Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1821: The Benefit of Cutting for Muscle Growth, Tips for Reducing Anxiety & Depression, Training to Be More Explosive in Jiu Jitsu & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: May 25, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you don’t use it, you LOSE IT! (3:20) Sal’s poop prank gone bad. (12:04) When you see you...r best/worst traits in your children. (15:00) Common Instagram! (24:02) How the game now is to demonize the person and NOT the message. (28:30) Will the Twitter deal with Elon fall through? (31:47) Painting the context of the crypto crash and speculating on its future. (35:40) Weed wins again! (42:28) Justin’s creative process behind the Zbiotics commercials. (44:25) Kids love Vegas! (46:47) Why we are in a baby formula shortage. (49:57) #ListenerLive question #1 – How much mental health is connected to physical health? (52:11) #ListenerLive question #2 – What's the best way to program your workouts if you play hockey? (1:09:53) #ListenerLive question #3 - In what way would it be beneficial for me to go on a cut, when my main goal is just to keep building muscle? (1:18:46) #ListenerLive question #4 – What is the best way to train to be more explosive in Brazilian jiu-jitsu? (1:29:17) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! May Promotion: MAPS Starter Bundle and MAPS Spilt 50% off! **Promo code MAYSPECIAL at checkout** Elon Musk calls out Twitter employee caught in Project Veritas video mocking his Asperger's All-In Podcast E69: Elon Musk on Twitter’s bot problem, SpaceX’s grand plan, Tesla stories, Giga Texas & more The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) on Acne Can CBD oil get rid of acne? - Medical News Today This $5-billion Moon-themed Resort Is Coming to Las Vegas — Complete With an 'Active Lunar Colony' and Spaceship Nightclub  Visit Serenity Kids for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MP20 at checkout** Visit Oli Pop for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off your first order** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1805: The Importance Of Spiritual Health With Rabbi David Wolpe Mind Pump #1495 The Science Of Happiness With Arthur C. Brooks Mind Pump #1792: The Secrets Of Happy People With Arthur C. Brooks Mind Pump #1480: How To Find Peace & Meaning Amid Chaos With Bishop Robert Barron Mind Pump #1415: 7 Ways To Find Purpose From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life – Book by Arthur C. Brooks Intuitive Nutrition Guide | MAPS Fitness Products Prime Bundle | MAPS Fitness Products MAPS Symmetry Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram Elon Musk (@elonmusk)  Twitter Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson)  Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks)  Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump Rain. Today's episode we answered live caller's questions
Starting point is 00:00:22 after a 50 minute intro conversation. We talk about current events and fitness, scientific studies, and much more. live caller's questions after a 50 minute intro conversation. We talk about current events and fitness, scientific studies, and much more. By the way, you can check our show notes if you want to fast forward to your favorite part. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this, where you call in live and we get to coach you live on air,
Starting point is 00:00:38 email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. And as episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Ned, they make full spectrum hemp oil extracts, high in CBD, but other cannabinoids. This is actually one you can feel. So other CBD products, you take it, is it doing anything? I don't know.
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Starting point is 00:01:57 Also, we're running a sale right now. We have a bundle of workout programs that we're gonna put 50% off, and then we have a workout program, an individual program that's 50% off. So here's what they are. We have the starter bundle. This is maps and a ballock, maps prime,
Starting point is 00:02:11 and the intuitive nutrition guide. That entire bundle is discounted, and then what we did is we took an additional 50% off, okay? Then we also have something called maps split. This is a body builder style, high volume, body parts split split type routine. So it's great for sculpting, shaping and building the body. That program is also 50% off.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So if you're interested, you want to sign up for one or both, go to maps fitness products.com, click on either one or both. You can get both, but you got to use this code for that discount. May special, may special gets you 50% off the starter bundle and map split. Alright, here comes the show. Teacher time! And it's teacher time! Oh shit, you know it's my favorite time of the week.
Starting point is 00:02:58 We have three winners this week, two for MAPL podcast, one from Facebook, the Apple podcast winner is R, I should say, J-O-Mode-O, that good fellow. And for Facebook, we have Tracy Hester. All three of you are winners, and the name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address. He'll get that shirt right out to you. Here's an old adage with a lot of truth.
Starting point is 00:03:22 If you don't use it, you lose it. Let's talk about what that actually means though. Man, yeah. I heard that so many times. What did that originally refer to? That is no fitness wise what we're gonna get to, but... That is a great question. I bet you.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'm gonna guess. Maybe Doug can look this up. Jacqueline is the first person to say it. Oh, you think so? You think it was a fitness saying first? Yes. I think it was Jacqueline that said it first. I'm gonna guess. This is a total guess, but I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel like our Justin's head is at.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Justin's thinking it's probably something outside of fitness and then we've used it. Like a jingle? Yeah. I feel like it's, it, it's like a cereal. We've brought it in. Yeah. If you don't, you see, I remember being it referred to like,
Starting point is 00:04:03 things like riding a bike when I was little. but that's the first time I got it. Like a skill, yeah. So I'm feeling this. Well, that's what it means. That's literally what it means. Why? Yeah, I know, but I mean, I don't know if it was it originated from a fitness person.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I really hope Doug can find this. Yeah, I'm super curious. But look up origins of, because you don't know how to Google write origins of if you don't use it, you lose it. There's a skill to using Google by the way. All right. So what does that mean? Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:26 So the way we use it and why there's truth behind the way we're going to explain it is whenever you stop practicing a movement, whenever you stop doing a particular exercise, you actually begin to lose the skill of that particular movement. And for example, if you stopped overhead pressing and you avoided lifting your arms above your head for most of the time, eventually you would start to lose that skill. It would be very difficult for you to do it and you would start to develop compensations as a result.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Same thing with a barbell squat or a deadlift or a row or a press. And this is one of the main reasons why it's so important to use a variety of movements and exercises because you actually start to lose that skill. And this applies even to the most fundamental of skills. For example, if you stopped walking for a long time, if you let's say you were injured for a year in a hospital bed for a year, and you did no walking, when you got up to start walking again, you would quickly find the aid to kind of relearn the skill of walking to some extent. So it's very true statement. And that's
Starting point is 00:05:30 one again, this is why when people say things like, oh, you could develop your legs without ever having a squat or, oh, you never have to do an overhead press. You could still build your shoulders. You know, there may be some truth in some of that, but also we're missing a bit. So a dark side to that. Very dark side. You lose the skill of doing those things. And those are fundamental movements. And I mean, the body's an efficiency machine. It's whatever you're telling it to do in prioritizing is what it's going to focus on, making sure like the energy management is allocated in that direction.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So whatever you start to deprioritize is what it's gonna inevitably sort of prune off. And this is what we see later on where strength, especially around the hips with older people, if they're not maintaining squatting, they're not maintaining these type of hip-hinging patterns, it really becomes problematic with the way that they're able to function and carry on the rest of their days.
Starting point is 00:06:23 It's said very, very brilliantly. And it's completely true because you're maintaining skills and movement patterns, take cost energy. And your body's always looking to become as efficient as possible. Just like you said, and reduce its energy expenditure. And if it has no demands to do a particular movement, your body's like, we don't need this. Let's remove this. Let's prune this off. Yeah, I'm trying to think right now, which did I see more of the squatting or actually over? I think I would make the case that overhead stuff
Starting point is 00:06:56 goes first for clients. I mean, I think I see the, I think you're right. I think I see the overhead thing, even more in younger people today than I used to. Like, in advance stage clients, it was almost a given. Like, if you had somebody north of 60 years old, getting them to squat just down to 90 degrees or heaven forbid below that was nearly impossible or very difficult to get them to and or reach
Starting point is 00:07:23 their arms above their head. I guess I think it's because our daily lifestyle just doesn't require that. So if you do not make an effort to actively train the body in those planes or to go through that range of motion, you absolutely prune it off and lose it. And I think we're seeing this happen earlier and earlier because of technology and stuff. We're getting to a place now where, I mean, we've talked about this or we've alluded to it a couple times where Justin has had models, right, because we've replaced all of our video demos and stuff in the programs with models instead of any of us. And we
Starting point is 00:08:02 would, you know would contract obviously people that are in really good shape and fit to be models for a fitness program. And many times Justin would be stressing out because he's like, fuck, they can't do this like basic overhead press. When that is a very fundamental movement. And we're talking about people in their 20s and 30s.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Who are built? Yeah, that's impossible. Because they just stop doing that. So I can't stress the importance of that enough. And I think it's going to get worse than before it gets better. Because I don't think enough people do it. You're right, because if you go back 50 years,
Starting point is 00:08:37 your job and your daily activity included a lot of stuff. And now it's just sitting down. You know, the attitudes in medicine have even changed around this. So it used to be where if you struggled walking, they would immediately have you use a cane or a walker. Like, no, no, use this real quick.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Now, they actually tried to extend how long they can keep you from using those things because what we find now is that when you start using a walker, you lose the ability to walk without a walker even faster. Your body starts to adapt to using a walker or adapt to using a cane. So if you take somebody who starts to use a walker, you know that them walking without a walker
Starting point is 00:09:16 becomes more dangerous faster after they start using that walker. I know this was my grandma. My grandma eventually went to you starting using a walker. And I remember I was really trying to figure out a way to kind of prolong that. And I told her, I said, specifically, I said, honey, you know, none of that. I said, when you use this, you're going to lose your ability to walk without it much faster. So we got to figure out a way to keep you moving without as long as possible. Now she's, you know, in her late 80s and, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:40 inevitably we had to use it. But, um, but yeah, that's the case. And medicine has actually changed around that. Have you seen some of the crazy interventions now they're coming up with in terms of like getting people to go through walking patterns again that can't walk. So they have like zero gravity treadmills. Oh yeah. And they have like these, what do they call like exoskeleton type of, you know, suits, right?
Starting point is 00:10:05 Little suit that they put on, yeah, for their lower half of their body, but it just starts to program and take them through those movements, even though they don't have that connection yet. Eventually, like with some people, I'm sure this isn't the case with everybody, but it's able to, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:20 refire those signals again and get the brain to respond and actually connect with that again and help some walk. This is true for all movement patterns. So it's like, if you wanna be able to throw a ball forever, then practice throwing a ball. If you wanna be able to jump rope or run, you gotta practice it frequently,
Starting point is 00:10:41 or you'll lose the ability. I had personal experiences with when we did windmill. I remember years ago, we programmed windmills into one of our programs, which now we really talk highly of a windmill. And I went to try doing it and I couldn't. It was like my body just didn't want to move in that way. And I remember it was like, oh crap, this is not good.
Starting point is 00:11:01 So I practiced it and then I was able to do it. But it was because I never did win mill. I never did that movement pattern. So I just didn't have it. Even though it's fit, I wasn't old. So regardless of what builds the most muscle, and burns the most body fat, makes you look a particular way. Don't forget that.
Starting point is 00:11:17 You have to practice movement patterns or you lose them eventually. Well, the win meal I think addresses what I think is the third most common, right? So I think the third most, the three most common are the ability to squat deep, the ability to lift your arms above your head and then a rotational strength. Yeah. Those three are the most common that I think I would see in clients that you would,
Starting point is 00:11:38 and that's the compass test and mass prime, by the way. Yeah, those are the three things that we put in there. Yeah, intentionally. Well, and I think if you do a really good job of addressing those three, you cover some pretty good basis of like, as far as protection for yourself, and then keeping the basic fundamental skills of everyday life,
Starting point is 00:11:59 whereas if you lack in one of those, that's where you see injury and overcompensation. Totally, 100%. I gotta tell you guys about this. I don't know if you can call it a prank, but I was joking around with Jessica and the kids the other day. And it was hilarious. So I go to change the baby's diaper, right?
Starting point is 00:12:15 Now earlier, we have really dark, bittersweet chocolate that we give to a real estate ever once in a while because it's a bitter flavor and we've read that if you introduce it's important to introduce different flavors to a baby to get them to develop a palette and one thing that they recommend is really dark bittersweet chocolate because it's not sweet bitter and you know that's a flavor that kids kind of need to develop and we give them things like all of this stuff like that to the same things anyway. He had a little bit of bittersweet this like like I said dark chocolate and and the same things. So anyway, he had a little bit of bittersweet, this like, like I said, dark chocolate and I go to change his diaper and he had some of it on the side of his face.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I finished changing his diaper and everything, right? So I took a wipe and I wiped off the chocolate. So now it's on the way. So Jessica walks over. He licked it or something. She walks over and I hold the wipe like this and I go like this and I go to like touch her with it. She's like, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And then I touch my face with it and she looks at me, billwildered. She goes, do you know what's on that wipe? And I'm like, yeah, I know it's on that wipe and I'm like, touch her, my face was like, oh my God, you have no idea what's on that wipe. And my kids are like, ah, don't do that. And I'm like doing this.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So I think she thought that I didn't know that there was something on the wipe, but I knew it was chocolate. Then I said, she thought that I didn't know that there was something on the white, but I knew it was chocolate. Yeah, yeah. Then I threw it at her and she screamed and she got so mad at me. I'm like, that's chocolate. I put chocolate.
Starting point is 00:13:32 But I'm like, what? But the look on her face. The junior higher it is. But the look on her face was like, she thought that I didn't know. So she was looking at me like, confused. Like, what are you, what are you doing? You know what I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I didn't know that they made baby toddler wifebeaters. I think you like this. I didn't even know that. But you find that. I don't even know that. I didn't even know that was a special. Yeah. Guido shop that you found or was just a little Italy.
Starting point is 00:13:57 But she hates it. So that's what I, that's what they're making. I mean, since we were kids, it's what you call them. So it's not politically correct. Whatever. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a way I wanted to be called a rib tank or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It's just, it's an undershirt, a life-beater, get it. It's an under whatever. But now that I refer to, do people get mad when you say that? Is that, is that, no, no, no, no, no, no. I've never heard it. Everybody gets mad.
Starting point is 00:14:17 You can, everything. It's like, you could get mad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because anything you can get mad at. It's so funny, it's 2022. To be clear, would you not advocate for being like, I stand and to be clear, I don't think a relationship is white.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I don't agree with life being. It's way too young to get married, that's number one. No, so, but when I call it that, when he wears it, she doesn't like it. So like, oh my God, he go get, go get the baby's, you know, wife beaters. So don't call it that. I'm like, like, is he's wearing it?
Starting point is 00:14:43 No, we can't call it that anymore. But yeah, so he puts it on and then he walks around the house. And I just, oh my God. I think it's the picture of him in the wife-beater eating, or the video you had of him eating sardines and just, and appertaining to be like, he's on the phone, I thought, oh, yeah, the one where he's on the phone, it looks like he's making up all these traits
Starting point is 00:15:01 from dad right away. Looks like he's making deals. And then he was eating strawberries and the strawberry had like a little red stain and it's totally a little pasta stain. Now he's, he's definitely, he's progressing really fast. I mean, he's already starting to talk and stuff like that. So he's moving pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:15:16 He tries to say anything we tell him, but he can't, obviously he can't say anything. Yeah, no, he's definitely moving. Like I tried to get him say fire alarm and he goes, blah, blah, blah. I don't know what he does. I don't know what he does. I don't know what he does. But the fact that he's already trying to do that already
Starting point is 00:15:28 is, I mean, he's progressing really quick. Now, so I wouldn't have asked you this until probably, because I don't really think I started to see traits come out until probably two or so for Max. Are you already starting to see traits and behaviors that emulate mom or dad? Like are you seeing something? Yeah, like he's, Jessica and I are both really touchy-feely,
Starting point is 00:15:49 like love, like we're love bugs. And he is huge. She went to go visit my cousin. My cousin has a little baby girl who's, I think she's like, I wanna say she's maybe almost six months now. So she's just, you know, she was just born six months ago. And you know how it is, you take a year and a half, you're old to see a six month old. You don't always
Starting point is 00:16:07 know how they're going to react because they don't know necessarily to be gentle or whatever. So you're always kind of like, all right, let's see how they, and he just, he's so gentle with her. And then he kisses her, then he hugs her, and then he's very protective. He did this with my, with my nephew too. my nephew came over and we sat my nephew on one of those push cars, but he was just a bit too short, so his feet were kind of barely touching. And Aralace was standing next to him, holding him steady while he's playing with it.
Starting point is 00:16:32 So he's like this super, and then he's played with other kids who are rough or whatever, we have friends that bring their kids over. And one of them has a little boy that's like, maybe eight months older than Aralace. So there's an age gap there, but he also has an older brother. So if you've ever seen little boys who have older brothers are 10 times more rough, because they got to deal with the older brother.
Starting point is 00:16:52 So he comes over and plays with the realist, but he takes away, like, just toys, he pushes them and it's just like, he doesn't know what to do. He goes to hug him and then he pushes him. What's happening? Yeah. And just because like, oh, no, and I'm like, in my head, I'm thinking like, oh, no, let him, let's see if he. Let him figure it out. Yeah, let's see if he toughens up a little.
Starting point is 00:17:05 No, but he's just a sweet, he's just a sweet little lover of a kid. So that, that trait really comes out. He likes to, he likes to hug people, he likes to kiss people. If somebody's not feeling good, he'll walk up to them and he'll like rub their arm or whatever. So just really sweet. Yeah, it's talking about our kids. Like it's just kind of funny because some of the traits,
Starting point is 00:17:27 like I don't ever know when I'm not gonna see them kind of pop up, but every now and then, like, ever just cracks me up. And I always forget to like write it down, what would actually happen. But I do remember two specific ones that just I was dying. One of them was, so Ethan ripped one, like just a loud fart. He just walks by and he goes, God bless you.
Starting point is 00:17:51 But I'm going to use that forever now. That's funny. God bless you. Max's thing right now, if he hears you like cough, sneeze, clear your throat, anything he says bless you to it now. That's like he connects that as like bless you always. So it's hello funny. I'll like just be cough like that.
Starting point is 00:18:10 But bless you. Oh, that's cute. Yeah, and we were talking about something else where it was like, I think like Ethan was afraid to do something or whatever. And he's like, you don't need to be so paranoid about it. And I was like, I'm paranoid because you be so paranoid about it. It doesn't say, because you know, these kids are like picking up on all the lingo
Starting point is 00:18:29 of like being a Karen and you know, all this kind of stuff in the pandemic. And so he's like, you're paranoid. I'm using that. Oh, that's so great. You know, everything. I was like, brilliant. Dude, you're coming up with stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I love it. Keep going. I think at older you start to see more of your traits, and I'll start to come up. Like my dark sense of humor, both my older kids definitely have it. My daughter's got it more than my son though. Oh my God. Well, you know, you're so okay.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So you have old enough now because you have the oldest. Have you seen like when maybe your son was younger, he was more like his mom and then all of a sudden he became more like you have, has it flipped or has it been pretty consistent you know watching the older ones grow up and they can, have they consistently stayed the trait similar? Does that, you know, I mean, I hear what you're saying. That's a good question. Because I've heard people say that before where like,
Starting point is 00:19:15 I mean, that's actually been said to me about me, like I, as younger a lot of people said, I was just like my mom, as I've gotten older, people have been like, oh, you're just like your dad now. You know, that makes sense with you. That would make sense because obviously when boys are little, they don't have the testosterone, but then it kicks in and that might bring out more of those trades, I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:19:35 So that's interesting. I know my daughter right now, she's a sixth grade, she's running for student council. So she's like, gonna go give a speech and do the whole thing. She's running against seventh graders. Like that's some guts, man. I wouldn't have done that at that age.
Starting point is 00:19:47 So that, you know, that's pretty cool. Yeah, I don't know. It is interesting. They're definitely different than me in other ways as well. Like they're more quiet than I would say that I would. I definitely, most people are more quiet. The odds of getting a loud kid. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I know, dude. It might be the youngest though. That kid sometimes is loud as shit. Oh, I'm like, poor Jessica, who she's sensitive to loud sounds. I'm like, we're having another one too. The third one, this next one might be the loudest one of all. I'm like, totally screwed.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Now, Justin with yours, Ethan has consistently been your wife and Everett's been consistently you. Yeah, or did it so far? Yeah, so far. Like in terms of personality traits and whatnot, it's been consistently you, yeah? Or did that far, yeah, so far? So far, like in terms of personality traits and whatnot, it's been very much like that split division. I mean, there's some things I definitely see myself
Starting point is 00:20:32 in with Ethan as well, but it has sort of started that way. I'm wondering if it's gonna shift, you know, like, you know, down the road, but it's just, it's too, too clearly obvious, especially when he just like brews his way through everything and breaks things. And he knows, like, I'm like, oh, I'm trying, like dude, calm down, stop being so rough with,
Starting point is 00:20:54 like, he's like, Courtney all the time, like dude, calm down, like he gotta be gentle, you know, and then like, I'm talking to myself. Yeah, dude. Just watching Justin do anything that requires requires like a level of gentleness. Bro, we were, we were, Kate, it's like it's the funniest video. It's the funniest video.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Right, Kate, so yesterday, yesterday, the day before yesterday, we're signing Docs on a place. Oh yeah, we're closing, we're closing in Oklahoma right now. Signing a piece of paper, we're signing Docs, right? And it's kind of a fast thing, right? And all four of us have to sign. And so we just kind of, and we've done this quite a few times now And Justin's to my right and I sign I passed just and just
Starting point is 00:21:31 He takes the fucking pin through the paper It's a sharp pain. I've never seen that It was a same pin we're all using the same exact We're all using the same exact Coring Justin would would sign a dig a hole through the papers of assignment You learn right now. It's still gonna be there now when you picked up your car your new car We get in there and he's trying to figure out how the shifter puts in a reverse and four because a little different and four, it's a little different. I'm like, bro, it's like a gentle tap. He was shifting it like it was a stick shift from the 80s,
Starting point is 00:22:08 where you got to like, cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck. Yeah, I think I need to go back to that. But by the way, it's better. I'm so glad, okay, so I was telling Katrina that, I'm sharing that because I, you try, I have the same cars, right? So I was like, oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:22:20 I bet he hasn't had to put it in neutral yet. So remind me today, well, I'm here, and we're here together and I see you drove it to show you, and't had to put it in neutral yet. So remind me today, well, I'm here and we're here together and I see you drove it to show you, and I don't know if you have yet or not, but neutral is very tricky on that car. It's a, because it's, okay, drive and reverse, it's, you just gotta tap, it's in the middle of this.
Starting point is 00:22:36 So, and I remember the first time I took it through like a car wash, like even I struggled with that. Oh, really? Yeah, it's really actually hard to find neutral. You have to have such a very gentle touch. I'm learning, dude. I thought it was a car rental, dude. I'm like dying, yeah, it's really actually hard to find. Neutral, you have to have such a very gentle touch. I'm learning, dude. So I think it's a car rental. I think it's a car rental, dude. I'm like dying, dude, because like,
Starting point is 00:22:49 I try and press a button, it's not working. I'm like, it's a touch screen. I thought about that. And I thought about how frustrated I got the first time that it happened to me, because I had to throw it in neutral to put it on one of those car wash. And I hadn't actually practiced it.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And before that, I hadn't put it in neutral. I had the car for, I don't know how long. And I'm like, freaking out, trying to get it in there. It took me forever to actually it in neutral, I had to car for, I don't know how long, and I'm like freaking out, trying to get it in there. It took me forever to actually figure out that, oh my god, I gotta tell Justin because he is worse than I am for sure. Like, you just see you losing your shit. You get ready to get in here and text on his phone. It's like, cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck typewriter dude it's an electronic touch screen bro I do everything full throttle I know you have two speeds that's why that's one thing I love about war when he eats you know he's like he's not like a bite
Starting point is 00:23:30 And I was like oh I just based oh worry about the rest it's a good time bro it's it's all it's all these are all character traits that make us all you know all different Yeah, it's better to be moody you know I'm saying I know how I got I got a bit extra I'm just worried don't know how I got that guy. You got a bit extra to this morning. We got a cloud. We got, dude, can I just say right now? We literally had, it was like four days of break.
Starting point is 00:23:50 We get like four days of Adam in a good mood. I think it was four days. What ever. We had a break. We should have celebrated. You were like, moody is for a while. And we had four days of like, oh, he's in a good mood. And then boom today.
Starting point is 00:23:59 It's bad. Whatever. What happened today? What got you made? Oh, no, I just got a whole slew style. I mean, my poor son again, like. Yeah, another ear. yeah, another ear infection. I don't make anybody in a bad mood Right, so I mean I literally it has not been an exaggeration We have not been able to string two weeks together since October of last year
Starting point is 00:24:14 So that's always frustrating and I feel bad right? I'm flying out. I'm leaving today and you know poor Katrina like You know, there's been already a handful of times when I'm flying out and she's home by herself with him And like she's already got a crazy schedule with work and then Taking care of him and then not having me help. So I feel bad about that then hell late last night. I was like half asleep and I had pulled up Instagram and I have a private account for Maximus
Starting point is 00:24:44 For my family and close friends so they can see him and it's literally just him. It's just all photos of him and I, I thought it was very smart. I started it when he was first born. Right, wait for people to see pictures of him. Oh, it's so cool. I love it.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I already go back and go through it. And so, you know, I've had that account now for two and a half, almost, or almost three years now. And it popped up what is Maximus's age or whatever. So just not thinking about it, I just, I plugged it, I put, you know, his birthday in there and then, and then boom, this thing popped up on Instagram that it's, you cannot have an account if you're under the age of 13. And so it like a two year old, you're going to type in there.
Starting point is 00:25:22 So it logged me out now and it gave me like, it said I had like 13 days to dispute the situation or whatever, which Instagram is such a pain in the ass on how to dispute anything. Try to get a hold of someone Instagram. Oh my God, dude. So now I'm like, I'm so, that adds me, aside from the other things that's going on too,
Starting point is 00:25:42 that adds me the most pissed off because that is the one of the only ways of some of my family that live in other states and don't get to see him, they see him and get to... Do you have those pictures saved anywhere else? I mean, luckily I do have most of those, I believe in my iPhone right now. Okay, good. So that, but God, it's gonna be a headache to,
Starting point is 00:26:03 I mean, they were all in chronological order. Like, I even was like systematic on like, how many posts I would do, so it would be like a really nice, consistent, like timeline of him. So I've put a little thought into how I post on that, so it'd be a really cool thing for me to look at. That's so annoying.
Starting point is 00:26:19 So the problem is you can't get, like when I got booted, how do you get a hold of somebody from Instagram? It's stupid, because you, they have like this it's automated, right? Yeah, I have any real people. And then they, I've already had things before where I've sent in like a, you know, complaint or trying to get something done.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And they have an automatic response that even comes back. Like I had one in there from I think like last year. And it says like, oh, due to our overwhelming and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, we have not been able to get and it says like oh due to our overwhelming and bubble blah blah blah We have not been able to get so it's like Okay, you give me 13 days to resolve this you but then you don't Respond respond to me. Yeah, I'm super irritated about that and then the icing on the cake because I'm in Instagram I happen and I'm like I'm I'm like this close to being like so done
Starting point is 00:27:02 You know with getting into DM's like I've tried for a very long time to get as many of them. Obviously we all know that we can't reach everybody anymore. But what really annoys me is when I'm in there and I want to help people, that's what the real purpose of our Instagrams are. And I'm dealing with people that are, you know, firing at me because of memes or whatever, and they just get so triggered over,
Starting point is 00:27:28 suck shit and get, everything has to turn into this big political fucking debate argument. It's like, and I don't even think I post really political stuff, like I'll post a meme. And to me, memes are like, I don't know, a way to have levity around a time today, like when it's so fucking... Setire.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yeah, it's not meant for me. Like this meme is not who I represent. It's not a representation of... I'm like, identify him with this. Yeah, it's not a representation of my political, economic views or spiritual religious views. It's like, something came across on my social platform or someone shared with me and I chuckle and I laugh,
Starting point is 00:28:06 I think it's funny, so I share it with my community. It's simple as that. But there's always a handful of people that, oh my God, I have an unfollow you now. It's like, fuck you, you don't need to tell me, go, you know what I'm saying, go. I don't want you following me anyways. Life is too easy bro, life is too easy now for people.
Starting point is 00:28:21 They don't have anything really like to, I really challenges them and so they have to find. Is that what it is? Like I can't put my, I mean, I saw, I saw, I saw, I believe Max, who is real shit going down our friend Max, who got veer post, uh, yesterday, just annoys the shit out of me. What you're about. He post, what's all the same thing to me. And I, I don't know if it's that people don't have enough to worry about or what causes people to be like this. But he just got on the, uh, Tucker Carlson show, which for Max.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Tucker Carlson has a segment, not it's not his news show, it's a segment where he talks to people about other topics, health, wellness. Nonetheless, he's one of the most famous people on TV right now. Right. Huge, huge. Huge and huge for Max,
Starting point is 00:28:58 who has an incredible message around health. He's a good friend of ours. And so what a very cool thing to celebrate. And he literally went on there and talked 100% about his books, about nutrition, brain health, Alzheimer, nothing else. And he gets a bunch of heat and people, oh, I hope Tucker Carlson fans like Daya of Poison. And I hope you, I can't believe you even talked to him.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Or you shouldn't even be in his, it's like the irony of people who preach tolerance. Oh, it's the most intolerant. First of all, health is applied to everybody. I don't care what your political beliefs are, or whatever, like everybody wants to improve their health, maxing the business of helping people become healthier. And sell his book.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Hey, and when did we become all of a sudden this country who doesn't believe in talking to people you disagree with or you don't like? Exactly. Exactly. Like these comments of, ooh, and oh, you shouldn't have gone on there. And oh, I hope his audience takes arson. It's like, Jesus Christ, like first of all, your point, he's not even talking politics on there.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Secondly, even if he was, why not? Why not? I mean, it was a reverse. If he went on something on a super left leaning channel, like who cares? You have a weak argument, you can't defend. That's where I see it. It's like everything needs discussion to get to truth.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah, no, everything. It's become, the game has become to demonize the person and not the message. So in other words, if Hitler were alive today, obviously trying to discuss ideas with Hitler would be like, why would you discuss, guys, already killed all these people, he's terrible person. So what they've done is they've labeled everybody
Starting point is 00:30:39 to disagree with like that. So just sitting down to talk about ideas now is poison because how dare you talk to Satan, right? And it's like, look, debate the ideas, not the person themselves, unless it's an actual lie. I thought what the comedian, we remember we just watched all of us watch. Was his name Chris De Stefano? Yeah. Such a good stand. No relation, by the way. Yeah, such such a good stand. It wasn't him who made the joke about, or made the joke about, I don't know when this happened, but no, no, no, he made the joke about where,
Starting point is 00:31:11 you know, we've now moved into this time, I think it was him, we've moved into this time where words speak louder than actions. Like it used to be said that, like action speak louder than words and that's what we've always believed. Like, hey, forget what they say or what that pay attention to what they do and how they act.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And it's like, people ride away now right like off. It's like, what you say means the most. And it's like, they ride away attacks and somebody for say something. It's like, dude, you don't know what that person is doing. What if they, what have they done more good for humanity in people than you will ever do in your lifetime.
Starting point is 00:31:41 And because they say something you disagree with, you want them canceled. What? Super manipulative. Did you see the undercover video of the Twitter employee talking crap about Elon Musk? Oh my God, he's like, yeah, he's got ass burgers, so he's special needs.
Starting point is 00:31:55 So that's all I need to say. I'm not gonna listen to him because I'm like, bro, how far are they not getting canceled? The most successful entrepreneur of all time who's created multiple billion dollar businesses. And then you say that, like, do you think a deal is gonna go through? I think it's gonna fall through.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I think Twitter's getting revealed. I think a lot of what's either the covers is getting revealed. I don't think they're gonna let it get revealed. I think that the deal will fall through. Oh, I think it's gonna crash the stock. Twitter's gonna crash. That, I mean, I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I think that's it. Because when everyone found out Elon was buying it, it went through the roof. And then now that this whole, like trying to figure out the bots, where they're claiming it's 5% or less, he's like, minimum it's 20, he's worried it's 40 to 50.
Starting point is 00:32:37 I mean, I think that's gonna kill the deal. Because I think if it is, well yeah, because he paid a price. It's not very valuable that way. That's right. He paid a price based off of their public filing. By the way, if it is. Well, yeah, because he paid a price. It's not very valuable that way. That's right. He paid a price based off of their public filing. By the way, if it's discovered and they prove that it's not 5%, but 30%, 40%,
Starting point is 00:32:52 they're in big trouble with SEC because their public filing says something completely different. They will get crushed. Legally and on the market, they would get crushed. So he mentioned, I don't know, did you have you guys watched the all-in interview? They did. I watched most of it. Oh, so good. I do want to check that out. So he talked about. So I'm not familiar. I guess there's an app. I think it's in China called WeChat. Are you familiar with that? No. So it's
Starting point is 00:33:14 kind of like Twitter meets PayPal or Venmo or whatever. Okay. So it has the, it's like a social network, but you can also, it has the, the, the disability to pay and stuff like that. And he says that it's one of the most popular apps in China as far as like usage and stuff. And he says it's something that we don't have that we absolutely need. And they were bringing up like was that part of the strategy of Twitter is to potentially convert it to look kind of like a we chat.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I think that was part of his strategy, but he's, I think now what he's contemplating, which is gonna be really interesting, is if this Twitter deal falls through, is if he doesn't build one himself. I think he's leaning that way. Oh, dude. I think if they can't resolve this,
Starting point is 00:33:53 they don't come forth on the bots thing, and it kills the deal, Twitter thing ends up crashing. What a perfect opportunity for him to launch a competitive platform. Do not sleep on that guy, obviously. He went through some hard times with PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, to the point where he almost went, he was like a week away from bankruptcy with Tesla. He literally sold everything including his house and put all his money in.
Starting point is 00:34:17 He finds a way, man. And it turned into, remember, he's, Tesla, he was trying to get funding for Tesla in 2008 when GM was almost going bankrupt. And people were, he said in the interview that people actually got mad at him for asking them for money. They hung up the phone and stuff. Yeah, dude. And now look, you know, so the guys, he's done some pretty... He said something else that I wasn't aware of either,
Starting point is 00:34:36 that I, you know, because obviously he is, he's being attacked by the left like crazy, right? For the last, you know, a couple of years. And the irony of that is like, he's like, I've never even voted Republican for. Yeah. He's like, I've consistently voted Democrat. Why am I this for some reason?
Starting point is 00:34:53 He's all, I don't really consider myself a Democrat or Republican, I consider myself as a moderate. That's where I stand. But he goes to be honest, I've always voted Democrat. It's because he's been painted, he's been painted as the evil billionaire that doesn't pay taxes, which is not true at all. And because he's a troll and he speaks his mind online.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And so that's poison for certain political ideologies. And they have to have a boogeyman, right? If you're Elizabeth Warren, you need to have a boogeyman who's, and let's pick on Elon Musk. Even though every time she tries to, he literally shits on her. He like, he crushes her and says,
Starting point is 00:35:31 actually I paid more tax to anybody in history. Actually I did this, actually I did that. What about you, you know, but I think it's pretty fun. Speaking of all this stuff, you guys watching Crypto Just Tank. They're under 30,000 Bitcoin. It's been a while since the last super low.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Now to be fair, I brought this up because a lot of people are like, I'm gonna look this up right now. A lot of people are talking shit about crypto, but we need to also have a little context, okay? So right now, as of the recording of the show, it's under 30,000, which it hasn't been in a long time. Now, and that's a huge plummet from where it was. 60 was its peak, right?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah, one point was at 69,000. Oh, so tiny. Wow. If you look at the historic context of Bitcoin, it's still, look, it's at, if it's under 30 now, I mean, remember, when it first started, it was in the hundreds. And historically, 29 or 30 is still very high.
Starting point is 00:36:25 And not as high as it was a year ago or whatever, but if you invested in Bitcoin, as early as the beginning of 2020, you're still crushing. So it does this a lot, but painting the context, it's still for a lot of people who's goodbye. The people who got screwed were the people who bought it. I mean, we're, I think we are in the, I mean, there's still people that are debating whether we're in a recession or not, like because we have a situation that we, it's all, we,
Starting point is 00:36:55 we officially haven't had two quarters of the negative GDP, right? So once we have a second quarter, officially out of negative, which I think we're on pace to happen, then people will, we're, we're meeting, we're in a recession. Then at that point, we've got what? Maybe 12, 18 months of a hard time. So what's your prediction on, on like Bitcoin? Do you think like how far down does this sucker go? Because it, it, it's just now, I mean, the stock market led, right?
Starting point is 00:37:21 As, as crashing first, now here you see, which in the past, by the way, right, and historically with Bitcoin, it's actually normally worked in inverse, that's what they sold it as, as a hedge. The problem with selling it as a hedge is you still can't use Bitcoin everywhere. So, well yeah, it's being sold as the classic head, right?
Starting point is 00:37:41 It's value is, yeah, that's like hard for me. It's to conceptualize. It's super speculative. So my prediction is as it's gonna continue to suffer as the market suffers, I don't see it as me. It's just gonna go with the market. Yeah, because it's a very speculative investment. So how bad? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:37:58 What do you think? It depends a lot of bad. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know if we've hit the bottom yet. No, I don't think so at all. I think that, I mean, the winner will be the darkest time. I mean, that. I'm like, I don't know if we've hit the bottom yet. No, I don't think so at all. I think the winner will be the darkest time. I mean, we're still,
Starting point is 00:38:09 what's that mean? Winter is coming. Yeah. Oh, man. That wasn't the intent of that. Yeah. Yeah, no, I think we might, I think we might see lower than 10,000.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yeah, I would, I would say that's, that sounds very reasonable, considering where it's, you know, in the past where it's been, I would say that's very, very reasonable. Yeah, yeah. So we'll, we'll see what happens. I don't know, man. I mean, I don't where it's, you know, in the past where it's been, I would say that's very, very reasonable. Yeah, yeah. So we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I don't know, man. I mean, I don't think it's going away. So I think, you know, waiting for that bottom would be great to then look at maybe, you know, swoop and some up at that point. But just because it's sort of the standard in terms of like being the first and being like one of those that everybody knows in terms of cryptocurrency
Starting point is 00:38:46 because there are gonna be competing cryptos. Yeah, I don't know if that's gonna be enough though. Like, I think at the end of the day, I think utility is gonna be the most important thing with the coins. And that's why I'm not really bullish on Bitcoin. Blockchain, I am. Like blockchain is here to stay.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Like I don't disagree with that. But of all the cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin's the, yeah, but imagine, okay, imagine this right now. And I think I think we talked about this off. Yeah, we did. We talked about this off air. Imagine Facebook, Amazon, Google, or Facebook, creates their own, creates their own.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And three of the places, okay, Amazon, Google, and Facebook are probably where 90% of the population is either spending their time or shopping. So if those three create some sort of a crypto currency, and it has some sort of a reward system on there and it goes up in value and there's only so much of it. And so like it's, yeah, why would you use Bitcoin? Yeah, why would you use Bitcoin? Even if it's transferable, even if it's big.
Starting point is 00:39:39 That makes sense. Now, the only problem is, of course, you have to trade dollars for their cryptos, but if they give you crypto for, like, you use Google services this many times, we give you an extra good one. That's how they'll do it. That's how they win. All they have to do is incentivize you to move over to their cryptocurrency to make it worth you trading
Starting point is 00:39:55 your dollars in for the crypto. I could see that. And all it would take is the average person to do some simple math and go, okay, I spend every year $9,000 a year on Amazon shopping. Therefore, if I can trade my Bitcoin or my cash, my $9,000 cash, and I get 10 to $12,000 worth of buying power in Amazon, kind of a no-brainer.
Starting point is 00:40:16 It is, so I do it. Now, here's the alternate. So you think like basically it could be the my space of the social media. So in terms of it being first a market, but then getting obliterated. But potentially, right? But here's the alternative.
Starting point is 00:40:29 The alternate would be if one of these services goes with a third party coin because of trust and safety. So in other words, if Facebook owns the coin and you're on Facebook, then maybe less trustworthy than if Facebook uses a third party coin, like Bitcoin. They don't control it. So like, hey, we don't control the coin and you're on Facebook, then maybe less trustworthy than if Facebook uses a third party coin, like Bitcoin, they don't control it. So like, hey, we don't control the coin.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's actually got its own, whatever. So that would be the way that I would. Do you see that, though? No, I think, I don't think Facebook and tech companies that are all powerful and wanting control. I think they're gonna need crypto for this metaverse stuff that they're not gonna stop doing.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I think the only way that that would happen would be if consumers demand it. If consumers demanded a third party coin, then maybe. But I see exactly what you're saying. I think you're right. Yeah, I don't think so long as it's safe, and I think that's what everybody cares about. So long as it's safe.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And if I can trade my dollars or other crypto into their coin, and I already know what my buying habits are in this, you know, this platform or whatever, it's kind of no brainer if they incentivize. Now the other thing would be if these things get so big, these metaverses get so big that you they become, they all start working together. You would want a coin that works across. Well, I think that's the universal coin. And I think that's the hope from the people that are bullish on Bitcoin. Yeah, is that because it's third party.
Starting point is 00:41:52 So it'll be like this. Facebook will have their coin, but they also accept Bitcoin. Correct. You know, Amazon will have their coin, but they also accept it. Correct. So I think that is the, if you're bullish, optimistic. Yeah, but I mean, I'm skeptical.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I mean, I love the memes around the crypto bros right now with Crack Me Up. I've seen the videos. I've seen the videos before, crypto boat, you know, now. And like, one of them is like, they're in a private jet and then the next one is like, they're in their basement, you know, you know, secretly, yeah, yeah, it does crack. Yeah, crack me up.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I mean, that's, everybody was so like, that's all I would hear from anybody who had no idea about investing. They're just, do to crypto. No, hey, so look, I'm going to take a turn here. I just read some studies on cannabinoids and acne. What CBD in particular, you forget weed wins again. Bro, it's good for everything. It, I mean, it seems that way, right?
Starting point is 00:42:42 No, CBD and CBC. So cannabis, chromine, cannabis dial, but CBD, the main one, it seems that way, right? No, CBD and CBC. So, cannabis chromine, cannabis dial, but CBD, the main one, it reduces the inflammatory markers that contribute to acne, and it reduces the sebum that is produced by the skin. And so they've done studies where they've used topical CBD, topical hemp oil,
Starting point is 00:43:01 and also ingesting it, and they see a reduction in an acne. And this is awesome because this could potentially be a way to like there's current acne treatment treatments are very powerful antibiotics with their own nasty long-term side effects, right? So this could be an alternative to something like that is what they're talking about in this article that I read. Now can't you technically connect almost anything that has anti inflammatory properties to benefiting or helping acne then in that case not necessarily there's specific specific specific markers that would be more for acne I be profan wouldn't reduce acne for example or hasn't been shown to reduce acne. But it also reduces the the the sebum, the oil that contributes, and the bacteria.
Starting point is 00:43:45 It's also got natural antibacterial properties to prevent the bacteria that promotes acne. Unlike an antibiotic though, it doesn't just destroy everything and cause a barren landscape or whatever. So interesting. Yeah, very, very interesting. I would love if anybody uses Ned, so we work with Ned, that's full spectrum hemp oil,
Starting point is 00:44:04 and it's the best one that we've encountered. I'd love to get some messages from people if they've noticed any reductions in acne from using Ned. I don't have, I use it all the time, but I don't have acne to even notice. I really don't break out. But I'd be interested to see what if people have noticed any differences in their skin,
Starting point is 00:44:20 since using Ned. Yeah, yeah. Really, really interesting stuff. Speaking of our partners, I've been enjoying watching Justin do the Z-biotic commercials on that. Yeah. Yeah, it's been fun. Who's, okay, who's shooting that?
Starting point is 00:44:33 Is that Courtney who's shooting it? Are you have good boys? Who's, shall I start out Courtney, but, um, honestly, we just don't really mesh when it comes to creative things. Like, is she telling you what to do? Did a nice, nice way to say that. What we try to do is to cause a slight dance and a little tightrope here.
Starting point is 00:44:51 No, because she's very left brain, like very analytical, very like, okay, so what, and she just can't get in that headspace in terms of like how to frame it. And I'm like sitting there trying to like describe all these stupid nuanced details of like, how I wanted to go and it just starts frustrating me. More than anybody.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And she's like, what, I did it. Like, no, do it again. Yeah, I'm getting all pissed. Anyway, so I've outsourced it now to Ethan. And he's like my go to guy. Oh yeah, he's fun. Oh that's fun. He's doing a great job.
Starting point is 00:45:24 So I'm like, let's see if we can keep this going. And so he actually gets it, because he's starting, he's starting to kind of get creative himself and do videos with his friends and all that. And so he kind of gets it. Get him ready to work here, dude, when he gets old enough. I mean, he would love that. Like, I think he'd love that, but it's been fun.
Starting point is 00:45:44 We just, so we have like a lot of these crazy ideas and we just, we shoot a lot and then decide what sucks and what's, you know, maybe this one will work and so we're trying to kind of like go through that and just have fun with it. Through my cousin, speaking of Zibotic, so my cousin's in Nashville right now. So he's never been there before. I've never been, have you guys ever been to Nashville? I've never been, I've always wanted to go. I really want to go. In fact, we were going to plan a trip, maybe to go there, but we decided to go somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:46:10 But at some point I want to go there, because I heard it's pretty awesome. So he sends me video. I don't know where he is in Nashville, but he's somewhere downtown, and he's walking with his wife and hanging out. I'm like, cousin, this is one of the people I'm close to and his wife, I love her to death Sarah.
Starting point is 00:46:22 She's amazing. And they love to have a good time, really good people. So they're out hanging out. And it's like, it's like a Tuesday night. And it's just packed and people are having a great time and they're drinking. And I'm like, did you forget to bring your Z-Bodaks? He goes, yeah, but I'm hurt right now.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Because I guess they were drinking. And he woke up and, you know, when you're in your 40s, you don't feel too good the day after. So I'm like, oh yeah, next time bring your Z-Bot X-Pro before you get something like that. But the street scene out there is incredible. It looks like, I showed you guys a little bit. Yeah, showing that video looks like everybody's having a good time out there. Yeah, dude, it looks really fun.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Kinda reminds me of Austin when we were there and that one, I don't know the name of the street, but it looks like it's street. Sixth street, everybody in their neighbor were out. Yeah, just walk around and have a good time. Yeah, it does seem like it's got a vibe like that Have you been there? You've never been there. Oh, you've never been there. We should plan a trip. I heard it's really I mean, we at one point we were looking for properties out there. It was so hard though. So competitive. It's like It's one of the fastest growing cities in the country. That's not cheap and it has been for all yet inside Nashville We were looking Nashville's really expensive. Yeah, Nashville's expensive. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:47:25 We were looking for suburbs around there as an investment. And it's just, even there, it's tough. It was so competitive. Like, we had to have an offer in within 24 hours and it'd be over. It was just like Jesus. Where's everybody going? I love the music scene out there.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I'd love to hit that up. That was the reason why I was drawn to Chicago originally because of the blues and jazz and all that, like ties. Like it was, it was just great So that's the other place we were considering going but is that would that be a fun place to go with kids or no Yeah, I mean taste the Chicago. I don't know if that's in August or not, but that was always my favorite. I I've been meaning to take my kids there because they have all the vendors and everything on the streets They got live music going on
Starting point is 00:48:05 and it's just like a big party all day long. So yeah, that was always a really good time. Yeah, so the options we had were Nashville, Washington, DC, Chicago, and Las Vegas. And Las Vegas was the one that we released like excited about. Which one do you guys think the kids could Of course, of course my kids loved Vegas when we went there for the gymnast tournament and I was just
Starting point is 00:48:34 There's a lot to do for kids There's a ton of stuff to do wow Where'd you get where'd you take you taking through the casinos and stuff all the different sites? Yeah, I mean we didn't really have a lot of time to do the sites because they had so many events and things that we had to like Run tons of museums and We didn't really have a lot of time to do the sites because they had so many events and things that we had to like rush to. A tons of museums and shows. Yeah, the shows and the dinner. There's Hell of Strites. Isn't there a place where you can eat dinner
Starting point is 00:48:54 and there's like a medieval show or fight right in front of you? Yeah, there's this new hotel there. I think that they're constructing that's like a big moon. And so you get like these moon rovers that you can ride in. And so they're making it very family friendly like in some areas of Vegas.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah, the thing that you don't wanna do, I think is walk outside the strip. I don't know how it is now, but I remember as a kid, my parents took us for a family trip. And I remember we walked the strip and there's the dudes hanging out, the flyers for strippers. Dude, I remember we walked the strip and there's the dudes hanging out, the flyers for strippers. Dude, I remember I was like 15 minutes old.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I was collecting the flyers. It's no worse than you walking down the street of San Francisco with your kids. Oh man. Well you're not getting flyers for strippers. You just flyers just steppin over heroin. Yeah, that's different. You just got to slap needles away.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah, no. Or some bum like pissin' or shit on the sidewalk. That's like, I don't know, I think. I think I'd rather have my kids walking in Las Vegas Since San Francisco. No, I just remember as 15 year old kid. I was like, you know, my parents are like, oh, they're not looking I'll take that flyer in my pocket. I'll take Before the internet Hey, where are we at with the baby formula? Like I is it still a shortage? I have my buddies and I didn't know this. Did you guys know the regulations around it are ridiculous?
Starting point is 00:50:05 Like they won't allow it to be imported from, I think from outside the US or this crazy strict regulations. One of the reasons why we're at a shortage is because these regulations constrict the ability to import and produce. So they're trying to change that to bring us more supply. Speaking of which,
Starting point is 00:50:22 serenity kids has a baby formula. And it's the A2 protein. So the whole milk from the A2, which is easier to digest. So that would be the one, that's the one I'm looking at for. If we need it. If supplies are not sold out because of the shortage,
Starting point is 00:50:37 you have them. Yeah, I know. I know, I know Doug got on there to look to the other day when we were talking about it. I would have thought for sure they would have been sold out. That's crazy. So what is the, okay, is it the main reason because China produces 40 or more percent?
Starting point is 00:50:50 I think is what I saw. So there were obviously supply chain issues and constrictions because of the pandemic. Now that we're starting to feel, but also there's regulations that make it very hard to import and get from other places. So we have this limited way to get the supply. And so once that got hit, we're totally screwed.
Starting point is 00:51:08 So what they're trying to do now is loosen up these regulations to allow. I mean, what about the other 60% that's manufactured or made here in the US? Like we can't speed up the production. There's not a way to... I don't know the exact details, but I do know that a lot of them got affected
Starting point is 00:51:22 because of all the shutdowns and stuff that were, you know, that happened. Hey real quick, do you like soda, but hate the sugar, hate the fact that it contributes to poor health? Try allie pop. So allie pop is very low calorie, no artificial sweeteners,
Starting point is 00:51:36 and it actually contains components that are good for gut health. So a can of allie pop is like 35 calories. It's got fiber in it and compounds it help you. And it's got incredible flavors. My favorite is tropical punch, but they have like strawberry vanilla, vintage cola, much more.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And it tastes incredible. Again, no artificial sweeteners. This is a healthy soda that's good for your gut. It's amazing. Go check them out. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on OliPOP and then use the code MindPump for 20% off your purchase. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Xavier from California. Xavier, how can we help you?
Starting point is 00:52:14 Hey guys, how's it going? This is a pretty awesome honesty. I'm not going to lie. I'm a little nervous. But yeah, when this is you guys for about a month now, learned a lot, I've unlearned a lot. And something that I've been kind of like getting into recently has been, you know, like I guess a little backstory. I've been training pretty consistently since I was in high school. I was pretty chubby in high school and then like one day I just kind of got tired of being out of shape. And so I got into, I started playing football, that didn't really help. Started wrestling, that definitely did help. And then I got into MMA and kind of fell in love with it. So I started doing that for about 10 years. It went pro for a little while.
Starting point is 00:52:52 And then listening to a lot of professional fighters and listening to their habits and all this stuff I started to really start to figure out fitness and nutrition. And I got really obsessed with it. I was like, I'm not going to be a professional fighter and I'm not habits and all this stuff. I started to really start to figure out fitness and nutrition. I got really obsessive with that and started to kind of understand the correlation between your physical health and your mental health. Eventually, kind of hit home for me. I think I was listening to Jordan Peterson on Rogan. He was talking about how he went carnivore
Starting point is 00:53:26 and then he was like, what was salad that was doing to me, like making him depressing all this stuff. And I started kind of thinking, like, you know, like I, I kind of like struggled with some of the image issues for a little while. I was never really satisfied with the way I looked
Starting point is 00:53:40 even though I was in the gym training three, four hours a day. I was never like shredded like some of the, like some of the other guys that I was in the gym training three, four hours a day, I was never shredded. Like some of the other guys that I was training with, and I'm like, what the heck, what am I doing wrong? So then, I don't know, one thing that prompted me to ask this question is just recently, I've been kind of like really trying to figure out and understand, I feel like my training is pretty consistent.
Starting point is 00:54:01 My diet is pretty consistent. I guess like some areas, and I'm lacking in are probably my sleep, not gonna lie. And I do tend to binge pretty hard when I get anxious or upset on, you know, I guess lately has been pop tarts. And I'm just going to like figure out like, you know, is it like, like, how strict do I need to be to like kind of like not affect myself in that way? And like, you know, is it, is that your physical health and your mental health really that like tightly related? Or like, is there something else I'm just like kind of like avoiding or not dealing with? Yeah, short answer. Yes. Yeah, that's a good question. So first off, I want to say Xavier that none of us are mental health experts
Starting point is 00:54:45 Right, we're we're fitness experts So we're going to speak from there. Okay, so I just wanted to say that first But the data is pretty clear that physical health and mental health are very intricately connected Studies lots of studies have been done on this They're very very closely connected. So those two things Go hand in hand and remember the mind or the as connected the brain the brain is connected to the body. So those two things go hand in hand and remember the mind is connected, the brain, the brain is connected to the body. So if your health is poor, then you tend to see it on the mental health side as well. Now, so I'm going to speak from personal
Starting point is 00:55:16 experience. Again, I'm not a mental health expert, but do you have, first, just talk about your diet. I'm going to talk about things that I know tend to have a negative effect on things like anxiety and depression. Do you use stimulants throughout the day, like caffeine? In the morning, yeah. Okay, so if you're having a lot of anxiety, the first thing I would do is I would slowly reduce and then eliminate caffeine. So whatever baseline of anxiety you have,
Starting point is 00:55:42 a stimulant like caffeine will tend to make much worse. So I would slowly reduce my caffeine intake and it's going to suck for about a week, but then you'll probably notice some benefit. Use the red juice to help you out. Yeah, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're
Starting point is 00:55:59 you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're you're, you big difference. So you can try that as a substitute at first, but even then I would go off of that eventually because you'd want to have nothing
Starting point is 00:56:10 that can be stimulatory at all. The second thing is you talked about sleep. Sleep has a profound impact on mental health, profound to the point where if it's bad enough, it can actually cause severe mental illness, and there's been studies done on this as well. So I would prioritize my sleep at night by having a sleep routine about an hour and a half
Starting point is 00:56:30 before bed. So an hour and a half before bed, I would put on blue light blocking glasses or turn off all the electronics goal by candlelight. I would not look at social media, not read or watch the news, allow my body to prepare for sleep so I could
Starting point is 00:56:45 get some good recuperative sleep. That usually makes a pretty big difference. And then the third thing is do you have some kind of a spiritual practice? And it can be religion, it can be meditation, but do you have a daily practice where you take a 40,000 foot view of your life where you can look at everything, you know, like when people pray, right, or when people meditate, they step outside of the body where you can look at everything, like when people pray, or when people meditate, they step outside of their body, they can look at everything and identify things
Starting point is 00:57:10 that they're grateful for, process, emotions, or challenges that happened during the day. Do you have anything like that on a regular basis? Not on a regular basis. That's probably something I've gone on and off with and tried and fell off. It's funny that you say that my girlfriend, she does that. I've noticed a bit of a difference with her throughout the day. She journals every morning and she'll write things that she's great
Starting point is 00:57:39 before and thankful for. I believe she does it at night as well. And like she's more, she was very spiritual with invariant to like meditation and breath working and things like that, which I kind of like introduced me to it as well, or at least like I used to think it was all like BS until like I kind of like started looking into it and thinking about it and like, well maybe there's something to this. But I just never was consistent enough with it.
Starting point is 00:58:01 That's right, it's just like exercise. So like if I was talking about the benefits of exercise and someone says, I tried it a few times, I didn't really notice anything. That's the same thing with the spiritual practice. You have to be very consistent and disciplined about it. And you can do like 10 minutes a day. Just 10 minutes every morning, do it.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Maybe you can add into the five minutes before bed, just kind of set yourself for the next day. Give that a shot. And then the last thing I'll say is this, the two people that I turn to the most for this are Arthur Brooks. So we have two, I think we've done two episodes with Arthur Brooks, but he also has a lot of his own content. He's an expert on happiness. So this is his, this is what he does for a living. He studies it and he's got some great
Starting point is 00:58:42 content on it. So you can find the episode with we had with Arthur Brooks or you can also look him up and read some of his books or some of his articles, he's really, really good. And then the second person, this is just personal for me, is Bishop Barron. We did a podcast with Bishop Barron. He's a, obviously a Catholic bishop, but the spiritual side of what he talked about
Starting point is 00:59:00 really had a profound impact on me and it made a big difference. And you know, not having a strong sense of purpose or meaning in your life, or not having something that you specifically are targeting, in other words, like worshiping God, for example, or having a top value that is not an earthly thing,
Starting point is 00:59:19 that will help direct you in the right way as well, because otherwise, you're gonna move towards your top value and it tends to be earthly things that don't have a lot of meaning or purpose behind them. And that can cause a lot of problems for some people. So that, and that's just my personal experience. Again, this is not my expertise, but that would be the direct, you were my friend,
Starting point is 00:59:37 that would be the direction that I would point you. Yeah, I would echo a bit of spiritual practice and meditation. I know you've been able to, you've expressed that you've been able to kind of see the benefit in that. It took me a long time to see the benefit in that. It took a multiple attempts and honestly for me, it was more of like bringing in a tangible way to experience that a little bit more deeply. And that was where the cold immersion, the cold ice bass really kind of played a factor to that, even a cold shower, where it really forced on the breathing, the way that
Starting point is 01:00:12 I could actually become more present, you know, here to where all the chatter and the noise and things that, you know, my mind was just constantly racing, anxiety, and all that was able to shut down. So, that's another practice, a little bit more of an extreme practice than just sitting there and being able to breathe and meditate, which I highly suggest. But if you have trouble with that, that's something that I would look into as well. Xavier, can I ask, have you connected what makes you feel depressed and anxious? Well, like you guys mentioned purpose there. I mean, that's honestly probably those are the usually the things I think about the most when I start to get really anxious and stuff where like,
Starting point is 01:00:58 I started to really kind of wonder like, what the heck, what, why, what's the point, right? Like, why do I feel this way? Like, what, why was the point, right? Like why do I feel this way? Like what, and I mean, I suddenly got me kind of struggling with lately is like what is like my purpose? And yeah, how old are you? How old are you? 29.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Okay. Yeah. You know Xavier, I'll tell you a story. I had a client once. He was, hold was he 17? And he struggled with this quite a bit, and to the point where he actually developed a drug problem and his parents sent him to one of those camps where kids go, they'll send their kids to,
Starting point is 01:01:34 and then they'll try to, I don't know, set them straight for lack of a better term. And what, you know what? And he came back a different person, but here's, I'm not recommending you go to the camp, but I'm gonna tell you what he did. When he came back, I said, what made the biggest difference for you? And he says, they put me in
Starting point is 01:01:49 charge of a group. And I said, what? And he goes, yeah, when I got there after a few weeks, I led a group of five other younger kids. And he says, and I immediately felt a sense of purpose for these kids. And it changed everything. So what's the takeaway? Serve some serve other people. Maybe volunteer or go do something for someone else. That is a sense of purpose, right? You're helping someone, you're volunteering at, maybe, you know, we're, what are they called?
Starting point is 01:02:21 Those old people homes, I can't think of the right term right now. Or you can go volunteer and feed people, or you could volunteer MMA training, you said you're in MMA, you did it for 10 years, maybe you teach some people for free, or whatever. Oftentimes that's what people need, it's the opposite, the opposite of no purpose, the opposite of that is serving others.
Starting point is 01:02:41 And that's usually set people in the right direction. So just another, again, based off my experience. Or seek a profession that does that, right? So doing a looking for professions where you feel like you are serving somebody or helping others, I think is a great way. I also think keep in mind, and I'm sure you don't feel that because I know this tends to happen
Starting point is 01:03:00 when you get ready for your 30s, people sort of go, oh shit, like I'm officially like grown up, I need to have my shit together. Bro, I'm 40 right now and I barely feel like I fully understand my purpose. Like part of it is just doing the work. Is doing the work, putting work in and not. There's something about your generation
Starting point is 01:03:20 that this whole movement of like you gotta find a career right now that serves your purpose and finds that, you know, right now you need to learn, to learn what you even want. Try shit out, fail at it. You know, think you think you like something, do it, then find out you don't like it. Like don't get so hung up on, you need to have this answer of what your lifelong purpose is. Some people spend a majority of their life finding, looking for that. So don't allow that to cause this anxiety and depression. Be okay with the fact that maybe it hasn't fallen into your lapia, and you still got a lot of work, a lot of growing, a lot of internal self-awareness stuff to go
Starting point is 01:03:58 through before maybe you find out what that is. Be a little empathetic with yourself. What in your life has given you that zest for life? Is there anything you can think of that you've done in the past or now where you're like, you know what, when I do that thing, when I did that thing, I really felt alive. Is there something you can list? I mean, yeah, it was, it was fighting, honestly.
Starting point is 01:04:17 It was, I was actually talking to my girl about this yesterday, where I was just like, there's like, there's just, isn't anything else that gave me that? It was, I mean, a lot of it was like, like, when you're in there, when you're in the cage or in your ring or whatever, like, you literally just can't think of anything else, right? Like, everything else kind of like, just goes away.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And it's almost like, you fork, like, you know, so that was like, probably like, I guess like the most stressful time of my life right up until I got in the cage and ends up being like the like most zen part of my life. Oh, listen, Xavier. So are the Brooks wrote a book called From Strength to Strength? I think it would be valuable for you.
Starting point is 01:04:59 So maybe you don't want to go fight again because you're like, I don't want to do that. I want to get banged up or whatever. But you know what you can do? You can go teach. It's almost the same thing. Also keep in mind what you just said though too, right? So what made you feel that you got the most ultimate present moment of your life is when you're fighting.
Starting point is 01:05:18 And so that's what the meditation and the spiritual practice is we focus so much on our past and the future. Very few people have the discipline to be in the now. Meditation and that's really the power of a spiritual practice or meditation is it teaches you to be in the present. The reason why you love MMA so much is because you get out of your own fucking head. You stop thinking about what you didn't do last year and what you need to do to find your purpose to, and it's like this need to do to find your purpose. And it's like this guy's going to fucking kill me. I don't want to think about anything else,
Starting point is 01:05:48 but this dude that's right in front of me. And you get this ultimate you for feeling. But what that is is that you're you're you've never been so present. Then in that moment when you shut that cage, you can find that through through meditation, through spiritual practices, and through discipline, and self-awareness. So that's really what is the connection there. Maybe it ends up being your purpose and you find a career like Sal is alluding to where you teach kids. Because you don't have to be a career.
Starting point is 01:06:14 But I think if you did it once or twice a week and you helped an amateur do their first fight, I bet you get a similar feeling. Yeah, I just want you to understand that though. The reason why you feel that is because there's probably nothing else in your life. You've ever felt so present than at that moment. And that is what we're seeking. Xavier, you talked a little bit about diet. I'm going to send you our intuitive nutrition guide because I think that's going to help
Starting point is 01:06:34 you with some of the ways that you, some of the relationships you have with food. So I'm going to send that to you. I think the content in that's going to help you with the diet aspect, okay? Awesome. Awesome. I appreciate that. You got it, man. Good luck, okay? Yeah, thank you guys so much. That was very enlightening. I appreciate it. Appreciate it. Thanks. Yeah, that one's a tough. I can see, though, and I've known a lot of people like this, and I felt like this at one point in my life, and I've on and off right, where you just don't have that higher meaning and purpose. And if you don't have
Starting point is 01:07:06 that, the hard parts of life are really hard. Did you really feel that way? There's some time. I feel like it's a generational thing. Don't you feel that way? I feel like older people always say that. I mean, I know that it might be worse. You might know you're right. It is worse. It's, I mean, okay, so anxiety and depression are higher. So I'm now on, I'm now on my third generation of people that have worked underneath me, right? So I've had people, my peers, work for me.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I've had the generation coming up, which are millennials working for me, and then I've also had now the Gen Z work for me. And I see a little resurgence in Gen Z of being more like us, and they just like, fucking do the work and then we'll figure out this. But the millennial gap, the age range,
Starting point is 01:07:49 there was this movement around like, like that wasn't communicated to me very much. It was like, when I was coming up, it was like, fucking work, very Gary V. Esk, like just get out there each shit, figured out the purpose will come as you're as you're grinding it away. Yeah, I think, yeah, definitely, I've noticed the same thing in terms of like
Starting point is 01:08:08 Really looking at the world's problems and looking at environmental problems and looking at political problems Everything you have no control over and like just taking all that on on top of like your day-to-day process It's like get back to to cleaning your own room You know the whole Jordan Peterson thing thing. Like it's about like addressing the immediate things that you have control over every single day that makes the most impact. And I think from there is where the purpose starts to really unfold itself. And yes, it is like service. It is of these other things, but it's, it's in your immediate sphere. So your, your own community is really what you need to get. Yeah, and if you, look, for this is largely for young men,
Starting point is 01:08:49 but this is true for women as well. Most of this, which is lift weights, get some sunshine, don't watch pornography, avoid lots of substances, and have a spiritual practice and get good sleep. Like do those things and you'll find you feel much better. A lot of people feel terrible because they're inside all day long. They don't exercise properly.
Starting point is 01:09:10 They're numbing their senses with pornography and shitty food. That you know, they're overdoing the stimulants or the depressions. They're constantly inundated. And then they're just on social media, getting the dopamine without the oxytocin. They're not connecting with people. Of course, you're gonna feel terrible.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It's like you're so against your own nature. We're humans, we're social creatures. We're supposed to do a certain element and we're supposed to have challenge. We're supposed to challenge ourselves. Control the challenge. Go work out hard a few times. Go do something that is challenging yet.
Starting point is 01:09:38 It's got some purpose like volunteer work. That's a big one. You go help people. It's hard. You gotta wake up early, you gotta do this thing or whatever. But then you're serving other people. Those are things that I think pay back dividends worth way more than the time invested in doing those things.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Our next caller is Alex from Italy. Alex, how's it going? How can we help you? Hey guys, I'm first off, I wanna thank Adam, Justin, and Doug for the content you put out and for the info and then last sauba in Italian. Thank you for all the information that you gave me. I changed everything to life.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I found a good balance between family work and thank you. You're welcome. You want me to translate? a team of three. The family. Okay, you're welcome. You want me to translate. Yeah, he said that I'm the best. The best host and everyone else talk. Tell him what he said. What he really said is that I know. I know you've been working out really hard, but you're still not as great as Adam.
Starting point is 01:10:39 All right, go ahead and ask your question, Alex. Thank you very much in English, though, please. Yeah, All right, go ahead and ask your question Alex. Thank you very much in English though, please No, so and like I said, I'm a I'm a bar owner. I have a family and I'm a hockey player and I play I play Sorry for my daughter. She should be she right now because it's 8 at night. So I know. So yeah, and we do practice four times a week. We have two games a week and the only day of the Sunday. And normally, I was always overtrained, you know, through, with my workouts and hockey. But since I've been following your programs, I've learned to really just work out once
Starting point is 01:11:31 a week and really keep it simple and concentrate on the sport itself. But for example, last year, during the season, I just, I just could not not my legs to not recover from. And like I said, I would really just work out once a week. And I was wondering if you guys could like have some tips or a help, you know, because I do want to play hockey in Tom 40. So I need to find a solution. Yeah, Alex. So you're on the right track when you're in season once a week is plenty But I'm gonna add a little more if your legs feel heavy if they feel like they just they're not recovering fast enough I wouldn't work out your legs. I would just do mobility for your legs So when you do your workout the one workout a week on top of what you're doing during the season
Starting point is 01:12:21 You can train your upper body. It sounds like you're recovering okay with your upper body But what I would focus on with legs is just mobility, just stretching, just recovery type stuff. And then when you go off season, then you can start focusing on the heavy training. But because hockey is so lower body leg intensive, it sounds like you just don't have enough to, and that's okay. In season, the goal is to minimize injury. What you don't want to do is approach your workouts. Yeah, you don't want to approach your workouts in season, like you're trying to build strength and muscle because that's just too much all at once. So in season, it's injury avoidance.
Starting point is 01:12:58 And so the best way to avoid injury, if you feel this way, mobility, stretching, recovery based stuff, and then do some upper body stuff if that feels okay. Yeah, because like I said, because I'm doing match prime at least the 22, 30 minutes a day, six times a week. It really helped a lot. So I guess I could do like just work on the mobility on my squad. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:22 But like not even like deadlifts or nothing like the just like the. You know, you know what? You're not a, you're not a weekend warrior athlete. You're like a, a legit athlete, bro. You're, I mean, you're, you're doing six days a week of intense playing. I mean, it's like you're practicing.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Super demanding. Yeah, you're practicing for and then games too. So you're talking about hours of intense training on your body. You are not some kid who's just picking up the hockey stick on the weekend every now and then and then trying to also strain like literally you are a like full time athlete, bro. So you're like if you're if I'm training a full time athlete like this, we're and we're in season.
Starting point is 01:14:02 So you're practicing four times a week and you're playing to the end of the week. you're playing two times a week. We're not doing hardly any strength training. It's mostly all mobility and recovery work. I'm just trying to take care of your body so it can perform the best it can, those two game days, every single week, and this is not the time to build muscle. This is not the time to deadlift and squat really. I need you to feel fresh and good.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Every single time for the off season. Yeah, and then the off season, we can talk about picking up your volume and training and really starting to build some muscle and work on some things. But right now, season man, I mean, we tell people that to scale down to potentially one time a week, but it's one time or no time to be honest with you. Yeah. You don't necessarily need it. Yeah, I would do the exercises that you feel strong and good doing.
Starting point is 01:14:43 So if that means... Yeah, I'm providing it. Yeah, exactly. So if that means no leg workouts, that's fine. It's not like your legs aren't getting workout, by the way. It's six days a week, you're training your legs. Yeah, that's a lot of strength, stamina. And then the off season, you can focus on building up some muscle and some strength.
Starting point is 01:14:58 But in season, one of the biggest mistakes athletes will do is they try to improve their strength and condition with their workouts while they're playing games and they're practicing a lot. It's like, man, that's just too much. That's perfect. That's it right there Alex. Do you take any supplements?
Starting point is 01:15:16 Do you take creatine? Because I think that would benefit you as well. Yeah, I do. I take creatine six grams a day. I take vitamin B, omega three and magnesium. Yeah, you're good, Staggy. Yeah, you're good, my friend. Back off on my protein and my protein intake is around 180 grams to 200 grams and the rest
Starting point is 01:15:38 is carbs because I know that with the fat and not, my body doesn't react that good. Yeah, well, I'm sure if you live in Italy, you're probably still getting olive oil in your dishes and stuff like that, which is. Yeah, yeah, it's already. Yeah, which is enough. What part of Italy are you in, by the way? Well, actually, I'm in the opposite of your home.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I'm in Northern Italy. Awesome. I have some family up in. How far north are you? I have some family up in Milan? Oh Really well for me, we actually like to be plagued in Milan. It's like a two hour drive turn a half Oh good. Milan. Yeah, yeah good deal. Well, hey, thanks for calling in Alex Is there any of our programs that you you would like to have access to because I could send you something? I have one I want to give you
Starting point is 01:16:23 I have I have a maps I want to give you. The programs I have, I have a maps prime, maps prime pro, anabolic, aesthetic, performance, and the new symmetry. Oh, I was just saying symmetry. So if you got symmetry, that was the one I was going to give you. There's only one I haven't done yet. That's the only one I haven't done yet. So he just came out new and I have to, I'm right now finishing performance.
Starting point is 01:16:42 So. Symmetry is going to be great for you. Great for you. Yeah, when you finish. Immetry's gonna be great for your fall. Yeah, when you finish. I can't wait, I can't wait. Yeah, when you finish. Off season, do that. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna love that one.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Yeah, cool. All right, Alex. Well, if I can ask it, could I go in your, cause I know you're on Facebook, you have a group. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Where I can ask questions. Yeah, yeah. I really follow you guys and I'm passionate about fitness.
Starting point is 01:17:03 So if you know, if I ever have questions or something or a retromping, absolutely. Doug, Doug's gonna hook you up. We're gonna set you up in the form. We'll put you in the form for free. Thank you. Okay, Alex, thank you. Thanks for calling him.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Bye. Yeah, that was, you know, that's, I made that mistake training athletes early on. I remember I'd get it a new athlete and I'd be like, yeah, I'm gonna get them so fit and they're in season and then they get hurt. And I feel like looking back on my god, it was probably by fall. It's so tempting because you can put so much demand on athletes. And they'll do it.
Starting point is 01:17:34 It's fun. Yeah, it's fun. They'll do whatever. Basically, you, you can struck for them to do, but really as a good coach, you have to be able to be very conscious of how to preserve them throughout the entire season, not just right out the gates. The point that I was trying to make that I think is so important with him is we've had lots of questions like this and a lot of times it's somebody who's doing a sport like three or four times a week. And then we allow them, we say,
Starting point is 01:17:57 oh, you could probably try this six days a week. Yes, six days a week of intense, like full time. Yeah, he's got, I mean, two games, which is over two hours. So he's got over of intense, like full time. Yeah, he's got, I mean, two games, which is over two hours. So he's got over two hours of like intense, four practices. Yeah, so he is hammering. So one day of,
Starting point is 01:18:12 and you know in his practice, they're doing leg exercise. No, of course. So yeah, he's getting, he's different. Like he's, he's that, he's more like a professional athlete that we're talking to. Then sometimes we get people that are like,
Starting point is 01:18:24 oh, I love basketball or I love to do the sport. I love to play the sport. And they're doing it three, four times a week and they're trying to mold a program around it. That person, okay, one day, two day, potentially a week of strength training, they're gonna be okay. Somebody who's six days intensely training as an athlete,
Starting point is 01:18:42 like you don't wanna be doing any real heavy strength training. Our next caller is Brian from California. Brian, what's happening, man? How can we help you? How's it going, guys? Appreciate you having me on. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:54 You guys, you guys have definitely changed my life for the better. So I appreciate you. I used to be able to DM messages to Sal and Instagram, but then as memes got too fire, so. Dude. Dude, here I am. Finally, all those reports I was sending in. I'm taking all the news. Well, so a little bit of background, just to give you guys some
Starting point is 01:19:14 context, like going into college, I was just, I mean, grew up super skinny. So I was six, three hundred and 50 pounds. I mean, you staff to go through the shower twice just to get wet. So all I cared about was the scale going up and you guys have talked a lot about this but so I wanted to see 200 on the scale and I finally did it like by my senior year but my body fat percentage was way higher than I wanted like bad programming didn't eat very well. So then I discovered Spartan racing and I got super into that.
Starting point is 01:19:49 And then basically lost all my muscle. I was back down to 180 and little lower body fat percentage was eating better. But as you guys know, all that cardio and movement and stuff, hard to keep the muscle on. So then I was just kind of figured I'm just naturally skinny that's how it's always going to be. Well then over the pandemic I got super lucky. I found some equipment that I had in the backyard discovered you guys and just focused on getting strong and I was able to put on about 20 pounds of lean mass. Yeah just like listen to you guys, you're programming, hitting my protein levels,
Starting point is 01:20:26 all that stuff. So again, like, super grateful for you guys' information. But my question was, you guys talk a lot about like many boks and cuts. And for somebody like me who, like, as I'm building more muscle, I'm meaning out even more, what would the benefit of any, like if any for me to go on a cut? Like it's not really something that I, you know, really prioritized. But well, you know what you may be doing and you don't even realize you may actually be doing many cuts because you said you're leaning out while you're also kind of bulking, is that right? Yeah, yeah, I mean, I just, I mean, it's not hard for me to eat a lot. I typically don't track calories, but I did just to kind of get an idea of my baseline
Starting point is 01:21:10 and like on an average day, I could easily eat more, but 5,000 calories is not very hard for me to eat, and it's all good food, a lot of protein, real whole foods. I mean, you didn't tell the audience this, but I see it written down. You're 630606 now a 9% body fat. Yeah. I mean, you probably look pretty dope, bro. What do you try and do? What do you want? What else do you want? Add them once a picture. I send a picture in because you guys talk about like the, you know, how the scale can lie. So I put the last time I was in the 200s compared to now and it's it's pretty crazy to see the difference
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yeah, you know what the benefit of a mini cut would be for someone like you Hmm getting your body to be resensitized to calories because it's probably pretty hard to eat More than five thousand calories to gain anymore That's why I said I think he's probably naturally doing many cuts I bet he misses his target sometimes and that's why he wins I would I would do like a I mean mean, you could do like a two, like two weeks of like three, three thousand calories. And then when you go back up to five,
Starting point is 01:22:12 you just see this just muscle come on your body. You can even do that for a little longer, just get real shredded. But it can be, you know, and this is not common. Like most people are dealing with a metabolism that's slower than they want. It's not as common to have someone like you, this is more like myself or even Adam.
Starting point is 01:22:29 I remember when Adam was competing, he ran into this problem where he just couldn't eat more because his body was burning so many calories. So you can actually purposely get your body to be kind of, we use the term resensitized, but really what you're doing is just slowing down your metabolic rate a little bit, is by doing a cut for a few weeks weeks and then going back to eating more calories.
Starting point is 01:22:48 And that'll get your body more sensitive again to 4, 5,000 calories. Otherwise, you get, it's hard, right? 5,000 calories a day every single day, 6,000. It's like, oh my gosh, I can't possibly just keep eating this much. So that would be the benefit of a shortcut would be to resensitize your body. And what it'll feel like is you'll feel like a sponge after two or three weeks of doing that, you'll introduce more calories,
Starting point is 01:23:08 and you'll just, oh my God, your muscles will fill out and you'll feel just so anabolic from doing so. That would be the only benefit. Now, if you don't really care, just keep going the way you're going. I mean, you're crushing it. That's, that would be my thing is, unless you really are trying,
Starting point is 01:23:22 that's why I asked what your kind of goal was, because you're in a great place. 206, 9% body fat, 63. I'm sure you feel good, you look good, you're eating 5,000 calories, which probably gives you all kinds of flexibility in your diet to where you can have some foods that you enjoy everyone's while I don't feel like it just sticks to you.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Like you're in a great place right now. So you don't necessarily need to do anything. I mean, but to continue on with what you're doing, unless you have specific goals that you're trying to achieve, if you're trying to continue to put on more mass and you want to be bigger, well then with Salis Point, there's going to be tremendous value for you, for almost intentionally slowing the metabolism down by going into a cut, that way when you go to reintroduce those calories again, you'll put on some size coming out. Interesting, okay.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Yeah, I didn't really think about that. I guess my fear was going on a cut like I didn't want to lose any mask because that is my goal is to continue building naturally. Yeah, you'll lose a little bit of size just because you'll be a little depleted. But like I said, it's like a two week, like two weeks.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Like do it for like two weeks. Then when you bump your calories back up, you'll go back little depleted. But like I said, it's like a two week, like two weeks. Like do it for like two weeks. Then when you bump your calories back up, you'll go back up to where you were and then probably add another two or three pounds of lean body mass. You did just say something though that I'll give you a heads up because this will mess with you. When you go from 5,000 calories down to 3,000 calories,
Starting point is 01:24:40 two things are gonna happen that are gonna, they're gonna give you a mind fuck. One, in the bodybuilding world, we call this like flat, right? Because you're depleted of carbohydrates and calories. So your muscle bellies are not going to be as full. So you're going to look not as jacked as what you did just a week ago. That'll probably fuck with your head. The second thing that will fuck with your head is you're not getting as much fuel.
Starting point is 01:25:00 So you're not going to probably be as strong. So you might see your your lifts go down a tiny bit. If you can manage your head and just stay the course for about two weeks or so and then go back, I think you'll see tremendous benefit, but what happens and what he used to happen to me when I was like two days in. I would freak out.
Starting point is 01:25:15 I would like, oh my god, I go to my bench day and also I'm down 30 pounds on my bench and I look flat. I'm like, fuck this, I don't wanna do a cut. This is the opposite. And you get in your head thinking that muscle is falling off your body. It's all muscle that I'm like, fuck this, I don't wanna do a cut. This is the opposite. And you get in your head thinking that like muscle is falling off your body. It's all muscle that I'm losing right now. It's like, no, that's not the case.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Your low calorie, so your muscle bellies are not filled out. Your energy isn't all the way there, so your strength isn't there. That's all that's happening right now. Your body is not breaking down and losing muscle that fast. So I think if you can get past that mental hurdle, I think there'll be lots of benefits for you to actually do this for a couple of weeks.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Okay, awesome. I'll just make sure I don't do it right before a pool party or see. Yeah, exactly. Well, actually, or load up right before. There you go. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you do it too.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Do it two week mini-cut and then do like three or four a bulk right into the pool party. And you'll look amazing. So that, if you're leaning. So the, I used to, so a lot when I first started my Instagram, I used to give these Vegas tips because I trained a couple people that, I actually trained guys that would,
Starting point is 01:26:10 that would hire me to get them ready for Vegas. To peak for Vegas. Yeah, to peak for Vegas. I'm actually going, I'm going this weekend. So, okay, okay, so here's your tip. Okay, so, so go into your cut right now, what South said, and then the day before load up on calories. So the day, so right now start peeling down the calories,
Starting point is 01:26:27 get real low, and then the day before load up on calories. So then you'll probably push all the way up to like 6,000 calories the day before. Yeah, don't need a bunch of garbage though. Don't mess up your stomach. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen people do that, just get diarrhea. That's just really, really good.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Yeah, and that's actually, and that's actually the thing, I don't know if you saw in the email I threw that in there too, because I'm always sharing you guys this information. So I bought a bunch of copies of your book, I give it out. I just, as far as the calorie thing, I don't know if you guys,
Starting point is 01:26:55 I just don't hear you guys talk a ton about it. There is a huge difference between doing it with good quality food versus just calories in general. Yeah, here's the difference. First off, you start with the basics, calories, right? Not all calories are the same, because then you go down and then you have macro nutrients, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
Starting point is 01:27:13 But then even then, it's not all the same, because then you gotta go to, how do these foods make me feel? Everybody ignores that. They think, if I look the same, it's the same. No, it's not. If you're macros and calories are identical, even if you get the same body fat percentage
Starting point is 01:27:27 and you look the same, 99% of time eating whole natural foods means you're gonna feel better. You're gonna have better energy, more stable, better digestion, and ultimately that results in a better looking physique in the long term. So that's really what you wanna pay attention to. So yeah, I mean, I could, you know, we could go in a lab, create a bunch of shakes that have the right amount of proteins, fats, carbs and calories,
Starting point is 01:27:48 and then just live off that. I guarantee you, you're not going to feel the same. So you're not going to feel the same. And after a year or two, you won't look the same, because the way you feel will start to dictate your behaviors and those behaviors will change and then forget about it. So that's the way you want to communicate it. The first time I got over 200 pounds, I was just distraught that all the goldfish and chicken nuggets weren't turning straight into muscle. I didn't understand it.
Starting point is 01:28:12 That's literally Justin's favorite lunch. That's string cheese and we're good. A little ketchup on the side. He's ready to cook. Right on. Thanks Brian. Thanks man. Hey, thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Appreciate you. You got it brother. Have fun in Vegas. Hey, thank you. so much. Appreciate you. You got it brother. Have fun in Vegas. Hey, thank you. Take care. You got it. What a great place to be, huh?
Starting point is 01:28:30 Yeah, totally. You know, a lot of people don't identify with this because it's like, oh, poor him. He has a $5,000 cow. But you know, hey, look, it's challenging too. It's like grass is always green on the other side. Yeah, totally. It's not super. I like the second part where he asked about the food differences.
Starting point is 01:28:44 And that's just it. It's just, Look, you could eat the same amount of calories. This is what my one of my big issues with the I a F I M crowd initially. It's like, yeah, okay, your macros are the same. Cowards are the same. You're not going to feel the same. You just don't. Your energy is going to be off. You're not going to feel as good. Your behavior is going to change as a result. It's not a great long term strategy. And then I'll argue this. I've known a lot of stage competitors who have literally track this. You're one of them, Adam, where you ate a diet that was identical.
Starting point is 01:29:11 It just included more processed foods versus one that was a whole natural. You don't look the same. You just don't look the same. Our next color is Rob from Canada. Rob, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, thanks for having me on. We really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:29:23 You got it. All right. Um, so I'm 36. you. Hey guys, thanks for having me on. We really appreciate it. You got it. So I'm 36. I've been just started doing jujitsu a couple of years ago and I have my first competition coming up. 242 pounds, about 18% body fat. I'm just looking to become more explosive because I'm going to be in weight class with guys are actually quite a bit heavier than me. I'll probably be at like the bottom of the weight class of super heavy. Okay. So how is this purple belt? Yeah. Thanks, thanks Adam. Got to remind people it wants one. Actually, no, no purple belt. White belt. Thanks, thanks to COVID, it's taken forever.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Oh, man, that sucks. Okay. So, wanna compete or super heavy and you wanna be more explosive so that you have a better chance of, okay. So how many days a week do you do Jiu-Jitsu? Four. For a total of probably eight or nine hours. Oh yeah, so one day a week, I would do traditional strength training and you can include a little bit of plyometrics in that.
Starting point is 01:30:24 But in my experience, the lifts that really had the biggest carryover for that for Jiu-Jitsu. And are you doing no-gi? Are you going to do ghee competition, by the way? This one's ghee. Okay, so no ghee is, I'm sure you're going to know this, no ghee is way more explosive. Just people are slippery, they're faster, whatever, what the ghee, things tend to slow down. When you hit the ground, a lot of the explosive aspects of Jiu Jitsu are what the geet are standing when you're standing. That's when you see a lot of the like, you know, if you move quickly or whatever,
Starting point is 01:30:53 deadlifts were amazing for that. Deadlifts were really, really good, zercher squats were really, really good for that. Of course, traditional barbell squats, barbell rows, but you can include a little bit of plyometrics. I just wouldn't overdo it because you're already doing four days a week of Jiu-Jitsu. More than one day a week of lifting's probably gonna be too much. Now, if you back off on the Jiu-Jitsu, you can lift more,
Starting point is 01:31:14 but I would caution you to trade technique for strength and power, because as you already know, you've already been doing Jiu-Jitsu for two years, technique is far more valuable than strength and power. Where's the super heavyweight category start? What weight? At C21. So it's unlimited from there.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Okay, so and it says here you're 245, right? Yeah, there are boats. Okay, so 242 as of this morning. Yeah, okay, so 240 is 18% body fat. One of the things I think that would help would be just leaning out too. Yeah, that's true. 40s, 18% body fat. One of the things I think that would help would be just leaning out too. Yeah, that's true. I mean, you've got 20 pounds
Starting point is 01:31:48 and you'd still stay in the super heavyweight category. I think tightening up your diet would serve you well too. Cause you're just lighter. Yeah, I am doing that. Okay, so yeah, to me, I mean, cause here, and we get questions like this a lot, like with sports, we just had a sport one before. I mean, nothing is gonna get you better at Jiu-Jitsu
Starting point is 01:32:06 than doing more Jiu-Jitsu. Will a one week of strength training complement it? Yeah, I don't complement it, but so also would another day of Jiu-Jitsu make you great at it. I think the, as far as the making you more explosive and your agility and stuff like that with Jiu-Jitsu, leaning down a little bit more is gonna help.
Starting point is 01:32:23 And since you're already in the super heavyweight class and you're carrying 20 pounds, you could drop down, that would be my suggestion. We'd be tightening the diet up. Yeah, one thing I'd add besides, like you mentioned, a little bit of plyometrics, but one thing, in terms of lowering your risk versus reward, kind of ratio in terms of explosive training,
Starting point is 01:32:40 you could do some kettlebell swings. Some kettlebell swings get that nice explosive power out of your hips, which is really where you're gonna generate the most force in any of these moves. So that is something to incorporate within your weight rings. Yeah, now you're not doing, I'm glad you said that Justin, but don't do them to fatigue Rob.
Starting point is 01:32:58 You're not doing kettlebell swings until you're super tired. You're doing them explosively, and then when you're no longer explosive, you stop. Higher intentional. Okay, less conditioning. Does that make sense, Rob? Yeah, what would you guys say? What would you guys say?
Starting point is 01:33:10 Because obviously what you're doing there is they're trying to emulate you, thrusting your hips and throwing somebody off of you, right? So, I imagine you're not gonna swing more than five times, right? No, you're doing like five, five, six, seven reps with a heavy kettlebell, explosive, put it down, rest for three minutes, do it again, treat it like an explosive.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Even throwing it, if you have a field you have access to, that's my favorite. Oh yeah. It's all just consent. Yes, yes. The other thing, too, Rob, is, do you have any judo experience? No, I don't. Okay, so this is now just because I practiced jujitsu and judo,
Starting point is 01:33:43 you're doing four days a week at jujitsu. If you could every other week, or maybe even every week, I would do this after this tournament, okay? Add in a day of jujitsu, your game will go through the roof. I mean judo compliments jujitsu so much, especially for big guys, because big guys don't like to jump on their back so quickly,
Starting point is 01:34:02 so you'll have a lot of guys trying to stand with you. And if you have some judo, I mean, you'll take the fight where you want it, and these big guys will go down like big trees. So I would do a little, and judo's very explosive. I mean, judo's primarily explosive with the way they set their throws up. Awesome, that's all great advice.
Starting point is 01:34:21 All right, man, good luck with your tournament, huh? Yeah. Awesome, thank you very much. Thanks, Rob. Yeah, with your tournament, huh? Yeah. Awesome. Thank you very much. Thanks, Rob. Yeah, another athletic question. You know, it's, um, with the big mistake that I made with jujitsu was trying to improve all my physical attributes in the gym and not just do more jujitsu and more grappling.
Starting point is 01:34:37 I tried to make those same movements with weight. Yeah, it's like, you're, you're better off doing more of that stuff. And I used to, I mean, one of the best things, especially when you're in season is cross-strain with other grappling sports like Greco, Judo, you know, then practice Noge. Noge is super fast and explosive because you don't have the key to slow you down when you're on the ground. And that's, then you'll see, and then what you said Adam was, I didn't even think of that. Yeah, I mean, a little lighter.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Right. Sometimes the simple answer is all you really, I mean, he's what he say four times a week, he's doing Jiu Jitsu, right? Yeah. I mean, do Jiu Jitsu one or two more days a week in addition to that and lean out a little bit and watch out bad ass to get a Jiu Jitsu. I mean, if you lost like 10, just 10 pounds of body fat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Right. 10 pounds of body fat and then using that additional day to do even more Jiu Jitsu or do things specifically that are going to come up. High technical sports. Totally. So the more proficient you are, obviously the better you get for. Right. Right. So I know we sometimes I think we overcomplicate some of these things and it's like, dude, the fact that he has room to drop 20 pounds, I mean, you know how much faster you get when you shed 10,000 pounds. Yeah. And four days a week, you just use a lot. At my peak, I was doing
Starting point is 01:35:44 four days a week and then I was lifting one day a week. Five days a week of Jiu-Jitsu is intense and it's hard to add. Well, you would do mobility, like. Well, yeah, or you would do like light rolling, right? And that what they do, like, so if I was like a hardcore Jitsu guy. Yeah, which was like technique day.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Yeah, you would do a day where you guys are like working at 50% right? Isn't that what you would do? You would, it's just, it's still, it still exhausting and it can be pretty brutal on the body. So my point is if you're doing five days a week of jujitsu, you're not lifting. You're doing mobility. Well yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:13 And so my point is that if the desired outcome is, I want to be bad-asseted jujitsu. And he's doing that four days a week and he's carrying, he's 18% body fighting, carrying jujitsu. You're on point. To me, it's like practice more jiu jitsu at a lower intensity, if I need to, and cut your weight, that is the single best thing
Starting point is 01:36:31 for you getting better at jiu jitsu. Now are there exercises we can do in the weight room to complement throwing your hips, or throwing explosively? Yes, there is, like Justin recommended, but just simply getting better at jiu jitsu, leaning out and doing jiu jitsu more in my opinion. That's true. Yeah, you're right. That's about to be the biggest bang for his buck. recommended, but just simply getting better at Jiu-Jitsu, leaning out and doing Jiu-Jitsu more.
Starting point is 01:36:45 My opinion is, yeah, you're right. That's about to be the biggest bang for his buck. Look, if you like our information, you'll love MindPumpFree.com. We have a ton of guides there that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at MindPump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at MindPump. Adam, you can find me on Twitter at MindPump.
Starting point is 01:37:04 So, thank you for listening to MindPump. and Adam is on Instagram at my pump at him and you can find me on Twitter at my pump cell. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 01:37:40 Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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