting point is 01:33:40 but the environmental air, are they burning anything around this area that's giving us more equipment. Was Doug the highest in this area too? Yes he was. Okay, so now you're the most. Doug's the highest, I think I was the second highest, I'm in here the second most. Well how many dots do you have?
Starting point is 01:33:54 Well, he just turned this into a bragging thing. Yeah, I mean, that's a good one. Wasn't Almond Dan known for Mercury like way back in the day? I think it was. Yeah, they had the mind there. So I have my house to do. So finding is one of the number one reasons Ryder 3. But I'm gonna say that's it. You got five of Mercury's.
Starting point is 01:34:10 I mean, I think it's huge. I thought I dug his five as well. Yeah, so you have an higher bowl of five. It's in the studio. Probably. We got to clean the air in here, dude. I went. I get one for hair and one for, you could do the smaller one in here.
Starting point is 01:34:20 And the larger one for your fitness area. Done. Yeah, 100% I would do that. I don't know if you get commission, but you just made a lot of money on top of that. I'm sure people aren't going to go through me. No, I mean, again, I recommend just like you, the best companies in the industry. We do two things, right? We create protocols that a third party tested, so we don't have mercury in them.
Starting point is 01:34:37 And we do at home lab testing, the labs aren't even ours. We just sign off because you need a doctor to sign off in your labs. That's basically it. We just recommend great products from great companies and that's who we are. No, we like you. We trust you. That's basically it. We just recommend great products and great companies, and that's who we write. No, we like to. We trust you. That's what we have here on the show. Yeah, appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:34:49 And then, so just recommendations, Doug, I actually said for you two, looking at three meals per day and making it easier on digestion. So one of those might even be a shake. For now, if you're this, so the more stressed you are, the weaker the digestion. It's just automatic. If you push the lever down on this side, great, you get the energy, the go, go, go,
Starting point is 01:35:10 they don't mean the drive, but then you get weaker recovery and digestion. So at least for right now during your highest stress time, this goes for anybody whether the dish lab or not, easy to digest foods. You cook your vegetables, you turn your potato into sweet potato, like you mash it, you do all the things just make it easier for digestion or use BTN HCL or ginger tea or a little ACV in water and digestive enzymes. Okay, excellent. I feel terrible, Doug.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I think we're going to kill Doug, guys. Yeah, yeah. We're going to help Doug out. No, there was a little bit for everybody to work on and we saw some similarities. We saw some differences, but then we saw a few commonalities. The commonalities, though, was the lower chromium and selenium. Okay, we know we need to work on that. Little bit extra stress, that's not too wildly different.
Starting point is 01:35:51 But we saw that mercury, and that was a common thing that is not typically seen through the four of you. So that's one of the things you want to work on. Makes the most sense to do, to assume it has to do with our work. I totally think it's that. Yeah, 100%. So having a filter in both places and then doing your protocol of getting that out of our work. I totally think it's that. Yeah, I 100%. So having a filter in both places and then doing your protocol of getting that out of our system.
Starting point is 01:36:09 100%. Now, if it is in the environment and we are filtering it and we can't locate what it is, would it make sense to take those supplements all the time considering we may be exposed more than the average person? A lot of people, I don't prefer to do that. I like it almost like you're cycling on creatine and off creatine.
Starting point is 01:36:28 That type of thing, meaning like, if it's a six week protocol, you'd wait at least six weeks to 12 weeks to then do it again. Now, but it does make sense. If you cannot remove yourself from the environment, then you need to continue to use the supplements. So a really good example is like people ask all the time, do I need to continue to use the supplements. So a really good example is like people, you know, ask all the time,
Starting point is 01:36:46 do I need to continue to do the sleep, you know, ultimate sleep protocol? Well, the answer is, if you are not in a position to get good sleep, because you can't turn off your mind, the difference is you either turn off the mind with a nutritional supplements and you get great sleep and you recover, or you decide,
Starting point is 01:37:01 I don't want to take the supplements forever, so I'm just not gonna sleep at night. Like, well, what's more important? Sleeping at night is way more important. So, using a nutritional supplements, especially since they're not megalosis. We would only do a high dose, like, so Doug, for instance, we would use 50 milligrams of zinc with you for 12 weeks.
Starting point is 01:37:17 And then we would taper that back. We might even use 75, like if you got a virus, we just won't say which one, because we're not providing medical advice, but you would then lower that to sub 50 on a daily basis between all of your supplements. But for 12 weeks, we would go higher, drive down copper, and then we would do a normal dose of like 25
Starting point is 01:37:36 to 35 billion times a day. Now for us, who had the low copper, we would take, how much, what would, how would the dose ratio supplement? Right, but what's the dose of that? So that's a good question. Well, you would use your, let's just say daily nutritional support powder every day. Okay, so that's about a 15 to one. Okay. But then for 12 weeks, you would use balance zinc,
Starting point is 01:37:55 which is another 15 to one milligrams. Got it. So then you're getting double the dose of zinc, but double the dose of copper. And then after 12 weeks to 16 weeks, then you just stick to your every day. And it should be enough. Yeah, excellent. Okay, so how do people do this with you?
Starting point is 01:38:11 Like if the people listening right now, they want to do all this testing. How does this work? So we do two parts. So there's two parts of the practice. You can come in as a brand new wellness client. We do a full 60 minute consultation, listen to your story, understand why these different things may be going on. we just listen to the story, then we recommend
Starting point is 01:38:28 specific labs, because there are over dozen labs that can be done right at home based on your particular symptoms. And then you would run those labs, then you would get a full protocol with another hour consultation, and then you would take that, you would begin it, and then another four weeks later, we would customize that even more, make additional tweaks to your protocol. Because again, it's based on bio-individuality. What if we record most practitioners, even this goes exercise in nutrition,
Starting point is 01:38:52 they do this and they're like, oh, I can't do this movement, even though I know it's great for me, like squatting because I have this in balance. Do we just squat through it? No, we're gonna correct the weak hamstrings, the weak loot, like add up, whatever it might be, and then the squats come back in.
Starting point is 01:39:04 So that's why the value of having an integrative health practitioner is there. But there are other people just cost wise that say, hey, I just want to run this lab and this lab also then comes with a consultation. Okay. So it's a third of the price. Got it. So it's a really great price. And what is this through?
Starting point is 01:39:19 I'm assuming there's a website that they would go through. There is. We've, I know your team and our team have worked together to put something together for your community. So this is only for the Mind Pump community. Okay. And that's, I know that you'll probably link it up in your show notes. If it's not this URL, I will have my team make it this URL, but it's stevencobrawl.com forward slash Mind Pump.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Okay. And that's going to be only for your community. It's going to be a greatly reduced price. Oh, I believe when this goes live, we'll already have that on our part of our page too. Yeah, okay. I'll say that in the intro then when I do this price. Oh, I believe when this goes live, we'll already have that on our part right now. There you go. Okay. Okay. I'll say that in the intro then when I do this. Well, this is great. This is a lot of fun. Very fun. Yeah, I appreciate this. I mean, this is what I love to do. This is what I do every day is going to teach. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 01:39:55 you can tell it never gets old. It's like when you find, when you look at a lab, you're looking at what's going on inside the person. Yeah. Not just the outside. Yeah. And when they start to say, Hey, this story matches up with what I see in the lab, well, then you can really say, okay, they get it, they understand if you do these things. Remember, they're helping to help this in the equation in the same longevity. And it equals deficiencies plus toxicities. If we can reduce your toxicities like heavy metals, and we can bring up your deficiencies like zinc or magnesium, then we can help you rebalance the body.
Starting point is 01:40:24 And then the body cannot allow disease to exist inside of it, because disease is a subset of deficiencies and toxicities. Yeah, well, this has been very, very enlightening. Yeah, enlightening and interesting, so. Appreciate you coming on the show. Yeah, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:39 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 01:41:14 Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. Thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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