Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1783: The Truth About Abs Being Made in the Kitchen, How to Prevent Becoming Muscle Bound, the Effectiveness of Massage Guns for Recovery & More

Episode Date: April 1, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether abs are made in the kitchen, why bodybuilding or strength training can results in limited mobility, whether... massage guns are a helpful tool for recovery, and if eating fat in a post workout meal can slow down digestion and inhibit absorption of nutrients.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Alright, we did questions in this episode. We answered people's fitness questions, but we opened the episode with an intro where we talk about current events
Starting point is 00:00:26 and some of our sponsors. The intro was 46 minutes long. After that, we got to the question. So here's what went down in today's show. We opened up by talking about the secret to forever fitness. Literally, this is the secret. Then we talked about what everybody's talking about right now.
Starting point is 00:00:39 The slap heard around the world. Will Smith and Chris Rock. Then we talked about one of the companies that we are invested in called Luna. Luna is a company that connects you with physical therapist. They come to your house for physical therapy. You don't have to go through your primary care physician. You go directly to them, your insurance covers it.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It's exceptional. So if you want PT, you don't like going to a PT office. You have sore shoulders or bad hip, low back pain pain or your postpartum, go to Luna. They're incredible. And by the way, if you're a physical therapist and you'd like to do some extra work and moonlight a little bit, that's how it works. You contract with them kind of like an Uber employee and you make some extra money. Head over to mindpumppartners.com and click on Luna.
Starting point is 00:01:24 If you're a physical therapist, you can apply, if you want to be a patient, ask for a physical therapist. Then we talked about the multi-grip bar back workout. This is a cool little back workout that I did today. And I use the PRX multi-grip bar handles. PRX makes some of the best at home gym equipment. It's commercial quality, but it's designed to take up minimal space.
Starting point is 00:01:44 So they have squat racks that fold into the wall, take it, come off like a few inches, then when you take your car out of the garage or whatever, you can unfold it, very stable squat rack. They have benches that do this, plates that go in the wall. It's really really cool, great company. You can also pay monthly, so it's like paying a gym membership except you can work out,
Starting point is 00:02:01 make it if you want, it's in your house. You can work on your gym, just like Justin does. So go check those guys out. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on PRX, Performance, and you'll get a 5% off automatic discount. Then we talked about Justin working out with this high school football team, and then we talked about being with our kids
Starting point is 00:02:20 without our wives and how hard that is. Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one. Are abs actually made in the kitchen? The second question, this person wants to know why bodybuilding makes you tighter. The third question, this person wants to know if massage guns are valuable.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And the final question, this person wants to know if eating fat, post workout, slows down absorption of nutrients. Also, these are the final hours for our March Super Sale. So we took Maps Power Lift, combined it with Maps Strong, and called it the Maps Power Bundle. Each program is about three months long. Maps Strong designed with a strong man competitor.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Maps Power Lift designed with a champion power lifter. Both programs together would retail at $300. But right now you can get them both for $79.99. Again, these are the final hours. So if you just got to this episode, when we dropped it, you'll only have a few hours to take advantage of this. So head over to mapsmarch.com. Once again, mapsmarch.com.
Starting point is 00:03:20 All right, here's the deal. There's no secret to forever fitness success, but there is a single answer, and that's this. Fall in love with the journey. That's it, that's the one. That's not a big-off. That's a big moment. Powerful.
Starting point is 00:03:34 No, you know what? No, let's get into a little deeper because this really is the secret, okay? Now obviously, there's lots of components that make up what a good successful long-term routine look like and diet. But at its core, if you talk to anybody who's been doing this for a long, long period of time, because that's where you really want to get your answers.
Starting point is 00:03:54 People who've done this for 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, who've been working out for a long time, they stop caring about the goal. It's really not about goals anymore. It's not about, I want to bench this much, I want to lift that much. I want to get that lean It's all about I just love the process when you fall in love with the goal Eventually you hit that goal and you're screwed and we've all experienced this right when you're you obsess over a goal I can do it. I'm gonna hit this particular goal then you get there and you're like now what? Versus I love the process, I love the journey.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And then the side effect of that is all the goals you could ever dream of, all the success you could ever dream of, it just happens because you love the journey so much. You don't stop working out when you love working out. You don't stop eating healthy when you love eating healthy. But if you work out to look a particular way, if you eat to look a particular way,
Starting point is 00:04:43 and you eventually hit those goals, it's gonna be a big challenge to stay consistent. I mean, I think that's the recipe for any success, total pursuit, work, school, driven, relationships, anything in that direction, is just to really focus on, you know, the day to day process and really learn to enjoy those things, even if when they are challenging, because on the other side of that, you reap all the benefits anyways as a result. So why be miserable on your way through? No, how do you communicate this to somebody
Starting point is 00:05:13 who openly tells you, I don't like this process. I hate doing this. I work out because I know I need to, because I know it makes me healthier, but every bit of it, I do it begrudgingly. You know, it's almost never the... Not of course, let's be clear. You could do things wrong. You could do things that hurt
Starting point is 00:05:36 yourself a lot of stuff. So if we're controlling for that, it's almost never the thing that you're doing. It's the mindset of the person that's doing it. It's almost always that, right? It's almost always, well, why do you hate it so much? It's hard. I got to wake up early and I'd rather be doing this or that. Or I just want to lose 30 pounds when we're not that bad or I hate my body. Now this exercise is kind of a punishment.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's usually the person's mindset that's causing those issues. And so rather than look, because here's what ends up happening, Adam, and I know you guys have seen this, right? The person searches for the different method. Well, I hate this kind of, actually, I'm going to do this one. I hate this diet. I'm going to try this one. I'm going to try that diet.
Starting point is 00:06:19 And it's just because their mindset remains the same, no matter what they do, they're going to hate it. Versus working on the mindset, okay, I'm doing this because I'm taking care of them. Who doesn't like to take care of themselves, right? I'm doing this because I love myself. I'm taking care of myself. I'm gonna modify my workouts
Starting point is 00:06:32 to improve my quality of life right now. So if I'm tired, it's gonna be more of a relaxing workout. It's gonna be stress relieving. I'm jazzed, I'm gonna go after it, right? I'm enjoying the process and if you figure out how to enjoy that process, which takes time, then everything else takes care of itself. But it's the mindset of the person going into.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I remember a while ago, we had somebody ask a question that said, the secret to long-term financial success is doing what you love or finding something that you love. And I remember Adam, your reply was, no, learn to love what you're doing. That's the real answer. That's our answer. Right. You remember saying that? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I think also part of the problem too is people's idea of how they need to go about it. So I think that has a lot to do with why they hate the process. It's because I think the process to them is Is way worse than what it needs to be right? Like I think this idea of like you got to cut way back on these things You can't have the foods that you love to do has to be miserable. You got to crud. Yeah So I think that's a big part of the problem too So in my experience when people say that they hate coming to gym they hate that process
Starting point is 00:07:43 It's because of the relationship that they have with exercise. It's been talked to them the wrong way. And so I think if you can explain to them, listen, we don't, in fact, we want to do a lot less than what you're doing. We just want to do a little bit and create some good habits around and build upon it. I think when they, when they start to piece that together that it doesn't have to be this like all or nothing mentality, I think that they, they, they start to piece that together that it doesn't have to be this like all or nothing mentality, I think that they start to change their, totally, their relationship. You also start to, you also, through that process, you start to develop a different relationship
Starting point is 00:08:14 with struggle and with pain. Like this is a big one. Like I remember as an early trainer, it was always weird to me training someone who'd never exercised before, how they would react to the burn that they would feel. And I would, I mean, I was training him appropriately.
Starting point is 00:08:27 So it wasn't like I was hammering anybody, but I remember one specific instance where this woman was doing tricep, never exercised before. She was doing rope press downs and I had no weight on the stack at all. Very light, just wanted her to kind of feel the range of motion. She did it and then she'd let go of the rope and it slammed. Ah, and I'm like, what's wrong? She's like, I think I'm hurting myself. And so what do you mean? She goes, well, I was, I'm like, you mean it burns? She had a completely different relationship to pain because, you know, she had no practice with it.
Starting point is 00:08:57 You know, like, when I work out and I've been working out forever, I feel probably saying pain or more pain than somebody who's never exercised because I've been trained so long, I push myself, but it doesn't, it's not the same relationship. I doesn't feel bad to me actually start to enjoy that whole process of it, right? So it's definitely a practice. That should be the goal though. The goal should be to,
Starting point is 00:09:17 this is why I tell people, when you go to the gym practice your exercises, learn to skill, you know, you should feel better when you leave than you did going in, not what people tend to do, which they feel shitty afterwards so they beat the crap out of themselves. Well, it's interesting. It's part of that, not having that mindset, I think is why we see so many different modalities and so many different diets. Totally. It's because we want to just distract ourselves with something else. Yes. It must be this, that was the problem. You know, it's always a deflection of other things
Starting point is 00:09:46 that is the reason why I'm not enjoying this and I'm not getting the results I want. It's gotta be this method. Dude, it's no joke, just maybe think of something. It's like the dude that's like, he just dated like 10 people. He's like, I don't know, man, I just, you know. Girls are crazy, they're all crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:04 She smelled. And you're like, well, there's one comment and nom't know, man, I just, you know. Girls are crazy. They're all crazy. She smelled. And you're like, well, there's one common denominator here, my friend, like 10 crazy chicks. Maybe you, you might be the problem. So if you've tried like 50 million times to different types of workouts and all these different diets and, ah, they all, whatever, the common denominator is you.
Starting point is 00:10:20 It might not be the program or the diet. Maybe you, you might have the wrong mentality and you might be dreading the journey or purposely, not realizing it, maybe subconsciously dreading the journey so much that nothing else is going to work for you, of course. We're totally calling you out right now. Yeah. Well, speaking of crazy, what y'all think about that will smith smack. Oh.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Oh, dude. All right. I've been holding it in all four of you. I've got to talking to you guys. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm sorry. I'm really, really talking to you guys.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. I'm really, really talking to you guys. Action slapping like his technique was just very
Starting point is 00:11:11 It's like Chris Rock's face looked like he was ready for it and then sort of turn I don't know. Do you so I smell a fashions? I'm back and forth smell so before we get into that because this is a great Conversation I have two thoughts that are that I'd like to focus on just for a second one is okay Let's just assume it was real, okay. First off, obviously the right thing to do when someone uses words that hurt your feelings or insults them, it's a slap them. No, it's to not physically assault them. Obviously, now as a man and as a human,
Starting point is 00:11:40 how would I react if somebody said something that really hit my wife really hard? I don't know, I don't know how I would react. If it was on the streets I might react physically. I'd be quite honest. If it's at a show, I might just leave. So put that aside though. Here's the thing nobody's focusing on. Okay. Here's the thing. If anybody, let's imagine there's because there's people in that audience that aren't celebrities. There's like makeup artists and stunt doubles and whatever. Imagine if a random average person, non-will Smith,
Starting point is 00:12:09 walked up on stage, slapped the shit out of Chris Rock. What would have happened immediately? Out. Security. On his ass are rested. This is a, this is a perfect example of the rules that they apply to the average person. Do not apply these fucking
Starting point is 00:12:25 celebrities. I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that because first of all this is not a public open. This is a very private award ceremony with many most people. You don't think there's security there? Bro, okay, your example would be like this. If we were at a family barbecue with 50 people in the family and your uncle came up and slapped a shit out of me, you're not gonna call the cops. If you don't call the cops. It was, it's not a family thing. He's in the industry.
Starting point is 00:12:52 It's on TV, it's on television. But I mean, you're talking about the celebrities, most of them are friends or friends of friends. They have their own little community. Where have you been the last two years? You're not staged to them is like gold. No, because this is ratings, right? For them to come up there, walk up there,
Starting point is 00:13:11 they're like, oh, we'll smell. What's he gonna do? Maybe he's gonna grab the mic and say something or whatever, then slap. Bro, where have you been the last two years? Everybody gotta wear a mask, unless you're a celebrity. Everybody's business shut down. Unless you're home.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Now you're taking a different turn. No, it's the same show. I know that. I don't think this is an example of like them being overly privileged. 100%. Bro, he's smack them sat down. Yeah, let him. Not now. This is more of a this is a and they got to get his award. A a a a a a a a a private group of them that you that you would not call the cops. This is not private at all. And there's hell. Security there. There's a it's the health security to keep outside people coming
Starting point is 00:13:44 exactly like your uncle smack in your friend. No, it is these are the privilege celebrities it at all and there's hell of security there. There's the hell of security to keep outside people coming. Exactly. You're uncle smackin' your friend. No, it is. These are the privileged celebrities. They have their own fucking rules. They do what they want. And look, again, I don't get the angle here.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I 100% think that's the angle to take care of. Oh, this isn't an example of privilege. The next time celebrities try to talk to you about privilege and how they're so enraged over the latest thing that just happened and oh my God, I care about the world and we need all need to, fuck off. You guys live in your own bubble, you do whatever the hell you want,
Starting point is 00:14:14 you get away with shit all the time. That 100% would have been totally different, had it not been a celebrity. Had it been someone else in the audience, walk cause there's other people in the audience that aren't celebrities. If they walked up there, first of all, screw you, grab their ass before they would got up there.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Second, if they hit Chris Rock, you're fucking out, dude. Yeah, they, I mean, they do. No way. Okay, so yeah, back to that. Okay, so if we were in our family barbecue and some stranger came into the barbecue, into that, but they're not strangers. No, I'm friends of each other.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I'm saying, and that's why I was. I was saying somebody attending the Oscars, who's not a celebrity. Okay, well then somebody at your barbecue that doesn't like your uncle get slapped by a distant person. You know, don't know each other, but they know they know each other. They know they know each other. It's like I said, it's more like friends that are having a spewed. That's not calling the cops. No, my point is it's televised. It's a big event. There's lots of people there and you're right. They make their own rules
Starting point is 00:15:04 for themselves, but they preached everybody else about how great you need to be. And that's also, now you're going that direction. You're also taking the angle that it's probably true. I don't believe it's true. I think it's bullshitting you. Now let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I think that Hollywood has been drowning. Let's talk about their ratings and these relevant shows. They're relevant. And today they're not today. They're the most relevant news. I mean, they're ahead of Ukraine right now on television. Well, like it's crazy. Like that. But that's how popular this you thought it was staged like a jamming action. Listen, listen, listen, me.
Starting point is 00:15:38 So he got cheated on right is wife cheated on him previously. Yeah, right. Yeah, his son's rapper. Keep your wife's a guy. Keep your wife's name out of your mouth. But what? You put whatever you are. Why do you slap just shit on him? Yeah, I know. Well, that's the case that people are making is like, okay, so he gets all defensive about a Chris Rock joke about her hair and stuff like that. But then he, yeah, so like, so that I guess that whole thing is like it boiled up to this point where he's like, you know, he just took it out on Chris Rock. If it's, that's like totally not possible.
Starting point is 00:16:07 If it's real, there's a lot more behind that. Obviously, if it was right. It would have been Mal, there a lot more oomph in that. So you would have tried to hurt. Well, so right away, right away I called, I call bullshit right away. Now the only thing that made me kind of go back and forth was they, I mean, two things that was like.
Starting point is 00:16:24 A whole thing afterwards. Yeah, acting the acting part on Chris Rock's piece afterwards. Yeah. And then with Jada's original action. So I got to, I mean, I watched all kinds of different clips and angles and bullshit. And, you know, when he first is telling the beginning of the joke, Will Smith is laughing with him.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I mean, he's laughing. And really, he's got Jada's name in his mouth. And he's laughing. But then you look at Jada. Yeah, then you see Jada make kind of like this kind of a, she looks embarrassed or she doesn't like it. She kind of looks away. That's when he got defense. And then you see his face change. And then you see him go up. So that's the point. And then the way Chris rock lost his lines afterwards and it wasn't all there. Like that part of it, that part seemed very real. But the awkwardness
Starting point is 00:17:06 and the tension was real for sure. But they're both actors, Chris Rocks and actor Tuna. So I don't put it past them to stage something to get more attention. I mean, especially with what's been happening with Hollywood, they're getting their ass kicked by social media and streaming stuff. Well, I kids don't even know who they are.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Right. Well, I'm not even joking. If they stage, or excuse me, schedule a celebrity boxing match between Will are. Right. Well, I'm not even joking. If they stage or excuse me, schedule a celebrity boxing match between Will Smith and Chris Rock, then I'm gonna be on. Yeah, then you know for sure. Do you try to tell me they haven't learned from the Paul Brothers,
Starting point is 00:17:35 they haven't learned from all of these other platforms, like YouTube, from all these other avenues where people learn that anything they can do to create conflict, how celebrity parking lot is going. And all this stuff is like so popular right now. You said that on text last night and I thought all I could think of is like how embarrassing is that if they did stoop to that level? Like to the where they have to go cherry spring or just to their style.
Starting point is 00:18:01 For sure. Damn. So I personally think it's real. Not saying that, I'm not 100% but I think it's real because of the awkwardness and I think it's, there's more risk to people's careers and there is potential positives. So that makes me, and I do think there was more to it.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I mean, how are we gonna know it's real? Well, you know, okay, so Vicki earlier made a great point. She said, remember all the heat that Will Smith got for because his wife cheated on him, they had an open relationship and he looked like a beta. Yeah. So I wonder if that's weighing on him.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Then he goes there, he sees her face and he's like, I gotta be a man about this. I gotta come up and stand up for my family type of deal and show the whole world. So we went up there and did that and then did the yelling. I mean, I gotta, there was a lot more behind it. I definitely, you gotta think he's definitely regretting his whole, what's it called, red table or whatever they do,
Starting point is 00:18:51 or they just like put their family business on, I mean, that to me is just, that's probably what led to all this. That's the demise of most. I think it was, what was his name? The guy who's the mayor of Clint Eastwood. So Clint Eastwood did that in his family, right? And they had, we did that, I didn't know that. A reality show.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And it like totally just ruined the dynamic of his family. Like every time like a celebrity pulls in the cameras and like brings it into the family, besides I guess the Kardashians. Yeah, how would disaster happen? How addicted to attention and money do you have to be to want to bring that on? In your own family.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Yeah. Like your real family. Yeah, like I mean like never. Like will needs money. Like the guy doesn't need money. So what? He doesn't need any more cameras or attention. He's got plenty of it if he wants it.
Starting point is 00:19:38 What's the desired outcome of putting your family's fucking laundry on national television like that? It's all dysfunctional. It's super distantly hosting. The whole thing is dysfunctional. laundry on national television like that. It's all dysfunctional. It's super difficult. Totally, the whole thing is dysfunctional. It has to be like that. I would not wish, I would, that's why I'm kind of private about my kids.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Like, I would, I get it if you're an adult and you do something and then there's fame that comes along with it, which brings a lot of challenges. But if you're a kid and you're growing up and your parents are famous, so your famous is a result of your parents and you're a kid. Now you growing up and your parents are famous, so you're famous as a result of your parents and you're a kid, now you feel like
Starting point is 00:20:07 you get all this attention and love and you feel more important than you are and creates this distorted ego. And you're gonna bring more of that on. Here's our family, bring the cameras. So if we agreed this is real, which I don't want to. But let's pretend we do. There's one more plan I got made.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's a terrible joke. It was like way beneath Chris Rock. Like it, like, it was not big deal. Yeah, it was like, it just seemed to me like it wasn't, it was just something that he just kind of threw out there. And I don't know if you like, again, to, to the whole thing, it didn't seem very planned, but it just seemed like a really just lame joke. Well, it does not make it feel planned to you. The fact that it was a lame joke, it's of the whole thing it didn't seem very planned but it just seemed like a really just lame joke
Starting point is 00:20:45 Well, doesn't that make it feel planned to you the fact that it was a lame joke? It's like what can we do what can we do to get a jab to get him to come up and do that? There's got to be more exactly because he's so polished and calculated about like delivering his lines and punch lines and you know and that that joke was just terrible I know but you know those jokes normal the when they do the shows or what that, or they're normally pretty terrible jokes. Yeah. Because they got a ride in for you.
Starting point is 00:21:11 They have riders riding in for you. Yeah, so a lot of times they are terrible. So, okay, but I don't know. Let's pretend we do all agree that it's real. Who's side of this? Are you on? Oh, side? I'm on Chris Rock's side.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I will look. Because here's the thing. Because people like, what? Yeah. You would defend Chris Rock. Yeah, he's a fucking comedian. That's his job. And you're at a show. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:30 He walked to a toilet street. So I mean, you, you have to be okay with that. I mean, we've talked about the assault. It's actually less manly. No, no, no, no, it's actually. You can walk out. I mean, that's totally not. It's actually less manly to go to a show, get offended by a joke that you your imp you lose impulse
Starting point is 00:21:46 you lose your your you can't control your faculties you go up and you swing it somewhere we've already talked about this the the assault on on comedians already in the last like you know two to three years he should have liked that's what I would have done if I was him and I felt like as bad as he did at a show I'd say let's go we're leaving that's how I would react I mean I don't even think I do that you know it really bothered me, then it's something we off-air, I talk. I pull them aside. Exactly. I mean, we want to fight.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah, I'm saying him after you show me. Probably in your best interests the next time you do a standup event, you leave my wife's mouth out of it. And I just tell, man to man, nobody has to hear about it. No about it, that he knows who I'm going for. But I mean, you're at a, quote unquote comedy show. I know it's the, there's more to it, dude, because she looked at her husband.
Starting point is 00:22:26 So Jada looked at Will, and that's when he got mad, and that someone made a, said something on Twitter that made me think of this. They said, that's the sign of an emotionally abused man. Like his wife is looking at him, and he's like, oh, I've got to react, because maybe there's lots of other shit behind, you know, doing that, where he needs to show
Starting point is 00:22:44 this outward expression of like, you know, I'm your man, I love you, I'm your husband, you know, time to do it. I mean, if it's really, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, but again, I go back to this, look dude, it's on TV, it's publicized, there's security there, it's a fucking, it's a private public event, really. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Anybody else did that? Because there's other, there's other non-celebrities in the audience. If a makeup artist walked up there and smacked someone, 100% their assortment got kicked out. 100%. It's Will Smith. He sat back down, got to go get his best actor award,
Starting point is 00:23:19 got to make a speech. What? Yeah, but like, one half of him being there is the received award that they already knew he was gonna get. I just, I don't like that argument. I hate it, bro. I don't like that argument. I am so sour. I'm so sour, man. I'm so sour of seeing them totally do the opposite of what they preach. They preach everybody. They put you up bad behavior with celebrities. You know, that's what they live for. They like, they want that photo op
Starting point is 00:23:42 of somebody at the club, being somebody up or that, because then it's, again, what we're doing right now is just promoting the same news of what they just created. Dude, they got the best ratings of all time, probably because of that. Exactly. I mean, I can't deny it. I can't tell you the last time that I woke up
Starting point is 00:23:58 and opened up my feeds and seen the same, I mean, like bigger than the war. Also, like how fucking weird we have, bro. It's how fucking weird our society is. And, sure. Put up the meme with Batman slap in the shed of Robin. Tell me it doesn't look exactly the same. Oh, I sh- not, you guys.
Starting point is 00:24:18 This is just a dividend. They just literally staged the ultimate meme to tell what everybody's Just like fucking put that on there You know this guy's played 3d chess high right now I'm not even high right now Craig. Hey Justin Justin's entire argument is the biomechanics of a slap Listen Jack boys, he's technically I broke it down.'s a movie slap yeah, it's a movie slap. No, he slapped somebody like that Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 00:24:50 He also like he kind of smirked when he walked back. He did and so did Chris wrong that could all be smile then he was like Yeah, that could all be happened. That could all be nervous ship. It's true. It's true People got cleared when they're you know nervous or you know, I'm sure he realized he know what to do And he's like I got punk, you know, nervous or, you know, I'm sure he realized. He didn't know what to do. And he's like, I got punked, you know, too. So there's a lot, I mean, I think it was I mean, I really, it's like, it's like, it was, I feel like if it was real, like the move Chris Rock as a comedian to see the guy coming up, you just made a joke with his wife would be to like, Hey, man, like, pretend like you're going to run away. Well,
Starting point is 00:25:19 nobody was going to do. Yeah, I think I think he knew exactly what to do, which is why he stood this ground like that. Listen, if a dude walked up to you, no him or not, you don't know what's happening. I just talk about your wife in a disrespectful way, and you start walking towards me, and you think my hands aren't gonna go up, or I'm not gonna get in a defensive posture. Exactly, you have to give me a hug, I know that.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You know what I'm saying? And what is he gonna do? Yeah, how do you, if you really were worried that someone was gonna come up or he's gonna come up like that, I mean, you don't do any sort of posture. With his hands behind his back. He did make a fist though, just a picture,
Starting point is 00:25:54 after he got hit, he instinctively made a fist. I didn't see that. Like he was gonna do something. Okay, and then thought twice. And then it was like, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I don't know, man, who knows? You know, they're celebrities, can they really fight?
Starting point is 00:26:04 Well, so what I hope Jake Paul gets to Paul gets what's interesting about all this is like you know will be ever know like how like how how does how does this get proven to be stage other than like so many here's the deal okay and here's what happens you hit a comedian question here's my prediction you hit a comedian for making a joke Will Smith going to be the butt of every comedian. Oh, he's art. I've never seen so many memes made about something so fast. Bro, you don't, comedians get dark and they could fuck with you so hard. And I guarantee all the comedians, you look super insecure.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, they're going to band behind Chris Rock and I guarantee you every stand up, whatever, they're going to make, they're going to hammer Will Smith now. That's why, that's why again, it doesn't make sense to me too, to do, to react that way. Like, it's like, I mean, you just made it worse. If you thought that joke was bad about your wife, get ready, because now the gloves are gonna really come off on people like, and there's enough material there.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Oh, there's so much material there. So, and it's already started. I mean, I've been posting them all day today, all these memes that are coming out It's like every time I open my phone I get a new three that are sent to me. I'm like, oh my god. They are going ham right Well, you know, they got some viewers very bizarre, but hey, they they definitely got us to talk about it I mean, I like that's what I just said that first right I really think that that how are they gonna bring back the viewers? And maybe the next Oscar awards Chris Rocks
Starting point is 00:27:25 going to speak again and we'll Smith will be in the audience. Yeah, Kanye is going to come out of you know, he's going to get air lifted in. Try to like kick somebody. Yeah, God, he will do the awards. Everybody. Yeah, imagine that if we really are moving in this direction of like Jerry Springer, everything like this, that's, that to me is the best. Well, that's Jerry Springer.
Starting point is 00:27:44 People might not know this if they're not, you know, or age or whatever, but talk shows were serious for a long time. You had Donahue and Oprah. And then they were like trying to figure out how to squeeze out more ratings. And then it became like paternal tests, you know, and then it became, you know, fighting on things. Well, his name with the beard and then the glasses that he used to be like a,
Starting point is 00:28:09 like a journalist that was out in like Iraq. Oh, you're talking about a Geraldo. Geraldo, thank you. Oh, yeah. Remember when you got like his nose broken? Two. Uh, in some interview. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And that became like the butt. Yeah. The jokes that you're about. My favorite were the paternal tests. What was the guy's name that did those where? You are not a jury's father. That was your sister. No, Mori Povitch.
Starting point is 00:28:29 There you go. Yeah, you are not the fault. You were watching guys. Always the dances, the dudes do afterwards with their not the dad. They start dancing. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:28:38 I'm like, oh my God. The girls just crying. Oh, I saw one where she had four dudes lined up. And they all had to do a test and they all came back negative. We're going right back to the bottom of the barrel. That's my prediction. Hey, speaking of crazy shit, the last all-in podcast was really good about theomics. That's like negative crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I don't even like talking about that. But there were talking about economics and kind of moving ahead what we're gonna see with the corrections. The link from what you guys were trying to describe to me. Like what were they? Well, it's bleak because we're angel investors and we really got into that in the last year. And so basically almost everything, right?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Of course, there's always gonna be outliers. Of course, there's still great businesses. But what it does highlight is the debate in conversation we had around tonal. Yeah. I mean, talk about. Overpriced. Yeah, overpriced.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And they're saying, brother, they're saying between 30 and 50%. Yeah. They're saying companies that we're getting valuations in the last two years, it was so ridiculously over inflated. The way that, forgot who explained it was really well. The guest, I really said. Yeah, and then the sacks came back and kind of broke it down even further.
Starting point is 00:29:51 The way in when the markets, everything's blowing up and it was a lot of distortions, right? Lots of money injected into the market. You look at for valuations as growth. That's the main thing. How fast can you grow? But when things start to settle, it becomes growth, but then it also becomes margins and burn rate. Because when you have a startup in order to grow, before you start to become profitable, you have to spend more
Starting point is 00:30:14 to grow more, spend more to grow more. And if that spend means that it'll take you three or four years to get back that money in this market, it's not gonna be cool anymore. So they're saying that the left things are gonna get reprised. A lot of valuations are gonna drop. So of all the companies. Yeah, there's people, there's people, there used to, like this is a big strategy. You wait till the last round of funding
Starting point is 00:30:33 before a company goes public. To make it quick. Yeah, to make a quick buck off of that, but what they're saying is there's gonna be a lot of people that use that strategy. And when it goes to IPO, it's gonna be, you know, 30 to 50% less than what they bought in at.
Starting point is 00:30:47 So those people technically are going to go. Now, one of the companies that we invested in that I really still feel good about is Luna, mainly because they're so disruptive to the physical therapy market. Yes, it's a need for it. There's a huge need for it and it saves money for insurance companies and physical therapists like it more because they make more money and they have more flexibility and patience like it more because the PT comes to your house and we obviously saw their projections and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I think that's still a total win, but you know, but a lot of other ones I'm like, oh. I mean, I definitely don't wanna debate that. I mean, I want you to be 100% right on. I mean, you're a corner of the way. I agree though, because I mean, obviously, I look at the companies that we. I mean, your corner is better. I agree, though, because I mean, obviously, I look at the companies that we invested in and the ones I probably feel the most confident,
Starting point is 00:31:29 are we, there's a few companies that we invested in that were already profitable, so that's a good sign, right? And those are the ones that are most likely gonna make it out of this. Luna was not one of those, but I do agree with you that the space that they're in, the size that they already currently are at, and the space that they're in, the size that they already currently are at, and the fact that you're dealing with insurance.
Starting point is 00:31:48 They're just so disruptive. Well, and there's very rarely do you see something move into a space like that, and like the, the, the, the, I mean, what's the, the consumer, the creator, and like, even like, like, insurance, like everybody wins. That's what I mean. Everybody is going to save more, make more times the situation. It's like ride sharing.
Starting point is 00:32:07 That's rare that you see that. It's like ride sharing versus taxi. Of course, it's gonna crush. Everybody likes it more. Yes. Better experience for the consumer, the drivers, make more money. I see markets.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Luna's gonna open up markets that were already there, but they, but people didn't take advantage of them because of the logistics. I'll give you a big example. My favorite example is postpartum physical therapy. Every woman should get postpartum physical therapy because childbirth and pregnancy changes the way your body works, changes muscle recruitment patterns.
Starting point is 00:32:40 There's pelvic floor issues afterwards. All these issues post that physical therapy has such tremendous benefits, but the problem is, a woman who just had a baby is not gonna go to the physical therapy office. She has a newborn at home, and it's a pain in the ass. I know, I have kids, I know what that looks like. It's a pain in the ass to drive all the way
Starting point is 00:33:00 to a physical therapist, where am I gonna do with my baby, where's it, whatever. So they don't do it, and they end up waiting six, seven, eight months. By that point, you've developed some bigger problems. So postpartum PT is so valuable, but people don't do it because of that. With Luna, now they come to your house. So I think that market's going to blow up.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And it's all covered by insurance anyway. So you have your baby as part of your post, you know, your care. PT comes as soon as you're cleared, they come to your door, they take you through different movements and exercises and things to help with all the stuff that happens during pregnancy. So that one I think is gonna,
Starting point is 00:33:33 that alone will be massive. Yeah, in my opinion, I agree with that. Speaking of our sponsors, I wanna talk about a really cool back workout, kind of indecisive, this isn't necessarily anything special, but if it's novel for you, this is such a great workout.
Starting point is 00:33:50 So you know how the PRX cage or whatever that folds out, right, and it's got the pull-up handle with like, I don't know, it's like six different grip positions on it. So that's an extra model. You have Doug, you should Doug will should look that up because it's not like not every rat comes with that
Starting point is 00:34:05 I know that we opted to get that one. Well, usually the ones with the lower ceilings. You can't really opt in for that. Okay Is that right? Is it's only it's only the taller ones? Yeah, I don't know if it had anything to do with the height that that bars But I do know that that there's certain models that are just a straight-up pull-up bar But then the one you're talking about has all the cool. Yes, grip very Yeah, so I love and one that I just I did this today, great back workout. You literally my goal. So back in the day, there was a workout that Arnold used to talk about where he would do pull-ups
Starting point is 00:34:32 until he hit 50 reps. So essentially, however many you do the first set, subtract it from 50, and you keep doing sets until you hit a total of 50. So you ended up doing eight sets or whatever of pull-ups. So that's what I did. And what I did was I did wide grip, closer grip, neutral grip, supinated grip, super close grip,
Starting point is 00:34:50 and I just kept alternating and getting a different feel in the most crazy back pump of all time. So great, really, really great easy workout without tons of work. That's an, I didn't know that was an Arnold thing. I did that for a while. I must have got it from him then because I did a, where I started every, where every back workout. You had to do 50 pull-ups.. Yeah. Doesn't matter how many sets,
Starting point is 00:35:07 just however many sets I can get a done in, right? So which one is it, Doug? They, it's an option on any of their racks or most of them, at least the tall ones. Oh, okay. So the multi-grip bar. Oh, cool. Oh, so it's not actually the rack. It's, it's just the multi-grip bar. Yeah. So there's all kinds of different racks that you can get. And then the top one of each of the categories has that additional. Now, what is it bump it up? To go from like, if you were to get
Starting point is 00:35:32 the most basic standard rack without that, and then you decide to go do that, how much more are you bumping to do that? It's about $300 more. Okay, yeah. So that's from the very bottom rack to the very top rack. And this is all paint. You can also do where you paint. I know I love their whole like they have a gym calculator on here, right? So if you pay a gym membership, you can kind of and see what you get for the same. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think it's great that they do that.
Starting point is 00:35:56 So you know, it's convenient that has all those different grip points in one place because we used to have At that other gym I worked at we used to have some rock climbers in there that put some grips for, and then they got to the point where they could even do pull-ups with a finger, and they had those, which also, which would be a cool addition to this, if there's an accessory that hangs down
Starting point is 00:36:17 these two balls and grab. I think they do have that. I'm waiting for the joke. But anyway, yeah, it's ridiculous. Just to look for some balls and do some pull-ups. I don't know. Hey, speaking of workouts, Justin, I purposely didn't ask you about this. I want to hear about it on the show.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So you started working out with your football team that you're coaching. Like, just lifting yourself? Well, yeah, because this sounds like such a fun, but also a bad idea. Yeah, it's probably a bad idea. I got to a point now where the workouts are firmly established. And I'm going around and checking form. And it's good enough where I don't have to be so involved
Starting point is 00:36:56 anymore, which is nice. I'm just looking around. And so I started to talk trash with some of the kids and try to build them. So I knew I have to talk trash with some of the kids in trouble. So I knew I have to a little bit more weight. And so then they had me jumping with them. I started jumping in with them a little bit and yeah, I started to throw some weight around there.
Starting point is 00:37:14 So we'll see how I got to calm down. I'll calm down. I know like my limitations now and like what to do with that. Shut up face. You're not going to shut your face. You're not going to make me do this. There is no, there is no way. This is the guy that picked up the friggin 300 pound kid
Starting point is 00:37:29 and decided to carry him across the field to show him what time it was. Oh, you remember that, bro. Hey, kiddie me right now. There is no way a terrible idea. A middle aged man who has a lifting experience is gonna work out with a bunch of teenage boys and not flex on them all the time.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I mean, it's not what he gets his media. Yeah, I was gonna say, especially when you get a strong one, who has a lifting experience is gonna work out with a bunch of teenage boys and not flex on them all the time. There's no way. Especially when he gets with you. Yeah, I was gonna say, especially when you get a strong one who's actually gonna do some serious way. They needn't close yet. Oh, they're not.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Oh, good luck. You know, I can lift these baby weights all day. Okay, so I mean, if you're like, I mean, if you're like 20% heavier than them and ever all lives, then maybe that's such a big deal. I think I would be a little nervous. There's that little strong like linemen. I could probably out squat me in there.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Like, I'm totally with you guys with that. It's just like for me, I'm trying to find new ways to spark them to to pursue more of a struggle. Yeah, and it's like, you can tell them all day, but sometimes I think you gotta show them. Yeah, okay. So let me ask you a question Did you do squats with them? I didn't do squats yet. I did bench and oh you did bench. Okay, let me guess did you put let me you put over 250 on the bar. Oh, yeah, I was just rapping three 15. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you never put three plates out of here. No, because nobody yeah, I know
Starting point is 00:38:43 Because I mean everybody the highest I see in there's like, 25, I'm like, this is bullshit. Like, where's my 200 kids? Like, where are you at? So it's kind of like a little call out. I love it. I know the feeling, bro. You have to.
Starting point is 00:38:58 You have to. I just started. I just started working out at a gym. Again, I signed up at Club Sport again, just so I could use the steam and sauna. Did you have to re-sign up or was it still going from when we all signed up last night? They froze it because I'm like, I'm not wearing a mask while I come work out. Stupid. So now everything's cool, so I went over and they let me reinstate it. So I started training again over there. And it's, you know, I'm having a good time. It's a good time. A lot of machines,
Starting point is 00:39:24 so now I can focus more on just kind of the body's sculpting thing and, you know, the steam and sauna after. I love that, man. You do the sauna after. And then cold rinse. Oh, man, I feel like a nice. Especially after talking to Dr. Frabral, you know, about how much toxins and everything we store. I was like, wow, can that make it even more, like I wanna do sauna again even more? I'm trying to get the mercury out of my system. Yeah, that's really interesting. I can't wait till when the filter gets here. You already ordered that, right?
Starting point is 00:39:53 Yeah. So I can't wait to see if that's gonna be crazy if just by putting this filter in here also, and it drops some of us. I mean, that's the only thing that made sense to me that we all do, you know? Yeah, there's no other explanation. I mean, we're not out thing that made sense to me that we all do, you know? Yeah. There's no other explanation. I mean, we're not out there eating a bunch of mercury.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Not that much fish. Definitely not tuna. I'm not eating like that at all, especially right now. That's why it was so. You got to be one of these industrial lights or something, right? That's admitting murderous light ideas. Do that or not. Okay, we can do it in a dark, you know?
Starting point is 00:40:19 You know, what's that? What's that? What's that? He's just breaking through monitors in here. Justin, what's that disorder where like the mom that? What's that? He's just breaking through momators in here. Just, Justin, what's that disorder? We're like the mom will slowly poison her kids. Moonshows. Yeah, we have dogs, Moonshows. What if he's like,
Starting point is 00:40:31 I'm doing it to myself, forgot to say, okay? That's part of the scam, though. No, when you did the hair test, dogs like, fuck, they're gonna see Mercury. I'll take some out of there. It's pretty cool to see. And his hair. Hey, look, I got Mercury too, guys.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah, that's his, it was the highest. Oh, hey, you're right. you guys. Yeah that's his was the highest. Hey you're right. Winner. Yeah. You know that this weekend was for Justin and I right we both daddy daycare right. Oh you guys were with that one at the same time right. I tell you what my old different but all this years yeah. Well ours I mean it was four days right so this is the longest without Katrina this is
Starting point is 00:41:02 also the first time that she has taken off like for like a whole weekend or four days, right? I have good for her. Yeah, no, totally her turn to be able to get to do this. I've done it like in short spurts where we go travel or whatever. And I told her like if she was just like, you know, I got this, I said,
Starting point is 00:41:19 I just go, have a good time, you'll be fine. We're gonna be fine, we're gonna live. But I forget I was just gonna tell you, I was gonna tell you guys about her reaction to, now he'd do anything, like was he missing mommy? No, he was great, dude, it was, it was the whole point of me telling her bringing it up was it all, and I said this before
Starting point is 00:41:38 that I had this appreciation for single parents after going through this. And by the way, he was easy, like he was such a good kid. Yeah, you got a good kid. Oh way, he was easy like he was such a good kid Oh, yeah, he got better He was he was sick the previous week. So he's always a handful when he's sick So he's healthy. So he's in a great mood since he's been healthy went to bed on time slip all night I mean, he was just he was just an absolute but I tell you what two two things One I I did not find any time to eat.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Like that actually, this has to be like a great weight loss strategy because I'm so concerned about taking care of him, feeding him, staying on his schedule and some of that. Like a couple of times I found myself going like, oh shit, I haven't eaten today. I mean, I was in the eating at like eight or nine o'clock because I'm like, oh, I forgot about dinner. Well, it's all it's all consuming because they're on you all the time,
Starting point is 00:42:23 especially when they're little. There's like what do you mean? I mean, I just can't I I have such a huge respect I know imagine singing a single multiple cans. Yeah, just yeah, no I have a friend. She's got two little ones a baby and a little a toddler. I'm like how do you how do you I'm like to it to I didn't get a train I didn't get it. I didn't work out one time in the four days. I ate very little. I mean, because the option is like to eat what he's eating, I'm not eating anything he's eating, right? So I don't wanna, you know, squeeze ease and like,
Starting point is 00:42:50 you know, waffle or like, I'm not gonna eat what he's eating. So I really had very, very little food during that time and I didn't have a breakaway time to train. Not granted, I get that this was like my life and I wasn't a single dad, I would figure all these things out, you know, and of course, I would eat consistently, of course, I would find a way to get my workouts in. But man, when that, when that's your, your main focus is, it's really tough to prioritize yourself. So I totally get it and understand where parents
Starting point is 00:43:20 get very consumed by their kids and taking care of them. You definitely appreciate your significant other in these. Oh, yeah. Like, because poor Courtney, she had surgery because there was just this thing we had to get out of the throat that it just was irritating her constantly. And I don't want to get too much devious. There's a white joke there, but I'm leaving.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I know. I was getting too deep in there. He got good smell. I'll do my own jokes. Yeah. So anyway, I had to remove. It wasn't their tauts all, but almost. And so anyway, like her throat is just massed up. She's always pain killers.
Starting point is 00:43:59 And the worst part of it was in the surgery, they actually nicked her tongue. And so she's got an inch-like long, just cut. And when your tongue is cut, it is painful. And so it's four things. She's just got all this pain and can't swallow. And it's just like, so I'm just, you know, super dad mode just trying to like, get everybody doing stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And I took the kids to their gymnastics meet this weekend in Sacramento and Like you know putting all their stuff in their gear like I did not realize how like incompetent like my kids are with like Putting things To put in like like ever at for instance they wear this like kind of onesie unitarred thing, and then you put shorts over it. And like so, and then he just puts his track outfit on the outside, right?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Doesn't put his shorts on. We were almost leaving the house. He would have been there with his just onesie without his shorts. Like, what are you thinking, dude? And like, Courtney caught that right before I left. And I'm like, oh, thank God, you know, like there's just multiple examples of that. But I'm like, man, like, you must that right before I left. And I'm like, oh, thank God, you know, like there's just multiple examples of that.
Starting point is 00:45:05 But I'm like, man, like, you must pull your hair out constantly. She's like, oh, we're right. I was trying to bat a hundred with her being like, not have to call her, not ask any questions, nothing, right? And like, seriously, perfect weekend. And then Saturday I take them to a birthday party over in Lodi and I leave. And it was unfortunate I left. he was in one of his moods
Starting point is 00:45:26 where he decided that he didn't really wanna go play with everybody. He wanted to be in the house with me or one other kid playing instead of being in the jump house and being outside of the grass in the slide. And so I was just all day with him, like playing with him and never got a chance to kind of socialize with anybody. So I took him home and when I left,
Starting point is 00:45:47 I get a screenshot picture from my best friend's wife and it's his fucking diaper bag. I'm like, how did I laugh? You left it there? Oh, with all his stuff, dude. Like, and I think the whole weekend has been great. I haven't had to end that thread. It's actually got Katrina in it.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I'm like, oh man, I was trying not to have anything that was like fucked up on Dead's part while I was watching. Yeah, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get the diaper bag, dude. I got this handle on, man. It's a lot of work, man. It's a lot of work. And this is why being a stay-at-home parent
Starting point is 00:46:16 can be lonely, you know? Like if you're a stay-at-home parent, like you don't, you hear them say, right, I don't have any adult interaction. It's constant about my kid. I can't do anything for myself. This is why I hear parents, or no. When I hear people who don't have kids judging parents,
Starting point is 00:46:35 I want to, we'll smith them in the face. I want to slap them because you have no idea. You know how you hear people like, oh, you put your kids in front of TV. Pff, I would never know. Oh yeah you feed your kids. Oh yeah. Oh no. Oh your kids are acting up out like, dude you have no idea bro. Yeah. You act like you're so bad at all. Oh my own food. Yeah. You don't have kids. You have no idea what to say. Yeah. Yeah. Shut up. I mean I was just telling my dad. My dad came by and visited over the weekend and I was telling him like you know one of the things I've learned as a parent in my short time, two and a half years, right,
Starting point is 00:47:06 is that I know better now to say, I'm never gonna do that. Oh, I'm always good. Like, that is our matter, real fast. Yeah, you're like, you so like, when, so I always, like, people ask you. The season parents just sit here and smile. Yeah, I just go, no comment now.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I say, we'll see, or I'm gonna try this. Say, that's my strategy. I mean, even you know, talking about the TV thing, I really believe that I wasn't gonna give him no TV till he was like five, you know what I'm saying? Like I was gonna say no television. And I mean, for the most part, I thought we were really good.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And I think of trying, being aware of it, it's been the most valuable thing, right? So like on Friday and Saturday, like he did get no TV. Him and I were playing, we were outside, like he was with my dad for a while, like we went to the park, like just and he was an absolute saint. Yesterday, you know, we're waiting for Katrina to come home.
Starting point is 00:47:52 We slept in, it's Sunday, like we weren't going anywhere. I was just like, you know what, let's lay around and watch a little bit cartoons in the morning. So I let him watch some cartoons in the morning, then around I think three or four was the warrior game. I really wanted to watch that selfishly Katrina still wasn't home. So I'm like, I will pull the iPad out. You could watch that.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I could watch my thing. And but you know what? Bath time he was fucking miserable going down. He was hard like I swear, man, if if if I get it is a trade off. It is a trade off. And I and so you know, there's times, and what I well recognize as a parent now who said that he wasn't going to do that at all is that, okay, that's not happening. It's going to happen. There's times when it's like, this is like a life saver to be able to have him some entertained like that. But it also keeps
Starting point is 00:48:38 me very aware, though, of how it absolutely disrupts his sleep and changes his behavior. So I have to be very judicious on how I use it. It's like, it better Dan will be something that I really need help or really need that moment of him being entertained for me to use it anymore or else I can totally see how it changed. Look, no one's gonna be a perfect parent. And the more kids you have, the less perfect shit is. You're doing that with one. You got one kid. And your kid's easy, he be a perfect parent. And the more kids you have, the less perfect shit is. You're doing that with one. You got one kid.
Starting point is 00:49:06 And your kid's easy. He's a good kid. He's a very good kid. Yeah, imagine you have two, three. You got a job two on top of it, and you're doing it all the time, not just four days, but this is what I do for the next 18 years. I mean, and you gotta take care of yourself a little bit too.
Starting point is 00:49:22 So that's why people who judge parents, like listen, if they're there and they love their kids and they care, they're crushing, like, stop judging them. Yeah, that's it. No, 100% of your stuff. Hey, real quick, one of the sponsors we've worked with the longest is Organifying. There's a reason for that.
Starting point is 00:49:38 They have exceptional supplements and quality products. One of my favorites is their green juice. You know, when it comes to eating vegetables and plants, variety is key. Really is. The more variety you have, the more you get those awesome exotic micronutrients and phytonutrients that you don't find anywhere else. Well, if you don't do that, I tend to stick to broccoli and asparagus. You can try, organize green juice. It's got superfood, broccoli and asparagus, you can try Organify's green juice. It's got super food, green blend, including ashwaganda. It's great for digestion, great for health, recovery.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I feel really good when I take it. It's probably the only Organify supplement I take every single day. I take a lot of the products, but that's the one I take every single day. And right now their green juice came out with a new flavor, crisp apple. And let me tell you, Organify's got magic
Starting point is 00:50:24 when it comes to flavors. Their stuff tastes incredible. Try it out. Take it once a day and tell me how you feel. Everybody seems to say that it feels phenomenal. It's one of the most popular products. Again, it's their green juice, crisp, green apple. They have, of course, lots of other plant-based products. Go check them out. Head over to mindpumppartners.com. Click on Organify and then use the code MindPump
Starting point is 00:50:45 and you'll get 20% off any of their products. All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from K Spaniard 1, are abs made in the kitchen? Oh, I like that term there. Actually, let me correct that. Abs are not made in the kitchen. Abs are revealed in the kitchen. Abs are made in the gym. How many trainers do you feel like have this on their mirror and they look at it every morning just like, yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:51:11 It was a popular thing to tell people. I understand why it came to the world. No, I mean, it's because you could do all the ab crunches in the world and if you don't get to a certain body fat percentage, you'll never see them. And understand that you have abs. Everybody listening to the show right now, even if you've never done a single crunch in your entire life, you have abs, just like you have biceps, triceps, shoulders back. I mean, you have those muscles. And the best and fastest way
Starting point is 00:51:39 to reveal them is to reduce body fat and expose them. That it doesn't mean, and I think this is where the extreme of this is gone, where saying abs are made in the kitchen that people just completely now disregard the value and the benefits of actually strength training and building your abdominals. And also, I do wanna say that, so yes, very true. You have to get lean enough to see them, otherwise it doesn't matter, right?
Starting point is 00:52:02 But I will say this, a well-developed muscle is more visible at higher body fat percentages. So a muscular arm is going to look leaner at the same body fat percentage as a non-muscular arm would look. Same is true for the abs and the obliques. Look, I experienced this myself. So I, through most of my training career, personal training career, I didn't do lots of ab work because I was a skinny kid. So I wanted, and I wanted to get big and build muscle. And so abs were like, who cares, right? Let me focus on everything else. And then at one point, I actually tried to get lean. And I did, I get down to like nine, 10, nine percent body fat. And my six pack wasn't really visible unless I flexed really hard. Otherwise, it just
Starting point is 00:52:45 look kind of lean. And I don't really think nothing of it. Well, anyway, fast forward, I create the MAP's endabolic program. And it dawns on me like, you know, I'm going to see what happens if I try to build the muscles of my core. And I did. And my abs and my core responded really well. I was able to build the muscles of my core. And I now will have a reliably visible six packet, like 12% body fat, right? So because the abs are bigger, the muscles are more visible because they're more developed. So yes, you gotta get lean, but that doesn't mean
Starting point is 00:53:18 that you're developing a muscle isn't gonna make it look better at higher body fat percentage anyway. They both contribute. Yeah, I think, I mean, even in the performance side of the world, a lot of times, we get stuck in the thought that I'm getting enough ab work because of heavy lifts with back loaded squats, with heavy carries, like I'm stabilizing a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:53:44 And if you look at that, if you don't train the rest of your muscle groups that way, only in an isometric stabilizing position without, you know, it's true, flexing and extending. So it's very much of a function of the abs that you want to be able to strengthen and it actually carries over into all kinds of other lifts as well from a strength and support position.
Starting point is 00:54:09 But then again, too, you can actually build and gain some size from your ads, which will help them to stick out more. And then that is where the revealing it becomes a bit more easy. I'll tell you something right now, there's like the Lumball pelvic hip area. When that's strong and developed, you feel that more than almost anything else. Like I get to have well-developed strong biceps
Starting point is 00:54:36 and triceps and delts and you'll notice when you do certain things, I guess, but when you're core and this musculature that supports your core, including the hips is strong, you are strong. You are a strong person. If those are weak, I don't care how strong your arms are and your rest your legs are, you're not very strong because that weakness will put the brakes
Starting point is 00:55:00 on any kind of force you're trying to produce. So from a performance standpoint, like I tell you what, you find me a really powerful athlete and what you'll find is it well-developed Lumball pelvic hip area, glutes, you'll find, you know, well-developed core, midsection, obliques. It's very, very important muscle group, worked them like anything else.
Starting point is 00:55:21 As far as seeing them is concerned, yeah. You gotta get to a certain leanness. But, you. But Adam said it, perfect. Everybody has abs. You look at power lifters with big bellies. They got abs too. They just not lean enough to see them. But trust me, they got strong abs there. Next question is from TM Goodner. Can you help explain why bodybuilding or strength training results in limited mobility? Why is it that when we get stronger and build muscle, a range of motion is limited and moving in the old ways becomes painful? This is a myth. It's huge myth.
Starting point is 00:55:54 However, I would like to address why some people experience this, because some people definitely do experiences. They'll start working out with weights and they'll say, I'm stiffer. Here's what's happening. First off, it is a myth, proper, full range of motion, resistance training, improves functional flexibility. It's one of the best ways to give you better functional flexibility, but why do some people... Training in full range of motion.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Yes, why do some people get this? Well, if I gain 50% more strength in a short range of motion, you see bodybuilders do this all the time, like they'll do a shoulder press, they'll stop right here, right? Or they'll do a bench press, they'll stop right here, or they'll do a row, and they'll have short range of motion. If you increase your strength dramatically in that short range of motion, what happens is you've actually lost stability in the full range of motion. And so then what your body does to protect itself is it maintains your movement within the stronger range of motion. Because if I can theoretically curl 200 pounds from
Starting point is 00:56:50 here to here, but then down here, it's like 50 pounds. Anytime I go to curl, lift up my body's going to automatically prevent me from moving outside of my strong range of motion. And that's why you see tightness. The actual strength training that's produces. No, it's the way you're training. Yes. And so to completely shorten your range of motion and try to squeeze the pinnacle of the bicep or like some of these sort of techniques where we're just trying to hyperfocus on, you know, one element of that lift and not go through full range of motion, you could do it enough times where your body is
Starting point is 00:57:26 going to sort of prioritize where you're strong and where you're not as strong. And so you have a governing system in your body that limits the ability of you getting hurt, you know, by applying force where you're not as strong. And so it's really like, what are you teaching your body how to do, where are you going to be strong in terms of that specific range of motion? You got to address that specifically with weights and get that end range strength.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I also think that this chasing soreness all the time is just making it worse too. Right? So you're already sticking because you're so yeah, you're already training in a short and range of motion on a regular basis and to the point that you were making. And then in addition to that, you're also caught in this trap of always chasing being sore all the time to prove to yourself that you had a good workout. And so you're walking around stiff and tight and it feels like you've lost range of motion because you are locked feels like you've lost range of motion
Starting point is 00:58:25 because you are locked up and you've gotten strength in the short range of motion and you don't train in the full range of motion. And so then people make this connection of, oh wow, being a bodybuilder or training for strength limits my range of motion up. And it's like, no, that's not the bad training does. You know, and that, I mean, that's part of what we're always trying to address on here.
Starting point is 00:58:48 When you hear us talking about training through full range of motion, and if you can't, it's to work on that because strength training is one of the best ways to do that. And it's the complete opposite of what people think. Look, it's no different than this. Like, you know, having trained lots of clients, you'll get the occasional female executive who wears heels every single day for years and years at work. And what you'll find is really tight calf muscles and tight muscles of the foot.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Now is that because what she's doing is shortening the muscle and somehow where she's losing range of motion because the muscle itself is tight or no? What's happened is because she's always with this toe point all the time. She's got really strong in that flex position. And that strength now is disproportionate
Starting point is 00:59:30 to the other range of motion of the foot and the ankle. And so the protection mechanism that the body produces is it limits the range of motion. Because look, here's how flexibility works, right? It's controlled by your central nervous system. It's not controlled by the muscle as if it were like a rubber band. That Yeah, it's not like a rubber band that if you heat it up, it gets more flexible. And if you call it, you know, make it cold, it gets
Starting point is 00:59:49 brittle. That's I remember once it was explaining me that way when I was an early trainer. That's not at all. What's happening? Yeah, it's not at all what's happening. The central nervous system controls it. It'll tell a muscle relax. We feel safe. You can stretch or we gotta be tight. Oftentimes people will be tight. And it's not the muscles that are tight, it's the CNS saying limit this range of motion. Anything outside of this range of motion is weak and is unstable.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So if you get really strong, if you're, if you're, look at a full squat, right? All the way down, all the way up. And you get really strong at a half squatting, like really strong. The, the ratio of your strength from the half squat to full squat now is so broad that when you go do anything and you squat down, your body's gonna limit it. It's gonna say, outside of that get tight, outside of that get tight because we don't want
Starting point is 01:00:33 to go down and you protect it. Protect you. I mean, that's really the mechanism that's in place. Yes, it's an important one for your body to have so you don't just tear your muscle right off the ground. Right, but full range of motion, resistance training, full range of motion is that the opposite. It increases the strength all the way through the range of motion, increases stability. And now you have real functional flexibility that can work in the real world.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Now, you may be thinking, I can't do full range of motion on some exercises. That's okay. The goal is to be able to get there, though. So your goal is to work towards that point through correctional exercise. You can use programs like Maps Prime Pro. You can go lighter, correct your form. But the full range of motion training does the opposite of what you see sometimes with meet heads where they're super stiff. Well, this is this also highlights the young often you hear this too with young kids who don't want to do mobility work because they don't have any aches and pains. There are other reasons why you should be training mobility besides just to prevent chronic pain.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And I think that's how it's commonly used right now. Like it's not hard convincing a 40 year old plus that listens to the show that they should do mobility because they're like, yeah, and they feel the difference immediately when they do it. But if you're young and you train like a bodybuilder or you try to press the weight and build all this muscle and you are not working through full range of motion,
Starting point is 01:01:51 this is a reason why you want to incorporate mobility and you're training so you don't end up in this situation. Totally, look, you get a lot of check engine lights that appear before pain, okay? So pain is like, it's like you have a check engine light on, you ignore it, and then smoke starts coming out of the engine. That's pain. By the time you hurt, lots of things have led up to that point. So for someone who's young and listening and saying, well, I feel fine, that doesn't mean you are fine. Okay, that just means you haven't got to the
Starting point is 01:02:19 point where the pain will start to happen. By the way, once you start to hurt, you have to backtrack, and it takes a while. And it's not just when the pain stops. You still got more room to go before you're doing really great. And I will say this, just to entice young people even more, mobility training will make you build more muscle and make you stronger anyway, because it improves your connection, your range of motion. So forget the pain part. You want to maximize your results in the gym, work on mobility, work on mobility now, work on mobility always. It'll do that. Next question is from Rolando Chavez to our massage guns, a helpful tool for recovery.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Wow. You know, there's mixed messages talked about this in a while with massage. So some studies will show it doesn't facilitate recovery, other studies will show, it does help facilitate recovery. I'm in the camp that it does. Now, we'll get to massage guns in a second, but I'm talking about massage first, in general, like a good massage practitioner because that's the gold standard, right? You have someone who really knows what they're doing,
Starting point is 01:03:18 work on your body. Here's why I think massage improves or helps facilitate recovery. Now, this is the argument, it moves fluid through the body, it helps with the inflammation, it helps get the signaling to happen and recovery work faster. Maybe that might be happening,
Starting point is 01:03:36 but here's the main reason why I think it helps facilitate recovery. A good massage, what massage does when you press on a muscle is it sends a signal to the central nervous system and it says, relax, yeah, chill out. So like if you have a knot, you ever had someone push on a knot in your shoulder or your back, and then you feel it release,
Starting point is 01:03:53 that pressure told the central nervous system, this doesn't need to be so tight, you know, you get this kind of feedback mechanism, they see an S-relaxed. It interrupts that feedback mechanism. Yes, that helps with recovery. Because if your muscles are constantly kind of tight, that's going to prevent recovery
Starting point is 01:04:10 because it's a little bit damaging, especially over time when you have this tight, I've gotten sore just from being tight in an area for too long. So I think massage helps you move better and helps release the CNS a little bit, which then allows the recovery to have a little faster. I think we need that break from the constant loop. It's almost like once you get in that loop and anything you do that's not even a movement
Starting point is 01:04:35 that should affect that area, like your body's just going to tense up a bit more, a bit more over and over and over and you just get in this perpetual loop that if you need to like physically address it, and I think that it's really helpful to get that outside stimulus to break that up and then allow more range of motion, even if it's temporary, which we've found is the effect doesn't last very long, but now you can really work on mobilizing it, getting more circulation. Well, that's the key to me. The key is not so much the massage, you know, the massage is what you do with it afterwards. It's you get the temporary relief so that you can then go train your mobility work, then train in full range of motion, right? Like that's the,
Starting point is 01:05:19 it's like the phone roll, right? It's the same same type of a concept where, so if I had a massage, it's just self-applied. Yeah, I don't have one, but I would totally use one. I mean, I think it'd be a cool tool to have. I don't really, it's not that big of a deal for me to carry it around. I also think that you can do that with a phone roll. I can do my wife is a massage therapist, so she can do it with her hands.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And so I think if I get like really locked up hips from like overreaching on squatting, maybe a couple of days ago, and then I'm back to, you know, maybe I'm lunging or deadlifting today and I'm still stiff and locked up from that, like something that would release all that as a good massage before I go in and then do some great mobility work
Starting point is 01:05:54 and then go into my deadlifting session. I mean, that's how I would use something like that and I think it's a useful tool. I don't, I think the way it's promoted and it's sold and the way a lot of people think of it is this idea of like you know The pro athletes use it speeds recovery up and like if I want to get the maximum gains and results I'm gonna use these tools so I can get faster recovery and I can go in it's to me
Starting point is 01:06:14 It's not like that. I don't I don't see and if and even if it is giving you like that You're talking about splitting hair difference as far as the competitive edge It's gonna the magic is in how it's used Just like you said Adam if if a muscle is tight and it's preventing me from moving in a way that's going to help do a correctional exercise or moving in a way that's going to give me better technique or form, then loosening that muscle up through a massage is a phenomenal tool in that sense. But if I just loosen the muscle up and then leave it alone, what's going to happen
Starting point is 01:06:45 is whatever caused it to be tight is still there. So it's going to tighten up again. This is why people go to the same massage therapist every single week for the same areas. Oh, it's always my neck. It's always my neck. You never fix it. It's good for business. Well, I'll tell you what. I had when I had my wellness studio, some of the best results I had with clients where when I had a client work with me as a trainer with our hormone and nutrition specialist, that's obvious, and a massage therapist. We had this excellent massage therapist. And what would happen is I would do my assessment and I'd say things like, oh, forward shoulder, anterior pelvic tilt, I would do my correctional exercise.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Then the next time they came around, they would see the massage therapist first, then they'd come see me and I could like right away get into certain movements, and the results were super fast. Now, here's my thing with massage guns. Massage therapist, and you talk to anybody who's really good at massage therapy, there's a lot of art and science into what they do. It's not just rubbing you down and massaging you.
Starting point is 01:07:42 A really good massage therapist knows the body in their context as well as a really good trainer knows the body in the context of exercise. The problem with massage guns is you give them to everyday regular people, they don't understand so much. And all they do is they just... This is the right to that one pain spot. Yeah, and they're not helping themselves
Starting point is 01:07:59 because they're just hammering areas at hurt and they get that temporary relief. So you got to kind of know, so if you combine it with correctional exercise, you know what muscles to get out of the way with massage, unbelievable. You don't know then it's kind of like a way. You know, you just brought something that's a good point too. I mean, this is something Katrina has talked to me about many times before too, is you can
Starting point is 01:08:16 overdo these things too. Totally. So it's not like more is better either. Like there's a sweet spot of that is the idea is to get you to relax, the muscle to calm down for a second so I can then go put the work in. But if you just are getting, or digging in or you're just right, you could actually get sore from that. And it completely defeats the whole purpose of why you just did that. You just did it to get some temporary leaves so you could go put some more work in or work on mobility
Starting point is 01:08:42 or go train. And if you actually do it so deep and so hard, that it still hinders the work out. It kind of defeats the purpose of wire using. Absolutely. Now, here's the other thing is that they are all massage tools are a poor substitute for human touch. There's so much value that comes from human touch that nobody ever talks about and the health and fitness space. Well, maybe not a lot of people, some people do, but it's not very popular. So many healing properties, so many recovery, like, I remember I would get clients that would come in, they'd work with me, and they were super usually older clients,
Starting point is 01:09:14 like, oh, no, I don't want to massage, I don't want anybody touching me, you get this. And then I'd convince them, and the benefits they'd get, just from having a person touch them, and push on tender areas and whatever. It was almost miraculous in some way. So the value that you get from good massage from a person who knows what they're doing is,
Starting point is 01:09:34 I mean, there is valuable as a good trainer in my experience. That's the only reason why I think I don't have one of these guns is simply because I, yeah, I think she's incredible at that. And to me, it's just like if I really locked up or a situation like that, she'll do that. So it doesn't make, and that's the best, I think.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Am I in my opinion? How do you think? If you've got that, if you've got somebody who understands the body, like we do as trainers, I mean, it's amazing. I don't even need to tell her what I did. Like, as soon as she, she'll see it.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yeah, as soon as she starts moving her hands on me, instantly she goes right to where I'm at. Like so I think that that beats a. Yeah, I get there but it's can really like read your entire body and your body language and how you react to you know pressure and it's really interesting to me like it. They have lots of terms you know to define all that
Starting point is 01:10:21 but I'm just like whatever this was amazing. Well you remember when we went through the El Doa stuff, like the Fashio lines and so that, what always fascinated for me, and she doesn't have an El Doa certification, and like, their schooling is a little bit different what they go through, but I remember when we, and I understand the body and anatomy really well
Starting point is 01:10:37 as you guys do, it would trip me out. Sometimes she would, you know, she would do something like in my calf, it would release something in like my upper back. And it would trip me out. You know, like I knew I had some issue up here, but then all of a sudden she would push. The totally different art.
Starting point is 01:10:52 You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did.
Starting point is 01:10:59 You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. You did. another part of the body to give relief in a completely, the average person owns a third gun is enabled to do so. Here's what it makes me think of.
Starting point is 01:11:08 It's like having a dumbbell. Like a dumbbell can be a very valuable tool. You just gotta know how to use it. So I would like to see massage guns come with programs that help you assess and then apply and use. Rather than the indiscriminate use of a massage gun, I have it and I just push on things that hurt. Cause I don't see, I don't think there just push on things that hurt because I don't see
Starting point is 01:11:25 They don't think there's tons of value in that. I think you're just you're kind of shooting in the dark and Poking what hurts and that doesn't necessarily help you if you're not doing it the right way Next question is from April young fitness can eating fat in your post workout meal Slow down digestion and inhibit absorption of nutrients. The slow down yes, inhibit no. Yeah, not even close. Fat increases absorption. There's fat soluble vitamins and nutrients that need fat for, to, to, to order to get absorbed
Starting point is 01:11:55 and utilized by nutrition. Imagine if that was a strategy, just eat higher fat and you get absorbed less. Yeah. Yeah, I know, right. So what? You know what's funny? They did, remember that, remember, okay,
Starting point is 01:12:05 so obviously when we were younger, it was all about low fat. Everything was low fat, low fat. To the point where a skim milk, fat free milk was the name of the game, right? Nobody drank whole milk. They found that, and of course, skim milk also was high in calcium.
Starting point is 01:12:19 All milk is high in calcium. They found that kids who drank lots of skim milk, even though they fortified it, fortified it with vitamin D. And it's all lactose at that point in the day. Well, it's just protein and lactose. It had protein. Calcium, fortified with vitamin D, weaker bones, low calcium, because it weren't absorbing it, because it was no fat in the milk. So no, fat increases absorption.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Now, this whole thing about digestion. Okay, let me tell you about the supplement industry and how they have distorted kind of what's important. So the whole messaging behind protein shakes, what a brilliant marketing strategy was to say that one of the ways that helps you recover faster and build muscle fasters, take advantage of what's known as this post-anabolic window and you you wanna get as many nutrients absorbed as quickly as possible in that post-anabolic window. And the studies will show that you'll replenish glycogen and amino acids faster with certain types of carbohydrates,
Starting point is 01:13:17 like waxy maize was one or dextrose, even people would use, or fast digesting proteins like whey protein isolate. And it is true. You'll get glycogeninum muscles faster and it'll happen quicker with, you know, a low-fat, high protein, high carbohydrate, especially if it's a pre-digested shake of some sort. So what? It absorbs just fine if it goes slower, too. There's no advantage to it getting absorbed faster unless you plan on doing another workout in one hour. So if I do a workout, or I do play a game, and I got another game in an hour, yeah, I'm going to want those carbs and amino acids in my systems right away. If I'm working
Starting point is 01:13:55 out once today, I could even fast all day long, eat at night, so long as the calories are the same. Same the day. You'd say it's the same bit of business. It doesn't make a difference. So what they did is they placed so much importance on this because it sold their products and all of a sudden people were afraid to have fat Post workout. Yeah, oh no can't have fat. It's loads of so what if it's low You know what they used to eat you know bodybows of always ate after workouts steak ground beef full fat cream egg yolks like you know all of a sudden it became this like no no white rice full fat cream, egg yolks, like, you know, and all of a sudden it became this like, no, no, no, white rice, chicken breast, or even better, give me a shake with some like super quick digesting, you know, give me diarrhea, carbohydrate, because this is what's supposed
Starting point is 01:14:34 to be bullshit. No, it's total crap. It doesn't matter if you have fat, unless, again, you plan on working out right after in which case then, then you want something that's very quick digesting and absorbing. Look, if you like our information, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at MindPump Justin, Adam is on Instagram at MindPump Adam, and you can find me on Twitter at MindPumpSouth.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and you can find me on Twitter at MindPumpSouth. and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt
Starting point is 01:15:42 at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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