Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1992: How to Visibly Change Your Body in 30 Days

Episode Date: January 19, 2023

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover ten different ways to transform your body in 30 days. Disclaimer for the audience. (1:25) 10 Ways to Visibly Change Your Body in 30 Days. #1 - Cut calories ...500-1000 below maintenance. (7:37) #2 - Take 10k, 12k, 14k then 16k steps. (9:37) #3 – Cut carbs the most. (13:31) #4 - Only eat unprocessed food. (15:04) #5 - Eat over 1g protein per lb. of body weight. (19:11) #6 – High fiber targets. (21:20) #7 - Introduce 1 higher calorie day a week. (22:54) #8 - Lift weights 3 days a week full body. (26:15) #9 - Prioritize sleep EVERY DAY. (29:12) #10 - Zero alcohol, junk food, anything “bad.” (32:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! January Promotion: NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS SPECIAL OFFERS! (New to Weightlifting Bundle, Body Transformation Bundle, and New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle) You get massive savings with each offer. Mind Pump # 1967: How To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life In 2023 Mind Pump # 1830: Five Steps To Determine Your Ideal Caloric Intake Calorie labels are often wildly inaccurate. Here’s how to prevent extra calories from derailing your diet. Processed foods make up 70 percent of the U.S. diet The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump # 1982: Why You Need To Prioritize Lifting Weights In 2023 Mind Pump # 1770: How Sleep Helps Your Muscles Recover And Grow Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we talk about how you can visibly change your body in just 30 days. Like literally 30 days later, look different.
Starting point is 00:00:27 So we talk about how you can do that in this episode, how to do it the right way. Now, this episode is brought to you by a sponsor, Viori, they make the best at leisure where you'll find anywhere. It's so comfortable, you can work out in it, you can go out in it, last a long time. Go check this company out, go to VioriClothing.com,
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Starting point is 00:01:24 And today's episode, we're gonna talk about how you can visibly change your body in 30 days. That's right, 30 day transformation. All right. Preface is a hustle. I know, now that we've hooked them. Big, big aster, big aster here. First off, there's a reason why we don't do episodes like this,
Starting point is 00:01:43 because this really doesn't really apply to the vast majority of people out there. It's really a terrible strategy or thought process for most people who are looking to lose 20 pounds or improve their health or fitness this whole like. I'm going to do everything I can for 30 days, sets you up for failure afterwards, almost 100% of the time. So I want to be really, really clear about that. There are some potential applications. Yeah, that being said, if you consistently work out, your metabolism is in a very healthy place.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Now what do you mean by healthy? Well, a good amount of calories for your body weight. So if you are, and if you're a hundred and thirty to a hundred and fifty pound female and you're eating seventeen hundred plus calories, you're in a pretty good place. If you're fifteen hundred calories and maintaining your weight there, you probably need to focus on reverse dieting. So you want to have at least, you want to have some room to go down. Yeah, that's the point. Because one of the things I I obviously one of the tips in here is going to be restrict calories and we're probably going to recommend somewhere between the 500 to 1000 mark.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And so if you're going to recommend that, they need to be somewhere in a healthy place that you're not now, you know, starving the body of nutrients because you're so low of calorie. So that's important. And also having like a fundamental sort of baseline of training experience. Right. So that's definitely, because if you are going to like really condense
Starting point is 00:03:12 this goal down to a limited amount of time of 30 days, you know, this is where like somebody in that situation where I do have, I'm pretty experienced in the gym. Maybe I've taken a little bit of time off, but I can do these compound lists. I can do a lot of things that will contribute towards that at a more intensified kind of pace. And we just did an episode, you know, for the people that feel like, oh, well, this is
Starting point is 00:03:36 a worthless episode for me. If you feel like that after us, prefacing it with that, go over and watch the start of the New Year's one that we did. What was the title that one? Whatever the title of the New Year's episode we did, I think is an excellent place to start for a majority of people just getting started on their journey, or one of our reversed dieting ones.
Starting point is 00:03:57 But for somebody who's healthy and been training consistently, and they're like, all right, I wanna turn it up the next 30 days, we've listed they're like, all right, I wanna turn it up the next 30 days. We've listed some of the, I think, key rocks to focus on in order to be successful at that. Yeah, and this is again, this is considering, you're not, so the problem is that the person who tends to get attracted to this, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:04:17 I can visit you. It's the wrong person. It's the beginner. Oh, I wanna get in shape. This is how I wanna start. This is, that's the wrong person. This also is gonna be kind of a waste of time if you. This is how I want to start. This is, that's the wrong person. This also is going to be kind of a waste of time
Starting point is 00:04:27 if you have a lot of body fat to lose. You're not going to be able to do much in a month to visibly change your body with, by doing anything, if you have like 30 pounds to lose. But if you're like relatively lean, you can make some changes in a month to where you can actually tell when you look in the mirror. So that episode that Adam was referring to was 1967.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So 1967, that'll give you better long-term advice. But that being said, if you're relatively lean, you've got some experience, you know how to work out, your metabolism, you're eating a good amount of calories, you kind of know what your maintenance is at, by the way, that's also important. Then can you make some some changes so that 30 days later you take your shirt off or put on a bikini like you can tell you can tell that I did something
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yes, you can now. I do want to be clear the most body fat pure body fat because you can lose more on the scale It doesn't mean lost body fat the most body fat you'll probably lose In this month if you do this right, that you should aim for as like four pounds, maybe six pounds. At the most, I know some people say two pounds a week, eight pounds is pushing it, but I'd say four to six pounds. How do you guys feel about that?
Starting point is 00:05:36 I would challenge that, and the way I would challenge that is the healthier you are and the better metabolism and more muscle mass you have, the more dramatic that number would be. So, I mean, I was cutting the 10, 15 pounds of fat in a month's time when I was competing, but I also had a roaring metabolism, I had a ton of muscle on my body, I had a very high caloric intake. Yeah, but you would be an outlier though, right? That wouldn't be the average. No, that's what I just said. I said, I'm not, but I didn't want, I don't want people to think that it's not possible. I think it's very much so possible. And again, the healthier you, or the
Starting point is 00:06:11 healthier your metabolism is, okay, the higher amount of calories you can consume and not put body fat on, the more muscle mass you have in your body, the, I think the more dramatic this can be. I think your target is a good, safe place that's smart and healthy for the average person who just is a, you know, say, weekend warrior, I guess, or like... You know, they're working out, but they're not relatively consistent, but not like... But if you're pretty hardcore on this, I mean, you can move the needle. Now, that's, you just said something. So what's going to be vitally important because we're dealing with such a short window of
Starting point is 00:06:44 time is going to be consistency. Now, you just said something. So what's gonna be vitally important because we're dealing with such a short window of time, is gonna be consistency. This means you have to do everything right? Yeah, I know you're afraid. All the time. Yeah. Otherwise, you could forget the 38 target. Every screw has to be tight.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yeah, and then you can give yourself a 16, 90-day target, 120-day target. But if you look at 30 days, like one weekend, out with your friends, doing whatever. So this is where I do like the 30 day type of quote unquote challenge or the like setting doing a episode like this is, it is fun to go like, hey, for 30 days, I'm really good. I'm going to sacrifice a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I'm going to sacrifice the other things in health, relationship going out with my friends and taking the weekend off this or sleeping in on these days. Like, this is like kind of cool to measure and see, okay, if I really say I'm all about making a change physically, what can I actually accomplish if I, if everything else falls after that goal for 30 days, this is what it would look like in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:07:37 All right, so step one, obviously, you're gonna have to cut calories and they're gonna have to come down below your maintenance. So maintenance is how many calories you need to consume for your body to stay the same. So if you know what that number is, then you want to cut between 500 to 1000 calories below that. Now who goes to a thousand, who goes to 500? The higher your calories are, the more you can go down. If you're at 1700 calories, I would not recommend you a thousand calories. Now you're left with 700 calories. That's not a good place. But if you're at 3,000 calories or 3,500 calories, you're a big dude and you've got a lot of
Starting point is 00:08:12 muscle and a fast metabolism, can you cut 1,000 calories below maintenance just for a 30-day period you can? So it's 500 to 1,000. And what this does is when you go below maintenance, now your body's forced to tap into its energy reserves during this 30 day period This is what causes the body fat if you don't do this part None of the other stuff we say is gonna make a big difference you have to have that calorie cut in order to see the fat loss You don't want to go too extreme with that either right because then we're in a predicament where we're not fueling our Muscle we're not preserving muscle at that point too, which you want to be able to preserve. If that's the allure of it is to be able to highlight your muscles more and reduce body fat
Starting point is 00:08:52 not necessarily overall weight. I actually would, the way I would structure this would be, if it's a 30-day goal, I would actually figure out what's the lowest I would want to allow myself on the 30th day, and I would kind of reverse engineer that, meaning, you're not gonna go like that right off the gates. Right, and I'm not gonna go, I'm not gonna pick the number and stay at that for 30 days, every week I'm gonna adjust this. Yeah. So every week I'm going to go a little bit lower,
Starting point is 00:09:17 a little bit lower, so let's say I'm at, like, you know, where I was when I was competing, 5,000 calories, and I'm in 30 days, and I don't wanna go lower than let's say 2,500, I'm going, okay, so how would I want that to look? I'm gonna go 1,000 calories, and then 500, and then 500, and then 500, and that's, and every week I'm gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And I'm actually, I hope you don't mind, but I wanna pair this with what I like to do at the same time, which is your eighth tip, which is the steps. And so I'm actually dropping about 500 to 1000, depending on the week, every week, and then I'm also increasing steps. And this is together.
Starting point is 00:09:52 This, because what that does, just to be clear, what that does by increasing activity is you're moving the calorie burn target up. So now you have the deficit where you want. So let's say you cut 700 calories, but now you're burning an extra 300 calories, you're now at your 1000 calorie deficit. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So you could do through activity and through nutrition. Right. And I like doing both of them at the same time. I feel like I get more of a dramatic response and I don't have to drop calories so hard and still create that deficit. I don't have to do crazy hours of activity. I just need to increase my movement MB tracking it pain attention to it
Starting point is 00:10:29 So I think and I know you put numbers on here with the steps with the I think you did 10 12 yeah you did 10 12 14 16,000 What always happens when we do an episode like this so one's like well, what do I do if I'm already have 14,000 steps? Okay, so it's just go up 2000 each time. Yeah, what is that like? 2020 percent or so you know increase whatever it is, 20% week over week from where you're currently at. Well, let's talk about the steps then since we're talking about that now, the recommendation here, and this is general again, if you're higher than this already, then you just add in a similar fashion. But for those of you that aren't hitting these, the first week you're aiming for 10,000 steps a day, the second week you're aiming for 12,000, the third week
Starting point is 00:11:08 14,000, and the last week 16,000 steps. So you're increasing your step count every single week. This is going to take the place of cardio. This is better than cardio because steps are throughout the day. It's easier to stay consistent with this type of activity. It doesn't tend to cause the metabolic adaptation in the same way, and it's easier. Now, can you do these steps on a treadmill? You can, but ideally you do them throughout the day and you're just trying to stay active throughout the day
Starting point is 00:11:37 and using your treadmill as a way to play catch up. That's okay. So that's just the love that you added that, because that's how I used to use the treadmill was to play catch up if I didn't get there. So the goal would be, you know, I wear the Fitbit or Apple Watch or a tool to be tracking.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I'm mindful all day about where my steps are averaging and then if I see that I'm behind and I don't have time to maybe go somewhere or I don't see where I'm going to be able to insert that into my day or maybe I know I'm about to sit down and podcast or do something for five, six hours, I might go, okay, I'm going to get on the treadmill and I'm going to walk until I get to a certain amount because and if you want to do this enough, you start to get, you sort of figure out your own behaviors of what normal days look like, where you'll land, what it looks like if you add a lunch walk for 20 minutes,
Starting point is 00:12:25 like what I love about goals like this is more about what you learn about yourself and your behavior so you can become more cognizant of these things that happen when you're not doing this 30 day challenge of like, oh, I've had one of those days where it's been like, I need to probably get hold. Yeah, you get home, your natural tendency, I want to sit down, I want to relax, I want to kind of wind down.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And like, so when you start paying attention to like, not sitting and not like doing some of those things, like those habits you normally have, it really does like increase just naturally the amount of activity overall day. The best ways to hit these are walking after meals, housework, parking farther in the parking lot, using the bathroom that's far away at work.
Starting point is 00:13:09 These little things actually make up a difference, big difference when it comes to these steps. I know that for me, when I would track something like this, if I was at the grocery store, and I had to go to this over there to find that, I'd take the long way, I'd park further away. It would make like an extra thousand steps away. It's way less noticeable that way. It is. It's way less than that. It's much more of a lifestyle thing. Yeah. And I just I would burn more body fat that way than by doing a concentrated hour of cardio.
Starting point is 00:13:31 All right. Next is this one's again a diet related one, which is since you're cutting calories, you want to take a majority of these calorie cuts from carbohydrates for the most part. Why? Because proteins and fats are more satiating and because we're looking for visible changes in the mirror carbohydrates tend to cause more water retention or should I say in the reverse cutting carbohydrates tends to get rid of water so Burning body fat and getting your body to lose a little bit of water tends to create the illusion of being even leaner and carbs tend to be easier to cut without of being even leaner and carbs tend to be easier to cut without sacrificing again proteins fats and that kind of stuff. They tend to be easier to cut and it takes you to the next point which is I mean I think the simple point of this is just that
Starting point is 00:14:14 they're not essential the other two are so I'm going to keep the other two in the diet the longest and the most possible if you're if we're doing a cut and we're trying to do it in the healthiest way possible, the things that I want to probably keep where my body is used to is my fats and proteins, because they're necessary. Carbohydrates are not necessary at all. So the first place I'm going to start to pull or manipulate is carbohydrates. And I also think to the point you're making, it makes it visually better. I also notice the difference with my appetite. Like so, if I keep my fats and proteins relatively high
Starting point is 00:14:51 and I only take the calories from carbohydrates, I actually find it easier to restrict from the foods versus if I take away it from fat or proteins, I find it like you still have those cravings where I think this helps in the craving department also. Yes, 100%. And this takes us the next one, which is to eat only unprocessed foods, and you gotta be very consistent with this.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Now, why is it because processed foods promote fat gain? Not inherently, but rather processed foods make us overeat. And since you cannot mess up even one day because it's a 30 day period, you want to put all the chips in your favor. And I don't mean potato chips, I mean like chips on a burning table. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I'm excited every single day. So you want to eat only unprocessed food. So every meal should be made up of whole natural foods, foods where it's one ingredient. So fruits, vegetables, grains that are not super processed, like rice, corn, potato, there will be some good starches. And then in your meats, your meats, your proteins, and that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Only unprocessed food, you'll find that you're going to find more satiety. It'll be easy to stay consistent with that calorie cut that we talked about early on. Without that, in processed foods, you may find it to be really challenging. Yeah, I just think if you're gonna be successful and you're gonna like do this hardcore of 30 days, becoming aware of everything you're consuming, half of part of that awareness comes from prepping, prepping, weighing, measuring, getting all set out
Starting point is 00:16:22 and eating all whole foods. And I've shared this on the podcast before too, prepping, weighing, measuring, getting all set out and eating all whole foods. I've shared this on the podcast before too, which what I can't share with you is the science to support this thing that I definitely saw happen was, even when calories were controlled and I had a diet that had all these bars and shakes and processed foods that I allowed in the diet versus when I went all whole foods. It presented a different look. Now we're talking, we're splitting hairs, the difference, but I saw a difference in it. And I found it easier to control the cravings. Like protein bars, even though they fall in the category of healthy, they also would promote
Starting point is 00:17:02 me wanting to have more of them. So versus me having a, you know, small serving of meat in vegetables, that would satiate me and not kick up the craving to where I want to get where if I had a bar, a lot of times I have a bar and I want another one. And it's easy to justify, oh, is a healthy thing. Let me do one more. I think part of that has to do with the accuracy of when you, when you weigh a piece of meat in vegetables and fruit and potato or whatever You're gonna get pretty accurate with the calories
Starting point is 00:17:29 When you look at a package of something that's processed the FDA actually allows like 10 to 20 Pretty loose about it. So so it says you know 100 calories you can have as much as 120 calories If it's 200 calories and have as much as 240 calories, so I think that's probably where it mostly comes from. Yeah, definitely. It's got to highlight the prep value of that, because if you're reaching, you know, like this is where there's no real margin for error there, and if you have a day where you're hungry,
Starting point is 00:17:55 and you get like a craving, and you're between, and you're traveling, and there's only gas station available, whatever it is, like, and you're not prepared, and you don't have that food accessible, you're going to compromise it. Well, and to add to what you said, Sal, about the accuracy of the number that FDA is allowing it to be 20% off, when it's, when it's, I think you would be silly to think that food companies that are, that fall in the health category that are trying to attract people
Starting point is 00:18:21 because their quote unquote low calorie are not going to take advantage of all 19.9% that they can to sell it out. I bet you they're the most inaccurate. I bet you because health foods are trying to sell low calories. 100%. So they're the most inaccurate. You have to believe that. You have to believe if we are selling this product
Starting point is 00:18:39 to people as low calorie and the FDA already allows us this 20% wiggle room, we are gonna take advantage that entire 19.9% because your consumer cares so much about how much calories in there. Yeah, that's right. And like you said, something that is two or 300 calories, the difference of it getting to say 40 to 50 calories less,
Starting point is 00:18:59 is a big difference of you going like, oh, wow, that's really low. Yeah, that's below 200 calories. That's not bad, that's not bad at all. You mean three of those. It tastes good and it fills me out. Yeah, you mean three of those. It's an extra 150 calories a day.
Starting point is 00:19:09 That's right. Which will definitely throw you off. That's right. All right, the next one is to eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight or more or more. I'd like to tell people when they're doing something like this to aim for more because at least if they do fall below it, they're hitting that target of one to one.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Now this is extremely satiating, extremely satiating. When you eat a gram of protein per pound of body weight, you will find your appetite to be gone. It's a bit of a chore. I think people don't realize, like once they start really up in the protein to that level, I mean, you have to actively eat your way through some of that. Sometimes if you're used to balancing that
Starting point is 00:19:44 with a higher amount of carbs. Yeah, and this also is better for metabolic adaptation because a high protein diet, you're less likely to pair muscle down. Anytime you cut calories, you always run that risk of pairing muscle down, losing a little bit of muscle in this process. Well, we want to visibly change how we look. That means we want to keep that muscle, muscle looks good. And high protein low calorie diet is more likely to maintain muscle studies are quite clear on this than a lower protein low calorie diet. Even if the calories are the same, the high protein component protects muscle, which will also protect to a degree, your metabolism, because what you don't want to do at the end of this 30 day period is to be so bad. And even though we're we're song this episode, my integrity still prevents me
Starting point is 00:20:28 from telling you to do things that are going to set you up so terribly for failure later on. So I want you to protect your metabolism. Well, yeah, I think I think we've done enough of that, where we explained to people. There's a very, there's a clear difference when we present information and we're talking about what is healthy, what is best for you, what's a good strategy for this, for long term, longevity, and then when we have to do something where we're talking about what is healthy, what is best for you, what's a good strategy for this, for long-term longevity. And then when we have to do something where we're saying, like, okay, you got 30 days,
Starting point is 00:20:51 what are you gonna do over 30 days? Forget what is best for that person or not. It's like, what are the tips that you're going to give? And obviously, you're focused. You are gonna want to lean on the higher end, even flirting with maybe a little too much of protein, because you don't want a risk much of protein, because you don't want to risk going under that, because you're not getting the potential maximum benefits
Starting point is 00:21:09 of protecting muscle or even potentially building muscle. So, I want to keep my client or this person that we're, you know, this avatar we're building at that high threshold of protein intake. Yes. Next up would be to hit your fiber targets for your body weight. You want to hit your fiber targets because fiber is also very satiating. Fiber is up there, not quite as much as the protein, but it's also very satiating. And also a diet that contains an adequate amount of fiber tends to promote fat loss through
Starting point is 00:21:40 other somewhat unknown mechanisms. Some people believe it has to do with the microbiome. I would think digestive. I think believe it has to do with the microbiome. I would think digestives. I think it would think I had to do with digestion. Yeah, maybe there's more calories burned processing than other types of foods, but fibers pretty clear. It's pretty good for you. High fiber foods that I like to recommend
Starting point is 00:21:57 are things like vegetables and berries. Baries are phenomenal source, like raspberries and blackberries. A great source of fiber and relatively low calorie. That was your tip out here. My staple, okay, no glycemic. I actually really didn't eat a lot of any other fruit during prep than berries.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I would rotate through all the berries because of the biggest bang for your buck. As far as being the lowest calorie for the most amount of antioxidants and fiber that you get from it. So I feel like you're getting the most benefit from it without all the extra calories. And I think they taste good. I mean, blueberries and blackberries and raspberries and strawberries. And, you know, they're all relatively close as far as like which one's better. And I would just do a mix bowl of berries to get all my fiber in this way.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And it's easily digestible, easily. Sometimes fibers can cause gas for upset and some people, especially insoluble fiber. Well, especially if you're doing something like, you know, raw spinach or something like that, right? So next up would be to introduce one higher calorie day a week. Now, what do I mean by higher calorie?
Starting point is 00:23:00 This is where you're gonna eat closer to what your maintenance is. Now, why are we doing this? This will probably, not always, but probably mitigate the metabolic slowdown that's almost inevitable when you cut your calories. Introducing a higher calorie day tends to do that. Also, psychologically, this is going to give you just enough flexibility, it helps you stay consistent. Hopefully, that's the goal. And it can also give you the fuel and energy for some of your harder workouts,
Starting point is 00:23:26 because you are gonna be working out during this period of time. So if you have seven days, if you look at your seven day diet, and you're at a thousand calorie deficit, maybe make one of those like a 200 calorie deficit. So the calories are not a cheat day. No, that's why I didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah, we have to highlight that, because sometimes people will look at that, if I'm up in my calories, what's why I didn't say that. Yeah, we have to highlight that because sometimes people look at that, if I'm up in my calories, what's the difference if I introduce maybe some processed foods in there, like I kind of get something that I would, you know, add cravings for. No, this is just to really stick with the plan of what you have in terms of your macronutrients and the types of quality of food and the whole foods were just upping that resource a bit more. So mine actually was one high calorie day every four days. So I would run a low, low, or excuse me, reverse the other way.
Starting point is 00:24:14 It would go a high day and then it would go a medium day and then it would go low, low carbohydrate day and then back to a high. So that was kind of how I- You had so much metabolic flexibility too because you had so much muscle, right? And so many, you were burning so many calories. I would say for what do you think for most people? Well, I mean, it still lands once a week.
Starting point is 00:24:36 One every four is still once a week. I mean, you're- Roughly. Yeah, on the eighth day would be the second one of you. So it's still roughly once a week. That's just the cycle I ran through. I would cycle my carbohydrates, and I'd have four days where I was eating
Starting point is 00:24:50 significantly under my caloric maintenance. And then that one day, I'd actually go a little bit above maintenance. So whatever I had decided where my maintenance was at, I would go a regular day, or a medium calorie drop, and then a very low, very low and then back to well, so in 30 days that'll give you seven higher calorie days once a week we'll give you four. So you are doing more in that 30 day period. Yeah, in a 30 day period. In a 30 day period. Yeah, so I'd
Starting point is 00:25:19 say you play around with this a little bit, but if I'm thinking of the average person and where their calories are going to be and they're probably not going to be like you, I would keep it to one. But I mean, you could play around with this a little bit, but don't promise you have 30 days. So I don't know if there's that much wiggle room, right? For somebody to kind of, of course, this goes back to the original statement of the, the, the, the better you are, the better place you are, like, metabolically, the more wiggle room that you're gonna have, the more flexibility that you'll be able to play
Starting point is 00:25:49 with different days like this. I mean, nothing stops the average person from having, like instead of doing my cycle of going, you know, they have, you know, three, like, medium low days, you know, two very, very low days, and then one maintenance in a slight surplus. So you can absolutely play with like what that looks like. I just found that that rotation was a nice rotation.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah, and to be clear, mine would be similar to yours. That's how I tend to do mine. All right, next up, let's talk about working out. Lift weights three days a week full body. Now, why are we recommending that? Because you're the calorie deficit, probably not a good idea to lift weights all the time. And three days a week full body gives you enough frequency. It focuses tends to focus on compound lifts
Starting point is 00:26:31 and it tends to send a really loud muscle building strength signal, which will minimize the potential muscle loss that can happen during a calorie deficit period. So a full body three day a week routine for this 30 day period probably works best. Each workout should focus on like one exercise per body part and make it compound lift focus. We want most bang for a buck. We're not in the gym to waste time. We also are low energy because the calories are so low. So we're not trying to do a bunch of filler
Starting point is 00:26:59 exercises. You want to go in there, you want to squat, you want to press, you want to press overhead, you want to row, you know, lunge, you might do those kinds of movements to really maximize the type of way we're doing. And if you want to do more on the off days, it's mobility, trigger, and walking. Yes. Like that's a restorative movement. Right. So like, we're going to hit the weights hard three days, full body, and then that, and
Starting point is 00:27:22 if you, we want to do, I want to keep this person moving and active. We only got 30 days right and so those other days we're messing with mobility walking and trigger sessions and I give them a lot of flexibility obviously the one thing I was going to remind people of trigger sessions are not like workouts through these these small pump and do three four of those little micro you know micro pumping band workouts for the day. I'm totally fine with that. Go for a nice walk, do a nice 30 minute to 45 minute mobility
Starting point is 00:27:50 session. Like, stay active, stay active and do those types of things on the off day. But as far as the intensity, the high intensity, weight training, pushing yourself, limit that to, which by the way, is sounds counterintuitive. Like most people would think, yeah, most people would by the way, is sounds counterintuitive. Like most people would think. Should they do more?
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah, most people would think, okay. Check yourself on that. That's right. And I think that this is a mistake that a lot of people make is hammering the shit of themselves five to seven days a week and then their body's constantly trying to recover from that. It's not adapting and helping. Same in the actual workouts, right?
Starting point is 00:28:23 It's the tendency because we're trying to really accelerate our progress because we got this 30 day window. I'm gonna wanna keep going to the next exercise. The next exercise, we're not getting adequate rest in between we change the dynamic of the entire workout from being a strength driven workout to now a little bit more cardiovascular based.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And so we do need that strength signal. We need that signal so we can do more. And you want it to be loud to build muscle, allow the movement, activity, and the calorie deficit to take care of the fat burning. Do not go into your lifting days as I'm trying to burn fat. Now you're trying to build muscle. You're trying to build muscle.
Starting point is 00:29:01 And so lift to build muscle, stay active, be disciplined on your deficit to make your fat burning think like that as you approach your working out. That's a good tip. And then you want to also prioritize sleep every day. One night of miss sleep will wreak havoc on your hormone system, will change your cravings, affect your workouts negatively. So that means for the next 30 days, you're not going to stay up late Friday and I
Starting point is 00:29:28 and try and sleep in Saturday morning. That is not prioritizing sleep. That's giving yourself jet lag every single week. And that also has negative consequences. So this means every night, go to bed at the same time and every morning, wake up at the same time. This is not an afterthought, by the way. So if you listen to all these tips, you're like, ah, that's sleep part. I'll leave that out. Yeah. No, the sleep part is one of the most important tips that we just gave you. Every single night, go to bed at the same time, every single morning, wake up at the same time. It'll make a huge difference with this particular goal. This is something where, you know, I made the point when we first started talking about how I like this for like 30 days to be so disciplined that you make a lot
Starting point is 00:30:08 of other sacrifices that if I was coaching you towards longevity and health that I would probably tell you like listen, I mean that's a time you enjoy with your wife on Friday nights. You should go have that dinner out and you guys do those things or you know you haven't seen a friend that you haven't seen in years and Saturday you guys get together and you guys do those things or you know, you haven't seen a friend that you haven't seen in years and Saturday you guys get together and you stay up and you have a glass of scotch. I'm gonna tell you, you should enjoy that every now. Those things are important to your relationship
Starting point is 00:30:34 and your overall health. But here's an example of where like, you know, have you ever sacrificed all those things for 30 days to make sure you get the most optimal sleep ever To see how much it actually makes a benefit. It's also gonna bring so much awareness That's how much it impacts that's what I mean That's why I like this is this like 30 day get after it like really like give yourself that Opportunity to like what if I did
Starting point is 00:31:02 Turn down these things that I really want to do and these things that I have These temptations or stay up later to watch a show I really wanted to watch about like sacrifice that stuff for just 30 days and really make this like Effort tips point effort to get in bed by a really early time and get really good night sleep Just to see what kind of impact and how to get influenced. You want to know it's funny knowing the average person considering the average person of all of the single steps that we just talked about.
Starting point is 00:31:32 This is the heart one of the hardest. The one that would make the biggest difference in 30 days would be this one. It's also one of the hardest. That's why I'm making it in the pack. That's why I'm making such a big deal about it because I know I've trained enough people to know and I know myself. This is hard. It is hard to be really, really good every single night about having a routine where you get in the bed
Starting point is 00:31:53 and getting in bed every single night. And if it's 11 or midnight, that's not a good routine. You know, like getting into bed early so you get a good eight hours of sleep and or more and you're well rested to get up and start your day and consistently at that time, that's hard to do. That is. All right, next, this is the last one. And because we have a 30-day period, so this is not like how you're gonna live your entire life,
Starting point is 00:32:16 but because the goal is to make the most visible changes in 30 days, that means zero alcohol, zero junk food, in 30 days, that means zero alcohol, zero junk food, zero anything that could counter this goal. So that means there's no wiggle room. So we talked about consistency in the beginning. That's it for 30 days. You're not doing any of those things because all of those things can impact
Starting point is 00:32:39 all the other steps that we talked about. You could have some alcohol, not a fixer sleep, not a fixer cravings, not your diets off, your workouts off, whatever. Do nothing that could be off or You could have some alcohol, not a fixed sleep, not a fixed cravings, not your diets off, your workouts off, whatever. Do nothing that could be off, or that could set you off, and you will see visible changes in 30 days. Look, if you like this show, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out our guides.
Starting point is 00:32:56 We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram, I'm Mind Pump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam, and you can find me on Twitter at my pump cell. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review
Starting point is 00:34:04 on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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