Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1881: The Two Exercise Workout, How to Train After an Injury, Ways to Tell if You Are Overtraining & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: August 17, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: BY FAR, the BEST way to strengthen your bones is to LIFT WEIGHTS! (4:06) A reflection of the gen...eral state of how our country views obesity. (15:26) How our leadership set us up for failure. (19:17) Hot August Nights adventures. (21:59) Becoming more socially aware. (31:52) When a haircut goes wrong. (34:56) Who makes themselves their own baseball card?! (39:58) Red-light therapy is going mainstream! (42:20) Beyond Meat is tanking! (45:20) Butcher Box has brought back BACON FOR LIFE! (51:50) Jen Cohen is a badass! (53:05) How the internet ruins EVERYTHING! (54:53) #ListenerLive question #1 - Is there ever a time you’d recommend abandoning a program entirely while you’re in the middle of it? (59:30) #ListenerLive question #2 - Is a cut a good time to learn a new skill like Muay Thai or Olympic lifting? (1:10:35) #ListenerLive question #3 - As a trained individual coming off an injury, how do you resist the urge that says “I know I can handle more” when returning to full body training and splits? (1:20:51) #ListenerLive question #4 - Is there an exercise that targets the "anterior chain" of muscles? (1:29:26) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! August Special: MAPS STARTER value $97 or PRIME PRO BUNDLE value $197 you get it for HALF OFF!!! **Promo Code AUGUST50 at checkout** Self-reported Resistance Training Is Associated With Better HR-pQCT–derived Bone Microarchitecture in Vegan People Bill Maher Rails on Obesity and 'Body Positivity' Calling it a Catastrophe Menstrual changes after Covid vaccines may be far more common than previously known 1 injured after vehicle overturns on Interstate 80, delays on westbound lanes Mark Zuckerberg 1992 Signed Baseball Card Sale | HYPEBEAST What is Red Light Therapy: Benefits, Side Effects & More | Glamour Mind Pump #1875: Tainted Science with Max Lugavere Beyond Meat sales drop as fast-food trials flop; McDonald’s is ‘McDone’ with plant burger Seagulls will not blow up if they eat Alka-Seltzer Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining MAPS Symmetry How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1240: The Muscle Building & Fat Burning Effects Of Oly Lifting With Sonny Webster MAPS Strong Mind Pump TV - YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Vicki Reynolds (@vicki__reynolds)  Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram Jen Cohen (@therealjencohen)  Instagram Sonny Webster (@sonnywebstergb)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Right in today's episode, we answered live-colors questions, but this was after a 54-minute introductory conversation. We talked about fitness studies,
Starting point is 00:00:26 our lives, current events, much more. By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps. Fast forward to your favorite part. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this, where you call in, we get to help you out live on air, email your question to live at mind pump media.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Juve. This is red light therapy, commercial grade, Red Light Therapy, but for your home.
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Starting point is 00:02:04 Maps starter is 50% off and the prime bundle is 50% off. So, Maps start a great program to start, strength training on and the prime bundle is great for correctional exercise, working on imbalances and improving mobility. There's two programs in that one. So again, they're both 50% off. Go check them out, go to mapsfitinusproducts.com
Starting point is 00:02:23 and then use the code August 50 for that discount. All right, here comes a show. T-shirt time. And it's t-shirt time. Oh, shit, Doug. You know, it's my favorite time of the week. We have four winners this week, three for Apple podcast, one for Facebook, the Apple podcast winners are M.Fen 1018 lady cop zero to seven and practical gym advice. And for Facebook, we have max, I'm sorry, Matt Bullington, all four of you are winners. And the name I just read to iTunes at mindpump media.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. By far, the best way to strengthen your bones is to lift weights. Resistance training hands down, nothing comes close to that method of exercise or anything else for that matter
Starting point is 00:03:16 in terms of bone strengthening. Bone gains. That's it. So a study came out that two parts of the study, one part's going to make some people annoyed, oh well. And it showed how vegans, I know, a bit of a vegan tray lately. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:03:31 How vegans tend to show kind of bone weakening effects and they relate it to their diet. But through strength training, they reverse those. So vegans who strength train don't show any bone weakening effects from their vegan diet. So it's just a, but for everyone else, it also shows bone strengthening effects. So it's not just for vegans, it's everyone else, but really there's nothing that comes
Starting point is 00:03:53 close. Nothing comes close. If you do strength training, it strengthens your muscles, the muscles anchor on the bones, the bones get stronger. There is no single thing you can do that even comes close to that. That's all. Yeah, that force all translates through each part of your tissue To the bone. It's funny like if you think back we're growing up
Starting point is 00:04:10 They should just like pump us with the idea that just having calcium and taking calcium pills was gonna be able to keep your bones I don't understand the vegan thing. Why is it not the the the basic Western diet and doesn't strength train is the same to to or same same data. So when you compare the traditional Western omnivore diet, so omnivore mean they also consume meat. First of all, everyone's bones are getting weaker, so there's that's going on. Right. But vegans train more, right? So they tend to get worse bone weakening effects than I mean, is it dramatic enough to just to separate them out like that? I don't think it's clinically significant. Wow. Yeah. It's actually a risk factor. A lot of people don't know this. But I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:53 I knew I knew that about strength. If you don't strength train, that's obvious. We've known that for a really long time. I think it's obvious. I think some people don't know that. Yeah. The biggest. Yeah. The biggest risk factors for bone weakening are being female. So women have a much higher rate of osteoporosis or osteopenia. Is that due to the lack of testosterone? Lack of testosterone, less muscle mass is what they think. So female being older, not doing any weight bearing activities. That's another risk factor. And those are the
Starting point is 00:05:26 three biggest kind of things. And now in men low testosterone can cause bone weakening, obviously still being sedentary causes bone weakening. And then being a vegan also poses as not as much as the other ones, but still poses as a risk factor for bone weakening. And in this particular study showed, oh, look, vegans who lift weights or do strength training, they don't have that effect. It's such a powerful bone building stimulus. It's really insane. I had a client, I know I've talked about this
Starting point is 00:05:54 before on the show, but I remember this, I bring it up all the time because my client's doctor made a case study out of her. So she, I had a client once that, she was a college professor, and she was talking about how she needs to start strength training or doing something because she, and she was a petite woman,
Starting point is 00:06:13 older, so kind of all those risk factors, although very active and healthy. And one of her students used to work for me. So he goes, oh, this guy, he's the one for me, he's the name of the South, he's got a wellness studio, hire him, he knows what he's doing. Anyway, so she came to hire me and her goal was, I need
Starting point is 00:06:28 to strengthen my bones. Now, she was getting to the point where they had her on, I think, Phosomax was the drug that she was on, it's kind of like an immune modulating kind of drug and a couple of supplement, you know, medications. And they would monitor and every year it was just going down, and she was really terrified. She's like, this is really bad. I'm getting to the point where this is not gonna be too good.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Do you think strength training can help? I said, well, if your muscles get stronger, your bones almost always get stronger. However, you're in this particular case, let's see what happens. For the first time, and for the first time, and I don't remember how many years, the doctor saw the progression stop, to the point where he was like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:07:09 And she's like, well, I'm doing strength training. This following year, there was a slight increase, gets on the phone with me. And he goes, I want to make this a case study. He goes, I, this is insane. And the only thing she's changed is she's lifting weights with you once a week, by the way. We were doing strength training once a week, and we saw that effect. So it's the absolute best thing you could do to strengthen your bones, and because it's a direct stimulus. It's direct, yeah, connection there
Starting point is 00:07:31 between like building muscle and affecting your bones. I mean, you look at that with astronauts and being in zero gravity, and like the biggest cause for alarm is if you're up there too long, it's just not only do you start losing muscle, but it's like it affects your bones and can be crippling when you get back.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah, and the whole supplementing with nutrients that your body uses to strengthen bones. First off, if you have a calcium deficiency of vitamin D deficiency, that's totally different. But the story that they sold us was, hey, for bone loss, let's give you more of these nutrients that we know are, for bone loss, let's give you more of these nutrients that we know are important for bone strengthening. But that's like telling somebody to just
Starting point is 00:08:09 eat more calories because that'll fuel muscle growth. Well, if there's no stimulus, I think I'm gonna have you just get fatter. You know, didn't have happening with all the extra calcium? People were gonna calcium deposits, and their arteries were actually causing problems because it was no stimulus. It was like you had extra tools, but you had no orders. You had no priority of because it was no stimulus. It was like you had all the, you had extra tools,
Starting point is 00:08:26 but you had no orders. You had no priority of where it was gonna go. Yeah, so your body's just gonna, what do I do with this calcium? I don't know. So what are all the factors that play? You have the adaptation process, the stimulus from the debonters,
Starting point is 00:08:38 and you have the muscle protecting factors that are happening because you're building muscle that is going to now support that. I would also argue maybe the circulation and nutrients that are... Oh, just general health. Yeah, like what are all the factors that strength training is contributing to this? Because it's not just simply the stimulus and then the bones are adapting getting stronger. There's other things that play here, right?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Well, it's... Like I said, you build muscle, which then now support. So it's sheer tension and force. So like if you do, that's the adaptation process. For instance, the growth, right? Yeah. So what they used to say, they used to say,
Starting point is 00:09:13 and they still do this, and they're catching up though, they used to say, hey, you need strength in your bones, do impact exercises, like walking, jogging, because the impact will strengthen bone. Well, when you look at the studies on that There is a bone building effect, but it's very small brief and it's also Confined to the lower extremities. So okay, I do running. I still will get bone loss in other parts of my body But my legs I'm gonna kind of save it off a little bit. So it's more. It's really about
Starting point is 00:09:41 Strength it's really about that that that sheer tension because strength training is that it's really about strength, it's really about that, that, that sheer tension. Cause strength training is that it's slow controlled tension and that's what causes the bone growth. So it's literally just a signaling process. That happens through that. Now the bone building process, I mean, that's the same process that will happen whenever your body is trying to build bone, improving your health will help with that as well. But really the main thing is just you're telling your body, we need stronger anchor points for these muscles.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And so your bones just get... You'll sustain this load and this demand that's being placed on us. Yeah, adaptation process, really interesting. You ever, I mean, is that process happening still in a caloric deficit? Like have we teased that out to see like what happens when you have somebody in older population,
Starting point is 00:10:22 they're doing strength training, and they're in like a colaric deficit versus when they're in a surplus. Are we getting a greater response when they're in a surplus versus when they're in a... I don't, so I'm not familiar with that. I would guess that. But I would guess that.
Starting point is 00:10:35 However, you always want to look at context. Calorie deficit, no strength training versus calorie deficit with strength training. Are there gonna be a dramatic difference? Yes. One of them is gonna preserve muscle, maybe even build muscle in somebody's super decondition, because you could take somebody who does nothing,
Starting point is 00:10:52 have a strength train in a deficit, and you'll still see strength boost in some muscle. So that's the comparison, but yeah, if you're trying to build or add tissue, you definitely wanna fuel some of that. I would surmise that the bone strengthening process doesn't require as many extra calories as the muscle building because muscle is so much more active
Starting point is 00:11:14 and requires so much more calories to maintain than bone. I don't know if building bone will speed up your metabolism the same way that muscle will. So it's just, you know. And then at what age do we normally see the decline? Like when does it normally happen where people are at a certain level? Earlier or do you, so weird.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Is that happening? Yeah, so it used to be 50s and 60s where we start to see this. Which is obvious when you think about like what's happened in the last few decades just with movement, right? Yeah. We're so much more sedentary than what we were 30 years ago. We're seeing osteophenia in people in their 30s. No. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Which is wild. Women. Women in the 30s are starting to see some of this stuff. So they'll go to the doctor and you know, you don't get your screening. I don't know what the age cut off is. And is it always, almost always, somebody who's like non-athletic, non-active, doesn't strain train? Is it almost always that? Almost always. There's definitely autoimmune issues that can cause bone loss and issues like that. But it's almost always those factors.
Starting point is 00:12:10 You'll almost never see, of course, there's always exceptions to rules, but you'll almost never see somebody who does strength training, is built muscle and who doesn't have nutrient deficiencies have bone loss. That almost never happens. Of course, there's always exceptions.
Starting point is 00:12:28 There could be an autoimmune issue. There could be something really going on that's just rare. For the most part, you see somebody that's strong and built and does strength training and doesn't have nutrient deficiencies, they're going to have strong bones. They're not going to have weak bones. I'm wondering if, and I'm just thinking like a supplement company, like if there's been any emphasis on like, you know, bone growth, powder,
Starting point is 00:12:51 and this, besides like the addition of like calcium, like other minerals and like what's the blend? Like what? Vitamin D calcium, magnesium, that's typical of three, yeah, that are in there. Remember, you guys remember Coral calcium, and that was a thing for a second, do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:13:06 Coral? So supplement industry is so funny. I don't remember that. They'll take something that everybody's buying and then try to find an angle to sell it to you again. So there's a hype, everybody take calcium, everybody take calcium. Then it kind of like we wamed a little bit
Starting point is 00:13:18 and then companies were like Coral calcium. Calcium corals way better for you. And then there was like the boost and it's really. Oh, I remember that. I don't remember that one. Doug, you remember that? I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I got that. I ran the key. I did. Strong. I did. Did you really? I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I mean, we do have those coral reef issues that we did. Oh, a whole bunch of it's grown back to see that you guys in the article. Oh, they did the great bear reef. Yeah, it's been a record regrowth. Really? Awesome. Oh, kids, the ocean got, it was the pH, right? Like it got too acidic and it was certain.
Starting point is 00:13:47 That's what they said. They were saying it was the climate change was destroying the coral reef. It just like ship rapid rates. Well, a lot of it's come back at like super fast rate. So now I posted about that. I'm not an expert on it. And I had some people come on and say that that's true.
Starting point is 00:14:03 It's coming back, but the the variation of the species is much smaller. So I guess there's must have adapted. And so some of them are doing pretty well and coming out or whatever. I didn't hear that one. Didn't fit the narrative. That's why. Bro, don't go there. Where is the narrative these days? I don't know. It's great stories. Hey, speaking of that though, did you guys see Bill Mar? Dude, I saw him go off.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I tell you what, the body acceptance bullshit that the, yeah, boy, he, he went, hey, did you listen to, I didn't listen to it. Oh, you didn't listen to it. So his, even his audience was like, I felt like they were reluctant to like laugh because they weren't sure if they were getting set up or what. I mean, he just kept continuing to drill at home and you kept hearing like these subtle, normally like his whole audience, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:14:52 it's almost like a laugh track I feel like. It's like whatever he says, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, we agree, we agree, we agree, we agree, that's why I hear it, right? Where this was like, you could tell that people were like, yeah, it was super uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:15:05 He, you know what it is, I have a theory on this. So as I continue to see this, this obviously our space and it's annoying because they take body acceptance and twist it and pervert it to mean something completely different, which is like, oh, if you're fat, that's healthy, great, be proud of the fact that you're whatever, which is none of, no, that's also unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Body acceptance means that you care for yourself. You, like, this is my body, I had a care for myself, but you can also look at yourself and say, I haven't been taking care of myself. Anyway, nonetheless, I think this is really just a reflection of the fact that we're getting to the point where a majority of people are really overweight. Once that happens, the market's gonna serve them
Starting point is 00:15:44 more than it will, the minority, which will be people who are not overweight. So what do, the market's gonna serve them more than it will, the minority, which will be people who are not overweight. So what do you think the messaging's gonna be? If the majority of the people who are your consumers are overweight, your messaging is gonna be, yay, it's great, no responsibility, it's awesome. Everybody look this way, it's a super cool, you're totally healthy, it's a myth
Starting point is 00:16:02 that it's unhealthy to be obese or whatever. I think that's what that's what's going on. Well, no, 100%. It's all about, all these companies care about is making money, all of them. So all the virtue signaling that you see going on at the end of the day, it's so they can make more money. They don't really give a shit.
Starting point is 00:16:16 But it was or anything that he said that you disagree with, or are you like 100% aligned with what he said? Was it funny? Or was he like trying to like grandstand? And like I mean, I mean, he was pointed. Yeah, he was very pointed. Yeah, with his opening monologues,
Starting point is 00:16:31 we'll try and like throw jokes in there and make a lot of work. I mean, he did, right? He threw little subtle jabs or jokes in there, but it was pretty serious. So it was a serious conversation, right? There are a lot of, not a lot of people are having, especially on that side. Well, he's been getting heat for it
Starting point is 00:16:43 because he's been kind of talking against it. So it's probably just like, you know, he's at that level now or he's like, this is like out of control. Well, it was seven minutes, a seven minute, you know, monologue or whatever, and where he's going off. The issue I have, which I get it, is that it's a very complex issue. He made it all about, and there's truth in what he's saying, okay, but it's way more complex. Obviously. We're like, weeding less.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah, he puts it all like, hey, it's your responsibility. You eat too much, you don't move enough. That's true, but there's way more to it than that. And there's other forces at play, and it's way more challenging, and it's, all, it's not just, you know, as easy as that. He was calling out America for celebrating it. That's really, that's what I mean. That's what I mean.... Oh, he was calling out America for celebrating it. That's really, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, like he's calling out America for like, like you know, you're overweight, you're overweight, it is what it is to have a deal, but like where are we going now? Where we're starting to celebrate this? Like it's a positive thing. It's like no, it's, you can be positive about who you are at the same time too, to Salis Point,
Starting point is 00:17:42 recognize you're not taking care of your health. And like this idea of all of us celebrating this is dangerous. Totally. I mean, with the direction that we're going, it's getting worse and worse. So, it's susceptible to get sick. Well, he uses the example of like, you know, when he used to smoke, like,
Starting point is 00:17:57 it's not like his friends were going up to him, and be like, yeah, man, that's so awesome that you smoke. So good for you. You should keep doing that. Yeah, but yeah, whatever you smoke, you smoke. And then if you ask them, they'll be like, nah, it's not good for you. You should keep doing that. You know, they're like, yeah, whatever you smoke, you smoke. And then if you ask them, they'll be like, nah, it's not good for your brother. You're still cancer.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You know, it's that honesty that we seem to be moving. Lacking. We seem to be moving further and further away. Speaking of which, I don't want to go crazy here. So, but I do got to say this, article comes out that says, hey, all of you women that have been saying that you've been getting changes to your menstrual cycle from the COVID vaccine, turns out, yeah, that definitely can happen.
Starting point is 00:18:33 There's definitely, we now have a- I saw your tweet. Okay, so now how did this come out? Because it's always like, what's acceptable information now, like from which publication where people are actually going to be like, oh, I'm listening now. Well, it's so this, so now they have, they have studies, right? That are showing that it, this is a, you know, quote unquote, side effect. And I get that.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Here's the part that annoys the shit out of me. And I hope people are just as annoyed as I am. I remember, by the way, it's not because I have a good memory. This was like last year. I remember when women by the, I mean, this was a big thing. Women everywhere were like, hey, I got the shot and I didn't get a period for six months or I got super heavy bleeding for this many weeks.
Starting point is 00:19:11 So everybody was crying. Correlation, correlation. And they shut them down. I know people I got kicked off social media who were wellness influencers who got kicked off. For saying that, just for saying, hey, this happened to me. That's the part that pisses me off. So they got, they didn't just get silenced.
Starting point is 00:19:28 They got hammered and now they're coming out being like, hey, this is, so what happens now, and this is what, okay, so I'm gonna take this back to when we were trainers. Do you guys remember making this mistake as a trainer, as a new trainer, where you would promise the world to a client? Oh yeah, you lose 30 pounds, oh yeah, that's gonna,
Starting point is 00:19:43 and then what did you quickly learn? Like, don't do that because if you don't deliver, I'm afraid of failure. Totally, right? What they did is they set everybody up for terrible failure because now as this stuff comes out, you're gonna get a bunch of people, now we're gonna believe all kinds of stuff
Starting point is 00:19:58 or not know what to believe. And if there is an emergency again, or some happens to be in the past, it's a great hope, right? Yeah, and everybody who's buying into, hope. Yeah, everybody was buying into. What they should have said was it's new. We don't know. This could very well be a thing.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, the argument would be that they wouldn't, no one would do it if that was the case. That's why they needed it. That's exactly why. Yeah, I mean, that's the, that's what they would are. But now look what's happening. Yeah, I know. Now, now they've set them so many. Somebody that's radical on that side, that's what they would say.
Starting point is 00:20:22 We needed to get it to everybody. And if we would have disclosed all all that then no one would have done it We'd be worse and then there'd be ten times more deaths would have happened from it. That's what you're gonna hear I know so you know, it doesn't matter. I know I know I know I evolve the other treatments I don't like that though. I think honestly is the best policy always always works out better than Setting yourself up that way. It's that's never been the policy then send yourself up that way. It's that's never been the policy. Policy.
Starting point is 00:20:44 You're right. I'm just. Let me think back to a time. What world are you living in guy? Hold on. Let me think back to a time. It was more believable in certain periods. So, you know, it did a better job, I think. How are you doing after your fucking nine hour drive?
Starting point is 00:21:00 Well, I heard about that. I'm still just like, am I here? Am I like, do I make it? So what happened? I was driving back from Reno. Like we went up for hot August nights and I was up there to hang out with my dad who brought his car and so I got to drive it
Starting point is 00:21:15 and all this cool stuff. And we were checking out all these cool classic cars. What car do you have? It was 56, Bill Ayer. Oh, nice. So and he just got this rebuilt 350 in there and it was like, you know, and it gets on it. It's fun car. But so I'll get into that kind of story in a minute, but like me coming back, they shut the road down. Like they, some crash happened and I guess,
Starting point is 00:21:41 like they just like decided to shut down 80. So I had to go through all these back roads and it ended up taking a four hour drive and it up taking like seven hours. Oh. So I did either one of you look into that. I got my way back. Katrina asked me and I think it just happened I think. Yeah, but normally when they shut the freeway there's no way a death. That's normally what happens when it gets like completely shut off.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I didn't I didn't she asked me that. I'm like, you know what? You're right. Like normally when they close the whole road down completely That a lot of times it's because there's yeah, that could have been the case. Was it you and the kids? Yeah, I mean the kids and so I was there ever rental car so let me now let me go back and kind of rewind so
Starting point is 00:22:17 My dad wasn't feeling too great and he had been up there before and so he was like congested and he thought it was like all this allergies all this stuff and just realizing like oh no like this is like I'm just not getting over this and so I was like I got to go pains me to do it because he was waiting for us to get up there with the kids so he could like cruise with them and deal with stuff and so he's like I'm gonna leave today I'm like oh such a bummer he's like well you know I can leave you the car, and you guys can go cruise. I have it, it's all registered. You guys can get into all these events and all this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And I'm like, him and it and Hawn, and I'm like, yeah, let's do that. Yeah. And he comes in, he drops the car off of our house and then takes the Tahoe and takes off. When I saw him leave, I was just like, I had that feeling. Like, oh no, I think I made a mistake.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah. Yeah. Sure enough, because it's an old car, dude. They have so many quirky issues and things. You're gonna dry, hold on, you're gonna dry the plastic car for Reno. You're dad drove it up like that. I thought that was crazy.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He should have trailered it. I don't know what that was. That's the only reason why I didn't have mine was because my truck was in the shop. So my truck's been in the shop for the last two and a half weeks for some stupid park they haven't got back. So I had planned this whole, I just did meet Justin up there for hot ice nights. I'm so excited. I'm like awesome. I'm on a trailer of the Camaro up there. We're gonna cruise around. It's gonna be great. And then all of a sudden I keep getting these messages saying that, oh, your park's still not on and your parts are on. I'm like, are you kidding me right
Starting point is 00:23:43 now? Like my truck is still not done. not does supposed to be this stupid little part for the transmission. Still didn't get it in. But that's why I didn't bring mine. Because there's no way and mine technically could drive that distance. But I just would not. I rolled the dice. Right. Oh, shit. It was it. Yeah. semi flipped over on its side. Blocked the entire. Oh, well, that makes sense. Dude, minor injuries. Oh, minor, makes sense, dude. Minor entries though. Oh, minor, but still, that's a big ass seminar.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Wow, wow, that's crazy. Okay, so you were gonna drive, was it 56? Yeah, L Air, from Reno to Santa Cruz. Okay, so four and a half, five hour drive. Okay, not traffic. No, just, you know, just like a risk. Yeah, let's just say, like, it might work out. So I, okay,
Starting point is 00:24:26 so I took it down to Cruz and I was going to meet up with, you know, with Adam and, you know, and Doug was coming out there with us too with Bree and everybody and, um, we were just going to go show the kids like what it's all about because it's just cars everywhere. It did. It's a big party. It's actually a whole lot of fun. But I get off the freeway, and the car wasn't, was, was doing fine, and you know, all the temperatures, everything was good, like it was, uh, the engine was running good. And so we started idling on the road, and I didn't, I didn't really realize like how much the, the water temperature was starting to creep on me until it was like at like 180 something like you know 190 and then we started to kind of go real slow like
Starting point is 00:25:10 grinding through the the way that they have it all kind of marked off in the parking lot. Everybody is kind of a fanst on the side like cheering for you and stuff and some like going real slow and it's like idling and it just started going up, up, up, up. And then I finally made it to a spot where there was open spot next to these two other guys that had like a Chavelle and a GTO. And so I was like, oh, perfect, I'm a back in here and I started to back in and then I parked it
Starting point is 00:25:40 and then, oh, like a wizard just shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, sh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, sh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, sh, shh, shh, sh to look at a water gauge. I was like, oh no, a sabotage. And so I'm like, I can't open it because if you open it, you know, you burn the hand. And so I'm just like, I'm gonna go look at cars and just leave it. Car smokey. Just let it stay in the worst is there's, there's all these other gear heads. How the hell are you doing?
Starting point is 00:26:24 How the hell is they coming to you? They're telling you no, it's okay. Yeah, let me help you out real quick, buddy. You obviously have no idea, dude. I had like old guy after old guy, like, you know, that had like, I have a 50, so I have, you know, a 350, let me, you know, you really fuck your engine up. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Like, throwing me all the worst case scenarios. And I don't want to hear all this stuff right now. Like, you piss off, you know. I'm like, I'm gonna go walk and cool down myself. And it was the worst, dude. And so I'm like trying to be cool because I want the kids to have a good time so we could come back again at some point, right?
Starting point is 00:26:56 And so anyway, thank God, I was across my fingers. It wasn't too bad. What happened was like the reserve, it had popped, it got so hot that it like popped the the cap off And so the cap came off and then all of that just steamed out But it's because and so why this was in my fault it It had like a switch on there for a manual fan that I had turned on but the fan never turned on because the fan like died And so the fan that's supposed to keep
Starting point is 00:27:25 the radiator cool that in front of it had just stopped working. And so that's where I was. It's a flux capacity. It's a flux capacity that's a, hey, they turned like, I would have been so screwed. I would have been so screwed. Because I don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:27:38 That's me, that's why I don't take that risk. I'm like, I would have trailer it out there. That's the only way I would have. You know what's crazy is that we take for granted how reliable modern cars are. You almost never see a car broken down on the side of the road. That was always a common thing.
Starting point is 00:27:50 And it's funny, and the courtyards asked me about them. Like, yeah, this always happens. Everybody's car here that you see, like, dirt, deal with this shit. They just know how to like, you know, fine-tune things constantly, and they bring a whole toolbox with them in the back trunk, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:04 just to fix all these little nuances. Did you get that trailer right back? So I, because it's still could run on the freeway, because it gets enough air flow, it stayed down, so I just waited until it got completely cool. And even leaving out, it started to kind of come up, because I had to, like, and so I skipped. There was like a fence and I had Doug just jumped out and like moved it out so I had
Starting point is 00:28:28 to go through and weave through everybody and everybody's like, oh, I'm out of here. Do you like to get to the freeway, you guys? So I was just like jetted to the freeway. And thankfully my dad's friend that he was up there and he was helpful with me. They ended up following us to see if I was going to break down or not all the way back to our trucky place. So it's part of there. It was just a little stressful.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah. Oh my God. Just a little bit. And then to add on to that, like the seven hour drive back, like I couldn't even get home. It was just kind of a disaster, dude. Like it's just one of those things you plan all these cool things to happen on like sequence and then it's just like one thing happens.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And it's like, Bro, being a parent is basically managing, don't lose your shit. Oh, that's all I was saying, like a mantra on my head, no. Yeah, it's because I, you know, I'd go on trips with my parents and I remember sometimes by dad will lose his shit. Like, why are you so mad?
Starting point is 00:29:20 I don't know. I had no idea that there was a bunch of stuff that happened. I was up here, dude. Like, this is be the dad that's happened. Yeah, or my mom. I remember one time my know, I had no idea that there was a bunch of stuff that happened. I was up here, dude. Like, this is be the dad that's happened. Yeah, or my mom. I remember one time I was a kid. I'm watching like TV and I was just kind of chilling on the couch, like 12 years old.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And we had magazines, you know, on the coffee table. And there was like four on the coffee table, three on the floor or one over there. And she's, as she's cleaning it up, she just lost her shit. Literally lost her shit and started throwing magazines everywhere. And I remember as a kid being like, I thought to myself this, I said,
Starting point is 00:29:50 man, my mom, you know. There's a lot of things that lit up. And I literally said to her, which made it worse, after she'd like freaked out, I said, mom, I said, you need to calm down. You can't be like crazy like that, you know? And then she'd like, really I'm happy. And I didn't understand.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And I remember she's- It always goes over well. Oh bro, I didn't never say that to anybody, especially a mom. And I remember, really I'm happy. And I didn't understand. And I remember she goes over well. Oh bro, didn't never say that to anybody, especially a mom. And I remember, she told me this, she said later on, like night or whatever she goes, you'll understand when you're a parent. You know, every parent says that to her kids,
Starting point is 00:30:14 you're like, whatever mom you're crazy, I get it now. Have you ever seen that? Have you ever seen that? It's either a meme where I've seen this post before where it's like couples and they're driving like on vacation. And you could just see both of them are staring ahead time. It's like pretending you're gonna have a great vacation. You just got into almost a divorce fight on packing the car to go on vacation. It's like everybody can relate to that, right? You can already go for the weekend. It's gonna be
Starting point is 00:30:38 this great trip. And I'd say that the stress will get better. And then the drive, you know, say like six hours like staring, no one talking to each other. I'm going to, I'll tell you guys, it's going to be a great weekend. I'll tell you a little bit of my weekend at risk of communicating it wrong and just flaming the sheet there. So honey, if you're listening, please forgive me. I don't tell this properly, okay?
Starting point is 00:30:59 But so we, she's pregnant, right? She's in her third, she's about to get in her third trimester. Shitty sleep all the time, no matter what. Just really bad sleep. Good job, sit at the table here. On top of it, I wake up early because I go to the gym, so that wakes her up. If I get up to go pee, that'll wake her up.
Starting point is 00:31:15 And then it's hard for her to go back to sleep. Then, you know, the kids get ready for school and just, you know, the baby. So she just snore. Yeah, I was just snoring, which now I think I've solved the whatever button. There's just bad sleep, okay? baby, so she just snore. Yeah, I was snoring, which now I think I've solved the whatever button. There's just bad sleep, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:28 Now, top of it, my daughter has been like begging us to have a cat, like a pet. We need a cat. We need to, please get me a cat, whatever. So, out of the goodness of her heart, and this is true, Jessica doesn't like cats, but she's like, I'm gonna do this for your daughter. So, we got a kitten, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Well, kittens, meow like crazy at night, the middle of night, if they're not with you or whatever. So, this bro. Every time when he tells stories like this, I always admit that image that we have of him, that's a big brain, and like all the workers are working over here and all the science studies and stuff that he reads.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And some of the other ones are just common sense over here just empty. Nobody's there. Nobody's there in common sense. You go, hold this shit going on and you're like, hey, let's add an animal. Oh, dude. A kitten or a puppy.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Well, anyway, so, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the cat, yeah, just meowing, right? And if you made the slightest move, it would meow like crazy, wake up my wife, wake up the baby, then it's like terrible, right? So that was happening all week and that causes tension. And I'm not always the most self-aware person.
Starting point is 00:32:31 That causes more tension. So just fights, right? Fight, fights, fights, fights, fights. Trying to work it out. Whatever. Anyways, this weekend we were, you know, we're hanging out and, you know, I'm on the couch. I doze off a little bit, wake up, our lunch is ready. Jessica does doze off, which like, wake up, our lunch is ready, Jessica does doze off,
Starting point is 00:32:46 which like it's never, almost never happens. So we go get the food, we're getting the food, my daughter's order's wrong. So she's like, oh my god, and she kind of like real loud, wakes up Jessica, and that was it. She just got so upset, bro. And so it was this big thing, and I'm like, and I felt so bad, you know, because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:02 I'm just not a self, like I'm not aware of certain things to that extent. So she's just so mad. And so I'm like, oh, I'm so sorry. So I'm like, it's just kinda weird, cause last night I'm like, I'm like, massaging her. I'm like, okay, every night, we're gonna, we're gonna go to bed early.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Like we gotta get you more sleep. And we're gonna try and make this happen. Right. Oh man. I actually think you're a really empathetic person. Maybe like, maybe you lack the social awareness part, but you're very you're a really empathetic person. Maybe like maybe you lack the social awareness part, but you're very empathetic. I feel like. Yeah, I am. The most that of all of us. I don't think I'm not empathetic. What it is is I'm, I don't know, is
Starting point is 00:33:36 forgetful even the word to describe kind of scatterbrains or social awareness. is what you're alluding to right. You're surrounding see them say like what's going on. Well I'll save you a little bit since we're ragging on wife so I'll go ahead and I'm going to roll mine out of the bus because I was ragging on my way. Stop it Adam. I didn't even bring mine in the face. I was like so I want you to go there. She asked me to she's like don't you dare talk about this. I'm fucking mine into the day. So I was like, don't you, and she asked me to, she asked me to,
Starting point is 00:34:05 she's like, don't you dare tell me this. I'm fucking talking about the podcast. I'm telling you why I'm gonna talk about the podcast because I was so cool about it when it happened in real time. And I thought, I let it build up and I didn't,
Starting point is 00:34:15 it's bugs in it and all these stories out. Save us by the way. It's a 10 minute podcast. I'm sure it's a 10 minute podcast. I'm sure it's a 10 minute podcast. So I'm in the bathroom. We're up at Reno, right? And I'm in the bathroom once. I'm in the bathroom. We're up at Reno, right? And I'm in the bathroom once.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I think it was Saturday morning or whatnot. And so I should preface why I was up, what caused me to be so frustrated is, I don't know, this is weird. I'm taking my son up to hot August nights for the first time. And I'm actually, I'm one, I'm already bummed that I don't have my Camaro up there. But I'm like, you know what's cool? My son's going to do the Celia's hot rods and I'm going to take some photos with them and do all't have my Camaro up there. But I'm like, you know what's cool? My son's gonna do the Celis hot rods. And I'm gonna take some photos with them and do all this stuff
Starting point is 00:34:47 and see them take cool pictures in front of cars and he'll look back when he's older. And stuff like that of these pictures with him hanging out different cars. Like, that's dad stuff going in my head. Mistake number one. Expectations. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Absolutely. So, right, right. So I'm in the bathroom. It's like, it's like Friday or Saturday more. I don't remember what morning it was. And I come out, because she's like, uh-oh. And I'm like, bathroom. It's like, it's like Friday or Saturday morning. I don't remember what morning it was. And I come out, she's like, uh oh, and I'm like, oh, what? She's like, don't be mad.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I'm like, anytime she starts, I'm already mad, she just started that. She like, start with don't be mad. You know, I'm like, what happened? She's like, I decided to cut Max's hair. I'm like, why the fuck would you do that? And why would you do that right now? And why would you not ask me to do that since I cut his hair last time, right? So
Starting point is 00:35:27 I did the whole picky binder thing on him last time that turned out all right. I mean, I actually got some compliments from him. I'm like, it was all right. I didn't think it was great. I wouldn't try and do it again. And she's like, his bangs are just driving me crazy. So I cut his bangs. I walk out there, bro, you couldn't intentionally fuck his hair up worse. You couldn't have tried to fuck his hair up worse. I would have it. Bro, she cut his bangs and she cut it in a straight line. You can't cut bangs like straight.
Starting point is 00:35:55 So it's like, sweared off here and then, oh, you look like the Queen's Dammit. You, I'm telling, I'll show a picture of it. I'll show a picture of it. You literally could a picture of it. And you literally could not have messed it up more It was that bad. So I poor Vicki has her you know hands cut out for her today or tomorrow whenever she took her to the house Yeah, I did not get mad. I was cool about it. And I was just whatever inside and she's just like she's like you know I appreciate you really I feel already bad really bad bad So without thanks for not being so angry about it. So I'm like, no, it's okay Just when when our son asked us if we ever tune the hot it's nice And there's no photos to prove that he was there
Starting point is 00:36:38 Hey, that's so reverse usually it's the dad that doesn't shit like that Yeah, I decided to shave the kids, right? Well, could you not have like a relationship like that? There's a lot of things that are reversed in our relationship and that you're right. That's probably normally the dad that does something silly like that. Well, no, not in our situation.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Could you do something like that? I saw some pictures. It's not right. Oh, no, it's really good. He's young, you know what I mean? So cute. You know what, and you know what, she asked him. She's like, honey, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Mommy messed up your hair. It's okay, Mommy. Oh. And I was like, you know what, she asked him. She's like, honey, I'm so sorry. Mommy messed up your hair. It's okay, mommy. It's like, oh. And I was like, you know what, the positive thing, that's why I said, you know, at least you did it at this age when he's not gonna be traumatized by it. Bro, they had to go to school, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:37:16 And then like kids, kids are ruthless, yo. My oldest, my oldest, who's 17 now, just like last year. So this is like, that's like, prime age, don't get your kids hair fucked up, right? Yeah. I took them to supercuts. Like we got to get a haircut, bro, you got a mop under the story right there. Hey, I took the super. Oh, it's all right. I took, I took him to supercuts. You guys remember
Starting point is 00:37:36 that lady I tell you about that for, I don't know how we always get her. She's the old lady that has. Is it a lazy? I, that lazy here. Hey, listen, what's, what's, what's, She's the lazy eye. It's not lazy. They literally, hey, listen. What's, oh, it's, I'm just gonna take a teenage boy. Do you guys hear, okay, whatever, that's cross eye. She's gonna cut.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Hey, see your own haircut. I pay for your haircut, you go, or I tell you. There's a reason, what's $9? It's $9. Hey, Doug, what's that, what's that lizard with eyes going opposite direction? Is that, what is that called?
Starting point is 00:38:02 Community, is it, okay, that's what eyes do. They don't cross, they go like called? Community, is it? Okay, that's what eyes do. They don't cross, they go like this, right? So she's got, so she gets to cut his hair. Right there, I'm like, I'm walking out. Oh shit. But no, I'm, I'm, you know, I'm, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:38:14 So I'll try to save a buck, you know what I'm saying? Here you go, bro. I'm gonna be fine. No, it's just fast. So we go, we get to haircut. Now she literally does not listen. So my son will be like, I can tell, I can hear him. I can see him telling him what to do.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Don't go shorter than this. What should you do? Shorten that. So sure enough, we're done. He's silent. Dude, he was mad for probably three, four days. Mad. So mad.
Starting point is 00:38:34 That's one of the worst feelings when you deliver, and then you're telling them exactly what you want. And like you see them messing up real time. And you have no control. Now keep in mind, this is what, maybe it was longer than a year ago. This is when they were doing school at Zoom. You know, I'm like, bro, we carry.
Starting point is 00:38:47 You're not even going to school. I can see you, but anyway. And then you make it worse. It's the same deal. So we carry this. Is she even off, dude? It's always an option. He was so bad, though.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah. Oh, dude, speaking of like old, like so, okay, let me sit, like so Zuckerberg had like, I guess like somebody had found an old baseball card of his So he back in the day went to some like camp and had created his own baseball card with his own made up stats and he was like I don't know if he's like 12 years old or something or if he's like younger than that But he somebody had found it that he gave it to
Starting point is 00:39:26 and is now auctioning it off on like eBay, and they're gonna see how much money they're gonna raise for it. Does he look like that? Does he ring this Android back then? Yeah, can I do that? Yeah, because who makes themselves their own baseball card who doesn't even like play
Starting point is 00:39:40 or is like known for that or anything? I mean, I know somebody used that. I used to put, I don't know what. I don't know what, I don't know. I don't know what, I don't know. I don't know what, I don't know. I don't I mean, I don't know somebody who used that. I used to put... I don't know the dollars, didn't. What? Yeah, dude, he's on Instagram guy. I actually like his stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I just stuff. Oh. He's a little kid. I feel bad making fun of him. Look at that cute kid. No way, dude, like... Future billionaire, Android. Right there.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Oh, he's a cute kid. Poor kid. He wanted to be, you know, he wanted to be an athlete. He became a billionaire instead. What do you mean? Yeah. Turn into an NFT. Is it? But I mean, like, they're selling it. It's like, yeah, like, it's like, yeah, like, is there any bids on it? I want to know how much it's going to go.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I know. I want to know how much money is easy. No, what the fuck? How cool would it be to have that in here? Yeah. Hey, look, I don't know. I mean, there's a joke it would be funny. I used to take, I used to take the, the, the, you know, like, my dad's garage rags. I put it in back in my shirt. Boom. I'm't know. I mean, there's a joke it would be funny. I used to take the, you know, my dad's garage rags.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I put it in back in my shirt. Boom, I'm a superhero. It's kind of the same thing, right? Well, yeah, just give myself a ward for something I don't even do. Like, just do that, right? Just give yourself a trophy. Yeah. Years old, come on.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Oh, the eight. Okay. What a meet, just in such a bully. Listen. There's, he's making a ton of money off of that. So I have to make money. is he making the money off of it? No some other guy is but I'm just saying that's weird Yeah, I want to see it's weird that anybody would want it. I guess is the point. Yeah. Oh, I mean it's I was sold Yeah, I don't I would buy as a joke, but I wouldn't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. Oh, it's 10 million Oh, no, no, that's mint Mickey Mantle. No, no, no Zuckerberg baseball card's Mickey Mantle. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Zuckerberg, baseball card, expected to fetch 10, oh, no, no, no, sorry, you gotta keep reading. Sorry, yeah. Disgip, we're so sorry. Yeah. I don't think it's been sold yet. Yeah, okay. Well, we'll find out, I guess, we'll see if anybody does want it.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Hey, you know what's going mainstream, by the way? I gotta bring this up. Like mainstream mainstream. So you guys familiar with Glamour magazine, right? Yeah, Of course I am. Yeah. They're right away. You're script glamour. I love glamour. Yeah. They did this huge article on red light therapy, huge article, calling it the fountain of youth. So I mean, it's cool. I think I did see that. Yeah, Jackie shared it with the shout out to Jackie. She sends us the best articles. It's going mainstream and then in the article, they quote all the studies. I was actually proud of Glamour, which is normally a terrible magazine full of garbage.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I think I've ever heard you say something. I know. But I know you guys could beat me up afterwards. But they talked about the studies and how it works. And look, for people reading it, it was, you're probably gonna get the same feeling I got when we started talking to the company we work with Juve. Then when they brought to us, here's what Red Light Therapy does.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I, you guys remember what I said, bullshit, doesn't do all that in a way. The studies go way back, dude. There's lots and lots and lots and lots of studies that show it's benefits. Speaking of which, we did that podcast with Max where he talked about the Alzheimer's research and how, you know, that 2000, I think been if it's speaking of which, we did that podcast with Max, where he talked about the Alzheimer's research and how that 2000, I think it was six study
Starting point is 00:42:30 that confirmed, I put in quotations that the Amaloid beta plaques are the cause of the symptoms now they're showing us fraudulent. Anyway, he mentioned on that podcast the mitochondrial dysfunction theory, which I personally think is, that's my belief. I think that's the direction that we need to go is poor mitochondrial health.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Well, red light therapy, that's how it works. It literally stimulates the mitochondria to produce more beneficial energy to become more efficient. And this is why when you shine red light on your skin, your skin, your skin Rejuvenates and gets healthier faster or why you recover faster. It's what it does is it literally it's like giving your mitochondria Superfuel if you will. So that why too they're finding all these other benefits because of all the different types of cells in your body that you know it affects They all they all require a lot of life through mitochondria all of them benefit everything That's right. So if you shine it on your skin, better skin health.
Starting point is 00:43:27 If you shine it on, this is no joke. That's why it seems magical higher testosterone. What do you think it's going to like red light therapy's going to become like the new CBD where it's like good for everything? Oh, that's a good one. Right? Just shine some light on it. Yeah. Yeah. Not because it, because it has such positive benefits and everything is connected to that. It's just like you could probably draw. Context matters, right? Context matters. Are there cases where you might not want to superpower your mitochondria? I would imagine cancer of state or something. Yeah. Maybe you're like a really sick. It depends, right? Outside, I would imagine. But you're right. I mean, they were studies that show that it improves cognitive function by getting it
Starting point is 00:44:07 to parts of the brain, which you can't do that with traditional red light therapy because you're a skull. Although some people tried doing it through the nose. I don't think that works or whatever. Shout out to everybody. I've seen that before. Yeah. You know, speed of articles that Jackie sent over.
Starting point is 00:44:21 She also sent one. Did you see the McDonald's and beyond meat beyond me tanking. Yeah, I thought somebody Particular you know, I might have been if you know a fade I feel like we I feel like we predicted that to it Yeah, of course it's gonna tank come on man. It's not only is it all it is is planned That's only difference. It is not healthier. It doesn't have less calories It doesn't and it's worse for you because it's 50 million different ingredients that are put together in an engineer to taste like meat.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Of course, it's gonna tank, of course. Only people that are gonna stick to it or eat it are people who are super anti-animals getting killed. Otherwise, the average person, you and then though, you've brought up the point that I think is like crazy to me is You're you're eating something that is like this thing that you're so opposed to eating and it's and they've they've engineered it to Isn't that weird though? That is weird. I mean it's like think about that for a second
Starting point is 00:45:16 It'd be like if you're super not into eating humans and you eat you Had something engineered to taste and feel like you're eating human right, but it's yes, I know It's like that's to me. That But it's, yes, I know. It's like, to me, that's what it seems like. It doesn't make sense. It makes no sense. Like you hear it again, it's more of a conversion, like an evangelist kind of approach, right?
Starting point is 00:45:35 They're trying to meet people where they can, like kind of bring them in subtly, like, oh, you know, plant bases and that, we still have burgers. So my sister is like, I don't know if you guys know that my sister for, she's, I had this aversion to meat since she was like a kid. So she, and it's because her, her, you know, her love for animals, and she can't help but think that.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And so she's just disgusted by just the texture of meat, the look of it, everything. She can have fish and there's some things that she'll do, but for the most part, she's not a big meat eater for that exact reason. And it's like, so if you're like this, this hardcore vegan or you're just like, and it's all about the animals, the association's already there. Yeah, exactly. So to eat something like a burger that has the taste. You know what? I never thought of that. It's so true. It's like, listen, everybody's wrong to beat children. But here's some fake. Here's a fake children. And they're so true. It's like, listen, everybody's wrong to beat children, but here's some fake children. But here's a fake children and they're so realistic. They bleed and they
Starting point is 00:46:28 die just like real kids, but it's not good. What should be like, what the fuck are you doing? Weird. Weird. What's wrong with you? That's true. Yes. If you're against eating animals, you shouldn't eat things that are made to taste like animals. Yeah. Very good point. Adam. That is a huge mind. Well, maybe that's why it's gonna fall. Maybe that's why it's gonna fall on its face because the ones that really are, I would think are like my sister where they do. They think it's like,
Starting point is 00:46:52 you know what the key is? I wonder about these contracts. Like how long? Cause, you know, obviously they got into the fast food chain kind of market and it was a trial run for the most part. It started out like mild interest, right? And, but I wonder if that's just like, after like it's that contract starting to come up
Starting point is 00:47:10 and it's gonna be like one chain after the next start. Get rid of them. You know, what was the price point? Can you pull that up, Doug? What was the price? What did you mean they're stock? No, no, no, no, no, the price point at McDonald's. So like,
Starting point is 00:47:21 I think it was the same. It was the exact, like, could you get a big Mac at that was beyond burger big Mac versus regular one and it was the same. It was the exact like, could you get a big Mac at that was beyond burger, big Mac versus regular one, and it was exact same price? Oh, that's a good one. Because that could make a big difference too, right? So like if they were charging a premium
Starting point is 00:47:32 because of all the stuff that goes into it, it's more expensive to potentially produce, that it might have been really expensive. And so, you know, at the end of the day, people are trying to save money. And that's why a lot of people go to some of these fast food restaurants. And so you're like,
Starting point is 00:47:44 I'm not gonna pay an extra dollar. If you're seeing for me to see if some companies hold true, it's like a cause that they're keeping that around instead of listening to the market demand. No, right? No, dude, didn't care. Well, the business to make that happen. Listen, I would believe you if I didn't see that
Starting point is 00:48:01 happening in all other industries. Here's a deal. Okay. Here's what a company's job is. I mean, they will, they're like in all vegan place. I mean, come on, they'll get that all other industries. Here's a deal. Well, I mean, if you're with a company's job, I mean, they will, they're like in all vegan place. I mean, come on, they, yeah, that's their market. I don't know, they're, yeah, but. Okay, okay, look at,
Starting point is 00:48:11 a plant remarkably smaller than the impossible water, but it was a mere $3, although I don't understand what they're saying. So, the, the, plant meals $9.19 with fries and a drink. Okay, is that, that's's more than I don't know. I don't know. Well, that was what you're supposed to be looking for me. Well, you brought more useless information to the conversation.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah, you needed more like we know the automatic price. Well, that's I know you got a dollar sign. I think it was more. Yeah, so that's maybe that to me that I'm sure that played a role, right? You got to think especially the times by law. I think it was more. Yeah, so that's more, not that. To me, I'm sure that played a role, right? You got to think, especially the times that we're in right now, it's more expensive. Listen, a company's job should be to give the consumer
Starting point is 00:48:57 what they want. That means it's our responsibility. It should be. That's the goal. So if a job, a company's doing something you don't like, blame the consumer, okay? Now obviously you shouldn't lie, cheat, steal, hurt, kill, all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:09 But that's just how it works. So these companies don't give a shit. At all, if they're not selling them, they're not selling them. And that's the bottom line. You know what made these patties popular in the first place? Was that they figured out a way to make them bleed. Right. Yeah, like, like,
Starting point is 00:49:27 so back to your point, Adam. Yeah. They're like, oh, this one's even more like. Is the beat, yeah, but they added in. So it like looked like it was blood. Does that say the big Mac meals 599. So it's, well, that was a whopper. Or you were at Burger King before.
Starting point is 00:49:40 No, no, no, MacPlan was like $9 and something for the meals. Oh, that's a little more. Yes, like $9 in something for the meal. A little more. Yes, like $4 more. By the way, by the way, so that had to do. I broke. I do want to say this,
Starting point is 00:49:50 not saying that this is an equivalency, but there is a truth here. A lot of animals do get killed in making these foods. Oh, I know, I'm disappointed that people always make it so weird. It's like you have this thing for cows and stuff like that, but then rabbits and mice and gofers and birds and a lot of the inconvenient truth of that. Yeah, a lot of them do get killed. So it's just no perfect way to do it. We haven't figured out a way right to kill nothing. Except for lab grown meat. Have you guys seen
Starting point is 00:50:17 that they're starting to yes, so make this happen see that. To me, so what it has to come from living cells, where those living cells coming from. They take stem cells and from what? They, that's a good question. From the animal. Yeah. So it's still like part of the animal that they're just growing and fostering.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Yeah, but I think what you get like some, then that's it you're done. You know what I'm saying? I don't know, I don't know. I don't know if this is a great question. Hey, listen, you reminded me of something. Now that we're talking about meat, You know what I'm saying? I don't know, I don't know. I don't know this is not right. I'm right. Listen. Great question. You reminded me of something.
Starting point is 00:50:47 What did you say? Now that we're talking about meat, Justin, I got a question for you. Okay. I think I know the answer is anything meat. If you could get something for life, what would it be? Bacon, of course.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Bacon for life. But your box is giving away bacon for life. Oh, they brought it back. They brought it back. They brought it back. Every time they buy the way. They're bacon on it. If you're listening to this, and you were contemplating getting on. They run out. They brought it back. They brought it back. Every time they buy the way. They're making it on it. If you're listening to this, okay,
Starting point is 00:51:05 and you were contemplating getting on. They run out. So you signed this. Yes. If you were contemplating getting on the Butcherbox bandwagon, now is the time to do it, and you have to do it fast because every year that they bring this back, it goes so hard that it goes ham,
Starting point is 00:51:18 right, it goes ham. And then it's made in that. It ain't no carrot bacon either, I'll tell you that. It's real big. Yeah. Yeah. Coming from pigs. Last. No one caught that Andrew, except for you. Yeah. I do tell you that. Yeah, it's real big. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Coming from pigs.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Last, no one caught that Andrew except for you. Yeah, I do. Would you make a joke that I'm going to? Going in. Yes, thank you, Doug. Oh, man. Oh, I got it. I just don't like that.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I just don't like knowledge of you. I'm just curious. You laugh at least. There's a dumb joke. Dad joke. So does he become a dad Justin? Yeah. That was better than a dad joke.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Come on. He's only got a few years experience. Can we shout out those guys away. Shout out a shout out that page. I like that Instagram. Oh the dad joke Yeah, yeah, I like to give love when I find like I love those dead panties What it's called? They're called Andrew. You know the name of that up there in Tahoe. Yeah, I think it's called like I want Doc talk or something like that. I love that is that what it's called a date. They're hilarious though Who else? Oh, that was the other person we're gonna shout. Jen Cohen. Oh yeah. Jen Cohen is like,
Starting point is 00:52:08 can I just test under cover badass? Why was she doing that? Hold on a second, she's so impressive every time. Like what I mean by that is every time you talk to her and meet her, you're like, you did what? You do hope? How? And then she posts, and I didn't believe,
Starting point is 00:52:20 I look, I didn't fully believe you guys. You guys are freaking out over, what is that called? When surfing or kiteboarding? Yeah, kite surfing, kiteboarding. kiteboarding, kiteboarding. kiteboarding, you guys. You guys are freaking out over, what is that called? Wind surfing or kite surfing? kite surfing, kite boarding. kite boarding. You guys are like, oh dude, she's like pro level. And I'm like, okay, so she's probably pretty good. No, no, no, she's pro level.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Like flipping and doing wild shit on a freaking board in the water. Yeah. She's a badass. No, no, no. She said to me, her whole motto is don't talk about it, talk about what you do, show it, shock them and then move on. That's 100% what she does. Yeah. No, no. She said to me, for her whole motto is don't talk about it, talk about what you can do, show it, shock them and then move on.
Starting point is 00:52:46 That's 100% what she does. Yeah, yeah. That's why she said, drop that, like, oh, take a look at my little, me hanging out with this. Yeah, she was shocked. Hey, that's Gabe Sal, bro.
Starting point is 00:52:55 She was shocked me because she's able to get in and communicate with and connect with people and you're just like, how did you meet that person? How did you, she just does it. Yeah. She was one, we've talked before on the podcast of like, there's been times where like, oh, we almost didn't meet somebody or like, hesitant, oh, I don't know about this person and then she completely like flipped your perspective.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah. Who she was. 100%. I remember when she came in, there was this grumbling sound in here of like, oh, we're going to interview this trainer girl. Who is this? Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. And then we all met her and everybody fell in love with her.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And then we've continued to fall in love with her the more we get to know her. That's only happened a few times. Yeah. There's only been a few times where there's been somebody who like we were really reluctant. We're pretty spot on for the most part. Yeah, I think so too. But every once in a while, someone just surprises. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:46 She was like one of the most surprising people that we met and I just continue to love her. She's amazing. So real quick, I need to hear this Justin. The Alka Salzer thing. Oh, yeah. Please explain this to me. I believe this my whole life.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And also why you wash your t-shirt today. Yeah. Both those things. I got bird poop on me. Wait a minute. No, I was I got bird poop on me a little. Wait a minute, I was just gonna sit on there. I was brushing my teeth, they came in. Oh, okay, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on,
Starting point is 00:54:17 hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, it was not. Well, I was like, did you forget to bring your shirt and you had a grandma in the back of the car? I'd be honest. No, no, this was fresh. It took it right off. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 All right. I messed it up. You want to smell it? No, I don't. I don't. I feel like I, all right. It's toothpaste. All right.
Starting point is 00:54:38 What am I talking about? Oh, yeah. I was explaining things to Everett like before I, you know, help him get ready for bed. A lot of times he just finds it like opportune time to ask me like all these crazy questions. Like deep questions and stuff. Really deep questions, right?
Starting point is 00:54:54 And one of them was like, so I don't know how got brought up. Oh, we were talking about acid reflux and stuff because he's already kind of has signs that he's going through like a bit of acid reflux. And I said,'s already kind of has signs that he's going through like, you know, a bit of acid reflux. And I said, there'd be times where I was at my friend's house and I stayed the night and they didn't have like, tombs, they didn't have anything to help. And I'd be like dying.
Starting point is 00:55:15 I was like burning. And so I would go down to the kitchen and I'd find like begging soda and I'd put like a teaspoon and water and I'd throw it in there. And then but it would make me burp like crazy and all the stuff. And then, I don't know, somehow that got into talking about the seagulls and an alkycelser.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And I was like, I vividly like remember, I felt like I remembered seeing somebody do this down at the beach. And I was like, duh, like, it's so cruel, like, threw up like some alkycelser. And I thought that they- Yeah, they dire they explode. They just like- They dire they explode. Like, there's so cruel, like, threw up, like, some August Seltzer, and I thought that they- They die are the explode. They just die are the explode.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Like, there's stomach explodes. Everybody knows that. Right. But apparently, I don't know if Mythbusters have done anything to this or not, but I read a bunch of articles after this and went down a rabbit's hole, like, of videos and YouTube, and they're like, the scientists are like, no, like, it's the theory is
Starting point is 00:56:02 because they're not able to get rid of it through gas, through through farts or burps, right? Like they don't do that, but in pressure, in terms of like their ability to do it, they said that they have the ability to do it, they just don't do it because of their diet. So typically they don't like fart or burp or exchange gas. My whole childhood was alive. Because they can, but so they have the ability to do it. So it's like, it'll probably mess up their stomach
Starting point is 00:56:30 and they're gonna have to like work through all that gas and stuff that comes about, but. So it doesn't blow them up. You know what? Sure far where, like, I was shit all over the place. So here's the worst part is we're watching videos waiting. You know, for these seagulls, I'm like, I've never seen this happen. I'm gonna be honest. And like seagulls. I'm like, I've never seen this happen
Starting point is 00:56:45 I'm gonna be honest and like like ever was like, oh watch this damn like I don't either I don't want to watch you either I see you Yeah, we're like scroll Waiting in this guy Oh, no, it's gonna happen Seagulls is like, you know, suffering on the ground, but then it's fine. And it like flies off. Oh shit, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Everything's okay. You know what, dude? Oh my god. This was the internet ruins everything. This was true. In my head. This is true. Right?
Starting point is 00:57:16 You know, back in the day, if you didn't know something, you would ask your aunt, and then she'd tell you, and that was it. I was a truth for the rest of your life. Now we got to damn internet. I had to see if it was visually, like, I had to get proof. Yeah, so I stuck it out. What else is not true? Almost everything.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Blowing in the Nintendo cartridge doesn't make it worse. I still believe that, I don't know. That's true. I'm telling you, they actually did test on it. It doesn't work. That's bullshit, that's fake news. Yeah, so we got even worse though, like you got actually we'll cut it there.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Hey, real quick, one of the sponsors we've worked with the longest is Organifi and that's for a reason this company is incredible. High quality ingredients, convenience, great tasting. These are super food blends that are like a green juice, as a red juice, as a gold juice. They have plant-based protein powder. It's one of the ones I use because I can't have dairy. And much more, lots of incredible products this company continues to grow
Starting point is 00:58:11 because their customers are so satisfied. If you take supplements and you want the best, check this company out. Go to organifi.com, that's ORG, I, sorry, ORG, and IFI.com, forward slash mind pump, then use the code mind pump and get 20% off. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Lucas from Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Lucas, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, how's it going, guys? Good. Hey, nice for taking my call. I really, really appreciate it. I've been a listener for going on about four years now. So, first time I've asked you guys a question, I appreciate you hearing me. So, some brief background. I'm 33 years old. I've been lifting weights since I was 15
Starting point is 00:59:01 with power lifting background until I was about 20 to 21. Once I stopped doing that, I started doing just a, just like a normal traditional two-part body, two body parts split six days a week. I've been doing that for basically the last 10 years, pretty much my own programming. I've never done any full body workouts before. That is until I started Maps Estetic about eight weeks ago. So I don't have a lot of experience with
Starting point is 00:59:36 full body, so it was kind of a shock. I went ahead and started with Estetic. I knew you guys probably would have told me to go with Antibolic to start with, but I thought with my experience that it would be okay, but I've really been struggling with the volume and intensity of the program. Phase one was great. Whenever I got into Phase two though, I started dealing with a lot of joint pain, just struggling to find motivation
Starting point is 01:00:02 to do the foundational workouts. I went from whenever I started phase one, I was doing a focus day of shoulders, a focus day of core, and then I was doing one day of Olympic lifting on the weekends. A very lightweight just because that's a passionate mind. So when I started phase two, I ended up taking out the Olympic lifting. I stopped doing the focus sessions just because of soreness. And pretty much was just doing the foundational workouts and just kind of barely getting through them. I took a D-load week to see if that would maybe help get me rested up.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And so I could keep the intensity up. But I've just been really struggling with soreness, muscle soreness joint soreness. Anytime I lift like day one doing the squats on day one whenever the next foundational day comes around, I'm nowhere near ready to deadlift. I feel like I'm just super sore, super tight still. So I've been kind of like stretching them out, you know, taking more than one rest day between the foundational days, just really struggling. And so my question is,
Starting point is 01:01:09 you guys think like with the volume that it would be like with how high the volume is and aesthetic, especially going into phase three, would I be better off just stopping in the middle of the program since I'm struggling so much and maybe going back to something like anabolic Or it would be better just to keep like super lightweight you know focus on form and Just like get through it and then move on to something else or what what would you guys recommend there? It's too late for that second part already over trained Yeah, I mean serious
Starting point is 01:01:44 So anabolic would be fine, but you know what with your powerlifting background? I would love to see you do symmetry It's too late for that second part. You're already over trained. Yeah, I mean, serious. So anabolic would be fine, but you know what, with your powerlifting background, I would love to see you do symmetry. I bet you, I bet you symmetry will blow your mind, especially with your experience with bilateral squats and dead lifts and presses and all that stuff. I bet you symmetry would get your body exactly where you want.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I also want to comment on the transition from going from a two body part type of split to full body. This was a similar thing that I had to deal with because I trained that way for so many years. And your mindset has to shift because you are doing these bigger compound lifts that are more taxing on the body when you're doing like a full body routine like that three days a week.
Starting point is 01:02:24 And this is where the two and the tank thing you're doing like a full body routine like that three days a week. And this is where the two and the tank thing you may have heard of talk about before is so important. Oh, yeah. And I had a hard time with that because up and to that point, I could really kind of hammer those two body parts because I didn't have to worry about it because I wasn't going to hit it for a few, I had plenty of days of recovery before I hit those two body parts again, because I'd cycle through other body parts, right?
Starting point is 01:02:44 So I was able to train at a higher intensity because of the split. So I had to learn to back off of the training right to failure or if the program called for five or six reps, I was barely getting the fifth or six rep up versus switching over to this. Like, okay, I need to be able to choose a weight
Starting point is 01:03:06 that I could have done two or three more reps when I hit my five reps or what are I with that. So that's part of the mental process you're probably gonna have to go through. I don't know if that hits home at all for you, but that was a challenge for me for a while. So that could be playing into why you feel that way too. Yeah, and aesthetics a lot of volume on top of it.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Yeah, I think you're initially with anabolic was where we would have probably directed you and just especially for the transition from split to now, total body, you know, like it, that's why we kind of direct people in that direction first. Just so the volume is a bit lower, you can be a little more focused and, you know, pay attention to what your body signals are and how it's feeling through that process. But at this point, getting to that overtraining state, I think, a solid advice with symmetry,
Starting point is 01:03:53 kind of going through that. And then maybe after that transitioning to anabolic would be my suggestion. Yeah, I think that would be amazing. I think you'll be amazed with how strong you are after symmetry going into anabolic. Especially the last phase of symmetry is a five by five for a few weeks. I think you're going to like it. Now in the beginning, there's some
Starting point is 01:04:10 stuff you're probably not used to just go through it, trust the process. Yeah, I mean power lifters really benefit the most from this kind of training, just because you know, especially people in the history of like you do, just so much bilateral, so much bilateral work that you've developed patterns and compensatory patterns that you're not even aware of. You're not even aware of doing this, you don't lateral stuff that you'll do in symmetry, you'll notice some things.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Thinking of it as a performance advancement too, the more stable your joints are, the more force you'll be able to produce, you'll see your lifts increase as a result. Yeah, so. So Doug will send over symmetry to you, so you got that now. Let's do that.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. So stop right now and just start. You got one. Yeah. Yeah. 100%.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yep. Thanks for calling in. Hey, I get one more question real quick. Oh, yeah, go for it. Okay. So I was trying to figure out how to word this in the email. I may not have come across like I wanted to. Okay, so I was trying to figure out how to word this in the email. It may not have come across like I wanted to.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Basically, you know, like I said, I did competition powerlifting, like 10 a long time ago. And that was like the strongest I've ever been, was whenever I was doing that with my compound lift. So that being said, I haven't hit a PR in a compound lift in the big three in 10 years. So would you say that's just a result of the fact that I'm not competing anymore that I have switched
Starting point is 01:05:39 my programming to do other goals. Is that okay? I feel like it's hard to gauge my programming since I'm still not as strong as I was. No matter what I do, one rep max is, and it's still 20 to 25% off of what my maxes were whenever I was competing. That's actually a real good question that we don't address enough. I think on this show is that people think that this because you were at this level where you were competing, which means you were probably programming and training to hit PRs in your
Starting point is 01:06:15 meets. Here you are 10 years later and you've done all these other goals and training programs and splits and yet you haven't surpassed any of those PRs. When I'm engaging in my, is my programming doing well, I'm comparing to where I was at beginning of that program, right? So if I start, you start maps and a ballic, your wherever your squat, your deadlift, your overhead press, where those movements are,
Starting point is 01:06:36 what I wanna see is improvement from that number, I'm not gonna compare to my powerlifting self 10 years ago. And if you really wanna go chase that, and you do want to do that, well, then then you run a program like Powerlift. And then you actually program to increase your lifts. And it's not really about aesthetics. It's not about performance, not about other things. It's literally about can I get big at those or get stronger those core lifts again?
Starting point is 01:06:58 And I think there's nothing wrong with a goal like that. I would recommend based off of the things you're telling us to do symmetry like we said, but then maybe after symmetry You go do power lift or symmetry in the nanobalk and then go power lift So nothing wrong with you revisiting an old, you know a powerlifting type of a program just to see what you got But yeah, I would be very depressed if I compared myself to my all my PRs all the time I'd be discouraged And that's what I was thinking about. It's like, man, I feel like I feel like I'm more muscular than I was back then.
Starting point is 01:07:31 My composition's a lot different because I was way bigger whenever I'd power a lift. It was 280 pounds and a body weight. And so it's hard to, I can't compare my physique to between men and men. Obviously, it's on leaner now and stuff like that. But it's like, man, I'm just... You didn't tell us that.
Starting point is 01:07:50 You didn't tell us that. You were strong as I used to. Lucas, you didn't tell us that. You were way heavier and bigger. It does. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's so many factors. Like, okay, you're older, but you're not old,
Starting point is 01:08:00 so you're still in that prime age of strength. But maybe your sleep is different. Maybe you're a dad now, maybe you got a job now. You're trying a different, you're still in that prime age of strength, but I mean, who know? Maybe your sleep is different. Maybe you're a dad now. Maybe you got a job now. You're trying a different, you're much lighter. Like, I mean, you know, when I, you know, when I used to bulk up to 230, I would hit some pretty crazy list. I ain't gonna compete with that at 205. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:08:15 So yeah, I think you're right, right. Yeah. We'll send you, we'll send you a symmetry. Okay. That's, that's right. I think you should go for sure. Awesome. Thank you guys very much.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Thank you. Hi, ladies. Justin, when you see a big beard, do you have to deal with that? Could you have a tidy beard? Neal before the big beard. You know, his, I like this stuff that we talked about because it is something that we haven't addressed that often and I do remember this transition for myself because I trained like he did for a long time.
Starting point is 01:08:42 He's like the same intensity and then go into a full body. Yeah, and the fact that he chose aesthetic, like that couldn't have been the worst situation right. Like, just to make a good point, like, just because you were transitioning. And I get where his logic was because he's like, oh, I'm an advanced lifter. They probably tell Annabelle, like to all beginners, because I'm an advanced lifter, I can jump right to one of their more advanced programs. But that's, it's, it's, Annabelle is not. I do it. I'm doing it right now. Yeah. I say anabolic. I keep coming back to it. Anabolic is not a beginner program. I mean, we we recommended it as a foundation or the first program, but it doesn't it's the all of us run
Starting point is 01:09:13 that type of routine all the time. So it's a it's a very good solid program. And for sure for somebody who is transitioning for 10 years of doing a two body parts split six day a week routine. To me, a shock to the system. Oh, yeah. Anabolic is definitely the place you want to start off before you jump into something like aesthetic, for sure. Our next caller is Quinton from Illinois. Quinton, what's happening, man?
Starting point is 01:09:36 How can we help you? Hello, hello, Sal. It's going good. And so I have a question regarding what to do in a cut in terms of like learning a new skill. So I'm thinking about doing some Muay Thai or some Olympic lifting and I'm wondering, you know, there's a couple of trains that thought you could go down with that, but you know, I'm kind of looking for some advice on that. That's pretty much it. Okay, which one's more important to you?
Starting point is 01:09:59 What do you want to do both at the same time? I mean like, I think I could do both of the same time. I mean, the Olympic lifting, I would just replace, you know, regular sessions with just some low weight higher reps, learning the form, because that's something that you have to learn the form for. Yeah. And then more time, maybe like, you know, once or twice a week, something like that. All right. Maybe knee or friend after a snatch. Yeah. Or knee them in the knee. Yeah, right. You know, just pop it up and just straighten the face. So so here's a deal. Olympic lifting is the it's the formula
Starting point is 01:10:29 one of strength training. I don't want to piss off a bunch of strength athletes that do other sports but kidding me it is. It's the most the pinnacle. It's the most complicated. The most skill is required. There's nothing comparison in terms
Starting point is 01:10:41 of skill with with with strength. So you're going to need to get a good coach. I would not go to the gym and practice on your own. I would treat it like Moitai. Like you're not going to try and learn Moitai by looking at pictures online and kicking your wall or something, right? You're going to go take a class.
Starting point is 01:10:54 So I would go, you know, two days a week, a Moitai, two days a week with an Olympic coach. That's a great balance. And the Olympic coach is going to make sure that you train the skill more than the lift and the intensity. A real Olympic coach is going to make sure that you train the skill more than the lift and the intensity. Like a real Olympic coach is going to have you start with the broomstick. And then you're going to move up to a barbell at some point. And it's not going to be about how much you can lift. It's going to be about perfecting your technique.
Starting point is 01:11:16 That's going to be so, that's going to go really, really well with Muay Thai, which is also just something without asking. I'm curious where you actually plan to try and do this all on your own? Or were you going to hire a coach? Yeah, I was just going to look at YouTube, honestly, and just kind of learn the Olympic movements from there. I mean, I've been watching it on YouTube and just seeing some of these guys, like Lasha and Towsian,
Starting point is 01:11:38 and just the way they move it just so cool. And I really want to learn that. I don't know where I would even access an Olympic coach lifting coach. I've done Muay Thai for over a year before. I might have stopped because it was massive. I'm a poor grad student. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Yeah. So the reason why, the reason why I think this is important is because not having a coach too would, would change the way I would approach it. Totally. So there's no way I would probably bite off both of those if I'm deciding, because there's nothing wrong with like you self teaching. I don't think there's anything wrong with you.
Starting point is 01:12:11 I mean, the resources that we have with YouTube now and there's some great coaches online where you can find stuff like that. But I definitely probably wouldn't try and do both at the same time, especially since you're training yourself. Maybe if you had the luxury of, okay, I got these two pro coaches.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I'm seeing one two days a week, the other one two days a week. They're giving you good feedback based off of what you're telling them. But if I'm going to go teach myself, I don't know. I got a question Adam. What's, boy, what's his name? Sonny Webster. Does he have Olympic lifting program? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yeah. Get a real Olympic lifting program online. So it's way less expensive than I remember. You follow Sonny Webster? No, I know who that is. All right, down the, we've had him on the show. So we had him on the show years ago. I think he's one of the better guys out there.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I really like him. And he does have an Olympic lifting program. So follow his content. Yeah, cause he's got good stuff. And he's a real Olympic lifter. He's not like a CrossFit competitor who does Olympic lifts. He really coached. He's a good coach andFit competitor who does Olympic lifts. He really coached.
Starting point is 01:13:05 He's a good coach and teacher and he knows a stuff. He's been around for a long time. That's why we had him on the show a long time ago. So definitely do that. So the main part of the question still though is like, you know, is this something that I would want to do at a maintenance caloric intake or at a deficit caloric intake? So I'm just kind of like getting a little bit bored of just like, you know, the same. I've gone through Annabelle a many times in aesthetic a couple of times. And I've just been going in recently just focusing on like new mobility stuff. I saw a cell, there's some farmer walks with the trap bar.
Starting point is 01:13:30 So I was like, all right, I'll try that out. And is this something, you know, this new skill, is this something I should do in a deficit or at a maintenance or does it not matter? The skill part doesn't matter. It's the new work in intensity. So if it's a bunch of new work in intensity, it would be hard to do that, and then also be in a deficit. Because you're more likely to over train and fry your body.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I'm also getting the sense from listening to you right now too, that you're just, it sounds like you're kind of just searching for something fun to challenge yourself and do. Is that what I'm kind of getting? And you're just, you have an interest in movie tie and all that. Okay, have you actually considered actually running one of our less conventional programs like MAP Strong? Or power?
Starting point is 01:14:10 I haven't run strong, I have access to it, but I haven't run it yet. I've done power lift before. Okay. That one was really fun, but I overbalked and I got like humongous in a good and bad way. But, yeah, but I haven't run strong yet. You would like strong. You would like strong. I think so. Yeah, I think you would like strong. Yeah, yeah, and I have a run strong yet. You would like strong.
Starting point is 01:14:25 I think so. Yeah, I think you would like strong. Yeah, yeah, and it's so different. I mean, it is really different. It's probably one of the most unique programs that we have as far as the way we programmed it. I mean, it's, yeah, yeah. So if you, so I mean, that's not,
Starting point is 01:14:38 I'm not trying to change your mind about Muay Thai or Olympic lifting, but the sense that I'm getting from you. And by the way, I think this is a really good, this is a really good conversation because I think this is how this is important for people that want to have a lifelong pursuit and fitness. I have found it extremely important for me to always be changing my goals and having new things to go after. And I think it's very healthy to be like kind of move in and out of these things. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Yeah, it's fun. It keeps it entertaining. It's challenging your body in different ways. So I like where your head is at that you're like searching for a new skill to acquire or a new challenge in your training, like nothing wrong with that at all. But that's also why we wrote some of these unconventional type of programs.
Starting point is 01:15:21 So you can use those to pursue those things and have fun with it. So if that's not an option, then we can talk more about the Muay Thai and Oblivion lifting, but I think the strong would be something you would love to do. And if you are going to teach yourself Muay Thai and Olympic lifting through virtual digital, I would focus on one at a time. Now are you treating Muay Thai more like you're sharpening your skill in terms of like your thrown cakes and your skill in terms of like you know your thrown
Starting point is 01:15:45 cakes and and punches and whatnot instead of like you know it just being like super cardiovascular like you're doing it for for the circuit and the cardiovascular aspect of it. No, no, definitely more sorry sorry. Go ahead Justin. Well, I just in contrast to like the power because if I could see them sort of working together if you're like focused like highly on the skill and like getting better at the technique of that, you know, alongside, you know, power lift a couple times a week or not power lift, sorry, Olympic lifting. Yeah. Yeah, I think the majority for both of them, I just a new skill that I want to learn, you know, I'm 25 and I just want to see what kind of way I can move around with Olympic lifting. It seems fun. And then Muay Thai is times, it's a ton of fun to learn the art and the technique of it.
Starting point is 01:16:27 And it's like, it's really interesting. I know you've done it in the past before as well, and you've talked about it. And it's like just so much fun to learn that. And I would definitely do that one through a class a couple of times a week. I wouldn't do that one just virtually. But the Olympic lifting, I would definitely try to do virtually just because I don't have I don't think I have access to liquid coach on that kind of stuff. Good deal.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yeah, sunny web series got good programming on that. Yeah, you could make it work. I think, yeah, I think if you're going with that mindset, but just, you know, you got to just got to pay attention to, you know, how you're buying your spawns. And the bottom line is they don't even know, right? They don't even know. They don't even, they don't even know. One of these days. And the bottom line is they don't even know, right? They don't even know. They don't even know, guys.
Starting point is 01:17:05 One of these days. Ah! I don't know what Sunny's programming looks like because I wish I did so I could give you more specific advice. I do know what I would do with strong in Muay Thai. Like you could totally follow map strong and follow the foundational days and then pull out the work sessions
Starting point is 01:17:22 and trade them in for Muay Thai. Sure, the work session would go. So that would be a cool plan, right? And you don't have to take so much time learning skill with Olympic lifting is like learning in art. Strong, you'll be able to jump. So if you have strength training experience, you'll be able to jump in right away and just build strength.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Yeah, then you just pull the work sessions out and then replace it with your Muay Thai classes. Now you're getting to do some pretty cool different unique lifts that you're probably not used to, like circus pressing and snatch grip dead lifts and like these movements that are in the trap bar, deadlift carries are in there. Like there's a lot of cool movements that are unconventional that I think you'll enjoy the challenge
Starting point is 01:17:58 of getting better at that. Then you can incorporate your Muay Thai on the work session day. So drop the work session days out of strong, follow your Muay Thai there instead. And now you get kind of a cool little blend there. That's something I would do. That's brilliant. Yeah, brilliant advice. Okay, yeah, actually, that sounds pretty good. All right. Excellent, man. Thanks for calling in. Yeah. Awesome. Thanks guys. Thank you. See you later.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Yeah, I knew he wanted to he was gonna learn it on his own because he was so confident. You know, we got all the fun. Well, you were giving us do the learn on his own. you're so confident. You know, we got a fuck. Right. Well, you're giving, like, this dude's gonna learn on his own. Bro, when you were given the, when you're sure to give your advice, we're like, oh, but this kid ain't getting no coaches. Yeah. This kid's watching YouTube right now. You're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're gonna go, you're brutal. Like you go take a class and you're done dude. You can't waste it. So it's not like a normal life. I'm gonna go take this workout class where it takes a lot.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Super aggressive. Yeah. And super skillful. So yeah, both require like an insane amount of skill. Like those different pursuits and they're totally different. So, you know, it's just kind of racking my brain. Like how you're gonna manage both of those things. Yeah, 100%. I love what the kids head that though. You know, I think it's a good age 25 years old. Been missing a bunch of fun with. It's just kind of racking my brain like how you're gonna manage both of those things. Yeah, 100%. I love what the kids had, Zato. I think that's a good, he's 25 years old, been listening to us a lot of fun with him. He's fun. He's been for four or five years,
Starting point is 01:19:09 he's ran anabolic aesthetic all those programs. Totally. I think it's a really healthy and good to be challenging yourself. I just think you're biting off more than you could chew when you try it, acquire two really. I like the strong and the work session replacement with Moitz, I think.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Right, I feel like that's a good, I was great advice, because Olympic lifting, you're not gonna derive tons of benefit for a while, just cause you gotta learn it. It's so technical. You really gotta hyper-focus on it. Yeah, dude, and people don't treat it that way, and that's how people get hurt.
Starting point is 01:19:36 But if you treat Olympic lifting the way where you learn the lifts, you're just gonna take it a while, even if somebody's really mobile and athletic, you gotta give yourself six months before you're really pushing certain lifts and not even all of them. Like I think even a snatch, for example,
Starting point is 01:19:48 for some people taking it no longer. Yeah. Next color is Rich from Colorado. Rich, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, what's going on, guys? I appreciate the time. Thanks for taking the call and for taking the question.
Starting point is 01:19:59 A little background. We've only been listening to you guys for about, I'd say, three months. So it was awesome to find you guys. You to just come up on my four-year page. And as a process of seeing you my four-year page, I've been going to YouTube, and I've been going to Spotify, and I've been sold on ever since. That being said, I'll get right to my question. A little bit of background. I've been lifting for about, consistently, about 15 years, started when I was 19, but consistently started hitting
Starting point is 01:20:28 it around 26, 41 now, 5.11, about 1889 pounds. I'm about eight weeks post distal bicep tendon rupture. So distal bicep tendon rupture ended up rupturing from, I was moving boxes in the garage, it's always a free accident how it happens. So ended up tearing, going up, ended up pulling it down, drilling through the radio and then reattaching it.
Starting point is 01:20:58 That kind of surgery is more like this picture like a button under your collar. All they do is they just take a bicep button, put it through sutured back in. So it's about 13 millimeters socket right here that has a back in. So six weeks, PT twice a week successfully completed that after that. Pretty much throughout the whole time, it never really stops training, would just train a lower body, you know, treadmill,
Starting point is 01:21:22 things like that, incline weighted vest, and things that nature. And this kind of ties in last week or the week before you had an individual on who had a broken ride on them. So kind of the advice that you gave him pretty much kind of already kind of answered my question. So it's a reason why I posted this question in a certain frame is as a trained individual or fairly well conditioned individual, coming back from an injury of this nature, right now we're at about 60%. There's really no problem with the bicep itself as far as flexion or rotation.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Only pain that I'm getting is about right here in the wrist and that kind of corresponds right with the part where they did the drilling. So running MAP Santa Ballet, like I said, let's see you guys for about three months, picked up MAP Santa Ballet Theater. Go said, listening to you guys for about three months, picked up MAP Santa Ballet Theater to go ahead and let's just start everything over. So I went from not doing the preface, and I went right into the advanced, the advanced blueprint. So weeks four to six, that being said, my question was, as a trained individual coming back from
Starting point is 01:22:23 an injury of this nature, how do you resist the urge to either add to the program or just say, you know what I think I can do more like when do you make that distinction based on the perceived exertion. until I really like the trigger sessions. I add only just some treadmill walks with the trigger sessions. So total workout is about 30 minutes with the trigger sessions, only being eight to 12 minutes. But yeah, my question is, is as a trained individual, how do you overcome that urge or that wanting to,
Starting point is 01:22:58 hey, let's not just jump right back in, but I can hand them more when you know how to dial it up, when you're on the other back. Oh, that's a good question. I took a long time for me to figure it out. It takes a really long time and I think we all still struggle with it today. I think, I mean, when you listen to enough podcasts episode, Julia actually hear us talk about still to this day, you know, I tend to overreach, you know, I, I'll always end up
Starting point is 01:23:20 being the guy who flirts with doing too much than probably not doing enough. So it's a constant conversation. Now the fact that you have us, I mean, this is kind of you, I would try and get you to blindly trust us that we've scaled the programs in that matter. I actually, by the way, I would rather I'm going to have ducks in you map symmetry, by the way. So I'm going to send map symmetry your way and also maps prime pro. I just think that that is going to benefit you even more
Starting point is 01:23:47 than anabolic and I would follow that first before running anabolic. And then when you actually have the urge to do more with if that does have it, I would actually do more mobility stuff. And in your case, it would be shoulder and wrist stuff in particular because of your injury. So if you have this urge that I want to do more work or more things that I would allow you to, In your case, it would be shoulder and wrist stuff in particular because of your injury.
Starting point is 01:24:05 So if you have this urge that I want to do more work or more things, I would allow you to, but then I would say, instead of us doing more work, lifting heavy weight or doing more exercises like that, let's dial in more of your mobility training and then I would allow you to do more mobility stuff. As far as signs are concerned, if I start to feel a little tight or stiff, and especially if I start to feel a little bit of soreness or inflammation at the insertion points of muscles, I know I'm going too much, going too hard.
Starting point is 01:24:39 So even just stiffness, like if I get into a set, and I'm like, oh, I need like three warm upsets just to be able to get full range of like I know I'm overdoing it. So for me personally, it's stiffness that I look at like how stiff and loose to if I feel loose and comfortable I know I'm usually doing the right amount if I start to feel tight I'm usually doing too much. Well, this is why I like Adam kind of bringing up Cymetries because you know inevitably if you've been trained a long time, like, we have this amount of weight already
Starting point is 01:25:08 in our head of our capability. And so it's like, it's a shot to the ego if like, you know, you're starting over again, you know, you're working through an injury. And to be able to kind of now just focus more unilaterally and with dumbbells and, you know, take, taking less weight, it's not, it's something that you can like refocus on,
Starting point is 01:25:30 getting stronger, getting more stable, getting more connections, so it's a completely different mindset that you go into that, which isn't quite as damaging to the ego. It's just something too that's gonna benefit you longer term, than just jumping right back to bilateral barbell type training. And it'll be less tempting, right? It'll be less, I mean, it'll be less tempting to want to, that urge to want to like, oh, I know,
Starting point is 01:25:53 I've done this before, so I'll throw this way back on because you're doing all this unilateral and isometric work inside symmetry. So perfect. Yeah, it's definitely where I'd want you right now, especially until we're talking about 100% back with your bicep and stuff like that. So once you're feeling 100,
Starting point is 01:26:08 then that's a different story. But right now, while you're still kind of in rehab mode a little bit, but starting to feel better, symmetry I think is a perfect program for that bridge. Kind of get there. And then the combination is prime pro. And so, as that ego creeps in and you want to do more and more, I said, sure, okay, let's do more mobility work.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Let's keep working on that. And that you can do a lot. You can do a ton of that. Yeah. Thanks for calling in. Rich, what kind of teacher are you? Oh, so I work in oiling gas. I'm a safety guy for oiling gas.
Starting point is 01:26:38 I'm working on oil rigs for about 18 years. Oh, no shit. There's the IN team right there. Yeah. We found it in the label. We found that secret. Oh, no shit. There's the I and team right there Yeah, I appreciate it guys. That's kind of when I heard the guy with the with the broken arm and you recommended symmetry I was like, okay, that's the that's the route to go and I'm good with it because I don't mind starting all the way back over right because it's a challenge It's like, okay, how do I beat this right here? Like I already know how to train by like how can I train this to say okay?
Starting point is 01:27:07 Stop so I appreciate it. Yeah, you'll like it. You'll like it and ain't taking a step back You just want to see what happens to your body. Yeah, yeah, you're like advanced afterwards trust me Awesome guys. Well, I appreciate the time. Thank you rich. Thanks man. How good? You know, it's funny a little rig guy. Yeah. Oh, Oh, dude, well, I don't know how it does now, but yeah, I've seen the guys at work on them. Yes. What was that documentary? That was really good. Super dangerous.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Or there was a documentary or a movie that was made. It was a movie made off of your blood, right? A real story. Oh, I don't remember that movie. Yeah, but these are like, you mean modern rigs? Like, was it modern? Yeah, no, there's a story. The last big one that caught fire.
Starting point is 01:27:42 There was a movie made off of. I forgot. I know it's time for that. You know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah, there was a movie made and it was based off of a true story. And it was a really good movie. I cannot think of the name of it right now. It's funny, Symmetry is one of those programs.
Starting point is 01:27:59 I know it's designed to balance out the body, sculpt, muscle, everything looks really good, but it's almost applicable to almost any situation because of the nature of the program. It's going to bring out and strengthen and balance as a weakness is. It really doesn't make a huge difference if you're a strength athlete, if you're endurance,
Starting point is 01:28:17 if you want to work on mobility, like it's all the same. It just reinforces everything. Totally. Yeah, beneficial for everybody. Deep water horizon. Oh yeah, that's the one. Next color is Emily from Colorado. Hi Emily. How can we help you? Hi guys. I am such a big fan of your of your show. I've listened to every episode and
Starting point is 01:28:41 yeah, I just want to thank you so much for your life changing advice. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Yeah, quick question. You know, I know Sal is always saying that the deadlift is the number one exercise to work the entire posterior chain of muscles. And so I was curious if there is an exercise that works the anterior chain of muscles if that's even a thing that's similar. Oh Frust quality. Frust quality. How's it gonna say? Frust quats are gonna be the closest. Yeah, but you're going to get a lot of posture you're changing that too, right? I mean, you are, but I mean, what else are you going to get more?
Starting point is 01:29:11 A bench press lunge. A prince press. No, a front, a front squat you're going to get shoulder and arms and core and. You get a lot of posture. It's really hard because the anterior chain doesn't work in the same way that the posture chain kind of connects and works together. Now, the anterior chain doesn't work in the same way that the posture chain kind of connects and works together.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Now the anterior chain does work together, but often it works in conjunction. If you're talking about the whole anterior chain with stabilization from the posture chain, and this is just me off the top of my head because I'm trying to think of an anterior chain. Like obviously a bench press is some is anterior, but that's not a chain, right?
Starting point is 01:29:43 A squat is posture and anterior because you get the quads and the posterior chain. So that's a tough one. I'm having a tough one thing about what I can full sit up to. Yeah, hollow body position, a plank. Plank, yeah, plank will be a good one. Yeah, plank.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I mean, it's hard to compare to a deadlift though, right? Like a deadlift is going to build a ton of muscle in all those things. I mean, there's some, you know, like back, there's, there's flexion and extension of the spine and you can lean back and get some range of motion there, but there's no lift that I would want to do necessarily that would load that in a way,
Starting point is 01:30:19 like a deadlift, obviously. So that's tough. Any particular reason why you're asking? Yeah, just curious. You know, I am very short on time and I am trying to find the exercises with the most bang for your buck and I do stick to compound, but I'm kind of wondering like if there's a day where I can only do two exercises and I'm trying to hit the whole body, you know, if maybe there's something to do along with the deadlift.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Okay. That's like, that's a better do along with the deadlift. Okay, well that's a better way. So with the deadlift, I like overhead press or a bench press with the deadlift personally. Yes. Okay. Yes. Awesome. Thank you so much. You got it. Thanks for calling in. Thanks for listening to every single episode by the way. Yeah, we actually love for you guys. You got to do that.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Thank you. Thank you. That's it. I'm glad you asked that. Yeah, because I never heard that question before and I thought about it. I'm glad you had done that. Thank you. Thank you. I'm glad you asked that. Yeah, because I never heard that question before and I thought about it. I'm like, ooh, that's a very logical thing to ask because we talk about that the deadlift, you know, takes care of the entire post of your chain, right? Ooh, medicine ball slams. I never think of this, right? So now all these extra slams are coming from me.
Starting point is 01:31:19 But I was thinking hallibide position, but like, but you know what, though, what's more shorter? Because even like a ball slams. Okay. Yeah, you're a plank, right? Both those incorporate it basically everything, right? But you're not going to get as much bang for your buck. Now that you asked her why she was asking, it's a yeah, that's the best.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Like that, that was the answer is that like, oh, you, you are short on time. I mean, I don't want to like spoil anything, but we have stuff in the works that's coming for, I think that addresses exactly that, like we are limited on. You do. Yeah, what's the most minimalist thing that you could do to get the biggest bang for your buck? I think is, that's a really good question. You do.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Yeah. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com, check out all of our free stuff. We've got tons of free stuff that can help you achieve almost any health or fitness goal You can also find us on social media Justin on Instagram at mine pump Justin Adam on Instagram on mine pump Adam and you can find me on Twitter at mine pump sell
Starting point is 01:32:13 Thank you for listening to mine pump if your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and Maximize your overall performance check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks,
Starting point is 01:32:42 feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sound, and an adjustment as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 01:33:16 you

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