Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1846: How to Get Visible Abs Without Losing Fat, Ways to Maintain & Improve Fitness When Traveling, the Best Muscle Building Exercises You are Not Doing & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: June 29, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Cardio can ACTUALLY help you build muscle. (4:20) Kids do silly things when they are young. (11:...47) Justin had a great Father’s Day. (22:04) Euphoria is too much for Sal. (24:52) The HUGE difference between targeted vs. broad supplementation and what Equi.Life brings to the table. (27:54) An update on the live listener call in with a swollen arm. (30:56) Ned’s full-spectrum hemp oil is LEGIT! (34:40) Not so trendy. (38:44) World Swimming Org bans trans women athletes that are past puberty age. (40:12) #ListenerLive question #1 - Is 3.5 hours of activity too much per day? Should I cut movement and calories? (46:37) #ListenerLive question #2 – What is your advice for someone who wants to maintain their fitness while on an extended travel leave with limited equipment? (58:01)  #ListenerLive question #3 - After completing MAPS Performance I had a significant strength increase from MAPS Anabolic phase 1, to MAPS Aesthetic phase 1, and don't recall this the last time I went through the mesocycle. How/why is that possible? (1:03:28) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any insight on a good approach on how to wear my rucksack to avoid fatiguing my core? (1:10:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Equi.life is offering all Mind Pump listeners an at home Minerals & Metals At-Home Lab Test for 50% off! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Special Launch: MAPS Cardio, plus two special e-books for $77! (Ends 7/3) **Promo code CARDIOSPECIAL at checkout** June Promotion: Shredded Summer Bundle or MAPS HIIT 50% off! **Promo code JUNE50 at checkout** Mind Pump #1845: How To Do Cardio & Not Lose Muscle Monterey Beach Resort | The Sanctuary Beach Resort Euphoria | Official Website for the HBO Series | HBO.com Watch God's Favorite Idiot | Netflix Official Site Watch Hustle | Netflix Official Site MP Holistic Health FINA votes to restrict transgender women from swimming events Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining No BS 6-Pack Abs | MAPS Fitness Products MAPS Fitness Anabolic MAPS Fitness Anywhere MAPS Suspension Training MAPS Symmetry MAPS Fitness Performance Visit Drink LMNT for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live, caller's questions. After a 41 minute introductory conversation, we'll talk about fitness, curtain events, our lives, studies, and much more. By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps if you want to fast forward to
Starting point is 00:00:32 your favorite part. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this, you can email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. And if we pick you, you'll be on the show live. We'll answer your questions and coach you right on air. Now this episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Equalife. So this is the supplement company that is monitored and owned by Dr. Steven Cabral. One of the best functional medicine practitioners out there.
Starting point is 00:00:58 These supplements are effective and when they prescribe them to you or when they advise that you take certain ones, they're targeted because you get to do testing with them. You don't just take general supplements, you take the right ones for your body, the difference is night and day when you take supplements that you need versus just a bunch of supplements that maybe you don't need. Anyway, you got to go check them out and check out our forum online. It's MP holistic health Health on Facebook, totally free. And also for Equalife, you can go to Stefan Cabral
Starting point is 00:01:30 or Stephen Cabral, so it's STEPH, EN, C-A-B-R-A-L.com forward slash Mind Pump and what you can do is get the minerals and metals at home lab test for 50% off just by going through that link. Now this episode is also brought to you by Ned. Ned products are full of active cannabinoids from hemp, so it's totally legal.
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Starting point is 00:02:18 Go to helloned.com, that's H-E-L-L-L-O-N-E-D.com, forward slash, mine pump, use the code the code mind pump for 15% off. Also, we have launched a brand new maps program called Maps Cardio. So if you're somebody that likes to build muscle but also likes stamina and endurance, you want stamina and endurance, but you don't wanna do so much cardio that you lose muscle.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Don't know how to program it. Guess what, this is the program for you. So it involves string training, it involves cardio prescriptions. So we tell you how to program it. Guess what? This is the program for you. So it involves string training. It involves cardio prescriptions. So we tell you how to do cardio or certain types of cardio to improve your stamina and endurance. We also put a segment that allows you to do your favorite outdoor activities. So this is for those of you that like to be active, move a lot, burn calories, you like
Starting point is 00:03:00 stamina, you like athleticism, but you also like muscle. It's a new program. It's different than any other math program. And because it's a launch, it's on sale and we'll give you some free stuff. Okay, so it's going to retail for 117, but right now during the launch period, you can get it for $77 plus, we're going to throw in for free the VO2 max boost ebook and the e for performance ebook. Both will be $47 each, but you get them both for free with the $77 launch price, which happens to end July 3rd. So before July 3rd, you can do this after that.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You got to pay retail for everything. Anyway, if you want to sign up, go to mapscardio.com and then use the code cardio special for the discount and the free e-books. All right, here comes the show. Teacher time and it's t-shirt time. Oh shit, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have four winners this week, two for Apple podcasts, two for Facebook, the Apple podcast winners are CG 17 and Z Robert and for Facebook we have Ashley
Starting point is 00:04:07 Molina and Eddie Lingling. All four of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Here's a curve ball. Cardio can actually help you build muscle. That's right. Cardio can help you build muscle. You're just gonna confuse her. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Like why are they saying? Ah! Should I get an episode of the episode? No, so I want to be very clear here. Our issue with cardio is when that become, when cardio is used as the primary foundational way of burning body fat. And the root of that is that people value cardio
Starting point is 00:04:44 because it burns calories, which means they ignore the most important aspect of exercise, which is the adaptations. Okay, so what does this have to do with what I'm saying? If your VO2 max is so poor that it's impacting your strength training, like you can't do that amount of reps or volume or training because you're gassed. Yeah, fatigue sets into early, you can't get through the set.
Starting point is 00:05:06 That's it. Then it's impeding your ability to build muscle. I've experienced this myself. I've gone for, and now I do some conditioning which helps with this, but I remember in the past, I was so afraid of doing anything that was not strength training that I only lifted, and I remember I had a trainer that worked for me who actually communicated this to me and I thought, huh, I wonder if they're right.
Starting point is 00:05:29 So I did 20 minutes on a stationary bike and was totally gassed out and I said, maybe they are right. So I did a little bit of cardio just, you know, 20, 30 minutes, a few days a week and I was able to do more squats and dead lifts and overhead presses because my overall fitness improved. So because of the cardiovascular adaptations, if it improves your VO2 max, doesn't take away from your ability to strain training.
Starting point is 00:05:50 In other words, it's not the dominant force in your training, and it contributes to your overall fitness. You can lift weights better. You can do strength training better. And as a result, you end up building more muscle. I like it. I do. Have you guys ever experienced that before?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah, no, absolutely. I mean, great test. If you've never done three sets of 20 barbell back squats with one minute rest in between and felt just absolutely gassed or trash from that, that's kind of like my gauge. Can I do that? Can I go get out of the bar and do 20 reps
Starting point is 00:06:21 for like three sets of barbell back squats? And when I start getting to the point where it's not, I don't get muscle fatigue, I get like fatigue from cardiovascular. I just can't, I can't catch my breath. That's always my signal. I'm like, okay, I need to get back to doing some traditional cardio to get back to you.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah, I like personally, I like to do what would be, I guess, considered conditioning work all that's a general term. And I like to do like sled work, which I've talked about a lot on the show, but sled work does that for me. So if I do like long distances with the sled, where I'm going, you know, 50 yards,
Starting point is 00:06:54 100 yards back and forth and I start to gas out, like that does it for me. Or, and I don't recommend this unless you're really, really good with stability and strength and all of this off. I'll do a sled sprint. Man, that makes a huge difference in my ability of the weights, plus it's somewhat anaerobic, right? So it's got some muscle building effects itself.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I tend to lean a little bit more towards focus on work capacity. So it would be like sled work or moving with weights. So for instance, or I'm doing farmer carries or I'm loaded movement or I'm doing farmer carries or I'm loaded Movement where I'm actually like trying to hold it for longer durations And and I found that that really does carry over very nicely to heavier weight training Because that that's always sort of a sticking point for me in terms of progress
Starting point is 00:07:41 It's like I'd get I get to a point where I'm pretty attached to lower reps and strength training in general, but then I hit a wall. And it's really because I'm not exerting the same amount of effort towards the end. And I know it's because of fatigue or it's just because I'm not training to have that kind of conditioning
Starting point is 00:08:02 to expand upon my workouts and make them a little bit longer. Now, to communicate to the non-Gymrat, what I would recommend, and I used to tell us the clients, was have fun on the weekend. Like that's when you go do your surfing, or your biking, or your rock climbing, and that will complement your ability to train because it gives you some of that VO2 max improvement,
Starting point is 00:08:26 some of that stamina, and it's not really a workout. In my experience, my work capacity's better when I'm doing something I enjoy versus something I don't. Like if I go hiking and it's intense and I'm with my wife or friends, more likely to push myself and the enjoyment really takes away a lot of the pain or the struggle of it. So that's always what I recommend.
Starting point is 00:08:45 That's one of the biggest things to miss about just sports or like organized sports in general. It's just fun and you don't realize the kind of effort you're exerting the whole time because you're just in it. And, you know, that's one of those things. You find something like that that's just enjoyable, doesn't feel like work.
Starting point is 00:09:02 It's just something that promotes movement. I think a big mistake though that's made when introducing cardio into your routine is not also modifying your weight training. Oh, good point. You know, what happens? Just adding it. Yeah, like what happens is somebody hears like, oh wow, this could help me build more muscle or oh, this will help me burn body fat. And so then they add it on top of their current weight lifting routine. And many times add too much of it because they think more is better. And then now they're doing cardio every single day. And they're weight training, you know, say four or five times a week or more on top of that.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And I think if you're going to run a, okay, I'm going to really challenge myself, cardiovascular, I'm going to really challenge myself cardiovascular I'm going to start training heel sprints or I'm going to start to incorporate you know something whether it be sled drives or whatever it is to work, increase your work capacity. I'm also going to then pull back on some of the things that I'm doing in resistance training. So I'm just not throwing everything at the body all the time because I think that's a mistake that people make because most people don't just want to get better at cardio or just want to burn fat.
Starting point is 00:10:08 They want to have muscle, be lean, be firm, be quote unquote tone. You know, they want to have that look or that feel still while they also add in this cardio, but you have to understand that you have to modify, that you should modify that also. Yeah, because if you're very consistent with your training, you're probably training close to the line,
Starting point is 00:10:30 meaning if you're smart, you're training with the optimum amount, or trying to train with the optimal amount of intensity of volume, which means if you throw anything more on top of that, now you're outside of optimal. So you have to offset, right? So I said sled, well, how do I do that? That's what I do on my leg day. So some leg days, I'm not squatting, I'm not lunging,
Starting point is 00:10:51 I'm doing sled work. So it replaces all the other leg exercises with this, you know, leg workout slash conditioning workout. So I'm not adding on top. I couldn't imagine doing sled on top of my traditional, my normal leg workout. That's what most people would do though. And the fear is that you're going to lose this muscle by taking off a day of squatting. I mean, you're training like a, say, maybe a three full body routine. And a great point you have a day,
Starting point is 00:11:17 okay, you're supposed to do backload of squats, but you're like, you know what? I want to work on some of my work capacity or, you know, stamina a little bit or cardiovascular endurance. Therefore, I'm going to, some of my work capacity or stamina a little bit or cardiovascular endurance. Therefore, I'm going to, instead of doing squats today, I'm going to do the sled drive. Great idea, great, I think thing for people
Starting point is 00:11:32 to include into their routine. Problem is that's not what most people do. Most people would be like, oh, I need to do some cardio. And so then they slap it on top of that routine at the end or whatever. And at that point, I don't know. I think you're robbing Peter to pay Paul. 100%, 100%.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Do I gotta tell you guys something hilarious about my youngest, right? My, what is he, he's almost 20 months now, 19 months, 20 months. I forget, you know, when kids are that young, they do things that are just absolutely hilarious, but it's common among young kids, because my other kids did something similar. So obviously,'s stone diapers.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And when he has the poopy hides, which a lot of kids do. A lot of kids will run off. So he's got like this, this, I'm sure one day when he's older, he'll listen to this, be like, but he, there's this area behind the kitchen table that he'll like walk to,
Starting point is 00:12:20 and he'll watch you while he goes back there, cause he's trying to see if you're watching him. And I know, oh, he's gonna go poop, so I'll say, all right, let's ignore him, leave him alone, whatever. Well, anyway, Jessica is right now, she's on vacation with him and her mom, and they're in this nice, you know, this resort, and it's like a pool area, whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And he's got nowhere to hide. So he's got his diaper on, and he's walking around, and she's like, I know what he's doing. He's trying to find a place to hide to poop. So what is he doing instead? He's like, at some point, he's like, I know what he's doing. He's trying to find a place to hide to poop. So what is he doing instead? He's like, at some point, he's like, I got nowhere to go. So he covered his eyes. He thinks nobody can see.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Dude, that's so funny. It must be like an instinctual thing for them to do that because Max does the same. So Max has the same type of a routine. I don't know, if you guys ever noticed, I converted that under the stairs, closet into like a playroom, which is really big, right? So it's like a playroom.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And when he always has that door open or he wants to bring you in and play with them, unless he's pooping. If he poops, he'll go in there and then if you go to follow him, no, no, no, no, he'll tell you no. And then he'll close the door and then he'll go in there and he'll squat and he'll go poop, right? And then you have to, come on Max, change, no, no, no, you'll tell you know and then he'll close the door and then he'll go in there and he'll squat He'll go the he'll go poop right and then you have to come on max change diaper
Starting point is 00:13:28 Or if he doesn't have that space he lays down on the carpet He puts his he puts his head in the carpet, and I know that's what he's doing It's like he's hiding it's like dude. You're out and playing side But he's got nowhere to hide so he just puts his face in the carpet and then puts his hands over this and then he puts So we had this discussion because Just I told Jess I'm like this is got to be an evolutionary trait, right? And I think what it is I looked it up a long time ago. I think I did And what it is is it makes a lot of sense a lot of sense that we don't poop next right close to our tribe Where we live because that's how disease spreads
Starting point is 00:14:01 So it must be this instinctual thing to walk away and go somewhere away from everybody so you don't spread disease. That's my... Yeah, I have a story about everyone's hesitant to talk about it because I know he's going to hate me down the road for it, but it's so funny. I have to. And he'll forgive me. But we were like vacationing with my in-laws
Starting point is 00:14:27 and then, you know, Courtney's brothers and sisters and all the cousins. Like we had this huge house and it was that like somewhere up near the Apple farm, you know, on their way up to Trekkie. Oh, I know that is. Yeah, so we went up there and decided to vacation and whatnot and this is when Everett was little
Starting point is 00:14:46 and he had just got off diapers. And so he was still trying to figure out the whole thing. And he was the same way. Like, even when he was in diapers, he had like a corner of the house where he would just always, he would just like find his way over there and he'd look around and then he just,
Starting point is 00:15:01 like, hey, what are you doing over there, buddy? He just look at you like, ah, about that. You know then he just, like, hey, what are you doing over there, buddy? He just looked at you like, ah, about to, you know, he's like, wincing the whole time. Yeah, it was so obvious. But so we were at this place with all the cousins and all the bathrooms were being taken. And like, he came up to me, he's dead,
Starting point is 00:15:19 really gotta go. I'm like, oh no, like let's get you a bathroom. Up this one's checked, up like, oh, you know, you somebody will be done in many. He's like, okay. And then he just like disappeared. And I was like, oh no, where'd he go? And then I think he asked one other adult. He's like, I need to find somewhere to go to the bathroom. Nothing was available. Takes off. Nobody, here's a seize from him for like, you know, half an hour or so. And I would, would ever go. And so later on we find out that he, because of desperation, he had to poop so bad. He went in this like closet in one of the rooms.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And then like he put, and he's like, took it out, he pooped like a pile, like right in place. And then he put like this chair over it and all of these like toys around it to hide it. Like cover it. And then one of the, and then one of the,
Starting point is 00:16:11 you know, the cousin found it and we're like, what is this? And they're like, whoa, is this poop here? It's like a poop. It's like everybody, you know? Like, oh my God, poor guy. You know, I felt so bad for him.
Starting point is 00:16:23 He played it off off like, oh. I'm cool. Yeah, he was like fine, but later on, you could tell he's like super embarrassed by it. Of course. Yeah, but it was like, dude, you know, it sucked because it was like, there was nothing available, but it was funny how he like arranged and said it.
Starting point is 00:16:39 So it was like, we wouldn't know it was there. It's like, we're gonna know it's there, dude. It's not, it's not pretty well, bro. Hey, listen, if it makes him feel any better, I mean, I did that as a, I was in sixth grade. Whoa, dude. Because. I'm old for that.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And obviously, so I used to walk home from school and my mom didn't trust me with a house key because she said, what if you lose, it's okay, but I got a little preface here. Sicilians are highly suspicious of everything. So she's like, what if you drop the key, someone finds it and then comes in our house. I'm like, they're not gonna know it's our hot,
Starting point is 00:17:09 whatever, fine, I'm not gonna have a key. So I would walk home from school and in sixth grade, that's right around the age where you don't poop at school. Like, yeah, as I got older, I don't care anymore. But when you're like in elementary school, you're like, you do not go to the bathroom, not a number two at school.
Starting point is 00:17:24 So I held it all day. I walk home. It's hot on top of it. So it's like heat plus walking and I'm like, oh, God. And I'm like, if my, if my mom's not home, I'm be so, because she had this habit of, she would come home, 20, 30 minutes after I got home. So I have to wait in the backyard. Yeah. So I was like, she better be home, she better be home. I get home, bang on the door, no one's there, ring the doorbell, no one's there. Oh my God, I went in the backyard, tried to break in, couldn't break in. So right there in the backyard. I used my dad. I went in the garage and my dad
Starting point is 00:17:59 had like these, you know, the kind of paper towels or the rough ones that you use like green stuff. Like the blue ones? Yes. That's what I had to do. I mean, orange, you know, like sandpapery stuff. Oh, dude, she comes home and I'm standing, I'm like sitting at the front door like this, just waiting for her. She comes up and she's like, what's the matter? I had to poop in the backyard.
Starting point is 00:18:19 What? It's your fault, you know? So it just makes you feel better. I always, I was with Justin and Courtney on Saturday, and I was telling them a story about the Macs right now. This is like a new thing. So for like the last, I don't know, maybe year, he'll follow me into the bathroom, right?
Starting point is 00:18:37 And he stands next to me. He watches me pee, right? So he's fascinated by dad has what he has, and I can stand at this toilet, so which I'm sure every dad has a familiar story like this. So that's not strange to me. But just recently, he now asked me to hold his hand while I do it. So I've allowed him to come in and watch me pee because I fear this is a sacrifice. This is a learning experience. You can watch how I'm peeing in the toilet. And I kind of walk him through what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And then I flush it and I tell him I shake and I do all that stuff right. And then lately he's just like, hold hand. Yeah. He puts his hand up. So I don't know where this just started. It's like three times he's done this now in a row. And I was telling him just like, I don't know what this is.
Starting point is 00:19:23 You shouldn't have done it, that was too late. No son, you never hold someone's hand while you pee. Ever. Okay, you know you make eye contact with the hells going on. You're stirring the wall. Kids are great, dude. This is what they do. So yeah, right now she's telling me that he's just so,
Starting point is 00:19:39 like, he loves the ocean so much. So she's scared, because obviously he can't swim. So he just runs out there. So there's pictures of her, like, grabbing them, because her mom's taking pictures of her grabbing them with the water coming up, and he's at this big ol' smile. And you could tell Jessica's like, Max is definitely timid. He's like, so the, we just last week at the school, it could pour Katrina, Katrina, you know, so funny, such a mom. Like if I tell, I was telling this story, she gets all defensive, you know, He's fine, he's just fine.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And it's like, I'm not saying he's not fine. I mean, that's mom's dude. Right, it's so funny, like I can't have this, I can't tell a story like this without her getting defensive. Like, I'm not saying something's wrong with him. Just saying that he's a little on the timid side. I love my son, but he's a little on the timid side. He's not like rough and tumble, jump off things.
Starting point is 00:20:21 You see kid, like my best friend's kid is a year older him, but man, before he was Max's age, he was. A really, this is also careful. Oh, also very careful. Max is super careful. And the teachers were asking Katrina if something traumatic happened to him on the swing set or something.
Starting point is 00:20:37 As she's like, when it's time for the kids to all go play on the swing set and the jungle gym, Max comes over and wants to hug the teachers and play the teachers and do colors and like all the other kids are doing that. Like he has no desire to go do that. And Katrina's like, no, not really. He's just not ever really been into the slide.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And of course we've taken him and done that stuff. And the last time he was on a slide, he did slide down and like came off and hit his butt. He cried a little bit, but it wasn't like traumatic. But he's just, he's like super passionate. He's a lover, dude. Him and Aralia and hit his butt. He cried a little bit, but it wasn't like traumatic. But he's just, he's like super crush. He's a lover, dude. Him and Aralius both. And my son's the same way.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Super lover. He's a puzzles home. I mean, he's doing five year old puzzles right now, so he's all about stuff like that. And he got Justin's kids, just like his youngest. Well, every other guy in his family. He was, you say what's like?
Starting point is 00:21:19 He was very cautious. Yeah, he would like, it go up to the stairs and be like, oh, whoa, and then he'd like, you know, get down really low and kind of slide down the set. Like, okay, he's gonna be fine. You know, ever it just like some kids will just go, like, you know, max, we never put gates up for max. There's no gates on our stairs. But that's because Max is really good. He'll go to the edge of it and then he'll see he'll crawl down real.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I really just goes down backwards because I taught him that's how you go down the stairs. Yeah. So like he'll, when he's ready to go down the stairs. Yeah, so like he'll when he's ready Going on the stairs. Let's say that here's the landing right and the stairs are way over there He gets on his hands and he just starts getting backwards now So he'll start like crawling backwards for like 15 feet before he gets the stairs like hey bro You can get way closer before he gets out So it's funny to see you going like this Yeah, yeah, well it's wise because so besides like going to Sanctuary,
Starting point is 00:22:08 which was awesome, we had a great weekend there for kind of Oh, yeah, I was just in the wife right? Yeah, yeah, which is hilarious because it's like Father's Day weekend, I'm like, I'm away from the kids. Yeah, you know, like let's go. But Sunday actually, so I grabbed the kids for my parents and then we went on this hike and then there's a spot down called Lagarde, Navidin, where, you know, it's become more popular over the years, but it's a big swimming hole where the river and everything is and
Starting point is 00:22:35 it's a really cool place that you hike down to and you kind of go through the train tracks and so we did this whole kind of adventure hike. We get there and so as a place you can like jump off of the rocks up there and like just just bomb in. It's pretty crazy. And so the kids were like exploring and doing their thing and all that. And there's like, you know, there's some young people there, some college kids and you know, some thong-age and whatever, like some stuff out there that, you know, I never saw when I was a kid. But so I'm pretty sure, and I know, actually,
Starting point is 00:23:11 I am sure, because I caught eyes with both kids and they both caught eyes with me. Yeah, one of the girls tops just came off. What? It was like, boom. Right, right in our fit. Cory didn't see it. I didn't even talk to her about it or anything. She was like an understanding us. And I was like, do you see that?
Starting point is 00:23:29 And they're like, down. Oh, man. And so I was like, wow, on Father's Day and everything, I was like, couldn't ask for more. It was just a great experience. I got to start for their first boobs. God was like, yeah. Justin's been working hard. I was just a little break the snap. Yeah. When I went to, I was 12 when I went to,
Starting point is 00:23:51 one time when I went to Italy and Newed Beach. Well, my cousins and my aunt's like, oh, we're gonna go to the beach, but hey, you know, people, a lot of people are topless over there. Of course, I'm 12. I'm like, oh, that's cool. Well, nobody told me that the people that were topless
Starting point is 00:24:03 in Sicily were all over 70. Yeah. You know that, you ever Well, nobody told me that the people that were topless and assistally were all over 70. Yeah. You know that? You ever seen, you ever seen, you ever seen like 70 year old, tanned, topless, like really tan, cause I live in the sun. I've been in high school.
Starting point is 00:24:15 My buddies and I for spring break, we were sophomores or juniors, drove all the way down to Southern California where there's a nude beach in hopes to see like great naked bodies. That was like our trip. We drove all the way down to Southern California where there's a nude beach in hopes to see like great naked bodies. That was like our trip. Would you have all the way from Oakdale all the way down to like this? Like an eight-hour drive. We were spending the night at one of the buddies sisters who went to college down there and the whole plan was yeah, we're going to a nude beach down there.
Starting point is 00:24:40 It was so wack, dude. It's real awful. Not what attracted. Not what attracted person. It was middle-, dude. It's awful. Not what a track. Don't want a track to person. It was middle-aged men. Pot belly dudes. Yeah. Not what I thought. Stack a button. I don't mean to say that. Dude, you just reminded me. So you know what I tried? I started watching and had to turn off. I had to turn it off. I can't watch it. It's called, the shows called Euphoria on HBO. It is the most disturbing thing. It's so disturbing. These are supposed to be high school kids and the shit that they do in that, it just, my dad instincts the whole time.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I was starting to stress out. Did they remind you of kids? Oh, bro, I never seen kids, but from what I've heard. I've heard kids. Yeah, that was in our generation, right? That's also an extra move. From what I've heard, very disturbing
Starting point is 00:25:20 and similar from what I've heard. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, dude, it's like, as I'm watching, I've been young 15 year olds having sex and doing drugs and all kinds of stuff like that. Oh, a. Yeah, no, dude, it's like, as I'm watching, young 15-year-olds having sex and doing drugs and all kinds of stuff like that. Oh, a terrible shit. It's not just sex and drugs. It's like, these kids are self-destructive.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah, that's what they do. There's like, it's just sexual assault. And I don't even want to go into it. But as I'm watching, because there's nothing on TV, I don't have the kids, my older kids this week, the babies with Jessica, so I'm like, I get to watch TV all day, which I haven't done a long ass time.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Nothing was on. So I'm like, everybody talks about this. I tried watching it once, they don't like it. Let me try again. I couldn't, I couldn't, I watched like three episodes, and that was it, it was too much. My dad, my dadness kicks in, and I get depressed and angry. I got one for both you guys.
Starting point is 00:26:05 You guys are gonna love my sister. Cassie told me to watch and I saw it pop up on Netflix. I bet you guys seen it and you haven't watched it yet and you'll both love it is God's favorite idiot. Oh, wait a minute. That's with it. It's so righteous gemstones like. Really?
Starting point is 00:26:19 I have seen that. I just keep over it. Yeah, you'll like it. Right? I know I didn't want you there. My sister is like, you have to watch it. Wait, that's there's a comedian on those kind of well known, right? Yeah, you'll like it. Right? I know I didn't I didn't watch either of my sisters like you have to watch it There's a comedian on those kind of well known right? Yeah, it's the girl Heavy-set block not Amy Schumer the heavy-set blonde girl. It's really funny. I can't think of her name right now
Starting point is 00:26:32 She's in all kinds of stuff though. Oh, yeah She's English yeah, I think so yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, God. I can't super funny, right? She's a good. It's really good It's totally right right just It's good. It's really good. It's totally right. Right, right. Just Jim sounds like. Okay. Yeah, yeah. It's got to, I mean, it's not like a serious show at all. It's like that. You have to go, you don't go into it looking for like,
Starting point is 00:26:52 I heard the one with Adam Sandler's good. I really keep on. I heard that too. Yeah. So I was told it was amazing. I saw people in our forums say it was best ever. Katrina watched it when I was gone and she's like, it was good.
Starting point is 00:27:04 She's like, it wasn't, she's like, you're not gonna, cause someone in our forum was comparing it to like, best basketball movie out there, which means you're putting that above Hoosiers, white men can't jump. There's a lot of the great basketball movies that are out there. And so what does he like a sports agent in this movie?
Starting point is 00:27:19 It's a coach, right? I don't know, I don't know this, I didn't. It looks like a coach, I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. But I mean, I heard the same thing too, but I can speak for the God's idiot. I've seen at least three or four episodes of it already and it's, I mean, it's stupid funny. It's just, that's what I'm in the movie.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah, you've already messed me up, dude. I had nightmares last night. Yeah, no thanks. I had nightmares. I don't like kids behaving badly, uh, series. I don't do that. I already have a tough time watching, I already have a tough time watching old movies that I used to identify with the kids when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Now as a dad, I identify with the adults. So the kids are like, not listening to their parents, I'm like, those fucking kids. They all's going on here, wait a minute. What do you guys think? Have you guys been paying attention to the new form, the Arwellness form? You had a talk in there just recently. It's doing really, really good. I don't know if you guys are paying attention. You know, so they will recommend, so that their company's equal life,
Starting point is 00:28:10 and they recommend their supplements, that's the name of the brand of their supplements, right? But it's all targeted. So I had somebody DM me, what's the difference, you know, this supplement company, that supplement company. There's such a big difference between generalized supplementation and targeted supplementation. It's like night and day, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:29 There's no difference. So when you work with them, they test you, hair tests, they could do urine tests, they think they could do like a few different types of tests like they do with us. Which already sits them apart from like every other supplement company brand because it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:44 how do you even know your deficient in and properly supplement yourself if you don't do the test? Well, we've been saying this forever. I mean, I, you know, wasn't that long ago, I brought it up again on the show that, you know, before you go and spend money on a performance supplement, like to build muscle, to burn body, fat, or what that, like look and find out where you're potentially deficient and get that balanced out first. That'll pay you back so much more than even,
Starting point is 00:29:08 even something as great as creatine, which we all love and talk about as an amazing supplement. But if you're deficient in a bunch of other things and you're taking creatine thinking you're gonna get all these gains from it. You have an example. In the episode we did with Dr. Cabral, he analyzed our hair test.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And he found that all of us had mercury, which is not good, you don't want mercury. So we all found that all of us had mercury, which is not good. You don't want mercury. So we all have a similar protocol for the mercury, which is I think it was broken cell clorella and cilantro supplement and why do you take those because they've been shown to bind with heavy metals and get them out of your system. Now would those supplements be valuable otherwise? I don't know. I mean, maybe a little bit, maybe not. But if you have mercury or other heavy metals, it can be very valuable.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And that's the value. The value is, what are you issues? What do your hormones look like? What do you have? Mineral deficient, like Adam Magnesium was a game changer for him. Yeah. But for me, not so much. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Because you were low on Magnesium. I mean, if you look at what's going on in the form right now in there, by the way, that's free access to our, our audios to go in there and, and, and, and take up. Listen to the form. Is it my own? MP holistic health. MP holistic health.
Starting point is 00:30:15 The, I mean, so many the people in there. It's so great to see like, because, I mean, I look at it and it reminds me of all the, like, difficult clients I had as a trainer. I think of all the years I've been training like, you know how you always like just desperate to find that you just kind of lost. Yeah, one at a, yeah, one at a 50 got had like some condition that was like, well, rare.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Nothing worked that it was. Yeah, like just at colon all our friends filled with that. Like all these conditions that are popping up that I'm like, oh, I so above my pay grade on like how to help these people. It's so awesome to see them getting help from, and Cabral's team's amazing because he's in there, he's got multiple other assistants that are in there, they go on there and they do a weekly talk
Starting point is 00:30:52 where he does a live Q&A, like they're super organized. I'm all finding the root cause. Oh yeah, about it. And speaking of forums, okay. Did you guys see, you guys did, because I sent it to you. We did a live, qua episode recently, where a guy comes on and he says,
Starting point is 00:31:08 hey, my right arm is slightly swollen. Oh, yeah, I'm glad you brought this up. It's slightly swollen and it had a little bit of pain. Concerned after we hung up. And he's like, I don't, you know, what mobility exercises and whatever. And thank God, we pressed him to go to the ER. I mean, you really did, bro. I, to be honest with you, when we did it, Thank God, we pressed him to go to the ER.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I mean, you really did, bro, to be honest with you, when we did it, I was like, oh, you should have that looked by a doctor. And he was like, oh, I try to get into a doctor, it's really busy, it's gonna be weeks out. And I was like, okay, we'll just make sure you do it. And you were like, ah, go today. Go today to the ER, go to. Yeah, no, I trained.
Starting point is 00:31:42 So there were two doctors in particular that influenced me with this and they were both vascular surgeons. And I remember specifically, there was a conversation we had about thoracic outlet syndrome where one of my doctor clients said, oh, this could be something that's bad. And then the other client talked to me about asymmetrical swelling or fluid retention and how that could mean a clot, a blood clot, in which case you go get checked out immediately. And those conversations, I had so many conversations
Starting point is 00:32:12 with doctor, I trained a lot of doctors at one point, and I used to just ask them so many questions, in fact I felt guilty, like I should be paying them to train them or whatever, because I would ask them so much. But some of it stuck, so when he showed me that, and I don't want to scare the guy, right, I don't want to be like, you he showed me that, and I don't wanna scare the guy, right? I don't wanna be like, you got a blood clot,
Starting point is 00:32:27 and I don't know, right? So I said, well, but then at the end when he's like, let me, you know, I'll wait a few days because I got a busier, I'm like, no, go to the ER now. Anyway, thank God we did. So he went to the ER, and I wrote down the syndrome that he has, it's called, it wasn't the exact day.
Starting point is 00:32:43 The day show at our syndrome, okay. It's from Thronbroses, so it's essentially blood clots. So it's like thoracic outlet syndrome, except caused by blood clots. He's been put on blood thinners and he's gonna go see a vascular surgeon. Thank God, because that could turn into something real fast. Real fast, so I feel so happy that we did that.
Starting point is 00:33:02 So he went in the forum and let us know. So crazy too, too is just recently have we do we start having Jerry ask people to if you have a picture, what about that? We weren't doing that before. Remember we before we were just, yeah, I know we would need to visibly see. Yeah, because if he would have described that, I would have been like, uh, he's probably exaggerating. But when I saw the picture, I was like, Oh, wow, that is like, well, the swelling super, the swelling part is what set off all the red flags.
Starting point is 00:33:27 If he said, oh, it kind of hurts, that also would make me like if you have anything asymmetrical and you don't have like a difference between one side and the other and you don't have like an injury that you remember. Even if you have an injury that you remember, you gotta be careful. But when there's an asymmetry.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Young fit guy too. Young fit guy, so rare, super rare for that. Yes, yes, so I was like, thank God he went because he found that out. And what they'll do is they'll go, they'll put them on blood thinners and then they'll go in and likely what they'll do. This is just based off of talking to other people.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So I'm not a doctor. They go in, they have to dissolve the clop, get it out because if it gets loose, obviously it could cause problems. Or if it gets bad enough, obviously he can lose his arm. Yeah. You know, type of deal. So, thing.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Serious stuff. Thank goodness. But I mean, this is a message to all trainers. When it's outside of your scope, always refer out. Because what you don't want to do is be like, yeah, let's try this. Let's try that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So you can hit a cross rotation, you'll be fine, ice it. Yeah, and it turns into something, you know, really not good. Well, that's why I love that holistic health form right now, is because that's why I'm looking at tons of people asking questions that I wouldn't have the answers to them. And so having the Cabral's team in their answering questions is super cool. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Hey, by the way, do you guys hear about what happened? So we have an editor's name is Geo. Do you guys hear what he did? No. So he took, he, he, he, he, oh, totally. Hey, by the way, do you guys hear about what happened? So we have an editor's name is Geo Do you guys hear what he did? No, so he took he he he he got a bottle of Ned from the back. Yeah So so Ned is hempoil extract right and there's three different strengths. He got the 1500. They send us strong one They send us the strongest one because we use it and you know that way you can use a little bit So he got the strongest one. Yeah, and took a fat dose like two fat drops. Yeah, drop a full Which normally like a quarter is a dose or whatever and it's got I mean it's got it's very concentrate lots of Canabinoids he's like dude I got he goes I think I got high
Starting point is 00:35:19 I'm like what he was I took it and he goes and I really I'm like how much you take and you told me I'm like Oh, yeah, did you took a ton? But you know, this just goes to show you that their stuff is legit. Like I've taken other CBD products and it's like, you don't feel it. And you're like, is there anything in this? Like there's nothing in there.
Starting point is 00:35:36 But he did that and he's like, oh, I felt that. That marker's gotten so competitive. There's a lot of water down stuff on the place. Totally. Or there's not regulated or anything. So they could literally say something's in there and there's nothing lot of water down stuff. Totally. Or there's not regulated or anything, so they could literally say something's in there and there's nothing in there.
Starting point is 00:35:47 It's full spectrum. It's not just, you know, derived from one thing. Yeah. So it's like, there's this whole host of cannabinoids in there for you. But he's like, bro, I got all euphoric, and it was like, oh my god, this is amazing. I'm like, super calm.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Now, how much did you take? You told me, oh, bro, you took like four times, though. Do you use that or do you use the sleep formula more? I use that more. I use the super calm. Now, how much did you take? You told me, oh bro, you took like four times a go. Do you use that or do you use the sleep formula more? I use that more. I use the sleep formula if I really know that. I think that went on the road. Which one? The sleep.
Starting point is 00:36:14 That's what Doug used to say. Doug swears by the sleep one too. Oh, you will. Am I the only hardcore mellow guy on the mellow? I used to be and then I realized, because I'm a little bit different, and we did that panel with Cabral. Honestly, and he was talking about
Starting point is 00:36:30 like you're gonna wake up a little bit more groggy if you have adequate amounts. So I had adequate amounts and so then I stopped taking it and I wasn't as groggy in the morning. But then I'll use it intermittently though when I want to sleep really well. Oh, Ned sleep, you will sleep. You'll sleep hard.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Like really, so my grandfather, I told you guys, I gave him, but I didn't give him sleep. I gave him just a regular hand boil and he loves it. Loves it. So I love it and I remember before I tried mellow, it was like my go-to thing product that they had, but since my experience with the getting the right amount of magnesium, that has made such a big difference that I haven't hardly ever used a sleep.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Unless I'm doing both. I'm really trying to come down from super high, which has been a long time since we've done something where I'm up all night. Yeah, especially if you have adrenaline all night through today. Yeah, I have to. Yeah, when we are doing the live events and stuff like that, I was using that a lot because it's we would be going all the way to 11 or midnight. It's so hard for me to come down from one of those sleep after. Yeah. So the the the hack with it is to use the sleep about an hour and
Starting point is 00:37:39 a half before you need to go to bed. Wait for it to kick in and then make you want to go to bed. Because if I take it and then go to bed, I still have to wait for it to kick in. And I'm in there and then whatever. And I think it lasts so long that I can sometimes wake up groggy. But if I do it an hour and a half before, it's like the right time. So if you do that, okay, my thing is I would caution because I've played with this enough times. If I do that and I watch TV or I get on my phone,
Starting point is 00:38:05 it'll fuck my sleep up. If I take it, if you push past it, yes, it'll actually have like a reverse effect and now I'm like, why do I wake? So when I decide I'm taking mellow or the sleep, I have to commit that like, okay, this is my time to settle down.
Starting point is 00:38:19 So I need to like, no phone, no whatever. Because I've done that in the past, where I'm like, oh, I'm gonna take it, I'm gonna fart around on my phone for another half hour before it kicks in and then I'll go to bed. And just the blue light stimulant or being watching TV kicks me back up again.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And then I move past that like my body coming down and then it doesn't. Well, you gotta know yourself. Yeah. So that's a good point. Yeah, no, I mean, it's definitely something that I've played with back and forth and I notice a big difference for sure.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah. Do you go ahead? Oh, I was gonna talk to you guys about like some disturbing trend And I noticed a big difference for sure. Yeah. Go ahead. Oh, I was going to talk to you guys about like some disturbing trend. I don't even think it's a trend. I just saw like somebody actually wearing this. And also like it was like kind of promoted on Instagram. But I was like walking around.
Starting point is 00:38:58 It wasn't in mind array, but it was, I think it was somewhere close by Marina. And this guy was walking around and his shirt was kind of tucked up a bit and it was like, you guys have seen sort of the Fupa where you got like that gut, the distended gut just kind of just hangs at the very bottom and you can see kind of like the belly button and the hair and whatnot. So that was there, it was very prevalent. That's a nice image
Starting point is 00:39:25 You're right. Yeah, you're welcome. Well, it was a fanny pack It's more he just opened it and he was like using his credit card and everything to pay that's funny I was like I like this guy. It was I was like this is so gross, but like because it's a fanny pack I'm like so I've seen it amazing. I've seen a t-shirt that looks like a do, it's a t-shirt, but at the print is a guy with like a gross hairy. I've seen a girl wear a one-z swimsuit that was like a dude's fat body. And I was so confused.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I saw somebody wear a mask like that. So it's a mask, but it's a print of a face with like, fucked up teeth. And from far away, it looks like they're face. That's funny. I love that kind of stuff. Yeah, that's a total hat. Hey, you guys hear about,
Starting point is 00:40:13 sorry, are you guys familiar with FINA, F-I-N-A? They're the... Oh, you talk about the transgender. They no longer let the, uh, So it's, this is the women's swimming, right? Yeah, so it's the governing body for international swimming Okay, and I think the new policy that they're past is is more much more science-based than the previous one Policies were I think stupid I've talked about this where you transition and so long as your testosterone is low
Starting point is 00:40:38 I think you transition a year and then you can compete which is so anti-science. You obviously still have these inherent biological advantages. Well anyway, the new policy is if an athlete transitions after the age of 12, they cannot compete. So in other words, if you go through puberty as a biological male, then sorry, those results, the puberty effects, you don't erase them all with hormone transition. So this is their latest policy. Now here's my opinion. I still would say not at all,
Starting point is 00:41:08 but I mean, still it's better than what it was before. Way better than what it was before. Now I'm with you because, there's still, there's still, the science, your DNA is still, you know, your code. The science does show that there's some advantages that have nothing to do with the hormones, that your, just your DNA will tell your bones to do with the hormones that your,
Starting point is 00:41:25 just your DNA will tell your bones to be a little thicker, your muscles to be a little bit stronger. So I think eventually that's what we're gonna figure out, but this is so much better than what they were doing before, where you had these, well, it was just a complete, it was just so egregious before. Come on.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You had actually said, they could be doing the nails. Yeah, he was just kicking ass and swimming in the nails league. And then they transitioned and they crushed all the females, which wasn't fair, especially in college. I feel bad for some of these female athletes who worked the whole life and then just get obliterated by. So where is this now being?
Starting point is 00:41:57 International competition. International, so all across. So that makes it like Olympic. Olympics, I believe is governed by another governing body. And their policy will see if it changes. Because remember they had the weightlifter. Yeah, well that's what I'm curious. Yeah, because I know I forget the name of the swimmer
Starting point is 00:42:15 that had the autonomous. Leotonus, so that was the big controversy. Which all do respect. I definitely have empathy towards her and athletes like that. But if you're gonna have categories based off of gender, which we did for a reason, then it's to keep things fair. So women can compete with women, men can compete with men.
Starting point is 00:42:35 There are inherent advantages and they don't get a race completely with transition. So I think this is a much more fair. At least a step in that direction, that's good to see. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to at like start trying to make an effort to handling. Do you guys think they're going to have a division that's transgender athletes? I think it's the only way you can, right? I think that's the most logical. Yeah. So it's the only way to make it the most, most fair.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I mean, and, and, uh, well, you, okay, if you transition into a female, then it's going to be, I mean, into a female, then it's gonna be, I mean, into a male, then they can compete because it's gonna be a total disadvantage, that direction. But the other direction is where the only advantage, so maybe you don't have to do that one category or are you gonna say anybody who transitions
Starting point is 00:43:16 either direction all fit in one category? Or would you divide both those into two more categories? Oh, boy, it's complicated, isn't it? It starts to get cl... But I don't think the end, but I do think that it's complicated, isn't it? It's actually a... But I don't think the end, but I do think that the, it's also objective as well. Complicated in the sense that, how are we gonna set this up?
Starting point is 00:43:30 But not complicated in the sense that is there an advantage. I think that was such a silly argument. I really made me upset that people would say that. And then if you said, no, there's an advantage, even if you change hormones, they would try to silence you by making you sound like you're a bigot or whatever, which is so not true for a lot,
Starting point is 00:43:47 some people sure, but not for myself, made me really annoyed. It's like, Leninah, don't gaslight me, dude. Do you actually think this is the first sign of things starting to come back the other direction too? Oh yeah, I do. This is a big governing body. So, and it's a swimming governing body,
Starting point is 00:44:03 and you know that this was in response to Leah Thomas. Yeah. That's why they did this. And the more of these athletes that compete, the more they're gonna have to step up because you're gonna start seeing records being crushed and all that stuff, so. And I do wanna say, this doesn't mean all men
Starting point is 00:44:19 are stronger than women or whatever. This is different than two. I mean. This is high level. At the ends of the spectrum, the strongest people are men, the fastest people are men. Not that all men are stronger, all men. There's women faster and stronger.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Well, you'd... Here's the thing is, I mean, you'd have to then really revisit a lot of the performance enhancing drugs, performance enhancing supplements, like band, whatever, like, whatever's gonna give you an advantage, you'd have to like reevaluate that if you're gonna allow something that's a glaring advantage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:51 You know what I mean? Like the sport itself has to be completely objective and not consider people's feelings as much in order to maintain, you know, fair play for all. I think that just nobody thought this far ahead. That's right. I think nobody just thought this. I think the activism moved faster than the governing body.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Totally. I just think I think it just happened so fast and they chose the path where they didn't want to get crucified online and just, okay, we'll just let them compete. And then they didn't think the ramifications all the way through, and we're seeing that now, and we have. And so I think you're gonna see them, you know, change direction. I do too. We'll see what it can look like in 10 years, 10, 15 years,
Starting point is 00:45:34 if there's gonna be a separate division. We'll see. Look, so many individuals suffer from digestive issues, because any protein your body doesn't break down, creates digestive distress like gas, bloating, and constipation. Massimes ensures that all the protein you consume breaks down into absorbable amino acids. This means better digestion, better muscle recovery, and even more muscle growth, faster
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Starting point is 00:46:26 forward slash, mind pump free, and you'll automatically get a unique coupon code to get your free bottle. Go check it out. All right, here comes the rest of the show. All right, our first caller is Teresa from Nebraska. Teresa, how can we help you? Hi, I just wanted to first say thank you guys so much for having me on. I'm a new trainer. I've been training for a bit over a year. And I found you guys about a month ago, and I've been
Starting point is 00:46:54 bingeing every single episode. I really like can't get enough. So thank you. All right, a new South voice hasn't annoyed you yet. No, not at all. Oh, our favorite host. Oh, wow. Wow. Anybody continue? I love you at all. Oh, my favorite host. Wow. I love you all equally. Good answer. It's a nice lie.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Anyway, future politician. Go ahead. Yeah, right. So I'm just going to read my question. I'm 33, about to turn 34. And I've been exercising since I was about 16. I started with gymnastics, running, and doing some light machines. But for the past six years I've been strength training, prostate and powerlifting consistently, usually six days a week. And I might run a few times per month, like five or six miles at a time. I weigh 120 pounds. It says in my email is 13% body fat, but I actually just got the in body scan today. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but 10.4% body fat today.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Trying so hard for that six pack, I said, my maintenance is around 2600 calories, and I'm cutting a bit. I'm actually in an app challenge right now through the month of June, so, and I'm trying for about 2,000 to 2100 calories and getting about 140 to 170 grams of protein per day. I'm actually a full-time emergency room PA. I work nights and so lifting is like my second job. I'm in the gym for about two and a half hours every day and last on Saturdays and just like four
Starting point is 00:48:19 miles of walking or cardio on Sundays and I walk three miles or 45 minutes every single day. I'm wondering where I go from here. Someone asked me last week, what are your goals? And it's kind of a hard thing to answer. It's always been aesthetics, but how do I get that six pack? I can't exactly change the amount of work stress I have, but it's three and a half hours of activity per day too much. Should I cut the movement and the calories to kind of continue
Starting point is 00:48:46 to excel? So yeah, thanks for your perspective and advice. I'm glad we finally got a girl on here who, okay, so I've been telling you guys forever about Katrina's body fat percentage. And it's like yours. She, she, and by the way, her same thing that she's been challenged with forever is she hovers around 10 to 13% body fat the entire time we've been together, which is really low for girl. But in her eyes, she doesn't think she looks it because she's like, I can never see my abs. Like, one time dieted her down enough to wear her abs of pop, the one thing that we have not done that I would recommend to you, there's a couple things that we'll get to.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I'm sure with the training volume, the amount of stuff you're doing right now. But actually, have you really focused on building strength in your abs and actually building your abs? I actually started the No BS program just like two days ago. Okay. I was doing way too much of like low, low, intentionally higher volume. And so I realized, yeah, like cutting back the number of reps I'm doing and actually making like the form count should be obvious to me, but it wasn't. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:54 So a couple of things I want to comment on, it's no surprise that you're an emergency room PA with the type of workouts that you do and how you've worked out in the past. So you're a bit of a cortisol junkie. You're your workout volume's way too high. It's especially if you've been doing this for a long time. Backing off on the volume, you'll actually see your strength and muscle go up.
Starting point is 00:50:14 And you should, you'll actually see your, I don't think your metabolism is going to slow down. I think it'll speed up. I think you're just doing way too much right now for your body, especially considering the type of job that you have. How is your hormonal health like your hair? How is your skin? I think you're just doing way too much right now for your body, especially considering the type of job that you have. How is your hormonal health, like your hair, how is your skin, how is your menstrual cycle, are you noticing energy highs and lows or temperature intolerances, cold hot, that kind of stuff, anything like that?
Starting point is 00:50:38 Ring of Bell? Yeah, definitely. I mean, hair and skin skin I think are fine. The temperature, yeah, gets me a little bit. It used to weigh more than I did before I actually put on muscles. So before I started strength training, I weighed like 90 pounds.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So I'm up, you know, 30 plus pounds of muscle, which is really great. And my menstrual cycle, yeah, I haven't had one in probably 10 years. So I'm actually seeing somebody for that right now. So you're way over trained. You're way over trained. Are you now, you competed in gymnastics? How high of a level did you get to?
Starting point is 00:51:12 Not that high, I was more just kind of doing more tumbling for cheerleading. So I was in cheerleading for like six years, pretty competitively. Okay, and when you start lifting, you put on 30 pounds of muscle, even with that much volume. I would, I'm gonna make a guess here that you actually are quite gifted
Starting point is 00:51:27 Genetically when it comes to athletics and strength and muscle and you're building muscle and strength in spite of the fact that You're training as much as you are that kind of training right there would would hurt most people just Two hours three hours in the gym every day plus high stress job a job, a high stress job, plus the running, and the walking, I would scale you way back, I would do three full body workouts. Maps out of ball. Yeah, Maps out of ball, and your strength with skyrocket, and you probably would get leaner,
Starting point is 00:51:55 not because you'd lose body fat, but because you'd add lean body mass. And I would actually slowly reverse diet you, even though you're eating 2600 calories, I would keep you at 2600 while you're doing three full body workouts a week. And I would just walk in between. And then I would slowly bump that up. Don't be surprised if your hormones really start to balance out and you start working with your body. But it sounds like you're getting away with what you're doing because you have some pretty good genetics. But you don't,
Starting point is 00:52:21 you don't want to push that for too long at some point your body's in a rebel. So I'm with cell maps in a rebel. Yeah. I'm with cell maps in a ball. You could still be doing the no BS six pack. You do it on the opposite day. Yes. Um, and just and since that's part of your goal, the ab thing. So I think you could we could totally do both of this.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I would increase calories. I would cut way back on all the other activity and just let your body recover a little bit. I think you're going to I think you're going to be blown away by what happened. So how many people have told you that you work out too much, be honest? I don't think I've ever met a person that hasn't said that to me. Okay, so, so then you know the mental part's
Starting point is 00:52:54 gonna be the hardest part, right? That's why I said that. But they're all full of it. Yeah. Well, hey, look, be very honest with me. You could be totally honest. You won't hurt my feelings. Are you gonna take our advice
Starting point is 00:53:03 or is it one year out the other? You know, I don't think it's one year out the other. I think it will take a bit of time to like cut back. And so I don't think it's gonna be like tomorrow, I'm just gonna, you know, not work out. I think it's gonna take some time to kind of cut back. But yeah, I mean, half of it man is like, the job is so stressful.
Starting point is 00:53:21 So it's just kind of like the movement and it's almost not like a meditation, but definitely in the form of like stress relief. Of course, it's the cortisol that you're getting. That's exactly what's happening. You're getting a cortisol dump and it feels good. So that's what we mean by cortisol junkies is you're getting that dump and it feels good.
Starting point is 00:53:39 So it feels like it's right. It's like you go do it and it's like, oh, that feels good. This must be right, but it's not. It's part of what's going on with your Mistral cycle that'll come back when you start to back off a lot of this stuff. That'll be one of the first things I'm sure You're busy doing like restorative movement mobility like some kind of like yoga There you go. I'm kind of practice where you're actively
Starting point is 00:53:59 Doing something because it to me. I know that you know, this is gonna be Impossible for you to just stop completely, right? So that's, I mean, just start planning these things ahead of time, go for real low intensity walks, like barely anything, get outside, do full space with movement, but make sure it's restorative focus. Pick up knitting.
Starting point is 00:54:19 No, I'm not gonna say that. It's so hard. Oh my God, that's so funny. I started two years ago. Oh, we're doing it. For that reason, So that I would have to like stay still. I'm going to probably still walk in the treadmill while I'm, oh, God. Oh, my God. So you would try and figure that out.
Starting point is 00:54:33 What about this? Can we try this? Let's say you do three full body workouts. And in between just do mobility work or the gym do mobility work. That way you're still there. Right. Like Justin said, more more restorative. Do you think you could do that? Like let's, let's take a first step here. and in between just do mobility work, go to the gym, do mobility work. That way you're still there. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Just to say more restorative. Do you think you could do that? Like let's take a first step here. Let's solidify a first step, but it's gotta be realistic. I don't want you to tell me what I wanna hear. I want something that's realistic for you. So what do you think is a first step that we can move?
Starting point is 00:54:58 Like what can we do next? Next, starting next week. Where can we start? Gosh, yeah, did you say four or three full body workouts? I said six or eight. She's the 10. Did you want me to still do nine or I'm confused? I mean, can you do three and then do mobility in between or do you want to start?
Starting point is 00:55:19 Like let's start somewhere. Where can we pull back? Yeah. Yeah, three. I mean right now I'm doing six. So like three seems like so low, but I guess I could try it and then yeah. Well, you're still going to the gym six days though. So let's go to the gym. Let's go to the gym still six days. And I'm even okay with this as my compromise
Starting point is 00:55:35 because it sounds like that's even pulling teeth with you. I would go three days of the foundational work on anabolic on the off days. Go ahead and do the no BS since we want to build those abs. That's something that you want to do on those other three days and mobility work. So you're still the gym for six hours a week. So you still get to go there, okay, and get your hour inside the gym.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Just three of it is lifting heavy and training, you know, full body type of routine. The other three is ab work and doing mobility work. I feel like that's a pretty good compliment. Can we do that? All right. I'm going to do it. Yeah. I'm going to move you forward further than what work and doing mobility work. I feel like that's a pretty good compliment. Can we do that? All right, I'm gonna do it. Yeah. You're gonna move you forward further than what you're doing right now.
Starting point is 00:56:10 And let's bump our calories a little bit too. Yeah, let's start eating a little bit more, see what happens. I bet you're gonna feel amazing. If you can get past the mental part, you'll be blown away by how you're, I've worked with a lot of people like you, by the way. And when they, when we got them to scale back effectively,
Starting point is 00:56:25 it was like their body's just responded, and it was incredible. Really, really blow, it'll blow your mind, I promise you. All right, thank you so much. No problem, thank you. She's not gonna do it. No problem. No problem.
Starting point is 00:56:37 She's not gonna do it. She's, yeah. She's not gonna do it. I hate what that, I have worked it. Well, that's why I was like, I'm gonna give her a little more because I saw that, look on her face. I know.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Wait, you're saying only three times? I worked with a lot of people like that. And you know, it sucks is that they end up getting to the point where they have to. You know what I'm saying? Shit shuts down. And therefore, I mean, emergency, look, first of all, I've trained a lot of people that work
Starting point is 00:56:59 in the emergency room and it tracks a certain type of person. 100%. And they love that. So it's in red lines. In my experience, the reason why that is, is because there is nothing you can say to them that is gonna get you to convince them that it doesn't feel good.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I know. It feels good. You, like we're sitting here telling her, like, oh, your body wants you to not do all this stuff and she's like, fuck you. When I do it, it's the best I feel. Right. Cause she gets that dump. So it's so hard to overcome that. Because you. When I do it, it's the best I feel. Right. Because she gets that dump.
Starting point is 00:57:26 So it's so hard to overcome that. Because you could see her, we could drop all the signs and explain all the stuff to her and she's just like, in her head she's going like, no, I feel so good. You know what I had a client like this once and it was so hard, you know what I ended up doing? It was one of the very few clients actually trained five days a week.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Because I knew when she was with me that she would do the right stuff. And so with me, that she would do the right stuff. And so with me, we did mobility, we did slow exercise. And then once her body kicked in and things started working out, then the light bulb came on, she said, okay, this is really working, but she's getting away with it right now, it doesn't realize the direction. She's going, she hasn't had her period for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:57:59 That's a really, really loud sign right there. Yeah. Our next caller is Caitlin from Australia. Caitlin, how's it going? How can we help you? It's going good. How are you guys? Good, good. Yeah right there. Yeah. Our next caller is Caitlin from Australia. Caitlin, how's it going? How can we help you? It's going good. How are you guys? Good.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Yeah, we're good. So my question is, what advice you might have for someone who's looking to maintain their fitness, steering, and extended period of travel? This year, I'm traveling for a fellowship on a tight budget, so I'll be staying in hostels and won't have regular access to a gym or kitchen. I'm proud of the strength I've gained over the past year of consistent lifting and wonder what I can do to maintain the strength or continue to improve over the next year. Good question.
Starting point is 00:58:39 You know, Caitlin, in order to maintain strength, you actually need much less volume in training than you needed to gain the strength in the first place. So that's a good news, right? So you don't have to keep training the way that you're training to maintain most of what you got. Now, you probably won't progress a ton, but you'll definitely be able to maintain quite a bit. My, I've trained people in situations like this in the past
Starting point is 00:59:02 and the most success I've had is by having them do 15 to 25 minute workouts every day. So every day, they would start out their day with a 15 or 20 minute or 25 minute workout, usually body weight or band or suspension trainer focused. And they would do three exercises and they would pick three on one day, they would do another three on another day, and they would kind of go one day, they would do another three on another day, and they would kind of go through,
Starting point is 00:59:27 like a full week thing about this way, seven days a week of 20 minutes. I mean, that's a significant amount of exercise. It's just broken up on a daily basis. And it's a great way to start the day. And again, you don't need a lot of equipment to do it. You can do body weight bands and suspension trainers. Yeah, you seem to keep sending that signal
Starting point is 00:59:43 to the muscles and keep stimulating for the most part to maintain. So once you put the work in, I mean, going into your trip is probably a good idea to really put in some good work. So that way it'll carry you a little bit further. But in terms of like maintaining, you don't really need a lot. You just need a little bit continuously.
Starting point is 01:00:01 So if you keep that in mind and you're able to travel with just a light amount of rubber bands, that's like literally all you need. You can do that in body weight, no problem anywhere. I see you're going into five different countries. How long is the trip from when to when? It's a year. Oh shit, it's a year. We'll know when we're talking. Yeah. A different timeline here. Wow. Wow. That's a hell of a vacation. Yeah. Wow. Wow, wow, that's a hell of a vacation. Yeah, it's worth. It's worth doing worth. Maps anywhere, if you don't have maps anywhere,
Starting point is 01:00:30 we'll send it over to you. Yeah, most of that, that's all body weight and bands. And that's what I would keep you on to sustain that for the, you know, because are you targeting gyms or anything in your travels? Are you looking that up to see like how often you might be able to have access to like an actual gym? I haven't. And I think that might be more of a budget constraint, but come to think of it. I feel like a lot of gyms offer first-free promos, so that might be something I could look
Starting point is 01:00:56 into. I'm going to tell you a secret that's going to piss off every gym owner. Okay. What you do, you walk in and you say, hey, I just moved to the area. I'd like to try your gym out for the next week to see if I want to sign up and you'll get a free pass for a week. And all the gym managers right now are really angry with me. It's their job to try to close it.
Starting point is 01:01:13 That's up to them. But usually you'll get about a week. But honestly, what I want to do too is this because you're going to be gone for a whole year. We'll give you maps anywhere and then we'll give you map suspension as well. At least you have two different programs you can alternate through. And maps suspension uses suspension trainers, which are super convenient as well.
Starting point is 01:01:28 You can use those almost anywhere. You could take from some of map symmetry and do some isometric work in there too. So you could play with that a little bit. But I think maps anywhere would probably be the ultimate program to follow while you're there. So if we're talking about financial constraint, that's gonna need the least amount, right?
Starting point is 01:01:43 If you just have a couple bands, and you don't even need that, you can do all body weight if you had to, but bands and body weight, and that's the whole program. So you should be fine to follow that. Yeah, and the cool thing with the 15, 20 minute daily workouts is you could scale the intensity
Starting point is 01:01:56 and you could just make them more challenging. So you don't necessarily have to add time. You just make them harder by slowing the reps down or adding more resistance, changing the angle of the suspension trainer, for example. So, but any where in map suspension, both of them great options, you'll be able to alternate between either one of them. And that'll give you a good full year worth of training. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:18 All right, thank you. Thanks for calling in. Thank you. Thank you guys. Right. I asked, she said she's, I thought vacation, where did you get work? No, it's what, because I looked, I'm reading her question. Oh, I was like, how did you know those work? I didn't realize it was a year.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I was like, oh, yeah. It's a long time. It's a long time. What is it? What is she doing for her whole year? She said she'll be visiting five or more countries and it's healthcare. She's working with families. It was like some kind of sabbatical or something.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Yeah, emotionally through complex health challenges. So interesting. Yeah, so it sounds like a very purpose driven job. But yeah, nonetheless, look, if you did 20 minutes, seven days a week, right? That's a 140 minutes a week of exercise. And for most people, especially if you program it right, that's a decent amount.
Starting point is 01:03:04 You're gonna get good strength training. And then if you just stay active during the day, normally, and don't eat like too crazy, you're gonna be okay. You'll be okay. One of the positive things about traveling, for the most part, depending on where you're going, but for the most part, you end up moving a lot,
Starting point is 01:03:17 at least I do when we go somewhere, like just everything from the airports to the walking around the next city. The city is always up. Yeah, so as long as you stay pretty active, and then, you know, do your little 20 minute workout a day, she'll be pretty good, man. Our next caller is Keith from California.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Hey, Keith, what's up, man? Nice to finally meet you. What are you doing? We're not answering any of these questions. These two fit. So, I don't know, you saw, you probably saw my metal letter, but so basically I've had the RGB bundle since it was released in 2016 and You know, I've gone through it maybe five six times and
Starting point is 01:03:50 My question really is I've done performance It's not my favorite, but I do it just because it's there And I did it this last time and I noticed a big strength increase which I've never really noticed before. So I was just curious why that might be. You know, it's like a 10 to 20 pound increase from anabolic phase one to aesthetic phase one. So I was just curious why that might have happened. My guess would be because you are for the audience, you're a very, very experienced, consistent lifter. And you just gave us all some insight that it's not something that you would normally do.
Starting point is 01:04:29 A lot of lifts inside performance are unconventional and different. Aesthetic and anabolic are pretty traditional as far as their movements. And so a lot of that was probably very familiar. And I don't know if this is like your second time doing performance or not, but maybe this time around, you got after it, after movements that you probably don't train very often and that's the novelty especially for somebody like you Who's been training as long as you have? I mean, this is what I see whenever I do that's why I love like for example map strong When we first wrote that that program was so unique to how I train that some of the best gains
Starting point is 01:05:03 And in both strength and my body that I saw was going through that even though it's not my style of how I train that some of the best gains in both strength and my body that I saw was going through that, even though it's not my style of how I would like to lift normally. But for guys like us that have been doing a consistent for such a long time, it speaks to that novelty and why that's so important. Especially if it was so new going into it the first time. And if you're running it again,
Starting point is 01:05:22 your body being able to now recognize those movements and being a little more proficient in those movements, being able to add weight to those now and load it, that makes a lot of sense that you would see a lot of progress in that direction. If the other ones were typically more inclined to do with anabolic and with the static. Yeah, I mean, there could be a lot of different reasons for this, right? Could be your diet was different reasons for this, right? It could be your diet was different, you got more sleep, but it's likely that the movements and the programming
Starting point is 01:05:50 and performance is exactly what your body needed. And that's why you saw those strength gains. It was just something that you needed. And the way it's written and the exercises that are in there is, again, like to Adam's point, you train a particular way, probably more often than not. And so you introduce something that's different and just happen to be the right program for your body. And I've experienced that myself. So.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Yeah, because like when I've done it in the past, you know, I kind of have hardly did it. This time was a little more focused as I guess, you know, because it wasn't as I was dreading it the last two times I did it. And this time it wasn't so bad for whatever. Well, it works, man. I mean, it did work. It did work. It helped with a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Now, my hips feel better. My thoracic area is better. Still working on my overhead mobility, is that Andrea had years ago. But what do you expect for my age and all? Well, I think you're doing great and you look great and that would be my guess is that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And I think all of us, everybody in this room is guilty of gravitating to a similar way of training because it's what we all enjoy. And I think there's some value to that, right? Because it's what keeps us consistent. We train the way we like to train. That's what keeps me coming to the gym. But every now and then, I know how important it is that I interrupt that.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I interrupt maps aesthetic. I interrupt those programs that I like to go back to all the time with something like, I don't like performance either. So I totally identify with you. No, those are not. That's not my style at all. Yeah. And I do it begrudgingly, but I also know
Starting point is 01:07:31 that how important it is, especially as I age, and as long as I've been with you. You know what the irony is, if there was a maps program that someone could do indefinitely, you'd never have to switch out, it would be a mass performance. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:42 It's the most complete in that sense. So everybody likes the bodybuilding stuff, but if you don't do that kind of a workout, everybody, you're going to build muscle and you're going to get stronger at Justin. Justin raises his hand. Yeah, that's my best guest, Keith. I think that's what I thought. But I was just curious. And I was just surprised that I submitted the the question and four days later here I am
Starting point is 01:08:08 Shocked like that quick. Well, it's good to talk to you I know we see you in the forum all the time. So thanks for calling in man. Hey sure. Thanks. You got it right on Oh boy the the answers that you want are usually in the place you don't want to look right? So it's like that's like isn't that the case? Always the case. I mean, you hit the needle and head out of it. It's super common for all of us to do that. Yeah. But he's like, why did I get stronger?
Starting point is 01:08:32 It's because it's stuff that you need to know. Well, obviously, I'm on the other end of that spectrum. I don't like doing all of the super-setting and hypertrophy work. Like, that to me is I begrudgedyly do it. But I know that I have to check my ego out and I have to seek what I know my body will benefit from the most.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And that's a hard thing to do mentally, but it's the best thing you can do. Listen, I've been training for a long time and I've trained a lot of coaches and trainers underneath me and I have yet to meet one. Okay, that doesn't do this. We all do. It's just natural. Nobody loves all training equally.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Yeah, and does it, when you like to do what you're good at. And does it with the perfect balance? Who do you know trains, unconventionally, mobility, focus, flexibility, focus, strength, focus, explosive, focus? Like, nobody, I have yet to meet a person who is perfectly balanced and all that we all tend to gravitate towards modalities that we love and enjoy which I and which I wouldn't I wouldn't tell someone don't do that because that if that's what keeps you consistent I think there's some value to that too, but it's also becoming aware of your habits and then understanding which types of modalities and their detriment. Yes. And, you know, and I can totally identify with him because he's gravitate stores of stuff I love.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Anabolic and split and aesthetic. All the body builder type focus stuff. He's very much so into keeping a great physique. He looks phenomenal. What I neglect is multi planer movements, unconventional training, you know, all the performance. If somebody went through every maps program
Starting point is 01:10:04 one after another, they would achieve that balance. In fact, that'd be a good maps challenge. If you have every program, start with one and run through every single one and see where you're at at the end of it. I bet you'd be your results would be. Yeah, I'd love to see that in result. Our next caller is Nick from Nebraska. Nick, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, how's it going, guys? Good. I'm chilling. Good. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Hey, I've been listening to your podcast for a month now. It's sorry, I'm not a lifelong listener, but I am now. So, I had a couple questions for you guys. The first one is, I've been in the military for 14 years now and when I first started out there wasn't really much direction as far as like how you are supposed to wear a Rucksack and all this stuff. So I got off active duty seven years ago and now I'm doing a just a backstory. I got sober six years ago. In each year, I do a kind of an annual 17 mile rock march. And ultimately, get some people
Starting point is 01:11:16 together. Well, this year, I decided to do a 50 mileer. And so in August, I'm doing that. And my question to you guys is after I listen to your podcast talking about like weight belts and all that, if you under, I don't know if you guys have ever wore a rucksack or anything like that, but there's a waistband or belly band that kind of goes around it. And one of the things that I was thinking of the longer that I've been lifting and everything else is like that can't be too good to keep your core Tight like that for such a long extended period of time especially now that I'm looking at doing it for like 22 hours or so
Starting point is 01:11:54 And I was just kind of wanted to get some insight on maybe like a good approach for For myself as to what I should do during that 22 hours. Should I go loose with that because I, what I was trained to do is keep the pack as tight and close to your body as possible. So you move as a single unit. Whereas if I loosen it up, then it puts more strain at other places. But also I don't want to fatigue my cord
Starting point is 01:12:21 or where I can't keep myself upright. So that's ultimately my question to see if you guys had anything, any advice on what I should do with that. Yeah, no, listen to your training. So what you're doing is like an extreme physical exertion and the people who train you to do that, they know what they're talking about.
Starting point is 01:12:40 So when we talk about weight belts, totally different, but if I was training for a powerlifting competition, I would train with a weight belt. So what you're trying to do is get good at walking or rucking for a long distance with this sack on your back, then you definitely want to carry it close to your body. So, I mean, if you want to train without it or train with it being loose, that's, I mean, I guess that's okay, but you should probably get good at using it the way that is best to use it. So I would listen to your training,
Starting point is 01:13:08 and I would definitely keep it close to your body. Yeah, do you bring it into the gym, too? Do you lift with it on, too? So once the pandemic hit, I've threw like $10,000 into my garage, so I work out at home. But I've got a treadmill that I walk on whenever obviously it's inclinator weather and so yeah, whenever I'm on the road for work, I take it with me and I get on
Starting point is 01:13:33 and I you wear it in the gym. I try to wear it everywhere I go if I'm going on a long walk or anything like that. So whenever I see guys in the gym wearing weight vests or wearing these backpacks in there And they and they're not like a military guy. I always think it's silly But for you it makes total sense Yeah, you want to get good at it. You're the guy who's supposed to do that You're the guy in the gym who is supposed to have the ruck sack on when you're doing all the stuff because you're training for that You're gonna be using that you're gonna have to go for 50 miles with it on your back So I would strap it up tight and I would train on it and use it and get used to it being on your back as much as possible. Yeah, because the other way is just ineffective at that point, right? If you want to loosen
Starting point is 01:14:10 it up and then tighten it back up and it's a different recruitment pattern. So you might as well master like the recruitment pattern of keeping all the weight and loaded the same way for that long extended amount of time. But I mean, in terms of like bolstering up your core and like working on core, working the gym and all that, that would be a good supplemental option. Yeah, and you know, keep this in mind too. Like you're using your core quite a bit, even though you're strapping that to your body. It's just a different recruitment pattern. You're essentially getting good at traveling for distance with the Ruck pack on your body.
Starting point is 01:14:44 So you want to train the way that you're gonna, you're gonna go do this competition. You wanna train that way. So, and I, you know, it's a good question because I can see how it could be confusing. Based on what we said with the waypelle. But your goal with this is to get good at doing this. It's not necessarily to, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:02 just have function throughout the day and stuff like that. Although, I would say you're probably perfectly fine considering all the other exercises and stuff that you do. You said you invested in a home gym. I'm assuming you do a lot more than just, you know, rucking. So, no, I would listen to your training and your trainers
Starting point is 01:15:18 and where the most efficient way possible. If you lose efficiency, it's gonna make it much more challenging. Yeah, you don't wanna add that to the mix, because now you're gonna be setting yourself back in terms of like being competitive out there with everybody else. Yeah, so to give you an example, it'd be like,
Starting point is 01:15:33 if I walked barefoot, I could develop better natural foot recruitment patterns, but if I'm walking for distance, if I know in a month, I gotta go walk for long, I'd be stupid to train barefoot and then put my shoes on, unless I'm gonna do the whole thing barefoot, I'm gonna train the way that I'm gonna compete. And in this case, it's gonna be, you know, with the sack on your back, so put it on the way you were trained.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah, for sure. And, you know, that's one of those things, too, I guess, I'm eating the army we understand, but there, but it's more hearsay of like, hey, do it this way rather than like anybody that really knows. And so I just thought that maybe there was some secret out there that was, but totally, then my training has been good in what I've been told is the right thing. So, if you were, if you came to me and said,
Starting point is 01:16:23 Adam, I wanna to train my core. And we were, and you were not going to go on a 50 mile rock with a backpack on your back, right? I then I would say, let's not use that. Like, I would train your core without the backpack and with, but the fact that you were going to go doing a vent like that, I would absolutely want you to use that way.
Starting point is 01:16:41 So I don't think it's the, and to Sal's point, it's, it's, you're not going to have a weak core. You're just, you're training a different recruitment pattern. One that is used to having a strap around your waist, but since you were going to go for a 50 mile run with a strap around your waist, it makes total sense. If you were not going to go on that and you're like, Hey, I just want to have a strong core. What do you think about training this with his backpack on? I'd say, well, if you just want a strong core, I wouldn't want you to train with the backpack on because I don't think it's superior
Starting point is 01:17:06 for training your core because you're not going to go do a competition. Does that make sense? You know, that's why. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Don't discredit the anecdotes you're getting from the people training you because that's a lot of anecdotes.
Starting point is 01:17:20 So you're going for, how long have people done these long rucks in the army? Like how many years? How many decades? Yeah, so hundreds of years. Yeah, so it's good advice. It's good advice. So we might not have studies, you know, to support it, but you don't want to learn the hard way and be like, you know, what you guys don't know what you're talking about. Have any of the guys like switched it up and put, put you know the load in the front for part of the time as well Only when we're going on deployments and getting out of plane That's that's the only time we switch it up because it it doesn't sit right if you put it in the front
Starting point is 01:17:57 Just don't work like that. Okay. I got you got it. I think I think that big question too is I'm probably Similar to you guys as far as like if I don't know what I'm talking about I'm not probably gonna talk about it And so I'm a master fitness trainer for the army now and one of the big things was like whenever we're going on Rucks on drill weekends or whatever the case may be and people are asking me and I'm like Well, I can't I can't tell you that because I don't physically know. I don't know the facts, so I'm just going off of what some old grunt told me like 20 years ago. So, I respect that. So totally.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Yeah. And so, yeah, totally. That's what my second question is, I'm a musician and I'll go on stage and play three hours at a time, three hour shows. And I'll have probably like a 15 minute break or so at the top of every hour. And what I'm finding right now is that I'm great. Like I'm on a very like regimented diet. I have six to seven meals a day and everything
Starting point is 01:19:07 is just kind of mapped out for me. But then whenever I hit show days, I'm up later and I have my time slots in order to eat aren't the same. And so it gets kind of mixed up. My question to you guys is, for those times whenever I'm on stage and I hit a I hit a wall and I just cannot continue performing because I'm super tired um and really like just to give you a kind of idea like I'm on stage and I have a look band and I burn probably at least according to that like 2000 calories in a night. It's a ridiculous amount of calories. Obviously, it was in probably a reason of that.
Starting point is 01:19:48 But so my question is, do you guys have any, like, just advice on what I should be eating during those times and how often I should be eating while on stage? We're recording. What are we talking about? What's your instrument? What's your instrument? I play country music, so I'm a singer and guitar player. Oh, good deal.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Okay, so, from the element. Elementy, right? Yeah, I would front load, so I would make sure that you go into it well fed. And then the studies show a carbohydrate drink, very easy digesting drink that's got carbohydrates and some sodium. So you can put like element T in a big, I don't know if you're familiar with them, but it's a company we work with in a big, you know, canteen. And then you could do like half water, half gatorade even, I mean, just some carbohydrates
Starting point is 01:20:38 and sugar with some salt. And that'll replenish you enough to continue doing. That's what the studies actually show that. When you're doing prolonged activity, that's when those intro workout carbohydrates actually make a difference. If you're just working out for an hour, you're doing strength training, won't really make that big of a difference.
Starting point is 01:20:54 But when it goes on to two hours, three hours, that's when those carbohydrate, those quick digesting carbohydrate drinks with some salt actually make a big difference. So that's all you would do. You just drink that on stage as you're performing. Okay, yeah, because it's like you're just trying to eat and stuff like that while I'm performing.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Actually is kind of counterproductive for me because then I have to feel like I have stuff on my throat and I can't sing as well. And so definitely drink wise, that would be the way to go for me. Totally, totally. Yep, some carbohydrates and some salt. And you just drink that as you continue and you should find yourself not crashing. Yeah, I would do the, I would do like you said, I would load up on the food ahead of
Starting point is 01:21:34 time. So you have a good amount going into your first part because you get a break every hour you said, right? So I would go, I would make sure I'm well fed going into the, to the concert. And then while you're on stage I'd actually have that Canteen with water and element in it so I'm kind of like sipping on it between you know songs or what if that you kind of to be sipping on water What I hopefully you could do during that time at your hour breaks
Starting point is 01:21:58 I would be replenishing with the sugar carb hydrate. Yeah, that's what I would do Awesome. Hey, and next time you guys have family get together at your house, I'll come out and play. All right. All right. Car got on that dude. Yeah, look how you do it. Justin just did it.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Justin just had a band. He's going to his house like that. I did, man. Yeah, I got a good venue for it. He was talking about that. Yeah. And a leaf blower. Hey, man, if you're going to buy a leaf blower,
Starting point is 01:22:24 buy Milwaukee. If you're going to buy one, I love Milwaukee. Battery operating is the need the battery to last. Cool, guys. I appreciate it. Thank you. And thanks for your service. And I appreciate it. Yeah, no problem. Take care. Thank you. Yeah, this is where intro workout, carbohydrates make sense. I really seldom to people who live weights. And it's like, like, I mean, you're working out for an hour, unless you're going like ridiculous crazy,
Starting point is 01:22:47 it's not really gonna make that big of a difference. But when you're going on for two hours, three hours, that's when you see the studies actually show. And I've done it before, I've done really long prolonged workouts, that's when it makes a difference. Oh yeah, and you bonk. I mean, it's pretty rigorous, like doing stuff like that on stage and the pressure and everything else.
Starting point is 01:23:03 So yeah, to maintain that kind of energy is definitely something you want to consider having that available readily. Yeah, I love the idea of loading up the calories, having the element to eat a sip on while he's on stage and then hit every at the hour because he's getting a break. So he's got an hour. Yeah, yeah. He'll go fine for the first hour, especially if he's sipping on the element to eat and then hit like a good quick sugar, sugar calorie drink.
Starting point is 01:23:23 What do you do do drugs like other, it's just, yeah. That's the old school. We don't wanna mention that off, shit. We've seen it done. Don't do drugs, kids. That's a terrible idea. Look, if you like our information,
Starting point is 01:23:35 head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at MindPump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at MindP. Adam, you can find me on Twitter at my pump. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:23:57 check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour,
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