Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1861: How to Eat Healthy on a Budget, Ways to Eliminate Imbalances Between the Left & Right Side of the Body, the Best Time to Bulk & Cut & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: July 20, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: For building muscle, don’t try to MOVE weights rather FOCUS on challenging the muscle. (3:37) ...The DRAMATIC physical changes in Justin’s high school student-athletes! (16:34) Gentleminions versus Bronies, which is worse? (33:43) Is the TikTok algorithm different in China than in the US? (36:33) Twitter’s suspending spree explained. (40:34) RIP James Caan. (44:33) Are flat Earthers still a thing? (45:54) Cool new tech with Mind Pump. (50:37) Joe Biden, the pariah of the Democrat party. (52:50) The fascinating technology of cryogenic grinding. (56:04) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on how to prioritize physical health for someone on a tight budget? (1:00:27) #ListenerLive question #2 - How would you design training and nutrition around an active job that will be transitioning to a more sedentary lifestyle? (1:11:22) #ListenerLive question #3 - What kind of unilateral exercises, if necessary, would help balance out my physique? Can I incorporate these exercises with current Maps programs or is it something I must focus entirely on? (1:21:16) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any suggestions on how to transition my focus from bodybuilding to powerlifting? (1:27:24) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** July Promotion: RGB Bundle or MAPS Suspension 50% off! **Promo code JULY50 at checkout** The Importance of Time Under Tension for Building Muscle Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges To Build Muscle & Burn Fat Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony Joe Rogan explains why TikTok in China is ‘better’ than the US Twitter is ready for a legal battle to force Elon Musk to buy the company. Misery- Hobbling Scene (James Caan) Behind the Curve An army of micro-robots can wipe out dental plaque Spotify karaoke mode: Some users get new tool that judges how well you sing along to songs Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high Science | Caldera + Lab Oléo-Eco-Extraction Technology Video - Portuguese Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Mind Pump #1605: How To Get Jacked On A Budget MAPS Fitness Anywhere Suspension Trainer - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps To Determine Your Ideal Caloric Intake Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products MAPS Powerlift MAPS Fitness Prime Pro MAPS Symmetry MAPS Split MP Holistic Health MAPS Strong Equi.life is offering all Mind Pump listeners an at-home Minerals & Metals At-Home Lab Test for 50% off! Chris LiVolsi - Pro Bodybuilder, Pro Male Physique Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness)  Instagram An0maly (@dreamrare)  Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live caller's questions, but this was after a 57 minute introductory conversation. We talked about fitness, current events, our lives, studies, and much more.
Starting point is 00:00:28 By the way, you could check the show notes for time stamps. Click on a time stamp, fast forward to your favorite part. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this where we answer your question, live on air, email your question to live at mind pump media.com. This episode is brought to you by our sponsor, Legion. They're one of the premier supplement companies for athletic performance, muscle building, and fat loss. Great supplements.
Starting point is 00:00:52 One of our favorites is their way protein. There's no artificial sweeteners in there. It's high quality, easy to digest, tastes really good. They'll have a really good pre-workout. It's actually one of the top selling pre-workout powders on Amazon. It's called Pulse. Go check this company out.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And if you use our link, which is buylegion.com, that's BY-L-E-G-I-O-N.com forward slash MindPump. If you use that link and then use the code MindPump and you're a first time buyer, you'll get 20% off. If you're a return customer, you get double rewards points. This episode is also brought to you by Caldera Lab. They make quality, extremely effective skin care products, like a serum that really improves
Starting point is 00:01:29 the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles, reduces inflammation. It's really, really good stuff. We all use it here in the studio if you're wondering why we look so damn good. It's because of Caldera. Anyway, go to their link that I give you now and then use our code. You'll get a discount. So the link is calderalab.com that's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com-foresashmimePump and then use the code minePump and get 20% off your order of the good serum. Also all month long we're running a sale on a workout program bundle.
Starting point is 00:02:00 So it's multiple workout programs and we have an individual workout program on sale as well. So let's start with the bundle. It's the RGB bundle. This includes maps and a ball, maps performance, maps aesthetic. If you follow them all together, it's nine months of workouts planned for you with exercises, sets, reps, demos, the whole deal.
Starting point is 00:02:21 In that bundle, we're also throwing in kettlebell for aesthetics, the sexy athlete modification, and the butt builder blueprint. So that whole thing is 50% off. Now if you just want one program, our single program that's on sale is Maps Suspension. This is a suspension trainer workout program. All you need are suspension trainers and you can train your entire body, build muscle, burn body fat, sculpt your body.
Starting point is 00:02:43 That's also 50% off. If you're interested in either one, or you want to look at other workout programs, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com, but then use the code, July 50 for the 50% off discount off the RGB bundle and off of maps suspension. All right, here comes the show. Oh!
Starting point is 00:03:01 Teacher time! And it's teacher time! Ah! Shit, Doug, you know it's my favorite time of the week. It always is. We have four winners this week, two for Apple podcasts and two for Facebook. The Apple podcast winners are Shelby, he, he, Mary Allen, 065. And for Facebook, we have Alyssa Tomala and Melissa Lewis. All four of you are winners. And the name I just read to iTunes at mind.media.com include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. You said that wrong, it's Shelby. Here's a muscle building
Starting point is 00:03:38 tip. Don't try to move the weights. Rather focus on challenging the muscle. This was actually told to us by a good friend, Ben Pekolsky, very smart guy, bodybuilder knows what he's talking about. And I agree, I agree. I think that's a very good tactic when it comes. I love that piece of advice, but you have to break that down a little bit, what does that mean and why is that important
Starting point is 00:03:59 for certain people that are focused? Why are the people that are focused, and I think this tip comes from somebody who's really focused on trying to sculpt the body, build muscle. That's their priority. Bodybuilders are experts at this, right? Now, this doesn't mean that trying to just move the weight doesn't also build muscle. It does, getting stronger generally does help build muscle.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But this is really, really muscle building focused. Bodybuilders are excellent at this, where they'll take a weight, and let's say it's a weight they could do 20 reps with. They'll be able to get 10 reps with that weight and make it feel like that 10 reps is extremely intense. Just by focusing and concentrating on the target muscles, the squeeze and the stretch and you can do this and what's cool about this, especially as you become more advanced, is that it lowers the risk of resistance strength, right? So rather than continuing to add weight, at some point, it's probably smarter to try to make the weight feel
Starting point is 00:04:51 heavier. And your body really doesn't know the difference if you do this the right way. Well, it also makes a huge difference when you're trying to sculpt a physique and you're working on specific body parts, right? So if I get a client to understand that, and let's say a client comes to me and they
Starting point is 00:05:05 really want to develop their chest. Yeah. And that's a primary focus. And maybe they have great delts already and great arms already. And it's just like that, man, I have this lagging chest and I really want to focus on that. This is where this piece of information becomes really valuable, especially when performing a movement like a bench press, which is a compound lift that you've got shoulders and triceps. You've got all these other muscles that are involved in that movement. And if for most of your life, you were just trying to get stronger and lift more weight, lift more weight. Well, then your body's in a move in a manner in order to just get that way up, whether that be using momentum or you're using all your other secondary muscles to help it out. And you see this sometimes,
Starting point is 00:05:42 sometimes I used to be able to see it in a guy who I would see bench presses really well. And then he had these massive delts and triceps within a kind of a weak looking chest. Like that right away to me is a red flag that when that guy lifts, he's just trying to get that weight up as much as he can. And he's allowing those secondary muscles to take over a lot of the movement
Starting point is 00:05:59 instead of thinking about the muscle we're trying to develop in that exercise and trying to make in that exercise and trying to make it challenging for the chest. And what that requires you to do many times and why it's hard for people is to lower the weight, is to drop the weight down and then make it feel heavy and target that muscle. That's right. And focus on squeezing that muscle and fatiguing that muscle during the movement versus,
Starting point is 00:06:22 I know I can do another 25 pounds. Yeah, the problem is when you start getting up closer to your max load, it's harder to stay focused on a specific muscle and said the body just wants to get the weight up. And so I love that piece of it. Totally. I mean, if you're, let's say you're trying to build your glutes and your squat weight continues to go up, your glutes really aren't developing, but your quads continue to develop. You don't want to keep adding weight because what you're doing is you're going to continue
Starting point is 00:06:47 to use this, whatever this recruitment pattern is that you've developed. That's effective. It's effective at lifting heavy weight, but it's not developing the muscles that you really want. And like you said, you lower the weight, change your technique, change the feel, focus on what the glutes do during the squat. The glutes are hip extension. What does that feel like? How can I squeeze the glutes? during the squat. Well, the glutes are hip extension. What does that feel like?
Starting point is 00:07:06 How can I squeeze the glutes? How can I make this more of a glute exercise? And that often means you have to go lighter. Usually, I'd say, 90% of the time, it means you go lighter, but then make the weight feel heavier. And bodybuilders are so good at this. They're so good.
Starting point is 00:07:18 When you watch a really good bodybuilder train, that's what they're doing. And oftentimes, people look at bodybuilders, really experienced ones and they go, you know, that guy's 260 pounds and he's benching like 200 pounds. Like, how's that, as that makes sense, he must be really weak. Well, no, he's just really good
Starting point is 00:07:35 and making 200 pounds. He's real good at mind, muscle, connection. Yeah, like the whole time under tension is a completely different mindset. And it's something that's, it's cool that we have the ability to completely shift the variable and make something more challenging by just,
Starting point is 00:07:52 you know, like focusing more exclusively on which muscles can I feel firing off more? And how can I really, you know, get even like more hyper focus in that direction versus just moving away and trying to get through the exercise. Can I really grind my way through this and intensify it further? And it's a cool thing that we have the ability to do that
Starting point is 00:08:15 in contrast to just, you know, really just focusing on getting through the movement. Now in a perfect world to the point that you were also making is you have the ability to do both. Yes. Right? So in a perfect world, now what ends up happening for most people is you tend to be one or the other.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I'm going to use Justin and I as an example because I think in our 20s when we were lifting together, we're a perfect example of being the polar opposite here. I was the body builder guy who was moving the lighter way, really, really good at the mind musk, Justin was really good at the mind muscle. Justin was incredibly good at organizing his entire body to move more weight. So he was much stronger than I was on things like the bench press, but the way we move the weight
Starting point is 00:08:53 was so different. And what you tend to do is, or what a lot of clients do, especially, this is even experienced lifters that have been lifting for five, six, 10 years, is they stick to a way of lifting always. If you identified more as the bodybuilder guy, like me, you always kind of lift that way. And I never lifted like a strong man.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I never tried to do a squat or a bench press and just move as much weight. I always moved it like a bodybuilder. And someone like Justin would probably admit that for most of his career, he just tried to move it like an athlete. Just move as much weight as possible, never really moved it like a bodybuilder, but there's tremendous value in making that crossover and learning how to do both and then actually integrating that into your programming on depending on which way. What I noticed with that was just how to make those micro adjustments because I was more
Starting point is 00:09:40 connected to muscles that were involved in the left where you know, if there's any kind of a shift, any lateral shift, any kind of twisting, whatever, I could correct and actually get connected to the muscles that will help stabilize and make my lift more effective and efficient in that vertical line. So, at least from a technical perspective, being able to have access and control of your muscles more. I feel like that really helped enhance. Oh, yeah. The value, there's value in each, right?
Starting point is 00:10:09 The value in learning how to move more weight is you become very efficient with your movement. You can transfer your strength in a real way. You've got really good functional carryover to the real world because when you're lifting a couch, moving something, you're wrestling with your kids or whatever, you're not thinking biceps, triceps, shoulders, you're just moving, right? So there's lots of carryover, right? Now, what's the value in connecting the muscles?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Well, you can develop target muscles. You can avoid imbalances. The risk factor for injuries real low. Like, here's one thing that I'll say all day long. And, you know, people can try arguing this, but it's totally true. Forget all everything else I just said, the person who trains to feel muscles, they've got incredible longevity with their training. You see guys like this
Starting point is 00:10:53 train 70s, 80s, 90s, never really hurt themselves, always develop a nice looking physique and don't really they have a low risk of injury because they're really focused on feeling the muscle. Whereas the person that's crazy damaging on the joints. Yes, the person trying to move person that's crazy damaging on the joints. Yes, the person trying to move as much way as possible to higher risk. So there's that, right? But then there's that, the carryover of the functionality. But it is funny when I would train a athlete in the gym versus when I would train
Starting point is 00:11:18 at somebody who's always done bodybuilding. Like, you ever try to get a bodybuilder style of, you know, person or whatever. You ever get them to try and do like a kettlebell swing or a clean with a barbell? building. Like you ever try to get a bodybuilder style of, you know, person or whatever, you ever get them to try and do like a kettlebell swing or a clean with a barbell? You get squat shoulder raise. It's so weird, right? It's like you could tell that their muscles are working like one after another after another. It's all right. Segmented, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah, or you try to get like an athlete to row in a way to where we're going to get the rhomboids or let's get the laughs really involved or Slow down your pull up or your curls. Let's really focus on this, you know, the squeeze Yes, right? So it's it is really like remember when we all worked out with Ben Pekolsky He's obviously this guy's like he's bodybuilder extraordinaire He's an expert on on mind muscle connection, okay? And it was funny because we all worked out with him and it was was so as a three of us, and Ben's kind of taking this through the workout. It was really fun.
Starting point is 00:12:06 But he kept going back to Justin to changing his form. He's just like, oh, just irritated him. You know what I'm like, I'm sorry, Ben, you know? It's not like you guys. Yeah, but it was, yeah, it was difficult for me to get into that mindset. Because it's just, again, that's a totally different skill than obviously he's mastered at the highest level.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yeah, but what I appreciate about you admitting that and talking about that is look how advanced of a lifter you are in experience and you have the knowledge to understand the value both, but then also that just highlights how much we all tend to gravitate towards a way of training and there's so much value in learning to be both of these guys, learning how to switch that mindset over,
Starting point is 00:12:47 I'm gonna train while like a bodybuilder, I'm gonna move the way where I'm not thinking about moving the way, I'm thinking about challenging the muscle and that's how I'm going to train and that, you know, for the listeners that own several of our programs and stuff, this is really the difference of how you lift when you're following Maps Power Lift
Starting point is 00:13:03 versus how you lift when you're following Maps Estetic. If you are following Maps Power Lift, your mind shifts over into being like someone who's trying to move as much weight. Look at that chest day on Maps Power Lift. That's right. It's bench press. Exactly. And that's what you want to be thinking like.
Starting point is 00:13:17 When you're working in our Maps Estetic, our Maps Split program, which is more bodybuilder focus, you're trying to challenge the muscle. And so when you choose your weights for those programs, you should have that thought presses in mind when you're going totally. For me, it's when I do the low rep sets. So like fewer exercises, higher sets and lower reps. In other words, instead of doing like three exercises
Starting point is 00:13:40 for shoulders and my rep range being 10 to 15, I'm doing like one, so it's all overhead press, and I'm doing like sets of two reps or three reps. When I'm doing the low reps like that, I am not focusing on feeling the shoulders. It's all about moving the way. It's all about maximizing movement efficiency. When I go into 10, 12, 15,
Starting point is 00:13:59 especially 15 plus reps, it's not about movement efficiency for me at least. That's when I'm really trying to focus and squeeze the muscle. Now, I, in the past, would tend to move towards more movement than muscle, because I'm almost in the middle with what I appreciate, but I probably, I lean more towards strength. I think I enjoy that little more.
Starting point is 00:14:17 As I've gotten older though, I've appreciated more of feeling the muscle. Why? Lower risk. Just as I'm 43 now, I've been working out for a long time. Consistently pulling and pushing super heavy weight all the muscle. Why? Lower risk. Just is. I'm 43 now. I've been working out for a long time. Consistently pulling and pushing super heavy weight all the time. I start to feel it. Well, and because of that advice, I'm going to challenge what you just said. Because I do agree, though, I think what you just said is very good general advice for somebody. When you're moving the lower rep range, that's general good advice. But that being said, to the point you just made
Starting point is 00:14:44 right now, as you get older, you start to realize like, man, just try to move heavy weight sometimes. Well, that's one of my joints. So there's a lot of value in even doing low reps but thinking like a bodybuilder. You're right, that just takes so much more skill. And discipline to lower their weight. Because a guy like you knows he can get
Starting point is 00:15:00 onto the bar right now and squat 450 and you want to move, and you're like today, so heavy day, I'm moving triples. Or I could do two really controlled, slow reps. 225, but two 75, and you don't want to do that, because it gets your ego messes with you a little bit, but yet there's ton of value, and you actually, and by the way, because the muscle doesn't recognize
Starting point is 00:15:20 it's 275 or 4050, it recognizes the intensity that you're taking towards it. You can bring that same 450 pound intensity with 275. So that is in a sense, I think still valuable to train that way sometimes. I think the biggest key takeaway for most listeners is understanding that whether you believe it or not,
Starting point is 00:15:42 you probably identify with one group more than the other and learning to move into the other mindset and learn how to do that, train that way. I think we'll provide you tremendous value. Here's a little trainer trick that I used to do all the time, or trainer hack. If I got a client and their goal was change the way I look, I was the main goal, change my aesthetics, my composition,
Starting point is 00:16:04 and I looked at their old workouts I just do the opposite. So, and this usually looked like for female clients focusing on just moving the way because they usually didn't do it that way. And it would below their minds, I'll help much their bodies change. Or if they always train that way, oh, I was an athlete, I like to do athletic type workouts, am I okay, we're gonna do some bodybuilding for two or three months. And it was just a trainer trick because I could show them in two or three months, dramatic changes in their body. So the value is there, there's value in both. I definitely think everybody should do both.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Well speaking of dramatic changes and things that I've seen. And to all these points that we're bringing up, like this is what I've been really trying to incorporate in programming in this whole entire process in January with these high school kids. I was just looking around the other day. We shifted from that whole five by five to doing isometrics to doing more hypertrophy
Starting point is 00:16:57 focuses of late with supersets. Now we're back into sets of three. The kids are really responding right now to this heavyweight training and lifting. And I was talking to a few of the coaches and they were looking around. They're like, do you see Malcolm? Do you see Arnham?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Do you see some of these kids are looking beefy. And I was asking them, since January, I was asking two of the kids and like, how much weight have you gained? And there's been at least seven or eight kids now that have gained like 15 to even 30 pounds. What? Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah, since January? Since January. Bro, that's so rad. Which I was like, I don't know. I was tripping out on that when I was done because it was like, you know how it is when you're just in it and you're just trying to stress the force. Of course.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And you know, and like stay ahead of everything and make sure, like I kept stressing the fact that we needed like really just focus on protein and like getting after it in terms of like feeding your body because I've been putting all this demand on it and, you know, the rest recovery. So I've even reduced from three days a week down to two and then skills training all in between. And so it was like, I didn't know if that was a good shift, transition.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And so it was cool to see that like, you know, bro, that is how old are these kids? Are they 16, 15, 16, 16? Yeah, because it spans, because we even had since, I think it was in the May, June, we had the eighth graders come down now because
Starting point is 00:18:26 they're going to be freshmen and so it was like I was starting over with them and then comboing it with the guys that were like more advanced. The guys that gained like 15, 20, 30 pounds, how old are they? Yeah, so these were all the the sophomore to seniors. So yeah, you have like anywhere from 16, like 15 to 18. Bro, okay, people may not realize, that's a big deal. Like, they gain 20 pounds of, this is very visible.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And it's mostly lean body mass, I'm, I'm, I'm, yeah. Mostly, I mean, of course, like, they're probably, you gain some body fat with that. I'm not gonna say it's all lean, but it's, it's, at least to, to gain that kind of substantial mass, we're like, they, and they do have, Is there strength going through the room? The strength, the strength is reflection of that.
Starting point is 00:19:04 So it's not like it's just mass that they're just slapping on. That's useless. And so this challenges with training kids at that age because at that age, your metabolism is so ridiculous. But also, your hormones work for you. So you gotta feed the hell out of yourself. And you also have newbie gains.
Starting point is 00:19:20 So they have like two things that are working for you. But I mean, do 20 pounds, do they have the muscle or mostly muscle 30 pounds since January's insane. Yeah, I mean they're at the peak of their You know their testosterone. I mean they're in that like bubble, you know But but to be able to maintain and get the benefit of that Dude, it's so eat it was so cool is that you've given them these things at that age like I Mean they're gonna think they're gonna talk about you. It's been a decade spinning my wheels, at least,
Starting point is 00:19:48 as a young kid. Bro, these kids are gonna be dads one day and they're gonna talk about coach Andrews. Oh, yeah, I remember in high school and he'd helped us and had me eat more food and lift and I could put on 20, like that's life changing shit. Are they supplementing too? Are you having them take protein powder?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Protein and protein powder. And really, because some of them, I mean, they kept asking me for good source. And this and that, I've gone through, you know, like kind of coaching them through that tour. I even just, I went to the back and I grabbed a bunch of the Legion bottles of way protein. And I brought that to a few of the players
Starting point is 00:20:22 who've been just consistently getting after it. And I'm like, you know, I just want to keep like feeling this. Bro, I told you that's what I would totally reward the guys that are like doing the work. Yeah, so the other guys could see that. That's what I did. Oh, yeah. In front of every morning, I'm like, he's been, you know, really consistent. I would have loved to use my coach.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Yeah. He gave me a protein. He gets so excited about it too. Yeah, because he's like, wow, I can't believe how delicious this is. And it doesn't give me all the gas and all that. And I'm like, that's what I noticed the most was just it's more digestible than the shit we used to have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:54 You know, grown up. I think he started on that. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. So, so you're giving them way protein, and then are they just using it by itself, or are they making shakes with it? How are they using it? Yeah, so they're making shakes in comp, but for the most part, I got buying from their parents to get more ground meat, and make sure that the majority of their plates
Starting point is 00:21:17 that they're eating every single meal is, you know, that meat focus, and then in between, they're taking their shakes. So you're taking them and doing all the work. They're becoming like boys to men. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah. So we saw a little bit of that because we did a seven on seven,
Starting point is 00:21:33 kind of a little tournament for the first time the other night. And it was like, it was cool to watch them run around and be competitive with their new like jack bodies. So it was, it was fun to see. We'll see how it goes once we put pads on, certainly in the hammer on people. That's so awesome. I gained 17 pounds, I think almost 17 pounds,
Starting point is 00:21:53 sophomore to junior year, and I was really dedicated to doing that. And I remember going back to school, and then of course you get comments and the girls noticed. So that was my window too. Yeah, I was not me at all. It was like a grind for me all the way into my,
Starting point is 00:22:05 like I would say like early 20. Well, you had a personal train. Yeah, but you had a growth spur late, right? Cause you were so bored. Yeah, I was so bored. And you got tall, hell of a once. And I was still growing all the way into my 20s. Like I didn't stop really growing until about 21.
Starting point is 00:22:17 When did you have your height growth spur? Junior to senior year. Okay. Yeah, I mean, I was a, remember I was a point guard freshman year, five three. So it's five three is a freshman. Oh, you had a little good point guard too, yeah. mean, I was a, remember I was a point guard freshman year, five three. So it's five three is a freshman. Oh, you were a little good point guard too, yeah. Yeah, I was a point guard.
Starting point is 00:22:29 So it's five, I was a point guard in middle school and in first year freshman. You were five three up until you were junior or no, then you grew a little bit. Yeah, I probably grew like an answer to, but then I really shot up to six foot when my senior year. Five inches?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah. Oh my God. A huge, I had a summer where I grew a ton. I get... Were you, did you feel awkward? Yeah, I did. So I used to play soccer and part of why I stopped playing soccer was my body awareness changed. I also... I was like, you took your soul and plugged it into a new mouth.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I also had like a little bit of a gap of playing like what? Unfortunately, where I was living before, they didn't have a soccer team. So soccer was actually my original sport So as a kid I played over seven years of soccer and then I had a little bit of a gap where I didn't I didn't play and then I played and it also happened Like during a growth spurt time in my life and Boy, I just I was like a giraffe like a baby giraffe out there. I just did not feel and it was really it was actually a weird thing for me because I was really good. I was really good at soccer. I was better at soccer than I was basketball
Starting point is 00:23:28 when I was really young. And I just, I had lost that. Luckily, I was able to, I stayed consistent with basketball during that cross-pert. So the transition of the new body was less dramatic. So it actually benefited me in basketball. Basketball, I became a big man, a power forward, or even a small forward towards my junior year
Starting point is 00:23:48 that could handle the ball. So I could handle the ball as a point guard, and then I got taller, and so then I had, so it actually benefited me as I got older and back. So I had my growth spread early. I was 5'11 as a freshman, and then I got up to six foot. So I only gave me... We were 5'11 as a freshman?
Starting point is 00:24:04 Yeah, so I got so much bigger than me as a freshman. And then I got up to six foot. So I only gave you a five 11 as a freshman. Yeah, so I got so much bigger than me as a freshman. I was tall, but I was 135 pounds, so about 135. Then I got up to 165, like right around sophomore year and then sophomore or junior years when I got up to like 195. Or from sophomore to, so you went to 195. Yeah, sophomore to senior, I got up to 195, I think, or 190 is one of my body weight. Then I got over 200 like 195 or from sophomore to, so you went to 195. Yeah, sophomore to senior, I got up to 195, I think, or 190 is one of my body weight. Then I got over 200 in my 20.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But I mean, I was obsessed in, I didn't even see, I didn't even see, I remember breaking 180 pounds was a big deal to me and that was in my 20s. Wow. So I was already over six, I was six three at that time. So I was, I was 183 pounds. I think when I started as a trainer and I was six three. And I think a man one it was a creep to 190. It was a creep. I really didn't learn to be able to really
Starting point is 00:24:53 fluctuate my weight up and down until I am my late. Now when did you figure out the like? Oh, I'm not eating. I'm not eating enough. 20s. Yeah, mid 20 like 20, between 23 and 25 range. That's playing basketball, like even recreation basketball, even when I stopped playing organized ball, I love the game so much. I played every day. So you're just burning shit tons of calories
Starting point is 00:25:14 and you're probably like, oh yeah, to sandwich. Yeah, and I was doing like basketball every day in the gym and working out. And then on the weekends, I was doing things like snowboarding, wakeboarding, like see, I, because I was so obsessed about lifting weights or whatever, I'd read articles and books and they were like, you gotta eat more, you gotta eat more.
Starting point is 00:25:30 So I was just pounding. I thought I was. So I was doing the same thing too, but just imagine the amount of calories I was burning. And so I just was, and on top of that, my intensity I was training, because I was that guy who was just hammering the shit at a hurry, muscle group like crazy. And I was eating, well, I eat it, but I was training because I was that guy who was just hammering the shit at a very muscle group like crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And I was eating it, but I was not. I remember an article, specific article. I think it was an Ironman magazine and literally the guy in their row, if you're, I don't care how much it was like it was like a paragraph first couple sentences that I don't care how much you think you're eating. If you're not gaining weight, it's not enough. And I went crazy. I'm like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I'm adding a weight gainer shake to every meal. I'm drinking a gallon of milk every day. I'm gonna make a chicken breast tuna fish shake, which I want him to get a wake up. Oh, I did all that. I have memories of having dinner with my family and then sitting down 20 minutes later after dinner and having a gainer shake with a peanut butter and jelly
Starting point is 00:26:21 and taking a bite of the peanut butter jelly. Just washing it down. Washed it down. Me a lot of that noise and like taking a bite of the peanut butter jelly. Just a minute. Wash it down. Wash it down. And the amount of that noise. Yeah. Like this over the table, you know, I was like, oh, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Send the alarms at two in the morning and have a mileplex shake that I would pal. I got trouble because, you know, I would buy, I worked young, I was really young, I was like 15, maybe 14, when I started working. And I'd buy supplements on my own, which in my mom was always like, you're not allowed to take supplements. So I'd buy them and she wouldn't see them at high, I was like 15, maybe 14, and I started working. And I'd buy supplements on my own, which in my mom was always like, you're not allowed to take supplements,
Starting point is 00:26:47 so I'd buy them and she wouldn't see them at high, I'm whatever. And every once in a while, she'd see me make a shake, but I got in trouble once because she would try to talk to me while I was trying to pound this shake in this blender. And I couldn't talk because I'd throw up. Like I'm so like at the limit, right?
Starting point is 00:27:03 So I'm like doing this and I'm like, you know, breathing sweating a little bit. Yeah, sweating and she kept trying to talk to throw up. Like I'm so like at the limit, right? So I'm like doing this and I'm like, you know, breathing sweating a little bit. Sweating and she kept trying to talk to me and I was like, mom, I can't talk right now and then she got really mad at me. Oh, you're forced me to yourself. I just got pissed off through my shake away and I had another one in my closet.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Like, oh man, that sucks, mom. You're gonna stop my gaze. I mean, I didn't realize you guys had that much success that early on. I mean, because to me,, a kid having success like that, that's got to feel really good. I struggled forever. I just didn't, I feel like I couldn't unlock.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I was in the wrong place. I was like 20 pounds when my, it was going into my junior year. Yeah, so it was like, I was like 165, then 185, my later junior to senior year. And I was like, well, I was like 510 something up Do you get stretched? I got stretched marks. Yeah, stretch mark my chest dude my legs. Yeah Yeah, I got all that to it and come into my 20s
Starting point is 00:27:52 Didn't happen to a lot of fact I used to use in personal Now when you guys proud of your stretch, I was always oh Stretch more of course. Yeah, of course. I was super proud of them when I was a kid So I used to use I I had this picture of, so after we graduated high school, we all did this Hawaii trip, and I had this picture I used to keep in my presentation binder when I was selling clients training.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And it was a picture of me drawing off, and so I must have been, let's see here, I'm 20, so I had to have been like 165 or between 165 and under 180, because before I was a trainer, and I'm drawing off, you can see my rib cage completely. And so I used that as like where I, and then I was like at 180 something as a trainer, like of my transformation, and still even then,
Starting point is 00:28:34 I mean, that was in that much, but it was a big deal to me that I had actually finally moved that much. Yeah, I want to be, I mean, I want to be clear too, like all the stuff I'm saying that I did, or whatever, is not what I recommend. It was nothing out of that was healthy. It was definitely rooted in insecurities.
Starting point is 00:28:48 It did take me a long time to kind of work through that or whatever. And then obviously my passion, love for fitness and health is connected really to people. I really love working with people. Well, this also, go ahead, sorry. No, I was just going to say I had an experience of that today. So today, you guys know I go to club sport and I'm working out there sometimes and I'm working out and there's this older guy. So he's got to be in his 60s, mustache,
Starting point is 00:29:11 kind of overweight a little bit, but I see he's there every time I'm there, he's there. And this time I saw him and he's got one of those, it's not a wheelchair, but you know, when you get like surgery on like your ankle or something, you have that little like kind of push cart thing where you're your knee on. And I'm watching him go from machine to machine
Starting point is 00:29:27 and exercise and then I see him go in the sauna and I see him all the time. But now here's a deal, I don't talk to anybody, I'm pretty unapproachable. When I work out, I know I have a look on my face that probably says don't talk to me or whatever. But anyway, after that we're in the steam room and then he starts kind of talking to me.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And at this point, I'm so impressed with the guy that I always see him, I was actually thinking, this guy's always here. So I of talking to me. And at this point, I'm so impressed with the guy that I always see him, I was actually thinking, like, man, this guy's always here. So I start talking to him. I'm like, man, I see him here all the time. He goes, oh yeah, he goes, I do this all the time. It's really good for me and whatever. And he goes, I just had Achilles tendon surgery
Starting point is 00:29:56 because I hurt my Achilles. Like, really, and you're still working out. He goes, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I said, I noticed you training your other leg. You know, that's kind of counterintuitive. Why are you doing that? He goes, well, I just feel like I feel better. I said, did you you training your other leg. You know, that's kind of counterintuitive. Why are you doing that? It goes, well, I just feel like I feel better. I said, did you know that you're reducing the amount
Starting point is 00:30:08 of strength and muscle you're gonna lose and the leg that you operate on? He's like, I didn't know that. So I have this whole conversation about rehab and training, but I see this guy and he doesn't look like he's a rip or anything like that. He's just an older guy. Super consistent though.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And he does it every day for himself. And I felt so, it was so cool to talk to somebody like that And anyways name is Jim if he's listen I told him listen to podcast really cool guy Anyway, go ahead no back to what you we were saying about the mistakes that we made as as kids and so I thought and like And you're not advocating for anyone doing that You know the cool part today and in this highlights what why I like all the tools that we have that we didn't have access to Like part of my like big aha moments was like finding out how much I was burning and this highlights why I like all the tools that we have that we didn't have access to. Like part of my big, uh-huh moments was like finding out
Starting point is 00:30:48 how much I was burning. Like I had no concept of that. Like we didn't have any of these tools, we didn't have Fitbit, we didn't have Bodybug. You remember your first certification and leaving being like, oh, shit. Yeah, we had everything wrong. We had no, we had none of this stuff to kind of get,
Starting point is 00:31:02 at least get an idea. And it was, Body bug was one of the first huge pivotal moments to me when it came to nutrition. And it wasn't like I learned something about macros, I just learned about how my body was burning. And let's say the thing is off by 20% didn't matter. It was like, holy shit, I am burning way more than I'm consuming.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And then we didn't have apps to track. So for me to be really consistent and to be really precise about like I had to write everything down and like a journal and then go back and check. And so, you know, I did that. But like man, to do that all the time was so laborious. Where now you have this app where it's like you finish typing finished typing chicken it already populates for you. It's like so easy to get a good idea of how many calories you're consuming, how much protein you're actually in taking in relation to how much is your body burning on a regular basis? What days are your high days of burning?
Starting point is 00:31:52 What days I mean that that information for me was so enlightening that it completely changed the way and that was what really took me off on really being able to manipulate my weight and build muscle or lean out was just having an idea. I think it's still challenging today to get good information, but there's so much more, so many more options. Whereas when I was young, there weren't very many options and all the options were bad, all of them. It was like, where am I going to learn? Flex magazine, muscle and fitness, Ironman Magazine, and then the big guy in the gym.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And there really was nowhere else, right? I'd go to the library and I'd try to look up obscure studies, which, you know, try reading those as a 16 year old kid. It was like learning how to read, you know, I heard, like, what's Bo Jackson doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I can be dealing with Bo Jackson doing that. Oh, dude, speaking of the gym, here's, okay, so I just talked about something really
Starting point is 00:32:42 cool. Here's something a little mean, but whatever is hilarious. I see this guy working out on the assisted pull up machine and he does some reps, you know, and then he moves the pin down, adds more weight and he does more reps and he adds more weight and I'm standing behind him and waiting, like, can you mind if I jump in?
Starting point is 00:32:59 And he goes, yeah, he goes, it's really crazy. He goes, the more weight I put on this, I just feel strong. It's just, what a God. It's just, what a God. It's just, what a God. weight I put on this I just feel strong I said well, you know that's the weight that's lifting you After he said that I said no wonder he was so proud he's in the whole staff Oh
Starting point is 00:33:16 Things get easier bro. I can do the whole step lifts you I sort of got You True God First time working out so I kind of we I get old and oh and then it's a dad and then he laughed afterwards like oh, I was so confused I'm killing it. Yeah, it's your first time working out. You do the whole stack on this machine Only it works like that Awesome, I know dude. It's that tail and put it you know you brought up the other day I wanted to tell you that I actually I came across it after you said you brought up the all the teenage boys doing the going to see minions.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Yeah. So what's the deal? Okay. So first of all, it's called gentle minions. It's a viral TikTok thing. Teenage boys. Sorry. Now, what's fascinating about it when I thought was so interesting, aside from it being like
Starting point is 00:34:02 a silly TikTok thing that's gone viral, is that the, so I saw all the stats and I don't remember them to be precise, but it doesn't matter. I don't need them for my point. The, this, one of the smallest demographics of people that go watch the other minion shows are teenage boys. And so they have blown this thing up
Starting point is 00:34:21 because they have, it's become a viral thing for teenage boys to go get suited up, go do it And then they video themselves on TikTok and then it's who would have guessed and it's now created a whole new genre of The like the what was in the past the one of the smallest pool of people that were watching those shows So in the past it was like younger kids and then like parents. Yeah, teenage boys. It's better than pony boys My little pony creeps. Oh, that was a thing. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:50 These are men that grown men, I didn't know those. They loved my little pony so much. Yeah, grown men. Yeah. They called themselves pony boys. That was a thing? Yes, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I did not know that. Oh, Doug, look at a, Oh, my. Can I tell you something right now? It was like slightly like a sexual thing. Yeah, yeah, dude. I did not know that. Oh, Doug, look at a whole new mind. Can I tell you something right now? It was like slightly like a sexual thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me you're not a freaking creep without telling me you're a creep, right?
Starting point is 00:35:11 It's weird. I did not know that. Yeah, they're like infatuated. I like to need you. I like to need you. I like to work diapers at home when I was looking. Yeah, exactly. Well, you know, this also brings up another thing
Starting point is 00:35:21 that I came across that I don't know if it's true or not. And so I don't know if you guys can fact check Me or maybe Doug can so I was watching an interview that Andrew Schultz the comedian that we all like was doing Broney's broney I can pull it up. I think I have heard broney's I've heard that as a slide. I've heard someone call someone a brony you fucking brony Oh, so that's where that comes from bro. They dress up like their favorite my little pony. Yeah, they that's where the term comes a brony. You fucking brony. So that's where that comes from? Bro, they dress up like their favorite, my little pony. Yeah. That's where the term comes from, brony.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yes. I did not know that's what that is. I've heard that as a slide. Look. Oh. Wow. It is special. This is the first time I have ever heard this.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I know who I feel bad for. Wow. Can I just say this right now? You know about this, Kyle? I feel bad for you. Can I tell you who I feel bad for? We'll feel bad for women. The pool of men that you can this right now? Can I just say this right now? You know about this Kyle? I did not know about that. Can I tell you who I feel bad for? We'll feel bad for women. The pool of men that you can date right now.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah. Like, if you're a guy, and you're not a brony or a weirdo, like you can probably score like pretty, a crack in the middle. Like, how do you get high ranked girls now? That is really, really weird, and I had no idea that. I don't, and I have heard people call somebody
Starting point is 00:36:24 a brony before. It's special. I'm gonna bring it. And I have heard people call somebody a brony before. It's special. I'm gonna bring it back. I'm still gonna call some people brony's. So good to use that. Now that I know what it is. So anyways, Andrew Schultz thing. So I'm watching it and we're talking about,
Starting point is 00:36:37 he's talking about TikTok. Is this true, okay? He says that TikTok, the algorithm is different in China than the algorithm in the United States. True. Can you fact check that? That's true. Because I've already checked it. You know, it's through Rogan. So again, I'm just going off of what Rogan is saying. But he says it's true. According to him, there's, you know, TikTok is actually not the same. No, I bought. Okay. By the way, what's the name for the one in China? I'm looking for it right now.
Starting point is 00:37:06 It's boy. So while you're looking for. Go in, what is it? Go in, go in. Go in, go in. So what he says, okay, is that the algorithm in China, like it basically it populates the things that like the things that China wants their society
Starting point is 00:37:23 to like educate,, education and like like science, yeah, and war's achievements. Yes, like all these, and so it populates that for the audience. Over here, it's like, I ate four tide pods. No, that's when they cut it off and like, that's when he says here it's like stupid dancing, eating tide pods, destruction,
Starting point is 00:37:42 gentle minion bullshit. Afternoon, like dude, they've had challenges where they've just like, just like, blowing, bullshit. Backroom, like, dude, they've had challenges where they've just like, blowing up stuff. It's like total. Is that true? DeGenerate bullshit. According to Rogan, again, this is not fact checked.
Starting point is 00:37:52 He says China's version of TikTok celebrates academic achievements and athletic achievements. It's all science projects, all these different fascinating things. And he says they also have a youth mode, which features a limit for kids under 14, things shuts off after 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Listen, it's not just TikTok. All social media, movies, media, it's all filtered through the communist party of China. 100%. I mean, all the states, the rules, all the Instagram, what do you mean? Okay, okay, okay. I understand that one, it's own by China. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, mean? Okay, okay? Okay, okay? I understand that one it's own all of it. It's owned by China on a social credit
Starting point is 00:38:29 No, there's a difference with TikTok with TikTok the theory which I believe is there purposefully promoting Bad shit. Oh, that's my point. That's what with other media. They just filter it. Oh, you mean China does China Oh, yeah, yeah, no, I'm talking about US. I mean, I don't give a fuck what China does. They can do whatever they want to their society. I care about what's going on in our society. Oh, they're promoting stupid shit here. For sure. Dad's going to take that. That's the point. That's crazy. Look at the poppers. That's crazy to me. Is that like I know China filters what they want their their society to see from Instagram face. Well, have you ever seen the ads? Well, we just came out of Pride Month, right? Have you ever seen the ads that a company will do, like BMW's Pride Month ads here,
Starting point is 00:39:06 and the ones they do. And I was blown away by that. It was the guy, the guy that we follow that I like his content, which is, I think it's a anomaly, anomaly? Oh, I know, Tom, I'll, yeah. Anomaly, I think it is. This is Instagram.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yeah, I really like the stuff that he's been putting out for a long time. And he shared that, that blew my mind, where he pulled up, like you said, BMW and some of these big companies. And like all, if you go to their website, it's all got the flag and it's all pride, and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:39:33 But if you go to other countries, it's none of that. Nope, it's such bullshit. Like, talk about the ultimate virtue signal. That's why we're, where they're the, where, where gaze are least persecuted, you're, you're gonna put all that stuff up there where they are, you're not gonna put. Whether they're where where where gays are least persecuted, you're you're going to put all that stuff up there where they are, you're not going to put anything that they're to support them.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Well, I mean, look, like if people can't see through that, dude, like come on. It's not authentic. It's about money and it's about, yeah, just like contributing to what they think the culture is asking of them. Well, such a joke. I know. And now it's fake. But look, companies job a goal is to is to give the consumer what they want, make more money.
Starting point is 00:40:06 And if you, and they also have to go through governments in other countries. So like Disney will make a film like the light year one where they had, I believe, was a gay relationship in there that kind of made a big deal about it. They didn't air that in China or in the Middle East. They're not gonna air that. In fact, I think they banned that film
Starting point is 00:40:23 in some of those countries, specifically because they showed a same-sex couple in there. But here, of course, it's gonna go out. It's just the way I know. It's pretty great. Speaking of social media and stuff, Twitter right now, and I don't know if this is true for other social media platforms, but Twitter right now is going on a spree of suspending accounts.
Starting point is 00:40:43 And I want to call this out because I want people to pay attention. Before any major election, social media ramps up the accounts that they suspend. They ramp it up. Why, well, the argument is that their employees, they wanna kind of move the needle in one direction or another, but pay attention, right?
Starting point is 00:41:02 Before election season, they start to act very, very differently. There's a massive bias. Yeah, it's obvious. Yeah, and they do that. I mean, is that more correlation than it is causation? Oh, well, is it really just that? I mean, it's like, I mean, it is interesting. Cause they're always banning, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:41:17 There's never a time they're not banning. And really ramps up though. Yeah, you see it shift quite a bit during election season. I'd be interested to see how much that is. Bro, I got a, because back, okay, every two years there's elections going on. So, right, right, it's usually like the six months leading
Starting point is 00:41:32 into the election. And I would love to see some stats on like literally what you just said, six months to election, is it that dramatically different than just six months before that? Yeah, I believe so. You're right though,
Starting point is 00:41:43 we don't have numbers to show that because they hide and they guard their numbers. I mean, look what Twitter did when Elon demanded to see how many bots and what was going on. We can't tell you. We don't know what's going on. That went through. You know that, right? He's getting it, right? I don't know. Is he? Yeah. It all got you pull up Elon's purchase approved. Did you hear what he's with his little his comment about? Remember how it got just got revealed that he's got two more kids with another person that came out. And then he didn't say anything about it.
Starting point is 00:42:09 And then he said something like depopulation threads, threads the earth. So I'm just doing my part or something like that. Oh my God, I didn't know. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Great innovator.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Terrible dad. Come on, Brad. You gotta be, yeah, that's not. Does he really have like eight? Is it that many? Nine. His nine kids. Yeah, and I think it's with four women. Bro, he is.
Starting point is 00:42:30 He's the Sean Kimpotech. I mean, at least he's gonna financially take care of when we guys are billionaires, so you could have, you know, a hundred kids and they'll be fine. He's just probably not very involved. I'm actually surprised that he doesn't get more heat for that because I was unaware of that. I've never seen anybody post or talk about that very much and I feel like that's something that people would try and pick him apart for.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Well, I mean, he's like I said, he's an innovator, highly productive, but doesn't seem to be like a great dad. But then again, I don't know how he can balance what he does. How many leaders and professional athletes, you've seen the relationships, how many jobs have this kid? Exactly. So again, the judge people on that's a little, like what are we doing? Yeah, I know. So, Musk deal is not a sure thing here. It's not a proof.
Starting point is 00:43:13 No, it says it's in peril actually right now. This is 18 hours ago, it was. Yeah, that's what I thought. So why, why, why isn't it? Because I think they're not telling them the whole box. Yeah, and unfortunately it's the Washington Post. I'm looking at and they make me sign in in order to see their articles.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And I'm not going to do that. So with that devalue the stock, like if they found out that most, you know, a majority of what do you think would happen? Oh my God. I mean, that's right. If you win it, it's like, hey, 30% of the people on your fake. So then he'd be able to, would he be able to reduce his offer then? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:43:42 No, it's always what it is. But imagine, he could pull out though. Yes, he could. However, now they're threatening a suit if he pulls out because it could affect the stock price. It could affect lots of different things. They see. Yeah, but he, I mean, I mean, if, if, because they're held liable,
Starting point is 00:44:00 because those numbers are public, if they, if those numbers are wrong, they fall, they both can sue each other. and they can make it the pain you ask for. Eli, Eli, Elon wins that, though, for sure. If you, if the filing show that the company is this real and he finds out that 30% of the problem, I agree with you. Does the values based off of that? I agree with you, but I don't know how the supply, I don't know what the regulations look like. I don't know what that would look like in court. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:44:28 I think more than anything, just make it a pain-ass and kind of stretch it out, type of deal. You guys hear James Khan pass the way? Oh no. Yeah, the VD 82. Yeah, he was sunny in the Godfather and did a lot of, yeah, he just passed away, it's kind of sad. I just sat.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah, I liked it. He's in 007, too, right. Yeah, I like to I like to use a double seven to you. Yeah, I'm pretty sure and double. So was he done? I don't recall. What's that one movie with the woman who was his stalker? Goes, you're my favorite. I mean, I'm your biggest number one fan. You're a misery.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Misery. Yeah. Oh, wow. That was a great as a class. Hey, of all movies, the one scene that was the hardest for me to ever watch was the one in that movie. Wow, that was a great, it's classic. Hey, of all movies, the one scene that was the hardest for me to ever watch was the one in misery where she puts, she has this,
Starting point is 00:45:10 pushes down the, pushes down the, no, no, I love that scene. The hobbling thing. No, cause he gets in a car accident, spoiler alert, movies have been out for every field, watch it, it's the problem. He's an author, gets in a car accident, this woman saves him, she lives in the woods,
Starting point is 00:45:24 turns out she's like a stalker or a fan or whatever. And he realizes this and he's like, trying to heal because his legs are broken and he tries to escape. It's actually one of the few Stephen Kings that I really like. Yeah, and in what she does, because she doesn't want him to go away, because she wants him to write another book for her.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Is she takes his legs and puts a two by four between them. Remember this? And she fucking wax the side with a sledgehammer. Oh, the worst scene ever. Oh, that's the worst dude. Yeah, I can't handle that one. Anyway, really crazy. I just saw something that,
Starting point is 00:45:54 is there still flat authors? Is there still community that believes I'm using the internet? We thought the internet was gonna make everybody so. So I saw, well, I saw this, I saw this, I forget, I wish I could give the, the Instagram page. It's a really good Instagram page that I follow that I saw this, uh, this clip on. And I guess there was a Netflix documentary that flat earthers did that was called behind the curve or something like that. Oh, I think I saw this. And just were the guy he, he put together
Starting point is 00:46:23 this test and he disproved himself. Yeah, the look on his face. Yes So So basically one of the ways that you can you can tell it the earth is curved is there's this like light test laser Okay, yeah, cuz lasers perfectly straight right and so and you basically I you cut these holes out like these perfect Cylinder's out and you have these you know, I don't know, like, it's like one mile apart. Yeah, yeah. And then, and then you basically flash the light through.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And if the earth is flat, you should come straight through on the other side. And you could see it. And so they set that whole test up. And the dude's like, and they're talking to each other back and forth, like, all right, shine the light. I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:46:59 He's like, I don't see it. He's like, no, no, you shine it. I'm, I'm shining through it now. We'll raise it up. And he's like, he raises it up. And shining through it now. We'll raise it up. And you say he raises it up and then you see it, you have to divide it up. You'll look on his face, you don't say like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Lizard people changed my laser on man. I swear it's real. We thought the internet was gonna make people smarter. Oh, it didn't. It didn't get it all. It made a lot more dumb. No, I just showed you how easily we're manipulated and how bad we wanna be in groups. That's the power of documentaries I swear, I'm a lot more dumb. No, I just showed you how easily we're manipulated and how bad we wanna be in groups.
Starting point is 00:47:26 That's some power of documentaries, I swear, David. Like, in YouTube has mastered all this with like being really convincing with the kind of content they put together. And so people are just like, you know, they just like throw their brain in the garbage can, just let somebody else think for them. So let me ask you guys this.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Okay, so, you know, world superpowers have been doing counter siops or whatever on each other forever, right? Where they try to fuck with each other's populations. I wonder how much of that is pushed by other countries where they're like, you know what, let's put together some videos and make Americans believe that, you know, there's people that live underground that run the world or something like that, right? And they'll do that and then they'll that, you know, there's people that live underground that run the world or something like that, right?
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah. And they'll do that and then they'll have, you know, people commenting underneath that also and like I wonder how much of that happens. So, you tell me the whole QAnon thing isn't like, you know, orchestrated by, you know, one of the intelligence agencies to, you know, to manipulate and mess with that subcrackers.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So, when it comes to like these types of conspiracy theories, where I believe it is when there's lots of money to be had. That's where, like, I'm less of a conspiracy theorist of like someone trying to take over or manipulate for some bullshit reason or that they're just out to get somebody. This has happened though, and we've literally used that tactic
Starting point is 00:48:38 to overthrow government. Yeah, we have. So it's like, why wouldn't you think that would be applied to us? Yeah, well, no, that's it. So I'm saying I'm saying if there is if there's money or power to be had, that there's where it's believable, right? You know, I'm saying like it's I don't just like all a sudden think that this like a conspiracy theory. All this is what's happening. It's like why? So there's this theory that if you take a society and you systematically break apart
Starting point is 00:49:07 a society and you systematically break apart long held assumed beliefs, things that were fact, and you slowly create a doubt in dissent, then they'll start to doubt and not trust their leaders, their government each other, and then they're in this position. We're like, I don't believe in us. And then they become very easily manipulated. Now you've got control. Well, it's like your great Twilight Zone episode, you just talked about where the alien's zoom out and then it was just to see how long it took for us
Starting point is 00:49:30 to start to kill each other. Yeah, dude. Oh, you want to hear about some cool tech? Check this out. I'm going to read this to you because it's pretty rad. They have Nano, a company created this NanoBot technology where it brushes and flosses your teeth and cleans them essentially.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So check this out. These are petite and multifunctional robodentists that do the work of brushing, flossing, and rinsing all without you having to doing that. So essentially I'm going to read what it is. It's a micro swarm made up of iron oxide nanoparticles, a magnetic material that naturally assembles into shapeable structures in the presence of a magnetic field. So by manipulating the magnetic field, the researchers were able to move and transfigure the mini robots
Starting point is 00:50:17 into bristle and floss-esque shapes that could adhere to every dental nook and cranny. So through this magnetic field, bring a magnet across your face. Yeah, and it's just the recond That sounds crazy, right? Clean, and scrubbed. And scrubbed your mouth. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:50:32 And that wild. Sounds bizarre. That sounds crazy, right? Yeah, that's cool. I thought that was super cool. I have a super cool thing for Justin if Doug could look it up for me because I just came across an article
Starting point is 00:50:40 and I had had a chance to dive in to make sure that it's available, yeah. But Spotify is now doing a karaoke feature. Yes. Right? I'm serious. Yeah, no, I'm serious. And I think that's brilliant.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Like how popular is karaoke? Yeah. Or just people who want to shoot it up on your screen and throw on your team. No, you might be able to post it on, do you have like social media pages? I don't know. So I just saw the article. So I was like, oh wow, that's going to be interesting because I know
Starting point is 00:51:07 how popular karaoke is and the fact that none of these music apps have thought to build that. You have to go buy a karaoke machine right now, right? You go, like, why did not somebody think, like, why did not iTunes, why did not one of these other or I heart rate or any of these other companies not think to do this and Spotify? It's got to be something where you can be tricky with the, um, because you know how Dari is tricky to put somebody's music on your videos and all that in terms of like licensing. Well, what do you think about this?
Starting point is 00:51:34 Spotify already has. If you watch, if you listen to music on Spotify, there's a tab at the bottom that shows lyrics and you hit it and then I can, as he's singing it, the lyrics come up. So why would that be that much harder to sing along feature? So what does it do there? He's singing along with it and then I can, as he's singing it, the lyrics come up. So why would that be that much harder? It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just,
Starting point is 00:51:48 It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just,
Starting point is 00:51:56 It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just,
Starting point is 00:52:04 It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, It's just, or family member that really is convinced that they can sing really well. Yeah. And then you hear them sing and then you realize that they've been lied to by a lot of people. Yes. Like a lot of your friends and family have never really told you to call them out too. Yeah, like that's terrible. Yeah. You don't even sound kind of good. You sound really bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Has ever happened to you? Oh yeah. Oh, it's so cringey. But I love it though. Like I don't know. A lot of people get really uncomfortable with sitting through like really, I'd like I love really bad characters. Oh, that's so weird.
Starting point is 00:52:27 I get, so when someone is bombing, I get so comfortable. I gotta get you like a speech, or you have like your, you're performing. I just love watching everybody in the audience. Oh, I get so weird feeling, I get it. I don't know why, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And sometimes all bomb, like I'll go up there, I'll see this song, I don't even know the lyrics, and I'm just like, ah, fuck what do I do? And like you're just kind of stuck. And it's like working your way out of that is half the fun. You know, speaking of bombing, you guys here, uh, one of Biden's latest speeches. Oh, Lord. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:52:57 First of all, he said something very interesting. He said, you know, I just do a little bit of this. I just keep it here to be. No, but besides that, I sort of got this. It's weekend to Bernie's half-sweetest chef. No, you know what he's gonna be here. You know what he said? He's reading a teleprompter,
Starting point is 00:53:11 and then as he's reading a speech, he goes, read the caption again. Like, he's reading what they wrote. There's a note to him. No, he did not. Yeah, he did, bro. Dude, so. Do you know that I feel like, okay,
Starting point is 00:53:22 if I wasn't for so much, if there wasn't so much hate for Trump to get rid of him and everybody was so such a bad Tastema, I feel like Biden would be railed on 24-7. Yeah, by everyone. Well, he's already been he's been he's he's a prior right now in the Democrat party They're like throwing him out. Oh, yeah, like finally But I mean, it was just like a couple weeks ago. He's going on Jimmy Kimmel on these shows and they're like hand feeding him like questions and making it so easy for him Like tell him how much he likes ice cream all my I can't believe yeah, people aren't more upset about because obviously like gas prices are Ridiculous friend. Everybody knows that you've everybody's feeling that and then is it true? It came out that he was like selling
Starting point is 00:54:03 Oil Is it true it came out that he was like selling get oil? But you deserve our reserve oil to China to a Chinese company. That tell me how it's still that his son may be invested in the sand about that. There's still people that are believing the bullshit that how are they not getting? This is all Putin's fault because Putin invaded over there and that doesn't matter who was the president. We were going to go over there. I love the change. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Hasn't the spin is insane. Well, okay, to be fair, the inflation issue, which largely is result of us printing tremendous amounts of money at a thin air. That's a bipartisan issue. Republicans did it, Democrats did it, nobody wanted it. Nobody guessed it. And anytime somebody came out and said,
Starting point is 00:54:44 we gotta cut spending guys, we can't have crash did it. Nobody wanted to dance to it. No doubt. And anytime somebody came out and said, we got to cut spending guys. We can't have all these programs. We can't be doing this. Everybody shut them down. Nobody wanted to vote for that. We don't want to do that. But, but it's really, I mean, Biden is, he really, it's weakened to Bernie's. It really is.
Starting point is 00:54:58 It's really, it's so painful to watch. But it's just painful. It's also funny. It's also funny. I mean, you have to laugh about it at this point. I mean, it's like, it is what it is. She but dear, what's your mind about? You can laugh. Is there any kind of qualifications left
Starting point is 00:55:11 for being mentally fit and having all of your faculties in check? Like, who's checking that? And at what point is there, they want to decide, well, you're actually not mentally capable of leaning or directing any of this. point is there like they want that decides like well you're actually not mentally capable of of leaning or directing I mean how wild is it as we as we evolve the society we get smarter and more technology and we're more evolved today than we were a hundred years ago yet
Starting point is 00:55:37 when you look at the presidents like the direction that they're going like literally like we just said we just had Trump again. Yeah dude like the direction we're going, like literally, like, we just had Trump again, where was it? Where was it, where was it? Yeah, dude, like, the direction we're going with the leader of the country, the leader of the country is really kind of scary when you think about it. Everybody's smart, good. Going into their own business and like,
Starting point is 00:55:54 you know, going that direction, it's like, I kind of get that, like, who really wants the job to begin with? Oh, never. There's never a million years. There's never a million years. Never a million years. All right, I'm gonna go back to cool technology
Starting point is 00:56:04 because I gotta talk about one of our sponsors. This is really cool. So we obviously work with Caldera, Skincare Company, we love them, right? Check out one of the things they do to get extracts from plants, which is brilliant. It's something called cryogenic grinding. So this is not,
Starting point is 00:56:20 it's not a dry freeze the plant and then they grind it up. Yeah, this is not a strip club in Antarctica. So what it is, it's sub-zero temperatures using liquid nitrogen, which creates a dry and cold atmosphere that eliminates the possibility of oxidation. So that's rad because the problem is, yes, when you were to grind it up without freezing, you would lose some of the... The fats and the oils, they'd get oxidized, which then makes them lose their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So like, for example, if you take a fat and you treat it a particular way and you oxidize it, that fat now becomes far less healthy, it becomes inflammatory. Oftentimes we cook it, right? If you boil it or you put a flame under it or whatever. Yeah, it generates no heat and research has found that this method preserves 15% more nutrients than conventional processes. Pretty interesting, isn't it? Right, that is fast.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yes, because I wonder where there's other applications for that. Oh, that's a good question. No idea. Well, anywhere where you extract anything, I mean. I mean, in cannabis. Yeah, exactly. That's where I was thinking. I know you were.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I acted stupid. What do you mean, cannabis. Yeah, exactly. That's where I was thinking. I know you were. I acted stupid. What do you mean, Ed? Well, so you use like, that's what bubble hash is made with really cold water, right? So you use really, really cold water to pull out and extract from the plant. That's how bubble hash is made. So rather than using like a gas or, you know, what do they use? Yeah. So if you blow butane or like, like to make those types of hashes,
Starting point is 00:57:46 I mean, you get all that shit in there, right? So bubble hashes, now that because it's a chemical and it's much higher, you get a higher potency so it's stronger, which is why everybody wants you to do it. But bubble hashes still stronger than just regular marijuana. Like, one of the wax, it's like the pure concentrated. No, no, no, that's a wax. So, I mean, there's all kinds of slang terms for what that is,
Starting point is 00:58:08 but it's all an extract from marijuana. It's concentration. Yeah, it's all concentration from marijuana. And they all have different street names for it, but that's, but bubble hash was one of the original. I mean, that's been, they've been doing that process. And you basically have all these different bags, and they're, they're all like, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:25 a filter, a straining filter. And you put it in an ice bucket cold water and you let it strain through all of it and then what you get left over is what turns it into. Yeah, so no chemical solvent. Solvents. Yeah, so that's what they're doing with caldera. It's a cleaner though, right?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Yeah, so there's no chemical solvents. Yeah. There's no heat that's being generated, which oxidizes oils and fats. Mm-hmm. And so when you end up with is a higher antioxidant, you know, quality oil that you put on your face, and this is why it works so much better.
Starting point is 00:58:52 For me, the telling sign was just, because obviously I don't use, I never really use skincare products before. So I can't compare it necessarily to other stuff, but my wife now, she always uses skincare stuff, get rid of her old stuff. Now she uses Caldera exclusively because she's like, this is the best thing I've ever used.
Starting point is 00:59:09 So I think this is part of the reason why. Yeah, that's really, you know, it sounds expensive to do that. I mean, well, Caldera is not cheap. If you look at their serum and compare it to like, you go to target to get another serum, it's going to be more. Yeah, you pay for what you get. But you use less, first of all, I don't use very much. Yeah. And the effects are more effective. Way going to be more. Yeah, you pay for what you get. But you use less, first of all, I don't use very much.
Starting point is 00:59:25 And the effects are more effective. Way more. Hey, check this out. Company we work with called bio optimizers, they've put together a truly irresistible offer that's only good while supplies last. So check this out. You can literally get a free bottle of their best selling enzyme supplement called mass enzymes.
Starting point is 00:59:44 It's really good. Digestive enzyme supplement, so it helps reduce bloating, improves protein breakdown, so it helps you digest the protein into its amino acids, gets to your muscles more effectively. It helps with constipation, other digestive issues. So you'll get that for free, literally, with nothing else. You don't have to sign up for a subscription service or anything like that. You just get a free bottle of mass signs.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Plus, they're gonna throw in a couple free e-books. And all you gotta do is go to our link masszimes.com, that's m-a-s-s-z-y-m-e-s.com forward slash mind pump free to get your free bottle of mass signs and try it out. See if you like it, you probably will. I love it myself. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Elizabeth from Florida.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Elizabeth, how's it going? How can we help you? Go in and model. Thanks for having me on, guys. I had kind of a three-part question, and there's a lot of context into it, but I'm going to try to not over-explain too much to save you on time. My first question was, I'm torn with the current situation that we're in,
Starting point is 01:00:50 inflation and all the mess between, it feels like I'm torn between choosing financial health or nutritional health. So, kind of how, like if you were to have any pointers on how to prioritize nutritional health for someone like me who was in a very tight budget. The second question was I feel really good when I'm around 120 grams of protein per day. And for me, that's easiest with our budget, with things like yogurt and cottage cheese and like deli meat. But those are, I feel like they're not high quality foods, I guess. And I have a mild dairy sensitivity.
Starting point is 01:01:43 So I'm also torn in that if I decide to choose between like gut and internal health and avoid things like dairy or if I shoot for my protein kind of regardless of the cost. And my last question is when limited with nutrition, how would you suggest to optimize training or exercise or weight loss? Great questions. By the way, a lot of people are feeling what you're feeling right now with the changes in prices. So I feel for you, it sounds like you got a family, so I totally understand the challenges, but I need more information from you. So what's your ultimate goal? Are you trying to lose weight or gain weight or build or what's your goal? Lose weight a lot. Okay. Well, okay. So I've got a lot to lose. Okay. So check this out. Okay. I don't know if this is a surprise to you, but eating less is cheaper.
Starting point is 01:02:34 They're needing more. They're needing more. So in other words, let's if we look at the hierarchy. If we, if we look at the hierarchy of, of, of priorities with diet, it goes calories, then macros, and then you can look at things like organic and quality and that kind of stuff. Okay, so if you just looked at your total food budget and all the food that you're eating now, and if we changed nothing else but you ate less, you would lose weight and improve your performance
Starting point is 01:02:58 and health and save money. So that's number one. So we actually killed, I don't know how many birds with one stone, like three there, right? So, just keep everything the same, eat less of it, save money, lose weight, health is better, financial health is better.
Starting point is 01:03:12 It's beautiful. Okay, now let's move to some of the other parts of your question, like sensitivities. Protein powders are very cheap on a serving, preserving basis. You can get plant protein, you can get collagen protein, which is very inexpensive in comparison to foods. You can also buy, I'm sure you don't know this, you're your mom,, you can get collagen protein, which is very inexpensive in comparison to foods.
Starting point is 01:03:26 You can also buy, I'm sure you don't know this, your your mom's, we probably already know this, but you can buy oftentimes on special food and bulk like chicken thighs or ground beef or eggs. And on a on a per serving basis, they tend to be very inexpensive. So I would focus on that. I would not worry so much about things like organic, non-GMO, grass fed, until you hit those other things. That doesn't really matter if your calories are high.
Starting point is 01:03:53 It doesn't make that big of a difference. So I wouldn't worry about the quality stuff yet. I would worry about the other stuff first. And like I said, just eating less is gonna save you money as well. So we solved all those issues there. Also keep in mind a healthier version of yourself will be a better mom. If you're working, you'll be better at work, you'll be better. Everything about you, if you
Starting point is 01:04:18 compared you right now versus you, even healthier, all of those other aspects of your life will improve, including the financial one. It will bleed into that. It may not feel like a one-to-one right at first, but it eventually will play into that. When you are healthier, you will be better in all aspects of your life.
Starting point is 01:04:37 So it will pay its dividends. So just keep that in mind. And to Salis Point with the food, like boy, white rice and and meat ground beef and Turkey and chicken thighs in bulk frozen vegetables. Yeah, frozen vegetables. I mean, that's like the cheapest you could go right there Comes the food. Yeah, and then and make that the staple and potatoes potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes And buying these things in in bulk and sticking to those main foods, you'll get in great shape.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Now, I want to help you out with the workout part. Okay, that's where we really can help you out, I think. I'm going to send you a couple workout programs that require no-to-minimal equipment, so you can do them at home. If you need to, for convenience, so for whatever reason, you can't go to the gym, you can at least follow the workouts that we've programmed that require no equipment or like bands or suspension trainer. And we'll also give you a discount code for suspension training. So you can get one really cheap from us and it's good quality.
Starting point is 01:05:37 So I'm going to send you maps suspension and maps anywhere to help with the consistency. But I want to go a little further with the nutrition part. Are there foods right now that you eat or that you purchase that you could do without, that you think are probably contributing to the weight issue and that you could probably get rid of? Is there anything off the top of your head that you could think of right now?
Starting point is 01:05:58 I'd be like, yeah, I could not buy that and I'd probably help me lose weight and it would save money. Not off the top of my head, we actually eat like probably at 90% like a whole food's less processed, not a whole lot of sauces. Not at the top of my head that I can think of, I think it's more just quantity. Okay. What about that 10%, you said 90%, what about that 10%?
Starting point is 01:06:26 That's just like when we're out with his family or with my family or when we go about, which is very seldom with financial issues. Yeah, are you a coffee drinker? No. Okay, yeah. So you're eating whole natural foods, you're just seeing a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I guess. Okay, I would seem to be. So you're eating whole natural foods, you're just seeing a lot. I guess. OK. I would think so. So cut the easiest thing to cut just in terms of essential. The easiest thing to cut is carbohydrates because they're just not essential. Elizabeth, have you tracked before?
Starting point is 01:06:59 Have you actually ever done like a? Yes. OK. So when you tracked and at one, how long ago was that? And then when you did, so when you when you track and at one how long ago was that and then when you did what what did you see? I well I've tried on and off for maybe five years. My most recent time I actually just stopped a couple of weeks ago because I was on a trip with my family. And I was eating around 1T3 to 2,400 calories. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Oh, cool. That's a pretty good metabolism. That's a pretty good amount to be able to cut from. You have some room to go. Yeah. I also am breastfeeding. So that also just confuses me a little bit. Yeah, you can you can you can cut Your calories while breastfeeding but not too aggressively if you start to notice your milk dry up
Starting point is 01:07:53 Then then obviously be very careful because that's priority But you can cut a few like two to three hundred calories and then observe your milk production and if everything looks good Then you're okay if you start to notice your milk production and if everything looks good then you're okay. If you start to notice your milk production really goes down then you might have to wait until you're on the winning process when you stop breastfeeding. Elizabeth, I'm gonna have Doug give you a free access to our private forum too. I would love for you to either use my fitness pal or fat secret for me and track your food everything for a week and share it with me in there so I could see. And I think I could give more specific tips and advice because I definitely think it's
Starting point is 01:08:37 important since you're breastfeeding too that we don't want to give generic advice of cut calories here or there without seeing exactly what you're doing. So I'll put you in the form for free. You do me the effort of tracking for a week so we can peer in a little bit more specific and then share that with the with us guys in there and then and then maybe we can give you even more specific tips on where like little hacks or tips to add or what potentially to take away free Vrated advice.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Yeah, that would be good. Yeah. Sounds wonderful. All right, so I'm sending you maps anywhere in maps suspension, okay? So you'll have some workouts you could do if you don't have access to a gym just for convenience. Yeah. And then make sure you say hi to us. Make sure you say hi to us when you get in the forum, right?
Starting point is 01:09:21 Yes. Oh, I will. Thank you. And then when you vote, make sure you vote for people who don't increase inflation. Whatever that means. We're from Florida. We're doing a good job. Hey, I didn't say the else.
Starting point is 01:09:33 All I said was, don't vote for people who raise inflation. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Bye-bye. Yeah, the bulking on a budget is way more challenging than cutting on a budget. Of course.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Now, the challenge with cutting on a budget is convenience. And this is what a lot of people don't necessarily either like to communicate or maybe don't, you know, especially when you like variety. Well, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, they want the fast plus they want to see. I want to see this diet for a week because 90% whole foods and breastfeeding and around 24
Starting point is 01:10:09 or 2200 calories or so, something's not adding up for me. So I want to see. I feel the same way. Yeah, I want it. That's why I want it. But it's hard to know. You can't know.
Starting point is 01:10:17 That's why I don't want us to take jabs at like advice because something's not adding up already for me. That I want to see some real data that I can go, okay, this is what's maybe you're grossly under-eating something and maybe something's off a little bit because if I have a client, okay, if I got a client to follow 75% 80% whole food. They almost always have a tremendous success.
Starting point is 01:10:40 It was just that. And if she can't think of anything off the top of her head that is an offender in her diet and the only thing is the occasional eating out, which doesn't sound like it happens a lot, it's something is off for me. Yeah, and that's the thing is that we'll just be guesstimating at that point. So I'm glad you kind of went in that direction.
Starting point is 01:11:00 But yeah, because this is where I would then find out information, say with like beverages, for instance, and like calories. I would then find out information Say with like beverages for instance, like calories I'm not going that way like but I didn't want to jab too hard in that direction because I don't know And also to like with some of my clients it was like nuts or things that have high calorie Snacks that make their way, so yeah, we'd like some more insight there. Yeah,. Yeah. Our next caller is Amelia from Canada. Amelia, how can we help you? Hey guys, thanks for having me on. Can you hear me okay?
Starting point is 01:11:30 We can. Okay, okay. It's so cool. It's like better than being a celebrity. So I'll be sure to jump right into it. I'm 19 years old. I've been working out for about the last four years. But I've been kind of flooring around the same like the Deacon Strength level for about
Starting point is 01:11:43 one to two years now. First, because I'm focusing on other stuff like school and you know, I haven't been super, super committed, but I enjoy the activity. So this summer I'm working at a mill and in need shift, I get about like 20 to 30,000 steps and walking, sweeping a lot. And I'm also in a wedding party that's been in September, so I thought that this opportunity with the activity level will be like a great opportunity for me to lean down like 10 pounds or something. And then after the wedding in September, when I go back to school, I'd like to be a bit leaner at the beginning of that and then start like a bulking phase
Starting point is 01:12:15 to build strength and muscle. I feel like I'm all my years of training. I haven't spent a lot of time in an extended period of like a surplus to really build a good foundation. And I'm five four, so when I've tried to cut in the past, it's not challenging to stay consistent on the 1400 calories roughly. So it'd be nice if this building fades, if we had a slightly higher maintenance at the end of it. So essentially my question is two parts.
Starting point is 01:12:38 One, how do you best recommend taking advantage of this activity level to burn fat while minimizing muscle loss and metabolic adaptation. And then to how should I go about transitioning into my building phase in the fall when my activity level will drop dramatically without reverting back to just like my past disease. So good question. It is a really cool question. And I actually, yeah, this knows a great question. And I don't think there's going to be a wrong answer here, but I actually would flip your strategy instead of, because I get where you're going, because you're taking all these steps. So you're like, okay, I'm going to be burning these extra
Starting point is 01:13:11 calories so that it'll be easier to lean out. But because you already have struggled with kind of leaning out and you're kind of low calorie, where you're at at 1400 calories in order to lose, I actually would take this as a great opportunity to really start to increase your calories and speed your metabolism up. Therefore, when you go into the time when you're gonna be a lot less active, you're gonna be able to cut back on the calories
Starting point is 01:13:34 and you have this faster metabolism and you'll still be at a hell of a place of calories. How many steps were you taking before? How many steps you take normally when you're not at the mill? During school like during when I was really busy studying probably like six to eight and then I ramped it up to like 10 to 12. I should mention I am eating about like 18 to 1900 calories and I have like a app for weight that tracks my trend and it says I'm losing it was like 1.2 to 1.3 pounds
Starting point is 01:14:01 per week and now it's more like 0.7 to 0.8. That's just because I do four on four off. So like during my four on shift, I'm like just regimented routine. And on a four a.m. off, I'm like it's summer. So I'm like to eat a bit more. But I'm not, I am losing weight on like 1800 and 1900 right now. Just because of the high active.
Starting point is 01:14:19 I'm not like stuck in a rut. I just don't want to get out. You're a bad asset. 19, you know all this stuff. You've been working out for four years. Oh, I've been listening to you guys for like four years. Oh, that's great I appreciate that. You know, it's cool about this Okay, so you're already taking you were taking six to ten thousand steps before
Starting point is 01:14:33 It's gonna go up to 20 to 30 thousand steps that additional 10 to 20 thousand steps Let's just say is about 250 more calories a day, okay, and I'm being conservative But let's just say it's 200 more calories a day. I'm being conservative, but let's just say it's 250 calories a day. What you can do is you can increase your calories by 100 and you're still going to be in a natural deficit. You can actually bump your calories a little bit and still get yourself leaner and focus on building muscle. I would not cut because you're increasing your steps so much.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I wouldn't go on a cut at the same time. The cut is going to naturally happen because of the extra steps and because it's novel and it's only over the summer. So I would bump, if I were you, I would bump my calories by 100 to 150 and then do the steps and you'll still probably be in a slight deficit and you'll probably still build a little bit of muscle during that process. That's why I like the idea of actually kind of like thinking in more of a reverse diet during this time is like, in fact, my personal goal for you would be, okay, let's try during this time to actually continually
Starting point is 01:15:28 increase calories without gaining weight. Because you're doing all this extra activity, can I keep getting you to add a little bit more calories, a little bit more calories? Why we're doing all this activity that way when we get at the end of the summer, whatever, we're now got you up to 2400 calories and you haven't put on any weight really. And so even if you haven't really leaned out much or whatever, but you up to 2400 calories and you haven't put on any weight really.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Even if you haven't really leaned out much or whatever, but you're eating 2400 calories, we're in a good position. In fact, what you could even do is when you're done with the steps and it goes back down to 10,000, keep your calories at 2400. That now is a slight bulk. Now you're in a natural slight bulk and then you'll probably be building some muscle. I like that strategy a lot better. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Okay. So that's what you would suggest like for when I when I when I make it a little drops, I wouldn't don't really worry about changing over the calorie maintenance. Exactly. So I would go right now, like or right, right when you start working in the mill if you've already doing it, I would bump your calories by about 100 to 150. Keep them there and Adam suggested moving it up incrementally, so long as you gain no weight, I like that. At the end of the
Starting point is 01:16:31 job, when you're done with it, keep the calories the same, now it's a surplus, and then focus on building. So now you're kind of hitting both goals. And if anything, what might happen is you're probably going to get leaner because of the gain muscle. You're probably going to get a little leaner, but you're just going to have the more muscle is what's making a leaner because of the gain muscle. You're probably gonna get a little leaner, but you're just gonna have, the more muscle is what's making you leaner because now your body fat is a smaller percentage of your body weight.
Starting point is 01:16:50 And you've probably heard me talk, if you've been listening for this long, you've probably heard me talk about this. I would also, when you transition that job, I'd also transition the programming I'm doing. So whatever you're following right now or the summer, follow that, while you're also slowly increasing,
Starting point is 01:17:03 and then when your job switches, also switch to stimulus. So let's say you're, I don't know, are you running anabolic, or what are you're also slowly increasing and then when your job switches also switch the stimulus So let's say you're I don't know are you running anabolic or what are you running right now? What programmer? I yeah, I'm doing anabolic. It's not my first time doing anabolic But I am doing it two to three times and then I bought a Power lift so I was gonna do that in September. Oh, I love that. I love that. That's perfect And I'm a surplus. Oh, yeah, I love that. Are you are you gonna be are you gonna work in the fitness Industry is something you want to do for living? Yeah, you're on point. I thought about it guys. I'm an engineering now because I was like I like people
Starting point is 01:17:33 But I don't know if you guys are so sympathetic and I appreciate it But I'm not sure if I could do the same thing all the time people don't want to put in the effort I'll tell you what if you like to make money if you like to make money stick to engineers Yeah, well that explain that explains your approach though is your engineer mind for sure So I see that I'm yeah, I'm very I've been like planning this out in my head Yeah, you got a great strategy. I love I love the idea So and you know it's great is the the advice we would normally give someone at that time is okay Now you're gonna be in the surplus don't freak freak out about the scale. Just think about strength.
Starting point is 01:18:06 And a map's power lift is a perfect program to follow where all you're trying to do is get stronger. That's awesome. Are you, are you, are you have both programs? You have access to them both? Yeah, I have, yeah, I have, I did, I was running performance, but then just because of the where I moved, it's like, there's not a lot of equipment
Starting point is 01:18:21 in my gym, so that's why I trained this in anabolic just to like maintain strength. I just, you know, I don't want to, and I've been eating pretty high protein too. For power lift, yeah. I'm just looking like, I, again, like, do you think like six, if I spend at least six months,
Starting point is 01:18:35 say like mid September to like February or March in like a decent deficit or decent bulk, would that be adequate? Just because like, I'm, again, like I just want to, I just want to, I really want to see my strengths, like, I rock it. Oh, yeah. Oh, no, you're gonna be fine.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yeah, six months is playing three months. Yeah. Yeah, just watch your calories and see how high they get. It'd be great if you could get your calories up to 2800 calories, not getting any weight. What a great place to be in, right? Yeah. I mean, I know that I was different,
Starting point is 01:19:01 but I'm always baffled that like, I'll see girls who are 5'4", and they are eating like 24-on 2800 calories, and I'm like, wow, I was different, but I'm always baffled that like all C girls who are 5'4 and they are eating like 24 to 28 hundred calories And I'm like, wow, like so yeah, I definitely like to just try it out and see and stop focusing on like oh, I want to be a bit leaner You know, so no you got the right at it especially at your age. Yeah, you're really happy Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, love what you're doing. Can I give you a program? I want to give you something. I like you You want any program that you don't have? I can feel good if we don't a program. I want to give you something. I like you. You want any program that you don't have to feel good if we don't? Okay, well, you guys, I mean, I've thought about doing
Starting point is 01:19:28 aesthetic, but I'm like, you guys say it's so high volume and I'm like, I don't know if I have performance. I'll maybe prime pro. Oh, I'll say it over to you guys. Yeah, my man just starting to do that too. And I'm like, I want to help her. So I figured prime probably great. I think. Did you say your name? Helping your grandma with workouts? Yeah, she's like, well, she gets inspired to find here. So I'm living with her for the summer.
Starting point is 01:19:51 So she's like 70. And I was like, trying to think, I'm like, OK, what would sell out of them in Justin do here? So I think prime pro would be good. That a great kid. Yeah, great parents raise a great kid. Yeah, good job. Yeah, thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 01:20:03 I hope that helps you. Yeah. Thanks guys. Have a great day. Thank you. I really like her. Yeah, good parents raise a great kid. Yeah, good job. Yeah, thanks for calling in. I hope that helps you. Yeah. Thanks guys. Have a great day. Thank you. I really like her. Yeah, man, nothing makes me happier than hearing a young, you know, somebody young have the right attitude towards fitness because at that age, it's very common.
Starting point is 01:20:17 I was this way at that age. Mm-hmm. It's very common to be so focused on the looks and the fads and the extreme type of shit. Yeah. So to hear her at this age, she found us at 15, huh? Right. I mean, she's going to get through, like, she's going to not run into a lot of the problems, a lot of young girls run into because she kind of understands how her body works and what feels good and she's already valuing strength.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Like, that's great. Yeah, great. She's talking about it at a long point. Great, great. And just so you know, or the audience knows that she could technically have gone the other way. She could. I just like the other way. Personal. That's all. That's I mean, it's not the, the other way. It's a, it's a better long term strategy. I think so. I think I think it, I think it's going to set. Because it's going to be a natural cut. She's doubling or tripling her steps. I mean,
Starting point is 01:21:00 yeah, yeah. There's no need to cut your calories at the same time. And she's at a place where she definitely has room to still increase her metabolism. And so I think that's a good direction. But it doesn't mean she was wrong with her initial thought. And I love what she's already set herself up for. So pretty excited for her. Our next caller is Juan from Texas. Juan, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, how are you? Good, good. Right. Perfect. So I'll get right into my question. So I've been lifting since I was in high school, but decided to make it a priority once I got into my senior year. So it's been a total of about six years
Starting point is 01:21:32 on and off with the occasional spring break, vacation trip, stuff like that. So my workout split to begin with was kind of the your bro split, but then I found maps, maps programs in my freshman year. So I have maps in a ball like maps split maps aesthetic maps part of life and then maps anywhere during the pandemic because I couldn't get into the gym right. So recently I started losing a little bit more weight with my diet and everything and I noticed an imbalance between my left and right
Starting point is 01:22:01 trap. So once I saw that I also started noticing an imbalance and my left and right trap. So once I saw that, I also started noticing an imbalance and my back and just kind of trickling down. So I wanted to see what you all had to say if there's any kind of unilateral exercises, stuff like that that I could directly go into. And I have the time that I can set aside to do it specifically. Just want to know what the general guideline is. Map symmetry brother. Yeah, you're trying to get a free program.
Starting point is 01:22:27 We got you bro. We got you. The thing. Map. The thing I didn't know. Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead. Well, I didn't know exactly. I know like maps, uh, symmetry is like more in the latter, but I don't know if it's something I could add on to like maps aesthetic or maps split or something like that. No, you run it alone. No, it's a program by itself. Yeah, yeah, follow maps. You'll love it. Listen, dope program. It'll balance you out. You'll build muscle. You get stronger. And because you've run so many of our programs, when you go back to one of those other programs, you're going to see so many benefits. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:02 It is, it is such an effective and needed workout program. So many people would benefit. That's why we wrote that program. It's the, I know it's good for you program. It is really effective. Trust the process, follow the program. You'll get a very aesthetic physique from it. And then when you go back to your traditional training,
Starting point is 01:23:20 you'll notice some good strength. And so hands down, map symmetry is the program you need to do. The one piece of advice I'll remind you going into it, you've probably, if you've notice some good strength, and so hands down, map symmetry is the program you need to do. The one piece of advice I'll remind you going into it, you've probably, if you've been listening long enough, you've heard us say this before, when you're doing your little work, always start with the weaker side and allow that to dictate what you do on the dominant side, right?
Starting point is 01:23:38 So don't let your strong side lead the workout and then try and keep up with it. Let the weaker side always run it and then mirror that, even if you could do several more reps on the strong side, always stick with whatever that. Glad you said that. That weak side difference. Perfect. And then what do you think I should run afterwards?
Starting point is 01:23:56 I don't have the nose. What's the last maps? What were you just doing recently? I'm on aesthetics right now. Oh, I mean, you can go back to, you can go back to split, you can go back to anabolic, really doesn't matter. I'm gonna go back to run anabolic after that. Although, you know what, the end of symmetry is like
Starting point is 01:24:13 the five by five like anabolic, so maybe go into, what do you have? You have anabolic, you have split, you have aesthetic, you have power lift? Yes, sir. Oh, I'd love to see power lift. Yeah, power lift, yeah, one. I'd love to see power lift after Yeah, power lift. Yeah, one.
Starting point is 01:24:25 I love to see power lift. Here to that. Perfect. How long is maps of symmetry? Uh, nine weeks. I want to say. Okay. So it'll be just on that bokeh and typical time.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. We'll send that over to you one. Perfect. I appreciate it. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Someone else. You guys have lovely day. I got it, I appreciate it someone else, you guys have a lovely day. I know, man, thank you. You got it, dude. Does Jerry intentionally like try and like make them match up as far as like? Yeah, that's another kid, right? Yeah, I know, that's a high school kid. Yeah, freshman years, when he said he found me. I wish, I wish I had a podcast or something to listen to
Starting point is 01:24:58 at that age, man. I did, I followed, I tried, I looked for information so hard and all I could read were just massive I wonder if I would have I would have I would have you listen to us. Do you think you would listen to us? I would have I'm That's a real textbook That's a problem is I think I'd be I would my I would be two naive. I would think I'm too cool for you guys really Yeah, I would I'd be like you can old guys. Really? Yeah, I would. I'd be like, oh my, you guys oldies. You don't think you would like yourself?
Starting point is 01:25:26 No. You're pretty cool, though. I don't know. I'm wearing, I'm wearing that hoodie more. Do you think I find myself hot? Do I have a red? I don't have a red. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:25:36 I'm not. No, I would have loved it. I loved information. I tried to retake books and stuff. You're probably most like, what do you think you would have? Well, just, I don't think I would have known. I mean, I just, I think I would have been so driven in just that one direction of like athletics
Starting point is 01:25:50 and we don't talk about it enough on this show to be honest with you guys. I would, it would lose my interest, but that's, that's sort of the funny conundrum, right? Like, I'm even helping the least high school kids as part of two of them that even listened to us. So, it gives me like better perspective, I think, within that.
Starting point is 01:26:07 I think there's a lot of room there for more young people to attach, you know. Yeah, the conversations we have, I mean, I didn't become really growth-minded until like my mid-20s. Right. So when I was in high school, I wasn't, you know, the self-awareness
Starting point is 01:26:22 was still just coming around at that. I would have fast-forwarded our normal, like our non-fitness. I would have like fast-forwarded to like the studies and tell me what to do. That's exactly what I would have done. How did it not be? Yeah, I would have fast-forwarded all your talking and I would have gone to Justin and I'd talk about sports and dancing. Well, these guys were lures. Who's that nerdy guy? You're a DM yourself. That's right.
Starting point is 01:26:46 That nerdy girl. You're cool to yourself. You're cool to yourself. I mean, I think back to Juan, right? We went off on a side-taggetare, but I mean, it is very, this is why we wrote that program. I mean, symmetry is specifically for that. I mean, nobody has a perfectly balanced left to right.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Right? Everybody is off a little bit. Everybody will benefit from that. Yeah, it's, and has a perfectly balanced left to right, right? Everybody is off a little bit. Everybody will benefit from that. Yeah, it's, and, and, and, and recommend enough to everybody. We get asked a lot like, where does it go? Like, if you've already been running maps, insert it next. I mean, it's like, if you've ran any maps programs already, then insert it next and then go back to it.
Starting point is 01:27:18 I'm just going to bolster your body for anything else. Yeah, totally. Yes. All right, our next caller is Christopher from New York. Excellent. How can we help you, man? Hey, guys, thanks for having me. Appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:27:31 I'm just going to read over what I have here just so I don't miss anything out. I stumbled on two guys about three months ago. I heard you had your railing against the CrossFit. I love that. So I really got hooked. I kind of got here. I got hooked and I listen to you guys almost every day.
Starting point is 01:27:51 All the past ones, all the new ones, it's really great. Here's my background. I'm 52 years old. I'm 5'8". I'm currently about 141, 142 pounds. I'm a captain with the New York City Fire Department for the past 20 years. I also do a lot of fitness training at the Fire Academy with upcoming firefighters. I share a lot of your information with them, hundreds of candidates.
Starting point is 01:28:12 I give a lot of your take on fitness and how they can get better. I do a little personal training on the outside. I recently worked with LA Fitness. So here's what's going on. I've been competing in powerlifting for the last about 20 years. I've also been competing in natural bodybuilding for the last five years. I earned pro cards and bodybuilding, men's physique, open and massed.
Starting point is 01:28:40 We can have to go. I competed in my 12th show. I prepped for about 10 months. I lost about 28 pounds. I got to about three percent body fat and my stage weight was 137 pounds. Little lean. Now the show's over. I want to move focus bill back through powerlifting. I just can't do this to myself anymore. I put myself through a lot of molder and my family can't stand it. So I like powerlifting much more. I like to get back into it. Like you always say, I love the journey more than the goal.
Starting point is 01:29:12 So it's kind of like losing its lust or for me bodybuilding part of it. My nutrition, for the last year, I followed a whole food plant-based diet with little or no processed food. It works for me. It's very sustainable. I know how you got it, but it seems to be a natural for me. My calories, six weeks before the show, I was around 1800 calories. Since then, I've been reversed dieting at about 2500 calories. I protein, like you suggest, is 0.8 per bodyweight,
Starting point is 01:29:43 but sometimes I get at least that probably more. My activity, my steps average between 15 to 18,000 steps per day. Cardio, the only cardio I've done in the past year is just walking. I take sales advice. I walk in the rain, snow, cold, you name it. I make sure I get that walk outside. cold you name it I make sure I get that walk outside. I'm currently doing the map split. I responded well it helped me for the show so that that program worked really well for me. Medically I'm hyper thyroid, extremely sensitive the cold probably because of thyroid, I have sleep apnea. I need to get a blood test because I know my testosterone is sinking down and also my strength, I have sleep apnea. I need to get a blood test because I know my testosterone's sinking down
Starting point is 01:30:27 and also my strength is, I have no physical limitations. I've studied and practiced palatine. I worked with a coach in the past. I also have a certification in palatine myself. But I do feel that I have lost my muscle connection to those lifts. I don't, it doesn't feel the same as it used to and probably because I've drifted off a little bit.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Supplements, I am in the past year, really all I would take and was just multivitamins. About a week ago, I suggested to preteen PCAAs and protein supplement. My training, I trained exclusively at home and at work. I train every day. I like to train at 4 a.m. I know people I work with think I'm crazy, but I find it soothing and I find it works for me. Down I follow that by my walks. I know my sleep is a problem. I have sleep apnea. I always have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. Trying to sleep on the fly-outs is almost possible. I'm out. But since the show, my quality sleep got better since the after the show. My quality sleep is much better than it was, and I feel it's better on the plant-based diets. Now that he's made up my question, my question is, what's your
Starting point is 01:31:43 advice and transitioning? My focus from bodybuilding back to powerlifting. Do you think maps are strong with maps powerlifting is the way to go? I like maps or two things. First off, I appreciate what you do. The fire department there were always very appreciative of that work and the lives you guys say. So, that's thank you for that. But let's address the question.
Starting point is 01:32:04 First of all, you got everything dialed in. You know what you're doing. You've done this for a long time. I think mass power left would be a great program. You're on the reverse diet. You're going in the right direction. Here's the advice I'm going to give you. I think you should work with a functional medicine practitioner to address the hyperthyroid and the sleep apnea and the health stuff and the hormone stuff. I think that's going to give you the biggest bang for your buck in terms of adding something new that's going to give you some pay you back, some dividends. I really think that would be a good idea.
Starting point is 01:32:35 We have a four. I do go to end the chronologist for the thyroid. He evaluates me. Actually, it's coming up soon, but it does evaluate me for the type of thyroid. So it's different than, okay, so in a doctorologist, they're very good with the hormones, obviously the best in the world with that. But a functional medicine practitioner,
Starting point is 01:32:57 what they do is they look at the entire picture and how things are working together. And they'll work with your hormone specialist, your hormone doctor. So there may be some things that you're missing that you're not quite sure of, which is why I'm gonna recommend going to a functional medicine treatment.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Not only that, but an endo will always try and like here's a prescription. Take your lacking this, here's this hormone to fix this versus a functional practitioner. We'll look at it and go, wait, there's some holistic things that we may be able to do first. Maybe we can increase magnesium here, add some zinc or work on, maybe I have you metal.
Starting point is 01:33:29 I mean, you know, maybe they'll find something, maybe they won't, but based on what you're telling me, that's the only new direction I would put you, because otherwise you know your shit. I mean, I can tell by what you're saying, how you've competed. You've been training a long time. You know your stuff.
Starting point is 01:33:44 I'm not going to tell you anything in fitness and really with nutrition that I think is going to blow your mind or surprise you. I think I'm going to tell you stuff you already know. But the functional medicine practitioner, unless you've worked with them before, I think you might, there may be some value there. Now, maybe not. Maybe you go and they like it. They work with somebody, but they prescribed the test on cream. I didn't feel good about it. I didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:34:09 I felt like they talked me into it. I don't think they really. Yeah. So the functional medicine practitioners that we would recommend don't recommend hormones. They're not hormone specialists. That would recommend you to hormone specialist if they thought that was the direction you needed to go. So we have a forum on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:34:29 It's free. It's mpholistichealth.com. Go there. Ask some questions. And if you liked, so we've gone through and we said, these are the best people, some of the best people that we think people can work with. Ask some questions, see what you think. Because I don't, there's really nothing much else I could tell you that I think will help you aside from going in that direction. And your question about power lift and strong, I would say, yeah, they both are going to work for you. So I'd run power lift first, run strong, and then go back to power lift. If you're trying to time a meet, I would run it like that, right?
Starting point is 01:35:02 So I would go, obviously you want to run power lift. Power lift is designed to get you ready for a meat. So if you had a meat in mind, make sure you're running power lift, but toggling back and forth between power lift and strong will be a great program to work on the big lifts that you want to get strong. But to be honest, you're certified in power lifting training.
Starting point is 01:35:21 You've been doing it for a while, you competed. I would look at Maps Powerlift and then I would modify it based off of what you know about your body. Because remember, it's a program we wrote for the general audience, but you've got a lot of experience and you're gonna look at it and you're probably gonna say, you know what, that doesn't work too well for me, I've done it before.
Starting point is 01:35:38 I think I wanna add a set here, take one off there. So that's what I'll recommend as well. Typically, I tell someone to follow it to a T, but someone with your experience and knowledge, I would say, look at it as a framework and then modify it based off of what you know about your body. Yeah, you know a lot about the performance end of everything. And I think that like,
Starting point is 01:35:55 cells write in terms of that. We don't have a whole lot of suggestion in that direction, but like just taking care of your body, like from a holistic health perspective, I think just appearing into that, leaning into that a little bit further, you know, with some of these issues, the apnea and everything else, I think would be massively beneficial for your long-term, you know, performance and everything else that you're involved in.
Starting point is 01:36:16 Yeah. At the bare minimum, getting into that free form, it's free. And Dr. Cabral comes in there every other week and does live questions. So you get a chance to interact with him for free, and then maybe take some, do some of the tests, do some of the hair test and blood work. I've done that in the past. You have.
Starting point is 01:36:33 I have done that. I saw that the foodstead, I have a high sensitivity to it, and metals and stuff like that. I have done that. Okay, how long ago was that? Maybe two years ago. Okay. Yeah. So I try to do it every year just because things can change. Like for example, I saw that I had some mercury in my blood, which when I tested before, I didn't have that.
Starting point is 01:36:59 So obviously something, I'm exposed to something that's causing a little bit of a mercury, you know, mercury build up in my system. So now I'm following a something that's causing a little bit of a mercury buildup on my system. So now I'm following a protocol to get rid of that. But look, here's a deal. You may find that you're doing everything right, but my point is, of all the directions I could point to you towards
Starting point is 01:37:15 that for potential benefit, that'd be the one. I don't think me coaching you on power lift things is gonna benefit you more than maybe what you already know. I don't think I can help you with nutrition unless I really break down your diet, that would be a whole hour you and I, having a conversation. There's not much I can advise to you
Starting point is 01:37:35 where I think the dividends could be valuable except for what I said with functional medicine. That doesn't mean that you're going to find anything new or cool or anything that's gonna help you, but the potential is the highest in that direction, just based off of what you told them. Yeah, all in all, man, you're kicking ass. I just had Doug do a screenshot of your thing. It's now my wallpaper. So this is my goal.
Starting point is 01:37:53 This is your, you're my goal for 52 years old, bro. So you're winning. You're winning. You're winning, dog. I don't know. Thank you guys. That's creepy. You put pictures of guys. It's his thing. I love that. So I hope that helps you out a little bit.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Do you have maps power lift or maps strong, Chris? I don't. All right. I'll send over maps power lift to you. OK. I appreciate that. That's very nice of you. Thank you guys.
Starting point is 01:38:19 You got it, my friend. And again, thanks for what you do, man. Keep saving lives out there. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thanks for all you do. I appreciate that that so thank you very much. Okay, bye Yeah, I mean, you know that I not that again. I want to emphasize is not that a functional medicine practitioner is gonna find anything right but of all the areas I could point
Starting point is 01:38:40 Bro, I know it's hard like I think you came on just the flex Just to let us know. You know, I'm going to need to do power list. I've done this. I mean, he looks certified. I've been doing this for a long time. Yeah, he's killing it. He's killing it. He looks phenomenal for his age.
Starting point is 01:39:00 He's got good balance. I mean, he's got a lot of things going for him. I agree. I think that the potential is, the highest there's all I'm saying, because it sounds like that would be the place that he would be least likely to look or to change or modify anything is in that kind of holistic space. And who knows?
Starting point is 01:39:15 They might find something that he had no idea and be like, oh, wow, that's gonna make a big difference, you know? Yeah, he's got more, he's got 12 shows that he's about, double what I have. Yeah. So that's a long time. I mean, I could totally feel for his family. And he was saying that like how they, yeah, yeah, no, that's, that was a one thing about
Starting point is 01:39:31 competing. It was such a selfish sport that I was pretty lame to be around. I didn't want to do that. That's why it was so easy for me to walk away as much as I loved doing it and loved the journey and the process of it. How taxing it was. It is very selfish and you make a lot of sacrifice on social things that I think are important.
Starting point is 01:39:51 Look, if you like the show, head over to mindpumpfreed.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at MindPump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at MindPump.com. You can find me on Twitter at my pump cell.
Starting point is 01:40:05 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically
Starting point is 01:40:32 transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until
Starting point is 01:41:09 next time this is Mind Pump!

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