Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1983: The Truth About the Carnivore Diet, How to Properly Retract Your Shoulder Blades When Lifting, the Benefits of Adding Deload Weeks Into Your Training & More

Episode Date: January 6, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Obesity is NOT a dise...ase! It’s a result of choices and your lifestyle. (3:00) The alarming potential direction of A.I. (10:25) Twitter is cool. (22:58) Equinox’s New Year’s marketing ploy. (26:43) NCI’s coach's toolkit. (31:04) Dana White’s slap heard around the world. (33:43) Another study shows the recovery benefits of red-light therapy. (45:32) Andrew Tate is back in the news. (48:28) Shout out to the @goodnews_movement! (55:45) #Quah question #1 - What are your thoughts on the carnivore diet? (57:36) #Quah question #2 - What are some of your best cues to get someone to retract their shoulder blades using the correct muscle pattern so their shoulders aren’t rolled forward? (1:06:26) #Quah question #3 - What are your thoughts on deload weeks? (1:10:30) #Quah question #4 - Is it effective to do your compound lifts at the end of your workouts? With the gyms filling up currently, sometimes it’s hard to get the main lifts in at the beginning. (1:14:10) Related Links/Products Mentioned NCI Coach's Toolkit Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! January Promotion: NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS SPECIAL OFFERS! (New to Weightlifting Bundle, Body Transformation Bundle, and New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle) You get massive savings with each offer. The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise in the U.S. | Time Tirzepatide drug fast-tracked for weight loss indication by FDA: What to know about it All-In Podcast - E109: 2022 Bestie Awards Live from Twitter HQ Equinox Opts Out of Fitness Resolutions by Not Accepting New Members Jan. 1 | Complex Dana White and Wife, Anne, in Drunken Nightclub Fight on New Year's Eve Phototherapy Improves Muscle Recovery and Does Not Impair Repeated Bout Effect in Plyometric Exercise Andrew Tate detained in Romania on allegations of rape and trafficking Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Correcting Upper Cross Syndrome to Improve Posture & Health– Prone Cobra – Mind Pump TV How To Properly Do The Seated Cable Row (IT MATTERS!) – Mind Pump TV Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dana White (@danawhite) Instagram Robert Oberst (@robertoberst) Instagram Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) Twitter The Rabbit Hole (@watch_therabbithole) Instagram Good News Movement (@goodnews_movement) Instagram Mikhaila Peterson (@mikhailapeterson) Instagram Terry Wahls MD (@drterrywahls) Instagram Paul Saladino (@carnivoremd2.0) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right in today's episode. We answered listeners' questions, but this was after a 50-minute introductory conversation where we talked about fitness, current events, our lives, studies, and much more.
Starting point is 00:00:28 By the way, you can check the show notes for timestamps, if you want to just fast forward to your favorite part. Also, you want to ask us a question that we can read on air and answer. Go to mymputmedia on Instagram, and every Sunday, we make a post where you can post your question. If we pick it, you'll hear it on an episode like this one. Now this episode is brought to you by some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:47 The first one is NCI. This is a great certification course for online coaches and trainers, but they also help coaches and trainers build their businesses. In fact, right now, you can actually enter to get a coach's toolkit, okay? So the toolkit includes plug-and-play systems that can help you kickstart your business,
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Starting point is 00:01:23 So it's really cool stuff. Go check it out, go to www.ncimindpump.com forward slash toolkit. You can get it for free by the way. Okay, so it's for free. Again, go to that site www.ncimindpump.com forward slash toolkit. You have to type in the www in the beginning. Otherwise, the link won't work. This episode is also brought to you by Juve, makers of the best red light therapy devices you'll find anywhere that are available for everybody. Okay, so these are the kinds of red light that you find in studies. The studies show that it helps rejuvenate skin, improve muscle recovery, give better blood flow, help regrow hair. I'm not making this up.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Studies actually show and support that red light therapy does this. So go check this company out. Go to juv.com. That's j-o-o-vv.com forward slash mind pump. Use the code mind pump and get $50 off your first purchase. Also, it's January. It's New Year's resolution time. A lot of people getting into fitness. So here's what we did. We created three workout bundles. Each one combines different workout programs to give you nine months of programmed workouts.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Meaning you get your exercises, your sets, your reps, your video demos, everything you need for the next nine months. There's three bundles. There's the new to weightlifting bundle, there's the body transformation bundle, and the new year extreme intensity bundle. So obviously one for beginners, intermediate, and then for advance.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Go check them out, see which one works best for you. Go to mapsgenuary.com. All right, here comes a show. All right, it's truth time. Obesity is not a disease. It's a result of choices and your lifestyle. Now, I'm not saying it's easy, but it's not a disease. Don't buy into this crap that they're starting to sell now
Starting point is 00:03:14 in media and with Western medicine. So there was this, is that making us rounds again? Yeah, to disease. They've been trying to push that narrative for a long time and there was this, style episode on CBS, where this doctor was being interviewed and their time at how obesity is a disease. And I want to be very clear with first off,
Starting point is 00:03:39 why I think they're pushing this so hard. Western medicine is imperfect, just like all forms of medicines. There's things that they do very well. There's things that they do very poorly. One of the things that Western medicine does poorly is treat chronic diseases or chronic issues or challenges. They treat acute things very well, but chronic things they treat very poorly, especially things that require lifestyle changes. Also, this is not a surprise to most people, but the Western medicine is driven heavily by its biggest producer of revenue,
Starting point is 00:04:12 which is the pharmaceuticals. What always follows when something is determined to be a quote unquote disease, what always follows is a medical treatment. Right. This is part of the game. Part of the game is it's a disease, it's not a result of your lifestyle,
Starting point is 00:04:30 it's not a result of your choices, it's not your fault, but don't worry, we have the drug. We have the drug in there. Isn't there some new drugs coming out? Yes, yes, okay. There are drugs now that are out and doing their coming out. Now it's our making sense. That actually effectively caused people to lose weight, mainly through appetite, but well, yes, there are drugs now that are out and now it's our make sense that actually effectively cause people to lose weight
Starting point is 00:04:47 mainly through appetite, but well actually that's really the issues through appetite suppression. And so I think this is all kind of going together. But look, here's your evidence for the reason why it's not a disease didn't exist. Not that long ago, obesity was rare. Not that long ago. It's it was a it was a wealthy problem.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Is that true evidence? So I mean, there's got there's some cases where diseases come out of nowhere that we didn't have before right well if you if if if the disease is the result of your lifestyle can you call it a disease in other words if let's say smoking increases by you know five thousand I don't mean I don't disagree with you but I don't know of what you said is evidence is that it because it didn't exist before and it exists now. Well, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:05:28 So or good, good statement. So what does a disease imply when someone says this is a disease? It implies that it's you have no control. Yeah, or very little control. Oh, yeah, little control. Yeah, there's nothing I can do. This really isn't something that genetic factor or genetic factor or something like that. Exactly. And if you go back just not that long ago,
Starting point is 00:05:47 a few generations, obesity was extremely rare. It's literally the result of our modern lifestyles. And I don't wanna downplay this. Our, it's not easy at all. It's not easy to live a modern, in a modern world and not become obese. Everything's actually designed to promote that, but it's not something that you can't do anything about.
Starting point is 00:06:11 We've worked in this field for over two decades. You could definitely solve this problem. It's just gonna take just two weeks. Works, yeah. And it's challenging. Can you find it interesting that this is resurfacing at the same time as the article that's going viral right now too with the gyms are ran by like white
Starting point is 00:06:27 supremacists. I mean what I shared that article that that exercise and the white supremacy roots of exercise. That's what it was. Yeah. That's what it was. There's a propaganda. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Like listen, it's a disease. You can't help yourself and oh, by the way, gyms are racist anyways. Like, is that weird? It's kind of like all coming around the same time. Like what's the, and then the, and then the, and then the,
Starting point is 00:06:50 and then also I share the article with you last night, the, the FDA is about to approve some like super weight loss drug. Yeah. So it's like, oh, don't, you know, don't go to the racist gyms. And oh, it's a disease. Oh, let us help you.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Take chemicals. We'll solve it for you. Yeah, no, and oh it's a disease, let us help you. Take chemicals, we'll solve it for you. Yeah, no, listen, it's, if you take away people's ability to empower themselves and to affect positive change themselves, if you take that away from them, what you're left with are very manipulatable people. You have people now that are easily manipulated. When somebody does something for themselves, they care for themselves, they feel a sense of autonomy. It's really hard to, it's harder, I should say,
Starting point is 00:07:32 to manipulate them and to make them share. And the attack on fitness is all part of this thing that's happening. It seems to be happening right now. And they're going to attack fitness. We, look, I'm glad we have the podcast, it's all recorded. I've called this out. I've actually predicted this as I started seeing these articles start to surface, that they're going to demonize fitness. They're going to demonize improving your health. They're going to call it fat phobic.
Starting point is 00:07:57 If you want to lose weight, that's hating your body, it's self-hate and it's hating yourself. I understand that you can hate yourself in a way that will make you try to lose weight. We've talked about that a million times, but that trying to pursue a healthier lifestyle is not a fat phobic self hating thing, it's a self care thing. Racist origins of, you know what's funny about this?
Starting point is 00:08:20 You wanna know, I'll use, this is gonna be real controversial, I'll give you shit. If you wanna talk about roots that are racist or roots that are whatever, why don't they attack a planned parenthood who's founder literally with somebody that promoted, what's the, what's the, you genics? Genics, yeah, you genesis. Her, this is her quotes, her quote, why don't they attack that? Because it's not, their propaganda has nothing to do with that right now.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Right now it's about attacking fitness. And so is there truth to, you know, racist root? First of all, no, maybe in some cases, but that's not what fitness is all about at all. It's ridiculous to me. So I think it's silly. But yeah, obesity is not a disease. Stop calling it a disease. You have so much control over obesity for yourself. In very, very rare cases, is it something that you literally have no control over? But you have so much control over it. That doesn't mean it's easy. It's hard, and it's hard mainly because the world is organized in a way where being
Starting point is 00:09:14 obese is the default. And being fit and healthy means it requires, you have to plan it out. Like you have steps you have to take in order to prevent it. Yeah, like overeating was something that was hard to do in the past. Now it's so easy, food so accessible, it's so palatable, it's engineered to make you overeat. Activity was the default before. You're going to move because you've got to wash your clothes, you've got to maybe hunt, you've got to build things, you're going to move. Now you have to schedule movement because everything's so sedentary.
Starting point is 00:09:45 So that's just what's happening. You have to now organize ways to get yourself to be active and plan and create disciplines around nutrition in order to live in this modern lifestyle. That's really what it is. You have to be an advocate for yourself. And that's everything else out there really is going in the opposite direction and
Starting point is 00:10:05 creating these solutions for basically all of our struggles and Meanwhile the struggle itself is like where we get most the benefits And so it's it's interesting for me to see how that's like really just taking over it all the landscape now We're gonna have to seek it more than we ever have before. You know, yes I can't help bring up the conversation that you and I were having. Yes, you're right. For my mind just for me. Yeah, I know. Taxing. I was texting and so funny. He sent over a tax and I said,
Starting point is 00:10:32 bro, I've been talking about this whole last week over vacation with my friends. And I know I brought it up a couple of weeks ago with the chat GBT, but the more and more I continue to see what it's capable of, it's very alarming the direction. I mean, it's obviously gonna be amazing for many things, but it's gonna, boys, it gonna take responsibility for a lot of things from a lot of people. And I think at first, we're gonna think that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I think we're gonna go like, oh, this is great. I don't have to freeze me up. I don't have to think like this. I don't have to use this. It's like, dude, do you know how, do you know how clueless people are on how big of a deal this is right now? They have no idea.
Starting point is 00:11:13 They have no, so I was talking to my cousin. I couldn't stop thinking about you guys had your own little thing going on, but like when I left to get on a plane, I was like thinking obsessing over it. Yeah. Cause it just is so big once you really start to put a lot of effort into what that's gonna do to every.
Starting point is 00:11:29 So my cousin, who's, he's deep in the tech world, right? So he was one of the first people at a big tech company. He's, he's now founded his own. He works with like, some of these brilliant smart people and him and I were talking. And I was already like, this is gonna be crazy. And he just made me feel even worse about it because he goes, he goes, first of all, Sally goes, what the internet did to the world, how big of a change that the internet produced took like two or three decades.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Like it was invented, started getting implemented and then within two or three decades, it completely changed everything. Well, because we were all contributing to it. Well, we were a part of that, you know, process. This doesn't even include us. No, and we said, he said to me, he says, this is gonna do what the internet did times a hundred, maybe times a thousand in five years.
Starting point is 00:12:13 What it took two or three decades for the internet to do? And so I said, what do you mean? And he goes, Sally goes, it can write code. He goes, all you need to do right now, is prompt it. No, how to prompt it, it'll write code for you. He goes, all you need to do right now is prompt it. Know how to prompt it. It'll write code for you. He goes, do you know what that step, the next step of teaching it to prompt itself? He goes, we've already taken the big step. That's a small step.
Starting point is 00:12:33 He's going, when that happens, that's it. It's a done deal. How much is it going to even shift education, right? Like education is going to be around how to prompt. It's no longer going to be you learning yourself, the information. It's how do you prompt the AI to give you what you need it till they figure out a prompt themselves Dude, I'm gonna read to you what so he's so as we're having this conversation He's like dude he goes read this he goes I asked I think I sent it to you right? Oh you sent to me I saw it. Yeah, he goes I asked or maybe I sent it to the group. He says I asked it was your cousin who asked this? Yes, oh, I didn't know that yeah, you just sent me over the thing. I didn't realize that he prompted it to the group. He says, I asked, it was your cousin who asked this? Yes. Oh, I didn't know that. You just sent me over the thing.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I didn't realize that he prompted it to. No, he goes, I asked, Chad Gbt, here I'll read it to you. So people can see, right me, this is literally the question he asked it, right? Right me a disruptive, a disruptive blog post describing how generative AI will lead to humans being modern day pets.
Starting point is 00:13:23 This is what the AI machine set back right away. As generative AI continues to advance, it's possible that it could eventually surpass human intelligence in many areas. While this could bring many benefits, it could also lead to a future in which humans are relegated to a status similar to that of modern day pets. Imagine a world in which AI systems are able to handle
Starting point is 00:13:42 all of the tasks currently performed by humans. Pets. Yeah, from driving cars to performing surgery to composing music. With AI taking care of all of the necessary work, humans might find themselves with a lot of free time in their hands. As a result, humans could become more and more dependent
Starting point is 00:13:56 on AI systems for the needs and wants. They might become accustomed to being pampered and entertained by their AI assistants, much like a person might pamper and entertain their pets. This could lead to a significant shift in the balance of power between human and AI with AI systems potentially taking on a more dominant role. Humans find themselves at the mercy of their AI overlords.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I'm able to do much more. This was written by an AI. By an AI. They call themselves overlords already. Yeah. Yeah. It's all fucked. It's telling us what it's gonna do.
Starting point is 00:14:27 This is crazy. What's crazy is that as I went down the rabbit hole by trying to figure out how this applies, I could not think of an industry that it doesn't disrupt. I could not come up with like, Katrina was like, you're really stressing out of us. I said, honey, if we don't, if we're not actively thinking about this, what we currently do as fun as it's been right now will disappear. Like is literally easy. We'll, we'll disappear right from it.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It'll, someone will pull the rug right out from underneath us because when we wrote, when we had it, when we prompted it to write a mind pump episode, it's all what it put out of. It's just like holy shit. And that's now, that's the first iteration. Yes. Of this thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And as you go down and go like every type of profession, it's going to be disrupted so much. So here's the thing. So as I imagine, us all finally is furries because we're pets. It's all making sense. It's happening. So here's, so the fear, the original fear with AI was, oh my God, it's going to get so
Starting point is 00:15:29 smart, it's going to invent other AI and then it's going to view humans as threats and then just wipe us out, right? That was the big threat. I don't think that's the third of the line. I think the threat is this. It will literally solve every problem. All our problems give us everything we want and we're gonna be left with nothing. Now why is that a big problem?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Sadness. Cause everybody's gonna be like, oh, that sounds like a utopia. Well, it does if you understand how to create meaning in your life and purpose in your life. No way. This goes all the way back to episode 100 or whatever, when you shared the Twilight Zone.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I just think that's, I mean, how applicable is that to what we're talking about right now? I mean, that's literally, we are moving in that direction. I do not think the Terminator thing is the thing, I don't think like that at all, or the Machia X or whatever, I don't think that's where we're going. I absolutely think what you're saying. It's gonna be like a genie, like imagine having a genie
Starting point is 00:16:20 that could give you any wish. But now it's real, imagine now, and in our first glance, most people are gonna, imagine now Plants of most people are gonna think that's amazing most people are gonna think that's an it that's gonna be That is gonna be oh utopia and then you're gonna get it and then you're gonna realize you're in fucking hell You want to know who I think is gonna like survive that the best people like the omnisch totally Because everybody else it's gonna outcompete everything it'll outcompete Anything and everything is what's gonna happen and it's gonna happen not in like I was thinking to myself like oh when I'm like 80 I'm gonna be like what was a lasking people do that just like break off and just like shoot my dinner
Starting point is 00:16:59 Tell me though my my theory on the hard in and the unplugged division is not gonna be like a thing That is going gonna be a thing. There's gonna be people that are going to think that we're crazy for not wanting to adopt everything it's capable of doing. And then there's gonna be a small person. You know, I said, we've divided in half and you made the argument and I don't disagree with you.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You're like, it's not gonna be half. And I'm like, okay, I'm not gonna argue there because you're probably right because I would think that 80% of the people plus are gonna fall into like, oh, this is amazing, you know, and then there's going to be a much smaller percentage that I'm going to see the writing on the wall. Well, you know, the challenge is that because, you know, we're pretty good at solving problems for ourselves. We'll notice a trend. I'm talking about just humanity and I'm talking macro, not micro, right? If you look big, that something happens
Starting point is 00:17:47 right, if you look big. That something happens and we realize within a few decades that, uh-oh, this is not good. Let's bring it back. Let's figure things out. So I'll give you a good example. Havily processed foods. Havily processed foods really didn't start to become a staple until probably the 70s, 80s. And now we have obesity and now we're aware of obesity and we're trying to figure out how to solve it But within it took us I don't know what four decades five decades Okay, you got AI that can do anything for you in five years ten years That's not enough time for us to figure out anything. It's gonna be boom done Yeah, and then we're gonna be where like trapped or like why would I want to choose hard think about that? It's gonna be argument. Why would I want to go build something
Starting point is 00:18:26 and work so in the Andertel? Yeah, when I could sit here and just push euphoria buttons and do what I want and not work. Now, where does the, okay, right now we sound very pessimist about it. Now, can you flip that script and be optimistic about all this? And if you were to force yourself to be extremely optimistic,
Starting point is 00:18:47 what would it sound like? Like, does that mean like, so is that the optimistic version of this go like, it's absolutely gonna do all those things, but then we'll just have new problems to solve. Now, we'll have to do other things that will, so we'll still find ways to challenge ourselves and we'll have other problems to solve,
Starting point is 00:19:02 but it will provide all this extra freedom or time or whatever. I mean, can you see it that way? Okay. So here's what I was thinking about that, right? Because I think the AI is going to solve all the problems. So we'll come up with problems. AI will solve it still for us. But I think what's funny, what's funny is as I was thinking about this, I'm like, okay, if AI's like smart and it really starts to figure things out and it understands human psychology, what if AI is like this? We're like, hey, why are we also depressed and anxious? Like, in the A's like, well, you guys gotta develop a spiritual practice and do hard shit. Ah, shut Good, good.
Starting point is 00:19:45 You're poor, yeah. I mean, that's not even optimistic. I need to do optimistic, yeah, I'm serious. Well, what if the AI does this? Now we're going to get real weird. Well, now we're going to get real weird. What if the AI is like, well, I could create an alternate reality that you plug into, and it's like 30 minutes, but in reality, you perceive it as 90 years where you meet challenges
Starting point is 00:20:02 and you have, you develop with them, and that's what we're living in now. Maybe that's the cycle. Oh, we keep going through. No, what's that? that one I forget what would practice these like astrophysicists or whatever it's like Michio. Oh, Michio Kaku Yes, so he talked about like different It's like a Goku or fucking was super saying on fucking I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's like a Goku or fucking, was super say on fucking.
Starting point is 00:20:24 No, no, no, no, no, no. He's a like real scientist. Pretty different role, like smart. Yeah, brilliant guy. But he was talking about like, these different evolutions of civilizations. And so it's like, we've, I think there was like four or five different versions
Starting point is 00:20:39 of it, right? And so I think, if you look at it from an optimistic perspective, like maybe we're just growing into like this whole new level of a civilization where it's like, okay, if we have the AI and everything, we're able to accomplish a lot more and build things real fast and all this.
Starting point is 00:20:54 But now the new sort of challenge is to be so expansive that now we replicate that on a new frontier, a new planet. And then it's like now we're like bigger in terms of like the space like starts to Makes more sense to get out there and expand I so so I I could see that but then there's this side of me as always like We have no idea because we've never lived in a world Where we weren't the absolute smartest creatures like we've've always been. Well to that point, we concede that right? Well to that point too, mathematically, the odds of us even being able to predict or be on it
Starting point is 00:21:31 are so, so, so. That's what I mean. Like we, like, nobody's predicting this. The majority we're doing right now, it's like it's gonna look nothing like that. That's the, yeah, yeah. That's the wild. That's the wild.
Starting point is 00:21:40 It's just my, the whole point I will say is that people have no idea. People literally have no idea what is about, what we're about to be hit with. I don't know. I mean, go on there. It's all red flags for me. I'm gonna tell you right now, go on there, if you haven't go on there, go on there, and ask it whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Listen, if you don't recognize that you, to me, the biggest thing everyone has to pay attention to is that it's going to change everybody's industry in one way or another. Whether you look at that optimistically or pessimistically, I don't care. But if you're not aware enough to know that it's going to shake up what you currently do for a living, I don't care what you do, because I couldn't think of a job where it is not going to be applicable to that type of a field, and it's not going to change it somehow. And if you're not paying attention, you will get left behind.
Starting point is 00:22:27 If you're an entrepreneur and you've built or you've created something as we have and you think it's not gonna change the landscape, you're a fool. And you will get left behind. You're going to send driver to passenger. 100% we're gonna be pets, dude. Just begging for treats.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. Please. Yeah. Well, or do we just combine with them? Do we just let it? Well, that's Elon's solution, right? He thinks it's inevitable. He thinks it's the only way.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I really have no idea where he's at with Neuralink and all that, but something. He's speaking to him. Dude, Twitter is already getting kind of cool, dude. I know. It's... Hey, how's Sarah Dippit? This is that guy kicked off Instagram. Bro, how? Went to Twitter and now he bought it and it's getting better.
Starting point is 00:23:08 The features and stuff they're plugging in. I heard. How dumb do you have to be to be the people writing about him and talking shit about how he's going to destroy Twitter and take you're so dumb. So we just talked about the propaganda machine. This is propaganda. Here's how I know that the propaganda machine is in full overdrive. So it started with the extreme left attacking him.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Now I'm seeing the extreme right. So, bright bar, which is it. So I follow left and right in the middle pages because I try to keep, I'm trying to be as balanced as possible. Is that know that both all the sides are all whatever? You're all fighting. Bro, there are article after article attacking his reputation attacking him at like oh Tesla car cop fire
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh employees says this like and I'm looking at my like oh my god all the people now are attacking him And it why my theory is is because he's Unraveling their propaganda machine by sure all colluding they're showing how like big tech and all that stuff is being used You know, that's what I think that's See what happens with that. Yeah, you know, but it's an overdrive. Yeah, they're hammering him in overdrive No, they no they have been for a while now. It's funny. I just I mean I think I tweeted out like a couple weeks ago. I can't wait to see what they what they report about in a year Because it's to be crushing.
Starting point is 00:24:25 It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. It's going to be crushing. and Twitter's operating actually just fine if not any better. And a lot of the tech companies now in Silicon Valley are like, huh, maybe we can. I'm kind of, it's so simple. I gotta do this, create something that's like semi-unbiased.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Well, that's also the natural progression of what's happening right now anyways. Like that's what, for the economy come back, we need to see the unemployment numbers go up anyway. So that's inevitable, right? Like I mean, we still have at least two or three more Fed hikes, you're gonna, because I mean, I thought we would see more of a correction
Starting point is 00:25:10 by now and we still haven't. So that's coming. I mean, I don't, there's not a single economist that I know of now that doesn't predict 23 being a complete recession. Yeah, they were saying that consumer spending that they're predicting it's really gonna start to decline because the amount of debt people have.
Starting point is 00:25:28 The people have trillions of dollars away, like it's like monopoly money. Yeah, well, just average consumer. Average consumer's debt is going up. So people haven't changed their spending habits yet. What they're doing is they're just putting more under credit card, but at some point that starts to break. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And especially when you start to see all the unemployment go up. Yeah, once that starts going up, that'll really start to halt that. But then to your point about the printing money, that's what makes me freak out and go like, maybe we'll just kick the can down the road even further. You keep printing money like that and just devalue in the dollar and then you got to spend more to make more.
Starting point is 00:26:00 It's crazy where it's going to do. It's really crazy where we're heading right now. I thought for sure by now, we would have seen a bigger correction than we're at. If you would have asked me earlier this last year, I would have been like, oh yeah, it would already lost 20, 30% in real estate. So at that point, it's not.
Starting point is 00:26:17 That's why timing the market, everybody's like, don't try to do that. You feel it. If you feel the way you feel and act, if you try and time it, you're almost always off. Almost nobody ever. What are your cousins and ever? What are your family saying about the stock market right now?
Starting point is 00:26:29 They still think it's going to drop more. Even more. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because of the unemployment, because we haven't seen that really hit.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. Yeah. And when that starts to hit, then they said, yeah, we're going to probably see a bigger drop. But again, try to predict it when it's going to happen. Speaking of markets. That would be no shardamas. Did you guys see all the controversy with Equinox, what they said on January 1st? Yeah. Marketing play, my opinion.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Of course. What was the statement? No, they weren't excepting any application in January 1 for new memberships. But January 2, they are. It was just January 1st. Which, by the way, what do we say forever about January 1 in the gyms anyways?
Starting point is 00:27:04 That's not fucking ghost town. It's a ghost town. It's an extension. Everybody, so the mainstream narrative around... The majority of us know money January 1. Nobody goes to the gyms. Yes, the mainstream narrative around January gyms is, oh, it's crazy, but being three guys that worked in the gym industry for as long as we have, it is not.
Starting point is 00:27:22 It is a ghost town until about mid-January when everybody gets out of their hangover and it's been case February. Yes, yes, mid to end January's when it starts to really pick up and it goes through February and March like crazy. Beginning of January, January one is ghost town, dude. It's like Christmas, people drag their feet.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yes. Nobody comes in so they're all hungover from the night before. Yeah, the first week or two. So such a play. January is an extension of December, so when you run Big Box Jams, you see a huge decline in walking traffic,
Starting point is 00:27:53 members working out last stuff. Right around late October, and then November and December, it's like the last quarter, right? And December's the worst, especially as you get to Christmas, it's like a ghost town. And then in January, what big box gym,
Starting point is 00:28:05 is they give you these massive goals. Here's your sales goal for January, and it's huge. And everybody is way off of it, January 10th, January 11th. And everybody's sweating, oh my God, are we gonna be able to hit goal? What a 50% of goal, they gave me two big goals. And then January 11th, 12th, and then all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:28:22 it's like the floodgates. So equinox, this wasn't. It was brilliant, I actually think it was brilliant, because it also's and all of a sudden it's like the floodgates. Yeah. So equinox, this was, this wasn't it was brilliant. I actually think it's brilliant because it's all talking about it. Yeah, it got everybody fired up. There's actually a bunch of people. Oh, it's a leadist. Oh my God. It's not so they got them.
Starting point is 00:28:34 They're in the news. Yeah. Everybody we're talking about it. Everybody's sharing it. Years what they said, we aren't accepting new memberships today. It's not you. It's January. So you are not a new year's resolution.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah. Your life doesn't start at the beginning of the year and it's not what being a part of Equinox is about. It's a brilliant mark. The day that nobody buys for whoever was in charge, whoever was in charge of coming up with that idea. It's pretty smart. It was very smart, very smart.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Nobody's talking about 24-finance, nobody's talking about plan and finish right now, they're all talking about Equinox because of this and Equinox don't give a shit because January 1, they don't do any revenue anyways. So it was brilliant. It's a high end, right? They're equinox, high end.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah, $200 a month. Yeah, so it's like a high end gem. So they're really not dealing with the same kind of consumers like a 24 or a crunch. Yeah. And it's brilliant on many levels, because it even feeds into the elitist group that wants to be elite. You know what I'm saying? It's like that's what I mean. We don't let the peasants in on you.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah. I'm saying so they all feel like we're special. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Meanwhile, no one gives a shit because no one was going out to get a membership. Yeah, you're right. You imagine working for Equinox to General Manager. And then you get this like December, you know, last week of December and you know management's like, Hey guys, we're not allowing any new membership sales January one. You'd be like, okay. I would have sold one day off anyways.
Starting point is 00:29:54 In the day off anyways, I see what you're doing. Yeah, you know, just to give an example of how effective some of this market can be, I, one of the most effective like any history, marketing strategies that big box Gym ever did, and I was a part of it, not like literally a part of it, but I worked for the company when this happened. You want the alien one? Yes, it was. Twenty for our fitness, put out a billboard, and it had like a UFO and pictures of it. They're coming for the fat people first.
Starting point is 00:30:22 It said when they come, they will eat the fat ones first. Yeah. Okay. And it created crazy controversy, super offensive. Oh my god. They released that now. There were a couple protests or whatever. You know what happened to sales, membership sales from that?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Through the roof. Through the roof because of all the free advertising. Mm-hmm. Because of that. That's actually. I'm actually surprised in this climate why they have not brought that back. I mean, that would be brilliant to bring that back. To your point right now,
Starting point is 00:30:48 because it would be super controversial right now, even more so than back then, I think 90% people will have balls to do. Very small. Maybe it will backfire now. Maybe now people are so sensitive that they'll actually get like... Wouldn't that be?
Starting point is 00:31:01 That would be, you're probably right. You know, you speak in a marketing, you should do the right, we today we mentioned NCI, so talk about what they're doing. Oh, you know what? Okay, so here's something interesting about NCI, so this is a, obviously, a certification course for trainers and coaches, and a part of what they do is they teach trainers and coaches how to build their business.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So this, I thought was really good. So they're giving away a segment of coaching that focused on a few different things, but one thing in particular, which I thought is really smart, is teaching coaches and trainers how to use social media effectively to build their business. And the reason why I like this so much, so like how to create, let me see Doug pull it up, how to create social media content, that I get you clients, sample client intake forms, training I had a properly on board, a client, and even the client results framework. So, but that social media part is real important
Starting point is 00:31:49 because when coaches and trainers ask me about social media, I have advice for them, but when we were trainers, this wasn't even a thing. So I don't have like, like real experience with people. I wouldn't consider myself an expert in that. No. But it is like, it's one of the most common things I get. It's one of the, it's probably number one. Yeah, as far as DMs from other trainers, like asking or picking up. How do I use those? Yeah, we,
Starting point is 00:32:12 we got to put, we didn't really, we were pulling ourselves out of being a trainer when social media was really kicking off. Yeah. It's like to, to use that to deliberately get conversions as clients is a whole nother beast. And I also think there is this facade around that just being popular or getting a lot of views translates into a better business. And it doesn't. And so I think there's a more proper way
Starting point is 00:32:37 than in the average person thinks when they just look at the landscape. And including myself, I remember when I first came in, that's what I did. I was just looking at who was most popular on there. What does it get as many followers as well? Yeah, what are they doing to get all this attention and following and then trying to emulate that myself
Starting point is 00:32:51 and then realizing like, oh, just because I'm getting a thousand likes on a picture because you're half naked or you do something silly, doesn't really translate into five new clients. I'd much rather have a post that gets way less views, way less attention, it can be more commercial. Yeah, more clients. Well, much rather have a post that gets way less views, way less attention. It's like, it's more to, more, more clients. Well, remember that one girl, I think it was a girl. I remember that one girl. Yeah, the t-shirt one on the other.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, she had like two million followers and then she launched a t-shirt. I think she's sold 12. Yeah, it was a 12. 12 shirt. 12 shirt. So, yeah. You have to build, you can't just have people following you. You have to build value. There's a whole process. 8% wages, bots. Yeah, so I'm glad that they're doing this because this was not in a necessity when we were trainers.
Starting point is 00:33:31 But now, I think it's part of the business process, not necessarily the most important part, but it's a part of it, just like maybe having a website was back in the middle. Did you guys see the Dana White? Oh man. Oh, you sent that video. I watched the video. You know they already came out. His wife already came out with statement already.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Okay, so who's the woman? That's his wife. That was his wife. You know him and his wife have been together for like 30 something years since high school. Okay, that changes it. I thought it was a different. Some random shit.
Starting point is 00:34:03 No, no. And she came out with a statement too. So they both came out with statements. So she's okay. So in the video, they're obviously at a nightclub. She I don't know. It looks like the arguing she smacks him. Yeah. And then he hits her back twice. Yeah. And so which, you know, that not very good for Dana White. But so what's the statement? It's not a good look. They they both came out and said, listen, we're been together for 31 years. Stand of our business. They both came out and said, listen, we've been together for 31 years, stand of our business.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Like, and she came out and said, they both came out and said, we were very intoxicated. That's not a behavior that's happened before. It's our business, stand of our business. I thought that was pretty crazy. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:39 So she came out and said that, he lit a statement like that, and they said, let us deal with our own. Totally, cow. Uh huh. Well, I mean, I don't know. I feel like that's either a strong couple or there's some shit there that. Yeah, you know, so I could turn it. I were kind of talking about it. And and I agree with her on this too is just like if you're, if you're
Starting point is 00:35:00 willing to do that in a public setting, you most likely do that behind closed doors. For sure. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like the idea that that was just verbal mental abuse or something. Right. I mean, because yeah, because you're going to be more controlled. If Katrina was really drunk, by the way, I can't stand when Katrina gets really drunk.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And she, I get really irritated with her. If she hauled off and slapped me, I wouldn't would refrain 100% like just because that's who I am. That's who I am behind closed doors, that's who I am, definitely in public. In public, I'm less likely to say probably some things because I know I'm in public, where maybe closed doors, I'd say something
Starting point is 00:35:36 that's probably a little more vicious or mean behind closed doors than I would in a public sense. I could go away and there's people around me. That's right. So if you make a move like that in front of people, there's got to be a little bit of like, I don't give a fuck or this is normal behavior or so that part I thought, you know, now this is pretty practiced. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And now granted, they stuck together in this, you know, and that's understandable 31 years together and I could see that Them sticking together Which I I mean I support that I support a husband and wife if they're gonna be together and stay together to get each other's back like that as they should But I don't think that it was an anomaly. I don't you know You just could treat them like yeah, you're you're probably right I mean if you if you're willing to do that in a night club What are you like like like rather than just hitting your,
Starting point is 00:36:26 like smacking your back twice, what would have happened in closed doors? Right. Right. Would have been a brawl. Right. You know, man. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yeah, and by the way, not defending them at all, because I think regardless if it's a woman or a man, if you're a lot bigger and stronger, I think you should always refrain. Refrain, you know, like you know, you bigger and stronger, I think you should always refrain. You know, like you know, you can beat the shit out of somebody, then you have the responsibility of refraining, unless you really have to defend yourself, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:54 But also, this is also true, they could both be true. And this is, I've taught my daughter this. I told her, I said, don't ever hit somebody bigger than you and stronger than you, especially a man and expect that they will refrain, expect that they'll hit you back. Because that's a huge mistake. You think what this dude is gonna be,
Starting point is 00:37:14 shivlerous because you may be in public or wherever behind closed doors, you go and hit a dude and think, oh he's a big guy, he's not gonna hit me back. No, absolutely. I absolutely think that's the thing you teach your daughter. I think you absolutely say that because the truth is that there's gonna be a lot of fucking assholes out there that won't. I absolutely think that's the thing you teach your daughter. I think you absolutely say that because the truth is
Starting point is 00:37:25 that there's gonna be a lot of fucking assholes out there that won't. And I think that's the smartest thing to say to her. And I do think that there are examples of women that push those boundaries. Yes, because my mother was one of them. I watched it growing up. It was very difficult for me to see my parents
Starting point is 00:37:43 get into physical altercations. My stepfather was the one that was blamed for a lot of the stuff, but I was the oldest and so I was in the middle of bringing them up. And nine times out of ten, not every time, my mom was the one that instigated it. My mom was the one that, you know, threw the frying pan at him. My mom was the one that busted the frame over. I said, my mom was the one that hauled off and punched him in the nose like, and then a lot of times he would be grabbing her. I mean, I watched my stepdad get hauled off by the police
Starting point is 00:38:13 because she had bruises all over her arm, but the bruises were because he was covering his head and my mom was swinging uncontrollably after him. So there's examples of women in situations like that that are completely out of line because they know that they're hitting on a man and a man is not supposed to do that. That's why I have this conversation with my daughter because I think if you're a guy and you hit a guy, you naturally assume like there's a threat of potential violence,
Starting point is 00:38:40 but I think a lot of, I think some women, because we still teach men, and this is not a bad thing, it's a good thing, we teach men don't hit women, don't hit women. They think they assume, well, I'm gonna hit him, he's not gonna hit me back. And that's not gonna always happen. You may get hit back, and that's not gonna be good. Just like if you're a small dude, you know, if I flake, what's his name? What's that big strong man competitor guy? Was it the mountain?
Starting point is 00:39:03 What's his name? Thor? Yeah, Thor? Like, half Thor. Yeah, but like if I went up and smacked him in the face, you guys would look at me like, they're you crazy, bro? You're like, he's gonna kill it. Like, death wish? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:12 By the way, did you guys see, was it, no, it was Robert Obers. I don't remember who he was grappling with. He was doing Jiu-Jitsu with like 150 pounds. Oh, he's picked him up like this. I try to arm-barm. He just ripped him off the ground. This eight, bro, when people say size, it's a matter of size.
Starting point is 00:39:27 It's a fucking matter. It's a size matter. At some point, it does. At some point, like, because I look, I did jujitsu. I know how effective it is. I understand. I get all that. But when you're 150 pound guy, Doug and I so I did I find the South after I get up there so uh, Doug's up there with his daughter Bri and then she brings a friend up this kid Max. Great kid. Um, he's been taking boxing lessons so he asked Katrina before I get there if she he could box me. No, he did. Yes, he did. Why? What totally says? No, he said no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:40:06 what happened? Again, asked again, the kid is probably because he's been boxing. He's been taking boxing. Why is he want to box you? He wants to see what he could do. He's been practicing himself. So, and it was like, he was like, hell no, saying no to it. I said, why would you tell that young man that if he wants to do that, we can see find out. She's like, hell no, I don't want to see you get her. I said me get hurt I said kid weighs a buck 35 what I don't give a shit if he's been boxed for five years I don't want to get Molly Wopt yeah
Starting point is 00:40:32 So you heard it. No of course not dude of course not my wife would have never let me Doug wouldn't let me either I'm sure a Doug saw me scrap it up the gloves with his kid in the garage He would have ran out there and stopped it real quick not on my watch as a first time this kids with me I'm not gonna let you box him in the garage. He would have ran out there and stopped it real quick. Not on my watch. It's the first time this kid's with me. I'm not gonna let you box him in the garage. You just reminded me of that. I guarantee I would show you size matters. 230 pounds and 130 pound kid who's been boxing for years.
Starting point is 00:40:55 You better be the world champion. And 130 pounds. Yeah, exactly. I'm not gonna say I'm gonna go beat like a professional fighter at that level. I'm gonna give him for three months. Yeah. You know, I remember when I was in high school,
Starting point is 00:41:05 that was the ball zone, the QS count moves. Yeah, what did you do? I remember in high school once there was a fight and there was a one of our, we had this PE teacher who was known for breaking up fights because he was big, it was big like old guy who's massive. I'll never forget, he goes in and the guy,
Starting point is 00:41:21 he's like trying to break him up and they keep like swinging in each other. So finally, he gets a little physical and he picks, he rips him apart and picks both of them up like little children. Yeah. And everybody was like, oh my God. Yeah, my roommate in college like, so we were at this party and this guy was like being a dick
Starting point is 00:41:35 to everybody and like you poured beer on my friend. And my friend is like, I told you how big he is. Like six, eight. So he grabs him and he holds him over the balcony. Just like this. He's like, you stop right now. I was like, crap, don't kill me. Like he literally could have just been like just like a stack of books or something.
Starting point is 00:41:55 He just grabbed him. Yeah. If he ever had to throw a beer on you in public like that before. Yeah. I had to be the person to raise you. I had a chick throw beer on the across fight and order. You just reminded me of a crazy old story Like that was like oh my god was I was with my buddies at a bitch move. It's well. This was a girl did this right she was
Starting point is 00:42:12 She was up above on this upper level the bar. I'm sitting down below and I'm talking to my buddy and all sudden this beer comes flying Full beer. I like it. That's all thanks You mean like I was being that for dudes? I'm full being myself like a asshole, thanks. You didn't mean like, I was mean that for dudes. Yeah, I know. I'm just covering myself right there. There you go, I'll tell you. So I get nailed by this.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I get nailed by this. You're becoming a cup and everything? Yeah, full thing. And I'm like, and I look up and I see the girl, and she's going like this, and she's looking right at me. And I'm like, I have no idea who this girl is right now. Is some random? Right, so I go walking off the ring.
Starting point is 00:42:45 What are you saying? I'm like, what the fuck, dude? Oh, I can't believe you, but she's like laying into me and stuff like that. You know, you would blah, blah, blah, and I'm like, I'm so sorry. I said, but I think you have me confused with somebody, oh my god, you whip, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So this chick, K, was a bartender at that bar, okay? And I was hitting on her like a year before, and she gave me her number and I never called her And she remembered She threw a beer in the house. Yeah, she threw a beer at me for that like just because I didn't call I'm like, oh my I didn't even recognize her you got my hopes up, dude. You want to date with her? Yeah, I did I said so what are you doing? I got my hopes up. Dude, you want to date with her after work? Yeah, I did. I did. I did. I did.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I did. So what do you do when they're crazy? Hey, listen, I'm really, she was like, this crazy, you're so much fun. She's probably a hot-hearted. It's time. Hey, listen, listen, I'm really sorry you're right. I should have called you back.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I've told you better. Yeah. Or if she wasn't hot, you would have been like, yeah, all right. Maybe that's a dainty whiteness way. Wow. I'm glad you didn't end up with that with no end up. Bro, that was. Maybe that's a day in the whiteness way. Wow. I'm glad you didn't end up with that one though, Adam. Bro, that was crazy, that's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:43:49 I'm like, for not calling, I'm like, that's wild to me. I mean, it was literally that. I was talking to this girl at the bar. I remembered the time that it happened because it was like a year before, and it was late, the bar was closing down, and so like that, and I was asking if she wanted to hang out
Starting point is 00:44:04 later, she gave me her number, and I went home and fell asleep. Forgot all about it. It was a drunken night. Like, you know, I was just never, never thought about it again. It was the only time I'd seen her and I didn't think it was a big deal. But boy, was she fucking mad about that? You must have sent some words to her before she gave me her number.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I don't know. I must have, I guess. I don't know. That would be great. Yeah. You know? Love it for a sight. See you. That would be great. Yeah. You know? Love it for say. See you there.
Starting point is 00:44:26 There's a few things that I can imagine that'll that just bring out rage right away. That's got to be one of them. That and spitting. I feel like someone spits on you. Oh yeah. That's got to be one of the next two. Someone spits in my first one.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Man, what kind of environment you get? Yeah, that's rough. That's good. You used it like the old 20s. You know what I'm saying? Going out all the time, I thought we were, I've told this story on the podcast. Remember that was the strip club
Starting point is 00:44:47 where the taxi somebody took our taxi at three o'clock in the morning. Oh yeah. Pretend it'd be me when it wasn't them with group of guys. And then the taxi guy figured it out. Like before they got down the street and then he pulled over and we were all, you know, me and my crew were running down the street
Starting point is 00:45:02 and they're all inside, like, ah fuck you, the hell with that and the window's down and I'm telling them to get out and the dude spits to the window. Oh! Oh! Oh man. It was the car.
Starting point is 00:45:12 No, I punched him right through the window. I had to crack down like this and I had to spit him and I punched him right in and sent him in the other side, dude. The guy drove off and then he kicked him all out and then he came back around and he picked all of us up. But that's the first time that had ever happened to me too. Some random dude just spit on my face like that. Well, that's gross.
Starting point is 00:45:28 You catch something like that. That's unsanitary. Disgusting. All right, I got a study to bring up. They just did a study on, on red light therapy, actually, really good. A new one? Another study came out. They have so much on it.
Starting point is 00:45:40 You know what's funny? My sister, who's like not into like the wellness family, she's, you know, she tries to stay healthy and whatever, but she's got three kids and she works and whatever, so this is like her thing. She said, so what do you know about red light therapy? I said, that's a weird, like,
Starting point is 00:45:57 why are you bringing that up? I guess it's like, it's like becoming really interesting. Oh no, it's blowing up. Have you guys, there's like, I've seen these mass that you wear, that are like red light, but then you can see through you wear them. For your skin. Yeah, for your skin.
Starting point is 00:46:11 It's like a, like a, you literally wrap around your head, and then it's a, So this, this study was in the journal of strength in conditioning research, December of last year. So this is really new, and it says,
Starting point is 00:46:20 photo therapy improves muscle recovery, and does not impair repeated bout effect in plyometric exercise. In other words, you get better recovery, but you still get the adaptation responses, you still get stronger, you still get whatever. So it's another study showing the recovery benefits of red light therapy.
Starting point is 00:46:40 There are a few things that'll show that. I actually hope that Ju've does the mass thing, because one of my favorite things about standing in the red light is I always notice my face and my skin. It has like, it almost looks like I went in a tanning bed with the glow that you get afterwards. And that's the thing that Katrina notices from a two.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And I'm like, man, I'd be even more consistent if it was something I could lay in bed, because you can see through it, right? So it's like, goes like this. Yeah, I wonder because of it's like, they gotta use like, I don't know the technology behind their panels, like how they can replicate that in a smaller form.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Well, I mean, they have it in the mini. Yeah, they do have the mini ones. They just have to like, so Justin brings up a great point. So if you read the studies, these are certain wave length and the type of red light is important because that's what they show in the studies to work.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Pre-sure AI can figure it out. If you, let's just ask CHAPPGPT. Yeah, can we practice that for now? Every day when we talk about something, how AI can figure that out. Oh, yeah, job. I literally tried to figure out. I want to go on Jeaves, because I want to think of something.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Can you seriously think of something that's like protected? Maybe like super manual labor, because then you have to design a robot that physically did like, there's the power lines at PG knee, right? Right. But then again, all the train went on with trades anyway. Yeah, I would think we we're still going to need people's manual skills to fix things.
Starting point is 00:47:54 You're getting not. We're going to create laws that are going to prevent. Here's what's going to happen. We're going to try and stop you. You never can't how they can build. That's what I'm saying. They're going to try to they're going to try and prevent the inevitable by passing laws that say AI is not allowed to do this because we need to protect these jobs.
Starting point is 00:48:08 So the jobs that'll stick around, like instill inevitably get out competed are going to be ones with the strongest unions, the strongest voter blocks. But then there'll be companies competing with it that don't follow the rules. Right. That's what I mean. That'll just innovate anyway. Yeah, it's just like Uber. You know, just anyway. Yeah, it's underground stuff. Yeah, it's just like Uber You know, just like well, we're gonna do it anyway. Yeah, speaking of underground stuff Did you guys say I want to stay on the news because I know Doug doesn't like me tarmout news when he gets old The news on Andrew T. Oh, yeah He got arrested. I mean, I just know they like went to his place and was it Romania?
Starting point is 00:48:40 And they arrested him I know I have a trafficking. Oh, trafficking. Yeah Which this is the second time they tried to get him on this and it was nothing. Yeah. And so it's not, yeah, we had to see what had I heard. It was what's her name, Greta Thunberg, how you say? Oh, so he did, he did a tweet to her. No, no, no, I heard it was her who called on him.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I thought that came out. Could you facture that for me? No, no, no, no, no, not she called on him. Yeah, I heard that. So here's, okay, so maybe Doug will look at this. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no while he's doing a video. And on the pizza box is the address. It's the address or the company, the pizza parlor. And that's how they tracked him down and then they got him. Yeah, but how can she get him to get, how can she get people to arrest him?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Because she did, just like you have him before, you ever heard of swatting where people will call in these fake like, so I think she, I don't know if that's true if she actually swatted him, but I heard it was her who called in on him. Do you know? I don't think she called. I have to double check on that. No, so here's what I read. I read that. They did a little tweet back and forth, and that gave away his location, and then the authorities came and gone. Oh, no, the pizza they I know for sure gave away is that that might have given him his location was given away,
Starting point is 00:50:03 and that they were already looking for him. In other words, they were trying to look for him already. I don't know. Well, he's already been kicked off of multiple platforms or mess with his bank accounts. I mean, this just seems like an inevitable. Well, last step of like, that. Authority coming in or because I know how much you guys love conspiracy theories.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah. Okay. I mean, the conspiracy is that he said it all up because now guess who's in the news cycle for the next 72 hours like crazy. He's the top news. Yeah, because they haven't had the fight yet, right? With, uh, is it Jake Paul or didn't they organize that? So maybe like to generate more. He's so that's international traffic. The rumor is like, well, that was, that's an interesting thought. I listen, if you know that there's not an ounce of guilt of in that, there's no chance you can tie me like one of us. No one's tying us to come out just so you get top news.
Starting point is 00:50:56 And then what he gets exonerated in a week. Yeah. And you're and you were just hope it doesn't backfire. It also strengthens his brain. Right. It won't backfire as long as you know you're nowhere near you If you're not anybody who's anything like that and it comes out you get it's on rated then for sure It's only gonna strengthen your brand and you're the top of the Highly smile. It's Joe's trial. They're able to do some things to phones. That was weird
Starting point is 00:51:19 That was on lawyer. I wouldn't I wouldn't stir that horn. It's his own lawyer. He's texted Like a bunch of stuff to the other lawyer. It's like, how did you do that? That's got Alex Jones-Jones fishy. That's weird. That's an interesting theory, huh? I can see that. I do find it kind of weird that he decided to order pizza
Starting point is 00:51:39 while he was in the middle of doing that. And they deliver it right to him on the video. Like I like how I do. I just can spursy brain. I they deliver it right to him on the video. Like, I like how I imagine conspiracy brain is just emerging. I feel it. It's all you guys just watching. I drank the coolane bro. I drank the coolane.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I'm laughing now. How many different issues? Down the rabbit hole. I do, I like that one dude. I do like that one. Yes dude. There's a hole in Antarctica. However, you know how it works.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah, it comes I'm something. Do you see Vicki posted one the other day? Congratulations to all the conspiracy theorists the last three years. Yeah, we're like 10 out of 10. Yeah, you're like 10 out of 10. I love that page. Dude, every day I read some weird shit on there. The last one I saw was the world is weird.
Starting point is 00:52:18 There was a, did you guys see the last one that was on there where there was this, this, this big military, military, this big naval ship that was decommissioned and somebody was, their job was to go through and take pictures of every room and it took them, you know, like hours and hours and he stayed real late and then he comes and he sends the photos to whoever he's supposed to and the guy goes, who's the guy in the picture with the axe and he's like, what are you talking about? And I guess there's like, in the pictures, there's a guy with an axe, and then they went in, and they fucking investigated,
Starting point is 00:52:45 and they looked at the security camera, and they never found the guy. It's like, man, where do they find all these? I think what, I'm part of why I'm now obsessed with it. You know, that maybe that'll be the shout out for our shout out today, the page, right? Because we said, we can't miss out on our, we already shared that page.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Oh, I didn't know you guys shared that. Did we share it? Did we, Doug? No, we didn't, we didn't, we didn't. I don't know if we get on the show or not. I don't think we share it on the show. Well, hey, they deserve a that page. Oh, I didn't know you guys shared that. Did we share that? Did we, Doug? No, we didn't. I don't know if we did it on the show or not. I don't think we shared it on the show. Well, hey, they deserve a second share. Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:53:10 No. Andrew's saying we did. We did? Yep. I told you already, okay, I didn't know that. Sorry, we'll give you somebody else. So. I am.
Starting point is 00:53:18 But you know, it's how many they come up with. I mean, I'm just like, damn, there's enough for a post every day. There's that many conspiracies that are running around. I'm like, I did not tell you that. there's enough for a post every day. There's that many conspiracies that are running around. Like I did not know that. What was the one I sent you, Justin? I told you to post it about the beer companies working together. Oh, you know, oh, yeah, yeah, that was funny.
Starting point is 00:53:35 It was like, oh, here you go. Michelob, Michelob and Keystone. Oh, I saw the MK Alters. Join forces. Search MK Ultra to learn all about it. I posted the other one that Justin, and I'm getting all kinds of hate right now from the teachers, the one about the school,
Starting point is 00:53:51 the school thing about your taxes, and then it says the public schools teaching, oh, men have periods. And so that meme I posted it, and I got a bunch of teachers that are all heated and DM me. You know what I find funny? And my response to them is that they get all mad. This is so inaccurate.
Starting point is 00:54:07 We, but what I'm like, a meme was not intended to be super accurate. A meme was supposed to be funny. That's the point of a meme. If you can't laugh at yourself, I said you probably shouldn't follow me because I make fun of myself all the time. And if you make fun of me,
Starting point is 00:54:22 I'm not gonna get all defensive about it. So why you following someone like me? That's so funny to me. Like everybody laughs at my shit until it hits a spot for them. And then it hits their job or hits their thing and it's like and then all of a sudden you get all the, oh you were, you got all the other means were funny. That was not funny.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Yeah, we know it's funny to me about that is people call themselves out. Yeah, yeah. Totally. You'll make a statement in the show and then the people call themselves out. Like that's not like'll make a statement in the show and then the people call themselves out. But that's not like, like, Well, I love, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:54:48 That'd be like us getting mad at like, all those memes about like, podcasts were just being like three, like, white guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, like, this is their one chance to have, and have them run. I mean, you name it. We go in and find out plenty of times.
Starting point is 00:55:00 You come on, like, yeah. Okay, true. You can't laugh. And if you get it, the podcast ones always make me laugh. Well, what. You can't laugh. If you get a lot of cast, it's always make me laugh. Well, what does that say about you get offended by a meme? Like, it is literally satire.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I mean, that is literally what the memes are. It's supposed to be funny, like that tongue and cheek type of deal. Like, you can't laugh at it, like, you're so lame. Also, if it is something that does hurt your feelings because they make a joke that maybe does affect you personally, unless someone knows you and is like, hey, here's a joke for you. You're right, lay, put your name in there.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yeah, like they're not specifically for you. Bro, that's a reflection of yourself. Do some digging. You know what I'm saying? You don't even know me. I post something and you get offended. What does that say about you? You obviously got triggered.
Starting point is 00:55:41 That's obviously something you gotta work on. Not me, dude. Okay, so the one that we're gonna do today for the shout out, I wanted to because this kind of goes back to when we were talking about like, New Year's stuff and goals and all that. Like, I wanted to start finding pages that were actually like something positive and not like super negative. It was like, old to bring in. So there's one that I've followed that I always like to check out constantly. The good news, underscore movement.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And they just do like stories that are uplifting and like real like nice people out there looking out for each other and you know, people overcoming crazy things. And so it's just something positive to bring in. Oh, wow, there they have like four, four half million followers. Yeah, they've grown crazy. I think is it like good stuff too? It's not cheesy. Oh, this does look good. No, wow, they already have like four, four and a half million followers. Yeah, they've grown crazy. I think is it like good stuff, too? It's not cheesy.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Oh, this does look good. No, it's it's good. Yes, not just like hokey or anything. It's like real. So that's the new goal of mine. New goal of mine is to focus less on negative things. I have no influence over and try to seek out more positive. Did you guys, did you guys do anything for New Year's resolutions? Did you make anything or did you? If I had to say I made a resolution, it would be that I'm going to turn off more of the negative stuff and turn on more of the positive stuff and I'm going
Starting point is 00:56:52 to be, I'm going to try and be more conscious of it because there's an illusion of, of control with a lot of things. Yeah. And if I don't have an influence over it like really, then there's no use in me getting stressed out and angry about it. So I'm trying. I'm not saying I would be successful, but I'm definitely trying. Yeah, absolutely. Hey, what's up everybody? Real quick, we have three workout bundles available right now in the month of January.
Starting point is 00:57:16 All of them include nine months of exercise programming, everything. Sets, reps, exercises, video demos, the whole thing. Here's the three bundles. There's the new to weightlifting bundle, the body transformation bundle, and then the extreme intensity results bundle. Check those all out. They're all found at mapsgenuary.com.
Starting point is 00:57:34 All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from Marianne Aleva. What are your thoughts on the Carnivore diet? Yeah, I picked this question because we're still getting people asking us about the carnivore diet. Like many diets, there are applications, but like many diets, these applications are specific and usually not for the average person. So I think we should talk about who may benefit from something like the carnivore diet
Starting point is 00:58:04 and then who doesn't, we'll go there. But who may benefit? Well, it's it's somewhat, I guess you could categorize it as like the ultimate elimination diet. Okay. So meat tends to be tolerated by most people. Meat also contains most essential nutrients. So you can get away with just eating meat.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Whereas you can't necessarily get away with just eating meat, whereas you can't necessarily get away with just eating other, maybe individual types of foods. And what it does is because it eliminates so many other foods, because you're just eating meat, you can identify foods that may be causing autoimmune type issues. So the people who tend to do best on carnivore diets are people who tend to have these hyper reactive immune systems where, for whatever reason, and this is a big area of mystery for a lot of people, for whatever reason, eating foods like vegetables or roots or starches, causes all kinds of strange autoimmune type reactions. And just going with meat makes them feel better,
Starting point is 00:59:07 but not just not because the meat itself is special, but rather because the diet is devoid of foods that was causing, maybe have caused. What percentage of people do you actually think fall in that category? Small. Yeah, like give me a percentage. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:59:21 Oh boy, if I had to guess. Less than five, more than five. Less than one percent. Okay, if I had to guess. Less than five, more than five. No, less than one percent. Okay, I would say. Super small. So why would you want to be just a vegan, just a carnivore? Like I don't understand diet culture in itself. Like why people want to put themselves in a more,
Starting point is 00:59:40 eating good and clean and balanced and appropriate for your body, it's already challenging enough. Why would you want to attach yourself to some dogmatic diet? Unless you're that 1%. Yeah, I think they just get influenced by people who have had life-changing experiences from these, from like... Like a liverking? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Good example. Terrible example. Like Michaela Peterson, Gordon Peterson, that's... Yeah, or even yeah, that's a terrible example like Michaela Peterson. Yeah, Peterson. Yeah, our even daughter I forget her name right now, but like the doctor that Was all about just eating purely vegetables right? Oh Terry walls. Yeah, so there's There's circumstances where people have like Gone to the extreme side of it and they and they become evangelists because it's so transformative
Starting point is 01:00:28 for them, but I think that that influences a lot of your everyday average person. It really has no application in that direction for them, balances everything. Yeah, well, look, if you suffer from severe autoimmune issues, like pain and inflammation or depression, okay? And then you go on a diet and it solves this problem we've had for a decade. Where nothing else really helped you, you're going to become an evangelist.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And that's what ends up happening. Now the problem is- I wouldn't even caution those people though because it's like, again, less about the quote unquote diet and more about what were you eating before that was the insult? What exactly were the definition of? And back to this elimination thing, you know, food intolerances, and I'm loosely using the term, are quite common. It's uncommon for someone to have such severe food intolerances that they have to go all
Starting point is 01:01:17 the way down to one food. And now here's why carnivore diet gains some popularity, because here's what will happen to the average person if they go on a just meat diet. Number one, your calories are automatically gonna drop. Here's why. Protein is extremely satiating. Meat is extremely satiating.
Starting point is 01:01:36 So even if you eat as much as you want, and you're just eating, let's say, rib eye steaks, you're going to drop your calories, so you are going to lose weight. Right. And then you might have also, through the weight loss itself, because we know this was studies. If you just start to lose weight, lots of issues start to get solved. So then you're like, oh my God, I feel better.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Oh my God, I have more energy. Oh my God. But really what it is, it's the weight loss of the reduced calories. The reason why is because we're stupid and we're lazy. We're as a species, we want the... That ends in a mood. The easiest, it is. It's a reason why.
Starting point is 01:02:09 You know why? Because it is the thing that it's one thing you have to eat. And guess what? Of all the single one things that you could eat, it provides the most. Yeah. If you were... You couldn't do just the one of anything else and actually live. You would die.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Okay? Anything else? Just the one thing you could. Okay, anything else of just the one. That's one thing you can. It's the one, yeah, it's the one thing you can. So it is the simplest thing that somebody could potentially follow yet it's probably one of the worst ideas for 99.9%. Yeah, and that's by the way, you made a good point.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Simple. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Everything seems so complicated, but you're telling me that I could just eat this and that's it
Starting point is 01:02:45 And I don't have to think about anything. I don't go away. I don't go track it I can have as much as I want I can have it whenever I want like oh my god. Yeah, yeah, it's you know 100% But just because you can by the way because you made the point that you could just eat meat and you're likely to not have a nutrient Efficiency or at least it'll take a long time because and this is a fact animal meat is the most nutrient dense single food you can find on the planet. You're probably not going to get a nutrient deficiency by eating fresh meat only, although it could still happen. Less is lean. Right, right. Yeah, then you're not in trouble.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Then you're in trouble. But if you eat fresh meat and you get the fats and protein, especially if you throw out an organ meat, you're probably not gonna get a nutrient efficiency, but just because you can get away with it doesn't make it ideal. You're still lacking things like fiber, there's phytonutrients that have potential benefits, and it's just not ideal. So I think the same thing about the carnivore diet
Starting point is 01:03:39 as I do about the ketogenic diet or regin diet, or other. I feel like it's already evolving, which is kind of hilarious to me. Like Dr. Paul Salvino puts out great information, but also twos now I have a king for like honey, to introduce it, berries. It's like, oh, weird. Now, all of a sudden it's kind of turning a little more paleo.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Like, so I think that the initial shock of like the counter to what was being promoted a lot, which was like vegan diets, and which was a lot more carb driven type of diets. Like this is like the opposite. And so it's like consumers are so swayed by something that's like out of left field. Oh yeah, let's try this.
Starting point is 01:04:19 I've never done this. Similar diet is the more restrictive it is. So the simpler it is, the more restrictive it is, the more restrictive it is, the more likely you're going to fail. It's already a high fail rate as it is with diets. And if you follow one that's extremely restrictive, then your rate increases. And if you don't need, if you don't,
Starting point is 01:04:39 because I do agree, if you fall in that category, if you're a Mekayla Peterson, and it was the only thing that solved your life. It changed your life. I mean, 100%. That's an amazing difference. That's great. You can do that.
Starting point is 01:04:52 That's not the people that are asking these questions. It's never that bad. That person already knows that. They solved it. They solved it in a change their life. They don't need to ask my mom. You know what the problem is? Is the people arguing against her?
Starting point is 01:05:01 They'll say to her, no, you're wrong, you're wrong. I think that's the wrong thing to do. There are cases for extreme diets for a lot of different people. Like ketogenic diets were the first medical treatments for epilepsy. Before epilepsy drugs existed, there were, it was a decent percentage, not everybody, but a decent percentage of people with epilepsy were cured, had no seizures by going into ketogenic diet. That's not real protective, yeah. So for them, ketogenic diet was ideal. And for most people, otherwise it's not.
Starting point is 01:05:29 So this is true for all of them. And again, the carnivore diet, one of the reasons why it became so popular was it's simple, it produces weight loss because again, it results in lower calories. And here's the third part, which is it was so wild and opposite from what the narrative was at the time, which was,
Starting point is 01:05:47 meets bad for you and you got to just eat vegetables. And then you had people, you know, going carnivore, going, oh my God, look at my blood lipids. Oh my God, my blood pressure is better. Oh my, which is result from the lower calorie, basically, that it became popular. This is why, or how, the, Atkins diet became popular in the 90s,
Starting point is 01:06:03 because the message then was low fat. Atkins comes out, says no, eat as much fat as you want to just eat low carb. Part of the reason why it became popular was it was so opposite. But no, I would never recommend, the only person I would ever recommend a carnivore diet to would be a person who went through all the channels,
Starting point is 01:06:19 worked with the functional medicine practitioner and had to go all the way down to just meet as an elimination diet to kind of figure out, some of their problems. Next question is from Matt Mercer. What are some of your best cues to get someone to retract their shoulder blades using the correct muscle pattern
Starting point is 01:06:34 so their shoulders aren't rolled forward? You know, training people in person, because I think we should communicate to online coaches, but when you train people in person, what the best and possible things you could do is stand behind the person while they're doing a simple exercise like a cable row. And ask them, hey, can I put my hands on your shoulders
Starting point is 01:06:53 and place you in proper position? And they'll say yes, usually. And then I would put my hands on their shoulders. I would use my knee to cue their mid back. And then I'd pull their shoulder blades back and down so that it was in position. Now, if I don't have that ability, then I would use cues like, imagine you're squeezing a pencil between your shoulder blades, but also don't shrug your shoulder. So shoulder blades down and back. And you want to try and do that without you pulling
Starting point is 01:07:21 back with your hands. You got to be able to do that without doing anything with your hands. Then from there, I would have them do like a row or something. Yeah chest up high drive the elbows back pinch your shoulder blades If you're pinching a pinching a pencil in between it. Yeah, I mean, I love your Q2 of actually just manually I used to sit them in a seated row and then I would get behind them and I would I would actually do it for them And I don't relax your shoulders allow me to do this and I would retract Pro-track retract project and be like okay now you control that. And then I would make them control it. And be like, okay, now when I tell you to retract and squeeze your shoulder blades, that's, this is the position I'm wanting to do. So as we go through this movement, I want you to
Starting point is 01:07:56 think about doing that. And so manually taking them through that and making them feel that. And then you're also queuing with your, your finger by having them squeeze or retract. But yeah, for sure put my fingers between their shoulder blades to try and get them to squeeze and get that last bit. But I mean, to get them to understand even like the overall function of the shoulders and have them start by elevating their shoulders, pulling their shoulders back, bringing them down, coming forward. And so they just understand how to manipulate them
Starting point is 01:08:27 like that first and foremost, and then kind of getting them set in place. I'm able to embrace because naturally, there's a lot of compensations that happen with the lower back arching and all that kind of stuff is to just make sure that we figure out how to be anchored in. One of the best exercises for this is a prone cobra,
Starting point is 01:08:45 or you're really utilizing extra rotation, right, of the hands, bringing the arms back. Rolling is good too, but the thing with rolling is if the person doesn't know how to really connect with that mid-back area and squeeze its shoulders back, what they'll actually often do is roll a shoulder forward even more. They'll pull the handles back and get in this, in fact, I would use this as a way to sell training.
Starting point is 01:09:05 I would have a person do a row, then I'd get behind them and I'd fix their posture with my hands, and then I'd have them do a couple reps with me there. Then I'd let go, have them do more reps, and then I'd point to them that they're, oh look, you went right back out of form without realizing it, this may be why, working with a trainer would be so valuable for you.
Starting point is 01:09:23 But prone cobra, if you're looking for an exercise to work on this pattern, prone cobra. And then if you want to strengthen this pattern, then just your typical, you know, any kind of version of a row, although I'd say a bent over row is harder to figure out. I would never teach this to anybody. If you cannot retract your shoulders and bend over row, seated row would be easier.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Way, way, way, way. And you know, I like to take someone like this who's having a hard time and really lighten the load. So it's super light and do isometric holds. So they row in like we're talking about and you cue and do all the things we're saying. And then you intensify it, hold it for like five seconds then come out. So go really light and just you're really just teaching them how to connect.
Starting point is 01:10:05 By the way, I would shorten sometimes the range of motion because I noticed that if a client pulled the handle back further that their shoulder was more likely to roll forward. So I have it on, I have it on, pull the shoulders back, only pull back so far, hold the handle with their hands. Don't pull the handle back any further, just pull the shoulder blades back even more. I found that to be a more effective cue than saying pull the handles back more because
Starting point is 01:10:26 if they pulled more with the handle, I would always notice that they would end up doing forward. Next question is from Grant Satterthwaite. What are your thoughts on D-Load Weeks? I like how like taking time off and recovery has been labeled as a D-Load week. I mean, it's really what it is. You know, it's interesting about this. When they do studies, so a D-load week essentially is,
Starting point is 01:10:46 you do your normal workouts and then you get to your D-load week and you're going lighter, lower intensity, less volume. Basically think of it as a recovery week. So you go into the gym and you're going like 50% of what you normally would or 30% of what you normally would. What's interesting about this is studies show that your muscle gains happen the most during this period of time. It's the recovery process where you build muscle and strengthen a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:14 It's not during the workout. So, D-load weeks are, if you, by the way, I want to say this, if you're really consistent, selling a D-load week to someone who can't be consistent. You've been getting after it consistently. Yeah. Like, the average person naturally does D-load week to someone who can't be consistent. You've been getting after it consistently. Yeah, like the average person naturally does D-load weeks by missing workouts, I would say. But if you're like super consistent week and week out, then I think scheduling a D-load week every six to eight
Starting point is 01:11:35 weeks is a good idea. And what you'll notice is like your gains will increase quite substantially at the end of that D-load week. So I think that they're essential for people who don't miss workouts, meaning it's essential that you program them in your workout. I'm gonna go as far as say they,
Starting point is 01:11:51 if you're a person who consistently works out, you probably don't do enough D-load weeks. And if you're somebody who doesn't consistently work out, you don't have any business worrying about D-load weeks. Because I actually think that the average person who is really consistent, the gym junkie, the exercise enthusiast, that person actually tends to over train and over reach. Do more, trying to push to do the swedel time, looking for the soreness all the time. And those people
Starting point is 01:12:14 actually would probably greatly benefit with a de-load week, maybe once every three to four weeks even, because that person is constantly over reaching and then scaling back for one week is not going to regress them if anything it might accelerate their progress. So if you're listening and you are super consistent and you haven't done a week recently where you go at 20 to 30%, still work out, but you just, you go easy.
Starting point is 01:12:37 So you go really easy for a week. I mean, we know this, they did that study where it was the one group that took a week off every four weeks completely off and they saw as much progress as the person that took no weeks off over that, over the course of that study. So, doing a deal a week is certainly not going to regress. I'm not going to hurt you. And that was every four weeks.
Starting point is 01:12:56 So, I'm going to make the argument that most people probably should have almost a monthly deal a week if you're a hardcore consistent person because you're probably more likely to overreach to not do enough. Yeah, this is also where I like to advocate for actually following a legit program, like following something that's scheduled out. So at the end of that, too, it just kind of naturally falls into a time for you to go through a de-load week if you're going to transition to another program or something else that you're going to consistently get after. So that way it's just sort of like it's less of a randomness to it. Yeah, I've never programmed. Just truth be told, personally, I've never programmed. A D-load week, I fall in that category of person who tends to overdo it. But I just started programming them in. And it's about every, I'd say, five to six weeks.
Starting point is 01:13:44 And what I do is I go to the gym, I go super easy, and I focus on mobility. I focus on stretching mobility. And it's like, man, what a game changer. I mean, literally my results are so much better from doing this less pain. I feel like I'm less on that edge of overtraining. So if you're like I was, you're going to have to program it. Don't do
Starting point is 01:14:05 what I did, which was like, I'll just take a D-load week when I feel like I need it, because I never did. Next question is from Peter and Jimmy 57. Is it effective at all to do your compound lifts at the end of your workouts with the gyms filling up at this time? Sometimes it's hard to get the main lifts in at the beginning. All right. So first off, doing them is better than not doing it. I just say effective at all. Of course, it's effective as you did them. Now, I will say this. So first off, let's preface this that for the most part, compound lifts
Starting point is 01:14:34 are better done in the beginning. You have more energy, better stability. They're the bigger bang for your buck exercises, so you should do them at the beginning. That being said, there are cases where compound lifts at the end are superior. And one case I can think of off the top of my head is when you have trouble connecting to a lagging body part that you're trying to develop. So for example, if you're somebody that's really trying to develop your, let's say your butt,
Starting point is 01:14:58 and you're doing lots of squats, and your butt isn't developing the way you want, sometimes it's better to start your workout out with isolation exercises for your butt, so you could feel it. You get some blood flow there, you get a pump there, you feel the burn. Then go do your compound lift. Free exhaust method. Yeah, and you have a natural cue.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Like, okay, if I position my stomach, now I can really feel my butt working when I'm doing the squat. So you could do this with, you know, your chest, your lats, your shoulders. If those are lagging body parts and the compound lifts aren't doing it for you, sometimes better to start with the isolation lift and go to the compound. That's really difficult.
Starting point is 01:15:33 So the only case I see is like, if it's unresponsive, like if you're not feeling like, it's being included in those big compound lifts and it's a major muscle group that you're trying to develop, but in terms of the actual function of a lot of, like you're gonna have your best performance when you're not exhausted at all. That's just like bottom line.
Starting point is 01:15:52 So if I'm looking at it in terms of like progressing strength wise in those specific lifts, I would have them in the beginning. You know, this was my client, I would tell him, I don't care. I would say, Yeah, because what's the most important thing? Did you do it?
Starting point is 01:16:06 That you do it. And I don't care if you, if we are like talking performance, a competitor who's got to do a squat meet, this not like we have to organize it, we want to, we need to max out every single workout. But you are gonna get 99% of the benefits by just doing the movement, even if you were working at a say 10% less capacity
Starting point is 01:16:26 or what. So it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. If you do, and what you don't matter, it's more is the fact that you got there, you're going to the gym, you're not discouraged because you can't do your compound lifts first because they're completely backed up. You're not going to sit around and do nothing for 20 minutes. You're going to go through your workout. And then when this squat rack opens up, you're going gonna go over and do it and you're gonna be just fine. And you see great results. And now some tips, you wanna go lighter.
Starting point is 01:16:49 And you wanna focus on form and technique and really slow, I'd say slow things down, have more control. Well, what a great, okay, so we talk about this all the time. You will ask us about, tempo, tempo squat, isometric stuff. Mess with some of your other variables.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Oh, you know what, today is not gonna be my super heavy squat day because I'm not gonna be able to get to it until you get to my workout. So, you know what? Maybe I'm going to do those pause squats. Or maybe I'm going to slow the tempo down to a five-second negative. I haven't done that in a really long time. Great time to play with those things when you get hit with something like that. You know, it's funny when I was a kid. I really wanted to develop my shoulders. And I did. I would start my workouts out. This was as a teenager with rear flies.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Because I read an article talking about my workout. I was like, I'm going to do a little bit of a workout. I'm going to do a little bit of a workout. I'm going to do a little bit of a workout. I'm going to do a shoulders. And I did, I would start my workouts out. This was as a teenager with rear flies because I read an article talking about how the rear dial was so important for shoulder appearance. And then I did side-laterals, and then I do overhead presses. And my shoulders developed phenomenally
Starting point is 01:17:40 because I was able to connect better. Otherwise, it was like an arm press. When I do overhead press, I think my arms are taken over too much. So it was that pre-exhaust kind of thing that I talked about earlier, and it really worked. And I used this on clients whenever they had trouble connecting to a muscle.
Starting point is 01:17:53 We would do the isolation first, then go to lift. But the point you make too out of them is exceptional. It's just gonna change. If I'm doing dead lifts at the beginning of the workout, it's gonna be like the weight and the power and the strength and the tension. If I do dead lifts at the beginning of the workout, it's gonna be like the weight and the power and the strength and the tension. If I do deadlifts at the end of the workout, it's about squeezing and slowing down.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Totally different intent. Totally a different intent. Both valuable though. So that's the thing, they're both. Right, and probably good, I mean, that's the way I kind of would look at something like that instead of... It'd be like a switch up, right? Right, instead of it being like a negative thing,
Starting point is 01:18:22 like, oh damn, I don't get the squat for as more like, oh, you know what, it's been a while since I've done the tempo squats, oh, it being like a negative thing like, oh damn, I don't get the squaffer. It's more like, oh, you know what? It's been a while since I've done the tempo squads. Oh, it's been a while since I've slowed down and controlled form and look at it as a blessing in disguise. Like, oh, now it's forcing you to go that direction because you can't squaffer. And then the days you come in and you get to go right
Starting point is 01:18:37 into it, it's like, oh, time to get after it today. Totally. Look, if you like my pump, head over to myimpumpfree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram on my pump Justin. You can find Adam on Instagram on my pump Adam
Starting point is 01:18:52 and you can find me on Twitter at MindPumpSouth. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes MAPSANabolic, MAPS Performance, and MAPSastetic.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sound, and an adjustment as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 01:19:57 you

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