Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 185: Don't expect us to bring a stick to a gun fight

Episode Date: November 16, 2015

I has been suggested that Mind Pump has been a little negative as of late. Let's just say the anger has been building. There are "big guns" in the fitness arena with huge influence absolutely spreadin...g BS advice and selling bogus products to the unsuspecting masses. Sal, Adam, Justin and Doug take the mission of exposing the charlatans and spreading raw fitness truth to the masses very seriously. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I went on the dictionary today and looked up. V taper had a picture of this fucker. Yeah. I saw that. I haven't said this. I need to say this on air You have the most it's the right word would be silly you have a silly waste
Starting point is 00:00:31 To shoulder ratio it looks like it doesn't make sense It's like a comic book character. It doesn't make sense when I look at it and I go that doesn't that doesn't look right But then the other day you were telling us how you were really small when you're and you took your long time to sprout. Oh yeah. So I'm wondering if your waist stayed back in the rest of your group. Like it held back a grade. Yeah, like it was uneven growing. Well, I really think I think I bought this guy a fucking weight belt. I got him a small. He's six, what are you? Six three? 230 pounds? Yeah. Small. A small, bro.
Starting point is 00:01:06 That's crazy. That's what my kid will wear. A small. You know, the only thing I don't like about it, right? And of course, I mean, I'm always always. Yeah, no, is when I wear like just a normal shirt, even like a nice shirt, like my shoulders are so broad that I have to wear either XL or double XL shirts. And then it's all bunch of wear.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And then it's all a wind sale. And then it's all bunch. And then it's on a wind sale. And then it's box. It's it's boxy at the bottom. So it looks like, you know, that style that girls wear right now, where it's all like loose, like that loose look. And it looks, it looks silly. It makes me look all square. It would look bad loose on you.
Starting point is 00:01:37 You could get a pirate shirt. You know what I mean with the ruffles in the front? That's just half it out. It's not a fucking bad. I'm saying. I call it torn, but what is it? It's what is I call with the ruffles in the front. Just half it out. That's not a fucking bad idea. Yeah, I'm saying. What is that call? It's a ton, but it's a good idea. What does that call with the ruffles in the room? Just rift.
Starting point is 00:01:48 What's a pirate shirt called? I expect you to know good things. It's a Scallic. Oh, I think it's called a pirate shirt. Oh, okay. Doug just got real technical right there. You need to wear a pirate shirt. It's a pirate shirt.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah, so. I got a big green shirt. I got a tag, guys, I got a little message from one of our. It's a shard. One of our listeners. You know what I want to know? I want to know before you get into this drama shit. It's not drama. I want to hear you, this guy tells me like two days ago, he's like, hey bro.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Who? Me? Yeah you. When I was going to compliment you on air and I'm like, well what the fuck is you? Oh, don't worry about it. I'll remember. I keep asking many things. It's too late. Now I already gave you a compliment and I'm like, well, what the fuck is y'all don't worry about it out? What I'll remember that keep asking me to let now already give you a compliment I can't do to Oh, okay, you got a complimenting too much right? I realize that right this is getting awkward well We we had a we had a period of time where am I your next we had a period Cindy gankles I must have re-rewound that at least three times elicit
Starting point is 00:02:44 Cindy Gagels I must have re-wound that at least three times a listen to that Cindy Gagels I can even do the voice you did this voice so good. They are kind of big You know why you got long calves Those would fit I can't do it. I don't know those calves with 15 I'd like to rest those those calves on my shoulders You keep saying tell you what I'm giving, but I keep thinking receiver. Me? No, I'm a fucking pounder. No, dude, save it for another at your right.
Starting point is 00:03:12 You're already complimenting me on my way, so save it for another. No, no, we gotta bring it up, bro. Everybody wants to hear it now. No, I can tell everybody wants to hear it now. Make them tune in the next episode. Make them tune in the next episode. Yeah, no, no, no, you know what happened? So he sends this to text, this was last week.
Starting point is 00:03:26 He sends a text to us to remind him, first of all, he sends this text all the time to remind him about something. This is like, wait, wait, wait, this is a compliment? Yeah, hold on. I feel like this is going somewhere else. Brain is dog shit. It's almost free to help me out.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he sends a text to Doug, he's like, Doug, remind me blah, blah, blah, blah, remember what it was. And then he makes a comment and says, I swear to God, if it wasn't for you guys in Katrina, I wouldn't be able to function because I always have to get people to remind me of shit. And he made some comment like, I'm not smart enough to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:59 He's making some self-depreciating, you know, funny joke. The truth is, the opposite. The truth is you're a highly intelligent, constantly working, that your, your mind is always working on things that that is trivial to you. So you rely on other people to do that for you because you're constantly thinking of the next thing.
Starting point is 00:04:18 You're working very quickly. Have you ever seen pictures of Einstein's desk? No. It's shit everywhere. Do you think he just validated my messiness? desk. No. It's shit everywhere. Dude, thank you. Just validated my messiness. Yes. Yes. So the three of us are fucking brilliant, apparently. Well, I think what you did say, I guess that's thank you, I think. I think, right? That's it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I'm done. Well, I don't work compliments for you for a long time. We probably all kind of share that in common because, especially with things like that, because I was asking Doug, I normally ask Doug to remind me things that I want to bring up on my own public, not that that's not important. It just doesn't even crack the top 10 of things
Starting point is 00:04:54 I probably have to accomplish that day. There's a priority list that I normally do. And I, and eat, ship, sleep, sleep. Those are definitely top five, you're right. Especially when it's seven times. But don't you guys don't you guys work like this. I don't know about you guys, but this is how my life is. So I'm, um, I know this should have went in the failure episode. Remember when we talked about failures. Yeah. So I now that I think about it, I fail every day, every day. I'm a failure.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Mm-hmm. And the reason why I'm a failure every day is because every day I go into that day with a ton of shit that is impossible for me to accomplish in that day. But yet, I set out to do that. You know, and I just kind of prioritize that. What do you mean by impossible? You're like, today I'm going to climb out Everest. No, I mean just like a ton of tasks that I need to accomplish. And you know, there's no way you can do it.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, there's just no way that there's not enough time in the day to actually get all of them done, but yet I set them all out there. See, this is your problem. Well, you got to do what I do. As I set out, no tasks. And then what happens is every once in a while, sometimes I set them all out. See this is your problem. Well you got to do what I do. What's that? As I set out no tasks. And then what happens is every once a while, sometimes it gets done. I do something. You'll awesome. And I'm like, I, exactly, every day I'm like, I did way more than I thought I would. It's a good feeling. It's a really good feeling.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Oh, the try. So Adam likes digging himself out of a hole. You like, you know, giving yourself nothing but chocolate. He likes patting himself on the back all the time. I am. Great job. Cake for me. You can double what you expected to do. Some of a bitch, I woke up this morning. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:06:13 You are trophy. Yeah. Give me a trophy. Alright, so tell me the, tell me the shit. I could tell by the, by your voice that someone said some bad shit. No, it wasn't bad. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:23 It's actually something in observation that I've made a little bit. You did or somebody else? I, well, I have also. No, it wasn't bad. Okay, I did. It's actually something in observation that I've made a little bit. You did or somebody else? Well, I have also. And then they made this comment and it reinforced the comments. Is this why you're so positive right now? I feel.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Why I'm complimenting everybody? Yeah. Oh, give away. What is it? I was already, so here's what it is. First of all, for you listeners who are just tuning into Mind Pump for the first time, if you start at the very beginning, where have you been first of all?
Starting point is 00:06:48 First of all, what the hell is wrong with you? We've been doing it from the beginning with your life. And, yeah, catch up. Second of all, if you start at the very beginning, you don't have to, you can pick and choose your episodes, that's fine. But if you start at the beginning and listen to them in chronological order, you can clearly hear and pick up the moods that the three of us are in, as the mind pump progresses as a podcast,
Starting point is 00:07:11 as it grows in popularity, as we encounter certain challenges, you can clearly hear in the tone of the show and even in the topics where we are as individuals and as a team. And lately, we've been pissed off a little bit. We've been a little irritated. And you can hear it a little bit. Like we're talking a lot of shit.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And it's fun and funny. We're being fired up. Yeah, I don't think so. I wouldn't think pissed off at all. I feel like we're a little unleashed. I'm just, yeah, exact. I'm like, I don't care. Like I don't care about like backlash as much as I didn't the beginning, I'm like, I don't care. Like, I don't care about like a backlash
Starting point is 00:07:46 as much as I didn't be getting where it was like, ooh, these are, you know, untapped waters. Like, what's gonna happen? Like, it's kind of more just like, you know, we're just bull, you know, running right through walls. Yeah. But at the same time, I can understand, you know, if people have listened to past episodes,
Starting point is 00:08:05 like we really try to ensure people that we have their best interests at heart, and we're very much of a help-based mindset, but at the same time, guess what? Like we've found ourselves targets that we want to attack, and so that kind of puts us in a different mode. Well, first of all, what did this person say?
Starting point is 00:08:29 Because now I'm saying you get fired up right now. What did this person say to you? I want to hear a little bit. He did the opposite. He did the opposite. He went, the opposite was achieved. He just smelled a post-flop. Yeah, let me hear it.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Let me hear what that. No, it just said, you know. Don't fucking sugarcold. I'm not, dude. I'm not sugarcold. All right, well, I could see in your eyes, but you were thinking already, how do I deliver this? I'm notco. I'm not doing it. I'm not sugarco. All right, well I could see in your eyes, but you were thinking, I don't like to live in this.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I don't even get fired. I'm not trusting me. I'm not sugar-rooning. I'm not sugar-coving. Give it to me hard. Okay, so that's the only way I can do it. No, no, no sugar-coving. So first he said, how awesome you are at them,
Starting point is 00:08:57 how good-looking I'm. No, I'm just kidding. No, he said that lately it sounds like the tone has been a little negative. That's it in a nutshell. And that they always love the show. They'll always be a supporter. They listen to us for a long time. But lately the tone seems a little negative.
Starting point is 00:09:11 You guys are negative nancies. Yeah. So here's my risk. I wouldn't go that far. Here's my response. That's shit. Great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:18 No, no. Here's, okay. There's a lot of things that we're trying to accomplish by this show. I mean, we've talked about this. We have this huge vision. We're not even, we haven't even scratched the surface of all the shit that we want to do. And this, be honest, the truth is we're going to piss people off. That's just the way it is.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And this is where I'm going to, one of the things that we knew would be the most challenging because let's be honest, one of the hardest things for us to align with another company or take on a sponsorship from somebody is that we talk a lot of shit, we don't hold back on anything. We're super transparent. We keep it as very real and as we're, I mean, we keep it as we are real.
Starting point is 00:10:01 We are raw, we say what we're thinking and that was something that I made a promise to you guys and myself is I am not gonna change who I am because I fucking ruffle some feathers. If you get so sensitive because yeah, you know what? The tone has probably changed the last time. It was because you know, fucking why? Cause we've been grinding our asses off
Starting point is 00:10:20 and not making a shit ton of it. Because we've had tons of business relationships that are almost ready to get sealed. We have all this stuff on our plate and we're giving and giving and giving. No one's come forward and giving us that, you know, yes, you know, you guys, you're our guys. Right. 100%. We're still out there on our own, fighting the good fight. You know, and so I think there's two reminders. I think number one, that's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I honestly got to think it's a good thing. Right. As much as it makes us a little bit like fired up, like shit, what's gonna happen? It's a good thing because you don't wanna go with the first people, you don't wanna be easy in an industry where everybody's easy. Everybody sells out in this industry.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Everybody sells out. Nobody really believes in the products they're selling in this industry. It's all, you know, we talk about this all the time. We're so transparent. We're so open. We put everything out there that I think companies have to have, the first of all,
Starting point is 00:11:17 they have to be confident in their products or whatever they're gonna work with us on. They have to be very confident because they've got a little fear. They're thinking to themselves, at least I would, if we work with these guys and we fuck with them a little bit, they're gonna do 10 episodes on what happened. Fuck yes, we will.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yes, we will. So it's a little bit scary, right? But on the flip side, with the pay out for them as far as alignment with us and us supporting them is bar none because it's a beacon of light in a freaking dark tunnel. It's the thing like if we give you guys a bullshit thing that's on us. Mm-hmm. You know, that's our reputation and we won't and we won't
Starting point is 00:11:54 and we never will. That's just that's just it. That being said we're releasing our new bull testicle someone else is coming out next week. I just I have no I have no desire to conform in any way whatsoever. You know what, Sonny, this is the problem. I don't think it's a problem. We have to non-conformists. The three of us in particular, and Doug is very much the same way,
Starting point is 00:12:17 but definitely the three of us. If somebody tries to tell us something to do something, we run in the opposite direction. It is so true. Oh my God. Why is that? What is that? I don't even know if it's run.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I pick up a stick. You just can't take any criticism. Can you? I guess I can. But it has to be on my own accord. Besides the criticism, it's like if someone tells you to do something like, hey, what's I mean? We're going to pay you, you know, we We're gonna pay you $50,000 a month,
Starting point is 00:12:46 but you need to say this, this, and this, and this, but go fuck yourself. Yeah, I'm not saying anything you tell me to say. Even like this person who inbox you right now, which is probably listening right now, and it's probably offended because I'm coming off the way I am right now, is that, listen, dude, the number one thing that I,
Starting point is 00:13:00 like I said, is I wanna come off real, and you know what, we are fucking human. We probably do get frustrated. Our tone probably does change with certain things, but you know what? That's it. That's what I wanted to keep. I would rather that's in valleys. I do not you know how you know how lame this show would be if all we did was get on here and give you motivational quotes and tell you like all this positive fitness shit like that's boring as shit like I don't I don't want to do that. Find someone else to fucking do that or find another podcast and listen to,
Starting point is 00:13:27 because that's not why. Well, most of the people that tie themselves strictly into positivity and inspirational shit, they have very little actual science behind a lot of what they're promoting. Because yeah, that's interesting. Well, I mean, here's, okay, we got to, we have to really reframe this
Starting point is 00:13:49 so that people can understand what we're coming from. A, we're angry with an industry that we've all been in our entire careers in. All of us started our careers and continue to have our career in the fitness industry. And we're angry because it is in many cases a filthy lying horror of an industry. And that's just that's just the truth. 100%. It just is.
Starting point is 00:14:14 That's just your beautiful analogy, isn't it? But number, so we're angry because of that because we're in it. We love it. And we love the good stuff about fitness. We love. Fitness is fucking awesome. That's why we do it. But there's so much
Starting point is 00:14:25 we can just focus on that. Right. But there's so much crap in there and so many people getting ripped off and hurt physically hurt emotionally hurt, lied to that we're angry about that. And then we're gonna fight dude. Right. And then we're gonna fight. Right. And then step two, we all have big mouths. And so sometimes it comes out and it comes out like a torrent. It comes out like a torrent of diarrhea out of my face and that's just that's just the way it is. My analogies are fucking great today. It's interesting. We are in a fight. We are fighting the bigger guy and you're and then when people send messages like that to me it makes me feel like okay you want me to bring a fucking stick to a gun fight
Starting point is 00:15:05 No, I'm gloves are off dude gloves are off. I'm gonna offend some people We're probably guys. I'm probably different. I'm gonna say something sometimes. It's inappropriate I'm not gonna spell check my fucking grammar sometimes when I write so I'm gonna do a lot of mistakes And I plan to make tons more But one thing I will do is I'll keep it real. I'll keep it real. I promise you that all the way through. I got just, today I just got tagged on a supplement. What was it called?
Starting point is 00:15:33 I can't remember the name, damn it, but I got to, with some obscure, I click on it and, of course, the claims are ridiculous, like a lot of them. And then there's a link to click on where you can go to their website. So I go to their website check this out The website on the top they say ESPN But then they say dot something else, but they make it look like ESPN. Yeah, I saw that like it's a legit ESPN website Article and then they have on their pictures of people's before and afters and and they're in their trying to sell their supplements
Starting point is 00:16:02 So some kid is gonna click on that and be like, this is a legit supplement. On laundry, what's the name of the secret info player? He's on there, like you got popped for PEDs. They had Kobe Bryant on there. They had all kinds of big names on there. For sure was, I mean, that's someone that comes. So what happened? You tried to tag me and then I couldn't even see it.
Starting point is 00:16:22 They blocked you. What did you say? Something is that why? Well, because initially got tagged on a post, someone else did about this company. and you tried to tag me and then I couldn't even see it. They blocked you. They blocked us. What did you say? Something is that why? Well, because initially got tagged on a post. Someone else did about this company. And the guys like, what do you think about this? And I said, the claims are ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Then I went to their site and then I just tagged you guys and then say anything. But they must have followed the link and said, oh, this is the same guy. Or maybe they recognize the show. Yeah, probably. We don't want the bees after us. Yeah. Yeah. So that's want the bees after us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah. So that's, I'm working on that. That's just that. But you know, look, I will say this, with all the stuff that we focus on the negativity, a lot of it is just to save you guys, a lot of headache, trouble, pain, injury. But the core of fitness, the real true core of fitness,
Starting point is 00:17:02 those of us who work in fitness, and I don't mean just take pictures, I mean work and train people, it's a beautiful thing. There is in an industry I can think of that doesn't help when it's true, when it's honest, okay, when you've got good intentions, doesn't help people as much on a total life-transforming level than fitness.
Starting point is 00:17:24 I can't think of anything that does that. You can transform someone's life from both physically, mentally, and spiritually, just because you're a great trainer, or you can be a great pain, you can have more energy. You know, you could see new strength gains, you can do amazing feats,
Starting point is 00:17:40 you can get yourself involved in new movements, and athletics, and you know know the sky is the limit I mean with this industry you can Actually physically make it whatever you want like you can actually Create something and create a product and like no other industry you can right now There's just so much opportunity. It's that we want to know, as far as this show and everything is concerned and negativity aside and all that stuff, it's just that dude, like we're just so concerned with, we want people to understand what it really means.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Well, you know what, like what real fitness is? Exactly. And when you have the advent of social media and it's gotten so big now, right? Instagram and it's gotten so big now that the noise is so loud and it's dominated by not the real true honest fitness but by the bullshit side of fitness. Dominates it. The number one pages and fitness with the most followers give you,
Starting point is 00:18:40 most of them give you crap advice. There's a few people that give you great advice that we found, but the most followers, I'll see them have is like 200,000 which is a lot But then you've got 1.5 million following this page over here where every other post is telling you Shit and telling you crappy fitness, you know advice and they have models on there that are half plastic surgery and half you know Drugs telling you that they the reason why they looked the way they do is because they work hard and they take fat burner X or whatever. So this is just something, but I'll tell you what, I owned a gym for a very long time,
Starting point is 00:19:15 a small facility for a very long time. And the impact I was able to have on people, because once you own your own place, you can really create the culture. When you manage a gym, you can kind of do that too. But when you own it, it's yours. Nobody can tell you otherwise. And I had one, I'll tell you, I had one lady in particular who came in, had just had a tumor removed.
Starting point is 00:19:38 She was in remission cancer and she couldn't do very much. She would come into the gym and we would do a grand total of two or three exercises. She would spend an hour there. She was very weak, very fatigued. She would come in and by the, and of course, when you're coming in and you're feeling that horrible and you've never been to a gym,
Starting point is 00:19:56 first of all, gyms are intimidating if you've never been in one anyway. She'd never been to a gym, but now she went to one because her doctor was my client recommended. So she's going to a gym for the first time, not only that, but she's coming in after having cancer and having a tumor removed and, you know, having no hair from the chemotherapy. By the fourth workout, I'll never forget this.
Starting point is 00:20:15 One of the most emotional moments in my career, this woman would work out without her wig. She would take it off and she would be bald in my gym. And everybody in the gym was so supportive and it was such a beautiful environment and you don't find that in almost any other in the tech industry doesn't do that. The car industry doesn't do that. The music industry doesn't do that but fitness at its core is a beautiful, pure, wonderful thing which is why we get so angry when protective, yeah, we're protective because you're trying to throw mud in a frickin' crystal clear, beautiful experience
Starting point is 00:20:53 that changes a lot of people's lives. So if sometimes you come off a little pissed off, well guess what, it's cause we are. It's cause we're angry. And we're super transparent. And we're trying to create a new wave of Like a new culture a new thing that that is old old values that We need we want to have a resurgence and we want people to align with and know that like there's other people that think like them
Starting point is 00:21:22 That are in the same position that are frustrated that are are in the same position, that are frustrated, that are professionals in the industry, that I'm sure get frustrated that, if you ask the common person in America, is there really science behind fitness? Like I guarantee most of them will be like, well, what do you mean like go to the gym or like do some pushups or something? Like that kind of mentality, it's like,
Starting point is 00:21:45 it's so, it's so, it's just murdered our professionalism. Right, like all this, this like pure BS that everybody's slinging that has pulled people in so many different directions, like nobody knows who to believe, like who's actually putting the effort to get academic, scientific, you know, study and empirical data behind it. You know what, most people have had a bad fitness
Starting point is 00:22:13 and bad diet experience. Yes. That's a fact. Most people have, you talk, I know this because I talk to people about fitness for living and I'll ask them, have you ever, you know, tried changing your diet before? Well, I tried this diet once, to people about fitness for a living and I'll ask them have you ever you know tried changing your diet your diet before Well, I tried this diet once I tried that that diet once one time I worked out and I tried this you know So-and-so program or and then I used to do this type of system and have you heard of this technique and have you heard of that
Starting point is 00:22:37 you know philosophy for fitness and most people have been through shitty situations could you imagine if anything else was like that? Imagine if buying a car was like that. If imagine if before you bought a car that actually drove you where you wanted to go, you had to drive 10 cars that either exploded or didn't work, or you get in the car and it would fall apart.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Imagine how many people would just say, fuck it, I'm walking. I'm never buying a car again. You see what I'm saying? Well, it's the same reflection of the like us doing the shows it was when we're personal training people one on one, like them coming in with somebody else that they had either done it previously with
Starting point is 00:23:17 or they've just worked out on their own or followed some program on TV or whatever. And then they, their hands are up in the air like, this is like my last time like you're and then we you know take that on personally like this is like the challenge to to clear all this nonsense out and show you what it really is about. And I'll tell you this much the people in your life in the world most people, because you've got some very rare, altruistic benevolent people that are just very rare, super, super rare.
Starting point is 00:23:51 But most people that love hard, that care hard, also will hate hard if you fuck with them. And the thing is, I've known these guys long enough to see them how they treat people, like their clients, like people who are members of our forum. We have people who buy our program, then they're on a forum. It costs nothing. And just go way out and above and above, you know, beyond our way, just to help because
Starting point is 00:24:18 we love the support. And we want to pay back times a million. And so those are the kind of people that we tend to be. And so we're passionate individuals, passionate loving, caring individuals, that if you mess with us or you mess with people that we care about, either by ripping them off or trying to sell them some shit,
Starting point is 00:24:37 you were fucking, we're coming. And we're coming hard. And it's ugly and it's aggressive. And I think Adam got real quiet and emotional. No, I'm waiting for him. I felt it was important to let you guys carry handle all that sensitive soft shit because. It's important, it's important that our listeners know
Starting point is 00:25:00 that we are, we do become from a place of love. I'm just still irritated. I'm irritated that one, because I was already irritated earlier today because those that don't know, I mean, this podcast, this episode's gonna come out probably next week. I did a post today on Devon Fizzik and ruffled all kinds of feathers and.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah, you just poke fun at him. Yeah, and probably is why this person inboxed Sal today and I had a couple people that said something on mine. And here's a thing. The reason why I'm irritated is one, you're insulting my intelligence by doing this bullshit with, oh, why I pick on this person, why I do it first of all, okay. It's business strategy, okay? So it's, I'm not picking on some fucking defenseless kid who has 500 friends or less. I'm picking on a kid who's got 1.5 million fucking followers
Starting point is 00:25:58 and is selling a bunch of bullshit to everybody. That's why, I'm I'm I'm I'm Yes, and my objective is you know what I if I have to ruffle some feathers to get some attention and piss some people off I may what maybe lose five maybe I lose a hundred people because they're over sensitive little bitches But you know what I'm gonna gain 50,000 people because someone's gonna read that content and then go through the rest of my shit and read it and realize that I keep shit Real and I talk about the truth and that's what we represent and that I care about more Well, let's be honest to the same people like probably wouldn't have felt led to even comment
Starting point is 00:26:38 Right that that caused a reaction So if you look at it from what exactly it is that you're doing, you know, you could see like what you know, it's like calls to action like you're gonna you're gonna there's gonna be a divide, you know, at some point where you know you guys are gonna agree with what we talk about on the show or you know, maybe pissed off of something we say or or whatever, but like we have to keep our intention 100% focused. Oh, I guarantee you look, we speak a lot of truth, but then we speak a lot of opinion too. It is opinion in there.
Starting point is 00:27:12 You're not gonna agree with everything we say. But that's healthy. It's called, yeah, it's just called being a human. But having, you know what though, it's like it's not like we're picking on some defenseless person. I'm picking a fight with someone much bigger than me. Maybe he's not physically bigger than me, but I'm not trying to pick it. It's in your pocket.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah, we probably would fit in my pocket. So for you not to see that, and if you look at all the other posts or other things we talk about, it's not like we go around picking on people. In fact, we did an episode about how, hey, if you guys tag us in somebody that's doing something silly or something stupid, my exact words on this podcast was, you know, hey, we don't want to poke fun at that person. We don't want to get after them.
Starting point is 00:27:53 In fact, we want to help that person out. Maybe you should actually turn them on to my pump or give them some advice on how they should do better because that is where our hearts are at. Just like Justin and Sal were saying before, I got all irritated. That is where we come from. We come from that place.
Starting point is 00:28:06 We do care about this industry and that's what we're trying to change. But if you don't see that, why I would pick a fight or why I would talk some shit just to stir some traffic up and because it's ultimately for a good cause, you're an idiot. You're an idiot. You don't know very much about business then. Well, I tell you what, we're telling people now. I mean, how transparent could you possibly get? Let's, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Like half the time when we're doing shit, I'm thinking to myself, we're crazy. And I don't mean it in a bad way. I just mean we're crazy and that, who does that? Who, who tells their fans, who tells their audience exactly what they're doing? Like, there's nothing we hold back. Like, you just, you just basically laid out and said,
Starting point is 00:28:45 hey, it's a business strategy to get more attention. And, and, and people that are diehards about whoever it is that we might be poking fun with. Guess what? They have huge traffic and we pick on them on purpose and giving a terrible message. Just like I did. And, and, and they're also selling shit. They're, if they have a lot of traffic and they're fucking awesome. Yeah. Like you're not going to find us pick a, pick on people like Lane N awesome, you're not gonna find us pick on people like Layne Norton, you're not gonna find us picking on the muscle professor. Yeah, except then when we said that his show was boring. Yeah, well, I mean, that's just honest,
Starting point is 00:29:16 I think I'm very boring. But we're not gonna go and talk to it. No, I'm just looking. I'm throwing that in there. Because they're legit. Like those dudes are legit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But these other people, we're gonna fucking. I mean, it's all good. It makes me feel like I'm some sort in there because they're legit like those dudes are legit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but you know these other people
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yeah, we're gonna fucking I mean it's all good. It makes me feel like I'm some sort of a bully which I'm not there I don't know when you get angry. It's like fucking whoa Yeah, it's a bull in a chanish. Yeah, you know that's that Scorpio. I mean Oh, that's that's it again. I mean I don't know about you, but I mean I'm gonna clear why you're getting what that means to tell, I'm gonna clear it. Why you're getting, I don't know what that means. You tell me, I'm gonna clear it as soon. Are you serious? Dang.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Dorks are just now figuring that out. You just saying something. I know, I can't believe it. No, why you were getting angry, I was watching Justin's nipples, because sometimes I take a look at them while you're talking. Yeah, I'm wearing like, and they were heartsening. They were heartsening.
Starting point is 00:30:01 They were heartening. Yeah, what do you have, X-ray vision? I can see them through your sweater. You're creepy, that's what I'm saying. sweater Those things are long he likes when I get all fired up. Yeah, I do you know And I love it. That's why I let you guys talk because I love you guys because I think you guys do represent I think together We are we're like Voltron were a person We are and and and we each have our own way of expressing things and you know I guess my thing is I'm just not, I'll never be concerned about being liked by enough people
Starting point is 00:30:30 or not, you know, I'm always gonna keep shit as real as possible. But I will get, you know, I will keep it real too. I'm gonna get irritated when people make comments on my page or say things to me and they don't step away for a second and actually like think about it before they do it., hmm, maybe there was some sort of strategy behind why he would post something like that. Like I go around just pick it on random people like you know
Starting point is 00:30:52 it just you know it just occurred to me what? Okay, so you have what about roughly 30,000 followers right? You know what just fucking occurred to me. What if these dudes these people commenting on your shit are doing the same fucking thing, bro? Like what if, cause then you engage with them back and forth and what if they're doing it and they're getting followers? Oh no, for sure they are. I mean, there's kids that do that, that intentionally go and-
Starting point is 00:31:17 Inception. And, no, that's kids do that for sure. They get on big pages and they try and, you know, go back and forth. So, I'm sure they get ads as well that to shame my friends, you know, for me, it's if you go after someone like a shreds where I hashtag them and I go after a big name like that, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:35 the percentage of people that are going to see that are going to be a lot higher than just some average Joe Smow. And you know, at first, it might be offensive or rub somebody the wrong way, but ultimately, it's a get that message. So people will actually read the content that I have on my page, and then eventually go and listen to my pump, and then they'll put it all together, and they'll get it, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:54 And the ones that don't, and that get offended by it, then fuck them, I don't want them listening anyways, you know what I'm saying? There's another podcast out there they can listen to. Which is important. Oh, yeah, yeah, he doesn't offend anybody. He goes, yeah, exactly, he doesn't offend anybody. Yeah, exactly. He's all positive, all positive, all science.
Starting point is 00:32:07 So if you want all positive, all science, Coach, you got to lay in the door and I really like him. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mind pumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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