Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1781: How Shakes & Bars Stack Up to Whole Foods, Why Training 3 Days/Week Is Best for Most People, How to Adjust Training When Starting TRT & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: March 30, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The most valuable piece of equipment in the gym, BY FAR, is the cable machine. (3:45) Is fitness... under attack? (10:32) Mind Pump on the FDA’s approval of GMO cows. (17:33) Mind Pump Debates: Bang Energy vs. Pulse from Legion. (23:58) The Government wants to maintain the illusion of freedom. (38:33) New product alert from Chili Sleep! (43:51) #ListenerLive question #1 - Do I workout as if I’m performance enhanced or do I not workout as if I’m performed enhanced? (48:50) #ListenerLive question #2 - Are protein shakes and bars equivalent to whole foods? (59:18) #ListenerLive question #3 - Can you provide tips to break through a plateau in my strength training? (1:07:33) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any advice on adjusting my training when starting TRT? (1:15:53) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com March Promotion: Limited Time Power Bundle! MAPS Strong and MAPS Powerlift for the low price of $79.99 Mind Pump #1572: Is Tonal Worth The Money? With Aly Orady Pandemic fitness trends have gone extreme — literally The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano FDA Approves First CRISPR Cows For Beef Mind Pump #1682: Bacteria For Muscle Gain, Fat Loss & Health Mind Pump #1475: Eating Meat Is Good For The Climate With Robb Wolf Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Pre-workout supplement may contain compound similar to meth Government action needed to ensure insurance against major hacking of driverless vehicles, experts warn Visit Chili Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS Fitness Performance MAPS Fitness Anabolic Mind Pump #1757: The Truth About The Anabolic Window & Protein Timing Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways To Break Through A Plateau MP Hormones Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum MAPS Fitness Prime Pro MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness)  Instagram Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf)  Instagram Jack Owoc (@bangenergy.ceo)  Instagram Kelly Starrett (@thereadystate)  Instagram Paul Chek (@paul.chek)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we had some live callers call in,
Starting point is 00:00:21 and they got coached. We actually got to coach them on there. By the way, if you ever want to be on one of these episodes, email your question to live at mineputmedia.com. Now we open the episode with an intro portion. Today's intro was 41 minutes long, where we talk about current events and we talk about some of our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:36 After that, we got to the live questions. So here's what went down in today's show. We opened up my time out the most valuable piece of equipment in the gym. Then we talked about how fitness is under attack. There's a political propaganda machine coming after fitness. I know. It sounds crazy, but it's true. Then we talked about GMO cows, bang energy, and I compared it to pulse pre-workout from Legion.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Of course, Legion won. Legion's got great supplements, and we work with them. And pulse is one of my favorite pre-workouts. If you want energy, drive, better pump, try Pulse, this stuff kicks butt. Head over to mindpumppartners.com, click on Legion, use the code MindPump for 20% off your first order. Then we talked about how cars could potentially get hacked.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Uh oh, your conspiracy hackles are getting up there. And then we talked about one of our sponsors, Uler, and they have a product called the Doc Pro, which is phenomenal. Now this particular product allows you to cool your bed or warm your bed very quickly, makes very little noise. It's very effective.
Starting point is 00:01:37 There's two sides to it. One for your spouse or your partner, one for you or just your friend. If you like to sleep in the same bed with your friend, like Justin and Adam, it's really cool. Go check them out, head over to chileasleep.com, forward slash, mind pump, that's CHILI sleep.com, forward slash, mind pump, and you will get a hookup
Starting point is 00:01:59 for some of their awesome products. There's actually a special deal for mind pump listeners only for the doc pro. So if you want to get better sleep, go check them out. Then we got to the questions. So the first caller was Keith from South Carolina, just started TRT wants to know if he should change his training. The next question was Sean from California wants to know if protein shakes and bars are equivalent to food. The next question is from Amy from Texas. She is strength training a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Wants to know if backing off on her training will give her better results. And the final question is Rebecca from California. She is working with a TRT facility, wanted some advice she's now on Anivar. So some women get prescribed Anivar to help them with their fitness goals. Also, only 48 hours left for the huge March Maps sale. So, maps, power lift, and maps strong,
Starting point is 00:02:54 both very exceptional muscle building and strength building programs. If you got them both at retail would cost you almost $300, but right now you can get them both in the maps power bundle for $79.99. So go sign up or even just go learn about them. Head over to maps march dot com. Teacher time and it's t-shirt time. Oh shit. You know it's my favorite time of the week. We have three winners this week.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Two for Apple podcasts, one for Facebook, the Apple podcast winners are Gasman 2020 and Oscar F. Barrasel. For Facebook, we have Abilene Rose. All three of you are winners. Send the name I just read over to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. The most valuable piece of equipment in the gym by far is the cable machine.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Ooh, cable machine. Proof me wrong. Our buddy's a post-crisis. It's like you saying that. You know what, a big cable guy. Hey, I'll tell you what right now. Okay, I know we talk about free weights versus machines, we've brought that up before.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yeah. But there's one machine that good trainers, free motion. We'll use all the time, and it's free motion might be one of them. It might be just a multi-directional cable machine. I had one called a DaVinci when I had my studio. It's very versatile, that's for sure. It's very versatile, and the reason why I like cable machines so much, where you just have a pulley, right, with a cable,
Starting point is 00:04:22 is because here's the downside of machines. With machines, you have with a cable, is, here's the downside of machines. With machines, you have to follow the human body, follows the machine's path, follows the machine's range of motion, follows the technique and form of the machine. But with cables, that's not the case. Cables are more like free weights than they are machines. In fact, cables, I would say, are free weights, if I were to label them, because the cable follows your body, so whether you're short tall,
Starting point is 00:04:45 they're not on a track. Exactly. Yeah, they're not on a track. So I agree, it's more like free weights. But and the one thing that makes them better, I don't think they are better, but one of the things that make them better than free weights is the time and attention.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Yeah, I mean, with cables. Yes, there's no strength like arc, right? Yeah, there's no, it's the same weight the the whole time the entire time through Which you got to think of that with free weights There's moments when in the movement when you know very little you're not having to hold or resist a lot of the weight It's being rested. Okay, so let's go into that a little bit deeper because someone might be confused right So we'll use a basic exercise like a curl
Starting point is 00:05:23 Let's say I'm curling a 50 pound dumbbell. Well, at the bottom, when I go from the bottom to this position here, I'm actually curling less than 50 pounds. It becomes fully 50 here when I'm directly opposing gravity. From here to here, it's also less than 50 pounds. With a cable, the weight is constant regardless because the gravity is affecting the weight stack, which is just going straight up and down, the cable I can move in any direction. So you get that constant tension. And the drawback is leg exercises. Oh, 100%.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah. I don't think you should replace weights with that with cables. Well, that was my biggest critique to tonal after we did the interview with the CEO and then we have a machine. We actually have a tonal machine in our gym and you can't do heavy stuff. You've never seen any video. Well yeah, legs just sucks. I mean, all upper body stuff was cool.
Starting point is 00:06:09 In fact, there's days when I was doing kind of an upper lower split and I was actually using it for a while, but man, it only a couple times of training legs on it and I quickly abandoned it. I was like, that was terrible. What ended up happening was my shoulders and forearms and stuff got more sore than my legs did because you have to hold Yeah, so you I'd max load it so I actually was putting some decent weight for my legs
Starting point is 00:06:34 But that was so hard to hang on to that what ended up getting the most work the only thing I've seen that has decent Leg activity is if you could get up like on a platform and then you could run it underneath and have a belt. So you do like a belt loaded. There you go. With the cable, so it's pulling you down and it's driving the hips down with you. But which is a very sophisticated machine.
Starting point is 00:06:57 A lot you're gonna add. It's the only machine at that point. So what are we talking about? Yeah, but I mean, there are, what I would consider fundamental exercises that you can't necessarily do very well with free weights that you would need cables or a secondary option would be bands.
Starting point is 00:07:12 For example, rotational exercises with rotational resistance. There's some stuff you could do with free weights that, you know, will give you some of that, but that direct, you know, opposing resistance, you know, when I'm rotating, cables are perfect for that, right? You know, exercises where you're pushing down, right? You can't really do that with free weights because gravity doesn't work that way, right?
Starting point is 00:07:35 But you could do that with cable exercises. And then what you said, Adam, the constant tension. Well, I love that you can push pull, and it's a natural level. Yeah, like, because the body naturally rotates anyways, I love that you can push pull and it's a natural. I love that. Yeah, like because the body naturally rotates anyways and it's something that you don't, you can't really pull that off with any other type of machine or free weights very effectively. So I tend to, and I would train with my clients a lot of times just to get them to learn, control, and be able to operate, and move, and push,
Starting point is 00:08:08 and pull, and also stabilize their hips so they don't rotate. Yes, and there's also this belief that you can't do explosive movements on cables. Now, bands you can, everybody knows that, you can do lots of great explosive movements with bands, but people like, you can't do that with cables because the weight stack flops all over the place. Well, I figured out a way around this. What I used to do with the weight stack is I would attach bands to the weight stack. So,
Starting point is 00:08:31 the top of the weight stack down to the bottom, that way when I did a quick rotation, the weight stack wouldn't flop and create slack in the cable. The bands actually kept everything taught. And I was able to do really good, explosive movements with the cable. So just overall, it's a great reason. Well, they also allow you to do very unique angles, right? So, and totally, if you were obviously of a bulk of your training is centered around the core lifts that we always talk about, then this is a fun area to explore,
Starting point is 00:09:05 which is doing these really unique elbow position, tricep kickbacks or extensions, and that you just can't do with free weights, and there's no machines that are built that way. And I would never recommend that to somebody who wasn't doing the core lifts to be messing with, flared out elbow trice know, trisop extensions and doing some weird position.
Starting point is 00:09:27 But there is value in that because it will, it will be novel. It will be different. Your body's not used to training in that plane of motion for that muscle or whatever. And so I do find value in that for the experienced lifter to manipulate that and cables provide that stimulus that you can't get from a machine or from a machine. So it looks 95% of my workouts over the last 15 years. And the other 5% by the way is when I would visit gyms or go on travel and stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:58 But 95% of my workouts, I use no machines except for cable. Who would be cable, barbells, dumbbells, and that's it. And that's how I've worked out for the last 15 years. And not only have I not missed anything, I've gotten phenomenal results, but cables have always been a piece of it. When I had my studio, we didn't have any machines except for what I said, the DaVinci machine,
Starting point is 00:10:16 which had like all these pullies on either side, so you had all these different directions. It was kind of like a free motion, but it was a little bit more complex and kind of bigger setup and even here in the studio That's it. That's what I use and that's all I ever trained people on and we got phenomenal I know that free weights and at home training is supposed to make you racist is that the same thing with Okay, is that does cable is making more or less? Tell me tell me you saw the article. Dude, I did.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I did. Okay, okay, tell me I did call this. Tell me I did not call this. Okay, so here's what happened, a little timeline. And I saw this happening little by little. So first it started with the, you know, healthy at every size movement, which started with good intentions, but really started to get distorted.
Starting point is 00:11:04 We talked about this on the show. And I saw a little bit of this in that, and I was like, oh, wait a minute, they're calling fitness oppressive, they're calling building muscle toxic, and I'm like, this sounds like political, you know, political speak. So what's going on here? Then the pandemic happened, and gyms were the first and last, they were the first place to shut down, last place is to open, okay? So they shut down gyms. They obviously were told a lot of things,
Starting point is 00:11:29 what we need to do for our health and this and that. And the most, the loudest voices that questioned the narrative came from the fitness space, which made sense. We did a whole episode on this. And it made sense to me because health and fitness people take our own health into our own hands. We're very responsible with it.
Starting point is 00:11:47 So, we're the last people to just take advice and just do something. We'll always question. It doesn't mean we're going to make a bad decision, but we're not going to, if a doctor tells me, take this and this and this, I'm a health and fitness person. I'm going to go do research and kind of like question it a little bit before I just blindly follow or whatever. So, that started happening. And he saw a lot of fitness people pushing back. And I said, oh, we're gonna be targeted.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And then studies came out showing that people who are fit and strong are less likely to support certain government actions and whatever. And I'm like, this is gonna happen. 100% they're gonna attack the fitness and health space. They want you weak and dependent. They, it is what, it is happening. So this article talks about how far,
Starting point is 00:12:29 and by the way far right, extremist, Nazi, those are great terms that they used for anything they don't like. So you don't even have to be that. You just throw it at you if they don't like you. Well, I can't be in Tifa. Yeah, well, because, I don't know, have you seen the pictures of some of these issues?
Starting point is 00:12:44 I don't think they've left. I've always said, like, you know, they're out there. No, but with the, with the, this article talks about how far-right extremist groups are going into these online fitness communities and plucking people as part of their, you know, basically it's like breeding grounds, right, for this. Which, I mean, is this happening online and the billions of people, I'm sure it is, I would bet you my house that breeding grounds for people to be manipulated into some scary ideology is greater in forums with people who have no direction,
Starting point is 00:13:18 who feel listless with no meaning, depressed, depressed, anxious, not fitness community people. So I would argue the opposite and say, it's a harder place to get people to turn them into this kind of evil ideology. Nonetheless, they're saying, oh, that's what's happening. Then there's articles that I should pull up
Starting point is 00:13:36 some of these articles that are these titles. I feel like titles. Title are getting paid to just write out landish titles. Well, anytime he sends now anything to me, I ask him that right away. Yeah. It's like, okay, is this like one person tweeting it and is it, or are they just trying to get attention?
Starting point is 00:13:51 It reminds me of like these two academics who were writing papers to get published. They were fake about dogs like showing a toxic masculinity and by like, you know, raping other dogs of the dog park or something. It was like so absurd. And it got approved and was public. Pure review.
Starting point is 00:14:11 They made it up. That's a true story. It's just like, we're just living in such an absurd time where some of these things make it to publication. Well, let me read you two other titles of articles. Okay. Here's one. Do you boast about your fitness? Watch out, you'll unavoidably become right wing. And it says, I'm not sure what exercise does for your body,
Starting point is 00:14:32 but I do know what it does to your personality and it's not pretty, okay? Here's another one. A lot of people that are left, we feel about, you know, they're trying to just improve their fitness. We're like, oh no, oh no, I can't. Here's another one. The dark side of wellness, the overlap
Starting point is 00:14:49 between spiritual thinking and far right conspiracies. This is so just insane. I wish that I was still in gyms right now so I could experience like the member who comes up says, yeah, I'd like to cancel this membership. Oh, what's wrong, sir? Is it not working out for you anymore? Yeah, no, I'm concerned.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I'm gonna become a racist if I continue. It's like so conservative. I just did a bunch of curls. And yeah, I think I'm gonna like get a truck now. For some reason, I really like Trump all of a sudden. I don't know what's going on. I'm concerned, I need to leave. No, here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Can we shut the deal? Here's the deal. This is my opinion. Okay, I'm gonna give you my opinion, but I believe it to be true. If you are fit and healthy, or at least if you take those into your own hands and you prioritize them,
Starting point is 00:15:34 it's a feeling of empowerment. Talk to anybody who's ever made fitness and health, a priority, anybody who's ever gone down that road, and they'll tell you it's very empowering. Now, you don't have to be ripped, you don't have to have super high performance or do anything like that. You just be an average person
Starting point is 00:15:49 that just does these things for themselves. It's a self-personal growth vehicle. It makes you feel empowered. You are less likely to be manipulated. You are less likely to be controlled because you feel more empowered. When you feel weak, when you feel sick, when you feel confused, when you feel like you don't have any power over your life,
Starting point is 00:16:11 you are prime for the plucking. You are a prime person for a political agenda to pick you and to manipulate you and to scare you. You look crazy. You're anywhere people gather anymore. I feel so stupid. Church is like grocery store. Like anywhere people actually like interact with each other. If you look at any where people gather anymore, I feel. So stupid. Church is like grocery store.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Like anywhere people actually interact with each other. It's like, let's create some kind of crazy ass idea to divide people. I've heard them say building muscle is toxic masculinity. I've heard just the craziest shit ever. And anybody who can, look at, look at the studies on inmates. These are male inmates, men who committed terrible crimes. Look at the studies on inmates. These are male inmates, men who committed terrible crimes,
Starting point is 00:16:46 look at the benefits they get psychologically from lifting weights. This is a huge mistake. California eliminated got rid of gyms out of prisons because they don't want inmates to get big and strong. Terrible. You had more depression, more substance abuse, more problems.
Starting point is 00:17:00 This is a fact. So by the way, they are barking up the wrong tree. The last place on earth that's gonna fall to this is the. By the way, they are barking up the wrong tree. The last place on earth that's going to fall to this is the fitness space. I'm going to say it right now. You could try all you want, but the people in the fitness space, we experience this ourselves. And most of us enter it into it through insecurities in our own challenges and troubles. And it helped us along the way. So good fucking luck. So what I say to my post was you can kiss my muscular glutes,
Starting point is 00:17:26 all these people who want to kiss. You got me to go off to your ex. I don't know. Well, did you go on off with that? The other article, I don't know if you saw it. I shared it in the group thread. I don't know if you had time to read it or not, but was it just a couple days ago, FDA approved?
Starting point is 00:17:42 GMO cows. Yeah, that's cool. What? That's so cool. So now we have pigs, cows, and then there's one. I think their salmon was one of them. Yes. So what the cows, what they did is they modified them so that they have this coat that protects them during the winter better. So in their embryo, they're basically crisper tech, crisper. Yeah. And then they'll breed them. Uh-huh, to have these thicker. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I'm not worried about the food, the meat from the cows. I think it's probably fine. It's not going to do anything. But as soon as you GMO something, well, yeah, you patented, yes. Yeah, yeah. It is now a patented product. Isn't it also interesting though,
Starting point is 00:18:18 because wasn't there some genetic traits that if you alter it, it's like you have a byproduct of that that's like unforeseen Right away sometimes. Yeah, sometimes they're pretty well tested and all that stuff I'm not gonna go down necessarily that route. I mean, I'm not talking trash because I mean I was definitely enlightened when we had a Zack Yes from yes, he got it and he was kind of breaking that down I'm I'm less worried about the like like is it chemicals and that it's more
Starting point is 00:18:46 that you're giving this control to patent, like you're saying. You know, so if you open that door for them, the cow's to be patent now, like what's, so whoever figures out this way to modify them to have the richest, best meat, can patent and then now they own the rights of that cow that, I mean, now, and that's, look, in the issue with that,
Starting point is 00:19:05 with the whole panting, if you look at the way, like imagine if Flaem and Yanns was owned by a company. Yeah. Like, you could only get a Flaem and Yann from this company because they have the Flaem, the Flaem, the thing that they say. Is that, no, no, no, it's not. I said it wrong. I actually got you to think about it.
Starting point is 00:19:19 I did. I never know. I look like a duck shale. I actually nailed it. Yeah, ducks always got. So it is spelled that way. Maybe it is Flaem and Yann. No, I look like a duck face. It's a duck's always got. So it is spelled that way. Maybe it was a philip McDonough. No, I don't like the whole. Hold it.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Okay, so here's a deal. I don't care. Do this. So long, is they don't pull the switcheroo that they did with GMOs with plants. What they did with plants was they created GMO plants, which by the way, GMO plants themselves, nothing wrong with them.
Starting point is 00:19:42 The shit that they spray all over them, that's probably the issue. That's what they found, yeah. Nonetheless, they stop, they don't label them. So if you buy corn in its GMO or corn that's not GMO, you don't know. So if they sell the beef and it says on their GMO beef and the consumers informed, I'm fine. If they pull the trick on us where you don't know
Starting point is 00:20:01 where your beef is coming from, is it GMO, is it non-GMO with the deal? That's when I'll have a bit of an issue. And let the consumers decide. I hate the deal. I'm so not super conspiratorial, but why is Bill Gates buying all the farms up? I've read about that, is that real? Why is that true?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Why is he getting in the vaccine business and then why now is he meddling with our food? Well, what's the prevailing the prevailing theory right now? Why? Why? That was I'm just got to adjust them. Yeah, there's got to be some sugar shoulder. There's got to be some 10 or 12 ideas. You know, like, like you're mentioning, right? Being able to patent food, even Rob Wolf we had on was talking
Starting point is 00:20:38 about how corporations are certain to think in that direction of really cornering the market. And I would assume that this would, and his objective is to get people to eat, plant-based type meats, and like, or be able to create cruelty-free meats or whatever. And so it's like, are you just trying to acquire all the farms so that way we don't have that as an option
Starting point is 00:21:04 anymore? And like lower the, you know, I don't know. Do you like again, this is all speculative, but I'm like, why Bill Gates, like go back to like making computer chips. Yeah, that's all I'm saying. Yeah, get back, put it, put it, put it, put it, I free, I free, I free,
Starting point is 00:21:17 I free, I free, because I had a, I had a fake chicken nugget. Didn't even know I was so fun. What do you mean? Yeah. What do you mean, fake? I was at my, my mother-in-law's house and before dinner, she had brought it, like she knows her son-in-law gets hungry all the time and like she's waiting two hours to eat
Starting point is 00:21:33 as much as she's so much for me. So she always has like little snacks or chips or dips, things for me to snack on. And she had this little dish of like meats. I'm like awesome. And I'm like eating them down with them. This is really good. Where is this? She goes, that's not even chicken. Oh, you go right through. You I'm like eating them down of them. This is really good. Where's the shows? That's not
Starting point is 00:21:45 even chicken. Oh, you go. What? What? She goes now. Yeah, she goes no, it's vegan. I'm like, oh, I'm so mad. So mad. You never get. Oh, I did. It was actually pretty good. I was really surprised. You actually tasted the engine near the ship. They do. I that's why I thought I was eating chicken. I really did. I had no idea. Was it? I mean, it looked like it. They engineered the shit. They do. That's why I thought I was eating chicken. I really did. I had no idea, was it? I mean, it looked like it.
Starting point is 00:22:08 The texture was like it. It tasted like it. I mean, the matrix, so that was the problem. Everything tasted like chicken. Yeah. But it doesn't. It was the easiest to engine. And I wonder if that's true,
Starting point is 00:22:18 like, because I haven't had a lot of fake meats before. I think that should actually might have been my first experience of having fake meat. Is that what it is? Is it that chicken is the easiest and does that deserve? I have no idea. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Have you dug, have you had any fake meat? I've had the beef. And I didn't like it personally. It didn't taste like real beef to me. Now did you go in with an open mind or did you go in bias already? I was kind of biased, but I did, but I did shut that off for a moment while I ate it
Starting point is 00:22:46 and said, okay, does this really take so long? That was palatable. I mean, it was palatable. Yeah, I mean, so I went to somebody's house, same thing happened to me. I had no ideas and they go, oh, we have items was impossible. One of the two or three that are out there,
Starting point is 00:23:00 I go, great, but I'd be polite. I'm gonna try it, probably won't kill me. Yeah, yeah. And so I ate it, but I did not say, oh, this tastes like beef to me. Yeah, I went in completely unbiased because I had no idea. And so, you know, I was fooled.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I really was. They're going, we're not that far in our lifetime. I'll have to try it. In our lifetime, there's gonna be companies that are gonna sell meat that they grow in a lab. It's not gonna be a lot of work. Well, that's what made, so that why I brought it up is that what you said. We're going this way in the GMO conversation and that, it's only a matter of time before
Starting point is 00:23:32 you're right. And the fact that it fooled someone like me, it just makes me realize like, oh wow, this is definitely gonna happen, you know. So I was so annoyed, but it doesn't. I mean, just meat in a box. It can be like a little kid, I was like spitting it out. It it just me in the box They can be like a little kid I was like spinning it out. It's on me in a box Like when you trick your candy something
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah, you know I put spinach in those pancakes I don't like it now Hey speaking of process stuff. So you guys know what I drank this morning. I've never had one before but I had a bang I've never had one of these before, but I had a bane. Bane? I did, I did, bro. So I went to the gas station. Oh, I was just like, where did you get that? Out of all of us? Like, yeah, you totally the bane.
Starting point is 00:24:10 So it's because you put it to the bank, right? Right, right. You look like a bane guy. So, no, I don't. I don't have a bank shading bane guy. No, so I went to the gas station, got gas one inside, and I needed something to pre-work out, and I left my pulse here.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So I usually will do Legion pulse pre-workout if I do a pre-workout, but it was, I was by my house, and I wanted it, I had a time frame. Like, well, it's got to kick in kind of somewhat when I get there, by the time I get there, it'll be too late to take a pre-workout. So I'm like, I'll just go in the gas station and see what they have.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And I saw bang and rock star not stuff, and bang had the most caffeine. It was like, it was like, it the gas station see what they have. Yeah. And I saw Bang and Rockstar and all that stuff. And Bang had the most caffeine. It was good. A lot of caffeine. Was it like 700? No, it's 300. No, it was probably 300. No, it was 300.
Starting point is 00:24:51 It was over 200. That was cool. Boom. Boom. So I saw, hey, the flavors, the flavors are fucking hilarious, right? So it's like, it's like unicorn sparkle or some shit like that. It's like, God, unicorn sparkle or some shit like that Forget getting the basic fruit punch or like
Starting point is 00:25:11 I want the unicorn crystal There's set up at fitness conventions awesome Fly girls dude bro. I mean it's everything wrong with the fitness in his career. We're wrapped into one company, throw it out. Yeah, isn't it? No, they double-cho it. Well, doesn't the CEO guy look, he's kind of a wild-like, a wild bird before that? He looks like, like,
Starting point is 00:25:32 pull him up, Doug, let me see what he looks like. If you look like he has hair plugs. Yeah, if you had to, like, if you had to, like, think, what would the bang CEO look like? Yeah. That's what he looks like. Yeah, he's like,
Starting point is 00:25:41 what's his history? You know what he did before? Like, what? No idea. You guys don't know? Because, I know he's quite the character right he he looks pretty wild He looks wild I think I know first we're gonna double triple down on the half naked chicks and tube tops. Yeah, they will figure out the formulation Yeah, what's his name? Doug? It's Jack O'Wach Jack do a little homework done on what he did before like how did he get how did he get to that position? Yeah, yeah I made an energy drink to bang I'm not gonna lie. The candy like flavor-ish stuff that doesn't track me, you know what I mean? Cause I am a child with that kind of stuff. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:26:06 So I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm. Oh, so I'm not gonna lie. The candy like flavor-ish stuff that doesn't track me, you know what I mean? Cause I am a child with that kind of stuff. I'm not gonna lie. So anyway, here's what I was gonna say. The kid that totally got,
Starting point is 00:26:32 you're the kid that totally got the mini-vani, what I'm saying. What? You're the kid that totally came in the mini-vani. Oh, the free candy man. No, I'm gonna fall for that shit. I had to trick. Not again.
Starting point is 00:26:43 You need to court in Marshmallow, Pete. You're not gonna get me three again. You had a corn marshmallow, Pete. You're not gonna get me three times in the same week. No, sirine. Yes. Twice. That's where I draw the line. It's a shame on me. The lollipop is not that good.
Starting point is 00:26:55 All right, anyway, so let's sit. So what we're gonna say is this is I had it worked out and I tell you what, the other ingredients and pre-workouts do make a difference, because I had the same amount of caffeine, 300 milligrams, and now it says in it that it has certain things in there, but I mean, it's a can of bane,
Starting point is 00:27:13 I'm sure it's whatever. It wasn't the same as pulse. Definitely wasn't the same. Okay, I was gonna ask you that because I've actually done that. Intentionally, I've gone back and forth to use energy drinks as a pre-workout, and although I do like energy drinks, I drink them quite frequently.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I mean, it's definitely better than nothing. Yeah, and I like them more like a, like a, like how I would have cup of coffee, but if it's not like in the morning, it's in the afternoon, I have one, so that's something that I might do. But I do notice they're not the same as if I want to be amp for a workout. I pre-workout to me is better. I get better pump with pulse. I get better connectivity.
Starting point is 00:27:47 It feels different. It feels more like a pre-workout versus like just caffeine. So that was the thing I was gonna say. I noticed a difference, even the caffeine was the same. Pulse obviously has the beta-align, the beta-team, the beta-team, the citrilline, the other compounds end up that help with performance. So I could tell, I could tell a difference.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, I was just talking to one of the kids at the workouts this morning, and he was talking about pre-workouts, but like something else, like the supplement that he was on, I hadn't heard of it. It was like not NAC, but it was something like that, like some kind of like N-A-something. I didn't know if it made me.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Maybe. Okay. Yeah, I don't know, you're looking at me and just throwing stuff. Yeah, because you know, there's like random C-B-S,'re looking, I mean, just throwing stuff. Yeah, because you know, there's like random CBS, you know? Well, some of that stuff. It's like a Fedra, but it's like, or a Fedra in, but yeah, Fedra.
Starting point is 00:28:32 But yeah, it's, I don't know exactly what that's. I don't know. I thought it was a new product that came out, I'm like, South probably know exactly what that's. I don't know. I have no idea. I'm like, stop doing this, because, you know, they may be testing this may show.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Well, dude, there was a while there where, I'm like, stop doing this, because they may be testing this may show up. Well, dude, there was a while there where, I don't remember what pre-workout was out there, but they had a compound in there that was a precursor to meth. That was true. What's it called? One, three, something, something,
Starting point is 00:28:58 maybe Doug could look it up. The company got in trouble for it, and everybody's pissed off, and you could buy bottles of the stuff on eBay. I think people bought it and stored it, so it's like a legal pre-workout trade. You know, or whatever that's going on? Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:11 But apparently, you know, it looked it up. Yeah, it was a good time. I mean, back in the day, what is it, Doug? Craze. Oh, that was what was in there. What was the ingredient in there that got banned? Let me see if I can find it. It was some, like, substances called. I don't know what it is. Now, I'm
Starting point is 00:29:25 not going to lie to you. 20 year old me. If I heard you say that, of course, if I heard you say, meth like substance would be like, why didn't they market it all the the pro hormones like steroids? I mean, that's what I do. But what in the worst steroids? Yeah, yeah, assholes. I was like, this works great. No, but, but yeah, I know I got banned for that because of it's some of the side effects people were getting. But anyway, when we were younger,
Starting point is 00:29:48 I'm not gonna, I can't speak too much. I was a feder at all the time. I was throwing that on everything. A lot of people were. And had a really good time. Can you even get a hold of a feder at anything anymore? You can. So yeah, so Sudefet.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Sudefet is chemical of feder. So you can't even buy two boxes of Sudefet without getting fish. I know, I feel like a jerk. It used to be in many things, so you could get it truck stops. And it was like some of the guys before football games would take it and just almost be like phomping at the mouth. But the dose of a fedra in suitifed is very minimal.
Starting point is 00:30:20 The old speed tax should be 25 milligrams. 25 milligrams of a fedra alkaloids, which if you took a dose, a decent dose of pseudophad, that's what you're gonna get something close to that. No. No way. You think that there's 25 milligrams of a fedra in one pill of pseudophad? Doug, maybe look up pseudophad.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Maybe you're right, it's pseudophadrin. So it's the same thing. It's just one's a chemical form. Ephedra was the herbal form. Okay. So let's look up the dose of pseudophedron in a regular dose of Suda fedron. The reason why I can't imagine that is- Maybe I'm thinking that I was just sick not that long ago, and Suda fed is kind of like
Starting point is 00:30:54 to go to, you know, what you call it, um, drug. Yeah, and I would think that if I took 25 milligrams of a fedra, I would be up. Yeah. Like, it would be up. Yeah. Like, it would keep me wide awake. It didn't stimulate me like that. Maybe I'm thinking of the 24-hour time released one, because you could buy Sudafed, that's 24 hours, and then I think it does have that.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah, the one I had is either the 12 or the 24. I don't remember which one it is. What does it say there? I don't think it's 25 milligrams, so. Yeah, I'm trying to get this. So Sudafedron is spelled with a PS, I've seen. Yeah, just look up Sudafed. You just type in Sudafed, look at the back and the ingredients and it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll, to get this. So, pseudo-fedrin is spelled with a PS, I've seen. Yeah, just look up pseudo-fed. You just type in pseudo-fed.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Look at the back and the ingredients. It'll tell you that. Okay, yeah, let me do that then. Yeah, no problem. Yeah, so it's the same chemical. It's just not herbal for them. But maybe it's the time release one. Because if you take the time release one,
Starting point is 00:31:38 you're not getting hit with all 25 milligrams at once, it releases it slowly. You know, I always thought it was interesting that, like, that they make you, you know, You can only buy one box and you get carted now because the people would take the suit of fed They crush it up and then they they turn it into meth. Yeah, they basically turn it into meth I would think that's a really expensive way to make meth like suit of fed is not cheap Yeah, but the resale at the margins on meth are probably amazing
Starting point is 00:32:01 Done that way. I mean, how else? Obviously. Well, I mean, you like one little box of Sudafet. And it's not trying to do the bath, Adam. I was like, Adam's like doing the, he's like a business guy. Or the other ingredients. Like, it's like in this big vat that we're creating crystals with, right?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah. Yeah, you know, I don't, that's why I don't know how much, like, I don't know, how much is a box of Sudafet. Maybe go that next step. How much is a box of, how much math is a box of Sudafet? Maybe go with that next step. How much is a box of suit-effect? How much math is a box of suit-effect? Isn't it? I remember seeing some picture where it showed all the different ingredients
Starting point is 00:32:30 that went into making, and it was all these horrifically toxic chemicals. Chemicals from paint thinner to all these different household items. I'm not making it with this. So the active ingredient is fennel effort and HCL, 10 milligrams. In the pseudophad. According to the label. There's got to be another form of pseudophad, because I know it's pseudophadrine.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Is what's in there. Yeah, I don't know. So I've looked and that's what I mean, I didn't think Doug was going to find it because I've always been curious about that. Like, okay, if that's got a fedra in it, what dose per pill, and I've never been able to get to the bottom of it to find out how much is in there. And I don't think it's 25 milligrams,
Starting point is 00:33:11 because the way you, I mean, I know how I fell off a 25 milligrams of a fedra. I mean, it's like taking six cups of coffee. So it doesn't feel like- Definitely a good time. Yeah. Okay, here we go. I found a dog in two seconds. So-
Starting point is 00:33:23 This guy, man, it's pretty good. 24 tablets, 30 milligrams each. I found it dug in two seconds. So 24 tablets 30 milligrams each so it's a each 30 milligrams of pseudofedrine. Yeah, now I don't know. Let me see if this is a If you take this one every four hours or if you take it well, even if it was a yeah every four to six hours Yep, there you go. So there's 30 milligrams of a fedra in a single of pseudo fedra in a pseudo fed, yeah. Suitified congestion, that's the one. Okay, so I wonder if you would, if I were to take two of them and crush them up and then, and then take it and then take it, would I get like a crazy, that's a 60 milligrams of a fedra?
Starting point is 00:33:56 You know, if you took, if you just took the regular one, I think you'd be fine, dude. Yeah, you could buy, you could even buy a, like a generic version. Now this, and what I'm seeing is a 24 hour one has 240 milligrams. Yes, spread out. Suda, a friend, Fedra and HCL. Now, now, here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:34:12 It's not 100% clear if it's a one to one ratio. In other words, Fedra, Alcaloids and Suda Fedra. It can't be so. 100 and something, because if someone did chew that or crushed that up and took 120, would you say, 100 and what? 120, I believe. 120 milligrams of actual fedra in one day. Oh, wait a minute, hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Hold on a second. That's 240 milligrams. Wait a minute, hold on a second. I guarantee you back in the day, you never took a fedra by itself. It always came with caffeine and other things. 200 milligrams, he was the dose. It was 200 makes a caffeine.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I've done a little white pills of just pure aphedra. And you did a throat caffeine on top of it. And the most I've ever read is like 50 milligrams. 50 milligrams of that stuff. And I was like, zippin. Oh, okay. So that's weird. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Um, okay, so the difference between a fedron and pseudophedron. You're like, I just found an article. The main difference between a fedron and pseudophedron is that a fedron is a simple, simple, the mnemetic alkaloid derived from a plant while pseudophedron is an isomer of a fedron
Starting point is 00:35:13 with simple, simple, thematic activity, I can't say it right. So I guess one is a little stronger than the other. So. Obviously. Yeah, so I think you might be, I think the straight a fedron alkaloids might be a little bit stronger. So obviously. Yeah. So I think I think you might be I think the straight a fedra alkaloids might be a little bit stronger. It have to be. I mean, or else you would take
Starting point is 00:35:29 a one of those 24 hour suitifeds and the first person to ever accidentally crunch it or break it down so the whole time release goes out the window and you get 240 milligrams of your right. A fedron is a more potent CNS stimulator. Yeah, you would be flying. Yeah, because and then you used to buy it as an herbal supplement. Mah Huang was the name of it. Mah Huang. I got my Huang. Yeah. M-A-H-U-A-N-G.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Now is it used in other like Chinese medicine? It's been used for a long time. The Mah Huang thing. But not what a Fedra or is it the same thing? Oh, yeah, same thing. So that's what's in there. So it's got a Fedra alkaloids in there. And so what is Chinese medicine used for?
Starting point is 00:36:04 Like what are the bronchodilator? Asma bronchitis, bronchitis. Because if you take it, yeah, do you? So it's in there. So it's got a fedra alkaloids in there. And so what is Chinese medicine used for? Bronco dilator, asthma, bronchitis, bronchitis, bronchitis. Because if you take it, yeah, I do. So I was in asthmatic growing up, and as I grew up, I grew out of it, right? So does western medicine still use it then for cases like that? Used to. Used to, back in the day. So before we got really good asthma medications like albuterol, which is just a miracle drug
Starting point is 00:36:24 of western medicine for asthma at least. They used to use, they would use caffeine or a fedra. So my sister's father-in-law, right? So he's, I think he's 70 or whatever. He as a kid had asthma and back then they had an invented albuterol yet. So what he used to do, the doctor would tell his mom, make him a big cup of coffee every morning. So as a kid, he would smash a big ass cup of coffee. Yeah, dude, because it keeps your lungs open. It's a Bronco diolus, it's a stimulant. And it would prevent him from having so many asthma attacks.
Starting point is 00:37:00 But yeah, dude, you ever use, I'd seen none of you guys had asthma growing up, huh? No, but I use Clinbuterol, which is probably one of the scariest, craziest drugs that I've ever used. That was, that, you ever use, I'd seen none of you guys had as my grownup, huh? No, but I use Clint Buterol, which is probably one of the scariest, craziest drugs that I've ever used. Yeah, that was, that was, that was, that was, I remember I accidentally took a higher, I read the dosage thing wrong on it one time.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And, and, and I really, I had like, maybe double of what the recommended dose was, but bull, I mean, I, I felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest. Yeah, that, they were giving, they were giving that to cattle to keep them lean and they built muscle on. It's interesting how it affects you.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Oh, I mean, I lost body fat so fast, it was crazy. Take a commercial for a can be, don't do it. No, I'm done. No, I'm telling you, it scared the shit out of me. It was definitely one, I mean, I didn't mess with it after that because it was so scary. I thought it was having a heart attack.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Well, they banned it because it built up in the meat of the cattle and then people would eat beef and get clean, but they're all poisoning. Oh, wow. So they banned it in most countries. You can't give cattle. So what would say again, why were they using it for the cows?
Starting point is 00:37:54 It would lean them out and bulk them up. It's actually a muscle builder in cows. In humans, it doesn't really work that way. Now, that's strange to me because I feel like that would be counterproductive for a fatty cow that you would want. You want them to build, you just want them to gain weight and mass, right?
Starting point is 00:38:07 So they would give it to cows and make it. But then I would think you'd give them a testosterone then, you know, give them all that shit. You get more amounts. Well, I know that. Yeah, definitely you see people do that with, I mean, that's how we have, you know, chickens that look like this now.
Starting point is 00:38:18 And they've, you've ever seen a picture of a chicken from the 1950s versus a chicken now? Yeah, it's crazy. They don't look, they were like little birds. Yeah. They were like little birds before and now they're, they're all like, big ass pecs now. Yeah, they look crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:32 No, it's just, and I got an article for you. Okay. So I found this article on sciencedaily.com, which people always ask me where to get articles, great place. So this was a study, done back in November of 2021. Here's the summary. Government action is needed so driverless vehicles can be insured against malicious hacks which could have potentially catastrophic consequences. A study says.
Starting point is 00:39:00 So they basically did a study and these experts went into study and said, Oh, all these self-driving cars and technology very possible and easily can be hacked. No, shit. Well, you're driving that or you can be in it. It's probably in someone to hack and crash it. So why is that different than planes? And what technology do we use to keep that from happening with planes then? Because planes are pretty much all Flying themselves. I mean they're very they're very little of the pilot is flying that's not the same though, right? I don't think it's all computerized so it could be hacked. Yeah, it can but I think that it's a sort of a closed
Starting point is 00:39:36 System. Yeah, I don't think it's good like communication from constant from the from satellites and from the internet I think with cars. It's gonna be a little bit different. I mean, you also have, you would think we would use that same technology then to build that for cars, then why would we not protect the, I'm sure that the point of the article basically is like, this is, we need to really focus on this because this could be a big issue.
Starting point is 00:40:00 You could have a bunch of self-driving cars get hacked by one person, cause mayhem. That's it. The issue is, if you don't have control, somebody can remotely just have access to your car, just like your computer. I don't know if anybody's seen that happen before, but somebody just takes over your computer all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:40:17 and it's just a logical step to then think, is somebody that may have access and control your car can like just drive it into a tree. There's no way that they're not going to give the power and control to like police forces when that time comes. When we get to the point where everybody is driving, I want to pull you over. Do you imagine that? And they're going to make a good case for it. It'll keep from high speed runaways that kill X amount of people per year and percentage.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It'll completely eliminate that and they will find a way to campaign and pitch that on us as a good idea. And then now you'll have, how could that be? You're driving and all of a sudden your lights turn on and it's like you're being pulled over in your car. That's always a double inch. That was a Stallone and, just dread. Yeah, was it just dread? Is that though, he's a cop in the future
Starting point is 00:41:08 with Wesley Snipes? Oh no, Demolition Man. Demolition Man, that's where it happens. That was a Demolition Man like that. Like literally like you're being pulled over. Yeah, that would be crazy. I did very well can happen. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:41:22 And Demolition Man, I believe there was the two story Taco Bell too. There was. It wasn't there? It was like a fancy food restaurant in the future. They couldn't say any bad. You know what was cool in that movie that I thought was kind of brilliant?
Starting point is 00:41:34 His hair. No, when he... What? What? No, not his hair. So first thing I thought of. Remember when he crashed in the car filled up a foam? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Like, hell of fast. And then he got out and he was perfectly, he was perfectly, I feel like a cannoli or whatever. But I thought that was thought of. Remember when he crashed and the car filled up with foam? Like hella fast. And then he got out and he was pretty, perfectly, I feel like a cannoli or whatever. But I thought that was kind of cool. Well, I mean, it's kind of similar to what we have with airbags now. I mean, most cars now have airbags in like side front, back, or...
Starting point is 00:41:56 Have you seen that they have airbag jackets that they're experimenting with from motorcycles? Have you seen these? No, no way. So you're riding your motorcycle, you crash, it turned into a balloon, fucking A, dude. Shut up, I wanna see this bounce down. That's only the unscrupulous bounce down the hill.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Please pull this up, I wanna see this. No, it was like a big airbag, like jacket or whatever, that inflates and then you're okay. I mean, I thought that was kinda cool. It's really, you do it just like you would like a like wave runners or treadmills where you have the, you attach the, you attach the key and if you get
Starting point is 00:42:27 what if I forget to get off? Hey honey. I'm sure that would happen, you know? It's a project trying to figure that out. I'm surprised. Yeah, they haven't been cracking down on like motorcycles just in terms of like, we're going into the future where everybody's like, we're trying to get into
Starting point is 00:42:43 automated cars, you know. Everybody's safe., where everybody's like, we're trying to get into automated cars, you know, everybody's safe. Yeah, that's like a total wild car. No, you know what I did? All right, I've told my son, I can't, I would gas prices. Yeah, no. You either gotta let you.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yeah, I, I, I talked, oh, there it is. There's, there's one of them right there. So just, that's not really that exciting. Yeah, it's just, it's just like, it's a little bit puffy. That's all you got first, don't you get some cooler, man? Oh, well, there you go. I'm like, that's a little bigger. Okay. That's kind you got first time. You get some cool enough. Oh, well, there you go. I'm gonna get this a little bigger.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Okay. That's kind of cool. I'm disappointing you guys, am I searching for something? Yeah, you're just, I'm just slipping this week, Doug. No, let's come on with you. Man. I had this conversation with my son, we were driving, and we were talking about car speed in this tonight.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So you know, a lot of cars have a speed limiter. It prevents the car from going past a certain speed. And he goes, why wouldn't they just put a speed limiter on cars that doesn't let you go over the speed limit? Like the top speed limit, which is like 65 miles an hour. Because they want the ticket, son. I told him like, dude, if they really wanted a business around it, if they really wanted us to not speed or whatever,
Starting point is 00:43:37 that car manufacturer would be 100%, you just wouldn't be able to go faster than a certain speed. No, it's bullshit. So motorcycle's come maintain the illusion of freedom. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, dude. I'm doing awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Oh, hey, speaking of tech, new tech, Adam, you were, you were talking about the new product from Chile. Oh, yeah. So I saw, I didn't realize that our buddy Kelly Starat was actually sponsored or working with Chile. And he popped up that he actually used him for like a paid ad And so obviously because I'm connected to Chile I get hit with those things and he pops up and only and he was promoting a
Starting point is 00:44:14 New model like called the doc pro or something I'm gonna not know about this looked it up and it's supposed to like cool like two times faster You can like you can have it like freezing cold and run it to hot right away. And it gets heated up really quick. I forgot it was just works really fast. It doesn't have all the tubes like the one. No, no, it still has those. I think it does.
Starting point is 00:44:34 What I saw, it looks like it just looks like a different motor unit, right? So we have your uler, I don't know if you guys have the ulers or chillies, I have the uler, right? And it's about this big. It looks like it's a little bit bigger, but like flatter maybe, which I like because it'll fit on my bed better then. But it's like a supercharged, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:52 So basically it's like, so cool the bad boom. Yeah, wait, has that just quieter too? Oh, and quieter. So what am I not, but I don't mind the noise. It's white noise. So I kind of like the noise. So, I mean, but I like on the ruler, you have the option to, there's like three levels of noise.
Starting point is 00:45:06 You can go like the medium, high or low or whatever that. So I like it. I like the white noise. Yeah, white noise actually is good for sleep. Yeah. So that doesn't bother me. So it being, but some people I know don't like any sound. Katrina doesn't like very much sound.
Starting point is 00:45:18 So I'm sure that's better. But no, it looks, it looks really cool. What does it say on their dog? I guess it cools faster. It says it say on their dog? It gets it cools faster. It says it cools twice as fast. It's quieter. Well, and why I liked that? Because the first challenge I had
Starting point is 00:45:33 when we first started working with them and I was testing out, at first I was like, oh man, this thing doesn't work as well as I thought it would work, but the problem was I was getting into bed and then turning it on. Oh, and then your body heat, my body heat was, it was so it's constantly working. So I imagine this might still work then because it's,
Starting point is 00:45:50 it's so powerful that it might, but that was one of the knocks I had on the original model was, I would, I had, once I, you know, set a timer, you just set a timer for two hours before you get in bed. So you get in and so on. And then it's set at the perfect temperature that you want versus get in, especially if you're somebody who runs hot and then you're trying to get it as cold as possible.
Starting point is 00:46:08 If it felt like it was working all night to get there, honestly, I'm just not exaggeration. I think that they're the dual one that they have that will or one is can be hot one is cold. I think it's probably prevented. Yeah. I've got countless dorses. I mean, because one of the biggest arguments you'll ever have, look, if you're watching this and you're a guy or girl, you know, you've never been married and you're going to
Starting point is 00:46:30 get married, I'm going to tell you right now, you're going to argue over the temperature. Every bedroom, when you go to sleep, because inevitably one of you wants it colder, one of you wants it hotter, or you may be doing activities, it gets you a hot or whatever. I feel like that, if it was a cool off. A family feud title, like the top five things that couples argue over. Thermostat has to be number one. What is higher finances?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Okay, money can be up there for sure. I think thermostat, if I had to take a vote, I would say that would be thermostat. Thermostat for sure. And then, you know, I still think with finances, you, someone of the Rosalache relationship is more fiscally responsible and they
Starting point is 00:47:09 tend to lead if, you know, and that's, but with temperature, it's like, if you like it hot, I like it cold, like there's no me and my wife couldn't be more opposite. We go to bed, she wears a robe on and then she's under the covers. And she's like, she's like, that's Katrina. And I'm in my fricking speedo. I throw a T-B link, it's over under her. I'm like, get this off.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Oh yeah, I'm like out dude, legs out and I'm like, oh god, I'm so hot. So we couldn't be more different. So it's definitely a game changer. Yeah, I agree. Hey, one of the favorite places or companies I work with is live on laps. So they make nutrient products like liposomal glutathione, vitamin C, their B complex,
Starting point is 00:47:50 acetyl-alcarnitine, great products, but in delivery system that was designed by pharmaceutical companies to make sure you get what is in the packet. So a lot of multivitamins and supplement companies that you take the product, you gut destroys it, you pee it out, it's like a waste of time. With LiveOn, they have a patented, or I should say a proprietary delivery system. One that works with their products, makes them absorbable, and it's quite rare.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's hard to find liposomal technology, but LiveOn Labs has it. So right now here's a promotion they got going on. So check this out. They will give you free liposomal glutathione when you bundle the B-complex with their vitamin C. So you get the B-complex vitamin C. They'll throw in the liposomal glutathione.
Starting point is 00:48:33 By the way, it's one of my favorite products. I use it pre-workout for better pumps. I use it for my immune system and for overall health. It's something that I use on a regular basis now. So go check this company out. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on Live On Labs and get that hook up. Here comes the rest of the show.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Our first caller is Keith from South Carolina. Keith, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey, I just wanted to, I'm gonna go ahead and get to it real quick. It just, first of all, thank you for everything that y'all've done. Just, it's so much information to digest.
Starting point is 00:49:07 So I'll kind of get right into it here. I'll be 52 at the end of this month, about three or four years ago. I was diagnosed with low testosterone, like many males my age. And I started taking testosterone injections. Won't go into the amounts and all that stuff. That's not really why I'm calling. So, but I'm getting in the 7 to 900 depending on the day, doing two injections, doing a half of an osteosol pill, 24 to 48 hours afterwards.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And so my question really boils down to, do I work out as if I'm performance enhanced or do I not work out as if I'm functioning? Good question. That's a very good question. This is a huge mistake people make when they go on testosterone replacement therapy. So I want to be very clear, there's a very big difference between the amount of testosterone you take to as therapy and the amount of testosterone or Androgens, let's say a body builder would take for performance enhancement. Just to give you an idea, for the person listening, a man may take 100 to 150, 200 milligrams
Starting point is 00:50:20 a week at the high end of testosterone for replacement, a body builder would take 10 times that amount on top of other stuff. So there's a big difference. Do not train differently. That's a huge mistake. So now that you're on replacement therapy, one of the biggest mistakes people often make is they go crazy with the volume and the training.
Starting point is 00:50:38 And should have. Train to maximize their new testosterone levels. Don't do that. Train as you have been and what'll just end up happening is your old training is gonna become much more effective. And then listen to your body. If your body becomes more fit, and you find yourself able to train a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:50:54 a little bit harder, and everything feels good. You're not stiff, you're not achy, you're not losing strength and mobility. Perfectly fine. But huge mistake, and I'm gonna, you're something that's funny, too Keith. I've worked in gyms for a long time, so I've known a lot of bodybuilders and people
Starting point is 00:51:09 who've taken those high doses of steroids. They make the same mistake. Like they'll go on the cycle of high doses of antibiotics, ramp up their volume and get no results and can't figure it out. So it's not magic even at those crazy doses. Or they would just get results, just they could have got way more.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Had they scaled back and scaled the volume accordingly. Keith, are you following any maps programs yet? What do you currently do? I'm not following anything. So just to give you a quick, you know, my life history in 30 seconds or even less, because it's a radio here or because it's podcasts here, I started lifting weights in the 1415 year old Mark and
Starting point is 00:51:49 the majority of my life has been an attempt to be as big and as strong as I can. And I've never been able to break the 300 pound mark. Yeah, and my and, and my waist was 34 inches at the time. And don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that happened two years ago. That was in my late teens early 20s. And so now it's a point of, I've been this big guy all of my life, but I've always hit the weights heavy. Well, there's this thing that's called advanced AGE that I have, and at 52, my body is war out.
Starting point is 00:52:32 You know, so it's just one of those things. I'm getting older and I can't lift the way that I used to lift. So, you know, with the test, that's kind of where my question fell in because when we start talking about when I hear you guys talk about lifting weights and getting the same results as you did when you were a beginner Now maybe it's hey, maybe I need to go back through that and my numbers are the same as when I was a beginner So why wouldn't I get the same results? But man, I was lifting Dale. I mean, there wasn't a day where I did plus playing ball
Starting point is 00:53:11 and that kind of thing. Keith, listen, me lifting the weights that I could lift when I was mid 20s, I was never 300 pounds of the 34 inch waist. So I don't know if that's a fair comparison. Did you play college football or were sports? No, I was, I wasn't too stupid to play or to be in college.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I was just too stupid to go to college. So yeah, yeah, that makes sense. But I chose the military route, which don't give me wrong, man. I'm not second guess in my decisions, but it just, it led me down a different path, and I'm very pleased with where I am now. I'm as far as I am, had I gone to college. But yeah, I just never got to, I did place in my profile, which allowed me to, you know, bang around a little bit, but nothing to, nothing
Starting point is 00:54:01 to brag to anybody. The reason why a budget has been never was. Well, the reason why I bring that to the vehicle, I love reason why the reason why I bring it up is because The the stronger and the higher performance you had in your 20s The harder it's going to be to achieve that later on. So it might perform My performance was okay, right compared to like I was never 300 pound You know 34 inch waist kind of guy. That's massive. So I wouldn't worry too much about that, but can we send you a program?
Starting point is 00:54:30 Cause I think maps performance would really give you a lot of good. Just gonna ask you guys where you would went. Cause typically we'd go in a ball, but I think where he's at in his life, I think I would go performance first, then in a ball like and then like. And then maybe like something else,
Starting point is 00:54:43 like strong or something like that. But I think maps performance Keith, I think you're gonna love the way that makes your body feel especially the mobility sessions I think you get a lot of value out of that. Yes, sir. I will go down any route. You tell me to go down That's that's just the way it is. Oh beautiful. All right Keith. We'll send that over to you. Okay Easy enough. I again, I can't I can't help you out or I can't Thank you enough for helping me out. Can I put two questions down? Is it okay to lead into the next question without a lot of feedback? Yeah, that's fine. Tell me how I dropped my fat percentage. Is that just part of the testosterone?
Starting point is 00:55:19 Yeah, you got it. I mean, obviously it's more complex than this, but ultimately you're just gonna have to watch your nutrition, you gotta eat less. So I would keep the protein high, cut your calories, you gotta eat less calories for that to happen. Otherwise, you'll build the muscle, and that'll help, right? Cause your speed up your metabolism. But without the focus on nutrition,
Starting point is 00:55:36 it's gonna be really tough. And you know, depending on where you're at, I actually wouldn't suggest to cut calories yet. I would literally, we just got off another call and we talked about this. I would have you focus on, make sure you hit your protein intake, right? So make sure you hit what your body needs consistently
Starting point is 00:55:54 and really just focus on that. Feed the body when it's hungry. So if you have your body's natural signals telling you you need to eat or you wanna eat, just make good decisions. I think you will naturally lean out being put on a program like performance while also hitting your protein intake. I think you without having to cut or restrict really hard, I would recommend you first just follow it like that. Yeah, just give
Starting point is 00:56:16 it some time and see what happens. I think like the new stimulus alone will totally, uh, your body's going to respond to it. And it says in your question, you weigh 265 at 25% body fat? That's ballpark, yes, it's actually 264, but yes, that's correct. I would aim for 200 grams approaching a day. So just try and eat 200 grams approaching a day and prioritize that. And then I agree, I think that we'd be smart
Starting point is 00:56:41 to kind of see what happens. He's enough. John, thank you. I wish I had or I wish you had two hours to talk to him. We'll follow up with us. Yes. Follow up with us. Follow up with us.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Oh, thank you. I do appreciate that. I saw the feedback is always a good thing. Yes. Make sure that I'm on the right track. But even more so, make sure you're on the right track. And I know you guys are. You're doing what you're doing. Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you very much Yeah, Doug you could have offered it
Starting point is 00:57:15 I got a present for you in a good Yeah, where'd it go? No, you know what? That's a really common thing like great question bro I there were guys that I worked with that were natural and then they got on their first cycle of antibiotics and they immediately doubled their training volume to all of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And then they were like, why is it not working? I don't really see great results or whatever and I remember them figuring it out and going, oh, I can't just like all of a sudden train like crazy, it's not gonna work that way. And it's even more important, that's even more true for just, just also replacement therapy.
Starting point is 00:57:47 You know, it's like, yes, do what you've been doing, then everything will work out better. You don't need to go crazy with it. Yeah, I like your guys' advice with performance. I also, I mean, personally was thinking anything hypertrophy, more of a focus. I know I've met a few of these type of characters
Starting point is 00:58:03 that used to lift like just heavy, heavy weights all the time were big guys. And just in terms of like, you know, feeling better with your joints and avoiding pain and something like a future of of training, I think, shifting it more to the hypertrophy around. Yeah, either body, body building, S type of workout, so aesthetic, split, type of mobility with with performance going kind of toggling back and forth between those programs. But yeah, really good question. And I agree, so like, it's a really,
Starting point is 00:58:32 you even see it with bodybuilding community. I mean, it was one of the things I think I remember telling you guys off-air a lot was, and I was actually really fascinated by how poor of programming that allows. Now, it's an overgeneralization. There's plenty of guys that are bodybuilding that are brilliant and doing great, but there's a larger portion of them that because they're on anabox, they get away with a lot of bad
Starting point is 00:58:56 programming. So, yeah. And so, you know, when you are on, on testosterone, it is, it is much easier to see results, but it doesn't mean a lot of the same rules don't apply to you as far as programming and nutrition. And even if you are getting results, you'd get better results if you learn to listen to your body and scale appropriately.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Our next caller is Sean from California. Sean, what's happening? How can we help you? As it gone, thanks so much for having me, and it's great to meet you guys. So I have two questions. My first question is training focused and then second is a more diet focused, but I'll give a little bit of background first. I'm 25, I've been training for the past five years consistently, doing a bodybuilding split. So push pull legs, changed up the rep scheme, but been pretty consistent with that type of training.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And then after COVID lockdown, I switched to anabolic to try and get some novelty. I'd have been seeing some results, but I'm just starting phase two. So I think it's low too early to tell. My first question is, if I'm looking to gain as much size and muscle as possible, is that program the right way to go?
Starting point is 01:00:09 Or is there a better option for me? I'm pretty consistent, no problem getting in the gym five days, so I don't really miss workouts. And then if Annabelle is the right way to go, is it too much to throw in some focused sessions on those trigger days, like to hit shoulders, biceps, triceps, something like that? Oh yeah, so you're trying to mix the focus sessions
Starting point is 01:00:31 from aesthetic with the foundational workouts of anabolic. I haven't been doing that, but I was curious if anabolic you thought was the right program for the goals if that would be a good option. Yeah, no, I love it. So what I would do is I would go map set a ball like three foundational workouts a week because the program gives you the option to two or three.
Starting point is 01:00:49 So you could do three. And then two days a week, instead of trigger sessions, do focus sessions. And essentially what you do is you go to the gym, pick a body part you want to work on, do isolation movements for it, just get a pump, and just do like five sets for it. And that's it.
Starting point is 01:01:03 So you're in and out of the gym 20 20 minutes or so, on those focus session days. That's a great combination. I think that's a perfect program. That being said, I do think there's some value in, you know, even though you're an advanced lifter, you've been training for five years consistently, you like going to the gym five days a week. I still would want, if you were a client of mine,
Starting point is 01:01:22 I would love for you to just follow Anna Bollock to a T, at least the first time around, and then we could tweak on round two with doing things like that. It's not that you can't do what we're saying right now. I just think so many times people that are training, especially guys that like to work out and lift, they tend to overdo what they need to do. There's definitely a difference between what your body can handle, salsa, salsa, and then what is optimal. And many times what happens with someone just like you, I convince them to just go three days a week of the full body routine and maybe have triggers
Starting point is 01:01:57 or something, and their body explodes with less work in the gym. And so I always gravitate towards what we wanna do, not what we need to do. That's just like human nature in general. I would say give the trigger sessions a go for a bit. The beauty of our programs is that we do have that modification available. You're able to interchange and switch things out like that and we encourage that. It's just really, it's the first time going through as it's literally written out like that, we encourage that. It's just really, it's the first time going through
Starting point is 01:02:25 as it's literally written out because that's part of the formula. Cool. Yeah, that all makes sense. And then my second question is about protein during a cut. So about 6, 4, 2, 30. So my protein goal is around 220 grams of protein per day. Would you say there's anything wrong with using way or protein way or casing protein powder to get 100 to 120 grams of
Starting point is 01:02:55 that protein as long as it's not messing with digestion? No, not necessarily, but that's a lot of protein to be getting from protein powder. And I don't have anything to support this, but man, when I was competing, I messed with this a lot, and I told, I remember telling the guys this, like, you know, I know there's no real good research to support this because most everything when it comes to meal replacement stuff is basically
Starting point is 01:03:19 for weight loss or weight gain, very specific versus body composition, or how I looked. When I got all of my protein from whole natural foods versus supplementing a lot with bars and shakes, and I went from, I did both extremes, I was really strict and did nothing but whole foods for a show. And then I did another show or prep for where I allowed like literally two, three bars and two shakes almost every day to hit the protein intake. And absolutely, I was able to lean out
Starting point is 01:03:48 and build muscle and do all the things. So I definitely was, you can do it for sure. But I swear to God, I just, I didn't look and feel as good as I did off of the whole food. So it's, so to me, it's like, yes, you totally can, but in the back of your mind, always have that goal of like, okay, if I have an option, you know, to go make myself or make a meal or buy a meal that is whole foods versus just have another shaker bar, I always would push and encourage
Starting point is 01:04:17 you to do that, even though, yes, you can still get jacked by eating all of your protein from shakes and bars. Cool. And then just the second part of that question is I'm currently on a cut, and so I've been not fully intermittent fasting, but I'll have a protein shake with some coffee in the morning, and then I'll eat, starting at noon. Normally, balanced meals the rest of the day is doing something like that, going to mess with my metabolism and slow down or mess with. No, no, no, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It's a great strategy. Yeah, there's nothing I like that. Yeah, no, it's great. All right, well, thank you so much. That's all I had. All right, man, thanks for calling in. Cool. All right, thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Yeah, there's a lot we don't know about food. We learn stuff all the time about new, you know, phytonutrients and micro-nutrients and the way things work together. And oh, look, the bacteria interacts with this and your mouth and it causes this to happen you're gotten. There's so many things we don't know that it's arrogant for us to have protein powders and bars and supplements and say, this is the same thing as food. It's not the same., now contains food, right?
Starting point is 01:05:26 Way protein comes from milk, but is it the same thing? No, I think there's, it's obviously not the same thing. One is a powder that has a long shelf life, the other one is come straight out of a cow. So I agree with you Adam. Now again, is it gonna make a big difference for someone who just wants to be generally lean and right and whatever, probably not?
Starting point is 01:05:44 Although I can make the behavioral argument, right, that you're depending on, you know, processed shakes and bars and stuff. From a physique standpoint, I think the more fit you get, the leaner you get, the more of a difference it makes. And I did the same thing. I tested it myself and I always look and feel better, Whole Foods based than when I throw in a lot of shakes.
Starting point is 01:06:03 And I just, I really, And by the way, we're sponsored by supplement company. So, yeah supplement company. So yeah, so it's not advantageous for us to promote No, so that's just the truth, but it is the truth and you know, and I can't point to Research that really supports my argument and I know I'm purely going off of my experience But you know, I've tested that several times and it's very clear to me that I look and feel a little different when I go all whole foods versus when I use the shakes and bars. And there's other things too that I like so when you're doing a lot of the process stuff, there's a lot of artificial sweeteners and stuff that are in there. I noticed I have more cravings
Starting point is 01:06:40 when I'm doing the bar like, yeah, I always remember I remember. Like the same calories don't make you feel the same in terms of exactly. Exactly. So if I'm in a cut, eating the whole foods really helps me stay satiated where, man, when I'm in a cut and I'm doing bars and shakes, I find myself like, oh, I'll get another bar.
Starting point is 01:06:57 And then even three bars in a day, and it's because it kicks the appetite up. So, yeah, there's other reasons why I think that, and I think the move is to not shame or demonize somebody who's utilizing shakes and bars that frequently, but you just encouraged them that, hey, you know, if and when you can, always try and get whole foods first. And then that's a great option if you can't, but the, the goal should always be.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I found it more valuable and bulking to use shakes and bars because of the appetite thing. Thank you. Cutting with bars and shakes is really hard. It's so much better with Whole Foods. Yep. Our next color is Amy from Texas. Hi, Amy.
Starting point is 01:07:35 How can we help you? Hi, y'all. I just want to thank you for stuff before I get into my question. Y'all have helped me so much just from like Ben Jing Y'all's YouTube and listening to your podcast and Y'all are of a really great value to the fitness community. So thank you so much for helping me and everybody else. Mostly Justin and I, right? Yeah. Yeah. Good. Just make that clear. There's some credit here. So I'll just read
Starting point is 01:08:03 all my question. I'm a yoga instructor. I I'll just read all my question. I'm a yoga instructor. I've been practicing for 10 years. And I've recently got more serious about my strength training goals. The numbers are pretty arbitrary, but I progressed a lot in the past six months. I really want to get a hundred pound military press. I'm at 85 pounds right now, and I can wrap that out five. Sorry, I'm at the gym. I just got done working out. I'm a little out of breath. But I can wrap that out for five
Starting point is 01:08:37 reps, five sets. And then I really want to get 230 pounds for a really deep squat. When I really started evaluating my goals six months ago, I was squatting right up parallel or a little bit above at like 185 and all the weight was loaded into my quads, obviously. And I had a girl at the gym who was like, hey, to get more glute activation, you want to get really low.
Starting point is 01:09:00 So I regressed my weight and I started at 95 pounds and since then I've been able to get to 165 in a little under six months. I practice yoga two times a week in addition to lifting five days a week and I always do like one solid mobility day with kettlebells. I teach upwards to 10 classes a week. I personally train on the side. I've been doing that for a year and I am studying to be a registered dietitian so I walk a lot on campus and I'm wondering like what's causing my plateaus and my military press and my squat. My other lifts like dead dead lifts, RDL, bench press, and good mornings are all really solid. And I'm focusing on these specific lifts because they give me a lot of challenge. Amy, how old are you? I'm 29. Okay. Yeah. So I love our strength focused
Starting point is 01:09:58 you are as a yogi practice. That's a yoga in combination with strength training. Like, and you're a dynamic duo. You're an instructor, so you know how to do it right. Yoga with strength training is such a great combination. It's an amazing combination. Okay, so you want to get strong real fast? Not like, I'm patient, but I'm very like goal oriented. So me setting these goals to myself, I know that it might be a battle of my mind as well
Starting point is 01:10:22 to where I'm like, okay, now I have like numbers in my head and I just want to get there, but I'm also, you know, interested in just like the journey. And I'm wondering like what's hindering my progress. Yeah, yeah, I got you. No, I mean, let me rephrase a question. Do you want to get stronger and do you want to feel the strength? Do you want to start to see those results happen? I think the answer is yes. Okay, you're doing too much resistance training. So you're doing two yoga classes a week, you're teaching a lot, which you're not doing the full class, but you're still moving. You're doing a lot of walking. There's a stress of studying for what you're studying for five days a week of strength training on top of the yoga as a lot. I would say do three
Starting point is 01:10:58 full body workouts a week. Literally a ball. Yeah, maps and a ball. It would be perfect. Do the three foundational workouts a week option on there because there's a two versus a three one, three foundational workouts a week plus the two yoga, and you'll see strength gains come on, especially phase one, you'll see them come on real fast. Especially if you stay consistent with the trigger sessions too.
Starting point is 01:11:18 You'll see them come on real fast, Amy. You're just doing a lot, you're doing a lot of exercise training and activity. It's probably why you're plateauing. And also, okay, have a little empathy for yourself too, like you're kind of kicking ass already. So what you've, the fact that you've increased the depth, you started at 90 something pounds, you had 130 something pounds on your squat, you're overhead pressing 85. Yeah, overhead pressing, almost 100 pounds already.
Starting point is 01:11:43 I mean, you are strong. And then you also practice yoga, so I'm assuming that you have pretty good mobility too. So I think you're doing pretty damn good. But I get it, I get the being very goal oriented and wanna stay focused on something like that. I agree with Sal, I think that maybe all you have to do is actually kind of scale back a little bit on the volume and focus on like a full body routine
Starting point is 01:12:09 And I think your body's gonna respond. Yeah, I bet you in phase three weeks of phase one of maps and a ball Like you'll see a 15 pound Bump to your squat alone if not more and you're overhead press too, so If you don't have that, we'll send that to you. You're ahead I also that keep in mind I agree with you, but the overhead press will be slow, right? That's a slower one than this one. Well, also, too, just if you can, maybe during your trigger session days,
Starting point is 01:12:33 or keep it fairly light, but overhead carries and adding a rotational type of exercises in there to reinforce those shoulders, really going to aid into your performance as well just to keep that in mind. Okay. Amy, do you have maps in a ball? Because we'll send that to you if you don't. I don't.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Okay. You know what I'm going to do? I want you in our forum too. I want to follow along because I'm excited to hear about how fast you're bigger. Considering where you're at and what you're doing, I mean, if you're on my client, I'd be so confident that I'd get you strong really fast just by taking from five days to three days full body. So I wanna see what happens. We'll let you in our forum for free
Starting point is 01:13:10 and then give us some updates, okay? Okay, so it just, I mean, it gives me kind of anxiety to not train that often just because of the... I'm not gonna do that. Just because the gym is like my flow and happy state. I'm on the head. Amy, you can go to the gym every day. Yes, go. is like my flow and happy sleep. Amy, you can go to the gym every day. Yes, go.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Just don't walk and do yoga. Do your immobility. You could do, you know, you could do priming sessions. Bidding. You couldn't have enough. You could do stuff. You can go to the gym every single day. Just don't lift weights every single day.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Yes. Okay. But you can go to the gym and do all, do other stuff, if you want, there's nothing wrong with that. If they have a sauna, steam room, utilize that, I mean, have fun. There's nothing, I look, I get the mental part, trust me, I work out daily for the mental parts,
Starting point is 01:13:55 so I get that, but you're gonna get stronger with maps and a ball, faster than you have before. Well, you said you do some mobility with kettlebells, right? I mean, there's a lot you can do to kind of reinforce stability and structure there with like a bottoms up light press. You can do like Turkish get ups, you can do windmills. All that stuff is going to contribute into your overall strength. So just keep it moderate to low intensity.
Starting point is 01:14:21 That's the key. Do you have any of our programs yet? I don't. Actually, this is random. I just finished Paul Chek's scientific stretching. So I had done a few of his continuing education. So I just found y'all six months ago and I've been binging your free resources on YouTube and then your podcasts. So I was like, okay, I'll invest in Mind Pump as my next block of continuing education. Yeah. Paul Chek has got great, great courses, great stuff. So I'm sure what you're hearing from us is kind of what you learned through his courses as well. Yeah. All right, cool. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Well, I mean, good luck. Thank you so much. Yeah, we'll see you inside the forum, huh? For sure. All right. Cool. Thank you all. Thank you. Bye. Bye Yeah, that's a it's always a hard right? I mean by the way 90% of people are not don't have this problem 90% of people you got to like kick them in the ass to get them to work out It's the trainers. Yeah trainers and athletes. Yeah, people that yeah, no 100% and Boy, was she a dead giveaway too when she said that I knew it too. I knew it
Starting point is 01:15:23 I said you just confirmed that we definitely need to do that. So 100% but hit around the head. I tell you dude, I've had clients like this, exactly, literally yoga instructors who do the same thing. And I'm like, no, I'm gonna train you twice a week. That's all you're gonna do. What trust me? And then their strength just goes through.
Starting point is 01:15:38 So was her, so when she says five days a week, was that and then also the yoga and then also the kettlebells or the kettlebells including she really it was all of it all of it. Oh wow. Yeah, she's overdoing it. She's all the walking and all the stuff that she's overdoing. Yeah. Our next caller is Rebecca from California. Rebecca, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, thank you so much for taking my question. A little background a few years ago, I lost about 90 pounds, but I kind of hammered it off of myself. So I was not in a great place metabolically when COVID hit.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I'm an oncology social worker in a big hospital. So as you can imagine, the last couple of years have been pretty rough mentally and physically. And I just started stacking on body fat at a pretty alarming rate. I realized I needed some help. So I got into therapy, I hired a nutrition coach, and I just started taking better care of myself. Physically, I just wasn't myself, and I felt kind of like garbage. So I thought there might be a hormonal component to what was going on, and I actually reached
Starting point is 01:16:43 out to three different doctors, and none of them would even run the blood work. So I got really frustrated, but I listened to you guys, so I realized this was not going to happen through my insurance, and I reached out to Dr. Rans team at Regenerative Sports Medicine, and had a consult with them. Amazing experience. I almost cried after the meeting because it was just such a relief to have somebody listen. They said basically my blood work looked great.
Starting point is 01:17:11 My testosterone wasn't subclinical but it definitely wasn't optimized. So given my goals and my symptoms, they gave me a prescription for oxandralone, which is anabar, and I started that about two and a half weeks ago. A little bit before that, I also started to try and do a cut again. I'm eating about 1800 calories a day, hitting my protein, and then as far as training,
Starting point is 01:17:37 I lift weights in a non-crusted class setting about four days a week. And then I pull dance two to four hours on the weekends. So didn't all of that, is there anything that you guys would recommend that I shift about my nutrition or my training, you know, potentially I could start to feel a lot better in the next couple of weeks. And I'd really like to make some momentum towards my goals.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Amitant's coming back. I got some small outfits to wear. So super open to anything you guys say. Rebecca, you're doing everything right. Yeah, I was gonna say, right now I would, let's see what happens. I feel like you're doing everything right. You went to, you started talking about taking care of yourself.
Starting point is 01:18:19 I mean, when you started telling us about your job and what happened and how, you know, I was, I was ready to say, look, you need to take care of yourself. You need to work on that part first, but you got there already. You're working with a therapist. You're working with your nutrition. You're doing the workout.
Starting point is 01:18:32 You're optimizing hormones, which really helps you. It kind of gets you out of that hole, right? Because you're in that hole a low energy. It's hard to get out of it. The oxygen alone is probably going to make you feel better. Works pretty quickly from what I'm aware of, so you'll start to feel more energy. You're on the right track. Here's what I'm going to say to you.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I'm going to caution you to not overdo things, because I think you're going to want to. You're going to want to just scale things up and ramp things up and push it harder and harder, because you're probably going to start to feel really good. Be patient, let your body work, and if anything, I'd say also focus on rest because what probably got you here, excuse me, what got you here was the stress and maybe not getting enough sleep or stress management. So make sure you take care of yourself in that way as well.
Starting point is 01:19:17 But you're doing great Rebecca. I can't wait to see where you're gonna be at in three to four months. I wanna, in your notes, I saw something about your dietician having trainers that listen to Mind Pump. What does that say? So everyone, everyone on the team, trainers are listening, nutrition coaches listening. So they're all prepared to help me with any recommendations that you guys have.
Starting point is 01:19:41 You're on fire. Listen, you're going to be, if you, if you maintain, and I'm telling you right now, like what program we own right now. Yeah, are you following one of our programs? By the way, that's a good question. So I was going to ask you guys about that. I do lift weights in this class setting, and I'm not married to the programming per se, but it is my transitional activity like from between work and home and so I need the people in my life just for my own sanity But the trainers are super flexible so I Had a thought that I could maybe run anabolic and Kind of tweak what I'm doing in class to fit that programming and then anything I can't do in class I can do either my home gym or the gym on campus. I would love that.
Starting point is 01:20:25 I would love that. That might be too much right now. And I'll tell you why, you said the trainer's doing the class or listening to the show. And you said something that's really important. That's really important. I said dietitians, dietitians. She said the trainers too.
Starting point is 01:20:36 The trainers in the gym too. Yeah, everybody. You said something that's really important to me, which is that you really need those people in your life. That's going gonna be more valuable than perfect workout programming right now. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna send you Maps Prime Pro.
Starting point is 01:20:51 I want you to do mobility stuff on your own at home, just to reinforce your joints and keep yourself healthy. Stick to what you're doing with your trainers right now when you're ready to move to more specific workout programming. I think Maps and Ob like would be perfect. But if you can identify that the people in your life in the class are very important to you right now, that's gonna be more valuable.
Starting point is 01:21:12 And I'm gonna tell you right now, the thing that the roadblock that's gonna get in your way is gonna be you trying to overdo things. Throwing, you're gonna feel good and you're gonna wanna do more and then you're gonna feel better and you're gonna wanna do more and that's gonna backfire.
Starting point is 01:21:25 So be very, very calm about this. Take your time. Don't work with your body. Allow your body to work with you. Don't force it. Don't try to force it. And you're gonna do amazing doing all the stuff that you're doing. Yeah, I'm with you with sticking with that for right now.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I mean, it'd be great if you could pursue something like a personal trainer to work with you individually and get more on the weight training specific strength training side of things. But I think that would be sort of the next step after you get to a good place with where you're at right now. Yeah, I agree with both my only concern about the class setting. And I, and is, and coming from a coach and teacher who taught class weight training is they can't even if the programming says for you to rest everybody when they're in a group setting has
Starting point is 01:22:12 this tendency to keep going and going and they don't give themselves adequate rest between sets so my advice to you would be if you are going to do the class setting and kitchen doing it strength training, is, you know, please, you know, give yourself, you know, 90 seconds of rest between sets and and fight that urge of, you know, everybody else picking their weights up and going right back at it. It's so important that you do that or else all we're really kind of doing is cardio with weight. So that's my only concern with the class setting and how it can, it could promote that kind of way of training, but where I wholeheartedly agree with Sal and this is a great conversation
Starting point is 01:22:55 to have is that this is an example of where even if you were doing CrossFit and the way you explained how important it was to you community wise and it's right from work and it's keeping you consistent. That would trump my desire as a trainer to move you in a different direction and strengthen you wise because consistency trumps that. Because you're actually gonna do it.
Starting point is 01:23:15 And you're happy and you like it. And so that's so important to me as a coach. It'd be different if you're just like, hey, I'll do whatever you say. I'm motivated to do that. I don't care. Yeah, and I don't care. And you're not attached to that.
Starting point is 01:23:24 But you've already expressed how valuable that is to you say. I'm motivated to. Yeah, I don't care. Yeah, I don't care. And you're not attached to that. But you've already expressed how valuable that is to you already. And that that is important. Even if the programming is subpar in comparison to you following a strict MAPS and a BOLIC program with a private trainer, if you're less likely to be consistent with that, then I don't want you to try and do that. So if you are going to do the class, that's my my big recommendation is just fight the urge of not falling into the circuit training type of trap. And then the other thing I'm going to add to what Sal said, because it is going to happen, because you're going to start seeing better and better results and you can get
Starting point is 01:23:57 motivated. What's the prime pro dot com? What's my webinar? Yeah, prime pro webinar dot com. Okay, so if you haven't gone to PrimeProWebinar.com and download that free mobility workout, I put for 50 minutes on there, do that and keep that. And every time you have the urge to go do more because you're motivated, you're feeling great and you just want to be more active, turn that on at your house and do that
Starting point is 01:24:23 and or go for a nice work. We're gonna send our PrimePro, so it should be able to even individualize it, but that class at your house and do that. And or go for a nice one. We're gonna send our prime pro, so it should be able to even individualize it, but that class will give her a good idea. Well, get your story to follow. Exactly. Right, versus you having to kind of, like if you're gonna have a day where you're just like,
Starting point is 01:24:34 you got energy, you're motivated, you've already done your routines, and you wanna do more, go follow that class, do that mobility workout I have, and or go for a nice walk. There's your prescription for the days when you start to want to do more for now, I would say do what we're doing.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Yeah, I do have a tendency to over train and under eats, and I've heard myself a couple of times. So I actually do have prime pro, and it really helps me rehab a hip injury that I had because I was doing too much and getting a little out of control. So I will absolutely keep up with that. Well Rebecca, I want to give you something for free because I like you so much.
Starting point is 01:25:13 You ever had a ball? Are you in our forum? I am so I'm in the forum. I have anabolic performance and a study. All right, you got anything you want to give us? Yeah, name something. I'll give it to you right now. Do you want any programs you want to Mars? Strong I won't strong. All right. We'll send you strong. There you go. All right. Go but don't go don't do strong on top of your classes
Starting point is 01:25:35 Wait a minute. Are you freaking us? They'll watch me and my trainers will watch me they'll yell at me if I get out of control and they make me time my rest I have to time it oh That makes me happy. Yeah, I can't be trusted on my own. Good, good. Thanks for calling in Rebels. We'll send that over back. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Thanks. Wow, that makes me so happy. She did a lot of the right stuff from where she was at. She's in the right, moving the right direction. She'll screw herself up if she over does it, but if she doesn't, she's gonna be, this is gonna be such an incredible transformation. No, I can't.
Starting point is 01:26:07 She seems pretty self-aware though, going through this. You know, so I think she'll be able to recognize the same thing. Shit, even the fact that she's got coaches timing her, because she doesn't even trust herself to do it. That's amazing. So she's in a great path right now. Now, the other thing I want to comment on
Starting point is 01:26:20 was her experience with hormones with her general practitioners. It really annoys the shadow of me because I've had this experience, not with hormones, but with other things. Really, hey, Doc, I'd like you to, I want to get this tested and see what's going on and they dismiss you. And it's just so damn frustrating.
Starting point is 01:26:36 It's so annoying. So it's like you want to take your health and do your own hands, but they make it harder. So I'm glad she went to mphormones.com, talk to the team over there, because they're definitely on the forefront with that. I also think it's important to highlight again, just, you know, she's a perfect example, right?
Starting point is 01:26:53 Everybody knows that we, you know, rag on CrossFit all the time, and we tease the orange theory and the F-45 classes, and we kind of bag on that a lot, but here's a perfect example of where I would be fine and it encouraged you. Because I, from what she's telling me, like that, if I got a client who's just like Adam,
Starting point is 01:27:11 I mean, it's right next to my work, it's perfect timing for me, because people are really important to me. I've met great relationships, I have a friend now and there, and we have this accountability, I mean, boy, does that, that matters more. I, regardless of I know that it's subpar programming in comparison to you following like a
Starting point is 01:27:30 MAP Santa Bob program, it doesn't matter at that point. There's other, other things that it brings a tremendous value to you. Totally. So that's where I would, I would compromise as a coach and say, you know what, let's, let's do it. And then eventually what I would, what I think would happen is she would get the momentum, she would start to build the body and kind of be at the place she wants to be.
Starting point is 01:27:50 And then now she's like, now you feel kind of on top of the world, you kind of accomplished a lot, you've made huge moves, you've been super consistent, and now you're like, okay, Adam, what could I do more? Okay, well, let's get into some good programming. Exactly. I focus on strength. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Look, if you like our information, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any fitness goal and they're all free. You can also find us all on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at MindPump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at MindPump. Adam and you can find me on Twitter at MindPump. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:28:26 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming, designed by Sal, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 01:28:55 Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support,
Starting point is 01:29:22 and until next time, this is MindPump. friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is Mindbump.

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