Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1980: Six New Year's Resolutions You Can Accomplish in 2023

Episode Date: January 2, 2023

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover six health-based goals that anyone will benefit from and can achieve in 2023 6 New Year's Resolutions You Can Accomplish in 2023. (1:53) #1 - Mental health. (...One day a week fast from social media.) (7:05) #2 - Spiritual health. (5 minutes a day pray, meditate, breath work, or practice gratitude.) (13:23) #3 - Relationship health. (Once a week intentionally connect with someone.) (19:55) #4 - Physical health. (Walk 5 mins after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.) (25:19) #5 - Financial health. (Set a percentage of every paycheck and save it.) (30:29) #6 - Intellectual health. (Read a paper book for 5 minutes before bed every night.) (36:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! January Promotion: NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS SPECIAL OFFERS! (New to Weightlifting Bundle, Body Transformation Bundle, and New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle) You get massive savings with each offer. Mind Pump #1792: The Secrets Of Happy People With Arthur C. Brooks The Health Benefits of Strong Relationships - Harvard Health Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? Today's episode we talk about New Year's resolutions. We give you six that you can actually accomplish that will also have profound impacts on your overall health.
Starting point is 00:00:29 So it's a great episode. Now this episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Felix Gray. They make blue light blocking glasses that look good and that are clear so they don't change the color of everything and they help you sleep better. Go check them out. Go to FelixGrayGlases.com. That's F-E-L-I-X-G-r-a-y glasses.com forward slash mind pump. Also, it's January, it's a big month for fitness,
Starting point is 00:00:50 lots of people getting into working out, people trying to lose weight. Well, here's what we did. We took our workout programs and created three workout program bundles that we think will be appropriate for most people. The first bundle is the new to weightlifting bundle. This one includes map starter, map centabolic, and maps anywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:10 The second bundle is the body transformation bundle, which is map centabolic, map performance and map systetic. And then the third bundle is the new year extreme intensity bundle, which is map split, map power lift, map hit, map split, and map power lift. MapsHit, Mapsplit, and MapsPowerLift. By the way, all bundles include MapsPriom for free. Now check this out. Every single one you will save, all those bundles, I just said, you'll save between 300 to 350 dollars.
Starting point is 00:01:37 This is one of the biggest promotions of the year that we do. So you've got to check this out, and each bundle will take you between six to nine months. So you've got all your workouts planned out for you for the next six to nine months months go check it out Go to maps January calm. All right here comes a show Happy New Year. It's 20 23 and today's episode. We're gonna talk about six New Year's resolutions You can actually accomplish and all of these are gonna pay back in dividends. All right, so. I like what we did here.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah. I like that we're gonna address like the entire health sphere. Yeah, I'm so glad you said that because people think of health, they think of like just working out and diet. Right. But health is like so many things,
Starting point is 00:02:22 you know, encompass health. And we're gonna cover, I guess, topics or things you can do in each of the main realms of health. And what we try to do is we tried to pick things that would give you a payback, but we're also things that you could probably accomplish. So it's not like we're gonna go on here and we said, you're gonna work out five days a week,
Starting point is 00:02:44 for example, right? If you're not working out, you're not gonna be able to do that. we're going on here and we said, you're going to work out five days a week, for example. Right, if you're not working out, you're not going to have to. That's a very calculus. Like, yeah, these are very simple things that will go along ways if you actually take those steps and implement them. Well, don't you guys think, too,
Starting point is 00:02:55 that's the strategy of this as we go through all these, where there are six, is there six we did? The six of these that we go through, it could some people might be like, oh, that's so basic or that's, I think that's the secret and this being successful is, I think if I could break down the single biggest mistake that I see clients or people make
Starting point is 00:03:17 when they set new years resolution is setting it too big. Yep. And overwhelming themselves with things that they're not going to consistently do. So I think the secret sauce is to address these six areas that we're going to talk about and then actually making a very simple target that you can accomplish and then build on that. So that doesn't mean that, oh, because we talk about this walking for, let's say, five
Starting point is 00:03:44 minutes, doesn't mean that you don't build on that and maybe eventually do 20 or a half hour hour, but starting with these small, obtainable goals and then building. The idea here is to pick things that are going to provide you some value that also are somewhat challenging so that it's got meaning because if there's no challenge it doesn't mean anything, right? It's like just too easy, it doesn't really mean anything to you. But also, and this is the biggest consideration, is things that I can do, I can maintain. Because like speaking to weight loss, for example,
Starting point is 00:04:17 every year, in the beginning of the year, millions and millions and millions of Americans actually accomplish weight loss. A lot of people lose weight every single year. The problem is the vast majority. When I say vast majority, it's like 90%. I think the statistics are over 85% of the people who lose weight gain it back within the first year or two.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And I bet if we stretch that out to like five years, it's probably 95%. Right? So the most important consideration is not necessarily, is this a big goal that's going to like change everything or whatever? It's okay. Can I stick to this? Because that's the most important thing. Because think of it this way.
Starting point is 00:05:00 If you made small changes that you could stick to, and then once it became habit or lifestyle, you made another small change, think about how far you could go over the course of a year or two years or three years, right? It's almost limitless in comparison to what we tend to do, which is make these crazy goals and end up failing. And then what happens when you fail often
Starting point is 00:05:24 is you lose confidence. And eventually in studies we'll show this when it comes to weight loss, for example, people will lose weight, gain it back, lose weight, gain it back. And the odds that someone tries again, go down each time that they fail. So after three, four attempts, a lot of people like I'm not doing this anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I can totally give up. I think we also underestimate the value of just becoming aware of like the six things we'll talk about and even though they may seem simple as far as the goals, but I think just becoming aware of this is an area that I want to focus on or even investigate in my own habits and behaviors is tremendous value. I mean, we talked before about people, like how much they eat less just by tracking simply, not even putting parameters or saying,
Starting point is 00:06:11 hey, I can't do this. Just by paying attention. But I really love these categories. These are all categories that I plan to focus on in this coming year. And I like having this like intent of like, I'm gonna move the needle in the right direction on all these things, even though it's just a little bit
Starting point is 00:06:29 and just become aware of my behaviors around all these different aspects. Yeah, what you want is that lowest barrier of entry. So that way, you know, it's, you can, the first step, I forget who sent it, but it's like the first step is showing up. That's literally the one thing that you would need to consider. And it just establishes that this is a new thing,
Starting point is 00:06:54 and then you literally can navigate once you actually mean, like you accomplish that first step. And that first step is everything. It's so simple, but it's so overlooked all the time. Now that being said, I actually think the first one that we have listed is going to be the most challenging. Of all the ones, I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I agree that this will probably be the most challenging one. Including myself. That's exactly 100%. I think this is, but I think this one has a huge impact, and we've organized it this way because we all agreed that this, if you had a chance at dealing with this, this might be the best way to do it. So the first category is mental health. And mental health is, you know, staving off things like anxiety, depression, maintaining
Starting point is 00:07:38 good mental outlook, feeling, connection, connection, somewhat positive. We all know what it feels like to have, you know, we've all experienced poor mental outlook, feeling, connection, connection, somewhat positive. We all know what it feels like to have, we've all experienced poor mental health, like lose a lot of sleep or be distracted too often and you know what cycle that looks like. Now, there's a lot of things, by the way, in all these categories, there's tons and tons of things you can do, but we tried to pick ones that, again,
Starting point is 00:07:58 like I said, were impactful, but, you know, somewhat mostly realistic for most people. Now, if we look at the modern landscape, I think most people can agree that one of the largest contributors to poor mental health today is social media. Oh, yeah. Social media, now I do want to be clear, social media is a tool, so that doesn't mean social media is evil,
Starting point is 00:08:22 but the way social media is designed, how distracting it can be, and how it can distort your view of things, that doesn't mean social media is evil, but the way social media is designed, how distracting it can be, and how it can distort your view of things, because you're looking at perfect bodies, or you're on political pages that just make you more pissed off about the other side, or you're reading alarming articles
Starting point is 00:08:41 that can make dangerous seem larger and cause fear and anxiety. Like social media has the ability to really impact your mental health in a negative way. And it hasn't been around for a long time, but which means we don't have a ton of studies, but the studies are showing that there is a very strong correlation to use of social media and poor mental health. And they used to think, well, if you're sad, you're going to be on social media more, and that's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:09:11 But now we have better studies showing actually, although that also may be true, just being on social media law can cause or tends to cause worsening mental health. I think just simply implementing this once a week fast from it is going to bring awareness of that. I didn't need anyone to point out. And I don't think either will anybody who does this, right? So if you've never done this before, and then you go, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Like all day on Sunday or Saturday, whatever, pick your day, I'm going to completely fast from the internet. I'm gonna to completely fast from the internet. I'm going to say, this is my day of no social media. I don't think I need to tell you the benefits that you get from it. I think if you actually just do it, you will see. It's very, very obvious how much more present you are, how much better your connection is with the people that you're around, how productive you feel, how positive you're attitude. I mean, just the list keeps going on and on.
Starting point is 00:10:08 And a good thing to do while you're doing that is really pay attention when you feel compelled. Yeah, that's what you'll notice. To really kind of reach for it, or you're on your phone making a call, but all of a sudden now, it's your thumbs going across and you're hitting that app to open it up again.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You realize that happened just to see how you're mentally just so drawn to this. Dare I say addicted sometimes to just peering in and seeing what the latest thing is I need to know. You are either addicted or dependent however you want to look at it. You depend on that. I remember the first time doing this and like, forgetting that like, wow, I guess there was a time
Starting point is 00:10:49 where I'd stand in a line. And just wait quietly, you know, looking at the bathroom, or maybe talking to a stranger in front of me or behind me, or going to the bathroom with nothing, right, having to maybe read the back. Yeah, like it's like,'s like people in the eyes. It's it's it's wild when when you do it, the things that I think it reveals.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Well, you said something about awareness with this. So it's you can know something intellectually and say, yeah, I know, I'll feel better. And I know that there's probably probably probably negative effects on my mental health. But when you fast from it for a day and you experience it, it's very different. Once you experience it, then it's a very strong motivator for awareness. Now, you're like, oh, wow, I didn't know. And I'm telling you, I've done this before. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It makes you far more aware of how you're affected by social media. And the reason why we didn't say, you know, reduce your social media usage throughout the day, or don't do it at this time, or don't do it at that time, is because when you fast for full 24 hours, what you're going to encounter is, you'll notice the benefits, but you mentioned this, Justin, you'll notice very clearly, because it's a full 24 hours, how compelled you are to reach for it. And that is a wonderful awareness to bring yourself
Starting point is 00:12:11 because then you go, I am somewhat addicted to this thing, or it is making me somewhat impulsive. And so you just pick one day, one day a week, and what might help is to plan something during the day. You know, some people may actually plan to go somewhere where there isn't internet service to help them out. Nature is a great fix for that. I actually have to, I just have to, I have to leave it somewhere.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Yeah, that's what I do. So I have to go plug it in upstairs in my room, just like leave, because if it's near me, I think, I mean, I know this has happened, where I've trained myself so much that subconsciously, you just grab it. And like I was using the example of being in line Like you just don't even think about it. You just reach for it and then you grab it
Starting point is 00:12:49 So yeah, and I think that's the idea so starting off with this one And I think it's it's less about you know What exactly happens in the in the one day fast? And it's more about bringing awareness to it And then I hopefully that promotes better behaviors the rest of the week Right, hopefully you become aware of all these things that you do, and then you can discipline that. Right, right, right. And so now that you have this better awareness,
Starting point is 00:13:11 when you self-regulate naturally throughout the week of like, oh wow, I'm gonna try and not do it at this time and like cut back on this. And so hopefully that's what this leads to. 100% all right, so this next category is spiritual health. And so you may be wondering, what does that mean, spiritual health?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Well, good spiritual health provides meaning to life's challenges. Spiritual health helps you reframe tough things or things that when you're busy or maybe you're comparing yourself to other people or maybe you wish life was different or whatever, good spiritual health, it really does, it's like a 40,000 foot view,
Starting point is 00:13:52 this is what Arthur Brooks has, right? It's like 40,000 foot view of your life, of the world, and it does provide this kind of sense of meaning. And there aren't, look, I don't have to say this, but the data is very clear with this, with people who have a consistent, regular spiritual practice, live longer, are sick less often,
Starting point is 00:14:15 are better partners, they're better parents, they're more productive, they tend to be happier, they tend to suffer from depression, anxiety less. So this is a very important part of health. Yeah, I think it's just, it's very important because it's very humbling. And it also helps to kind of alleviate yourself of this illusion that you can control a lot of what's happening. And to be able to realize there's forces out there way greater than you, and the universe is humongous. And you don't have to apply all that pressure
Starting point is 00:14:46 to make sure you're controlling all of these details and like stressing yourself out so much. It's just a big release of, I'm existing and I'm present in this and I'm thankful for being here. Totally. So here's the advice that we gave for spiritual health. Five minutes a day, that's it.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Five minutes a day dedicated to spiritual health and it can look like this. It can, five minutes a day. That's it. Five minutes a day dedicated to spiritual health, and it can look like this. It could be five minutes of prayer. If you are religious, you believe in God, it could be five minutes of meditation. It could be five minutes of breath work. And then here's one I really like. Five minutes of gratitude.
Starting point is 00:15:19 What does that look like? That means for five minutes, I'm going to consciously write down or think about things I'm grateful for. And that could be considered spiritual practice. That's it. Just five minutes every single day. I like, I think I personally like to start the day this way because it does set the tone for the rest of the day. Yeah, either one. I think it would be ideal. I mean, it's just funny. I think this is kind of like the working out thing and probably why you gravitate towards that
Starting point is 00:15:45 is because you're more of a morning person. I don't disagree that it would probably set the intentions for my day better if I did that. I found I was more consistent doing this at night. Oh, sure. I found that. Which is the most important thing is consistent. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And so I do agree with you. And I wish I was more consistent in the morning time with doing it, but I found that if I was going to be consistent with doing this and adding this into my life at the end of every day, I would do this. And it's this to me as added. And I, you know, I think when you say spiritual health, I know it's going to turn off a certain percentage of people because of the religious tone that get films without.
Starting point is 00:16:27 But I mean, meditation and breath work and gratitude fall right in line with that. And I think that and just dedicating five to 10 minutes of that to start with that, I think we'll build. And here's a hack with it. This is how I started doing this because I found it difficult at first to just set aside five quiet minutes. I know that sounds silly. how I started doing this because I found it difficult at first to just set aside five quiet minutes. I know that sounds silly, but if you try to do this every single day, and if you don't
Starting point is 00:16:50 do it now and you try and do this every single day, you'll find it's actually somewhat challenging to be consistent. So what I did is I attached it to something that I did every single day where I wasn't distracted anyway. So for example, you could do this while you're taking a shower. I mean, you're already in the shower anyway. You're probably not gonna have your phone or anything electronics, so you could do it there.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I personally do it when I do the steam room. I tend to do the steam room after my workouts. I can't take my phone in there. I can't be distracted. I can't have to just sit there in the steam. And so it's a great, for me, it really helps solidify the habit of having this, you know, five minutes of a great, for me, it really helps solidify the habit of having this, you know, five minutes of a spiritual, for me, it's prayer, you know, every single
Starting point is 00:17:30 day. So that's something, that's just something that I found it helps. So this, this started with me as a, a self awareness tool. So I, I've shared this once or twice before on the podcast, where I just started to take an account of all the things that happened throughout the day. And I've shared this with you guys before, where I would unpack anything and everything that changed my state dramatically, both positively and negatively. So you know, what made me really happy today? Those are reflections.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Right, right. Like, oh, I did something nice for somebody. And oh, wow, I felt really good inside of it. And mental note, this is something to foster in my life and to do more of. Or, you know, somebody said something to me that, you know, set me off or triggered me or I reacted in a way that I don't like. Okay, what is that? Unpacked that.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Like, oh, wow, it's rooted in some insecurity that I have or some inadequacy. So looking at it like that as a growth tool by just unpacking my day, I found that and I could do it laying in bed, could do it laying in bed, just with the lights out and you know, meditating, pray, whatever you want to, however you want to label it. But I found that as an incredibly useful tool later on, I got better about actually getting up and riding it because I find that that reinfor an incredibly useful tool. Later on, I got better about actually getting up and riding it because I find that reinforces the better behavior. So, yeah, but I like how you started with a way that you could do.
Starting point is 00:18:52 That's right. Consistently. Right. And then it progressed. That's right. And I think that, and what progressed that was catching myself repeating some of these behaviors that I didn't like. And so I'm like, okay, I'm going to write this down.
Starting point is 00:19:04 So this becomes something that I'm more proactive, I'm more aware of when it comes, or when it surfaces in my life. And I found this as a very, very powerful tool. And then later on building the gratitude and other things on it. But I think that's the key to this is starting somewhere simple and easy and becoming aware of the benefits of it. And then you can build upon it as you become more consistent.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Now, one thing before we continue with every one of these categories, what you need to realize is you have to intentionally work on them in order to have health in them. None of these things happen by themselves. So good mental health doesn't happen by itself, right? Good spiritual health doesn't happen by itself. And none of the stuff we're gonna talk about
Starting point is 00:19:49 happens by itself, they happen when you, you're intentional about improving it and again start small, all right. So this next one is relationship health. So this is the health between you and the people around you. It could be your spouse, it could be your spouse, it could be your friends, it could be a family member. Humans are the most social creatures that we know of.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Isolation is so profoundly unhealthy on humans. It's actually considered inhumane torture by the Geneva Convention. I mean, it is a big deal to have good relationships of people. Studies show that having poor relationships is at least as bad for you as smoking, I think it was what, 20 cigarettes a day or something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:37 We know how bad cigarettes are. We'll have bad relationships in life and just like you're smoking a bunch of cigarettes. So this is a very big deal. So the thing that we advise here was that once a week intentionally connect with someone, what does that mean? For me personally, I like to have a meal with somebody
Starting point is 00:20:56 because we get to sit down, do something, and intentionally connect means that we're not distracted. I'm asking you how your day is, how's life been, what's going on? Let's connect and let's foster this relationship. Yeah, and I think too that people can take this for granted. In terms of you having dinners with your family, are you kind of going through the motions a lot?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Not having that intentional conversation that where you're both their present and really listening and communicating and connecting with that person at a deeper level. So it's not just like a surface, like we're kind of going through the routine of the week and getting check-ins here and there.
Starting point is 00:21:42 This is more of like, okay, let's both set that as our guide and try to go a little further with it. Well, to that point, I think that in my opinion, you have to remove yourself from your daily routine. Like, I don't, yeah. And I know it's not my place to say that doesn't count. It's relationship building,
Starting point is 00:22:05 whether, you know, with that works for something or not. But I think for it to be really valuable or what I've found is really valuable to me is to Justin's point is I have to, okay, we're gonna leave the house, leave the normal routine and we're either gonna go to a dinner or go for a hike or go do something that is different than our normal routine. And I also like to pair this with the day that I'm fasting from tech.
Starting point is 00:22:33 So that forces us. It works perfectly. Yes, because I already want to distract it. Yeah, I already want to connect on a deeper level as person. I want to make sure that I don't have any sort of distractions. And so we remove that. I also think that the person that you choose is important. I think that somebody you admire or respect or that you can confide in is important when trying to foster that.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You could get, you could mistake this as a healthy thing by meeting up or hanging out with a toxic relationship and this could have an adverse effect. You have that friend that dumps their shit on you all the time and you're like, well, I'm taking the advice from mind pump guys and I'm going out with this person. But all you do is you talk negatively about other people. Or you never listen to your own. Or you'll let all that in.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah, you listen to their woes. It's like, no, this is, this is somebody who you respect on a level to trust their advice and their opinions. They and they come from a place of love and and want to see a better version of you. I think it's important that when you're working on this this relationship health, that you're fostering relationships that are promoting growth and self-development in yourself. Be aware of which ones that you're trying to foster and it's not just your drinking buddies. A good litmus test is, and I've heard this many times from different people.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Good litmus test is, does the person celebrate your successes with you and do they mourn your failures with you? If you bring a failure to somebody and they're like, oh man, like that really sucks. And you could tell that they feel for you. And when you succeed, you don't sense a little jealousy or competition. Like they're genuinely happy for you. That's a good relationship. You want to foster. But it, but back to your point, Adam, it's an intentional. Like once a week intentionally say, I'm going to connect with this person. Now that doesn't mean you're not going to connect other times because
Starting point is 00:24:27 that happens accidentally. Maybe you went for a walk after lunch with your friend or work and you cut in conversation with a water cooler. This just means once a week, make sure you have a time where you're intentionally trying to connect with this person that you value and that's important to you. And again, that makes a huge difference by the way. I I Saw the benefits of this firsthand During the beginning of the pandemic. So when the pandemic first started at the time Jessica was pregnant And so we didn't know much and we were afraid like oh my god, we don't want to get sick and whatever and I intentionally Face timed
Starting point is 00:25:02 People and I went through like literally like the you know, rollolex or whatever like my aunt, my other aunt, my uncle, my grandmother, and we did it every single day and it was amazing how positive it was and impactful to intentionally call people, hey, how you doing? What's going on? Made a huge difference. All right. Now let's talk about physical health This next tip sounds silly, okay? Sounds like nothing. But it has, I mean studies show profound effects on your health.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It affects your insulin levels. It affects how your proteins are utilized in the body. Are they gonna get shuttled to muscle or not? It affects appetite later in the day. Energy levels. And my favorite thing about this is it's super easy. Digestion, too. Digestion, it affects appetite later in the day, energy levels, and my favorite thing about this is it's super easy. Digestion, too.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Digestion, it's super easy, and that's this. After breakfast, lunch, and dinner, walk for five minutes. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean you have to go outside and go for a five minute walk. So what I do is after a meal at home, is I stand up and I run around or play with my two-year-old for five minutes. So it could be anything. It could be literally, basically, it's don't just eat and then sit down and
Starting point is 00:26:12 do nothing, get up and for at least five minutes move. And again, it sounds silly, but the studies show that this has profound impacts on things like insulin, blood sugar, digestion, and health. And if you do the math, five minutes, three times a day, it's 15 minutes a day. Do that by seven days a week. And you actually have like a significant amount of activity that you just added to your day. So we didn't write this down,
Starting point is 00:26:36 but I wanna add this to the physical health one because I'm, this is gonna be something I do. And I've just recently talked about this, is a sleep routine. So since we're addressing physical health, since we're doing things that I think are good, small, easy places to start, like these two things.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Add the five minutes of walking every day after your meals, and then build a sleep routine. And that looks different for everybody. So if you've never done a sleep routine, maybe just committing to a time that you always would have had, or you've never turned your lights off after 6 p.m. and done like all, or you've never done blue blockers after a single, whatever that is.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It's basically a routine to prepare for bed. Right. So create a sleep routine for yourself. And again, it could be, you know. By the way, one of the reasons why this is so effective is it sets the stage psychologically for sleep because we live in modern times and we have electricity. It's our brains basically think it's daytime
Starting point is 00:27:41 until we put our head on the pillow. And it takes a second more than a second Take something like an hour or two for the brain to process. Oh, it's it's time to sleep Oh, it's time to kind of wind down now for most of human history that naturally happened because It got darker darker darker and the brain perceived this and we all automatically had a sleep routine like oh, it's getting dark I'm not gonna be roaming around because there's predators. It's gonna wrap it up quick here. Everybody gather around, let's start the fire.
Starting point is 00:28:09 And by the way, you do this with babies too. They'll teach you to help babies get better sleep, to have a sleep routine. I don't know if you guys did this, but it's like, oh, bath time, massage them with lavender, lotion, or whatever, put the pajamas on and it helps them sleep better. So it could be anything, but, and I recommend people do this for about at least an hour before bed. And it could be
Starting point is 00:28:28 literally again, you know, lights off or no TV or Camo Milti or whatever before bed to create that routine. Well, it's that point of both of those things with sleep routine and also like creating this walking habit. I mean, they, for me anecd anecdotally was huge because of the digestion component that was briefly mentioned. It was because that would carry with me into, especially the first couple of hours of my sleep. It was like, I would know right away whether or not I was going to get good sleep or not because it would affect the way my body would react while I was sleeping. And to be able to properly digest the food, go through its motions, that helped me then
Starting point is 00:29:13 to increase my quality sleep. Well, and notice, okay, we're the resistance training revolution guys and deadlift squat bodybuilder dudes, and we didn't say anything about training, weight training, even though we talk and without the benefits of that, but when you set goals like this, the idea is, I think these are some of the biggest rocks that will get there, right,
Starting point is 00:29:38 that a majority of people neglect, and even the people that are into working out are neglecting these small things that we can add into the routine. And then as you build momentum and consistency around those, these things will only help you be more consistent with the strength training, hopefully, in the future. Yes, and I'm glad you said that this is beneficial for people who even work out. The five minutes after breakfast lunch and dinner, even for people who are super fit work
Starting point is 00:30:02 out all time, if you're not doing this and you do it, there are health benefits. Again, studies will show this, but I tell you what, if we took every single inactive person in America and they all committed to a five minute walk after breakfast lunch and dinner, I'll tell you right now by the end of the year
Starting point is 00:30:18 if they were consistent, by the end of the year, they'd probably be adding strength training, extra cardio, extra activity. It would naturally happen. Again, that's the point with what we're talking about here. The next one is financial health. And financial health isn't so much am I rich? Am I poor?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Because there's people who have a lot of money, who have terrible financial practices and really bad financial health. Really financial health is about your relationship to finances and the disciplines and structures that you have around money. And money can be great, it can also be very bad for people. So we started with something really small. Now, we kind of discussed whether or not
Starting point is 00:30:58 we should set a percentage, but I think depending on the individual, this percentage can be different. But for yourself, set a percentage aside of your paycheck, that's realistic for you. So if it's only 5% because you barely make enough to cover your bills,
Starting point is 00:31:13 or it could be 30% because you make tons of money, whatever, set a percentage of every paycheck and say, no matter what, for example, 10% is gonna get saved. Open a new account, throw it in there, don't touch the money. So set a percentage and then stick to it. And that's a great practice.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I really like this one. This is something that Contritor and I actually just did this in the previous month. And I don't care how financially successful you are, how wealthy, how rich, how much money you make. This exercise has tremendous value. What I mean, what it did for us was, back to the whole topic of awareness, it just brought awareness to some of our spending habits, things that we've allowed to slowly get out of
Starting point is 00:31:58 control over the last few years and justified it because, oh, we work hard, we make money, we're saving, we're investing, therefore, who cares. But really what happened is like, oh, wow, this is really gotten out of control, the amount of money that we are spending at Target and Amazon and DoorDash, it was just like, this is ridiculous. And I don't care how much money we make, it's irresponsible to do that. Not to mention, if we were to just be a little bit more disciplined around that, what could we do to put that money to work, you know, and what, where could it benefit us and other places. And so, yeah, I agree that this percentage is going to change for everybody, but the practice of this and brings so much awareness around our own habits. I mean, I'm
Starting point is 00:32:41 guarantee there's a percentage of people out there that fell into the same trap as I did where I don't know how many of these automatic paying services. Yeah. That was... That was... Yeah, streaming services in apps. You're not even accounting for it. I wasn't even using... I think I told you guys on the show, you know, I think it was like what, a hundred and something or almost $200 worth of monthly reoccurring. Just burn.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah, just lighten on fire. I didn't even know that I was paying for it because it automatically started after I tried some free trial shit. That's how I get you, right, were they? Oh, try this for the first three months and then it's fine print. It's like, and then we're gonna start charging you after that. Yeah, it doesn't have to be that sophisticated. You just have to pay attention.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I think that the first part of that really is to understand where your spending habits are. So you literally have to track it, you know, and like figure out, like this month, this is where all the money went. You look and see, and it just brings to light, all the things that maybe are pretty easy to get rid of going forward or easy for you to be able to carve off and do what you said, you know, get to that percentage that you want to save. So I think the key to this,
Starting point is 00:33:47 and this is specifically to people that already run somewhat of a tight budget or don't make a lot of money, this is the conversation I was having with Katrina, it's so important that you do it first right away before you do anything else. Because what happens, and this was kind of the thing that we went back and forth
Starting point is 00:34:04 is when we were like assessing all the stuff, she's like, well, we needed to spin that one in the vet bill. And Max needed this, and it's like, there's always gonna be these things. And so, in order. So if it's not there. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:15 So if it's not there, we'll figure it out. We'll find a way, but when it's so accessible, we just justify running it, doing it, keep going, keep going. Whereas if you carve that off right out the gates, you'll be amazed on how resourceful you'll become, or how you will naturally titrate yourself. So, I already used, we'll just stack up.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah, and the key here isn't how much money you're gonna save over the next year or two. The key here is developing a habit. So, whatever your percentage is, there's no wrong answer here. Just pick a percentage you can stick to. That's it. Develop the discipline. Later on, this can definitely develop into, I want to say for this or I want to say for that. But it's not because what happens if you get cut
Starting point is 00:34:54 up in the money thing, you know, maybe it's 5% for you. And you're like, but that's only like, you know, that's only going to be like a hundred bucks a month or 200 bucks a week or whatever, whatever the number is. That's not worth it. Like don't worry about the money the key here is you set a percentage and you develop discipline around and this is a big deal By the way, this is why when you hear stories of like celebrities that I think was it you that just read about you vendor Holyfield? How like oh, yeah, he's like super broke I yeah, these were like people making millions of millions of dollars and And it's like, how did they end up broke? Like, what the heck happened? Or professional athletes, or musicians, and artists?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Well, they had no financial, they had poor financial health, no discipline. And so they made all this money. And because they didn't have this discipline around it, they ended up in this, you know. Listen, it's just like nutrition with working out and being healthy. It's the same concept. This isn't about your body, fat percentage, or how buff you are.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's not about your bank account and how big it is. It's more about your relationship with money, just like it is about your relationship with food. Totally. It's not up to us to say you should be 5% or 7% body fat. Just like it's not up to us to decide whether you have millions of dollars in the bank account or hundreds of dollars, but it is important for overall health for you
Starting point is 00:36:02 to have a good relationship with money. One of the best you to have a good relationship with money. One of the best ways to build a good relationship with money is first becoming aware of what your relationship with money is. Totally. All right, the last one is intellectual health. And this is basically growth, intellectual growth, where I can learn more, become more aware, challenge my old beliefs, right?
Starting point is 00:36:24 All those wonderful things. And really, this is a very, aware, challenge my old beliefs, right? All those wonderful things. And really, this is a very, again, this sounds very simple, but if you do this consistently, it really does add up. And I do want to say, by the way, what you'll find with all of these, including the one I'm going to say, is if you're consistent with it, you'll find yourself doing more than the minimum.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So you'll find yourself being like, oh, I'm consistent. And I know it's just five, you know, walk five minutes after breakfast. I ended up doing 10 minutes. I ended up doing 15 minutes. So this next one is just read for five minutes before bed every night, five minutes. And you can literally set your stopwatch. And by the way, make it a paper book because you're going to bed. There's no electronic light on you or if you're going to read your phone
Starting point is 00:37:02 or electronics where or audio like blocking glasses like Felix Ray's or audio. But read a book or, you know, along those lines, just five minutes every single night. That's all. Just for five minutes, turn it off, or if you're in thrall or you want to continue, you continue. But if you just dedicate yourself to finance, it's such an easy ask of yourself, because it's only five minutes, that you're much more likely to be consistent. Well, I think the key to these, the six of these,
Starting point is 00:37:28 is a lot of them pair up. Yep. So a lot of these things, you can go, oh wow, okay, while I'm doing this, I'll also do that. And now you can, and by the way, you'll be more consistent if you do that. So if you actually choose, okay, this is what I'm gonna do that, that works well,
Starting point is 00:37:43 and I'm gonna pair that with this one, because that's the new behavior. The more these behaviors that you compare together, the more likely you're gonna be consistent with it. So when you actually start doing the total amount of time and effort towards these things, it's really not that crazy to ask yourself to be consistent with this.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And they believe it or not are things that really will move the needle when you think about overall health. Well, yeah, I'll give you an example. We said walk for five minutes after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What if one of those five minutes you also read or listened to an audio book?
Starting point is 00:38:14 So now you did both. What if another one of those five minutes? Now it's lunchtime, you did your five minutes of prayer or meditation or breath work or gratitude. Now you've combined three things all into one, makes it much more... And you bring somebody with you on the next walk and now you got that relationship.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I mean, actually, one you do on the weekend, it's a longer walk and you spend it with a person and do that, so. Yeah, absolutely, pair these. So there you have it, those are some things you can do. And if you do them, you will find by the end of the year if you're consistent that you will be a different person. Look, if you like our show, head over to if you're consistent that you will be a different person.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Look, if you like our show, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at MindPump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at MindPump. Adam, you can find me on Twitter at MindPump. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 00:39:06 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee
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