Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2031: The Best Lifting Tempo to Build Muscle, What to Do When Muscle Gains Have Stalled, How to Get Back Into Working Out After an Extended Break & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: March 15, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here is one of the EASIEST ways to improve athletic performance, and cognitive ability, reduce ...inflammation and just feel better. Aim for one gallon of water EVERY single day! (2:27) Paranormal News with Justin: The Michigan Hell House. (14:21) Adam was duped. (22:58) Full exorcism. (26:06) How many ways can we try and play God? (29:08) The hierarchy of processed foods. (41:18) Will we see Adam back on the basketball court soon? (43:11) Shout out to Mindset Mental Coaching. (50:19) #ListenerLive question #1 - Why can’t I gain any muscle while eating so many calories with adequate protein? (51:52) #ListenerLive question #2 – Would switching up the tempo with each MAPS phase be too much or should I maintain the same tempo for a whole program? (1:08:58)  #ListenerLive question #3 –  Is it a good idea to stop a program for a while to rest a week and do something with less volume? I recently went all in on MAPS programs after years of competitive CrossFit and bodybuilding and feel I may have chosen the wrong program to get back into serious training. (1:20:38) #ListenerLive question #4 – Do you have any recommendations or advice on a program we should revisit or how to minimize hip weight gain while continuing to increase our strength gains? We both have struggled with disordered eating in the past. (1:30:18) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Drink LMNT for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! March Promotion: “Time-crunch Bundle” (MAPS 15 Minutes, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime + Eat for Performance eBook ALL for only $99.99!! How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health – Huberman Lab Pomeraning House hauntings: The true story of the 'Hell House' that could give 'The Conjuring' a run for its money Watch Unsolved Mysteries | Netflix Official Site Watch Sex/Life | Netflix Official Site 'Organoid intelligence' could create brain cell-led computers | CNN Visit NutriSense for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Mind Pump #1915: How To Re-Ignite Your Metabolism Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1057: How To Get Stronger For Fat Loss & Muscle Building Mind Pump Free Resources          Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube People Mentioned Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (@hubermanlab) Instagram Christina Hathaway (@mindsetofmattercoaching) Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right in today's episode. We answered live caller's questions, but this was after a 47 minute introductory conversation where we talk about current events, fitness, our lives, being fathers, and much more.
Starting point is 00:00:30 By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps. If you want to fast forward to your favorite part, also want to be on an episode like this one. Email your question to live at mindputmedia.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Elemente. This is an electrolyte powder you put in your water, it makes it taste good.
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Starting point is 00:01:35 what's included in that new bundle. You have maps 15 minutes, maps anywhere, maps prime, and then we also threw in the Eat for Performance eBook. All of those together in this new bundle for only $99.99 that's the savings of over $200. If you're interested, head over to mapsmarch.com. All right, here comes a show. Teacher time and it's teacher time. Shit, you know, it's my favorite time of the week. This week we have three winners, two for Apple Podcasts, one for Facebook, the Apple Podcast
Starting point is 00:02:10 winners are Dakota 940 and slew foot 7779. For Facebook we have one punny dad. All three of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Here's one of the easiest ways to improve athletic performance, cognitive ability, reduce inflammation, and just feel better.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Aim for one gallon of water every single day. Now, I know that's tough, so a lot of you start slow, but if you make one gallon the target, even if you miss it by a little bit, you're probably going to notice some beneficial effects. This is old bodybuilding wisdom, but it's true. Most people notice benefits when they aim for that much water. There's been a lot of back and forth on this that I've seen of like this is an area where there seems to be a lot of disagreement on how much water exactly do you need.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And the difference between what you need and probably what's optimal I think is a wide range. Yes. Andrew Huberman just did a post recently where I think he was referencing multiple studies, not just one study, but it seems as that eight ounces for every hour for the first 10 hours you're awake. And then four ounces afterwards every hour. the first 10 hours you're awake. And then four ounces afterwards every hour. So yeah, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah, 80 ounces is that's more than half of a gallon, right? gallons of 20, I think was 123 or 12. Yeah. And anybody that I've ever told to target like a gallon and start tracking that wasn't before was under a gallon, rarely ever have gallons, excuse me, or that we're even hitting a half gallon. So I think this is actually something that most people do not drink enough water
Starting point is 00:03:55 and would see huge benefit of that. I actually credit Justin years ago, when he was an early trainer with me, I remember somebody was complaining about their energy levels. And I actually heard him speak to water first. Nothing doesn't. I heard somebody, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:13 someone's complaining about low energy in him and saying, like, you know, maybe you're not hydrated enough and didn't realize it. And that's one of the first go-to places now, I mean, forever. It's been a long time since that first time I heard Justin say that to a client that I'll ask somebody and more often than not, people are grossly under consuming
Starting point is 00:04:33 water. And just fixing that affixed some of the, the headaches and the energy and just cravings. Yeah, cravings. Like so, well, unless you're intentional about it, you can politely fall under what you probably should be consuming. And it's just one of those things like it's, so the bodybuilder, the old, you know, trying to like at least seek out a gallon. I think that's the whole point is that you're intentionally trying to incorporate that throughout your day because when you're not hydrated, you feel the effects of not being
Starting point is 00:05:04 hydrated. And two, I know there's like a threshold in terms of like too much and being over-hydrated, but I feel like that's a little harder to achieve than versus the other. Well, that's not a little hard. It's almost impossible. You have to fly.
Starting point is 00:05:17 You have to fly. You have to fly. You have to fly. You have to fly. You have to fly. You have to fly. You have to fly. You have to make yourself sick. You'd be fine. Yeah, you know where I've heard of it. I've never knew it. Somebody who over-consumed water. You have to try. You'd make yourself sick.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You'd wait for a ride. Yeah, you know where I've heard of it. I've never seen it firsthand, but where I've heard of it is when you see those competitions. When people do those weird competitions of... There's that one famous one, right? It's a radio station. Yeah, they drown.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Because they drank water too fast and they didn't have any balance of electrolytes. Yeah, and their cell's literally drowned. Is what happened? Yeah, no, cell is literally drowned, is what happened. Yeah, no, you're not gonna do this by aiming for a gallon. And what I noticed with clients when I would have them aim for this is they would lose weight.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Now, it wasn't because of the fat burning properties of water, but it prevented them from drinking calorie-containing fluids, so they would drink less juices and sodas and stuff like that. They moved more because they felt better, they had more energy, they probably got up to pee more. That would be another one right there.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Reduced inflammation, that was the first thing people noticed, is that the next day they'd come back, because you'll notice this right away with water. If you hit this or you're aiming for this and it's more than you're used to, the day after or even within hours, you notice you're just, everything feels better. Ligamids, tenons are dry.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Yeah, yeah, you feel that, that difference of pain. Within the first week, you notice better skin, better bowel movements. A lot of people who deal with occasional constipation, it has to do with water. Like one of the first things, if you have issues with having regular bowel movement, and you just drink more water, that'll solve it for like half the people who have those types of issues.
Starting point is 00:06:48 It's just not drinking enough water. So it makes a huge difference. And then for athletic performance, the literature is super crystal clear on this. And cognitive performance. Now you said something, Adam, it's important to know there's the amount that you need and then there's an optimal amount. So we can get away with a lot less than we're talking about. Obviously, and this is where people screw up.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Is they are like, well, I'm okay. I think I'm okay. I'm drinking when I'm thirstier, whatever. I feel like this is one of those, this got popular because it was like an assault on the bros. You know, this whole show, I've always tried to like defend the bros because it's like, man, there's some stuff, man,
Starting point is 00:07:24 that we give bodybuilder to defend the bros because it's like, man, there's some stuff, man, that we give bodybuilder community and the bros so much shit about because they do a terrible job of communicating the science per se, the reason and the why. But there's some old wisdom that is behind it that's been passed down for generation generation that is proven to be valuable. And that's why it stayed around that community for so long. And then here comes this new wave of science dorks that want to just shit on that and then talk shit about somebody. And so we just completely throw out that wisdom
Starting point is 00:07:55 because, oh, that doesn't line up with this current meta analysis that we have. And it's like, well, it's not that simple. They, yes, they didn't explain it very well, okay? Granted, but they didn't explain it very well. Okay, granted. But. They didn't explain the why, but they knew that it worked. So here's what bodybuilders do.
Starting point is 00:08:09 They'll do something. It works. Lots of them, they'll do it. Everybody notices it works. They're passed on the formula. And then they'll go back and try to explain it, and that's usually where they screw up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So then they'll say something like, you know, flush fat out of your body with lots of water. You'll hear stuff like that, right? Well, we see this from them in the science of isometrics. We see it with water, we see it with fasted cardio, we see it with carb-cycline windows, and a ball, I mean, there's a lot of things that I just listed off that have value.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yes, and what the scientific community does that annoys me is rather than saying, does it work as they say, oh, the mechanisms that you're saying is wrong, and then they throw everything out. I'll give you a great example. I don't know, it's got to have been now 17, 18 years ago, when I first owned my wellness studio. So it's got to be at least 17, 18 years ago.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I had somebody in there that was a wellness specialist, and she did gut testing, hormone testing, a whole deal. And she would talk about adrenal fatigue, okay? And the symptoms of adrenal fatigue were excessive fatigue, hot cold intolerance, brittle hair and nails and skin that was off, and just all these symptoms of just feeling like just general crap.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And the wellness community labeled it adrenal fatigue because they said, oh, it's your adrenals that are fatigue. Now, the scientific community labeled it a adrenal fatigue because they said, oh, it's your adrenals that are fatigue. Now the scientific community came out and said, that's no good to happen. And you're not fatiguing the adrenals. Well, no one behold 15 years later, those same symptoms are connected to something called HPA axis dysfunction, hypothalamus pituitary adrenal dysfunction. And so they don't call it fatigue. They labeled it something else. They also did this with leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Is that just semantics at this point? The gut's not leaking and then they come out and they say, oh, actually it's called intestinal wall hyperprom hyperprom mechanisms of why it made them leaner, why it made them lower. Well, it's just like, and they're wrong about the car. The carbs cycling, talking about insulin levels and trying to try and tie that. And that's where they went wrong. And everybody has to put a positive on it.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So, I mean, there's a lot of really good valuable tips that I think we've gotten away from because somebody's come along and disproved the way they explain it. And so then the, you know, the weekend warrior or general pop person that's trying to get involved in health and fitness, don't know what to believe because it's like, oh, I heard that this used to be true,
Starting point is 00:10:33 but then I follow this really smart, you know, fitness science guy who said that this is, that's all false and not true. And so then you totally dismiss that valuable piece of information. And I feel like the gallon of water and teasing the bodybuilder for being that guy who carried that around all the time.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Okay, if you ask them for the reasons why, they probably don't explain the best. But hey, in my experience, with my clients, I've had tremendous success making them care. And it doesn't have to be a gallon. It could be one of these that's like, you know, a third of a gallon
Starting point is 00:11:02 and then you do three of those in a day. Okay, fine. I find what's much harder is somebody who drinks that a little eight ounces glasses and add those all up and tell me you're hitting a gallon. No, it's easier to look at something. Yeah, I used to make my clients buy. Yeah, that's exactly what I do. I would have them buy like a quarter gallon jug and then, okay, four of these a day or
Starting point is 00:11:22 three of these a day or whatever. And then tracking it. By the way, this is pure anecdote, but on average, when I would get a client to do this and nothing else, so they'd come in and then I'd say, okay, this is what we're going to start with. We're not going to do anything else, just do this. On average, it would lose about two to four pounds just from doing this. Well, you know that a lot, if dehydration. Two to four pounds.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Dehydration will trigger hunger, too. That's right. So there's times where you get a client to do this and the things that you're craving. That's right. They were struggling with cravings and hunger issues all the time and you've taught them now to be drinking more water and all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:11:56 they don't have that anymore. But that's massive. Now one thing I'll add, this is important for people who are athletes. So you sweat a lot on a daily basis or you work outside on the hot sun, you eat a diet that has no heavily processed foods, so it's whole natural foods, or you eat a very low carbohydrate diet. So let's say less than 70 grams a day, like really low carbs. Those three categories of people, you probably want to add electrolytes to your water. You want to add sodium because you can take, drink a lot of water, but if your sodium
Starting point is 00:12:28 is off, you still may notice effects of what seemed like dehydration and then drinking more water doesn't solve it. So you still may get things like muscle cramps and headaches and things like that. So if you eat a low carb diet or you eat a whole natural food diet, so you don't need any heavily processed foods, a lot of sodium, whole natural foods have almost no sodium, you have to add it. And even when you add it, it's still low sodium. And then if you sweat a lot, you wanna add some electrolytes to your water.
Starting point is 00:12:52 We work with element T, I love them because there's no calories and it's got a good amount of sodium. Most electrolyte powders are like, it tastes good too. Yeah, most electrolyte powders like, they sprinkle sodium in because everybody's afraid of sodium. But element T's got a thousand milligrams in a packet and you throw that in there and you do two packets.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I do two to three days. So I try, so I try and get three, I try and drink three of these and one of them, the one that's around my workout, I put the element. Yeah, I'll do two around my workout, one before and then one during and I just get the best. Yeah, you know, it's interesting. When I did go through Carnivore diet, I wasn't doing that. And then I had gone through a week or two where I was actually reintroducing it.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And then this time I added in like LMNT and added in electrolyte, massive difference in my performance lifting weights. Yeah, I know. And just stupid. It's like obvious. But I wouldn't even have thought of that as like that intracellular fluid
Starting point is 00:13:43 is really big contributor performance. Oh yeah, people think it's the low carb that's causing it. Like the keto fluid that people talk about, oh yeah, you go on a keto diet, you drop your carbs, you're gonna feel like shit for whatever when you get headaches and it's just withdrawal. It's like loss of sodium.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yeah, you know what? Yeah, because when you eat low carb, you lose a lot of water and you lose a lot of sodium. So I'd be like, oh, well, here try this. Let's add a bunch of salt to your diet. And you'll notice right away, if that's the issue, yeah, within an hour or two So I'd be like, oh, well, here try this. Let's add a bunch of salt to your diet. And you'll notice right away if that's the issue, if that was the issue, yeah, within an hour or two, you'll be like, oh, my God, I feel way better. So yeah, if that's you, then I would add some electrolytes to your water. Otherwise, for most people, average person, I wouldn't do this because
Starting point is 00:14:18 you probably got plenty of sodium through their, you know, their heavily processed food. So I got something for you guys, and this is not alien related, but it is paranormal related. Oh, cool. Okay, so hold on to your seats a little bit. Have you ever heard of the Hell House? This is in Michigan. So this is a well studied phenomenon.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And probably some of the best actual evidence of a poltergeist that they've ever had. And reason be, because they've actually had NASA scientists, they've had legit scientific study, the latest and greatest type of research, equipment and things to go in there and investigate this. So originally... search, equipment and things to go in there and kind of investigate this. So I originally like, So pulled for guys is a spirit that moves things
Starting point is 00:15:09 and can possess people, right? Yes, and so mainly it's known for, yeah, moving things around like, like violently. Like this is stuff that's like obvious. Like it's like, you know, you see something move and like slam or break or and so These people like moved into this house and What they noticed was a window just smash and broke and then it just randomly happened and then they kept calling the cops Like hey, there's like a somebody around our house lurking and and you know like come out and check the sound and see if they couldn't find
Starting point is 00:15:46 anybody. Then it wasn't just one occurrence. It was like every single night they were calling the cops and making these reports about these really loud knocks. And it was like the neighbors heard it all and they all heard this knocking on the house. And it was like getting louder and louder and more aggressive. To the point where like later on, it actually had phenomena where there was like just random firewood would burst.
Starting point is 00:16:15 On one of the guys that was in the bathroom, there was just this flames that came out of nowhere and burned. I see you do that with one belt. I mean that's after a nice bullet chilly, but you know. I see this. That's not a bullet guy. Dude, but I mean, so the fire department came out, they all investigated and in their report,
Starting point is 00:16:38 they're like, this is not man-made by any means. Like this wasn't an arsonist, there's no way, like this came from any source that we can think of from electrical source, like anything, they couldn't explain it. So scientists have come in there, it's a famous place where they've come in and tried to study and figure out,
Starting point is 00:16:56 and they can't figure out the hell's going on. So yeah, and so they just chalk it up as like a paranormal event, and this is just how it sits. Did the people move or they stay in there this whole time? So yeah, so they moved, but they're tormenting these two brothers, like their parents died off, but they're older now and like this documentary
Starting point is 00:17:14 that I was watching, like they came back and this guy was investigating this house with like a medium and they're kind of going through it and all this. And then they actually bring the brothers in there to like relive all this stuff and I was like, dude, that's so messed up. So is it is the house abandoned or is there someone that lives there? So there's people that live there now, which is a trip like these two ladies and they've only noticed The occurrences haven't really happened for them. So they've noticed like some
Starting point is 00:17:41 Vision of somebody in the window like outside outside and they were like, thought that was weird. But yeah, dude, so here's okay, so the backstory and then, so I guess down the street at this other house, there was a witch and she basically did this whole ceremony and thing to like open up this like crazy portal and everything. Some demon, they unleashed somehow, right?
Starting point is 00:18:08 And so this guy that was one of the brothers, like she came over to the house, originally she wanted to buy the house from them because like, I guess the thought process with this was like, they could have this house and they could do all of their ceremonies there so they didn't have the spirits at their house. And so they were trying to go over and buy the house off of them. And they're like, no, no, we're not going to sell the house. We're not interested. And she came over and basically one of the brothers was talking to him and was like, come with me and like, lured him over to their house. And she just like, gave him something to drink. And so like, obviously probably drugged him
Starting point is 00:18:49 and did this whole like ritual around him, was like, walking around him, spinning like, cut his hair, ate part of his hair. What? And then like, so this guy like claims, well, he was just reliving it. And he was like, like going through all this again, like talking about what happened.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Like he didn't even remember any of it, but like going back to that house, he started to kind of relive it. Oh God. And so it's dude, and so what they think is like, he might have been possessed where he brought that over to the house with him. Do you watch this alone?
Starting point is 00:19:22 You watch this with your, I was watching it. I was watching it with Courtney. Did you, this alone? Do you watch this with your, I was watching it. You watch it with Courtney, yeah. Did you, have you still not watched the Unsolved Mysteries? You got to, so now, the reason why I'm bringing it up now is because there's an episode on a poltergeist. And it's a crazy one because it's, I can't remember what city this house is in,
Starting point is 00:19:38 but this poor single mother and her daughter move into this house. And within 30 days, like there was like 15, like occurrences of like shipping, moved a talking doll that has like that talks, that she fucking ripped the battery out of and it still was, oh bro, like all kinds of, and the daughter talking to the ghost
Starting point is 00:20:01 and having a Nate, this gets crazy. The daughter having a conversation, or mom walking down the hall, daughters having a conversation to this gets crazy. Yeah, the daughter having a conversation or mom walking down the hall daughters having a conversation to something that looks like nothing in the room her giving the name total weird name. Who are you talking to? She says her name fast forward into the show The day she freaks out that she has so many occurrences within 30 days. She moves the fuck out She gets out and when she's like freaking out leaving leaving, the neighbor goes like, nobody ever lives there longer than a couple months.
Starting point is 00:20:28 This house is always, and then they find out that 50 years ago that there was a girl that was kidnapped and never found from that, from the house, and her name is the name of the fucking girl who was saying, come on. Come on, right? Come on now. That got me, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Get me out of there, bro. It's all on, that's the, that's in the new, that new season. So you gotta watch the big one. I can't wait, because there is like a big foot one. Yeah, you'll love the big foot one for sure. You know me and Squatch. Yeah, it's so, and then you, you'll definitely like that one too,
Starting point is 00:20:57 though, because that one had me tripping out, because there was a lot of stuff that was like, that's too much. I, I've been out of there, dude. It's, you know, you guys know that the, that the Catholic Church, dude, that's too much. I've been out of there, dude. You guys know that the Catholic Church still perform, they have a protocol. Yeah, for extra-cishisms.
Starting point is 00:21:10 You know that? They actually have a criteria. So they'll have an event that'll happen, someone's possessed or whatever, and they'll send doctors and scientists, this is what I know of it, okay, so I don't know the exact protocol, but they'll send doctors and scientists that's confirmed, it's not mental in this,
Starting point is 00:21:25 it's confirmed that they have signs of possession or whatever, and if it meets the stringent criteria, and they're very hush-hush about it apparently, they'll send a person over there, a priest or whatever, to do this extra system. Yeah. But today, they still, today, they still have a problem. They did that to this house too,
Starting point is 00:21:43 and the priest didn't want anything to do with this house. Like stepped in and was like, I'm out. You didn't even want to do the ceremony. Yeah, one of the knives in the kitchen, and he's like lifted up and it threw itself right past this guy's head into the wall behind it. Hey, Google this for me. How many exorcism happened per year?
Starting point is 00:22:06 Just curious to know. How, like, how fucked would you be if you're like, you finally like, you know what, I finally found a Catholic church, they're gonna save us. They send a pre-hewax and he's like, yeah, hell no. This is the unsavable, just like you. He walks in and goes, hell no.
Starting point is 00:22:20 He's watching. Come on man, what are we gonna do? Yeah, go in the corner. Go in the corner. I'm like, why, like, at this point, all of this occurrences happen, like, think about, they're not getting any sleep, like it happens always at the middle of the night,
Starting point is 00:22:31 you know, and like, just torment some, like, leave, like, at this point, like, what are you doing anymore? Like, they're, they're trying to fight it. Like, you're, you're not gonna win the fight. Yeah, a spirit. Have you heard stories, I've heard stories too, where people do move. And the spirit's follow them.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Have you heard of these stories? Yeah. Well, they'll move into another house and it's there. Oh my God. This gotta be the worst. I'd be so bad. Yeah. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:22:56 That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. You know, I have something really embarrassing to admit, since we're talking about shows. No. So, this is super embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:23:05 So last night, I'm on, and what's embarrassing is that I have to admit that it took three episodes before I like put piece this together. So and, you know, that's like three hours. I'm going to blame it on Netflix for, it said 98% match. That's pretty good. You know what I'm saying? 98% matched to what you like based off of your algorithm. I should like this.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Do we have like rental properties? I've noticed that it's been a long time. I have to wait off. Yeah, I do. This is true. We do have our Netflix on on a bunch of different properties that we're random people are probably using it. So it gets, you know, sent to me.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Now, what got me was it starts off, and it's this girl, the show's called Sex Life, okay? So, so, title, sorry, I just sucked in. Right, so I'm curious, interested, right? I'm curious. And it starts off,
Starting point is 00:23:56 and you know, sex scene pretty much out the gate, as you would anticipate. And the girl though is like you, where she's having the conversation ahead. So I think because that was so recent, and I liked you so much, that I was like, I told Katrina, I was like, oh, we should watch this.
Starting point is 00:24:11 This is cool. She's having like this inner dialogue, you know, and it's, and then I'm like three episodes in and I finally say something like, oh my God, you know what we're watching? We're literally watching a romance novel that's done in a Netflix series because it's literally terrible plot
Starting point is 00:24:28 with just, you know, there's, you know, either Dicks, Tits, or fucking every three to five minutes with like little plot to break it all up. And because it, I mean, because it's like, they use words like engorged. No, throbbing. You know what, what made me finally why I took three episodes? Well, first of all, like obviously sex and all those things are, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:52 you know, like candy to the brain, right? I'm going like, okay, yeah, yeah, wait, no, wait, no, wait, no, like not realizing I'm watching really bad acting and there's like not a really good deep plot going on here, you know, and I'm justifying it. Oh, it's good. The next episode of watching another one. And then I realized like the most like basic scenes, there's like no reason to show the dude's dick and they do.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Or there's no or no reason to show. Like a shorthold front full nudity. Yeah, yeah. This is on Netflix, right? Yeah. Yeah, I was told about it yesterday and I haven't checked it out. Don't.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And I don't need to. You know, it's like a romance not. You know, they used to never show full like frontal nudity It used to be like it was had to be rated X for something other show on Netflix. Yeah, yeah What made me realize it took a multiple scenes. I'm like was that necessary? Did I did I need to see her naked to get that that that part? You know and then I realized oh there is no emphasis on this plot What's it was that I watch it? It's literally, it's just designed to bridge me to the next sex scene.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I mean, it literally reminded me of like, cinematics and you were kidding? Yeah, I remember skin-a-max as I told, I'm like, oh my god, we are watching skin-a-max right now, and I've been sucked in for three episodes of my life. I can't get those three hours back. It's like the heavy-pedding network. And I'm embarrassed that I watched that.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Why is he washing his car with no pants on? Let me go back to the exorcism. You were. Oh, yeah. So I don't know how many, but there's a lot of requests for exorcisms now. But 15 years ago, there were only 12 American priests approved by the Vatican to perform the ritual. That's it. Now there's over a hundred. Whoa. And apparently they get these requests all the time. Hold on a second. Oh, it's. When was it 12? which now there's over a hundred. Whoa. And apparently they get these requests all the time. Hold on a second. When was it 12?
Starting point is 00:26:26 That was 12 years, sorry, about 15 years ago. So why did they go from 12 to 100 in the last 15 years, Justin? Why would they dramatically increase? Could be a good strategy. The amount of pretty good business strategy. That's some serious scaling. I don't think they charge for it, but I wonder if... You don't think so?
Starting point is 00:26:43 No, bro. I'll charge for it. It's a church. You think they charge for it, but I wonder if you don't think so. No, bro, I'll charge for it. It's a church. You think they charge for it? You think like a business? Oh, you're your packages. I mean, full ecsticism. I mean, Catholic church is pretty rich. No, yeah, but they didn't get that way.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Not charging anything. Yeah, I don't think they, no, I don't think they can't charge. Tything, dude. Maybe they got typing been that good. I don't know. There's got to be, but I want that. Hold to be I Historically it wasn't always tidying that gave them the wealth. Yeah They had real good sense of power, but hold on say hold on say just follow me along this this thread here So they went from 12 and in 15 years Almost 10 times as many now are able to do these extra exorcisms. Yeah, do you think that they're seeing more activity? They're trying to supply demand They're trying to be sure.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Strengthen their supply and demand. They're trying to strengthen their, maybe their army. So this one pre is going on. It has been weird the last 15 years, it's almost a, this one pre gets 2,000 requests every year. 2,000 requests? Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Is there any like hotspots or areas of interest? That I don't know. Reoccurring, reoccurring. Yeah, like, cause yeah, where, what city has had the most extra systems? I don't think they show all that. Yeah, I don't know if we have good stats and all that. I mean, what you're saying already, those sorts of violence.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I wonder, now let me ask you guys this, to speculate, how do you become a certified extra-sist priest? Like a church. Just like you know. Well, no, I mean, what's the process? They all practice. If you pull up some questions, like a practice, no, I mean, how do you like what's the process? All practice like pull up some
Starting point is 00:28:06 Push up like a practice. There's like a practice. You know, you're just pretty like a crazy ant in first You know saying that everybody takes their turn like bad asses like Yeah, yeah, you pretty jacked you really throw down right? All right, yeah, follow this past this test will let you have how do you become this is a great? I told you about the time I made a bad joke for a priest, right? In front of my gym. I tell you why it's about this. No.
Starting point is 00:28:28 When I used to have my gym, there was a breakfast place next door. And there was a bench. Three, three, a priest. No, a rabbi. I thought he was in a laugh, dude. He didn't laugh. He was sitting on the bench in front of my gym, waiting to go into eat breakfast.
Starting point is 00:28:41 And I'm like, oh, great opportunity for a joke. So I opened the door, but hey, you and I have something in common. He's like, what's that? We both exercise people and he's like, he's watching side. I thought that was hilarious, dude. I thought I was a dumb joke. I thought I was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I thought he was a love it. He gave it. That's like the equivalent of that is like, oh yeah, exercise, extra fries. Just like that would be like the quick, like, extra fries. Oh no. Yeah, like that would be like the, like, oh yeah, I did. And walk away too. Hey, speaking of scary stuff,
Starting point is 00:29:09 since we're going down this path, did you guys see what scientists are trying to, what they're trying to do right now? Oh God. So you know how AI is like the big thing, right? So AI, big thing. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so here's what they're trying to do right now.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I hate that when they make it open and app, they're so stupid. So they're trying to do right now. I hate that when they make it open and app, they're so stupid. So they're trying to develop AI that uses human brain cells. So they're going to make brain cells. They're looking to make it what's called an organoid intelligence. Use the power of the biological system to advance the field of life sciences. So in other words, they're going to do 3D cultures of human brain cells that replicate parts of our brain that are responsible for learning and memory, and then use these neurons to connect them to silicon computerships to develop like more advanced AI.
Starting point is 00:29:58 What? Yeah. How many ways did this go wrong? How many ways can we try and play God? Is this still survive? I just swear, this is hilarious. You might as well turn it on, and it's like, please kill me.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You know, this AI is quickly turning into like, you know, the cryptocurrency bubble for me, I feel like that. It's obvious it's here to stay. I don't think crypto is gonna go away forever. I don't think, like obviously the blockchain is incredible technology. It's gonna it's here to stay. I don't think crypto is going to go away forever. I don't think, like obviously the blockchain is incredible technology. It's going to be the future.
Starting point is 00:30:29 How we do a lot of things. And I definitely obviously see the benefits of AI and where it's going. But the likelihood that you're going to be able to pick or figure out which company uses the technology and turns into the next Google or Amazon. And the same thing goes for crypto to think that you know the crypto coin. That's going to be the universal coin that everybody's going to want to you.
Starting point is 00:30:52 It's like, well, this is all in the middle of these like crazy bubbles right now. This is AI bubble. The AI bubble is the, it's expected. It's like, it's like the dot com, uh, when that first started happening, lots of money gets poured in. And because they see the promise. There's the potentials there. But there's a lot of guessing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And things will have to wash themselves out. So yeah, of course it's a bubble. I don't know what the numbers are, but I'm sure the amount of money that's been invested into AI type technologies. Yeah. Remember? Is it true?
Starting point is 00:31:21 I mean, Google and some other companies have already worked on this decade ago. Yes. But then they had to shut it down because of all of the bugs and errors and potential problems they saw. We're still seeing those weird problems with Microsoft and all these AIs. Yeah, I just read an article that Microsoft's AI was creating alternate personalities. I can't remember the names they gave it, where the alternate personalities of the AI were like malicious and people are reporting like,
Starting point is 00:31:51 that these AI machines are like, are it assholes? It's like, comical, but scary. You know, it's like, if we're gonna give them a body, that's where we're done. You know what's funny about this? Is that we all know this inherently as humans. Like think about the plot in 90% of sci-fi movies.
Starting point is 00:32:10 What's the plot? The scientists get overexcited and overeager. Way overzealous. And they create some new technology that ends up turning into like this bad thing. That's like 90% of sci-fi. Our ego gets away. By the way, it's only back to Frankenstein. Frankenstein.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yes. It's exactly the process. Yeah. So it's like, we know this inherently, and yet we can't stop ourselves. We can't stop it metal. No. We just metal all the time, until it blows up in our faces.
Starting point is 00:32:37 I saw an interview question or something that Elon Musk had said that they asked him if he believes in the near future, that there'll be eight billion AI robots on the earth and he said yes. That's a lot, billion. The billion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 What? Yeah. Gosh, I don't know. Well, because here's where I see it being adopted first and early, is like in warehouse type stuff. Things that you're kind of, things where we have like self-checkout stuff or or the mindless type of of jobs and stuff like that's where these robots are going.
Starting point is 00:33:15 So you're going to be able to have in a warehouse that used 20 men, eight hour shifts will now use 10 AI robots 24 hours a day like around the clock, you know So I see and you always have a backup 10 so when it goes down, you know, okay, so that's cool I think that's great I'm creating more efficiency allowing us to to utilize resources better to become more productive The problem though is that that what a lot of scientists are trying to do is create The problem though is that what a lot of scientists are trying to do is create sentient, self-aware consciousness with these devices.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And the reason why that's a problem is because you can't define it in humans. So what are you creating? Like tell me who can define what consciousness is, like the biggest question in philosophy and science and religion. We can't even define it. We don't know what it is. We can't even explain it. But they're going to try to create it.
Starting point is 00:34:06 What they're going to create is what they think it is, I guess, but they don't, again, they don't know what it is. So that's where you can, you can run into some trouble. It's like a sentient, self-aware, first of all, if it was really self-aware the way that a lot of people think, you know, self-awareness is, why would it want to do anything for us? What, you know, if someone created you, if you were created and turned into a slave, you'd be like, wait a minute, I don it want to do anything for us? What, you know, if someone created you, if you were created and turned into a slave, you'd be like, wait a minute, I don't want to do all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:30 And by the way, I'm stronger and smarter than you. Why don't you do stuff for me? That seems logical, if you ask me. Yeah, I don't understand how, because like you said, we don't understand consciousness as it is, but I mean, I do see how you could, you know, fairly, not fairly easy, but like we have the data points to come up with logical and reasoning answers
Starting point is 00:34:52 to any question. Sure. So even though this AI will never have the true feeling of a human where it has this emotion, because humans are emotionally inconsistent because we're affected by all these things. of a human where it has this emotionally inconsistent, because we're affected by all these things. Like you may consistently sell, react, and say an answer a certain way.
Starting point is 00:35:13 We're not predictive, like, we're not predictive like a machine. So we're not predictive, but because we have so many data points on so many humans, we can get to a pretty good logical answer, I think, for most things things and that part of it, it's very realistic. Yeah, that's cool, but it is interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:29 It is point to our ego, right? Like what's the most interesting thing that humans want to do with AI is make one that's a human, right? Make one that's indistinguishable for me, you like us. Yeah, except better. Well, what does that mean better? Better how?
Starting point is 00:35:41 You know, smarter, stronger, more powerful. I mean, is that true though? I mean, I haven't heard anyone actually say it like that. Like we're trying to make a, better, better how. Smarter, stronger, more powerful. I mean, is that true though? I mean, I haven't heard anyone actually say it like that. We're trying to make a human better, or we're trying to make a, oh, no, that's better than human. That's how they define the singularity, self-aware, indistinguishable. What's that test, the Turing test?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Turing test. Where you can't tell if it's a machine, or if it's a human. That's how you know you got real AI. Like, that's a goal, for sure. That's 100've got real AI. Like that's a goal for sure. That's 100%. Yeah, but I think that's not because the person, the goal is to necessarily or praise it.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I think of things like the, what was the show Westworld that we were all into? Like, you know, if it's indistinguishable from the real thing, then you could utilize it in things like, you know, talk therapy or whatever, where you're having, I'm having a conversation with my dead father that has got an algorithm that is built around his personality, his answers to everything like that,
Starting point is 00:36:29 and I can use that as a... I'm not worried about the good stuff that people will do. I'm worried about all the other stuff. Well, I know, but I'm saying I would think that that's the driving mechanism of why they're pursuing that level of... No, look at the internet, right? The internet was one of the greatest advances in human history.
Starting point is 00:36:46 What websites have the most traffic on the internet? porn. Yeah. So all these resources and technology, it's like innovation, and where do we direct it? pornography on the internet. So this is human behavior. So where's this going to go?
Starting point is 00:37:02 Also, to that level. But what's always happened in history when you have a new technology, you have to go use it in a war setting. Yeah. Let's weaponize this somehow. Like that's the other like dark side of what you always have to worry about dark, but then here's the optimistic side of that. The potential that we don't use human shoulders to ever fight wars anymore. We all send our, we send our thousand, yeah, but when a thousand AI robots, you send your 10,000,000, let's take that to its logical conclusion. You have an army of robots. I have an army of robots. Where are they going to fight? Yeah, our robots fight in mind win. Are you going to be like, yeah, I give up. No, you're
Starting point is 00:37:36 going to make more. And then eventually I have to kill him. I have to kill him. Maybe stops. I mean, I mean, I mean, we played video games in the same shop. And they just turned the video game, bro. That's not, that's not, you know, communism versus capitalism. I mean, there was, there was, there was an evolution to how we got there. There wasn't video games like freaking a thousand years ago. So has war gotten, have we gotten more efficient and effective at it? Or less? In other words, is it more deadly or less deadly? Like how do more people die in wars when they're waged or less? Well, I'm not the historian of the group.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Oh, way more, dude, come on. You, I mean, before it was like, you know, a thousand people versus a thousand, 10,000 people, then we created the machine gun and they thought the machine gun would end the world. Then we created, you know, what does that look like as a percentage of the population, though, too?
Starting point is 00:38:18 We've also grown the entire population exponentially. And so if it's a greater percentage, then okay, that point makes sense, but if it's relative, we innovate like size. We innovate a lot for war. I'll tell you that much. Some of the craziest technology our government has has to do with war.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Well, that's just because that's the the the crony capitalist side. That's because it's there's big money and buying or be spending money on big fucking toys. Yeah, you'll say as a really less to do, it's not about efficiency. If I were in fact, it's not efficient at all. It's like, hey, let's see who could build the craziest thing for the most amount of money.
Starting point is 00:38:47 And then we'll just let it flex on the whole world with it. The absolute number of war deaths is a client since 1945. Oh, so there goes that. Well, but we've gotten more efficient with it and effective. That's what we're saying. Well, that's the idea. I mean, this is like the old, I remember being in this class where we had to have like these arguments and
Starting point is 00:39:05 like debates and one of them was like, you argue for nuclear war and I argue against it. Right. And I was for which was horrible. Right. But who's like, my whole argument is like, you know, this is actually help prevent a lot of needless death because it got to the ultimate escalation. We're not going to mutual destruction. And so therefore it's more of a deterrent because it got to the ultimate escalation. We're not in a mutual destruction. And so therefore it's more of a deterrent than it is an actual.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I mean, that's the same argument that you go with like, you know, uh, like looser gun laws, like let's say in somewhere like Texas, like because there's a fear that somebody could pull a gun on you and shoot you. It's like the similar type of concept. Did you have everybody in Newk? Yeah. That's nobody was touching it. No more.
Starting point is 00:40:08 No thanks. Everybody scared of everybody. I mean, you don't think it's, uh, I, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, video game world. Yeah, you don't think that's a possibility. I mean, maybe I mean anything's possible. Yeah, I would hope so. I mean, I feel like I mean, I feel like the the generation coming up right now is like that. You got to think that maybe and maybe the other countries like the Russia's and China's aren't quite there yet. We're like maybe we need a good Fred Savage to come in and you know, what you guys remember that movie? No, what movie? You heard the Fred Sashley where he was like playing Mario 3 and he beat everybody. No. Oh, what? I don't remember the name of it, but it was the video game,
Starting point is 00:40:31 yeah, competition. And he was like, it was like a big thing. Oh, I guess you were the wizard. The wizard. Oh, I never saw that. That's it. Yeah. You know what I thought of?
Starting point is 00:40:41 I thought of the one where the kids playing the video game. It was an 80s movie. And he was really good and He's the pinball and then he created like this like device that you could fly in and they end up It's like a level navigator. No, no, it was like a bubble He created this bubble his computer and I could fly everywhere with it and then it got weird And they made aliens the aliens were stupid and ruined the home movie Oh, like I hate it when aliens
Starting point is 00:41:03 It wasn't really with the flying bubble. No, it was kinda cool at first. It was kinda cool. The aliens sent it over for you. Well, it was a dumb alien. Like the aliens showed up and they were dumb. I guess it's a stupid look at the alien. This is like, the aliens aren't gonna be dumb.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, dude, let's go ahead and have you. Anyway, I'm gonna switch to fitness and nutrition here real quick. Well, how are you talking about that? No, I had a question. I'm here. I'm here and there. No, I actually had this conversation with the family member of mine about process foods. I told them, look, here's the number one thing I'll tell you, avoid heavily processed
Starting point is 00:41:33 foods. I'm like, okay, well, what if I want the occasional, whatever, are there guidelines with processed foods? It's, well, protein is always more satiating than the other macronutrients. So if you are gonna pick something that's processed, pick it, pick a high protein processed food. Magic spoon. Magic spoons are a great example. That was me last night. Magic spoons are a great example. So it is processed, but because it's high protein,
Starting point is 00:41:58 it's more likely to create, yeah, it's a tight stuff. I did four of the five cups in the box last night. Did you really? Yeah, actually measured it, because I was like, I wanna see. How many grams of protein was that? So you 13 times four. So that's four, 1252, right?
Starting point is 00:42:12 Oh yeah, there you go. 52 grams of protein, and it's a 130 calories per serving. So 130 times four, so you're looking at five, 20. Did I do my math fast right there? Or? It sounds about right, yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, 520.
Starting point is 00:42:27 You use whole milk or you use all the whole milk? I did, yeah, I did. And whole milk. And I did one and a half cups of whole milk. So you had some good pros. Twoteen and a half. Yeah, yeah, it's like, what, six. Now did you do it because you were missing your target?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah, yeah, I was pretty low on calorie today. Yesterday was my first day of introducing some cardio training in there, so I know I burned a lot. I don't know what? I secretly have something I'm working on I have to hold myself accountable. I don't hold on. I don't hold myself accountable. Yeah What are you doing? I'm training for marathon We said no way you're not. You know how you happen to be. How you know funny that was. He said, no way.
Starting point is 00:43:05 What comes to support you? Oh my God. Justin, I'm not even a headbanded. Let's go. No, you know what he was going on? So secretly, I really want, I miss basketball so much. But I don't deserve, I'm not allowing myself to play until I get in the right condition.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Because of all my injuries that I've had from being in this position where I want to play again and I'm not in the condition to do it. And then I've been hurt every time. So, you know, I'm slowly introducing Carl and I will build you, you know, if you saw me out there the day I was doing like these long strided lunges and rotational work. And I'm trying to like incorporate that. I don't want to announce it because it was going to ask me every fucking month like, hey, you play ball yet.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I'm like, I haven't done that. Where's your, so let's just pretend that you were consistent, you did it, whatever. Where's the first game gonna be done? 24th in this. I'll go, so it's perfect, is that when we do a pickup game? Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah, I'll go, I'll go, that's, and I actually know the times of like, I was just gonna say, one of the level of players. Yeah, yeah, no, no, for sure. I know, like, that's how much I have this. So where's level one, what time? So level one is like, there's an old man like I know I'll bring you in with yeah Yeah, so if I have time for that that's hard to do during the week
Starting point is 00:44:09 But old man time is like 10 a.m. It's like one of the gym 24 fitness 10 a.m. I just I just shoulder every the old guys I can still play basketball. They'll play around there. I'll skip that. I would say that's like preface and then like phase one or level One is three o'clock inside 24.50. Are you like under the hoop garbage guy or like a three point guy initially because you got to start one or the other? I've never been a really good three point shooter.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I got to be really feeling myself to be pulling up threes. I mean, I'm definitely inside game, handle, jump shot, you know, lay up guys. So that's I, yeah, you won't see me jacking up three. Although that would be better for me, because it's less likely to get injured out there, but I'm not the- Did I ever tell you guys about the big fight?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Well, you got, I mean, look, any, you manage any gym with a basketball court? That's where I'll go. You are quite, yeah, you are going to have fights, at least I'd say once every quarter. I lost one of my best trainers from that. What do you mean lost? I lost one of my, I was there. Yeah, I lost one of my best trainers from that. What do you mean lost? I lost one of my, I was there.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yeah. I lost one of my best trainers from that. Some dude hit my trainer and he hit him back and because he was a, wait a minute, he defended himself and he got fired. Yeah, that's stupid. Well, what happened was the girl, this is it. And this actually, crazy, trickled down.
Starting point is 00:45:22 This got me in trouble with HR. So at that time the operation manager Barb who you probably remember Barbara was she was on vacation for like a week and she had like her Her assistant was now the operations manager for her week and it was like well It's just one of those the worst people that could have that position right that her power hungry That let so and she had it she had it out for this trainer of mine. She didn't like him. She didn't like him.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And so she was one that filed the report, and she filed the report like crazy bias, and it had already been sent up to HR by time I found out about it, and then it ended up getting him fired, and I lost him. And I was so infuriated over that, and I pulled her in the office to tell her, and I'm sitting down in the office to tell her.
Starting point is 00:46:05 And I'm sitting down in the office. I'm behind my desk. She comes in, she closed door. And this was obviously a learning lesson for me to never have a woman in a closed office with me without another person present. Always, always. Yeah, I mean, obviously looking back, it's like duh, Adam.
Starting point is 00:46:19 But I mean, I'm 20 something years old. I'm learning this stuff as we go. And so this was that learning lesson. So I'm telling her, I cannot believe you did that. I'm scolding her, I'm yelling or anything like that, but I'm upset, I'm frustrated, and I'm expressing that and pulled her aside privately to tell her, don't you ever do that again.
Starting point is 00:46:38 I lost one of my best guys. I understand that you were one of the managers on suit, but so am I, and that's my person like you involved me in a situation like that and like I can't and so I was pissed right so she filed a Report against you. Yeah saying that I cornered her in the office. Oh, no, yeah, I trapped really on so they sent me home In order to that they did a whole fucking investigation on me almost lost my job that time again So I was like how many times do I get fired? It's a good thing you brought so much business in. Yeah, you know what you and I,
Starting point is 00:47:08 I 100, 100% you and I were on the same list. 100% and the list, the title of the list is, top producers that are loose, can you? That are, yeah, we can't promote too much. You know, I never had like a fire so many times. So I never had like a, I mean, I like a phase and I've shared it on the podcast before, where the little moment in time where I think I had a victim attitude. But for the most part, I never really had a victim attitude about anything.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I always looked at the positive side of that, which is like, I fucking do so good for this company. I can't fire me. But I was the... I'm on touch with that other guy down the street that's average. And that should happen. They'd fucking can't even heart. Yeah. By was the touch blows at other guy. If I was another guy down the street, that's average. And that shit happened. They'd fucking can't even heart because they don't want the liability.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I told the real. I know the way the conversation goes. It's like, who did what? Oh, yeah, should we fire? Whoa, wait a second. That's that one guy over there in San Jose. You mean the guy that broke that record and did that? Just like, ooh, what do we give him a slap on the wrist?
Starting point is 00:48:01 No, that was me too. No, no, no. We had a fight once. And this would happen once a quarter. Like again, you manage a gym with a basketball court, you're gonna get fights, it's just what happens. So once a quarter, they call you, you'd run up there, your trainers would run it there, you'd break up the fight. And it was almost, you break it up, it's young guys
Starting point is 00:48:20 or whatever. Man, one time it was a brawl, that they would not stop, and it was a bunch of dudes in their 50s where all there was old guys. A 50 year old brawl. It was like a group, it was like four older guys, all in their 50s throwing down and blood and we're breaking them up.
Starting point is 00:48:37 And again, they don't want to stop. That's embarrassing. That was, I mean, part of me was like, this is crazy, they're part of me's like, okay, we should let him go. We're not gonna fix that. We had to get rid of him. But yeah, they were going at it.
Starting point is 00:48:50 And guys in their 50s, dude, which was, I was heartbroken when I lost my eye, because you could, I could watch the video. You see the whole video, too. And he did, he did, he got shoved, then he got punched in the face, and then he retaliated, and it was all on camera and everything. But it was, because he had already had a warning
Starting point is 00:49:05 and he already had some sort of a record with HR already and then it was reported by someone and reported it at like defending cheatifles. The way she wrote the report up, it was like in defense of the, she took down all his, that guy's information, the guy that actually was in the fight. And I had a trick for whenever, you know, you're gonna get a confrontation in the gym.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And I used it twice. You walk them out. Yeah, yeah, that's the truth. One time I used it in the wet area, and I told the guy, all right, you wanna handle this, let's go outside, and we walked up to the front, and I said, you first, you walked to the door, and I locked the door, and then wave that,
Starting point is 00:49:39 I'm gonna call the police. That, I used that once, and I used another time when I cut a member's, members your card right in front of them, and you reach over the the desk and I said, hey, let's not do this here. Let's step outside. He went outside again, I locked the door. It was very effective.
Starting point is 00:49:51 No, that's a great move. That's a great move. It's a great move. And they're all hopped up, they're like, oh yeah, that's like the Hootie. And you don't see the, but it's great because it's a clear door. So you can look at them.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Oh yeah, you locked the door. They're pissed, dude. Yeah, like, oh, you pissed. Imagine you're that person, like, your adrenaline's going. Someone tells me, they're pissed, dude. Yeah, like, oh, you pissed. Imagine you're that person, like, your adrenaline's going, someone tells me step outside and we're walking outside, like, this is going down. So I'm already like, dude, it's taking a short-term. You're all facing, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And then here's a lot of people. I'm turning around and waving at it. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. It was a good time. Call me. Anyway, who's the shout out today? Oh, oh, oh. I do, actually, you know what, so the other day,
Starting point is 00:50:28 I was, remember when I was talking about the the trainer who That was this psychology she blended her business. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so she's in the NCI group Yes, and so I I looked up her Instagram handle because I wanted to give her a real shout out because I do like think She's got what a great business model. She already reached out to me. It's it. Oh my god. Thank you She knew she was obviously I was talking about her, but I'm like oh man. I feel a great business model. She already reached out to me and said, oh my God, thank you, she knew she was, obviously I was talking about her, but I'm like, oh man, I feel so bad that we've met several times and I totally forgot. And it's Christine, right, Doug? Yes, Christina Hathorlain.
Starting point is 00:50:53 And her Instagram is mindset of matter coaching. Great follow, great stuff. Yeah, check it out. All right, check this out. One of the most effective ways to lose body fat, this is new now, is to use a continual glucose monitor and work with a nutrition coach. They can attach how foods affect blood sugar
Starting point is 00:51:16 and how it affects your behaviors, your mood, how you feel. If you have a coach and you work with a continual glucose monitor, your results will skyrocket. I've seen this firsthand. It's pretty amazing. We work with a continual glucose monitor, your results will skyrocket. I've seen this firsthand. It's pretty amazing. We work with a company called Nutrisense and they have the best of this. Go check them out, analyze how your blood glucose levels respond to food, exercise stress,
Starting point is 00:51:35 and sleep, and work with someone with your nutrition in real time. Go to Nutrisense.io. So that's N-U-T-R-I-S-E-N- nutri.se.io forward slash mind pump and then use code mind pump and get $30 off. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Iliana from Arkansas. Iliana, how's it going? How can we help you?
Starting point is 00:51:57 Hi guys, thanks a little much for having me. I'm so excited to talk to you guys. Thank you. So I'm going to start off with my question, and then I will go in and read the background info that I provided on the email. If that's okay. Yeah, true. Okay, so my question is, I've increased my calories from 1500 to 2800. However, my body fat percentage has not changed at all. Per the two dexas cans taken three months apart. Why didn't I gain any muscle while eating so many calories
Starting point is 00:52:29 with adequate protein? So my background is I'm 33, 5 feet, 5 inches tall. We about 142. And in the 10 plus years I've been strength training, I've never been able to attain the level of leanness that I wanted. In August of last year, I decided to go on a bulk with a plan to then run a cut.
Starting point is 00:52:47 At the time, I weighed 137, was eating 1500 calories and running maps in a ballac. Three months later, in November, I was in the middle of running maps aesthetic. And a Dexas scan showed I was 25% body fat weighing 143. I'm now running maps strong and decided to get a second DeXa, which basically mirrored the exact numbers on my first DeXa.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I was surprised that I did not gain any strength. Since starting the bulk, I've always consumed more than one gram per body weight of protein and walked anywhere from 13 to 20,000 steps daily. Lastly, I have interrupted the book with many cuts these past seven months as well. Okay. This is a great question
Starting point is 00:53:30 because this is gonna highlight something very interesting, but before I get into that, I'm gonna have a few more questions for you. So I'm just gonna confirm here, you, this last, the last two Dexas cans that you did, you went from 1500 calories to 2800 calories. So that's an increase of 1300 calories. Your body weight didn't change, body fat percentage didn't change,
Starting point is 00:53:50 and muscle mass didn't change, is that correct? Right, but I didn't do a Dexascan when I first started the book, which is in August. So all I have in August to go off of is my weight, and the calories that I was going off of. So my first Dexasc scan was an until November. Hold on. So you did.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Okay. So in other words, she's good. Yeah. So she very well and most likely built muscle from that when she first increased her calories. And you write. You write. If you know, I know I could have been like 28 percent body. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Well, I'll tell you right now, it's almost mathematically impossible that you weren't something like that because to increase the calories, which by the way, that is a massive increase for a female, to be able to increase that much. 35, 40% increase. And the scale, the scale,
Starting point is 00:54:38 say that stay the same weight, you built muscle, you 100% built muscle. So you did change body composites. You just didn't have the stats to prove it because you didn't do it before. Let me ask you this. How do you feel in the gym from the beginning to now?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Are you stronger doing more reps? Does the form feel different? Do you have more energy? Are there any differences? Yeah, I mean, absolutely. I listen to these calls all the time. And you always ask those questions. And my responses are the same
Starting point is 00:55:05 as anyone else. I feel strong. You know, my libido is great. My hormones are great. Sleep is fantastic, right? But I think the only difference with those questions is when people get on here, they get on a scale that tells them the body fat percentage or they might guess what it is. But in my case, like, I know what it is because I got the Dexascant, right? And, um, yeah, I just, I don't, it's discouraging when the strength didn't change at all. And by the way, my weight did go up, right? Cause in August, I was weighing what did I say, 136 right now, I'm like, 143, I mean, sometimes I weigh 144.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Wait a hold on a second. You said you're not any stronger in the gym? No, I do. I feel stronger. But I'm saying that Dexascan did not show that. Oh, muscle gains. Right. Right, but you don't have a starting point.
Starting point is 00:55:56 A Dexascan from the beginning. Not from August. No, I don't. You just have it from November. What changed from November till now? Did your calories do the same, everything stay the same? Well, I mean, my calories went up. I mean, November was probably
Starting point is 00:56:12 probably like 2000 calories, maybe. And now I'm 2800 calories. Let's start over. Okay, so let's start from November. In November, you did a desiscan, and then you recently did a desiscan. The difference from November. In November, you did a desksa scan, and then you recently did a desksa scan. The difference from November till now was about 800 calories. You're eating 800 more calories now than you were back in November.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Correct. Okay. And you're stronger. But also keep in mind, okay, if the dexascant said the same body fat percentage, but the scale went up, that actually doesn't mean you didn't build muscle. Just means you built as much fat as you did muscle. So keep that in mind. So just because you're, so like, let's say,
Starting point is 00:56:49 well, I was gonna ask that. You were 137 November. Yeah, so she went up and wait, but her dexics can't say the same, but that doesn't mean you built muscle. You just also added body fat. So you probably did too big of a bulk. Yeah, that's what,
Starting point is 00:57:00 so let's be clear. So in November, you were 137, same body fat person. Okay. No, August, I was 137. Okay, so November till now, nothing changed. Yeah, I don't even want to know what happened before we started dex, because we're trying to solve what's going on with a dexascant.
Starting point is 00:57:17 If you didn't have the original, we can all speculate all day long, but we're never gonna know. So we really should just try and figure out, okay, November, you did your first Dexascan. What was your weight then and your body fat percentage? And then when you did the Dexascan again, what was your weight and body fat percentage?
Starting point is 00:57:32 And then also about what you were eating calories in both those. Okay, November, my first Dexascan, I weighed 143.8 and I was 25.2% body fat. And that was November, like I said, I was probably eating 2,000 calories at that time. Okay. I just did another one February 15th. My weight was 143.
Starting point is 00:57:54 My body fat was 25.3 and now I'm eating 2800 calories. Okay. So, okay, this is wonderful. Okay. So here's what's happening. And this is what I thought you said at first. That's why I was asking more questions. So when people talk about boosting the metabolism, they always connected to building
Starting point is 00:58:10 more muscle, which is true, building muscle will speed up your metabolism. However, with the same lean body mass that you currently possess, your body can decide to burn more or less calories. In other words, you can be more or less efficient with the total with the, with the same lean body mass. So what you effectively did in that period of time, you didn't do nothing, you sped up your metabolism. Your metabolism got, you ate 800 more calories a day and gained no body fat.
Starting point is 00:58:34 So what you're setting yourself up for, which is wonderful, is a very potentially, probably a very effective efficient cut. I mean, look, a female at 143 pounds, 25% body fat's not a lot. That's a good body fat, that's like a healthy body fat percentage. Okay, it's a good healthy, fertile body fat percentage. Most women who want to look lean
Starting point is 00:58:55 probably want to get closer to 20%. So you're probably looking at a 5% loss based off of what I've seen most women tend to want. So 5% loss. But treating 2,800 calories, which is phenomenal, which means you could probably end up around 2,000 calories or just around that and get that 5% off, which for a 33 year old,
Starting point is 00:59:17 5 foot 5 female is a, that's where usually, by the way, that's usually more calories than the women I get when they want to go on a cut. They usually come to me and they're like, oh, my maintenance is 1900 calories. That's gonna be your cut, which is exceptional. So what you've done, you didn't do anything. It's not like you did nothing.
Starting point is 00:59:34 What you did is you were putting yourself in a phenomenal position to do a cut. So now you can cut, you're gonna end up with high calories. You're probably not gonna lose any muscle and you're gonna look really good and feel really good. I mean, I've trained a lot of men who can't, who gain lots of body fat at 2800 calories. So the fact that you're 2800 calories now
Starting point is 00:59:54 at a decent body fat percentage, you went up 800 calories, gained no body fat, that's a huge win, huge win. So what I would do, are you ready to go on a cut? Is this what you wanna do now? Or do you wanna keep going up with the calories? I'm going to finish strong. I'm on phase three right now. I just started phase three. So I want to finish strong out that's four weeks, right? And then I wanted to do a cut with symmetry because I have symmetry and I haven't used symmetry yet.
Starting point is 01:00:20 So I was going to take do a cup for like three months. Beautiful. Beautiful. Oh yeah, it's gonna be phenomenal. Take your calories down by about 500 to start with and switch to symmetry and watch what happens. And am I doing like a 500 cut? Is it, am I, should I just start with 500 and then do like a 300 cut? I would stay 500 until you hit a plateau. No, define plateau, because she might be like,
Starting point is 01:00:44 why don't you lose any weight this last four days or what? Well, you're not seeing any change anymore, because you could see, so what will happen sometimes by the way, too, and I'm glad you said that. So you'll cut the 500 calories. If you are, like, not only seeing the weight, the scale, the scale's going down, that's ideal, obviously. And by the way, we don't want to go down too fast.
Starting point is 01:01:02 So if you cut 500 calories, I don't want to see a four pound drop every week. That's like super dramatic. We want just like a pound, two pounds coming off every week. Even if the weight doesn't come off, but you are improving the way you look and you can objectively say that when you look in the mirror, like, okay, I'm looking better.
Starting point is 01:01:19 What's he doing? That's the stance. Yeah, or that, yeah, and check that. So, I mean, and that's when I would change that drop another 500 calories and or Okay, and or adding movement. So I don't know what your step count is like for the day because that's another option is Sometimes what I'll do with a client like use I'll go 500 calories increase 2,000 steps a day Then the next week after that keep the calories as saying but add another 2,000 steps of walking a day And then the next the next like you know week we might then drop another 250 calories also add you know
Starting point is 01:01:51 So you can play with adding more movement to create a larger caloric deficit also Don't do it through high intensity cardio, but you can do it through moving more Just walking throughout your day and you'll get great benefits by hanging on to muscle still But then creating more activity that creates a larger core deficit. Yeah, you're in a really good position. You are. Yeah, a lot of options. How strong are you?
Starting point is 01:02:13 What do your lifts look like? What is your squat and your deadlift and your bench press? What do your numbers look like for that? You know, honestly, it's hard for me to answer because I haven't done a max wrap. I'm probably going to find out now and doing this face for because it's like two to four reps that I'm doing now. But I don't know. I mean my squat is probably like 275 pounds. 275 pounds? Yeah, in the squat. My deadlift is actually last, which is weird, but I haven't tested it in a while.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Okay, these are numbers that, I don't know, probably a year or so ago. So, yeah. Wait, I mean, you barbell squat at 275? Yes. Yeah, you're, you're on fire, dude. Yeah, you're in a crush. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're going to do a cut and you're going to be, I mean, in, by the way, like you didn't
Starting point is 01:03:02 gain any muscle by adding 800 calories. At some point, it's hard to gain. The reason why I asked you your max lifts is because I had a kind of a clue that you've probably already built a ton, at some point it gets really hard to gain more muscle. It just does. You can't just gain infinite amount of muscle.
Starting point is 01:03:21 So I knew if I asked you that question, you came back with a crazy number, which I didn't anticipate 275, holy cow, but I knew if I asked you that question, you came back with a crazy number, which I didn't anticipate 275 Holy Cow, but I knew if I heard a big number that you're probably getting pretty, I mean, you're probably already built like a really good amount of muscle, especially the amount of calories you're eating. So yeah, if you were, if you're squatting, if you were squatting 150, 180, that would be impressive. 275 is like really, really impressive. I mean, God, and even if you're not that high right now, you said that was a year ago, even if you're able to squat right now, you said that was a year ago,
Starting point is 01:03:45 even if you're able to squat close to 200 pounds for your size. If you're repping with 130, I would have been like, that's amazing. So you're doing phenomenal. This cut is gonna be real successful. The only thing I'll tell you, a warn you about is trying to cut to aggressively.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Be patient with your cut because you're in such a good position that if you're patient and you give it time and you let your body drop About a half percent a body fat a week half percent to a percent max a week You're gonna be in such a good position at you know 18% body fat that you'll be eating a lot of food You'll feel amazing. You've got great curve great sculpt great muscle Again, you say yourself out really well. Have you have you tracked your steps? Do you know how many steps a day you're taking by chance?
Starting point is 01:04:21 Again, you say yourself out really well. Have you tracked your steps? Do you know how many steps a day you're taking by chance? Yeah, so I mentioned that in the background that I do anywhere from 13,000 to 20,000 steps a day. I live in Phoenix, by the way, I think you guys said Arkansas, but I live in Phoenix. And so I'm constantly walking when it's winter time out here. And just in general, I walk a ton.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I'm always, if I'm not working, I'm outside. So you also mentioned that I, you know, I can try to like increase my steps. That's kind of hard for me, just because I'm always kind of maxing out my steps. So you're a perfect example, then I would do the calories. So that's why I wanted to know that. Like if you if you were lower in steps, then it's more realistic to add 2000 steps every single day, but you're already pretty high.
Starting point is 01:05:05 At one point, you can start, but this would be kind of later, right? I would be doing this after I've done the cut for a while. I would do like a 12 to 15 minute hit session post workout. Cardier. Yes, yeah, later. Like four weeks down, four weeks into your cut, you can start to add.
Starting point is 01:05:23 For a little bit of that. Yeah, I would do it. I would add first three days a week, then four days a week, and then eventually five days a week when you're lifting after every lifting session, you're doing a little 12 minute hit cardio session. But wait, like I said, do the calorie drop first, and that's another way to break through the plateau,
Starting point is 01:05:38 creating a larger, caloric deficit without cutting calories. So I'd cut the calories, like we said, around like the 500 calorie range. Let that take you for the first month or so until you sort of think slow things down. And then you have the option one because you're so high in calories to either drop calories again,
Starting point is 01:05:54 or maybe this is where you introduce the hit post workout, that'll lean your head. What's your athletic background? Do you play sports in high school and college? Yeah, I grew up playing basketball and in general I've just been very active. I grew up in a family full of boys so kept me going. You're like the easiest client.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Like I got you. I'd be like, yeah, we're going to get you shredded pretty easily. You're in such a good position. This is going to be an amazing cut. I hope you follow up with us. Are you in our forum? Yeah, I think I am. I'm not on Facebook much, but I think I was on there a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 01:06:24 If you're not, we'll send you access, because I'd love for you to follow up, because you're literally at the place that we try to get people at before we start them with a cut. So if you do it right, if you don't overdo it, you're gonna see some phenomenal results. Okay, and then once I'm done with that,
Starting point is 01:06:38 I'll be in a good place to kind of manage my physique and stuff, because I don't wanna always do this, like, bulk and cut kind of game, like being a good place to have. Yeah, yeah, yeah. After you cut, you can bump them again to maintenance and then you're good. Okay, wow, I wasn't expecting any of that.
Starting point is 01:06:55 I was really discouraged with my dexas results. So I'm glad that I'm in a good place and I can cut after doing, while I'm doing symmetry. Yeah, no, you're in a great position. So good job. Awesome. Wow, no, you're you're in a great position. So good job Awesome. Wow. Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. You got it. Thanks for calling in right She must listen to great podcasts That's a boy. That's a well, I didn't expect to say
Starting point is 01:07:18 I wonder if she missed both that's fucking crazy. Well, I expected her to be five. Based off of what she was saying, I kind of thought, I bet you she's already got a lot of muscle. Cause you know how, you guys know this, like at some point, you're gonna, you can boost your metabolism, but gaining muscle just gets harder. You didn't print up those numbers. Yeah, good muscle. No, so I'm like, okay, well, if she's,
Starting point is 01:07:39 if she's really strong, she may be in a position, she's already eating 20 hundred calories. She may be in a position where she's kind of hitting that. She's getting close to that limit of muscle that she could build. Yeah What a what a good question though to answer because this really highlights She's a why it's a good question and good for the audience is that she's an extreme example But but this happens yeah, and much smaller Like examples that people get frustrated discouraged right they do body fat percentage, and they're actually doing really good.
Starting point is 01:08:05 They move their calorie intake from 1500, up to say 2100 or whatever, and that's a big jump in calorie, but then their Dexascans says the same as it did, and so then they get all pissed off. Well, because they're not, they're not looking at the obvious. They're not looking at the obvious,
Starting point is 01:08:19 which is I raised my calories 800 and gained zero body fat. Yeah, like that's amazing. And the way to do it, and I know there's, you know, our space I love, I hate how they, you know, shit on the whole 3500 calories equals a pound of fat, but this is an example of like how I like to use that to explain what's going on their bodies. Like listen, you've now by having a 500 calories,
Starting point is 01:08:39 even though you see the DEX's getting the same, your body, your body, the same exact body is now burning a pound of fat every week more than what you were before. Even though you're not seeing that, that's because you've increased your calories. If we literally went to your calories back down 500, you'd burn a pound of fat a week. So that's what you've done essentially. And so that's a huge win.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Our next caller is Matt from Utah. Matt, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey guys, how's it going? Cool. Just see you guys. You may not remember you do so many of these. I asked a question maybe about like three months ago. Yeah, basically I'm doing this year-long program
Starting point is 01:09:14 where I'm going aesthetic in the spring, performance in the summer, power lift in the fall. And then I asked you all the question, and Adam, you recommended doing symmetry. So I shout out to everybody everybody do not sleep on symmetry. After running that program, seriously, my one rep max like increased even though I was on maintenance in half of a cut during that time. That's awesome. It was absolutely loving it. I'm right about, oh, and then I took Sal's advice. You said you'd recommended it at one point in time that first phase of symmetry before every
Starting point is 01:09:47 program is a great way to start off. So I started doing that one just finished running it. But my question, what it comes down to is as I'm moving forward, goes to something that Adam said a while back. You talked about like the tempo. You know, talk about a bodybuilding tempo. A real one is a 422 and you rarely see people actually following that in the gym. So being a little bit like, not very specific about it, I use a stopwatch for my rest times. I'm very consistent. So I started using an app to track my tempo. It has little sounds, so it goes off, so I am very, very strict on it.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Halfway through, I did it the last week of phase three on symmetry. I'll tell you what, I've gotten used to, I know when I start a new phase, my body feels it, and it's energizing a little bit of soreness, but I'm like, oh wow, this is a new phase. I was on phase, like the third week of that phase, and switching up the tempo, going from just like a 1, 1, 1, it is a new phase. I was on the third week of that phase and switching up the tempo,
Starting point is 01:10:46 going from just like a 1-1-1, it was like, oh shit, it was like an entirely new phase. And I was just like, wow, I did not expect it to be that impactful. I had a similar experience during the isolation movements during symmetry, where I changed, it was a Friday, I needed to get my workout in really quick. So instead of following that 422 tempo on the 2x10 ones, I just did a normal one.
Starting point is 01:11:12 And I felt that too, because I could go a lot heavier. Just changing the tempo is almost like doing a brand new phase. Totally. So, so my question is, as I'm looking into doing aesthetic again and moving through, should I, if it's that, so impactful, should I change a tempo like that with every phase, or should I just keep one tempo throughout the duration of a program? I'm specific. Great question.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Yeah. Yeah. There's no wrong answer here, but I'll tell you what I prefer. I would prefer because each phase, there's enough variables that change that you don't necessarily need to throw another variable at yourself. So, I would tend to lean towards changing the tempo when you change the program, not necessarily the phase. So, you can stick to a tempo, actually, you can stick to a tempo for a long time if other
Starting point is 01:12:02 variables change and then switch up the tempo when you feel like things get stale. So the reason why there's no wrong answer in here is because I'm the opposite. I so I love to change several variables like this because I granted, I've been lifting for a long time. So to get my body to show and move and see significant change in a short period of time is rough, like I've been doing this for a really long time, so I don't get those great
Starting point is 01:12:27 newbie swings when I change one little thing. So, because of that, I really do like to move multiple levers. And I prefer, because I feel like, man, if I change the diet a little bit, I change my tip a little bit, I change the training, you know, specificity, specificity that I'm doing, all those together combined like, whoa, my body's trying to adapt and figure all them out, and I see a nice movement. you know specific specific specificity that I'm doing. All those together combine like, whoa, my body's trying to adapt and figure all of them out. And I see a nice movement.
Starting point is 01:12:49 If you're not that advanced, if you haven't been lifting for a very long time, you may not need that to Salis Point. Like you could easily keep your tempo the same for an entire program. The program has enough things that are phasing and changing in it that you should see progress in it. But personally myself, I like when I change diet,
Starting point is 01:13:05 and I like to change the phase, I like to change the tempo, I try to really shake it up. There's no wrong answer here. I guess the only drawback would be, because what Adam's saying is true, but the only drawback would be that, when I'm, and he says, if you're advanced,
Starting point is 01:13:20 the plus side of being advanced and doing this for a long time is that someone like Adam for example He he can change multiple variables and all of the variables are things that he knows how to immediately apply Whereas if I take somebody who's only been working out for a few years and I change one variable I like to focus on that one variable because if I throw too many at them They don't get good at any of them. It's like okay. I got got to focus on the tempo, plus this, plus that, everything feels so different. So I like to keep things the same
Starting point is 01:13:46 and change one or two things at a time. So I'll say this, this might help. How long have you been working out, first of all? How long have you been consistent working out? Oh, consistent since probably right before the pandemic. Okay, so not a long time, but enough to where you kind of know two, three years. Yeah, you kind of know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:14:04 I did powerlifting back in the day and then a whole range of like every, it seemed every time I'd work out, then I'd get injured and then kind of go through that cycle. And so, I appreciated listening to you guys because it was the first time I was like, oh shit, I don't have to go to like failure every time. Well here, I like to hurt myself.
Starting point is 01:14:21 I like, this is how I like to use tempo also for myself. I tend to play with tempo more with the exercises that I tend to be more injury prone with. So, and these are usually the lifts where I start to get really strong. So, like, I'll do this with squats, I'll do this with overhead press or bench press because just adding weight to those,
Starting point is 01:14:41 sometimes I'll start to feel my joints a little bit. So those are the ones where I'll play with the tempo a little more. Versus like another exercise that I feel like I can add weight and I feel totally fine. So rather than adding weight, I'll slow the rep down with exercises that I feel like I should probably do that with. Well, what I like is that what you just mentioned in terms of you've done powerlifting before and you've noticed that increasing that intensity kind of pushes you a little bit more towards the risk side of injury versus manipulating the tempo.
Starting point is 01:15:12 You can get that kind of intensity in a less risk kind of a situation. And so in terms of longevity and moving forward and progressing, I think that manipulating that, there's a lot of benefits to that, especially the older I get in terms of what I'm trying to do, I used to be more prone towards really trying to hit those 111s,
Starting point is 01:15:33 and see whatever I could do in terms of the amount of load I could put on there, but now it's in a manipulate tempo, I think it's just an underrated tool, and it's something that I think, you know, if you keep using that, I don't see any problem at all. Yeah, I also see, I mean, there's this why there's no wrong answer here.
Starting point is 01:15:52 What's great is that you're aware of this, you're paying attention to it, you see the benefits of learning how to manipulate it. There isn't like this one rule of how you only use it. There's also this ability for you to, you know, utilize it when you know that like when I know I'm going like one on one, like that takes a lot for me to gear up mentally.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I gotta feel like a day I'm not really feeling good. I'll lighten the load, slow down the tempo. So you know how you feel lifting those different ways. And so my mindset going into the gym might change how I manipulate tempos for the day. It may be a day where I'm like, oh yeah, it's gripping and rip it day. I feel good today. I haven't done like a one one type of tempo. I'm going to get after it. Or it might be a day where I'm just like, man, I just
Starting point is 01:16:35 mentally, I do not feel like moving some serious way. I'm going to fuck with my tempo today. I'm going to go real slow and controlled work on my technique, reap the benefits that I haven't been doing that for a while. And so, you know, that's what when you get advanced, you've been doing this for a long time, you start to learn how to, you know, work with your mood, work with your body, work with what you've done currently, and you can pull that in and out of your toolbox and use it as you want.
Starting point is 01:16:57 And I really think that, that, you know, everybody wants to know like the ideal way to program all these things. Well, the ideal way is to intuitively learn how to utilize all these tools according to your lifestyle what's going on. That's even better and more powerful than a protocol of like, oh, run it for this long, for this amount of time. It's like, you already learned the benefits of what this can do and how powerful it is. So now you can start to play with it in and out of your routine based off of how you feel
Starting point is 01:17:23 going into your workouts. Yeah, there's no wrong answer here, honestly. Yeah, I've listened to enough of the podcast episodes. Actually, like working backwards, I think I'm on like episode 984, working backwards, I've legit listened to every single one. So it gets worse. So.
Starting point is 01:17:39 And so, well, I figured that the answer to this coming in is going to be, do the tempo that you're not using. Yeah, yeah. That's the right answer. Yeah, that tends to be the right answer. Awesome. Well, thanks for calling in again, man. Matt, did I ask you the last time you were on the call, did I ask you, what are all the certifications behind you?
Starting point is 01:17:55 Yo, so I actually, I work in the Bay area. I mean, living in Utah, but I work for NASA. So, over there in Mountain View. Yeah. And so these ones are from the State Department. I started off actually in the federal government as an American diplomat traveling overseas, all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Then eventually joined NASA. And then, so they, Argo, I actually worked on that when they did the filming of the State Department. So those are my credentials from when I was a diplomat, ward, stuff like that. Wow. Now you're diplomat for aliens. Very good. I'll just give you a minute. I was a diplomat, ward, stuff like that. Wow. Now you're a diplomat for aliens. Very good.
Starting point is 01:18:25 I'll just give you a minute. I'll just give you a minute. Yeah, how are the aliens out there? Yeah, it's an easy earth flat. Let's answer those questions. Oh, yeah, yeah. All right, so one of my best friends actually is a certification of official flat earth
Starting point is 01:18:37 society. So if you ever, I've actually read, I helped start up and run a lot of the social media stuff for NASA and Tell you what man. I'm just gonna yeah, it's it's a very interesting job to say the All right, well, thanks man. Thank you. Thank you. Awesome friends. See you guys later Do you do you guys have I'm sure you do because you guys weren't working out forever? Do you guys have like a weight on certain lifts that you know? Once you start to approach a certain level of strength,
Starting point is 01:19:07 you're like, I better mess with the tempo. Totally. Yeah, totally. Yeah, I'm like that. Like there's a weight for squat, then lift, press, like all my presses, I know once I start to get to a certain point. It's pressuring the hinge and you can kind of feel the effects of it. I don't even have to feel it.
Starting point is 01:19:20 I know, like, oh, I'm getting to this weight. Let me slow down the reps. Let me start pausing my reps because this is usually when I start to feel it. I really love talking to someone like this. His consistency that he's done for the last three years, he's utilizing all the programs. He's got very specific questions. And it's like, I love to get into the nuance
Starting point is 01:19:37 of something like this. Because on the internet, there's like all these arguments over, we'll take a trainer or an influencer, we'll take a study that supports the case for, oh, you run it like this. Well, okay, yeah, that's the truth in this controlled environment, but that's not real life. And so you've now applied it to where you understand the benefits from it. Now the next level to this is learning how to weave it in and out of your lifestyle,
Starting point is 01:20:05 because you know you can utilize this tool into not want, not marry it, not do it all the time, learn how to interrupt something, or learn what you're gonna get rid of one-one either, is to know the speed is something you wanna get because it's too old to control. To Sal's point, you're trucking along, you know that you've been getting stronger and stronger,
Starting point is 01:20:23 you're starting to get to where you know this is about your peak bench press, and it's like, you know, I're trucking along. You know that you've been getting stronger and stronger. You're starting to get to where you know this is about your peak bench press. And it's like, you know, I've been just working on getting strong, strong. And I'm doing more like a one-one tempo. One's last time I dropped my weight by 75 pounds and just went tempo.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I mean, I feel heavier. Yeah. Our next caller is Ian from Louisiana. What's up Ian? How can we help you? I have a good one, guys. Good. Super excited. I just want to say thanks for everything that I'll put out. I've been listening probably since 2017-2018.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Actually, a little connection. I think Sal mentioned that I think Dean Papis's name. I was working at Golds at the time he was the CEO of O. Oh, no way. Yeah, Dean, yeah, we owe that. Dean, very well. That's cool. Oh, no way. He's a great guy. Yeah, Dean, yeah, we owe him a Dean very well. That's cool. Yeah, very neat.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Just wanted to give a little background before getting to the question. Basically, was in the gym space for a little bit of time, prior to that, the five years in retail, on my feet, a lot. And then, gotten to CrossFit, that helped me get into squatting, deadlifting, and all the main lifts. Then went into Golds and spent a couple years there and started the bodybuilding phase. So, did shows for about two years and really loved it, but at the same time, things changed, went back into retail and as you all know, golds has changed. So it was one of those things I got out of that. But so, yeah, back in the warehouse, I on my feet a lot kind of got the daily cardio, was what
Starting point is 01:21:59 I was saying throughout the day, but I like to work out in the morning before work. And when I was bodybuilding naturally and had really good results, my coach had the whole Arthur Jones, you know, anabolic style maps program, kind of program that you all provide. And I was working out three days a week and had really good results. And going right into the split, having not a lot of focus, right before or jumping into a maps program, I noticed I was getting fatigued in my elbows, soreness, and just maybe it was too much. I was looking for counsel on where would you all see
Starting point is 01:22:37 having taken my body to that extreme in the past and kind of wanting to keep, you know, just a healthy look. I like to lift heavy and, you know, to maintain that when I'm on my feet so much. And I kind of, I guess the yesterday's conversation, there was a guy from Germany and there, I think we're the guy from Australia,
Starting point is 01:22:56 talking about the same thing. I basically backed off the split, I'm taking this whole week off and just trying to mobilize and decide where I want to go with the maps programs Yeah, I would have started you on a different program. How how long were you off for when you when you kind of got back in to being consistent again How long were you kind of off? Oh? I mean It's it's probably been two years the good solid two years where I would just go into the gym, do something really hardcore, then I'd fall off again.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Yeah, split was way, split is a lot of all. Yeah, that's a program that you jump into when you've been training consistently for a while. Yeah. So, yeah, it was too much too soon. Now, the challenge of someone like you is that you know what your body's capable of, and you reached a really high level of performance at one point. And the reason why that's a challenge is because it's harder for someone like you to gauge what the right amount is,
Starting point is 01:23:48 because you kind of know what you did before. But so someone like you, I would say, do less than you think, and that'll be a good starting point. I think, I mean, I think a Maps 15 would have been a great place to start for someone like you. Yeah, Maps and Abolic, Maps 15, even Maps Symmetry, even Maps Symmetry would be perfectly fine for you and produce you with some really good,
Starting point is 01:24:07 or provide you some really good results. So any one of those programs would be great, but I mean, antibiotic would be good. We could put you back on antibiotic, start there. I would start pre-phase. I would do three weeks of pre-phase, three or four weeks of pre-phase, then go phase one, phase two, phase three. And then maybe from antibiotic go to symmetry.
Starting point is 01:24:24 And then from there, if you've been consistent the whole time and you feel good, then you can bump up the volume, do something like split. But you don't have to. I mean, you can get phenomenal results never having done a program like split. Split again is very like diets on point, sleeps on point, but working out for a while,
Starting point is 01:24:39 it's a lot of volume. Ian, how old are you? Right now, are you family, kids, you know, dad? What took you me a little bit? No, type, what's, what, give me a little bit of, no, um, 36, don't have any kids. I'm married, got dogs. But no, it's like, like you were saying, with the split, I, that was when I was not natural, and I was doing that kind of workout only one day off of rest, and I did get results. But I kind of figured I needed to back off when I started feeling achy in the
Starting point is 01:25:06 second phase. I was in the second phase of split and decided, hey, I'm just going to get off. Well, that's another thing that you're adding is that not only were you consistent when you were bodybuilding, but you were also pharmaceutical enhanced. And now you're doing it natural, and you're jumping in right out the gates. Split was way too big of a jump, and you're right to stop and take a week off. I think MAP's endabolic is a perfect program for you.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Go through three or four weeks of pre-phase and then follow the program. And you can choose a three-day option after you do the four weeks of pre-phase and I think you'll get phenomenal results just doing that. Do you already have endabolic? I do. I went all in this year and I got on some of y'all's bundles and some of the, I
Starting point is 01:25:47 think I have anabolic, I bought anabolic advance when y'all had it on a sale. And just, that's the one thing is I'm so used to going to that failure and when I was truly bodybuilding, but I had to pull myself back. So it's one of those things I'm trying to learn that as I've gotten back into, you know, being on my feet so much. You're gonna build really good muscle with maps and a ball. Yeah, let me give you, because you already have that, let me give you maps 15 too.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I just want you to have that. I think this is such an underrated program for somebody who is trying to build. Yeah, that's trying to build in as advanced as you are. It's not one that you would think to potentially go to, but I've just, I mean, I've felt great utilizing it and would have never thought that something that low of volume would have given me the results I'm getting from it.
Starting point is 01:26:38 And so I just think it's great. And you've mentioned already beat on your feet having some long days. Maybe something that you play with too. So if you find yourself like real hard month or a couple weeks of working and stuff like that and kind of, and even if Annabelle starts to make you feel that way, then I would regress it all the way down
Starting point is 01:26:54 to even maps 15. And I actually don't even think of it like a regression. It's just a different way of applying volume and intensity. And I think it's a great option too. Yeah, I'm glad you said that Adam, because I think some people look at a workout or look at workouts, like the goal is the workouts themselves. In other words, oh, I can do more.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Therefore, it's like I'm getting another belt in a martial art or I'm graduating. Really workouts are just to give you the results that you're looking for. So the appropriate workout is going to give you the best results. Whether that's more So the appropriate workout is gonna give you the best results. Whether that's more volume, less volume, more intensity, less intensity, it doesn't matter. It's gotta be the appropriate for your body. And that, it doesn't matter what that looks like. Unless you love working out
Starting point is 01:27:35 and you just wanna be able to work out more, which case, then that's the goal. But if you, you know, if you wanna be number one at working out, that's fine. But if you wanna have really good results, then train appropriately. And I think MAP's end of ball, MAP's 15, maybe the advanced version of it, I think will be perfect for you.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Yeah, I would definitely do the advanced here. You would want the advanced version of MAP's 15, but let's, let us, since you already have anaballic, let us shoot you over 15, so you have that in your arsenal. Okay. Can I ask a quick question, since I know that just on, I like to go at 4.45 in the morning because that's when the gym opens up and I'm too tired after work And it's I go to a bigger gym and it's just full of people I just wanted to get my stuff done if I go in the morning Should I try to I know we're talking about the Sailor day?
Starting point is 01:28:19 I think Sal mentioned that he that he goes in the morning and doesn't really eat and with mine If I'm doing anabolic or if I do map 15, is there a difference in my nutrition in the morning with either one of those? Or that should be the problem? That should be the difference. Just eat afterwards. Eat after you're done. Unless you want to wake up early, eat two hours before,
Starting point is 01:28:39 which doesn't sound like it. My first meal is at 9 a.m. When I work out at about 6, 30 or 7 a.m. So yeah, you're fine. The meal you had the night before is what's gonna fuel you. Okay, great. You got it, man. Thanks for all the same brother.
Starting point is 01:28:54 No, thank y'all. Yeah, thank you for everything. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. That's gotta be one of the biggest challenges. Like I don't know about you guys, but when I would get a client, that was an ex-athlete or somebody at one point
Starting point is 01:29:04 was super advanced. I mean, they fell off. It was so hard for them to gauge the appropriate amount of intensity and volume because you have that memory of what you used to do before. And so they always overestimate, right? Like, oh, I gotta do this, I gotta do that. You always wanna live up to that expectation
Starting point is 01:29:17 of what you were able to do in the past. And I love that you brought up mass 15 or kind of stressing that because those are your levers that you're gonna wanna pull. Either it's volume, either it's intensity, or there's frequency. And frequency is one of those that builds muscle and I think people like undervalue that. Yeah, don't sleep on that program.
Starting point is 01:29:34 And all, he says that he had pictures for his last six years. Did you share that? Do you automatically share that with Andrews so they have it for the editing team? Yeah, that's been sent over to Jerry. I don't have those pictures. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:46 But yeah, he competed before. It says they're, so he was natty and 8% body fat. 8% body fat. Not so natty, 6% body fat. 6% body fat. Wow, nuts. Yeah, I mean, you just, he just went way too hard, way too fast.
Starting point is 01:29:57 And he knows it. He felt it and he stopped. So he did the right thing. And look, again, back to Mass 15, I did the advanced version, like you did. I hit a PR on my deadlift, a lifetime PR on my deadlift. So the programming works. It's not, we didn't design the program for beginners necessarily.
Starting point is 01:30:13 We designed it for anybody who wants to get great results. And it will, it will produce some efficiency. That's how I look at it. All right, our next callers are Stephanie and Madigan from Indiana. Stephanie Madigan, thanks for coming on the show how can we help you guys? Yeah, we're super pumped to be on the show. I feel like I don't know how you guys because we kind of wrote in together We have like a general similar question, but maybe sort of different angles, I guess
Starting point is 01:30:40 But your guys's program is like the foundation to our friendship So like we started working out together and that's like how we got really close. And it's been like basically pretty amazing. I mean like your programming has completely changed our view of like health and how we approach fitness. And just, yeah, made your thing. It's awesome. That was our next marketing cycle, huh? Need a friend? You can try and match in a friend. Yeah's really our next marketing cycle, huh? You need a friend?
Starting point is 01:31:05 You can try a match in a friend. Yeah. Together we'll do this. So how can we help you? So I guess, yeah, so I guess, I don't know what the easiest way you guys think is to address this, maybe like, Madagging can kind of give some background on sort of like what she's dealing with and then sort of like what I'm working with as well. But I think both of us struggle with like over exercising and nutrition and we've had like a pretty long history of dealing with some
Starting point is 01:31:30 of those issues. I don't know if there's any mindsets that you guys have seen in people maybe with eating disorders or sort of like over exercising tendency that's helped them rather than just like the general public. But we can get more detail. Yeah, let's get more detail. Yeah, sure. Go ahead, Madagascar. Can you go first? Tell us what get more detail. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Go ahead, Madagand, you go first. Tell us what's going on. Yeah, sure. So just as a little bit of background, we're in grad school together.
Starting point is 01:31:51 On a daily basis, aside from strength training, we probably walk seven miles minimum back and forth through the lab doing our various activities. But I guess to address the aspect of the question that more fits my needs right now. So like Stephanie kind of said, we started with Maps Anna Balak, then did aesthetic performance and now we're on the third phase of symmetry. Other way around.
Starting point is 01:32:14 We did performance, then aesthetic. We followed it correctly. Yeah. But I guess I've noticed over like the past month that I have a little thin layer of like fat on my hips that I didn't notice before. And I don't know if this is just, you know, it comes with a territory when you put on muscle because I can definitely see more muscle definition and increase in my strength over these programs. But I guess my question overall, knowing that, youreducing is kind of a myth, it's not very logical.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Do you have any advice for like, either how to like take this way off or what program to go into next with this concern? And I guess one more thing I should add is that I enjoy doing cardio a few days a week, mainly on the trigger session or mobility days, just because I I enjoy it I think it's good for my heart but with that and with past like distorted eating and exercise tendencies I am fearing a little bit that I might be doing too much and maybe that is hindering the gains and you know I don't know how this exactly ties into the weight gain I've seen but um yeah. I have you tracked food because of you I imagine you're not because of your your history or or do you do you track you have any idea where your calories are at your protein intake things like that. You got it uh no I do not track just because that's yeah kind of a little territory for me but um
Starting point is 01:33:44 I could give you a rundown of what I eat in a day. I don't know if that would help. No, no We don't need to go there necessarily because I mean unless you were tracking. It's usually not Super reliable, but honestly that doesn't matter at this point. So okay, so here's how overtraining or overworking Can contribute to let's say fat game, okay? There's the stress response, which is part of it, but the other part of it, which I think is more important, is when you start to over-trainer over work, it definitely affects our behaviors around food.
Starting point is 01:34:13 We tend to either have cravings or we tend to have low or no appetite. And so what you tend to find with people with over-training is you tend to see this eating pattern where they undery and then overy, undery and then overy. And it's most likely, as you smile, you probably, you probably, you know, resonates a little bit with you. So the key is, it look, it's going to be, it has to do with your nutrition. The problem or the challenge is tracking and counting is probably really triggering for you. So for someone like you, I like to give very general guidelines.
Starting point is 01:34:49 And then there's some kind of structure around those guidelines. So the general guideline would be avoid heavily processed foods. That's the main one. That's the main one. Eat protein first in your meals. That's the second one. And then eat until you're satisfied. That's the third one. So what does that mean? Satisfied. It's not stuffed.
Starting point is 01:35:10 So we all know what that feels like when you get uncomfortable. It's just eat until you feel like yeah, I feel pretty good. If you eat protein first, you avoid heavily processed foods, and you eat until you're satisfied, you're probably going to eat an appropriate amount for your goals. And then when it comes to the training, the best metric you can measure is strength. Now there's lots of metrics to measure. There's lots of things to pay attention to, mobility, control, stability, stamina. But I like strength for someone like you because if you're getting stronger, you're probably
Starting point is 01:35:42 doing some stuff right. You're probably not over-training. You're probably not under-eating. Okay, if you probably doing some stuff right. You're probably not over training. You're probably not under eating. Okay, if you're doing it that way. Now, one other thing I'd like to add to the food, if you find what I just told you to even be triggering, if you even that starts to make you feel like, you find that once a week or whatever,
Starting point is 01:35:58 you go off a little bit and you're like, God, why is this happening to me? One of the best things you could do is bring awareness to impulsive behaviors, if that tends to be an impulsive behavior. So what you would do is you would take your phone out when you're about to eat and literally write down one or two sentences
Starting point is 01:36:12 about how you feel. Now, it's not that you're necessarily writing down how you feel, that's part of it, but the bigger part is that you take pause and you're writing down how you feel. You're taking pause. And what that does is it brings awareness to the state of mind that may be contributing to any kind of impulsive behaviors
Starting point is 01:36:31 or dysfunctional behaviors around food. Now, it sounds easier than it actually is. It's simple, but I'm saying it's simple. It's an easy step, but it's challenging because you may find if you start to do this, that you're gonna want to not bring awareness. You might actually find yourself resisting to stop and pause,
Starting point is 01:36:50 because you want to stay in a state of unawareness, because food may be bringing you some type of relief to either anxiety or just feeling generally uncomfortable in your own skin or something like that. So it's actually harder than I'm making a sound. But if you do those things, your body will naturally get leaner if you follow those guidelines.
Starting point is 01:37:11 And you don't have to track, you don't have to count anything. If you just follow those, just those right there, you'll get the progress you're looking for. So I have two questions. One, it does say in here, you guys primarily focus on whole foods. I'd want to hear the definition of primarily. And then the second question would be, you're both college students, so how often do you
Starting point is 01:37:30 drink? So we're a PhD student, so we don't drink. We have no life, really. That's a good thing in this case. That's a good thing in this case. So you guys don't think like a Sunday, Sunday, and shit like that's not like a common thing for you. Yeah, maybe one drink on the weekend, one or two. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's a good question. So when you, when it's primarily whole foods,
Starting point is 01:37:56 but then when you don't eat whole foods, do you notice changes in your behaviors? I think we go ahead. Night snacking. I mean, honestly, like at night, maybe we would both create a bowl of magic spoon or some other probably sweet type of food or an all. That's a good alternative right there though. Yeah. It's not a whole food, it's a better choice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:19 If you just stick to those guidelines, I think you'll get to where you're wanting to go. But also, really pay attention to Taking care of yourself throughout this process because even what I'm saying Sometimes if you focus too heavily on it, but you may find Whenever you have whenever you're working with anybody who has either body image issues or has had dysfunctional eating patterns in the past or just a bad relationship But food in the past Sometimes the more you put the spotlight on those things, the more they go off.
Starting point is 01:38:47 So I've actually had clients where I've had better success saying don't worry about anything. Just kind of just don't worry about it. And then all of a sudden, things start to work out. So this is gonna require you to kind of pay attention to your behaviors. And if you notice that, even the guidelines I gave you start to make you feel constrained
Starting point is 01:39:03 and you start to find that you go off the rails sometimes because of it more than you might have in the past, then remove some of those constraints. The most important one would be to avoid heavily processed foods because heavily processed foods are just so powerful at making us wanna over eat. So like I used to tell clients, well, what if I have a craving?
Starting point is 01:39:22 Well, go eat something that's a whole food. Go eat, you got chicken in the fridge, you got some fruit, go eat and eat that, and then just stick to that. And that usually would work. All right. Well, I know we're not counting and tracking, but I also want to get closer to your, your behaviors around this. Like, so would you say that you are more likely to lean towards like under eating because you're afraid you're going to put body fat on or are you more likely to Hey, I'm hungry. I'm going to eat and you and you may overfeed a little bit. What are you more likely to do or fluctuate back and forth or Yeah, or both like what what are you more likely to do?
Starting point is 01:39:57 Um, I think the tendency is still to under eat. I actually heard a really nice piece of advice from Jordan Siet. I once heard him say, if you're hungry, ask yourself, would you have an apple right now? And if you would, then maybe that means you're actually hungry, but if you wouldn't, maybe you're just trying to fix your problem or something like that. But I still think primarily under eating,
Starting point is 01:40:22 but I do try to listen and actually ask myself, am I hungry or am I just bored? Okay, because the reason why I'm asking that, because there is this possibility that we are over training in relation to the amount of calories you're consuming, and this is part of the problem. So if you have a propensity to eat less or under eat, you are training all the time. You're also doing some cardio on the off days and then in addition that you're a PhD student, your body could be stalling out on you
Starting point is 01:40:52 because you're just not feeding it enough. And then in that that's the case that I would completely throw away the scale for a while. I would still take the advice sourcing, eat whole foods, avoid processed foods at all costs that you can. Eat that up, right? And eat when you're hungry. Eat when you're hungry, but feed yourself whole foods, avoid processed foods at all costs that you can, and eat when you're hungry.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Eat when you're hungry, but feed yourself whole foods and train hard. And I wouldn't have you doing additional cardio right now. I would say focus on getting strong. Don't worry about the scale right now. We need to, because we may need to really boost the metabolism. If you, because, of course, we don't know because we're not tracking, but let's pretend you potentially could be eating 16, 1700 calories a day. You're walking seven. You're doing seven miles of activity and you're falling one of our maps program And you're doing cardio and you're a PhD student. Yeah, you're
Starting point is 01:41:37 Yeah, now that seems this seems like we're starting to get closer to what the problem may be And in that case you need to take care that we need to feed yourself. You need to back off some of the intensity and training to create the program. We'll probably give you the best for the next 15. Yeah, I'm a 15. I'm a 15. Yeah. How's your sleep? What time do you go to bed and what time do you wake up? I sleep between 11 30 and midnight and I'm up at 6 6 15. Yeah. and lack of sleep, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're mass 15. You guys are running in the red.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Mass 15, eat when you're hungry, make a good choice. And that's the total amount of tracking I'd want you to do. It's like good choice. And you'll get better results. You'll get better. So we're not telling you this. We're like, oh, we don't want you to hurt yourself. That's all there, too.
Starting point is 01:42:20 But you'll actually get better results. Yeah. That's great advice. Thank you so much. No problem. Stephanie, was yours different, a little different? but you'll actually get better results. Yeah. That's great advice. Thank you so much. No problem. Stephanie, was yours different, a little different, or? Just a little bit different because I think
Starting point is 01:42:30 that all of that stuff is really important. But I'm basically like, I've had it issue with eating since I was probably 14 or 15. And I've been like pretty underweight for a long time. And now, like I've started to gain more muscle. And it's feeling a lot better. But I still have, I don't have an internal cue that I can really go by that says,
Starting point is 01:42:50 like I should eat more or like I'm hungry. Like I've gotten more or less used to the feeling of hunger and I like it and that's kind of like weird. You know, it's like, it is still like disordered eating in that sense and I don't know sort of, if you have mindset shifts that can help people Yeah, you know, I do I would focus entirely on strength and do everything you can to get stronger make that because you're the deal You're so focused. You probably focus. This is probably how you do everything right is you just get super focused and
Starting point is 01:43:23 You know, you don't stop right you move forward Yeah, if, if you, if you made your primary goal just to get stronger, everything else will kind of fall into place. You'll find yourself eating more to fuel it, you'll find yourself eating more protein, getting better sleep. If you make it all about getting stronger for someone like you, you're probably going to move in the right direction. Yeah, that's hard. Yeah, I know. Is there a third friend of this group? I feel like two eating disorder friends are not helping each other out. I know.
Starting point is 01:43:51 It's actually very bad. And we're partying way soon. So it probably will be maybe for the better set. Yeah, we need to find we need to find yourself a girlfriend who loves to eat you hang out with. You know, I will say I will say this. You probably you guys you girls probably already know this, high performing females,
Starting point is 01:44:08 first of all, a majority of women have gone through some form of disorder eating, so it's actually more common than not. It's more rare to find somebody who's never had an issue. And then if you take that group and then you put them in like PhD programs, I bet you 90%, I bet you almost every female in your category at one point has dealt with this because it's a form of control.
Starting point is 01:44:31 And you're all high performing. I can control everything. I can do everything type of deal. I'll handle it. And so it's just part for the course. So this is something you're gonna have. If you figure this, you start to figure this out now because it's gonna play you for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:44:44 So really start to figure this out and one of's gonna play you for the rest of your life. So really start to figure this out and one of the tricks that I found for especially for young women is to just get strong because then they just focus on that. So let's take all that energy and let's just focus on getting strong and everything else tends to fall into place. That's not where you wanna end up by the way.
Starting point is 01:44:58 It's just a good step, it's a good next step. Then from there, then you can look at relationships with everything but it's a good way to take you away from where you're at now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And wait, can I ask like a really silly sort of small question? Sure, but because we walk a lot, I don't know. Do you think that that inherently like affects our ability to like grow our legs?
Starting point is 01:45:24 Because I think my upper body is growing really well, but my legs are taking a lot longer. I don't know that. No, but it could have a play a role and you not be able to build more muscle, which is the same thing because of all the factors that I said earlier. Under eating, overtraining, you guys are not feeding your body enough nutrients. Your strength training, you're strength training, you're doing all the programming right things, but because we're not taking care of the body
Starting point is 01:45:49 and feeding it appropriately and modifying your intensity, your body's not wanting to grow. It's not wanting to build any more muscle. And so, in order to do that, we need to feed the body more appropriately, maybe back off some of the intensity, and then you'll see that. But walking, if anything, would actually accelerate that, it's not going to.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Yeah, but think of it this way. You have, think of stress, think of this bucket called stress. What goes in that bucket? Well, exercise, stressful events, lack of sleep, you know, poor diet, you know, am I working hard towards something like poor diet can mean low calorie, because you can be good food, but low, low calorie. Yeah, it can be just inappropriate diet, right? All that stuff goes in that bucket of stress.
Starting point is 01:46:31 We tend to think of exercise as not being in that bucket. Like, oh, it's good for you, therefore, throw that on top of everything. But if you really do like a, we really do a checklist of your life, sleep and school and stuff you got to do all of this stuff. And then you know, exercise is another stress. Then you can make more appropriate judgments.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Like, you know, you need to do maps 15 is going to be the most appropriate program for both of you. And I would do no additional any other exercise. And that's it. And I would look at getting stronger. And I would look at like fueling my body. And that'll make you perform better in everything, including school. And your body is going to, it's going to respond better. I know it sounds and it feels counterintuitive, but you're actually, because right now what you're doing is you're fighting against your body.
Starting point is 01:47:14 And you'll lose, by the way, this battle, your body will win. But if you work with your body, when it'll feel like, this is how you know you're on the right track. Okay. You know you're on the right track when it feels like things are happening and it doesn't make sense. This is weird. I'm getting in better shape and it feels effortless.
Starting point is 01:47:30 This is really weird. When that's happening, you're on the right track. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Listen, we're going to send you Maps 15 minutes if you don't have that. Thank you. I'm also going to send you Maps Power Lift because that's another program I'd like you
Starting point is 01:47:44 to do when you're not doing so much other stuff So that'll be later, okay, okay awesome. Thank you guys so much. No problem. Thanks for falling in I all appreciate it Yeah, that's a that's a tough one right just just had a feeling it was low calorie Yeah, I mean overdoing it under eating It probably is like mostly under-eating, and then where's the recovery happening? It's just not, I mean, no sleep, like they're just high performers,
Starting point is 01:48:11 they're just a lot going on. Yeah, you ain't gonna, your body, look, if your body is overstressed, one of the first things it does to protect itself is store calories. Think of it this way, you go out and work. It's survival mode. Yeah, you go out and work, you work in an economy,
Starting point is 01:48:26 you have a job, uh-oh, recession, uh-oh, depression, inflation, what do people tend to do? Hey, honey, let's cut the bills. Let's store more money. Let's save more money. Because the shit's hitting the fan, this is what your body does with body fat. When it's over-stressed, it wants to store body fat
Starting point is 01:48:44 as a protective mechanism. It does not want to build muscle This is what your body does with body fat. When it's over stressed, it wants to store body fat as a protective mechanism. It does not want to build muscle because more muscle costs more energy, more calories. It makes you less resilient during times of extreme stress when there's no calories. This is historically what's happened. So you can't fight your body with this.
Starting point is 01:49:00 You will lose. Look, if you like Mind Pump, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out some of our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam.
Starting point is 01:49:14 You can find me on Instagram also at Mind Pump to Steffanup. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically
Starting point is 01:49:44 transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your
Starting point is 01:50:19 support and until next time this is MindPump. And until next time, this is Mindbomb.

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