Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 202: BCAAs, overcoming plateaus, strength & conditioning moves & MORE

Episode Date: December 16, 2015

Q&A time! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about sipping BCAAs throughout the day, the benefits of desiccated liver, the next thing that will shatter their fitness paradigm, great kettle bell ...strength and conditioning movements and what to do when you are spinning your wheels and not progressing. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:25 Here we go, here we go, here we go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, So we had four reviews it's last week. Let's pre week sauce. Who doesn't want a free t-shirt? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I'm going to Amazon. Why don't you write a review? Write a review, give it a shirt, and give it a gift. That's so smart. Who doesn't want a shirt that Adam rubbed his balls all over? That's what you're going to get. That is worth a lot.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We're giving that one a free of the, we're auctioning it. They don't want that. We're giving that away for you, huh? The ball shirt. So let me announce the winner. Maybe it's clean though. Tell us with the winner. Enough ball stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Right. FGH, JJ, FDD is our winner this week. Winner, contact us at mindpumpradio.gmail.com. Give me your name, your iTunes name, your address, and your shirt size. And then for the rest of you, and make a picture. Make sure you start putting up your reviews, because if this next week we have over four reviews,
Starting point is 00:01:22 I will give out more than one shirt. Whoa, Doug, since out more than one shirt. Whoa, Doug, since we only had one, can you read it? Can we hear it? I can. Oh, if you don't, I thought you had a right thing. I don't have it up right here. Sorry, I was a bit nervous.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Everybody can go to iTunes, I think you had it themselves. Yeah. So yeah, next week though, we will not be recording, so we're gonna announce it at MindPomp on Instagram. So, look there also. Yeah, look there. The salad's gonna take a day off. Oh, buh.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Pussy. Yeah. I just cleaved. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I feel like you guys aren't very festive, man. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:02:08 I just feel like I'm very festive. Christmas-y-tuck, you know, you guys are wearing all black and gray. You know what's funny, though? What is funny? Not the Swedish- I'm just talking shit, yeah. My girls tell me that, you know, the most popular colors right now for Christmas is black and gold.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Wow. Did you know that black? 49ers! No, that is black and gold. Did you know that black 49ers? No, that's red and gold. It's like fuck, same, fuck, fuck. Don't ever try and be athletic. You know what's funny? You know what's funny? It was the tip to be an athletic right?
Starting point is 00:02:36 You know what? I swear to God, I thought I had that. Oh, I know you did. You just seen the confidence. You was going to be like, yes. You almost even started the statement with ladies and gentlemen Ladies and gentlemen the 49ers are black and gold It's the only time I'm wrong. I'm about sports. I like your effort. I do
Starting point is 00:02:58 They did they do have some black tears. I'm making fun of the fucking nerd. You guys This is not high school. Okay, we're adults now. You can't do that anymore Fuck oh my god Okay, we're adults now you can't do that anymore Not doing a homework for you With passion like he's been waiting he's been waiting for the next like sports my opportunity I don't know absolutely nothing about sports. All right, let me read me myself gold Let me see if I can redeem myself Give ask me a sport question. Let me see if I know okay, I have to do this No, you let's do this. I'm just you sure you want this. Yeah, but don't ask me some some No, this is a good idea. It's a nice statistic. Oh, no, I'll ask you a simple one. I'm your friend
Starting point is 00:03:36 I don't know who you think is gonna be the Super Bowl this year. No, that's yet. I don't watch sports Ask me a question about like how to play the sport a rule or something like that. Oh like a rule. Yeah What yeah, that's kind of yeah, that's weird. Why like what do you mean if how many how many feet need to be inside the end zone if I catch a touchdown pass One no, she gets wrong. It is yeah, both feet have to be inside even in college now. Yeah, huh? Yeah, you let me finish my statement Yeah, huh, huh? You let me finish my statement. You know, let me finish it. So far, over two. Okay, let's go.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Let's play this till you score. If you have one leg, one. Okay, if you have one leg, that is right. Boom. Thank God I got that one. So what that means is that how many one-legged wide receivers are in the NFL right now? Hey man.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I'm a positive thinker. Anything can happen. They call him old pig leg. Don't talk to a puppy pig leg. What are you guys doing for Christmas? I'm hanging around, doing family stuff, traditional stuff, my girl. What do you want for Christmas?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Besides me, with a nice big red bow on my... I'm trying to go and... My meat hawk boom open it slowly Oh, oh you pull the run one you're just hiding the bow is that a boxers at your scrotum? God, hey one of the best ever You know what I used to hate Justin Timberlake until he did diggingicking a Box on the right basket sketch average change my whole attitude towards him You're right. That was the moment where I'm like I write I think I tried that yet have you tried Dicking the box? No, have you cut a hole in the box and put your dick in it?
Starting point is 00:05:14 No, I have it. No, no, no, I did that with popcorn Popcorn what for real? You put your dick in the popcorn of course who hasn't? It's a popcorn one for real. You put your dick in the popcorn of course who hasn't gets all buttery It's worth it. Why I've seen the popcorn is like this. This one's popcorn. Wait. We just agreed this is supposed to be one of our good episodes where we actually give good information We're just lost half-lossers all the Why is that you know parameters on so so way of thinking so tell me what you want I want to hear what you want for Christmas. I'm gonna hear what you're going to get and what you want for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Like really want, or what did we put on a realistic list? Because that's two different things to me. Oh, okay. I want a choo choo treat. I want, no, I don't mean like world peace or something like not realistic. I mean, so here's what I mean. Okay, so my girls family, the tradition in their families,
Starting point is 00:06:03 we all put everyone's names on the cousins, uncles, brothers, sisters, whatever, mom's dads. We put tradition in their families, we all put everyone's names on the cousins, uncles, brothers, sisters, whatever, mom's dads, put them in a bowl, we draw names, and you have one person you buy for. And it's a $200 limit. So you buy one person like really, they're one really nice gift or a bunch of like, you know, mediocre gifts, whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Now, I don't know about you guys. I know that for sure, because Justin just shared why we're in the restaurant together where he wants to buy himself. I know your guitar is a lot more than $200. So I don't put I would not put a guitar and we all give our list right when we all draw names. Everyone gives their list of stuff. So I've made a list. I don't benefit everybody, but none of my things on my list are over $200. But in reality, if I was going to go buy myself something for Christmas, like I really want, it would be probably a lot more $200. So that's why I asked you. should we, are you going to get for Christmas?
Starting point is 00:06:47 How about that? Like what do you want that you'll probably get? I don't have anything like that. Well, I'm a grown-ass man and so you just buy my own thing. That's me too. Okay, so what are you going to buy yourself? Are you going to buy yourselves anything for Christmas? This is actually, are you going to get a guitar?
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yeah, electric. Yeah, electric. That's the thing because I already have the acoustic. It's terrible. I am going through with draws with not having an electric guitar. Really? Because I was going to buy you a mariachi one. Oh, that big one.
Starting point is 00:07:12 The big one. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, whoa, this is a good reminder. I think I centered over to Doug. Doug, I think you got, did you get the family that we adopted? Oh yeah. Let's do that this week. All right, we'll buy them some stuff. Well, what we'll do is we'll contact them.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Maybe we'll do that to Doug because he has this softer voice on I wanna scare the lady over. Plus if anyone is speaking any other actual language that's probably Doug, we just gotta make contact with the family so they know that we're gonna take care of them. And then find out,
Starting point is 00:07:44 we need to find out if they need food or a treat because normally they do and then we'll go over and then yeah Yeah, maybe maybe after we record on 30 a free mind pump t-shirts like Dix Very Christmas you're some promo info the sad part is actually they would probably be super grateful You know what sucks is that I said a joke and you made me feel bad for all you know that's what sucks So you're not gonna buy yourself. It's gonna feel really good to help them So my goal this year and I and I made it through my birthday Although my gross as I fail because I bought myself a pair of really nice shoes But that doesn't count because shoes I buy all the time but every year on my birthday and Christmas, which is November, December
Starting point is 00:08:21 I I tend to buy myself really nice gifts, really nice gifts. Like I think the smallest gift I bought was like a whole new computer, like, you know, set up for my desk in an office area, right? The porn station, like the super porn station. Then, you know, it's been a watch one year, it's been a Camaro one year, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:41 so it's been different, all kinds of stuff. This is the year I told myself, I'm not gonna spend any money on myself. I'm not gonna get it. You're just gonna spend it on me. You know, so it's been different, all kinds of stuff. This is the year I told myself, I'm not gonna spend any money on myself. I'm not gonna do it. You're just gonna spend it on me. You know what, that's nice of you. Yeah, I appreciate it. He just tries to make us feel bad constantly.
Starting point is 00:08:53 You know what I'm saying? So you're not getting yourself, I'm getting myself a guitar. Yeah. Because I have spent the last 34 years in my life very selfishly. So this year, and I always do the adoptive family things. I mean, I'm saying I'm selfish, I still do nice things like that. But every year I does, I always do buy something really big and nicely expensive for myself. I'm not going to do that this year. This year, anything I do do, it'll be giving and doing something
Starting point is 00:09:13 like that. And then I've also, I'm trying to put myself the new older Adam is trying to put himself on a tighter budget. Whether regardless, if I need one or not, I believe that I need that just for responsibility reasons. I've been too irresponsible for too long on my life that I feel like I need to tighten the reins up. And part of that, I think a good start would be the ginormous purchases in the year. That would save a good 20, 40 grand, right?
Starting point is 00:09:39 It sounds like you're giving the world a gift for Christmas and that's Adam's personal growth. Ooh, that's very nice. Thank you for Christmas and that's Adam's personal growth. Oh That's very nice. Thank you for that. That's a nice little jingle to you. You know what I also hear what I'm girl Wait, yeah, what is that I hear Sounds a little different than normal Shoot that bird Did you shoot that bird? Oh, my god! What's going on with that bird?
Starting point is 00:10:06 That bird had something in it. That little duck doing over there. We kind of off. These are gargol a little bit before. It is. It's quad. It's mother f**king quad. It's mother f**king quad. This is one, two, three, quad. Get your quad.
Starting point is 00:10:22 You ain't quad. You ain't doing nothing. You're doing shit with your life. Get on your quan. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out. All right, guys, all right, come on. All right, guys. Come on, come on, come on. Sorry, quiet up now, come on.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I don't care. All right. Any last call for Quasio? We just want to see it. Quasimodo. Okay, we got Emily K. Ham, she is asking about people who sip BCA's in water throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:10:48 What do you think about that? Stupid. Sounds delicious. Sounds delicious. This is common in fitness. Something is good or has some benefit. Let's do it all the time and take a whole shit load of it.
Starting point is 00:11:00 It's gonna be that much better. Yeah. Like always. Have to do it. Wrong answer. Okay, so here's what happens when you take too many branch chaining amino acids. You actually reduce your brain's ability to produce certain neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Theoretically too many branch chaining amino acids can cause depression. That's fresh, I was gonna say, you're not poorly cracked. Coral cracked, yeah. So no, not a good idea. The time you take branch ching amino acids is before, during and after your workout.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Take about maybe two grams each time. You don't need to take, I see some of these supplement companies like fortified with 15 grams of beachy, you know, branching amino acids. Whoa. Good. What's the science on it actually even being that beneficial being the fact that it
Starting point is 00:11:44 would be sitting in water for hours too. That's a great question. I don't know. I don't think you should leave any of these powders that you mix and water. I don't think you should leave them in that long no matter what because they start to, you know, they might even start to degrade and change.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I know Crateen will. Crateen can actually turn into Crate tonight if you leave in water too long. Well, I read an article a long time ago. And so maybe you'll have some. I read once. Once, one time I read. It was a start of the head word.
Starting point is 00:12:11 This is what sucks too. People always ask us, right? People always say, where do you guys get all your stuff? That's some pictures too. Where do you get all your information from? And can you do this? It's like, fuck, dude. Can you, can you, me?
Starting point is 00:12:20 I wish I was that organized. Where every time I read a fucking study, I bookmarked it somewhere. So I could do it to you. So all the time we say instead, we say, where I read somewhere organized. Where every time I read a fucking study, I bookmarked it somewhere, so I could edit to you. So all the time we say instead, we said, where I read somewhere once upon a time. There was this article on, I believe it was either smart water,
Starting point is 00:12:34 one of those waters that are, you know, the vitamins and minerals and everything in it and then say it's got all this great stuff. And the debate was that once it gets put in the water like that and then it has to go through your digestive system, you don't even get any of the benefits from it. So I'm curious to, if this is similar to that, that when you dump these branching amino acids in a pool of water for... They might oxidize, I mean, they might change. I don't know. Why wouldn't they oxidize? If they're... I mean, a pair of... If you leave them in long enough, I don't know if it'll happen
Starting point is 00:13:04 in five hours, but I don't know. I don't know what you get, they're, I mean, a parent, if you leave them in long enough, I don't know if it'll happen in five hours, but I don't know, I don't know what the science is behind that, but I do know that taking branching amino acids all day long to try and give you some kind of anabolic effect is not gonna give you an anabolic effect and it can have detriment. Look, branching amino acids are essential. There's a whole, there's a whole, I don't know how many,
Starting point is 00:13:23 how many amino acids are essential, 12, something like that. Meaning that you have to get them in food because your body can't make them. That's why they're called essential amino acids. But you can have too much of a good thing. You can have too much of anything. Take any amino acid, take too much of any amino acids and you can cause, you know, changes in neurotransmitters
Starting point is 00:13:44 in the brain, you can cause your body to utilize less of other amino acids block the production of, you know, certain things you can cause gastrointestinal distress inflammation. So, no, taking bransch amino acids throughout the entire day is like taking protein throughout the entire day. It's that same mentality that if some is good
Starting point is 00:14:02 then more is better and if taking it now is good then taking it all the time is better. That's not true at all. So no, I would not recommend you take branch immunosens all day long. Our next question is from SuperSac 80. He's asking about the benefits of desiccated liver. That's an old school supplement. You guys ever read about? I'm not even lying to you about this. I went right over my head. So, desiccated liver tablets.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Bodybuilders? Sounds delicious. Sounds scrumptious. Yeah. Desiccated liver tablets. Bodybuilders back in the day used to swear by these. And I'm talking about way back in the day, in the 30s, 40s, 50s. So, it kind of fell out of time.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah. You got something to contribute. Fort, remember? Lime of beans and desiccated liver. Not, aw shucks, Golly. Back then, they would recommend taking 30, 40 of these tablets a day. What?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yes. This was the supplement. This was the supplement. It says he would decimate your liver. Is what it sounds like in the juice. This is what they. It says he would decimate your liver is what it sounds like This is what they are it's it's liver from a cow So it's usually bovine liver and they defat it and then they turn it into tablets So you're basically just taking powdered liver and tablet form
Starting point is 00:15:16 The what's beneficial about them? It's got obviously it's high it's it's a higher an iron and it's got very Absorbable and usable forms of B12. So back in those days before these guys were taking other supplements, they probably did to see some benefit from them. There's a lot of benefit from eating liver and the benefit comes from the cholesterol that's in the liver and some of the nutrients that are in the liver. I would say this, if you want to get some benefits of liver, eat it. Like, just fucking eat it, man.
Starting point is 00:15:47 It's not that gross. Get in there. Have you guys eaten liver recently? Nope. Ever. It's good. I'd have to like, didn't you try it or something? Did you get it?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah. Oh yeah, Doug bought, uh, what did you buy? I bought, I went to the farmer's market and I said, I want to get some liver. And he says, how much you want? And I said, well, just take a cow's liver, you buy? I bought, I went to the farmer's market and I said, I want to get some liver and he says, how much you want? I said, well, I'll just take a cow's liver, you know. So he brings it back the next week, 13 pounds. Not realizing that.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Just a cow. So he cut it up, Doug cut it up into, you know. Next time I have a, I have a, a rabbit, 60, 60 packages in my food saver. Are you out? Did you eat them already? Oh no, I got a bunch if you want some. Do you out? Did you eat them all already? Oh no, I got a bunch if you want some. Do you still eat some?
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah, every now and then. Do you notice anything when you eat leverage? Do you notice anything? Oh, I just become incredibly anabolic. Yeah, you. No, no, I do. No, I think there's definitely benefit from it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Oregon meets in general. It's just we're missing, we're missing that with organ meets. You know, nobody eats that. Yeah, we don't eat that anymore. Yeah, it's not something you're gonna see. And organ meets are high in nutrients. Yeah, very, very high nutrients.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So I would say eat some fucking liver. There you go. Be caveman, we are a real caveman. All right. Eat it delicious. Mitchell Cochrane, do you think you'll eventually have your fitness paradigm shattered once again? Oh, I'm pretty Mitchell Cochran again. I just love that.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I think it sounds better, right? I probably, I don't know though, we're pretty fucking smart nowadays, but I'm sure we thought we were pretty smart like seven, eight years ago, too, when it's been shattered multiple times. We kind of know everything, right? Like we know everything. Well, okay, I like this question though. I like this because this will challenge us to think on some of the things where, uh, here's the thing, here's a thing, Mitch. We're open to it.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I mean, let's be honest. Well, that's, I think that's the problem is that we embrace it so much now. We, we search for our paradigm to be shattered. Like I want to be wrong about exactly that. I want to be wrong about something. Right. In order for a paradigm to truly be shattered, that means that you have a belief that you 100% believe in and something comes across that destroys that belief in its evidence
Starting point is 00:17:52 base. If you're constantly searching for new information, it's hard to have your paradigm shattered because your paradigm is that you're constantly searching for it. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right searching for. Right, and right now we talk about how we talk about right now. When we talk about new science or things that we believe in, we still are very even open-minded about how we talk about it, that, hey, you know, this is, like, for example, let's take fasting, fasting, and something that we... Fasting was a paradigm shatter for me. Yes, that was a paradigm shatter for all of us.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And so it's also why we're a huge advocate. Now, if there was something else that came out, maybe some way of dieting or eating or food manipulating or something that actually caused as many benefits or more than fasting, it wouldn't shatter my paradigm because I'm open to seeing that or I hope that happens and I would never say fasting is the answer in the best way for these benefits.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Like pizza is actually awesome for you. I'd be like, yeah! I've been waiting for this science. Oh my God. I think we haven't, the thing is we haven't really developed. It's not like we're so set in our belief system. You know, we're so open to learning new things. Here's something that I think's gonna shadow
Starting point is 00:19:00 a lot of fucking people's paradigms. And I'm very open to them, looking at some science right now. And that's this. It's not going to shed on my paradigm either because I'm kind of, I've been going down this route anyway. But I think they're going to start discovering that very high protein intake is got some some detriment and I'm talking about, you know, the really high protein intake, one and
Starting point is 00:19:22 a half, two grams, three grams per pound of body weight. I think they're going to start finding that it's tied to cancer. Do not take my word for this if you're listening right now. I'm just, I'm connecting the dots here. I'm speculating. I'm speculating, I'm connecting the dots because high protein intake does stimulate certain things in the body that also tend to,
Starting point is 00:19:44 you know, pre-cursures to cancer. That is gonna be such a hard thing. It's so far away from us finding out because here's what the problem that I foresee with that is we know, okay, and I've talked about this before. 100% all the clients across the board that I've trained in my life.
Starting point is 00:20:01 If you were just an average Joe or Jane that's coming in the gym that's never really trained before, never really followed dive for, and I'm assessing how you eat, all of those people under eight protein. Then on the other side of the spectrum, my peers in the professional bodybuilding world and competing and women's, all this stuff with that.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Jim Ratzin-Ansher. Yeah, all your hardcore gym goers, because they've been pounded so hard from supplement companies for so long on the importance of eating protein. Now we're on the other extreme with them. So if tests come out and start showing that these, you know, obscene numbers of protein have cancerous traits or have more adverse effects than they do have positive or we start seeing this stuff come out, it would have to be a very good study that also separates all these meat heads too
Starting point is 00:20:47 that are abusing steroids and PEDs and doing other things along with that I would want to see too because if you took the average person, the average, very few average people are eating three to four grams of protein, most people have a very hard time. Very only bodybuilders do you ever see you'll get a grocery cart full of meat. You'll never see a 130 pound mom, soccer mom,
Starting point is 00:21:13 who doesn't go to the gym, pushing a cart with 40 pounds of chicken breast. But you'll see that with a fucking bodybuilder or a competitor for sure. And it just makes sense. If you can't do it naturally, in other words, if you can't get it from food, if then you probably shouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:21:26 You know, because there was, I don't remember who it was, it was actually a well-known fitness individual, fitness celebrity who I actually respect for the most part. But he recommended this girl, who was a hundred and fifty pound girl, I think. She had to take five servings of protein powder a day to get the protein requirements that he said that she needs Because he's like, oh, you need to eat 200 something grams of protein a day So therefore you should take five fucking Servings of protein powder a if you can't get it from food and you have to rely on all these protein powers to get it Then it's probably
Starting point is 00:22:01 Likely that it's not good for you. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So that's what I think the big paradigm shatterings that come from is where they're going to come out and say, uh, uh, these crazy recommendations for protein way too much. You know, that's a really good point. You bring up right there. And I guess I kind of skate around this because I feel like you're on one uh, extreme on the what's needed and stay on the very lower end.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And I probably flirt with the higher end. And by flirt I'm talking like one and a half grams of protein. Have I ever done two? No, you're half of your peers. Yeah, you're still on the, you know. And I really don't even do that. I target one to one. I look at my body weight, I say this is,
Starting point is 00:22:37 it's easy math for me. It's simple to focus on and I try and get 100% of it all naturally. And the way I look at it is if I'm going for a one to one, and I fall a little short because I don't go run up and scoop a fucking way protein and drink with it. I just don't worry about it because then there'll be another day where I decided to, I came off maybe a fast
Starting point is 00:22:54 and I'm now loading or I'm shooting my calories up and I got to eat three burgers in that day or something and I get way more protein than I normally would because that's my food choice where I had a huge ginormous steak for dinner or something crazy Like that then I'm not worried that I go 1.75 to 2 grams on that one day because I was lower on another day But my goal is always to eat it naturally and if you find yourself having to intake a bunch of powder and stuff to get it there
Starting point is 00:23:19 Something's not right and you know, there's that's a great guy such a great indicator for a lot of things I think back to all my coaching when I have ladies that I'm trying to get their eating habits right. And you know, giving them, you know, two or three chicken breasts in an entire day is really hard for. And look, to be honest with you, a lot of people can't even hit one gram per pound a body weight because it fucks their stomach up. Yes. Like I can't shit. I get that for I've had people say that. I try to keep that. Constipated. Yeah, I try to eat that one gram per pound, which is not the massive, the crazy amounts
Starting point is 00:23:48 that the supplement company's recommending. But that's still high. Like a lot of people can't do that and have healthy guts. And let me tell you something, you need to have a healthy gut. And if you get an extra 2% increase in performance from smashing out a shit ton of protein, but you're constipated and you have inflammation in your gut you have inflammation, you're gut, you're not better off. Well, healthy gut, it's a diversity of nutrients.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You know, that's what's gonna promote the healthiest environment. So, you're overloading it with one or two things. You're just not gonna have a good result from it. Right, and that's why I think a big paradigm shatter. I wonder if there could be, I'm trying to think. You know, what do we, what do we to think. What do we maybe not utilize the most or maybe we don't talk a lot the most?
Starting point is 00:24:29 I'm thinking like, oh, I think, I know what's another one I think. I'm glad you said that. I bet you the three of us at some point get into some type of functional flexibility type training. And I bet you that'll shatter our paradigm because the three of us, we are horrible at it. That's something we're totally better. You're better, but we're not
Starting point is 00:24:50 on that level. Not exactly. Yeah, you know what? That's actually, and what benefits it could show for overall physique. We end up preaching. It's not only straight. Just how, yeah, it's going to compliment your gains. Like it's how it's gonna promote muscle development and then adding that proper movement mechanic element piece to muscular development as far as longevity is concerned. Now everything is moving properly. You're not gonna have those pains.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And when you get to a certain size, I mean, anybody knows that, that's trying to build muscle. You're gonna get to a certain size, I mean, anybody knows that that's trying to build muscle. You're gonna get to a certain size or you feel restricted. Oh yeah. You feel restricted, you feel immobile. You feel like, yeah, I'm awesome, but I'm not functional anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And I've lost it. The minute I'm over 215. So this last six months of my life of carrying my, because I've been carrying myself in the 220s to 220, all the way up to 230, it's crazy. And Katrina always gives me a hard time because I'm constantly, you know, whining to her.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I can't do this. Oh, I can't believe I can't do this. Like I couldn't believe I couldn't do a pistol squat the other day when I told you that I was just blew my mind. Like I used to fuck around on a Bosu ball, balancing on one leg and fucking around with dumbbells and stuff doing single leg pistols squats on there? Just just because we could and for me and I could use the ball arena training. Yeah, cuz I was because that used to be the cool thing
Starting point is 00:26:11 I was right there What are you doing? What are you talking about motherfucker? I believe you were with me that day. We're doing that shit See I never did that I jumped it never you know You didn't get an increase in the flash dude. an old day. Really you never really got into that no Especially with your jiu jitsu and so I don't think that's some at one point no ball. I'm not I'm not very coordinated for that shit Oh, I can see I see I can see that now. I can understand why you went because you probably were very good at I was good at all It's not yeah me too. Yeah, and I'm good at a couple things I had lips Did you ever get to the point where you're standing
Starting point is 00:26:45 in the ball and then doing squats on top of it like an idiot? I know I never school I know I could do that. I never squat on the ball I always like doing like I've sat on my ball all the balls and all the limbs and doing push up And balancing on one leg and doing crazy. Yeah, yeah, this is I mean I huged that would shadow our paradigm if we found out that that actually builds a lot more muscle than it and it's superior to squat They come out with a study crossfit the safest form of exercise. Oh my paradigm is the safest gardening Everybody my shattered my paradigm my paradigm will explode. You know that information right there alone That was close to shattering me. I think that I think though it is right there
Starting point is 00:27:24 I it's almost impossible now to shadow the paradigm because I think that, I think though it is right. There's, it's almost impossible now to shatter the paradigm because I think it's happened to us so much that now we have this attitude like, hey, whenever we talk about any topic, maybe one of us even felt strong about something, the other two will always be like, well, hold on bro, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:39 think about it. Think about it. Consider it from this thing. Yeah, I think from this or also this, and there's a possibility this could happen or it could evolve to that. And yeah, we always backpiddle in that part that, and I don't think any this thing. Yeah, I think from this or also this, and there's a possibility this could happen or it could have all of that. And yeah, we always backpedal on that part that, and I don't think any of us are like,
Starting point is 00:27:49 let's take a stance on like, this is, and the things that we would take a stance on like that, I believe like for example, saying something like a squat is by far the one single best movement you could possibly do, that's a fucking fact. There's not gonna get out pretty well. That's not gonna get changed.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, there's not anything new happening with kinesiology as far as the study, you know, as far as movement goes for us and we're not changing any patterns like that. So, I mean, things like that, that's not gonna go away. Stuff related to nutrition. I think God, there's, it's not gonna,
Starting point is 00:28:17 our paradigm's gonna be shared because we're still learning so much. Like, Sal loves to talk about the gut floor. Like, I don't even know about the gut floor until I met Sal. It was, I didn't even, I never even addressed that or even considered talking about. I'm glad for your IBS, bro.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah, I mean, never known. So, you know, things like that, or, you know, what I'm into right now, and I try to get Sal, or he, he's sent a text message this weekend to us that, hey, I'm bored, you guys got something from me to nerd out on, and I say, hey, you know, I'm actually getting into
Starting point is 00:28:43 reading up on fascia. Well, there's a lot of stuff that we don't know about the fascia that is still like, that would still evolving and we're learning about. I find that very fascinating to me because we don't really talk about it. And there's some contradictory stuff out there as far as like foam rolling goes and all that kind of stuff has me very interested in looking into. So that, so that's something that I really want to dive into personally. Maybe we can bring that up again in the show at some point, but there's confliction there in theories. Well, why don't we agree on that right now?
Starting point is 00:29:18 I'll do that on radio right now, since I try to get the nerd over here to start. I've already been on it and reading. So I already have some stuff. So I think it'll be cool. And then maybe we get on there. I think it should get deep with over here to start. I've already been on it and reading. So I already have some stuff. So I think it'll be cool. And then maybe we get on there. I think we should get deep with it. And it's on, you know.
Starting point is 00:29:29 This is Adam Trenegman. This is Adam trying to close me on reading your mind. So why don't we talk about this on there and put you on. All right, all right. No, I'm interested. Well, you weren't very interested. He was like, okay, it doesn't sound very interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But I, you know, I wasn't that. I can't remember what intrigued me to start. It's probably a chiropractor you went to this. It might have been. It might have been. I don't remember what it it was, but I was you know, I'm like, you know what? I want to read more on more up on it. Yeah, my friends can turn me on to the new way of thinking Well, and there's a lot of there's a lot of guys the K so and let's I'm gonna use this opportunity to talk shit about somebody else Is I believe here comes Adam well I believe there's somebody who has a you know a program that he's called fascia training or something like that and then they just shit on you and
Starting point is 00:30:13 this is just like what happens always and this is also why this is why I think I actually because I was watching some of these videos of this this training oh yeah remember you know now you know this right right? Okay, so this is what everyone does. Everyone, there's a little bit of science that comes out on something. We find out something very important about fascia and then somebody decides they're gonna write a whole program around it and that's gonna be the spin
Starting point is 00:30:34 and that's very smart business and marketing. And honestly, if one day, Mind Pump doesn't make a lot of money, we might have to do that to you guys. We might have to just start so much. No, never. No, but the point is that's so easy. Mind Pump,'t make a lot of money. We might have to do that to you guys. We might have to just start selling so much. We never. Never. No, but the point is that's so easy.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Mind Pump, right? We don't know. It's so easy to write. So easy to buy our programs. It's so bad, right? We have one big yellow button. So yeah, click now. So the programs that these guys write, that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:31:04 They find something that's new. they take a spin on it, and they write a whole program around it. Like it's this new found like the best ever, right? And it's not, there's nothing special, that special about it that's gonna be that groundbreaking that it's gonna, you know, surpass your traditional training. Like we're talking about with squatting and deadlifting and compound movements,
Starting point is 00:31:22 but is there something to be to learn about it and maybe incorporate it into training and to further edge? Absolutely. I think, and I'm not trying to be do a shameless plug here, but I think maps, well, I don't think I know maps has shattered a lot of people's paradigms.
Starting point is 00:31:35 How many people have messaged us and said, holy fuck, I changed my training completely based upon this program. And, you know, before and afters. You're showing it's crazy before and after. Yeah, and you're seeing like concepts that you know are applied in maps like you're starting to see that from other professionals in the industry and they're highlighting like one or two things that are like part of the program.
Starting point is 00:31:59 So people and other people are noticing this. So one of the things that I was most fascinated with maps when you first showed it to me and you shared shared your program like this is what we're going to launch that you're going to do. And and I remember sharing it with Justin and being like bro check out what South's doing. And you know both of us right away were like oh this is this is money. This is what the industry needs. People need to need to see this because it's gone so the opposite direction as far as how we should train the body. But to be honest, the part that I was most intrigued and where I felt we all saw I'd eye so much and what I think why, where, and here's the R-Sham, my shameless plug,
Starting point is 00:32:34 why maps fucking smokes every program there is because we don't talk about it as the best program. Because it's open to evolution and we highly recommend that it evolves and it changes and it moves. And you can imply it in different ways. Exactly. And I think. No, here's the thing. Programs, most programs are routines.
Starting point is 00:32:57 They're not programs, they're routines. Follow my routine. Here's the workouts, I mean, here's the exercises in order. Here's what did it for me. Try it out if it doesn't work. Yeah, that's it. Maps has a program in it, so you can follow specifics,
Starting point is 00:33:10 but it's a concept, it's a philosophy, it's an understanding of how the body adapts, how muscles grow, and you apply these concepts, and then you modify them because everybody's body's a little different. And boom, results, people get phenomenal results. People who've been training for years get great results, which is very hard to do.
Starting point is 00:33:29 It's very hard to take someone who's been working out for five years, have them do a program, and then get great results, because their bodies many times, they feel tapped out. Yeah, great. So next corner. That was a really long answer to you.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Mr. Cochrane. No, thanks, Mitchell. Yeah, he's a boy. R. Cockroach. No, thanks Mitchell. Yeah. He's our boy. Raging Weezy gains 88, asking about some great kettlebell movements that can help with strength and conditioning. Well this sounds like a question for Cooper. So do you want it only the dude?
Starting point is 00:33:58 I'll take it from here. I love kettlebells. I'm like a sandwich real quick. Yeah, yeah love kettlebells. I'm gonna sandwich room. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you guys go ahead and tune out. Yeah, no, one of my favorite, if we're talking about strength, I love the Turkish get up mainly because of the movement of it, because it's so involved with stabilizing the shoulder joint with understanding, proprioceptively where you are as far as, you know, if my left arm is over embracing while my hips are extending and then I'm moving back,
Starting point is 00:34:34 you really have to understand the mechanics of how your body works in order to perform it correctly. And it's like seven, eight steps. It's one of the most complex exercises there is. And it's very much one of the staple things that I feel determines whether or not you have a good enough understanding of how to move properly and how to use your body and space.
Starting point is 00:35:01 So anyway, so that's one of them that's great. It's great to, as far as like stabilizing the shoulders well holding the weight over your head Kettlebells can be used in all kinds of different ways. I mean as far as conditioning goes Obviously the kettlebell swing it's bar none if you're doing it correctly Okay, how do people how do a lot of people do those wrong? So? Squat swing you right so one common thing is to squat, so drop the hips down instead of actually hinging the hips, right? So it's a hip-pinging movement.
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's a hip-pinging movement, it's explosive, okay? So really what we're trying to do is get a power element out of it. And that's all driving from the hips. And that's something that, you know, the arms really aren't very active in this lift. However, you know, they're stabilizing the weight and movement. And the other thing is you really have to have control
Starting point is 00:35:56 and brace your core. So that way, anything you're moving at an accelerated pace, if you do it wrong, it could have detrimental effects on your back, you know, on your joints, all these things. So anyway, if done properly, it gives you great conditioning effect. Yeah, because I've done them in the past,
Starting point is 00:36:15 and it makes you breathe hard. Yeah, and you notice it, like, mainly when you're done, when you're done, you're just gassed, you're gassed. I find it, you know, it's on similar sort of par with sled sprints or something like that where you're pressing real hard and, you know, right when you stop, it's like this rush of, you know, I'm gassed, I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So it's really, it's really involved. Like everything is involved in that lift and that's why I like it so much. So I'll do that with one. I'll do it with two kettlebells, you know, double swings. You know, I'll do a nice rotational shoulder press with the kettlebells. Perfect for that. I've been incorporating those since you, you know, when we worked out together, you had us do some of them. And I've been incorporating them. And I'm stronger in my traditional barbell shoulder press now. That's amazing. That's great.
Starting point is 00:37:09 It's good to add that diversity, right? And that's one of the only lifts that really exposes mechanically, you know, how to rotate properly with, you know, your arm and your elbow and your shoulder in unison. And to be able to stabilize that properly and the loading of the weight itself is different, too. So this is just another stimulus that you're providing that's great for the muscles
Starting point is 00:37:35 to respond to. And then in that neutral grip, you know, with how you hold it, is always good for the wrist. And then also carrying, I mean carrying kettlebells. This is another thing that you can really posturally help to correct issues. Like so. So like get a kettlebell.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Retracting your shoulders, for instance, depressing the shoulders especially. So like if I hold a kettlebell like one arm up on my you can rack it or you can also hold it at your side. And then just like a suitcase. And then what? And then what? It's super functional because, I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:11 you could easily see how that would apply to daily life or traveling or just carrying groceries or a bag or anything like that, right? I've been incorporating some of these dudes since meeting you and I can vouch that these movements, not only are they missing from most people's routines, but they're missing, they should be in most people's routines.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Absolutely. I'm finding that they're just as important as some of the big gross motor movement exercise. Well, I've been lucky enough. The compliment them very well. Yeah, I've been around long enough with them that I utilize them. No where near like Justin does. And I'll tell you the reason why I don't is only because I don't feel like I've been
Starting point is 00:38:52 taught properly. I would love to have Justin or someone at his level or higher, you know, make sure he takes me through all this. So a lot of great movements. Like, for example, I don't even teach to clients, although I think it's a phenomenal move, the Turkish get up. I think it's one of the best movements that you would do for an exercise is just a functional movement, um, getting up off the ground like that and teaching you how to properly do that while you're, you know, suspending a kettle bell over your head, I think is so awesome. And there's a lot of movements. I stick to
Starting point is 00:39:23 stuff that's more basic, just like just like we did with the dumbbells, with the shoulder press or raises with them, or carry type movements. You know, I'll even do a kettlebell swing and work on hip movements. But for the most part, I don't do a lot of them because I'd like to be taught, you know, and I see a lot of people that do them do them poorly.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Absolutely. And it's like, you're defeating the whole real purpose of using a kettlebell if you're not teaching yourself how to do it properly, because it's a, you're defeating the whole real purpose of using a kettlebell. If you're not teaching yourself how to do it properly, because it's a very, to me, I look at kettlebells kind of like a lot of Olympic movements. I think Olympic lifts are fucking awesome, you know, and there's a lot of great. Olympic lifts are way more technical though. Yeah, it's purposeful.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And I think that people, they don't really approach it with that frame of mind. Like they just wanna do an exercise and get a nice workout. Whereas I feel like, yeah, it's probably not gonna benefit you if you don't give it the proper respect as far as things because even just the loading of it is different. It's way more, I think this is why I say it's like liberal living.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I think if you are looking to do kettlebells, you want to be somebody who takes pride in their form and technique. That's the next level. Let's say you're somebody who does your basic movements, you've got great, great form, and you even want to improve and even take that to the next level. Yes. Kettlebells will take you to any more rotational movements.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yes. So, you know, getting the wrists and the elbows and the shoulder and what you must take pride in that. You must take pride in that. You must take more transverse plane, you know, movement. Well, here's the issue that I see. The issue is if you're smart and you focus on form, you'll be okay. Here's the issue is programming.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Do they know how to insert kettlebells into the workouts and where do they insert them and how do they utilize them with their traditional exercises? That becomes the issue that I see people having. So if you're smart, you know how to program, then you can incorporate kettlebells into your regular routines and get fucking phenomenal. This is how I use it. That's what I do. I incorporate it into my routine. It's not like you eat. But you have to do it right. You can't just put them in your in any workout. You have to be able to incorporate them in a particular way. Yes. So that's interesting that you said that it benefited your barbell overhead press because that's exactly what I noticed. You know, once I started, you know, doing more, more shoulder press with the kettlebell and
Starting point is 00:41:41 getting rotation it. It's just, it just benefits the whole, because now you're filling a void that otherwise, you're not really getting that sort of stimulus. And that does help. You're going to be able to recruit that into your gross movement. Well, two things, because overhead press is one of my weak erector sizes, mainly because I have shoulder issues, but even before that, that wasn't my strongest lift. But I've noticed now that my strength is really going up because of the kettlebells, two things I'm doing, one is I'll substitute a barbell press
Starting point is 00:42:13 for a single arm kettlebell press, two is I'll do static holds. So I'll take a heavy kettlebell, I'll press it, something that's heavy. So for me, a heavy kettlebell overhead press will be like 75 pounds, a heavy kettlebell for me to press I'll press it up above my head. It'll be a hard press, but then I'll just hold it and that tight strong position I'll count I'll count to 15. I'll bring it down and then I'll switch on I mean and that's that's another way that you could walk
Starting point is 00:42:37 You know hold it above your head and walk above your head. Yeah, you're gonna get a nice overhead It's the same thing that really the the benefit of your Turkish get-ups, right? It's the same thing. It's just being able to stabilize weight over your head. Hey man, put it together with some awesome programming. You have an awesome, that's it man. It'd be awesome. What's next? Craig Phelps is asking, what do you recommend when you feel like you're spinning your wheels and you're not progressing? If you're, now this is taking that your nutrition is good. So let's assume your nutrition is good because that's one thing that's a whole other topic. But if you're eating right and you're not progressing, look at your workout and start changing variables.
Starting point is 00:43:21 So reduce intensity, increase frequency, increase volume, decrease volume, change the tempo, focus on a different goal. So, you know, if I'm always doing 8 to 12 reps, now I'm doing sets of 2 to 3 reps, do whole workouts that are that are revolve around one or two exercises. Like, okay, I'm doing 8 sets of squats and 8 sets of bench press, and that's my whole workout today. That might be completely different from what you're normally doing. Maybe avoid all single joint exercises. You know, there's so many variables. I would say mess with the variables in your workouts.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And here's one of the best ones that you could ever do. Drop the intensity, increase the frequency. One thing that always seems to work for people to kind of get their body moving again is to not go as hard But then train everything more often typically that's probably what they're not doing right at the moment, right? I I like to do what you guys are about to see me do it. I haven't told anybody. I'm gonna do this I'm not gonna fully share what I'm gonna do either yet, but um always got secrets. I know I like to keep it like that. Keep you guys on edge I know I like to keep it like that keep you guys on edge
Starting point is 00:44:30 I know it drives South crazy. That's why yeah, tell me tell me he'll be texting me all night I know we're gonna do bro tell me I want to know What do you you know here's here's something that I like to do so and I feel like I'm kind of in that position now So I went through this whole process of competing and blah blah blah blah and the ultimate goal was to work my way up to, yeah, right. Work my way up to the professional level. Um, I'm there. At this point, I don't really have any other anymore goals related to that. I still like having an aesthetic physique. And of course I've been labeled as that guy in this. But that's really not how I've always been as a trainer. As I've been as a trainer, is I love setting new goals.
Starting point is 00:45:06 A whole different goal, it's not related to the one you're spinning your wheels about. So maybe you've been grinding it out for a long time, trying to make gains on your biceps or shoulders or whatever it is that you feel like you're not progressing in. And sometimes I'll just, the best thing for my body is actually to switch gears and go like all performance base. Now I'm gonna work on my vertical
Starting point is 00:45:24 and my speed and agility and my functionality. I'm going to set new goals for myself to improve my overall. And it's only going to improve your overall. See, even if your goal is like myself looking better all the time, making that switch for a little bit to confuse the body, give it new goals, new things for you to focus on. One, I think it's phenomenal for the body and very, very important for longevity. And two, which create for mental stimulation. It's just nice to not have to be, if you've been grinding it out, which I feel like I've been doing in the bodybuilding thing, and it's just like, God, to get to the next level for my physique,
Starting point is 00:45:56 or to make it even crazier on stage, is just like, do I really care that much? And I'm like, I'm kind of over it. I've been doing it for the last two and a half, almost three years. I've never stuck to a single type of program design for a long time. So I'm actually about to completely flip my shit upside down and it's fun to train completely different. It's fun. You know what I mean? Everybody likes to see progress. How about if you just change your goal? Yeah. Then you can see progress again. Yeah. Exactly. You know what I'm saying? And it's very motivating. And then you come back and you revisit it again and watch, I bet you money, you break through whatever that plateau is. It benefits you on that end as well.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Right. Exactly. Beautiful. And with that, please subscribe to MindPump. Leave us a five-star rating and review or we're gonna come find you. Oh yeah. In a tech. Thank you for listening to MindPump.
Starting point is 00:46:41 For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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