Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1860: Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique

Episode Date: July 18, 2022

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover fourteen of their favorite foods to build a healthy and muscular body. Fourteen of the Best Foods for an Amazing Physique. (2:02) #1 – Eggs. (5:00) #2 - Ani...mal meat (chicken, beef, pork, fish). (6:39) #3 - Whole Milk (if tolerated). (9:34) #4 - Leafy greens. (12:02) #5 – Asparagus. (14:25) #6 – Zucchini. (16:20) #7 – Berries. (17:13) #8 – Rice. (20:27) #9 – Quinoa. (23:26) #10 - Potato / Sweet potato. (25:07) #11 – Raw nuts. (28:11) #12 - Avocado / avocado oil. (32:16) #13 – Olive oil. (34:01) #14 - Butter / ghee. (35:37) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit NutriSense for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** July Promotion: RGB Bundle or MAPS Suspension 50% off! **Promo code JULY50 at checkout** Mind Pump #1220: The 4 Best Sources Of Protein Chocolate milk for recovery from exercise: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials RAW FARM usa Mind Pump #1777: Cooking Oils That Can Make You Sick With Max Lugavere Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. You're going to love this episode. Today we talk about the 14 best foods you can eat for an amazing physique, for fitness, and for health. So we picked them, choose from this list, and you probably won't go wrong. This episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Nutrisense.
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Starting point is 00:01:52 So if you're interested, go to mapsfitinusproducts.com and then use the coupon code July 50, that's July 50, no space for that discount. All right, check this out. Here's what we're gonna talk about today. The best foods you can eat for your discount. All right, check this out. Here's what we're gonna talk about today. The best foods you can eat for your physique. You know, this is based off of our experience for any clients.
Starting point is 00:02:11 These foods tended lead to great outcomes. So I think we should listen. Well, I think we constantly on the show tell people that we would just advise clients eating whole foods and we push people away from the process and just doing that alone, they would get in great shape and all the results that they would have.
Starting point is 00:02:29 But what we haven't done before is give a list of some of our favorite proteins, fats, carbs and what foods would we encourage our clients or personally our cell see. And so I'm actually really excited to help this because the list as we are building is literally like these are all the foods that I rotated through, like competing.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yes, yes. In fact, the idea was let's make a list of, a relatively short list, but give people still varieties. Like we listed 14 foods that, literally, now you don't have to do this and we know that life includes more variety and whatever But if you did just stick to these foods here You'd have a very good diet in fact if you just stick to these foods here
Starting point is 00:03:13 You you without counting calories or anything like that You're probably gonna end up relatively lean relatively fit because they're so nutrient dense They produce satiety and they're very valuable Especially if you it's not yeah, sometimes it's just nice to not have a ton of options They're so nutrient dense, they produce satiety, and they're very valuable. They're healthy. Especially if you, it's not, yeah, sometimes it's just nice to not have a ton of options. It's really limited, so you can stay focused in the simplicity a lot of times when,
Starting point is 00:03:34 in terms of like me approaching something to just like grasp my head around it. Especially if you still follow some of the principles that we talk about, like for example, eating your protein first. Thank you. So if you recall some of the principles that we talk about, like, for example, eating your protein first. Oh, thank you. So if you recall some of the other things we talk about as far as advice to our clients, one of those being like not giving them limitations saying you can't or can't have this,
Starting point is 00:03:54 like, and just saying, okay, when you sit down and you eat, eat the protein first, and then allow that to dictate how much of the other stuff that you eat, I think that'll make you paired with these foods. I'll take the challenge that you'll get in some of the best shape you've ever been in just sticking to this. Absolutely. 100%. And even now, these are largely the foods that I tend to eat and stick to. And here's the criteria. So the criteria, just before we get into these foods was, these foods have to be easily accessible, relatively easily accessible. For the most part, of almost all of them, easily digestible for most people. Okay, so there's like one food on here
Starting point is 00:04:30 where you might have an issue with digestively, but for the most part, all these foods, for most people can digest them very easily, relatively inexpensive. So what we don't want to do is list some weird, you know, tropical fruit that, you know, you can't barely find it, whatever that, you know. We want to list foods that.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Exotic, acai, thing. Yeah, like realistic, accessible, nutrient, dense, healthy, and taste good, and these foods all taste good. So we're going to start with the proteins, the foods that make up kind of that protein category. And number one, all this has to be eggs. Absolutely has to be eggs. It is one of the world's most perfect proteins.
Starting point is 00:05:05 This is scientists have said this for a long time. The amino acid profile is incredible, meaning if you, we all know that if you eat a high protein diet, the protein sources don't make that big of a difference, but if you don't eat a super high protein diet, the sources make a big difference. Egg proteins stimulate muscle protein synthesis typically more than other proteins. Also, whole eggs, the yolk in particular, is full of natural cholesterol, which is great for strength and recovery. It's not bad for you. It's what they used to say, but now we know that's not true. And packed full of nutrients, including co-ling, which now they're starting to say, should be an ascent, should be declared an as in a central nutrient, exceptionally great for the brain.
Starting point is 00:05:45 So eggs for sure. Now what are some of your favorite ways to eat eggs? Are you somebody who will, you know, hard boil them, snack on them to the day? Are you somebody who will scramble them up and overeat like, how do you like to make these? There is no way I don't like eggs. I like them all, but my favorite is,
Starting point is 00:05:58 hard boil. It's so convenient. Boiled it for said, yeah, for snacks and things, you know, to constantly have that accessibility to it, I think that's a great way to use it. So I want to combine this one with the second one because of how I utilize my eggs. The only drawback I would say of eggs is even though it's this perfect balance, it takes a lot of them to get a high protein meal. Yeah, you have to be like, you know, between four to six, right, depending on your protein. That's, and that's still not a high protein meal.
Starting point is 00:06:27 That would be a good protein, right? Not high, not 40, 50 grams. Like you want 40, 50 grams, you're having to eat seven, eight, eight. That's right. To get up there. And most people don't eat seven or eight eggs. So the second source of protein is your meat source, right? So you're, you're chicken, you're steak, you're ground turkey, beef, like these are fish, fish. Fish, right? So all those, your steak, your ground turkey, beef,
Starting point is 00:06:45 like these are fish, fish. So those are, and so what I like to do is, since those are traditionally ate at lunch and dinner, I love to always save some of that meat and put it in a scramble in the morning time. Because most people, when they cook, there's always like a little bit of leftovers. And so Katrina and I, when we prepare our dinner,
Starting point is 00:07:04 any of these meats, we always choose from that. We always over prepare for what we need for dinner because we take that leftover and then I'll make it into a screen. You can remind it. Yes, yeah. Have you ever had smoked salmon with eggs? Really good.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Like what do you call it, locks or whatever? Exceptionaly good. Animal proteins are animal sources of proteins. So like chicken, beef, pork, fish, very, very high quality protein, and animal meats are the most nutrient dense foods you'll find on the planet. Now, some people may be like,
Starting point is 00:07:36 well, I thought it was the goji berry or the whatever. No, you can literally, now I'm not recommending this. This is not what I, I don't think this is ideal. However, if you were stuck on an island and you had to pick one food to eat for the next six months and not die, it would have to be an animal meat. You could literally go steak. I'm just gonna eat steak and you would not likely,
Starting point is 00:07:57 very likely, or very unlikely, I should say, to have any nutrient deficiencies. You can't do that with any other single food. And that's because it's so nutrient dense with the B vitamins and iron and everything else in there. And people say, well, what about vitamin C? Fresh meat by it. So when you have fresh meat, it is anti-scurvy, meaning that if you eat fresh meat, it does help solve scurvy and studies have shown this. So it is phenomenally nutrient dense. And of course, it's hard to find a protein source that's more concentrated, easier, better
Starting point is 00:08:27 than these animal sources. Yeah, nothing's really more bioavailable. It's like it's all, the work has been done for you and you're now reaping that from the animal. And extremely satiating too. Very satiating. Because of the high protein and fat that's in most meats, then you're also gonna feel full and good after you eat that meal. And that's part most meats, then you're also going to feel full and good after
Starting point is 00:08:45 you eat that meal. And that's part of the trick and strategy of making sure you eat that first. And this is one of those things that, again, I didn't have to tell clients, you know, how many ounces exactly they needed to have it or what they couldn't eat. Like don't have any of these carbohydrates. It was like literally just make sure we're getting a good source of protein and eat that first and all the other stuff started to fall on. Yeah, I would tell clients, depending on what their protein goals were, you know, make
Starting point is 00:09:09 sure you eat 30 grams of protein in your meal first and then eat the rest. And all of them were like, I can't finish the rest of the meal when I do it that way. And that's it. And it's not even, you're not even trying, you're not even trying to cut calories. But you also, I want to emphasize, is get the nutrients that you need. Because one of the problems with eating less is you also get less nutrients, but not if you eat nutrient-dense foods. Animal meats are the most nutrient-dense foods you can find on the plant or some of the
Starting point is 00:09:32 most. The next one, this is the only food, one of the only foods in the list that you may have an issue digesting. But if you don't, it's a superfood. And I know there's been a lot of propaganda and information totally. It's all garbage The truth is this is a super food and it's whole milk whole milk, especially well-sourced whole milks like raw milk from healthy cows for example Is exceptionally healthy for you so long as you can tolerate I can't have dairy So this is not for me, but if you can tolerate dairy
Starting point is 00:10:03 You had excellent source of fat, protein, you even have some sugars in whole milk. In fact, there was a study that compared milk to protein shake for recovery and protein synthesis, and they found identical. It was actually chocolate milk they did it with. Yeah, just because the extra sugar. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:19 You know, but whole milk is exceptional, it's cheap, you drink it, it's got nutrients in it. And I say whole milk because studies are showing that fat-free milk. In the 80s and 90s, a lot of kids and family drink fat-free milk because we were told fat was really bad for you. Turns out, fat-free milk actually resulted in people having issues with bone strength and density and stuff like that because you need the fats to absorb the fat soluble nutrients.
Starting point is 00:10:45 You're left with just with the lactose at that point. Yeah, no, lactose and protein. That's it. And none of these fats help you absorb fat, you know, soluble. Do you know the statistics on people that actually have an intolerance to milk, but if they were to actually eat drink raw milk with the natural digestive enzymes that are in it, that they end up in up cooking out of it when you homogenize and pasteurize it.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, so what happens is how many people actually would probably be okay with that? They had that source. It's a sizable minority, it's not a majority, but what happens with milk is you have lactose in there. And so a lot of people who can't tolerate milk, it's the lactose that they have issues with breaking down. Raw milk from healthy cows, right?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Good well sourced contains some of the lactose that they have issues with breaking down. Raw milk from healthy cows, right? Good well sourced, contains some of the lactase enzyme already in there. And so it's easier to digest for some people. Now, another thing you could do is you could also take a lactase pill, which is just the enzyme, very cheap, by the way, you could buy them at the store, and then have milk and you're totally fine. I'm intolerant to, I have an intolerance to dairy proteins, so I can have lactose-free
Starting point is 00:11:47 milk loss stuff and it would still bother me. So some, there's a nice chunk of people that no matter what, they can't do dairy. And I've also got milk is an option for people. For some people. Yeah. Yeah. In terms of an alternative that they can actually digest better. Right. All right. So let's get to the vegetables, okay. Now, a lot of people we are told, or mainstream media, or fitness nutrition media, that kind of stuff will say, vegetables are the best sources of nutrients. In some cases, yes, but really what you're getting with vegetables, what you're really getting with vegetables, are fibers, digestibility, it helps things move through the body. You're not getting, you are getting some nutrients. I'm not gonna say that you aren't.
Starting point is 00:12:28 There are some nutrients found in vegetables that are pretty cool, but really what you're looking for are easily digested digestible vegetables that help you process the proteins or whatever that you wait. So the first one in this category of vegetables are leafy greens. And if you wanna make it very digestible, you cook them. Raw leafy greens are harder to digest than like boiled spinach, for example,
Starting point is 00:12:52 which you could really boil it down, eat a lot of spinach in a small amount, add that to your protein meal, especially if you're eating high protein, you know, tends to bog you down and your digest. You ever seen how much a massive box is like this much? Yeah, you cook the spinach and it comes down like the tiniest serving. So, but I mean, awesome though, how it becomes super dense,
Starting point is 00:13:15 easy for you to digest versus trying to chew on that raw. What is the difference between, because I know that it wasn't, didn't they do something one time where they actually had people eating a ton of raw vegetables and they had all kinds of adverse effects of it because they couldn't digest it? Yeah, so there's there are anti-nutrients and defense mechanisms presented in plants to prevent so plants can't run away like animals can right and they can't bite you or whatever some of them
Starting point is 00:13:38 can't most of them can't and the way that they create defenses is they produce compounds that make them hard to digest. Okay. Now, the way around that is you cook them. You cook them very well. And what that does is it pre-digests them so that you can digest the food very often. Now, isn't that the angle that the hardcore carnivores meet eaters, they use that as like the big like why plants
Starting point is 00:14:01 are so bad is because they have these toxins. But once you cook that, you pretty much eliminate that. You get rid of a lot of them. And humans have been eating, you know, vegetables for a long time. And most people have no problem consuming vegetables. There is a small percentage of people have immune reactions almost everything, in which case the carnivore diet is only time I think it's appropriate. But for most people, there's lots of benefit from consuming these foods.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Leafy greens has to be number one. The second one is asparagus. Well cooked asparagus, I like to put them in the oven, grill them. They're easy to adjust for most people. They taste good. And bodybuilders like them because they have a little bit of a doretic effect.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Okay, so bodybuilders like them because they help get water out of the body. It's not a huge effect, but this is why you'll see bodybuilders often eat in asparagus. I always, that was like my thing. It's a natural diuretic. I don't remember what the number was. You think it's a small effect?
Starting point is 00:14:49 I think it's pretty, I think. Well, small in comparison to actual duretics. Like you're not gonna need a bunch of asparagus and then get cramp up from losing, you know, it's like, it'll help balance out water. So I used to recommend asparagus to my female clients who would hold a lot of water during certain times of their period. Yeah. I'd say, hey, eat asparagus with my female clients who would hold a lot of water during certain times of their period.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yeah. I'd say, hey, eat asparagus with two-year meals and see if that helps. And it does. It actually helped them with their water retention, actually helped less water. But it tastes really good. It's fibrous.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And it's great for digestion. And most people can digest asparagus pretty well. So that's gotta be up. Now, suddenly we haven't said so far talking about these because I know, and this will become a question, so I wanna address it before we get much further. As far as the preparation of these foods, like as far as how you cook them,
Starting point is 00:15:32 when it comes to the meats, obviously stay away from fried stuff. But you can go to town on seasoning, I used to tell my clients. I don't care how, I mean, you got your favorite salt or seasoning, misdash, or whatever, Montreal, go to town, season it up. I mean, if we're eating all whole foods,
Starting point is 00:15:47 you're salt and sodium intake is gonna be minimal. So, it's a good point. All these foods are low in sodium. Even if you salt them, you're probably gonna still need more sodium, especially if you work out, sweat, and don't eat a lot of carbohydrates. So, have fun. So, what I do with steak, for example,
Starting point is 00:16:05 is if I buy a steak from the store, or let's say butcher box comes in or whatever, I'll defrost it, and I'll salt both sides, put it in the fridge for six hours or a day, then bring it out, and then season it again, and cook it, and it's like, it's incredible. It comes out, you know, really, really good. All right, the next one is technically not a vegetable.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I believe zucchini is a fruit, if I'm not mistaken. Really? I think so. Is it a fruit duck or is it a vegetable? Maybe look that is a fruit if I'm not mistaken. Really? I think so. Is it a fruit dog or is it a vegetable? Maybe look that up. He's gonna look that up right now. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:16:32 But zucchini very easily digested. It really helps people with processing their proteins and fats. Tastes really good. And it's again, it's another bodybuilding food. Bodybuilders definitely like their zucchini. I think it's for that reason. It's considered a fruit. It is a fruit.'s another bodybuilding food. Bodybuilders definitely like their zucchini, and I think it's for that reason. It's considered a fruit. It is a fruit. I didn't know that. By the way, fruits tend to be because fruits are the part of the plant that the plant wants to eat.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Fruit is always better tolerated than vegetables for most people. So easily. But zucchini's got like these vegetable properties because of the fiber or the way it tastes. And so I love zucchini. And I have never had a client that had any issues digesting zucchini if it was cooked really well.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Maybe raw but cooked well. Well, along the lines of fruit, here's the one that I think can creep up on you on calories and sugar. If you just eat all for it. I used to tell my clients to stay, and I wouldn't even consider zucchini. So now I would now say this, zucchini and berries.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Barriers are great because berries are high in fiber, high in antioxidants, and the ratio of fiber antioxidants to calories is the lowest of all fruit. Yeah, you could eat a lot of raspberries or blueberries. You don't get a ton of calories, but you get a lot of fiber. Yes. I remember you telling me that that was when you go to ways that fiber.
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's the biggest bang for your buck as far as you don't have to top your head how much per all. You know, I don't anymore what the exact what the exact ratio. I just know that it's the best. Like as far as if I want something that is low calorie and I want to get a ton of fiber in like that. That's obviously vegetables would be higher in fiber
Starting point is 00:18:02 and lower in calorie, but I mean I'm getting getting fruit too. So I'm getting benefits of the antioxidants and I get something that I can enjoy. Like having a big old cup or two cups of blueberries is not that high of calorie. So you know that berries are the super foods of the plant world. And I remember when, first it was Goju berry, then it was, what was that one from Brazil?
Starting point is 00:18:25 A SIE. A SIE Berry. These are the, they're packed full of, and you know, actually just their blueberries in that location, right? You know, I get it. You know, a blueberry kicks the crap out of all. It's exotic and we can't just like go outside
Starting point is 00:18:37 and pick it together. Exactly right. Blueberries are super high in those antioxidants that they talk about, super high and fiber, but we don't sell blueberries because they're everywhere. So, if I want to sell you something weird, I'm gonna go pick a fruit from a country that you're not familiar with.
Starting point is 00:18:53 But no, blueberries, you put them up next to a sidey berries, goji berries, I mean, it's either the same or better. And by the way, when I talk to clients about this, I always remind them that I'm not demonizing other fruits. I'm not saying you can't have a peach, you can't have an apple, a banana is bad for you. And there is benefits to all those other fruits. They just, they, one thing you have to be careful
Starting point is 00:19:13 that we've bred them to be ginormous. So, we've talked about this in the podcast before, like a small banana, what you would think is a small banana, like an extra large banana. It's like 50 grams of carbs. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of sugar. So there's a lot of sugar, a lot of carbs, a lot of calories in that one banana.
Starting point is 00:19:30 It's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm not saying it's bad. It's just that type of fruit can catch up on you really quick. So I always point them in like, listen, when it comes to berries, I let my clients kind of go to town when it comes to eating that stuff, but be very mindful if you're choosing fruits
Starting point is 00:19:44 like apples and bananas and pears and stuff like that. Now, I was always making sure they're eating the actual fruit, and so they have to eat through the skin. They get all the way up to the tree. Yeah, so the time release thing, too, in terms of readily getting that sugar to hit the bloodstream, it has that natural process all built in place from nature. Oh, watch your, you know, put a CGM on, you know, a glucose monitor on
Starting point is 00:20:10 and watch your glucose response to berries versus a banana. Oh, yeah. Or, you know, an apple. This is juice. A lot of people will turn into juice. Well, juice will be working for you, right? Juice like a soda.
Starting point is 00:20:21 It's literally like if you drink a Pepsi and you drink fruit juice, it would be probably be a pure concentrate. Pure concentrate. All right, so let's get to your complex carbohydrates. Obviously this is what fuels your workouts, gives you the energy you need for explosive movement, stamina, carbohydrates also can contribute to muscle growth.
Starting point is 00:20:42 And especially for people who are trying to eat more calories, carbohydrates are an easier way to bump calories because they're of all the macronutrients, proteins, fats, and carbs. Carbohydrates are the least satiety producing, meaning that if you eat a lot of protein, you'll want to eat more. With carbohydrates, you can kind of push it a little further.
Starting point is 00:21:00 The first one's got to be rice. And by the way, it's white rice. I know we're told that brown rice is better because you don't have the fiber whole rip, taking off whatever. The truth is, brown rice contains anti-nutrients. And if you, if they have studies on this, people just consuming brown rice actually start
Starting point is 00:21:16 to develop nutrient deficiencies. It's harder to digest. White rice is actually superior. And by the way, from a calorie perspective, it's like almost, you're spooning hair, the difference, almost identical. So it's not like you're eating way better. But white rice is super,
Starting point is 00:21:29 one of my, here's what I love about white rice so much. Easy to digest. It's gotta be one of the easiest to digest. Starches that exist. In fact, I can't think of one that is easier to digest, just generally speaking, because obviously there's always gonna be outliers, but generally speaking, it's gotta be the easiest
Starting point is 00:21:46 to digest that I can think of. It's very starchy, so you can get good, nice source of starchy carbohydrates that'll fuel your workouts. It's cheap, one of the cheapest foods in the planet is rice. It's got a long shelf life, so you can buy rice in a bag, leave it in the cupboard, and it's gonna last you a long time.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And versatile, you can make it. It pairs with everything. Yeah, it goes so good with everything. Back to my breakfast hack, depending on if I'm trying to stay low calorie or I'm trying to bulk or whatever, I'll add rice to that. So I've got my meat and eggs in the morning, and if I'm high calorie or I'm high carb that day, I'll load it with a cup of rice in there. Also another reason why I really like it.
Starting point is 00:22:27 You already, when you make rice, you have to measure it. So it's like one of those foods that you train yourself to measure. Yeah, because you're gonna have a cup, yeah. So you know how much you're making, and it's really easy to titrate that. Like if I have a client and I know they consistently use rice, I can go like, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:22:44 Instead of us, we've been consistently doing a cup of rice and all those meals, let's cut that down to half a cup of rice. Here's, hey, let's bump it to a cup and a half of rice. Yes, and here's a cheap muscle building nutrient dense, like easy to prepare, again, inexpensive food. You do rice with ground beef, scrambled, throw in a couple of eggs, and then on the side,
Starting point is 00:23:06 you could have your cooked vegetables, and you got everything right there. You literally got your proteins, your fats, your starches, your vegetables, and it was cheap. It was inexpensive, and you could produce it in bulk and make a bunch of meals, so you have your things and you crack an over-easy egg over the top of that, and you've got a breakfast food right there.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Delicious. All right, so this next one was not a food that anybody ate when I first got into fitness, later on blew up everywhere. It's because it's hard to say. Yeah, it's a quinoa. Or quinoa. No, quinoa.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Quinoa's another gluten-free, you know, I think it's a seed or, I think it's a seed if I'm not mistaken. High in carbohydrates, nutrient-dense, easy-dative protein. They're a decent amount of protein. Yeah, it's got a little I'm not mistaken. High in in carbohydrates, nutrient dense, easy to digest. It's a decent amount of protein in there. Yeah, it's got a little bit of plant protein in there. You're paired to most of the carbohydrates sources.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And so this, I love for my clients that had a hard time eating larger portions of meat. So this is to be an example of where I would recommend quinoa oversay rice, like let's say. Because it would add a little bit of protein. That's right. So if I have a client who's like, man, I'm eating any more than four ounces of meat
Starting point is 00:24:05 is just so hard for me. They have a hard time consuming that much. Then I would add the carbohydrate I'd want them to have is quinoa, so I could help bump the protein intake. Yeah. Now, you know what I like? I like quinoa pasta.
Starting point is 00:24:19 They make quinoa like pasta tubes or shells or whatever. And I like it because obviously now you get the versatility of making like a pasta. It's gluten free. And it tastes pretty good. Now of course it tastes exactly like your regular, you know, wheat based pasta. So is this a sprout technically?
Starting point is 00:24:36 I think it's a seed, maybe Doug can look up quinoa. I wanna say it's a seed, let's consider grain. But it's easy to digest, this is what I like about it. It's a great source of those carbohydrates. I think it's called, I think it's ancient something of the farms. I forget the grain. Is it ancient grain the name of the brand?
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yeah. It's a brand that makes a ton of those of the quinoa pasta that we live off of that. Like that's always in my cover. Is it a seed? It is a seed. Yeah. Which, you know, again, seeds tend to be easily digestible
Starting point is 00:25:04 in many cases. So, all right, the next one, Justin loves this one. Potatoes. Potatoes. You know, potatoes are cheap. It's a very inexpensive, very high in starch. They've got prebiotic fibers in there, meaning that you can eat a potato and feed your microbiome, high in potassium, it's actually quite nutrient dense. In fact, again, not recommended, but there have been people that have survived off just eating potatoes for relatively extended periods of time. And they're so versatile.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Like, there's about, I don't know, is there any food more versatile in potatoes? There's got to be more dishes made with potatoes. Yeah, potatoes are rice. Just like you said, rice, yeah. Just those two alone, those are really the only carbohydrate sources that are easily digested. Well, I don't have any inflammation. There's nothing as a result of that.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Unless, you know, it's cooked with a certain type of oil or something that's gonna irritate it. But for the most part, the majority of clients and people I've worked with, like rice potatoes always did well. Yeah, no, it goes with everything. I think it's such an easy one to do. Now the only ad that I would add to that is I love messing with sweet potato and yams,
Starting point is 00:26:13 and that would fall in the same category as that. Yes. A little bit lower calorie, right? And even more like as far as digestibility, and also you talk about glucose stuff, so lower on the glycemic index, so you'll see even less of us. I actually digest sweet potato better than potato.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So if I'm gonna eat like 30, 40 grams of carbs, potatoes are fine. If I'm pushing it like 70, 80, then I'll go sweet potato because it's easier to digest. I think the prebiotic compounds in potato, the starches feed the microbiome a lot, or maybe too much for me, and I'll get a little gassy.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Sweet potato though, I could throw that down. I also think that sweet potato and yams need literally nothing on them. Or white potato, I tend to want butter and salt. Who eats a plain potato? Yeah. I'll eat a plain sweet potato. I'll eat a plain yam and a sweet potato all day long, because it's already got these great sweet flavors to it, so it really doesn't need anything.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Maybe a little bit salt, maybe a little bit of butter, if you really want to spice it up. But a regular baked potato tends to be a little bland and dry and we're lucky. Yeah, we've trained ourselves to have cheese, sour cream and all this stuff on it. I hear it, so here's an easy way to make a potato that I used to do back in the day when I would work in gyms
Starting point is 00:27:23 and I had 10 minutes to eat, and I would eat, seven meals a day. I would bring potatoes for my carbs sources and it's super easy. Here's what you do. You take your potato, you wash it, you wrap it in a wet paper towel, put it in the microwave, four minutes, take it out, turn it over, four minutes. It's a baked potato in the microwave. Super, super easy peel of skin off. It's already cooked and you can add your butter or whatever. Did you say poke all the holes in it or not. I didn't hear you say that. No, I didn't poke all the holes in it. You poke holes in the fork and if you want to cook it right.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Oh really? Yeah, I never exploded for me. Yeah, you poke really? It'll cook the center of it better too. So you take a fork and you stab it with a fork all the way around. Do the same thing. Oh, there you go. And then it'll never do that before.
Starting point is 00:27:58 You learn something to do your things. We can't even microwave right, dude. I had no idea. My mom did all the cooking. What button do I push on the microwave anyway? What can you microwave right do? I don't know. My mom did all the cooking. What button do I push on the microwave anyway? All right, so now let's get into the fats. All right, so you're probably thinking,
Starting point is 00:28:13 why would you add any fats? Because they're essential. Fats are essential. If you don't eat them, you'll die. You need essential fatty acids. And fats literally become the fat in your body. Okay, so the types of fats, you are actually extremely important and I learned this from Max Lugovir.
Starting point is 00:28:30 He really communicated this very well, whereas if I have a high protein diet, the protein source doesn't make as big of a difference. If my calories are low, carbohydrate sources don't make that big of a difference, except for maybe my energy and appetite, but fats always make a difference. Low calorie, high calorie, healthy diet, unhealthy diet. These fats literally can produce or reduce inflammation
Starting point is 00:28:50 and they can help nourish the body or cause issues. So fats very important, let's start with the first one, raw nuts. Raw nuts are an excellent source of healthy fats. Now why raw ones that have roasted, roasting them actually degrade some of the fats and makes them a little bit less healthy. Not that big of a deal, so roasted fine too.
Starting point is 00:29:07 By the way, peanuts are not a nut. So someone may hear this and say, well, peanuts are actually a bean. They're my mind. They're a legume. I don't know that either. You guys don't know that? They're not being so much today about food.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Oh, wow. She's talking about microwave. How is it called a peanut? It's not a nut. Isn't that funny? That's so stupid. No, it's literally a legume. It's a bean.
Starting point is 00:29:24 You have an egg. They're underground, huh? They grow underground. There's not a nut. Isn't that funny? That's so stupid. No, it's literally a legume, it's a bean. You have an egg. It's underground, huh? They grow underground. There's not peanut trees. No, no. There's peanut plants, but underneath the roots, is that's where the peanuts are. Yeah, if you think of the shell of a peanut, it's like a green bean. It doesn't look like a bean, but it's crunchy.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Yeah, well, because they roast the shit. They roast them. Wow, and either one of you guys do that? Yeah, this is great. No idea. Okay, my favorite nut, not my, I'm like, you thought of what it's like. It's your favorite bean, bro.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah, your favorite bean. Yeah. We actually didn't put beans on this list, and I actually would have beans on this list. You know why, you know why I wouldn't put beans on the list? Why? Because they are, it can be very nutrient dense. They can be a hind approaching.
Starting point is 00:30:02 They digestibility is always iffy with beings. You got to really prepare them well. Yeah, soak them. You got to propel them over and over and over again. So come over and get the other grass. Look, there's the beans underground. I mean, the potatoes. What? No, that's peanuts. What?
Starting point is 00:30:15 Oh, it looks like potatoes. Yeah. You thought there was a potato tree? I mean, a bean, excuse me, a peanut tree? Well, potato's growing underground. No, I think it was a peanut tree. No, but raw nuts. so walnuts, Brazil nuts, really good high in selenium. Now, okay, the one, here's of all the things
Starting point is 00:30:30 that we have on this list, this is the one though that I would probably caution my clients the most with because nuts can sneak up on you calorie wise. Why are you snack on a molding? Oh, yeah. So this is the one where like, I love those little tiny sandwich bags where like they're really, really small.
Starting point is 00:30:45 This is the one I measure out. Yes. Because you could say, I mean, I last night, I had just like chips. You'll just keep having. Last night I had pistachios. And so I've obviously waited measured like every food that I ever eat, right?
Starting point is 00:30:57 So I know like what, four or 500 calories in pistachios looks like. And it's actually not as much as you would think. It's like this much. And so I use, like my little red cup, that I use a plastic two red, plastic cups and I pour the serving of what I think is around four or five hundred calories.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And I walk away from it. Otherwise, if I did the bag, I would go through four or five times. So here's a couple hacks you could do with nuts that'll help with this. One, eat them raw, roasted or way more palatable and you'll over eat them raw. You actually find yourself eating less because it's not so, it's not like so tasty, right?
Starting point is 00:31:27 The second thing is the by-nets in the shell. And you actually have to crack the shell in order to eat it. It actually really reduces how many you eat and it slows you down. Like if you, if you have to break pistachios out of the shell or walnuts out of the shell, you're not gonna eat nearly as many as if they're just ready to eat right out of that.
Starting point is 00:31:44 By the way, do you guys know cashews are not a nut either? Wow. Yeah, I think they're a fruit if I'm not mistaken. Look that up. Cashew a fruit? I believe so. I wanna say it is, yeah, maybe I got that one wrong, but I know it's one of my favorites too,
Starting point is 00:31:57 but I don't think it's a nut. Look that up, don't I. It's one of the hikes, it's well, if it's nut or not, a nut. That's so crazy, it's in the mix nut thing. What is it, they're classified as a type of tree nut. Oh, they are, well, it's well, if it's nut or not or not. That's so crazy, it's in the mix nut thing. What is it? They're classified as a type of tree nut. Oh, they are, I was wrong then.
Starting point is 00:32:09 There you go, I got it wrong. I've got a mess. Son of a bitch. Shoot. We'll edit that out, Andrew. All right, here's another good fat, avocados. Yeah. Avocados.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Ethan, while they're still available, everybody. We're some fruit. We're running out, but anyway. Avocados are excellent source of both fat and fiber. It's a great source of fiber and potassium, and they go good on tortilla chips. What do you have to tell us? It's more interesting information.
Starting point is 00:32:34 The fruits of the cashew, almond, and pistachio plants are not true nuts, but rather classified as droops. Drupes or droopays are fruits that are fleshy on the outside and contain a shell covering a seed on the inside. So I was technically... You were kind of right. Fleshy. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:32:53 This is good as we're going to get there, Doug. Right. We've been to Dan to create a new house. Right then, yeah. Thanks, Doug. Doug found the wood website. It was a blog. It's a shit.
Starting point is 00:33:03 But avocado is another great, like great food that I think pairs so well with all these dishes too. Like you wanna, you wanna, like back to my breakfast, like if I'm bulking, now I'm adding an avocado on top of that. So now I've got the potatoes and rice, I've got the meat, I've got the eggs, and now I'm gonna throw an avocado in there also. Have you seen,
Starting point is 00:33:20 have you seen the studies on, so for some people, beef, high fat, beef, like ground beef, can cause a little bit of inflammation, not with avocado, it cancels it. Throw in some avocado, and it actually helps with that inflammation because of the types of fats that are in the diet. I read that somewhere about how to,
Starting point is 00:33:38 like if like a BLT burger of upset you with that, try having avocado on it, and it supposedly helps a lot of people out. Yeah, yeah, I remember reading it. Now along those lines, avocado oil is a good oil to use because it's, you know, you're away from canola. It's minimally processed. I mean, you can just squeeze an avocado
Starting point is 00:33:55 and you get avocado oil. And it's easy to cook with and it's really good, which brings us to another oil, which is probably the king of oils in terms of health. And it's what they think the primary reason why the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet, healthiest kick-ass diet when they do these general comparisons. I know it's more complex than that,
Starting point is 00:34:15 but whenever they talk about the best diet for health or whatever Mediterranean diet always comes out on top, it's because of olive oil. Olive oil is extremely good for you. You put it on everything, it goes good on everything. It's great for vegetables. You could add it to your meat, you could add it to your rice, you could add it to your potatoes.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I mean, you could put it in your zikinis, you could put almost everything that we talked about, all the cuddle will go with. And it's a great source of content. It enhances all those foods for sure. Oh, for the longest time, I struggled with eating enough vegetables and one of those things. I told you guys, I think I brought this up.
Starting point is 00:34:48 It wasn't until we saw a mine pump when we started working together. And he would come in with these massive bowls of vegetables. We'd have like olive oil, drizzled all over it. And for some reason, I still had, and as much as I had already moved past the anti-fat movement, but I had trained myself for so long to avoid fats in my early years of my career that I wouldn't think about
Starting point is 00:35:11 even using an oil on my vegetables because that's not why I'd be eating them, but it's like, once I gave myself that freedom to do that and cooking your asparagus with a little bit of olive oil on it and then like throwing on the barbecue or something like that. Oh my God. Yeah, olive oil, garlic powder, salt, almost on any vegetable baked in the oven comes out unbelievable. Yeah. It's so good. It totally changed my relationship with vegetables. I mean, now that they taste amazing and it's not bad for you.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Right. All right, last fat, that's actually great. And I love this one because we were told for a long time. It's the worst. Yes, the dead. Don't eat it, but now we know. It's not true. It's actually good for you. Is butter, butter is a wonderful fat,
Starting point is 00:35:49 it's for most people, most, I say most, because there is a small percentage of people where saturated fats can cause some blood lipid issues. You probably know if that's you, but otherwise butter is an excellent source of fat and you can cook well, very well with it, with most things. And then in that category, it would be G,
Starting point is 00:36:05 which is essentially clarified butter, meaning it's butter minus every little microscopic bit of milk protein, which is why it appears to be kind of clear, but really, really good source of fat. Which is, now, can you handle butter, or do you have to use G? I'm okay with butter. It's got so little milk proteins that it doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Oh, interesting. I wasn't sure about that. G is a little bit lower calorie than butter would be, too. G has no milk proteins that it doesn't bother me. Interesting, I wasn't sure about that. Now, ghee's a little bit lower calorie than butter would be, too. G has no milk proteins. And I can eat, I could eat ghee by the tablespoon. I've actually done that. I love the taste of ghee.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And I know some people are probably thinking, because we're talking about butters and oils and going, they're probably like freaking out a little bit, like, oh my God, that's so calorie dense and you could overeat. But here's the thing, where are you getting trouble with all these things? Is people add that to an already high-processed food diet and over-consuming, and then they're
Starting point is 00:36:50 also having oils and butters and stuff on their food. If you were eating from this list, and that is your source of fat, you're going to be fine. Yes, you really are going to be fine. Especially if you're protein first, then you're going to be absolutely okay. As long as you're not drinking, you're olive oil and eating cubes of butter for a snack, you're literally first, right? Yeah. Then you're gonna be absolutely okay. Yeah, and as long as you're not drinking your olive oil and eating cubes of butter for a snack, you're literally gonna be fine. Yeah, I mean butter, flour, sugar, that's not a great combo, but it's a case.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Butter, yeah. Throw some salt on that, man. You gotta yourself. I mean, it pretty much, again, just like olive oil, like butter enhances a lot of the flavors of everything, even like steak is amazing. Well, you know, that's why butter got a bad, I think why old studies show that it was bad
Starting point is 00:37:29 because people who ate a lot of butter put it on all kinds of things. Everything, basically. That wasn't good for you. So there you have it, 14 foods that literally, if you ate just from this list, now we're not recommending that, you could, you definitely want more variety.
Starting point is 00:37:42 But if you did, you'd be A-OK, you'd actually get great results. But if you did, you'd be A-OK. You'd actually get great results. But here's the caveat. Make sure you have the right macro nutrients. So if I say just see from this list and all you eat is berries and rice, well obviously you're missing your proteins and your fat. So hit your protein targets first.
Starting point is 00:37:57 The fats typically take care of themselves, then throw in your carbohydrates, eat from this list, and you should get some pretty phenomenal results. All right, look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out all of our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media.
Starting point is 00:38:15 So Justin is on Instagram at my pump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at my pump. And you can find me on Twitter at my pump. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, at Mind Pump Cell. 9 months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price.
Starting point is 00:39:02 The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 00:39:23 to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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