Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1921: Ways to Overcome Elbow Pain When Lifting, What to Do if Your Doctor Tells You Stop Weight Training, Solutions for Lower Back Pain & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The idea that gyms are some of the most unaccepting, judgmental places on Earth is complete bull...shit! (3:22) Is white rice as bad as candy for heart health?! (25:35) The reviews are in for Kreatures of Habit! (30:49) Is Elon buying Twitter back on the table? (35:37) The benefits of Acetyl-L-Carnitine, from LivON Labs, for mild depression symptoms. (43:42) The Brain Blend from Ned is legit! (44:51) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on how to help my virtual client who has an excessive anterior pelvic tilt and low back pain? (49:02) #ListenerLive question #2 - What should I do when my doctor is telling me to stop lifting weights, but strength training is key to my mental health? (1:01:56) #ListenerLive question #3 - Do you have any tips/advice on how to overcome the fear of rupturing my Achilles again? (1:13:44) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any advice on ways to overcome elbow pain while lifting? (1:23:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Kreatures of Habit the PrOATagonist for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MP25 at checkout** Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! October Promotion: MAPS Symmetry or MAPS Strong HALF OFF! **Promo code OCTOBER50 at checkout** Ilya Parker, A Trans Trainer, Is Making Fitness More Inclusive White rice is just as bad for your heart as candy, study suggests Elon Musk Suggests Buying Twitter at His Original Price Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** How to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt (BECAUSE SIT HAPPENS!) | MIND PUMP The (2) BEST Ab Exercises You’re NOT Doing Properly (STRONG CORE) | MIND PUMP Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Reverse Crunch The ketogenic diet as a treatment for traumatic brain injury Lion's Mane — Health benefits, dosage, safety, side ... - Examine.com Concussion and Cannabis: Could CBD be used following brain injury? Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! How to Fix Golfer's/Tennis Elbow! (Inner Elbow Pain) The Best Curl Variation for HUGE BICEPS! MAPS Fitness Prime Pro Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) Instagram Ben Patrick (@kneesovertoesguy) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcasts, all those things, we're number one and all those things. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live colors questions after a 43 minute introductory conversation. We're talking about things like fitness, current events, our live studies, and much more. By the way, you could check the show notes for time stamps
Starting point is 00:00:32 if you want to fast forward to your favorite part. Also, if you want to be on a podcast like this one, you want to be on live where we can help you. Email live at mindpumpmedia.com. Tell them your question, who you are. Maybe you'll be on an episode like this one. Now this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Creatures of Habit. They have a product called Protagonist. This is a great first meal of the day. So here's what it contains. It contains oatmeal, gluten-free oatmeal.
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Starting point is 00:02:41 and then use the code October 50, that's October 5-Zero, no space for that discount. T-shirt. And it's t-shirt time. No, shit, dog. You know it's my favorite time of the week. We have three winners this week. We have two for Apple podcasts and one for Facebook.
Starting point is 00:03:00 The Apple podcast winners are, ooh, that's cool. And JDBF 2011. And for Facebook, we have Rebecca Jackes. All three of you are winners. I send the name I just read to iTunes at minepumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll send that shirt right out to you. The idea that gyms are some of the most
Starting point is 00:03:23 unaccepting judgmental places on earth is complete bullshit. It's not just skewing the truth. It's actually the opposite of the truth. One of the most accepting places on earth for anybody who simply wants to improve their health is the gym. It doesn't matter if you're straight, gay, white, black, overweight, underweight. It doesn't matter. If you're in there working hard, people are very, very accepting.
Starting point is 00:03:46 You know, I blame, you know who I blame on this freaking bullshit myth, the most planet fitness. Ooh, you know why? Because they're in our space. So when they say something like if you're a gym and you say something about the gym industry, people are more likely to take it seriously. And what they did is they took this myth, which is false and we'll'll get into that. It's not just false, it's the opposite of the truth, but not only they take it, but then they built a marketing strategy around it with
Starting point is 00:04:14 their lung alarm, with their commercial showing these meatheads who are super unacceptable and super judgmental and judgment-free zone. They built that in their gyms, gave people free pizza, made super cheap memberships knowing no one's gonna show up, that's really their model. And it's super annoying when I hear people, and here's why it's annoying. I wanna help people so badly, and what this myth is doing is it's preventing people
Starting point is 00:04:38 from taking that first step of walking into the gym to improve their health. And you guys know as well as I do that first step is the hardest step to take. Well, you're not always right, but I do feel like I should give you your credit when you are. I think this was something that you called
Starting point is 00:04:52 a long time ago that this was next that they would start attacking fitness and gyms and people pursuing their health improvement. Yeah, and I remember when you first said it, and I was like, really, you think it's going to go that far? I was like, it's not going to go that far. I really didn't think it was going to go that far. I didn't think that we would get to this point where,
Starting point is 00:05:12 because I just thought it was so ridiculous. There's no way they're going to come after people that are trying to build these gyms and help people out and that are exercising and improving their, but they absolutely have turned it into a toxic masculinity type of conversation. Or that's fascinating. Yeah, and I understand why like planet fitness,
Starting point is 00:05:33 they decided to just angle that and basically put their attention on, you know, a fractional percentage of people that might come in and sort of, you know, it in and sort of, it's just sort of like the human factor, and any kind of collection of a group of people that are together, you're gonna have an asshole
Starting point is 00:05:52 in the group every now and then. And so to highlight just that one asshole that's like inconsiderate and going around and doing all this stuff is pure nonsense, but to them it works because it's like, they're marketing it as like, this is like, you know, just for us and it's not for all the meat heads out there.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And so, you know, they capitalize on that, but in terms of, you know, deterring everybody from going to the gym, like, what are we even talking about now? It's just promoting a complete false myth. It's completely fought. Look, if you're, I don't care who you are. I don't care what your political affiliation is. I don't care where you come from. I don't care if you're
Starting point is 00:06:30 rich or poor. When you go to the gym, the most hardcore gyms, and you're working hard, trying to improve your health and your fitness, you will not find a more accepting place on earth. Literally, there is not a place on earth that is more accepting. Try it out. Go into a gym and try to make yourself stand out, but then actually work out hard or try to improve your health and fitness. And watch what the meat heads do, watch what the... Celebrate your success.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And they'll help you. They'll help you. Look, I get why some of this exists. I hate the fact that plan of fitness legitimized it, but I get why some of it exists. When you walk into it, especially a serious gym, it's intimidating because it's always intimidating going to a place where everybody seems so focused.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Like, I don't care what it is, what that space is. You can go into a company, walk in, and see everybody working hard. And if you are not familiar with what's going on, it's gonna feel intimidating. So I get that part, but don't push this bullshit myth. And you know, by the way, what sparked this is I saw a post in men's health. And it's about a gentleman, Ilya Parker, okay, founder of decolonizing fitness.
Starting point is 00:07:34 The name alone should tell you right there, the guy's full ship. That's the name of fitness. Of their organization. And it says is helping make gyms safe spaces for everyone. You will not find a more safe space than the gym. As long as you're trying to work on improving your health, it's literally the most accepting place on earth. Yeah, it really is.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I can't think of a place that's more accepting. I mean, I've been in gyms all my life. I've seen people who are complete opposites on the spectrum. So I have been working out hard together. A diverse environment you can immerse yourself in. So I have a different take on this. I'm less irritated or frustrated by it, and I'm actually more impressed with it. I think that, and even, I can't even know that about the name of this guy's business and
Starting point is 00:08:24 what they're trying to build. It's actually really smart. It's really smart because we know that the people that, you know, go to gyms consistently, that are buff and wear tank tops and all this stuff, that we know that they are not the best customer. They, because they use the equipment up, they put the most wear and tear,
Starting point is 00:08:44 they don't miss the gym, and they normally know enough. They don't buy your supplements. They don't buy products. They don't buy a lot of the products, they know what's competitive pricing, and so they don't get the best deal. I mean, they are the worst customer
Starting point is 00:08:59 when you think about it from a business standpoint. The best customers are the flaky, inconsistent, buy into anything. Don't know if a gym price should be $9 or $70. I mean, and then also, and don't use your stuff. And they exactly, they sign up and there's lots of statistics on this.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I remember the first time that I saw this as a manager and was like, well, that's crazy. I didn't realize it was that much. The average person gets a gym membership. They use it inconsistently for three months. They stop using it and they continue to pay for seven plus months. And by the way, that number goes up the cheaper the membership of the...
Starting point is 00:09:38 Absolutely. So if you're paying nine bucks a month, what planet fitness is due? Because it has to be averaged out. It's averaged with the consistent meat heads and tank top buff people that come every day. So that's why it's that number. If you get it towards a place like Planet Fitness, which again, I think brilliant marketing,
Starting point is 00:09:56 they're like, oh, here we go. We totally will ignore the people that are the serious gym goers. And in fact, we're gonna shame them and we're gonna be like the opposite of them, but you know why? They represent a less than 5% of the population. We're gonna go after the 95,
Starting point is 00:10:15 who just wanna say they have a membership, or that they're trying to work out an exercise, because we know that they are not going to show up to the gym and use our equipment. We know that they're the most susceptible to buying gimmicky, you know, fat burners and things like that that we can monetize after. We know that they'll end up paying us long after
Starting point is 00:10:33 they're done even using the place. Like, so we are gonna cater them. And then we're gonna put out messaging like this that just attracts more of them to the gym. And it makes our competitors look like terrible places for people who wanna get healthy and fit. And you pay, look, by the way, the free pizza they give away, also brilliant because if you're, here's what they're thinking. They're thinking, and I know exactly what they're thinking. I'll put money on this.
Starting point is 00:10:56 They know it's nine bucks a month, meaning it's too cheap to cancel. Okay, so that's the idea. The idea is make a membership so cheap that a person who doesn't use it will look at their bank account and be like, I know I don't use it, but it's only nine bucks a month. You know, let me just, I guess I might as well just keep it. And then what they'll do is they'll justify it by the free pizza.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You know what, I've eaten pizza there like four times. That alone costs more than nine bucks. And they keep people paying and not using it. But the part that really pisses me off is this false idea that it's this terrible, judgmental, unacceptable place and that people who are serious about fitness are the most judgmental, unacceptable people on earth.
Starting point is 00:11:35 That's so false and so wrong. And I'm sick and tired of hearing this complete bullshit. It's the opposite. It's not even like a distortion of the truth. It's the opposite. Literally, the most accepting place you can go is the jam. I mean, it's not true, but how often is marketing stuff ever true? I mean, if you, if you,
Starting point is 00:11:53 they're just, yeah, but how often is marketing if you, if you smoke marble cigarettes, it doesn't mean you're gonna look super hot on a horse and get these hot chicks that are chasing you. Yeah, but imagine you've been marketing this way forever. Yes, but imagine if Marbo said, Hey, our cigarettes cure cancer. It's another word. Did we pitch that at one point?
Starting point is 00:12:12 It was at a pitch at one point. I got in big trouble for it. I don't think we said it cured cancer, but my point is, Marbo may be skewing the truth and distorting it, but they're not going in the opposite direction. Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, I disagree with that. I disagree with that.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I think that marketing in general is gone. Anything to get eyes, right? Anything to get attention. And I think the game is, I think the game is even evolved and changed to this that it's like, I mean, we saw this with Gillette. We've seen this with Nike. We've seen, sometimes the game is even getting bad publicity
Starting point is 00:12:41 because then you have podcasters like us talking to potentially millions of people about a business I didn't even know about until five minutes ago. So, to me, it's brilliant. It's brilliant. She's more predatory behavior of praying off your insecurities and fears,
Starting point is 00:12:57 like embarking on a new, transformational change and self-improvement. And it's just like, that's what's so gross about it to me. It's like in this environment where people are actually like putting forth the effort and energy towards like, you know, bettering their life, bettering their body, improving their overall health. It's like now we got to battle this bullshit
Starting point is 00:13:22 that's already like, you know, something that they might be thinking stepping into a giant environment like that. They're creating the narrative for them to justify this. I mean, they also, and I don't disagree with your points, both of you are making. You're saying it makes a lot of money. I agree with you. Not only that though, but it also gives people like, it gives people like myself an opportunity to counter it. So one of the things I love about when somebody lies to somebody in my space or bullshit is that I know when I get ahold of them and I give them the truth,
Starting point is 00:13:49 I'm gonna change their life and they'll be forever with me. So you're grateful that they're giving us great content for my impromptu. That's right. I mean, I just have a different, and I'm also, Adam the reframer. I know. And I also think that all, most of us in here,
Starting point is 00:14:02 I think are capitalist. And I think that it's in free market guys. And so, I don't think we should, I don't think we should. Right, right. And I know you're not suggesting that. We're just pushing back. But I mean, is a true capitalist
Starting point is 00:14:13 or true free market person than I embrace all bad ideas, all ideas including the bad ones and all information, including the bad information and then allow me to be able to Provide a better service or provide the truth and if you if you find a way okay We're all if the the pool of the world of people we're all trying to get them into the health and with fitness fear Whether it be purely to make money off them or truly to help people but in the day we're trying to attract them and for decades
Starting point is 00:14:43 gyms have failed at doing a good job with that planet fitness has hacked into a way to attract them. And for decades, gyms have failed at doing a good job with that. Planet fitness has hacked into a way to attract people that never probably would have been attracted to the gym by selling them some bullshit, but then gets them actually one step closer to potentially meeting me. That's how I look. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Well, yeah, I mean, I guess you could reframe it that way, but here, let me put a little bit more salt on the wound, okay? It's not just planet fitness, it's not just you know some gyms capitalizing or supplement company sap capitalize. That's not just our space This has now moved to the political sphere. It is now fat shaming to want to lose weight and improve your health It is now toxic masculinity to build muscle and to get stronger. It is now a place that radicalizes young men. By the way, I'm not making this up. There are,
Starting point is 00:15:30 I've read many, many, many articles trying to make this case that fitness is somehow this toxic thing that building muscle getting strung by strength. Yes. And so now it's become, this, it's become politicizedized and when things become politicized They become poison and they become David they divide well It's a slippery slope and you know to defend your point on that is that I don't know where I would be way more Riled up is if it continues to go the direction that you're saying You know and we start shutting gyms down or we start policing or protests happen outside. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Now if it starts getting like that, like, okay, now you're gonna, now you're gonna, now I doubt they're gonna want to protest. I doubt that too. I doubt you're picking a fight with the wrong people. Yeah, so I doubt it. But I could see like the concern. You imagine it's leg day. Let me in my gym.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So I mean, I see, I see where the concern comes from. I see where the, and so, and I think I would probably be more riled up if it started to get pushed that point. But I just, I mean, I think that's just, I'm reading the tea leaves, and I think it's going to get worse. We're seeing the political, how political diet has become in this direction. Fitness has now become, is becoming a battleground with this. I mean, there was another post the other day where there was a woman who was, you know, PhD or whatever. And she's like being underweight actually is worse for you
Starting point is 00:16:51 than being overweight. Yet we never talk about people who are underweight. So I'm like, okay, so I got irritated and I posted her underneath that and I said, first off, this is very misleading and I can see what you're trying to do and then she said, some about fat shame. I said, I can see what you're trying to do. I said, but statistically, when someone's underweight in a modern society, it's because they have cancer or an illness or they have a
Starting point is 00:17:11 needing disorder. Okay. I said, so that is a, a, a, a bias selection of people who are sick, just like if you look at sleep and you say, oh, good, you know, getting good sleep every night's good for you. Well, when you look at people who sleep more than 10 hours a night, they have terrible health. Is it the sleep? No, you look at people who sleep more than 10 hours a night, they have terrible health. Is it the sleep? No, it's because people who sleep that much are depressed, can be suicidal, have illness, have hormonal issues, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:17:32 So I said, this is extremely misleading. And so she went back and forth and he, oh, you just don't like literally her words were, just say you don't like fat people. And I'm like, do you even know? I said, do you even know who I am? I love them. That's where I make most of my money
Starting point is 00:17:45 is helping those people. I said, my career has been made on helping people in this case. And I said, what percentage? Oh, obviously you hate that. I said, what percentage of people in America have poor health due to being underweight versus overweight? I said, we're talking about the issue that's the big problem.
Starting point is 00:18:00 The big problem is not, we don't have enough nourishment. Okay, those are sick people and that's different. By the way, doctors do talk to people when they show up in their underweight. It shows up on your blood panels. That's usually how doctors give advice. So it just, again, it's this whole crazy message. It's like they're attacking the best place
Starting point is 00:18:19 for people to improve themselves and their health and to be accepted. You know, if you feel unaccepted in the world because you're different than everybody. I mean, you can be weird as hell. Look, I've run gyms for a long time and I'm gonna tell you something right now. I've seen what could be considered
Starting point is 00:18:34 some of the weirdest people in the world but come to the gym and because they work hard or because they hit a PR or because they're lifting a certain amount of weight or because they improved everybody in the gym. It's like nobody's cares. They don't care that you look weird and that you whatever. They all come up to or because they improved, everybody in the gym is like, nobody's cares. They don't care that you look weird and that you, whatever, they all come up to you and they,
Starting point is 00:18:48 hey man, good job. What's the, now, it's the ultimate crab in the boiling pot that one tries to escape and then they pull them right back down, trying to get out. And that's just what I see happening in every part of our culture right now. Like, nobody wants anybody to succeed and win and like we gotta write all these articles
Starting point is 00:19:08 to pull people back down into the fucking depths of despair. Yeah. Don't you think this is just kind of off, dude? Don't you think this is just kind of a product of the internet? Like, I mean, I think the internet's a tool that's being used for. Well, yeah, so I mean, I think that when we see stuff like this, I mean, just 20 years ago, like a moron like this that would start a company, it would never get off the ground,
Starting point is 00:19:32 it would never get any news, it would never get any attention. But because we were so big, we're so connected, you can actually find, you know, 10,000 idiots that align. And those 10,000 idiots can be dispersed over the entire country or world and would have never met each other in real life. But now, because of the internet, those 10,000 idiots can latch onto an idea like this
Starting point is 00:19:56 and all come together and be this loud internet voice and make a lot of people feel like this is a really popular, and it's really not. It's really not how people feel. Well, I get what you're saying. Now, here's why feel like this is a really popular and it's really not. It's really not how people feel. Well, I get what you're saying. Now, here's why I think this is different because you're right with what you're saying. I mean, we didn't have a flat earth society before
Starting point is 00:20:12 because they couldn't find each other. Like, you know, nobody believed in that but you won the internet and you can find. But you were the one idiot in town, but when you have 10,000 towns. Yeah, you know, it's, you found a bunch of people. Yeah, they all found each other.
Starting point is 00:20:23 No, here's why this is a little different because the average Person who is ignorant I don't mean this in a negative sense, right what I mean is you just don't wear you just don't know right The average person who's never really been in the gym or the gym culture or ever you know really worked out consistently Which is a lot of people when they go when they look at it they, first off before they even step into a gym, their idea of a gym are a bunch of like mean, strong people who are like, get off my equipment, oh, your wimp, oh, your fat type of deal. Then they actually walk into a gym, maybe they walk by a gym, they look in,
Starting point is 00:20:56 and it's intense, and it's true. Like the more hardcore, quote unquote, a gym is, right? The more serious, consistent members it has, the more of an intense culture it's gonna have, which I love, but I could see how, if you have no experience walking in. I remember the first time I walked into an MMA gym when I wanted a train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,
Starting point is 00:21:17 and I had a little bit of knowledge of judo. I'd never been in MMA, and it felt intense. It felt a little intimidating, and of course they were super accepting and cool and all, but I could see where that comes from. So they have this idea, but then what happened is marketers took that idea, this kind of underlying ignorance, and they said, hey, we can create an enemy.
Starting point is 00:21:35 We can make all the other gyms the enemy and say we're the saviors, because we're gonna ban this fictional judgmental lung, or whatever they called them, right? We're gonna ban these people. We're not gonna let them deadlift. We're not gonna let them lift, have you wait. We're gonna set off an alarm when they're in our gym.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Like, it's like me opening up a restaurant and saying, hey, we don't have the Chupa Cobbren here. Like, they don't exist to begin with, you see what I'm saying? So, that's what happened, is they took an idea, because how many times have you guys- Yeah, but when you have, when you have, how many times have you guys experienced you have when you have when you have how many times if you guys experience that by the way a new person Hires you and they're intimidated but then two months into it. They're like wow
Starting point is 00:22:10 This is way different than I thought yeah, but okay, so that's the other side of that coin is this is that I mean think about Some of the most impactful movies that you ever watched a lot of times it was a movie that somebody like told me it was gonna be terrible. Oh, don't watch that, it's awful. So I go into it going like, this is gonna be shitty, I'm not gonna like it. And then what ends up happening? If it's a movie, you end up like it.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Like you end up like it and you're like, oh my God, that was really good. It was wrong. It's your expectation. That's right. So the same thing is gonna happen when people are promoting bullshit like this, when they're telling lies about what it is like to go to these gyms or get it, is you already have
Starting point is 00:22:48 this idea that it's gonna be so, and then you go and it's the complete opposite. That's if it is like, now you're in love because it blows your mind. But that's what they do. You're a competition of ideas point, like that's what I do feel is, you know, the result of what's gonna happen is people are here. That's not working for me. Not going to do, not improving myself is not working and it's not gonna work at all.
Starting point is 00:23:10 And so, you know, for whatever message is being pushed out there's wrong, so it's gonna end up, you know, being revealed at some point to that individual who got sucked in there. So, were weren't some of you guys as best clients? These clients? Yeah. It just sucks, because it's like,
Starting point is 00:23:24 we're sort of the shivers out. They're trying to pull me in. It's my life for clients that were with me forever. They rarely ever was the guy or the girl who was like excited to come to the gym or thought the gym was live. But they took that first step as my poor, how many people are not gonna take that step?
Starting point is 00:23:41 I don't, okay. Well, I'll make some people are not going to because of that, you know. But to just this point, eventually they're gonna, you know, years are gonna go by and they're like, this, you know, being anti the gym because it's racist, sexist, and it's toxic, masculinity, it's been working for me.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So maybe I should go look into it. Well, that's year, or I got a couple of friends who are telling me the opposite. But that's growing out there, yeah. That's years and that's a lot of potential damage. That's a lot of damage. It's gonna make on people's health. Look, I'll make a statement right now
Starting point is 00:24:09 that I know you guys will agree with. If somebody went to, let's give two gym comparisons. Globo, commercial gym versus the most hardcore power lift in gym you can find. I mean, literally you walk in there, there's death metal, chalk, and the equipment's resting, okay? Yeah, the dungeon. And you're obese and you've never exercised before.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And you walk into either both places, which place is gonna offer you the most free advice, free help, help, and be the most accepting? Yeah, the dungeon. The dungeon. Every time. I swear to God, the global gym's not gonna give a shit half the time.
Starting point is 00:24:41 People on there don't even know what they're doing. No, you go into the powerlifting gym, everyone's gonna look at you and be like, Hey man, congratulations for coming in. How can we help you? Well, I've never worked out before. No problem. I work out on this day, let me help.
Starting point is 00:24:50 For free, you'll get a bunch of free help and care. That's the truth. It's the complete opposite of what they keep promoting. And now it's gotten too far. Now it pisses me off because I know there's people, my mom is one of these people. She's like intimidated, even, and I worked in general my whole life.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And she's like, well, it's kind of, you know, but people are gonna look at me and I'm like, mom, nobody, not only do people not care, but if they see you working out, people wanna help and they support you. And she finally went. I got her a membership, my dad goes, he finally took her and she's like, you're so right.
Starting point is 00:25:22 It was like, it's such a great place. I'm like, you know, mom, I've been telling you this for 20 years. You know, but it makes me sad because you're preventing people from really helping themselves by putting out this complete bullshit. Speaking of which, I got another, I got another interesting study to talk about. That's kind of along these lines. There was a study with the headline. I'm going to read you guys the headline and I showed Jessica this yesterday because I was like, can you tell me what's wrong with this, this headline versus a study with the headline. I'm gonna read you guys the headline, and I showed Jessica this yesterday,
Starting point is 00:25:45 because I was like, can you tell me what's wrong with this headline versus a study? Here's the headline, New York Post. White rice is as bad as candy when it comes to heart health. What a misleading title. Now, first you buy Nestle.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah. Perfect. Boy, this is terrible. By the way, I was thinking about this and I'm going to get into why this is. Did you look who funded it just after you got to see it? Well, I'm going to talk about the study. It's not that who funded it. It's that the New York Post, all these online publications get paid on clicks and views for
Starting point is 00:26:19 their advertising. Really? So they honestly don't give a shit. They just want, they know this is gonna fly because when you read that, the average person was gonna be like, oh my God, white rice is so bad for me. So the studies show that, here's what the studies showed. Refined grains were associated with an increased risk
Starting point is 00:26:35 of heart disease, refined grains. Okay, so they said because rice technically can be considered refined since it's not brown rice, can be put in that category. But the reality is people who eat a lot of refined grains also eat a lot of what? Where do you find a lot of refined grains? Ultra-process foods. So you're going to find a bunch of people that overeat because that's what those foods promote and so they're going to be sicker. But New York Post is like, how can we make this like, you know, what are we going to put in the title? Ultra-process foods,
Starting point is 00:27:03 everybody knows that, refined grains,, like nobody's gonna care. White rice is as bad as candy. Let's do that. The study showed none of that. It just showed people who ate the most refined grains got the most sick, but yeah, that's because they're refined grains are what you find in ultra-process foods. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I know, so it's fun. No. But, you know, I'm with you Adam. Mind pump wouldn't exist if it wasn't for all this bullshit. I mean, that's keeping us in business at the end of the day. I mean, these crazy articles and misleading information. So I guess that's one way to look. No, it is.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I mean, I really do believe that. It gives us an opportunity to discuss it in long form. And again, I mean, how many people at first glance judge the three of us. I mean, that's happened. But then when you get to know us and you get to hear us talk about and communicate health and fitness,
Starting point is 00:27:50 many times we change your mind. And a lot of times those people end up becoming like either radical fans or lifelong clients, and it's because they already have this idea in their head whether it was put in there because of an article or going to fitness, the planet fitness or whatever. And then they were told by these people or told by politicians and then they come in and
Starting point is 00:28:11 they get a different experience. And then now not only are they excited, but they're like, they become radicalized because they become so passionate because they were turned off. They become evangelists. Yes. And because they were so because they were told the opposite and it was so, and then they become mad because they're like, God, for years,
Starting point is 00:28:30 I stayed away from the gym because people told me it was like this and then I met Justin and Sal and I was like, oh my God, like blew my mind and like, and so they go out and they tell, you know, 10, and by the way, them going out and telling, you know, 10 or 15 or 20 people, in my opinion, is far more powerful than a stupid viral article that's designed
Starting point is 00:28:48 to get thousands of clicks, because those people, I mean, we do, we trust referrals from our friends and the people that we love. The most, yeah, the most. So even though, and just like with a movie, like I'll see a Rotten Tomatoes review at, you know, 30, which I would normally never watch that, but if, you know, well, maybe not for you guys,
Starting point is 00:29:06 but if Doug goes, hey, Adam, you've got a watch that you're going to like, and I'll go, I'm going to watch it. Doug told me I should watch it. I trust Doug. It's maybe the best sci-fi. Yeah. You could ever go for it, though.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Just a nice surprise, please. You know what's funny about the White Rice article is that, so brown rice would be considered unrefined. Brown rice is actually worse for you than white rice. So a lot of people digested wise right well brown rice has anti nutrients. So these are nutrients these are new these are compounds that bind to nutrients in your body making them unabsorbable. So you can actually cause nutrient deficiencies. It's harder to digest. So people get more bloating and more issues with brown rice white rice is actually healthier than brown rice.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Now when it comes to carbohydrates eating your protein first and fats. If you're worried about get more bloating and more issues with brown rice. White rice is actually healthier than brown rice. Now when it comes to carbohydrates, eating your protein first and fats, if you're worried about things like blood sugar, that's what takes care of that. Those were two of the biggest like, aha moments for me as like a trainer and being in the space right,
Starting point is 00:29:59 because I fell in the eating brown rice trap. There's two huge that like changed my life as far as eating forever. Brown rice to white rice and chicken breast and chicken thighs. Forever change my life. Like I was so stuck in this like brown rice and chicken breast, right?
Starting point is 00:30:14 All the save like what, like 120 calories tops. You know what I'm saying in a meal or whatever. Avoid the fat from. Yes. And in your talking about, I mean, you come, you take a meal where someone made chicken breast and brown rice and you put it next to a white rice and chicken right? And you're talking about, I mean, you take a meal where someone made chicken breast and brown rice and you put it next to a white rice and chicken thighs meal
Starting point is 00:30:29 and you're talking like night and day difference and what you're getting value wise. You have to choke one of them down. Oh my God. And chicken thighs and white rice is a go-to staple meal that I've never looked back. I can't remember the last time I had a chicken breast because of that.
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's like, both that and the brown rice thing, I think we're like these aha. Same, huge, 100%. Well, speaking of food, the reviews are in for, I know you asked for reviews. Yes. One of our new partners, creatures of habit there, they're protagonist, which is a, it's basically,
Starting point is 00:30:59 they're gonna change the name to meal one, which I think is better. But it's basically a morning meal made with oatmeal. It's high in protein, plant protein, vitamin D3. It's got probiotics, it's got omega-3 fatty acids, all in a packet, it's like flavored. We think really good. Adam, you told people, give us reviews.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Let us know what you say. So this is funny, to this my experience of doing this. So I've never done this before. There was a first time I had ever, I went on our forum, I went on my story. So I've never done this before. There was a first time I had ever, I went on our forum, I went on my story, like I've never actually asked our audience in seven years, like go buy a product. They've never said, please go buy this.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I'm very curious to hear your feedback because we're looking to invest in it. Now, the part that I find is a little bit ironic to me because I consider our forum like our family. A lot of them have been there since the very beginning of this podcast and I've got a lot of love for the people in that group and 100% every single person that responded on my DMs which is obviously thousands in comparison to the hundreds of people that would respond inside the forum. So a much bigger pool of people 100% across the board. Everybody that went out and bought it that DM me afterwards was like
Starting point is 00:32:04 absolutely love it. We're tagging and sharing it like crazy. So 100% the only board, everybody that went out and bought it, that DM me afterwards was like, absolutely love it, we're tagging and sharing it like crazy, so 100%. The only place I got any sort of negative feedback was for more fucking forum. Our forum was the only people that got on there and said the things like, it's so expensive compared to this, you can make oatmeal for that. I'm just like, oh my God, dude, our forum sometimes,
Starting point is 00:32:22 I'm like, I love you guys, and like we, and I went on this like rant because it actually really annoyed me because I hadn't asked ever to get over. I missed those rants. I should do those all the time. Dude, so I just, you know, when we started this, and this is for the podcast, because I haven't said this to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:32:36 I said it on our forum, but the podcast should know too, is that, you know, long before partners and advertising with this podcast, we actually were considering never doing advertising with this podcast, we actually were considering never doing advertising. We said, we don't necessarily need it. The programs will monetize even before that, when we're making no money,
Starting point is 00:32:51 we didn't have to do this to make money. So the idea was like, we don't ever wanna be influenced by a partner on what we're gonna communicate or say. Then eventually opportunity came this way. We still said no to it. Then eventually it was like, you know what? I don't mind introducing our audience to stuff that we love or that we're into. So let's start to go after partners. Right. And the goal was always to look for things in spaces,
Starting point is 00:33:12 whether it be a athlete's you're wearing like what I'm wearing or it'd be a really nice mug that we drink or the best CBD out. What we looked for was the best in the space of things that we interventions for sleep. I didn't go like category like. I didn't search Amazon for like, what's the cheapest product I could find that's ATHLEASURE wearer? What's the cheapest CBD oil that's out there? No, that was not the idea.
Starting point is 00:33:34 It was like, we would after what we thought was the best. And to me, I have yet to find a product like Creatures of Habit, which by the way, I ate every single day for four years straight like every I did not miss a Morning oatmeal when I was competing that was like a staple and I used to make all this So I totally get when people are like oh you can make it for that like yeah, no, I did it I did it for four you got to get like all the seeds you got all the Omega's you got to get the the Probiotics and then the protein yes and by the way the way, and you're putting in a save it and then after you do all of that,
Starting point is 00:34:07 it definitely don't taste as good as my boy who's a chef, his day he put together. So his taste way better than mine, it has way more stuff than mine did. So for me it was like, oh my God, I love this. Well, I think it's important to explain why we would want the best. I mean, because what we always promote
Starting point is 00:34:21 that you should always stick to and that's ideal as whole foods and exercise. Like, there's no supplement, there's no product that's going to ever matter. It's going to substitute that. Yeah. So if you are going to add a supplement or a product because it's usually because of convenience or because maybe you're lacking a nutrient or maybe you think it's fun like me, I take supplements because I think it's fun.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Then we're going to go with the best because I don't wanna compromise somebody's health for them to save a few bucks. Cause what's cheaper than them buying a cheap supplement is buying no supplements and eating whole natural foods and just exercising. So if you wanna save money, you're not just saving money. The best option across the board is always whole natural foods
Starting point is 00:35:00 and exercise and good sleep. But if you wanna add a product, if you wanna add a supplement, make sure it's good quality. Make sure otherwise it's add a product, if you want to add a supplement, make sure it's good quality. Make sure otherwise it's not worth it. Otherwise go back to what you were doing before. If it's about money, right? If it's a money thing,
Starting point is 00:35:11 whole natural is going to save you money. Oh, when you talk about the seeds, the protein, the Omega, the probiotic, everything's got to do. I mean, you're talking about an incredible first meal of the day. And it's become that again for me, which has been so. And a lot of that is because it's so convenient It was a little more work for me to chop up my own strawberries and blueberries and get and add all those nuts and seeds
Starting point is 00:35:31 It was just so now I literally rip it out and pour some hot water in it. I'm good to go. All right Let's change gears Adam. Did you hear about Elon this morning? Did you see the news? No, I'd love your opinion Okay, no, no, no, the deal remember that the offer that he gave to your opinion. Okay. No, no, no, no. The deal. Remember the offer that he gave to 12. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a $50 or $54. Okay. Okay. What happened? He's put it back on the table. We're the same amount breaking news. He literally just came out and said, you know what? I'll that original offer. I'll do it. I'll buy Twitter for that one. Even after all the investigation on like the actual number of I have no idea what members like being bots. Okay, okay, so back me up here a little bit.
Starting point is 00:36:08 So he's the the back on the back on the the way it went. He made the offer then they did their due diligence. They realized that there's a good chance that there's a ton of like bots on here. So then he pulled the offer off the table and said until you can prove to me
Starting point is 00:36:22 how many bots are in here, I'm not offering that high of a price for this. Now you you're saying to me, he came back and is saying, I will give that high price. That's what I'm reading right now, original offer. As of the recording of this podcast is breaking news. Here's the one of the headlines, Elon Musk told Twitter he's willing to buy the company at the original 44 billion deal after months of trying to back out. And there's not a whole ton of detail as to why. So this will be at 5420 per share, which by the way, does anybody know what Twitter's at?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Well, let me see what they're at right now as of this. I'm assuming this is a good. Twitter's at 47.95. So they're going to be selling for, don't be making money. By the way, that's up 5% maybe on the news. Maybe that's why maybe Maybe it went up. I have a couple of things. He must have been evaluating like if I do pursue it versus I don't like
Starting point is 00:37:12 backing out how much legal fees and things are going to slap on this in terms of it like being a negative versus pushing forward and then maybe you know, so he gets ownership and then eventually it then profits in his direction. So I have two theories on it. Either one, I think Justin could be right. I think that he did his due diligence. They realize like, it's going to cost us a fuck ton of money to try and get out of this all to what we were going to try and save, you know, X amount of billion or what that. We're going to have spending X amount and not own a company if we were to do this. So just pure business. Yeah. So just pure like over, you know, you know, take your ticket,
Starting point is 00:37:47 take a shot on the chin, own it. And that's a good, that's a good theory. So you want us to prove to be one of the greatest entrepreneurs. Yeah. And that theory could actually be coupled with my second theory, which is, and we are actually talking off air about this. So off air before we got on business personal stuff that we are, I was saying like, hey, you know, I hey, I'm really nervous about the market.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I'm scared about it, which makes me feel compelled to go in on it a little bit heavier than I ever have in my life before because I tend to do this when it's really scary. I stay away and I avoid and then I miss the bottom. That's everybody. Right? So I was saying that and we're kind of going back
Starting point is 00:38:19 and forth and debating. And then you brought up a very good point and you're like, yeah, I feel the same way too out of them, but I'm also watching the big dogs, the Elon Musk, the, I'm watching the, you know, Jeff Bezos Warren Buffett, like they haven't gone back in heavy. So I'm going to kind of pay attention to that. And then I'm like, so maybe this is also a play on Elon realizing that we're kind of near the bottom. And if this is what the bottom looks like for Twitter right now, that there's huge opportunity for growth still, even with all the bad news that came out about the bots, even where the
Starting point is 00:38:49 market is currently right now, and maybe he thinks we're hovering around the bottom a little bit right now, and it's not that bad of a deal because shit's going to come back up in the market over the next year or two. So I have a third theory, because Elon is proven, and this one's maybe a bit of a stretch, but I'm going to see if I can make my case. and this is again, the start the top of my head, there's just literally breaking news, right? Elon has proven to be somewhat principled and he does comment on affairs that sometimes can negatively affect his pocketbook.
Starting point is 00:39:19 For example, Tesla is the number one electric car company in the world. He comes out and says, hey, listen, we cannot get off gas, we cannot get off oil. We need it right now because then he made the case and you think, why the hell would he say that when that's gonna counter the sales of his car, right? I think he's somewhat principled. What he did with Ukraine, with his star link,
Starting point is 00:39:39 he puts, he, he, he, I don't know how much he spent, 80, I don't know, million dollars with a star link for free in Ukraine, soling for free in Ukraine, so they could communicate. He just did something for the hurricane in Florida, also. Yeah, so I feel like he's somewhat principled, and I think what he's doing, because of his comments, he's looked at social media, he's looked at it, he's called it the town square, the modern town square.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I think he's seeing what's going on and saying, I need to do something. And I hope I could take Twitter, turn it around and make money, but at the very least, I'm gonna crack it open, and I'm gonna offer an alternative to all the other social media platforms that all seem to be in lockstep. So that's one theory.
Starting point is 00:40:18 There's a stretch, but. There's a really good chance actually that all three of those theories are right. That he's calculating it all. Yeah. There's a very good chance that all three of those theories are right. He's calculating it all. Yeah. There's a very good chance that all three of those theories is what is making him go, okay, he may think we're bouncing along the bottom of the market.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I don't think he's gonna go much lower, so Twitter's not gonna crash much when that to Justin's point and then to your point. And together, collectively, all those things are like, okay, I'm gonna do this. To me, the fact that he would go back and say, I'll give what I originally said
Starting point is 00:40:46 when he was the one that pulled the off off the table was kinda strange. Yeah, you know, because I really felt like he had all the leverage at that point. He did have all the leverage, yeah. And I really didn't think that Twitter was gonna actually have any of these. We also don't know what's happened behind the scenes,
Starting point is 00:40:57 we're sure. Right, and there's a lot of lawyers who've been going back. Right, and for all we know, they did find a way to hold the time. Yeah, they might have something that then, you know, would be a lot bigger loss than he thought, like pulling out.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Because what was the, what was it? Was it like a billion? He was gonna have to pay if they were out of feet and fines. I mean, he had a good chance too though, right? He did, but like Justin was saying, like what if his lawyers went like, hey, we might lose this. You might lose a billion, you know. If do you want to just to prove a point
Starting point is 00:41:26 and not get a company, do you want to spend a billion potentially? Well, I mean, it could have saved him 40 billion. So what if he does this? What if he goes and buys it? Now that he owns it, he does a full audit. Real and takes the proof and says, Twitter's been lying to their shareholders
Starting point is 00:41:42 about how many times. It then comes back in Seuss. Yes. Because that would be epic. Because they're a public company, they have to be honest about all this stuff. And if he could show that they've been like willfully ignorant or deceptive, they're screwed.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And he can go back and be like, Hey, you guys actually owe me some money back. Pro, that would be epic if he can do that. If he can, and maybe that's part of his calculation. Maybe he's like, hey, listen, I'm gonna do this. Worst case scenario, we're gonna do a real audit. Ever, I already made a big stink before. So now I actually have some grounds to stand on
Starting point is 00:42:16 and be like, listen, I've owned this company for two months, already found out that we have this many bots. You guys lied and I'm gonna see. And you lied to your investors. Yeah, I'm gonna sue the shit out of it. SEC filings were all false. No, there's no mind. It's like a rich guy goes to a business and the business is like,
Starting point is 00:42:30 sorry, we're not gonna give you a refund. And he's like, let me talk to the manager. I am the manager so he leaves and he comes back and goes, now I own the store. Yeah, now I just thought of it. You're fired. I know. I wish I could be a full eye on the wall
Starting point is 00:42:42 for those kind of conversations. I'm enthralled by that type of stuff Like what really I mean we all sit out here and speculate we read headlines, and I think yeah I bet nine times a 10 were way off. I bet there's really I mean it's probably just PR right like they they have something else going on Like what are we gonna tell the yes? No totally and behind the scenes. It's really like some other crazy shit like some But some billionaires wife got fucked and I'm gonna fucking gobble your company up for that shit and you're not gonna come we're not gonna say anything about the wife. Yeah, I'm mind your totally bright bully. I believe that dude. I mean, it's like a big it's like a big chess board
Starting point is 00:43:15 or a monopoly game for them. You know what I'm saying? So like buying and selling property and bills with that to us. It's huge news, but to them it's just another play. It's like an end. Either way this goes does not end Elon, right? And it doesn't end what's his name, who owns Twitter. It doesn't end either one of them. How it like Jack Dorsi is not even a major part. Well, he's the biggest shareholder though. Still, yeah, single shareholder. Yeah, until Elon, right? So, yeah. Oh boy. Anyway, I got some, I got a cool story to tell you guys. So I have a friend of mine who's kind of been battling low level, kind of depressive symptoms and low energy for a little while. And, you know, he's doing all the right stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:43:55 He's been, he's been trying to change his diet exercise. Definitely all helped. I told him about the studies on creatine and I had him combine it with acetyl-el-carnitine. So acetyl-el-carnitine is a form of carnitine that's been shown to have some of these energizing effects in some people. It helps them with their moods, their attitudes,
Starting point is 00:44:14 whatever. So live on as a company we work with, that has a great product. So he's been taking the Cratein and the acetyl-el-carnitine. This is now 60 days in. And he's like, dude, I can tell a great, now a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Now, the reason why this is so good was he was like, do I need to get on drugs? Do I need to get on medications? And I'm like, you know what, you've just started exercising and eating right over the past few months. Let's give it a little longer if you can, see what happens.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I mean, how do you feel about that? And he's like, yeah, I'm on board. But two months into this, with that combination of things, and he's like a totally different I'm on board. But two months into this, with that combination of things, and he's like a totally different person, which makes me feel really, really good, you know? Okay, since you're bringing up how things like this, okay, I've been quiet kind of about one of our other partners
Starting point is 00:44:57 because it's new and I tend to be, I think, injustice to, Sal is quick, right? I feel like Sal, I feel it. Yeah, I feel it. I'm so, and he has that like, I'm so worn after my body than you guys, you know what I'm saying? I'm saying okay, whatever dude, you know what I'm saying? So I'm a little slower to like speak out.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I'm like evangelist. Yeah, yeah, before I'm like, yes, it's for sure working. I'm like, well, it could be that. Well, it could be that also. And so I've been consistently, actually today is the first day, I did not because I actually wanted to see I feel and I actually feel fucking cloudy right now is the the new brain blend by net. Yeah. I've been taking that before every single podcast today's the first day I didn't do it. And I and I like literally feel cloudy. I love it,
Starting point is 00:45:37 dude. I think I actually noticed. I knew that was coming after I. I am. I came up with that formula. Yeah, I knew that was coming after I admitted that, right? I think it's great, dude. It's one of those. So, okay, so you feel, you feel it. So explain to me what you had, and I remember, you know, by the way, I don't know if the audience knows this either. So long time ago, when we first were getting into like, see, this actually goes even further back to like when
Starting point is 00:46:02 Sal and I used to have messages back and forth on Facebook about CBD and like he was doing a lot of his research. I remember you telling me about CBG and I remember you telling me like you're like that's gonna be the next thing. Watch, watch when they start seeing all the benefits that come for CBG, they're gonna tease it out. It's gonna become a whole product and like I remember you saying that a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:46:21 So this brain blend, if I'm correct, it's higher in CBG. It's a, I believe it's a 50-50 ratio. So CBDC, which is not normal, right? You have to, you have to, you have to get the pull it out and then... Yeah, well, you have to, you have to breed the plant to have because it's got, you know, there's total cannabinoids and if THC for example is really high, which obviously is hemp. So it's, it's almost no THC, but you know marijuana is related to hemp, right? So if THC's high, then the others cannabinoids have to be lower, right? So there's always a ratio and it's usually CBD, but CBG is a, is what they call the master, it's like the, the master cannabinoid and it's the one that can get, gets turned into all
Starting point is 00:46:59 these other cannabinoids, but in the body, it's got some interesting effects similar to CBD, but it does seem to have these kind of uplifting effects on its own. So that's why they included that with the CBD blend. But then also in there, they included Lyons main, they included Siberian gene sing, go to cola. So these are all compounds that already proven to improve somebody's mental, a subjective mental well-being. So because the idea was, I wanted it when they first called and said,
Starting point is 00:47:28 hey, Sal, what kind of product do you want to work on with us? And I said, I want something that'll make someone feel euphoric, energized, and kind of like creative. Like something fun that people are gonna want to take before they do something like a mental task or whatever. And so that's what we came up with, and sure enough, I mean, it definitely works. It's not like caffeine, so you don't feel
Starting point is 00:47:51 stimulated from it. Although I will say I like to pair them together. Okay, well that's a great, I mean, I really enjoy having. It's uplifting and it's got that sort of clarity aspect to it, it drives the caffeine further, I feel. So that's how, so obviously I'm still on my caffeine and that part, I didn't tease out,
Starting point is 00:48:09 I just teased out this and that is the difference. I still feel energetic right now, I have energy. I just feel, I don't feel as sharp. And I swear the combination of the two of those together have been, it's a treat. Yeah, no, it's really good stuff. They knocked it out of the park, so I look forward to maybe working with them again on some other stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Hey, check this out. This is a company we've been working with for a long time called Organify. They make products with high quality ingredients, convenient, a great tasting. Organify makes super food blends that make it easy and enjoyable to add more variety and nutrition to your day. They also have plant-based protein powders, much more great supplements, great products for health, wellness and athletic performance. Go check this company out.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Go to organifi.com. That's ORGA and IFI.com, forward slash mind pump and then use a code mind pump for 20% off. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Kelly from Missouri. Kelly, how's it going? How can we help you? Hey guys, I just wanted to say like everybody else
Starting point is 00:49:09 really appreciate you guys having me on here. Everything you put out there, I've learned way more from you guys than I have from any of my certifications. So thank you for that. Very cool. I will say, you've made my life with dishes a hell of a lot easier, so appreciate that. I actually don't hate dishes as much as I used to so thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Single best advice. Two thousand episodes. That's the best thing I've given. Yes, I mean I've listened to pretty much all of them and I gotta say that one is really stuck out for me so I appreciate that. So teaching people on a Tyler shoes. If you have an easier way for that I'm all for it. So many reason I reached out to you guys. I have recently jumped to online training and I have been training a client. She's about 50-51 right
Starting point is 00:49:51 now who has excessive interior pelvic tilt and I want to say shifting as well. So any sort of movements we do and you sort of squats, anything laterally deadlifts, she can't do them without extreme pain, either during that movement or later in the day when she starts walking, she'll really kind of feel it shooting up her back. She tells me she feels it mostly in the ridge of her sacroiliac. So I've been having her do some moves on maps primepro, some 90, 90 her dogs dogs, the floor pelvic tilt and she loves them. She says they feel great. They hope her workout, which is awesome. I am struggling with trying to
Starting point is 00:50:33 figure out how to get her pelvic tilt addressed, especially doing this virtually. It's a lot harder than obviously being in person and being able to see the movement as they're doing it and being able to address it in real time. So I've been trying to give her things from that symmetry to address, you know, any imbalances she has, but anything we do seems to aggravate it. So we try to do one leg sit and stand. I try to have her hold on to like a suspension trainer kind of take some of the weight off and it's just nothing I'm doing is seeming to get this going. She says she really likes the glute bridge. It seems to hold
Starting point is 00:51:11 a lot, but she's still feeling that excessive arch in her back even when she's trying to squeeze her core, squeeze her glutes, try to focus on that. So I'm really just kind of looking for advice where to go from here, because I feel like I'm sort of failing her almost in this fact that I can't seem to figure out where this pain is coming from or how to address it. Yeah, good question. Yeah, every once in a while, you'll get a client like this where
Starting point is 00:51:35 all of your usual bag of tricks doesn't work and you start to scratch your head and try to figure out like what the hell's going on. So here's a deal. So first off, your view on anterior pelvic tilt, change it this way. I'm gonna find a way to get hurt and not feel pain. And then how that changes or posture
Starting point is 00:51:51 is how that changes or posture. Because I think if we look at posture and say, that's excessive, maybe or maybe not. Now what it's obviously meaning it's probably excessive is the pain, right? So it's not worried so much about how it looks, it's worried about how it feels. Not that you're way off that,
Starting point is 00:52:06 but just it's a better mentality to go into when you're training a client like this. The second thing is queuing makes a huge difference with someone like this. So if she is indeed getting pain because her anterior pelvic tilt is too excessive, if that's indeed the case, what I used to do with clients is when I'd have them get
Starting point is 00:52:24 into a position, I would say okay, exaggerate the pelvic tilt. So go ahead and make it worse. Now try to do the opposite, what you're doing already with the pelvic tilt on the floor. Now find the middle, try to hold that middle while we do this exercise. And you could do that with every exercise. Any exercise she does, have her find the extreme, then the opposite extreme, then the middle. Physioball exercises are really good at this because she's gonna have to really get comfortable
Starting point is 00:52:50 with holding her body in a position, that's a little different than the way she's holding it. So that's where I would start. Yeah, I mean, I would just kind of piggyback on that. In terms of like the floor press and like, taking her down there and just really staying down there and having her like isometrically staying down there and having her isometrically really press her way down and get her back to getting that flattened position
Starting point is 00:53:12 before the actual floor bridge itself. And then just maybe spending a bit more time just as the central focus of your training and then seeing where that progresses and how we can go from there. This is really hard to deal with as an online trainer. I mean, this is the reason why in-person training will always be a little bit better than,
Starting point is 00:53:42 and you're doing a great job. I mean, literally, like Sal said, I mean, you're throwing all the right tricks that I'm trying to figure it out, but the truth is, if she, and we can say something basic, overhead press, bicep curl, if she doesn't know how to control her pelvic like that, and she doesn't know how to keep it in that neutral position,
Starting point is 00:54:02 like Sal was talking about, why she does all those exercises, it's so hard for you to be able to teach that without like, almost touching her, right? And I mean, at least in my experience, clients, it's hard to articulate that over text or email, like, or even like video talking. It's like, that's one of those skills that you almost have to like be there to kind of get them.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Like, this is where I want you to hold it. You know, hold your, hold that position, tighten your core. Is she in a different state? Is she in the same state or city as you? Do you know where she's based? Right now she is staying in, I believe it's Wisconsin for about a month or so, but she lives in Seattle. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:39 So far away from you. Yeah. So far away. Yeah. So far away. The next thing I would do, and this is a if I'm like online trainer, I would actually try and recommend her to I would do which sucks for you because it'd be like you do your research in Seattle as well as asking if she's in your town like I know in my town like I
Starting point is 00:54:54 know like the movement specialist person that she should go see like in like listen go see somebody I want you I want you to tell them X Y and Z or let me get on the phone with them and tell them what's going on and and and get her to get somebody in person to help her through some of the stuff like that. Otherwise, the advice that Sal gives is kind of the best advice we can give, but you may keep running into this if she's not. It's a, it's a queuing issue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I'm going to tell you right now. You know what? Okay, try this. I'm, I'm, I'm racking my brain, try this. Have her sit on a fisiable, make sure it's appropriate size fisiable so her knees are at 90 degrees. So not too short, not too tall. Have her sit up her phone so that she's
Starting point is 00:55:31 videoing herself from the side, so that you could see her low back and spine. Have her as she's sitting on there, accentuate or exaggerate the pelvic tilt and then have her go in the opposite direction while she's on the ball, and then have her find the middle, okay? then have her go in the opposite direction while she's on the ball, and then have her find the middle. Okay, so watch her go extreme,
Starting point is 00:55:48 one way, extreme the other way, find the middle, and then say, hold that, and let's try curls or laterals or overhead presses. It really doesn't matter what you're trying to do is get her to know how to hold that position while doing something else. Yes. And then at least you could watch,
Starting point is 00:56:03 if you're looking from the side, you should be able to see what's going on. Like I remember having a client like this where no matter what we did, she would feel in her lower back. Yes. And it didn't matter. It could be a curve, I mean anything.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And so I remember doing this exact thing and saying, here, why don't you arch it more? I should be like, oh, that hurts more. Okay, now go in the opposite direction that you would do that. Then say, find the middle. Now just hold that. And then I'd have to lighten the load
Starting point is 00:56:25 because if she went too heavy, she would go back to her old pattern. I did the same, but in the quadruped position, right? So you're doing like Cat Cal and a sense, but really trying to find that middle spot is where it's at for her to brace and be able to sustain. So I mean, then the wall's your friend too, with the wall press.
Starting point is 00:56:43 So just getting her to, to ritualize that and be able to do that like every single morning, you know, for 10, 15 minutes and just focus on like one or two very impactful type of exercises that addresses this specific issue. I used to also teach a client like this how to do like a reverse crunch first before we get into our workout. Totally. So I'd lay them on the floor and had a connect. Yeah, so I'd lay them on the floor and then have them do like a reverse crunch first before we get into our workout. Totally. So I'd lay them on the floor and had a connect. Yeah, so I'd lay them on the floor and then have them do like a really slow and controlled reverse crunch. Like a rollback.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah, and just so I can get like a little pump in the abs and get her tightened up and really get her to understand what I'm trying, how to get her to articulate her spine the way I want and then go into my traditional exercises that I'm teaching her. So that's a tip that might help might not, you know. Two other things that could contribute to this that are really hard to find.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Okay, one is we tend to believe that somebody with a strong anterior pelvic tilt with pain associated with the pelvic tilt has hamstrings that are too tight, which may be true, but that doesn't mean that they aren't also weak. Sometimes strengthening the hip flexors, are also weak. Sometimes strengthening the hip flexors, I should say, sometimes strengthening the hip flexors actually alleviates some of this pain. So she could do single leg lifts, so laying off flat on the floor while maintaining
Starting point is 00:57:54 good neutral spine and then lifting one leg and then lifting the other leg. Sometimes that can help. And then finally, does she store a lot of, does she seem to store a lot of visceral body fat in her midsection? Um, I mean, she's pretty, pretty thin to begin with. She's very dialed in on her diet. She always has been, um, she's actually my aunt. So I've note like she, um, has some PT background as well. She coaches volleyball. So she has some sort of understanding of nutrition and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Um, so not so much helping her with nutrition side, but she's honestly not overweight or anything like that. Okay, because sometimes visceral body fat will do, is it'll push out the core muscles. It'll change their activation. So sometimes that makes a big difference. But yeah, what we said earlier, I would go with that.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Watch on a physiobalt, it's easier on a physiobalt than it is standing. And then from there, and keep the load light, because what you're trying to do is get her to learn how to do other exercises while maintaining a position in her back to where she doesn't hurt. Another way to do that, if you ever seen that I did this video a long time ago, we might have it on our YouTube channel with the PBC pipe. Have you seen me do that before?
Starting point is 00:59:03 Yeah, like keeping contact on the tree. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I haven't used that to teach that to kind of get that idea. So those are just, I mean, I know we're like, we're throwing spaghetti on the wall right now because it literally is that situation. It's usually a queuing thing.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah, and I know I've been here and then finally I get the right cue and they're like, oh, pain's gone. That's a good point though. I mean props a lot of times. And you said you're using like the suspension trainer too to try and kind of leave you some of the force and the stress. But yeah, in terms of like the PVC pipe down the spine,
Starting point is 00:59:30 I think that, you know, is an appropriate way for her to see if she can try and touch, you know, that with her lower back. Okay. Great. That's actually great. Yeah. So I haven't really thought about regressing her back to starting everything back on the physio ball. So that's definitely I'll have to do that and just kind of make sure she's not in her own head about going backwards or anything like.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Well, you just said something. I mean, you said something else earlier that now makes a lot of sense. She was an athlete. She's probably been used to being performing at a high level and very fit. You're going to have to regress her because her body's learned to move one way. And if there's any type of intensity involved, it's going to move the way it always moves. So you're going to have to regressor because her body's learned to move one way. And if there's any type of intensity involved, it's going to move the way it always moves. So you're going to have to regressor and teach her body how to move a little bit differently to get the pain to go away. So if she's lifting intensely, it's going to be very hard for her body to control that pelvic tilt in a way that alleviates pain.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Okay. All right. Well, I appreciate it. Thank you guys so much. Thanks for calling in. Thanks Kelly. You're Okay. All right. Well, I appreciate it. Thank you guys so much. Yeah. Thanks for calling in. Thanks, Kelly. Feel better.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Thank you. She looks like a female Adam. What? The sleeve. She's going to be a face. That's why I thought she was attractive. Well, I mean, if you like yourself, I mean, quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Carry a beer around you. This is, you guys remember clients like this? Well, you like it's a mystery. Yeah. This is also what makes online coaching inferior to, in person. This is the issue, right? I mean, she's got all the great tools.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Like, and like the way she was, okay, I'm gonna have her do the 90s, I'm gonna have her do this. Like she's throwing all the stuff that we have at her to try and get her, but at the end of the day, if you're not there to see it while it's happening and catch it and go like, oh, I see what's going on.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Because you could do any movement, even the right movement. That's why I brought up bicep curls. Bicep curls and overhead pressing. I'm like, if this person does have an excessive tilt and she's feeling that shearing pain like that, she's probably doing bicep curls wrong, shoulder pressing long, lateral.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Every the lot of times you'll see you in the bracing, you just disconnect in a certain range of motion of the exercise. And so you're not going to know that unless you're there to really, you know, observe. And so this client is a client that I, and as we can only do this in person, I would do the whole program no matter what exercise we're doing. I had the PVC pipe. Yeah. I was like, I would get her in a position.
Starting point is 01:01:40 We could do a cable phone. And I boot, boot, boot, the whole work out. And I'm like, that is our focus more than how much weight and reps are going. Don't lose contact in those three points until she got to the place where she knew how to keep her body and that good neutral spine. I love doing the movements.
Starting point is 01:01:56 All right, our next caller is Alison from California. Alison, how can we help you? Hi guys, I just wanted to start out by saying that your podcast and y'all's programming has made a significant difference in my life. So thank you all for everything that you're doing. Oh, thank you. Thank you. I have a question about injury recovery specifically. I got a head injury and a with flash injury about a year and a half, not year and a half, a year and a
Starting point is 01:02:21 month ago. I got a pretty bad concussion. I got hit in the head behind the ski boat. I was pretty much unable to walk and move much for like four to five weeks. And then I started seeing a physical therapist and made significant improvement. So around January, February is kind of back to normal. I grew up a competitive dancer and I was on like a dance crew
Starting point is 01:02:46 at the time, and I was able to rehearse and perform with them for about two months until I hit a wall again. I'm not sure, maybe I re-injured my head doing so. It's just hard to tell with brain injuries, because they're just so fickle. But I, again, was out of commission for another two weeks. And then I got cleared by my physical therapist to lift weights So not do any cardio or like crazy. I used to be a mountain biker too. I love skiing
Starting point is 01:03:13 So I didn't like I didn't get clear to do any of that stuff, but I did get clear to lift weights Shortly after that, I found your podcast and I started doing maps aesthetic. I realized I was probably the wrong program because there's so much volume, but I did get through it and I felt pretty good. However, that was over this summer. I am in my last year of law school and I started school again about a month ago
Starting point is 01:03:40 and a lot of my symptoms have been coming back up because of the increased schoolwork. So reading, writing, walking, like all give me dizziness, nausea, headaches, I do work. I got discharged from the physical therapist. I still go to the doctor sometimes, but don't really do much. I don't feel symptoms doing anabolic.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I'm working on anabolic right now. I don't really get symptoms doing that unless I'm doing overhead presses. And I think it's because it puts pressure on the vertebrae that slipped in my neck. So I just lift really light when it comes to overhead presses and shrugs. The doctor recently just said, stop everything again
Starting point is 01:04:21 and just lay in a dark room. And I, like the physical therapist had cleared me to lift weights. I started lifting weights. I felt good. It's the school, it's the reading and writing, like walking around the gym that triggers some symptoms. I have to wait seven months to get to a neurologist. So I'm finally going this month.
Starting point is 01:04:39 So I'll see what they have to say, but I was wondering if you all had any experience working with people who have head injuries, especially with long-term symptoms and what you would suggest for me going forward, lifting weights, because what I had, working out and lifting has been incredible for my mental health. Head injuries come with a multitude of mental health issues and I feel like I stay stained by working out, but I also don't want to re-inger myself for doing anything that's also bad for me. Really, really, really good question. And I'm really, really tough to answer because you were, I mean, if your doctor is telling you not to do that right now for us to try and come over and say you should potentially do this or that
Starting point is 01:05:18 is. Well, I'd sell it here. Okay, so a couple things. One, it's not out of the ordinary for someone in their last year of law school to feel dizzy and lightheaded and nauseous when they're doing their school work. So, all joking aside, and it's very intense, by the way, my cousin went through law school. I know how intense it is. So, all joking aside, we're not doctors.
Starting point is 01:05:36 So, I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but I'm gonna tell you what to look up and read on your own. Okay. I want you to look up the effects of a ketogenic diet on brain injury. Your genesis. Okay, I want you to look up the effects of a ketogenic diet on brain injury. Neurogenesis. Okay. So look up ketogenic diet and its effects on brain injury, on concussion. See if you can find anything on that. I'd also like you to look up lion's mane and its effects on the same stuff. So lion's mane is a mushroom, so you can look that up. And then look up cannabinoids,
Starting point is 01:06:06 in particular CBD and the hemp cannabinoids that you'll find in the hemp plant and look at those effects. And just read up on it and see for yourself, and then if you want to experiment with some of that stuff, obviously that's totally up to you. I understand completely what you're saying about exercise. Okay, you're thinking like this is super beneficial, but I don't want to do something dangerous
Starting point is 01:06:28 to myself. The doctor is kind of scaring me a little bit, but you can always get a second opinion. That's number one. So you can always get a second opinion from a medical expert. And then the other thing is if you do get clearance, you can always go much easier and much lighter. Now you already kind of piece that together with overhead presses. I would go much easier and lighter on overhead presses,
Starting point is 01:06:48 on dead lifts, on rows, and on shrugs. Okay, those are the exercises that are probably the most risky just based off of what I know off of your injury. Now, that doesn't mean you can't practice them, that doesn't mean you can't make the tension feel appropriate just by slowing the reps down and kind of feeling the muscles work. So you can't make the tension feel appropriate just by slowing the reps down and kind of feeling the muscles work.
Starting point is 01:07:05 So you can still make it work. Just means go light and make your form as like more than perfect, like super, super, super perfect. So you're gonna have to go really, really light. But I'll say, you know, read up on those things and then see if you can get another opinion because it's not uncommon for one doctor to say something and another doctor to give you a different opinion.
Starting point is 01:07:27 That's actually quite common. Yeah, I'm glad you brought those up solid. And again, I'm not a doctor, anything else, but I do have personal experience having concussions and going through a bit of like short-term memory loss and struggling in school because I couldn't stay focused because of having those
Starting point is 01:07:46 concussions and trying to work through that. And I have had some success with, you know, going and investigating myself with, you know, canabinoids. Canabinoids? Canabinoids, thank you. I just say that right. But, yeah, so that did help quite a bit in terms of like my own memory and going through that path. But what I did notice too with the intracranial pressure when I would get into heavy lifts, I had to back off quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:08:15 And so that was just something that I just listened to my body, kind of went through that. And then really just focused a little bit more on hypertrophy and you know, but again, I was able to kind of regain, I felt like, you know, some good, you know, health again and kind of work my way back towards, you know, intensify my workout. So I think really, you know, just wait out,
Starting point is 01:08:39 you know, listen to your doctor, but also to like, there's ways to kind of still be able to get exercise in that's healthy for your body. Get a second opinion. I mean, the end of the day like, exercise is not different than us moving around, right? I mean, you're moving. You can just move. I think doctors that say stuff like this, they just assume you're pushing, you're doing super heavy weight, but it's like, there's got gotta be somewhere in the middle there where it's okay for you to still do some of these, in fact, beneficial probably for you to do some of these
Starting point is 01:09:09 movements for you, not just for your brain, but also for your overall health and sanity. I think that there's gotta be somewhere in the spectrum where it's okay, and I would want a doctor to give me that green light on what that looks like. And I'm like, okay, it's rare, that appropriate movement, and appropriate is the keyword here, okay?
Starting point is 01:09:29 It's super rare that appropriate exercise is detrimental. I don't care what your condition is and what your situation is, it's rare. That being said, it doesn't mean always. There are cases, and I don't know your case, I don't know what your doctor knows, I don't know your history, detailed history, I don't know what your doctor knows, I don't know your history, detailed history, I don't know what your tests you've done.
Starting point is 01:09:48 So I also am gonna be very careful because there could be a situation where increasing blood pressure through exercise, exertion, whatever, could put you in a risk category that you don't wanna be in, and we are dealing with the brain here, okay? So, again, I'm gonna implore you, get a second opinion. And then when you get the second opinion,
Starting point is 01:10:08 make sure you say to the doctor, is it okay that I work out under the guidance of somebody who's got experience working with somebody like myself? Say it like that, because you might get a different answer. Okay, you might get a totally different answer because oftentimes what Adam's saying is true, oftentimes they're playing the safe game because they're like looking at you and they're like, well, she's going to go work out on her own. She, I don't know if she
Starting point is 01:10:31 knows exactly what she's doing. She's going to push herself too hard. Like, it's better safe than sorry. But if you're like, hey, I'm going to be under the guidance of somebody who's going to, who has some experience with this, then they might say, yes, for example, I'm pretty sure your doctor would, would not say no to a physical therapist. Right. Which means exercise is okay, as long as it's appropriate. Right. So you can either have another conversation with this doctor
Starting point is 01:10:54 and position it that way or get a second opinion. And but get that clearance first. We're not at liberty to tell you what to do. That the doctor says not to do. Okay. Great. That's really helpful. Thank you. No problem.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And you have maps in a ballac, right? Do you have maps symmetry? No, I don't. I'm going to send that to you because when you win and if you get clearance, I like symmetry for you. Oh, I do too. I like symmetry a lot. Especially the first phase where she's at right now.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Yeah, and it's going to train proprioceptive ability differently, which I think is going to be good for your brain too. Amazing. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. No problem. Thanks for calling in. Yeah, that's tough because I think you're right, Adam. We're guessing, but I think that's exactly what it is. The doctor's like, yeah, it's better safe than sorry, because if she's like, hey, I'm working with a physical therapist, doctors probably like, that's cool. Yeah. Well, I mean, they're trying to be cautious. When, when you walk When you walk around, you're moving in working muscles. Okay, when you go to the gym and you do exercises,
Starting point is 01:11:48 you're moving, you're moving muscles. It's a, so there's a spectrum there, right? And so you can't tell me that the best remedy for whatever someone's case is. And this is like you said, pretty much everyone. Of course, there's the exception of the rule, which is a half a percent of the 1%. Right. So we have to be careful, but you're right. Yeah, so you have to be careful with how we we give advice
Starting point is 01:12:07 But there there's got to be somewhere on that spectrum where she is okay And I bet you're right too that if he were to say like hey, I was gonna see a physical therapist Can I do that? Well, what's the physical therapist do exercises with that same thing? You know, just appropriate You know, she's underguided. That's rightific things like avoiding what you were saying as high risk, probably doing things that are going to compliment. Because here's the other side of it with the limited knowledge that we have. So I want to say that first, but here's the other side of it.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Not moving, not exercising. It's not only not good for the body, it's not good for the brain. Right. So what she's trying to do is reduce inflammation, improve glucose utilization of the brain, which is by the way why I had her research ketogenic diet, because sometimes that makes a big difference. But you're trying to improve your health. Well, exercise does that. You're trying to improve your brain health exercise does
Starting point is 01:12:55 that. So you don't, oh, you don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water because what may happen is in the pursuit of just being completely safe, she accelerates the downhill, or she makes it worse because now she's not moving. So now, I mean, anybody's brain gets less healthy when they don't exercise. So that's why I'm like, look, get another opinion because I think if you position the question differently, I've done that by the way with clients
Starting point is 01:13:17 where they go to the doctor and say, don't ask like that, ask like this and see what happens. And if you ask in a certain way, then they're okay with it. Is the saying of that metaphor because the water's dirty? What do you mean? Why do you throw the baby out of the bag?
Starting point is 01:13:29 Because the water's dirty, so therefore the baby's dirty. Yeah, so you would throw out the bath water, but don't throw the baby out with it. Right, right, okay, got it. Yeah, cuz it sucks. It's a really old one. I wonder if anybody's ever done that. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Our next caller is Eli from Virginia. Eli, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Good, good, good. I just want to start out by saying thanks for having me. And thanks for everything you guys do. Actually, because of you guys, I was walking through the store the other day.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Saw magic spoon, picked it up, and it's already gone. It's really. Perfect. Picked it up, winning my mouth. It already gone. It's really perfect. It's up. Winning my mouth. It's gone. Basically. But for my question, I started 2022 off pretty shitty.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Within two weeks of the year, I run my eeles playing indoor soccer. So I had to deal with that. I was living at home for a while while I got back on my feet and gained a lot of weight now fully recovered about like eight months after surgery and now I'm just trying to make sure it doesn't happen again and how to fight this fear of rupturing it again. Boy, it gives me PTSD just hearing you say that because to this day, it was messing around in the day and jumping up in my house to see how high I get to grab something. And I still have this like, because I tore my,
Starting point is 01:15:06 and I've had lots of injuries. So I've dealt with lots of injuries. So many injuries. And fuck off. Stacks. And the Achilles, I tell you what, it's different. It's different than all of them. And.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Now why is that when you went, when you did it, is it because it just, because it pops and you're like, yeah, you won how it happens, I think, and then it's just, there's, I feel like it feels like it's a big visible tendon, maybe that's part of it too. Yeah, I don't, I don't, I can't wrap my brain around. Can I have heard of people say it? Because I, I mean, I've toured my ACL, my ACL, like, and that, I mean, my knees feel great. And I don't, I don't even think about that before I go jump.
Starting point is 01:15:42 But before I sprintang or jump, I, there's this little thing in the back of my head that always thinks, and I think it's because of that because it's, it was like self-injury, right? Like I was just running up the core and it happened. So, okay, a couple of things. So I do have a lot of thoughts around this because of course I have the same PTSD.
Starting point is 01:16:00 So if I were to get back into playing ball or really take care of this like I should, I would follow a lot of the stuff that Cory Slesinger puts out. He did, so he tore his Achilles the first time that we met him. So we interviewed him years ago. And when he came in, he came in on the little scooter and he had just tore his Achilles right after, right before I was right after mine. And he actually showed like a lot of his
Starting point is 01:16:26 Protocol of rehabbing himself now he's a NBA Coach right so for he's a sports trainer So this dude is playing ball and has to get back in that kind of shape So his recovery and the way he trained his body is like ideal for making sure that doesn't happen to you, because you gotta be careful, especially if you put weight on, that's part of why I think I tore. I was actually in good shape,
Starting point is 01:16:50 but I was heavier, and I was running, and my Achilles had not been trained for basketball. It had been trained to be a buff dude, and it just went like that. So you definitely need to take care of that and train around that. So your body will adapt before you go into explosive movements and just build that into
Starting point is 01:17:11 your routine. So I would make sure that that's the foundation of every workout, every workout I would start with my Achilles rehab stuff. And then I would go into say maps and a ball like whatever program of ours that you might be following. And then until I feel and you should start to feel and you'll see he has progressions of like the movements that he's doing, you know, starts off very basic of like, you know, floor tapping and then you work your way up to do and body weight stuff and then more close. And assisted type work with that to yeah, he has really good information and content out there regarding that.
Starting point is 01:17:41 So yeah, there's definitely like a slow pace to this, but you know, weight is going to contribute to a lot more force around, you know, the joints there. So that's definitely something to consider in terms of like a focus of yours is to, you know, really just kind of lose the weight and get back into a little bit more explosive training progressively. Yeah, you like, I'll get more general. It's right. It's obviously going to be right along the lines of what they're saying. Generally speaking, getting over any fear is the opposite of fear is confidence, right? So you get feeling confidence, not being fearful, feeling fearful is not feeling confident. So how do you build confidence? Slowly, what does that look like?
Starting point is 01:18:20 Small wins. So if you look at someone who's fearful of anything, you know, you've heard of exposure therapy before. I believe so, yeah. Somebody's like super, super scared of spiders. Just throw spiders. Yeah, they'll like, look at maybe like a cartoon of a spider and then they'll get used to that and then a picture of a spider and eventually they'll get to like a real. So you got to, you got to take this slow and allow your confidence to build. You're not going
Starting point is 01:18:44 to jump back into anything. That wouldn't be appropriate anyway, but it's gonna take your time and do things that slightly challenge you, but don't freak you out completely. So if it's like, okay, well, I'm not gonna jump, because that really freaks me out,
Starting point is 01:18:58 but I think I can push a sled that's light and go slow. It challenged me a little bit, but I think it's okay. Start with that. And then when that feels like no big deal, or like this doesn't even challenge me at all, then progress to the next thing. So slowly progress yourself slowly to the point
Starting point is 01:19:15 where you build confidence step by step by step, and then eventually you'll get rid of the fear. That's the only way to do it. And that's how you get rid of any fear. Yeah, because like my main thing is like when I kinda do like body squats and when I kinda do body squats and when I get down, I can feel like the tightness in the back of my leg.
Starting point is 01:19:30 And I'm like, maybe I shouldn't go as low and then I have a personal trainer and she's just like no, lower. And I'm just like, ugh. Well, she's right. And what you feel is probably, and I remember this too, the scar tissue in there. That's kind of straight. Yeah, taking it through full range of motion and challenge that through like a basic,
Starting point is 01:19:48 you know, bilateral movement like that is actually a good idea. And some of the stuff, by the way, like, Knees Over Toe guy has his, his, his content will help in that area. So I, yes, I would push that. What I'd be careful of is explosive stuff. So that until you do the proper rehab, until you lean out a little bit, doing something explosive is what will potentially tell you. Stretching it and pushing its kind of range of motion will be good for it, which is what, whatever she, that's what it sounds like she was.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Yeah, you could, you could practice that home by getting in a bodyweight deep squat and getting comfortable with that bottom position. So with no resistance. So that's one way you can kind of get more confident with that position. I used to, and I still actually do this now, I do these isometric calf hole to the top because it feels like it's gonna explode when I'm even flexing it as hard as I can. And so I would actually get all the way up
Starting point is 01:20:38 on my tiptoes and get these isometric contractions at the top to get more comfortable too with taking it all the way through that range of motion and squeezing in there, and then obviously the benefits of isometric. So yeah, those are the things that I if I was gonna really take it serious and take care of myself like I should I would I would go through all of what Corey was doing and and and and the way I would build it into my routine is That is how I would start every workout. I would spend five to ten minutes doing my Achilles rehab slash warm up priming type stuff. And then I would get into my normal training. Yeah. One more one question you like, do you, are you pretty good at tracking your water intake, making sure you stay hydrated?
Starting point is 01:21:12 Um, yeah, I care around a water bottle with me all the time at work. I really don't know how much it is, but I just fill it up constantly and just drink it. All right. Well, I would aim for, you know, close to a gallon a day, because what you'll find when it comes to muscles feeling tight and feeling uncomfortable, sometimes being really hydrated makes a big difference. So just one thing you could test out for yourself, but thanks for calling it anyway. Thank you. Have a good one, guys. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:21:39 So Adam, for you, you feel comfortable doing everything except for the explosive stuff at this point? Oh, yeah. Squatting deep doesn't bother me. Lunges with pushing my knee excessively over my toe doesn't bother me. Not anymore. At the beginning though, I do remember that where you feel that end range of motion feels like it's been short.
Starting point is 01:21:57 And then you also have that little scar tissue build up. It almost feels like it's going to tear a pop again. So I know it psychologically kind of fucks with you. What I know though is that I know that that's all good to push that, that way, where you have to be careful of pushing it is explosive stuff. So if I were to go sprint really hard or push, you just haven't trained that explosive stuff enough yet.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Yeah, and I know I'm heavy. So, and I know that's what it led to before, and if he put weight on like that, that's the most dangerous thing. So, and what I did was totally totally stupid right. I should know better like I it would remember with this was You know back back when I came out the testosterone. I was like feeling depressed because Your testosterone was super low. Oh, yeah, my testosterone which by the way is also correlated with the Achilles tendon right right
Starting point is 01:22:41 So you have that working against me So yeah, I'm battling depression a little bit. I don't even have the motivation to go lift, feel terrible and so I go, okay, I'm going to play basketball and I was like, I'll go to get to get in basketball shape my my theory shame on me is I'll go play basketball just like at mild speed which okay that doesn't help I'm not good at that okay. So I get in and I'm doing that. And the thing that killed me was, I was so much heavier and I just, I didn't have that,
Starting point is 01:23:11 I hadn't trained explosive, I liked that. And then, and then you add in low test on top of it and then that went. Well, yeah, and also consider like all those planes of motion of stability. So lateral stability, rotational stability, like those are really important when it comes to any kind of injury or anything you're trying to rehab too,
Starting point is 01:23:26 to really spend the extra amount of time strengthening all that range of motion. So you're by a response appropriately, because the explosive part really adds that excess amount of pressure that will unhinge at that point. Yeah, just in tour, his pants explosive from the bottom of his, in the bathroom just like five minutes ago. I'm like I sit up.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Our next caller is David from Texas. David, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, guys. I've been listening to you all for quite a while, at least since 2018, really appreciate all the content you'll put out. Thank you. I even love the you know, started episodes I get some of my best information from you. So anyway, so about a year ago, I started getting some pain in my left elbow. I got diagnosed with tennis elbow. A couple months later, progressed into my right elbow as well. And then about two and a half weeks ago, I got diagnosed with a partial low grade, partial tear of whatever that tendon is that connects my elbow to my hand. I got a PRP shot on Friday, and I'm basically just looking for advice on how to help it
Starting point is 01:24:42 heal the best I can and where to go from here. Are you a heavy dead lifter? What are you doing? Deadlifting. Basically, I like heavy lifting. Yeah. So, okay, so I'm reading your question, the one that you sent in and you continue to train
Starting point is 01:24:58 while doing physical therapy and stretching. That was the problem. When you have an injury like this, which tennis elbow, by the way, this, the, the term tennis elbow, it's just a name for a symptom. So sometimes we get diagnosed with something and it's like, oh my God, you know, it's, it's a very calm, it's a super common. I had this many, many times because I like to pull heavy and I did judo and jitsu, which is super grip intensive. And what's a tennis? And I never played tennis.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Super athletic. Can you imagine we played tennis? No. So what I had to do was lay off all the heavy pulling and like really lay off. And I got deep tissue massage and work on my forearms and stretching. And once it got better, it was better. But if I didn't lay off the lifting,
Starting point is 01:25:42 then it didn't matter. Then I was just managing the pain and I would have to, like, okay, let me warm it up, let me stretch it. Okay, it feels good enough to lift heavy. And then I'll get now hurts again and I was just being this kind of cycle. So right now, because you got the shot, I wouldn't do any lifting.
Starting point is 01:25:55 When you go back to lifting, I'd go super light. And I would seek out a really good body work specialist that can work on your forearms, because it sounds like they're just really tight. Sounds like they're really, really tight. So I, okay, this actually happens to me all the time now. More than it ever did in my life. And I've now pinpointed exactly why it happens
Starting point is 01:26:13 and I catch it before I push myself to where you've gone. That's why I asked you right away. Do you like the heavy deadlift? Because what it happens is every time I start getting consistent with my heavy deads and I'm not addressing risk mobility and shoulder mobility and making sure that they are flexible, mobile and strong. My deadlift weight gets up there so hard and it just puts so much stress on the elbow, not having that risk strength and mobility and that shoulder strength strength mobility. And so anytime I neglect to stay
Starting point is 01:26:46 on top of that while also lifting super heavy, this is how my body starts talking to me. And if I do a good job of taking care of those two things, I can progress up there. The way I regress out of this is I this is like as soon as I start feeling that pain, it's like, it's okay. I'm I'm I'm disappointed in myself. I know better. I know I should do. So then I like, my discipline is you're not allowed the straight bar dead left at him. Now I have to go to single leg dumbbell dead list, which forces me to regress the weight like crazy. Also takes myself out of that fixed position with the bar.
Starting point is 01:27:18 And then now the way I earn my way back to the barbell is putting my shoulder and wrist mobility work in. Okay, now David, one thing I'd like to add to that is when you get to the point where it feels okay, I think it would be a good idea to incorporate some light reverse curls into your workouts. To strengthen those. Yeah, soft men's.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Don't we have soft men's in something? Soft men's are good, or just reverse curls even on an easy curl bar. Just the, you know, you wanna be able to strengthen those extensors. The break-you-ready Alice is part of that, right? So when I got back into reverse curls, that pain went away. Because I had to strengthen it. But I had to wait until I got better before I could do that.
Starting point is 01:28:01 If I had done reverse curls with a little bit of that tennis elbow pain, it would have not worked out well. Which by the way, the total regression to that is the risk, mobility and strength stuff, right? You start working on the risk, mobility and strength stuff, those extenders get included, and then the progression to that is to do Zotmen's reverse curls and include that. I like Zotmen's because there's movement.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Yeah. It's not, you're not in a fixed position. So I, I mean, neither one or wrong, or right, or more than the other. It's just, I prefer the Zotmen's because fixed position. So I I mean neither one are wrong or right more than the other It's just I prefer the Zotman's because of what I know I need to be addressing But do you have prime pro? I've actually got both prime and prime pro like a week before I got diagnosed So you live in the shoulder and wrist area for you for this this specific area Live it live in there spend time doing that and I mean I just I don't know if that works for you for this, this, this, this, this, it's, yeah, live it, live in there, spend time doing that.
Starting point is 01:28:45 And I mean, I, I just, I don't know if that works for you to, to give yourself like boundaries or rules like that, but that, you know, that's what I do to myself is, I, because I love the heavy dead left to, and, you know, what I tend to do is neglect the things I know I need to do heading into it. And then I normally push it until my body starts talking to me and they go, ah, fuck, I'm gonna go back the other way. And so, yeah, yeah. I guess kind of just adding on to everything,
Starting point is 01:29:07 my timing couldn't have worked out worse. I'm in the hiring process for some law enforcement jobs and my PT tests are starting to come up. Is there any way to kind of speed this process up or am I just kind of living in the moment? Yeah, I would stay hydrated. Soft tissue work is gonna be pretty good. Very, I would stay hydrated. Soft tissue work is going to be pretty good. Very, very light band exercises. But really be careful. Okay, so make sure you don't overdo anything.
Starting point is 01:29:32 So band exercises will be okay. Yeah, curls, reverse curls, do the wrist mobility movements in Maps Prime Pro. Start slow so you can gauge what the appropriate amount of volume intensity is. So start with less than you think. See how you feel and then kind of gauge it from there. And then with your PT test, you can go ahead and practice those tests, maybe take out the portions that will aggravate your elbow because you're going to definitely want to stay. Push ups and pull ups are the big ones. Yeah, so yeah, I would be careful with the pull ups. You could try wrist wraps to kind of take the pressure off of your grip.
Starting point is 01:30:04 And then of course when it comes to game time, you could try wrist wraps to kind of take the pressure off of your grip. And then of course when it comes to game time, you know, then you can go forward. I also would think that you would get great benefit from because if you're a heavy lifting guy and you look like you're probably a pretty strong dude, just leaning out would actually make you good at those body weight things. So yeah, so that would be kind of my focus right now since you know, risking pushing your under control. It's exactly exactly. It, risking pushing one to control your dietary habits.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Exactly, it's an easy one to control. We cut back on the calories a little bit, maybe increase some cardiovascular activity. Easy way to get good at pull ups. That's right, that's right. You're already a strong dude. You're not worrying about trying to get stronger while also this fix in this injury issue,
Starting point is 01:30:39 the same time is kind of counterproductive. It'd be so much easier to do your mobility work, fix the problem by doing the exercise we're talking about, and then lean out by cutting the calories and doing more cardiovascular. That would improve that. I'll add one more little hack. That'll help.
Starting point is 01:30:53 It's nominal, but it'll help. Do you have access to red light therapy? The gem I go to has a little like an infrared personal sauna thing. No, not the same thing. So go to go to jovejovv.com forward slash mine pump. We work with them. Red light therapy has been proven in studies to accelerate healing.
Starting point is 01:31:15 The key is though to use it regularly. So they do have at home units. And they have they make small ones. It's a little poor local. I got a little portable one right so it's the jove go. I think it's think we have actually one right next to Adam right there. Yeah. And you could shine that on your arm once or twice a day. And it's backed by data studies do show that it heals injuries faster. So you could try that out.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Yeah, if you were a pro athlete that we were like, we had a crunch time here and we're trying to do is that added with I think what Sal said with the massage because that will help speed that up too. Like you're doing the work, all the mobility drills of that, what Sal said with the massage, because that will help speed that up too. You're doing the work, all the mobility drills of that, then you see her to massage out, and then the Juvely. And if you had any restriction in your movement, obviously the mobility, you're gonna address all that with it, but even for me, I've found KT tape
Starting point is 01:31:57 or some kind of kinesiotape just to get through, ranges of motion helps a bit to increase blood flow, but that's about it. They've covered pretty much everything up. Yeah, go to, go to, go to Juve, go to their website and take a look and see what you think. I think if you do all the other stuff, adding that should, should probably speed up your recovery by a good 10%.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Okay, I'll take anything I can get. Excellent. Hey guys, again, I appreciate it. I don't want to take too much of your time, but I love the show. You guys do great stuff. No problem. And thank you, your service man. I appreciate you calling in. Thank you. I appreciate it. I don't want to take too much of your time But I love the show you guys do great stuff. No problem. And thank you service man. I appreciate you calling in Thank you. I appreciate it guys. You don't take it easy. You got it. Yeah, that's a boy that's a tough one for me because It's close to home for me. Well saying here because you know what it is very common
Starting point is 01:32:37 It's if it's your if it's your forearms in your grip. That's almost every exercise. That's why you get so annoying Well, yeah, why and I just feel like if you love heavy deadlift, it just exacerbates that. So, of course, I mean, you, because you're in that face, I mean, when you hold something that heavy, yeah, and that heavy, do you think though too? Like, I always notice it in deadlifting, but if I don't, if I'm not real focused on my mechanics, my form of like,
Starting point is 01:33:00 really having that strict lockout position, my elbows, if I have a little bit of flex, yeah, since the really add, you know, yeah, in fact, what's there? In fact, a cue that I've learned is to extend the elbows. Yeah, extend and bend. Yeah, bend the bar to a lot. And then pull, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Yeah, because if I start with a little bit of a bend, then I can start to aggravate it, but you gotta take the time off first. That was always my issue. I don't wanna take any time off. Yeah, and you know, I could tell he's like a big strong dude. So like literally lean out right now. And you wanna get good at your test.
Starting point is 01:33:30 And most of the time, you can do right now. Plus climbing, running, that's the main stuff they do. He's 15 pounds is instantly strong. Yeah, especially someone who's already probably a pretty strong deadlift or something like that. We're not gonna progress you that much. With an injury for that, That would be the smarter play. Totally.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out some of our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal and they're all free. You can also find all of us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam and you can only find me on Twitter at Mind Pump Sal.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes MAPS and a BOLIC, MAPS Performance, and MAPS ASTEDIC, nine months of phased expert exercise programming
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