Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1801: The Best Way to Work Out With No Equipment, How to Transition From Endurance to Strength Training, Adjusting Workouts When Starting TRT & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: April 27, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: How you can lose weight, and your body fat percentage can go up! (4:02) Cannabis and working out.... (17:32) Fun updates and the latest growth phases of the Mind Pump kids. (25:40) Congratulations to the Di Stefano family! (33:51) The effects of inflation on the global food supply. (39:17) The staggering amount of equity people are pulling out of their homes. (44:03) Scientists demonstrate a new mechanism by which amino acids curb appetite. (45:24) #ListenerLive question #1 - What is the best way to optimize my workouts and diet when starting TRT? (49:31) #ListenerLive question #2 - What is the best routine to recondition my body for a military test? (1:07:16) #ListenerLive question #3 - What is the best way to workout with no equipment? (1:16:38) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any advice on transitioning my mindset from endurance to strength training? (1:22:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com April Promotion: Get MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime and Prime Pro all for $99.99! Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1387: Turning Your Body Into A Fat-Burning Machine The new ‘runner’s high’? 80% of cannabis users mix weed, workouts Working out with weed Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Police obtain arrest warrants for women accused in $2K meat theft at H-E-B Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Tappable Equity Surges In Q3 To All-Time High Of $9.4T Ingested non-essential amino acids recruit brain orexin cells to suppress eating in mice Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP10” at checkout** MP Hormones Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum MAPS Strong MAPS Aesthetic MAPS Fitness Performance MAPS Suspension Training Mind Pump #1327: Five Mindset Techniques For Fitness Success Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned David Friedberg (@friedberg)  Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. All right, in today's episode, we actually talked to callers who called in and asked us questions about Fitness and health and we coach them live on air By the way, if you ever want to be on this episode where we talk to you live on air and help you out email your question to live at mind pump media calm now We open the episode with an intro portion where we talk about current events and we bring up scientific studies
Starting point is 00:00:39 We talk about some fun stuff today's intro was minutes long, then we got to the live caller. So here's what we down today's show. We opened up by talking about how you can actually lose weight and gain body fat percentage at the same time. It's possible. We also talked about a study on cannabinoids from things like marijuana or maybe even hemp.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Pretty workout. Does it help you work out better? Does it give you better workouts? Is it a good idea? Is it a bad idea? Nonetheless, we made some interesting speculations and that led us to talking about one of our sponsors, Ned. Ned makes full spectrum hemp oil extract.
Starting point is 00:01:13 So it's high in CBD and other cannabinoids, but this is the one you actually feel. You've probably tried CBD products in the past. You take it and you're like, I don't know if it's doing anything. Believe me, you'll feel Ned. You take this and 45 minutes to an hour later, you can tell you took something and you feel calm,
Starting point is 00:01:29 you fork, relaxed, and good. It's a great product. Go check them out. It's the only hemp oil product we work with. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on net and use the code Mind Pump for 15% off. Then we talked about stuff our kids do. I gave a big announcement. I'm having
Starting point is 00:01:45 another baby actually not me my wife. Then we talked about the women who got caught stealing $2,000 worth of meat, which let us talk about the inflation of the cost of meat, which led us to talking about our sponsor butcher box. Butcher box delivers grass fed meats to your door at excellent prices. And now is the best time to do this because of the inflation of the cost of meat. Go check them out, go to mindpumppartners.com, click on butcher box, and on that link you'll get free ground beef for life with this promotion.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Pretty awesome. Then we talked about all the people that have pulled out equity out of the homes, to buy stuff, and then I talked about a study on non-essential amino acids and movement. Then we got to the questions.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Here's the first one. First one was from Ben from Nebraska. He called in because he just started testosterone replacement therapy. He wants to know if he should change his workouts and diet. Then we talked to Brian from California. He's looking for the best routine to train for because he's going to be in the Marines.
Starting point is 00:02:44 The next question was from Phil from Florida. Wanted to know what the best way to train for because he's going to be in the Marines. The next question was from Phil from Florida, wanted to know what the best way to work out was if he had no equipment. And then the final question was from Brandon from Texas. This person was doing Olympic weightlifting, went to Marathons, now wants to know what to do when he goes back to weightlifting and strength building. Also, there's only four days left for the April promotion. Okay, this is a huge promotion. Actually, the biggest discount we've offered a long time,
Starting point is 00:03:12 it's three maps programs discounted tremendously. It's maps prime, maps prime pro, and maps anywhere. Okay, if you got those for retail, it'd be $361. But right now you can get all three for only $99.99. That's it. So if you're interested, head over to mapsaparl.com. Teacher time! And it's teacher time.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Oh shit, Doug, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have three big winners. This week we have two for Apple Podcasts, one for Facebook, the Apple podcast winners are C, Tia and T-Lam 10. And for Facebook, we have Richard Schilling, all three of you are winners. So the name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com include your shirt size and your shipping address.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And we'll get that shirt right out to you. All right, here's something crazy. You can lose weight and your body fat percentage can go up. That's right. I'm so glad that you brought this tip up. I've been waiting for us to talk about this getting because did you see, I got roasted on TikTok for this one.
Starting point is 00:04:17 What? Yeah, yeah. So, can you say, Well, yeah, so I just, I did a quick math and I was off, right? So, the point still stands true, right? That I was trying to convey, but of course, you know, leave it to social media to I mean, I got just tore apart. That's when they're trying like like you make a good point. Listen, this idiot, he can't even do math.
Starting point is 00:04:35 You know, it's wrong. Yeah, no, it was. It was so the point that I was making was that, you know, I gave an example of somebody, you know, losing 10 pounds and six of it being muscle and four of it being fat. So 10 off the scale. But that rate, I said that person's body fat percentage go technically, that's not true. I should have used them more of an exaggeration. Depends on the body weight. Well, yeah, it depends on the, unless the person was like 400 pounds, that would be the case, right? So, so a better
Starting point is 00:05:01 example would have been a more extreme example, you know, my point across, which would have been like, okay, your client can lose 20 pounds on the scale, their goal is fat loss, they lose 20 pounds, and they go get tested, and their body fat percentage could go up, and what happens, well, what happened is that the ratio of muscle was, the ratio of weight that they lost was more muscle
Starting point is 00:05:22 than it was body fat. To put it more plainly, I like to break down like this is really easy, right? If you weigh 200 pounds and you have 20 pounds of body fat on your body, that means you have 10% body fat, right? So it's 20 pounds out of 200 is 10%. Now, if a 100 pound man has 20 pounds of body fat, that's 20% body fat. So you could lose a bunch of weight on the scale and even lose some body fat, that's 20% body fat. So you could lose a bunch of weight on the scale and even lose some body fat. But if the percentage, if your body fat percentage can go up because
Starting point is 00:05:50 your body fat, your body fat total becomes a larger percentage of your overall body weight. In other words, if you lose a bunch of muscle, maybe a little bit of body fat on the scale, you can become a smaller but higher body fat percentage version of yourself. You can actually go backwards and body fat percentage is what matters because, you know, I weigh over 200 pounds. What makes me lean would not make a 100 pound person lean. That would make them actually overweight, right?
Starting point is 00:06:14 So this is important to understand because we look at our size and we look at the scale and this is how we tend to judge our, how effective our routine is. And we go, oh my God, I lost 30 pounds. I must be doing a great job. And by the way, people have experienced this, where they're super frustrating for clients.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Oh, you lose weight and then you go get body fat tested. I remember, I, this happened to have a client early days as a trainer before I really understood kind of how to really train well. And they lost a bunch of weight in the skin. We tested their body fat. And I remember I tested it like three times and I could tell the client was like,
Starting point is 00:06:46 something wrong. Yeah, it was wrong. And I remember thinking like, am I doing something wrong? And I was questioning myself and I'm like, will your body fat percentage went up a half percent? She was like, but I don't remember what it was. I lost 12 pounds.
Starting point is 00:06:58 So then what I did is I wrote down lean body mass, fat mass. And I said, oh, I said, okay, because you lost muscle, your total body mass, fat mass, and I said, oh, I said, okay, because you lost muscle, your total body fat pounds now is a greater percentage of your body weight, and obviously what we did didn't work. And that was really hard for me. I've heard angry clients about this because they're putting in really hard work, typically. So you're adding your workouts that you're normally doing, but you're also now adding an excess of cardiovascular work on top of that, and then reducing your calories. So you're in the state of just, you know, hyper stress, and you're getting to that point where hard work has to equate to muscle for some reason for a lot of people. That's like the thought process behind it would in fact, you're reducing the amount of muscle
Starting point is 00:07:45 and you're by your recomposing, your body is mainly now the majority of it moved to fat or just stayed, your fat just stayed the same amount that it was, but now it makes up the majority of your bi versus muscle. The shitty part is this is more common in the people that work really hard. Yeah, that's part of what got them there,
Starting point is 00:08:06 is the mindset of more work equates to better results. And that's not how it works. No, your body is trying to become more efficient and it's also trying to adapt to stress. And if the stress overwhelms the body's ability to adapt, then what your body's worried about is healing and also dealing with a stressful environment. And more muscle equates to more faster metabolism.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And faster metabolism for most human history was not really advantageous when you're under a lot of stress. For the most part, lots of stress meant you didn't have a lot of food. So your body changes its composition. I mean, if you were to look at a picture of a 200 pound man at 10%, a 200 pound man at 15%, and a 200 pound man at 20% body fat, all the same weight, they would look radically different. You could do this for women too, 15, you know, 15, 20,
Starting point is 00:08:56 25% or 20, 25, 30%, right? Same body weight, they look very, very different. So we need to get away from the scale so much and rather look at composition. It's not the scale that matters. It's what your body is made up of. And I use this example all the time. You know, you could cut your leg off and lose 20 pounds, but is that the kind of way that you want to lose? Yeah. And I mean, your body is doing what it's supposed to do. Yeah. It's very effectively trying to conserve energy that it needs. You're telling your body there's all this crazy amounts of stress and demand.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So we need to make sure that whatever you are intaking, we can save that for the future because it obviously it's scarce. Well, this is another example of why we get kind of labeled as these anti-cardiogies, which we totally are not, but majority of clients that would hire you would be looking to speed up their metabolism and lose body fat. That's most clients that hire you, that's their goals.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And taking that person and training them three to five days a week and doing cardio every single day is not advantageous. And then this is exactly what happens to that person, is they are burning so much, they're doing cardio, they're sending a signal to their body to be more efficient with calories. So the metabolism slows down. And even if the scale comes down 15, 20 pounds and they think they're going in the right direction,
Starting point is 00:10:18 they're really not. So even though they lost a little with fat, maybe they feel a little better because they look smaller or they're fitting in. And they have better fitness, they have more stamina. Sure, right, more nervous. Sure, and that's why I think that's why I can be a learning or confusing for people is because they're like,
Starting point is 00:10:30 why, I definitely feel better, I can run down the block better than I could before, and I'm definitely fitting in, my belt loop has gone down, but the problem is you're losing muscle just as fast and we're technically not fitter and you're definitely slowing the metabolism down. That's the biggest trap I've found
Starting point is 00:10:45 is the whole conditioning side of it. Because what people associate with being in shape, a lot of times means like they have a cardiovascular conditioned fitness on top of that, which I get that, but that's a completely different pursuit and adaptation versus like trying to build muscle or reduce body fat. That's what the messaging says to your kids.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I mean, the mile run when you're a kid, like that's how we measure doctors, recommendation, run through, you know, it's like 30 minutes. It's just different. Your body aims at getting better at what you do a lot of. And if you challenge your body or stress your body, which exercises a stress,
Starting point is 00:11:19 your body aims to get better at it. Well, if I do lots and lots of cardio and simultaneously cut my calories, the signal that I'm sending my body is, I need stamina, I need a lot of stamina, I don't need a lot of strength, okay? Cardiovascular activity requires very little strength. And we're burning lots of calories with activity, okay? Simultaneously, we're taking in fewer calories. So how does the body adapt in that scenario? It pairs muscle down and becomes a more efficient calorie burning machine. Or in other words, it just utilizes less calories.
Starting point is 00:11:50 By the way, there's more to this. When your body pairs muscle down, it doesn't just pair muscle down. It has to organize its systems in a way to do so. And in one of the main ways it does this is by organizing the hormones in a way to pair muscle down. So think about this for a second. You have a man who's just abusing cardio, cutting his calories,
Starting point is 00:12:09 his body wants to pair muscle down. What hormone is responsible for building or preserving muscle? Testosterone. What your body will do is lower testosterone in order to make that happen. Now on the flip side, if the signal I'm sending is, I need strength and I'm fueling this strength, I'm fueling my body.
Starting point is 00:12:27 So there's really no need to worry about so much about being efficient with calories. Food's not scarce. My body is like, okay, let's build muscle and let's build strength and let's organize all hormones in a way to do so. Raise testosterone, right, and women balance estrogen and progesterone, right, get better growth hormone level. So you can lose weight and go up and body fat percentage and this is so frustrating.
Starting point is 00:12:48 It's so frustrating in fact that when I would show people this, like they did this to themselves, they would deny it to the point where they thought that I was lying. I actually had a lady once do this with me. I tested her. She came to me, she wasn't a client. I did one of those free body fat testing booths
Starting point is 00:13:03 and she's like, oh, I got tested four months ago, but since then I've lost 20 pounds. So I can't wait to see what it's at. I tested her and it was a little higher than what she had before. She was so mad, I tested her again, so mad. She left, went somewhere else, got tested again, and obviously didn't get the answer she wanted. And then she came back and she's like, I don't understand what just happened. I've actually seen trainers deny it and say
Starting point is 00:13:27 that the machine must be flawed. This is totally inaccurate. And then they just like throw out all the science. They're just like, you know, they can't be the case, you know, just stick with what you're doing. I actually think that's half of why this fitness space clowns on those tools so much. Yeah. Because I think a lot of them are pissed off because they're trying to understand the science. why this fitness space clowns on those tools so much.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Because I think a lot of them are pissed off because they don't understand the science. You look like a stupid trainer, right? Well, I mean, it happened all my trainers. Justin was there at that time. This was back when we worked together. And I used to do these competitions with my trainers where I'd put a bunch of,
Starting point is 00:13:59 I think we'd all put a hundred bucks and then I'd match it. And it was like, you know, winner of the greatest body fat percentage change. And, you know, I think I had 20 something trainers at that time working for me. And I'd say more than half of them had this, because most of them are already pretty fit. And so the mistake that they all made was they go, okay, we have, you know, two or three months to get even more shredded. So they all just ramped up everything, cut calories. Yeah. And it was like, you like, even though we lost weight. But yeah, everyone came down and a lot of them felt
Starting point is 00:14:28 like they looked better because they got smaller. And so, and they all thought the dunk was inaccurate, which is really accurate, right? So we did a hydrostatic way, which is, like the variance that it can be off is like a tiny amount, like a half of a half upper salary. Yeah, compared to skin caliper, especially electronic impedance.
Starting point is 00:14:47 So, and so, these trainers, oh, this thing is flawed, it's bullshit, it doesn't work, it's like, no, dude's accurate. And I remember, I knew that I knew how accurate it was, and I had the same thing, it happened to me, and I thought, whoa, like wow. I had a tough pill to swallow. Oh, a very, very tough pill to swallow,
Starting point is 00:15:02 especially being, you know, supposedly experts in this field. Obviously not that much to swallow. Oh, a very, very tough pill to swallow, especially being supposedly experts in this field. Obviously not that much to speak. Like, oh man, maybe I didn't, maybe I didn't blow out enough air. Yeah, like I was keeping too much air in the cell. That's what I was thinking. So we were like, we're you into the water. I was drowning, you know, my second test.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I'm just, I remember, so the trainers were thinking so that so I had to go and ask the guy who had an errand that, the guy who owned the, the setup. And I said, hey, a lot of my trainers think this is way off. Like, you know, what if someone didn't, you know, what if they held their breath or did this and he's like, listen, Adam, you could literally hold your breath intentionally. Because you're supposed to let your air out. Yeah. So you could hold your breath intentionally and it won't throw this off by a half a
Starting point is 00:15:43 percent. Yeah. That's how, how minimal the difference. Yes, it helps the blow it all the way out. Yes, that'll make it even more accurate. But he's like, you couldn't throw this thing off if you tried more, more than that. Now on the other side of this, you could also gain weight and go down and body fat percentage. Yes. If you just gain, right now, if you just gain 10 pounds of lean body mass and not a single pound of body fat, your leaner. Because now your body fat percentage, your body fat total, the total pounds of body fat on your body is now a smaller percentage
Starting point is 00:16:11 of your overall body weight. And this is where it hit me. I went on this kind of slight bulk, chained my workout got stronger, got my body fat percentage back lower. And I remember being like, wait a minute, how is this possible? And it was because I went from a cut to a bulk
Starting point is 00:16:26 and I had a muscle replaced fat. That's right. Well, you have a client who needs to lose, let's say 30 pounds of weight, you have two scenarios. One client you take is going to ramp up the card, do everything they possibly can to lose. They get to the end of the month and they've lost 15 pounds. But a good portion of that's muscle,
Starting point is 00:16:44 so they've actually gone up a couple percent body fat. Then you have the other scenario where the end of the month is and they've gone up five pounds. But they've dropped- It was pure muscle though. But they exactly, pure muscle, they've dropped the body fat percentage by 1% who's in a better situation.
Starting point is 00:16:56 One of them is supposedly a half way to their original goal of 30 pounds, losing 50 pounds, but their body fat percentage has gone up, slowed their metabolism. Client B has actually gained five pounds, and body fat percentage is down one percent, and in a faster metabolism. Like, client B is in such a better situation, even though they're actually five pounds further from their original goal when they came at Hardew.
Starting point is 00:17:17 That is really hard for the average client to like, clap their brain around. And you follow them down, you know, a little bit of a distance in time, and the faster metabolism, and then the fat melts off. Yes. Now your body comes out of it. It comes out of it. It's dramatic. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:32 All right, so speaking of workouts, I read this amazing article on cannabis use and working out. So, you know, okay, so obviously, we all old enough to remember when, you know, if you had a joint, you were like, what's with your throne and pre-workout now? No. Oh my God, just wait though, once it becomes federal legalized, I'm sure. But I'm old enough to remember,
Starting point is 00:17:52 when you, if you had a joint man, you were afraid of the cops and it was like a big deal. And then it became kind of medically legal and the stigma has changed. Now it's the point, depending on where you live, I mean, we're here in California. If you smoke a cigarette on the street, you're gonna get more people pissed off at you
Starting point is 00:18:06 than if you smoke a joint. I mean, it's just, the stigma has changed so much. Now, along with that is people using cannabis for many different reasons and being open about it. And one of them is using cannabis to work out. Now, I use, I use specifically just saying working out in general, are you talking about now strength training or cardio?
Starting point is 00:18:24 All of it. All of it. All of it. All of it. All training. So I have different views on both of them. Right. No, and this is going to speak right to that, right? So we get asked this question quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Like, I like to have a joint before I work out. I like to have it edible before I work out. What do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad or whatever? Now, the studies done on cannabis or cannabinoids, I should say, and exercise. And cannabinoid use and exercise, the studies are pretty clear.
Starting point is 00:18:51 It reduces coordination, it reduces reaction time, and it reduces power output. Okay, so it's clear. Like every study shows this, and it's pretty consistent. And so the answer typically is like, no, it's not a performance enhancer. However, the surveys that they're doing now, they're doing lots of surveys, and they're finding more and more people like to use cannabis before they work out. Why are all these people using cannabis before they work out if it reduces coordination, reaction time, and power?
Starting point is 00:19:19 So then they ask them, do you like to use cannabis because it improves your strength and physical performance? No. Do you like to use cannabis before you work out because it makes you enjoy the workout and for the psychological effects? Yes. That's the reason why people are using it. And what they also found in the study is that cannabis pre-workout users work out longer
Starting point is 00:19:41 and tend to do more work in the gym or on the run. Just less intense than people who don't. More volume. Well, probably. Work out longer and tend to do more work in the gym or on the run. Interesting. Just less intense than people who don't. More volume. Well, probably, right? I mean, I could see that. I mean, I would, I like it on like a mobility day. I love it.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Right. And I like, could you get lost at it? Or if I was doing cardio for a long period of time, you know? So if I was getting on a stair master for an hour, you know, taking a couple of hits before I go in there or something that or taking an edible half hour hour before, because then I just get lost in my thoughts. I'm not thinking about the stair master and being that same spot for an hour, I'm thinking about work and thinking about all kinds of other things, but that you get totally lost in your head.
Starting point is 00:20:16 So I could see those benefits. Yeah, majority, I'm reading it right now. A majority of them were psychological and mental effects that just the feeling people work out longer. So this made me think about something for a second. Now, I'm not going to advocate using cannabis to work out. I think it's not necessarily a good association. So like, and I say, I think because I don't have enough experience around this,
Starting point is 00:20:38 it wasn't a big deal when we were training clients. But I think it might create a bit of a dysfunctional relationship or exercise where someone might feel like they need to have it in order to work out. And the only where I'm pulling from is caffeine because I know that caffeine tends to be connected to exercise. And I know how I, if I start to use a lot of caffeine before my workouts, I can get to the point where I don't want to work out if I don't have caffeine. So I'm talking purely from that first dependency. Yes, but nonetheless, if it improves the psychological and mental effects, I could see how perhaps cannabis use could be could help. This is me just theorizing here. Could be beneficial for like mind a muscle connection type workouts, right? Where I'm going to the gym and the goal
Starting point is 00:21:21 is not to go heavy. The goal is just to concentrate and squeeze and feel the muscle. Getting it pumped and just kind of, yeah, it's a volume less than, I just, I can't see it at all for intensity. No, like it's just, anything where I'm really having to like, some enforce and grind my way through, exercise or put demanding amount of weight on my back.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Like that sounds awful. Yeah, but everything else, like I made made I could see angles there. Yeah, you know, I can't help but think of one of the first times that I ever got really high and not intentionally this high. And I had to eventually drive home. And I remember driving home and I it was like a 10 minute drive home. And it felt like it was an hour. I remember at the stoplight, it was so paranoid, my truck was gonna roll through the, so both feet were on the break. And so I just can't imagine trying to lift weights
Starting point is 00:22:10 and just having that same paranoia going through. It's gonna crush me. I'm sure there's a dose dependent, right? Yeah, for sure. That's why I wouldn't recommend it, you know? Yeah, it's so anti the kind of energy I like to work out with. I like to be super focused, super like,
Starting point is 00:22:25 feel like I can, like, you know, summon strength and that kind of stuff. So I mean, definitely wouldn't be for me. However, I could see, I mean, with this many people responding to the survey and saying that like, hmm, very interesting. Here's what I'm, this is something that I may try, right? I have not used the hemp oil from Ned pre-workout.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I have used it a little bit with caffeine because it's a wonderful combination. But if you use a big dose of the hemp oil, it's not like an edible, but you do feel some of the effects of kind of that euphoria kind of. Yeah, you're getting high from that. No, not high like a joint, but I wouldn't want to. I wouldn't want to be like that. Anyway, I'm wondering if using cannabinoids like that are found in Ned, maybe the non-psychoactive ones, just enough to give you that
Starting point is 00:23:10 you for it kind of calm feeling, if that can help with the connection. By the way, I've gotten emails from people who say that they love using it pre-workout and they say, I always tell them, well, it's not a pre-workout supplement. But I still, so maybe, right? Maybe, especially that. Well, I can depend on the focus and can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can, I can. Great combination. I mean, if you're thinking about it, if you have a high stress job and you're anxious a lot and you're getting ready to go to the gym, I don't think that it's always the,
Starting point is 00:23:51 if you're high, high stress, and then you go in and then stress the body even more training, like, and that's a great way to help maybe transition. Like, okay, I need to calm down. Like an hour before. Yeah, I take it, that relax me a little, and then I reframe the way my workout needs to look
Starting point is 00:24:06 and say, I'm gonna do more of a form and technique. Totally. I can get behind it. Yeah, because I mean, again, the reason why this was such a big deal for me with the article is, you know, we always think about the physical workouts, but we know that the mental is,
Starting point is 00:24:19 if not as important as more important. Oh yeah, so. The intent going in is huge. Yeah, so if it, like you just gave a great example out of it, if somebody used hemp oil and it helped them get in a better mental state, even if they lose some max power or whatever, who cares, which is that?
Starting point is 00:24:35 They shouldn't be lifting that way if they got a crazy stressful day, right? Very good point. Yeah. So, I got an article sent to me and this is kind of along the lines of like substances that have mind-altering effects and there was a I think this is an Ohio. I don't remember exactly where this was but it was a kindergarten class and this kindergarten student
Starting point is 00:24:58 had brought for snack time to the entire class had basically grabbed their mother's to the entire class had basically grabbed their mother's margarita mix the Jose Cuerva. It was passing it around once the kids were drinking the kitty garden. Yes, let's like takeela. Yeah, no, it's alcohol free, right? The margarita is 10% Oh, there is. Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, yeah. So there was definitely tequila in there. But yeah, I just I was trying to picture this, right? Like, like kindergarten, they're little little kids, you know? Like they're like, yes, neck time, and they're drinking this like margarine tequila. Dan's on the table.
Starting point is 00:25:34 I'm sleeping immediately to nap time. Yeah. Right after that. Speaking of nap time in the week, Katrina and I are tripping out right now. We are on week two of max at his new school and never ever has this kid ever slept for two hours. In fact, his daytime nap is always one of the because sometimes he naps sometimes he doesn't. If he does nap, a lot of times is because we're driving somewhere or because we decided to drive him or Katrina pushing him a stroller rarely ever rarely really ever does max just lay
Starting point is 00:26:05 down at noon or one and go take a day now or nap. That's just he's consistently been by the way. I take back all the naps that I don't want to take one as a kid. What an idiot. Oh, yeah. Now I'm like, what was the mystery? Yeah. So he's now at this new school and absolutely loved it. What is he's loving it right now, which has been great. We're excited. And they so they they, part of when you enroll,
Starting point is 00:26:27 you get this, they have this app that I, they send you updates. So pictures of him and what he's doing, so it's really cool. And every day that he's been there so far, he's, he just goes in with all the other kids and they have a nap time. And I, I don't know if it's because there's other kids
Starting point is 00:26:42 doing it or what? When he goes and he lays right down, she sends pictures of my son, and he's sleeping for two, two and a half hours. Whoa. I'm like, where's this been? When it could turn out, I can't get a two hour break. You've been pumpkin, you guys.
Starting point is 00:26:55 That's all. And it's not like it was an anomaly, like one or two times. He's having every single day. It's gonna be like a group mind to that. Cause it's like, I've seen that before in those little classes. It's trippy. I have the answer. I know what it is.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I know what it is. Justin, I guarantee this happens to you. How many times have your kids gone over other people's houses and stuff? And they're good for the average. Yeah, and they're like, you have the most well-behaved people, and you're like, my kids? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It's because they're somewhere else. So that's what some of the parents that we've talked to about, that's what they speculate they go like. Yeah, it's just, you know, the kids just seem to be better kids for other people than yourself or whatever, like, time. Every time. My mom used to get that all the time, we'd go somewhere, you know, there's four kids
Starting point is 00:27:32 and we're, you know, kind of wild or whatever. And we'd go somewhere, my grandma, someone would watch us or whatever. Your kids are so polite and they clean up and they do this. And my mom's like, hey, what kids are you watching, Mike? But that's how you want it. Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, it's like, I know it sucks like, when, what kids are you watching? Mike? But that's how you want it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I mean, at the end of the day, it's like, I know it sucks. Like, when you get like the other side to the point. I'm with you on that point, but I would rather have them see this. Yeah, I'd rather have to deal with the shitty side of my kid. You know what I'm saying? That's what you think. Exactly. And then he's like, that's behavior.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, lay down and so he's like, okay, you know what I mean? I'm just tripping up. I'm like, I can't get this guy to take a nap in the middle of the day like that at all. It just reminds me of Billy Madison where they're all like, you know, sleeping and then they're eating paste. You know that's, yeah. Hey, great.
Starting point is 00:28:13 You know what you should do. So I used to do this to my daughter when she was little. I noticed the same thing. Like, man, she sat in class, was very, in the teachers like, your daughter is so good. She's so, I'm like, really?
Starting point is 00:28:24 So then what I would do at home is when she would do something, I'd be like, I'm gonna call Mrs. Sone, so. It's like, I tell her I'm a teller teacher. No, I'm sorry, I'll clean up. Like, oh, sorry. You want to be good for me. That's what I do with Alp and the shelf. Dude, that's all it was.
Starting point is 00:28:37 He's like, this little security monitor, you know, basically, like, he's gonna tell Santa, all these things he did wrong. So we've got this new phase, right? And this has just been going now for, I don't know, it's been about maybe a month, three weeks to a month, it's been going on. And when he goes to bed now, he likes, he loves to do this. If you guys ever come to my house and you play with him, you'll see he loves to hide under the covers.
Starting point is 00:29:03 That's like his thing. Hide, hide, hide, come run over to you and he'll want to get on the bean bag and get on the, and he just thinks it's the coolest thing to get under like a tent or whatever. So he now does this every night when we actually put him down, he sits up, he gets his blankets and he, and he makes himself into like this tent and he, and he tucks the sheets under his forearm and his head. And so we have to go in there after he's been asleep for about a half hour and untuck it all that
Starting point is 00:29:27 or he's drenched in sweat. Oh, wow. He'll do it. Oh, I remember the first couple nights that happened Katrina, I'm like, what did he pee the bed? Why is he soaking wet? No, it's because he's getting himself in. I've got to film a little fort.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Oh, it was bed. He's got, he's got a TPs, he's got the fort stuff. Oh, yeah, the TPs. But he's doing it now when he gets in the bed and the sheets, it's the weirdest thing. got, he's got all, he's got a TPs, he's got the Ford stuff. Oh, yeah, you got the TPs. But he's doing it now when he gets in the bed and the sheets, it's the weirdest thing. I don't know what security thing. He's like more playful, doesn't seem scary. Yeah, it's not like,
Starting point is 00:29:53 he's just like being covered, dude. Yeah, I'm kind of cute. Yeah, and he never did it before, we up, but it's a pain in the ass because, one, he grips it. Oh, so you're afraid of waking up. Oh, I have to wake him up. So I go in every night right now
Starting point is 00:30:05 and I peel it out of his hands and he wakes up and then I gotta settle with that cup and holes. Some of the same. I mean, we tried to get, we're like, I told Katrina, like just let him sleep in everything, but just a diaper and just a sheet so that it doesn't make, because he was doing it with a comforter.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And I was getting, I mean, he was just sweating within a half hour. It was weird. I've never seen a kid do it. It's like his new thing that he's doing, and it's kind of funny, and it's like, but annoying at the same time, because he's drenched in sweat.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah, my son, Aralia, he does two things. One is he started hugging his teddy bear, which is so cute. Like, you know, he lays in bed, and we have the monoronum, so, and by the way, I feel kind of weird watching my kid with a monorol time, because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:30:45 you know, I know he's a baby. It's because we didn't have it. I didn't have it. I had the sky. Yeah, no private time, you know what I mean? But anyway, he's got this little teddy bear. But then he does this thing where he soothes himself, he'll, on his mattress, he'll like, bang his head,
Starting point is 00:30:56 don't, don't, don't, like he's soothing himself. I'm like, is he gonna hurt himself? Like what's going on over here, dude? Max used to na on his bed frame. So his- This is to sue themselves. Yeah, you like chew on it. So like his, all the, his bed frame is like,
Starting point is 00:31:11 it's all, all gnarly and stuff like that. Because when I was doing chew on it all day. Well, I've used to sing ACDC songs. No, you didn't. Yeah. It's all the lullaby stuff he used to play. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Sweat of God.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Sweat of God. Bro, you win. I hope you write it. But I didn't have a camera. I like, would hear it. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, cool. I mean, I'm with you, Sal, and I was tease Katrina, because she was like, she could not separate herself from that for the first, at least year and a half, almost two years. And I'm always like, well, hear him. You know, he'll eventually come out. He'll be fine. He'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I just feel like we're invading the privacy a little bit, even though the baby's a little bit. But it's, I mean, it's so nice. I'm just giving peace of mind, though. It does give you peace of mind. I feel like we can totally be doing something else. I mean, I'll even nice. What age you give me peace of mind though, it does give you peace of mind. I feel like we can totally be doing something else. I mean, I'll even go on walk on the neighborhood because I got it and it'll send it. Bro, they have the mood.
Starting point is 00:32:11 It'll tell you the temperature in the room. There's ones you can see they're breathing. I would use it like crazy. How okay? So what age is it appropriate to take the camera out of the room? I think once he's at an eight, like we're really close to that. I think once he's at an age where he. Bro, to that. I think once he's at an age where he I don't you want
Starting point is 00:32:39 Did Nile about all that no I so I think that because we've talked about this because I think we're coming up on that age soon I think once like three or four something like that Yeah, once he's at an age where he goes down to bed on his own And he say he's like he's still an age where he could hurt himself or do something stupid and like you know We barely got to that phase where you know She feels completely safe with him just kind of going to bed and getting up on his own So we're close to that. I think I think we would get rid of it pretty soon here at least I will be advocating for us to get rid of See how she she has the attachment to it more. I don't think I use a teenager now.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Oh, I know. Sun. Yeah. I mean, we just recently broke the habit of not having it while we're having sex. I told you that. We had that for, I mean, the first, that's it.
Starting point is 00:33:18 That is a two years. That is a co-block. That is a concealer. Yeah. That is the worst. For her, not a big deal for me. It's a big deal. I can't look at my son.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Dude, how many times you got in trouble for turning the sound off? Oh, yeah. I do it all the time. Oh, I'm not alone. Yeah, every time. Okay. I'll be like, I'll get the monitor. She's so mad at me. No, because you can't, you hit a baby and you know, what are you gonna do? No. In plus, I feel like a really has a, he's got like a, like a, like a sensor. He knows. Like, oh, oh, dad, right. I feel like a really has a he's got like a like a sensor. He knows like oh dad Get the kid freaking those walls down, but he's now he's not very effective because I got announcement Oh, I was wondering if you can bring this up. Yeah, we're having another one. Wow Many vans not too far away, huh? Oh, that's gonna make number, that's gonna be four. He's a bust, dude, right? That's gonna be number four. You can even discount some things now,
Starting point is 00:34:07 like for having that many, like dinners and like movie theaters and things like that. Nothing, but there's your brain. There's some tricks you can play at the end. Danny's school, you're gonna find something. No, there's tricks you can play though. We go to a buffet restaurant, get one plate, everybody else to start, you know, eat off of it,
Starting point is 00:34:19 you could, you know, those are all kinds of stuff. What's great though, you know, maybe the same strategy my parents had that you can, you can implore, it's, you know, that you've got enough to like, pretty much, you don't need maids or anything. Now you can just do all the house chores, you can sign everything so you don't have to do anything around the house, presoom here.
Starting point is 00:34:34 It's true. Couple more years. No, it's, it's, I was pumped, Jessica. So we weren't, this was unplanned, but it would have been planned a little later. But when she told me I felt this like, just overwhelming joy. I love big families, I really do. I really enjoy big families.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I enjoy the chaos of it, believe it or not. It's a lot of work and a lot of stress, but it's a wonderful feeling to have all that. And I've seen now my older kids with the baby, and it's just the best thing. I see my daughter playing with the baby, and my son helping out and having a good time. Now we're gonna have another one.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's a girl, by the way. We come from a massive family. And we found out it's a girl. So I'm gonna have a little girl with you. You guys know how my daughter is. Like girl boy, girl boy, girl for you. Yeah, do you know? So I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Are you gonna have to move again? Probably. You are, huh? Yeah, because we don't have enough bedrooms for, they would have to share room for a second. But because it's a boy and a girl, I, they would have to share room for a second, but because it's a boy and a girl, I mean, they can't share. That's why we've been looking at Utah.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, all the people over here. Yeah. Yeah, no, that's probably in a couple of years. I'll have to, which sucks, I really like my place. I love my neighborhood, but, you know, that part sucks. But yeah, dude, it's super, super exciting, but you guys, as you guys know,
Starting point is 00:35:44 I haven't shared on the podcast so we haven't told anybody, but Jessica's had the nausea from hell. For the worst, the worst, I feel so bad for. Like it's starting to get better. But for like six weeks, she was literally vomiting all day. Like for morning till night, just feeling like dog shit and I have to, and then you know, and we'll sit there
Starting point is 00:36:04 and I'll be like, we'll play this game where she's, because she has to eat or she'll get nauseous, but everything makes her wanna throw up. So I'll sit there and I'll be like, what about if I make you this? And then she'll be like, oh, no, okay, what about this? Brrr, brrr, so we'll do this thing and then she's like, don't say any more food
Starting point is 00:36:20 and she'll sit there and she's got the bucket, trying to stay calm or whatever. And then the most random, she'll sit and think, right? She goes through the roll of decks in her head, like, what food, it's not gonna make me throw up. And then she'll say something like, chicken fingers from Burger King. Bro, it's weird in that.
Starting point is 00:36:33 She'll look up and she'll go, a chalupa. I'm like, what? Chalupa. Chalupa. I'm like, from Taco Bell. When you have that, like when she was 16. Yeah. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:36:43 That's the only thing I can think about. It doesn't make my throat. All right. The cool, the Dorito one. Okay. Yeah, I feel like we'll get you to Lupa. I don't know if they even make those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I mean, I imagine that has to be one of the hardest things for a woman. Especially like Jessica, who I know is very aware of. She's also feeding her baby. So she wants to give her baby the best nutrients, but then she's in a position where nothing that is probably best for the baby is not good. It's either go get an IV and get less on calories. I get that point you have to make. And I mean, there's their hierarchy.
Starting point is 00:37:12 We talk about this in fitness all the time. They're always is. It's like, yes, those things are important, but calories first are more important. And so you've got to make a decision. Now how is she done with wrestling? Because I imagine that probably flux with her a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:25 That's what she's doing. It does, but she's so bad and so nauseous. That she's like, well, she just can feel better. It's just a feeling. It feels better. She's trying to master, right? This is the first. This is the changes.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Supposed to. Please, I have a cousin who was like this all nine months. No, God forbid, man, if that happens to her. Katrina figured out for her. And of course, I know it's different for every pregnancy, but for her pregnancy, she had to in fact, she got to a point where she would set an alarm to wake her up at four in the morning. She had to stay ahead of it. Yes. If she, if she allowed her, South
Starting point is 00:37:52 to get hungry, she was fucked. She was then sick, throwing up, whatever, nothing sounded good. If she disciplined her, South of the, and it normally would be, she'd get up and have like, assaulting crackers and oranges or something. It would be weird. But she just needed to get something in her system really, really early. She'd go back to bed. She'd get up, go downstairs, go do it, and then go right back upstairs.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And she felt like she could stay ahead of it. And the times that she missed, it was felt terrible. It's funny because my son, my baby boys, was 18 months now. And so he gets scared. he sees mom throw up. And he's like, huh, huh? And I'm like, she's okay, she's okay. No go over, no trying like rubber back,
Starting point is 00:38:30 which makes her throw up more because if you touch her, when she's sick, she's gonna vomit more. So now because he's seen it so many times, if we have the bucket out and we have like a plastic bag in it, he walks up to it and he goes, what? He can't protect me.
Starting point is 00:38:43 So I laugh. Your laugh at Jessica don't think it's very funny. I'm like, oh, really? It's what his mama do. He walks over to, but, but there was one, she sent me a video I texted her. This was like, cause it's starting to get better, okay? So thank God, but last week it goes really bad.
Starting point is 00:38:58 And I'm like, hey, honey, how you doing right now? And all she does is she send me a picture and Aralis has this like, like, poor kid scared, look on his face and he's running with the bucket. And she's like, he brought the bucket to me. She started like, and she's like, give me the bucket. And he's like, it is ready to give it to her.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Poor, poor kid. Poor kid, anyway. So did you guys see the video? This is kind of crazy, but also a sign of the times. There was a video of these two women stealing $2,000 worth of meat from the grocery store. $2,000 worth of meat. So four packages of hot dogs?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Yeah, exactly. Two steaks. Two steaks. Yeah, that's all it takes. I seriously, what inflation's hitting the 14 to 20% is red meat. 14 to 20% in% is red meat. 14 to 20% increase in price is red meat. That's a saw recent one too about like some crazy cheese heist.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Like I don't know if this was like across, of course I got every single person in the planet, like DM me that, you know, just the, it was like some craze like $50,000 worth of cheese that they stole, but yeah, meat, of course. I'm sure that's even more expensive. David Friedberg on the all-in podcast, he predicted this when the war started. He said there's going to be things that we're going to see later on with the food supply chain.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Oh, in 10 months it's going to be nice. Yeah, he's saying the next nine to 18 months is going to be worse than what it is right now because there's... Well, they're projecting. So what they do is, one thing that he talks about, is they look at the amount of crops that have been planted now, which then they will get the food from 10 months or a year from now, right? So the total, and I might be getting the numbers wrong,
Starting point is 00:40:36 but the total amount of acreage for corn, I believe, was 94 million acres, that's normal. They only planted, I believe, 88 or 89 million acres. So that's a big difference. And what that means is now there's going to be less available corn on the market, a significant amount, which means the price of it is going to go up along with the fact that inflation is also contributing because of the money supply. So he's like, it's going to go through the roof. Same thing with wheat production and other staple crops. Now here's the big issue. In rich countries, we're just gonna see prices go up.
Starting point is 00:41:09 In other countries developing nations, they're gonna have straight up food shortages because it's a world market. So what'll happen is China, America, Canada, Europe, will buy up the supply and then places like Somalia, Ethiopia, you know, other countries, they're going to end up with none. Yeah. And he explained that we have like a 90 day amount of food supply in America on average.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Yeah, 25% of our food we have stored and he was saying that China has a hundred, 150% a year and a half. You have a year and a half of stored food, whereas America is only about nine days. Which is also predicted that that's gonna give them all kinds of leverage and power. Yeah, because then what they'll do is they'll be able to sell that food or use it as leverage to increase influence or increase or influence around.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Great. But it's weird, yeah, so it's a sign of the times. I feel like we're gonna start seeing more and more things like people stealing gas and stealing food. How much is butcher box gonna be? Do you know if butcher boxes, I know they had to increase the rate. I think everybody and had to.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Barely though. They didn't go very much. No, no, not at all. In fact, I have it written down here. I mean, I can buy. While you're looking, you know what I just ordered, speaking of butcher box was,
Starting point is 00:42:17 and I think I heard Doug looking to do it, is the, I can't wait to try him. The burnt brisket ends. Oh yeah. Yeah, is that what they're called? Burnt ends. Is it burnt ends? I love burnt ends. I didn't know to try them. The burnt brisket ends. Oh yeah. Yeah, is that what they're called? Burnt ends. It's a burnt ends. I love burnt ends.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I didn't know they had them. And it was an add on. We ordered it the last time. So I'll give you an example, right? So I get a one of their custom classic kind of big boxes, right? So it's $169. I have written down here.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Here's what I get in this. And by the way, this is all grass fed, well sourced, high quality. So this isn't your conventional corn fed meat. So it's more expensive anyway, but here's what I get, right? So $169 I get 1, 2, 3, 3, 1 and a quarter pound tri-tips, all grass fed. I get 2, 1 and 3 quarters, so 1.75 pounds of flank steak. So two of those, and they get four eight ounce pork chops. This is heritage pork, all for $169. But you can go in and change, you know, what you want in that box, or what you can customize it.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Do you have yours, Doug? Cause I know yours is different than mine. Yeah, so I always get the ribs. So I got one rack of my favorite ribs, two, two point three pounds, I believe. The flat iron steaks are one of my favorite. They're great, especially if you do stir fries, they're super tender.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Do they do them also seasoned? Because I think I have some that are already seasoned flat on there, something else. I've never get them seasoned, but I ended up getting two orders of that. So I'm getting eight, six ounce of steaks of those. I'm getting ground beef. I like having ground beef, ground pork. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And same price, 169. 169. Yeah. And it's delivered to your door and it's high quality. And I think because of the their sourcing and because they eliminate middlemen, their prices are going to become even more attractive than they were before. So it's actually an interesting time for a company like Butcherbox, right? You know, speaking of inflation, I read a stat the other day, and I'm gonna get the exact number off, but you'll get the gist I was blown away by this. The amount of money that's been pulled out
Starting point is 00:44:13 of people's homes in America. Oh, yes, I heard this. Did you see this? Yes. It is almost in last year, a half a trillion dollars. So it was like 400, I think it was like $460 billion. Full of equity out. Yes, and spent it. Yes. So half a trillion dollars. So it was like 400 and like, I think it was like $460 billion. Full of equity out. Yes, and spent it.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yes. So half a trillion. So think of that, okay. Of all that we've already printed and where that's gone, right? And that's why that's part of the reason why it's and then you add in the fact that you got all these people. And then think about it, if you had $400,000, I mean, all you had to have was had owned your home five years prior to this.
Starting point is 00:44:46 And you're sitting on an ATM machine right there. Yeah, you're sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just interested in it. And yes, in equity and interest rates are low. So how many people reified, pulled out a hundred, two hundred, three hundred thousand dollars? Or in a 30, 40, 50 grand. This is part of what's wrong, where we're challenged to with employment. And this is why people, why work?
Starting point is 00:45:05 I got 200 K in the bank. Never had 200 K in the bank. Yeah, because it's weird because you look at inflation, things are more spent, but then you also have a shortage of workers and they think this is why, because people are just sitting on money and equity and they're like,
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'm not going back to work. Makes sense, yeah. And so, interesting, right? Next is the time. Yeah. All right, so you guys want to hear another cool study. This one is on amino acids and appetite suppression and movement. This one's really interesting, so check this out, right?
Starting point is 00:45:33 So this is a study done on mice. And what they did is they gave them, they took two groups of mice and they fed them both, this what they would call a milkshake or a shake. One group, they gave them like a sugar based one. It's just a picturing mice drinking milkshakes right now. So, yeah, just, what was that, what was that book, how to feed them out? What's a, give them out some cookie,
Starting point is 00:45:54 that's what I think of that book. Yeah, I think it's a go away, it goes into this bear's house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, dude, I just, you said that, I'm like, I can't help but picture like a couple mice like, so there's, this winter. Jay, Justin's animal, animal sounds.
Starting point is 00:46:07 We give you the opportunity, you know, I can't help it. It's so good. So, they gave one group a sugar-based shake, and the other group a non-essential amino acid-based one. So, you guys, okay, so the difference between essential and an essential amino acid. So, proteins are made up of amino acids. So, if you took a protein, you broke acid. Proteins are made up of amino acids. So if you took a protein, you broke it down.
Starting point is 00:46:27 You would have all these amino acids. Some are considered essential because your body can't produce them itself. You have to get these from food, otherwise you'll die. Non-essential amino acids or amino acids, my body can make itself. So it's not essential that I consume these amino acids because I can make them. Just like there's fatty acids that are essential and unessential. Okay. So they gave them non-essential amino acids in these shakes. And here's what they found. The non-essential amino acids suppressed the mice appetite and
Starting point is 00:46:56 encouraged movement. The mice moved more because of the consumption of the non-essential amino acids. Oh, man. You know this makes the case for these bodybuilders that walk around with the branch handle amino acids and they're fucking milk jugs all day long, sipping on it. Actually the opposite, those are essential immunosensual. So branching amino acids are essential, right? Oh, they give, they get,
Starting point is 00:47:15 so the non-essential is the one that did that actually suppress the opposite. Yes. Oh, interesting. So here's the theory, right? Yeah, what it was. The theory was, and they were like, wow, this was very consistent.
Starting point is 00:47:24 They also located the parts of the brain and the mice that were being activated to do this, which is a primitive part of the brain that humans still have. So like, oh, this will definitely transfer to humans. This is because when we evolved, you know, for thousands of years, it was, and I wrote this down, it was advantageous for individuals to spend only a short amount of time at a food source that consisted primarily
Starting point is 00:47:46 of non-essential amino acids. So imagine you're a cave person or pre-store, it's thousands of years ago and you find some food and you're eating it and your body's getting mostly non-essential amino acids. Your body knows we don't need these. We gotta get up and find essential amino acids. So it triggers movement and it makes you wanna go out
Starting point is 00:48:05 and find other sources. Interesting. Really interesting, right? Because you're not satisfied. You keep going out there and find it. It's not even the hunger part. It's the movement part that's important. Okay, so what's your prediction in the supplement industry?
Starting point is 00:48:15 What's the get creative of all of this? Come on. You know what I hate that, you're right. You know it's coming? Yes, I know. I hate that. So, and kind of weight loss attached. For sure.
Starting point is 00:48:24 It's so funny too, not to- I still that. So, and kind of weight loss attachment. For sure. It's so funny too, not to. I'm going to attach it to a study like this. We do not need to supplement with amino acids. The only people that need to supplement with amino acids are probably vegans and people who just eat really low protein. It just doesn't make that. Permanent victims or something.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah, it just doesn't make that bigger with everything. But I found that very interesting. It encouraged movement in the mice and they said, well, it's because if you're in nature, it is interesting, but I'm now more interested in what is to follow. Yeah. Because that is like supplement companies love typical shit like for sure.
Starting point is 00:48:51 For any angle that you can find, that they can, you know, like make that into a product. It's like they're going to take it every time. Yeah. Look, life is too short to suffer from digestive problems. If you want freedom from your food, try digestive enzymes, mass enzymes from bi-optimizers. This is actually a phenomenal product, especially if you
Starting point is 00:49:12 get a high protein diet, it helps break down the amino acids, get them to your muscles, and not have bloat or constipation. So you just take these with every meal. Makes a big difference. Go check them out. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on buy optimizers and use the code MindPump10 for 10% off. All right, here comes the rest of the show.
Starting point is 00:49:30 All right, our first caller is Ben from Nebraska. Ben, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, thank you. Thank you for taking my question and I really appreciate a lot of the information you guys put out and it's kind of really helped me a long way. So my question is in regards to TRT treatment and how to properly diet and train for it more on the diet side. So, just a little background for me is I'm 6'230, 5'240, about 17% body fat.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I'm 25 years old. And kind of over the past years that I've been listening to you guys, I started really learn how to optimize my body trying to figure out the ends and outs and one of the things that I really kind of picked up on was testosterone and you guys are pretty big advocates of testing and checking your testosterone. So I went through a lot of those processes. My first test was over a year ago. It came up really low and it was in a mid upper 300s and I was like, okay, so I needed to do the right things to kind of put myself in a better situation. So I did those things, fixed my sleep diet, training, all that stuff, and kind of felt like it was in a better, it should be in a better place,
Starting point is 00:51:06 tested again, came back lower, it was in 200, it's actually then. And then that's when I went to seek help. I actually decided to go through the MP hormones and went with Dr. Todd and I felt like that was kind of an outlet. I could trust better. And got all my blood tested. And we came back a little better that time. But he sat down with me and kind of went through everything. And it was actually pretty nice,
Starting point is 00:51:34 because he went through things that my doctors never would have. But kind of the bottom line is, when we went through everything, we found out, like, I've just, when it comes to like diet and everything that I've been doing has just been doing perfectly, it's just I have low testosterone and I just don't produce an ox. So, um, start on, uh, got me set up with treatment and I started it on this Sunday, this last Sunday, on the 17th, I believe. And I kind of just more or less wanted to learn about, like, what's kind of the best way
Starting point is 00:52:13 to, like, optimize, like, the process of, like, starting testosterone. Because I really feel like, I feel like over the past years I just struggled to lose body fat I just couldn't couldn't do anything to fight it off and I feel like it like understanding that like I don't produce enough testosterone I felt like it's more or less like I've been a plant that's just constantly being sprayed with like weed killer and just not growing not not thriving. And I finally got the opportunity to get a little fertilizer and get really growing. And I feel like this is gonna be a really good kick start
Starting point is 00:52:51 for me in my progress. And I just really wanna know what I should do. Diet was mainly, because I'm trying, I guess my goal is to shed down a lot more percentages on my body fat. That's like the overall goal and just for longevity. So I'm kind of curious on where I should start while starting TRT. Yeah, good question and a very common one. And this is, TRT is actually quite common nowadays. I've said this on the show, but testosterone levels have been dropping in men.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Pretty consistently decade after decade for like the last six decades. So not quite sure what's going on. We think there's multiple factors, but it's definitely an issue. And low testosterone in men is, or even in women, but in men in particular, it's quite devastating.
Starting point is 00:53:40 It's a hormone that is a driver, it produces dopamine, makes you feel motivated, and of course, it contributes to muscle gain and then indirectly to fat loss. But a lot of people wonder, like, what do I change now that I'm on TRT? The same things that you do to build muscle, burn body fat and be healthy when you're not on TRT is the same things that you would do when you're in TRT. Nothing changes, the advice remains the same. Now the only thing that changes
Starting point is 00:54:09 is that now your hormones are working for you and not against you. So what you'll probably experience is better, muscle gains, faster recovery, the fat loss because of the muscle gains, starts to respond a little better. And usually what it looks like is this. And I'm going to go off of the studies, okay?
Starting point is 00:54:28 The studies show that man-on-testosterone, even if they don't work out, build muscle and burn body fat, but the fat loss is the secondary effect because of the build muscle and the fast metabolism. So, what you'll notice at first is more muscle and strength gains. But then as that kicks up your metabolism, then the fat loss starts to kick in. But nonetheless, all the stuff that you did before that was good and that works and that is based in science,
Starting point is 00:54:53 good programming, good nutrition, is the same stuff you're gonna apply today. And I do wanna say I'm happy that you went through mphormones.com because one comment you made that I wanna highlight for other people watching or listening is if you're not talking to an expert or somebody who specifically works in this, you kind of get brushed off or they don't really ask you all the questions and they may have an old mentality where, you know, oh, you're, you know, even though you're
Starting point is 00:55:19 within range, even though you're at the bottom, even though you have all these symptoms, we're not going to have you do anything because that's wrong. We now know that optimal testosterone levels, all things being equal, improves health across the board, heart health and prostate health and all the stuff that we thought that we thought that was individualized too. It has to be individualized. But keep all the stuff you did before that you know is good and works. Do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Here's a big mistake a lot of people do. They go on testosterone replacement therapy. Try to do more. Yeah, and they over-train. Yeah, they think, oh no, I'm going to double everything. And I'm going to ramp everything up because now I'm on testosterone. First of all, it's not like being on, it's not like a pro body builder taking anabolic steroids. But even then, you have to train your body to build that kind of resilience and the ability
Starting point is 00:56:06 to respond to high volume, no matter what. It's not going to jump by itself. You just do what you've been doing. That works and allow your optimal hormone levels now to work with you. Like I said, what you'll experience is you just started. You're not going to notice much yet, but usually within, again, this is based off the literature. Usually within four weeks or so, four to eight weeks, you'll notice an increase in libido, drive, then you'll start to increase, you know, notice increases in strength and muscle mass. And then as a result of the more muscle mass, then you'll start to see fat loss as the metabolism
Starting point is 00:56:41 really starts to kick up. Now, one thing he asked though is if he should continue his cut or move into a book, I would I would bulk right now. He just started TRT is not like to your point, his hormones are now working for him. I mean, what are your calories at? And do you know what your calories are at Ben? Um, it's pretty close to like, uh, I think maintenance is somewhere around 27, 2800. I was I've been kind of playing with it trying to figure it out. It's kind of, it's really, really hard for me to dial in. I weigh everything out and it seems pretty hard for me to dial in, but I would say somewhere around 27 to 2800 is maintenance.
Starting point is 00:57:16 So 27 to 3000? Yeah, that's good advice then. Yeah, and I wouldn't, I wouldn't want to put you in an aggressive bulk. I just want to make sure you're getting yourself adequate calories, especially since testosterone levels are optimized now. It's like 3200 calories, 3300 calories. Yeah, yeah, on the high end, right? So I think as long as you're giving your body enough of what it needs, because you're going to have,
Starting point is 00:57:38 you're going to be sending the muscle building signal through lifting, and then your body now has the hormones to get to work. Just want to make sure it's fed now. So make sure you hit your protein intake and get adequate calories. And I would do that for a while and just see what happens. And again, when I say bulk, I wouldn't aggressively bulk it. Just make sure you feed the body.
Starting point is 00:57:59 If it's if you feel hungry and stuff, that could be because your metabolism's kicking up your body's wanting to build muscle. So don't I wouldn't want to deny that right now, right? Even if you want to be leaner, I think you could actually increase your calories and potentially get leaner along the way because you'll build some muscle and it will speed the metabolism up. Yeah. And just so that you know, I'm sure they already, I'm, you already know this, but the, typically the process is you get assessed. They ask you also questions about your subjective state, how you feel, plus blood tests. Then they'll recommend a particular dose, but then you get a follow up at about 90 days. And that's because it could be very individual.
Starting point is 00:58:37 So with increases in exogenous testosterone, meaning that you have to take it externally, you may know what some people will produce more estrogen as a result, which because testosterone can, you know, gets romanized to estrogen. Yes, it bit. So they, and some people are, no problem. Other people are very sensitive to that. So then they would have to look at controlling estrogen more or less. Some people feel better on a higher dose.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Other people feel better on a lower dose. And I know some people watching right now are like, what do you mean? Everybody feels better on a higher dose, other people feel better on a lower dose, and I know some people watching right now are like, what do you mean? Everybody feels better on a higher dose? Not true. Not true. There's people that I've talked to you say you know what? I'm one of those people.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Yeah, even when I was competing and I was pushing the limits, like I had a threshold. Anything over, I started to get all kinds of negative effects. Like there's definitely a sweet spot for the amount of testosterone that I wanted to take to get the best results. Yeah, so they're going to optimize it for you. It's going to take probably about three to six months. But in that process, you just do the stuff you know that works, like good resistance training,
Starting point is 00:59:35 good diet, high protein, good sleep. Don't think that you need to bump or change or aggressive in any direction. Now that your testosterone levels are optimized because you'll offset it. It's not magic. You could have crazy testosterone levels and be overtrained and have a bad diet and you're not going to get anything out of it. I mean, I knew people like this in the gym all the time
Starting point is 00:59:56 would take bodybuilder doses of antibiotics and we're like, why am I not gaining? You're just get buffy from the water. Yeah, like your training's terrible and your diet's really terrible. So consider that as well. What's your program? You're following a maps program?
Starting point is 01:00:09 Yeah, I'm on currently on maps strong, Matt Week, three, so phase one. Oh, good. You're doing great, man. It's been pretty fun. I'm really, I'm really, really ready to get down to the lower set though. Yeah, I do reps. The lower reps because the 15 to 20 reps is kind of killing me. I mean, I just came out of split right before that.
Starting point is 01:00:32 So it was kind of, I reps again. Oh, strong, strong is an interesting inversion of the phases and comparison to the ones. Well, let's be cool when he hits two phase two, because you're almost done with phase one, right? Is that what I'm reading? You're almost done with that. Yeah, so I got half a love it. Well, this is the cool one he hits to phase two because you're almost done with phase one, right? It's that what I'm reading. You're almost done with that. Yeah, so I got half a week left now.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Oh, yeah. And you just start, it's gonna be great. I can't wait to hear how you feel. Literally, like three to six months from now, it's gonna, things are really gonna start moving forward because now your body's gonna work with you rather than you working against your body. Yeah, really, I really did feel like I was just fighting it.
Starting point is 01:01:05 And like, I get, if I really look back, I was just constantly going against just going against my body. And it just, it's kind of sucked. And Ben, I can't stress this enough. Working with doctors that will continue to fine tune, work with you, ask the right questions, answer all of your questions because it can be very different from person to person. Some men need HCG to feel normal in some ways.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Other men don't. Some men need more an astrosol, which helps reduce or stop the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Then the dose can be too high or too low depending on the person. So this is all, and it's going to take a little while to kind of figure it out because you're taking it externally, you know, and so it could take as long as a year to really fine tune it, and you want to work with people that get it. Not somebody that's like, all right, here you go, see you later, you know, and then you
Starting point is 01:01:58 come to them, you're like, why do I feel terrible? Why am I holding so much water or why am I, whatever? So you're definitely on the right track. And it maps strong as a great program. And use that form. I mean, that's why we pay to have them take care of that is so you guys have access to people that are far smarter than we are
Starting point is 01:02:14 that are talking to you about hormones. So when it comes to anything related to that, they're gonna be able to answer questions even better than we can. So take advantage that they're in there twice a month answering live questions and then through the day every day They're in there answering. So utilize that form Okay
Starting point is 01:02:32 I see how long do you think like if so if you said I should go and maybe just a little bit of a book how long do you think today just if I felt The problem I guess for me is I always feel hungry, so it's kind of, it's kind of hard for me to hit that. It's not hard for me to hit that calorie goal. I'll give you two answers. I'll give you one that's more specific and one that's a little more general. The general one is bump it until you feel like,
Starting point is 01:02:57 oh, I'm eating a lot. I think I'm eating a lot now and I want to reverse out of it. The second thing is I think a guy your size, and you're already eating 2800 calories a maintenance. I mean, 4,000 calories are pretty good target. I very rarely do I see somebody happy eating more than 4,000 calories. It's a lot to do on a daily basis. So with my clients, once they got to 4,000, I would, I would even try to cut them regardless. So those, those two right there, but of course, it's going to
Starting point is 01:03:23 be based off how you feel. The key is going to be not feeding yourself with trash, right? Yeah, good point. I mean, someone like you, if you are, we were training together, I'd actually kind of let you, hey, you're hungry. Let's eat, but I would just say whole foods, bro. No, don't, when I say eat, don't go, oh, I'm going to go have some chips or throw some ice cream or throw some candy on there because I have extra calories to go in my coaches to them to eat more. I would say, listen, if you, if you are hungry, go get yourself some more steak and rice and veggies. And just, you know, I just, I would keep pushing that direction because with you following
Starting point is 01:03:53 map strong, your hormones optimize as long as we're getting adequate rest, everything else is balanced out pretty well. That's your body telling me, hey, I want more calories because I want to build muscle. So I would, I would want you to feed yourself Perfect. Yeah, I feel yeah a lot of I've spent a lot of time before even decided to go the route of talking with a doctor taught I spend a lot of time just optimizing that little stuff like sleep and
Starting point is 01:04:21 What I eat because that's that's I mean, that's what's gonna, if I don't have a real problem, that's the first thing that fix it. So. 100%. Yeah, no, you're working with the right, that's why we work with them. That's the only place we pick.
Starting point is 01:04:34 It's the one place we pick because of that. So you're in the right hands, man. Perfect, thank you guys. Thanks, Ben. Yeah, getting a lot of these now that we were working with the company. I tell you what, dude, you look at the data on this. This is an epidemic and testosterone replacement.
Starting point is 01:04:51 If it continues down this path, it's going to be the norm because it's going lower and lower and lower and men and there's, there's 25 years old. Yeah. Well, be honest. You know, and it's, again, he's not gonna get that kind of advice or any kind of guidance from a regular doctor out there. Like, they're not even gonna address it because of his life average, like his weight is age,
Starting point is 01:05:14 like all these things are not gonna indicate that there's any kind of underlying problem. And so, you know, this is one of those things. It's like, it's great that now we have connections to somebody that actually has answers. Listen, we've been saying it for a long time. We knew it was heading in this direction.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I believe we are in the same kind of era as the cannabis clubs were 15 years ago or 10, 10, 15 years ago. So I'm getting these things. Yeah, there was a big stigma around it. Everybody was sketched. And now it's like your aunt your uncle Like it's so interesting because if you go to a general practitioner and you're a 13-year-old girl and you have irregular periods I'll give you precision
Starting point is 01:05:53 Progesterone birth control if you have insulin issues Insulin you have you know any of the hormone issue. Let's give you to start medication That's why that's why that's exactly why I think it's just like marijuana. You go to the doctor and you tell him you're anxious, you can't sleep at night or you have chronic pain, it's like here's this pill, here's this drug, here's this drug, it's like okay, or maybe try a little bit of cannabis,
Starting point is 01:06:15 see if that helps you. It's like which one is the lesser evil, too? And just like everything, it can be abused and also there can be reasons that are within your completely, and this is often completely within your control, it's the why your testosterone is maybe low. So it was great that he did that, though.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Right. And this is why I like this. One of my favorite things about mphormos.com is that those, those people will ask those questions. And they'll be like, Oh, you're not working out. You sleep five hours a night. You eat garbage. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Let's look at that first before we look at it. Especially at his age, they'll always push that direction first at his age. A little bit different if they're 45, 50, it's more likely. But yeah, when you go on hormone therapy to normalize or optimize your hormones, don't change anything.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Allow your body to dictate if something needs to be changed. And what'll happen is yeah, sure, if you start to get stronger, you feel better, and then you say, okay, I think more volume is appropriate, but don't throw the volume at your body before it's ready, because you'll negate any potential benefits that you can be getting. Our next caller is Brian from California. Brian, what's happening? How can I help you? Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, I just want to start off by saying, thank you guys so much for the fitness community, and it's a real pleasure to be on your show with you guys.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Thank you, man. Thanks. Yeah, so I sat in my question, was about like, reconditioning for going back into the military. So just a little bit of background, I got out of the Marine Corps in June of last year. And, you know, I got really big into,
Starting point is 01:07:44 like, I guess into bodybuilding style workouts and just being in the gym is a really big hobby and I can't go a day without it honestly. And recently I got with the coach to kind of help me get a physique that going that I really want to get. Cause growing up I was kind of the chubby kid and I didn't really have the best looking body and I really want to get, you know, like, because growing up I was kind of the chubby kid and I didn't really have like the best looking body and you know I
Starting point is 01:08:07 really want to try to obtain that. And he's been helping me out a lot he's been really good. But you know transitioning from that going back into training to do stuff, you know, for military training like training for the PFT and the CFT. I'm just a little confused on what I should do as far as like maintaining a goal to reach a physique, but also training for performance at the same time. I'm a little confused on what I should do like how often I should train or like what I should incorporate exactly into my weight training. Yeah, well, we need any more more answers. I got some questions actually. Help me give
Starting point is 01:08:41 you a better advice. What are you, are there tests or something that you need to pass for the Marines, or are you just looking for overall combat fitness and readiness? Well, so there are fitness tests that you have to pass on a, they're actually a yearly qualification. So the PFT consists, it's a physical fitness test. It consists of a three mile run, pull ups and crunches.
Starting point is 01:09:04 And there's also the CFT, which consists of 800 three mile run, pull ups and crunches. Okay. And there's also the CFT, which consists of a 800-year run or more of a sprint. ammo can lifts and maneuver under fire, which is kind of like an obstacle course that tries to simulate combat situations. Okay, are you worried about not passing those? Or do you feel like you could pass them no problem? No, I know for a fact I can pass them no problem.
Starting point is 01:09:23 You know, where my dilemma kind of is, is incorporating that type of training with weight training, trying to get a physique. If that makes sense. If you think you can pass no problem, you actually don't need to train that way that often. Maybe I would incorporate it bi-weekly, you know, just to make, just,
Starting point is 01:09:42 just yeah, just to check back with yourself to make sure that you still got it. But you could really shift most of your focus, you know, in the kind of bodybuilding direction. Since that's your primary goal, right? Like you're trying to build this aesthetic physique that you're looking for. And if you, as long as you feel like you've got what it takes to pretty much pass that test, I wouldn't worry too much about training a specific way to be great at that test, like as long as you can pass that test.
Starting point is 01:10:09 There's nothing to change if you could pass it. I would just, like Adam said, practice it a couple of times a month, just so you know you got it. And just in case that's kind of like the canary and the coal mine, like, oh, I didn't do the run well. And you know, you got to do more. Yeah, and then leading in to closer towards,
Starting point is 01:10:24 you know, these tests, like you can always like do like a month out, like this is where we try to peak up, like conditioning, if we're getting into season for athletes, like you can treat it like almost a season where, you know, if you can time it appropriately, you adapt very quickly back to endurance. So that's something that you can, you can sort of schedule about, so, you know, the majority of your time training can be focused on hypertrophy.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Yeah, I mean, honestly, twice a month, test them out, or if you want to put it in your routine, I would do one of the tests once a week and then lift weights three or four days a week. I mean, if you're looking for a structured program that's going to give you all of that, maps, performance would be the best because you're going to get the bodybuilding from it, but you're also going to get the athletic performance aspect in the program that should take care of all that other stuff. So are you following any maps programs? I was following Split for a while.
Starting point is 01:11:18 I just finished doing it for like a second time, because I kind of wanted to jump into, like I said, I was transitioning back into getting ready for like the testing. So I'm not really following a program right now. Yeah let's do masterformance. I think you'll like it. How long do we have till when you go back? So I signed my most of my paperwork yesterday. It just depends on how long it takes to get sent up to the CO and all that good stuff. So I mean could he said he's looking one to three months until I'm off again Okay, now will you know like a couple weeks or a month in advance when you're about to
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah, so once I get the orders it he said it'll take like one to three months to get the orders and then after that It'll probably give me a time on the actual orders when I have to report to my next duty station. So the last time that I reported to a duty station, they gave me like two weeks, so I know for sure that that's like the least amount of time I'll have. And you'll get at least that when it comes, when you get actually get the,
Starting point is 01:12:16 so it sounds like you're gonna have at least three months of training before you even have to potentially go in, right? Right, yeah. So I mean, in that case, I would actually run more like a maps aesthetic program and then transition the lot like Justin's saying, well, all I need in two weeks time, okay, you know why like sports teams like all
Starting point is 01:12:35 through high school college even professionals, they have like what they call hell week. And that week they train crazy hardcore endurance, many times do double days. And the reason why that's been effective for so long is because of what Justin said is like, your cardiovascular endurance, you can improve that like daily.
Starting point is 01:12:54 It's not like building muscle, it's totally different. And so you can literally have a couple of weeks before it's time to do that. And if you were kind of lagging on the running part or whatever because you've been training so focused on bodybuilding, you could ramp that up in the last two weeks, like literally by picking up runs every day.
Starting point is 01:13:10 So, I mean, if you really wanted to do the aesthetic thing, I mean, Sal's right, like performance, you're still gonna build a good aesthetic body while also building some endurance in there that because that program's written for that. But aesthetic is heavily focused on sculpting. I mean, it's all about, you know, developing your body aesthetically.
Starting point is 01:13:28 If you didn't, if you had trouble passing the test, our advice would be very different. That's right, sure. Yeah, I know lots of guys that they body build, but at the drop of a hat, they can be quite athletic and have decent stamina. And so it's not an issue. But then I know all the other people
Starting point is 01:13:42 who train like bodybuilders and you ask them to run down the block. And they'll tear all their muscles. Yeah, and they can't do it. So, but the fact that you can pass those tests now and it's not an issue, you're not really in any emergency. Oh, I've got to change my programming type of situation.
Starting point is 01:13:58 So, I hope that helps you out. No, yeah, definitely does. Cause I was just getting a little stressed out with the programming, cause I am so, I just like having a schedule and like, I like knowing what I'm doing next. So I think that's why I was kind of getting a little worried and stressed out about something like that.
Starting point is 01:14:17 All right, well, which one do you want? Do you want aesthetic or performance? Gee, I don't know. You'll get both. I'll't know. You'll get both. I'll send both. You took too long. I'll give you both. All right. Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I really appreciate all the advice and all the, you know, you guys have
Starting point is 01:14:45 built me up as a person a lot more than I used to be because I used to have a lot of like body images using. You guys have really taken me out of that mindset and put me in a better place. That's thanks to you for serving us. So yeah, there you go, brother. That's our gift. You go defend us and you put your life on the line for us. So it's the least we could do.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Appreciate it. Thank you guys so much again for everything. Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Brian. Yeah, it's overthinking. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. You know, overthinking a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:15:12 And I, I mean, I know, I literally, I'm sure you guys do too. I know people that train like bodybuilders and if you tell them to go play some basketball and they can pick up play a game and they're, I mean, they're not like super basketball players, but they're fine. They're not going to die. And then I know, you know, people who lift, and you ask them to, you ask them to, you know, to bend over and tie their shoes and they pull a muscle.
Starting point is 01:15:29 So, it's very difficult. Usually those guys like, I didn't really have much athleticism. That's a big, genetic component. Yeah, if you weren't athletic in the first place, and then you turn into a massive bodybuilder, they're trying to go do something athletic. It's gonna be even worse, right? You're just a muscular, not athletic.
Starting point is 01:15:44 I think that has a lot to do with it too. I mean, I just thought. Plus he's 22. Yeah. When I was 22, it's like I could just bounce from one thing. And now I'd have to train. Well, and what you said, I think is the most important point was because you said you could pass that test easily,
Starting point is 01:15:55 we're not concerned about it. It's just, I mean, if you would have been like, oh, I'm a little worried, or you know, I've failed it before. I'm a little rampant. Or I'm barely making it, it's like, dude, you're gonna be fine. Especially if you're training, like maps aesthetic, you get gonna be fine, especially if you're training like maps aesthetic,
Starting point is 01:16:06 you get into phase three and you feel like you're doing cardio a bit. Oh yeah. Well, that's just it. You're gonna have to race them. Forget that. Just go do a set of 25 reps in the barbell squat. Tell me you don't feel like you're, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:17 So you're, you're, you're definitely build a little bit of stamina in phase three of aesthetic. So he could literally follow that. And then like, let's say he gets his papers and it's like, hey, two weeks you got a report that those last two weeks, how we, yeah, go hit run, run, and go do the exact test like two or three times. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:32 And then you'd be there, man. So it's incredible how fast you can improve that. Our next caller is Phil from Florida. Phil, what's happening? Hey, what's going on, guys? How you doing? Good. All right. Awesome. Hey, it's a pleasure to be here. I've been listening to you guys for a little over a year now.
Starting point is 01:16:50 And I can say thanks in large part to you guys. I'm in the best shape of my life at 42 years old. Hell yeah. That's right. So question I got for you guys is I'm active duty Navy. And I'm getting ready to ship out you know about two months on a ship Schedule right now to be about out about six months Right now I'm doing map strong. I did anabolic before this and Feel good. I feel strong and so going on a ship
Starting point is 01:17:28 Equipment is gonna be very subpar. There'll be some dumbbells, maybe a couple machines. From what I hear, there's a Smith machine. So my question for you guys, part one was, you know, your guys' thoughts on a training program, I was thinking about doing an old dumbbell workout, maybe some isometrics. So I wanted you guys input on that on what kind of a program I could put together so that I can hopefully continue to get stronger and stay in great shape. How long are we on the ship for? It's scheduled for six months right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:01 I love the idea of doing suspension right here. I think with you doing an anabolic strong and bringing a suspension trainer with you would be a great place. You know, anabolic and strong have dumbbell only versions in the programs too. I hadn't noticed that. Yeah, so when you go into the program,
Starting point is 01:18:20 there's an option to where you could get all the alternative exercises that are all dumbbell based. We did at home blueprints Basically for people But Adams, I mean, that's exactly what I would have said map suspension You bring a suspension trainer with you could hook up anywhere and man that is a great program Especially for different travel like that before Really really good, you know really good for fitness. Yeah, Justin, do we, did we do the at-home mod also for performance? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:47 So I would love this perfect world for me is I'd have you run through suspension first, and then the back half of your trip, I'd have performance dumbbell modification right. And then you had a question about nutrition, too, I see? Yeah, so on a ship, right now I eat four times a day. I literally track all of my calories, make sure I get my protein and my calorie in. That's not gonna be possible on a ship because I'm not cooking my own food. The biggest concern for me is gonna be getting in
Starting point is 01:19:18 enough protein every day. Literally the only time you can actually request how much food you want is breakfast. For the rest of the day, it's whatever they give you. So I mean, I was considering just bringing, you know, as much protein powder as I can carry with me to supplement with that. Yeah, I love that.
Starting point is 01:19:35 That's the move. You know, I like it. It's super easy to take with you. You could store it. It doesn't need to be refrigerated. Super easy source. This is where protein powder has become clutch, you know what I mean? So yeah, I would take, I would take a lot of protein powder with you and use that to
Starting point is 01:19:52 hit your targets, you know, with breakfast, lunch, or in between if you have access, for sure. Right. Yeah, I mean, I would be working, you know, I worked on 12 hours, 12 hours, 12 hours, 12 hours, 12 hours, so there'll be a lot of time for me to just whip up protein shakes. I wouldn't be an issue at all. Yeah. No, you'll be per what he, what are you, what are you going to be doing on the ship? I'm an aircraft mechanic. Oh, good. But I mean, I, I'm a little bit beyond that these days. I sit mostly desk job and tell people what to do. So yeah, well,
Starting point is 01:20:23 42, right? So yeah, we probably been doing this for a little. You'll be able to work on our G6 once we convince Doug to buy one for you, right? Yeah. Hey, I'll be fired. OK. Hey, good to know. You're hired.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Any secret spaceship aircraft that we have that we don't know about? Yeah. Now, how's your chance to tell us the truth about our military? That be weird. I'd be way above my pay grade. All right, look, we're gonna send you map suspension and maps performance. So you have both. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:51 And you'll be all set. And again, we appreciate what you're doing out there, man. And Sal was actually wrong about the strong having the ad home on that. Yeah, thanks for saying that. That's actually one of the problems we didn't have it on. But we do have it for anabolic performance anesthetics. They have a dumbbell only.
Starting point is 01:21:04 So follow the suspension trainer program first. That's gonna be great for you. When you get through and done to that, move to maps performance and look for the at-home mod inside there. So what Sal was explaining, that's actually in performance. And then you can just use the dumbbells for that program. Oh yeah, that sounds great guys.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Cool. Thanks Phil. Hey thank you guys, keep going, what you're doing. Thank you. Phil. How are you? Hey, thank you guys. Keep going. Keep going. Thank you. Thank you. This is a perfect, people are always asking about supplements and stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Great example. And our advice is always in Whole Foods. This is a perfect example when protein powder is perfect. It makes perfect sense. You know, they're option. Yeah. This is a great way to incorporate. And then in your on a ship, so it's limited space, you know, you're not going to get fresh
Starting point is 01:21:42 foods into you all the time for the ocean. You take jugs of protein powder, that'll store for six months, no problem. Yeah, I'd even stock up on a bunch of different types of bars, yeah, cards and shakes, have for snacks in between your meals that you can actually get. I can't imagine what that's like, kind of working out and staying on a ship for six months.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Have you ever done a cruise before? I did and I hated it. Yeah. It was all about the food. It was like, I've been on a few and yeah, the food's not the best. Yeah. Oh, time nice. You got different places. You can kind of dock and go check out, but yeah, it gets old after a while. It's a good teaser though. It's like you don't get the day there and you got to go or what do I tell you? Yeah. So it depends on the one.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Yeah, but suspensions just that's so perfect. That's one of the best muscle building. Like I don't have space. I don't have a lot of equipment, you know, tap work out. You can add intensity to body weight training, which is great. Oh, you can make it as, you can make a hell of advance. Really hard, yeah. Depending on how, on the angles. Our next caller is Brandon from Texas. Brandon, what's happening?
Starting point is 01:22:35 Hey, what's going on, guys? What's up? Thanks for, uh, having me on. You got it. So I'll just get straight to it. Uh, kind of, might be a two, three part question, but I've to listen to you guys now, a new listener. I think I've kind of might have figured out
Starting point is 01:22:50 how you might answer the first question, but long story short, a little bit of background here. Pre-COVID, I was a competitive weightlifter, Olympic weightlifter, so Snatch, Clean and Jerk. I considered myself pretty strong at the time. Snatching 320 plus pounds, clean and drinking, 400 plus pounds, you know, decent back squat, bench press, etc. competed at the national level quite a bit and then COVID happened, all the
Starting point is 01:23:21 gyms and Texas shut down for a long period of time. Fitness is kind of my, kind of my cure for kind of stress in my work job. So I decided to pick up running since that was really the only thing I could do during COVID had no access to a garage gym, all the gym for shutdown, waiting to sing powerlifting, cross it, gyms all across Texas. So, gotten to running. And one of the ways I kind of typically keep myself motivated is I always sign up for some sort of goal where there'd be a waiting to sing competition and powerlifting, in this case,
Starting point is 01:23:58 half marathon and marathon. So I spent two years of COVID running, trained for a full marathon, So I spent two years of COVID running. Train for a full marathon, got COVID, got sick, and then reduced that to a half marathon. And then recently I just did another half marathon trail running. By kind of two big questions, one is all this running. I feel like has really kind of, it's like in a bad turn in terms of my health.
Starting point is 01:24:28 At least not by the doctor saying health, but just how I felt in general. I'm more achy, I'm not more tighter. I'm carrying a lot more body fat, even though I was running, you know, 40, 15 miles a week. Based on some of the podcast that I'm missing too. I feel like my metabolism has absolutely crashed.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So that's kind of the first piece there. The second piece is kind of, you know, I really want to get back into strength training, you know, since gyms are back open in Texas. I'm really having a hard time taking that step forward. It, you know, kind of the mental side of it. Going from putting 400 pounds above my head to struggling to pick up 200 pounds off the ground, is pretty tough on the mental side of things, starting right game from. So, any advice there as well is how we could address the mental side of it, like
Starting point is 01:25:25 preparing yourself for what is considered a heavy workout now, even at one time it was considered like warm-up sets. I think that's kind of the gist of the two questions, but that crash metabolism and just negative health effects from two years of running. And then how would you suggest kind of getting started in the strength boards and really tighten up that mental side to get into lifting everything's off the ground again? Yeah, no, it's a good question.
Starting point is 01:25:52 And what your experiencing is quite common. And yeah, your metabolism did slow down. It became efficient and good at running. So I'm sure you can run really well now. But pairing muscle down is kind of part of that process, especially when you go from being as strong as you were to what you're doing now. Your body is changed and adapted.
Starting point is 01:26:10 That's totally normal. Now, what does this mean? Brandon, it means your body can adapt in the other way too. You can go back to what you did before. You just gotta give it time. So when you get back into the gym, just take your time, go slow. Allow your body
Starting point is 01:26:26 to adapt and it's a snowball effect. And what you'll notice is it'll slow. At first you're just going to kind of feel sore and then the strength will kick in a little bit and then it'll happen faster and then it's kind of the snowball effect. And you know, muscle memory, I'm sure you're familiar with that term, you've probably heard it before. It's well documented. It is well documented. If you take your time, you don't over train,
Starting point is 01:26:48 you cut the running down or eliminate it, and go back to the gym and slowly start the Olympic lifting again and give your body a chance to catch up, you'll be where you were before much faster than you will realize. So, but you gotta be patient and give yourself an opportunity because, you know, you don't wanna do, here's a deal. Don't make perfect be the enemy of better, right? Yeah, it's not perfect right now
Starting point is 01:27:12 because you haven't been doing it, but that doesn't mean what you're gonna do is better, isn't better, it's better, and then soon you'll get back to where you were before and your body will adapt. It's an adaptation machine, so don't worry about that so much. That would be the best piece of advice I could give you. Brandon, how old are you?
Starting point is 01:27:27 I am 31 years old. Okay, so I just want to comment on your competitive mindset that you got to be careful of. So you're 31 right now. This is about when you're going to start to notice this shit. No matter if this is probably your first example of this, like approaching your training always with this, I got to compete, I've got to have a event,
Starting point is 01:27:45 I've got a PR, I've got a, that's gonna lead you down the wrong path and you're gonna run into more issues like this. Next comes injuries, metabolism slowing down. Eventually one day you will get weaker, like we don't always just keep getting stronger. So learning to change your relationship with training and exercise,
Starting point is 01:28:05 it's less of a competition and it's more of a dance. And if you don't start to figure that out now, your body will force you to figure it out as you get older. So this is common. I had lots of clients that they always felt like they needed to have this competition in order to motivate them to go to the gym. And it is. It's a mindset thing. You need to start. Stop looking at your exercise as like, there's this end goal that I'm trying to get. And it's a lifelong journey. And part of that is just reframing it. Like when you train is actually paying more attention to, how was my day to day? Was I a better person? Was I nicer to my partner?
Starting point is 01:28:46 Did I kick ass at work today? Did I sleep better? Like do I feel better? Start making the connections to your training, to your overall life, and how it enhances and improves that, and less about how much weight is on the bar, how much closer you are to your marathon time.
Starting point is 01:29:04 You've got to break. And that doesn't mean we can't have a marathon, it doesn't mean we can't train for competition, but when you have a, I can tell by the question that this is, you're this type of person. Justin, I know we'll have something to contribute because he's like this, I was a little bit like this too, have an athletic background, and you know,
Starting point is 01:29:22 you want to get out of that mindset or else you're gonna find yourself in this trap, it'll athletic background. And you know, you want to get out of that mindset or else you're going to find yourself in this trap, it'll just look different next time. Well, that feeds perfectly into your question of how to get in that mindset, a better mindset towards your strength training, even though you might not have the same weight on there that you used to when you're competitive
Starting point is 01:29:40 about your Olympic lifting. You really need to start looking at your long-term health, your holistic health, like how your body is improving overall from multiple directions. And getting in that place is a tough transition, especially when you're in that competitive, disciplined, athletic mindset. This took me a few years actually to really identify differently because
Starting point is 01:30:08 you're so strongly identified with this competitive go-gitter and I want to win something. And so to just gradually work on that and really just appreciate the fact of what this is providing your body, how much you can improve your overall sleep, your relationships, your energy levels. Like you can just start transitioning your focus elsewhere instead of winning something. So I'm going to advise you to do a different program than I think that the guys might, I think typically we would recommend like a map center ball care because we're trying to rebuild the metabolism.
Starting point is 01:30:47 That's one of the things that we talk about the program that's so great about it, the way it's structured. But I actually, I would rather, if you were my client, I'd actually rather see you do performance. And the reason why I'd want you to do performance is because of the mobility days and the emphasis on the mechanics and the movement. And instead of us being competitive about how much stronger we're getting,
Starting point is 01:31:06 I know we're gonna be doing some unique exercises that maybe you don't traditionally do, that are like in performance. And I would be in your ear constantly about the beauty of the movement and technique. And that's what we're being competitive with. You wanna be competitive? Let's be competitive with how much better are you moving?
Starting point is 01:31:24 This week then you were last week. last week? How much further range of motion do you have in your squat compared to the week before? And if you need that competitive drive, just shift it in a different direction instead of always being these feats that you have to pass with the weight or the time. Well, you probably noticed that in your Olympic lifts, right? Like you just sharpening the technique over and over and over and drilling it. What did that do in terms of once you started stacking weight? Exactly. Because, you know, it's going to improve everything.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Try to find a pot of toast and then the technique is what really makes you lift it not really your strength. Well, Brandon, today's your lucky day because I actually disagree with the program recommendation. I don't think, I think mass performance will be great, but I'm gonna recommend MAP Symmetry because I think having you do squats and presses is gonna bring you back to what you used to be able to do. And MAP Symmetry is gonna be so different,
Starting point is 01:32:15 you're gonna have nothing to compare to, so you're not gonna feel bad about anything. I mean, the first two weeks is isometrics after that, it's all unilateral, and I'm assuming you never really did a lot of unilateral training. So you're not gonna have anything to compare it to. It's all gonna be new. So you're not gonna do a unilateral exercise
Starting point is 01:32:31 but oh, I used to do a lot of weight. I never really dress all underlying, you know, in balance. I'm not against that. It's just so different psychological. I'm not against that. I think that's great advice. So we're gonna send you both.
Starting point is 01:32:42 That's why I said you're lucky. Because we already recommend a mass performance. I'm not gonna take that away from you. But I're gonna send you both. That's why I said you're lucky. Because we already recommend a mass performance. I'm not gonna take that away from you. But I'm gonna send you a map symmetry too. You can choose whichever one you wanna pick. I just think doing different resistance training exercises that you've never really done before. You're not gonna have anything to compare it to.
Starting point is 01:32:57 So you're not gonna feel so bad about it, right? It's all new, right? So I've never done this before. I don't know how strong I used to be, but whatever, I'm just gonna get better at this. Yeah, I, I mean, that's the same advice in a sense, right? That's the same thing that I'm looking for in maths performance with him.
Starting point is 01:33:09 As I know that there's gonna be movements that he's, he probably doesn't traditionally do. And then the same advice that applies for me, regardless if you do a performance or symmetry, which is make it all about the move. The workout. Yeah, you know, get rid of the, you know, needing to increase the weight on the bar every week.
Starting point is 01:33:24 For you, get back into the love of the technique and movement and let that be the driver, let that be the thing that you're competitive about. Yeah. No, I appreciate that makes perfect sense. I mean, I guess taking that mindset already, the first thing I did was, I hope yeah, I'm gonna jump on a 5.3,
Starting point is 01:33:38 one program to get your strength back normal. Right. But I'm always carrying myself to what I used to do and that makes perfect sense. Now Now the cool part about what Sal recommended with symmetry is you'll actually get to do that at the end of the program. At the end. Yep. So, you know, discipline yourself to do the things that we're talking about. And then the last phase of symmetry is like one of our favorite parts of that program is
Starting point is 01:33:59 the reveal is the okay. Now let's let's give you a traditional five by five. And let's see how you express all those movements So you'll get your opportunity to to go get put some weight on there, but first do these steps. Yeah, totally All right, all right one more thing Brandon You know this comparing yourself to your previous lifts I get that and the advice that the guys are giving you like really take it Seriously because if you don't you're gonna have to anyway. Like at some point, you're not gonna be as strong as you used to be.
Starting point is 01:34:29 At some point, if you're, look, some of us are blessed with old age, and at some point, you're gonna have 40 and 50, and if I always compared myself to my best, I'm 43 now, and if I compare myself to my best lifts, you know, and I keep doing that, I'm gonna hurt myself. It's not gonna work anymore, so you have to change
Starting point is 01:34:44 the mentality, and it's better to do it now than it is. It's not gonna work anymore. So you have to change the mentality, and it's better to do it now than it is when you're forced. As long as you're better than all your friends at a great. Yeah, that's the key right there. Yeah, look at, yeah, look around at your friends. Yeah, all that. That's not difficult challenge. I'm sure you knew we're good.
Starting point is 01:34:57 All right, Brandon, thanks for calling in, man. Awesome. Thanks guys. You got it. I actually almost forget we have symmetry. Yeah, I do. I do. Because it's so brand new. I mean, when I'm supposed to give. Awesome. Thanks guys. You got it. I actually almost forget we have symmetry because we, I don't know. I didn't know. Because it's so brand new.
Starting point is 01:35:08 I mean, when I was supposed to give away a brand new program. But that's, I think that broke the rule. I think that's great advice in it. Get into it. There's never, never, never answer. I just know myself, and if I have a layoff, it messes with my head to do exercises that I traditionally do and I'm good at. And so I purposely will do stuff I never do.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Because I don't have a frame of reference. What a preference. Program to bring yourself back though. Oh yeah. You know, like that's, I was just thinking about that. But I swear to God, man, I used to get clients like this all the time. In order for them to stay motivated,
Starting point is 01:35:35 they had to sign up for a marathon. That's, that's what this is. This will be his Achilles heel. Totally. His Achilles heel will be, and it's tough to get somebody out of this mindset because it served him so well for most of their life. Yeah, because on the surface, it doesn't look bad, right? But it can turn into, and it's just functional.
Starting point is 01:35:51 And I bet he's had a lot of wins in life by applying this mindset. Yes. And that's why it took me a long time to get out of it. Who's going to tell me like this is how I do it, you know, grind, get after it, compete with myself, compete with others. Like that's always elevated me. But at one point, like you, that's why I asked his age. It was sooner or later.
Starting point is 01:36:07 I serve you anymore. Yes, sooner or later it catches up. And there are always going to be somebody else that's stronger or faster than you. And if that is the way you look at your training all the time, you'll eventually break down. And it's, you got to quit or just get hurt all the time. You got to switch the mindset and start to attach it.
Starting point is 01:36:23 And what that looks like is ignoring the things that you traditionally look at and focusing more on the things that most people actually don't think about from lifting. Like I said, your relationship, the way you communicate. I mean, I even noticed things that I've shared on the podcast that it's so stupid. I'm a better husband at home when I work out
Starting point is 01:36:39 because I come home and because I lifted, I feel active and want to move. And so I go right into cleaning the house and supporting Katrina. So now when you work out, you know that. Yes, I do. And I recognize that, oh wow, because there's been times when I'm feeling sluggish
Starting point is 01:36:52 and not helping out around the house. And then what does that do? It causes friction between her and I because I'm not supporting her. And it's like, wow, so my workout isn't just about me getting stronger or looking better all the time. Sometimes it's also being about better partner. So learn to make the connections to all those things.
Starting point is 01:37:05 I try to tell my wife, if I don't work out, let me tell you. However annoying I am now, way worse. So you should be very happy that I work out every single day. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com. Check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with any fitness
Starting point is 01:37:20 or health, go on, they're all free, okay? You can also find us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at my pump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at my pump. Adam, and you can only find me on Twitter at my pump. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:37:37 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic, 9 months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction
Starting point is 01:38:11 of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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